Members of the Trade Never Pay Retail Prices for Plants, Wholesale Rooted Cuttings or Liners.
What most people don’t realize is that as a member of the trade, nurseryman, landscaper, garden center, or Backyard Grower, you are entitled to buy plants on the wholesale market. And the prices are remarkably lower, for a lot of reasons. Crazy low really.
How Not to Be Intimidated or Shunned by Wholesale Growers.
Get Started Right Now. Look at how You can Earn
$93.60 in Just One Square Foot in Your Backyard.
Shunned? Are you serious Mike?
Yeah, I am. It’s actually pretty difficult to buy from many wholesale nurseries because, and as I explain this I want you to think about why they act the way they do. (incomplete sentence I know. Sorry.) Wholesale growers are used to picking up the phone, pen in hand, prepared to start writing down the plants that the customer wants to order. On the wholesale market ordering plants is a lot like ordering a pizza for you and I except, the dollar amounts are staggering!
When wholesale buyers order plants they almost always place orders for one thousand dollars or more, sometimes many thousands of dollars. So when you and I call up and want to spend, maybe, a few hundred dollars. They almost can’t be bothered. Years ago one nursery told me that if I couldn’t spend at least $50,000 per year with them they really didn’t want my business. They just weren’t really looking for small customers like me.
The One and Only Place Where You Can Get Deeply Discounted, Wholesale Prices and are Not Expected to Spend Thousands of Dollars at One Time.
For those that have my Backyard Growing System, or have even read The Sales Page for My Backyard Growing System you know that I mention This Secret Place Where Backyard Growers Can Buy and Sell Plants at Wholesale Prices.
It’s true, there is such a place and it really is highly secret, very few people know about it, but the plant prices inside are crazy low! I’ll give you some examples. But before I do, you should know that many of the Backyard Growers that routinely sell plants in there have sold tens of thousands of dollars worth without leaving home and without having to deal with any customers face to face. They just box up the plants and mail them to the customers. Yes, mail. Most of the plants are shipped by priority mail. Very, very simple business to be in.
Wholesale Rooted Cuttings and Liners on Sale Right Now.
The ads change daily and things sell out quickly, but this is what I found today and I only looked at three ads.
Japanese Red Maples $2.75 each
Nikko Blue Hydrangea 75 cents each
Winter Gem Boxwood $1.00 each
Red Weigela $1.00 each
Beautiful Variegated Weigela $1.00 each
Sunkist Arborvitae $1.00 each
Emerald Green Arborvitae $1.00 each
George Tabor (pink) Azalea $1.00 each
Honeycomb Butterfly Bush $1.00 each
Frances Mason Abelia 75 cents each
Double Purple Rose of Sharon 75 cents each
Reddish Pink/Pinkish Red Rose of Sharon $1.50 each
Griffin Blue Butterfly Bush 75 cents each
Black Knight Butterfly Bush 75 cents each
Royal Red Butterfly Bush 75 cents each
White Profusion Butterfly Bush 75 cents
Kumson Variegated Forsythia $1.00 each
Pink Diamond Hydrangea 85 cents each
Chantilly Lace Hydrangea 85 cents each
Summer Snow Hydrangea 85 cents each
Pee Gee Hydrangea 85 cents each
Penny Mac Hydrangea 85 cents each
Nightingale Hydrangea 85 cents each
Sky Pencil Holly 75 cents each
Blue Girl Holly $1.50 each
Blue Prince Holly $1.50 each
Royal Star Magnolia $1.50 each
Betty Magnolia $1.50 each
Can You Buy these Plants at these Prices?
You can, but this is a resource that I only share with those who have purchased my Backyard Growing System. My System comes with a wholesale directory of all the places that I buy plants from, but the beauty of this Secret Place is that it was designed and built around really small growers like you and I. In most cases you only have to buy 5 or 10 of each plant to get these crazy low prices. Interested? Become a Backyard Grower.
You Cannot Order these Plants from Me. They are Not My Plants.
