I think we have completely lost our minds!
We set out to help our Backyard Growers discover new and exciting ways to sell more plants. The idea was to do eight simple weekly webinars where we would share our expertise in the area of marketing and Internet marketing to help our members sell more of the plants that they grow.
That was supposed to be it, eight one hour long webinars.
Then Duston decided to write a extensive guide on how to really use and set up a Google Plus Account.
Then he decided to write a guide on how to Really Use Facebook. This guide is amazing! 66 plus pages of detailed instruction on how to really hit it out of the park with Facebook.
Then he decided to do some “stand alone videos” about using WordPress and how to install WordPress on a website.
Then I wanted to show one of our clients how to get a first page ranking on Google. To prove that it really is easy I wrote an article about hydro-seeding. 14 hours later we did the first of eight Webinars and there is was, the article that I had just written that morning already on the first page of Google in just 14 hours. And we showed everybody on the webinar how we made that happen.
This is crazy powerful stuff!
Then I thought it would be fun to do some telephone consulting with some of our members, record those sessions and share those interviews with our members. These kinds of interviews are always loaded with small nuggets of information that can quickly be applied to any business and turned into cash.
So now we’re throwing in recorded telephone interviews with some of our members at no extra cost!
We’ve been doing website critiques. We did a critique for one of our members that has a landscaping business. On the webinar I pretty much laid out for him a super powerful marketing strategy for a service that he hadn’t even considered! I’m pretty sure that kept him awake all night!
This whole idea has gone completely crazy!
Then Duston decided that since we had already compiled so much information that we should really put it all into a “members website” where they can watch the webinar replays, listen to the audio replays, watch the instructional videos, download the Facebook and Google Plus manuals and who knows what else we’ll be adding to this thing.
I said; “Are You Kidding Me? A Members Website? That’s a ton of work!” He said; “It won’t take me that long.” Then he stayed up for like 48 hours straight building out this members site!

A view inside the member’s area

A preview of the Google+ Guide
We’re giving those who invest in this training access to this website at no extra cost!
Truth be told we have grossly under priced this. We had no idea that it would be this “all inclusive”.
But it is what it is and it wouldn’t be fair to not let others know how much value we’ve added to this before we stop accepting new clients. We’ve already completely one of the eight webinars, but all of the webinars will be in the members area so you can watch the replays when you have the time.
We’ve also discovered that a lot of people need help building a website from the ground up. So Duston is doing even more videos for the members website about creating a website from scratch.
This price is crazy, but it’s what the other clients have paid so it’s only fair to hold the price where it’s at for now. But in just a few days we are shutting this down. Those who get in will benefit, those who hesitate will lose out. It’s that simple.
I just received this email and the downloads are already closed?
Why send me the email then?
We sent the Email days before we closed this.
Mike, I read your site, each and every one of them. I see that your “replies” are dated. “2014” and I was not reading your site at this time. Why on earth would you post somoething for sale based on a 2014 site?
I did not see this offer but perhaps I just missed this offer. Too bad. I will look for it again.
Thanks for what you do. So very informative I have referred it to several of my sincere friends.
I update the site as often as I can. I need to do more.
Hey Mike,
link to sign up is not working. Is it to large to sign up? Please help.
*to late*
for now this is closed, it was available for about two weeks before we got started. We’ll do it again, I’m just not sure when.
came to sign up and it was closed….
I’m scrabbling for the $$ to get the buyers lists and some start up cuttings and starts. I’m sure this would be a tremendous program but first things first. If I have no product to sell then I have no business. Hopefully it will be offered again, and if not I’ll sell off my driveway, as you have advocated for years.
About the webinar; Just one man’s opinion; Can you say brain-drain ??
I guess I wasn’t made to be a millionaie.
All that info was to much at one time for some of us.
We didn’t grow up with PC’s.
I’ll bet there were 1,000’s of members, that simply got lost, confused or bored with all the info
on the webinar. But I did learn a couple of things that I could adjust to.
So maybe “IF”.I replayed the Webinar about 30 times I’d have it all.
No disrepect, just one man’s feelings.
Other members probably don’t thnk the way I do or as slow as I do. but to each his own pace.
I just thought I was getting help with my gardening & buying some plants.
I thank you & Duston for all that you do. But some of us don’t have yrs & yrs of experince.
So as far as the NEW program goes I think I’ll just pass. I’ll just stay with my little $300 a month average business.
I must admit, that I have learned some new things from you & the members.
I do wish you the very best in helping others to make it work for them.
Thanks, PHIL
Phil, I appreciate your input and I truly understand the information overload. I didn’t even touch a PC until I was 38 years old, so I had a lot to learn in a hurry. This webinar series, private website isn’t for everybody. It’s for those who want to figure out the Internet, no matter what business they are in.
Thanks Mike & Duston.
