Each membership is a $610 value!
Be sure to throw your name in the hat.
Entering this contest is easy, simply post a comment below. On October 5th, 2016 we will randomly pick two people from those that posted a comment and you will be given a permanent, membership free of charge.

Backyard Growers Shindig 2016 at Mike’s Plant Farm, Perry, Ohio
What is the Backyard Growers Business Center? Check it Out Here.
Each summer we invite all of our members to a Shindig at Mike’s Plant Farm here in Perry, Ohio. I’ve been doing this for many, many years and it’s always a fun and exciting event. The above group photo was from this summer, 2016.
But the Backyard Growers Business Center is so much more than than. We are a huge family of people from several countries who look out for and care for each other. We openly share advice, we share what we are doing that works, we invite other members to visit our own nurseries and we buy and sell plants to and from each other.

Duston, Cathy, Pam and my grandson Gavin.
Cathy is our ace, she has been with us almost since the beginning. Gavin is making out a name tag for himself. His mom, Lorelei McGroarty is the one who took all of these photos for us. Thank you Lorelei!
Let’s face it, when you are starting out, trying to grow and sell plants for a profit, you are not always surrounded by people who believe in what you are doing. In many cases, they do everything they can to discourage you. But in the members area? That’s never the case. When somebody starts to question what they are doing or why all they have to do is pop in and let the other members know what’s going on and almost instantly they are given the encouragement and advice that they need.

Mike’s Plant Nursery Perry, Ohio
The Shindig always includes a tour of my nursery and I explain what we do and why we do it. This is our propagation area, in the lower left hand corner of the photo you can see a bed of cuttings. That bed is over 20′ long and we have five beds like that total.

I have no idea what I was talking about, but at least a few people seem interested.
In the Backyard Growers Business Center we have an area that we call the “Buy/Sell Area”. If you want to see how fast plants can sell, pay attention to that area. I remember early on one member posted some ferns for sale and sold $1,300 worth in 20 minutes and asked me to pull the ad because she was sold out!
Another time a member posted some rare Japanese maples and orders start pouring in. After about five days I congratulated him on selling over $10,000 worth of plants in less than a week. When I said that he wrote back and said he was “Gob Smacked” which I guess is an English term for being hit in the mouth, or taken completely by surprise. He was so caught up in processing orders he didn’t realize that he had booked $10,000 worth of orders.
Is it always that easy? No, of course not. But if you just watch the ads you’ll see how brisk the ordering process is.

Finnegan and Fergus love the Shindig!
Can’t have a Backyard Grower Shindig without a little donkey time can we?

Finnegan is all about getting his head scratched.

Inspecting the potting soil at Mike’s Perry, Ohio Nursery
How telling is this? People come to this event and they visit the nurseries of other backyard growers because they want to learn all aspects of this business, including the best potting soil recipes.
Okay. Seriously, I have to get to my fall plant sale.
If you want to be considered for one of these Free Memberships just post a comment below, the winners will be chosen randomly and announced on Oct 5, 2016. On October 10th, 2016 we will open up membership for new members, but we only leave it open for a few days.
-Mike McGroarty
Hi Mike! Pick me! Pick me! I really want his membership;)
Hi Mike…love your website! Please enter me into your free membership giveaway.
Great website.
Thank You Mike for sharing the wealth of information with us. Can’t put a price on this…
Would be a dream come true!
I commented on my email that I received but I would love to become a member. My 3 boys and wife love to garden and its a great activity for us all.Hoping to continue my little nursery and make it even better with your business Mike. Thanks.
Hello! I have been following your emails for a long time. I have learned a lot. I want to start a plant nursery so I can help my family financially, plus I love gardening. I feel the membership would help me a lot!
I would be great chance to be part of that.
I have learned many things already from you thank you.
Mike, Help! I spent all my money on plants and can’t afford to buy a membership. 🙂
I love reading all your posts. You share so much in an easy to understand manner. I can usually find out any information or advice I need on just about any garden topic. Thanks for all you do.
Just wanted to thank you for including me in your emails. As I am disabled I have limitations in working in the garden, and have found that your articles make my choices of what projects I take on more attainable, Your articles are very informative and enjoyable. Give my best to your sidekicks
Love getting all your emails. Would love to be a member!
Maybe a little luck will come my way
Mike, Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I am very excited to learn from you. I love the yard and garden and I am always looking for fun things to do outside. I am 55 years old and I am looking for things now that I can do as I age that keep me excited. As I get older, the things I do outside will change but my joy of gardening and nurturing will not. You fill my head with ideas for supplementing my 401K. I can’t thank you enough for sharing. Please enter me in your drawing. I am very grateful for all that you teach me. Have a terrific day. Sherry
Hi Mike!! Thank you for sharing so much with us. I just found you and am thrilled at what I’ve learned. Please enter me in the drawing. I’ve been struggling employment wise and you have provided the solution!! Thank you! Mark
thanks Mike you finish by saying by all means stay inspired that i am that i am living down under and have to adjust your calendar to suit my needs in sth australia anyrate once again big thanx bill
Mike, did I win yet???
Thanks Mike
Love all the information you put out. I have learned a lot.
My son and and I have learned a lot from you for free and I thank-you for that, Mike. We just ordered your growing system. Love your videos,dog and donkeys. May God Bless You with happiness and good health. Mary
Yes, please! I just discovered your site and system.
I love your website.
Thanks for all your information.
Please put my name in the hat for an opportunity for a lifetime membership
PS. Love that misting system !
I would love to have a permanent membership.
Good Afternoon, Mike & Company,
We’re setting up our farm next year for olive trees – look forward to continued hints and tips to spread the trees outward!
I love receiving your emails and save all of them in a special folder. A lifetime membership would be wonderful!!!
I like your tips. Very practical, easy, make sense. Read an article every day that you have put out.
Please pick me!
Your emails are always so interesting and informative.
Thank you.
Your emails are always so interesting and informative. Would love a lifetime membership
You have me inspired to start growing. Starting with tomatoes for flea markets, then on to bigger and better
Need lots of help with growing plants in central Arizona. Appreciate your sharing your knowledge.
I look forward to seeing your new posts each week. Thank you.
I would love to be a member. Retirement is coming fast.
I have been doing research on nurseries. I have wanted to have one ever since I was little of which I thank my Grandmother. We don’t have much for choices of the enormous amount of plants you can grow and how. This site was the first one that came up and than I got seeing all the information and I would love to have a membership so I can take a hobby to another level with something I just love.
My Dear Mike
I would greatly appreciate a membership…I am an avid gardener..
Raised on a family farm…lots of work but a best lifestyle…Lost both of my
parents now and am interested in organic plant raising…I appreciate all the
tip emails and info I am able to read because of your efforts…I would enjoy
learning more and be a part of your group site…this would help me grow
a business and use the ground that was ounce a wonderful farm lifestyle….
Thank You ever so much…
I’ll toss my hat into the running. *toss*
Ouch…you hit me….rofl
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks you and God bless you!!
Winning would be lifechanging.
I would love to get a lifetime membership! Thank you.
I just finished your article on blueberries. I have been trying to get a grasp on pruning my berries for a ong time!! Finally a simplistic easy to understand approach? Thanks Mike. I hope I win!!!
Mike, I learn a lot from reading your site and emails, I could only imagine what goes on in the member area. Please contact consider my hat tossed on for this drawing. Thank you.
I love to have a membership! I’ll toss my hat into the ring
Thanks for the chance to win a membership. I got your newsletter and wanted to throw my hat into the ring. I signed up years ago for the growing information and got you packet, but have not been able to afford the full membership to the Backyard Growers. Blessings
I have been propagating plants ever since I was about ten. Now when I have been retired for 20 years and I have tons of time to spare, Mike’s programs have been a real boast to me. I have stepped up the number of plants from which I take cuttings and also from many more different varieties – I find the whole process really exciting to be quite honest. Over the last two years I have started giving classes on propagating techniques which also gives me a heck of a kick. I wish that I had started doing this more in years past, but engineering got in the way I guess.
I became a Master Gardener some ten years ago and I teach classes to them and the general public, which gives me a great feeling of satisfaction. I imagine that Mike gets the same kick too.
I would love to become a member, to be able to have access to more different varieties, but I could never afford the fee, reasonable though it is.
I have enjoyed your news letters for going on 6 years now . Their always interesting and informative , i have learned allot from you and have tried a few things . I’m looking so forward to retirement so i can have the time to get a backyard nursery started . keep up the good work and bless you and your family.
Thank you for all your advise on on growing my own backyard nursery. I use gardening as a way to lower my stress levels and find piece. After my last tour in Iraq my acreage became my safe haven. We have a little of 5 acres my husband has said I could use. I just have to get started. By the way, I had a breakdown a few days ago and my VA Doc told me to go outside and get my hands dirty, with mowing or breaking up more soil. I love plants it is just hard to find the bare root plants here in Central Texas.
Why isn’t Fergus in the debated !???
Mike I would love to possibly win the membership. I am in a position where I need another direction and opportunity.
I don’t think my first comment went through, as I can only see posts from September 21st and older, so here goes again! 🙂
I would love to have a membership!
I would love to win a membership. I grow on a small basis and enjoy composting. I would like to gain more knowledge in propogation and growing plants
Been a fan for a couple of years now. Would love to get more serious about this business.
Thanks Mike for all the great info we get from your news letters.
I have been on this site off and on for some time now. Last night I realized that THIS is what I want to do with my time. This is my passion. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and allowing us into your home and nursery.
I would be honored to be in with the “in” crowd!
I grew to LOVE gardening through a garden program that was set up for the kindergarten classes at my school. Now I am retired and volunteer in this fabulous garden program. At home I spend hours in our vegetable and butterfly gardens. I don’t mind our ninety degree northeast Florida heat, but the bugs make gardening a huge challenge! I am a beginner and just discovered your website. WOW! Thank you for your great advice. I am going to try your rooting system using plastic tubs, sand, and white garbage bags 🙂 My goal is to propagate butterfly plants and get the neighborhood children to help attract and sustain our beautiful variety of butterflies. Kids love to watch the caterpillars grow and turn into butterflies. With a relatively quick life cycle, kids stay interested and very excited. Then they become enthusiastic gardeners! This is the best kind of education imaginable! Thank you for helping me become a better gardener and teacher. 🙂
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, Mike. I enjoy reading your emails and the information you provide. Please enter my name in your membership drawing.
Came for the blueberries hoot to leave with a membership
We live on a small farm raising and selling our own meats and eggs. It would be an added benefit to our customers to create and sell backyard nursery plants. We would love to win the membership and be part of this extraordinary community. Thank you for the opportunity!
Would love to join your shindig! We are opening our first nursery in February 2016 (with a lot of help from your web-site). Thanks for all your help and advice!
Oops… I meant February 2017.
It would be incredible to have a lifetime membership. It would be a great help to our family and our hopes to grow and sell plants. We are passionate about growing.
I have been following your posts for many years and never cease to be amazed in the quality information you offer. I learn something new every time you post.
Thank you for this opportunity and for sharing all you have done over the years.
Have a great day!
I’ll continue to be a fan of Mikes Backyard whether I win or not.
My wife and I recently purchased Backyard Bus. & University programs as a way
to supplement our retirement incomes. Hoping to learn more from you in the
I am retired and have used this site to start my growth in the gardening and rooting of plants, thanks David Myers
I have been around flowers all my life. Would love to know how to take care of them some i know about a lot i don’t need a mentor
I have never won anything before so to win this membership would be wonderful . Thanks for all you do Mike.
I appreciate and enjoy the info that I have learned thus far. Hope I win the membership.
Hello Mike and crew!
Please pick me for one of those memberships this time!! Love all your information and newsletters…
I found Mike on YouTube several years ago and I have watched every video, some several times. So much good information and easy to understand! I appreciate his down to earth persona and straight forward common sense approach to gardening and plant tending. I would consider a honor to become a member of the club!
I’ve often said that, if all I ever had to do the rest of my life was plant flowers, shrubs and trees, I’d be a happy man. Thanks for the emails Mike!
Looking forward to this exciting adventure
Love your info…wish I had this data 20 years ago.
i would love to win a membership! Wish me luck!
Hi Mike, thank you for all the education. I have been fighting breast cancer and found your site during it all. You have inspired me to grow more then just my veggie garden. I turned my old pool and deck area into an amazing plant and flower garden area,,i dont have anything planted yet cause money is tight when fighting cancer,dont leave much for pleasurable pursuits. But I am hoping by the time new england spring comes i have won one of your memberships and can start my new growing buissness. You have made a grower out of me for life. Thank you for teaching me to care for and make more alberta dwarfs they look lovely around my koi pond. So plz put me in for that amazing membership to win.
You’re all down to earth people, with such kindness in your heart.
Sign me up to win.
Would like a chance to win.
Hi Mike,
Greetings from California! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and experience! I’m so happy I found your website. Can’t wait to get started!
Hi Mike , thanks for the info, I am grateful for all you do I was a member before unfortunately lost my Job and since Monday is my b day here I’m entering for a great gift regards
Thanks, for your love and care for God’s creation
Wow! what a great gift if I could win a gardening membership…it would be a dream come true.
Enter me in for the membership, I love reading your posts!
I found your website about 6 months ago. Since then I have learned so much from you. I have always loved plants, especially flowers, and at 1 time almost put up a greenhouse. Now I wish I had, I look forward to reading your column so don’t stop.
I would like to win. I love your website, the book and the great videos, I have done some small scale cuttings and would like to do much more. Thank you.
Interesting in reading you emails. I was going to join several times but got some health problems which have been taken care of. I even starting preparing planting material, pots and even a small green house but not be able to use. I also have a background in trees and shrubs.
Just wanted to say that I love everything you do! Your articles alone have helped me out of a lot of rough patches when I couldn’t figure out what to do. Thank you and please keep doing what you’re doing!
This is my favorite site & I wish I could be a member!
Thanks for all the great advice & tips!
Thank Your for all your moral support. I’m on my way to finally being able to retire on my nursery. Would love to be a member. Sherrie
I just subscribed and would like to be in the drawing
I would love to be a lifetime member. 🙂
Hi Mike,
Would love to receive a membership to your Backyard Growers Business Center. I’ve been on your mailing list for some years now and have used a lot of your useful information for my own personal garden.. Until recently I have never really thought about applying it to make an income. This past year my wife loss her job and we went into bankruptcy. It’s not a great place to be. Also with my oldest of three about to enter college in two years my head is spinning. I have read so much about you and your business and members. I really think this could put me back on my feet. Win or lose I will be looking into your Business Center down the line once things settle. Thanks and God Bless!!
Would love to win the Free Membership. Been playing with plants my entire life. I am nearing retirement and this would be a great way to spend my time besides fishing, grandkids & the wife (you know what I mean).
Thanks Mike
Have been following you for years, Mike. Wife retiring and I can now probably do my gardening, which I thoroughly enjoy, and make a few bucks to help with the finances.
I grow plants that I know but am eager to learn more. Flowers for cutting, veggies for eating and anything beautiful and tasty. I would love to win a membership. I am a retired librarian but reading is still a favorite pastime when I’m not gardening.
Mike ,I would love a membership for a lifetime! Im doing cuttings right now.Theres baby citrus trees in containers. I need to supplement my income. Please add my name to the pot! You are inspiring me as well.! God bless.
Karen Gadbury
Mike, Put my name in the hat for the membership drawing. Would LOVE to be a member. I really love to work with flowers,shrubs and trees. Working in the soil is my passion. THANKS Mike for considering me for membership.
Looking forward to OCT 5th,, thanks for this opportunity !!!! Mike
I hope the 2 people who win will be blessed and thoroughly use their memberships to great advantage.
I love to propagate plants. You always have good advice to help. I would love to win a free membership so that I could expand my plant choices and hear about what the other members are doing.
Always grateful for what I learn from your posts. Just getting started, but setting goals and looking forward to a successful 2017. Hope I win!
Just recently retired. Love your articles and would love to win.
Mike, you are my go-to-garden-guru-guy! You simplify everything and make it look easy even though I know takes hard work to have a beautiful garden.
I would love a membership . I feel I would really benifit from a membership. I have a greenhouse and I am taking the master gardener class. This would help me even more
BTW my birthday is September 30. Would make a nice birthday gift!!!!
I would love to learn to be a better gardener and sell some of my plants.
Thanks for an excellent website. I will appreciate becoming a member
Thanks this would be so wonderful !
Would love to win, I want to integrate into 4-H program.
Look at your videos all the time
Love the donkeys Mike, Love the youtube videos and …..pick me! pick me!
Everyone should be spending more time outdoors —
i’m retired and love to garden.
I enjoy learning in general and your tips and tricks are appreciated.
I lost all my raised beds in the flood we had in Louisiana. I would love to win a membership to give me fresh ideas when I start back.
I would love to win a membership!
Thanks for all the helpful information you’ve provided. I’ve been following your site for several years. Would love to take the next step by joining the group.
Your the best Mike! Thanks
Thank you for all that you share I have learned a few things . With an October birthday this would be the highest rated gift !
pretty please
Hello, My name is Goran,
Greetings from Serbia – little country in Europe
Wishing you luck, and me 😉
I would love to start a gardening business so I could work from home and more easily take care of my parents.
I’m grateful for all of the info you send out. Thanks
I would love a membership to learn so much more from you and get a business started. Thanks for sharing your information.
Been subscribed to your site for about 4/5 years now. One of the few that didnt meet the unsubscribe demise….. To win this would be a dream. Ive got the property to do this with and i dont work. Thats why i really cant afford to subscribe, but winning this would be a Godsend for me. Im on ssi and my saving grace for sanity is to garden. There is nothing else i really need or want. Thank you for the opportunity. Good luck everyone…….
Hi auncle mike great person spreading education of plants and its bussnes from last 2 years you are in front of me on my mobile screan,studying your articles,emails or watching your videos May Allah increas your better health,wealth and happy
I’m in. This would help me so much!
Love all the tips in your emails. I look forward to them.
Looking forward to having more access to your knowledge.
LOVE Finnegan and Fergus, THEY ADD WONDERFULLY!!
Hi Mike. You are an inspiration to every nature lover.
I would love to win I have some questions I need to ask about.
I have ton’s of compost ready for plants like leyland cypress and chestnut trees.
Mike, my Mom died 4 years ago and your emails lifted my spirits so much i decided to start doing what my Mom loved in honor of her. Planting flowers…Thank you!
Thank you for all your help over the years. I would enjoy winning this membership as it is hard to do things on SS and at 67 years young I need all the help possible. Look forward to learning more from you.
I am currently in the Navy and will be retiring in 6 years and I am starting my own backyard nursery as a way to own my own business when I retire. All my life I have wanted to opertunity to change the course of my family and create something my family can be proud of for generations to come. My wife, five children, and myself are excited to start that we even have my parents willing to help us get things started so by the time I retire we will with God’s help have a successful nursery going and can take on a new adventure!
As a Master Gardener I would like to win this membership so that I can meet other people that are interested in growing new plants and maybe swapping information.
I really would like to win thi
I have been following you for many years and I have learned so much from you. I am ready to start my business and would love to have a membership. Either way I will be around gathering more information and learning all I can.
This started out as a hobby. But now it’s more than that it’s my passion to be in my garden. Thanks mike.
My mother in law, which we took care of for the past 4 years loved to sit on the back porch and watch me garden. She also loved to eat the veggies and herbs I grew. I was always salvaging plants and flowers others threw away and bringing them on the porch for her pleasure. She passed away this past week and now my love for growing needs to expand to others. It would be wonderful to become a member and expand my love and limited knowledge of plants along with making new relationships. Thanks for all your advice and help over the past few months.
My friend and I started a small plant business this spring…you were our inspiration!! Did better than we thought we would!! Gearing up for next year!! Would love to win a membership!! Thank you for all your wisdom and advice!!!
Super excited for the opportunity! Thanks so much !
Sign me up I would love to share my cuttings with everyone.
Thanks for all the great information you put out there Mike!!?
Hello Mike. You have definitely inspired us. We have numerous cuttings of numerous plants. We are excited to see the magic happen. We thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your knowledge. All our best to you.
Would l9ve a free membership to use on my building’s rooftop garden in New York!!
Many thanks Mike!!
Rob Marchesani
Hello !!! I’d love to win a membership !!! I’ve been a gardener my whole life, I taught my daughter and now teaching my granddaughter who is 6 years old and it’s a perfect time for her to be interested in all aspects of gardening, not just for us but for the bees, birds and butterflies we try to attract. Thanks for the opportunity !!!
Your simple approach to producing and maintaining plants reminds me of my boyhood when we just got the job done! Thanks
Love all of those tips! Thanks Mike.
I was impressed with your photos of cuttings started in sand.
i Would love to win. I enjoy all your articles and have learned a lot from them Thank you for taking the time to do this.
I have had so much fun with the information you put out that I started a small farm, and have used many of your ideas in what I do. I continue to refresh my self with the knowledge you post .
I do work on a limited budget and a year of free membership would sure be helpful but if I don’t win i can still enjoy your emails and u tube
Thank you very much and Please keep up the Great work
Hello Mike,
I tried three times to post a comment but they would not be posted for some reason. Oh well. Good luck all! Thanks Mike.
Bill Maitland
I Love to Garden
Mr. Mike i would be so honored get to a membership. Your advice of the harry lauder walking stick is wonderful. i have mine in a pot and have a clue whatto do with it. thank you so much for your advice.i didn’t have a clue what to do with it.
I have often thought about starting a backyard growing business. But now that I found myself with the space and time, I have a yard that is infested with garden snails. I live on a small creek, and know from my neighbors that they all have snails in their yards. I have researched the problem with little success. Any ideas?
Wow, this is fun. I am hoping tone one of the winners too. Even so, I always get something helpful here with all the good free information you always put out. Many thanks
Would really love to have the membership. My disability prevents me from working but plants keep me from losing my mind.
Please Mike! Thanks for all you do
I’ve learned so much from just watching your videos and reading all of the advice and growing tips you’ve given thank you if I win a membership it will just be one more step closer to making the money that I’m praying I’ll make but growing plants is my favorite thing in life thank you Mike and family
Growing organic in SW Louisiana has been a challenge the 10 yrs I have lived in the South. BUGS. In WA State was much easier growing veggies. But am enjoying starting citrus trees. I start all my own veggies and love to take cuttings and start all in our open
barn. I enjoy your site very much.
Thank you for all the great info.
Mike I have appreciated your passion for starting nursery businesses for a long time. I would love to throw my hat in, hoping to win a membership.
Tim Weigel
You have some of the best advice these old eyes have ever read and your nursery looks pretty special! I may venture up your way regardless of whether I win or mot?
Followed your newsletter for years. It’s always interesting.
Love reading your Articles Mike!!
I have learn so much and want to keep learning more!
Dear Mike, thanks for giving folks like us an opportunity to further our knowledge of the backyard nursery. We are hoping to get started later this fall for the spring of 2017. Once again Thank You
I love the beauty of colorfully flowers. The apts i live in has nothing no plants nothing. I started with a few plants and my area bloobed with color. I was spending money to buy more plants each year. The apts took me to court for my plants and a few other things like feeding cats birds and small things when i gave pictures of my area and my neighbor area of all the plants i won the case. Everyone that comes to my area sits and talk about plants. I want to learn more and start a little business for the love of plants that seem to bring smile to people and happy thoughts. Thanks for the information about plants. I have supplied the apts with a few plants and i would love to really bring things out for next year for the mentally changled here for beauty and color and give gifts for the other neighbors
Thank you.
Love your emails and all the great information you supply
Hey Mike,
Really good information. Thanks,
I have truly enjoyed reading your posts. So much good stuff!
I just recently joined and appreciate the opportunity to win!
I have watched and enjoyed your videos and posts, and have been able to incorporate some of your ideas into my gardening, I would love to have a membership and be able to step up the game and work toward self sufficiency.
I know this is fantastic, if I could afford to join I would but unfortunately my only chance is to win one of these 2 memberships, Im not holding my breath I never win anything but don’t hurt to try
Would love to get started in starting a business of my own. We love blueberries.
Please please please
I need it
I’ve learned a tremendous amount from you Mike, Thanks!
I want to do this! I thought I had blueberries growing in my backyard then I found out it is Pokeweed. My kids and I were so excited at the thought of growing our own blueberries that we are more determined than ever to make this happen. Thank you for the encouragement and support!
Your shindig looks like a lot of fun! Would love to be able to attend someday!
I would love to be a member, but I am on S.S. & simply cannot afford it.
It’s always been a dream to start my own nursery. But I’m terrified to start it without this membership full of guidance. Thank you for this opportunity…
Hi Mike!
I’ve been reading your mails and browsing your vast library of online info for years; how kind and generous you are.
I guess I’m still waiting for a kick in the butt to get serious, though.
Thank you for sharing your success with us for so long.
Thanks for all your knowledge and sharing it with us. It would indeed be nice to win the memberships.
My experience with the backyard growers business center, was it’s a fabulous place, where people are very social as a community. And its a great place to learn and purchase from other growers, Thanks for the “chance” drawing, to become part of it.
Would love to try it out. Thank you for the opportunity.
Thanks for the chance to enter to win a permanent membership! I have followed your some of your tips of the last few years with success and would love to learn more!
Before I had a computer at home, (this was years ago), I went to the library whenever I needed to find something on the internet, Somehow, I stumbled across your website when you first started the Backyard Garden business. I was so intrigued that I have been following your business evolvement through the years. I just purchased property where I will now be able to do what you do for fun! Without the donkeys, of course. Don’t think the city would permit that. But perhaps a half dozen chickens instead! I would love to receive one of the free memberships. It would be just perfect for me at this time!!
Have been following Mike for several years now and have really benefited from his instruction.. Would love to be a member, just haven’t been able to budget the cost on my retirement income.
Winning a membership to Business area will be what finally gets me going in my own business.
Hey Mike,
I’m still enjoying all the great tips you reveal to us.through your treasure trove of emails. I have learned so much and I’m sure looking forward to learning even much, much more. I would be very blessed to be a winner of one of the completely free memberships. I would love being able to take advantage of great deals and a vast amount of valuable information from passionate, like minded plant enthusiasts. I also look forward to being a valuable asset to the members only board as well. Can’t wait to get started gathering cuttings. Keep up the great work Mike!
Sounds good. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.
FALL arrives, learning how to get set for the freeze coming, Don’t have much of a backyard, only 4 ft X 15 ft but hope I can make something of it with you plans.
Everytime I get a clipping off a plant and start the rooting process I get a rewarding feeling when the roots start to appear, Please enter me in this drawing. Thanks!
Mike, I love your e-mails and I would love to be entered in the contest.
I Have been enjoying your emails for several years. I have been gardening for a long time, and took a Master Gardening class a few years ago. I would like to transition from a office job to a backyard business. Love your dedication to helping people get started..
Mike, you have taught me so much by your emails. Thanx. You remind me of my farmer father who died in 1992. You have the same green thumb.
Putting my name name in the running.
Fingers crossed!
Oh please draw my name! :>) Thank you for all the information you have shared, and continue to share! Invaluable!!
Ooohhh…pick me, pick me!`
Pick me pick me! 😉 Love your blogs!
Sounds like a good deal
I find something of interest and useful in each of your posts. Keep up the good work!
This would change my life. I would love a membership. Thank you.
I am ready to start digging!
Would love to win a membership. New to the business and need a lot of support. There is so much t learn. Thank you
What a perfect gift… thank you so much for the opportunity!
Tossing my name into the hat.
We will be moving to a new area soon, and will be learning about a new inviroment. Nothing could be better than your emails. Well, maybe a free membership would!
I would love a membership. Thank you for all the wonderful information you have provided.
Hi Mike,
Love seeing your blogs and I was surprised a little by all the plants you do offer !!! It looks like a very nice business. You do have a nice job. Thank you so much for all the nice tips you give us on plants..
I just wish I could grow all you do and have the luck. I want to propagate plants, but never have luck. at all. Guess I’ll keep trying. Thanks again.
i would love to get this membership!
my name is Pierre Desforges fromQuebec Canada ! life ias been hard on me since a few years, but i’m trying hard toget above . Your system is gorgeous i love it ! i have tried it for two years now ,even if i haven’t sold one shrub so far ! i need to become a memeber again to learn!
Thank you! Have a nice life
Pierre Desforges!
Hi Mike,
. Love your emails and web site and would love to be picked for membership
Hey Mike I started following you earlier this year I have several sticks and cuttings around my yard waiting for Spring. The videos and stories are outstanding and I wish I had a donkey or a goat to help with the decisions. I hope to expand my small backyard plant business with the help of the growers center group and especially you and your emails and videos. Please consider me for one of your openings. Thank You
Mike, I’ve been following you for years and cannot wait to retire soon so I can get into this growing business. I’ve been an avid gardner for years and have always enjoyed each and every message you sent me. Thank you for all you have given us for free. You are a wonderful person and a great teacher. THANK YOU!
PS Put my name in the hat too 🙂
Yes. Please put my name in the hat 🙂
Love hearing from you Mike!
Oh, I can dream…..! Thanks to you the poison ivy vine as thick as my arm that was growing up my backyard tree is now gone, and I have 3 crepe myrtles in my front yard growing happily from cuttings. Thanks for all the handy hints and advice!
Would love to win
would love to win a free membership and have really enjoyed all the information I have learned from the youtube video and your book. Thanks again!
I love your emails Mike. You are an inspiration to all of us who love to garden. I would love to win a membership so I can learn even more.
Keep on planting.
Love the information and videos. Looking for a retirement business. some of the tricks work very well. please keep me on your list.
Would love to come to your shindig next year! Can’t wait!
I would love a membership! Thank you for all your advice Mike.
We are in the process of redoing our front landscaping. We had overgrown bushes that we pulled and now we have a blank slate. Exciting yet overwhelming and I need expert help.
i love that you started this business board up, and would be excited to win a membership on it. thank you for the opportunity.
I have in my mind how I would love my yard to look, front and back. It has yet to become a reality. I have had a rough two years, but I am still seeing the vision in my mind. This membetship would be a step in the right direction. Thank you Mr. Mike for sharing your knowledge. Sincerely, Leeann
Heber Springs, AR
I must’ve done something wrong earlier, but here goes. What an opportunity this is! Thanks for the generosity.
Am busy raising my grandbaby now so missed but on gardening this year, hope to renew my love for gardening next spring. Thanks for all the info you gift to everyone : )
Mike I have been fallowing you for at least 10 years. please, please give me a lifetime membership I am a 34 year old guy who is eager to succeed in the nursery business I live in Oregon and and I have a good selection of rotted cuttings and liners. I know my plants would make a great addition to your backyard business central. I struggle financially so I dont have the 630.00 but I can offer everyone plant material year round. I was born to do this work and I want this so bad. …
Please I am begging you can I have the free lifetime membership. …Please
I positively love your donkeys!!!
What a great chance to be a part of your gardening family…..I LOVE all the flowers and blooming bushes…..I keep a garden going for my son and daughter-in-law….they own a florist and nothing pleases me more than to have them pick from it to pass them on to their customers….Linda
count me in mike ive just retired and would like to find something new to try
I will retire soon, this would be a blessing
I love the fact that you’ve made a business out of propagating plants. Would love to have a job doing my hobby. Thanks for all the information you send!
Mike, My gardening activities have been drastically cut back, but I so much enjoy your emails and postings. When I do need advice, it’s always clear and real and practical – and usually easy. I can trust what you say because you have obviously been using it successfully yourself. I delight in your sense of humor, as well.
My lifes Dream was to have a nursery- back in early 2002 my best girlfriend Lindy & I were going to start one. Sadness Lindy received news she had stage 3 cancer, Later that year I got badly hurt and am now on Total Disability. Although the funds are not there, MY DREAM HAS NEVER DIED to start a Nursery. I love your post and greatest gift would be to WIN A FREE MEMBERSHIP. Thank You Mike
Gives me an additional reason to look forward to returning from “snow birding”
Can’t wait for Wisconsin Spring and starting rooting
Get my name into drawing
Hello Mike,
If there is anything I would rather be doing, it would be learning from you! I love, love, love the outdoors, but need a guiding hand. It has been great with what I have been able to read from your e-mails, but I know there is a deeper connection with your members. I would be greatly honored, and would love to be a recipient of one of your permanent memberships.
Please consider me!
Thank you,
I thoroughly enjoy your emails, and have learned quite a lot from the book i purchased.
We’d love a membership. Does it come with a donkey too? 😉 hahaha Thanks for all the great information!
We’d love a membership. Does it come with a donkey too? 😉 haha
Pick me, pick me!!…lol. Seriously for the past 20 yrs been working in a profession that is bound by politics and controlled by pharmaceutical companies and very sick and tired of this crazy train called ‘healthcare’. It would be more appropriately called sickcare as that is where they find their money. Plus it doesn’t hurt to keep the food and water corrupted and force untold numbers of vaccines on newborns, babies and adults alike; Nothing like creating your own customer base to keep everyone held hostage cradle to grave. Just want to work at something that actually brings health and vitality back to life within us all, and something that is not based on lies and deception!! God grant me freedom, and please help me find a way out of this rut I find myself stuck in! I seriously need a career change that is fulfilling to my soul! The road to change starts with a single step, and this could be the step I need! Thanks for your consideration!!!
My 30 trial is coming to an end this Wednesday. I have to say it has been quite an educational ride. There is no way to read all of the info Mike has published over the years in just 30 days. Much of the info is not available anywhere else, because I have searched in vain for what Mike readily shares. Mike’s love for what he does is very evident. His willingness to share has been a godsend for me and I am sure to many of his followers. I will miss having access to Mike’s website until we can save up enough to buy a permanent membership.
Winning a permanent membership would certainly be like winning a lotto for me.
I too love walking though my yard with a cup of Joe early in the morning. It’s so peaceful and some mornings I see deer or even turkeys out next to my woods.
Your knowledge of plants is better than any gardening book. I have a 24′ greenhouse and an acre of garden land to grow plants. I have disabilities to work a regular job so this would be a dream come true. I am an artist and a gardener. Last year I raised some Muskogee crepe myrtles from sticks and this year they are three foot tall and blooming! Hugs to all of you.
A permanent membership would be a great blessing.
Thank you for the opportunity and all of the information you share.
We are looking to start a nursery, to be able to be home, work together, and secure income on our homestead. I have health issues that would benefit our household to be together and creating an income doing what we love. Thank you for the opportunity to put our name in this drawing, which would be life changing if we win.
Would love this. Would give me good resources for plants and feedback. Make retirement more fun.
Would love to be chosen.
Can’t afford to buy membership.
I’m a widow from the woods….
Very good site, have learned a lot!
Mike, Pam, and family……sympathies for your loss of Ally, the little yellow dog. How nice to remember her with a Rose of Sharon.
How about a little article about the history of Rose of Sharon?? And if you ever sell cuttings from Ally’s mystery variety, I’d love to add them to my 93-year-old mother’s garden of “family heirloom” Rose of Sharons from her grandfather’s farm south of Pittsburgh. Her father transplanted them originally to Harrisburg, and Mom transplanted them to her yard in Camp Hill. I love having a living connection to my “roots”. So my interest in propagation techniques is first for preservation, second for sharing, and third as a business…..can’t think of a better way to spend my retirement!
Hi Mike I’ve been following you for some time now, I would like may name added to the drawing please
would love a membership
I would love to have a membership. I have been trying for years to get a membership just never seem to have enough money, Living on Social Security sucks some times. 🙂
thanks for all you do.
