This is a walking tour of our spring plant sale. Sorry about the wind blowing across the camera. We don’t have the luxury of picking the perfect day to shoot video so sometimes the wind is an issue.
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond.
A little history of Mike’s Plant Farm.

Mike’s Plant Farm, the first days.Mike’s Plant Farm, the first days.
This is what it looked like when we bought the place in 2010. Where I am standing is the only place on the entire property, except up around the house that was cleared. I had just enough room to back truck into this spot. Pay attention to that old telephone pole and see how that are changes over the years.
That building has been replaced, after a really nasty letter from my insurance company. The shack behind me covered in vines is now our propagation area.

Mike McGroarty standing in brushy area that is now a container area and parking area at the nursery.
Look at the brush and bramble behind me. That area is now Container areas #2 and #3.

The very first plants going into the ground at Mike’s Plant Farm.
This photo is very telling. To the right of me these is an old out house that got torn down with the other buildings. I regret letting that happen. It had a septic tank under it that I didn’t know about, but the outhouse itself was gone, nothing left of it.
But the plants along the building? Those were the very first plants that I put into the ground at Mike’s Plant Farm in 2010. Right there, along the building was the only “safe” place that I could put them because we were clearing ground everywhere else. Unfortunately, those plants became part of the impromptu demolition forced upon me by my insurer.
This fun little video documents part of the process.
For a better look at what we started with and How the Nursery Looks Today, See this Article.
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond.
Mike, is your nursery open to the public?? I live in Northern Kentucky and want to make a trip to your place…..
I have a question about my Japanese maple
Where can I buy root stock for grafting for apple trees? Can I do hardwood cuttings with apple trees now in late fall?
I can only share my wholesale sources in our members area, I don’t think you’ll have any success with apples as hardwood cuttings.
Is there a certain seed you would recommend for growing generic red japanese maples? Or is it strictly a matter of preference? Was thinking of getting Emperor I seeds. Thanks!
If you could get Emporer1 seeds that would be great, most of the seedlings would have pretty good red color.
Thanks for the Utube videos! My question is can you take new growth trimmings from Laceleaf Japanese maples and root them?
They are very, very difficult to root and even if they do root the trees normally will not survive on their own roots.
I have a Red leaf Japanese maple, I may just stick to starting the helicopters in the fall! Thanks
I plan on starting growing my plants this winter and selling next spring and summer
My problem is I don’t know where to get one and three gallon pots in large quantities
I was wondering if you could help me
If you want to do this for profit, I highly suggest you test drive the members area. It will help you more than you can imagine and you’ll find everything you need.
Are you Open this weekend May 26-27-28 and if so what hours?
This weekend only we’ll be open til 7:00 pm on Thursday and Friday, open til 5:00 on Saturday. Sunday 9:00 til? I’m not sure and closed on Monday
Mike. A year or so ago my wife and I stopped by bought some items from you and some Canadian Hemlock from your neighbor. Do you or he have any more hemlock for sale? Deer took out a few and I’d like to replace. Thanks.
Richard still has some in the field, pretty good size, $20 each if you dig them.
Do you sell elderberry plants? Trying to find a nearby nursery or place that sells them. I live in madison
Sorry, no Elderberry, not sure where to get them.
Dear Mike, A couple of years ago, a friend from my permaculture forum shared some of your promotional material with me. I took it home and put it “someplace safe” and then a year later when I found it again, read it multiple times. This last year I have spent practically memorizing your you tube videos. Then last fall I brought home leaves from my daughters house and in the leaf bags were also trimmings from her snowball bush. That’s when I decided that I had nothing to lose. The trimmings turned into cuttings. Then I got carried away. I took cuttings from my sand cherry, my magnolia tree, my lilac, my grape vine….. and I told myself that this was a test, and if it worked, then I would have finally found what I should be doing. Then this spring when I peeked into my bags, it was obvious that it had worked. So, this spring I have been working on my first propagation bed and I have been collecting proper stock plants of known varieties and in the next week or so I will start digging out my second propagation bed. Next will be saving up to join the growers board.
