Recently one of my long time subscribers unsubscribed from my FREE gardening newsletter because he said I’ve lost focus on plants. He’s not interested in Donkeys, or Goats.
So for those of you who are wondering why we are posting about Donkeys and Goats or Bee Keeping and other things that interest people who live, or dream of living in a rural area, this is my explanation.
I’ve not lost focus on plants. I’m putting out more plant related content now than ever in the past.
I have a Question?
Do You Write or Create Written Content for Anything?
It ain’t easy is it? Take a look at this list. Try and Imagine how many hours it took to create this content that we don’t get paid for.
That list is almost endless!
And it grows every week.
I created the majority of that content, but some and now more recently Duston and Amber are also creating content that we hope will interest you. Because many of our readers, customers and most importantly prospects are interested in things like bee keeping, raising goats, miniature donkeys we are trying to diversify to keep people interested.
The donkeys are my project and if you look at the comments on the donkey post my list is overwhelmingly enthused about me getting donkeys. Doesn’t mean I’ll stop doing plants, but people who can’t have donkeys will enjoy seeing mine. People who visit my nursery will enjoy the donkeys.
Most of the content about goats and bees and who knows what’s next is posted by Duston in a effort to engage people on our list and give them an opportunity to share their expertise in different areas.
It Takes Me Several Hours to Send One Email Newsletter.
People can’t possibly realize everything that has to done, blog posts created, photos taken, uploaded, then cropped and edited for use on the web. Just formatting the newsletter is a challenge for this “Dumb Ole Dirt Farmer”. It’s not like you sending an Email. I have to jump through hoop after hoop, the messages have to be tested, they have to be able to make it through the spam filters. They have meet the compliance standards of the services that we use and we use more than one service so all of this has to be done multiple times.
I Don’t Get a Pay Check for Doing this.
Hopefully we sell enough product each week to meet payroll so we can do it all again for free next week.
It’s rare, if ever, that I send out a newsletter that doesn’t have a focus about plants. Although I do appreciate my critics, they keep me on my toes, I wish for just a millisecond that people could realize how much effort and work it takes come up with new content and new photos to use in these posts each week.
Keep in mind, we don’t get paid for creating content and the only ads on these pages are for the one and only product that I sell to support the 10,000 plus hours I’ve devoted to this. When you visit one of my sites, we don’t blast you with pop ads for everything under the sun. I don’t get big fat checks for the products that I feature. I get nothing. I usually have to buy the product just so I can show it to you.
I’ve been doing this for over 14 years. Subscribers come and go, I know that. I’m fine with that. Many of them often come back. I’m also aware that I can’t please everybody, not everybody is going to like me and there’s nothing I can do about that.
So for those who appreciate the effort that me and my very talented and capable team (that would be Duston, Amber and Cathy) put into creating unique content that you can’t find all over the web, stay tuned. We’re listening, our goal is to provide you with good information and if we can make you smile every now and then all the better.
-Mike McGroarty (my story, it ain’t pretty)
This is what we sell in an effort to keep this thing afloat. This Book and this Backyard Growing System.
Will we add more products? I hope to add small nursery pots, people can’t find the size we use. I can’t find them! We should have them soon.
I’ve looked and looked but can’t find where to subscribe to your gardening newsletter. I was subscribed before but have since changed email. Here’s my name and email. Please subscribe me again!
Thank you
Monica Kocian
[email protected]
I sent your request to [email protected]
Not sure how to get to the hydrangea comment page. I just wanted to say that my husband stuck the pruned, gone by, heads with stems from the hydrangeas into the ground for fall decor, sort of. I was just pulling them out this weekend to make room for annuals and was surprised that one has a 3″ plant growing from the part of the stem where it touched the mulch. So, propagating hydrangeas is as easy as that – sticking a piece into the ground and waiting until spring!
Way to go Dottie and husband!
Please don’t let one negative person stop you doing what you do so well!!!! I love your emails, including donkeys! How could anyone object to seeing your obvious love for those gorgeous animals? Pets, in whatever form they come, do our health and soul more good than any tonics. Love your work and appreciate the time you spend sharing your vast knowledge. xxx
Hey Mike & family,,,,,,,,,,although I haven’t started a Backyard Plant Growing Business, i’ve been fascinated by “EVERYTHING” you have to say ever since your GREAT Article in the Mother Earth News! We absolutely understand & appreciate the TIME & EXPENSE it costs out of your life & if it’s nothing else to the “complainers”, it’s a FREE education & entertainment for them. I sell on Ebay & deal with similar mentalities like that from time to time. But MORE than a FREE Education, it’s giving many “Out of Work” folks a wonderful “REAL” Alternative to supporting themselves as opposed to wasting time & money on a “Get Rich Quick Scheme”! THANK YOU
Thank you Tony, I appreciate that.
Hey Mike – Kudos on the donkeys. I can see that they have a positive effect on you and Pam. We have 3 Alpacas and 6 Pygmy Goats. People ask why we have them, and our response is ‘because we like to look at them in the field’. Keep pumping out all the great plant info and sharing your enjoyment with your critters. – Dave
Mike, Keep up the great work I can’t afford much but from you I have learned so much from your FREE content. Keep up what you have been doing for folks for all these years. You are a great man, simple and frank and I for one appreciate those qualities.
You can please some of the people most of the time.
You can please most of the people some of the time.
What you can’t do is please faceless cowardly assholes who posts hateful comments (hmm kind of like this one, I suppose) from the safety of their home,behind a computer screen and keyboard or cellphone.
So, the intelligent thing is to ignore those people. Long time subscriber? So what?
See ya!
You now something Mike? I don’t much care about the Donkey video’s either. I mean they are cute. Very cute. I loved the first 3 or so posts about them, then, well, I don’t have them, so I don’t share the same enthusiasm as you do for them. But so what. It’s your channel. Your website. I’m a guest .
And any guest who comes to my place and berates me for liking something or being enthused enough about something to talk about it, would be shown the door. No matter how long I’ve kknown him. Bye.
Come back when you learn some fundamental manners.
It’s just one of those drawbacks that computers have. Cowards always have a huge increase in testicle size, when they perceive that they will face no repercussions..
Wish him luck in chicken shit land, and be happy that the rest of normal society appreciates and benefits from your willingness to share your knowledge.
Thanks Dean, I appreciate that.
I’m a new member to your newsletter and I wouldn’t ever want you to give up. Your so close to the farmers I grew up with. It’s like going home. Even your donkeys. I only have a small garden and am considering downsizing a lot but reading all the news I can on growing keeps me in the loop. Thanks for all you do.