I started watching all your videos and reading all your blogs not long ago. I have found a new passion for gardening and learning to propagate plants. It is so much fun. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. It is my get away from reality of my crazy life between work and school. What a blessing this would be! Thank you for everything you teach.
I love gardening! And I love to read about gardening and apply what I learn to my own situation. Thank you for all the great information that you have provided over the years! Your common sense approach to gardening matters makes sense to me! And I too share with you the spiritual experience that gardening gives me. It is a peaceful centering experience in my otherwise very hectic life. Thanks again, Mike, for everything!
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the opportunity to post! I’ve been a Master Gardener for about 15 years, & a Master Tree Farmer almost as long. Have also been a volunteer in a primary school garden. So I love talking to folks about the upside of gardening! It would be wonderful to win a membership. (We have fallen on difficult times–a recent job loss & cancer diagnosis within about 2 weeks time. Starting a business like this could help me put those events “in the rear-view mirror”.)
Thanks for doing what you do. You inspire many, many people!
I would love to start a growing business…I just got thru harvesting my apple tree and my corn…I just wonder if I can grow more in my grow zone of 7b…
Thank you for this opportunity!
I hope the 2 memberships you are giving away will be life-changing gifts for the winners!!
My little family would be so grateful if we were one of them!!! 🙂
What you did for the nature? Excellent job you did in this earth is the gardening and backyard service nursery and viceversa..Green house,Carbon emission all are under your control. Bravo! I am proud of you Mike McGroarty.God bless you and Live Long Mike.
Hi Mike,
Stephanie here, I subscribed to your emails a few months back and find it very interesting. I find you a sincere person and you really give it your all, in your videos and emails.
I would like to be considered for the free membership and learn from you.
Thank you.
It would be nice to have a free membership. I’m retired and money is pretty tight,so free is very nice!
i cannot wait to be in the next shindig picture. It will go well with my soon to be retirement from 35 year job
Mike, I have been avidly watching all of your postings. Hopefully I can learn enough to earn some extra income for retirement. Thank you for all of your information. I had some success so far and would like the opportunity to belong to your backyard growers business center.
I would kive to have a membership. Winning is probably the only way I could afford it.
I have been studying your instructions and down to earth classes for around 3 years. I had to retire and started propagation of shrubs, trees, and flowers. This the way I have of mentally and physically making it through daily. It is great.
I am planning on starting my own backyard nursery after reading all of the tips and advice that you share. A free membership would go a-long ways towards getting things rolling here.
I’ve been interested for so long now, Mike, always wanted to step out on faith after
retiring from law enforcement and do what I really love to do and that’s to work in
the dirt and make money also. Love to here my name picked. Thanks so much
Mike for all you have don.
I would love to be able to do this….. 🙂
I started reading McGroarty’s newsletter about 9 years ago, while taking care of my aunt with Alzheimer’s. I began to garden for her and it was amazing to learn from Mike! She died, and I had to come back home and resume my teaching career, but I look forward to the day when I can retire and resume my “backyard garden” again! Thanks for your faithfulness and all your help!! I really appreciate continuing to received your newsletters!
Mike thank you so much for this chance.this would be a blessing .
I love all the info you give .God blessed you with this gift and you are using it.
I don,t ever win but thank you for the chance.Wishing you to be able to keep
On doing what you love todo..I”m like you ,nature brings happiness to my soul.
I am not as active as I would like to be, but I do enjoy your info, and would love to win a membership.
I had a wreck a few years back, and as a result have slight nerve damage, and lost everything going thru lawsuits….not fun, but I and am starting over. I have a small green house at the new place and hope to get it going again.
thanks for all your posts and info.
Here’s my hat
Choose me. Please.
Always gardened but want to turn it up a notch. Thank you for your hands on advice. No theory here; just results.
PS My mini horses want to meet your donkeys
Hi Mike, I really want to start a small business for me and the wife. we have 10 acres mostly wooded and I have tried my hand at propagation but just can’t seem to get it right.
Neither my wife or I are currently working due to a car accident many years ago but this type of thing we feel we can do as it would allow us to work at our own pace.
We don’t hope to get rich but we think we can get by if we do it right.
I like your simple approach to things and hope to learn more with or without a membership.
We are starting out on Dave’s garden for plant trading but I only have willows and rose of sharon.
I have purchased a few small plant to try to propagate but we have have very limited success.
I hope to get going on this one way or another so my fingers are crossed but time will reveal our future and just maybe we will get lucky.
I never win anything but hope is a wonderful thing.
Thanks for doing what you do!
P.S. I think my wife just wants the mini donkeys..are they on the table with this deal..LOL
I have been following you for years and have learned a great deal from you! At the first of next year I will be retiring and plan on using the methods I have learned from the programs purchased from you!
Please consider my name for one of your memberships. My plan is to help others as they try having their on backyard nurseries in our area of Alabama.
Thx Lee Patterson
A free membership would be very appreciated. Please put my name in the hat.
I’m throwing my hat in the ring, Mike! I think with your help I can get my husband onboard and we can make a difference in our retirement.
I would be so appreciative for a membership!
We would sure like the free lifetime membership. Thank you.
Hello Mike,
I have received quite an education with your many blogs as well as your books.
You have a real knack for teaching people how to grow plants and reveal many secrets to plant growth that would take us a lot of time to research ourselves.
Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge.
I’m in, Would be great!
Hello Mike,
I enjoy seeing your posts and wish I had the space to start a plant buisiness. I would have to cut down several trees on my property in order to have enough sun to grow most plants. I have allot of wisteria – white and lavender , several colors of rhododendron ,mountain Laurel bushes and phlox and even some bamboo.
Mike do you think I could sell these varieties to start a business selling plants?
Growing things is my stress reliever. Please enter me in the drawing.
I would love to receive this membership from you.
I would to join but funds are not there to do so. I have received your emails for years now and have learned so much. We have never been in a place that we could do very much. We have moved to the country and we need the extra income. I love to garden, and do new things. I think I belonging to the backyard growers would me the extra boost and support that I need to get things going in the right direction.
Thank you for all the tips and hints and hope.
I have a dedicated folder in my yahoo mail titled “Gardening Newsletter” JUST for your emails.
I would love a lifetime membership!
thank you!
Mike, I am so grateful to have stumbled upon one of your websites, which led me to the others.
This backyard nursery business is right up my alley and I am eager to get started!
Thank you for sharing,
Bought everything offered and potting about 100 plants per season. Owe my little success to Mike!
God bless you and yours, Mike! Thank you for your generosity and kindness. 🙂 My hat is in the ring!
I would love to win!!! I found 2 walnuts seeds growing this summer because squirrels put them in different paces in my garden so I transplanted them…they are growing wonderfully. I love plants.
I can’t wait to get my business started!
Hi Mike, Thanks for the chance to win a free membership for life…..Keep leading the way for us all!
As I thumbed through what seemed like endless applicants…I thought there isn’t much chance for me, but sure a lot I need to learn and that membership would be worth a lot of gold to me.
Am a very early beginner but certainly enjoy your posts and am already trying some of your suggestions.
Please enter me in the drawing.
I believe where plants and animals abound peace can be found .I think you found yours .
I do really love how you grow your plants, Mike you make things so easy to do with your tips on how to start plants from cuttings, it is so simple that I have started copying your ideas and it’s fun but would really like to be a part of this group of yours
Hope to win!
I didn’t see my comment, so am re-commenting. Thank you for all that you offer everyone on your site. I so wish I had the confidence to do what you are doing.
I love gardening and working outside and definitely could use the help and guidance! Please enter me in the contest!! So much to learn… Thank you.
Thanks Mike for what you do .We started our backyard nursery several years ago with what we learned from your cds. love doing that. Thanks Eddie
Thanks Mike for all you’re doing to help so many. You keep us inspired!
Thanks Mike for what you do .We started our backyard nursery several years ago with what we learned from your cds. love doing that. Thanks Martha
All ways look forward to your posts. Would love to win.
Ad my name to the pot please!
I have been a follower of you for quite a few years and would like the opportunity to learn more. I have been interested in getting started in the nursery business but have hesitated because of the initial cost. Because of the many years of you being in the nursery business and having so much knowledge which you are willing to share with others, I know I would be able to learn how to do this by using your method. I have never found anyone else which explains how to do this as well as you do. You explain in simple terms HOW to raise plants and also explain what NOT to do so we can be successful in raising plants. Keep up the good work.
Put my name in the hat. Been a custom furniture builder for 40 years. Possibly time to get a new vocation. Messin’ ’round with prairie plants for the past 10 years. New business, who knows.
I appreciate all of the tips that you have shared. Thank you Mike
Following you for a long time now… and still learning ……
Thank you for making this offer. It would be really nice to turn this all-consuming passion to grow things into an income stream and connect to people that understand why you have so many plants growing in your back yard 😉
I have been receiving and reading your gardening tips for the last 3 years now. I am a forester by profession, and hence my passion for nature and plants. I have a tree & flower nursery here in (Africa) Kenya.
Surely, your tips (are & have been) inspiring, Keep it up Mike!!
As a Kenyan, I strongly believe winning a permanent slot, will not only impact on me as an individual, but as Africa as a whole.
Looking forward to receiving the good news, come October 2016!
I’ve learned so much already from the videos I have seen and am interested in learning more…I would love to win a free membership! thanks for the offer Mike.
Thanks from accross the pond. I bought your system and have successfully implemented it for over 2 years over in the North of England. I just love learning more from your materials.
With Gratitude
Mike Bell
Pick me! Pick me! I would love to have this opportunity to be chosen to learn more & help others!!
Hi Mike, I love all your techniques, it is everything I do, now I just need to do it on a bigger scale. Love my plants! God Bless
Hey Mike,
Just switched jobs and got something close to home. Now I will have time to get back in the garden again. Good luck to everyone. Keep it green. Thank you for all you do,Mike.
Bill Maitland
Sounds great, sign me up
Hello Mike,
I just retired from my life consuming job and found work close to home. Now I can get back to gardening. Can’t wait! Good luck to everyone. Keep the world green. Thanks for all you do Mike.
Bill Maitland
Thanks for being a good know how resource
Thank you for the opportunity to throw my name in the hat.
I would love to be considered for one of your free memberships!
Faithful follower in Maryville TN
Your place looks like a fun place to be!!
I got my green thumb from my mom she was always planting and growing flowers and stuff. I have been doing some propagation on a very limited basis trying to help a friend get a continuing line of an old family grape vine that has been in his family for over 100 years. I am going to try the hardwood cutting route this winter to see if I can pull it off.
i really like and appreciate the information you have been sharing for the long time I have been on your email list. If I could win an the free membership it would be great and would likely help me become more enthusiastic about growing sticks.
Thank you for the opportunity.
I enjoy your videos and posts and have learned a lot. Thank you. Anna Yutzy
Thanks for a chance to win a backyard nursery membership.
I would love to win the free membership
Mike, you are the the Will Rogers of bib overalls.! Knowledge is the value that you provide. Humor just makes it easy on the brain!
This would be great, thanks!
I love to grow things and I would love to win a free membership to your club. I really enjoy all of the information you provide on gardening. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
I would love to receive the free membership. Love the website. Thanks for all the great info.
To take a twig and watch it grown into a beautiful plant is owe inspiring, and you get to do that every day. Lucky man
I would love a lifetime membership. I want to get my grandchildren into this to make college. Little more affordable for them.
mike thank you i would love to have a lifetime membership.
I would love to win a membership. Thank you for the opportunity 🙂
A few month ago I was searching for ways to propagate some fast growing shrubs and trees to create some privacy. I found Mike’s backyard nursery and have been reading everything and watching videos as much as I can. So much helpful information and I feel like I’ve struck gold!! Thank you so much for everything!
a good side business!!!!
A great opportunity to win a membership to the backyard growers business center.
Please enter me in the running, Thanks!
Hi Mike and family. Just want to say thanks again with the help with our mist system. It works amazing, even with all our wet weather we have had plants root so quickly it blows our mind! To win a lifetime membership would be awesome! My husband is deaf and on disability and this has made him so happy! He always says he wished he had known about this year’s ago, something that gives him such happiness is to see those roots on his cuttings, he’s always so excited! He just can’t wait to start our own Nursery too! Being able to get different varieties of plants as cuttings would be a godsend. Well happy planting, thanks again to you and the family for keeping us inspired, and for all your help and tips! Mary and Keith
I really enjoy reading your emails and all the information you provide. Have learned quite a lot and am amazed at what you are doing out in Ohio. Love starting plants from seeds and cuttings….such a great feeling to see them grow.
Throwing my name into the hat. To make a few dollars from a hobby I love would be awesome.
Thanks Mike.
What an opportunity. Glad I signed up to receive those emails.
Certainly enjoy all of your tips and emails. Hope you pick my name out of that hat!
Thanks for doing this Mike. You are going to make a couple of people very happy!
Put my name in the pot.
What a great prize, it could
be a leg up for two winners.
We would like to win a membership, hoping it will help make our flower business profitable.
Five weeks ago I used your method to try to root eight weeping cherry tree cuttings, six of the eight worked. They had three to four roots each. I had tried white play box sand, which I should not have. It was almost as solid as cement. Difficult to get the cuttings out, but going slow and deliberate I got the six cuttings out safely. I transplanted them into course sand. I’m hoping they will get more roots so I can put them in the garden to grow before the snow flys. Hope I win so I can get the benefits of being able to get plants or cuttings cheap. Keep up the instructions Mike.
Mike and friends – Beautiful photos of beautiful flowers! Nothing makes me happier than growing season.
Now that I’m about to retire I can finally get to finishing my 3/4 acre garden. I would love to be selected to receive the membership because no matter how much you know, there is always room to learn more.
Keep doing what you do.
After seeing these photos, I am beginning to think that I could actually do this in my 40 sq ft garden.. I’ve been receiving your emails for years just because I love all the great information but you have inspired me to think more about growing for profit.
Thanks and keep up the great information.
Cheryl in Newark, OH
I am 81 years old and though I cant do this big time I really enjoy my little plants that is growing on my porch after the way you showed me how to do it again thanks a lot
I’m 81 years old and even though I cant do this in a big way it is a blessing to see my little plants growing in a container on my porch. that you showed me how to do it again thanks a lot
I am 63 and don’t have anything to pass on to the children and grandchildren. Just maybe we can all watch the videos together and make a plan to work together. You help so many. Thank you for a chance to win.
Thank for all the tips you post.
I have been reading your blog for years! What a dream life you now have, and how generous to share all your hard work and effort with us. I have always loved gardening and wanted to join your group for years, but too busy working my life away, and now I’m retired and have time, not to mention the ideal place to do this, I cant afford it, which is not only too bad for me,( Could really use the extra income) but for all the people who live in our neck of the woods. You see the nearest garden center is about 100 miles away. And it is a big box kinda store. How wonderful it would be for them to be able to purchase close to home. Wonderful for them and me. I have proven a lot of people wrong just by proving yes you can have a garden in this area of the world.
Mike, I want to do what you do – I want to make a living doing what I love!
You have inspired me to order your dvd and booklet, which are great! If I could be lucky enough to win your membership package, I will do the happy dance all the way from Huntington, IN to your place in OH! Thanks for all you share!
That would be nice
Mike, you do one heck of a job and I can honestly say that it is very much appreciated. I have learned some very interesting things on you website and am sad to say that not all of them have worked. I am in North Central Florida and things that grow in other parts of the state do not grow here but I keep trying. It would be nice to win one of the Backyard systems. Thanks for the job you do…
Steve E.
I have been in love with what you do and I would have loved to do what you do. I would just like to be able to buy plants from you now at your low wholesale prices. God Bless you and your family that work together in this life? If I was to win, I would give it to my son to make millions, and I would help him of course?
Ellen Marvel
Thank you for this opportunity . would be so grateful to be chosen and get going with mailing little plants all over .
Hi Mike, I really enjoy your emails and all the information. I’m putting the information to good use this year. Thanks!!
Really would love to win! Been following for years and even bought some of your books. Yardstick my first cuttings this summer.
You are very generous! Thank you for the opportunity!. 🙂
My husband is building me a green house, so excited!
thanks Mike and I’d greatly appreciate the membership, John
Hey Mike, I would love a free membership. I am new to gardening and a friend suggested your site. I have absolutely loved it, it couldnt of come at a better time. I have been fighting breast cancer and thats what got me into gardening plants and flowers before the cancer i only did vegetables. I decided to redo the old broken down koi pond this year and started looking into plants to put in it and around it. I got so excited going to a local nursery and reading your blog that i decided to turn my old deck pool area into a magnificent flower garden. I built boxes and rockways,pergola,fencing from the dogs and now learning and researching the different flowers and plants i want to start putting in there. So far i have seen the ones i want on all your site,but funds r tight,i used all the old stuff i had in the yard to do the pond and flower garden area,due to the cancer meds,treatments etc it dont leave much to do pleasurable pursuits. So i seen you r giving away 2 memberships and thought that is so amazing. So here i am, your rookie gardener Debbie,who has fell in love with your site and enjoy all that you r teaching me. Thank you so much for your website,teachings,cause you have made a gardener out of me for life now. I would love to win and it would go to great use. Your friend and fan always. Debbie
This is the secound post Mike so I do not know if this is okay
I have been following your work, plans and general info on plants and your nursery for years, I love it and have used several of your ideas. I am a total plant addict, and I really enjoy learning about different plants and ideas for starting new ones. I would love to have the time i need to do this also, but between grandkids and a small family business, it hasn’t been a full time move yet. I keep hoping will be able to spend more time on but its a slow progress. our business does not support us as well as it once did due to changing circumstances and growing family to support, it would be great to do this more to add to our family’s income. you have helped me much over the time ive been connected, thank you mike.
Would love to win a membership, Thanks!
I love all the advice you have given. I would be grateful for a free membership.
Hello Mike. You have definitely inspired us! We have taken numerous cuttings of numerous plants. We are so excited to see the magic happen! Your expertise is such a gift. To win a membership would be over the top! Best wishes to you.
Mike your information is so helpful. Your emails are the first I open even before my kids. You have answered a lot of questions for me and my friends.
Thanks again.
It will be an honor to have a free membership in your organization.Living in the desert has been a challenge in gardening.Thank You
Mike, I’ve been following your posts for over a year now. Most things I cut and paste to a word document so I can print it and keep it in my notebook! My husband has nearly completed my first greenhouse and enlarged it another 4 feet…is leaving room to enlarge it again. I just don’t feel like it’s going to be big enough. With being a retired nurse, organic growing has been my focus. I’d so love to win this lifetime membership. I want to take what you teach and make it profitable here. I’m ready!!
I’m moving soon and I have 6 blueberry plants, large ones and I plan to take them with me and would like to know the best time and way to dig them up and replant them.
Thank you
My experience with birds, especially while working in the garden has really been uplifting. I’m not familiar with the call of the bald eagle, but another lofty flyer is the Mississippi Kite. His call is a sound like a steam kettle ~~~ pppppssssssssooooo in a high tone. My favorite is the Mocking Bird and I will stay outside just to hear them sing. One more week of school to go and I will achieve Master Gardener status here in Arkansas. Love your site and would like to use it more fully. thanks
Thanks Mike for sharing your knowledge.
The best birthday (Oct. 3) present ever would be to win a membership. Making plans for retirement (want to continue being ‘busy’) and am including this as a possibility. THANKS
I can’t wait until I can spend more time reading and doing what I am reading. You give me more than I can keep up with, but not more than I want to know about!
Growing up a farm boy I love the animals and your character!
I love your site and all the helpful information. I look forward to receiving it in my email.. Good luck in all you do to help others.
Here’s hoping ?
Mike, Thank you for what you do !! I have been on you email list for many years. I would love to have a membership to your association. Please pick me! It would be a beautiful blessing!
Thank you, Kathy Dozier
I know that your system can make money, but being a quadriplegic I have to operate in a small scale. Yours is the only system of many that I have checked out that I am convinced will work. I will begin working it on small scale this fall..
Keep up the good work.
I’d love to try my own business.
Maybe this would give me the confidence I need to start
If it’s meant to be ….
Such an inspiration. I’d love to do what you are doing. Not sure I have the intestinal fortitude to take such risk.
So for now I will propogate for myself and enjoy doing it.
Maybe a membership would teach me and give me the confidence to give it a try
I have enjoyed growing plants of all types since I was ten years old. My window sills were full of pop bottles, jars or any container to hold a plant to root. Just watching them grow and the different characteristic of each type has always fascinated me. It is why your website fascinates me with all the valuable information you provide. I am in my 65th year and would be delighted to acquire a free lifetime membership that could be used in my retirement years and possibly even visit for your annual shindig! I am in Southwestern Ontario, and only a few hours away. Thanks for the opportunity.
Fantastic Mike I wish I would have known about this long ago. I appreciate and enjoy the opportunity to learn myself but i am anxious to help others learn and use your opportunity.
new to back yard gardening . This looks like s great place to start.
Mike, I always read and appreciate your articles. Have purchased a few of your less expensive pamphlets but can’t afford the full membership.It would be great to get one of these free.
I’m 71 living in Florida
Very much want to join your group.
I’m an old phart [65] who has followed your site for a few years now but just have not had the time to put much of what I’ve read here into practice.
FINALLY got a greenhouse of sorts-[pallets-cattle panels and plastic sheeting] up in the yard and hope to be able to overwinter a few things there this is NW MT where it’s cold, snowy and grey from before Thanksgiving through March.
Even though we live in a fairly narrow canyon with rocky clay soil we’ve managed to get a small orchard of 16 trees to survive here-the deer are the main problem, not the soil or the weather~!
Should I happen to be one of the fortunate two to win, a membership will surely not go unused. Making a few extra bucks while doing something I enjoy would be a great retirement.
Winning a membership would be great but even if I don’t I wish the best of luck to those that do.
I am getting close to retirement and have started planning my backyard growing business. All of the information you have provided has been very useful. I hope to have a green house by the spring of 2017. I would love to win this membership. Thank you so much Mike!!
We are looking for acerage and I hope to use your site as an inspiration for our own place.
I have learned a lot from your emails. Would love to be a part of the group
This is exactly what I need! I’m slowly becoming unable to work a “regular” job due to chronic illnesses and love the outdoors (I’m a Georgia Master Naturalist). Mom used to haul (long distance semi driver) plants from central Florida and is an enthusiast, too. This membership would be a blessing for me. I’m really looking into growing healing plants and herbs and using them to improve my health, as well as the health of others. I’m also interested in documenting the plants during each phase of their lifespan and present the results as part of an informational blog on my site. Besides, I’d love to meet the donkeys!! Keep up the great work! Love your site! %^)
Even from Canada I love all your inspirational stories about gardening. Plan to do more when I have more time. Thanks so much for all the info.
I would like to be entered in membership drawing. I lovw gardening but i am just a novist and want to learn much more.
This is incredibly inspiring! I am sloooooooooowly incorporating your methods in my city/suburban garden, Mike. After 2 rounds of unemployment in 2 years (my hubby, I work part time), I want something that doesn’t depend on anything but my own efforts! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with us.
Following your excellent advice I now have a number of assorted rooted cuttings which will kick start my new plant nursery business. “Living the dream”
Hi Mike, I thank you so much for your hard work, knowledge, and enthusiasm in growing plants. I first ran across end your YouTube channel when trying to find information to prune some trees and shrubs. Since then I have learned of this wealth of knowledge and began taking cuttings of my favorite shrubs to root. I am just so anxious for them to root! Well thanks again!!!
Thank you very much for sharing me your experience, courage and successes. Do not stop inspiring me all the time.
I am a “transplanted” Yankee from Massachusetts to NC. I love Japanese Maples and I planted two when I got here in 1990. About five years ago, I noticed a few small “sprouts” around both trees….I guess I didn’t realize until later that they were 350 Japanese Maple saplings!!! I now have them every year. I I have had some success with them, but I see a great business here, with your help. I would love a free membership as I am struggling financially due to the destruction of my house (a 20/20 story). Please put the joy back in my life and teach me how to make the plants I love, a business so I can build a new house. Thanks so much!
You do have the the life, Mike. Thanks for sharing exactly how to do what you do, so we can all live the life!
I love your site and postings! I also love gardens and gardening. Thanks so much for your time and effort put into postings and sharing what you have learned about the “Backyard Nursery”!
I look forward to each email newsletter!
Wishing you all the best
I have learned a lot with all the valuable information you have given all of us over the years. Thank You!
Hey mike .. i really do not need the membership. It would be a nice to be closer associated with your nursery.. ilove your insights on working with dirt and plants..i have a really small area for gardening. I actually live in a rv park. Do my work on about 12 square feet and other containers.. you are a great source of information for me..keeping inspired henry
Wow Mike, I am just getting started in growing some things in my backyard and I would LOVE to have a membership because I am not sure of what I am doing yet. I just bought potting soil, haa.
We are just starting and would love a membership to help us grow and develop.
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge and inspiration. I love your posts!
I love the great advice that you give. It is so easy to utilize on my crop in my backyard.
I really appreciate your gardening tips and helping hand! Please enter me in your free membership drawing.
Thank you,
Hi Mike! I am entering your contest for couple of reasons. First of all, I am attending a class on become a Certified Louisiana Master Gardener. We get our final test on or about October 6th and it is a take home open book test. In our classes which are 3 hours long each day we have studied Botany & Plant Propagation, Basic Entomology, Basic Plant Pathology. Weed Science, Soils, Soil Moisture and Nutrition, Pesticides and the Environment, Vegetable Gardening, Herb Gardening, Home Fruit and Nut Production, Lawn Care, Ornamental Horticulture, Diagnostic Keys to Urban Plant Problems, Organic Gardening, First Detector Training for Master Gardeners and volunteer Management.
Once we pass the test we become Certified Louisiana Master Gardener Apprentices. Before we get our complete certificate we have to complete 40 hours of community service, then we get our badges and certificate. The Master Gardener Program is about volunteering your services and knowledge to help the community out to the best of your abilities and/or find out the answer from your county agent and report your scientific findings to the public or whoever is asking for your help.
And that is why I am entering your contest with high hopes of winning.
Good day Mike
Put me in Mike. Just retired at 65 . This could be something to keep me busy year around thanks .
A free membership would be great!.I make my own compost and love to use the “OLD WAYS” such as cover crops to put nitrogen back into the soil the natural way!
Iwould like the free membership.I make my own compost and love to use the “OLD WAYS” such as cover crops to put nitrogen back into the soil the natural way!
Sure could use this. Like your web site.
Your emails are a good read wherever i go . Thanks.
Anybody have any luck propagating cuttings of Hibiscus ? My trees always die out over the winter and I keep buying new ones every spring. Here in NYC the winters are tough and interior space limited to bring the plants into winter over,
Isn’t it amazing what beauty we see and don’t realize how it got here. It could only be a God thing and we don’t realize or respect God for that beauty. There is not a thing we see or do that is not orchestrated by God but yet we ignore and wonder why our nation is in the state it in.
Genesis 2
The Seventh Day, God Rests
2 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. 2 And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done. 3 So God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God rested from all his work that he had done in creation.
And we wonder why our country is in the shape it is in.
2 Chronicles 7:14
14 if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
The challenge is, is it all about our our personal gain (money) or respect for God of what He gives us. The challenge is can we live by our desire or will we live by God’s desire. Try it…You might like it.
Don’t look up at the eagle, he is trying to help with fertilizer. Big amount in one drop.
Hi Mike! Please enter me in the lifetime membership drawing .
Would love to win a free membership. After my Stroke last year, I think I could do justice to this endeavor. I enjoy working with the soil and plants. I hope to win this opportunity. Thanks.
I’ve been following your posts for a year or two now. We have land but not access until my husband retires in five years- his job is 75 miles from home, and we spend our weekdays at a cottage near his job. I’d like to do this to supplement our retirement income. I’m also trying to figure out if we can do anything with the quarter acre that cottage sits on in the mean time.
What a very generous offer. I live in Connecticut so I’m not sure if I could possibly so what you do. But I am willing to try in my mothers honor. Would be an awesome adventure to share with my daughter in law and grandkids.
Mike, I really love your program and all the videos you produce. You have helped me tremendously. Please keep up the good work that you do…helping folks. A membership would be a treasure.
Been reading your emails for about 5 years now. Lived in a few sub divisions with HOA’s that woukd not approve of this type of business.
But now we live on the edge of the city in Caldwell Idaho. We have not a lot of parking , but maybe if we had a sale a few times a year the neighbors would not complain.
We are a single income family. , I’ve never been able to afford your materials, but I have considered trying to root our 5 rose of Sharon shrubs and starting small. Thanks for your education. Especially on soil.
I would LOVE a membership!
My husband doesn’t think I would be successful but I do!
I love growing plants and you have helped so much with all your info.
Thanks for sharing. : )
I love your videos, your quick email tips, your donkeys and yellow dog,,,,, everything. You have your own mailbox in my emails so that I can go back and reread your tips. Whenever I need a smile I visit your site. Maybe next year I can take even more advantage of the knowledge that you share. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Enjoy reading your articles on your website. Very useful and interesting info you provide to your readers. Gardening is one of my best hobbies I enjoy. It all started in a garden originally for us and this helps us to return to our roots.
I love my garden, your tips help make it what it is.
You are a down to earth speaking our language type of guy! Wish some politicians watched some of your videos they have a lot to learn!! I have started many plants but I just give them away to neighbors. I just love to watch a seed break through the ground and later produce fruit, or a twig grow into a shrub or tree. That is true gardening!
Would love a membership. Enjoy your site.
Going to use your info to root some grapevine cuttings this fall.
Please enter me in the drawing. I am retired and love plants! I’m also very interested in learning how I can supplement my income by selling plants!
Thanks so much for the valuable information you share with us!
I would love to have 1 of your memberships. As a truck driver I never had the home to do a backyard nursery. Now that I’m not driving because of illness I now have the time but not the funds. Thanks for offering this chance again. Steve
I love reading your information! I am ready to quit public working & start growing plants and being like you!
Keep on keeping on Mike!
Would love a lifetime membership. Thank you Mike for the chance of winning a membership.
Love to read your emails – would like to win a membership just to meet you!
Thanks for all the information you have shared with us through the years.
I love to garden and was diagnosed with MS 10 years ago. Because of physical limitations and financial constraints, I am not able to do as much as I could do.
Thank you for teaching me how to propagate and care for plants. Thanks to your help, I now turn my dining table into a potting/planting station every spring and fall and can still follow my passion.
I took my weekly fliers and newspapers and turned them into free weed control tools. Thank you.
Hope my name is drawn, it would be a blessing.
Hoping this gets me a “golden ticket”!
We really need to win this. Need to know how to make it in our old age
Mike, you have been an inspiration to me for a long time. I find myself sharing with others the knowledge you share. While life has quite challenging over this past year since my dad passed away it is still a dream of mine to do what you do as a means of supplementing my income.
count me in please..thank you
Mike, I have been following you for years. You are in inspiration. I would truly love this membership
I have enjoyed your site for several years now and learned too. I also understand why you love what you do. We just got back from a weeks’ vacation and I find that I love it here at home not somewhere else. The irrigation system is running, the grass is wet with dew and it will soon be hot again, I just filled the suet feeder and sometimes the resident bald eagle flies over here too. Keep up the good work!
PS. I am 74 and we give away far more plants than we sell and are happy to be able to do it.
Submitting my entry, thank you.
I live in East Tennessee and we have been seeing bald eagles, its a beautiful sight.
I would love to be considered for a membership. I already suscribe to your emails and enjoy them very much,
My favorites are japanese red maples, all kind of hosta especially the jumbo variety, and hydrangeas.
Have been following you for several years now and always great information, fun photos and inspiration for anyone who loves growing plants.
Trying again. My last one seems to have disappeared.
Hi Mike and family. It is so wonderful to get to know people who are willing to help others and see others prosper and be able to live a life doing what they enjoy. Thanks for all your hard work and so happy you are willing to share all you have learned over the years. To be able to learn from someone elses wisdom is great I am sharing and telling others as I go. Thanks again!
Love the posts, would love to win the membership! Thanks for sharing your knowledge Mike!
Mike, you’ve created a a Ph.D. business model – Push Here, Dummy. Working in the garden is soul-satisfying, and complements my work as a sculptor and studio owner; it makes the world a better place to live in.
Whether I win the membership, or not, I’m going to continue gradually growing a small business. Thank you fo showing the world there’s more to a yard than grass and impatiens.
I have worked as a Golf Course Superintendent for 30 years and have always wanted to own my own nursery. I love getting my hands dirty and seeing the fruits of my labor.
Love reading about you shenanigans!
How i would love to do this.
Wonderful to see so many responses and to read the comments. I too am grateful to Mike for all the information he has shared. I remember the first email I received years ago when he started to promote his business. Since then I have found many tips and how-to-do items that have helped me be a better gardener. The videos are great including the fudge recipe video!
Count me in Mike!
I have been learning so much about plants and propagation through you. I love your simple, straight forward approach and would love to win one of those memberships!
Pick me! Pick me! THANKS For ALL THE HELP And Useful INFORMATION
I’m now 80 years old and have been reading your emails for many years and would like to start up a new part time business.
I’ve been enjoying your website and email information for years. I would love to have a business center membership.
Thanks for all the great tips and information….. and give Finnegan and Fergus and extra head scratch for all of us here in TEXAS!
Great growing information. Thank you
Learning to garden in Alaska has been a serious challenge. Have wanted to become a member since I first heard about your business center. Living in a small tourist town with season work has made it financially impossible for me. I would really love to have a lifetime membership.
I love plants and animals of all kinds. I’d love to start growing plants again for fun and learn to profit from them as well.. I miss having my hands in the dirt.
Hi Mike! I recently moved to the high desert of California (the edge of the Mojave Desert) with an elevation of 4,300 feet and an average of 7 inches of rain. I was desperate to find some resources for getting things growing here and discovered your website. I am determined to grow and propagate plants here against the odds, and so far have had some success. I love to read your tips and have read your book about propagating plants. Thanks for sharing your ideas, knowledge and passion for gardening, propagating and landscaping! I’m looking forward to making the desert blossom like a rose and would love to sell plants that I propagate, too!
I couldn’t imagine trying to “go it alone” dong something like starting a business. Having other people who have “been there, done that” are so important. They can give you ideas you never had, make sure you don’t make stupid mistakes, keep you from trying to reinvent the wheel – so many reasons to have a membership to the BYG board.
Throwing my name in the hat! Thanks!
Playing in the dirt is meditations for me. Relaxing and a great sense of making thing look pretty. Love flowers!
Hi I would love a chance for a free membership!
Would love to win!
Mike, thanks for being an inspiration to so many, you teach us so very much….!
I love your videos and your email tips. Membership would be so awesome!
Hello Mike I have been getting your emails for a few years now and find lots of useful information. Keep up the good work Mike.
Sounds great. I enjoy your web site!
Thanks for all the tips…digging some dirt and filling some pots with plants…
Hope I win. Thanks for the opportunity. Keep gardening!
Hi Mike,
I have recently switched from poultry to tree farming; I am also a high school teacher. I always run a side businesses to keep the bills paid. Right now I’m just getting started and growing inventory however I have no income to grow the business other than my teaching check. Winning a membership would go a long way twords helping my family. I would also spend a good deal of money buying from members.
