The winner has been drawn:
Jason T. from Kentucky
Last week we gave away Three Pair of Corona Pruning Shears, Duston will notify the winners via Email in a few days.
This week we are giving away a ‘Virdis’ Japanese maple. This is a weeping, laceleaf tree with green leaves that turn a brilliant orange in the fall. Pretty much identical to the Waterfall Maple that I’ve featured here many times.
This is how you enter to win . . .
The winner will be randomly selected from the comments on this page. To enter this contest simply post a comment below and do me a favor and use the share buttons on this page, upper right, to share with your social media friends!
Please note!
This tree will be shipped by one of our members who sells all kinds of beautiful Japanese maples in Our Members Area. Because he will be shipping a live tree, he probably won’t be able to ship it to the west coast. So if you are chosen and on the west coast we’ll send you another awesome gardening gift. But it’s unlikely that we can ship plants that far. These regulations are in place for good reason, thanks for understanding.
Okey dokey! Enter your comment below.
Would love a Virdis! Thanks for taking my entry!
I’m looking for the information on your page about the Lavender Twist Redbud. I haven’t found it yet but I’m not giving up! You have gorgeous Japanese Maples as well. Thanks for all the great information!
its a beautiful tree
Thank you so much for all your helpful posts as every week there is at least one that has helped me to be a better gardener.
Great tree! Would love the opportunity to have or.
Enter please!
tis tree is wonderful and beautiful
I hope this beautiful variety grows in Central Maine! Thanks.
Those are such beautiful trees!! I have the perfect spot for One in front of my house by my driveway! I would love to receive one as a gift! I enjoy reading and learning gardening tips every day from Mike’s posts! Here’s to a beautiful 2018!
Came across the site looking for help with wild onions. The advice to change the pH level worked perfectly, and I’m hoping the second application of lime knocks them out for good.
The Japanese maple is beautiful!
Happy New Year everyone – and happy gardening. Keep your mind clean and your hands dirty. Plant more, complain less, and don’t forget to water when needed! Take care or yourself and those around you. Keep on learning and 2018.
Happy New Year, Mike! Thank you for all the good information you give us.
Would love to have a Japanese Maple in my front yard!
I have been reading your e-mails for a year now. I started a small corner lot seasonal flower shop last spring. I am so impressed with the information you give on this site. You have inspired me to follow a dream. I had a rough year last year, but I’m hoping for a much better year this year. My spring went well, then my mother had a heart attach in June and my sister passed in September after failing all summer from breast cancer. I’m not feeling sorry for myself, but looking forward to a much better year. I learned a lot from your e-mails and reading the posts. You are all so inspirational. Keep lifting me up and cheering me up and I hope everyone has the best year ever. Thanks to everyone and especially you Mike!
I have always loved these trees. My neighbor has one and colors are always so beautiful. Would make my new year to have one.
would look good in my yard
This would be a lovely addition to my new yard. Also, since my future is looking brighter than ever, I want to thank you for inspiring me on this cold winter day. Oh how I love planning my garden, it makes cold winter days so much more bearable! 🙂
The colours and form are just amazing, absolutely.
Your information has truly been an inspiration for me to grow plants. I would love to grow all varieties of Japanese maples among other plants. Overwintered about 150 cutting last year and stuck about 2000 hardwood cutting recently. I will be trying about double that in softwood cutting this coming spring and soon hope to retire, become a member and go to work with plants.
Thank you Mike!
Please enter me I love these trees. I look forward to all of the Emails they are so informative.
Keeping my cold fingers crossed. It’s way to cold here in South Jersey. Good luck everyone. Thanks for being so generous Mike. Happy New Year! !!!!
Beautiful Maple tree! Followed your advice for my crimson Queen, Tamy, & Red dragon maples I purchased separately a few yrs apart. they are all thriving! Would love to have the Virdie!! Love your site, if I wasnt getting arthritis so much and younger I would have loved to try your membership. Just unable to do such work now. Still love seeing and hearing about it though. Love reading your advice and seeing your beautiful pictures.
God Bless You, Happy New Year!
Beautiful! I would love to win!
Hi Mike. Japanese maples are my favorite tree! I actually met you once and live down the road. Wishing you, your family and the donkeys a healthy and happy New Year.
These trees are beautiful and would look great in my back yard.
One of the few maples I do not have. Very nice!
Would love to own this beautiful tree, have one but it needs a friend !!!
Beautiful. Love Mike and his ideas!
I look foward to your emails & have learned so much from you! I want to become a member & soon as get caught up on my bills etc will be the 1st thing I do… Happy New year!!
thank you mike for the email i apresheate the advice that i get you have helped me so much especially when it came to pruneing my roses . Thank you MIKE HAVE A GREAT WONDERFUL New Yeay Ms DOROTHY
I live in Savannah, Georgia. Gardening is my passion and my sanity. I plant a variety of plants, some do well some don’t.
This maple would be a wonderful accent to a space in my yard that needs something as beautiful as this tree.
Happy New Year.
That’s a beautiful tree and I have just the space for it.
Japanese maples are beautiful. This one has a beautiful color and would look pretty in my yard.
This Japanese Maple tree is breath-ta-kingly beautiful!!!! My daughter has asked me about Japanese Maple trees, and I’m only in adoring – not in experiencing. Wheeeee, I’d love to give her this tree!!!!!!!!!!
Love this tree!
Such beautiful colors.Really pretty tree!
this would be a beauty in a Tennessee landscape. i love Japanese Maples. thank you for the opportunity to enter this contest. thanks for all your gardening information.
Growing up there was a lady who had a Japanese maple in her yard. I used to hide and play under it all the time. So as an adult I now have a couple of my own. Living in FL they take a little more care but that and crepe Myrtles are my favorites. Would so love tyo win one.
My wife always wanted a real Japanese maple for her side yard. Thanks for a chance to have one.
I have always admired these trees and wanted one. They are without a doubt the prettiest of trees.
I am new to this site. Judging from the comments it is what budding gardeners like myself would gain the most from.
Mike I m looking forward to your helpful tips when my “green fingers” start itching to dig up the soil and plant, hopefully it will be a tree from you or your helpful tips to get better gardening results.
Happy New Year!
After the state took several of our trees in a widening road issue I know just where this tree could enhance our yard. Beautiful.
I would love to have a beautiful tree like this one, in my yard.
I planted one of these trees last spring. Love it! I think they are really pretty. I get all of Mike’s tips. Love them.
Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful tree! I love trees that turn orange in the Fall! Thanks also for all your gardening advice! I’ve learned a lot!
I planted one of these last year on my dads property and it did not survive. I would love to win another one because i am on a fixed income and cant really afford to buy another one.
I’m wondering how these maples would do as bonsai. I know of several maples, mostly Japanese) which are used for bonsai but considering the numerous maples available, I’m sure there is other which could be used for bonsai. The qualities required would be possibility of reduction of the leaves, small internodes, and trunc movement. I’m trying with some witches broom like the Palmetum royale from New Jersey, but any other info would be really appreciated! Also I’ll be willing to try any which would have great trunc movement!
This would be a perfect addition to my landscaping design! Wishing everyone a very prosperous and happy New year!!!
What a beautiful tree , how big do they grow?
These are such beautiful trees and would love to grow one. You give such useful information and look forward to some of the posts you make.
One of my neighbors has a tree quite similar to this one but has let his front yard go “natural” so it’s been taken over by honeysuckle and baby sweet gum trees. Some night I may sneak into his safe space with my shears!! Very generous of of the backyard grower who is giving this tree away.
What a lovely little tree. It looks like a natural bonsai.
It’s so hard to find a good quality Japanese Maple locally. Thank you for the opportunity to win one.
Thank you Mike for all your gardening words of wisdom; I regularly turn to your emails for specific information. I would love to have a Japanese Maple!!
Enjoy seeing gardening info to stave off Seasonal Depression. That tree is beautiful.
That would look so good near my front entrance!
MIKE : Thank you for all the great advice
I love all the posts Mike, That is a beautifully awesome Japanese Maple. It would look great in my yard.
I would like to see a video about grafting Japanese maples.
Love those Japanese Maples! I have many different varieties, but have yet to find a Waterfall. Just beautiful.
Gorgeous! What a blessing that would be.
I’ve never had one of these Maple trees. but always wanted one. I think they are very beautiful!
Oh goodness! I love this guy. He has helped me so much with my gardening. He’s like a walking Book Of Knowledge. I love this little Japanese maple. I got just the right place for her in my yard. He He He! Thanks Mike for all you do!
So beautiful! Too bad I live on the west coast!
What a beautiful tree. Your blog is a gem, I enjoy it very much. Mexico Mo here.
I can’t wait for the growing season and put everything I learned from you to use… thanks for the videos they have been extremely
In North Texas we don’t have enough trees that turn a pretty color in fall. This tree would help color my whole neighborhood.
Love these trees. You can do so much with them to include in every type of landscape. Great beautiful little tree, as well with everything else.
Have a great New Year everyone.
Oh my yard could really use one of these! Love your articles!
Thanks Mike for all you do for us!
Fantastic trees!
I have a very old Magnolia tree that sadly will not make it another year. I would love to replace it with a Japanese Maple.
I have learned so very much about gardening through you. 2018 will be my 3rd year in my backyard garden. So excited to grow new plants!!! Thank you for sharing your wonderful videos.
Thanks for all you do Mike. I’ve learned so much from you.
Just lost a 30′ oak from the hurricane. This would make such a beautiful replacement!
Please enter me for the Japanese maple!!
Yours is the best news letter and the best ideas. My entire property is shady.
Beautiful Japanese Maple love that color.
Happy New Year! And thank you for the chance to win this gorgeous tree!!!!
I bought your system in 08.. Just now getting started since I got rid of the ex wife . (Hated money. The harder I worked to bring it in the front door, she threw it out the back door..)
That is a most beautiful tree! We have taken cuttings from trees like you taught us, and we are still learning. Have not had huge success, but some. Would love to grow your Japanese Maple and take cuttings from it! Thank you for all of your invaluable information. Always enjoy reading your newsletter. Please never stop!
Beautiful bushes/trees. I have a couple red Japanese maples that would love the company.
Wow that is a pretty tree.
The end of on year, the beginning of a new, and three months till spring. What a perfect time to tell you I have appreciated your blob and learned so much.
WOW stunning to beautiful for words. how many days till spring? right now 19 degrees out not even talking wind chill. wishing you all a happy new year. please enter my name in the drawing. thanks Mike!
Absolutely beautiful tree-would love to have it in my yard!
I’m on the west coast, so won’t get the actual tree – but will be looking for japanese maples as they look great and don’t grow too tall (I have height restrictions due to transmission lines).
Mike, your gardening advice is top notch!
I love, Love, love maples that turn that fiery orange in the fall. That’s the best part of fall. This maple would be spectacular on my corner lot.
Love those Japanese Maples
Japanese maples are my favorite! I would love to win this tree! Thank you for the opportunity!
What a beautiful tree!
Hello from Tewksbury, MA! I’d love to get a ‘Viridis’ Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum var. dissectum ‘Viridis’) for my home and share with others.
I would like to thank you for all of your helpful comments and thoughts on gardening. I often go to Youtube and look at your videos as well to get information on planting. I also enjoy seeing info that you send through your emails . This Japanese Maple tree is so beautiful and would look great in my yard. Please enter me in the contest. Hope you had a Great Christmas and keep on doing a great job!
I have the perfect spot for that tree!!!!
Always wanted a Japanese maple & these are gorgeous! Thanks
Well, Mike, I have to say that I have learned a lot from you even though I have owned and operated a 25 acre, 52 greenhouse nursery in WA state. (, specializing in Japanese Maples. But now, I have had to move back to Kansas to care for my 92 year old mother and find that the climate is so different, that I am always checking your website. Kansas and Ohio are not exactly the same (especially where I am in Kansas in heavy wind and a cruel climate. I left most of my collection of Japanese Maples in WA and really miss them, especially Waterfall, one of my very favorites. thank you and Happy New Year!
