When it comes to getting the most bang for your buck, a zinnia plant cannot be beat. Adding a big splash of color to your landscape will only run you $1.00 for a pack of seeds. Zinnia plants (Zinnia elegans) are native to Central America, Mexico and the Southwestern United States, but they will… Click here to read more…
Saving Winter Damaged Plants
In case you were wondering . . . Mother Nature is in charge. Always! This past winter was pretty brutal in many parts of the United States with temperatures dipping much lower than normal. Here in Ohio we typically see days in the single digits during January and February, but it’s usually only a few… Click here to read more…
How Does Garlic Grow?
How does garlic grow? Pretty effortlessly, if you ask me. Just give it some sun, a little water and watch it go. Years ago my husband and I took a trip to Raven, Virginia to visit his grandparents. Like most people that lived on top of the mountain, Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw Ball had a very,… Click here to read more…
Patented Plants and Plants with Registered trademarks and the Tale of White Fountain Weeping Cherry Trees.
Patented plants, plants with registered trademarks. What does all of that mean? What is a person/backyard grower to do? Without a doubt this is an extremely confusing and an intimidating subject and as far as some are concerned the more intimidating the better. I need your help with this and I will explain. Lately, I… Click here to read more…
Grass Seed Germination Time
Time seems to freeze when you’re waiting for a lawn to grow. Most people expect fairly quick results, but the truth is different types of grass germinate at much different rates. Some can be expected to sprout within a week. Others can take almost a month. Click here to learn about planting grass seed. How… Click here to read more…
What to Expect When Buying Plants From an Online Retailer
For people new to plant buying, making a purchase from an online retailer can feel like a gamble. Most sites show a beautiful picture of a mature plant and give a decent description of what conditions the plant will grow in, but most don’t do a very good job at telling you exactly what you… Click here to read more…
Rooted Cuttings. How to pot and or plant them, how, when, how often and how much to prune them.
Rooting cuttings is easy, I’ve been teaching people how to do it online since 1999. But once the cuttings are rooted how do care for them? How do you plant or pot them? When should they be first pruned? All great questions that folks have. People get all caught up in the process of rooting… Click here to read more…
Important Spring Gardening Tips.
It’s that time of the year when everybody want to get out into the yard and clean up after winter. It’s also the time of the year that we visit our local garden stores. Walking through a garden store is a lot like walking down the midway at the county fair. There are sights, sounds,… Click here to read more…
How to Grow & Train Flowering Hydrangea Shrubs into Tree Hydrangeas.
There are a number of different varieties of Hydrangea shrubs that are often grown into tree form. Many people don’t realize that a Tree Hydrangea is actually a Hydrangea shrub that was simply trained to grow as a flowering tree. This is also done with Rose of Sharon, I’ve seen it done with Red Twig… Click here to read more…
Repairing Loose Root Balls on Tree Hydrangea.
This is one of our Semi Famous “Mondays with Mike” Segments that I do for our Backyard Growers. Last week I went to a wholesale nursery stock auction and pick up about two truck loads of nursery stock. I’m going to do a post about growing flowering Hydrangea shrubs into trees so I grabbed a… Click here to read more…
Planting Blueberry Bushes
Edible landscape plants are quickly becoming the hottest thing in gardening. We are seeing a real trend with homeowners who are moving away from the traditional ornamental landscaping and opting for plants that provide food as well as beauty. Blueberry bushes, with their antioxidant-rich berries and spectacular fall foliage, are becoming one of the most… Click here to read more…
How to Get Rid of Wild Morning Glory.
It doesn’t have to be just morning glory. Any weed or vine type of plant (weed) that is growing in your landscaping or flower beds that is causing problems can be eliminated without a great deal of difficulty. Wild Morning Glory Elimination. First things first. Let’s understand that all weeds are plants, living things. In… Click here to read more…
When To Plant Strawberries
Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in the spring. For me, nothing says sunshine like a juicy, red strawberry freckled with seeds. Strawberries are one of the most commonly found plants in backyard gardens. They are grown in every state in the United States and all provinces of Canada. Store bought strawberries fail in… Click here to read more…
Nursery Supplies for Our Backyard Growers.
On this page you will find the supplies that our Backyard Growers need most often. Automatic Mist Plant Propagation Equipment. Check it Out! Nursery Pots that are Perfect for $4.97 Plants. Take a Peek! The Automatic Fertilizer Dispenser. Invented by one of our Growers! Source: Fix.com April is National Gardening Month, but to… Click here to read more…
How to Grow Tree Seedlings into Beautiful Trees.
Growing tiny seedlings into beautiful trees isn’t at all difficult if you know what to do. In this post I hope to clear up all the questions that people have. I know they they don’t look like much but these are Japanese maple tree seedlings. Our growers either grow these and sell them as is… Click here to read more…
What Planting Zone Am I In?
As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer most of us gardeners are itching to get outside and get our hands dirty. As spring approaches, our mailboxes are flooded with catalogs tempting us with beautiful pictures of every plant under the sun. Before we start giving into our cravings to order exotic flowers,… Click here to read more…
Repairing Your Lawn from Damage Done Over the Winter.
During the winter a lot of not so good things can happen to your lawn. If the snow lays on the grass for too long you can get snow mold, which is a fungal disease that causes brown circles in your lawn. These circles can be as large as 12″ or just a couple of… Click here to read more…
The Secret to Selling Lots and Lots of Plants.
Anybody Can Sell a lot of Plants, and I Do Mean Anybody! Tens of thousands of plants if that’s what your heart desires. But . . . in order for that to happen you have to get off of the couch, out into the backyard and make it happen. You have to quit talking yourself… Click here to read more…
Plant Identification App
Once upon a time, there was an eight year old boy named William. William was a clever, curious child. One day he said to his father, “Dad, wouldn’t it be neat if there was a mobile app that could identify a tree simply by snapping a picture of its leaf?” Now most parents would agree… Click here to read more…
DIY Hoop House
Many people think they are limited in what they can grow because they don’t have a greenhouse. As long as you are growing plants that are hardy to your gardening zone, your plants will be okay outside over the winter. Plants in the ground rarely need to be covered for the winter. They will freeze,… Click here to read more…
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