I love getting notes like this!
Mike, I made my first sale of plants and it was a $500.00 order!
One person, my very first customer, placed a $500.00 order over the phone.
I had started a bunch of seeds back in May, I love seeds! I had over 100 xxxx plants in 4 inch pots that I had started around the first of May along with some other things. I got started too late for this seasons big sale time, so I did what I could. I planted things I thought would sell quick and took hundreds of cuttings for next year.
I did what you said and on July 6th I sold exactly 100 plants to woman that owns a nursery not far from me. She called me and asked how many I had of the xxxx plants and offered to buy all 100 of them, then asked me the price. I said $4.98, she said sold. She came later and picked them up.
It really is that simple!
Thank you very much Mike!
Brian from Tampa, Florida
Keep on keeping on. Some people are not happy no matter what you do. I love your emails.
I want to buy the propagating book.please send info,etc.
Sue Bible
I assume that I have the same pesky tree as Pete…tree of Paradise. I/ve cut down and treated the stumps with Tordon. Kills off the shoots around that stump okay but then I get new trees twenty..thirty feet away …and they just keep spreading…HELP!
Roger Simmons
All plants need water, sunlight and nutrition to survive. If you continually remove these sprouts as soon as they even start to show, eventually the plant will not have the nutrition or stamina to keep it up. Smother the area with newspaper and mulch or selectively apply an herbicide if that’s what you want to use. Just keep at it, don’t let the tree get ahead of you. You have to be on this weekly, not once every few weeks.
Hi Mike tree of heaven has invaded my property, How do I get rid of this pesky tree, it’s even growin in my garage,any help is greatly appreciated.,Thank-you,Pete.
What email Address can I use to contact you?
I don’t receive incoming Email, it all goes to my assistant. It’s all I can do to keep up with this blog and helping my customers.
I want to buy the propagating book. Please send info,etc.
I would like Brian’s address as I live just south of him in Venice snd am interested in getting started at home but I have no idea what to grow for this clinate and need some help getting started. Can you put me in cintact with him? I have purchased your “Small Plants Big Profits from Home” guide alresdy and have started reading!