Mike you have a great website and easy going style presenting information! Don’t let one disgruntled soul ruin your day! Constipation makes people cranky!
Mike, for your Free news letter, I don’t suppose we could talk you into lowering the price? (;-))
Roger, I don’t know, maybe I could pay folks to read it.
Mike, I love your newsletters and everything about your animals. Sometimes news about only one subject can get extremely boring. Keep up the good work. I always look forward to your emails.
We love you and the donkeys and the goats and Pam and Dustin and appreciate all that you do to educate and entertain. Thanks
You can’t please everyone, you know that. There are folks that just don’t understand that, even if the only interest they have is plants, most of us are interested in many, many things at once. Plants, Donkeys, Bee Keeping, Goats, Cows, Fish, Unicorns………. LOL
Don’t let them bother you. We love your letters and look forward to seeing what’s new at your place. You and your’s do a great job and it is appreciated by those of us who believe in a world full of wonders.
Thanks Mary I appreciate that.
I have tried to root Blueberries to no luck. Out of about 200 cuttings I have gotten none to root. I can’t understand how you have such success and following your method to a T. I have gotten not 1 to root. I know it is me not your methods that is the problem. wish me luck on the last 10 cuttings that they will root. If these don’t root I am not wasting my time and effort. I use to grow any thing when I was a teenager but now in a different state and several years older I can’t grow anything but Strawberries but I am successful at growing them. This last summer I harvested 300 pounds off of 4 beds 4 feet by 20 feet. Blueberries are not as productive for me. If I could root some cuttings of them maybe I could grow enough for me and my wife. as she is allergic to strawberries. So as soon as I get about 10 more bushes I will stop raising Strawberries. Wish me luck on rooting the cuttings.
Blueberries are tricky. I suggest you do them as hardwoods near the end of winter. Just stick them in the ground or in some point soil, coarse sand if you have it.
When I see “Mike” in my inbox it’s the first thing I open. I have not had my first season of plants to see yet but I can’t wait till my frozen babies turn into beautiful flowers. I’m eighty one and probably won’t be needing a house for donkeys, so ill just enjoy yours.
Thanks Mike
Please don’t stop what you’re doing Mike! Forget that ungrateful jerk it’s his loss. I love the fudge making article!
Mike In my lifetime (73 years) I’ve never seen any businessman more open and straight forward than yourself!! What you started and are doing is the way this world should be operating!! You treat people as you would like to be treated and as people should be treated!! I don’t think you will be a Millionaire overnight doing your website but I believe you live conformable and can feed the family (that includes Fergus and Finnegan!! Probably the best thing about what you are doing is that you look like you really enjoy it!!!
I used to have a special place in my computer where I kept “Famous Quotes” by so called famous people!! You made a statement in your ad promoting the program I bought! I can’t remember it exactly but I’ll give it my best shot!
You said “Every successful person I ever met had one thing in common, Decisiveness!!” Truer words were never spoken!!! Now if that is a quote that you came up with I’m going to nominate you for that list!! That not only made me buy this program but it made and is making me do more things each instead of just thinking about them!! Procrastination is the biggest problem most people have and many successful ventures are crushed by that vise!!
You keep doing what you are doing and enjoy every part of it! If I were you I wouldn’t change a thing for anybody!!!
Thanks Al, I appreciate that. The decisiveness quote is a product of me observing successful people. They don’t dilly dally, they just decide and trudge ahead all in the same breath.
Mike, so sorry to hear of your upsetting experience. I feel a bit annoyed that you were made to feel you had to explain/defend the work you do, or how/why you do it the way you do, “FOR FREE”. In my experience, the people that criticize, complain, or gripe about someone else’s “volunteer efforts” are usually those that have never volunteered to do anything themselves. Whether it’s a parent coaching sports, volunteering for PTA, taking on a Boy/Girl Scout group or chaperoning a field trip, etc., there is always someone to say “THEY should do it this way”. I always ask them “exactly who is THEY?”; the people who put in time & effort for others & don’t pick up a paycheck? I follow it by suggesting to THEM that if THEY feel strongly about something, & feel THEY could do it better perhaps THEY should give it a try? In my opinion, your newsletters & the information/help you provide, is the best I’ve come across. It’s not so much the actual information, (which might be found elsewhere after much time and research) as it is the way in which you present it. I find it to be easy to understand, told in a straightforward manner which makes perfect sense. I especially appreciate when you tell “what not to do” and “why it shouldn’t be done a particular way.” (I would be the one to make the mistake if you hadn’t
pointed it out first, lol) Since I am a “visual learner” everything is so much clearer to me when I actually see you demonstrating something and explaining it in detail. And, I happen to love the donkeys. They put a smile on my face & who could ask for more? I thank you & would be very upset if you didn’t continue
the service you provide. I look forward to it daily & save every newsletter for future reference in an email folder titled “Mike McGroarty”. You are a Rockstar in my book! Deborah C. Jones, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Thank you for your support, I do my best, most people appreciate it.
Mike, I like you. You are real, honest, hard working and practical. I bought couple of your
offers to public because I believe in you. I’m a gardener, too. It’s normal to get a few Negative people….it’s their problem, not yours.
I can’t wait to learn more from you. You inspire me….you make me get up and do it. I can’t wait to meet you at any workshop you do. I’m in BC Canada but I’ll be willing to travel many miles to learn from you and to meet you and your talented team workers.
Jane Ferguson
Bowen a Island, BC
( near Vancouver)
You should be in our members area, we have started a buy/sell area for Canadian members and we are having a get together here in Ohio in just a few days for any members that want to come.
Love what you publish, varied and interesting and helpful and funny. Keep it coming.
Mike I love all of your information & appreciate your work. Just remember. You can pleas some of the people all of the time. All of the people some of the time.. But you can not please all of the people all of the time. I know what you do is hard work.. dealing with the public can be difficult too. If someone don’t like or appreciate your work they don’t have to be here.No reason to be an azz hole about it. They will get over it sooner or later. In the mean time stay inspired.
Rodger, thanks, I appreciate your support.
Mike, have received your newsletters for the last nine years and have printed out many good tips
you have shared with us regarding gardening, flowers, animals , cooking etc and have kept them in
a special folder and refer to them many times. Also enjoyed you sharing your donkeys and chickens .with your readers. Years ago many homes would raise chickens in their back yards so the article told how to raise them which I never knew. Keep the newsletters coming..