Many of my customers buy plants like these, pot them up and sell them for a lot more than they paid for them. Then they do it again, and again and again. But as they do, they also take cuttings from the plants so they never have to buy them again, they can grow all they want from the cuttings that they took.
Get Started Right Now. Look at how You can Earn
$93.60 in Just One Square Foot in Your Backyard.
Mike, I wanted to by some of the plants but no way I know to purchase them . Please help me before they are all gone.
Ms BARBARA PEASE, I wood like to help you start this garden .It helps your self esteem and joy of seeing new growth and life.If you can raise some money I will Share your dream with 100 Dollars. When you send 897.oo to Mr Mike let me know or to MR mike , I will send directly to him.
In Our Members Area,, the plant deals never seem to end. New offers are added daily, others slip away quickly. Be sure to keep track of when we are accepting new members. That’s very generous of you to help Barbara but she probably won’t see this.
Mike, I wanted to by some of the plants but no way I know to purchase them . Please help me before they are all gone.
will this work in the uk
Absolutely it will work in the U.K. All of the information applies, the only part of my system that won’t be of a lot of use to you is the wholesale directory which is mostly U.S. based with some Canadian sources as well. But I’ve got people successfully doing this in the U.K., Australia and other countries as well.
mike how can I buy the information on how buy-grow-sell-plants in my backyard how much does your information cost thanks Robert brown
All the details are on this page
Ok. I read and read and read through this site and I have decided to buy the system. Any info and encouragement will be greatly appreciated.
Good to have you on board! As soon as you get the system you’ll have a lot of information to go through. -Mike McGroarty
Hi Mike.
I will buy your backyard Gardening System very soon. I just have a simple question; is it legal to ship rooted plant’s across the border from the US up to Canada?
Thanks Ben.
You said your question was simple!!!! Actually it is a simple question and the answer is yes it’s legal. But the longer answer is that unless you are shipping a lot of them to one customers it’s not always practical because shipping across an international border does involve additional paperwork and the plants have to be certified disease and pest free.
Now . . . if you are asking because you are in Canada and want to buy from the U.S., you are looking at this all wrong. I’ve got lots and lots of people and big nurseries that can sell to U.S. customers. I need one, just one person in Canada that is willing to step up and be “the person” in Canada to contact for rooted cuttings and or liners (liner is a small plant, one season larger than a rooted cutting)
Now think about this. I don’t have anybody to fill that need and people like you are constantly asking and I am constantly saying over and over and over; “I need you to be that person! I need you to step up, root some cuttings and offer them to our customers from a Canadian source.
But instead of stepping up and saying; “I’ll be that person.”, everybody runs the other way. And for the life of me I don’t understand it.
I would be like the only guy in 100 miles with a hardware store, or the only pizza shop in a crowded town with no pizza. So . . are you that person?
Thanks Mike I appreciate that very much.
Many of our members are listed here,, however, these ads are not updated with their current list of plants that they can ship to you such as liners and rooted cuttings. Those offerings change daily, sometimes hourly! I’ve seen growers list plants for sale and sell out in 20 minutes so you really have to check that list daily or more than once a day. You’ll be getting Emails about how to find that list soon, I cannot publish it here.
Hi Mike it’s me again with another question. Is there some kind of law that says you must not underprice the big box stores by a certain amount? Do you ever have them complaining to you for underselling them? I was just wondering, so I might have an idea what to expect when we start selling.
It’s called competition and free enterprise. You can charge whatever you want. I think it’s a legal issue when you sell product at a loss when your intention is to harm and force a competitor out of business, but agreeing to be at a certain price for plants would be price fixing, which is very much against the law. As far as I am concerned they are my plants and I’ll sell them for whatever price I think is fair to me and my customers. Big box stores aren’t likely to complain they are too big and corporate like to even notice. Other independently owned operators might take offense if you are seriously cutting their prices but again, it’s my product and I’ll sell it at the price that I deem to be fair. Truth be told there is plenty of room in the market place for everybody.