Thanks, Mike!!
Nice job and joining the members area is an awesome idea. I highly recommend that you take the test drive now while it is open. On a daily basis we share so much valuable information in the members are it is crazy!
Mike,,,,I like your videos,,,,but,,,,,,why cant you use a microphone muff? A cover for the mic. The wind is awful and annoying. Just trying to help………….thanks
Over the years we’ve had about 10 video cameras crash and burn. Now we shoot with the Ipad and it works well, but the mic is about the size of a pin. We do our best, but at this time of year I have a million things going on so I don’t have time to “prepare” to make these videos. If I did, they’d never get done.
I LOVE this video. I’ve seen it 3 times now. Honestly, I’m completely jealous. I was amazed at your sale video last fall, how big your plants were. I thought, ‘well, of course, they had all season to grow’. WRONG. LOOK at these plants… In April!
We’ve been successful members of Backyard Growers, going on our 7th year now. We’ve made over 15k the last two years. Clearly it works, even smaller plants sell and it paid itself off years ago… but I STILL don’t grow plants as beautiful as yours! hahha. Sure it’s colder here. Sure I have 2 other jobs. Sure were only 2 people… All the excuses in the world won’t teach me to grow big gorgeous plants like yours. Like you’ve always said, timing is everything. I just need to listen,,. again. I better get back to the members area and start asking questions, because every time you answer one, our business gets better.
Thank you for doing what you do.
It’s made my life SUCH a joy.
It’s great to hear from you. I think you should take a good hard look at your potting mix. Once I lightened up my mix with pine bark plant growth really took off.
Yes, I’m always thrilled when we connect. Excellent advice, and I know it’s right. I tested a few different soils. We’re lucky to have a massive wholesale grower that sells the best potting soil by the yard. It’s the winner hands down. $50 a yard is a bargain for perfect potting soil. My issue is that I started late and didn’t work fast enough – we’re still potting. It’s not TOO late, our last frost date is May 15th. We had 2 frosts in the last week. the plants are fine….. but, Your directions are specific, start when everything is budding out… and keep working until it’s done! When I do as you say, things go right.
I’m still fighting frost, up early and when frost I have to water everything to was the frost off just as the sun is coming up. Gives me a chance to read I guess as I wait for each zone to water. At 5:30 a.m.!!!!
I knew you were in zone 5, but I thought for some reason it was warmer out there, or maybe milder winters. 5:30. man that’s dedication. I washed the frost off the hostas. the good ones. they melted. Everything I didn’t hit with water made it through. it was the strangest thing.
It’s plenty cold here. We’re near Lake Erie but that only helps us in the fall. In the spring it actually keeps us cooler, especially if the lake freezes during the winter.
what is your street address so I can find you! I have been watching your videos for years. I would love to come out and see what you have for sale.
Address is 4850 North Ridge Road, Perry, Ohio 44081
Mike, we would like to visit on Monday the 14th of August. We live in Oakmont, Pa near Pittsburgh. Is your nursery open the?
We will be open on the 14th and I should be around most of the day.
I read your weekly memos, and wanted to see how you do your plant sale. Looks pretty good to us! We mostly will be doing veggie plants and perhaps some perennials at some point. But, I’ve got you beat with donkeys though, up to 14 now, weaning three little ones in the field next to our yard. Best to you…Martha
That’s a lot of donkeys! Good for you. Gotta love those little ones.
Of all the gardeners on the internet you are my favorite. You are down to earth and I am amazed at your knowledge and your willingness to share your knowledge I wish your video had been without the wind. The main problem was I couldn’t hear you most of the time. You are very inspiring. Thank you for the person that you are.
Thanks Carol, I appreciate that.
Hi Mike,
A cheap solution for wind noise is a small band-aid.
I found this on YouTube.
Okay Bill, that is pretty interesting and worth a try.
What are the dates / times if your sale this year please? Thanks!
Right now we are here 7 days a week for the next couple of weeks, 9 to 5. If pouring rain we can’t work so we leave.
