Miniature Donkeys Running for President.
Mike’s Plant Farm
4850 North Ridge Road
Perry, Ohio 44081
These two nut cases have been driving me crazy ever since they found out that this is a presidential election year. They want to run for president! Together. On the equine ticket.

At first I paid them no attention, then the other night I saw a CNN reporter interviewing the north end of a southbound horse that’s running for president. So I figured why not Finnegan and Fergus?
So I decided to get behind them and offer my full support.

Finnegan McGroarty practicing his stump speech.

Yep! It’s official, they’re running.

Fergus explains why we need election reform.

Fence liking should be a sport.
At first I didn’t think that Fergus would make a good presidential candidate because he’s a bit of a fence licker. But my friend said that Washington is full of fence lickers, boot lickers and all kinds of other unsavory characters. He said he’ll fit right in. True or not, he’s running!

Get your picture made with the candidates!
If you’re in the area, stop in and meet the candidates.
Mike’s Plant Farm
4850 North Ridge Road
Perry, Ohio 44081
Are you willing to support the donkeys? They need your vote!
You can vote and offer your comments below.
Sounds like two great candidates! Either one would do better than what we have now, a disaster and a freak show!
Lol!! too funny! They are better than what we have to choose from!
You are just downright funny!
They are the best by far. Have my vote😀
I’ve been trying to figure the less of 2 evils as usual election time, but now we have a real choice! I wonder if enough people write in vote for Fergus n Finnegan 2020 would there have to be a recount? At least send a message as citizens, as if the politicians care. Now I have to decide between these guys and Zach de la Rocha.
Will they be bringing their family members, especially their son-in-laws? Depending on who wins, I may be moving to Sweden. I think they are still a neutral country! On second thought, maybe we have too many asses in Washington already. Sorry, Finnegan and Fergus the timing is not right!
Count me in! Where are the ballot boxes?
They got my vote too!
Briiliant Mike! Thank you for putting everything in perspective.
if one doesnt win, demand a full ballot recount., manually
Well they have already won in the cuteness department! Don’t insult them by saying the present condidates are jackasses.
What is their stand on corona being a zoodonic ? Are you wallace moderator ?!!!! Ha ha ha I was rolling on the floor ! A d it seems the thing is to repeat yourself a couple times i was rolling on the floor !!! Johnny would have reemed them a new one !!!! Johnny would have reeeeeemed them a new one !!!!!
I bet they would do a better job !!! Very funny and I enjoyed you sense of humor.
They have my vote! Better than anything else that’s running!!!
Thanks for the light hearted reason to laugh!
One thing they have going for them, they are very determined when they have a goal!
very funny lol
Oh darn, I issed the first debate. Please advertise the date of the second debate more often so we wont miss it too. I’m still a bit undecided. I would like to hear their options on health care for the elderly.
Love those babies!! So cute! Got my vote. You gave us all a laugh and made my day! Love your humor ( two nut cases) lol. You know they are your best friends. Great pic in the frame. Make some pictures up and sell them. Campaign pics. Lol thanksfor the laugh.
Well they’ve got my vote !! Love the bell ringing. Those 2 are so funny !!
I would definitely vote for them. They are better than whats in there LOL
They have my vote, even if I am from Canada!
Good Democrats!
Better Republicans.
If we all get together and vote them in I’m sure congress will get a KICK out of them too!
I have already voted for Fergus and Finnegan McGroarty as write in candidates.. I feel that they can do a better job than the jackass`s that claim to be doing the job….m2c
Luckily as I live in England I don’t have a vote, but Finnegan and Fergus get my support.
God bless the USA.
Good morning,
Thank you for the pictures of the candidates, does one seem to sleep more then the other or is more confused most of the time? If so I would be concerned 😟 🙃
Pleasent side there both adorable and we love the work you do. Good luck with the election.
The Equine-ticket!! 🍃
Now that’s the ticket. . . Where do I signup?
Wish I lived closer so I can have my picture made with them. I’d proudly display it in my yard.
So funny! I love humor like this! Can I share the picture and your comments from your email on social media?
Lynne, yes you can.
That’s where this information needs to be … on social media!! Love this. We all need a bit of humor these days. Keep it up, Mike.
They are the only donkeys I would vote for. Fence lockers are ok in my book. It’s the boot licking donkey that’s unfit.
THANKS! I was wishing there was a candidate that I could fully support. Where do we send campaign donations? I only ask that they do not robo-call me every day.
Finally, candidates worth voting for! One will be the write-in vote!
