Crazy right?
This video is informative, it’s creative, it’s useful and it is funnier than all get out. And it’s short!
Take a peek.
So there you have it, the Hula-Hoop Greenhouse and this thing can be used for veggies or For Rooting Cuttings in the Summer.
Mike this lady is hilarious 😂 Thank you for sharing. Great idea for any raised bed. in the heat of a Southern summer. I tried so hard last summer but we had a terrible drought. I didn’t have any tomatoes until November. Then we had a freeze 🙄 We never know what to expect.
Y’all Yankee folks talk real funny! Great idea. I really would like to know what that material was though… I might end up building one for hardening off my tomato plants.
Mike, I could not understand what the covering is over the top. Enjoyed the rest.
It’s been a long time since I’ve watched this and this morning my computer won’t play the video. Urrrrrg. Anybody else know what the cover is?
Shade cloth she says lol
It’s that shade screen you get at H/D or Lowes. If mine is an indication it is amazingly durable even in the Arizona sun.
Shade Cloth
It’s shade cloth.
Hi guys. I’m in the UK so I recognise and understand her Afrikaaners accent and super zany humour. The concept of the ‘Grow – house’ is well thought out and easy to follow- moreover you can take it down and re-site easily!
A big thanks to Mike for including it into his already ‘ well worth following ‘ Backyard Nursery’ site… Although having a pool to trip-up – into, does help to cool off after the strenuous work🤪
Regards – wazthewiz
I’ve made these and they work marvelously well in my raised beds that are 4’ wide and 12’ long. The hula hoops fade over the years and deteriorate- so I’ve replaced them with pvc pipes bent and stuck onto rebar posts I buy at Home Depot that have a plastic covering – don’t rust- and I buy 10 yards of the 108” wide netting at JoAnn fabric to put over it to cover my 20’ of blueberries from the birds! I have pics of this I could share…
I would love to see your pictures! I am also growing blueberries and have a nice little cherry bush going.
Hi Mike, I’m living in a small apartment in zone 10. I have a good size patio to work on however I get very very little direct sunlight. Working in full shade, i planed on growing tropicals, ferns, hostas and the like. After watching and reading some of your posts I’m thinking that I should narrow my focus and just root cuttings, and forget about growing 5.97 plants and liners.
How would you approach a hobby (to business) situation like mine, with my land and sunlight limitations?
Keep in mind, once you get going there are all kinds of ways to expand what you are doing. You can still focus on plugs of shade tolerant perennials.
Thanks for the morning laugh I am sure it will improve the day,
I am sure your four legged Family members have funny moments we need to see now and then! After all, they are the ruling Party now.
Not only is this a nifty idea, she is delightful.
Hi Mike,
Marlene from Georgia again. Thanks for your response to rooting berries. I didnt see a response concerning the fruit trees. Will I get a good result from rooting cuttings from my pear and peach trees?
Sorry for the confusion in my previous post. My phone got cracked on the screen and thus a long black line in the center from top to bottom that hides some letters while typing so I didnt see the words were incorrectly spelled…even my name!
Fruit trees are typically budded or grafted onto a seedling rootstock. Some can be rooted, you can try to do some in June,
Hi Mike,
That was a great and simple idea for a greenhouse. Thanks for sharing. I have an unrelated question or 2. If I try to root cuttings from my pear and peach trees will I get thw same tree results? I’ve reapes good fruits from them every yr. I have thornless blackberry that I also reap good berries from, do you have any postings on how to root cuttings of berries? Thanks for all the info and I’m always inspired!!
Try the berries as softwood cuttings this summer;
This is soooo funny! What a great video:
It shows you what to do, quickly, without unnecessary dialog, and kept me laughing throughout. It’s fabulous!
I have never saw hula hoops that came apart like the ones in the video.
I can remember from my childhood that the hula hoop is held together at a joint. Your children can do this for you if you promise not to punish them.
Mike, I’m so glad you shared this with us. I learned something and Suzelle is to funny. I watch several of her other videos. I can understand why she has 116,115 views.
To plant a garden is to believe in the future.
I loved the video, very succinct, I hate videos that waste your time. I can recreate this greenhouse following her directions with no problem. I also enjoyed her sense of humor and her accent is exactly like a friend so no real problem understanding. For all of you who criticized her accent, I’d humbly suggest a more positive reaction, the visual demonstration was enough to understand her method.
so cute – too bad about the complainers – actually “a picture is worth thousand words”
I could see and understand what she was doing even without the sound
Thanks Mike 🙂
Awesome. Suzelle is a proudly South African personality and I am so pleased to see that she has hit the overseas market.. Take a look at some of her other DIY videos.
too cute! Not a bad idea either but way too small
for our needs.
make a bigger one!!
People in New York City Might understand that woman but rednecks like me just turn her off. Disgusting.
This is good for getting plants ready for out doors. I’ll have to try it.
It needs subtitles, lol!
Very amusing and informative. What were the dimensions?
I don’t know, you can make it as long as you want and I’d guess about 3′ wide.
This is fast and easy.. I MUST show this to the HUBBY. he is recovering from a broken neck ,but there is always NEXT YEAR.. t
Quite clever. Thanks!
Hope he’s better soon!
Would be more helpful if you could understand what she’s saying!
I agree.
I agree…couldn’t understand her AND she’s very lucky she didn’t cut her left thumb off using that hack saw on the hula hoop! Good idea though LOL!
Use 3/4 inch black plastic tubing and the same idea and you can make it as big as you like. Instead of rebar I use the rebar type light weight garden fence posts without cutting them. That way when/if the plants get taller you can just slide the piping up and “raise the roof”
I used 1/2″ emt electrical conduit ( costs $1.00 each I bent a 90 at the halfway point worked really good
Ah, but first I must install a pool. For if a wasp might happen to appear within my bonnet, I shall desire a lovely place to which I may escape. Have you instructions for such a project?
I’ll look into that.
A bit too frantic and gabbled. Unclear what the sticks are that support the hoops. Looks like a brilliant idea, don’t know where one would find hoola hoops nowadays, or has the craze regenerated whilst I wasn’t looking.
Rebar. Pretty sure you can still find hula-hoops.
I have seen them in $ stores. I’m not sure if they are as sturdy as ones you might find at Wal-Mart or someplace like that.
check your local dollar stores
Yeppers!! The $1.00 tree had hula hoops,, so do grocery stores? I thought she was Awesome!! L?VE
They are available at the dollar stores but on a sometime basis. Get them quick since everybody will buy them up after watching this video. I want to do this, cheaper than anything we can buy ready to go, just time energy and money, ha. I ahve about half of it already and it is still spring.
Walmart has hula-hoops….all sizes…
Love it! Very cool