Good Health to you and your family. God Bless
Thank you Rose Ann.
Mike, I have enjoyed your newsletters for the last nine years, and the good lord willing I will continue to
read them when you e-mail them to me. Over the years have printed out many tips you have sent me on gardening, flowers etc that I keep in a special folder that I can refer to, which has been very helpful. As for your donkeys and chickens, have enjoyed reading about them and the care you have given them.. Years ago there were many families that raised chickens in their back yard, so your article was very interesting how to care and raise the chickens which I never knew..
Good health to you and your family and God Bless.
Don’t you dare stop talking about anything, screw the Morons who complain , they have nothing better to do, you have taught me a lot about all gardening. Thank you!!!
Keep it coming, and the donkey’s too !!!
Thank you Steve!
Your donkey stories are fun = though I don’t care much for donkeys. Your goat stories are enjoyable -= though I don’e care much for goats. And your bee keeping stories are quite informative – though I don’t care much to come in personal contact with any. But I do read your stories because I WANT to. If I ever see any stories that don’t perk my interest (and I haven’t yet), I will just not read them. As simple as that. Your gardening info is helpful in so many ways! -and I do like gardening.. So, Mike, stay inspired. And keep up the good work you do, and everyone else in your gardens. And keep your stories coming!
Thank you Dianne, I appreciate your support.
Hey Mike,
Today I started 2 flats of burning bush, pink weigela, blueberry, and dappled willow all from information that I got from Small Plants Big Profits. I do these in a white plastic trash bag. Last years group of red twig dogwood & forsythia worked out just fine and I got about 75% rooted cuttings out of them.
You do those of us a great service with your newsletters and the videos that you put out for public use.
I love the donkeys – keep up the great work!
Thank you Ken and nice job on the rooted cuttings!
I love hearing about your daily tasks, and adventures. Keep on Keeping on. Theirs always a bear in the crowd, a shame. I have seen you grow for years and hope to continue to see your visitors grow. Mike, you’re like my neighbor, one day I might get to meet you.
Come on by, we’ll have two big sales in September, 2nd and 3rd weekend I think.
I love the donkeys . They are great. I cannot get enough of them. I subscribe to any farm on Facebook about them. .. I know hard it is and how time consuming is to manage this website.
I do not know where you find the time. Thank you for time and effort.
Thank you George, I truly appreciate your support.
Mike, Remember the old saying “When you try to please everyone you end up pleasing no one”
Please keep up the good work. Even tho I am not selling plants, I have learned more from you then most anyone I can think of.
I do read a lot of things but usually if I see something specific, I think
“they must have been reading Mike’s web site. I already have seen what they said there.”
Please don’t stop! Maybe some time I will try to grow plants to sell rather then just use the info
for myself.
Thank you Donna, the haters won’t get me down!
Mike, I love the info. about the plants but I also love hearing about the cute donkeys and everything else. It’s your site. Do what you want!! The information has been very helpful.
Hi. I can’t believe how some people just can’t keep those negative and unwanted thoughts to them selves.. I think you are brilliant in what you do and the dedication to help improve lives and make peoples lives fill with hope of something better. I am in the u.k. (yes British 🙂 ) and i love the info ,donkey stories and anything else you tell people and i am very grateful for all i have learned from you. Please Please Please keep up the good work . Also a big thank you to all your team, especially your wife . Just to say i love Donkeys and i know i would also love to care for some one day . Who knows, with all the info you give out , i may one day be able to get some. We can only dream :D.
Anyway , got me cutting in sand and they are coming on a treat. plan to sell them next year maybe although it will be hard to see my babies go. Thanks again Mike . Tina
Thank you for your kind words and thanks for being a loyal subscriber.
Mike – You are one amazing person to keep sending your newsletters! You are more than amazing! Ever since the first time I read your story about spending your last few cents on a cup of coffee and how you pulled yourself out of the dumps and into a successful landscaping and nursery business, you have inspired me and so many people! You are a great motivator and although not everyone purchases your system, just know that you are providing a wealth of knowledge to your readers. You are truly a blessed person! Know that your sharing of your knowledge is far greater than donating thousands of dollars to charities. You have inspired thousands of people and make the world a happier and more beautiful place to live! I would love to meet you one time we are visiting our daughter in Ohio. My daughter let me know you are not too far from where she lives.
Thank you for your kind words. You are welcome to stop by anytime you like, we have guests here all the time.
Love everything you write about! All those diverse topics are wonderful, be it donkeys or beekeeping (which I do) or renovating your new property or showing us Pam’s handiwork and/or photos of your beloved grandkids. And of course, your gardening advice is ace! Keep it all coming and don’t let sourpusses get you down.
Warm wishes
Thank you Lin!
Like my dear ol’ Gramma would say…..
“Fuck em.
You can’t please everyone.
Hey Mike,
When I was way younger, I pulled wire for licensed electricians. I didn’t have a license, but worked under a master electrician. One day the inspector showed up, took a look at my work and said, “Who did this?” I owned up to it. “Best work I’ve seen today.”
Then he took me aside and said that some days people will just get on your case. They want to make you feel bad. Here’s what you do … piss on their backs and make them think it’s their own sweat. Think about it for a while, and you will discover what he really meant. Smart man.
As has been mentioned so often- We appreciate your honest efforts. Thank you for sharing.
Mike, I am sorry I did not say this before, but I LOVED THE DONKEYS! My whole life I have loved donkeys, and collected donkey toys and figurines when I was a child. THANK YOU FOR SHOWING US YOUR DONKEYS!
I too love my donkeys. I make it a point to stop and spend a few minutes with them daily.
Mike, and family (staff),
Thank you for all the great articles. Yes I am sure that some people may not care for all the new information, and that’s okay and their rights. I for one LOVE learning about the donkeys, goats and everything else along with the plants. The plant information keeps me motivated, and I learn so much! The animals keep me entertained and again, I learn so much! We are building a farm, but until the house itself is finished, I have to stick to my dogs and gardens, but I am so looking forward to having some chickens, a cow or two and maybe some goats too! Keep up all the hard work….it may not always seem like it, but it’s worth it!!
Don’t let one sourpuss make you feel like you aren’t doing a great job. I love your info. Lots of interesting stuff and the donkeys are cute. Plus you are a real person, a down home kind of guy. Think of all of us who appreciate you. Smile and toss the rubber chickens!