What a perfect tree for my garden. I’ve always wanted one. Thanks for your emails and information on growing and starting New plants.
Happy Holidays Mike you are the Bomb I thank the day I found your website with so many kernals of knowledge. You are truly an original – thank you for sharing your vast knowledge with a newbie wanna be gardner like me. Every time I get one of your emails I can’t wait to read it! God Bless and keep up the great work! The Japanese Maple is just Beeutiful! Hope I am lucky enough to win it!
Love it! Thank you for the entry for a chance to win !!
I actually just had to cut down my dead Maple and that is exactly what I want to replace it with!!! Thanks for all the advice Mike.
Thanks for all the growing info Mike. That tree would look great in my yard!
I bought a rural farm serveral years ago with no landscaping, or food plantings of any kind. Have put in fruit orcahard, berry patch and raised bed gardening in this ozark landscape. I am still working on a driveway bed which crosses in front of my house. Would love to have a smaller show-off tree in that location. Thanks for the consideration.
Beautiful tree! Would love to see this in front of my house.
I have so enjoyed your emails and videos and I have learned so much.
We are making our backy3into a woodland garden and I have lived the two Japanese maples that we have planted so far. I can’t wait to see them grow bigger. Your give away tree is spectacular, I will have my fingers crossed for it.
Thank you so much for all you do, Cammie
I love all of the how-tos and information you provide. Thank you
The spectacular diversity and interesting styles of these plants is well worth investing in and having in any landscaping and flowering areas!
love the Japanese maple such beautiful color and shape. Used to have weeping willows in the front yard back home in Winnipeg,.
Texas is a tough growing area but I am still trying
The Japanese Maples are one of my favorite ornamental trees to use in my landscaping. I have never seen any landscaping look off because of one.
Please enter me in the drawing for the beautiful Virdis Japanese Mapke tree.
Thank you..
Happy New Year
Who wouldn’t want to win the gorgeous tree? Thank you for the opportunity Mike!
Who wouldn’t want to win this gorgeous tree? Thank you for the opportunity Mike!
It’s beautiful! I would love to grow one of these in my yard!
Sweet tree! Keep up the good work
Not fair.
OMG I want this!
Would love to have something that nice
There’s ALWAYS a place for a beautiful Japanese Maple.
Great posts – always learn something from you
Happy New Year
I love the Japanese maple one of my favorite trees and I just bought a new home this would be perfect for a welcoming home gift
I Absolutely believe you ARE going to deliver a FREETREE to my back yard if I win this drawing!!
I enjoy your articles as a hobby gardener. I just can’t throw plants away, and can’t resist the urge to propagate my favorites. While I live on the West coast, my 90-year-old Dad is in Brecksville, OH and he would enjoy the tree immensely.
I find a lot of helpful info on your site. Thanks a lot!
Tree looks great and one would look even better in my backyard!
In the pictures of the tree, I am surprised to see the mulch piled up against the tree trunks…….I thought that ‘volcano’ mulches were a no-no. My yard would certainly appreciate the lovely vibrant colors given off by this Japanese Maple since it has mainly old staid oaks and ash trees.
I really appreciate the useful info that Mike so unselfishly shares with us all. Thanks Mike.
Mike, The Japanese maple shown is one of my favorites. It would look fantastic in my front yard. The one who receives it will be quite happy, I’m sure.
Happy New Year to all! Thanks for offering such lovely gifts. Continued Blessings in the new year
Is NY to far to send such a beautiful tree??? Thanks Mike for all your wisdom and inspiration! !
I love Japanesse Maples and would love to win this Japanesse Maple. Thanks for all of the information from Mikes Backyard Nursery. Keep up the great work.
Sad that I would not be able to receive this lovely tree as a gift but would appreciate any garden item! I will have to find another place to get one of these fabulous trees!
I love your site and all of your advice. I hope to retire soon and start my own backyard nursery. I am getting ready to move in a new house and would love to add one of the maples to my new landscape.
I love this site and all the wonderful things I have learned, which I will now get to put to use in my new home.
I would love to win this awesome Japanese Maple.
Beautiful! Assuming this one has been pruned at least a little, what size could one expect in 8 to 10 years of untouched growth?
Beautiful tree!
I’ve started growing trees from seed and cutting that I have learned to do from your website. They are various common to Tennessee : several varieties of American maples, redbuds, tulip poplars, dogwoods and one Japanese maple of undetermined name that I received from a friend.
I’m hoping to start my backyard nursery with my trees and perennials and marketing them to local landscapers. Then I will have something to actually offer to the members area.
This Japanese maple could be the edge I need to get “out of the shadows” and quit stalking the site!
Thanks for all you do!
Please take this man serious, he does this With much care for others. He helped me during my heart trouble by focusing on gardening instead of medical troubles. He can make your life better, listen and learn f r I’m him. David
beautiful tree.
I had a beautiful Japanese maple growing in my backyard in Georgia. It wasn’t as pretty as this one, but I sure did enjoy the foliage. Now that I live in Wisconsin, I have to grow trees like this, including and tropical trees in large pots that I bring into my heated garage, once they’ve gone dormant, for the winter and put out again in the Spring. Thanks for the chance to win this tree!
I have loved Japanese Maples since I was a kid (and no, I’m not giving my age away) and when we bought out house 20 years ago my parents gave me one as a housewarming gift which I planted in the perfect spot. Jump ahead to the following summer——-my husband MOWED it down!!! I actually cried. I guess you figured out that I never got another tree and to this day I remind him about my Japanese Maple. I am probably too late to enter the drawing, but this gave me another opportunity to rub it in his face!!
Love, love, love these Japanese maples! I have had one in the past and enjoyed each season of its life. Then we made a move and regrettably I had to leave it behind.
Thanks for sharing all the gardening tips and enthusiasm…
It looks beautiful but I wonder if the deer would snack on it?
Mike, I would love to have that tree. I found some small Japanese maples growing in a neighbor’s yard, which he did not want. He let me carefully dig them up. Most were deep red but one was a very plain green iPod add them all up and let them grow for a few years. I have sold a couple but last fall green one all of a sudden became the most gorgeous yellow orange and red blaze a color you could imagine. I kept that one for me. happy New Year Mike
Happy New Year Mike and Staff.
Hope to win the tree. I have a spot all picked out for it to call home.
Thanks for the opportunity.
It is better to give than to receive. Arigato (thank you)
I really enjoy your gardening tips and videos for myself and share them with our gardening club. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Even though I’m not a volume backyard grower, I’ve followed Mike’s advice and tips and for year’s and my growing successes have increased. The right rooting techniques, putting soils and pruning have yielded some beautiful perenials, bushes and trees around my house from neighbors cuttings.
Love your newsletters and videos. Would love to win this tree.
Every tree I ordered is living well. Buy all my trees from you.
I love reading your posts. Thank you.
WOW ! That Japanese maple looks Interesting.
Virdis Japanese Maples Is a great maple for the landscape.
Great in the spring and in the fall when it turns bright orange.
Its a great Maple for the landscape. Which would be enjoyed
for many years to come.
I have learned a lot by watching Mike’s videos. I have learned to root all kinds of plants from cuttings using his methods and much more!
Hi Mike,
The Japanese Maple tree is just elegant! I have been following your site for a few years now and have learned many things. When I try to put them into practice, they don’t always work out the way I expect! I still get the need to plant every spring and so far, some of it is working! I have had to put up “play pens” around all of our small trees to keep the deer from pruning them their way. I have found that the deer LOVE hostas and I can’t seem to find the bearberry I planted. Perhaps it will come back in the spring. If so, it gets a play pen too! I love reading your site, Thank you for all the information you give. I am so inspired!
I have always loved Japanese Maple’s. Nothing else can make a statement in a yard like they do. The photos make me think of home. If I win I’d give it to my mom to place in her yard. It is her favorite tree and at 82 it gives her something to enjoy. She is in the perfect climate for these guys.and it would flourish. Mom is just north of Atlanta. Me, I am in south Florida, they bake these here! lol
Thanks for the opportunity!
I have been on receiving your newsletter for years, do I still get to have a chance to win this beautiful tree for my yard? I may not win it but I hope you understand that it really isn’t fair to someone like myself if we aren’t allowed to be included in the contest!
Love reading all your posts, Mike,
and would be thrilled to win a Japanese Maple!
These are absolutely beautiful trees for a front yard and aesthetically makes the landscape POP out spring through fall and the envy of the neighborhood!
I need this tree really bad!
Would look great but my garden pond.
Beautiful tree.
love this tree!
Beautiful tree. I am soaking seeds now to hopefully have beauty like this one some day.
Love your work ,Mike!!!
Love your work ,Mike!!!
I love your advice.
Your practicality is reassuring that a novice like me can build and maintain a beautiful landscape.
Happy New Year! Beautiful tree.
I love being a part of the Backyard Growers!
Kathryn Cullen
I would love to have this beautiful tree even if it is a very small one because I old make it into a bonsai tree …so exciting I hope I win thank you so much
Love that japanese maple
This is an absolutely beautiful tree. I only have 2 Japanese maples but they are my pride & joy. I would love to have an entire yard of them.
Thank you for the opportunity to try to win this gorgeous tree.
Mike, Great info.I am on the west coast Too bad. I would assume that I could never buy one also.I KNOW A LOCATION IN THE AREA THAT HAS A SIMILAR TREE,COULD I START A CUTTING FROM THAT TREE ?
Such a beautiful little tree. Thanks for the opportunity, and all the great information over the years.
I love trees and I like to grow them. I once saw your example of how to grow a tree with a root ball kit and I never knew you could do that with trees. I have a cherry tree growing in my window sill. It came from a seed I had refrigerated due to another one of your videos I had watched about putting cherry seeds in a cold place before growing them and the idea worked for me, thank you very much.
Virdis maple is my favorite variety. I have a spot in my yard that’s perfect for one.
This would be a great addition to our landscape. Good luck to everyone who enters.
Side note…I thoroughly enjoy watching and learning from your YouTube channel.
Love these trees, I have two different one and a third different variet would be awesome!
This is a beautiful tree like the color and the size.
Love love love this tree! I would love to add it to my yard. Please choose me. Your garden tips are greatly appreciated.
I love this tree I have seen it and it is beautiful in all seasons. I would love to have it. Thank you for all your great tips.
I have 1 of these trees. I love it. It is slow growing and beautiful in all seasons. I would love to have another one. Please choose me!
Love these trees
This would be awesome to win!!!!
Mike,I’am a bonsai enthusiast & have been reading e mails about ur tree endeavors from which l’ve learned a lot . I currently have several Japanese maple I’am training for bonsai pots,would love to have ur free j m tree,here’s wishing l have a shot at it PS l’am growing some evergreen cutting this winter,wishing u & family the best
That’s beautiful! We have Japanese maples in Arkansas but I’ve never seen one like this.
I appreciated your video on how to treat bald spots in a lawn when spring arrives I will definitely try it.
What beautiful trees.
Mike McCroarty, of Mike’s Backyard Nursery, is a very creditable and knowledgeable Nurseryman with a lifetime of experience. He has an outstanding backyard growers program that most anyone can employ and prosper from.
I love these Japanese maples! I have a perfect place for it! I enjoy all the posts and helpful ideas. Thank you.
What a lovely cascading beauty! It will make a great focal point in any landscape! Thanks for the opportunity, Mike!
Not sure what to put here, would love a Japanese maple tho! MERRY Christmas a little late and a happy New Year!
If I could only have 1 plant in my garden, it would be a Japanese weeping maple. They are so elegant ,colorful, light and airy….the perfect garden specimen!
So much wonderful information – free – plus the Backyard Growers Business area… and the chance to win some wonderful garden gifts, like this lovely ‘Virdis’ Japanese maple!!!!!
Thank you, Mike, for making learning about becoming a Backyard Grower so easy, and so much fun!