Your program is truely a masterpiece. It hurts me greatly because i want to be
on board but my finance are very bad. I am learning a great deal from your book
and other materiels you make possible, please do not count me out.
God bless your program.
I do agree that you are both a riot. I’m on a teeter/tooder here about where we are going to live. My husband accepted a promotion, (and who wouldn’t) giving us a chance to move back to where I’m from, Dallas. Yep a Texan.
Wayne, the husband, had made me a potting bench with shelves, hooks, nooks and crannies all over it, it even has a cover over it so the sun won’t kill me. Man it is HOT here. This garden bench popped up in my yard the day before I signed up with you on the Backyard Growers.
One step ahead.
The Dallas move was suppose to be June, that has been pushed to September, so I am just going to Lowes and buying the plants they have for a dollar each, transplant them so they can grow up and be pretty. I rooted a lot of plants. I am a pro at growing African Violets. I can’t believe how many people gave me a leaf and/or a pinch or two of another. Even Lowe’s lets me do it there. By the time I get to have a giant garage sale I’ll have some pretty big, beautiful plants to sell. Hey I even got my Lakeland Limequat, Keylime, branches rooted and they already have blooms and they are only 6-8 inches high.
I’m probably being inappropriate making this post so long but just wanted you to know what I’m up against. I have every piece of paper you have typed and listened to your Webnar last week and will keep doing so until we settle somewhere with a yard instead of a caged in pool.
Love listening to you two, you’ve taught me a lot. And I thought I knew it all. Ha. Keep up the good work.
Ramona Hendon
Thanks Ramona! Good luck with your move and best of success in your growing efforts.
Hey Mike,
Happy New Year from one of the ‘neighbors’ who really misses your Rural for Life where I learned, among other things, that roots require air (rooting) and that air is a means of killing the roots of vegetation that is not wanted. Remember me? In other words most things are not as straightforward as they might seem. Wish I could remember what I called that Comments header I started but I digress.
I heard somewhere, sometime in the past that to get your site to come up in a search engine ‘near’ the beginning/top, you had to pay the search engine company (like Google). Is that true?
I need to know that just as it would have been helpful to know ahead of time that to really be a successful backyard grower, I would have needed to buy/install an automated watering system.
The beauty of Rural for Life was the low up front investment, the personal attention (from you primarily, but as well as from Duston and Amber) and the hand-holding you provided to those of us who couldn’t afford a watering system. Are there other costs involved with online advertising or visibility?
All the best,
PS Please say hello to Amber from the Lyme guy
Yes, the 77.00 is hard to find write now.
I understand, I’ve been there. That’s why I teach people the plant business. It costs almost nothing to root cuttings and once they are rooted you can turn them into cash. We have members who do that every single day. They turn the plants that they grew into cash. So don’t feel as if you are completely trapped in your situation. As my grandmother used to say; “Honey, if there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Hi Mike and Dustin. Is this offer going to be going for a bit of time. The reason I ask is I was declared bankrupt in December mainly due to ill health not allowing me work anymore. I am not giving up but at the moment I don’t have 77cents let alone $77 but in a couple of months I hope to be back on my feet, once the weather heats up. Will this still be available then.
Thanks for all your advise in the past and looking forward to getting more in the future.
Slange var
Mike and Dustin,
Would this information be useful to someone who is not in the greenhouse or plant business. I’m a leather worker. I make holsters and belts etc. Will this info help me set up and market them with a website?
Absolutely. We are actually looking for people in other different industries so that all of our examples are not about the plant business.
I would love to be a customer of yours because i have high-end purses that cost way to much to toss. I need a pocket book make-over to put all the money in selling plants. The whole city of Tampa has zero leather dye, i can’t even find it in the store. So there you go. May be your first internet customer.
Ramona Hendon
What is last day to sign up for this? I am a member of backyard growers but would like to do this.
You guys really are crazy! I am new this year, so this is really great and will be awesome for my BeachBody coaching biz too. Only problem, I can’t get the shopping cart to work right now, might be work internet blocking issues, so I’ll try tonight at home. How long is this available?
It will be available for a few days but not much longer than that. If you still have problems with the cart just Email Amber. [email protected]
Hi, Mike and Duston, I really do see the value of all this information and would love to participate; however, like several members, I do am trying to use every dollar I can come up with to purchase enough plants to get started selling this spring, be it seeds for spring, etc. So, it would be of benefit to us all to be able to purchase this info at a later date, when we can afford it, if at all possible.
Thanks to you both for sharing, and again I think the website instructions is absolutely needed by a lot of us.
Will there be another opportunity to sign up in the future? I love the concept and would really like to join but financially it is not possible.
Hello Mike, I get a smile on my face when reading your material. You are absolutely the best salesman I’ve had the pleasure of doing business with. Thanks for the great job you are doing.