If you’re the kind of person who wants to see results fast, then fast-growing trees might be exactly what your yard needs. Whether you’re looking to add privacy, shade, or just boost your property’s curb appeal without waiting a decade — this guide is for you. We’ll walk through everything you need to know: why… Click here to read more…
The Donkey Bucket Challenge (Watch Video)
The next new trend? Probably not. But hey, it could catch on! Either way, it’s a quick dose of humor to hopefully make your day just a little better. Enjoy! Only a few hours left to take advantage of my INSANE Cyber Week Sale and save $858 (click here to read more)!
How to Make Money Growing and Selling Mums (Chrysanthemums)
If you’re looking for a plant that not only brings color to your garden but also some extra cash to your pocket, mums (chrysanthemums) might be just the ticket. Over the years, I’ve seen more than a few backyard growers turn a tidy profit from these tough, popular plants. Whether you want to sell them… Click here to read more…
My Month-By-Month Plant Propagation Guide
This seems to be another common question folks have… “What Should I Be Doing Now? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered! I put together a month-by-month guide so you know what type of propagation is best for each month of the year. January-Mid Winter You can do hardwood cuttings of deciduous plants. Just wait for… Click here to read more…
Mike’s Plant Farm Spring Ad
Gigantic Plant Sale! $7.97 each!Every single plant on this list, only $7.97 until they are gone!Address, hours, details at the end of this ad. Scroll Down. All only $7.97 each!Dinner Plate Hibiscus, Watermelon RufflesMango Tango AgastacheRosie Posie AgasachePeach Blossom Astilbe (great shade plant)Rise and Shine Astile (great shade plant)Vision in Red Astilbe (great shade plant)Jack… Click here to read more…
Mike’s Big Perennial Bed by the Month.
A few months back I did a really extensive post about My Big Perennial Bed with a listing and description of pretty much every plant in the bed. Now I’d like to show off the plants in the bed month by month as they bloom or just look really nice.
$180.00 per Square Foot? Is it really possible?
In beds like the one you see above I stick my cuttings about one cutting per square inch. I really put them as close together as 3/4″ of an inch, but the rows are about 1-1/2″ apart. That’s about one cutting per square inch. That’s 144 cuttings in a square foot. If you sell those… Click here to read more…
Over Wintering Rooted Cuttings.
We stick our softwood cuttings in June in a bed of sand outdoors. In a matter of weeks they are fully rooted Using this Plant Propagation System. We can pull them from the bed and pot them in the summer but I don’t unless I absolutely need them because summer potting can be stressful for… Click here to read more…
Mike’s Big Perennial Garden
At The Nursery I have this big bed that is really just a big pile of sand and gravel that I dug out to make a container area. Rather than haul the material away I just gave it some contour and landscaped it. Over the years I’ve had all kinds of really interesting plants in… Click here to read more…
A Profound Thank You from Mike.
Later this month, September 2022, I have invited our members to my place for an event that we call The Backyard Growers Shindig. We’ve been doing this for so long, gathering together once a year to meet new members and catch up with old members. It truly is an amazing event. Nothing fancy, just a… Click here to read more…
An Old Guy, Two Donkeys, a Puppy and a Hammock. What could possibly go wrong?
An Upside Down Donkey and Cute Puppy.
You can see more of the donkeys here. And more silly donkey stuff here. Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond. Until then, by any and all means stay inspired!
‘Rockin Raspberry’ Bee Balm.
Wow! I planted four of these ‘Rockin Raspberry’ Bee Balm in the perennial garden at the nursery last summer and look at them now. They are in bloom right now, end of June here in northern, Ohio and every person that sees them asks about them. This beauty grows to about 16″ to 20″ tall,… Click here to read more…
‘Bubblegum Blast’ Bee Balm
This beautiful Bee Balm is part of the ‘Sugar Buzz’ series. I planted these in my perennial bed last summer and this year they are beautiful and blooming like crazy! They grow from 16″ to 24″ tall, are hardy from zone 4 through zone 8. They love full sun but will do well in partial… Click here to read more…
‘Blue Angel’ Hosta.
‘Blue Angel’hosta is by far one of my favorite blue hostas. A big hosta like this in a perennial bed covers a lot of area and that keeps a ton of weeds at bay! These giant heart shaped leaves are very slug resistant. We have this plant in full sun. With just a bit of… Click here to read more…
‘Big Daddy’ Hosta
‘Big Daddy’ hosta is one of my favorite big hostas, mostly because it’s big, it’s blue and it has very interested leaves that are a bit dimpled. Big Daddy hosta gets about 24″ tall and 36″ wide. It’s hardy in zones 3 through 9, the flowers are blends of white with a tinge of color,… Click here to read more…
‘Humpback Whale’ Hosta.
We sold out of ‘Humpback Whale’ hosta pretty early this year. Humpback Whale is pretty impressive hosta and this one really hasn’t matured yet because they can get three feet high and 7 feet wide. I’ve also seen photos of them that show them to be a lot more blue than this one. Humpback whale… Click here to read more…
Ice Plant, delosperma
How pretty is that? And it’s a ground hugging perennial that comes back year and year. These plants were new to our nursery last year so Pam and I planted three of them in our landscape at home. Not only did they do really well last year but they wintered perfectly here in cold northern… Click here to read more…
‘Electric Red’ Dianthus
I’ve been working on my perennial bed at the nursery and this Electric Red Dianthus caught my eye and was screaming “make my picture”. So I did! Dianthus in general are great perennials for your garden. They are super winter hardy even here in cold Northern Ohio. For us at the nursery they sell like… Click here to read more…
The Right Way to Treat Your Flower Bulbs after they Bloom.
Me and the donkeys made a movie for you about caring for your flower bulbs after they bloom. It seems to be that the standard practice is to roll the tops into a ball, put a rubber band around them and wait for them to turn brown before you cut them off. But in my… Click here to read more…
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