All the best,
North County Trees
San luis obispo, California
I’ve been indoors for over 15 years due to medical issue
After watching your videos
I discover my back yard’s potential.
Gave me a reason to get outside.
I never though it can be so relaxing and gratifying
It not only got me through hard depression times
I started selling plants. besides making money,
It feels great to see other people buying and appreciating what I do.
Would love to have a membership
love your system really works…………….
I would like to be the proud owner of the $610.00 membership. Due to being disabled since 2006 my income is very limited. I have R/A, high blood pressure, staff infection, type 2 diabetic , hearing loss, prong for infections and only 63- years of age. If I thank am going to have any extra money at the end of the month my unpaid copay to doctors receives ever thing. THANKS CARL.
Would love to win! Sign me up !
Am I too old to get started?
hi can i get a chance to be a member…..i am from very remote area in Fiji Islands and it would be beautiful to be a part of such group
In my garden there is a large place for sentiment. My garden of flowers is also my garden of thoughts and dreams. The thoughts grow as freely as the flowers, and the dreams are as beautiful.
Dear Mike, Pam, and donkeys,
I made a few errors in my comments yesterday, and omitted a few words.
The missing words are noted in parenthesis below:
As soon as I am more comfortable with the growth cycle of Moringas, I ( intend ) to take the show on the road and encourage local grammar school kids to grow Moringas.
I also have some 3 gallon edible opuntia cactus that have more than doubled in size ( since ) July and recently have planted 10 more young pads.
I know you folks must be crazy busy with plants and life. I apologize for any inconvenience, just wanted my post to make sense.
Best regards,
I hope to win . I love your info. Keeps me going.. day by day. Thanks so much
We take care of our daughters, one is severely disabled. We would love to be a part of the club! 1000 thanks!
Alli and Larry Coover
Hello, what a great thing to do! Whoever wins will love it I’m sure. I’m currently living in apt and have only 3×6 area of concrete to grow on. However, next year I am hoping to build in country with lots of space. Learning how to have my own business will help tremendously with bills and enjoyment as gardening is good for the soul.
Hi Mike. I read your post often, you are an Internet sensation it seems. You are everywhere I search. I started by back yard nursery down by the creek to try growing nursery stock evergreens. I hardly knew what to call it and then I ran across your website and there it was “Mike’s Backyard Nursery ” which was exactly what I had. So, now I knew my place. People would stop by and ask “What are you doing down by the creek?” I would tell them just trying to grow a few plants to put around the house. They would almost always then refer me to a large nursery somewhere in the area. It wasn’t very uplifting , I felt awkward actually. The next year people would stop by and ask , I would give the same answer and their reply would be ” Are you selling them? Or, Who are you selling them to ? I’m kinda weird but I ‘ ve paid so much attention to those plants sometimes it seems I can see how much the’ very grown daily . Three Years later I haven’ t parted with any of my plants. I’M HOOKED !
I have had some success accompanied by a lot of failure mostly with nutrition or lack of. There is so much out there it is hard to discern. I have been growing in containers not getting any help from mother nature. Containers are tough for me say up to 3 gallon.
I have had tremendous success with propagation for a few species
I built a 12 x 48 hoop house with a mistake system. Percentage wise really good. I fell I have something to share in this area.
I WOULD REALLY.LIKE TO WIN A FREE MEMBERSHIP NOT JUST TO TAKE BUT TO SHARE AND GIVE BACK. I have learned through the Internet and would like to make it real and maybe
I’m excited for this opportunity… Howdy
I think your back yard is a little bigger then mine. But I’m a Felco #2 kind of guy. Love the video’s great job.
Hi Mike and family, this is so nice of you to offer a chance at free membership. I’ve been saving all the good advice for about 5 years and can’t wait to retire (4 years) so I can do all the wonderful things you’ve shared with us. .
Thank you again.
Thanks for all of your educational videos about taking cuttings, soil, and growing in general. My first try at cuttings was unsuccessful, by I think I know why.
I love your site. I hope to continue to gain knowledge from you and your information on the site. I love to garden and hope to get the membership, since I can not afford one at this time.
A membership would be great.
Sounds good Mike.
Dear Mike, I am so very grateful for your emails. I have learned so much from you to help
keep my indoor plants and my gardens happy, healthy, and beautiful. Learned a lot about
cutting, replanting, when to cut back my bushes, what to do about replanting my Forsythia.
Each day I look forward to hearing each day’s lesson. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Best, Laura
I am appreciative of this opportunity! A membership would be a huge blessing to my family. Thank you!
Would love to get a free membership.
I would give about anything to be a permanent member! We host the R3 Community Recovery Garden and I would love more info on how to make it produce. We see plants to help raise money to keep things growing. Sooo, to have a permanent membership would be a DREAM COME TRUE!
I enjoy the many tips and ideas you constantly post. I would appreciate being alive time member.
I would love a free membership. This is my first year and I’m addicted! I love making cuttings and watching little trees and plants grow. I’ve also started into seeds and love watching them sprout out of the soil. And thank you Mike for showing me how to do it all!
Mike and company – I have been loving your newsletters and videos for years! I would be thrilled to win a membership. Thanks for the opportunity!
I would love the membership!
My first hundred pots arrived yesterday, I’ve got a couple yards of compost in the driveway and know where my future propagation bed is going. I just have to get the grass out of the way and get it built. Your books that I bought a couple months ago have been quite an inspiration! Thanks Mike!
Mike, I’m getting ready to live my dream back on a farm! I can’t wait to start my backyard nursery and look forward to putting all this great information to work for me. Thanks Glenda
Thanks for all your easy to understand e-mails. I’ve learnt more from you than from many books that I have read. Please keep inspiring me. P.S. Love your donkey’s, but, even more a win in your drawing.
Mike I would love to receive a membership. Please draw me. LOL
Mike I would love to receive a membership. Please draw me. LOL
Dear Mike:
I think that what you are doing is a wonderful act of kindness and unselfishness. Not just extending free memberships to potential members, but even more, your sharing of knowledge and experiences of plants and backyard growing.
I am a Plant Lover and I long to become a member. My Mother had a “Green Thumb.” She could literally stick a leaf into the ground and it would grow. As a child, I was fascinated by my Mother’s “magic” with plants. So, I grew up with a strong and loving relationship with plants. I don’t have my Mother’s Green Thumbs, but I do have her love and respect for plants.
I am a retired teacher, and my dream is to establish a lucrative Backyard Nursery. At present, my landscape is filled with potential “Parent Plants”, however, my experiences with rooting cuttings have not been successful. This is why I would love to become a member to learn how to become successful at something that I love so much.
Thank You So Much!
Thanks for all your easy to understand e-mails. I’ve learnt more from you than from many books that I have read. Please keep inspiring me.
My husband and I would love to have a lifetime membership. I can’t get enough Learning new ways and such about gardening.
Wow a membership would be amazing! Alright, I’m in 🙂
Mike Enjoy your videos and booklets, love to garden and start new plants
I sure would love a free membership and look forward to your news e-mails.
It seems membership has always been just a wee bit out of reach for us, sure would love to be selected.
I have been following you and your tips & information for several years .. I’d absolutely love a permanent membership !!
Just sowed some kale/turnip/beets a couple of weeks ago (God watered ’em and they’re sprouting now)….looking forward to addition on shed for intermittent misting system!
would love that membership. Love the info on here…
Mike, 15 years ago I got your book and I have been following you every since. I use the book as reference and your videos keep me fresh.
I do hope I win this, especially on October 5th for personal reasons, but even if
I don’t thank you for giving me the chance. Maybe next time.
I hope I win, I love gardening.
I would love to win a membership. Thank you so much for being so giving and ready to help.
Membership for me.
Big fan of your work. Bokashi composting is awesome. Thank you for all the motivating pictures and articles.
Hi Mike! I’ve been following you for a few years. Thanks for sharing your growing experiences with us!
Mike – I would LOVE to join your team!
When the world
Has you feeling like
A weed in a garden,
Know that someone
Out there sees you
As a wish;
And a beacon of hope.
A free membership would be great!!!
Hi Mike! I’ve been following you for a while now and have saved ALL of your postings to folders so I can read and reread them!! LOVE the whole concept of doing what I ENJOY and having it pay for itself! Come spring my husband is putting in two raised beds for me, and I can’t wait to make him a believer also!! Winning a free membership would be the icing on the cake!!! Thank you sooo much for the opportunity.
Let’s grow together!
Have been following your site for years and enjoy reading your articles.
Hi Mike,thanks for sharing all your wonderful knowledge with us that attempt to grow. It has been a great benefit to read your posts. Thank you again
I have followed this for years and I love this site. It would be so awesome to win a membership.
Have been reading your post for years, and purchased several videos.
Your site is informative and entertaining. Just retired from my day job,this
could be the start of second career. I would definitely come to Perry for the
Backyard Growers get together. Lived in Madison for 3 years and loved it.
Thanks for the opportunity Mike.
I bought your system a couple of years ago and follow you on-line . Thank you for all the great articles and tips ! !
I love your website and all your emails. I have learned a lot from you and really would love to be a part of the Backyard Growers! Love the donkeys!
I am looking for a retirement job and this would suit me just fine! Please wnter me in the drawing for the free membership! Thanks
I would love to win a membership. Trying to make a go on my little homestead I don’t have any money to spare to buy one. As it is I can barely make ends meet now and that is with scrounging, bartering and begging for the things I need.
I would love to win a lifetime membership. I’ve been following you for years
Hi Mike! I love your gardening tips and would love to have a lifetime membership
Hi Mike, hello everyone
Please put my name in for memberships to The Backyard Grower’s Business Center.
Am in central Florida.
The knowkedge i recieve from you and your books is amazing and look forward to receiving more
I am a mature back yard grower here in the Florida panhandle. Lightning struck or membership, I’ll take the membership.
Please consider me for your full membership. Thanks!
Woo Hoo 🙂
Love reading your posts. So much great information.
Keep bringin’ the good info! Would love a free membership.
First I would like to say Thank You for all the info. Have learned a lot from you. Biggest thing you did was keep me from freaking out about the 101 Leyland Cypress trees I planted last October. They looked BAD after the winter took your advice and everything was and is fine Thanks again that’s a lot of money in trees that I didnt want to lose . Always great advice and knowledge!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got the email linking to this page. Thank you for the opportunity to win a membership.
I have enjoyed and looked forward to your information and pictures of what you have learned and shared with us novices. Thank you. I would love to get a membership.
Mike, Enjoy your words of advice about gardening etc. as I have my own landscaping business.
Thanks again.
I enjoy the Information that you post/share. I previously PURCHASED your Backyard Growing system BUT could NOT/can NOT afford the Membership (which I mistakenly thought was included)- so It would be AWESOME to win one… Thanks Again!
I would LOVE to have a lifetime membership! I started paying for membership in June and then my husband got laid off. I’m on disability but with our income drastically reduced, I’m having to cut corners and this membership is on the “list” . So a free membership would REALLY help!
It would be wonderful to win this! You give such good advice.
Mike, thanks for sharing your wealth of information with us gardening enthusiasts.
I’m hoping luck is on my side this time, thank you mike for the opportunity
I would love to win a membership!! Thank you for the opportunity!
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Mike I have been receiving your news letter for a numder of years now and just retired now is the time. You have me hooked on the idea of making money doing what I love. Please enter count me in. Thank you Mike.
“P.S. If you just can’t wait until October 10, 2016, when we open membership to The Backyard Grower’s Business Center… I’ll tell you a secret: there’s a free 30-day trial that’s included with the purchase of my Backyard Growing System. SHHHH… don’t tell anyone!”
Huh? When did you start doing this? I’ve bought the Backyard Growing System twice over the years and never heard anything about this.
I love hearing about others soil recipes!!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Pick me for a membership
It’s the thing to do.
Love your videos and newsletters. Would love a membership.
So happy to have to found you Mike! I found you researching a tree on youtube and I got hooked.
I am using your program as a retirement plan for my wife and I . A lifetime membership would be so helpful.
Thanks again,
Hello from Lorain, Ohio, Mike! My Mother was first a follower of yours (she’s been gone now for over five years), and she introduced me to you and your gardening/growing wisdom. I’ve learned so much and find it fascinating and have introduced others to you as well. I would LOVE to come to Perry to meet you and see your set up – and your shindig . A membership would be an amazing gift! Best of wishes to you.
An honor to be selected .
Sounds good
Would love a free lifetime membership
If you set around do nothing you will be wondering how to make money
this will work on some level
take a chance
I was here!
How generous to give a free membership. I love being in my gardens, which is my therapy and passion. I propagate plants from my yard and have sold them to my neighbors. I like the knowledge you share with us all..
Would love a free membership it would be a blessing and help further my dream of making income from my passion. Thanks for the opportunity to glean from your knowledge and hope to see you at the shindig soon
I would love the opportunity to learn more about gardening . Thank you for your email thus far.
I would like to get the membership and learn about growing and selling plants.
Hi Mike, this is an awesome opportunity so please pop my name into the hat. You are always so generous & forthcoming with all facets of your gardening expertise and many time I have taken advantage of that information. I know you spend a great deal of time preparing this information, having it typed and sharing it with us. I (along with the majority) very much appreciate it. Without it I would know very little. I look forward to & save each and every edition you send out and will continue to do so. Thank you for all your research & expertise and the countless hours you put into this amazing effort. Hugs
Thank you Mike and Pam for all you do for FREE for us that love the dirt and what springs forth from it.
Gardening is a wonderful stress relief and you make it a lot easier.
Thanks for the info.
I have learned much from your site but would like to learn more.
Thanks Mike. I really appreciate the info you have for those of us who want to do what we enjoy and make money doing it. A free membership would be greatly appreciated and give me a leg up on getting started on a new venture in life. I really need to learn how to grow Junipers from my own plants as cuttings to help an elderly woman in my neighborhood cover a large bank on her corner yard so she want have to pay to get it cut.
Love the information and tube channel. Thank you.
Ricardo from Kauai HI
Hi, folks.
There is always something to learn from your email all these years I’ve been getting them and I’m very grateful. I have them handy in a folder in my emailbox; can’t part with them. Lol.
Today I’m going to read, again, about hardwood? cuttings.
Offering two free memberships to lucky subscribers is very generous of you and I hope I get picked to get one of them.
Thanks to all for all you do.
I’ve tried some of your suggestions for rooting cuttings…and they worked! Will try more next season.
Tim in coastal CA
I enjoy reading your postings. I am not doing as much gardening as I used to but I still love to read about you and other’s projects. I have saved all of your email postings.
Hi Mike You are terrific and the information you share for free is awesome, so matter of fact and accessible. I can only partly imagine what the membership must be like.
I was hoping to make some use of the cherry trees suckers which are popping up all over the place but none of the cuttings “took” so will have to try again next year. You make it look easy, so I must be missing something.
I am also trying to root Meyer lemon cuttings in the house, our winters are far too cold for them to be outside. I am probably a couple of zones at least further north of you in the Canadian Prairies, so not sure how much of what you do would handle this climate..(.although in another dozen years we may have your climate, or so they say).
Thank you so much for all you share, it is really appreciated. And Finnigan and Fergus are fabulous, what a joy they must be for you. Too bad neither will become President!
Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us. Certainly appreciate the opportunity to Enter to Win a Lifetime Membership! That would be awesome!!
Pick me I need income badly and can’t afford the membership , but read all the arrivals
I enjoy all of the news I get from your blog… Would love to win a membership.. You already seem like family…
I would love to have a free membership!
I’ve been on your email list for years. Thank you for all the information (emails, youtube, etc.) that you freely give – it has been very informative (and accurate!).
It would be a tremendous blessing to win a free membership so I can actually take my hobby to the next level and make money!
Thanks again for all you do for all of us.
MIKE ! I really need this membership, I owe it to my plants to quit fumbling around and learn how to stop killing them!
Mike and family,
Thank you for your knowledge and for sharing it with those of us still learning. My garden, flowerbeds and house plants teaches me something new everyday, weather or not it was a lesson I wanted to learn!!!!!
When I was growing up I had an aunt called Sis by everyone that knew her. She came from the “old country” just chocked full of diy ideas for gardening. Recycling wasn’t a yuppie word but a way of life. Her nieces and nephews used to watch her throw all the kitchen debris right into the garden which was just off her back porch. We were watching a true master at her art and just idled it away on long summer days…not really appreciating what we were fortunate enough to have access to and that’s where you come in, just at the right time of life and like my dear aunt, ready, willing and able to share your knowledge. I am a very fortunate person indeed to have a second chance to learn at the hand of a ‘master’. I will not squander you. Thank. you.
love reading all the great tips you have for us newbee gardeners Helps make my efforts more successful
As a Master Gardener practicing, (even though partially disabled), I would so love a membership gift.
Actually building a Garden Sanctuary in my local community gardens, about 3 years ago, changed my life in so many ways, and it is ALL I want to do!!
Gardening is cheaper than Therapy and One receives soon much more than just Tomatoes!!!
I will be gardening and learning and talking about, sharing and teaching about gardening till the day I plant my last seed or take my last breath, whichever comes first.
Cheers and Happy Gardening Everyone!!!
I’d love to have a membership!
I have been struggling to start my own garden and stumbled on your site a while back and have educated myself with your emails, thank you
would love a chance to win and love all the advice i have learned so much i am disabled and this is something i can do
thank you so much
Over the years, I have learned so much from you, your emails, web pages, videos – all top notch. You give so much of yourself, Mike. As a reseller (and after you stopped the program) I brought in quite a few new members, but I still don’t have my own!! Would love to tho’! Would love to turn our little ‘tree’ business into a real nursery with your guided expertise (and get Canada moving)! Thanks to you (and Dustin!)
I read with great delight many of your articles. I hope to someday make a little money selling and replanting. I would really like to order some of the plants you talk about in the back yard growers center. I very much enjoy planting, learning, and experimenting with new idea’s. Please enter me in the contest
Pick ME, Pick ME! I’d so love this opportunity.
Thanks mike for all you do to help us wanna-bes 😉
Hi Mike: Thanks for this opportunity! By the way – My Husband likes your “Bibs”….
We enjoy your videos….
I always enjoy the letters I get from you. You give some great information and let us know about good sales.
HELP! my father has passed away and this Aussie girl needs a new family and job. Share the love!
Love growing plants. Never won a thing.
I want in Mike!!
Thanks for all the great info you’ve provided over the years!
Hey Mike, I have enjoyed reading your articles for the past couple of years. It would be a real blessing to win a membership so I could learn to earn and get a plant business started. I have plenty of time on my hands since being layed off eight years ago. I need to help my wife out with the bills so please send out one of those memberships to north carolina. Thanks
Mike, I enjoy reading your helpful and encouraging gardening posts! Thank you! I think I might like to give a backyard gardening business a try!
Pick me !!!!!! I would love a membership. I ordered my first book from you last winter and have many little rooted shrubs now WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it sure feels good. I would love to win this membership. To have the knowledge to make this a success would be wonderful. I read all of your emails, watch your videos over and over.. Shindigs are a lot of fun and I want to come lol. As I said PICK ME.
Thank you,
Hi Mr. Mike. Love youe articles and you have inspired me to learn more abour gardening . I successfuly started two roses from cuttings. I probably am too old for the memorship, even though it would be nice I am stll going to enjoy all of your articles. I think one of my favorires besides plants were anout the donkys. Keep it up this old lady loves your site.
Enter me please! Winning a permanent membership would really help me startup my backyard nursery in the right direction. I’d like to one day get my own Finnegan and Fergus too!
Hi Mike,
What a great offer! My wife & I have started a backyard growing business and always look forward to your emails.
Craig & Ann
A big Arizona hello to Mike, Pam, and donkeys!
I have about 45 Moringa Oleifera trees in various stages of growth, ranging from 3 inches to 5 feet in height, and at least one Moringa Stenopetala. Growing these trees from seed has been a fantastic learning experience.
Many of these trees should produce their first flowers and seed pods next year, I plan to take my first shot at air layering a few of these trees in the Spring, mostly for the experience. I have no doubt that the trees will continue to teach me.
I also have some 3 gallon edible opuntia cactus that have more than doubled in size July and recently have planted 10 more young pads. I plan to sell some of these as established young plants, Unless I eat them first.
As soon as I am more comfortable with the growth cycle of Moringas, I to take the show on the road and encourage local grammar school kids to grow Moringas. The presentations will include a little Moringa tree for each young mind. We’re growing more than trees, folks. If even one kid develops a long-term interest in raising plants and trees, maybe that’s one kid who won’t get involved in less optimal pursuits.
I also have dozens of Mesquite tree seedlings that are developing into small plants. I’ve heard that Mesquite are difficult to germinate. I don’t know about that. I’ve had great success germinating Mesquite which, BTW, grows edible pods and seeds.
I’m hoping I get lucky and win one of your slots. I would especially love to connect with other growers in zone 9a. And everyone else, as well. You never know who will spark inspiration or share the solution you need for a specific growing-related issue.
Well, that’s my story. And I’m sticking to it.
Keep up the good work, and keep on growing!
thanks, Mike for all your hard to find info. please put my name in the hat.
I Love You Mike! Yours is the only site I even have! Is Duston Married? Thanks for this Chance of a Lifetime?
Love this site. Thanks for a chance to win a membership!
I love propagating plants. My favorites are hydrangeas. I have about fifty or more in my yard. Thanks for your help.
Truth is, I’ve been following Mike for many years. When the time was right, I purchased the Backyard Growing System. If you’re on the fence about spending money … remember this … KNOWLEDGE is the key to many things and can’t be taken away from you.
Either “wish” or “do” .. it’s up to you.
Mike, thanks for all the good info.
You have been extremely helpful in gardening ideas. Although we are limited on space now in a trailer park , I have always enjoyed gardening. I was raised on 60 acres in Ohio. It was the best years of my life. Hopefully my 2 sons and 3 gr. kids will pick up some of your gardening tips. Keep up the good work.
sure do appreciate your booklets, i’m old school and prefer an actual physical booklet to read through rather than an e-book. love taking prunings of plants and turning into new plants.
Mike, I really appreciate the frequent and informative information you give through emails. The information is very helpful. Would enjoy receiving a free membership-thank you for the opportunity. Keep the great information coming.
Thanks, Dave
I enjoy the info I get from your blog posts. I bought your system and have sod a few pants, hoping to expand on it this year.
would like to be a ‘member’ of your backyard gardener group. Tried to sell some plants once but got cold feet and quit. Have learned a lot over the years thru your emails
Cool beans!
…and shrubs and trees
Oh my.
Thanks for all the information. It’s very educational and greatly appreciated.
Thank you for the help you are giving to everyone.
. I have not sold any plants yet but I have been successful in rooting a few. We give them away each year at a dinner we have the first week in June.
. I would love to have a life time membership to get more involved. Each article has helped so much. Thanks to Duston for the videos.
A backyard garden shindig with Mike, friends, and two donkeys sounds like an event that should not be missed!
I’m in sunny SoCal, on 23,000 square feet of land, and I really want to make or grow something out of it. I’ve been listening to your ideas of a nursery and I’m inspired, although I sure need a heap more motivation on top of inspiration to get this started.
Please keep up the good work Mr. Grow Arty!
JUST AS YOU ARE MR. MIKE, ARE VERY LIBERAL WITH YOUR PASSION FOR PLANTS. I have been following you for 10 years. Now I have a 20 foot veggie garden and a 5 foot flower garden, I watch Monarch butterflies grow their. All this was inspired by you. Before I started watching you, I had no desire for plants. This is my 2nd year propagating mulberry trees, though not with great success. I haven’t sold anything. I’m not that confident, yet.
Mr. Mike, thank you soo much for giving this offer away!
Thanks for all you do Mike
I would love to win like everyone else, but I do want to thank you for all you do for us dirt lovers Mike and Dustin. I really do look forward to all your posts.
Living in Montreal, Canada I may not qualify for a lifetime membership, but I wish to express my appreciation for all your posts. They are most informative and helpful. Bravo!
Hi Mike,
Although I was raised in my grandfather’s commercial greenhouses in Dayton during the 1950s, I’m constantly learning new ideas through your great newsletters & videos.
I am hopeful that you will consider me for your generous offer.
Thanks bunches, Mike.
Happy trails,
What a thrilling gift this would be fo ich I would like to talk to you about in person
Thank you I am keeping my fingers crossed
So much I would like to talk to you about in person. Take care
Mike we recently bought a new home with more property…..bought your books before we moved and a free 30 day membership, unfortunately I was not able to use the membership because of the move……looking forward to implementing it soon. Have shared you with many of my friends
Thanks to you and your family…..you are a wealth of wonderful knowledge.
Hey Mike,
Thanks alot for a chance to have full membership. I have learned so much from your postings and now have a great garden almost year around..I live here in southeast Texas and it really gets hot here but with your advice my garden still grows. Keep up the good work
Mike, I just had Brain surgery waiting to see if disability will help me.but in the mean time I love to garden and have started using your technical knowledge. This would be ideal for me to make some income and enjoy the outdoors, meet people and fill alive as I see my plants go with me. Would love a free membership to start sharing my plants and buying others. God is good.
I’d love a free membership, Mike. I love your emails and all the down to earth tips you share with us!
Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! LOL!
Mike, I really appreciate all the information you have posted over the year. Thank you for putting this “membership lottery” out there.
Love all of your gardening tips……and your overalls!
Thank you for the opportunity Mike!
Thanks, Mike. I got your starter kit many years ago. Right now, my hands are full. Hopefully, I will be able to retire in a year or two and be able to start growing cuttings. I have received your email messages for many years and really appreciate them.
Thanks Mike, a life time membership would be a blessing…Thank You
What a wonderful opportunity! Thank you for offering this chance! May the plants be with you. Lol
Love it, love it, love it. Who would guess it was so easy. Retiring so hope to do more and the membership would be grand.
Like the others I too enjoy your emails and have an avid interes in gardening. I have been on your list for years now but have been too scared to join. Not sure I have the means to sell the plants if I make them. But would sure love to try. Would be very blessed if I were chosen for your lifetime membership. Thank you for the videos, and for sharing your hard earned knowledge. So appreciated
I have watched a lot of your videos and have a couple of small greenhouses. I would love to be a part of you( tea pot) community.
Nice work Mike. You’re an inspiration and a great resource.
I have watched a lot of your videos and have a couple of small greenhouses. I would love to be a part of you( tea pot) community.
I would love this opportunity. Thank you.
I love to receive lifetime membership
Extraordinary opportunuity! Thanks Mike!
This would be really awesome and a chance for something new
Hi Mike. I would love to win a membership. I discovered your website a short time ago. I live in Newfoundland, Canada The kind of information you are sharing is hard to get here.I am enjoying your vidio’s very much
Mike, thanks for all the goodness you spread around the world !
I am helping a friend replant his farm (70 Hectars) with trees, shrubs, etc.,90% of it, was burned, do to a wild fire, here in Portugal! So we are in a process of preparing to get seeds, cuttings, of local species, it would be great to learn from who has the knoledge on subjetc.
Wish you all the best. life can give you and your family!
I love all of your post and videos. I would love to be a member of your community. I would be proud to also. Thanks even if I don’t win because God will look over us and provide. Love to you and your family. William Stanley
I love Mike! I get the emails, watch the vids on youtube and would love a membership. Here’s to hoping.
Will be starting to make plants on my farm in NC
Thanks for all your help mike?
Mike, thanks for all your tips and knowledge. Just getting started this summer with weigela and viburnum cuttings. Looking great after 8 weeks! Having a ball!
Thank you for this chance. I love gardening and getting dirt under my nails and maybe this will lead to something BIG!!
I read everyone of your emails you have sent me, they are so full of information on growing flowers and selling them. It would be awesome to win a membership.
I thank you for all the excellent information that you give. My gardening endeavors have been greatly improved because of you. Thank you!
A Lifetime Membership will be very helpful & greatly appreciated. Thank You.
i would love a membership. I use your tips to help make the best garden for my daughter. thanks to your tips we have had the most come out of our garden ever. my 4 year old loves it.
Would love to have the opportunity to retire my wife to home and then join her. Thanks for the free membership chance. And thanks for all the time you spend teaching.
I have been a subscriber for a long time and have learned soooo much. This year I am finally getting serious. And currently have a raised bed under construction for cuttings. I experimented with hardwood last winter but they got lost in the weeds. Thank you so much Mike for your constant pool of information. I have learned a lot. P. S. Donkeys are cute too
I’m still scared to get started but after listening to you and reading what you have written I’m taking the plunge — thank you so much
Monsanto is the Evil
I would love to have a chance for your membership in Business Center
Thank you
Random is my middle name.
Hi Mike … I follow and save all your automatic e-mails. I rely on these each time I want to add something to my yard. We moved to a smaller place in May and now I have to start all over with a blank yard…it will be exciting. I hope I am chosen for the free membership…
Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!
What a helpful website! The videos are informative. I could be ready for the next step and a membership would be a great boost for me. Please include my name for consideration. Thank you.
Hey Mike, Thank you for all the great help and advice you share with all of us! I have followed you for years and if nothing else, you taught me old dogs can learn new tricks! Your sight is really addictive as once I start reading about one article, there is always another article to select from at the bottom of the page that arouse my interest and curiosity { Don’t worry, it won’t kill any cats, LOL }. Thanks again from all of us, Take care!
Hi Mike and every one that helps you with this
Will I am trying to get a nursery going and I am finding there is a lot of money going to go out on this I have a lot of plants going right now. I just hope I can get this going by spring.
And thanks for all the info you send out it has been very helpful and you are the one that help me to go ahead and do this. see my other half drivers A big truck you know the ones with 18 weel’s that big truck lol sorry just trying to be funny. but this is way I am trying to get a nursery going I can not work I have a bad heart and I want to help my other half out so he dose not have to work so hard. so all I ask for is your prays that I can get this working. Thank you
I have watched almost all of your videos, Some twice. I have shared your website with several of my gardening buddies. I am more knowledgeable then ever. And I thought I knew a good bit after all of these years. I love reading all of the tips and tricks. The idea of making money from my love of dirt is indeed tempting. Thank you!!!
We are a non-profit monkey rescue center in Costa Rica that would love to use your membership to give us the knowledge needed to raise money by selling plants started from cuttings to help save the monkeys.
A free membership would be such a welcome. With my husband battling a brain tumor and not working, and with my background in landscape architecture I know I can make this work.
I’m crossing my shovels!!
I use Mike’s recommendations all the time in my “Suburban” farm. Thanks for the great knowledge you share.
I love reading your posts. Have learned a lot of new things. Please enter me into your drawing. Thank you.
Love, love, love all your information! I started following your guidelines and this summer i sold over $600 selling plants and have fun while doing it!!
Gimmie Gimmie I need I need!
Just downsized to smaller home on 11 acres…would love the opportunity…thank you for all you do!
A free membership would make my year! Either way, keep the good email coming!
I really enjoy your videos! I have used your methods with success and I made your fudge one year and it was awesome.! As always thank you for your time.
Thank you for all the years you’ve been posting for us, I’ve been a loyal follower. Love this post also!
Please enter me in your drawing.
I would love to win a free membership!!
Who can’t use information and help for our gardens, I live in Southern Utah and getting anything to grow is a challenge, we receive very little water.
Please enter me in your drawing.
It would be a dream come true and a prayer answered to win this! Thank you Mike, I have learned so much from you over the years. As my Grandkids would say, Pick me! Pick me!!!
I would love to be a part of the inner sanctum. Love your videos and down-to-earth style.
I have the book and now know how to best ise the business center!
I have appreciated all of your gardening tips, especially since I have stepkiddos and baby twins & don’t have time now to research everything about how to create a better yard and garden each year. I am grateful for the beauties around us and for the knowledge you share and for your talent of a green thumb!
We would love to win this! Thanks for the chance!
Hey Mike, I feel like we know each other well because I read your emails every time you contact me. I have two goats and love reading about your donkeys and other animals. I am a para in a elementary school and a couple of times each year I bring plants to school that I grow to sale to my teacher friends. I would love to join your program some day to make my little sale at school be even better. I will keep my fingers cross hoping to win a membership! If not I will continue to read and learn from emails I get from you. I learned how to pick japanese red maple tree seeds and grow from seeds. I love maple trees and have several kinds in my yard so thanks for all the info I get from you! Hope to here from you soon, Rhonda
I have enjoyed gardening for many years,but I know very little about selling plants. I would enjoy doing this as a business, but I have much to learn.
Hey Mike, recently retired and would like to get in to this business!
I enjoy reading all the gardening tips on Mike’s website. A membership would be great.
HI Mike I discovered your great site early last year and have started small with a few cuttings and selling potted plants from the garden. I now have a whole bunch of plants and regular sales throughout the year. It works for me and can work for anybody else. I would love a free memebership to your backyard growers good luck and good health
I like most others would love a free membership. I’m just looking to improve my gardening skills and get to creating a host of small plants that could generate extra income for the household.
Tom G.
My birthday is October 5. What a wonderful gift this would be!! I love gardening and have sold a few plants this year. I would like to sell more. I have learned so much from your posts. Thank you for all you do for us fellow gardeners.
Love picking your brains for tidbits of gardening knowledge!
Love reading your articles and I am excited at a chance of winning a membership
I never miss reading Mike’s emails because I always learn something new. Thanks for all the tips!
Would love to win this membership it would be a real positive step in a direction I have been wanting to go for a very long time. thanks bunches for this chance. Pam Olson
I have always enjoyed reading your material. I would love a membership. Thanks and keep up the great work.
Thanks Mike for all you do for us novice gardeners! Look forward to hearing from you with more tips and tricks.
Mike, thank you so much for this chance. I love plants and my husband and I are on fixed incomes.
This would help so much as I am costantly propogating plants and than I don’t really know what to
do with them. I just keep growing as its just in my blood.. My Mom had a nursery and I learned a lot
from helping her. I’ve learned something new everytime I read one of your articles. Bless you Mike
and your cute little donkeys too.
Thank you so much,
Multiplication (now that it involves plants) is a good thing! You’re a great resource and inspiration. Keep it up!
Yes! Count me in, too! Mike’s emails are always informative – and believe it or not – I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Horticulture.
Hopefully I’ll get my backyard nursery up and running in the spring.. planning to build beds this month. A membership would come in handy.
Thank you Mike for all you do. Please enter my name in the contest.
Have huge folder of gardening tips…there are so many and it provides so much enjoyable reading….keep ’em coming….and many thanks…
a free membeership would be awesome! I’ve been telling people about you sence I found your site and have tryed sending them your way. Your way seems so easy! It just makes cents! pun intended.
Count me in Mike. Thank you for sharing all your know how with everyone.
Hi this could really make a difference for us. Something we can’t afford but would really love to do. If we are unsuccessful, I do wish the winner congratulations all the same.
A lifetime membership would be such a blessing! Thanks for the giveaway and your generosity!
Really enjoy your gardening expertise. Thanks for your guidance and info. A membership would be a blessing and helpful in my retirement .
I would love to have a lifetime memebership…thank you so much for offering it…
Please enter me in your giveaway. I have learned so much from your emails, and videos, I have been trying to get some rootings going and have had some good and some bad luck. I have MS and would love to get a business started with my husband helping me since we are both retired. I have always loved being outside working with plants and have learned so much from you and would love to learn more from you.
