See the video below.
I know that we have people who really, really love Finnegan and Fergus so we try and include them in our shenanigans as often as possible. Once a day I grab a five gallon bucket to sit on and and I take a few moments to feed them crackers.
Fergus is just Fergus. He eats his crackers then goes over and licks the fence. Never fails. But he doesn’t actually lick the fence, he wraps his upper lip around the fence and curls his tongue. But his tongue never really touches the fence. It’s the craziest thing ever, but he’s Fergus and that’s why we love him.
Finnegan has more of a personality that ranges from devilish to lovable. Most days he puts his head over my shoulder and gives me a great big hug. But no matter what I take in the pen, he tries to steal it and he runs away with it like he really got something.
Lately I’ve been putting the animal crackers between my lips and Finnegan gently takes them from me that way.
I can hear it now.
Oh my God! I can’t believe you do that!
Are you not afraid of germs blah, blah, blah?
So as to not offend anybody I’ll make my offensive statement upfront, before I get the lecture. First of all, millions of people the world over would do the same as I do. They love their pets.
But when you really think about it human beings can be quite primal. I’m always amazed at what germiphobes find offensive. What happens behind closed doors in 99.9% homes is probably far riskier, and a lot more fun, than me and Finn sharing a cracker. You know, those spontaneous moments like the say in the “little blue pill” commercials.
So before you go off on me, do a bit of reminiscing. Just say’n.
I hoped you enjoyed the movie.
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I’ll respond.
Hi Mike,
We love your donkeys! Wondering what you use them for. We have sheep and are interested in donkeys for guardian animals. Im thinking the size of your donkeys would be suitable. Where did you get them and do you have any suggestions on how to find one in our area…WA.
The donkeys are pets and they entertain the customers at the nursery. I got mine in Middlefield, Ohio but I’m sure there are breeders on a farm animal rescue near you.
Love the donkeys and love to watch you interact with them. It’s easy to tell they are most certainly your little buddies!
Thanks Judy, they are my pals.
Love the video Mike. Donkeys are great. We have two of the regular size ones and they love their carrots.
Wonder if licking the fence is like licking a salt block and somehow it taste good after a cookie.
They have a salt block and see Finnegan lick the salt block but Fergus rarely. If you watch he really doesn’t even lick the fence, just hangs his upper lip over the fence then licks the air. It’s the craziest thing ever.
Love the donkeys! So….I kiss my kitties on the nose and my husband is grossed out. I say “Get over it!” hee hee
Thanks Lorraine!
hy mikes, bless, im From P.R. I dont talk very good English but I will try my best, I got a Question for you . I make bonsai and I know that u sell acer palmatum mapple trees red and some japanise black pine , or white pine , the baby ones, I whant to buy u some plant to make my bonsais here in Puerto Rico. every body said that is hard 2 have one her but I got my way I know and I belive in me m so im interested on buy u some ones. can u please tell me were or what I have to do. u are my last chance. I try all ways and forms and nothing happens. can u please send me an email or something to conecct u directly to buy you and u send it to me or to a friend in Philadelphia. please answer me something. have a great day all day and God Bless u. I will be waiting. and sorry for my bad English if I fail some words. I speak spanish. jeje. thanks. and im have waiting this momment like 3 months ago that I found ur channel. aniway bless. thanks. 🙂
I really don’t have what you are looking for but there are two places in Pennsylvania. Have them shipped to your friend in the Philidelphia, that will work much better. Musser Forests, today their website is down. And Carino Nurseries https://www.cityfos.com/company/Carino-Nurseries-in-Indiana-PA-13417580.htm