Nothing is more frustrating than watching all of the hard work you put into growing and nurturing your fruit or nut trees go to the birds!
For years people have tried many methods to try and deter birds and other garden moochers from eating their crops. People have tried bird netting, sonic blasting, predator decoys and even bird spikes and shock tracks! Many animal lovers will agree that we really shouldn’t go so far as to hurt the animals so there has to be a better solution!
Apple growers in Washington discovered a very effective way to keep birds from taking more than their share of the harvest: Bird Tape.
Bird tape originated in Japan and has migrated into the United States for personal and professional use. Made of mylar, the tape is hung from the tree or around the tree. The shiny surfaces, one side silver, the other side red, flashes in the sunlight to give the illusion of fire to frighten off the birds.
To read more about this humane bird repellant click here:
Mike: Enjoy following your articles.
Question: What animal prefers ‘ripe tomatoes? I have a fenced garden with lower screen protection. This animal gets in and only eats the ripened tomatoes. There are left hanging and eaten from the bottom toward the stem??
Exasperated and confused!
Best regards,
Ted Jasiewicz
Ground hogs, skunks, other rodents?