If you’re anything like me you’re tickled pink every time you see a hummingbird. These delicate and beautiful creatures may seem elusive or rare, but I’m here to tell you how to attract hummingbirds to your yard and garden with ease. There are quite a few things you’ll want to consider when first learning how… Click here to read more…
How to Keep Squirrels Away
Whether you live in the country or the city, it is likely that you have encountered a squirrel or two in your own backyard. At any given moment, these expert climbers can be seen running up and down trees, scampering across power lines, or digging under bushes. Although many people have a favorable opinion of… Click here to read more…
How to Attract Deer
Some homeowners use all of their energy to repel deer from their yard or garden because of the trouble they can sometimes cause. However, others wish to encourage deer to hang out in their yard for either viewing or hunting purposes. There are a variety of ways for you to accomplish having more deer on… Click here to read more…
Turning Sticks into Money.
Sometime last fall or winter I did a post about doing hardwood cuttings and I remember having a flat packed full of little tiny hardwood cuttings. I just looked for that post and I can’t find it. And to be perfectly honest, I don’t have time to keep looking. So the first person that finds… Click here to read more…
How to Grow Hops at Home
Home-brewing is becoming a popular hobby for many enthusiasts. For most people, home brewing entails purchasing of dried hops. The truly savvy home brewers are learning how to grow hops at home. Humulus lupulus is the scientific name for this perennial twining plant. The serious hobbyist wants to brew from the ground up. Growing hops… Click here to read more…
Bamboo Plant Care for Beginners
Planting bamboo can be very advantageous for the average gardener. It has a unique look and is easy to maintain, making it a simple way to spruce up the backyard décor, construct a natural fence and much more. Bamboo is a grass, so its growth patterns will be similar to an average lawn; however, most… Click here to read more…
How to Control Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes can not only be a pest, but can be treacherous to your health with the diseases they can transmit to humans. West Nile virus has been a threat to many homeowners, especially near wooded areas. There are steps you can take to protect your home, family, and guests from mosquitoes by keeping them at… Click here to read more…
Adding A New Cutting Bed
This week I’m adding a new cutting bed at the nursery (since we completely filled up our other one). Plus, the donkeys make an another appearance…
How to Make a Rain Barrel
Owning a own home today is harder than ever. High mortgages coupled with high cost cost of living expenses make people eager for ways to cut down on costs. Along with that many homeowner’s are looking for ways to live more green due to an ongoing concern about the environment. One relatively easy task to… Click here to read more…
Floraworks Nursery – Chapin, SC
I specialize in Tropicals, Perennials, Agaves, Succulents and Cacti. 121 Pamela CT Chapin, SC 29036 [cetsEmbedGmap src=https://maps.google.com/maps?q=121+Pamela+CT+Chapin,+SC+29036+United+States&hnear=121+Pamela+Ct,+Chapin,+Lexington,+South+Carolina+29036&t=m&z=16 width=350 height=425 marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no]
Plants for Sale – Houston, TX
Plants for sale also include Palm trees and oak trees. Wholesale prices also available. Nancy Diaz 3033 Frick RD Houston, TX 77038
2013 Shindig at Mike’s Plant Farm in Perry, Ohio
I have been doing these summer get togethers for customers for so long I don’t even remember when we first started them. Years ago I know that. The first few were at my house on Middle Ridge, then we had a few at the house we live in now and for the past three years… Click here to read more…
Using the Mantis Tiller to Prepare a Landscape Planting Bed.
In this video: Pam McGroarty is painting signs for the donkey shed. Check them out. How to use a Mantis Rototiller to level and move soil in a landscaping bed. Some new plants that you’d probably like to meet. Most people think of a rototiller as a device used for loosing and digging up soil… Click here to read more…
Vertical Gardening for Beginners
Don’t let the idea of vertical gardening intimidate you. Vertical gardening can be as simple as including hanging planters on your porch to more complex projects that make use of trellised growing systems. The idea is to grow up, not out, and thus conserve space on the ground while adding focal points of interest in… Click here to read more…
The One Plant that Could Change Your Life Forever.
Growing, caring for and propagating Hibiscus moscheutos also known as “Dinner Plate” Hibiscus. When I say this plant could change your life forever, this is what I mean. If you were to start out growing and selling only this one plant from your backyard you could quickly establish yourself as the go to person for… Click here to read more…
5 Unique Ways to Build Raised Garden Beds
Gardening is a popular pastime for many people. Raising your own fresh produce saves money and is a fun hobby. Each year, there are new products and ideas when it comes to planting a garden. One of the latest trends in gardening is to build raised garden beds. There are many reasons a raised bed… Click here to read more…
Planting By The Moon
Planting trees, grasses and plants according to the placement of the moon may be considered an old tradition or folklore for the methods of farmers. Planning to farm and plant according to the moon is derived from the idea that the moon provides and governs the soil’s moisture, thus increasing the chances for healthier, stronger… Click here to read more…
10 Ways to Be More Self Reliant
For many people, asking for help is one of the hardest things to do. The desire to take care of oneself is only natural, but developing that ability takes a little more work. Here are ten ways to be more self reliant. Money Management/Budget One of the most important parts of being self reliant is… Click here to read more…
How to Build a Bat House
Bats are typically underrated and not given the credit they are due. Besides being the only mammal that can fly, the majority of North American bats are also nocturnal insectivores. This means that they feed on the insects of night, including mosquitoes. Actually, a small bat can eat more than 600 mosquitoes in just one… Click here to read more…
How to Ship Plants by U.S. Mail, UPS or Fed Ex.
This is a tutorial about the correct way to ship plants to friends or customers. First, watch this video I made about shipping plants. It shows how to properly package plants for shipment. There are few things to take notice of in the above photo. The shipper recycled an old fan box to ship these… Click here to read more…
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