An Open Letter to Small Business Owners.
Thank you! and a promise from me.
Please share this with every small business owner that you know. They deserve it more than you know.
Dear small business owner,
I know you. I know who you are and what you stand for.
I think everybody in America and beyond should salute you today.
Because . . .
You’re there at 6:00 am every morning just so I can drop my car off before work and you’re still there at 7:00 pm when I finally get around to picking it up. You start baking donuts at 10:00 pm every night just so there are still fresh donuts available at 2:00 in afternoon when I want a snack. You put up with nasty ornery people, but when I come in the door for a haircut you have a big smile on your face and make me feel like I’m the only customer you’ve had all day
You cook the best food on the planet and make it look easy! Cheese goes up 40 cents a pound and you can no longer afford your daughter’s piano lessons, but you don’t dare raise the prices. I call your office on a Sunday morning with a question and know that you’ll be there.
I call your house at 3:00 am and you come, because I have no heat. It doesn’t matter that it’s 5 below zero and you have to crawl under my mobile home with a blow torch to thaw out the oil line, the frozen ground cutting into your elbows, knees, shoulders and the back of your head. It doesn’t matter, it has to be done.
Three people call off on the same day and you work 32 hours straight running a machine because the customer expects the order to be delivered on time.
You lead a lonely life. Nobody understands you, nobody really knows what it’s like to be you. They haven’t a clue of how much stress you have in your life on a daily basis. Your spouse is really tired of talking about or hearing about your business. You can’t talk to your employees because they think they understand, but they don’t.
Not a clue!
You dread going to the mailbox because you just know you’ll find more bills than you will checks. Every letter from the IRS causes you stress before you even open it. Your family despises what you do because “your business” robs them of you.
But tomorrow morning you’ll be up at the crack of dawn to do it one more time! Smiling, greeting customers like long lost friends, treating employees better than any employer ever treated you. Paying everybody first, before you get paid. Because that’s what you do.
I thank you! You make my life easy. You make me happy, small pleasures. You make my coffee exactly the way that I like it, as soon as you see my car pull onto the lot! Before I even come in the door. Because you care. Because you appreciate me.
So today, I want you to know, that I appreciate you. Everybody appreciates you. They just forget to tell you so.
And now that promise . . .
On May 8th, right here in Cleveland, Ohio I am participating in a one day event just for people like you. The sole purpose of this event is to make your life better and I personally promise to share with you, things that have completely changed my life as a small business owner and I know they can change yours as well.
You need to know that I am not getting paid to do this event. I am not selling anything at this event. Dan Cricks asked me if I’d be willing to present at this event and I jumped at the chance. Why? Because my life is good. I’ve been there, I’ve been in your shoes, I struggled for years! Kicking and fighting to stay one step ahead of the repo man and the tax man. Eventually they both caught up with me.
But along the way I accidentally discovered something that worked. I didn’t know why it worked, I just knew that it worked! Eventually I went on a mission to figure out why, why is this working when nothing else up until now has even come close? That mission has lasted 26 years! For 26 years I’ve studied this and I’ve improved upon it, I’ve mastered it, I written about it, I’ve had articles written about me because if it. Numerous authors have interviewed me for books about this. This thing. This thing that changes the lives that it touches, but usually goes completely unnoticed.
It’s that powerful!
It really does work.
My life is good.
So on May 8th, 2012 I promise to deliver to you something powerful that you can take back to your business. Something that will make a difference. Something that can be life changing for you, just as it was for me. I am going to give you a written, yet simple formula, that when applied to your small business, you will see results. Very dramatic results.
I promise. That’s my promise to you!
As a fellow small business owner I owe you that. You make my life better. You make my life easier. You make me happy.
Watch the video. I am just one of many who will be giving to you on that day. Meet my friends in the video. These people help me constantly. They are very, very smart. Watch the video.
Register for this event right now.
The Cleveland Marketing Summit
I promise to deliver a powerful message that could be life changing for you. If I don’t, or if you at all feel that the event was a waste of your time, just ask for a refund. Dan is offering a Money Back Guarantee.
I truly hope to see you there. Hold me accountable! Make me deliver! Because I owe you.