Would love membership, I have laughed at a comment, I was being careful, yelling at my hubby, your going to kill it, He was to close to a tree removing it. Well after watching some of your videos ive learned alot. We live N. Arizona CLAY. Mike thank you for taking some of the fear away. I love my trees, plants. It becomes personal, well hope we r 1 of the winners.
This looks like a great system!
Thank you for this opportunity – would love to win this membership!
I like to grow plants.
Your tips are always so simple and straight-forward. At 70, I need all the assistance I can get and would greatly appreciate the membership you are giving away. I’ve survived 3 separate cancers in my lifetime and never stopped working through any of it and I don’t intend to start now. Going to go as long as I can move.
Love reading your great emails, full of tips, suggestions and ideas. I haven’t really started yet, except that I have been growing a few cutting for years, just not on they scale you describe, or with as much success. Since fall is coming and I’ll be able to get outside in the yard more, I’ll be stepping up my efforts using your system this time. I would certainly love a free membership!
Your system would be totally awesome if……….I hadn’t procrastinated for the past 5 years I’ve been READING about it! I allowed life to get in the way of movi g forward….my bad! There may be hope for me yet….I AM only 72!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to receive a free membership. I have learned so much from your resources.
I know nothing about gardening or starting a business….this is all new to me. Ever since I found your blog I look forward to your updates and believe you have actually inspired me to start growing plants on my own for into my retirement. Ive become a wanna-be. =D Who knew? For that I am truly grateful!
Pick me – pick me!!!
I’m getting closer to starting my growing and your advice and encouragement are always appreciated Mike.
I would LOVE to come to this SHINDIG you have…
My husband says we need a trip away, just the 2 of us…
He just purchased me a small greenhouse!!!
Little does he know what I have in store for him!
Thanks for the possibility to come meet you all.
My mother has a great passion for plants and flowers and while growing up as a young boy all the work of digging and planting always seemed like such a chore. Now as an adult I find myself inspired and passionate just like her. I would certainly enjoy a lifetime menbership with you.
I am physically limited, so I don’t know if I would be a good candidate for the drawing, but I wanted to let you know that I have tried some of the processes in the garden. This year was rather depressing when the hail came. Not much survived, We watched as our ole’ Sumac had it leaves and bark shredded by the hail as well as my newly set out plants of all sorts. (We are still working on the house repairs, roof and windows) I am slowly getting the garden prepared for the coming year! A gardener never gives up! Thank you for the help and inspiration!
been collecting equipment and supplies for last 6 months will start in the spring.
Me please! Love your videos and emails!
Down in Houston and would LOVE to win a membership and start a business form my little subdivision yard!! Thanks for all your posts and videos and encouragement.
been preparing for a 2-17 spring start,reading post and advice articles for last 6 months ..
Just a quick note to say thanks for all the great tips.
I would love to get this membership. I am on a fixed income, am recovering from 2 small strokes (just can’t remember days of the week yet) and hope that is all the
problems I end up with. Please consider me for your free membership. God Bless.
Thanks for this website and keeping it so current and useful
Include me in!
I love your e-mails
i- would absolutely love to have a membership even if it was temporary! living on disabiltiy, there isnt much you can buy after the bills are paid and being a member of literally anything is not in the budget. i never was much on gardening. (ask my mother, i used to make up excuses to help her when i was a kid.) but now, it is too boring to just throw the ball for my dogs so i have to keep busy while they dont give me the ball back so, i started to pull weeds and that transformed into growing everything i can get my hands on! i am lousy at trying to start seeds, but i am not too too bad at rooting everything i prune off of live plants. (i hate to recycle live things except for weeds!!) i usually have branches or rootings in every pot i own and my flower boxes on the deck are called ‘the hospital’ ! i would be so appreciative if you picked me, but if not, it wasnt meant to be! thanx!
Hi Mike! My husband and I have really enjoyed your youtube videos and both of your websites. We have found a passion that we didn’t really know we had! Not only have we pursued a mini nursery we have grown so much closer in doing it.
Looking forward to more exciting things from you and your backyardnursery
Thanks Mike!
Thank you Mike for all of your great information. I’m finally starting to plant things. I would love to be in on your Back Yard Growers Membership Drawing.
Thanks for videos and updates. I’d love to have a lifetime membership.
Enjoyed our visit to your place last year. Please enter me in your drawing
yes please! 🙂 put my name in the hat!
Hi Mike,
I have always enjoyed your site – your willingness to share your knowledge so freely and enthusiastically, are invaluable . Your photos and videos are always helpful, along with the many featured articles you have about certain plants and how to purchase them for ourselves are great. Your “shindig” at your home would be a great opportunity to meet you and other like-minded gardeners who see the financial benefits they can begin to experience themselves by following your illustrated step by step method. I hope I can meet you in person soon to thank you for all the garden treasures you have freely given to so many.
We love all your written advise you give, Thank you for sharing. Please enter my name for the drawing for the membership.
Hi Mike. One thing I can say is that Mike is the real deal. I appreciate all the help you have so generously shared with so many people for so many years. If it is the Lord’s will to ‘win’ this membership then I will be able to enlarge the lives of others as you have through growing.
Thank you for all you do Mike and for this wonderful opportunity to win a free membership!
Julia Kempf
Mike been getting your emails for several years now and you are an inspiration to many home gardeners including myself. Thank You
This is an amazing opportunity!
Hi, i would love a membership
Hi, Mike! I’ve enjoyed and learned from your newsletter and videos for many years and easily feel that I have a friend I can ask about anything that puzzles me about growing stuff. Thanks for all you do! (I’m so glad you are so successful!)
What a “go give” spirit you have to bless others with FREE membership. I would love to be a part of your “community” I hope I win! 🙂
Your extensive collection of videos have helped me immensely in turning my empty yard into a happy garden { with still endless work left to do, thankfully ; ) } and also helped foster a passion for propagation. Thanks for all you do!
Would LOVE to win a permanent membership! I have been gardening for years but it seems like there’s ALWAYS something new to learn and grow. I’ve been watching you and bought some info, but have not utilized it yet. However, I got my first greenhouse this summer and just put in fall plants AND am trying my hand at rooting some cuttings. I work full time and garden in my free time (5,000 sq ft garden and the rest of the acre to maintain) but my husband will be retiring in a year or so and plans to get into gardening. I can see this being a great partnership, and if we do well I might be able to retire sooner than I think to spend more time with him.
Mike keeps me inspired to grow my backyard business! Thanks!
I would love to be a member
love your emails very helpful in learning a new start thanks
I posted yesterday and thanked you for the opportunity but my post did not survive moderation. Another Ken posted at the same time with duplicate posts which are still there. was this a mistake or was I dumped for another reason? please advise.
I’m pretty sure that I have a full membership already, but if this is another type, then I’d sure like to win it! My wife and I really appreciate all of the great info that you publish and I believe that we are going to be ‘ busting this thing wide open” starting this coming spring! Thank you so much for everything!
It would be awesome to win!!
I learn so much from Mike’s posts. So Much more to implement. Thanks, Mike, for being you and doing what you do!
I have been a reading your blog for two years or so and love the tips I get it reminds me of Jin in the victory garden that was one of the first on PBS going back some years but would love a free membership
Robert noble. Retired
I love all the information you so thoughtfully put together. Thank you for the giveaway!
Thanks for the opportunity to win a membership. It would be a wonderful blessing!
I’d love to receive a free membership & so appreciate this generous offer & opportunity.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your tips and have learned so very much from you! I would LOVE to become a member!
I have had access to your emails for quite a few years. I have even learned to grow my own Japanese maple trees. I would love to win the membership! The possibilities would be endless! Thank you for the chance!
Hi Mike. Love your creativity and sense of humor! I hope to build a plant business in retirement. In a little over a year. Will need all the help I can get!
I would be honored to be a member of your group. Your hard work and business acumen are to be commended.
Thanks for your expertise and generousity Mike. i would love a lifetime membership and use your info and advice in Haiti, Madagascar, and Nepal.
MIke, It has been great through the years getting free informative emails from you! Look forward to continue hearing about the innovative ways to improve gardening, We have a half acre in town, with a ditch and a forest behind our property and I have time now to really make something happen. I would thoroughly be blessed by this membership and see what I can do, with your help. here in Central Florida!! Thank you so much!! You have an amazing talent, Mike, I really want to learn more!
Thanks for sharing so much wonderful information. You make a difference in peoples lives when you end your messages with, “stay inspired.” I’m trying.
I would greatly appreciate and value a Membership; located in Alberta, Canada
Thanks Mike, would love to get in on this giveaway
Been in Mike and Dustin’s back pocket a few years and haven’ t the money to join the board but would like a start.
Count me in here in Chatham Ontario CA
This would be a good way to kickstart my larger garden! I like reading your posts, and try to apply what I can to my own garden.
Saw lady leaving lots of potted flowers at a local garden center. The garden center then sells them for $5.00. They are filled out and beautiful. I wondered if they were part of this program.
Mike, I’ve been a fan of yours for over 12 years. You motivated me to start growing! I am ready for that next step and would love to be an active member and come out and meet you and the team. Thanks so much!
Thanks for keeping me in the loop Mike, so happy to see so many people doing this, I can’t wait to get started! Keeping my fingers crossed that I am 1 of 2 :).
I would benefit from a free membership. Thanks
I love your E-Mails and would like a free membership so I could use much needed extra money. Also working in the yard is the best relaxation there is for me.
I have been on your mailing list for many years & really enjoy the tips for gardening.
I have been reading your encouragement for years. Keep it up!
Nice Work Mike !!
Hello, Thank you for the chance at a free membership. I have been in your 30 day free trial and have found it to be wonderful. It is educational and supportive. People are full of helpful advice and instruction. I have been trying to learn what I can from your videos, but would love to have the membership to ask experienced backyard gardeners some specific questions, so I can get my backyard garden off the ground. I’ve been stumbling around myself trying to get it right, but with someone more experienced to ask would be so helpful. I would be ever so grateful.
I have been following you for years. I’m on SS and can’t pay for membership. I would love to have a lifetime membership. Thanks for the opportunity to win one. 🙂
What a great opportunity! Fingers crossed!
Hi Mike, I want to thank you so much for all the info emails over the years.
I grow mostly inside plants, and all the info that I’ve received from you, I have surely been blessed and have put them to use.
I’m a country girl from Indiana living in the city now for over 12 yrs, and that has sure cramped my style from the country living lol
I had 120 plants here inside my house some up to over 3 ft tall but had to combine a lot of them because of not enough space., I’m down to 2 windows instead of 3 but their growing like crazy from the help of you.
I would really enjoy visiting Ohio and am looking forward to hear who the 2 lucky winners are,
Take care my growing friend and enjoy your day… Teresia
I love getting your emails in my inbox. Your style is fun and straight to the point and you take the guesswork out of planning and maintaining a garden! I even designed my step-son’s garden this year with your tips! Thanks!
Mike: I get inspired by your posts.. Keep posting..
I am guessing that being a part of this community is the best thing ever, sounds like fun as well as a chance to profit and make forever friends. After following you for years I have learned so much and this opportunity will be a grand one for the lucky winner! Hint Hint :=)
What a great chance at the club!
I hope to eventually build a nursery to compliment my landscaping service. Access to the growers club would be a wonderful opportunity to share stock.
Thank you for all of the information you have shared over the years!!!
Pick me!
Mike, I’ve enjoyed your web blog and emails filled with very informative information on propagating such a variety of plants. Thanks!
Hi Mike. Its always an excitement to receive an emai from you. It make my day happy. I have learned so much from you and you are an inspiration for gardening every day. I would love to get a free membership to your gardening group. Thank you so much.
Please pick me!!!!
I hope I win. I have taken advantage of trial membership to purchase plants. I am not se
Ling yet and so I need a free membership. Thank you.
Always enjoyable reading and learning more about plants. Mike McGroarty is the man who knows. When you want to know something in specific, you go to the man who has experience…and he’s willing to share that. “Hats Off” to Mike!!!
I love your emails and insight into gardening. Would love to win a lifetime program. Thanks.
Thanks for all of the great information on your site. I would love to be a member of the backyard business center.
Hi Mike,
Would love a chance to win a membership. Although I’ve always been involved with plants, would love learn how to incorporate this passion to educate our future generations, now that I’m retired.
Please toss my name in the hat!
Thank you for spreading the wisdom, you are doing mankind a great service!
I have been an avid reader of all your posts. I have rooted plants and fruits and given them to friends and family. Now I am fully retired and want to start my home-based business. The knowledge I have already gained will put me ahead of the learning curve. I thank you very much for sharing your knowledge. Winning the membership will greatly help my marketing. Thank you for everything you have done to help all the people.
Would love a FREE membership
Oh boy! Lots of entries! Thank you for the chance but I’ve never won anything. I keep trying though! LOL
Mike, you are a wealth of information and I would be so honored to see your operation in person and to hear some of the great ideas that you and others have for growing a better environment for our future.
Hi Mike.
You are a true blessing to me and many others who have a passion for plants. I am always eager for your next email to see if there is something else I can learn, or look back at to assure myself that I’m doing something correctly. I often get teased about talking too much about plants….Lol…My wife is giving me the “eye rolling-yeah I know” right now as she reminds me how people stop in the middle of the road as I’m working in the front yard to complete my display of how plants could look like in the landscape as they mature and complement how good it looks and sometimes ask about a certain plant they like and I will talk to them and keep traffic slowed or blocked for the next 30 minutes conversating every detail about the plant or plants they asked about.
That’s all thanks to you Mike. I mean, I have always enjoyed growing things from seed which most of the time I just gave away the plants later on, but finding one of your videos late one night flipped a switch in my head and reminded me of a time when I was very young and my great grandmother showed me how she saved a dying shrub by growing a new one from a twig she cut from the plant. That just amazed me. That memory you sparked got me to wanting to cut twigs off everything in sight just to see if I could get something new to grow.
That video has made my passion for plants explode into action. So much so, it took up all my time outside of work. So, I made a decision to just turn my passionate hobby into a business that I can enjoy and be happy in. I thank God for you and your family Mike. You have inspired me and countless others I’m sure. I will have to send you before and after pictures of my front yard one day to show off pictures of why you are now the cause of the occasional traffic jam in our neighborhood down here in the south….Lol…
Mike, I would love to have one of the valuable prize memberships you are giving away. To be able to enjoy an endless choice of plants and information from other wonderful plant enthusiasts and have the opportunity to be a great asset to the lifetime members only area as well.
Thanks again Mike!!!
Aaron D.
I love to start growing plants but I have no room , I started stratifiy Chestnut, White oak, Red oak and Sawtooth oak a few years ago and was very lucky in growing them., I gave many of them to my hunting buddies to plant on their property. must say you inspired me to try this
Thanks Mike
I have your books. I would love to get access to the Business Center.
Thank You
Nancy B
Much good information on this website. It has helped me tremoundously
I save all your emails
Keep America Green and Growing!
Gardening is my life love it all and really value your advice thank you, would love a free membership!!
Im ready for a win!!
We love your site but are just starting out on a permaculture adventure, so short of cash, Your way may be a way for us to do so. Thanks a ton for all the info.
Woooo. Lifetime membership, here we go!!!
Tips and tricks I’ve learned from Mike’s has given me the opportunity to grow vegetables that actually TASTE like vegetables should! Not to mention in such abundance that I now share them with all of my neighbors! Have also applied Mike’s guidance to flower propagation, now working with more Hydrangea varieties and Ixora Maui Red to expand my flower gardens!
I would love this opportunity! 🙂
OHH pick me pick me!! Enjoy your e-mails and web hints! I have many hydrangeas and other variety plants that I would love to share !
I’ve been learning so much from your site! Thanks!
You are an inspiration to many !!!!!!!
I have used the many of the propagation techniques you have here. The one plant I just can’t get to clone is my favorite bush fruit, Elaeagnus multiflora, I wish there were a surefire method of getting this great tasting lowest maintenance fruiting bush to grow from cuttings. I wouldn’t mind 1,000’s of these bushes [if they were free] on my acreage. Thanks
Love this site!
Great information on everything you want to know and yhings you didn’t realize you needed to know about plant propagation and the opportunities available as a side or primary business!
Might be getting close to time to take things to the next level. Mikes knowledge has helped me in my own garden but maybe its time to step up and let it start to help pay the bills as well.
Oh may…Would I have a chance? Is worth the try!
Thank you
Very nice. I need the help. My latest attempt at cuttings resulted in a moldy mess 🙁
Thank you for an opportunity to win a free membership. Enjoy your posts.
I have been on your e-mail list for several years and actually paid the $7.00 twice, couldn’t find the items I had downloaded the first time. I always enjoy everything that you have in your articles and I too live in Ohio in the southwestern region. I would absolutely love to win the membership as I am on a limited income and I am very interested in getting some advanced advice on making what I do a profitable investment.
I started square foot gardening sort of last year, I made it much more difficult than it had to be, but I guess that’s the nature of logical people. This year I did better. My next venture is to do it in raised beds rather than on the ground and to also build some beds for the cuttings.
I would love some advice on that subject and to relate what I have already learned with everyone else.
Robin Matthews
What fun it would be to be part of your community. Keep up the good work.
Hello Mike
You’re system is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I don’t know if you have many members in northern Utah but I’d love to join the backyard family. Thank you for this chance at the membership.
Thanks for all the great tips and info, been following you for years, and still learning.
I would greatly appreciate the lifetime membership as I am disabled and have not been successful at plant propagation and can’t afford the membership
Every bit of advice that I have received from this site has been helpful to me. PLEASE enter me in this drawing!!
Hi Mike,
Pick me! Pick me!
Seriously, I would love to get a free membership. I’ve received your emails for many years, but now we are thinking about getting serious with this. Thanks for the info.
Wife of the Barefoot Sodbuster
I would love to win a membership to the Backyard Growers Business Center! I love propagating plants & have learned a lot from the kits I have bought from you. The Backyard Growers Center membership was something that was always a little out of my reach financially. I would be thrilled & honored to win such a great prize & with it great opportunities! Got my fingers crossed!
HI Mike, I really appreciate your emails and all the trouble you go to making the videos to help everyone learn the details of growing beautiful plants. I especially love the video with the donkeys. I would really love a lifetime membership. I am looking at retiring next year, I’ll have 30 years in with the same agency. Things are not the same, folks don’t care like they use to, work used to be more like family now it is a very negative atmosphere. I am only 57 so I will need to start something new and I have always hoped I could do something similar to what you have done and follow your guidance. I appreciate your consideration for a membership. I would feel extremely blessed to have it but if not I hope who ever does get it is blessed by it. Thank you! Susan
Fantastic resource, YES PLEASE!
WOW! Looking at the number of comments on this page alone shows the massive interest you have generated Mike! This is amazing. Love your videos. Count me in for the drawing for the membership!
Dear Mike,
I have been reading your e-mails for many years and look forward to hearing from you. I have always grown all my flowers from seed and a few bushes from cuttings but I grow them in doors under lights in the winter. Our zone 5 is so cold in the winter. Would love more advice on how to keep them alive outside so I can take cuttings. Hope I win.
I love all your post. It has been a great learning adventure for me. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for all of the great info. Would love a membership.
Fingers crossed and jumping up and down “Pick me, pick me!” Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us!!
Love your informative email newsletters.
I love your emails, and the great info that is ava.
Sounds good to me, I like gardening and making some extra,,being a veteran I have free time for this kind of thing ,
This might just be the right thing for me.
I am thankful for all the information you share about gardening. You have saved my husband and I a lot of extra work because of the tips, advice, and instruction you have freely shared. I appreciate your emails and the time you put into making gardening a success for so many! Blessings to you!
Hi Mike,
You always inspire me when reading your posts, and any time I had a question you responded quickly. I would love to have a membership and thank you so much for doing this.
Although I can’t afford the lifetime membership, I love reading your tips and articles you put out. I’ve learned a lot through them.
Please put my name in your drawing and thank you for sharing.
I just learned about you through an interview! It’s amazing how God works in awesome ways!
I would love to win!!
I have only been gardening for a couple of years, I still consider myself a total beginner! I have learned so much from you and your newsletter! THANK YOU!
I find your emails weekly very informative. My wife and I attempt to have nearly one acre of garden, some of which we have difficulty with, however, your emails have helped immensely in many aspects. Thank you.
P.S. it would be great to win your membership contest!.
I have just begun to use your methods and would love to have a lifetime membership!
I so enjoy your informative posts. Hope to win!
I sell baked goods at a Farmers Market and would love to offer a spring and fall plant sale,
Thanks for all the advice!
Thank you for your contest, I have a question, I have been attempting to root cuttings from my blueberry bushes, I stripped about a quarter of an inch off of the bottom of the cutting dipped it into a rooting solution and planted it into a sand bucket where it stayed green for over a month then they all just died. I kept them damp so that they wouldn’t dry out but it didn’t seem to matter.
Thank you
Hey, have been grow plants for sometime now and with full time employment looking dismal I need to step up the plant growing.
Hopefully your membership will help with my black thumb.
Hi Mike: i would love to win one of your lifetime memberships. I live in Big Bear Lake, CA 92315, at an altitude of 7,000 feet. I belong to “A” GARDEN CLUB, here in Big Bear and I could pass along any hints on how and when to grow flowers, vegetables, trees, etc. at our altitude and growing zone. We also have several community gardens which feed the homeless and poor. Soooooo, please put my name in the hat.
Thank you!
I would love this membership. Propagated a few cuttings this year but would love to take it to a business level.
Thank you for this opportunity Mike. I would love a gift membership, I know whoever does receive this will be most grateful to and your organization. The knowledge you share with all of us is more appreciated than you realize. Happy trails and happy growing!
Enjoy this website and the emails, so helpful and informative.
What a wonderful opportunity! Please, count me in.
Wow! Thank you for giving us this opportunity.
I appreciate the great advice and information, especially experiences over the years as you explain what will work and what will not……….. Great videos, newsletters and books!
Love your site and emails, Mike. I pass your website addy on to people on a regular basis through my customer interaction at work and have personally found your simple cutting bed method to work beautifully. Thanks for all you do! And yes, please enter me in the drawing 🙂
I would love to chosen,please! Thank you ?
I’m remodeling my 1/2 acre suburban backyard into hopefully something amazing instead of a time-waster of grass clippings. It would be an immensely beneficial opportunity to win a membership so I could learn how to plant lots of very cheap landscaping varieties around the yard for privacy and appeal, and possibly to start making income from my crops!
I love getting your emails about gardening techniques and tips which taught me that I didn’t know as much as I thought I did about plants. This is one contest that I would really like to win and become part of your family of business growers.
Pick or Prune me!
Would so love to win this! One trip we are wanting to take in the near future is to visit you & your crew on your annual open house day!
I would love to win a membership! Please enter me so that I can have the opportunity to learn, share, and grow
I always look forward to your emails. I find them down to earth informative with a little bit of tongue in cheek humour. I would value highly a membership if I were to be so fortunate.
Thanks for the chance of a free membership for The Backyard Grower’s Business Center! 🙂
Thank you for loving what you do and sharing it with the rest of us! I would be very honored to win your membership!
Thanks for sharing your love an knowledge of all things green. I am dreaming of turning my 14 acres into a working plant business and have enjoyed your posts.
Good Day!
Your story is un-believable at times…BUT the website you have and the videos…plus the shin-dig photos 🙂 are evidence that this is REAL!
Thank for the help and the advice and PRO-fessional tips you have given out for FREE… I think that this is the best way to do things…I think you gave a lot out already so thank you
Been following you for years. great job
I always look forward to Mikes emails and words of wisdom.
Here’s my two cent entry to this opportunity. My wife and I started building our homestead farm three years ago and next year I retire to work the farm full time. Your business ideas are near the top of my list of ways to add income for our later years. Thanks for all the tips and techniques for a great income stream.
Mike, I am slow at picking up gardening, but you have been, through your on line presence, a patient teacher and guide. Thank you for sharing with such a caring spirit.
Count me in mike I am a tree grower in Mn. I try to learn as much as I can about propagating .so glad I get your e-mails. Very informational, thanks for what you do.
Still reading, Mike. Still crazy, after all these years… plant crazy! Pick me!!!!
I don’t usually like free stuff and I never win anything, Also, I’ve attempted to propagate native plums and grapes and none grew. I keep trying though and will try again next spring.
Live in suburbia and have limited space for gardening, principally for tomatoes, cukes and peppers and assorted annuals and perennials. Shrub and tree propagation limited to pots so could use advice on when to transplant to larger containers and what progression of container sizes (esp for Japanese Cherry and Japanese Maple).
i have several of your products but havent been able to get the membership quite yet. winning one would be awesome!
We have a small back yard but I am sure it would be put to good use with your system.
I’ve bought one of your eBooks and have been reading your blog for years! Also enjoy your YouTube videos… Thanks!
I would Love to win a lifetime membership and get serious about my gardening skills!
Even if I don’t win, thank you for inspiring us novices 🙂
Fran Yerke
Well after reading all those comments I see that I’m not by myself!! Lots of people out there who would love to have the membership and quite a few who are like me who are having a tough time right now!
In my case it would be the answer to a prayer and a gift from the good lord himself!! I’m into this plant thing for life now and “”How I wish I had started years ago””!
Regards AL Sullivan
I’m in! Hope to win!
I have used inspiration from you to propagate several plants through cuttings. My granddaughters are learning the process of plant reproduction and how to profit from the sale of resulting plants. The process fits well with living on a farm and their home schooling. The girls are 5, 6, and 9.
Thank you for your gift of giving everyone the opportunity to have a life time membership. Look forward to seeing who you pick.
I’ve been sitting on the fence for a few years. Here’s my hat in the ring.
You have always been very informative and generous to say the least.
Thank you…
I always love seeing your donkeys! Maybe I’ll get to see them in person someday. 🙂
(Throwing hat into raffle ring!)
Hello from Louisiana!!! So excited when a new email comes in with new information to learn. A free membership would be the bomb! Garden this past year was an epic fail. Going to try again for a better fall garden. Thanks so much for your wisdom.
Good Morning Mike,
I work at a non-profit conference and retreat center and a free membership would provide us with so much helpful information to be an active member of your community and help bring in more income for educational services.
Thank you for all that you do. I hope to make it to your summer shindig in 2017.
Mike, i simply want to thank you for sharing life of living tjings with so many!
< Michele
I so enjoy and get valued information from your emails and featured articles. I have a file of your emails so I can go back and refresh my knowledge of your methods. Please include me in your drawing. Thank you Mike.
Love the articles. Looking forward to developing the Canadian division!
Mike, thanks for this opportunity. I have had your book for years but have never taken the step to become a member. Thanks for the wonderful information in your newsletters. Info on the donkeys is an added bonus.
Thank you and your family. Y’all are teaching and showing how to make America great!
Hello Mike,
I would love any advice you have that could help me be successful in propagating cuttings that would be beneficial to improving 3 acres I am devoting as a haven just for Pollinators. I currently have a long commute to a 9.5 hr day job that leaves me tired and struggling to find time to work in the yard, once home. Anything that leads to greater success in the garden is greatly appreciated! Thanks for all you do, many blessings…
Thanks for the great information. Purchased the system a couple years ago but have not taken action yet. My loss there. A membership may be the kick starter.
I Learn something new from you almost everyday! I would Love to be a part of this community ( my garden will Love it even more! 😉 )
I love your emails. Thanks for the chance to win a free membership. Fingers crossed!
Loads of great info on your site. So wonderful to work with family and have their support!! Thanks for all the info you post!!! Hope I win the membership! 🙂
Look forward to all your newsletters ! thanks for the chance to win.
This would be awesome!??
Would LOVE to win this amazing membership – I am planning on retiring in a couple of years (or maybe next year 2017) and I am ecstatic to start my gardening and would greatly appreciate if you can help me enjoy this upcoming retirement by letting me win this membership.
Throwing my name in the hat 🙂
I would love being a member of this community. The information I have read so far has really helped me with making a decision on what I want to do. I have always wanted to start my own plant business. It’s been a dream for a long time. But I have so much to learn. Looking forward to being a part of this. Thanks.
Hi, I’m new to your news letter and have been enjoying the emails. I have 14 acres dreaming of being a small working plant farm. Clay soil has been difficult but after taking a plant propagation class at community college I am now able to grow my garden plants and cuttings. Hoping to share your dream in the future.
Thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us dreamers.
Hi Mike, my birthday is on the 4th of October – to win your membership the day after would be the best present anyone could EVER give me. I LOVE all your posts. And thanks for all the time you put into them.
Mike , everyone speaks about you in such high esteem ,My writing anything about
you would be showing a lit candle to Sun to get more light.The amount of knowledge you possess and love for sharing is exemplary .
I’d love to win this, I enjoy your emails, advice and articles and someday hope to make plants more than just a hobby.
Hey, Mike! I would love a free membership! Thanks for the emails and videos! Love the donkeys, too!
I purchased the Backyard Growing System several years ago and lost it when my computer crashed. I had saved it to my computer rather than print it so that I would always know where it was and got foiled by technology – the best laid plans and all that!. There was a lot of useful information included and am sorry that I no longer have access to it for reference, but do appreciate the informative newsletters and updates you send. Keep up the good work.
Count Me IN!!!! I need to win the giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity!
I think it would be neat to win the membership. I enjoy the information you send and continue to look forward to emails I receive from you. Keep up the good work.
I would love a free membership! I’ve been doing this in the back yard for a few years now and would love to learn more.
I would love to throw my name in the hat. Thanks for al you do Mike,
My Birthday is the 7th, this would be a perfect present!
It would be a blessing to win a membership in your backyard growers business center.
We come from the land down under… where women roar and men thunder, lol
Still we are avid gardeners and would love to be in your membership, fantastic things we learn from you. Thanks Mike
Would love to become a member. Glad to find a place where growers share their successes.
Good morning Mike!
Please enter my name in the drawing for a free membership.- what a generous gift!
I am anxious to learn more about creating and selling plants. I worked for a large pharmaceutical firm as a Webdesigner but was part of a massive layoff where our all of our jobs were sent to India. I used that as an opportunity to stay home and raise our daughter, and began creating websites and providing SEO and online marketing services as a freelancer.
To supplement my income I would love to start propagating and selling saplings. I’ve read your website and have watched your videos; and am preparing to try growing saplings from ‘sticks’ using your video as a guide. A membership with access to other like-minded people would be a dream come true. Thanks for your consideration!
I purchased Mikes program a few years ago & learned how to propagate many different plants. Will use what I learned to start a plant business when I retire. Worth the money I invested.!
Thanks for all that you do! Please enter me in the drawing.
I’ve always enjoyed the outdoors and yard work. Your help and informative site has got me started in the plant world….amazing stuff!
I love your page & I would love a membership!
Hi Mike
Thank you for the opportunity enter your contest. This just might be our personal and financial life saver. Thank you so much. Teri
I read all of your emails with pleasure and learn lots of useful information from them. I have wanted to join your club but have not been able to afford to do so yet. What a dream come true to be able to win a membership!
Every thing you say is helpful and I need all the help I can receive Hugh your friends the donkeys for me Thanks for being on my email
Thank you so much for your wisdom. I am disabled and the plant sales are a lifesaver. Keep up the good work. It works in Florida too.
Thanks for the contest and keeping us inspired!
A free membership would be nice.
I would love to learn from such a successful grower like you. Plus you seem to be such a pretty down to earth (no pun intended!) and friendly guy.
A free membership would be cool.
this would be awesome love your site.
It is hard to find out about the many processes of rooting, grafting, and growing. I have learned very much since I found out about Backyard Growers. . I would love to be considered for membership giveaway. Thanks, Daniel S
I like your style and products. I would like to begin small nursery next spring when I semi-retire. Thanks for all your great information.
Mike , been saving all emails in file so that when I retire in a couple of years I want to suplement my income by growing plants, would love membership
Please count me in. I love Hapanese maples and have been growing them from seed, but can not get them to root. I would love to be a member. Thanks.
Hi Mike,
Thank you for sharing your experience with others. Hearing from one who has hands on experience is very helpful. Keep up the good work! I would love to be included in the drawing for a free membership.
I have learn so many thing from you in the past and so look forward to learning more from you. I would love to have a lifetime membership and be able to see just how much more I can do with all I have learned and how much more I don’t know.
Thank you for everything you do,
I enjoy the information. I haven’t really investigated the system, but this might be an option for my daughter who has PTSD and cannot leave the house to hold a job…..I can’t stick around forever.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!
Wow- This is fantastic. Would love a free membership.
Thank You
Thanks for the chance at a free membership
I’d love go become a member and expand my knowledge.
This opportunity sounds exciting and really profitable! Definitely want to learn more!
Hi Mike, I have tried doing some hard wood cuttings, but have not had much luck. Only boxwood was successful. I would love to learn more.
Put my name in!
I would love a free membership! I find your postings very helpful, thank you!
Hi Mike
I would LOVE to win and it will be the best birthday present ever (as my birthday is on the 5th of October)
I LOVE your site and can’t wait to learn more
Yours Treely
Jaco Pitzer
I have fallen in love with gardening. I graduated from container planting to a full vegetable and flower garden this year and it has worked wonders for my stress and my families eating habits. Winning this membership will be a blessing for not only my family but my community. I plan to bring my harvest to the less fortunate in the coming year.
my niece just inherited farmland a barn and lots of farm equipment from my late brother. I would love to win this membership and start using this land to produce food,, flowers, , shrubs etc This membership would be a great start for learning how to grow plants
Mike, I love the adventure of watching a stick turn into a plant! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge.
This would make my day!!! Love your writing Mike.
I would like to turn my hobby into more of a business. Thanks for all your tips!
I would be thrilled to get a lifetime membership. My self and my wife are learning so much and my autistic son loves flowering shrubs. My goal is to build a business of plant propagation.
Add me too. I look forward to learning more.
I’m renovating my greenhouse so I’ll have plenty of room by Spring.
I would be thrilled to get a lifetime membership. My wife and I are learning so much and my autistic son loves flowering shrubs.
Would love a permanent membership. Greatly appreciate all your newsletters.
I love your emails Mike! Thank you for your work, I think it’s great!!
Thanks for another chance to win!
I would love to win a lifetime membership, plants have always fascinated me. My husband tells me no more new flower beds, so I just rearrange them ?
This is me throwing my hat in the ring! :o)
I would be very grateful to win a membership. Thank you for the opportunity.
Mike, you remind me of my great grandfather from Salem, IL who had a super green thumb and could grow anything. I appreciate your simple “home made” approach to growing plants.. The plants don’t care if you have the fanciest equipment and commercial potting soil. I would appreciate the membership. Be blessed in your going out and coming in.
Count me in as a LIFER! Thanks for all you do, Mike.
Mike, you are doing great work, thank you very much for your enthusiasm, expertise and generosity.
What a great contest, love this idea of giving away a membership. For yrs. I’ve followed your advice but haven’t been in a position to plant and reproduce as I’ve lived in Apt’s, and stayed in lodges while redesigning commercial kitchens in resorts as I’m a chef. then training new staff. I did this for nearly five yrs. I retired last yr. and in April turned 70,. Don’t know if I ever will be in a place where I can do this. I’ve always had my own business’s. I toyed with the idea of micro greens for local eateries. Just never was in that positon to do so. I grow herbs for myself and they reproduce like crazy. I know it would be a very profitable business as I know how to sell products to clients. I enjoy herbs, plants, veggies and fruits. Flowers also. I think I would love doing this. I used to help my father in law work his green houses. So I’m hoping beyond all reason here, that my name is drawn for this wonderful prize. You see I survive on $800 a month. on my own. So a membership like this would be a total blessing for me. I love reading and watching your posts. Thank you for all of the yrs. of advice. Sandy Vander Pol
Mike, I would love to have a membership. I’m just started out doing a little gardening with veggies and many different flowers. I can use all the help I can get. Thanks.