The girlfriend and I noticed a tree similar to this the other day and she commented on how pretty it was. I think it would look great on our property. 🙂
A Japanese Maple gas a good curb appeal and really sticks out from spring to fall.
Hi Mike,
First off, I want to wish you and your family a blessed and fruitful New Year. I look forward each day to your helpful and very interesting emails. I have learned a lot from you about gardening. Some I never knew. Thanks to your emails, my plants and gardens are thriving. Looking forward to your knowledge next year.
Love this tree,. I own a coral bark maple that looks amazing this time of year.
Love this tree. I have a coral bark maple that looks amazing this time of year!
Would really like to have a ‘Virdis’ Japanese maple. Just got finished this fall pulling all the shrubs around the house that were overgrown. I have the perfect spot for it.
Beautiful tree! Please pick me!
Beautiful tree! Please puck me!
Japanese Maples are the most beautiful trees ever.
Pick me! Pick me! I love lace leaf Japanese maples! Living in South Louisiana I don’t get to see many of them. With one of y own, I could see one every day.
Mike always has interesting tips for gardening.
Beautiful tree can you share the pruning and training techniques to get the umbrella shape
I look forward to your blogs, my favorite so far was waiting till the ice froze in the donkey’s bucket.. I’d love to plant a maple tree in my husbands memorial garden. But I am in the mountains of Colorado, Zone 5, I have a Norway that is beautiful, would plant in a protected area, but..
Anyway these are my thoughts
Go Mike !
Nice site, shopping time again
Lost a similar tree last year. Love the color of green.
I’ve really enjoyed all the videos and tips on growing slips. I’ve started red japanese maple seeds and collected some plants. Will continue to expand my collection.
OMG,Mike! I need this tree! Thank you for all of your advice!
Hope I win it.
Beautiful tree. I would love to Win It.
I would love to win
Love this tree!! I love plants & flowers! PLEASE pick me! This would look great on my property!
I love Japanese Maples, but live in California. Can you provide a reliable source for these trees on the west coast?
The orange fall color is spectacular! Have you pruned that one? The shape is great too.
Love your site and the information you offer.
Such a beautiful tree. To bad I live in wa. state.
I am learning alot about plants from your blogs. Thank you
Such a beautiful tree I hope I get picked have a purple ghost and this would be a great addition
You always have a great variety of topics and good information in your emails. Just one more year until I retire, then I will be able to try some of your projects that I have bookmarked over the last few years. I live in South Louisiana and rarely see maples in landscaping here, is there any reason they appear often in the landscaping here?
Spent this cold, rainy Mobile, AL day reading everything on this site and info I had downloaded. Thank you.
This is the link I was sent to through my email and there are no social media options in the upper right-hand corner:
Gorgeous orange color!
Japanese Maples are good in general and you can find quite a variety.
Your $7 book is one of the best values I have ever purchased!
Mike , thanks for all you do. We appreciate you.
Very popular in my part of the world. SW Missouri
I have been following your tips and find them very helpful, i would like to win this tree for the start of my own backyard gardening spot. I hope to one day is to have a backyard growing center. thank you
Wow, a beautiful burning bush, warm and attention grabbing, a celebration of colour.
Beautiful tree! I would love to have this in my yard in addition to offering them in my nursery.
Wow, a beautiful burning bush, warm and attention grabbing, a celebration of colour.
I’d love to win this. Thanks’ Mike for the three years of gardening tips. I grow trees and sell them on Craigslist, thanks’ to your inspiration.
My wife and I have just started planning for a full makeover of our front yard this coming spring … mostly due to all the wonderful plants and trees that we have learned about from Mikes Backyard Nursery.
We live in the same zone as the nursery and never knew there was so much variety that could be grown and survive in our zone! Thank you for all the great help and we hope to visit the nursery in the spring!.
We would love for this Japanese Maple to be the first tree in our transformation, as we were going to put one or two out front after being inspired by the videos of Mike’s front yard!
Happy New Year to all and good luck!
every time i am bored and have little to look forward to, i will turn on the computer and there will be an article by Mike. this always seems to get my gardening juices flowing . THANKS MIKE!!!
We had one growing near our garage. I wanted to transplant it to the front yard, but our dog dug it up before I could do it.
I have read some many helpful things from following you, and you send me news letters all the time. This tree is stunning, and l would be honored to have it . Thanks for all your advice and helpful information. Thanks Mike
What a beautiful tree!! Happy New Year to everyone!
Absolutely Beautiful !! Please enter me to win this !! I can give it the perfect home and love it needs and deserves.. Thank You AND God Bless !!
What an awesome tree & I have the perfect spot for it to grow! Love it!
That tree is absolutely stunning! It would look so great in my front yard. My neighbors will be envious!
Thanks in advance
That is a great looking tree, would love one in my yard since we had to have 3 Clevland Pears removed this last summer.
Here in California we have to use Japanese maple as a understory tree, especially the “lacey” varieties as they will burn in the intense sunlight. But I love to see them this way, with another kind of tree towering over them. It just looks right.
I’ve been reading your mail for several years now. Keep up the good work!!
Happy New Year to all, and I can not wait for spring.
That is a beautiful tree!
Mike, I love those trees! Thanks for all you do to keep us inspired.
looks like an awesome little tree
This is a beautiful tree and I have just the place for it!
I think these trees are the most beautiful on the planet. I’m planning on growing and selling some when I retire in a few years.
oh, the Japanese maple is beautiful. it would look good in my Tennessee yard.
this is a beautiful tree it would certain look beautuful in my my front yard . should i be blessed enough to win. i really enjoy this site and am able to use many of your suggestions. thankyou so much
Great sight. Much useful information!
I would like to win the ‘Virdis’ Japanese maple
I love these beautiful trees, the structures of the trees add interest to the garden!!
It’s absolutely gorgeous, but I live in gravel country so I don’t think I could grow one. Also I,m at just below 10K in the dry Colorado mountains. We have trouble growing a lot of things.
I think that the Japanese Maple is beautiful and would be perfect in my circle drive in front of my house.
These are absolutely beautiful trees. My Mom had one for years and got more beautiful and larger every year. When she had to move and leave it, it broke our hearts.
I love Japanese Maples and this one is a real beauty!
I sent you an email —
Live in Hawaii and trying to grow japanese maple in my japanese garden but so far 4 have died.
I know it’s not the best environment for them, but any suggestions
Love your site have learned alot from it thanks for sharing what you do-
That tree is Gorgeous! I want one, and I have a great place for it!
Thanks for all your helpful info, Mike! I love starting all kinds of plants from cuttings, so far only for myself and friends. It’s very addicting and fun! I’m a SAHM of have ten children, soon-to-be 11, and my husband supports our family very well. So I haven’t needed to raise plants to sell. Thanks again, and have a great new year!
I always love reading your emails. I am into bonsai and lots of your info has helped me in different areas. I have a few small Japanese maples that are in training, and some laceleafs in the garden. This one is a beauty!
This is the most beautiful tree i`ve ever seen. I live live west of the cascades and have never seen one of these this color or shape. gorgeous!
Would go great with my purple maple!!!
My favorite trees are maples. I believe in making the world more beautiful 1 tree at a time. The planet needs to be more green.
I own a dwarf, weeping Japanese Maple and I absolutely love this tree. They are so beautiful!
That tree would certainly be the talk of my neighborhood!!
Beautiful, and my wife would be in tears to see it arrive!
I already have – and love- a red Japanese Maple but that one is really gorgeous took
Keep up the good work, Mike – you have helped a lot of us..
Love the newsletter, tips and giveaways! Happy New Year!
Love all your info. Hope I win!
The tree looks awesome
Beautiful tree Mike. Thanks for all the information
Just wanted to say how much I love your emails ! Yes I have share and send it to different friends and family! I’ve learned soooo much already ! Thanks and have a happy new year!
I have always wanted a Japanese maple. They are so pretty.Please don’t take this wrong but I just lost my dad on the 23rd unexpectedly and I would love to win and plant in his honor. Its name is very appropriate for all I seem to do is weep right now.
Beautiful tree! Thanks Mike!
I think that your Japanese Maple tree is beautiful and I would love to have one like that. I am very excited and interested in the information that you provide.
Hazel Shefton
My favorite kind of tree I want in my yard so bad!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Thank you for all your informative advice through the past year. Look forward to the coming year.
been on this site for years
I run a small mowing and landscape business
the information mike gives is invaluable from propagation to trimming all trees and bushes have also brought up numerous plants free from this info thanks a million
Thank you Mike for all of your informative videos. When I need expert advice on propagating, pruning, fertilizing, and growing trees and shrubs, I know I can always find the answers I need from you.
I enjoy reading your informative and viewing the informative videos.
I lived in Okinawa, Japan, for 17 years and miss it so much. I now live in northern Florida where some trees and bushes do turn colors but mostly the trees stay green. I would like a little color in my yard during the fall and winter months and also to remind me of Japan.
I win. Please send the japanese maple. No one else needs to enter. It is mine to covet. I’m looking forward to the learning experience of your growing plan. Exciting stuff!
I would love a Japanese maple ????
Love to win, but it’s 4 below zero and going colder.
If I win, I may have to wait a few months.
Lovely tree! I didn’t realize they even had Japanese maple trees in America. I grew up seeing these trees in my neighborhood and they are just beautiful. I love its proportion and lines.
Beautiful Japanese Maple tree – would love to win. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Seasons greetings to you and yours Mike
Hey Mike! Please enter me in the drawing to win the Japanese maple, and thanks for all you do!
Love that Japanese maple!! Keep up the great work.
What a gorgeous tree!! I have had a weeping Japanese Maple before at a previous home but not one of this great variety. It was our favorite and since we moved our most missed specimen!
I enjoy the website and all of your tips and tricks! Best to you and yours for a Happy, healthy New Year!
Your picture of the clipped tree looks like a magnificent specimen I saw in Rochester New York a couple years ago. Did not occur to me to clip a Japanese maple but I can see why someone would do it.
I appreciate so much the helpful tips on starting new plants and caring for them!
My grandson recently bought what he calls “his forever home”. I I didn’t realize my love for gardening was being picked up over the years (especially all the tips from you). Each time you would send something to help us do better, I would print it out and give it to him. Well, he saved them and is following your gardening advice. all the time, reading up on each item he plants both for our area, color and growth. When I visit he anxiously takes me around his property (which is starting to look like a park and proudly shows me what has been added. He is now 33 and to see such joy and interest in planting just thrills me. I would love to win this tree so I could give it to him and be cared for as I know he would do.
Have a happy, safe, healthy and wonderful New Year.
Thank you,
Mrs. Caroline Bruen
688 Seaman Avenue
Baldwin, NY 11510
[email protected]
Dear mike,
I have enjoyed your website for years. Although I am not a back yard grower as of yet, I always learn from you and your posts. My attempts at plant propagation have definitely been improved thanks to you. I would love to add that Viridis jap maple to my collection. Thanks for all you do. Keep up the great work. Best wishes and happy new year.
I love this Japanese maple!!! My husband and I have 19….so far…lol!!!
Beautiful tree!
These are so beautiful. Cant seem to find them locally for some reason. They would look so beautiful as a border in my back! Especially love the beauty of the fall colors, but there are so many different ones, colors, leaves! Good luck to aall and thank you for the giveaway!
I enjoyed a Japanese Maple at my last house and would love to win this!
This would make a great addition to my landscape.
I really love your posts. They are so helpful. I live in Gadsden, AL. My favorite plant of all is the Japanese Maple. Oh how I would love to win that variety. Thank you for allowing us the chance to win one.
Live in Alabama and I think this is the most beautiful Japanese Maple I have ever seen. Would love to have it!
What a beautiful tree, would love to start a Japanese maple collection.
