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Let’s see, what have I read lately . . .
I’m just finishing up this book by Tina Fay. I saw it on a book stand at the airport and it looked fun and interesting. She is a funny gal but I like the story of where she came from and the hoops that she jumped through to make it big on Saturday Night Live. I found the book enjoyable.
Interestingly enough about a year ago I read “The Chris Farley Show” and his path to Saturday Night Live is similar to Tina’s.
Written by his brother and a friend. I enjoyed the book because so many of his friends are quoted in the book. but it was sad and funny at the same time. To many Chris Farley was just a lovable Teddy Bear and I think that’s true. Chris truly had an addictive personality and he fought those addictions fiercely and still lost the battle. It’s sad, but in his short time he lead an amazing life.
I met Iain Calder last fall at a meeting and he truly is an interesting guy that for 25 years had a really interesting job at the National Enquirer. Many people love the National Enquirer while others hold it in very low regard. But in speaking with Iain and reading his book I was amazed to learn how hard they worked to make sure everything they print is completely true and accurate. Lots of interesting things about how they got the stories they did. I really enjoyed the book, but I am an avid non-fiction reader. Lots of really inside Hollywood stuff in the book.
I enjoy your e-mails and look forward to them. You are very kind to share your personal activities with your fans. You are right, we are curious about this guy that helps and encourages us with his obvious passion and knowledge. I am a non-fiction reader also and like the idea of having that in common with you. Thanks for being you!