Please count me in!
Thanks a lot for all your hard work and pleasure of seing happy and inspired people. I’m just a beginner but would like to do so much more.
Please enter me in the drawing.
Hi Mike, Thanks for your inspiration to pursue a long passion and to open up those dormant thoughts that I should have pursued years ago.
Please put me in the draw.
I would love a permanent membership. I have been getting your emails for years. The Redbud tree that was a sapling all of those years ago is now shading my patio throughout the summer and is 20 feet tall!!! Thanks in part to your advice.
Thanks for the chance to win! Blessings
Hi Mike
Greetings from Ireland, yes we follow your website and comments with great interest. Keep up the good work, – you are doing and excellent job! !
Please enter me into the draw.
God bless and best Wishes
I have been following you for years and bought your program. Haven’t given up on the idea of starting a nursery but have been consumed rebuilding our home and am finally nearing completion. Hopefully next Spring will be my year to expand into doing this as a business. I’m 69 years young and have been a landscaper in my younger years and have always loved gardening and landscaping our home, your e-mails are always a welcome site, thanks!
This would be an awesome opportunity to build a retirement business. I have enjoyed the posting and have learned much over the years. Please put my name in the hat.
Hi Mike , thanks for all the tips and for sharing your knowledge.
Would love to win. Thanks for the chance !
That looks like a lot of fun! Please enter me in the contest!
Please put me in the draw. I enjoy reading your information and membership would be wonderful.
Hello there! im a guy living in Greece and im very intrested in following your lead due to financial status, seems like someone could live independent doing that.I would also like to thank you for all the free info you provide to people! . I hope i get lucky! Cheers!
Odds are long, but maybe I will get lucky.
Pick me pick me. Please please please
I appreciate the chance to be chosen for a permanent membership. I am a stage 4 cancer patient but still have time to get my business up and running to help support my family after I am gone. I read the daily-ish regularly and hope to get things started soon.
I recently had some success propogating white brush, Texas lilac Vitex, and flowering quince from my own plants.
I’d love a membership
Yeah, loved seeing the photos from the Shindig! Hope my husband and I make it next year!
I truly enjoy the postingw to the daily-ish and have learned a great deal. I am a stage 4 cancer patient and could never afford the money to join on my own. I am retired and although my energy fluctuates daily, I intend to try to grow some of the cuttings. Appreciate the chance to enter the contest.
I truly enjoy the postingw to the daily-ish and have learned a great deal. I am a stage 4 cancer patient and could never afford the money to join on my own. I am retired and although my energy fluctuates daily, I intend to try to grow some of the cuttings. Appreciate the chance to enter the contest.
Been wanting to join forever, too poor. Fingers Crossed
I have learned so much from your site! I look forward to getting all your valuable tips and putting them to use..!
HI Mike, I would love to become a member, I’m from the south coast of England and would love to set up your growing system over here.
Mike, I love all the info you post in e-mails and I have learned a lot of useful information from you.
I love gardening and used to do it with my Dad. We had a victory vegetable garden during World
War 2 and I worked it with him. I still do plant a vegetable garden along with my love of a flower
garden I stay busy. Thank you so much for the informative info you give us. I would love to have
a membership. I am addicted to flower gardening and would prefer to do that all day now that I
am retired. Again, thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Hello Mike, please put my name in the hat and I hope my name gets pulled. I have been reading your articles since “2011” I have not been able to afford to be a paied member but I hope to soon .
Hi Mike
I would r4ally love to win a Backyard Growers Membership. I live in Australia and I find your emails very enlightening and I always look forward to your emails and videos I love the fact that you have your family involved in your nursery. We have a farm and some of my grandsons love working with my husband one of our sons and myself. Thank you for taking the time to make such a wonderful newsletter
I’m thinking that I’d love doing this! Been following you for a couple years.. Thanks!
Wow, that all looks like such a blast. Husband and I are looking for a home to buy now so it would be a fantastic time for me to win a membership! Thanks for the opportunity!
have enjoyed your articles for years and have learned so much thank you for all the teachings
I have been following you for years in hopes I will be able to put some of the techniques into practice. We just moved to a 2 acre farm and I have retired so maybe now is the time.
Hey Mike!
I love watching your videos!
Please put my name in the hat! 🙂
I would love to win one of your memberships. Your sharing video and articles are resourceful and great help to us in learning something new.
Thanks very much daddy for letting us get such an information as these ..
Very proud to have u .. Count me included in this context cos am already in .
Yours love
Anthony Yeboah
Hey Mike, thank you for all you’ve done, shared, and continue to give to us all. I’m likely not as dialed in is any of the other guests, but definitely have seen my passion and interest and gardening grow since finding you online; pun intended. I work at one of the largest tech companies in Silicon Valley, and since I’ve become familiar with all you share, I’ve started collecting so much raw material from growing that comes straight from the trash and or recycling bins. Can’t wait to start my backyard nursery this next spring. Thank you!!!
Thanks very much daddy for letting us get such an information as these ..
Very proud to have u .. Count me included in this context cos am already in .
Yours love
Anthony Yeboah
Mike I have learned so much from you and your system. Thank you.
Mike, your newsletters are so helpful. I’ve learned a bunch and having a membership would a wonderful gift. I’m an avid gardener and find the more Imlearn the less I know but with your help, I have a wonderful mentor. Thanks even if I don’t win.
I need the inspiration to get going! I know I would love to do what you do!
Mike, The Backyard Growers Business Center Membership would be amazing. Due to an injury I sustained at work, I may be forced to medically retire early and I’ve tried to think of a plan to make a living using the acre I have here in Central California. Thank you for this opportunity..
Will this program work in the heat of Oklahoma?
First of all, thank you for your generous sharing of information. I have learned so much..so far! I have taken your advice on pruning the old apple tree out back and got a bumper crop of apples this year! We added 2 more apple trees and a peach tree. The compost is doing fabulous too! The garden, not so much. The hard part is, I can’t do it all at once, although I would like to! We purchased soil because the compost wasn’t ready and well, what did grow the deer just loved. Now we need to put up a deer fence. We have an old will by the garden that needs to come down and so I am going to take a big branch from it and plant it about 3 feet into the ground on the other side of the property, after I kind of scratch up the bark like you said in one of your posts 🙂 I want to start some of the Burning Bushes we are growing, and the Forsythia’s. Something that will give me some success. I tried raspberries but they didn’t root, just kind of dried up.
We cut the Arborvitae down to a manageable size (they were about 15 feet tall) and they are happy and growing green on the tops! I have overgrown ground juniper? that is taking up the whole front yard. I tried cutting some of it back and well, I may have to take it all out, it looks pretty bad.
We plan on making a “Cuttings Box” to put cuttings into like it shows in your book. Thank you, by the way, it is a great little book and I have enjoyed it immensely! With your help we are reclaiming our “new” 100 year old house and together we are making it look like someone lives here again!
Please enter us into your contest for the membership. It would be awesome to be able to retire with our hands in the dirt.
I have Multiple Sclerosis,, and have always enjoyed working outside and with plants. I would love to chance to win a membership into the backyard growers business.. I have been taking some cuttings of some of the plants I have in my yard now to root and need your system to help me with some of them to get them rooted.. I know that your system would be exactly what I need to help me get started in business..
WOW a free membership would be an awesome way to help me with plant sales. I follow you regularly and have so for many years. Hope I’m one of the winners!
I have been poking around your posts for a couple of years now – it’s time to throw my (tattered) hat in the ring. Count me in from Canada.
I would really love a free membership. My husband has been disabled for awhile now and this seems like a really good way to help us pay our bills as it is something I think he can do because he doesn’t have to be on his feet all the time to do it.
I love your website, comments and purpose. Thanks for giving us something we can really do!
Marcia Schnapp
email: [email protected]
Count me in. I am so interested in what you do and have been praying for how to earn extra income from home. Thank you!
Mike, I have been following you for quite a while, please put my name in the drawing, please! And give a hug to your precious donkeys!
Hi Mike, Just found out about your sight and love it. Am getting ready to retire again and this would be a wonderful thing for the wife and I to do together.
Please enter me into the drawing.
It won’t let be loverly to be included in membership!
Hi Mike I would love to be considered for a free membership because I am retired and would really like to have a way to have some extra income by doing something like gardening that I enjoy so much. It gives me peace from all the stress of everyday life. I try to read all your articles which are so informative and always answers my many questions. I think this would be something my husband and I could do together .(We have been married for 55 years). Thank you for all your time spent in teaching others your gardening secrets. “:May God bless you all”
PS I love your little donkeys.
I enjoy your emails and videos. I have started propagating plumerias. I also have been trying to start Torrey Pine trees with no success. I would love to be considered for life time membership.
Glad to see you posting again. I would love to be a permanent member
I’m already a member but please put my name in the drawing. I have a BS degree in production horticulture but still enjoy the down to earth growing tips, marketing advice and encouragement found in Mike’s course and in the backyard growers business center. I live in the San Antonio, Texas area and will be starting my backyard nursery for first sales in Spring 2017. If selected I would like my free membership to go to my sister in California.
I would count it a blessing to have a free membership because I am Disabled and on a fixed income.
Always enjoy your posts. Extremely informative and detailed. Been following about 9 years or so. Keep up the post continued success to you and all your family.
I’m very thankful for all I have learned from you and your family business. Thanks for keeping us all inspired!
Mike, I’ve been following you for almost 10 years. I would love to win one of the memberships. I have propagated using your techniques as shown in the YouTube videos and your articles, and enjoy lovely trees from that experience. Thanks for all that you do for the gardening world. Oh, and please tell the donkeys they have my vote for president.
I’m 55 years old. I’ve always wanted to try to be self-sufficeint. but things always seemed to come first. I raised my children as a single father and never seemed to get a head enough to be able to.now I’m partially disabled. I really would like to be able to become able to be aable to make a life on my land and not be dependant on anyone other than my family. My grandson helps me as much as he’s able but he can’t help full time because he’s still in school. It would mean a lot to be able to learn from you the things you could teach me.
I have learned a lot from you and your videos, keep up the good work.
It would be totally awesome if I won, but anyone who wins this will win a chance of a lifetime and I wish them all the best
WIll I get to ride a donkey if I win? Thanks for all you do. You are a voice of sanity in an otherwise crazy world! You emails get prompt attention and I keep many of the for future reference!
Hi Mike, I have enjoyed reading your reviews and stories about your business and experiences
over the last few years. I have learned a lot of new thing about rooting plants. I have used a lot of your knowledge and advice in rooting plants for my self. I planning next year to start rooting a lot more plants so I can began to sell them.. I sure would like to be entered in the drawing for one of the membership you are giving away so try real hard to draw my name.out of the hat
I’d love a membership!
Been reading you for years and finally ready to start with mt teenage daughter.
Hi Mike,
Thank you for all you do. My son came across your information during one of his homeschool assignments. Looks like you had a great time at the Backyard Growers Shindig.Take care and thanks again,
I would love to be picked for this . I do want to join but I just cannot do it now…. I am growing plants in sand box. Please consider choosing me….. I did start growing small plants from cuttings like you said to do and they are rooting ,I am so pumped….. its so fun….. Thank you for all your advice…. I live in Louisiana…..
Thanks for your generosity in offering these two free memberships!
Trying to stay inspired, Mike. Thanks for all you do.
Thanks for all that you do Mike. It helps to keep my mind in the game.
I am inspired by your story and would love to win a membership.
Thank you for the continued lessons.
PICK ME!!!! I would love this fine opportunity!
Great newsletter Mike! I have gotten some really good information from it and have put most of it to work. Thanks for a great job and I would love to have one of those memberships.
Stephen P. Evans
Please enter me, thanks Mike
I would love to win one of these memberships!
Great deal Mike!
Thank you Mike for this opportunity. I have bought your book and learned a lot about plants. So far I have rooted some grape cuttings and ready to try some trees and other plants.
Thanks Mike for all you do to help those who are trying to learn all they can about plants and gardening from what we know is a reliable source ( you). Please put my name in the drawing for the free course. Thanks
Ron Munger
Hi Mike,
I graduated with a BFA in Sculpture. I’ve been out of school for a year and a half now and I’m still doing the same job that I did through college… waiting tables. There is nothing wrong with waiting tables but it is not something I want to do for much longer. I am in an apartment downtown but I want to move somewhere with some space because I think I want a job with plants.
You put out some very good information and I believe this is a business I could make successful. I’ve been on the fence about joining the community . Hopefully I will get a push by winning 😉
I really enjoyed reading all the comments for entering this competition. I think everyone here should join the community because you all obviously love plants!
Hi Mike, great giveaway, I would love to win a membership.
Thank you for the awesome information you have been providing!
Please count me in!
Hello Mike,
I am a physically challenged guy in his late sixties and I love gardening. I would greatly love this free membership. I am trying to follow the guidelines presented in your various emails and your first presentation book which has some super fantastic guidelines!
Best regards!
Hi Mike. I’ve been enjoying all the information you share through the newsletter, videos, and more. It would be really great to receive the permanent Membership to your Backyard Growers Business Center! I am absorbing all the great advice and starting up cuttings and stock this Fall.
Thanks again, Aaron.
I am responding about the contest for free membership. What a wonderful contest and thank you for the opportunity to win. Gardening is my favorite pastime, has been since becoming disabled at age 32. This would be a wonderful gift! Good luck to everyone and God bless you!
Fellow Northern Ohioan (North Coast) here thanking you for all the great information and advice!! Love your products too.
Thank you so much for all of the information that you’ve provided all of these years. My goal is to encourage people to plant natives in their landscapes for all of the benefits to the native fauna in our area. Thanks to your expertise and contagious optimism, I have discovered how to propagate many of these plants and have been able to share the wisdom of incorporating them into urban yards.
Evening Mike, Thanks for keeping me in your loop and giving everyone tips and pointers and there is a lot to glean from your videos…And the donkeys are always after you for attention and I always worry they might nip you on the side when you are trying to do your taping for the web site….keep up the great work with suggestions of plants that work well for propagating. And please include me in your drawing…afraid I am not only a bit poor, but not lucky with contests…have a great day and hope you are not overwet like we are here in Iowa. My son had Golf-ball size hail Tuesday night in Minn…trust all is well over in Ohio….be safe Mike, Sue Guyer
Getting our work areas and growing areas fenced in to keep out deer, rabbits and armadillos. Would really put membership to good use and hope to be chosen.
Hello from Oklahoma,
Greatful for the opportunity, enjoy your posts and hope to begin soon with plants on my new homestead.
There are very few days that I don’t check up on the backyard gardner web site – and I find myself delving deeper and deeper into the subject matter – as well as caring for other members. My head is continually thinking about new strategies – and for the pass 2.5 weeks been car traveling the U.S. – and now just turned to head back to Maine and 2,400 more miles of travel (about 8,000 miles traveled thus far).
This would be so awesome! I I would be so excited if I won!! Thanks for having the drawing
happy growing!
Please enter me into the drawing for a free membership.
It’s so enjoyable watching baby plants taking off. I dream of doing this as a way out of our financial rut. Would be so wonderful to win a membership and be able to have a job that would never quite feel like one!
I have used a lot of the information in the propagation book and watch most if not all the videos on the site. Most of the things have worked out even with the terrible drought we have had in N. GA this year. Mowed grass/weeds 3 times all summer. Would love to have a free membership to learn more, get better plants, grow better plants for myself and maybe start selling the extra.
It would be very exciting to win a lifetime membership!
Always enjoy your emails and article on the site. I’ve got some White Lilac and some Dogwood cuttings taking root right now, and have a compost pile that generates a lot of potting soil.
Keep up the great work, and hope to attend your Bash next year!
Count me in!
Tossing my name in the hat again Mike. Still read all your email and am still learning as I go. Would love to make some money doing this. It would really help my small budget and grocery bill. Thank you for the consideration.
Wow, being a recipient of this membership would be so awesome. Hope to.be chosen.
I really enjoy. All your imformation. you have been sharing. And your video’s.
I admire the info being exchanged here whay a great place to belong !!
I am in!
Mike I would love to get a membership to your company. I have been following you since I worked in a nursery in Cincinnati’ in the early 2000’s. I love working with all plants. I now live in Texas and I still do some cutting but mostly give them away. I would love to be able to join your company.
Please choose me for one of the free memberships! I am a high school ag teacher and we could definitely use your program in my classes. Thank you!
Great Blog. Enjoy it immensely!
Consider my hat thrown in.
Thanks for the invitation to join the contest!
I always enjoy reading your emails.
I have followed your site for more than 15 years and finally retired to have the time to try on my own.
I would love to be entered in your contest and get my retirement plan into gear!
I would like lifetime membership. You have such good information.
I would love to win ! Want to get started growing my own business!
Always love seeing pictures of the donkeys! Would like to start a Backyard Growing system as I begin to prepare for retirement.
Hello Mike, thanks for all the great information on this site. It gives me so many ideas!
I have done plenty of plant propagation for other people, but always wanted to work for myself. I am now working on a new herb and veggie growing business with my brother, and we’re hoping to add nursery plants. Would be great to be part of the backyard growers membership!
How I miss my gardens! I have Multiple Sclerosis and cannot even sit up. I live on my side, but I sure can look out at everything my husband has planted in pots, on the patio. And he takes digital pictures of our little garden, and all of the beautiful things growing in the front yard. Thank you, Mike, for all of your great ideas, and for the wonderful pictures of the sweet donkeys.
Please put my name in the hat. I got a bunch of dogwoods stuck this summer. They are looking great.
A membership would be a dream filler. Thanks. Really enjoy your posts.
Whooo Hooooooo a free membership. Pick me. I can’t wait for October to get here.
I sill want to be in this bussiness and still can’t afford it on my own. Please pick me!
I’d love to be a member so i could come to your place and learn sooo much more from you in person. You’ve helped me in so many ways already in your books and newsletters!
I want very much to start a small business, but there is still more i need to learn. I’ve got several shrubs growing in order to take starts from, but again i am hungry to learn more. I too love working with plants.
Thank you so very much for what you’ve already taught me.
Clifton Harmon
Hi Mike
Please add my name to the drawing.
Thanks for all the information I have received in your books and e-mails
I learned how to take cuttings and start Japanese maple trees from seed watching your videos, I would love to win and learn even more
Mike I’ve enjoyed reading your post for two years. You and your growing system are part of my retirement plan. I would like to become part of that shindig someday.
Have been starting out small with what I have. Your emails have been insightful. I would love to take this further, if chosen. Thank you, either way!
I would so LOVE to win one of your memberships. I’m looking forward to your next post –
Almost everything that I have seen on your site has a link to get the information that costs money. Not what I expected when I initially gave you whatever it cost. But I guess I should have expected that, and requested a refund after the first couple of weeks.
Please pick me!
Seriously though, this would really help me set up a system fur my upcoming retirement.
Thanks for everything I have already learned from your website.
Add my name please!
Please let me win!!!! We have two minis too. Jenny and Penny. Love them so much!!!!
I would be honored, just to be considered. You have already given me so much great garden advice…simply out of the goodness of your heart and your love for Mother Earth and her flora….that I feel kind of piggish, asking to be put in the lottery. I thank you for everything….your information, reading the answers to questions that your “flower followers” ask, and all your good humor. I look forward to every email i get.
p.s. am voting for Fergus for President….
I am retired and my hobby is gardening, I get your very informative e-mails and I would love to get one of the free Backyard Growers memberships,
I have been a Mike fan for I don’t know when. My husband first got me interested and since he passed on I continue to follow. I always say i am going to join but living on a fixed income (which I know a lot of folks understand) something else always comes first. I would love to win and think it is great you help so many of us with your wisdom.. Thanks
What an honor it would be to one of your members.
I have been following you for several years now. I am a newly widow with a house and almost an acre of land. I need to do something for extra money and more joy in my life. So I would love to be a member of your business but do not have the funds. I would love to learn from you, get insight through the other members and bring my land into a profit business for myself and a blessing to others!
I am a huge fan of your site Mike, I hope to be able to come to one of your shindig’s sometime!
Hey, I first heard of Mike McGroarty about 4 or 5 yrs ago when I had more money and not much time and now I have more time and not much money. I would certainly like to win this because I’ve always loved plants and gardening and never owned a house or any real estate, but you say anyone can do this and succeed … so I want to prove you right… I’m currently looking for a low-income place to rent and I’m also semi-retired at 63…. So anyway …Let’s Go !
Keep on gardening! Keep on keeping on!
Would be really great to win a membership. Already learned a lot from you.
THANK YOU FOR THE CHANCE OF A LIFE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to win a free membership.
This is something my grandson and I can learn to do together.
Thank you.
Dear Mike and family and donkeys!
I live in zone 9b and propagate Sophie Cecile and Beefsteak Begonias, for friends and family. Also, many other plants. I mainly put plants out in the summer and bring in some in the winter. I think this is such a generous idea for you to be giving away two free memberships. I’m trying to stay inspired, as you encourage us to do; sometimes it’s really hard. I am planning to sell plants for the first time next month at my garage sale. I’ll see how it goes.
Sincerely, a passionate plant lover!
Hi I’m Mike in Seymoure, Tn.
I love your videos and emails. They inspire me and motivate me to keep going. I’m trying to get this business going to help me when I retire. Keep up the good work. You inspire us all.
Mike E
Thank you for the chance. Gardening is my therapy and I love reading all of your posts. You make it to where we can understand. Thank you.
It is a great gift that you provide continually with this website and especially with the free membership. I would love to be put in the drawing and thank you for the opportunity. I don’t know much about gardens and landscapes but I bought a house that is lacking in both and I’m going to work on it for the next few years. It would be great to learn more from you.
Hi Mike,
I’ve been dividing and selling my perennials in my driveway for about 10 years. I was so glad to find your site on-line. It showed me that the possibilities are endless! I have so much to learn. Thanks for all the great post and videos.
Thanks ! That last email about cuttings was great.
I enjoy your posts and have put information gained, to use. Please put my name in the hat for the membership. Thanks!
I would really enjoy a lifetime membership.
Wow, a great gift good luck to everybody.
I love that whatever I put in is exactly what I get out. Thank you for the road map and continuing support.
Thank you for all of your information.
I am interested as I plan to start having plant sales.
Hey Mike! I learned so much from you over the years! I now have enough land to really get some things growing! Would love s membership! Thank you for all the great info!
In the process on getting my hands on 4 aces to work with .. Oh yea , I like free stuff
Enter me in the drawing! I will use the money saved to buy my own beautiful donkey and propagate my emerald box woods and bridels wreath spirea this winter!
I am happy to vie for this treasure. But please, can you tell me what level f membership I purchased ever so many years ago? That would be appreciated.
My wife and I are both retired and love to put your teachings to work on setting up a backyard business to supplement the SS checks.
Hi Mike,
I’d really like one of these free memberships.
Haven’t been able to afford it but sure would like to win it.
Thank you for the offer Mike. I’m so excited!
I am writing this for my son Roy. He lives in Ohio also. I know he gets your newsletters already, but has not been able to afford a membership. I bought my membership a couple years ago. I still check on the articles when I have a question.
will learn all i can learn and will operate from my backyard. thank you so much for all the information you already share as i enjoyed it very much. Have a bless day!
Haven’t been able to afford it but I sure would like to win it.
This is a great opportunity! Thanks for including me!
Hey Mike, I’m in for this free membership! Thanks for all the information you provide for free. We live in Southern California near the coast which presents several different in consistencies with our weather and the results of our crops….all of which are in pots because we have a townhome with no real land of our own for planting and growing on a long term basis. You’re the best…thanks so much for all that you do for your worldwide community!
thanks always enjoy your emails been getting them for 5 or 6 years now
Would love to learn more about propagation, I’m a newbie.
I would be elated to win! I always enjoy your articles and helpful hints!
Thank you for everything!
Mike, I love this site!
Toss my name in… I always appreciate your postings!
Sounds AWESOME to me!
I was recently laid off from my high-stress, 60 hour a week, corporate information technology job that I held for over fifteen years. This summer I have been trying to start a business doing something that I love… Propagating and selling plants! I would love the opportunity to receive some of your expert advice to help me make this successful so I don’t have to go back to ungrateful corporate america.
I have been enjoying Mondays With Mike ( I think I’ve seen all of them ). Inspirational !
I drew up a complete landscape design and helped my son landscape in 95 degree temps here in East Tennessee for a full week, and he asked me what I’d like for a Thank You.
I told him: Mike’s Mist Propagation System – and he bought it for me ! ( great son )
I spent the next week excavating a slope with a pick-axe to build my new propagation bed. It is 32 inches wide by 16 feet long. I figure I can stick 6144 cuttings in that bed !
I am almost 68, and I have built a 6000 SF garden with 4′ x 30′ raised beds built out of concrete block with limestone paths laid over free shingles. This summer I have nearly completed a 16′ x 16′ greenhouse/barn out of recycled materials. I have raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, espaliered apples, bing cherry, black raspberries, and any kind of vegetable the family orders to be planted in a given year.
But – I am “re-energized” by Mike’s plant business ideas, and I plan to start propagating plants this winter and start the mist-bed up in the spring. I want to make and sell a lot of plants for $5.97 !
It is truly exciting to have something new to “trip your trigger” in my later years !
Its good to share what you know {especially about gardening} with the younger generations, because if we don’t what we have learned will be lost.
My plan was to work until I was 68 however what I didn’t plan was being rear-ended by two vehicles while sitting at a signal. I’m following in hopes of developing a business that fills in the gaps that disability does not cover. I would love a life time membership! Thank you for considering me.
Crazy to think I have learned all my skills and tips tricks you have provided have proven to actually help me in my Botany classes which now turned into major and masters in liminology science thanks
Enjoy all of your gardening information . Would love to win a free membership. So very excited to learn everything I can.
I really enjoy using your propagation techniques and gardening tips. I really look forward to your posts, great information!
I always enjoy your articles. You are a true wealth of information. Sure hope I win. Cannot afford the membership.. Thank you for the opportunity.
I love growing plants. I find your articles very informative and easy to understand and I have used many of your suggestions. I especially like your bibs because that is all that I wear, year round. I would love to get started in the business that you have but I can’t seem to find the funds, as I am 73 and on a fixed income. Thank’s again, Ray
Keep up the good work, Mike. A lot of great info!
Please enter me in your drawing. Follow your posts daily..
I am on a fixed income and would love to get a membership!
A lifetime membership would be great!
Hi Mike,
Please pull my name for a free membership.? I would Love to learn More! I really enjoy all your information you send out – you Have taught a LOT of people ALOT about plants!!
I would love a membership to help better my financial situation!
Thanks for the tips. Just got my first few japanese maples rooted.
Still able to work in our gardens this 72 yo dude would just like to make a few extra $$ doing so. Thanks Mike for all your insightful info.
Thank you for all of your information given freely to your fans. I enjoy your site and videos – they have helped me propagate multiple plants – I have 100+ waiting for the spring garage sales to pay for my “plant” habit.
I would love to get a free membership, but I would be more than happy to have a beer and chat with you.
Thanks again,
What a great opportunity you are offering. I definitely want my name in the hat.
I absolutely love your tips and tricks. I am looking at starting a plant farm on a plot of land I just acquired last year, but I have a ways to go.
Like what I’ve learned. Would love to win a membership.
I am throwing my name into the proverbial virtual gardener’s hat hoping to win this wonderful membership. Keep up all the great work. Learning a lot from your blogs and articles. Kat
Raised on a farm in southern Missouri this is my ideal job. Look forward to learning all I can from Mike. My father raised a family of 5 on 160 acres with only a Farmall H tractor. Have raised a rose from a cutting like my mother did on the farm. She placed a quart jar over the cutting and it took root. Looking forward to raising some trees to help repopulate our area here in Joplin, MO. Looking forward to a membership and knowledge it brings.
I would love to get a free membership. I have learned a lot from reading your posts and could learn so much more with the membership.
I love receiving all your informative emails, great information. Would love to receive a backyard growers membership. Thanks again.
Joan Ciesienski
Hello Mike,
I started watching you on YouTube about 3 months ago. I decided “I can do this too!” So far I have successfully rooted about 20 plants of different types. You are such an inspiration. I would absolutely love to grow a business doing this. Thank you for all your inspiring work
Mike’s style of gardening reminds me of some of the great gardeners who I’ve “stolen” their suggestions and methods of gardening throughout the years, like Victory Garden James Crockett, Jeff Ball, Jerry Baker, Eliot Coleman, Mel Bartholomew and Barbara Damrosch. All great gardeners who have devoted their lives to the practices of simple gardening and presenting those thoughts just as simplistic.
Thanks for all of the great gardening suggestions and methods Mike and keep up the good work. It is truly appreciated.
Hi Mike, put my name in the hat please. I had the 30 day trial a couple of years ago. It all works! I love playing in the dirt. Your videos are awesome and of course the books tell you most of what you need to know. I can’t wait to be a part of the business center. I’m retired and ready to go further in the backyard nursery business. I preShate all you do! It has to be a real Blessing for you knowing how you have changed a lot of folks lives!! Keep up the good work!
Thanks for all the information!
you have a lot of interesting topics thankful I stumbled to this web site
Hi, Mike I absolutelly love your info site,,someone commented that your info is “Very Infectious and I agree it is,,when i open up my emails,,yours is the 1st one I read.I would be thrilled if I won a membership
Hey Mike! Thank you for what you do and THANK YOU for your kindness with the giveaway of lifetime membership! That’s awesome 🙂
This would be wonderful.! Good Luck to myself and everyone!
I want a free membership
You always have so much fun, great to watch you!
I am retiring from teaching in 5 years and started rooting cuttings this summer as well as buying special daylillies to hybridize. I want to have a supplemental income in place and would love to win a membership!
My Mother always had a passion for plants and flowers and while growing up it always felt like a chore to help her dig all her plantings. Now as a grown man her passion has been given to me and she has inspired me to start my own backyard nursery. Would be a pleasure to win a lifetime membership.
Add me to the drawing list!
Cant afford but would love to win.
How could one not want a free membership? I love reading your information every week.
Please put my name in for the drawing. I would love to be a part of your company.
Hi Mike! What an opportunity! Thank you for entering me in the drawing!
Shirley I would love to win!
Yes I know your name’s not Shirley.
It’s Mike!
Sounds like a fantastic idea.
Everyone should have a back yard garden
Throw my hat in the garden for a chance.
Always enjoy your information. Am starting to do some rose cuttings
Mike, I am saving up for a membership because reading the posts about the “family” of members just entices me no end.
Yes, please! I would love to have a membership for free!
Hi Mike & gang,
Please enter me for a chance to win! I would be thrilled and so appreciative! I’ve tried your 30day trial and I know what to expect. It’s like a kid in a candy shop!! We’ve recently purchased the land we’ve been looking for and I’m moving some of my propagated cuttings to their permanent locations. Thanks to the Backyard Growers tips, tricks, and techniques for the success I’ve experienced so far. Thanks a bundle!
Hi Mike,
If I am lucky enough to be awarded a lifetime membership, I would like to pass on the knowledge I will gain by going into the public schools and universities to initiate educational community gardening projects. Hopefully, this work will encourage a greater appreciation for the beauty and bounty of our land while teaching hands-on, practical science.
I’m on the 30-day free trial and I’m LOVING it! I purchased both of your books and have read each several times.
And yes, it’s like you said………..people around me are looking at me like I’ve lost my marbles when I mention my excitement about starting my backyard nursery.
If I am one of the lucky winners, I’ll be sure to take pictures of “those who thought I was crazy,” and I’ll send them to the Group.
FINGERS CROSSED – Hope I’m selected!!
Great site Mike. Lets get me started my new hobby making money with dirt.
Your website is inspiring. Thank you. I am trying hard wood cuttings now.
Hi Mike
I am retired and need a paying hobby. Your emails are interesting
Hi mike,
Thanks for the opportunity to. Ein a free membership. Looking forward to learning much more.
With gratitude
Thanks for all your encouragement and information. Please enter my name in the contest for a free membership! My kids call me ‘the plant whisperer’. LOL.
It sure would be great to win a free membership.
I would really love to win this membership so I can learn more of your valuable knowledge. I have gained so much from your articles and can’t imagine what a membership would add. Pick me please!
I’m fascinated by plant propagation. This seems to be a great potential means of supplementing my very limited disability income. Please put my name in the hat!
Thanks, Mike!
Thank you so much for all the tips and trick over the years! My husband is a little tired of hearing “But Mike says…” Keep it coming!
After loosing my husband to a sudden heart attack, I must now pay on the mortgage. At the end of the month I am desperately waiting for my SS check. I want this so badly. I have tried ways to save the money for it but cannot save it up. Please send this to me. I will do everything in my power to make you proud of my efforts.
Thanks Mike for the chance of a lifetime membership . I’d love to be able to not work in a grocery store deli anymore .
would love a lifetime membership my 39th Wedding Anniversary in Oct 5th
I look forward to every email from you, Mike; I read and SAVE all of them!
Thanks for the tips
I love your emails and all the wonderful information you share! Planning to retire soon and I’ll consider a plant growing business. Maybe I’ll need to get a couple donkey’s too! Do you use the donkey manure in your compost?
Would love to learn more about rooting cuttings and starting a business. 🙂
Thank you for a wonderful blog site.
Please put me in the drawing for the membership.
I’d love to learn more.
Thanks Mike!
Wishing you continued success in all that you do.
I’m in Mike
Cool site. I love getting your emails. I’ve learned so much already. I’d love to learn more!
Love to have that free membership!
Sounds like a good idea to me
I have been following you for some time, and am learning so much. Please enter me to win a membership!
Been a reader of Mike for a number of years and have enjoyed all his advice and videos his family has put together.
Would love to be a permanent member of this group. An awesome group of people.
Thanks for doing what you do!
Really enjoy your videos and all the great info you give us. Please keep it coming.
My hat is officially in the ring
That sounds great, Mike. For a long time, I’ve been wanting to expand beyond just my grapes, but, never seem to get my timing right to get on to a membership.
Great stuff! Propagating is a blast.
Love your videos! Always learn something new. Thanks
Would love to win a membership with you guys.
Have been following you for years but just felt I couldn’t afford it.
Looking forward to winning a free membership:) I enjoy reading all your posts.
As a pastor – it would be a real blessing!
Pick me! 😀
I would love to have a free membership, CONSIDER MY NAME IN THE HAT!
Pick me… Pick me….
Hey Mike, I love what you do, I love plants and would like to belong to your club.
I would like to be selected for the membership. Thanks.
Please enter me into the contest.
Great opportunity for two lucky people. Mike sure has this plant propagation down to a science.
Really learn a lot from all of your postings and look forward to each and every one. Thanks for all of your efforts. keeps you and all of us gardening.
Just moved into a property with lots of growing space. Also just retired from a 40+ year career as an educator. Would LOVE to one of the two lucky winners of The Backyard Growers Business Center!
Thanks a million for the opprtunity to win a membership!
Hi Mike! I have gone from being a casual gardening observer to becoming a community Master Gardener volunteer for 9 years now! You have been instrumental in helping me learn everything from what planting medium to use to how to set up my greenhouse. Thank you! I look forward to your emails and posts so much.