Ignore him. You cant please everyone. I for one am new to this and I am interested in EVERYTHING you have to say .If a particular topic doesn’t pertain to me right now, it will in the future. I read TONS of books on gardening and have gained a lot of knowledge but I always want to see what you have to say about something before I believe something I read or try something new 🙂 I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us. Keep up the good work!
I’m not interested in donkeys either, but you have such a friendly, easy, warm way and you are brilliant with what you’ve learned about plants! I PREFER your website, emails and information to everything out there on gardening. I know it feels bad to be criticized, but out of a room of 100 people, every singe one would have a different opinion on what you should be doing, what you should be focusing on, what you should be writing about. JUST KEEP BEING YOU…WE LOVE YOU JUST AS YOU ARE, just what you are doing.
Keep up the good work, and get a thick skin. Can’t please everyone. Hey, can’t even please most everyone. Just please God and yourself, and your spouse…and you’re there!
Your information is fabulous, and I love getting your emails….most informative and practical advice ever!
; 0 )
Mike, I can only repeat what many have said. You are doing a great job. Your information is priceless. Your donkeys to you are anothers dogs or cats, same thing. I kinda like hearing about different things from y’all, cause the base message is the same.
Great articles. I live in Texas so climate is a little different than Ohio. But it’s all the same, get dirty have fun and enjoy what your doing. And if you can help someone else pick it up then you’ve done well and the info will continue on. Just started getting my Grandson involved so that alone is motivation to keep reading your articles and learning more. Keep up the good work my friend.
I don’t grow plants for money, just like to see my garden and landscape grow. I’d love to have donkeys and goats but having 3 dogs keeps me busy. Your postings are great reading and give me many good ideas. Keep up the great work you do and don’t stop on the animals and their pictures.
I love reading all of your posts…the diversity keeps it interesting and it is always relevant. Sadly, contrary people abound, but don’t let that stop you. I read a lot of mail and news during the day and when I see something you have posted, it is a pleasant break from the mundane! Thanks for all you do. Also, my son, Sean, and I are thinking about visiting your place in Ohio for your August get together with other growers. Has a date been set yet? Please keep us informed.
August 8th $8 charge at the door
I have a one person growing facility and propagate Muscadine vines. I also put out a News Letter. In the beginning the News Letter was posted once a Month. Now only every other month or so. It is very time consuming.
I think you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.
Muscadines And More LLC
I don’t care what other “subscribers” choose to do . . “I” think you do a WONDERFUL service for those of us who haven’t a clue as to what we’re doing, and I, for one, thoroughly enjoy your news-letters! You keep them coming, because I have, and I’m sure will, continue to learn from them . . . Thank You, Mike 🙂
Dear Mike,
I love animals, gardening, and nature. They all go together. I was happy to see you love and care for all kinds of animals. It just shows more of what kind of a person you are. That is one who is passionate about plants and animals. Keep your vision as always. You have helped so many people about an abundance of plant material and shared your knowledge. And, the animals you have in your keeping and shared with us just adds to your compassion for living things. As you say, “Keep inspired.”
Take care and thank you.
Thank you Gloria. Those two donkeys and that little yellow dog are a big part of our lives.
Mike, I enjoy and appreciate your posts and the sharing of your time, enthusiasm, extensive knowledge and experience. You’re the real deal without pretense or fancy airs, just down home, upbeat teaching and advice. I enjoy ALL your posts and videos, even the ones that don’t directly apply to my situation and I enjoy getting lost in your extensive network of links. It’s just plain fun and good reading.
As for the disgruntled subscriber who left, I say, “good riddance.” Sounds like a spoiled brat who didn’t get his/her way. Glad that person took those toys and pouted all the way home. As for criticizing the post on bees, what gardener or plant lover doesn’t understand the importance of bees and other pollinators to plants? Just goes to show you can’t cure stupidity.
Keep up the good work!!
You’re doing a great service. You’re my number one reference for gardening. You just can’t please everyone. 🙂
Thanks Jackie, I truly appreciate your support.
Hello Mike or Staff,
You know i have been sitting at this computer for almost 2 hours going through some of your old DVD’s and writings which is fun, but now it is late, and i would like to go to bed….. My Problem is I can not find a web site to just ask a question. I have watched your videos for a couple years, and get your news letters and videos some times, which THANK YOU VERY MUCH, they are So Informative!! Don’t worry about the idiots that say bad things about your website and yourself.. So they don’t agree, a Heck of A lot More Do Agree in your web site, and where could a person have so much information from a guarenteed, Knowledgeable Man showing you how to make money AND a lot of important things about making gardens look better, and Zones, And the board that i did get a chance to view that month. Man, that is almost one of the most important part of all.. You learn a lot on that too!! I hope to buy into it one day, i really do, I LOVED being on that.. I stayed up nights on it even … It all changed so often! But anyhow, if you ever get this, could you tell me if you have your propagation Irrigation System Still for Sale?? I look for it everyday, and it is getting close to spring, i keep thinking… I just can’t find a place to send a note to your business.. Maybe not looking in the right places to write to you…. Maybe you could send me the Right email adress?? I thank You!! Can’t wait to hear from you!!!
Thank You in Advance!
Kathy M.
Dear Mike , I very much appreciate everything that you & your family do. You are a rare & vanishing breed of people that give without looking for payment. I look forward to your video’s & enjoy the mix of subject matter. Love the Donkeys too. Don’t lose heart from an occasional malcontent, there is one in every bunch.
Yours truly Dave from NJ
Thanks Dave, I appreciate that.
Buck up, Mike! I was drivin’ around today and guess what I saw? Thats right: a Cornus kousa and it was dropping pods all over the street! Never woulda known had I not red your article about ’em. Thanks!
(P.S. Pam did a nice job on the one in your landscaping)
Hi Mike. I live in the South of England and I LOVE all I’m learning from your website. My only regret is that I didn’t find it sooner. I’m learning such a lot.
Three years ago we moved into a four year old house without any garden – only rough grass and lots of weeds so I’m having to develop from nothing. You are inspiring me and giving me confidence. Also we have a long boring fence which I wish to hide. I couldn’t possibly afford to buy shrubs for the length of it but now I’m enjoying watching my cuttings grow!!!
PLEASE TAKE NO NOTICE of criticism regarding your gorgeous donkeys. We have three rescued ones and everyone loves them so I don’t understand the man who doesn’t!!! Animals are part of a country life style and even people who live in towns are bringing the country into their environment through their gardens. So hearing about your livestock is a joy. We all need to learn about bees to protect them. It’s so important to grown their favourite plants. Thank you for all you’re doing. I can appreciate how long each blog must take and thank you for sparing the time. 🙂
Thanks Cherry! You can really soften that boring fence with some tall ornamental grass. Just buy a few in the fall and divide them and plant them. Don’t divide until it’s really cold.
