Grower’s Board
Updated : June 22, 2011
The Most Fun You Can Have With Your Bibs On!
[…] Check this out: Take a Sneak Peek at the Backyard Growers Message Board here: […]
We have an old crabapple tree (the kind with little berry-like fruit). This past spring it bloomed beautifully but then it dropped its leaves. I understand it has a fungus which won’t kill it but I don’t want it to get reinfected next year. We live in the northernmost tip of NY. The yards are all moguls, a result of constant freezing and thawing. I bought a lawn sweeper because raking seemed impossible. I’ve managed to sweep at least out to the drip line. It looks cleared of leaves but I know that there are leaves and leaf pieces in the dips throughout the yard. I’m worried that getting “most” of the infected leaves is not enough when fungus is involved. What would you do in this situation to protect your crabapple tree?
It sounds like the tree suffers from either powdery mildew or apple scab, probably the apple scab. You can google that and look for sprays. It’s fungal thing and needs to be treated as such. I just don’t know how effective treatment really is. Me? I probably wouldn’t fight it and just enjoy it each spring.
Mike, I am planning to make a sand bed for sticking cuttings. My question is where is the best place to build/place it? Should I place it in full sun, partial sun or shade? Thanks, Sharon
Partial sun is probably fine unless you are in a really hot state like Arizona or Texas, then I’d put it in the shade. Sometimes we make shade coverings for our propagation beds even using this system.
Mike , I just had a truck load of large camellias that were dug up along with some 8′ oak trees, i have planted the camellia’s, and put the oaks in large pots. They were not cut with care, do you think they will live. The oaks were in the same condition. I’m planting and potting we have 45 acres here in NC. Its a lot of work , i’m going to give lots of water , miracle grow and pray for the best. If there’s anything else I can do that might help please let me know. Also wanted to thank you for all the work you do with your blog. Its been such a big help, and I love the donkeys cant wait to see your miniature ones.
Mike, shortly after purchasing a permanent membership to the grower’s board, we moved to another town. I lost the access information. I need to get access now that I’m in my new home. How do I get a new password, I remember the username, but lost the password. Thanks, Sharon Finney
You should be able to do a password request at If you still need help contact Sharon in the office at [email protected]
Hi Mike, I’m not sure if you received my e-mail about how to make a 3 level milk crate composter. I saw the directions once but did not copy them. Making the composter is not difficult to figure out, it’s what you do after that. Waiting to begin making rich , brown gold to feed my small garden. Thanks, Ginny
I don’t see incoming email, it’s way too much for me to handle. I spend hours here on the blog answering questions and thousands of hours in our members area helping those folks. Our Backyard Growers Members area is awesome! Learn all about it here:
Old member still hanging around Mike. Lost password and user name to the board. Could you please email.
Hi George,
I have sent you an email.
Hi…I bought Mike’s backyard growing system almost 10 years ago…I didn’t get a free trial to the growers board….can I still get a chance to view it and see if I’d like to join?
I paid $99 for it too!!
mike , I lost the information on how to get to the backyard growers ass . please contact me on how to access the site. I lost everything
I have the ” Easy Plant Propagation” book, and have started 3 containers of cuttings.
In this video you mentioned 3 DVD,s. How do we get them?
How do I join the website ?
If you have my system,, you should be getting Emails from me, the Backyard Growers Ecourse, in those messages you’ll see how to join the group. This is only available to those who have my system.
I would like to know if anyone knows what the gpm is on the intermittent mist system. How many gallons per day are you using if you follow Mike’s instructions of misting every 10 minutes for 10 seconds if misting from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.
Thanks!! Happy planting
Hi, To find gallons per day figure would would be 10 seconds per 10 minutes = 6 times per hour for 10 seconds equals 1 minute delivery per hour X GPM
of the sum of all nozzles ( example : 10 nozzles @ .5 GPM each equals 5 gallons per hour of misting duration )
Or, the equivalent of using your garden hose for 18 minutes per day as I recall when I last figured it out.
I am Southern California. Like to know what plants will best suit and profitable to grow in small space backyard like 1000 sqft(I might be able to squeeze out some more sq ft 🙂 ). Appreciate your input. Thanks – James
Mike, where can I get the “balls” you demonstrated for air layering? You said you would leave info but I can’t find it. We are moving next fall and I hope to take some starts from my plants here with us to the new location. They are no longer patented plants as far as I can tell. Thanks for the info. Dawn
Dawn, just got to
I lost my saved copy on Dogwood Tree Seed Stratification and propigation procedure, out of all that I have read Mike’s is the best in all description and detail. Can anyhelp me find a copy? I even saved a hard copy but it too can’t be found. I am drying my seeds out now. Please Help!!
I forgot to ask if the course also taught how to grow and sell HERBS and VEGETABLES as well as plants and flowers. Mike, besides the course, do you sell any additional dvds, videos and courses on these topics too?
Hi, Wilson,
Good question, I am growing a lot of heirloom tomatoes, (Thai/Asian) basil herbs and other veggie in Southern California right in my pretty small backyard. I haven’t bought the product yet but in process of gathering information. Your are welcome to connect & share any helpful info with me too. Thanks
hi all. im in Mississippi! just wondering do you have a lot of suppliers from Mississippi listed in your course that i can buy from and sell to. Is the message board forum still open to join? could anyone give me the subscription price to the forum please?
Hi Mike,
I’m writing from Canada and am very interested in your system. Since I would not be able to purchase any of the deals from the US wholesalers and have it shipped to Canada, I need to know if the Growers Board offers an opportunity to purchase from any Canadian wholesalers at discount prices.