Would love to win!!
Wow, a lifetime membership
I would love to have this opportunity!
I would love to nwin one of those memberships! Thans a Million!!
This is exciting, a chance at a free membership!!!!!!! Thanks for the opportunity!
So exciting! Please add me to your listed of eager beavers for a free membership!
Thanks Mike. I hope it’s me!!
i would love having a lifetime membership . I love reading your newsletter each and every time it reaches my email box thanks
I would love to win a lifetime membership. I love your emails. So much good information.
Thank you for simplifying the growing process!
The variegated Japanese willow sprouts are growing roots and sprouts according to your video instructions! Thanks! Now I need to get them successfully potted or in the ground. I’ll have to watch the next video!
Great site Mike! You’ve encouraged me to grow my own plants to landscape our retirement community
Hello Dear Friend – Still Friends for life as far as I know. Proud of You and how You have helped so many while You help yourself. Your Extraordinary Expertise, Business and Plant Kingdom Knowledge and Practiced Experience makes you One of the Wisest Most Knowledgeable People on God’s Earth. And You have a Heart of Gold to Match! Yes, if You have room for Me and I’m chosen I would love to learn from You My Dear Lifetime Friend!!!!!!! Charles David Murphy. I’ve recovered quite a bit now old friend. Still say good things about you on Facebook and My Google Account etc,!
Thank you for the opportunity to have a chance to win a free membership. I am new at this and need all the help that I can get. I just lost my job of 30 years and am looking forward to starting something new. I love being outdoors and have always enjoyed gardening. Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with so many others.
Lori Lohr
Would love to learn more by being included in the business center. Have already learned so much from the book.
Love your advise and recommendations and look forward to each of your emails every week
ready to cut and plant’ then sell!!
Hi! Please put me in the drawing….I’m a Master Gardener, & worked this past spring at a wholesale nursery…the plant addiction is worsening! Thanks for all the good info & encouraging posts.
Hi Mike,
I’m just amazed at the knowledge you have about. Plants.
Please enter me in your free giveaway to the Back Yard Growers Membership.
Thanks Mike
I love my new pots… thanks. I searched everywhere for a deal on pots and yours was by far the best I could find. I live in Florida and have palms and papaya trees growing.
Would love a membership!!! Staying inspired!!!
Yes, please!
I would love a membership,I have followed your website for years!
I have really enjoyed all your emails, blog posts & videos I have seen over the years. I truly admire & respect all the knowledge and experience you have been so willing to share! THANK YOU!
Not likely to win anything. But you never know.
Thank you for your teaching and encouragement. I need to learn it ALL and would really like to be a MEMBER Thank you!
I would love to start a business now that my husband is retired. I don’t have a large yard, but you say it can still work..
Hey Mike,
Thanks for sharing your gardening knowledge throughout the years!
Nearing retirement and this looks like a project to get down in the dirt and make some extra change!
I really thought that I was too old to do any of this. I see several older people in this shindig. I have used your free advice to start a few plants and really enjoyed it. Maybe there is hope for me yet. So thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge.
thanks so much for your regular emails! they are always chock-full of great information, ideas and inspiration. only thing better would be to have a permanent membership in your backyard growers group!! you ROCK!!
always learning from you Mike.Look forward to all your emails also.God bless and count me in on the contest
I would love to win the membership!
Thank you for the opportunity 🙂
I’m in the process of retiring and have followed Mike for some time….. Got to get used to this stuff of not getting up early and taking roll at 8:00 and …. Well I was a teacher….. Excuse me I am a teacher and I’m just not in the classroom any more…. But thanks so much Mike for the Clam Shell’s and the other great information that you have shared….
I have been a “fan” for 6 or so years now. Live on an acre in the country here in south Louisiana and would love to sell plants to supplement my retirement income. I would love to win a free membership!
I really enjoy the very informative news letters, Mike.
Here’s my lottery entry for one membership in the ‘Backyard Growers Business Center’ October 5th drawing 🙂
Thanks for the generous sharing of planting wisdom!
I really love seeing your posts in my inbox!
Thank you for the opportunity to win a membership!
I love your website, Mike! I have been reading your things for many years and I would love to win one of your backyard growers memberships! I am nearing retirement and don’t have a lot to retire on so I am thinking about how to supplement my meager income. I think this is something I could really do! 🙂 I love how encouraging you are to your growers, Mike! 🙂
I’m 83 yrs old,but still want to keep learning the skills of a good gardener & grower ..what better way could I do it,than by mcs course..rich d
I have been enjoying Mike’s emails, information and down-to-earth plant and landscaping tips for over a year. My hobby propagation and plant production so far has given me tremendous satisfaction and I love to give plants to friends and family. I dream of one day erecting my “market greenhouse” which is patiently waiting to go up in all its glory….when I can commit more time to this fruitful and financially positive venture.
Summer has been so hot and humid here in Florida, but I have worked on my soft wood cuttings. Am now planning on doing my hardwood cuttings, soooon!!!
Would love to have a membership and be able to buy cuttings from other members, what a variety they have, it would be very beneficial, thanks Mike!
Add my name! You have unlimited valuable information that I will stay up most of the night reading. Thanks so much for all you do and share!
I’m in! Thanks Mike, for all you do.
Thanks for opening this up for 2 people to win a memberships. I am sure it will give two people a chance to make good.
Ken Riley
Eureka Springs Arkansas
I love my little town!
Thanks Mike for your continued support and for sharing your success. I would love a lifetime membership.
I didn’t knock it out of the park this year but I made some money, got some stock plants, and learned a lot. Excited for next spring.
Hey, Mike. I would love to be considered for the membership. But even if I don’t win, I’d like to say thanks for all that you do. I’ve learned so much from ur videos and ebooks.
High Mike, I would love to change careers and do something like this, I am mechanic with health issues and my trade is starting to get the best of me.
What a nice gift. Are the donkeys included??? 🙂
Mike – Thanks for all your helpful info.
I love reading your e-mails and have learned so much from you already. Please enter me in the contest for the membership!
sat hi to the mules
Mike, please draw this name! This post is filled with super mojo that will take control of your fingers and make them stick to this entry.
I love receiving your emails and tips. I haven’t taken the plunge to start my own plant business, but would love the opportunity. Wish I lived closer to come visit your place.
Mike, I want to thank you for all of the great information and videos. It has been very helpful, and I do plan on starting my own nursury in the very near future.
Thanks for everything.
I love growing and starting new plants and i would love to be a lifetime member please pick me ?
I’d kick my heels up and do flips if I won the membership! I’d, also, make very good use of the information, of course!
Would love to win a membership! Landscaping is my hobby and my passion here on my 5 acre farm in Illinois. I lost my business manager job of 16 years recently and would love to turn my passion into a successful rewarding business. Thank you for sharing your passion with me. I enjoy reading your articles. You have informative answers for my questions and I learin alot from you. So glad I subscribed to your newsletter several years ago.
Very generous Mike, Good Luck to whoever wins the memberships
I enjoy receiving your emails and tips. I haven’t taken the plunge to start my own business, but would love to. Wish I lived closer to come and visit your place.
I would enjoy a membership. I have been looking for a way to supplement my income. I have a two acre place with barns and a greenhouse.
That would be a dream come true.
Please enter me in your drawing Mike !
Hi Mike
I’ve been following you & your site for several years & have thoroughly enjoyed it. You have a way of explaining things that is very user friendly. Been wanting to join but wasn’t able to afford to.Hopefully next year will be different. Would be so thankful if I was one of the lucky ones. Thanks for all your interesting & informative articles.
Thank you, Mike, for always being such a motivating and informative business builder. Your posts are a blessing – and I love the donkeys!
Thanks for the generous offer Mike…would LOVE the opportunity!
Dear Mike,
Thank you for all of your wonderful posts and information. We learn from your site every week and make use of all you know as we implement our plant growing and eventual sales activities. I appreciate all the work and thought that you place in your materials, and articles, and all of your families efforts to bring such valuable information to everyone. Please place our names in for the membership.
Very Respectfully,
I would like to receive a free membership.
I’m interested in your system; please enter me in your contest!
Hi Mike- Love everything about your site. Please run for president. Thanx for the chance to win a membership!
Hi Mike,
Mary Munoz from Katy, Texas. I just retired and now have time to do what I love! Gardening.
I love all your information and want more!
Please submit me for a chance to win a free membership to the Backyard Growers Business Center.
Thank you,
I would be sooooo happy if I could win this membership! Please enter me in the contest and I will be praying for my name to find it’s way to winning draw! Thank You for the opportunity to enter to win..
Hi Mike
I have been following you for a long time and have learned a lot.
I would love to learn more about propagating plants. I love being outside and working in my yard.
Very generous Mike, Good Luck to whoever wins the memberships
Would love to WIN this drawing retired this year so income went down..Fixed income …I putter around in backyard and tried rootings from pussywillow and forsythia bushes with success…This would be a blesding watch your videos and postings they have helped a lot!! Thank yoy
Hi Mike, please enter me into your contest.
Hey Mike throw my name in. Your information and inspiration is a welcome email when received. I think what your doing for this industry is great. I thank you for your time, expertise, and sharing heart.
This will be my only opportunity to have a membership. I hope that as I continue to learn the art of raising plants that I will be able to change my life for the better. I love the program and look forward to every new email. Thanks for all that you have done.
I like your newsletter i have learned lots of interesting things.
Look my way and see what I can do with this gift.
I would love to have a lifetime membership. I really appreciate all your help & practical tips. Thank you.
always interesting stuff!
Would be thrilled to win a membership. Really love your website with amazing and helpful tips for backyard gardeners. Thank you for all you do.
would love to win one of the memberships
I like Mikes no nonsense style and have learned many valuable tricks about rooting and growing plants at home. Thank you Mike, I already feel like a winner!
Long time gardener and veggie grower. Just started propagation and growing ornamentals. Would love the membership!
Been following for years!
You are a blessing for all the knowledge you share about plants and building a business God bless and thank you
Hi Mike, Count me in! It would be an amazing win!!!
I want to thank you for all the information you have given since I found your site. Oh so many things have improved our gardening skills, and I look forward to seeing each idea. You have made my husband and I much better gardeners. Thank you so much.
I have been enjoying your newsletters for several years now. Please add me to the membership drawing.
i wouldn’t mind a free membership
Please enter me in your drawing. Huge fan and follower. Follow your business model to a “t.” But can’t afford a membership. Thanks!
I have been wishing I could join as a lifetime member for awhile. I had to retire from teaching because I am in the later stages of kidney failure. We been working hard to keep me off dialysis for the last 4 years and with Gods help we are winning. Being on a fixed income leaves little money after bills are all paid. Winning a freer membership would be a true blessing from God.
Mike free lifetime membership would be nice. I have dyslexia that need make some money. Any help would be nice.
God Bless you,
i have enjoyed everything the last 4 years and looking forward to the future with you
I have always wanted one of your memberships. Being on a limited income has not allowed me to do this. I’ve received your emails for years and really enjoy them. I sure hope I win.
Would love to learn more about starting cuttings for myself.
Thanks for your help just signed up in the spring and I have already learned so much. Looking forward to more knowledge. I love your style of passing on info, it is simple and not complex which makes it fun to learn.
Would love to have a membership…have always wanted one but couldn’t afford it…:-( I love working in my garden and would LOVE to have a way to make some money and do what I enjoy. Trying to work in the regular corporate world is no fun., even part time.
Always enjoy you emails and info.
Hello Mike,
I would like very much to be fortunate enough to win a membership.
Love your emails. I use you information everyday. If my wife would let me I would have 2 donkeys in my back yard!
Been following you for years! Whenever I’m trying to do something in my own gardens I look for tips on your site. Also love the emails~ thanks!
Hi Mike – thanx for all your great advice & tips, sharing all of your knowledge & inspiration and all of your entertaining stories!! I have used all of them since my new husband told me about you. And thanx for a chance to win a free membership!
I get the biggest laugh of the day at the comments, Mike. I just had to say that and no offense to any of these wonderful readers/applicants.
The best of luck to everyone!
Please do not enter my name, k, Mike? I simply wanted to say what I said. I really enjoy this dotcom.
I always learn something from your posts. Getting a free membership would be wonderful!
Hi Mike, I bought your Backyard Cash Machine e-book awhile back, lots of great info in there! I am currently setting up my propagation system based off of the info in your book. I do have cuttings of 3 varieties of blueberry rooting in a box I made out of a old Rubbermaid bin. A membership to the business center sounds like just the thing I need once I have plants ready for sale. I can’t wait till I have my setup finished and can start working with more plants.
I’m throwing my name in the hat Mike! Hope I can wear it again.
Hello Mike.
Please enter my name in the hat! I have been watching your videos for a couple years now, I am very excited for this chance.
This sounds like a LOT of fun….. I want to meet the donkeys!!
I have retired and would love to win the membership. Thanks for the chance.
What a nice opportunity. I have enjoyed your videos. Thank You
I would love to get a lifetime membership! Thank you.
Pick me! Pick me! I need all the help I can get.
I love your articles, advice, and web site. I have had my daughter sign up for your site also. Thank you for your time. V/R…
Even when I do not comment on your page all the time, I really enjoy reading and used too many
of your good tricks.
Keep the good,work.
Thanks Mike
Looks like a fun shindig! Your donkeys look like they’re enjoying it! You need some dairy goats to go with them! Great fun.
Hello Mike, I’ve been watching your videos for a while now. This is how i will become a stay at home dad. Thanks!! Joe
I enjoy your newsletter and would love a membership.
Thanks Mike, for making this chance available. I’ve wanted to enroll but I can’t afford it at this time.
Grow big or stay home.
Appreciate the videos and someone that encourages entrepreneurs. I have always been self employed. It is amazing how many people’s ambition is gutted by those around them. Keep up the good work!
What an inspiring site. I’m Loving it. So many great ideas! Keep up the fantastic work,
Thanks for all the advice and inspiration over the years!
I’m on a retirement income. I would of purchased program if I had that kind of cash available. I have tried many of Mike’s wise secrets. Many have worked for me .I have read all the great free advice and look forward to the newsletter daily. Please put me in the free drawing. Maybe I will get lucky.
I would love to be able to afford a membership but being a senior on limited income, it would be fantastic to win a lifetime membership. Thanks for everything you do.
Thank you for everything you do, I have learned so much from you.
The Passion for what you do is Obvious and a Draw! I would love a life time membership! I would do everything possible to get the word out about your website! (for Life!) lol Keep up the Great Work!
I enjoy reading your gardening tips. Thanks for the chance to win a membership.
I purchased your backyard growing system a few years back and loved starting and growing plants and did well selling them, however, the backyard growers membership would really be a big boost, so appreciate your giving them away.
I’ve been following Mike for many years now and have gleaned a lot of useful information from his postings. Even so, I can’t get roots to grow on my cuttings. I have sticks that have had leaves growing on them for three years. What’s up with that? Still, I love reading and watching stuff on Mike’s site.
i have just started and i love it rooted plants i didnt know i could
Hope I have a shot at this. Love your e-mails Mike.
I would love to win! Thanks!
Please enter me in the drawing! I would love to win a membership!! Thank you!!
Love all your information. Really want to start propagating baby plants!
I look at your page every time before Saving it.
I am hesitant to purchase anything because of the Customs schemozzle since I live in Canada.
Keeping my fingers crossed regarding the giveaway.
Thanks for the offer, Mike. I’m feeling lucky!
Hey Mike, Thanks for all you do. Thru many decades of life I know the one passion we share is for plants and propagation. For me, this membership could be a heck’ava
springboard into a fun retirement.
Been busy the past few years getting my plants established from which to take cuttings. Been studying and learning and exchanging plants with plant buddies. We study which plants grow where.
Also been doing some volunteer work through our local university extension and getting established with local growers networks.
Also been identifying stands of plants on my property that have commercial volume for cuttings.
Have set up a small greenhouse, potting tables, grow covers; collected hundreds of pots to sell plants in. Cleared an area to have for parking and plant sales. Been researching nursery licenses and laws in our jurisdiction.
Had to clear a large stand of trees to create sunny growing area – and establish water supply.
I’m about ready to move to the next level of mass producing plants for selling.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate. Much appreciation for all you are doing to help us learn to grow and sell plants.
Hi Mike! Luv all the emails I receive. So much info.! It’s Awesome! A membership would be fantastic. Just can’t afford that much right now!
I am looking to start my own plants and specialize is a select few to sell. Would love to have access to the “Buy/Sell Area”. Thanks for doing this giveaway Mike!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that I win one.
Love the information, Mike!
my sheep would love to meet your donkeys. growing things here isn’t so easy, as the sheep love to eat all sorts of stuff. and so do the chickens, and for some reason fences don’t always work.
Hey. We are both new and late beginners. Have learned a lot on your site and from your emails. Please put us in your drawing. Thanks.
I have already received so much information from your videos and want to learn more.
My wife and I are avid gardeners, and each year we add new plants that we have propagated by rooting cuttings of our forsythia, or dividing hosta or daylilies, etc. We have learned so much from Mike’s newsletters and videos, and we would love to take our hobby one step further and turn it into a business. Hope we win – for sure we would come to next year’s Backyard Growers Shindig!
Been following you for years. Thanks for helping people help themselves. Blessings.
I am so excited about the opening of the backyard growers association. I hope I win the contest; I live on Social Security so there is no way I can afford the cost.
Put my name in the hat, I feel lucky today.
Hi Mike – Your videos, newsletter, and website provides a wealth of great info on getting started in growing and selling small plants. Thank you!!
But I want to learn more! It would be awesome to win the membership to the Backyard Growers Business Center!!
Being able to earn an income from home, and – bet of all – share the experience with members of the family of all ages, this is what means the most to us!
We look forward to meeting you at a Shindig! Until then, keep up the good work, Mike!
Mike I’ve been trying to root a red Rhodie for 20 years, with your informative video I believe I’m going to have success this year, even if I don’t win Thank You for the information.
m. Church God Bless All!!!
Your site is a wealth of info. I havei learned things I have never seen before anywhere. i have been around plants and farms all my life and even growing up as a 6 yr.old boy was dragged to my Grandmothers Grange flower Cub. And they loved me.I fit right in. now there is something you should know about me I am a Disabled Pastor of a Native Am. Church. Non paid so this would be used for our Church which we already have an annual plant sale every spring. i work with Meonoite and Amish farmers. This is why I have not been able to pay for it. Mike and Family it would be a blessing and an honor tom be4 part of your family. Pastor Jeff ?Metal Hawk The Great Spirit Native A
I’ve been following you for a couple years. Even as an advanced gardener I find I’m still learning from information you share. That you share it in such a way as the least experienced gardener can understand and apply your techniques and keep more advanced gardeners interested, is a rare feat.
Thanks for that and yes living on a fixed income, I would love a free membership.
Thank you for all of your Great Tips and Advice! By far the best website I have run across!
No one and I mean no one has the answers we small backyard growers need like Mike.
I would be honored to be a part of the backyard grower family with this free giveaway.
Hi Mike
I have been following you for quite some time. I purchased your program a few years ago. It looks a lot different from the one I have. But I learned a lot from the information. I also became a member, but had to stop after one payment because of health problems. Then you gave me a second chance to restart, which I couldn’t do at the time. This was something that meant a lot to me.
As much as I have followed you on the internet, I feel that I know you quite well. I would really like to be able to join your Backyard Growers Membership. I can remember the Members Business Center when I had the chance to be on it for 30 days. It was just like a large family that I would like to be apart of.
Now that I know you are not just someone trying to sell something to just anyone. I am going to take the jump. First by seeing if get a membership from you. Then if I am not one of the two chosen I will try to join in the spring of 2017.
I would really like to be part of the family. Thanks for giving us this opportunity. It means a lot.
Thanks again Greg
This is an exciting offer, and most generous of you and the donkeys.
Always wanted to start a flower nursery. Winning one of the free memberships sure would help. Also love all the info from your emails and posts. Keep on inspiring us Mike I love it.
A free membership sounds wonderful. Also, thanks Mike for all your great work in helping each of us.
I still wonder how this program would do in our climate here in Wyoming – harsh winters.
Thank you Mike for the opportunity and for sharing your knowledge! I have learned a lot from you and hopefully, I will be able to retire next year and apply at least some of these things I’m learning to supplement my retirement. Now if only I can get rid of the white flies in my yard from this year, I’d have better luck next year. Cheers!
Always look forward to your advice, tips & pointers. Would love a permanent membership! Thanks for all you offer Mike!
I believe I could learn so much from ur program!!
Hope I win!
Would love to win! ❤️
I have been reading the information on your site for about a year now. Learned a lot about starting trees from seeds.
I would really like to win a membership!!!!!
This would be a fantastic gift. You are my first youtube choice on whatever I am trying to accomplish.
What a great opportunity!! I am all in!! Thanks,Mikr.
pick me, pick me, pick me! My husband and I are retiring to Italy (he’ Italian) and the nurseries there are VERY different than those in the US and UK. Very little plant identification and/or care info. I want to bring English/American standards of labeling to Italy. BUT, I will be on a limited income. A FREE MEMBERSHIP would help tremendously! And then, I will be able to give back!
Love your posts and email.
I’m nearing retirement and have a few acres in NC and looking to raise something to sell. Would love your free membership, would be a big help.
Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful gift!
I would Love to have a Membership Mike ! I constantly refer back to your numerous pages for Help, Advice, etc. on all sorts of info you have on your website !
Ever since I lost my husband in 2008 in our House Fire I haven’t been able to get anything from you and we had been following you and planned on getting the membership but since I lost him I don’t have much money to do much of anything and I sure would like to plant some things in my yard just don’t have the know-how, that happened in 2008 and you sent me a video but it was blank so I’ve never done anything else with it I would love so much to win a year membership. Thank you so much for the chance and God bless you for everything you do for everyone. …Bev
My husband and I grew up on farms-he in northern Wisconsin and I in northern Illinois.
Since then, we have moved south and have been fortunate to find a farm on which we have lived for 30 years. We have grown many plants and trees and 7 wonderful children on our farm. We involved our children in farming from planting sweet corn to raising cattle. They learned to work that way, not that they always wanted to work physically. Now that the 7 grandchildren are here, we hope to teach them the love of growing and the love of what our kids called “deep country.” We are growing more in our “retirement” and still loving it.
As my mother who lived to over 100 said, “You can take the girl out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the girl”
We would love a membership. We have already learned so much from you!
Oooh la la, would LOVE to win this! Thanks for the chance!
I have learned a lot from your instructions on propagation. Have rooted blueberry plants and muscadine . Please enter me in your drawing for membership. Thanks
Well, count me in for this membership. I would love to learn more about this entire system. I live in sand and have a water well. Thanks for considering me.
Thanks, Mike, for all that you share! I so look forward to your emails. I might have the guts to start my own someday!
So inspiring from you and all members
Mike…. It’s inspiring to see all you’ve done along with the growing membership.
Judith in St. Louis
Mike it would be an honor and a pleasure to become a member of the Backyard Business Growers. I have learned a lot but I know that there is so much more to learn; so I can pass it on.
I’m throwing my name into the hat… here, catch! 🙂
I have enjoyed your emails for years, Thanks.
Thanks for the chance! I’ve been following you for years now. I LOVE all the great info and tips!
Blessings! Janet
Entering retirement and could really use the membership. Thanks Mike.
Hello, I could learn a lot with a free membership. I need more money to pay bills, and I love working outside. Thank you.
Still have a lot to learn about growing plants, but I sure enjoy it. I would love to win a membership to The Backyard Grower’s Business Center!
A free membership will be great!!!
Mike, thanks for all the great informaiton, tips and videos. I’d love to win a free membership!
Been getting your emails for years and enjoy them……would love to win old friend
Thank you Mike!! Many blessings to you!!!
I love all your tips and ideas and would love to get this free membership. I try to do as many cuttings as I can every year….some years I have more success than others. Thanks for your help.
Wow. Long page of comments
I love to have a free membership
Wow- this is great!
Winning a membership would be awesome. I want to retire soon and do gardening and plant propagation as my hobby, So, purchasing a full membership would not be cost effective for that reason.
Thank you for the generous contest.
Retired and love gardening. Would like to learn
I am probably one of your long time followers but not owning a home limits me in being able to start a growing business. I am presently building some garden rock retaining walls and all the materials have come from the top of a ledge covered hill. The ledge was blasted to build the house and then the busted up ledge was used as backfill on the lawns which are really nothing more then construction dirt/gravel. I had dug up all the rocks used so far from the “lawns” and the woods that edge the property. Compost has been used from the woods(leaves ,pine needles etc) have been layered back into the soil in which I have sieved out all stones and roots bigger then 3/8″. Still working the project- about half done.
Thank you for such a great offer, Mike.
Hi Mike, I stumbled across your site a while back and have watched your videos and followed your instructions and my cuttings have thrived. I’ve always had a ‘green thumb’ (thanks to my Mom) but never dared to try some of the things you suggested. I have been blessed with the results, even though I’m just propagating for myself and a few friends. I would love to win a membership in your awesome ‘family’.
PS. My mini donkey Tilly says ‘hee-haw’ to your boys.
Hello Mike,
I find that your blog is very inspirational.
I have been selling plants for some time now. I find your blog a good moral booster. Even for us old timers.
Bob Harper.
Thanks for keeping us old folkes inspirate
Thanks for all the great gardening advice! We have had success making rooted cuttings for our own use and are ready to start expanding production. A membership would be great.
I run a 2700 sq. ft. school garden and use many of your ideas. I have also used them in my own garden and hope to be able to move to the next step on making money, not only for our school garden, but to supplement my teacher income.
Hi Mike
I learned a lot from your web site and hope to learn more
Hi Mike
I would love to get a free membership to your world famous Backyard Growers Group. Thank you for years of valuable emails that introduced me to loving plants and taking care of them
Retiring next Spring and opening my small nursery. Being a member of your group would be a blessing.
Hey Mike, been enjoying your column for years. Just got a big load of sand to build my cuttings bed. Fingers crossed
Thanks Guys..for the chance….I;ll keep my fingers and toes crossed…
thanks for the opportunity.
A membership would be an excellent gift right now. I’ve recently purchased 5 acres to start growing on. Thank you for your wise advice and consideration.
I’m interested!!!
I’d love to win a membership. I’ve been following your blog for a while and enjoy all the information you give to your readers.
Hi Mike,
What a great time we live in where we can learn so much about a hobby from people like yourself who have devoted their lives to perfect it. Your site has offered me so much insight about clippings, disease, care and much more. Thanks for providing all of this gratuitous information. I am truly appreciative.
A membership would be great!
Would so appreciate having the opportunity to be part of this great group
I’d love to win the membership and finally quit my soul-stealing job.
Dear Mike, donkey ‘s (and plotter 2 legged helpers as well) , what can we say, you are an inspiration and motivator. Love your website and information. How I would love to retire to a back yard full of plants , cuttings and propagation knowledge. I have a third acre river bank lot, I greedily read your ideas and plot my escape from a basement office to the outdoors and changing weather of the North Country of North Eastern NY. Dreams are good! Thanks for the inspiration!
I believe that learning propagation is going to be a life saver in the future, helping to provide life sustaining foods and useful plants to our friends and neighbors. In the mean time it offers an income from a cottage industry that offers not only fiscal benefits but also a therapeutic break from the breakneck pace of our present world. A membership would let me come and “soak up” some of the great store knowledge that Mike has accumulated over the years.
I’d love to grow more plants. Never enough
I would love to create a business selling plants I’ve grown. Please put my name in the hopper. Thank you!!!
I appreciate the chance to win a membership.
Hello Mike:
I look forward to your posts with your ideas and suggestions. We purchased a foreclosure home in Feb 2016 that has some challenges. Being in the center of FL it gets hot here. One project we have is, converting the swimming pool to a Tilapia pond. All the pool pump and support were stolen so the idea made sense to me. Next we want to use the fish-fertilized “pond” water to grow plants for food and other purposes. Keep up the great writing and experimenting.
Oliver Boody
Knowledge on your website is awesome. We appreciate the free information – struggling with grafting, miserable failure growing olives from cuttings but can sell Turmeric and Ginger on E Bay.
Propagation in very rewarding – knowing how to do more would be awesome!
thanks for your offer of a chance at more of your know how.
I have learned so much from you over the years. I have considered starting my own little plant business and need a kick in the butt to get started. Thanks for all your help and information.
Odds are I wont win but you never know, that is why they call it a chance.
It will be great to be able to start a small “Garden Business” after retirement for those extra “dollars”, you’ve been a great help and inspiration . To win a membership into the backyard growers business center for the wife and I ! Awesome.
I’ve been following you for years. I look forward to winning a membership. Thanks for all the great content.
Please do not forget me.
I enjoy reading your website. And have broadened my knowledge from you. Thank you. Would also love to win one of your memberships.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a membership. Please enter my name in your drawing
My grandson has made tons of cuttings of his huge, producing fig tree in Mobile, AL. I bought the book you had and sent him a copy. He is almost 15. My husband and I have always grown veggies and planted trees.
I would love to win a free membership. I have been out of work for 7 months and have very little extra money. I love all kinds of plants. My house is full of plants and my yard is also. I really enjoy grafting apple trees. I graft a few every year and now I have 22 apple trees. I would love to learn more about other plants so I can grow them to.
Mike, please put me in ! I use my backyard to provide food for my family and friends. A teaching tool for my Girl Scout troop and I’ve taught serval gardening merit badges for Boyscouts. I’m nothing big just a small hobby.
I retired 10 years ago. I bought a couple of books from you on taking cuttings and have been fairly successful. Though I’ve sold very few, I have given several away to friends, family and neighbors. Back problems have kept me from getting into it in a big way.
Hi Mike
I’m 61 years old and had always had a passion for flowers . My only problem is I always give my flowers that i raise away. . I keep an average of about 250 -300 potted cuttings that I give away . I’m at retirement age and my income may not allow me to keep giving the away as freely as I have in the past. I have 11 acres and enjoy all my flowers . Thanks for all the tips and info. You’ve been a great help.
Mike,.. I have followed you for a number of years. I am finally reached retirement and am looking forward to retirement on our 4 acres. It has been a dream to supplement retirement and keep me busy by gardening. I have learned so much from your video clips. Nothing better than digging in the dirt to keep you grounded.
Tried several times before but Wasn’t my turn I guess, I realize there is thousands of of more deserving people probably, but words can not describe what this would mean in my life right now ! I am now prepared to pay back the blessing I have freely obtained, however for me to offer freely means I have no cash flow for my services. I do have bedded hundreds of starts ready for next year swap and sell but could trade out or buy more varieties on the business center to expand my inventory. This is only a smidgen of what the membership means to me !!!!!!
Wow! So much going on. What a joy! I have been getting your newsletter for years now. I purchased some land and just today – finished putting a home on it – Next – starting what I have been reading from you. Thank You.
I would love the opportunity but probably won’t get it!
I was in your backyard growers back in June and my wife passed away in July so I had to get out for a while.
So put my name in the hat.
If I don’t get it I am going to sign back up when you open it back up.
I’m just starting out trying to change careers and your help is invaluable. Question…do u need TWO donkeys?:)
Mike can you do a post on problems to look for if cuttings don’t root. I have gotten some fig tree cuttings to take off and have grown orange trees from seed. It may be that the coast of Southern California doesn’t get a real winter.
Would love to get a membership. I’m 19 , love plants and want to start my own business.
I love the instructions you give weekly. I’ve used some of the information and started a few different plants from cuttings. I love seeing things grow from small pieces of plants to start new ones come to completion. I hope to win the free membership to learn even more. Thanks for your videos. Love them.
Hi Larry, Our son is 35 and has a genetic liver disease and is in the transplant list. He is a fifth generation from a line of farmers from South Dakota and has discovered that larger scale gardening is better than therapy. He also does part time healthy vegan catering as Sanador (Healer) Catering, LLC with a business partner from Columbia. I would live to win a membership for him! Thanks!
I bought your book and follow your growing tips. Thank you for all the good information.
Thats great news hope i win thanks Mike
The Backyard growers group is an awesome group and I would love to have a paid membership in which I can benefit from and get to know other group members and build quality friendships and business partnerships with.
Hi I am going to retire next year in July I would love to come to Ohio. My husband and I are very simple farmers. I loved how you explained about how to take a Japanese cutting. I haven’t caught up on all your videos. We love to come be part of your family. .thanks Viv
I would love to have a permanent membership! Thanks!
10/05/16 is my birthday! I would love a membership to share pictures of my garden and equipment/trade cuttings! You guys are awesome, I appreciate all of the information learned by simply reading your teachings.
I’m so glad I subscribed to your newsletters. I’m always learning something new. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise.
I would love a lifetime membership! I love your website! Thank you for all the information you share.
Mike I have been following you for a couple of years and have learned so much from you I would love to become a member I need to make extra money cause my retirement income is not much to live on and I love working in the yard and planting all kinds of plants and I have a variety of hostas that I want to decide and try to sell this spring I could learn a lot to help me as one of your new members.
Thank you for the opportunity for a membership in this group. Using your system which I bought 1 1/2 years ago, I have learned more about various types of propagation and have sold a few plants this past summer. I hope to do more in the future. You are gracious to offer this. Thank you.
Corliss Gardens
I hope I win. Thank you again!
Thank you for the opportunity to win a permanent membership! Your sage advice and informative tips have helped me become a more resourceful gardener. Winning would be the greatest early Christmas gift–one that will keep on giving for a lifetime!
Love reading the emails,and learning all about plant.
Thank you for this chance to become a member and for all the wonderful tips and help you give.
Hey Mike, I live in a suburb of Vancouver, BC, Canada. .. would love to join but can’t fork out the $$ . We just bought a 5 acre hobby farm and as a stay at home I love the idea of playing in dirt as a extra income. I’d love the opportunity to join for free to add the Great North West to your amazing group.
Thanks Vikki
Love your posts. So much helpful and interesting information. Just finished my first growing season in my Michigan summer home. Looking forward to next spring already. Your website is a fountain of good information that I use all the time. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Hardly worth me doing this, I never win anything but here goes nothing lol.
I just started Hardwood Cuttings of Angel Trumpets. My first year I have 14 Trees 4 Blooming Away
Would love to start sell cutting from them
This is exciting. I pray that I win. I have been following you for years but have never had the money to buy the complete system. I purchased the $79 system several years ago but my computer crashed and I lost most of my info on the system. I love getting your emails and video. I also love the donkeys. Thanks for this chance.
I bought your program many years ago and have been dreaming of starting a gardening business when my husband and I retired. We are just about there and I would love to receive this membership. I have been following your website all along and am very happy for your success and the way you like to share it with others. Thank you.
$610.00 WOW!
I bought your book package around 5 yrs ago. Love it. Now I’m getting real close to retirement, would like a membership, but not able to spend that kind of money. Thanks one way or the other
I have been growing a garden for more than 20 years and would love to make it into a permanent business. Hope I win the membership so I can be successful at it. 🙂
I would love to quit my job and do something I love, plus make money doing it.
Random Selection
Random Selection
Plants should not be
Random Selection
I would love a free membership.
Mike. I would be thrilled if I am one of the lucky ones to win a membership!! As a person living on SS it would be a true blessing.
We all appreciate you and your generous spirit!!
I will keep my fingers crossed!!
My backyard is filled with plant, now I have to sell some.