It’s Kelly in Valles Mines again thanking you. I took 3 cuttings from my injured hydrangea. I used the clear plastic container method with a white trash bag. Within 2 weeks they were strongly rooted with growth of their own. I was patient and left them in the box for over 6 weeks. This morning I potted 2 of them in nice Tera cotta pots. I am gifting those 2 to my landlord to take home with her. I will keep 1 for me. I am so proud! Also I have successfully mastered approximately 100 of the snowballs at Timber Creek and our GM has agreed to partner with me. We will be retailing “A Piece Of Timbercreek”. Additionally I purchased 1 hydrangea in the Wal-mart garden center for $8, I took 12 cuttings from it. Only problem was it has 2 tags one punk and one blue. I am in hopes that it is blue! You are absolutely awesome!!!
Thanks Kelly, you’re awesome for saying that!
Just finished the potting table for my bride, fun to make and happy that she loves it,
Thanks for the plan
I’m happy that she likes it as well. I hope it brings her countless hours of gardening happiness.
Ignore that stupid guy! You are bound to get some narrow minded people now and then but balance that with the people who love and appreciate what you do. No contest. Frankly, I don’t know how you do it. Do you ever sleep? My file, “Mike McGroarty” on my computer is full of your articles over many years. Since I can’t remember everything you’ve taught me, I can always go back and re-read. And the bee article? Perfect!! I was going to start beekeeping in my backyard this spring but missed the class so I’m doing it next year. Your article made me even more excited about it! Thank you so much!!
YOU can write about WHATEVER you want!! I enjoy everything you write and make videos about. Keep up the great work!!
Mike, Duston, Amber, and Cathy
I like the news of what you guys are doing and the variety. Plants are my main focus right now, but bees help pollinate plants, and donkeys were helping prune. I learned something news about chickens last week, and I’ve been around them most of my life. Keep us smiling and learning.
Have enjoyed your letters immensely. I practice the tips you give that are right up my alley- like continually turning the soil in weed prone areas. It is working!! I forward MANY of your letters on to friends. Thanks for everything, Mike! ps- do I need to mention the homemade fudge recipe??
Mike I enjoy your articles.dont pay attention to jerks.i have grown plants all my life .i have learned much from you that I didn’t know. Keep the info coming. Thanks so much
Hiya Mike! I think the donkeys are adorable, fun, and I’m jealous! I would love to have a place where I could get a couple. I don’t see why this guy had a problem with that?! Anyway, I bought your system last year, and I am trying to get my nursery going, I just got my own place and am setting up a growing and potting area. I am a landscaper and want to shift my business to being a grower like you did. Your story inspires me great deal and I always look forward to your newsletter! Thanks!
Good for you and keep working on that nursery. As a landscaper you know how large the demand is for quality plants. I try to convey to others that landscapers, garden centers and plant re-wholesalers desperately need to buy plants just about everyday just to stay in business. That market will never go away!
Dear Mike: I think you are doing a wonderful job! I have learned SO much abut gardening from you; more than I ever learned in two semesters of horticulture at college. Goats, bees, insect repellents…all the subjects are great information…and all are a part of gardening. The lavender plants in my garden have gleaned a tree full of pears this year. Now, if I can only keep the Mockingbirds and squirrels a bay! Keep up the good work! Cat
I have been reading your articles for a couple years and truly enjoy them and have learned alot. I just resently ordered your BackYard nursery book and video. I’m anxious to try this next summer. Sometimes I think you read my mind, i’ll have trouble with something and zap-you have an article about it. Telepathic!!
I have read all the comments from your “Fans”. Obviously, you have more followers who are very dedicated to you and your fee advise. That says volumes about you and your efforts, and your staff. Don’t sweat the ignorant! I find you fabulous!
Mike, I love your site, your info and videos. Ignore the nay sayers and please keep it coming. Your video with the donkeys made me jealous. I would love to have some of my own; they are so sweet, but circumstances don’t allow it for me. So you are absolutely right, people like me get our enjoyment from watching you interact with them. So I thank you. I’ve learned a lot about plants and planting from you and when I have a question I come to your site first looking for the answer. So thank you again and give those sweet little guys a hug for me.
Thanks Liv and I will hug the donkeys for you!
Don’t stop! I have enjoyed EVERYTHING I have seen from you AND your most capable staff.
Don’t even consider pleasing everyone, it can’t be done.
What I see from you is good old fashion common sence and NO PRETENCE.
Marty Vaughan
Wilmington, NC
Thanks Martin, we’ll keep it coming.
Never give up Mike or try to please everyone. If this person wants to cancel you, let them do so. But we are still your fans. Keep it coming !!
Please don’t stop Mike, I’ve learned so much from you. I enjoy this site everyday and look for it when I open my emails, with my first cup of coffee in the A.M.!
Even if it is something I won’t try I read, it’s informative, interesting, and I like the way you present stuff. Thanks friend,
Thanks Sheri, I appreciate that.
you are great at what you do, keep it up. I learned more from you than 50 gardening books I have and still learning with each mail I get THANK YOU,LALE
Thank you Lale,
I truly appreciate that.
Hi Mike,
I too have enjoyed reading your newsletter. You keep things fairly simple and I like the no nonsense approach. I love your videos showing us exactly how to do things, like doing the root cuttings and how to trim and shape various shrubs and plants.
I do appreciate all the time and effort that goes into making these newsletters and videos. Please keep up the great work!
You can not please every one all the time so don’t fret about it and just please keep doing what you are doing and how you are doing it!
Ellie in Kelowna, B.C, Canada
Maybe that subscriber is related to the donkeys. Love the stories and them playing with you while you work your magic. Keep up the good work.
Maybe that Jackass was jealous of your donkeys??!!
Keep up the great work!
There always will be some who complain , they don’t realize the effort you put into your web site and newsletter,the vast majority of us appreciate you passing on your garden knowledge to us, keep it up Mike and all the best for the future
yours sincerely
Barry Hill
Melbourne Australia
Thank you Barry and everybody else that has shown their appreciation. I know most of you care and do appreciate all we do to keep the wheels on this thing, but it only takes one to make you really, really mad. Thanks again.
Usually when someone gets upset over trivial things they have a personal problem that is not related to what they blew up about. You’re awesome. I hope they get better.