Yes, I would have voted for Fergus if he were on the ballot, there were enough jackasses running as it were.I am quite sure I am not the first one to say so..However I do enjoy your web site.
Lol this is hysterical!! Thanks for the laugh Mike! (Coming to the party very late here) But it was still funny!
Mike your so harlious, we need a good laugh..” I’m not a voter….” You hit it again….” Love your donkey’s. Thanks for all the years of gardening” Bless you ”…😊🙏
I would vote 4 them. Although they already have someone running on the Jackass ticket don’t they.
You made me smile.
Sorry – your donkeys are precious and I love them; but I just cannot bring myself to vote for what is known in other circles as a jacka**. They would probably be as good for running the country as the Jenny who was running. But my memory is too good, so I’m an elephant!
Finnigan says …. Mr. McG. Tear down this fence !
I can just about guarantee that you are voting for a donkey whomever that might be!
So true, I fear!
Dear Mike, Hooray for your candidates! Did you or your family ever reside in the EastEnd of Pittsburgh.? On Alder St? They were my next door neighbors.
Mary Lou,
Not my immediate family, but my dad did have relatives in that area as well as New Jersey.
Mike, I think you are having way too much fun with your donkeys! As I sit here giggling, I wish I had seen this before I voted. HeHeHe Too cute.
I will vote for your donkeys. and some of their friends as well, you now them, the turkeys And chickens. Lots of love.
Hey Mike you are so funny. I appreciate the humor & all the effort you put into the cuteness of your intelligent fur friends. It’s a very pleasant change in times of so much stress
Thank you Susan and others for you support and kind comments. The donkeys and I are having a blast with this.
Apparently their IQ surpasses both major candidates, their temperament seems like it stays on an even keel (no outbursts or abnormal behavior), don’t seem as tho’ they would go out of their way to insult other world leaders or give away half the treasury to individuals that aren’t even supposed to be in our great country. THEY SURE HAVE MY VOTE!!!!!!!! walt
Man, if I had known this sooner I would have changed my vote
Wow, looking good. They could do a good job of cleaning up. Lol
Mr. McGroarty rides to Washington on a donkey! Good enough to make it into a movie.
You sure opened a can of worms. But after all is said we backyard growers really do appreciate what you and the donkeys do.
I have never laughed so hard and long! Thanks for the stress reliever! Loved all of the responses! The donkeys have my vote! Best asses in the race!
Nell from Tn
Fergus and Finnegan McGroarty seem to fine upstanding characters, at least, they would be better than Donald’s trumpeting and Hillery’s braying..
Meant 2020, not 2012.
Alas, my local ballot didn’t allow for write-in presidential candidates. At least voting for Finnegan and Fergus would have had me leaving the poll station with a smile on my face. Their photos indicated comparable qualifications to the big name candidates (i.e., licking something).
Mike, I presume you are their campaign manager. I know it’s hard for you to take time away from your plants, but for the good of the country you need to consider getting these two “citizens” into the fray for 2012. You can find a birth certificate for them, right?
Yeah, but the birther thing might be an issue. Seems it’s come up in the past.
I`LL VOTE FOR BOTH OF THEM. hey Mike can I trim my knock out roses now (nov) and can I use the trim and stick them and grow for planting next year?
You can trim your Knockout roses now but they are patented and you are not allowed to propagate them.
I’ll vote for each of the two very adorable donkey’s. They are better than the other donkey’s who are running, and much better looking 🙂
Actually, and unfortunately, in this election they may have enough made the best candidates.
I will give them my full support as they will do a much better job than the two mules that are running now.
Mike, they have my vote!
With Finnegan and Fergus in office and a cabinet of miniature horses I think we can set the country straight!
Hey, they fit right in with the other 2 jack*sses that are running…
Well, I did it! I just got back from voting….where I wrote in Finnegan and Fergus for President and Vice-President. I wasn’t about to waste my vote on those other two (four, if you count their VP’s) donkeys. I’m not sure they’ll win….but you never know……
That’s awesome! Thank you so much for the support!
Those two are the best! So they are both on one ticket? They have my vote!
Well, I was going to write in Huckleberry Hound for Prez today — yes, I think a cartoon character could do a better job than the folks who are actually applying for the position — but now, having been reminded that these two guys are running, I might have to reconsider. Decisions, decisions.
The Donkeys always warm my heart & make me smile. Today the news of them running was just over the top good! These two are just the best ever! Love your site & everything it represents! It’s all great!
I think they’d make better candidates than the candidates. At least they would have an excuse for acting like donkeys.
Hope I spelled their names right on the write in ballot ! ???