Paola, there are all kinds of Canadian sources, but what we really need is small growers like you selling to other small growers. I have a list of Canadian sources that I share with my customers and I tell you how to find other Canadian wholesale sources. But small growers like to buy from small growers and we need to grow that network. That’s why this is such an opportunity for you.
Hi I get your once a week e-mail that you put out. I was wondering how I get to the growers board.
The Backyard Growers Board is a private, members only site. If you have my Backyard Growing System, you’ll learn more about the Backyard Growers Board. New members are accepted several times throughout the year.
So I have to buy the backyard growing system for $37.
I have a cherry tree that bloomed for the first time this year, and cherries were starting to set nicely, but the birds have completly stripped all of the fruit from the tree. What can I do to stop the birds from consuming everything. They will devour my blueberries next,and then pepper plants, etc. Its a non-stop battle. Any suggestions to help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I live in Florida, I don’t believe I can grow some of the plants you recommend. I live in zone 9. Thanks Nancy
we lived in central
floria for 17 years. we grew beautiful scupernong grapes, oranges and grapefruit. Its like Everybody has to find the secrets NS ENJOY THEM. yOUR LAND MAY BE NEEDING HUMUS,COMPOST AND DO TEST THE ph. STICK WITH BYG AND LEARN ALL THE WONDERFUL THINGS ABOUR ZONE 9. WE DID KNOW OF A FEW ORGANIC GGARDENERSTHERE,BUTNOT PERSONlly. we’re having a time learning about zone 5 where Icannot have a poincetta hedge year round,nor scuppernong grapes. we have little concords now which will never come close, but this is our home and we enjoy learning constantly it’s like Mike said about learning to use the computer, Im doing the sme.have fun.
Hi, where or how to grow Pussy Willow Trees, as those attending Eastern Rite , myself attending Byzantine Rite,,and of Polish descent,,use Pussy Willows on Palm/Flowery Sunday,,
thanks, Marcella
Sicula, in the first two weeks after buying you’ll see messages about the growers board. Or just reply to any Email and Taylor will help you. Send your name and address, she needs that for confirmation.
You are given the opportunity to join the board through the e-course
that you are enrolled in after purchasing the Backyard Growing System.
Look back at your e-course emails… there should be a link to get on
the board from there.
Or you can contact Taylor at the office. Just write [email protected]
does it cost money to join the growers message board
Yes… you must first purchase the $37 Backyard Grow System (here –> and then you will be offered a trial membership to the message board. There is a price associated with being a member but there’s only eight payments… then you’re considered a permanent member with no further fees.
How much are the eight payments?
There is a cost to become a permanent member. But once you buy my backyard growing system you get a chance to test drive it to see if it’s for you.
MIKE, or Chad, I bought the growing system, and LOVE it, I STARTED to make payments to the gardeners board, then had to suspend them, due to financial pinch. NOW I want to finish them and regain access to the board, where , incidentally, I bought some lovely plants that are THRIVING every one. PLEASE, e mail me and let me know how to get reinstated.
Barbara Ashley
more than likely they do this to make sure you have a crash course in the commonly used terms of the group. So that people can understand you and you can understand them. This definitely makes for better success when you’re able to find what you’re looking for and others understand. In a way this is a very intelligent thing it’s just $37 almost the same price as a buffet or pizza, yes I’m a guy and it’s true sometimes we think with our stomach. It cost a lot to run a message board and make sure it’s permanently maintained, $37 basically gets you a lot of fantastic information to see if you really want to pursue this on a larger scale. If not you can always use your test run when you get the opportunity to buy a few very inexpensive cuttings from members for your home, well worth the cost!
Hi, Mike I’ve been reciveing your e-mails about your backyard growing system for quit sometime now I am a plant lover and would love to have your book ,thats just it I want a book in my hands that I can refer to as needed . And if I am correct the $37 is an E book just for the computer. please let me know what you get for the $37 would you Thanks so much ,Velita
You can see everything that comes with the $37 Backyard Grow System here –> And yes it is all digital. My Dad has a book called Easy Plant Propagation as well (a physical book you can hold in your hands!). You can get that here –>
I’ll let you know I just ordered it! velita you do get a few e-books immediately after ordering and the e-mail correspondence course. That’s what I know so far and possibly a CD in the mail will see I will keep you posted.
Well speaking from experience, I know most of you who read this don’t know me from Adam. But I can honestly say you truly do get more than you paid for, and I am truly impressed with the way Mike and the other members do business.
I did receive my CD and a few others that came with it. I can’t say that’s standard, what I can say is when he( Mike McGroarty ) says he will refund your money if you’re not satisfied I would believe him. You truly will make lasting friendships, or at least I know I have!
Hey Chad,
Thanks for the great comment… we do honor our 1-year money-back guarantee for anyone who requests it.
Although, we don’t do too many refunds… we try to provide our customers with as much valuable content as possible and most are happy with what they get.
Your newsletter on weed control said to use 8 layers of newspaper. Well, I don’t subscribe to a newspaper but I do have tons of cardboard boxes. I put down 3-4 layers of flatten boxes (depending on current supply and area to be covered) then cover with lots of mulch. So far that has been working really well for me.
Just thought I’d pass that along.
How can I get access to the growers board?? I get the emails & love them. I am an avid plant freak and would love to be part of the discussions as they apply.
thank you
Once you’ve ordered the $37 Backyard Growing System (, you will be given the opportunity to join the message board.
The message board really is addictive and I’m sure you would love it!
Hi, Mike’s staff…!
I would like to know what plant stock you used to graft the Japanese maple tree onto.
Loved the article. Keep em coming!
What types of mulch do you recommend? I have last year’s grass clippings from our RTF lawn.