Your site provides excellent information. Amber sent me an email acknowledgement to a message sent and it was good feedback.
I am in the process of reworking my backyard. It is the size of a postage stamp, but as you say, we need to garden in an efficient manner.
Thank you for your information to date. My wife and I are moving into retirement in the next couple of years and we intend to do more gardening.
I am going to forward your site address to some friends and colleagues with the stipulation that you have intellectual property rights.
Thank you again,
Mark and Shelby
Ottawa, Ontario
Thank you Mark, I appreciate that!
I am one of the city people who signed up for your news letter a year or more a go with the hope and dream of gardening and eventually homesteading but the gardening was a one of those one of these days projects and the homesteading was just a dream that probably never would happen as such a lot of your newsletters went unread, most are still in the email box buried waiting for me to discover all the good info inside. Now God has bless me with a peace of heaven all my own its in Cincinnati Ohio near the Delhi area and to my delight this hidden wonder of land is huge with mostly woodland with a football field size area of grassland yet its in town ! a bus comes a block away ! Now all those old news letters are GOLD to me. Thanks so much for them. As far as your more homesteading type post they are to me the most valuable post you have. I’m a city girl gone country and do not have a clue were too start. Your post are well written in a way a biggener can work with. Most homesteading post from else were are too complicated assuming you have some knowledge. So please continue with what you are doing both with the gardening as well as the other stuff and know that you are helping someones dreams come true in more ways than you know. (I have a high functioning autism child who is soothed by nature and homesteading projects help him )
I am delighted for you and your son! I hope this move to the country is an adventure for you every single day. Enjoy what others never will.
Screw who ever it was that slammed ya. I thoroughly enjoy every newsletter and appreciate all yer posts. They are all informative and entertaining! Anybody that can’t find the value in your efforts must suffer from oxygen deprivation due to head being lodged in anal cavity! Keep up the good work, many of us really appreciate what you do!
I’m only here to learn how to grow plants. 🙂
Mike, I can’t believe how generous you are with your knowledge about plants. I am very thankful to you for your newsletters and the information you share regularly. I have used your simple little idea of making cuttings in plastic baskets from Dollar Tree and I got lots of new starts. Thanks so much. Forget what your critics have to say. There’s always someone out there who will find something to criticize people about. Thanks a million and keep those newsletters coming. I also appreciate all your hard work so we can benefit!!!!!
I have been a follower for awhile now and love love love your video on rooting plants in the sand and small container. It worked!!! I just potted the new plants and hope they will continue to grow for me. I am making plants to landscape right here at home. If it weren’t for your how-to video, I would still be scratching my head on where to start. Thanks for all your help.
You keep going mike!!!!!
Love ALL your tips
Mike, I’ve enjoyed everything you’ve published and have also printed out and shared it with friends. A lady I work for has a lot of hydrangeas and you’ve posted the best information yet about them and I shared it with her. Keep up the good work! We love ya!
Hi Mike, Love the goats and donkeys, love the plant info. I have a special interest in bees and see them as overwhelmingly inter-connected with plants/growing/gardening and of course pollination.So a big HEEEYAAA to Dustin and thanks. Don’t go changing, this is the best site Ive found and the one I use most. Luvsya all. Tish
You just keep right on talking about all of the antics of your growing property and family.
It keeps your news letter from being dry. It makes you personable and feels like your the neighbor just over the hill.
I for one enjoy it and if i am not interested in something i skim it and usually later (a month or so) i end up reading everything throughly. Keep them coming
Mike, you just keep on being you, and that’s enough for the majority of us who don’t judge! I thoroughly enjoy reading all about ALL of your “antics” 🙂
I look forward to your emails. I am so grateful that I found your site. You are a wealth of information. I go along with the others…if you post something that doesn’t interest me I skim over it but always come away with useful info.
Keep up the good work!!
Hey Mike,
One of the things I like best about you is that you say it like it is! I, for one, respect authenticity in a person. I look forward to reading your newsletters as well as your blog. Donkeys, Goats, Beekeeping, it’s all good. YOU are likeable Mike and people do business with people they know, like, and trust. You are appreciated! Keep doing what you are doing my friend.
Thanks, I truly appreciate that. And you’re right, I mention things that I know are going to get me in trouble with some, but I’d be less than honest if I didn’t share what I do and what works for me and why.
Well he sounds like a real Jack A$$!!!! Lol. I love reading your article about plants and animals! Oh an to watch your videos is just an extra bonus for me. Just love you accent! I don’t comment much but I am listening!! Thanks so much for all you do Mike.
I like your blogs. Forget the criticism. You rubber chickens are legend.
Hi Mike, and your great crew.
I love your newsletter with it’s variety of information and
a good laugh every now and then.
You are all doing a super job, and I really appreciate all the
time and effort that goes into this work.
I really appreciate all your work, and keep it up.
Thanks for all the wonderful information you have sent my way.
Ellie in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
Thanks Ellie, I appreciate you!
So… Who wants to deal with only plants all the time?.. so you’re not allowed to have a life ? Sorry, I have pets and love talking about mine, so u should be happy to post about yours… AND I’m more than thrilled to read about them. I want one now (Mini donkey)So whoever the long time free subscriber that removed his name should be ashamed of himself for upsetting you… Computers come with a delete button for just this reason… You don’t want to read about it? Hit delete !! You have given me more information about plants then I have ever even searched for, I thank you for that,, The information about everything else is just bonus for me !! I’m sure others will agree with me that you post all you want about your other hobbies, pets and interests.. Most of us are happy to read on.. those that don’t want to.. Please hit delete and leave Mike do whatever it is he wants to do.. Plant information will be there !!
Keep it up Mike….. if you need a break, you’re allowed to have one… this stuff is FREE everyone,don’t get mad since you’re NOT paying for it,, there’s always delete !!
Thanks Kathy, I appreciate your support. By the way, I love my donkeys and will post more photos soon. And they love us right back!
Well if the person that slammed you for not keeping it a gardening blog and only that you might remind yourself that you “can’t please everybody”, You never will! On average how many people do your emails too? Loosing one here and there should be the least of your worries! Besides you be working on the next article anyway!LOL!
Anyone gives you anymore crap about your donkeys, remind them that the donkeys will give you plenty of crap on there own and you can turn that is great fertilizer, SO they can keep the the shiz they are shoveling! LOL!
As for the goats you don’t and never expected them to work for everyone. Remind them that any more crap about goats you will turn one loose on there new red maple tree starts! LOL!