Love the donkeys. They have my vote. they are at least as good as what we have running now.
Wow and some people call these creatures a**es they are far less that word than the 2 running to head this country.
They should have started campaigning earlier because I think they are the smartest ones running. They have my vote.
Be choices I’ve seen so far.
I won’t be voting for either of the “F” bros. They are beautiful, smart, honest, dependable, reliable, and full of integrity. Why would we want to ruin them by sending them to Washington?
Thank you for looking out for them.
I agree. Fact is, Mike might wind up in trouble with the SPCA for putting them in the Washington madhouse.
Darn. I voted early and my state doesn’t allow changes. Maybe than can get a cabinet position.
Ill vote for them they are both so cute.
These 2 have my vote. They are much better than the ones running now.
The donkeys have my vote. Cute and personable. and not as stubborn as the mules in DC.
They’ve got my vote for President and Vice-President. Maybe they can teach them something in the White House!
Check out Rabbit Hash Kentucky, we have been electing our pets for years!
Sorry I didn’t see their name on the ballot only the the other two asses. I voted for one of them.
These donkey`s have my vote……surely they are better than the donkey`s we were given to choose from.
Better than the other choices we had. But I voted anyway.
My vote is cast for the donkeys! I think it is the safest way to go. They will always be honest in what they ask for and what they promise. If they are not happy they will make enough noise to let their world know about it.
Now we have a better choice then the 2 current “ASSES” we have !! Thank you Mike !
They are so adorable !!!! Of course I’ll vote for them !!! Certainly better than what we have running now!
Give them a hug from me I’m too far to do it myself.
Is this a subliminal message to vote for a Democrat donkey?
What about a few elephants?
Best wishes from the UK…
I will definitely vote for them. A breath of fresh air after this mud-slinging campaign season. Thank you, Mike, for bringing a smile to our faces today.
Why NOT vote for F and F !! The others on the ticket Are JACKASSES!!!!! 🙂 God Bless Ya MIKE!
They kind of look like the two that are already running, but much cuter! Go Donkeys go!
A vote for the Donkeys is not a waisted vote.
They kind of look like the two that are already running but much cuter! Go donkeys go!
A vote for the donkeys is a avote I can live with, better than the other two
They make more sense than the other two jackasses running….cuter, too!
Hi Mike ,,i absolutelly love your web site AND your idea for the donkeys is brilliant,they will be the best looking candidates ever and a WHOLE lot better for the country,,wishing them success in their campaign. keep on doing what you do and you do it sssoooo well,I loe gardening and you are the expert.
Thanks Noreen, I appreciate that.
After watching both the Conventions….count me in…the donkeys have my vote……And thanks for the website…enjoy, and learn much….
That follows with my philosophy that animals are much smarter than people. So that should work.
Hi Mike,
I love your cute little donkeys. I love gardening and would like to make a little extra money to support Gilligan’s Place, my deaf/blind dog sanctuary. Gilligan, my deaf Jack Russell Terrier wants to know if he could be in the Donkey’s cabinet when they are elected. He can’t hear (he’s totally deaf) but he barks a lot which is fine since no one in Washington listens anyway but they keep yapping.
Gilligan is in for sure!
Hey, why not? They can’t do any worse than the jackass that’s already in there.. I am sorry I just couldn’t esist.
I am promoting the Finnegan and Ferris For President campaign on both FB and Twitter. They have my complete support. Let me know if they need anyone to help with phone banking or canvassing.
The donkeys are so cute. I’ll keep my fingers crossed as I would love to win a membership.
Oh yes I would vote for your donkeys……….I need to know why my wisteria does not bloom? If it doesn’t I am going to chop it down.
They need to be well pruned and well fertilized in my experience.
They will make much better politicians than what we have and they will work for us. All they ask is to be fed and petted. They will definetly see that term limits are put in place.
I got behind on checking my emails, but is it too late to put a belated vote in for your 2 candidates? 🙂
Having raised 3 miniature donkeys for over 10 years I know how smart they are. These two will make everybody else in Washington D.C. look like the fools they are 🙂
Finnegan and Fergus have my vote(s) – no need to even think about it!!!
Thanks Tom, I’ll let them know!
Don’t you think we have enough “Donkeys” in the Whitehouse already? And in Congress & the Senate as well?
Larry, these are legitimate donkey, not the man made kind.
Good Answer Mike ! ??? ???
Well,, I’ll resist making this a blatant political comment but I will tell you I’d vote for either of them before a certain other candidate. At least there’s no indication that the donkeys are corrupt jackasses. Thanks for bringing a little humor to a serious, and anxious day.
