I truly enjoy–and have learned a lot–from your posts. However, when I clicked on the link telling how to get rid of Japanese1942 beetles, all it showed was a blank page. We are besieged by those durn beetles. They especially love the rose buds and blooms. Could you tell me how to access the information on ridding our yard of the Japanese beetles? Thank you for all the information I’ve received in the past.
Do the grubs leave small piles of soil when they emerge? I have those very small piles all over my yard, and sometimes I find a very large beetle (2-3 inches long.) What are they, and do they do damage to my yard?
Hi Mike- I would like to read about invasive flowering plants in my neck of the woods-Long Island, NY. I am constantly pulling up bindweed and a purple flowering plant with a stalk that looks a bit like bamboo. Its leaves are sword-like. It is spreads very quickly. Any suggestions? You have a very informative website!
Ginny, I really don’t know what you are dealing with. Each state has a list of invasive plants, your co-operative extensive service should have that list posted online.
Help! We are in the middle of a millapede migration. We have thousands of these creepy little arthopods crawling out of the woods in the wee hours of the morning. I have used Ortho Max Lawn treatment on the yard and concrete around the house. It has helped, but we still have a bunch surviving. Our property is heavily wooded, even within 15 of of the house. Do you have any better solutions? We have pugs that potty in the yard. I have been washing their feet each time they go out, but I am still worried that they will be harmed by the Orth pellets. We are in the midst of a very dry spell.
Nate, no I haven’t used Mikly spore myself. It lasts a long time but it also takes a very long time to get the lawn area properly treated and protected. I’ve read good things about the product, from the company that sells it, but I really don’t know for sure how well it works.
I used it and a couple years later had way fewer beetles. We also had some help from a couple moles, but the cat eventually took care of them, Chemical toxic pesticides are bad for everything and everyone.
Your posts are so informative. Thank you!!! Will use some of these ideas to rid the yard of those pesky beetles. Yep, we have moles, voles, and skunks… Time to get rid of all of them.
Love your videos. Out in Idaho, we have a lot of earwigs and some inevitably end up in the house. Scares the heck out of me when I grab a towel and get an earwig with it. Any good tips on earwig control?
I truly enjoy–and have learned a lot–from your posts. However, when I clicked on the link telling how to get rid of Japanese1942 beetles, all it showed was a blank page. We are besieged by those durn beetles. They especially love the rose buds and blooms. Could you tell me how to access the information on ridding our yard of the Japanese beetles? Thank you for all the information I’ve received in the past.
Here you go http://mikesbackyardnursery.com/2015/10/skunks-digging-moles-tunneling-why-are-they-digging-up-my-lawn/
Do the grubs leave small piles of soil when they emerge? I have those very small piles all over my yard, and sometimes I find a very large beetle (2-3 inches long.) What are they, and do they do damage to my yard?
Gosh! Thank you so much Mike. Very informative. Love your videos, and teachings. Couldn’t do this without you. 🙂
great video and great job mike keep the good work thanks
great job mike thks
Hi Mike- I would like to read about invasive flowering plants in my neck of the woods-Long Island, NY. I am constantly pulling up bindweed and a purple flowering plant with a stalk that looks a bit like bamboo. Its leaves are sword-like. It is spreads very quickly. Any suggestions? You have a very informative website!
Ginny, I really don’t know what you are dealing with. Each state has a list of invasive plants, your co-operative extensive service should have that list posted online.
Help! We are in the middle of a millapede migration. We have thousands of these creepy little arthopods crawling out of the woods in the wee hours of the morning. I have used Ortho Max Lawn treatment on the yard and concrete around the house. It has helped, but we still have a bunch surviving. Our property is heavily wooded, even within 15 of of the house. Do you have any better solutions? We have pugs that potty in the yard. I have been washing their feet each time they go out, but I am still worried that they will be harmed by the Orth pellets. We are in the midst of a very dry spell.
Have you ever tried using milky spores which last 15-20yrs per application?
Nate, no I haven’t used Mikly spore myself. It lasts a long time but it also takes a very long time to get the lawn area properly treated and protected. I’ve read good things about the product, from the company that sells it, but I really don’t know for sure how well it works.
I used it and a couple years later had way fewer beetles. We also had some help from a couple moles, but the cat eventually took care of them, Chemical toxic pesticides are bad for everything and everyone.
Thank you Mike for the free book! I’ve learned a lot from you web site, God bless you! Diana
Your posts are so informative. Thank you!!! Will use some of these ideas to rid the yard of those pesky beetles. Yep, we have moles, voles, and skunks… Time to get rid of all of them.
My female daschund digs the worms up and eats them. Am going to try an insecticide.
Think about that for a minute… (?!!)
Love your videos. Out in Idaho, we have a lot of earwigs and some inevitably end up in the house. Scares the heck out of me when I grab a towel and get an earwig with it. Any good tips on earwig control?
I use nematodes and they work. I do it every couple of years to keep the population down.