Don’t get upset with small minded people. Those who really are out for one thing. What is in it for them! If they realized how lucky they are to get free info that is informative and useful if they want to grow small cuttings or not! If I am not interested in growing things your way, I can stop reading (just an example). I am fully aware that you “can’t please everybody”!!!!
You do a very good job at making and sending out articles! Keep up the GREAT work! Don’t let the little things get to you! and By all means ” Stay Inspired”
Thank you Mike!
Mike, i’m kinda like the guy you said that sent you a rude letter………but the difference between me and himn is, i don’t send rude letters. i love reading your articles about plants. i did the $7 trail offer on your “Backyard Growing System,” and i loved it!!! i even bought some rooted cuttings, but, at this time i just can’t afford the $67 a month for the program. but and if i can get enough plants ahead where i can get started selling plants, then i’d try to do the rest of the program. i wish you could break this payment down to about half of this much and let us pay you a bit longer and i probably could afford the program. at least i’d try. it is an amazing program. at least i could buy more liner plants and get my business started sooner.
thanks sooo much for reading.
Hey Mike,
I think you are the best! Love your site, have learned a lot! My hubby and I are struggling with the tx soil we have and the heat. I “think” we are finally getting a heads up on it, (we do strictly raised beds) and are fortunate to have a yr round growing season.! Anyway, love your site, really like the extras on the pets, don’t worry about nay sayers. Their lost!Good job! Keep it up and please don’t change a thing!
Thanks Shirley, I appreciate your support. Texas? Lots of shading materials.
Mike I’d been reading your “free” content for years. For a “Dumb Ole Dirt Farmer” you’ve not only inspired us, you’ve taught us a lot. I became a full member in April. While I’m not very advanced in it, the fault alone is mine. It has nothing to do with the ADDITIONAL information on various subjects, which I love. They also inspire and teach me. The member that left should invest in a rubber chicken and put it where the sun doesn’t shine….. Whoa now, I meant plant it in the garden…. I think you have an instructional video for that too. Stay dirty Mike and keep it ALL coming. As you tell us, STAY INSPIRED!!! Thank You!
I don’t really care for goats, they smell bad, climb all over and eat EVERYTHING, but some people love them. I would like to have a little donkey but I don’t have anywhere to house him. I don’t have a green thumb, most of what I try to grow dies BUT I find these things very interesting to read about. I like to know what’s going on in the world of others. I think you do an excellent job of telling me HOW TO DO something that will benefit me IF I choose to use the information. Anyone who is stupid enough to complain about something so valuable that he can get for FREE just because it has a few things on the site that he is not interested in is ungrateful to say the least and you have no reason to be concerned about such a person. There are too many of us who ARE grateful to you.
Thank you Marilyn for you support and I’m glad we are able to keep you interested and engaged!
Dear Mike,
Don’t let one crab apple spoil the whole bunch! There are so many of its who really love you,not only for just being you, but we do realize all that you do-for free! I have been subscribing to you for about 10 hrs Ann’s save all your advice and send my friends to you.
Please keep doin what you do cause you sins alot of sunshine in my life! Sorry I haven’t told you sooner…
God Bless
Deb Dodson
Thank you. I truly appreciate subscribers and customers like you and I hope that I can bring a little sunshine to at least a few. Thanks again.
Hi Mike,
I don’t get it – if you don’t like the donkey posts, don’t read them! The plant posts are still there, it’s not that hard to find’m and read, just as before. As for me, I LOVE the donkey posts, the bee posts, goat posts, and whatever else you’ve got for us.
THANK YOU ALL for taking the time to provide this service for us. It’s fun, relaxing and inspiring to read, and enjoy the pictures – kind of like a stint in the garden. I do video editing, and understand the time it takes to create each blog post well. You do a great job, and I hope you know even when nobody’s writing in, how much fun it is to read. I’ll be getting paid for a job in about a week or so, and I’ll be buying your book+, and it’s your most recent unsubscriber who’s provoked me to finally take that step. I just hope you ship to Sweden!
I just joined this web site and I truly enjoy all the thought that goes into what you do to help us solve the problems in our gardens Im open to trying new things , Thanks Mike for all you good Ideas keep up the good work ! from california .
Thanks Barb, Duston, Amber and I will do our best to keep it coming!
Mike I have enjoyed your publications for about 10 years and haven’t even started growing yet. I know how much work it is to do what you do. You’re all heart! The picture with the rubber chickens really cracks me up!!!! LOL! Thanks. You made my day!
Thanks Valerie, I appreciate you.
Don’t lose any sleep over one,or one hundred comments. As long as you can face yourself in the morning while shaving. No one, including you or I, will ever be able to please everyone. You make an honest effort, most people, including me, like what you do and what you write. If others don’t, they have free will to look elsewhere. This is such a great country to live in, and we are so blessed to be able to do so. Thank you for all that you do for everyone.
Everything you share empowers me even more to succeed in this business.
Trust me when I say we appreciate every last word you put out there.
Keep it coming!
Best regards,
Hi Mike, keep all the homesteading-type topics coming! I loved reading about the bees, and am also interested in the donkeys. If you want to write about chickens or goats, that would be cool too. Thanks for the interesting content.
Rachel, click on the blog link at the top of the page, Duston has written a couple of article about goats.
take it one day at a time, i like the way you mix it up. its kept me reading your articles for years.
hi mike, you are doing a great job love your website and as far as the idiot whoslammed you, just do as i do just tell yourself that i don’t do stupid!! ignor them there is always a rotten apple in every barrel.
Why can’t folks remember to “walk a mile in the other guys moccasins” before
they flame off?
Thanks for putting out the newsletter. I look forward to it each time I see it pop in the mailbox. I have learned a ton from you and have tried doing my landscaping like yours. Your website is just full of information. I really like hearing about the chickens and donkeys too. I too cannot raise them as I don’t have that kind of property. But it is fun to read about them and see the pictures. Thank you for all you do for all of us ameteurs out here!!!
Keep up the AWESOME work!
Mike, if the guy that deleted you doesn’t like what he reads, tell him to go somewhere else. I’ve never written a post or a blog, I just read and listen to others. However, I feel this time it warranted that I comment. I cannot tell you how much I have learned from you and others that post on your website and it’s an absolute joy to open my email and see that I have something from you. I love your donkeys and anyone with the love for animals will to. So I say good riddens to the sourpuss that deleted you. He done us all a favor when he exited with his negativity. Keep up the good work. I’d be lost in my garden if I didn’t have your newsletter.