Merry Christmas and Happy Gardening in the New Year to Mike and all of his friends. I’ve been a reader for several years, and I always enjoy learning and trying new things. At age 74, I am still a new gardner because I’ve only moved to a location where I can actually get sun and soil to see each other! I would love this tree for my yard. The previous owner’s idea of gardening was green as long as it’s maintenance-free.
I love Mikes backyard nursery
I would love everyone to have a Japanese maple! They are so beautiful and forgiving. To me they symbolize hope. You may loose your leaves but those buds pop out and give you hope that soon things will be better. I have a small collection and they remind me of children…all different!
My goodness what a great gesture! My youngest brother has a beautiful Japanese Maple in his backyard in Northern Alabama that I have always admired! He started one from seed from me but I lost it Houston’s freeze last year and would love to get another one to plant in our newly built homes’ backyard here in Canyon Lake, Texas!!!
That is an awesome tree!
Best wishes to all for the new year!
May 2018 be our best gardening and plant propagation year ever!
This is a beautiful tree! I would love to win it!
Great site to visit. Lots of detailed info on landscaping plants and trees
That is an awesome tree!
Best wines to all for the new year.
May 2018 be our best gardening and plant propagation year ever!
Hi Mike and Happy Holidays – very cold here in Columbus, Ohio – with a covering of the white stuff. As to this offering – the neighbors have a Japanese Maple comparable to this but taller and more of a tree rather than a bush like growth. But it is beautiful all Spring to Fall with a bright crimson red color. We have gathered seeds (which surprised me) and have tried to get some to sprout but with no success – unlike the Silver Maple and Sugar Maple in our backyard. The other Asian tree that amazes me (FYI) is the Ginkgo tree. The green color and then the yellow in the fall adds to its beauty. Enjoy your posts and information – keep up the good work.
I am looking to get more into Japanese Maples and this site is very informative
Love your knowledge, thanks for sharing.
Thank you for all the wonderful information!
That would be a AWESOME win!!! I have three JM here in GA. and they are all growing like crazy!! I saw yours, they are BEAUTIFUL!!! Also saw the “points” up top, need to check out how to trim!! My sister wants one in her new house SOOOO BAD!!! She is a young widow, and just bought an 800 sq. ft home, with yard to fill and just cant afford one of these beauties!!! I would love to give it to her!! Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year!!
I’ve loved the Japanese Maple ever since a friend’s husband gave her one for her birthday. Wow! That was a beautiful gift, indeed. I have a spot waiting for one to grow into.
I’ve loved the Japanese Maple ever since a friend’s husband gave her one for her birthday. Wow! That was a beautiful gift, indeed. I have a spot waiting for one to grow into.
We really enjoy Mr. McGroarty’s videos and articles. Thank you!
I enjoy receiving the emails, so much useful information.
I will be most honored to be given this beautiful tree. I have a crimson Queen Japanese maple that I’ve had for 20 years and it’s like a baby to me. Thank you for considering me for this gift. Lisa McGinnis
Would love to have the tree to replace a poor Japanese maple that has long suffered from being crushed from other falling trees during a wind shear. It kind of resembles a Bonsai contorted shape from the damage but now is slowly dying. Enjoy the blog. keep up the good work.
Beautiful tree.
What a spectacular tree! I love this site,????for great gardening ideas!????
Beautiful maple. Not only a nice specimen for the yard but it might make a nice Bonsai as well.
I love Japanese Maples!! I would love to start growing these on my land in Northern Ohio.
Thanks for the opportunity to win the tree. This is better than the lottery!!! Happy New Year Mike and family.
I absolutely Japanese Maples.!!
I love Mike’s backyard nursery along with all the valuable important gardening information he gives out!!
What a great tree. It would be a pleasure to plant on property I am developing. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I would love to win this tree! I have always admired Japanese maples but have not been able to afford one.
Iloved the way do business using your garden plant,
I would love to win that Japanese Maple. It would look beautiful in my landscape.
I always enjoy your posts and look forward to seeing them. You give down to earth advice in language I can understand. I wish you could give me the green thumb you have through osmosis!
Acre palmatum. Beautiful tree but I have tons of them. The cross street in my neighborhood is “maple rd” and aptly named. These trees prefer conditions a bit more wet than most trees and reseed themselves quite easily in shaded areas. Thanks for all you share with us Mike!
I got just the right spot in my garden for this bBY
I absolutely love the looks of this tree and I have the perfect place for it!
Fantastic looking plant !!!!
What a bonsai that would make…!
I love Japanese maples!
We so hope to win this tree as the tree at the end of out pergola just died.
It looks both perfect and gorgeous for this spot in our garden!!!!
Your advice is as inspiring as it is practical.
Mike is my favorite source for growing/selling and maintaining a thriving nursery stocked with healthy great looking plants. His site has so many ideas and much information to keep you on track! Love it
Always love reading your posts. Very inspiring indeed! Thank you
Good morning Mike, I can’t tell you how helpful you’ve been . I was blessed 3years ago in purchasing my new home. It previously belonged to a professional gardener! What a challenge for me. Your tips have been timely, just finished reburbishering the compost bins. I totally emptied one bin to make a fall flower bed. It’s the prettiest on the block. My hybrid persimmon tree is loaded with fruit. My out of town guest think I decorated it for Christmas…the fruit is still hanging but frost came and leaves fell.. It is gorgeous! Mother Nature decorations. My two year old kumquat has fruit. Your hard work and love of gardening is much appreciated. the previous home owner is quite pleased with my success. Thanks to you!!!!! Happy holidays.
Happy holidays to you Mike,and many thanks for the tips in gardening… With your help, I have the prettiest fall flower bed. The mist beautiful loaded hybrid persimmon tree and a bearing kumquat. Your timely advice and tips are envaluable to all .
I would love to have a Japanese Maple Tree so that I could plant it in front of my house for everyone to see. I think these plants are beautiful. I am praying that I win this beautiful plant.
I love Japanese Maple trees for their delicate shaoed leaves and some even have red branches that contrast with their yellow or light green leaves. While living in Japan we saw so many varieties and enjoyed the fall colors so much. I have one Maple tree and we love it so much, would love to add another one.
A beautiful tree.
That tree is beautiful. I truly enjoy this website and I find it so helpful to my garden and landscaping needs. Thank you for your work.
Simply gorgeous. Very kind of you.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this great plant.
Hi Mike, What a stunning tree, I hope to win!
Your hints and instructions are always a worthwhile read.
I would love to win this Japenese Maple Tree, it is so beautiful. I am currently working on my yard, I hope to one day having it look as beautiful as your yard. Have a Happy New Year
My mother in law had a japanese maple in her yard….the colors were brilliant. I would love to have one in my yard
This tree is beautiful.
I found this project on Kickstarter that might be of interest to the members. It’s a tree support so you don’t have to tie them.
What beauty mother nature has supplied us caretakers of her earth. I love your selection ,Mike! You have such wonderful and helpful knowledge that I enjoy anything I can learn from you.
That beautiful tree would look FANTASTIC in my yard! Love your site!
Beautiful trees! Luv them!
We have a spot on our golf course that would be perfect for this tree. There’s an open space near the clubhouse that we’ve been trying to decide what to plant, and I think this tree would be perfect
Very beautiful tree and would love to have it in my yard. Hope I win it even if I do live on the west coast.! Thanks for your generosity.
One of these beautiful trees would love living here in the beautiful Ozarks
I would like to win. I planted one and the neighbor’s dog chewed it off. Dog is gone now. Please pick me!
What a beautiful tree.
I have never seen such a beautiful tree.
The tree is beautiful! I live in zone 9B and have not found a way to grow Japanese Maples here. Any suggestions.
Great looking !
I appreciate the always helpful thoughts and ideas in Mike’s blogs.
Beautiful color when it changes in the fall
Beautiful tree, I have just recently started collecting Japanese maples. I only wish I had more space.
These trees are super beautiful !! Love them .Wish I had 50 of them in my yard
These trees add beauty to any yard! The colors are magnificent.
This tree would be beautiful in our culdesac.
I first saw this tree when I moved to North Carolina we just bought a house and is a blank spot in my hedge row that this would look perfect!!
Great website, one learns a lot all the time! Keep up the good work!
Not sure where I would put it but they are beautiful!
This is, by far, one of the most informative emails I receive! Thanks for the great tips!
Beautiful little tree!! I have enjoyed your site, Mike, and have learned so much. 🙂 Thank you!!
These are absolutely beautiful trees. I love how the leaves are so colorful and dainty. The shape of these trees are unique. I saw an older tree at a house in a historic district and it was gorgeous. Thank you for the opportunity to win the tree. Thank you for the work you do. Happy New Year!
I want that tree
thanks for all the tips
Thankyou for all the gardening tips you send
Great posts! Extremely insightful about many kinds of plants. Japanese Maples are truly gorgeous!
What an absolutely gorgeous tree with such awesome colors at
different seasons. I would love to win one if living in NJ works!
Thanks for all your valuable information. Love reading your emails.
BTW: After reading your article about Hellebores a few years ago –
they have become one of my favorite plants and I keep buying more
and all different varities/colors! Thanks for your sharing and photo
of your hellebore information.
(Ummm…don’t know what to put in website box below –
your website? I don’t have one myself. UMMMMMM….
So, left it blank this time.)
I have purchased your program and use parts of it in my garden, hope to be able to use MORE if it in the spring. Have lots of plants potted up to sell and am attempting to go larger in the NEAR future. Always enjoy your post and am able to get something out of most of them. Keep up the good work and YES, I do try to stay inspired. I am still working full time at age 77, retired once but it did not take. The stock market took all my savings……………………..Misery does NOT love company. Thanks for all you do.
Beautiful tree! It would fit nicely in the Japanese garden I’m planning to build.
I’m in the middle of designing and making a Japanese-style “Zen” garden and this will be perfect for that. The tree is also a kind of memorial to my deceased father who, back in the 1950s, after he bought the house I grew up in, was so enamored of all things oriental, and especially Japanese, that he planted a Japanese maple in our yard (along with one white and one pink dogwood trees). So this tree will be a “double blessing”.
I love Japanese Maple trees, I think they are the most beautiful trees there are,
My wife is crazy in love with Japanese Maple trees, but i haven’t found the right one. This one looks perfect, and it would keep me out of the dog house LOL
We live in northeast Iowa. .we are transplants from Vermont. We moved to Iowa in Aug. 2007. Bought a home with lots of land. Spring of 2015 we decided to move to a small house with a small yard due to health reasons. We love the smaller home. It has a very small yard but I have already started to landscape by myself. I have pictures of my improvements using a lot of Mike’s methods. I wanted a beautiful tree for the front yard that did not get to tall due to utility lines and space. We are in a deep freeze right now but I could send pictures of last summer’s efforts. I would love the Japanese Maple. I would be the envy of our new neighborhood. Without your videos and informational pages, I would not have been as far as I am in 1 year. I have started planning to grow small plants to sell in the Spring using Mike’s methods. I will use the money to add more landscaping to our new little house. Thank you.
Love the color of this tree
Happy new year Mike.
Thanks for the opportunity for a great tree.
I have been following you for about a year. I start approximately 400 cuttings a year but do it under a gallon milk jug. I can get any where from 5 to 9 at a time under each jug. Also live in Northern Ohio and will try your Winter method next year.
Beautiful tree!!!
Thanks for sharing all your knowledge.
Hi Mike this is a great gift, hope I win ; )
I recently moved to a new house. My new house does not have any landscaping. My income is Social Security and I have limited income to spend on landscaping. I would love to have a beautiful Japanese maple to put by my front door. I love receiving your emails with all the practical tips and information. Thank you for sending them. God bless you. I love seeing pictures of the little donkeys. I live in Russellville Arkansas.
Love these tree’s
There is just something about these trees that brings comfort the the heart and soul.
wow..what a gorgeous tree..thanks for this whether I win or not!!!
Love the color on that tree.