With more sincerity than you’ll ever know, because, me and you, we are cut from the same cloth,
Yours in incredlible success,
-Mike McGroarty
P.S. On that sales page you’ll see a really hoky video of me in dirty bib overalls, truck load of plants, dirty hands. That’s me. That’s who I am. Then there’s the other me. The me that only a handful of people really get to see or know. The other me is the “Mike the Marketing Guy” and as Neal Klabunde once said, “Mike McGroarty may portray himself as a ‘Dumb Ole Dirt Farmer’, but in reality, he is a savvy marketer in dirt farmer clothes.”
Thanks Neal! (wink!)
“The Click that Could Change Your Life”
Mike, have you ever considered willow water in your plantings ? I truly love everything you send out, you are a true blessing to many of us, thank you, thank you….ted
It comes up a lot but I always follow the lead of what the professionals around me do. Willow water works, but then again many things root with no rooting compound at all, so you can’t really tell if it makes a difference or not.
Mike I do hope that we can buy A DVD so that we do not miss out on all the important information. Sorry I can not make it
Geraldine Keller
I would love to be there for this conference.
i see no way I have had two deaths and i got sickness in my family. You remind me of my Dear Dad, he always wore overalls and loved them. he was a one -armed man raised 15 children digging in the dirt. So digging in the dirt in not new to me. Love your letters i save them all. Geraldine keller
Awesome, glad to have you as part of the program. You have so much to offer!
Mike my husband has been in the hospital for 3 weeks now and wants me there every day. I don,t see him home for a few more weeks at least. I live in MA. he would not want me to fly or ride out there. I will have to wait till you tape something for us on marketing.
I live in Florida and have a sick husband, but if I could come I wouldn’t hesitate.
But, I will promise you this. if you tape it I will buy it…no matter the price.
I learned from flying for three airlines to ‘never judge a book by it’s cover’. The smartest, richest man sitting on that airplane is sitting in the back of the airplane, in coach class, not in first class.
Those overalls of yours’ didn’t fool me for a minute. 😉
Thanks Carol, I appreciate that. You’re pretty smart.
I am sure that you will do fine on your presentation, and thanks for the tribute! I am starting my garden this year after taking a year off, and I cannot wait! In fact, I’m thinking about selling any bumper crop of Summer Squash (this is the first year of planting it!)…I am also planting Sweet Peppers and Cilantro, as we use that ALOT in my house while cooking! Thanks, again, Mike!
Mike, your invertation sounds real good. unfortunately it sounds like a stuck record. I am tied up on a project at this time. maybe on the next go around. Thank you. Charles.
I am so exited to see what every one is going to share on May the 8, but what if I am not able to see it. Would that be possible to see that in your website.
Thank you again,
No, this info will only be shared at this event. It’s not my event, I’m just one of the presenters.
Sounds like you are really putting a great marketing class. Wish I could go.
Marilyn, absolutely you can. Use this link if you like
Mike, Myself, and alot of other small business owners really could use this marketing experience, but either have not the time, or the money to attend. In my case, I am just too far away. But I NEED this program. Is there any way that it can be done as a webinar for viewing at a later time?
CloAnne, in the future I will do more along this line. Not quite sure how it will be delivered, but if you have to, make the trip. It could change everything.
Mike, Is this going to be recorded and sold for those of us too far away to attend? I would be interested in purchasing this.
Thanks, Val
Val, Recored? I’m not sure. This is not my event. I may record something later that would be my own.
Can we post this link on our Facebook?
we will be away on that date Figures could use it have a hamburger stand been around since 1935!!
Sharon, I wish you could make it, but I understand!
Mike, I hope it’s possible to make a replay available for interested people like me who are just not able to make it to Cleveland in person. Sounds like a great event. Thanks.
Hi Mike and all. This invitation is on the internet but of course only a fraction of the people seeing this can attend. Can this be filmed and people buy the DVD?
Amy, I wish that were the case, but this is not my event. I’m just a presenter. More than likely I will be doing more in this area, more in depth in the future.
Jamie, I wish I could, but it’s not my event. I’m just a presenter.