It is an anxious day. Never felt anxiety walking in the election center before today.
Dang! I didn’t read this until I had already voted. The donkey I voted for wasn’t nearly as cute!
From Downunder, I just hope you all got out and voted today! Democracy only overcomes corruption if everybody votes. No use saying “Aw, my little vote doesn’t count.’ IT DOES!
Amen Lynne from down under!
Wow! They’ve got my vote! Do they have any friends running for other offices? I’ll vote for them too. I sure would like to know who they endorse in the other races! Hee haw!
I’m sure your donkeys will win. I vote for them. Also look out for their other buddies. You know them the turkeys. And maybe some chickens as well.. Lots of love.
I will vote today but it will not be for killing babies, same sex marriages and legalizing drugs and all your donkeys stand for. They are definitely not Bible principles. You disappoint me as a follower.
Lanell Estes
It was a joke
I’m voting for those two adorable donkeys. With Mike as their campaign manager how could they lose !!
Thanks Patty, we truly appreciate your support!
Hey, they can have my vote, would probably do less harm if elected than any of the others running.
(@ Dotty, at least the manure won’t be coming out of their mouths).
They can have mine too ! ???????? love your comment ! ???
They look better than any of the current candidates, and would probably do less harm if elected! They have my vote. (At Dotty, at least the manure isn’t coming from their mouths).
They’ve got my vote FOR CERTAIN! Could not think of any two better for the jobs! How about a couple of your chickens running for Congress?
they have my vote!!! I’m sure they would be better at being President than anyone else who’s trying. I’ll pass the word along. Linda By the way, I always enjoy reading about your donkey’s. Linda
Thanks Linda, we appreciate your support.
They have my vote!!!! Better than the humans we have running the country now…or the ones seeking the position of leader.
Thanks Rhonda, appreciate your support.
They have my vote also. I think they could fit in very well, at least the best two asses around, and good looking too!!!
At least they could not be as bad as what we have now or as bad as what we will if Hillary get in there.. I have a white jack — that could be a part of their cabinet. at least they would be honest asses.
Pity you had to write that. You were the first to bring politics into it.
Well at least they don’t come with the baggage the current candidates have!
For the next election could we borrow/rent the donkeys. Sure better than the assses running Ontario ,Canada now
They’ll fit right in with the rest of the crowd in DC.
Fergus for president and Finnegan for Vice- president. I think they will be an excellent team.
Finnegan for Prez & Fergus for VP! (Finnegan already has the white hair for the job, will look just as good when done as now!)
They have my vote for sure!!! More donkey videos please.
While the donkeys look like the better choice at the moment I am afraid that, if elected, they also will be spreading ‘manure’ around Washington. You can lead an ass to Washington but you can’t make him use the indoor plumbing At least their manure won’t be nationwide!!
Hey Mike ! What a great Idea, teach your Donkey’s to move their lips a lot, and make sure they run on the Democratic ticket…..then we will know, like the last and future Democratic leader, …..if their Lips are Moving, we will know they are Lying….either one will make a good democratic candidate, they could also turn around and run as the …D mann D Rump………………You are great, thank you for being who you are and a true blessing to the average Joe like myself……….ted
Thanks Ted, I appreciate your support as do the donkeys.
Yes Ted, you can join them..then they will have plenty of manure for the Rose Garden when the Democrat gets in. Talk about a horse’s ass.
they are donkeys
Much better than the asses that are running!
They have my vote. They could do better than anyone we have had the past few years. And I’m not so sure about next year.
They have my vote!
Thanks to the donkeys for running, just don`t think I have the stomach for the ones on the ticket right now, at least their fertilizer does some good. Thank Mike for all you do for everyone.
If Finnegan turns around, what would we have? Future President Rump! 😉
They have my vote. They could do a better job than some of those polititians running.
Yee-Haw! My problem about who to vote for in the upcoming election is solved! I’d say from the looks of those beautiful signs, they are running a well organized and clean campaign. I like the way they are raising campaign funds by offering to take pictures with us loyal citizens, and I bet they are as concerned as any candidate out there about environmental issues. They got my vote!
Thanks Jan, we appreciate your support!
I love your sense of humour Mike. A worthy alternative to the mouthpiece and the hair.
Some people that run act like donkeys so why not have the real thing! If I lived close would come get my picture taken with them. Love it!!
Any chance of getting them to run on the Elephant ticket? I’d have voted for them in the primary, but was already registered Elephant, so could not get a Donkey ballot.
Have they yet worked out who will be the Prez and who will be the VP?