Mike and his videos have taught myself and my wife countless things I hadn’t known or thought were to difficult to accomplish. I recommend Mikes videos to anyone with a problem in their garden. They are well done and easy to follow along with. you can tell by watching them the love that Mike has for his gift for gardening. Everyone have a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Mike, you are a great source of knowledge! I have propagated several of my plants and given them for gifts. Beautiful Tree!
It’s compact and lacey
Not terribly racey;
Lovely to behold,
It’s sight never grows old.;
I hope that I’m lucky…
That would be rather ducky!
That is a beautiful tree for sure Mike. My wife really wanted one of them for a long time but we could never afford one from the nursery near us,it was a good size and not a cheap price. We were both on S.S and had a little savings account set aside just to buy one later. As it turned out my wife passed away after a battle with Cancer and left an empty spot in my heart since we were together over 51 years. Anyway I thought I would enter the contest in hopes of maybe winning and I would plant it in her memory, and she could look down and see I did get her one after all. Win or loose some how I will get her the tree I promised I would, after what she went through she deserves it. As I said this is a beautiful tree and if anyone could afford to buy a decent size one if you find it don’t pass it up, you will regret it for sure.
Mike thanks for your help with plants and the business side.
These are beautiful trees.
David Morrow
I’d love to have another Japanese maple. My grandson learned how to climb trees on the one we have. Unfortunately we will have to prune some of the lower branches. We let them het too big, but my grandson used them to climb the tree. He is 8 now so he shouldn’t need those branches anymore. Also great shade trees with beautiful foliage.
I enjoy reading Mike’s gardening posts. I’ve used several of his tips, some things I read just for future knowledge. It’s like talking with an experienced farmer/gardener across the fence row, knowing I’ll get some good advice.
we love following your web site . we get tons of good ideas. keep up the good work
looking forward to the new year. Lots of plants purchased from the board over the past two years that should be ready to sell this coming spring. Thanks for all your help Mike and the many other members who offer so much great advice and encouragement. Happy New Year to all.
What a beautiful tree! Would love to win it!
Dear Mike,
I have enjoyed all of your posts. We live in the middle of hundreds of Oak and Pine trees, lots of shade and very rocky ground. Because of your tips, I have been able to finally been able to succeed in getting my garden started.
Thank you so much!
Jeannie Graham
The Japanese Maple is beautiful. I think they are one of the most graceful trees around. ( would love to have one!
These are just gorgeous. I just planted an Emperor I, and am thinking about a Japanese maple garden area along one section of my driveway which is backed by evergreens. I love how you have pruned these. Mine don’t look like this!
Very nice plant would look great next to driveway.
What a beautiful tree! Always inspired when reading your articles!
I have a brand new yard with no shrubbery, trees, or anything yet. Come spring this would make a delightful focal point. to work from.
Nice tree!
What a beautiful tree. I love your website and tips. Here’s to gardening in 2018!
Mike I have been following you now for several months and I am learning fast, I have a small farm and will be joining as soon as membership opens up
Thanks for all your knowledge sharing, Happy New Year
I just moved and left behind a weeping lace leaf maple. Would love to have one for my new home. Thanks!
I have a perfect place for this lovely tree. It will add so much beauty and variety to my yard. My favorite place to be is sitting on my porch swing looking out over my fenced in yard ( I live with my sweet dog, Bella) reading a good book and enjoying a good cup of coffee. I so enjoy reading your emails and learning more about planting and taking care of our gifts of nature. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
I love reading all your hints and information you give on how to be a great gardener. I would love to be the winner or the Japanese Maple. One of these would be an asset to any yard.
Would love to win this beautiful Japanese Maple. I have the perfect place. I have been following you for a few years now and you have tought me a few things. Love your animals.
Beautiful tree, Mike! Thanks for all that you and your family provide. Looking forward to my first sales in 2018!
Kevin Schwab
St. Louis, Missouri
What a beautiful tree!!! And perfect timing too as I’m starting to landscape plan for next year;-)
I love love your. News letter
Happy New Year
I do not have a Japanese Maple and would love to have one in my landscape. Look forward to signing up for your members area this year.
Being from Ontario and knee deep in snow at the moment, makes the pictures of this tree even more appealing. Only 120 more days to spring…. Love your website and inspirational growing tips Mike.
Love this site. Lots of useful tips on gardening and propagating .
Mike I have been reading your emails and learning lots of new things all the time. Have tried rooting plants with some success Pruning is my big thing, as I have a small scale Christmas tree farm, which demands a lot pruning and other attention. keep sending tips and I will certainly keep reading them.
Randy of Trees R Us
Christmas Tree Farm
Now this is a tree I could use. H*ow well will it stand up to a Michigan winter?
My Japanese maple in my front yard is no longer with us and I would sorely love a replacement. Since my husband passed I ‘ve had to tend to a great deal by myself and it’s the little things that cheer me.
Beautiful Tree, Thanks for the chance to win it!!!
love your tips on gardening. I have used many and had great results. While i have not started a business, I do use your techniques to increase my own plants. Thank you
Merry Christmas and a blessed new year to all!!
I would love to win a Virdis Japanese Maple!
It’s fun to get your emails, always good information,
I built a new house and I really need some good looking landscaping.
Beautiful tree, would be a great addition to my tree collection. I have 11 acres that was cleared when I purchased property. I have been replanting for 10 years and would very much like to have a lace leaf to go along with my other maples. Red Maple, Sugar maple, Scarlet Maple, and Japanese Red Maple are in my land scape. I also live in MAPLE, North Carolina. I have many more trees in my landscape, thanks for the opportunity to get the tree.
That is a beautiful tree
Dear Mike,
What you are doing with the Growers School and Business Center is WONDERFUL. It would have been just the thing that I would have been involved in years ago. It gives the person who is interested in being in charge of their own destiny the tools to do that, I commend you for setting it up and being willing to share your knowledge.
This is the first time I am telling you about me. I have a degree in horticulture and have been doing all sorts of propagation for many years, I am 83 years old and STILL AT IT.. I can’t avoid ‘sticking’ some cuttings at every opportunity. I went to school as an adult so I had some credentials when I needed them but I had been cutting, sticking, digging and growing since I was a teenager. At the same time I also raised two sons and remodeled several antique houses.
I find I go to one or another of your posts when ever I have any doubts about pruning some thing
special, solving a growing area problem or some other issue, you are my first resource for down to earth solutions.
Many thumbs up to you and the program, wish you had been around when I was younger.
Anita R.
beautiful tree, would love to have it.
Beautiful Tree! I feel fall color stands out nicer than the red cultivars here in the midwest.
I once had a Japanese Maples and the cold in the spring got to it and it died. I would love to have another. This one is a little different but really beautiful.
Hi Mike,
I’m leaving a comment for two reasons. 1. I love your blog and it has inspired me. I’m trying to finish my degree as fast as possible and then I want to start my own greenhouse business. I always wanted to but didn’t really think it was possible or feasible until I found your website.
Reason 2. is, of course, I want to enter the contest! That Japanese maple is a beautiful tree.
I would so love to have a tree like this to honor my son Justin who passed away in January 2017. He loved gardening. Not sure if it could be potted until we have a permanent location. We are currently leasing a home Thanks for your consideration.
I love the beautiful fall color of this tree!!!????
Best. Tree. Ever.
I would love to have tree like this! Always enjoy your posts, Mike!
Hi Mike, This Japanese maple will look in my front yard.Ill include sign statering i won this through you, on my organic farm.Good luck in 2018 regars Gaetano
Mike here you go again another great perk for being a member. It is certainly a beautiful tree and would be a great specimen plant to build a bed around. The fact that it is coming from a BYG is even more testimony to the quality of our members..
I want to take this moment to tell you that this is a complete business that gives you everything you need to be successful it is just a never ending supply of information, help, and ideas that will bot let you fail as long as you connect the dots
I have introduced many friends and family to Mike’s website. I think he has the best advice and easiest gardener to understand with his videos. I have been an avid fan for many years and am so glad I discovered Mike. If you enjoy gardening you will love this site with it’s down to earth gardening techniques
Absolutely stunning
This Japanese Maple would look fantastic in my front yard as a focal point!
Beautiful tree Mike! Thanks for all the great information!!
I always enjoy your newsletter and would love to have this tree.
keep up what ur doing I enjoy your site.
Love your site and all the helpful tips. I love Japanese lacekeaf maples and have raised several from seed. I would enjoy having this one to as to my collection. ❤️
I ADORE Japanese maples. Just not sure I can grow them here at 7,000 feet in Wyoming, AND fend off the deer who would probably adore them also, but I’d LOVE to try!
Thank you for all you your posts and video’s. I’ve learned a lot from you!
THis is a beautiful tree. It would look nice in my yard.
That’s a gorgeous tree that I’d love to add to my yard. I previously had a Japanese Maple at another home and miss it here. Thanks for the opportunity!
beautiful tree would be a great addition to the woodland style garden I’m creating
Love the update! As always, motivation for us even in a frozen blizzard.
Stnce finding Mike’s site and signing up for his posts, I have become a much better backyard gardener. His posts are very informative and entertaining. I read and watch all of them, I tell all my friends to visit his site..Thank You Mike for making me play in the dirt more often.
Japanese maple are gorgeous trees and among some of my favorites! So excited about a giveaway!
I absolutely love the colors on this tree. Almost as much as Mikes donkeys! ????
I have been a member for years and have not been able to get a tree like this. I would love to have it to show in my yard. This is one of the best groups of people you can be members with. Thank you for this chance. God Bless and Happy New Year to all.
That is one fabulous looking tree!
Mike, thank you for your website and all you do for this community. I appreciate you, and it is so very evident that many others do as well. Happy New Year to everyone!
Just started getting into collecting these beautiful plants this would be a great addition..
I have been a member for years and have not been able to get a tree like this. I would live to have it to show in my yard. This is one of the best groups of people you can be members with. Thank you for this chance. God Bless and Happy New Year to all.
One of the most beautiful Japanese Maples! Everyone should have one in their yard????
I always enjoy reading your posts and dream of propagating plants for fun and profit.
What a beautiful tree!
Hope to see it gracing my front garden. Next to the Gazebo
Beautiful color on the Lacey Japanese maple tree. Interested in winning one!
Thanks for all your great gardening tips. You’ve helped me solve a lot of my landscaping issues. Best of luck in 2018.
Beautiful looking small tree.
What zones does it grow well in?
I have shared so many issues of mikes backyard nursery news letters with coworkers and friends. They all love it, and of course, Mike.
When the newsletters have links to other very informative articles, you can litterly spend all day with Mike. So much awesome helpful information. Thank you.
Japanese maples are awesome..Ive been admiring one here in Palenville all fall into winter for gracing my life with its beauty
Maples are my favorite tree and especially Japanese Maples. Do you have any special tips for growing Japanese maples in South Louisiana?
This tree is beautiful!
oooo, that tree is so pretty….
The information that is available on Mike’s Backyard Nursery website has given me the confidence to grow beautiful flowers and hearty vegetables. My next project will be to redo the landscape at my home. Mike thank you for all of the information.
Beautiful tree! A Must Have for any yard!
Tree looks beautiful
What a beautiful specimen tree! Thank you for all the gardening advice you have shared over the years.
Great growers start right here!!!!
I’ll take it!
This will make my landscape in front of my house gorgeous!
Thanks for the pruning advise! Big help to me for my garden,
Enter to win this ‘ Virdis ‘ Japanese Maple tree at Mike’s Backyard NURSERY. I love this tree.
Nice looking tree!
Wonderful Tree Mike! Looks like the one in your yard?
This beautiful tree is the “poster child,” for my front yard! I have a stone circle”garden,” where our old Ash had to be removed.
Please consider my family for the giveaway.
We will nurture and care for it forever! Promise!!!
Thank you,
Drew Beckett
Happy Holidays! That maple tree is so beautiful- I’ve noticed it in several of your previous posts. I have a 1/3 care yard and it would look lovely growing in it. :-))
That is beautiful
I just retired from Clemson university, and this ” orange” beautiful tree would look so
good in my yard with my tiger paw Clemson flag! Go Tigers!