Hi Mike, would you please tell me how to propagate Holly bushes. I have your system, but don’t know just where to look for the list of plants. I had it one day but forgot where I seen it. Thank you.
Holly bushes are easy as soft wood or semi hardwood cuttings during the summer using the methods that I teach you in the plant propagation madness DVD.
Hi Mike,
I know you advise people to see a lawyer before they start a business. I’m sure some people feel that is not necessary, but they can lose everything they have if they don’t know the legal part of a business. I remember years ago when we were a lot younger we were thinking of starting a business so we consulted a lawyer. The information we received was so valuable. I remember him telling us not to use our names as the name of a business because if someone sued you they could take everything you have. You can make up a name for your business then they can only sue the business. Also even then if your business goes bankrupt the creditors can take all that you have. But if you have at least 3 people involved in the business at least on paper, then you can incorporate it and the creditors can only come against the corporation. I don’t know if this is so for every state but that was for Ill. and it was over 30 years ago. The laws may have changed. But I still think it’s so important for a person to safe guard themselves and what they have worked their lives for. A lawyer is well worth the investment. It may save you a lot more than what he would charge you for the advice. Many of them charge nothing for the first office visit just for advice.
I purchased the backyard grower system and keep getting emails about the members board but it always says not accepting new members. can you tell me where to sign up?
That group only accepts new members a few times a year. It should be open again for a week or so soon, you’ll get an Email when you can join.
I am trying to start a backyard nursery on a limited budget. I have taken lots of starts from friends and neighbors that have been maybe 40% successful. I would appreciate any help you can share with me ,but my bank account is overdrawn and my cupboards are bare. I would love to buy your program but don’t have any money.
Thank you , Rosemary
I can’t offer advice on starting a nursery to non customers. Selling that product is what provides the financial support for me to do what I do and all that I do for free. My program is only $47.00. So my question is how bad do you want this to work for you? If you really, really want it to work for you then I suggest you suspend thinking about not having any money and brainstorm ways to get $47.00. My advice. Find some hosta dig them up and divide them and sell them at a profit. You can easily earn over $100.00 doing this. Spend two hours doing yard work for a neighbor, that should easily pay $25.00 per hour. I know people are going to get mad at me for saying this, but $47.00 is not a lot of money no matter what your station in life. As my grandmother told me many times, “If there’s a will, there’s a way.” Trust me, I’ve been about as broke as broke can be and you can read about that here; I started with $35.00 and that’s pretty much all the money I had to host that site for the first month.
So right here and now I have to say Thank You to my grandmother for making me believe at a young age that if I wanted something bad enough, only I could make it happen. But I will say this. Paying for good information is the smartest thing I’ve ever done in my life. -Mike McGroarty
What is a liner ?
Great question. A line is a small plant. A rooted cutting is just that, a cutting with roots. A liner is a rooted cutting that has been grown out for one season and is large enough and sturdy enough to be “lined out” in the field. -Mike McGroarty
I would like to order the Rose of Sharon bushes.
Eleanor Clark
Hi Mike,
I am so excited to get started! So where do I go to start buying plants and liners and pots?
If you have my system then you have my “Secret Directory of Wholesale Suppliers” and there are other options that I use that I can’t mention here. If you don’t have my program I promise that you will make a lot of costly mistakes. I’m not really trying to sell you, I’ll tell you straight out that many people who by my system admit to me that they tried to go it without my material and made a lot of costly mistakes and now they have to back track.
Please forward on how I can purchase plants. So very interested in this.
The plants that I listed are available to the general public, growers only.
Mike I bought your program and love all the information. I would like to buy some plants and try my luck at it before I decide to get a license and start a business. Also not sure how much longer I want to live here. I may want to get a bigger place if it works out well for me. My husband is 75 but still works very hard and I am 66 and still work hard. But we’re just not sure yet if going into business will work out to well at our ages. Some days we work really really hard and other days just don’t feel like doing much. Do we have to have a license in order to buy and sell with the other members? Or even if we can buy cheap retail from them?