Since Fergus is the fence licker I think he’d appreciate the freedom of vice presidency so he can warm up to the secret service and get near the fence.
Definitely an upgrade to the current candidates pool.
Matenda, could not have said better.
I live in southwestern NM can you give me any advice on growing things here? It gets hot in the summer and can get cold in the winter. Our average rainfall is 9″ or less. It is alkaline soil too.
That’s a really broad question but I will tell you that we have a least one member in New Mexico who seems to be doing just fine. No matter what your climate you have to grow things that do well in such a climate. I tell people all the time, don’t buck the climate zones.
Anne, I am no Mike….but I can tell you this much….I live on Cape Cod….where is seems to rain far too much (would love to send some your way)….and I have had a terrible time with roses….can only grow them in certain areas. But the two times I visited Albuquerque….it seemed like EVERYONE had the most beautiful roses….many different varieties, too. I don’t care much for the xeroscaping….but I know you have problems with H2O. Wishing you the best of luck. And don’t forget to vote for Fergus and Finnegan!
-claudia gale
I’m in too!
Now I have someone to vote for!!! Hooray for Finnegane & Fergus. Good luck guys. We need a new breed in DC.
YUP mike, they got my vote! There may not be any other donkeys in the race, BUT there are a few asses. walt
Jim Says: Finnegan and Fergus can easily out-run anyone else seeking the presidency.
They have my vote! They look to be smarter than some of the jack asses already running! Love your stuff, Mike!
Sure, I will vote for Fergus & Finnegan.!! They would have to do a better job than those in power especially the commander and chief.
I just hope that we can wait that long for your candidatea.
Would definitely consider voting for Fergus and Finnegan – they could be on the list of write -in candidates listed on the bottom of the voting ticket! There are certainly no candidates running that I could vote for in good conscience.
OMGosh we laughed so hard Mike! ……
Thanks for the laughs, Mike you are awrsome love your donkeys stay blessed!
Mike, I like your post! Animals are so entertaining for us humans that are so easily amused! I love your furry friends. Thanks for keeping things simple in the growing arena! Happy Spring.
Great Donkeys! They have my vote!
I’m not an American, but from my vantage point the Donkeys would definitely be the best men for the President’s job! Good Luck guys!
yeah..except for the woman running.
Better those two Donkeys, than the jack-asses in DC now !!!
What a Terrific Plan! Perfect Choice.
Fergus and Finnegan McGroarty For United States President Two Miniature Donkey Strong! and Surely know What’s Best!
Great Job Mike. They couldn’t have a better campaign manager!
I fully support you and the Donkey’s quest.
Thanks CC, they are campaigning hard!
At least the S_ _ _ (stuff) they are spreading is the real thing!
They have my vote!
I just bumped into your site while searching on how to propigate plants.
My dad brought a lilac in from Wisconsin 20 years ago. It’s a beautiful deep purple color. Well, he passed away in June and we just sold the house. I know it’s only March, but I’m gonna try your method. We close on the house in a few days.
My dad was a self-taught master in the garden. He was a labor camp prisoner in Germany during WW II and worked for a farmer. Watching your video, you kinda reminded me of him. Simple is best.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your father, I hope you see success with the lilac cutting. Sometimes, the impossible happens for a reason.
Sorry for your loss Diane, as we look to the hope of resurrection of life… John 5:28 May Jah comfort your hreart….@
Those crazy Donks have my vote for sure!!
Those crazy Donks have core for sure!!
They definitely got my vote!!! Be the best looking President(s) we’ve ever had. Wonder what would be served at the Presidential Dinners?
First order of business – Animal Rights.
Sooooo cute! I will vote for them just because they look so much smarter than the current prez and the candidates.
They’ve definitely got my vote ~ Displaying a lot of intelligence!
Don’t we have enough jackasses running already???
Both sides
I hope they go far in their quest. If they make it to the ticket, I will definitely vote for them. I love what you have done for taking pictures!!
Thank you Toni for wishing them well!
Are you not sure they’re not Hilary and Bernie? Sure looks like them.
Love the pictures of your animals, and your suggestions.
The donkey’s are much smarter and better looking! I’m sure they could do a great job running the country.
so a vote for the donkeys is a avote I can live with. Looking forward to campaign reform and to new relations with our allies. So that they can call our president what he really is without insulting him ?
Finnegan could use some lipstick. Fergus needs a voice coach, I’m having trouble understanding his math, concerning the unemployment rate, and Finnegan confused me about the inflation numbers.
I’m waiting for their next debate to see who would be most comfortable with the DC crowd, then vote for the outsider.
I will pass on your concerns.