Mike I would love to be a chosen one, throwing my hat into the pot. Thanks for this free opportunity, Mike
I would love to win a memberships! Love your blog and emails. I have learned a lot! Thank you!
thanks for the insight and great attitude
Mike, learning this could make a huge difference in my life.
I dont believe in luck, but i pray i get the chance!!! 🙂
Thank you for giving your readers a chance to win free Lifetime Memberships and good luck to everyone who leaves a comment here.
I would be thrilled if my name would be one of the two lucky ones to win a membership!! I hope you know that all of us appreciate you and your generous spirit!!
I will keep my fingers crossed!!
Hey Mike,
I’m a blueberry grower and have my own backyard nursery. I would love to have a membership I would be able to contribute endless cuttings of many different varieties.
Hi, Mike — I purchased the BACKYARD GROWERS plan several years ago and have been following your emails and blogs as I set up my nursery and try my hand at propagating plants.
I am planning on retiring from the corporate world in the next 5 years and this is how I plan to support myself.
I am very interested in becoming a member and would LOVE to win this!
Thank you!
Would love to win this, what a honor!!
Been with you several years! You’re so very helpful and very down to earth! Keep up the great job and I hope to win!
Mike, your backyard growing system is awesome. Even with my disability It’s been fun, easy and enjoyable. Anyone that have the drives the size of a mustard seed can grow plants using the methods you teach in your online classes. Thanks keep teaching and well keep tuning in.
Dear Mike I really would love a permanent membership; I have been fowling you for 3 years. You have helped me be a better gardener and I appreciate that. I cannot afford your membership yet I have enjoyed learning things from your Video . You have given to the earth and I want to thank you . If I win that would be like winning the lotto, If I loose It will be okay also because i have learned alot from you. thank you Fondly Wendy
Hi Mike, Would be great to be a part of your growing family membership. Thank you for giving folks a chance at a free membership.
Count me in! I appreciate all the info that is available.
I really Love what you do. You are very inspirational and gardening to me is very therapudic. I hope to someday be able to follow in your footsteps and grow plants like you are so kind to share with us, My mom always tells me I follow in my Grandfather’s steps as he was raised on a farm and always had a green fun. Please throw my name in the hat to have a chance at our wonderful offering.
Thank you for all you share!!
It would be amazing to win a lifetime membership!!! Yay!!!
You give such great info, thanks for that. I would just love to have a free lifetime membership. I’m crossing my fingers.
Boy would I ever like to win the lifetime membership!! I have always been a plant lover but just over the past year I’ve been able to grow more. I started propagation from a few trees around the house as a starter. I love your emails and am constantly learning something new!!! PLEASE award me that membership! I would love to be growing and selling on your site in the next year! Thank you for the consideration and God Bless.
Hello Mike from another OH-IO person.
Your tips have been so helpful over the years. I am recently disabled in my 40’s and gardening has been great therapy for me. I would love to win a membership to learn even more and start putting together my own plant farm. Not only for my own personal benefit, but be able to enlighnten others with quality plants propagated in Ohio.
Would to take it slowly but I have patience with your guidance from a membership!
How exciting! I would love to be included in the drawing. Thank you for the opportunity.
What a generous prize to offer Mike!!! Count me in 🙂 Thank you for all that you share!!
Hoping for a membership, thanks.
would love all that info to grow more on my Vermont property,would make retirement better
Hi Mike
I have been trying to get started with root cuttings from your book, but It’s slow going.
I could sure use a membership to get going.
Thank you for all you do!
O’Brien, Oregon
Excited to get started ..Here is my entry
I would very much like the opportunity to be entered for a chance to win.
Thank you
Wow Mike, that is really great of you to give away 2 memberships.
Hi Mike!
What an opportunity!
I would love a free membership I want to grow a variety of Japanese maples that are cold hardy! Love your posts Mike glad to see you posting again!
I’ve been following you for years! I’d love a membership to the Backyard Growers site!
Yes, I would love to win a membership. I’m feelin’ Lucky today!
Thank you for your great videos & other gardening info.
Wow Mike, that is really great of you to give away 2 memberships.
Just received the email about the membership drawing. I have a specialty micro-nursery – 100% online sales inspired by your manuals I purchased. I’m looking to move in about 1..2 yrs to obtain land to grow the business. Great information on your site and manuals.
I’m here, in the UK.
Four thousand miles away
But Mike, with donkeys, I must say
Keeps me growing every day.
Love Mikes Backyard Nursery. It is a priceless find!
853.00 in soc sec doesn’t buy much groceries. please consider me. for membership
hi Mike been trying to get a good start on my backyard growing one of these memberships would help alot thanks for offering them .
Hi Mike,
I have been receiving your emails ever since you started posting them to Yahoo. Unfortunately, as I am disabled, and I don’t receive any supplemental income from any where, I never seem to be able to save up enough money to be able to purchase one of your memberships. I was a stay at home mom while my husband was in the Marine Corps and by the time my children were able to go to school, I needed to go back to school and refresh my skills. When I finally got a job, I was put into a position where I injured my back permanently. Now I have to find a way to make a living.. Your backyard growers plan seems like something I can do without much harm to my back and make a little money to live on. I really love all of your emails!
Thanks and God bless.
Mike, I’ve been an avid follower for years, bought a FEW pdf’S AND ENJOY THEM ALL.
Your willingness to share your knowledge is inspirational and helpful beyond word. I’ve used many tips to small start this hobby, but ready to jump forward if I can only win a subscription.
Thanks for all you do.
I have following your website and videos for sometime now. I eagerly look forward to your emails and advice.
We are hoping to make a visit to you at your nursery center when you have your openhouse in October.
It would be great to come as a member!
Tom and Barbara
Would love to be a part of the team!
I really would like to have a membership
I enjoy reading your informative emails/posts and I would enjoy the opportunity to have a chance at winning your lifetime membership.
Mike – I really need your membership – I have come home to take care of my disabled husband and am hoping to fill the financial gap with backyard plant sales. Every penny must be stretched and so far the pennies have not stretched to include your membership even though I know it will pay for itself!
Hi Mike, both Jackie and I would love to be a part of your group. we have tried many of your suggestions, some work for us, we have clay and it is really hard on the plants.
Thank you fort his wonderful opportunity. You are the Best Mike!
is a great source of info I get here aand in e mails
Mike- it’s wonderful how you bring like minds together to learn from and support each other in a common goal! Thanks for all you do and share. The info you provide has been priceless! I now have many little plant babies growing and am excitedly gathering supplies for a hooped sandbox to be set up before the cold sets in 🙂
Please enter me into the drawing for an opportunity to belong to your Backyard Growers Business Center. I’d love to be a part of the family, become a successful nursery grower with babies and help others along the way!
I would be honored if I was chosen!
Hello Mike,
After recieving your email for the contest I dropped everything I was doing, gently of course because I have been painstakingly raising these little Echeveria agavoides ebony from a few leaves that I received from a friend,( it’s like taking care of 2 infants) and came to enter the contest. I began to try and start my urban nursery for the past few months with the help of some of your tips but would benefit and appreciate a membership more than you know. I am passionate about gardening and even though most of my friends here in California say it can’t be done, I have dedicated day and night to making this project a success. I hope that I win, like everyone else of course, because sadly I would not be able to afford the course on my current budget, which luckily is beginning to be supplemented by homegrown micrograms and other fall veggies as I take care of my cuttings and over 1500 leaves taken from different succulents I bought and gently “ripped apart” to maximize my potential amount of plants for next year’s rush. again thank you for providing this contest and to whoever win I wish and all the best to the lucky winner (even though I wish it’s me even more lol) . Cheers and all the best, Jens from California
I would love to win a membership. Your emails are so informative!
this is a membership i would really like to have and if i cod get it free that sure would help me.
Pick me! Pick me!
This would soooo awesome….really wanting something i can do from my small backyard, since i cant afford a move to the country, that utilizes my green thumb. Thanks for the opportunity
Please chose my entry Mike. Retiring and would like to take advantaget of your program. We love it when you talk dirt to us.
That would be so awesome!
I’ve always dreamed of doing this kind of business. I tried the 30 day trial and it is addictive, for me anyway. Please consider me for the permanent membership. And thanks for all the informative advice that you give.
I have learned a great deal from the information you share on the emails…so…Thanks!
I receive your emails on a regular basis and can’t begin to tell you how helpful they have been.
Each time I learn something new from tried and true results.
I can’t afford a membership so I am hoping you may pick me.
Thank you for your valuable information. Keep up your fantastic job.
What an honor it would be to have a permanent membership! Thank you for this opportunity!
Thank you. What a wonderful opportunity.
Please enter me in the contest, Mike. Thank you and good luck to all 🙂
Pick me! Pick me! Please.
Throw my name in the hat
Mike I always enjoy reading and viewing your posts, as they are a source of helpful information.
Thanks Mike for all that you do to help others with the wealth of knowledge you share. Thanks for the inspiration to make things grow!
I would really appreciate the opportunity to win a lifetime membership – I am in the process of building a new greenhouse to have the ability to start my backyard growing
Hi Mike go ahead and throw my name in the Hat. I have successfully grafted one mango tree and one Peach tree all because of all of your videos.
Thank you
I would so LOVE to win one of your memberships Love your ideas….totally Awesome
How appropriate! You’re famous for generously sharing your valuable information! Now you’re offering the ultimate giveaway. Wishing much success to the lucky winner — maybe it will be me.
Man what a great present that would be
Thanks for the great info that actually works. I would love an opportunity to win one of the memberships!
Thanks so much for sharing all that you have learned to save us from having to do it the wrong way first before we can do it the right way. No need to re invent the wheel. I’m over due for some good luck. Hope I win !!!
Love your site loaded with great information I love the fact that you explain everything so well. Thanks for the site and all the help/
Hey Mike, I’m throwing my hat in the ring and see what happens !
Hi Mike & Duston,
I’m working my way through Backyard Growing System course…… Hoping I win the Big Giveaway.
Thank you for all your knowledge, sharing and support.
Enjoy reading your ads. Thanks for sharing your methods of propagation. I have since started some hydrangea cuttings this past week. Would love to win one of your membership giveaways.
Followed you back in the 1990s and now we’re reconnected with you and your family and your donkeys. We’ve got roses and bites and passionflower ls rooting and growing already, thanks to y’all!
We have been thinking about doing this for a couple of years and I guess this would give us
the kick we need to get started!
Sounds good to me?!
Gardening gets me through life!
you have been one of the best teachers I could of ever asked for. We here, in SC keep up with your emails and posts and learn soo much from your articles.
Thank You
Yes, I’ve missed you, too! God bless you all and THANK YOU so very much for all the help you give me!
Hi to Amber.
Judi in Indianapolis
Mike, I think my comments were deleted because I presses enter twice! Sorry
I love to be one of the two getting a free membership. I look forward to meeting all other gardeners. I’m from Vancouver, BC Canada. Love your gardening tips
Mike you are a phenom!!!!! I have followed you for years. I have purchased your packages in the past. I love to propogate plants. I now have a mulberry that is 18 feet tall. It was a 6 inch cutting. I bought a half acre. I have accumulated all things garden at yard sales. Now i have graduated to needing your wonderful free membership. Thanks for all the information.
I have been a loyal subscriber for quite a while and would really love to join the Backyard Growers Business Center. Finances is the only reason I have not joined before now so if I were chosen, it would really be a major boost to my retirement plans. Thank you for all you give away so freely. You are appreciated more than you know.
Mike, as a 68 year old widow I need some way to supplement my skinny SS check. I would love to win a membership. Thanks for the consideration.
That would be a blessing to someone
Mike, thanks for all the great information. Ive had fun learning about propagation and having some success growing plants. Id love to be a member, just cant afford it quite yet.
Hey Mike,
I have finally retired from my life consuming job and found a NORMAL job close to home. Now I will have time to get back to my two acres and start growing again. Can’t wait to get started. Good luck to everyone! Stay inspired!
Mike, You are not an ordinary entrepreneur. You have helped many people including me. I have learned so much by following you and reading all about plants. Thanks for all you do and please put my name on the list of people who want to win the contest!!! It would help me a lot!
This would be a great income source, Thanks
HI Mike
I’ve been following you for years and bought some of your products, in fact, I just purchased your backyard growing system a couple of days ago, haven’t even received it yet! The lifetime membership would really be the icing on the cake!
Your site is the place I go to whenever I have a question about plants, it’s the best site on the Internet for plant ” How To”.
Keep up the great work
I purchased your backyard Nursery program two years ago. I have since retired, moved to another state (Idaho) and have practiced your system with much success. I am now settled and am building a Low Wall High Tunnel because of the wind here in the desert. I figure that your system will do great for my Herbal passions and also for the plants and shrubs. I would love to be a member of the Growers Group so I can learn and purchase needed supplies. I just don’t have the $600 to invest because I’m not doing it for a business. The High tunnel drained me! Thanks for your help.
Wow, what an awesome opportunity to learn from you. I love planting and growing and rescuing plants in vacant lots my old neighborhood of Woodlawn, in the outskirts of Birmingham, Alabama. This would be such a blessing to receive a membership. Thank you for your time. Have a blessed day Mike. Yours truly, Terese Farkas
Well Mike, throw my hat into the drawing! I am seriously looking at expanding what gardening things I am doing and I have looked at several “programs” but none seems to offer what your program offers.
I just hope what you teach will work well here in Central Texas!
Would love this!
I thank you for the chance to win a membership, maybe I could get my husband on board with it!?
Have been a member of your group for over 5 years and have long wanted to join the backyard growers group. Honestly, we could no afford to do so until we disposed of our sun visor cap business.
My wife and I are both over 70 and can only manage one small business and our beautiful garden of Knockout Roses, Altheas, Crape Myrtles, Gladiolas, Hibiscus and other small flowering plants
We have utilized much of the information you have sent out over the years and would be thrilled to win a Backyard Growers membership.
May you and all your members/friends Have a Great Growing Year.
Lifetime membership, please! ?
I have your book Easy Plant Propagation and have already applied your techniques. So enjoy your videos and have my friends subscribing to your blog and watching you on Youtube! Your talks are very inspiring and I hope that someday I could make it out to Good Ole Perry OH. Thank you for the opportunity to toss my hat into this exciting and beneficial contest Mike!
Suzanne in CT
The Backyard Growers information is the ticket to making it in the grower business My family and I have been taking and rooting cuttings for most of my life. A membership to the business center would turn a semi profitable hobby to a real business.
I need Finnegan and Fergus to sponsor me and believe in me. I’m on SS and SSI and have not been able to get anyone else to help me so it will have to be up to them. I would love to tell everyone how easy it is to succeed with just a little bit of luck. Thank you for the opportunity!
I feel the need for this in my life. Perhaps I’ll get lucky and win!
Have a great day all.
this would be cool. never won a thing. thanks for being generous
GREAT! A chance to turn my Black Thumb Green
Hello Mike,
My wife has been coming up with ideas to make consistent money for our retirement. We grow a small garden at home for our use. She and I love the tips you give and will be starting a bed to grow cuttings in this fall. We have backyard growers kit from way back and have grown a few things to plant around the house. We would love a membership in order to see how others are doing it in Central Florida.
Thanks for Listening,
I would love a membership!
What a blessing this would be for me. I’m recently retired but I need an additional income. I’m hoping there is very little start up money needed. I love plants and this sounds like the perfect choice for me. Good luck everyone 🙂
Love your knowledge of plantyand your marketing acumen!
Would love to win-keep entering but haven’t had any luck winning yet!? Maybe this is the year!?
Count us in!
You rock thanks for,giving us this fun contest and all your information!
Hey Mike, Please put me in the hat for the membership. I’ve been reading about your business for a good while and thought it would be fun to get into once I finally get retired.
Thanks a lot!
Dwayne T.
Great ideas for making America great again.
Mike, I’ve been following you a few years now and growing lots of plants and cuttings successfully following your instructions. I live in beautiful Bowen Island, BC Canada and I’ d love to join you and other growers in your 2017 meet up. What fun I would have and what knowledge I will gain from all your members. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you’ll pick me!
Jane Ferguson PDC
( Permaculture Farmer and organic vegetable grower)
Thank you for the opportunity to win your backyard growing Have learned alot already from you but this would make it year. Love your donkeys they have great personalities don’t they
I always need guidance, and look forward to your next newsletter. You have inspired me to rethink my abilities and community garden involvement. With retirement looming, I am seriously considering rooting and then branching out to teach our neighborhoods how to do the same. A membership would be an invaluable addition to the mission for many. Keep up the great work. You are truly an invaluable part of the network of health and empowerment.
I would greatly like to learn all the knowledge you have. Please consider me for the free membership.
Hi mike put my name in the Hat.
Thank you for all the videos you put out there for us to learn new things. I successfully grafted a peach tree and a mango tree I’m currently working on avocado tree.
I’ve enjoyed your growing tips and ideas for years now. You’ve really built a great online communications network. I would like a free membership. Thnx
Hopefully I will win one, this is my retirement dream!!!
Hi Mike, thanks for all your good advice on your site. I have been gardening most of my 86 years. I now grow food for fun, but have been growing it for years, as a youingster and now as a Senior +. I have also given my 4 children the “green thumb” and now they and their children enjoy this hobby. I really get happiness when one of my grandchildren (7) come and ask me a gardening question! Being of Italian descent(1st generation), vegetable gardening has always been a part of my life and come by it almost naturally. My traditional “Italian” garden contains tomatoes, bell peppers, long “warm” peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, onions, zucchini, yellow squash, et al. Oh! I also have 12 regular banana plants. They produce a stalk every three years. Tropically, it takes only 18 months.
Thanks for all your research and hard work producing your column for us and I for one greatly appreciate it. Keep on growing!
Sicilian gardener in Raleigh, N.C.
Tony Steerantino
I’m in.
Please pick me! I’m tired of my 6:30 to 5:00 job. I have your book and DVD and I already started started to get things ready to put your system to use.
Thank you for the chance!
Thanks for the chance and for your helpful information.
Hey Mike,
Please put me in for the growers membership. We need to find a less stressful job for my husband. Thid would be perfect! !
Excited to Learn More!!
Learning so much from your resources. Would love to get the opportunity to swing by your nursery some day. Keep up the great work.
I have really appreciated all the common sense advice I have received from your blog.
Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you and thanks for all the help and advice here and in your books.
Love reading your plant growing tips!
Thanks Mike would love to see about doing me re with my garden
I look forward to your post. Please add me to the list for the drawing. Thank you.
This site has been super helpful and invaluable. Thank you Mike.
i would love to win a membership, that would maybe push me to the next level
Thank you so much for holding this drawing. I have followed you for years and have been a member on and off but cannot afford a permanent membership. Please add my name to your list and thanks again for all that you do !
We’d love to be members……
I have been gardening and growing flowers plus a 10 tree orchard for 60 years. I am always amazed what I learn each month from your site. Thanks so much for sharing!
Now that there is water back in California I’d like to get back to growing some plants. Put my name in for the free membership please. I’ve been following you for the last couple of years and really like the info you put out.
Hello Mike.
You inspired me to buy an acre.
Would love the chance. Thank you for all you do.
Tina Schraier
Count me in!!!
Great idea include me in
YAY MIKE! It will be my honor, privilege and pleasure being a member of The Backyard Growers Business Center. I AM THANKFUL in advance for randomness choosing me!!! lovelovelovemoreloveinfinitelove(:Mrs.Curtis
I am a avid gardener and would so much appreciate a membership. I am a 68 year old Purple Heart somewhat disabled Vietnam veteran but I sure enjoy my plants and working on them.
Yall are pretty fantastic! By just being good Stewards of God beautiful creation!
Faithful follower…plz enter my name! Thx!!
Hi Mike-
Awesome information on this site’ Would love to have a membership’
Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you.
Hi Mike-
Awesome information on this site’ Would love to have a membership’
Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you.
I would greatly value a membership. Have been following your comments for years but recently moved to Florida where growing plants, trees,gardens is so much different. Beacuse of the strong heat an sun most of my gardening tasks are inside with lots of sun.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and experience, Mike. I’d love to enter the contest.
Love to have a life time membership please enter may name
thank you David
I want to win membership!
Can’t pay that money
But would love membership
I would be lost without this site
Hey Mike, have you noticed that the best people on earth are those who work with the earth.. My grandpa told me that some fifty years ago while working in his large garden which he shared with all the neighbors.. I have loved growing plants and gardening ever since. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with so many..
I would love to win a free membership. Want to have a small Blueberries farm. Thanks for the chance.
I want to win membership!
Thanks for all you do Mike.
Thanks for offering this opportunity to the garden community. I look forward to your emails, videos and helpful hints!!!
I have been following you for awhile since the backyard cash machine guide and would love to be a member in your group. We have went through so many life changes and haven’t been able to financially afford your prestigious training but would love to learn everything I possibly can. Winning a free membership would help my family grow and thrive. Thank you for your consideration and I hope you continue to do well and prosper.
I have been receiving your emails for a couple years now and have rooted a few things using your advice. You are right on the money! I have rooted my own apple and pear trees just like you said to do and just can’t believe the outcome. Now I have the “bug” and have been trying to root everything and would love to become a member for life and be able to purchase new plants/cuttings from the members area & share my own! My dream is to quit my day job and play with plants and dirt all day – every day! Now I have 5 acres and can really make this a reality just need a donkey haha – & I love your videos! You are an inpsiration to me and you send your videos right on time for what I am facing! Love it! Thank you!
Please help me make my dream come true and choose me!!!
Hi Gary and Donkeys,
Thanks for all your informative and fun posts about propagating and nursery business. I already know quite a bit about propagating, but you still surprise me every now and then with something I didn’t know, which I really appreciate.
It’s the business center know-how and contacts you offer that I need most and would put to good use.
I grew up in Indianpolis, with similar growing conditions to what you have in Ohio. Now I live in the Pacific Northwest and can grow things outdoors here that would only survive in a greenhouse in the midwest.
Thanks again,
Been following this group for some time. Winning a membership might just be the impetus I need to get started in my retirement.
Love being outside working in the flowers
I would love to win one of the free memberships. Thanks!
Dear Mike,
I wrote a nice long note to you and now it is gone!
I love getting your emails and watching the videos, photos of plants and your propagation hints and tips are super good.
I have been a gardener all my life, From growing grapes and raspberries, asparagus and squashes with my father back in the day to now, my grandson and i have yard long beans, peas, artichokes, asparagus and raspberries, plus figs, lemons, persimmons.
Please put my name in for a free membership. On my retirement income there is not a lot of extra but if I can grow our own foods and sell extra plants and cuttings of plants in my yard, wow, that would be a worthwhile endeavor, wouldn’t it?
Thank you Mike for all you do for us.
sorry Mike the first note i wrote was just hidden from view for a while. So now i have two notes to you. you can choose the one you like.
Wow!!! What a fantastic giveaway!!! Thanks for the opportunity Mike.
I love your posts, I am still learning I took lots of cuttings from my bridal wreath, but I am not too hopeful I misplaced your bo I sure could use the help! My cana’s are flourishing at 10.ft
Hi Mike,
I always reference your website and pages when I need to know something or check out a new idea. I’m trying to get my plant business off the ground and YES almost everyone is less than supportive. It’s my passion and what I love to do therefore I will hopefully with your memberships.
Would love the membership.
Oh I hope I get picked this time! I’m currently awaiting disability and sure could use the break, not to mention a new way to earn a living~ my dream come true! With my hands in the dirt! Blessings abound!
Hey Mike, been following you for quite some time now and I truly enjoy your videos and emails. I would love to learn more about the business end of selling plant and would love to see our little community landscaped with backyard growers plants.
I have been watching your video’s for more years then I like to admit too. I find your video’s the most down to earth and most informative! Keep up the good work!
I lost both my parents and then my husband to cancer within 3 years and if it were not for gardening I just might not be here. There is something about playing in the dirt, watching gardens grow makes one feel a sense of achievement. Please consider me for a life time membership. Thank you for your time.
Thanks for all the gardening tips and the chance for a lifetime membership! I appreciate your attention to detail and all the information you share.
I would love a life time membership. I find your advice and knowledge extraordinary and extremely helpful.
Thank you Mike for the opportunity.
This is my first year with you and I am very happy with what I have learned so far. I love plants of all types both indoor and outdoor. Thank you,
Hi Mike – would love a chance to win a membership.
I would love to have a membership.
Hi Mike, I would look forward to becoming a member. All the info so far has been great.
Hey Mike, I’d love to be in the drawing! I’ve bee following you for about 5 years now. Just can’t afford to purchase the system. I had brain surgery for Chiari Malformation last December. Still unable to return to work, I’ve decided to start growing different plants and trees.. I’d love to really ba apart of this! Thanks for the awesome offer.
It would be blessing to win this! Please put my name in! Thanks for offering the free memberships to all of us!
Hey Mike! You are so inspirational! It gets pretty hot here in New Mexico! We built a cutting box like the one you made and it’s working great! Please consider me for one of your permanent memberships!
Pleeeeaaaasssseeee pick me
Oh man this would be a prize of a lifetime!
Hi Mike, I “ve followed you on the internet for years now. I live in a small community in Miami Florida. I am trying to move to my 6 acre place in Alabama before joining the backyard growers membership. It would be nice to win a membership.
I am a new gardener, and working on turning my back yard into a sustainable garden.
Thank you for all the tips you pass on to us.
Hey, I would love to be a winner. :^)
Pick me! Pick me!
I would love to win a membership I would love to learn how to grow plants and vegetables I live in Florida and it’s hard to grow anything the only thing I can grow is roses
hello mike.. and pam.. and finigan and Fergus.. toss my name in the hat plz
I bought a couple of your books and my brother is a member of backyard growers. We are propagating more and more plants each year and are starting to make a small income from what we have learned from you. Thanks for what you do.
I keep thinking I am too old for this. But then it may help me to stay young. Thanks
Throwing my hat in the ring, Mike. Thanks for everything!
You tips and videos are great. I’ve learned a lot from reading your ideas and suggestions. How to propagate cutting answered a lot of my questions. Thanks.
Pick me, pick me, I would love a membership as I am struggling and need another source of income.
Hi Mike. I love your videos and tutorials. I’m from Ohio but have lived in south Florida a long time. While I can’t grow boxwoods or hostas, I use your techniques and enjoy growing and selling tropical plants. Hope to see you in Ohio.
Dave G
I’ve enjoyed learning all the tips and trying to see if I can start a business using what I have learned.
I would love to get the lifetime membership.
Thank you for all the great information and the chance to win a membership!
I would love to have one of your memberships, as I enjoy every thing about growing and sharing plants.
Only thing I ever won is Numer Five in the Draft Lottery… Took me 34 years to get out of that one!
Time to enter your contest! 🙂
I would love to have a chance to win a membership, please enter me.
Being that I am now officially retired, this would open a great opportunity for my future.
Hi Mike
For years I have been following your instructional posts, and pictures. I have been successful to propagate a few plants with your instructions and counselling. I am now a senior, and enjoy it quite a large bit to see how things progress with my new found love for plants.
I would never be able to afford buying the membership of yours, so I consider this my only chance to be blessed with the possibility. I understand this is a shot in the dark, but by God I am going to try and aim as the best I can, and send in my chance, and leave it in God’s hands, the dream may just come through.
Many blessings Mike.
Joe D. Cravo
Wow! Such a wonderful opportunity! I would love a lifetime membership – and could really use it. Thanks so much!
Hi Mike
You always have the best advice for me, well, okay, for ALL of us gardeners.
I love your videos and photos of different plants, compost, best potting soil that you MAKE. Your propagation instructions are great. I’ve shared information with my daughter who is becoming a good gardener. And my grandson – he is loving the peas and yard long beans we planted. We also have asparagus and artichokes and berries and fig trees and lemon trees.
I would love to have a free membership so I can actually learn to have a small business. The retirement money doesn’t stretch very far …..and besides, growing foods and other plants is a fun endeavor that i have done my whole life. Getting back to the earth is so important. Because if we can do this, if we can raise our own food and sell the extra plants, we can survive whatever comes our way.
Thank you Mike for all you do.
Always enjoy your website and emails and all the knowledge you’ve shared! My plants have definitely prospered from it.
Hi Mike,
I have successfully rooted cuttings from an Annabelle hydrangea and a Paniculate hydrangea It was so exciting to see the roots on those little stems!! I am having so much fun and can’t wait to try growing Japanese maple from seed when my tree puts out pods next! I would be very grateful to receive a membership and save some monthly payments- I’m trying to grow enough hydrangeas to cover the cost- I have enjoyed learning from all your emails. Keeping on making baby plants!
Mike always has the best and most useful info! Thanks so much!!
Pick me!! Pick ME!!!!!!
I would love to win! I’very learned so much from your emailsystem and videos.
Sorry for the typos!
I’d love to permanently join the board!
Hi Mike,
Always great to hear from you, knowledge, tips, hints and now FREE membership, count me in!!!
Hey Mike,
Thank you for this opportunity! Good luck to everyone!
I am a newbie but very determined to make it work long term. I’m sitting here planning for the fall. This would help alot!
Thanks for sharing your knowledge! There’s a great deal to learn.
i like to watch your videos & have gotten a lot of helpful advice from you. i am hoping for a WIN!
Is this the hat? Throwing my name in it!
We purchased your book set and We’ve been wanting to join the members area for years, but with one financial hardship after another we haven’t had the money to do it. We would love to win! What a blessing! Thank you for the drawing.
Hi Mike,
I have enjoyed your emails for years. Thank you for giving away two free permanent memberships. I am passionate about native plants and pollinator plants. I am growing milkweed for Monarch butterflies. I also plan to grow nectar plants including host plants for butterflies. I am growing herbs and need to propagate them as they are also pollinator plants for butterflies.
Take care!
As a lifetime gardener, I would love to spend time with people of like minds. Please include me in the drawing. Fingers crossed.
Hey Mike:
I love the info and stories you send out. Keep them coming!
I love what you do, and appreciate that you are so willing to share it with so many. Thank you!
i love this site. and i love the informative newsletters. 🙂 🙂 🙂
I love a lifetime membership.!! Thx.
That was nice of you.
I love plants and I would love to be in this group
I’ve been wanting this membership for years. Maybe it’s my lucky day! Have been rooting in the misting boxes and potting enough plants for a sale next year.
I have enjoyed you videos and instructions so much and would love to learn more. Some kids broke my Lilac bush and I am hoping to re-start more with cuttings and get that one restored. You make the impossible, seem possible!
I am leaving a comment
Put me in please
Please enter me in the membership drawing. Your videos are informative and entertaining. I have also enjoyed reading your books.
As everyone else, I’d love a membership. Every time there is an opening…life (and in turn, the funds necessary) seems to get in the way. Good luck to everyone who enters!
My dad signed up and was so intrigued. He told me about you. So I signed up too. My daughter is in high school and she is now horticulture and landscaping classes. I would forward your emails to her and she signed up too. We love the information you pass along and it makes great conversations and ideals to pass along for school projects and experiments. I love your newsletter and videos too. This would be an awesome opportunity to be a part of The Backyards Growers Business Center.
Playing in the dirt is my ‘quiet time.’
I put up a 20×40 green house to start plants but have so much to learn I dont know where to begin. Enter my name in the drawing please and i will keep on reading and learning
Thanks for your emails
What an exciting time with your help. I would love to be entered into the drawing for the membership. Looking forward to continued learning with you!
Hi, I would love too Win a lifetime membership!! I’ve enjoyed your knowledge and emails for ages now 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity!
Hi Mike,
Have always enjoyed growing things green. I found your site by accident ,joined up ,and now look forward to your emails.I have a lot to learn,trying to start this business..It would be a real Blessing to have a membership in Backyard Growers.
Thanks for all you do,
I have been re-rooting apple tree root stock. Over 100, if you water them a little they won’t die. I think I can start an orchard.
Your story is inspirational to other “older” gardeners. It is great to know it can be done without! a fortune to invest!
Put my name in the hat. Have picked up many tips from you and my guess is a membership would only multiply the gardening tips.
This 90 year old dirt dobber needs all the help he can get!
Thanks for the continuing tips and guidance Mike.
Hi Mike,
I am an avid gardener and member of our local University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener group. I purchased your complete program a while back and have been practicing using your methods ever since. I have successfully rooted numerous plants to sell at our annual Master Gardener plant sales. I will be retiring next year and plan on starting more plants both for the annual plant sale, and to supplement my retirement income. That is why I would love to become a member of The Backyard Growers Business Center.
Thank you,
would love to win a memberaship….TY!
Would love to learn more to start a business to supplement bus driver pay.
You truly are a gardening master! I have started growing seedlings and would love a lifetime membership. Here in the Lower Hudson Valley , NY , there are not any programs like this and very little gardening groups. Would love to start a “chapter ” in your honor!
Hi Mike & Family!
I’ve been entering your contest for several years now. Hopefully, 2016 will be my lucky Year !
Thanks Mike, Family, Friends, and Backyard Growers for all the hard work you do! Here’s to hoping my name gets picked!
Loved visiting your place last year. Please put my name in the hat.
Thanks Mike for all of the community service you do and server you are as an inspiring entrepreneur.
Am full time intercessionary while on federal disability The gift of this lifetime membership will be a blessing ministering to empower others at no fee.
count me in
Look forward to your helpful information.
I would love, love, love to win a permanent membership.
I would love to have a succulent and ornamental grass garden and business.
Thanks for doing this, This would supplement my retirement income plus keep me busy. I’ve always liked plants and did some propagating last couple of years and traded them for some pork to a friend as she raises a few hogs. Turned out to be a nice deal
Thanks for the great information, and I love all your tips.
Great source to learn about propagation, transplanting, tools, etc.!
Hi Mike,
Please enter me in the drawing for the free lifteime membership. I sure could use help from like minded people to improve my results with propagating.
Membership sounds nice. As does a trip to Perry, Ohio – would get to meet The Mike” in person!
Mike, your weekly emails are full of good ideas and helpful advice. The idea of going to work right outside my back door tickles my fancy. Please put me in for a chance at the free memberships.
This would be a great belated birthday present…9/22…would be a boost to supplement my social security.
Pick Me! Pick Me!
Hi Mike I would like to be considered for the free membership. Thanks Ernie
Mike, Thank you for all the videos and resources you provide us. You have enhanced my knowledge and results substantially.
Pick me!
You are the Obi Wan to the plant force.
I would love to get a membership with you so I can change my kids way of thinking about nature
Home grown tomatoes taste like summer and sunshine. Here’s to good gardening!
I have been saving extracts of your posting for YEARS and have a computer file of them, I know they’re online, but I like keeping them with my other digital plant files. Always looking things up. Love your stuff, Hero.
Please put my name in for a chance to win a free membership. I would be absolutely thrilled to win this. I purchased your backyard growing system this summer and I now realize the value of the business center and the growers board. Please please please pick me!!! Thank you for all that you do to teach the world about plants!! Thanks Mike and Pam!!
Corey from WA
Please pick me
I really enjoy your site and share my interests with my kids. Your book is a great resource as well. Thanks for what you do!
Mike, I appreciate all the information you provide. You make propagating so much easier and much more successful! Thanks.
wow…a lot of people want a free membership…I use to be a member, but I don’t have the time to do what I want to do…or the space…anyway…I always enjoy your emails and still have your books…oh oh…I forgot…I had to do a complete re-build on my computer and lost everything…it was a windows problem…I’m going to sue Bill Gates…so…more’s the pity…I just wanted to say thanks, and keep up the good work….