No, you do not have to have a license to buy from our members. But you must be licensed to sell to other members. We will be accepting new members into that group soon. We only accept new members a few times a year.
Mike what do you mean when the said the plants are available to the general public, growers only? Who do you consider to be growers? Are these available to me who has not started growing just yet but want to try my luck at it? Thanks! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.
Home gardeners who are not growing for profit cannot buy from wholesale growers. You have to be a member of the trade to get these discounts and there are things you have to do to prove that you are a member of the trade. I explain all of that in my growing system products. We also have a network of Backyard Growers for those who are interested, but this too is only available to those who have my system. I buy thousands of dollars worth of plants through that network of people whom I’ve helped get into this business.
i enjoy your email now i need to use my time to make more money like yu are always taing about japines maples i planted seeds from a red bod and mountailoralthese are growing how can i get the plants like you were talking abot from a nurser and start my own nursery i am imy yard every day
Do you have Canadian customers? How does that work with border crossing
Mike, I’m hoping to pull together enough money by this fall to buy stock for a homebased native plant nursery. Does your system and programs tell us about getting certified. I’ve only lived in Iowa a couple of years, so I’ll try to call them tomorrow about being a cer tified nursery. Any ideas about a native plant niche nursery? I’d also like to get into custom growing for public and private land rehab projects with suitable native plants. Hope I can get your program soon and start reading. Also, do you or any of your buddy suppliers have either or knowledge of where best to get plants for southeast Iowa. Plan to go up to Prairie Moon this summer to see plants in natural setting. Thanks, Beth
All of your questions are answered in my system. Can you do this without my system? Sure. But you’ll make a lot of mistakes, mis-steps and in the end most people come and buy the system because they get lost and overwhelmed. Many think they can just Google what they need and find the answer. It’s true, you’ll find an answer, but not the one you need. What you need is proprietary information that few people are willing to share and they most certainly won’t share it where the public can get their hands on it. One of the things that I do for people is simply the process. Oh yeah, and marketing the plants you sell. Nobody teaches that. I wish you incredible success and hope to see you in my program soon. -Mike McGroarty
I understand you are running a business. You and your family have to eat but the line you can buy all these Plants for pennies… Well only if you pay me first. Just come out with it. Anyway you are so full of info and I appreciate all your hard work. I guess that line was just kinda funny
hello i have a 17 acre ranch in elmirage California the name is Awakening Ranch its a rescue mission ministry i need help with are nursery project need info on trees and plants that we could grow and sell in the high desert if that info is in your system i will get it soon hear at the Ranch we help the lest the last and the lost/we help fight drug addiction homelessness so any and all help will be appreciated thank you and God bless my cell # 760-605-0676
In your area you want to grow and sell what all of the local garden centers are selling. They know what sells, what doesn’t. But if you grow the plants that are in demand you can offer them nice plants for less money I’m sure.
don’t you have to be a certified nursery to sell plants and ship them especially because of transferring pest and bugs to other areas
All of our growers that are offering plants for sale are certified.
Mike I love it!
Please, can i purchase your book in hardback though?
thanks for a reply.
Sincerely ( I really mean that)
So how do I order these items you have listed by other folks? Looks like I have to buy your package to get to the other items. Please correct me if I am wrong.
I am interested in some of the items you show for sale.
J.R. You’re right, these offers are wholesale only and not open to the general public. I show them here to give those who are interested an idea of the plants and prices that they can buy and resell. -Mike McGroarty
Please forward details on plants as well as how to order
I would still love the system you are offering but still cannot afford it. I am living on a thread. SS does not pay me much. $260 per month does not even pay my bills.
Hey Barbara, I saw your response here. I am a member of the group and want to assure you it’s worth pursuing if you are interested in this business. It’s worth doing odd jobs to save up enough money for it. Go for it.