I’ve been an avid vegetable gardener for several decades but knew very little about landscaping. I’ve learned so much from Mike and his helpful newsletter that I am looking forward to retiring just so I can start a backyard growing business.
Your Backyard Gardening site has been an inspiration to me. Thank you for the knowledge and experience that you share.
So glad I found your page!! I love all gardening ideas and pictures!! Can’t wait to start using some of the ideas!! Keep sending to me!!
There R some beautiful pictures on this page!!!
Thanks for all your gardening help
I would love to win this tree. I will use it in memorial of my sister that recently passed away a week before Christmas. She had a beautiful spirit in which this tree represents.
your site is always a joy to read. It is full of good advice.
Please keep them coming.
Beautiful tree with outstanding color!
thanks for the chance to have this tree they are so pretty in the fall
The Japanese waterfall maple is gorgeous tree. I first saw on in my neighbors yard while walking my dogs. And it was in all it’s glory in fall colors. Wow is about the only word I could use to describe it. I have 6 different Japanese maples in my yard. If I won I wonder is 7 going overboard?
In 1957 my mother planted ad a Japanese Maple in her side yard. She paid about 75 cents for it. It was maybe 3 inches tall in a paper cup. She has a since passed away and the house was sold. I drove by the house recently, and that tree now stands nearly 35 feet tall with a plush gaden under and around it. I am now 67 and would love to start a Japanese Maple in remembrance of my mom.
Thank you
Jeff – Cape Cod
I would love to have this tree in my yard. Thank you!
Can’t wait to join you are great.
Thanks Mike, hope the tree looks nice in my garden ;o)
This tree would make a wonderful addition to my Japanese Maple collection that I have started. I find the diversity of the Japanese Maple to be very interesting. Thanks for all the information Mike it is very helpful,
beautiful tree! Mike you are a master of common sense and making the difficult easier to understand. Thank you for sharing the knowledge!
I love Japanese Maples and this one is one I want in my collection in Nebraska!
Beautiful tree – would love to make the centerpiece of my yard.
I have received you post for sometime. I love the how to videos and the gardening information you share. I really look forward to them.
I live in south Florida in a lovely agricultural area called the Redland. While we don’t have many hearty trees or shrubs that grow in the North we do grow most every veggie year round except in the summer. Right now I have Sun King broccoli and Roman Esco ready to bear
Mike, I love your blog. Great content.
This is a lovely tree and I have the perfect spot for it in my front bed where I recently removed a weeping cherry that had gone off the rail!
Thanks for the opportunity
What a great looking tree!
I would love to win the tree. It’s beautiful.
Nice Japanese Maple Tree
I never win anything and Love Japanese Maples
beautiful, love willows of any kind, we are located in a low hollow and the water in some areas is literally right below the ground
Always wanted a japanese maple tree…if i dont win, i’ll be looking to purchase this spring!
very nice
What a beautiful tree!
Thank you, Mike! Your site has become my first stop for all my gardening questions. It is appreciated that you are willing to share your knowledge and experience with all of us. Have a Happy and Safe New Year! I look forward to another year of learning.
What a beautiful tree. Do Japanese Maples shed all their leaves in fall?
I love Japanese maples
What a gorgeous Maple! Thank you for your wonderful gardening tips and generosity.
Love this
Merry Christmas to you & yours Mike!
I would LOVE this Tree, but ALAS I live in Washington State!
Love the colorful japanese maple trees.
Beautiful trees! Wow!
Thanks so much for all your great advice and information, Mike!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
These are beautiful trees.
Thanks Mike for your time. AND of course your family and crew.
Fantastic looking tree!!l
Hi Mike, Thanks to all of your helpful information I will be building my own backyard nursery this spring here in Northern Michigan. I’ve been planning this for a couple years and I can’t wait to finally get started. Thanks again for all the wonderful tips!
Virdis Japanese maple!
I have admired how you use several Japanese Maple trees in your yard. I started a cutting last year but would love to add this beautiful variety. Thanks for all your hard work.
Wow! What a beauty! Wishing you a great holiday season and I hope you have a wonderful new year!
This would be a fantastic addition to our front yard. I noticed many residents in the Painesville area are planting similar trees. Mike’s plant are the best plants to buy, I buy small from him and they grow into fantastic healthy plants. Can’t beat that.
We fell in love with the Japanese Maples this year and tried finding one this .fall ….We wanted to get one from an honest grower,but weren’.t sure who to trust. If we won yours we could trust it would e the real thing
Your videos are always very informative and show us the simple and basic way to raise and care for our plants. Thank you for all your assistance with the many years of videos. I wish you and your family many more years of good health and success.
Beautiful tree! Would love to grow one.
what a beautiful tree! Thanks Dave for all your wonderful tips.
Beutifull this would look amazing in any yard.
That is truly a beautiful tree. Nature’s art!!!
I have a Japanese Maple that was given to me about 10 years ago. It came as a small twig that grew well the first year. I thought I had lost it as it was eaten to the ground.. However, it grew back as several shoot from the roots. all of which being so close to each other have become one trunk. I is a beautiful tree. The leaves are slow to fall usually after all other trees. I’d love to have another to have another somewhere in my yard.
These Japanese Maples are so beautiful!
Having a Japanese Maple in my front yard is my dream. Unfortunately, they are too expensive. But their beauty is unbeatable!
Your Japenese Maples are the most beautiful ones I’ve seen. There must be someone who knows how to take care of them.Ha
What a beautiful tree! Whoever wins will have a beauty
love it!
OMG! The Burger King up the road has one and I was gonna nab a cutting from it till my Christian values stepped in!!!!!!! Would love to win this tree as my young Japanese maple was eaten by a puppy! Puppy has since grown up and in the back yard!
Would love to win this tree. Would look perfect in our yard.
Beautiful tree. I have admired them, but have not planted one of my own. I think a Japenese maple would thrive here on the acreage in TN. Thanks for the opportunity and all the shared advice and insights.
I want one. I work at a japanese garden/ botanic garden.
Love all Japanese Maples!!
Mike, I am so happy to have re-discovered your site after many years! You offer such a valuable service. Thank you so much for your passion for gardening!
Susan Urban
i’m xeriscaping my yard and would love to have this tree on the north side of my driveway where it could be showcased just like it is in the picture where it’s turned to a flaming color with gravel beneath. i’m the fourth house from the corner so when you do turn the corner, because of the curve in the street, you would instantly see, and admire this tree.
Hi, I always read your emails; helpful, love it and I wish to be a winner of that beautiful maple tree
I really like the tips and the knowledge that you have
I absolutely love being part of this group. Blessings to you all
Outstanding tree really elegant great talking point.
Maple me, Mike! 🙂
Would Love! to have this tree!!
This is one gorgeous tree! I love the form.
Your gardening newsletter has proved to be both a source of inspiration and information. I have saved every newsletter and refer to them often. Thank you so much for sharing!
Mike has really inspired me with his backyard garden. My husband even built me a greenhouse so i could garden all year long. This is my retirement dream!!! Thanks for your tips and inspiration
I Dream of having a Japanese maple to enjoy in my garden.
Dawn Paine
Hey Mike – Love your instructional videos and all info you share. I’m a life-long freak gardener and appreciate knowing I’m not alone! Love all new plant challenges, and trying new varieties. The Japanese Maples are stunning and I love them all! I move them into my husband’s shop (which he keeps about 40+ degrees) for winter.
Keep up the great work Mike! Happy New Year!!
The Japanese maple is a deciduous shrub or small tree (generally 6–10 m tall) with low branches .
This tree is amazing for areas with patios or walk paths.
They are trees with gorgeous all in one glance appreciation.
We had one at an old property that was 15 years old and it’s color change and size was breathtaking.
I have just recently found you site and am really enjoying especially your videos. Feeling very inspired. I have 80 geraniums from cuttings under lights in my basement. Thanks
Most beautiful fall color! Thanks Mike for sharing your knowledge!
I have found so many of your gardening tips to be invaluable. Thank you for all the tips and constructive advice you give in all areas of gardening! I love the Maple!
This is the most beautiful weeping willow I have seen. I raise 20 to 30 seedlings every year. Most are very nice with fine-cut leaves. Some are green, but all are brilliant shades of red in the fall. Everyone should try to raise a few Japanese Weeping Willows.
The ‘Verdis’ tree would hold a special place in the front garden.
I love Japanese Maple’s and would be over the moon to have my very own one day!
Mike! I’ve been watching and learning, from you for years. Thank you so much for being the only consistently intelligent source for planting, growing & propagation. -seriously.
Sincerely yours,
H King
Thank you!
Beautiful trees. Have tried moving very young ones with no success.
This would make a fantastic focal point in our front yard. The colors are gorgeous!
Dear Mike, I have been reading your website for some time now, and really enjoy all of your knowledge about gardening and life. We really love the four legged family members also! I think my most favorite is the story of how you became involved in the plant world! Kudos to your innovation and tenacity, along with being a true testament to not giving up under any type of circumstances.
Love the pictures of all of your family! I hope you will continue to give your readers the joy you’ve given me and my family! Thankful reader.
Mike, I love your posts. Thanks for all the great information!
It is beautiful. Would love this for the front yard.
I love this tree
Very generous of you Mike–but why can’t you ship to the northwest? Japanese Maplkes are very popular here in Eugene, Oregon.
Thanks for a great contest.
I love this tree and would love to have one!!
What a beauty! Anyone’s yard would be improved with this plant.
Your email is always helpful. Today is my birthday! Worse day to be born if you want parties later in life..
Hello Mike, My name is Michael Fair, and I live in Pennsylvania,and I love these kind of trees. I use to work at a nursery, and we use to dig ,and ball these trees. They called them Japanese Cut leaf Red Maples,and you had to make a nice plant ball that was very sturdy,meaning, that the ball was tied right. It took some time to dig,and ball them, on a nice or rainy day, It did not matter, and we did this,all year long. But, I would like to enter your contest, and I am retired, but I still work on my yard, planting flowers,and edging beds, and putting mulch on the beds,and making my yard look as nice I can make it Thank You MIKE for your time,and have a nice day
this is almost too much fantastic information. I have been reading for half an hour and am nowhere near finished. I don’t know where to start. but I’ll have it down by the time early spring comes to the Northeast. right now it’s below 20F, so I have plenty of time to plan what I will do in a few months. thanks for all this knowledge. I don’t need to get the prize. what I do with this inspiration is enough reward. thank you.
I have enjoyed your sight for over three years now and I have gotten many a good tip from you.. some of which saved me a lot of money. Just wished I had the space and sunlight to do one of your plant resale plots.
Absolutely beautiful. We don’t have any big beautiful trees in our yard. Thank you for your generosity
I know this beautiful Japanese maple tree will look great in my PA garden!
I so enjoy this blog. It is filled with solid, practical information. Do yourself a favor and watch. I guarantee you will learn something new.
Mike, Thank you so much for all you teach us. I love seeing things grow from sticks!
I’d love to win a Virdis Japanese Maple tree! Please keep inspiring us.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday & healthy prosperous new year. ????????
This is a beautiful tree. I had one and a snow fall came off the roof during a storm and crushed it. The tree is still alive – but look like someone should put it out of its misery. I always get good information off this site.
Sure I am the lucky winner. Mike’s generosity is endless, sharing his knowledge of plants, business and now giveaways!
Thanks for all you do Mike. LOVE your videos!
Beautiful trees, but I notice that they’re planted in small confined spaces. How do their root systems cope? Are they fairly shallow-rooted, or do they have adventurous roots that seek out water in more distant places?
These are the nicest maple trees I’ve seen… and being a Canadian, I am very partial to maples (the maple leaf is our national symbol and takes centre stage on our flag, after all.) I am not sure if you can ship this gorgeous tree to central Canada, but if you can, I would be over the moon if I win.