Hi Mike, just love your video’s, do you have any helpful tips for growing here in California. Our climate is so very different then your’s. I have started some stem cuttings from a few plants in my yard. I have a ‘Mexican petunia” bush,some cuttings make it some don’t,. We have 2 times a year April & Oct. for ONE DAY, Community Garage Sale, and that is the most popular plant that people often ask for. I live in a 55+ Community tiny backyard. Always wanted to have a nursery of my own. My girlfriend & I were seriously going to do that, then she got Cancer & our dream died. Sorry for the lengthy comment but, just giving you a little history about me. I LOVE GARDENING, GROWING EVERYTHING. I have serious 96% Neuropathy, plus radial neuropathy paulsie left arm, so honestly gardening, growing, beauty of flowers sorta takes my mind off pain & illnesses, which helps cuz can’t sit still very long and not a “watch TV” kinda girl. o.K. back to my question, any “tips” for CA climate? I would love to do cuttings off my Meyer Lemon Tree-it’s a dwarf forever blooming/fruit tree(my special favorite-lemons the size of navel oranges”, and how long before it would get fruit? I would definitely have to try your “Facebook Tips” as not allowed to sell from home. Thank You for your time I’ll let you know how my other “cuttings” turn out. Thanks again, Sincerely jo(JoAnn)
Plants are plants and we have a lot of people in climates like yours that do this successfully. Best method to root things for you would be
Watching your videos, looking at the history of your nursery from the git-go was very inspiring. Thank you for your effort in sharing knowledge and helping folks like me not to be too intimidated and just do things the easy, inexpensive way to let nature take its course! I live in NC so it’s a fer trek to come and see your place, but it looks so much more enjoyable to experience than the commercial nurseries ’round heah!
PS Might think about trying one of those cheap battery powered trucker bluetooth cell phone headsets for your next video__ I understand their noise suppression of wind is amazing! LOL! Sounded like you were in the edge of a hurricane there for a minute 😀 I just hit the Closed Caption button and it helped me follow you 🙂
Good luck– hope your Spring sale was and is going gangbusters!
Barbara from Charlotte
Thanks Barbara.
i love gardening. Please take care of our health too. V.
I enjoy any and all updates from you and look forward to more. For the past couple of years I’ve been propagating perennials, shrubs, and trees from my home and sharing them with others. Our property used to be a farm so the ground is very fertile, and things grow like crazy whether I want them to or not. One of these days I’m hoping to make enough to be part of your “inner circle.” Inspiring others with the beauty, texture, color, and the environmental benefits that plants provide is my passion…….. along with playing in dirt 😉
Thank you,
The secret to success is good information and contact with people who can help you succeed. You can test drive our members area for $7.00 and get an entire month’s worth of support.
I love your videos, it helps me a lot as a newbie gardener. Anyway, we are looking for evergreen privacy screen. Do you have any Canadian hemlock or Manhattan eounymus or any other tree/shrub that fast growing, easy to maintain and inexpensive. Thank you. Happy gardening!
We have arborvitae and maybe some burning bush left as of today.
Yahoo! I closed down the iPad and rebooted it and to my SHEER DELIGHT both audio and video came through successfully. Apart from some wind it appears you’re up and running and just waiting for the clock to tick off the start of your 2017 Spring Plant Sale! Looked great, here’s hoping you have good weather and a successful sale. You work so hard in that business my best wishes for you and the family, employees, and obviously the donkeys too?
Thanks Colleen,
Yesterday, 4/28/17 was our first day for an advertised sale and we were slammed all day. Crazy busy, even the donkeys were wore out at the end of the day.
No video on walk-thru of Spring Plant Sale. Would have loved to see the plants visually but audio is all that comes through.
Mike, enjoyed the video SO MUCH, helps us with what’s what and prices. Please keep making your videos (I know it’s easy for me to say, sitting here!) like I always say, a picture is 10 times better than words. Thanks.
Miss Patti,
Keep reminding me! My goal is to get out a video at least once a week, like my old “Mondays with Mike” series but I hope to do a better job this time and keep them more organized.