Once or twice a year we invite our Backyard Growers to my place, Mike’s Plant Farm, here in Perry, Ohio. Each year we have a group of wonderful people. We enjoy the day talking plants, plant propagation, growing and selling plants and we eat. And of course the donkeys love the company.
We also do lot of plant buying, selling and trading. Most of these photos are of the group admiring and shopping out of the back of Roger’s van and looking over some flats of cuttings that I was selling.
This photo was taken near my plant propagation area. To the right you can see our potting benches and the huge pile of potting soil.
This next photo has it all. Backyard Growers. Off to the left you can see flats of hardwood cuttings that were started in January. Right in the middle in the foreground, under the PVC pipes and snow fence are thousands and thousands of softwood cuttings that were started in June and are fully rooted. This photo was taken on August 13, 2014. Off to the right you can’t see the cuttings, but you can see the Flat Head Spray Nozzles spraying cuttings that were recently stuck. In the backyard the potting soil pile and beyond that the donkeys looking for a little attention.
Let the shopping begin! Roger Higgins came to our Shindig with a van load of load of plants to sell and sell he did! That’s Duston off to the right trying to figure out what’s so interesting in the back of Roger’s van.
Looking this way is Stan Raden and his wife. I hate to admit that I can’t remember the name of the third person in the photo. These Shindig Days fly by so fast I can barely find time to visit half the people that show up. I elated to say that Stan and wife made it a point to tell me how well their plant business is going. I always love to hear stories like that!

In the wheelbarrow I think I see a flat of Dappled Willow cuttings as well as a flat of Golden Curls Willow cuttings.

Another van load of plants being offered for sale. See that box sticking out the window? This person won one of our Propagation Systems in the door prize drawing!!!!

Roger Higgins, price list in hand, explaining something about plants. See that orange dish pan of cuttings? Pretty sure that’s the flat of Arctic Willow cuttings that I bought from Roger.
It’s an absolute blast having so many plant loving people at our place at one time. The time and flies and before you know it it’s over. But we’ve been doing this for so long, so many lifetime friendships have been formed over the years. That’s one of the reasons why I do what I do.
Questions or comments? Post em below!
Mike, When is your shindig? I would like to come check out your stuff. Thanks, Anna
I sent you an email Anna.
All I have is city water, how do I water my plants?
Lots of people water their plants with city water, even some of my stuff gets watered with city water, but most of it is well water. You might consider a well point. Look that up on youtube.
Hello-I came upon this page searching for a local supplier of willow whips. I’m hoping to create a living willow hut for our playground. Do you supply/ know of any contact? Thank you!
Yes Mike, that is the box you bought. Thank you for allowing us to sell our “babies” there and especially for buying one of my boxes of cuttings. It was a wild and exciting time as usual at the Shindig. This was our 4th year being there. I enjoy meeting the members that we only get read about.
This looks like great fun, and I am envious of everyone who was able to come, and we are aiming for next year. And let me add a comment about our progress with the business. We are getting ready to pot and process the Christmas Cactus which I purchased starts of 2 years ago on the board. they are huge thriving plants, and will be no problem to sell for 5.00 each.
This was my first shindig. It was every bit as fun and educational as Mike says. The nursery tours on the days leading up to the shindig were great also. Make plans to be at the 2015 shindig!