What an absolutely gorgeous tree! I have a laceleaf Japanese maple that was damaged by the neighbor’s roofers and I’m hoping it makes it through the winter. It would be wonderful to have this in my yard (hopefully as an addition and not a replacement)>
Susie in Milwaukee
We are in Tennessee and would live to win this maple tree. University of Tennessee’s color is orange. So this tree would be a great addition to our yard.
Also maple leaves make great compost.
Thank you for allowing us to enter
OH my goodness, would this beautiful specimen be suitable for southern Lousiana? I have been subscribed to your newsletter for years. Very beneficial to me when I lived in Pennsylvania. Moved to the south 2 years ago, and this lower Louisiana zone is a tough one.
these trees are cool
Was wishing for the shears, but a tree would do good.
would love one of these trees! nust moved to a new house with no landscaling! HELP!
Mike, I do not always have time to read all your emails. I do love to read what I can and I am using some of your ideas this spring for veggies, plants, flowers, might be adding bees if I can get the flower gardens in in time. The Japanese Maple would look great if my idea of where it will go will work. I do not plan to sell things right now but maybe in a couple of years I will be able to.
God Bless,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mike.
I have been looking this hybrid- Such a gorgeous tree!!
I have been wanting a Japanese maple for my front yard for years! I would love this, please! Have a Happy New Year!
I have been enjoying the wonderful and educational e-mail messages from you for many years. Thanks for the wonderful garden, information and you really inspired me to dig in the dirt to grow some flowers, shrubs and of course Japanese maple trees!!!! Another year is quickly coming to a close, Hope 2017 has been a good year for you and your family. Best wishes for the New Year! [email protected]
Lovely tree!! Makes any yard beautiful!!!
Have a Japanese maple growing down the block. Seems to be slow growing.
That is a beautiful tree!!
I love these trees!
A very beautiful tree that would be perfect in my yard in Oklahoma. I’d love to add this tree to my landscape and be honored to care for it..
Would Love the tree for my yard
Those are beautiful!!!! I would LOVE to have one to put at the corner of my drive!!
What a gorgeous tree! Thanks for the chance to win Mike!
I read everything you put on here. Great information!
My wife Janet loves gardening and uses it to forget about some of her MS pain and limitations. She eagerly waits for your next newsletter and YouTube video. We would love to make this Japanese Maple an addition to her landscape.
One of the most beautiful trees I’ve ever seen! Pick me! 🙂
Japanese Maples offer some stunning colors for any landscape. Thanks for the chance!
I would love to add a tree like that to my landscaping.
Beautiful tree!! We were hit hard by the tornados in 2011 and lost 95% + of our trees on our property. It would look just grand in our yard!! I hope I am the one to win it!
I’m really learning a lot from this site!
So Happy I live on the East Coast. I would love to start the new year with a beautiful orange Japanese Maple Tree!!!.
Bless you and Happy Happy New Year!!!
Mike, Enjoy reading the various articles you post on your web page. It has helped me a lot with growing vegetables and herbs in my home garden.
Ken Wisniewski
Would love to win this beautiful tree
Such a pretty tree. One that I could easily manage at my height
This is beautiful. I have several I am training as bonsai. The last one was a snake bark maple. It is hard to find starter trees locally. I used to get them as Melingers but they are now closed. You do good work..
Thanks, Judi
I think this Maple tree variety is a beauty and I would absolutely love it in my yard! My neighbors, many of which have “personal gardeners” could then clearly see the fruits of my labors as they watch me “digging in my own dirt!” ????
Will this tree grow in texas
This would be a wonderful addition to the memorial garden for my father-in-law, he loved all kinds of maple trees.
This is a really beautiful variety of Japanese maple. I sell several varieties myself. Ryu Sei, Mikawa Yatsubusa, and others.
My wife and I recently bought our first house. We are excited to start with the landscaping but will be doing it ourselves. This will be a daunting task since the previous owner seems to have neglected it completely. Winning this maple would definitely be a godsend and would male for a grwat start. Thank you for your consideration.
hope i win. will love a maple tree for a new year!
Magnificent. That is a beautiful tree. I know right where I’d put it.
Love this tree beautiful.
The Maple is fabulous!
This tree would look stunning in my client’s garden, for that is where I will plant it if you pick me. Please do so!
A beautiful and unusual tree. Who wouldn’t want to add this beauty to their landscape? Thanks for the opportunity to try for this win.
I have always wanted a Japanese Maple!
Pick me
I love laceleaf maples. If I were younger I would try growing them for sale.
I have enjoyed all of your posts over the past few years and have learned a lot. What can you tell me about Crepe Myrtle trees? I want to know how to prune them into a bush rather than a tree. I have heard you can do that. I don’t want them to get too tall.
BTW I have a new email address
[email protected]
delete [email protected]
Happy New Year!
Japanese maples are very beautiful trees. I particularly like the weeping varieties.
Mike gives so much good advice. I hope that I will be able to plant that beautiful tree and get advice from him if I need it. Thanks, Mike for all the good you have done!
I would love to win this beautiful tree!
I love your website and all the information you provide. You get right down to the brass tacks. Would love to win the Japanese Maple. I have one in the front yard that did not do very well over the last winter.
Beautiful maple! Love the color change. Would love one of these to try and eventually propagate.
will do well in zone 7 dry NM land., alkaline soil?
What a spectacular tree. I’d LOVE to win this and already have a spot picked out to plant it!
I purchased an Emperor elm and it’s doing great. That elm in the contest is beautiful and would fit exceptionally well in my front yard under my hummingbird feeders on my deck.
This is a wonderful opportunity! Your information is exceptional. I’d love to win this as my son is extremely excited about the many varieties of Jap maples.
I’m so excited for the 2018 gardening season! Thanks for all your advice and videos…very helpful.
Japanese Maple Trees have been one f my favorites for years, cannot locate any near me in Beaufort County, S.C. Would be a blessing for me to have one – would complete my list of trees I want for my yard. Hoping the New Year gift of the year gets to my yard. Enjoy your tips, please keep them coming..
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL.. I have a neighbor that has one of these, and she is the envy of the neighborhood…
I would proudly take care of a tree like this…..
IF, I don’t win this tree, I guess I’m going to have to save my money and go buy one…..
THANK YOU MIKE for offering such great products, in your drawings….
This is a beautifully shaped tree and I think it is great you are going to give someone the opportunity to enjoy it.
Japanese Maples are beautiful trees, and I have an ideal location in my front yard to show one off.
I hope I am the lucky winner! Either way thanks for the opportunity
I would love to have this variety of maple. I also enjoy are your emails.
Great information consistently!
Will this tree survive in N Texas? It is beautiful.
Oh my goodness, I’d love to win this beautiful Japanese Maple!!! Mike I’ll need your help though, for previously I purchased a Japanese Maple from the nursery I worked at the time and the beautiful little guy didn’t make it …. I really don’t want to repeat any mistakes I may of made previously!
Thank you for this opportunity!
That is a beautiful tree. It would be outstanding in any yard.
How beautiful! Would love to enjoy the Fall color of this tree!
I would love be to receive this tree and especially as a win! I recently moved to a new home out east where i have land to grow plants and a new tree would be a perfect addition. I also want to thank you Mike for sending me your emails. They have always been inspiring. Have a great new year???? Rita
Hi Mike, Beautiful Japanese Maple, any chance this is one that cuttings could be taken from? I know most of these are grafted but some are from cuttings.
Thanks for the great info looking forward to 2018.
Happy NewYear
K. Purvis
Beautiful tree
We have the perfect spot for this tree in our front yard. What a blessing it would be to win.
Mike, I have been so inspired and educated by you over the years. The hard work you do, your teaching methods, your jokes, lol…all make my life so much more interesting. I am very happy to have access to the wealth of knowledge you hold. Thank you for being there, and all my plants say “amen!” xo
Enjoy all the gardening tips and have used many of them. Your story is amazing but one that America is well responsible for in that a small business person can start off with hardly anything and work into a good business. Not only have you benefitted but you have shared so that others might reap a harvest as well. Blessing to you and yours.
Beautiful trees. About how old are they?
I did not see an offer last week to win the Corona shears. Do you only allow certain ones to apply for winning items.
I love the BYG board. I’ve learned so much. All people should try the 30 day trial.
Have been a fan of your newsletter for years and have always appreciated the insights and advice that has made my garden better and the gardening experience much more enjoyable. Thank you and keep up the advice and the sharing which helps to make us better gardeners.
I need a replacement! We backwashed the pool and I think the saltwater killed my Tamukeyama.
I would very much like to win a tree, it would be a welcome addition to my garden and also make my neighbor, envy my yard.
I love the Japanese maple tree. My yard needs some more trees. Thanks
I have very little top soil in western North Carolina and have to use a pick instead of a shovel. Please share some ideas for gardening in rocky soil. I have already added 90+ bags of top soil, enough to put in a bunch of spring bulbs. I have the perfect place for a Japanese maple, over where I buried my 11 yr. old Great Pyrenees last summer. I want her to enrich the soil for pretty things as she was.
What a beautiful tree!
This is a plant that I have wanted for a good while so I hope I win. Thank you for all the tips and information you send out all year. I look forward to learning more.
I love Mike”s Backyard Gardening, he has so much info to share. Wish I could walk beside him for 30 days!! Keep up the good work Mike you are awesome!!
I always enjoy getting an email from Mike and his BackYardNursery cohorts. You give us so much good information and help us get inspired for working with our hands and getting them dirty. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight. Keep up the good work and pet the donkeys for me. Will have to tell you about the miniature horses my husband brought home for me…..he got a good laugh when I went to the garage to see them…when he meant to say was miniature sea horses. He still chuckles over that.
Beautiful tree, especially the fall color. I love these trees, I have three other varieties in my yard. I’d love to add one like this to my landscape.
This is a beautiful tree and would be the perfect tree in my yard.
What zone can this grow in?
I’m Calgary Alberta Canada used to be zone 3a
Beautiful color
The ‘Virdis’ Japanese Maple is an outstanding addition to any landscape. The verdant spring and summer leaves magically burst into a blazing fall display unequaled by most garden plants.
Beautiful tree..would look great in my yard…Hope you have a Happy New Year.
Can’t wait to see this beauty in my yard. Love all you do and share.
This has to be one of the most beautiful trees in the world. I love lacy things and this would be one of the sexiest gifts that I could ever get for my garden.
WoW! Would we be the envy of the entire neighborhood with a tree as gorgeous as the Verdis Japanese Maple.
The maple would look great in my yard!
That is a beautiful tree! So colorful!
I wouldn’t mind winning a japanese maple – I’d be interested in tryingto make it into a bonsai tree if possible
What a great giveaway and such a beautiful tree!
An absolutely beautiful specimen. Hope I win. Thanks for sharing all of your wisdom over the years. I have learned so much!
I’ve been subscribing to Mike’s for a while. Always good info on gardening and specific plants.
I was never really interested in Japanese Maples before I started following you and reading all of your helpful emails. Have learned a lot from you so far. In the process I have now fell in love with these beautiful trees. I would love to be the proud owner of this gorgeous specimen. Thank you for all of your helpful advice, your wonderful and informative videos, and especially the videos of your adorable donkeys!! YOU stay inspired.
I’ve pretty much been a hit or miss gardener even though I love playing in the dirt. After discovering and subscribing to your website I have gotten so many helpful suggestions that I feel I might actually be more successful in my sometimes haphazard attempts. Thanks for your input
I know someone who would love one of these trees. Thanks for the win one.
I have always wanted one of these! Beautiful. It would add the perfect charm to our new front yard. ????
Wow! Absolutely gorgeous color. The tree would be a great focal point to anyone’s yard or garden.
Dear Santa Mike,
All I wanted for Christmas was a Japanese Maple.
I’ve pretty much been a hit or miss gardener even though I love playing in the dirt. After discovering and subscribing to your website I have gotten so many helpful suggestions that I feel I might actually be more successful in my sometimes hit or miss attempts. Thanks for your hints and help.
