As a gardener it’s really, really important that you know what gardening zone you live in. Most plants are sold and advertised to be cold hardy to a certain zone. Or some plants can only tolerate so much heat.
So if you are confused or wondering about what zone you are actually in, here are a couple of links to gardening zone maps that will help you.
NVDon says
The Hardiness Zone Map for the USA can be found here:
Gloria says
The West Coast is in need of advice. Not everyone lives on your side of the USA. Please help us too.
Mike says
Plants are plants are plants. The techniques are the same, the plants can vary but not as much as you think.
Toni says
For a better map (one that includes the whole country, for those of us who don’t live in Ontario) of the hardiness zones in Canada, visit:,-1014246.9714679,5207617.9137148,4184018.9714679&layers=place37M,place25M,place15M,place5M,place1M,place500K,place250K;rivers25M,rivers15M,rivers5M,rivers1M,rivers500K,lakes37M,lakes25M,lakes15M,lakes5M,lakes1M,lakes500K,Roads25M,Roads15M,Roads5M,Roads1M,Roads500K,ferry500K,bndy5-37M,bndy1M,BndyLn1-5M;PlantHardinessZone2000;
Reb says
Yes I agree with your propagation system, alone with good weather I have had a good season in Mid Georgia as my house beds are in a 27 x 90 unit and I have got approximately 45,000 plants this year(blueberries) and I hope to do next year. I will say with the good Lords help I have really had good success as my contaiers that I rut in hold approsimately 55 plants or cuttings and I am averging 50 well rooted plants. Thanks again for all yor help and advice. “Reb”
Mike says
Reb, 45,000 plants is fantastic! Congratulations on a job well done.
Curtis Bartz says
I have enjoyed your gardening advice and short videos. You have been an inspiration to try to get production from a few acres here in North Carolina. I am finding the things that grow best are those that grow naturally. The swarms of insects and heat quickly convince the natural selection has occurred for a reason. Any ideas on profitable crops in our environment?
Mike says
North Carolina is absolutely one of the best growing climates you can have, your choices are endless. Think about things that flower, things that garden centers regularly carry as well as the landscape trade.
Curtis Tiffany says
I enjoy all of these comments. I too have the same desire that Mr Bartz has in comment dated 12/3, in North Carolina. I too am VERY gratefull for any and ALL advice you have to offer. I’m located in South Eastern Arizona, 45 miles No.of Douglas, Az. in the small community of Sunizona . I’m looking forward to my $4.97 pots UPS delivery.