Many people don’t realize the importance of protecting your plants from field mice and other rodents but they will actually eat your plants and kill them. Sometimes the damage they do is so subtle and inconspicuous that the damage itself goes unseen, yet the result of that damage can be devastating. Of course, there are… Click here to read more…
How to Keep Squirrels Away
Whether you live in the country or the city, it is likely that you have encountered a squirrel or two in your own backyard. At any given moment, these expert climbers can be seen running up and down trees, scampering across power lines, or digging under bushes. Although many people have a favorable opinion of… Click here to read more…
How to Control Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes can not only be a pest, but can be treacherous to your health with the diseases they can transmit to humans. West Nile virus has been a threat to many homeowners, especially near wooded areas. There are steps you can take to protect your home, family, and guests from mosquitoes by keeping them at… Click here to read more…
5 Homemade Mosquito Repellents
Have you ever went to the store, shopped for just the right mosquito repelling product, asked questions from the staff, just to get home and find out you could not stand the product because of the smell or chemicals that it contained? Using mosquito repellents bought at local stores can be costly, smell terrible, and… Click here to read more…
7 Organic Homemade Insecticides
Growing your own garden will protect you and your family against harmful chemicals and other toxins that large companies pump into their foods. That is until you try to battle the never-ending armies of insects, like, ants, aphids and squash bugs. Using harsh insecticides on your homegrown produce can still lead to feeding your family… Click here to read more…
Using Predator Pee (Urine) to Keep Unwanted Animals Out of Your Gardens.
Keeping unwanted animals out of the garden can be a challenge and I hear from people all the time who have this problem. Those of us who Make Money Growing Small Plants often use sand in our plant propagation areas and all too often neighborhood cats think these propagation areas are great big litter boxes…. Click here to read more…
Homemade Deer Repellent
Deer Repellent made from Baby Formula? In most of the northern states white tailed deer manage to cause headache to gardeners and their unprotected plants. The U.S. Department of Agriculture conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of Homemade Deer Repellents that contain Hydrolyzed Casein. Like most individuals, I was unaware of Hydrolyzed Casein, let… Click here to read more…
How To Control Slugs
How To Get Rid of Japanese Beetles
Do Your Plants Have Spider Mites?
Do your plants have spider mites?
How to Get Rid of Japanese Beetles and Grubs in Your Lawn
First, it’s important to make the connection that the white grubs in your lawn will hatch into Japanese Beetles and if you have Japanese Beetles they will lay eggs in your lawn that turn into white grubs. Japanese Beetles can severely damage your roses and other plants in your landscape because they feed on the… Click here to read more…