Stay at home, homeschooling mother of 5 kids. I can’t keep a plant alive, but I am learning more a little at a time. Hoping someday to have a successful garden, maybe roadside stand, but bringing knowledge into our family of love of plants. Love your emails and videos.
Thanks for the chance Mike.
I have always wanted to try this and work with Japanese Maples and small evergreens. Now that I am retied due to back problems I am no longer in a position to purchase the program. I appreciate what you do for all these people and hope some day I can join them. Thanks Dave B.
Throwing my name in the hat for a free membership. Keeping my fingers crossed!
Retiring soon would like to develop this as a hobby
Hi mike. I’ve been a fan of yours for years. Put my name in the hat please. Thank you
Thanks for the opportunity, Mike! I appreciate the info you provide and your system is awesome. …
Please put my name in the hat. Thanks.
I would love to win a membership! I am a retired widow and love gardening. I would love to expand my existing gardens and possibly earn a little extra money with cuttings. I love your emails, tips and tricks! Keep them coming!
Count me in! I’ve learned so much from your videos and hope to start a business next year.
It would be a dream come true! Thank you for the opportunity.
Hi everyone, Im a plant lover since a small child, loved to water mom flowers at 5.
They say I have a green thumb……give plants away and seems I end up in the Fall with so many still.
Thank you for the contest/ gift.
Yvonne G.
I’m real small scale, live in a mobile home park, but grow some plants on my deck and sell them at the local Flea Markets. Would be honored to receive the membership.
Hi Mike. Looks like the shindig was a lot of fun. I love the donkeys.
It would be an honor to become a member of The Back Yard Growers group. Any time I have had a question about gardening I have received an answer right away and have used the advice I was given to remedy the problem that I had at the time.
Hoping to get out of the IT field and into backyard nursery. Started last year with 23 lavender plants (have a long way to go!), a handful of hybrid dwarf trees, hens (fresh eggs & fertilizer!) and a few sheep for good measure (fertilizer!).
Would love a lifetime membership! Fingers crossed!!!
All the best!
A Dream Come True! Please put my name in the hat, Thank You!
Count me in!!
Please enter me into the drawing! I recently purchased your backyard growing system and I now realize how valuable a membership to the business center would be! Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please pick me for a membership! This is so generous of you to offer!! I recognize the value and it would change my life to get this membership. My wife teaches special education at a low-income middle school in our area, this opportunity would give me the chance to help pay down her student loans. I recently became a stay-at-home father and have always had a passion for growing plants. Thank you for all you do to teach the world about plants! Fingers crossed!!!!!!
Hello Mike,
My wife and I are now limited in what we can do physically, but plants are a wonderful way for us to share nature, both between ourselves, and with our friends. Please enter me in your giveaway.
I stay inspired thanks to you Mike !
Throwing my name in the hat!
Been following off and on for few years. would love the membership
Thank you Mike for the opportunity. Your expertise is well beyond trees, plants and shrubs and I appreciate the chance to benefit from it.
Wow! It would be so cool to win the membership. My husband and I grew a market garden this year fir the first time and sold at our local farmers market. I know having access to you and others with growing knowledge, it would help me be more successful.
Always good advice
I would love to be considered for a membership, Thank you for offering this.
Please throw my name in the hat! This membership would be awesome! Thanks so much for offering this. Someone is going to be very happy!
Hello Mike,
I enjoy reading your e-mails with helpful suggestions on growing all types of plants. I’m experimenting with different types of pots including hypertufa to see if there are noticeable differences when growing different plants.
I’m hoping to start a business as soon as I can get it all together.
Best regards,
It’s exciting to get each new email from Mike.
His wisdom and teaching has made me a far better small scale grower than ever before!
Hi Mike,
October 5th is my late son’s birthday.
What a great day for the giveaway.
I would like to be placed in the drawing.
Good luck to everyone.
Sounds great
I’m a little apprehensive on starting, but am reading your articles and watching your videos. I get excited, then I have apprehension slap me in,the face.
I am reading all your articles and watching the you tube videos and learning so much.
Thanks for all you do Mike
I’ll get there it just takes an older guy like me a little longer I guess.
Hi Bill, you’re not alone. I too get very excited, but keep putting it off not sure how to do it or when. Stay with it Bill, Mike makes it look so easy! Hope to soon here about your successes!
Blessings, Cheryl
HI Mike: Have been following you for a long time Retired very low income, doing some propagation by cuttings but nothing noticeable. Am looking at a new profession, propagating plants but not much money available. Would like to belong to your group but can not afford. I live in two locations New Hamp[shire and central Florida so things get interesting. OK that’s all would like to have a membership to your Backyard Growers Business Center!
Have a great day.
John Williams
Liza and John’s Garden
Mike, My wife and I look for the day when we could propagate our own and do plant sales. Looks like you have he winning formula.
Hello Mike, even though I no longer plant gardens, I would love to be in the group. I want to begin growing medicinal plants and plants for teas. I live in Louisville Kentucky and my favorite nursery to buy uncommon plants has gone out of business 2015 after being around since before I was born in 1958.Most all the plants I have seen at other places are weak looking. And I just sent in for the Vinegar book today–I love all the books I have purchased!!
On behalf of your many followers, Thank you for the opportunity to be a member of Backyard Growers Business Center.
I would love to get a free permanent membership! I have your back yard growing material already.
I’ve been interested in the backyard growing system for a few years now, maybe its time for a closer look.
I am on disability so can’t afford the membership, but I love gardening, watching Mike’s videos and have learned so much! It would be a dream come true to win a lifetime membership. Perhaps then I could supplement my disability income! I have the space, I just need all the know how and tips!
Put me your drawing, love flowers & learning how to starting my own cuttings.
Please put my name ‘in the pot’ and cover it with some of your home grown potting mix so I can watch it grow into two memberships. Thanks for this opportunity.
Please put my name in the pot please
I always love seeing your gardening advise. You make it all very fun.
I purchased one of your DVD courses a couple of years ago.
The information included in that course about your potting mix was, alone, worth the price of the course.
Would love a free membership. As since i lost my leg few years ago bue to a accident. I love piddling in my yard
Awesome info each email. Keep up the great work!
Permanent membership?! Yay! Count me in! Thank you Mike, for sharing your wisdom and great ideas. You are a true inspiration. Thanks, also, for letting us share a little of your Donkey fun! I would like to see a video of feeding time!
Thanks for the encouragement and positivity. Have just started to propagate my first plants after a lifetime of buying them. Great feeling of achievement.
PS say hi to the donkeys!
I have learned so much from you! Your site, blog, and ebooks are some of the most interesting resources I have found!
Must be a big hat. Hope someone pulls me out. Never seen a buckeye state.
great plan for a laid back retirement outside.
Mike’s is the BEST! By all means, please do enter me in the contest. Thanks, Mike!
Can’t wait to see who won. Thanks!
Wow! Thank you for the opportunity! We are huge fans and appreciate your educating us!
Pls throw my dear beloved Jim Ernst in your hat so that he can help make my backyard business dream comes true! His full name is Jim B Ernst. Thank you!!!
Mike count me in for the backyard growers business message board.
Thank you for all you have done with the videos, books, message boards,, and so on..
You have inspired me to live my dream…I am greatful…
We’ve been learning from articles you post for several years now. I run a homeless ministry here in Tennessee and we use community gardening as a way to support some of our programs as well as employing some of our clients. It can be very therapeutic for folks dealing with some types of mental illnesses. We have had to rely on grants to fund our work because we have not been able to pick up enough to be self-sustaining or profitable. We’re looking to expand what we do to include other plants and nursery stock. I’m sure this could help us!
Put me in the drawing, so interesting
Appreciate the consideration. Thank you for all you do.
I appreciate all the free advice you offer, and the items I have paid to purchase from you have been more than worth the cost. Thanks Mike.
I have followed you for some time now but I have no income and cannot pay for this membership put my name in the hat thankt Robin Fenn
Hoping to win so add my name to the hat. I have went from brown thumb to yellow thanks to your tips and your propagation guide.
Mike, I love you website and all the info that you give.
Pick me!
Throwing my name in the hat for the drawing Mike. Love the information you give us. My wife drags home plants all of the time and right now I have a couple hundred pots around here filled with rooted cuttings using the plastic bag method. Being a member of the Backyard Grower’s Group would be a blessing for us!
I’ve really enjoyed your newsletters and information I’ve purchased from you. Have learned a lot about taking cuttings, that’s for sure. Getting ready to take cuttings from my crape myrtle, which bloomed after 3 yrs, truly worth the wait.
Throw me in there! Always interested in learning how to make things grow better. I have a new home and I’m trying to develop an interesting landscape. Also, very interested in the possibility of making an income from this hobby.
I would love to win a membership. I enjoy receiving all of your emails. They are very informative.
This is on my bucket list, and at 73, I better get a move on if I’m going to make money off my plant passion. For years, I have wanted to learn this.
Throwing my name in the hat for the drawing Mike. Love the information you give us. My wife drags home plants all of the time and right now I have a couple hundred pots around here filled with rooted cuttings using the plastic bag method. Being a member of the Backyard Grower’s Group would be a blessing for us!
Thank you for all you do!
A little apprehensive on doing this, but it certainly is intriguing. Your information is fantastic and. Your knowledge seems to be endless..
Hope to get on the plant wagon soon.
Thanks Mike
This looks too good to be true!
I read every post Mike. You add value every time you put fingers to keyboard. I am very pleased with the books of yours I have purchased and am actively putting your advice to work.
I really like all the valuable information that can be found in the many emails and videos that have been posted. I look forward to someday visiting your farm.
Thanks for the opportunity, Mike…
Hoping to win so add my name to the hat. I have went from brown thumb to yellow thanks to your tips and your propagation guide.
Hi Mike, you are an amazing teacher. Please consider me for one of your memberships. I know I can bring much to the table and be a valuable part of the community you’ve created.
Getting close to retiring and this would give me something to do and make money at the same time.
Thank you
Mike thanks for this great offer…
as someone mentioned earlier, not all of us have
the extra money to pay for a membership….
but we all benefit from your free advice…
Hi Mike
I’ve had your Backyard Growers system info for quite a few years. Haven’t really done a lot of plant propagation and am more interested in food producing landscapes than just decorative. Any suggestions for attractive human or animal food producing plants to add to a landscape and propagate?
Thanks for entering me in the free business center membership drawing
sure, put my name in the hat. I’ve been propagating mostly house plants for 40 years now and giving a couple hundred of them away each year. I might as well think about doing lots of them and selling some. It’s the people connections that count.
I used to be a member years ago had a great little nursery going then we had to move into town 60 miles away and my hubby said no plants but now we are moving back to my 40 acres so i need to learn it all over again
Mike first a short story. I have always loved growing stuff. I have found my passion in berry bushes. I have 20 acres in Northern Wisconsin and have began buying and planting bushes but I must admit I really don’t know what I’m all doing, I am 54 and will only get one shot at this. So needless to say I really need to be put in the hat. Thanks so much.
bought your book-it’s really good-wish my income wasn’t presently so limited-I’d join the club otherwise
Hi Mike,
Thank you sharing so much of your knowledge.
Kindly enter me in the drawing for the backyard growers membership.
Been learning a lot from the system. I have my propagation bed set up with hundreds of cuttings. Thanks for giving away some free memberships!
Thanks for the years of fun Mike!
Hello, Mike!
Yes, Please enter me into the drawing.
You do a great job, and I’d love to learn your techniques and help folks keep their homes and yards beautiful, with healthy plants . Keep up the good work!
Count me in please. I look forward to the information you share in your newsletters.
Hardwood cutting season is just around the corner and I’m looking forward to getting some more plants propagated. It would be an added bonus to get my name drawn in the contest! And Mike, by all means, keep inspiring!
Please throw my name in the hat for the free membership. Times are tough being a disabled veteran. I find you and your website down to earth, with real useful information. Thanks
Looks like fun. Missing the DIY article submissions.
Hope I win ! Thanks Mike!
Would love to win! Thanks for everything you share. We are just starting out and you info has been so much help.
I’ve been a follower for years. Would love to win a membership for my school program. Keep inspiring!
Hi Mike
Please count me in on your drawing.. Your posts and videos have helped me with my hydrangeas and wisteria. I am attempting your propagation methods now. You’re a wealth of information.
Thank you.
Great work Mike over the years. I’ve learned a lot from you already, but am anxious to learn all I can. I just think it’s truly amazing all the different plants there are. How anyone can doubt God exists is beyond me. Please keep the tips and videos coming. Your gardening friend. Stan Campbell.
Thank you for all the work you do. Please consider me.
Been learning a lot from the system. Have my propagation bed set up with hundreds of cuttings. Thanks for giving away some free memberships!
Hey Mike! I love your posts! Your little donkeys make me smile!
Mike I’d Love to be a member of your community I’m retired and on a limited budget. I still enjoy your
tips and tricks of growing most everything Green. Thanks for your time and let the Donkeys Have a carrot on me!!
I feel lucky! Please enter me in the drawing for the free memberships.
Mike, I really enjoy reading your posts and I’ve learned some cool things from you that I have tried out here in the back yard. Our climate down here in south Alabama is practically sub-tropical, but the basics of rooting cuttings successfully are the same! I’m covered up now with angels trumpets, lime green sweet potato vines, and pindo palms! Thanks for sharing all your knowledge.
Would love to be in the drawing!!
Mike, I hope it is me, I have followed you for years, since you first came out with the video (VHS) for making the outhouse garden potting shed!
Mike, thanks for spreading your knowledge. Your videos are easy to understand. I read every e mail I get from you and someday hope to start my own back yard nursery. With your guidance.
Thanks for all the info over the years!
Please add me to the mix, I would love to win this my flowers are healing as I recover from cancer.
Please put my name in the hat, too.
The photos from this years shindig look great , maybe I can make it next year.
Add me to the compost heap. My interest is in establishing a self-sustaining permaculture farm in Nevada, my own garden of Eden.
I’d love to be a permanent member! Thank you for this opportunity.
I hope everyone has the best of luck with their farming endeavors.. May your harvest be plentiful..
Have learned so much from your posts! Thanks for the info.
Thanks for all your tips. I have become much smarter with gardening and rooting cuttings.
Keep up the good work!
I didn’t have good luck with my maples. Elms and false cypress did ok
Please put me in the drawing. I would love to learn more about this as we go into retirement!
Mike, I’m a long-time follower who has never formally joined. However I have profited from your knowledge and know-how over the past several years, for which I am grateful. I’m a pastor in the state of Washington and have looked for a means to supplement the income I receive and to put some additional money away for retirement. Gardening is something I know a little about, and starting a backyard nursery is something I think I can do. I would love to receive a free membership, as I have already begun taking some baby steps in this direction. Thanks so much!
Count me in to the draw. I have 5 busy kids and I’d contribute to your media coll croon with pictures and projects.
Media collection, dang google keyboard lol
Please me! Mike, thanks for all the great articles and advice on plants and propagation!
Hi, Mike; Love your stuff…I am learning so much about plants and perma-culture from your site. I represent several non-profits who work in other parts of the world helping to relieve hunger through sustainable, perma-culture type farming in all kinds of environments. Sharing information from your site has been invaluable. Please add me to the drawing.
Hi Mike! Thanks for the chance to win a business center membership. Love all of your other resources available on the Backyard Growers site. The practice cuttings I took this summer are doing well and I’ve been working with the local department of agriculture to get permitting requirements sorted out to get a backyard business going (lots of requirements in Sacramento). Winning a membership to your business center would propel my efforts to new heights and help me break out of cubicle nation more frequently and spend more time on “the farm”. Thanks again!
I’ve been reading your posts and emails for years and have even purchased a pamphlet or two. Now, dammit, I want to be a contender! (or member.) Hope my name is selected.
Thank you for all the great information on your emails. I can only imagine how great is a membership.
Thank you for the kind offer of the drawing. I love to grow plants, and I love being self-employed.
I’ve enjoyed the other products and materials I have purchased from you. This is an excellent opportunity you are giving away!
Hi mike please think of me cause I need all the help I can get 😉
Please let it be me! Haha. Mike thanks for all the great articles on plants and propagation!
Hi Mike!
Blessings to you and thank you! Please put my name in the hat.
Best regards,
This would be amazing! Thank you for doing this giveaway.
Thanks for this opportunity, Mike! There’s real value in what you do. I appreciate your hard work and dedication.
Hi Mike,
I have been following your ideas. Love, love, love it. Please enter me in!
a comment
I’m in!
Please count me in. If I could afford to, I would join on my own but money is very tight these days and I just can’t afford it. Thank you for all the great information. Happy Growing!
Boy, would I love to win this! Put my name in the hat, also. I’m just getting started in the home-based plant business and you are a great inspiration to me! Thank you, Mike.
I would love to be the next member 🙂
Thank you for the opportunity to be in this drawing for the membership. I have greatly enjoyed your email updates and have been seriously considering a way to start a small operation from my home, to sell locally. Thank you for all of the ideas & gardening wisdom you have shared with us all, it has been very much appreciated.
Betty Hooper
I just love growing plants!
Wow! That would be a dream come true. You are my main man when it comes to garden advice. I do organic landscaping in upstate NY. I am starting to grow trees. I need all the help I can get. Thank you for the offer.
I’d love to be a member there. Please enter my name
Sign me up! Hoping to start edible perennial plant nursery this coming year.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for offering the memberships, I appreciate your generosity! I’ve been following you for quite a while and have used many of the things I’ve learned in my own gardening. Thanks again!.
Hello Mike. Please add my name to the hat.
I’ve always dreamed to run my own backyard nursery but didnt have the land.
Now that I finally have the space, I found that my knowledge was limited. I lost so many young
seedlings due to improper knowledge until I found Mike’s Backyard Nursery. The amount of help
I get and valuable information he offers for free is incredible and I would like to thank him for freely offering that help, as in these times, we all need to become sovereign and self sufficient again and helping others is key to a more Loving planet. Mike is one such person who gets that. Thank You for everything you do.
How much fun! Thanks for giving all your followers a chance to be part of the fun.
It’s amazing you have an opportunity like this available! I would appreciate being entered.
Thank you!
Throw me in there! I’d so like to be come involved in what you’re doing!
Hi Mike,
Always enjoy your posts, advice, and videos. Keep it up!
Sounds good to me.
Please put my name in the hat.
Please put my name in the draw. Love your videos on YouTube! Thanks
Looks like fun Please add me to your drawing
I love growing things and would really enjoy being part of this. I appreciate the community you’ve gathered and look forward to joining the group at some point. Thanks!!
Wife was sick so never to participate beyond reading your emails
She just passed… Want to get busy now.
Sounds good to me!
Love your stuff Mike!! Thanks.
I’ve learned so much from the emails over the years. I’d love a full membership!
Love this site. Would love to get a membership. Count me in
Please put my name in the draw. Love your videos on YouTube! Thanks
I would love to get a lifetime membership! Thank you.
My wife and me love to garden
No otherI have my wife and I have said enough
Mike, I Thank you! I know many have praised you and thanked you already for helping them get started with their own backyard nurseries. I so enjoy your news letters and videos. Just saying thank you again for what you have given.
I love gardening and shindigs
I would love to win.Thank you.
Crossing my fingers
Mist system is awesome. Thanks for all the dogwood I made this summer
I have over 1800 unread emails but I always make it apiont to click on yours because you always have something I enjoy
Joe Hagan
Hi, Yes , a lifetime free membership would be lovely and helpful to my business !
I really enjoy your gardening and landscaping tips. I would love to be a member:)
Hi its time you had more members in Scotland
Thank you so much for this chance. I am all about learning what I can in gardening.
I would love to have access to these resources. I am interested in getting food producing perennials spread all over my neighborhood!
Thank you Mike. Your videos and presentations have made me a better person. I am now educating others to do backward gardens. Count me in.
I love my most system from Mike. Would love a free membership.
I really enjoy getting your emails.
Isure would love a free membership and look forward to your news e-mail I love it
Looking forward to continued education and wisdom from your website and service.
Mike, you’re very generous to give this away. I hope I’m one of the blessed winners! Thank you so much, you’re always a blessing with lots of wonderful info.
I would to be able to attend your shindig at Mikes LOL and YES I would love a lifetime membership. Thanks Mike for all the wealth of information you share freely. 🙂 God Bless
I’m making a list of all the plants I want 🙂
Gardening is my passion. Every bit of advice that I received from your site has been helpful to me. Thanks so much for this opportunity.
Lifetime membership would be awesome. I have gained many wonderful tips from your posts. Keep on digging!
Thanks Mike and family for all the great info!
I would love to have the membership but more than that I want to thank Mike and his team for all of the great information and tips that they provide every day. Using that information helps keep my gardening and yard work fun and interesting. Thanks for everything.
plants plants plants plants. Hi Mike
Would love a membership May the force be with me sure love seeing you love your plans buddy
I love all the articles you write. All the videos are very useful. The way you mix your animals into the videos is great.
I had a membership about ten years ago. I would love another one. Thank you.
Thank you for this opportunity. Have been following you for awhile now while I cared for aging parents. Ready for new opportunities but just can’t buy right now. If I win, I will contribute in other ways. Thanks again for all of your info Mike.
I would LOVE to have a lifetime membership!! All the info you share is awesome!! Thank you for the opportunity.
I would like a membership to watch things grow and hopefully encourage others to enjoy fruits, vegetables, and flowers. Also, I Mike’s “stay inspired”.
Mike’s practical advice has helped me be a much better gardener. My membership has been well worth the small cost. Plus, I just love his hometown approach and demeanor. Keep up the great work..
Hello Mike, thank you for the invite to your draw for membership.
It would mean the world to me to receive it, My family and I have been torn apart this year, due to the actions of a relation, who has caused one of my children harm.
Gardening is becoming a form of solace, helping to rebuild our lives.
We have come to a really low point financially, and I could never afford your membership at the moment, I believe with, with your help we can turn our life around.
Thank you for the wonderful information you give out, I have found it invaluable.
Crossing my fingers
My wife and I have been avid gardeners for years. Your website/e-mails sometimes contain info, or gardening methods that we were unaware of.
Hopefully you stay in good health and continue sharing your acquired gardening knowledge
Mike, thank you for the information and opportunities through your experience with backyard gardening business plan. I have learned a lot and am moving forward with a nursery business of my own.
A comment!
Pick me!!!
I have followed the Bachyard Gardening site for a while and have used and appreciate all the information. I would love to win a membership.
Read your article on “This is why I do what I do…” Sounds just great and I am glad you are able to do this. I love to grow things, but don’t seem to have enough time. I haven’t been able to retire yet, I am 75. Still have 5 dependents, but still in good health and plan someday to spend more time growing things I don’t know about others, but I think we were created to grow things.. Something about it that has a real appeal to me.
Looking forward to winning
Being watching you for about 4 years now!!!
You have educated me so much I love to make new baby plants,Thanks for all of youre information,Diana Mach
Sounds like an awesome opportunity for me to expand my life. I am looking forward to getting into this your an amazing guy.
I have learned so much from your website. Thank you.
Janet Laird
Mike, I live on a fifteen acre farm in Plymouth Township. I would be delighted to win a lifetime membership. Perhaps then I would learn what I could grow on this land.
Best regards,
I have been using your system using an aquarium and 2×6 boards to propogate shrubs for my yard for a few years now with success. I would eventually like to expand this to a small business. Thanks for the website with all of the tips and know how videos
My mom and I weren’t able to start on our “Mike” projects this spring/summer and winter is approaching here in Santa Fe so we would love to win a membership so that we can be prepared for next season. Thanks Mike, for this great offer!
Thank you for all of your videos filled with the tips and tricks to help us succeed. I look forward to winning the free lifetime membership. 🙂
I have been reading and saving every one of you articles for years . You are a great wealth of free information and l would like to thank you for staying inspired !
I use your ideas to grow plants for my family. It’s a great hobby. I hope to go beyond what I do now when I retire
Hi, just found out about the backyard nursery and I’m seriously considering starts a nursery business myself.
Thanks Mike for all you do to encourage diversity and sustainability in propagating and selling plants. The planet and people need more folks like you!
Hi Mike, I really want to learn as much as possible to start a succulent business as a hobby.
My husband and I both LOVE to work outdoors! If we win membership, that would give us a great retirement!!! Praying to be drawn…
I have successfully propagated some lilacs and boxwoods. Just getting started but would lover to do more.
I would so LOVE to win one of your memberships. I’m looking forward to retirement, and I believe once I start your program that will make this decision much easier for me financially. Looking forward to your next post – they are ALWAYS so informative!
sign me up son. mite never be able to come to a meet,n,greet, but would love to have access.
I have learned so much since I found out about Backyard Growers. Thank so much for all you do. I would love to be considered for permanent membership
hope i get it :p
Put my name in Mike!
william jackson put me in thepot
Please enter my name in the drawing for a chance at a membership. Gardening gives me peace. Thank you
Hi Mike,
Please put me in the drawing for the membership. I started doing some clippings this spring and have had some success and failures. I would love to learn more!
Thank you
Hi Mike,
James Wicker from Connecticut. Just getting started with your information. Love it.
Please submit me for a chance to win.
I’m very new to backyard growing and have been snatching up all kinds of plants on sale for “stock.” They range from $1-$5. I did pay $10 today for a largish weigela, but it looked really nice and full and I could easily see 50, maybe many more, cuttings come from it. I’ve got so much to learn. Thaanks for the help thus far, Mike.
Hi, I have been following you a while and I am very interested in becoming a member. However, just ordered your Back Yard Growing System and anxiously awaiting it’s arrival. I would be happy is I am one of those who were chosen for a free membership.
Thanks for the chance at a free membership to your Backyard Growers Business Center and all the great information on backyard plant propagation. I just discovered your website, two weeks ago. Have built my rooted-cutting boxes and will be starting in the next few days to propagate semi-hard cuttings taken from my Annabelle Hydrangea, Sweetshrub. and Possumhaw Viburnum. I am excited about this venture! The membership would help me down the road, to interact with others in your Backyard Growers ‘family’.
Thanks Mike for all the great info! Love all the tips, advise and videos (especially your cameo star, the goat ha-ha) Shannon
Oh my, I meant to say donkey lol
Mike, I just found your site last night and have poked around at length. Thank you for providing such a wealth of information and for telling your personal story. You are so generously sharing your passion with everyone! I’m quite sure the Lord is blessing all you do because your heart is in the right place. Nice to see you’re living the dream at this point. Your enthusiasm is infectious, and may be just enough to launch me into a nursery business. I’m still a greenhorn, but it’s not work unless you’d rather be doing something else, right?
Please enter me into the contest. Thanks again, and God bless you.
Mike, I’ve been following you for a couple years. Despite your great advice I just can’t get a successful garden going. I could use all the help I can get and a membership would certainly be one way.
Please put me in the draw. Mike, I was just at Home Depot and just about everything is 25-75% off and thought this might be a good way to get “mother” plants. Plant them out (the weigela were very overgrown) and do hardwood cuttings in November. Or could semi-hardwood be done now? What do you think?
Hello Mike, please put my name in the hat and I hope my name gets pulled. I have been reading your articles since “2010” I have not been able to afford to buy into your back office but I hope to soon. I really appreciate all the information that you give all your readers, to include me. I have the land to do all of this just too much wind here so I need to move to a less windy area. Right now I also live in the High Desert of California where WE have the worst drought in the WHOLE COUNTRY. As soon as I move I will for sure use all the information that you have been giving US ALL these years…and hopefully by then I will be able to afford to buy into your Back Office if I am not picked for a free membership…..Candie Deponte.
I accidentally signed up twice. Once using my last name, (Smith) and then the other time using my first name(Juliana). At least I think I did. So if you could check to see if both names are using the same email address, that would be great. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Count me in!
Mike Thanks for all your help. I have read and watched everything I found that you have put out. It has helped and inspired me. I retire in one year and am in the process of putting up a high-tunnel greenhouse I got second hand for a bargain. I hope to grow most of my own food and would love to be able to propagate plant for sale to sublimit my income. It would be a god sent to get a free membership. God bless you for sharing as you do.
Computers are great when they get it right but they don’t always get it right. I know I’m the one working the thing. Anyway it should be supplement not sublimit my income.
I would look forward to growing my knowledge and business
Hi Mike,
Please count me in for the free membership drawing. I’m in the middle of reading both of your books, “Easy Plant Propagation” and “Small Plants Big Profits from Home!” WOW! I’m thoroughly enjoying both of them and can’t seem to put them down. I’m following your suggestion: Read through the book(s), go back and read it again……………. Ha! I’m on my third time reading these and am as excited as if it were the first time I read them. I’m learning a lot but making myself a little overwhelmed at the same time. I know I’d be encouraged and learn so much more – giving me confidence to take the next step if I could afford to join the Members Group. I’ve watched all your videos on You Tube plus the ones I’m allowed to watch through the 30-day trial.
I’ll keep my fingers, eyes, toes, legs, ankles and anything else I can think of to cross in hopes that I might be one of the lucky ones picked to join the Membership for free. But even if I’m not picked, I want to send you a Heartfelt Thank You for your time, hard work and the endless hours that you spend teaching others.
Mike, I too appreciate what you do. I have enjoyed reading and watching the information you make available. Even purchased and read two of your books. the Business Center membership would be a great addition to what my wife and I could make happen in our own lives as well as our community. Thank You!
Your videos and posts have inspired me in wanting to pursue my dream of owning and running my own nursery.
Thanks Mike,
Corey Mirrione
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading and gleaning as much information as I possibly can.
Since I have just gone back to work after being out 4 months with an injury, I cannot afford to purchase a membership. Being given one would be heaven on earth for me.
Just from the emails and the you tube videos, I have gotten brave enough to start softwood cuttings off my Lilacs, Hydrangea, Weigelia and Viburnum. If I had a membership, the possibilities are endless for what I could achieve..
Thank you for your generosity, and I know you’ll make 2 people very happy!
Hi MIke,
I have recently retired and am setting up to start using my 2 acres of land and your system to start a nursery plant business. Hoping that in 3 years my wife can quit working and join me in this endeavor.
I thank you for all the hard work in putting together the videos, blogs, etc. and helping others to realize a dream of being self-sufficient.
I look forward to our continuing through the backyard university to success.
Would love to be a member of this amazing group! Found this website a few weeks ago and have been thoroughly enjoying reading all the post and the good advice!
I just found your site today when looking for how to grow Thuja Green Giants from cuttings. Your You Tube video was so helpful. I look forward to reading more on your site and learning so much from you.
Getting ready to grow for fun and profit in the coming year. Looking forward to hearing more from you and becoming a “Free” member.
I do enjoy reading the information you post.
Thanks Mike!!!!!
Thanks for all of your info Mike!
I am new to this and willing to listen(read) and learn all that I can. I enjoy your website for the knowledge that you have pertaining to all aspects of plant growth with business ideas.
I’m in. This would help me so much!
I’m in. This would help me so much
I have enjoyed reading your posts for a few years, and would love a free membership.
Mike, I love your site and ideas you share. You give me hope I could be a green thumb too.
Thanks for all that you do Mike. I’ve been dabbling with cuttings since i stumbled onto your website a couple of years ago. —just to see if it really works…. and it does!! It’s very gratifying to see something spring up from basically nothing. I am retired from the construction industry and this has been the perfect hobby for me. Now it is time to take it to the next level…..selling. Turning a profit will make it even more enjoyable. thanks again…………….Dennis…
Please please please
Praying I win! Loved reading your articles. I ve always wanted a money making business. Ive recently fell in love with plants. My happy place.
Wow! A chance to win a membership into the backyard growers business center! Amazing! I am commenting right now! Mike, I have read your site countless times and watched many videos too! I would absolutely love a chance to win. I am currently a stay-at-home-mom, but I will have to go back to work as an educator if I cannot find a way to earn some money to help with the mortgage. I liked teaching, but I like gardening much more. My first garden at this new house was a flop, I’ve been gardening since I was a young girl, so I know a thing or two–new area, new soil, new weather…. I am passionate about plants and live in an area where I could make a difference in my community selling plants and grown fruits and vegetables.–as well as creating an educational area for area schools. I currently care for about 30 apples trees, wild blackberries, raspberries, and many flowers. My hubby is interested in propagation of fruit trees and maples (which we have a lot of) and propagation of food items for animal habitats. He’s already stating we need a greenhouse! Please consider me for the free business membership. It would not go unused!
Enter me in the drawing
Just ordered and downloaded The Backyard Cash Machine. I’m reading this ebook like a novel, love the information and how easy to read and understand for first time growers like us.
So happy to have stumbled upon your information online.
Thanks again Mike
This is our first guide to begin our new green life style!
Hi Mike,
Finally after 3-4 years of poking around your sight to see if you are for real, I’ve decided to get serious. Can’t afford to buy your system and backyard growers group so, I hope to win a free one.
I plan to start taking hardwood cuttings of my Annabelle Hydrangea’s this Fall and plant them into a propagation bed for Spring potting and sale. I feel if you started out this way so can I.
Keep up the great work and hope to join real soon.
Mike B. CT.
Hope I’m doing this correctly.
Please confirm your receipt so I know you received this.
Mike B. CT.
I love your work and love all the information you put out for free thank you
I have watched from the sidelines for years, and have never actually started the business that I yearn to start, a nursery. I would LOVE to win a membership as I have not been able to come up with the membership fee. I SO need to become an ACTIVE partner so that I will ACT upon my dreams.
I’m really interested in entering the drawing for the backyard growers membership. Started watching your youtube videos about a month ago and went out that day and started trying to root cuttings from plants I know already in my yard. Was checking them this morning and some have started to root. Yayyy! It is my dream to one day run my own plant nursery but like you mentioned in this post I have many doubters and I just hope to be able to prove them wrong.
Didn’t think at the time of my first reply to mention that for the last 3 years I’ve started and sold tomato, pepper, squash, cucumber, eggplant, and a couple other vegetable and flower plants and have successfully sold out each year so far. The first year I started just a couple hundred tomato plants in my bedroom. The 2nd year I built a 6′ x 8′ lean to greenhouse off my shed and expanded into the other plants I offer now. Getting ready to go into my 4th year this coming spring and working on a 16′ x 16′ greenhouse so I can offer more variety. Would love to have the membership because I’m ready to ease into offering more flowers, trees, and shrubs. I’m 25 and just have the desire and determination to have my own small business.
I’ve propagated a few plants from my landscape and am excited because it was pretty successful. Now I’m wondering if it’s possible I could make some money off of this!!
The videos and information in your book have helped start me on my way. From one gardenia plant to 7. Thanks so much.
thanks for the chance and your great posts
Hi Mike,
I am addicted to plants. I retired at age 50 & now I am ready to get my hands into the dirt.
Would love to be in the running
Hi Mike
I have had a concussion for several years, that has debilitated me, with some severely detrimental results making life difficult. However, with my wife’s help a “healing garden” was planted this year….talk about being therapeutic!
I believe this membership will enable me to turn my life around, and get a proper foundation of fresh daily nutrition, and a new income stream that relieves the stress!
Thank you for the amazing insights and nuggets of wisdom you so generously share!
Blessings for peace, health and prosperity!!
I love and appreciate your tips and tricks Mike. Thank you so much! I love gardening and would love to start a business so my husband can retire.
PS Love the donkeys! Can’t help but smile every time I see them.
Glad to see you posting again, we went a few months without hearing much!