Thank you. I so appreciate subscribers like you and the good news is that the ones that spew negativity are out numbered by the kindhearted ones like you.
You know Mike, I like you more and more. Honestly the non plant stuff makes you more real. You market your stuff partly by being a real, just like us, person who is interested in the same things many of us are. I mentioned once that you can’t please everyone and you really just need to be you. So keep it coming. Get Duston out there if he wants to. Get Amber out there more as well, even though I don’t really don’t who she is. Keep up the great work.
Jason, I feel just as you do. The animals and the projects make for fun reading. I have noticed that people with Alzhimers get really crabby. That is the only reason I can come up with for someone slamming Mike.
Hi Mike,
The vast majority of subscribers read what interests them and skip over the rest, to complain about the huge amount of useful information supplied for free is not just ungrateful but downright rude!
I fully support your efforts and am grateful for the handy information provided.
From Jeff of New Zealand
Thanks Jeff, coming all the way from New Zealand I truly appreciate your comments.
Hi Mike, have not been on your site in about 7 years. I enjoyed learning how to take cutting’s from plants and watched them grow. Along with my lawn seeding business now, I am operating a state approved yard and garden waste compost facility here on my farm. I have been studying everything I can find about compost and have just started another class on composting. This is my 6th year at being a compost facility operator. Keeps me busy and out of trouble, any how glad to see you are still out there teaching and helping people grow plants. The world needs people like you!!!!
Thanks Harry, I truly appreciate your comments. It’s great to have you back and congratulations with the many success you’ve had in the green industry.
I just started your system Mike. I have enjoyed everything that has been put on the blog. I have enjoyed being in business for myself the past three years. But when personalities conflict it is easy to take it to hart. If this individual is part of The Backyard Growers Business Center. I would be happy to take there place.
Keep On Keepin’ On
William C. Probst
You need chickens, all shapes and colors. And, by all means, show us the eggs they produce! We can’t have those either and we like looking at them. I suggest goatcam so we can watch them while we work on our computers! I WOULD TUNE IN FOR THAT!
Your suggestions are great, some we have considered. Where is all of this going? I really have no idea but stick with me and we’ll both enjoy the ride!
Mike, I appreciate the varied information. I loved the bee keeping article. I moved from the big city about 7 years ago and I recently retired. I always worked endless hours plus raised 4 children as a single parent which meant that gardening outside of house plants got set back. Now I am able to garden and I am just learning. I appreciate learning about rural living as I live 45 miles from town. I have lots of rough property and am learning what to do with it. I say I’m sort of older to become a farm girl but what a joy it is. Keep up the great work and as one of your folks wrote…”you cant’ please everyone”. God Bless
Thanks Linda and wishing you the best with new endeavors!
I truly loved the introduction of the new babies. They are too cute! 😀
And the goats! I have been pondering purchasing a pair of goats for several years, but everyone, well not EVERYONE – those I’ve spoken with, has/have warned me of their “lack of an instinct for living. If they get ill, they won’t fight to live.” Don’t know if a word of that is true, so I’m hoping to learn more about the wee weed eaters ’cause I have a back yard that is screaming for a munching! 😉
Thanks for all you do for us! I know from past experience, website building is serious manual and brain labor! You’ve got a great site! Kudos to Duston, Amber, and Cathy! Great job! 🙂
Thank you Trudy, your comments are appreciated.
Trudy, there are only a few animals that, if dropped on a deserted island, would not only survive without human help but THRIVE, and one of those is GOATS. They seem to have an innate knowledge of what will or won’t make them sick, and the dozens I had through the years managed to stay healthy nearly all the time. If you feed them good clean feed, keep fresh clean water where they can drink it, provide cool summer shade and a relatively warm shelter in the winter (it does NOT have to be heated – they grow furry coats!), keep good tight fences around their enclosure that they can’t stick legs or heads through (and they’ll try!), don’t let dogs or children chase them, and don’t let people MESS with them to make’em mean, you will enjoy having your goats. I never heard that – or saw it with my own – about a sick goat just giving up. They WANT to live! Yeah, a little bitty BABY might not have the energy to fight it, but an adult? They opt for life, just like most everything else. I spent a lot of time with mine, bottlefeeding the kids from just after they got their colostrum, so they imprinted on ME and were tame as a bunch of little puppies, always coming when called. Raising goats is like raising anything else – you get out of it what you put into it. Use good common sense, and remember that they BROWSE on twigs, leaves, and stuff like that, besides nibbling grass – so they find roses, shrubs, baby trees, etc. all to their liking! KEEP THEM FENCED SECURELY!!!
In a rugged area of the Pacific coast, there is a goat dairy that sells wonderful cheese. They were having a problem with predators. Some of the pregnant goats preferred to have their babies out in the pasture instead of the barn, so they got a few llamas to patrol the fences and protect the mamas. Works like a charm.
I think you’re doing just fine. I always enjoy your newsletters and post no matter what you write about.
Hi Mike,
Don’t worry about narrow minded individuals. You do a great job and great service for the internet community. I for one like to know about different things, and if it’s not something I’m interested in, I don’t read it. No big deal. If someone has an issue with what you are putting out, then the problem is with them. I wish them luck writing their own plant blog. I for one, will stick with you!
Thanks for all you’ve done, do, and will do!
Keep inspiring 🙂
Capt Rob
Thank you CaptRob, I truly appreciate your support and will strive to make what we do as interesting as ever.
Mike, I have enjoyed your efforts for years. I am retired now, but in the past I worked in communications and team efforts as part of my job. I do have some idea of the amount of effort it takes to put together a project. The fact you do it weekly and with only a minimal staff is astounding. I have not read the criticism involved but my advice is blow it off and don’t give it a second thought. You provide your readers with a wonderfully diverse amount of information that is highly understandable and sometimes amusing. Laughter is good for the soul. Thank you so much for all you provide and no that this reader very much appreciates you and your labors, Keep up the great work.
Thank you Norman, with your background, you know what it takes. I spent about 4 hours putting that weed article together and that’s not counting the time to take the photos.
Good article some people are just not satisfied with what is written. If don’t like what is written don’t read it or any more
You can’t please everyone, and the internet makes some people feel entitled to be rude. Don’t let it get to you.
I only have a 10 x 20 community garden plot because I live in the city. So unfortunately I don’t have any donkeys or goats. All the more reason why I like hearing about them, so I can enjoy them vicariously!