Blessed new year to you all!
Dear Santa Mike, All I wanted for Christmas was a Japanese Maple
Wow awesome tree and I would love one!
Just started adding Japanese Maples to my garden. Have 2. Would love to add this one!
That is a beautiful tree! I would love to start a Japanese maple garden with it next to my other one. It’s not a regular one, but I don’t know it’s name. It’s just very pretty with red lacey leaves.
Japanese maples are one of my favorite trees. I have one and can always use another,
I enjoy reading & learning all about the plants & how to care for them. Have learned a lot.
Beautiful tree. Good luck everyone.
Japanese Maples are the most beautiful and intriguing trees there are. I love the way they change three or four colors throughout the growing season. It like have four different trees in one. I love your passion. Keep up the great work!
Beautiful tree. Would love this win! Regardless of whether or not I win, Happy New Year!
Thanks Mike. A truly spectacular tree indeed.
Would love this specimen. Great info and site, Mike!
What a beautiful tree!? I have just the spot for it! I love the fall color!
Boo Hoo! I live on the West Coast, but I’d love to see that sent to my daughter in VA as she and my grandsons would take care of it and would take lots of selfies next to it.
I’m a big fan of Japanese Maples and have two at the moment. My two-legged garden pest killed a beautiful lace leaf Acer japonica of mine that was given to me by a friend for baby sitting his nursery. I would love to win this!
Very pretty Japanese Maple. Would love to have one for my yard.
Like reading all your posts. Find them very informative and helpful. Was surprised at how well the misting system worked. We have moved and I am going to have to get another system soon. Keep up the good work.
Mike thanks for sharing your amazing knowledge and gardening inspiration with those of us who also started in their back yard. Love this site!!
I love the low growth and the entire shape of the tree. It is beautiful.
I am a beginner but am very interested in creating this myself.
Thank you for all of your tips and instructions.
I would love that beautiful tree. Thanks for all the great information Mike.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this amazing Japanese Maple.
I love Japanese Maples! I need to add one more to my landscaping.
It’s beautiful! Isn’t this the picture of Mike’s BIL’s tree?
Would love to win here in Oklahoma !
Always loved them in the fall
Shared on FB and on Twitter! I’m not a member with the others.
Love Mike’s Back Yard Nursery, I’ve learned so much from him. Highly recommend.
Beautiful Trees, I would love to have one of these in my yard.
This is a beautiful tree. One that would ad beauty to any place.
I love bright colored trees.I miss the seasons in Ma.Would love to win this.
This would really look good in front of my house.!
Beautiful tree! This would be a nice replacement for my 50+ year old Japanese maple that unfortunately died in the spring. 🙁
Mike, you’ve done it again. ‘Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the garden, the wintry ground was starting to harden Then I received an email ’bout a free maple (I’m hoping to be one of the few, ’cause growing them is something we do).
We appreciate everything you do, and share your belief in spreading the knowledge as far as possible, that gardening, and growing is fun, it’s natural, and one of the best ways to spend time when you’re awake!
Have a great New Year.
I love these trees. I had a red one for years it just died this summer. I really need one to replace it so please pick me !!!!!
I’ve always wanted a Japanese Maple Tree. They are so beautiful. But, I’m on a tight budget and they can be expensive!
Would love a Japanese Maple tree. I enjoy reading your columns!
This tree looks so awesome . I bet the colors change with the weather. Would be a great addition to my garden . Could make a whole fairy village under one
I have had so much success with propagation form Mike!!! I knew nothing about this phenomenon of nature and effort until I stumbled across his channel that to me is a blessing!
The first plant I admired after joining Backyard Growers was the red Japanese Maple. Since then I have been amazed at the different varieties you have introduced. I would love to add this beauty to my yard. Looking forward to getting a “purple ghost” in the future.
I love your website and the information I have read over the years. Just purchased a house where I will be able to start plantings. I followed your instructions for rooting cuttings this past summer and was amazed at the results. I have a climbing rose on the porch that I have to prune and plan to make hardwood cuttings from that rose. The pine tree in the front of the house had died and had to be removed, so I have a place to plant the Japanese Maple. It will be a beautiful addition to the front of the house. New downspouts had to be installed with drain pipes buried in the front lawn leading to the street, In front of one drain pipe, I planted iris bulbs and the other drain pipe has day lily bulbs. I am looking forward to this coming spring! Hopefully, I will be able to start my “backyard growing” system with your help.
I also shared this to my face book! 🙂
Thanks for all the advice and inspiration throughout the years. Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2018.
I recently moved to Alabama, I have 2 acres of land, and I need more trees to plant. My landscape has some shrubs and trees, but needs to be cleaned up. And I need to add more plants and trees. This is a beautiful tree. I would love to win one. Thank you
…I didn’t think that I could afford a Japanese Maple, but today the Price Is Right!…
Japanese maples are literally my favorite tree. I’ve got seeds in trying to sprout right now.
The Japanese Maples shown are absolutely beautiful A beautiful addition to anyone’s landscape. Thank you Mike for all of the great tips and tricks!
Japanese Mapes, all the beauty of larger trees, but compact in size. What could be better!
This Japanese Maple is absolutely gorgeous and would be so beautiful with our orange brick home! I will share this page and have forwarded your web letters to friends in the past.
Still reading!!! Still wanting this tree!!!!! Looking to set up a sidewalk sale this spring. Thanks for the tips!!! My wife used to complain about the cost of my hobby, but thanks to you it not only pays for itself, but she gets a nice nite out every once in a while. Thanks again Mike.
Backyard grower from Western NY. Lake effect snow is killing us so a free Jap maple would brighten my day
Mike I really appreciate you emails, they have been very helpful in my attempts to liven up my property.
Keep up the great work.
I truly enjoy you’re post. Please keep them coming. Thank you.
I would love to win a Japanese Maple..I have always wanted one..I am in New Mexico, hopefully it would grow here? I don’t think we have any restrictions here…
thank you
It’s a beautiful tree. Have always wanted one!
Simply gorgeous!
great tips
I always enjoy receiving your newsletters. Thank you!
Simply gorgeous!
I would love anther red maple to fill the empty spot in my front garden where I had one growing for years, but sadly it had died and I have yet to replace it.
I love any kind of maple tree and just planted 2 blaze in my back yard earlier this year. We bought 2 acres without a single tree on it! This japanese is the perfect addition to my treeless front yard! I hope i win!
Mike, you have been giving me great, no nonsense gardening tips and advice for the past 15 years. Thanks! Not only for the help yoy’ve Given me but also for your public service in teaching and encouraging people to be more involved in the plants and trees all around us.
Love the bright orange color!
Is New Mexico on the west coast? Not really. Love following Mike, wish I had found him 15 years ago. Just bought 2 acres, but age will not let me play.
All the best, hoping for this beautiful tree.
I sure hope I win that beautiful Japanese Maple! I am such a tree girl!!
Such a beautiful tree. A great addition to anyone’s yard.
Japanese maples are alway a beautiful tree
I think this maple would make a great patio tree.
beautiful tree.
It is a beautiful laceleaf Jap maple, thanks for the inspiration. It would look great in my yard. God bless and thank you!
To those of you on the fence about joining BYG, just do it. Fantasic group of people lead by Mike.
Hey Mike – I would do my best with this tree. After all I’ve learned since joining your group, I can make it happen. To those on the fence about joining, do it. At least take the trial run. Great people from all parts of the country and Mike responds to your questions directly pretty much every day. With my BYG membership, I am confident I can achieve success in the nursery business and have the tools to take it to whatever level my hard work will take me.
Beautiful tree. I enjoy your column and have taken advantage of your advice on many subjects. I would love to have this tree in my yard to enjoy year after year.
Japanese Maples have always been a favorite of mine. I have never been able to afford one tho. I’ve never seen one the color you are offering, it is amazing!! I’d be honored to receive it!!
Be well!
Carol Moates
Love these trees and love these emails.
Those Japanese Maples are just beautiful. I sure would like to win one.
I love the tree. I have the very place for it.
I don’t think I have ever seen a Japanese Maple with orange leaves. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
The tree is gorgeous. I love the color. Even if I don’t win one I think I have the prefect space for one so will be looking . Thank you for all the tips and solutions you offer, I love your donkeys-they are adorable.
Hi Mike, it is my Birthday and I would love to celebrate it by winning this awesome Japanese Maple!!
Have been a member for years and everytime get started something has happened. Determined this year to get my business going. The tree is beautiful and if do not win would love to know where to get one.
Penny Pridgeon
[email protected]
I share a lot of your post on my landscaping page. I have a very small but prosperous business in upstate New York. I credit a lot to your tips and sage advise. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I love those weepers.
The kids are all grown and gone and I have entered that wonderful state of retirement. That leaves me all the time in the world to devote to my growing passion of gardening. Am eager to keep learning and developing my skill at planting, propagating and maintaining my indoor and outdoor gardens.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Mike
I would love one I have a three acre farm that it would be beautiful on
I love the videos and plant care and instructions Mike post on his website. Now that I know that I can find more information in the member section I will have to signup/ in!
I can’t wait till spring!
I love Japanese Maples. Hope you have a member in our area: southern Ontario, Canada
A beautiful addition to any yard…
I enjoy japanese maples. Currently only have one lace leaf dark red one that was given to me as a seedling and would love to add more to my landscape.
Beautiful tree. I really enjoy your posts, and the variety of topics you cover. Thanks for your knowledge and willingness to share it with us who are way less knowledgable.
Great information.There’s always more to learn.
I love Japanese maples! I was first introduced to them as a teenager when I visited the Japanese Tea Garden at Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. They are so graceful and have unique forms. I would love to have one to use as my stock plant and try some air layering.
I hope I win
I”m trying to plant a rainbow of plants in our yard, so my 93 year old mother can enjoy the colors year round from any window of the house. She can not get out like she use to, so the Japanese Maple would be perfect .
Always great advice and hints from Mike!!
I would LOVE to win the Japanese Maple!!
I have been one of your readers for years, and I love all the ideas I have received.
the way you show how to do things is wonderful I would love this tree and maples are my passion .
This is a very nice looking tree, how old is it?
love all your emails and have used some of your advice.
Love Japanese maples!
Gotta love those Japanese Maples!
This would be so cool to win.
I want a Japanese Maple so terribly bad. I would just love to win one. I have the perfect place for one.
This is a firehouse and beautiful tree! What a spectacular foliage display! I have the perfect spot for it!
Lol… it does look like a fiery display but I meant it to say Gorgeous !!
What can we do to grow Japanese Maples in in the Colorado front range? We are zone 5 but apparently we have too many wild swings of temperatures. Would it be better to grow item indoors?
Has someone give me a “butterfly maple” (they believe) and I’d love a buddy for him… sucks a beautiful tree…
Happy holidays to you and your from all of us 🙂
Don’t need it , but I sure do want it!
One of these Japanese Maples would look stunning in my daughter’s new yard. Her new house with her husband and 2 year old daughter was just completed in November.
I LOVE this website. I have learned so many valuable things that I have used. Keep up the great work Mike!!!
Mike I wish I had a yard full of them.
Thanks for all your useful information.
Always enjoy your information. You have truly helped make our backyard a growing paradise.
Mike, I have been keeping up with you on your web page and have learned a lot from your post over the past few years I have wonted to join but just could afford it until now, thanks for making the access to these pages easier to access. Mike I love to garden but between were I used to work for the past 33 years it seem like I had a little time prep and to plant my garden then work would pick up and I had no more free time and the weeds would take over year after, I took a lay off last February and took a 6 months leave from work I had the best Garden this year I have ever had! and by Gardening all the stress I had went away I was able to heal my mind, body and soil and did not think I could feel this good ever again. So thank you again for the info I was able to access in the past to help me in growing the garden I had in past year, I cant Wait to get back in the GARDEN.
P.S. I believe if you give a man a fish he will eat for a day you teach a man how to fish he will eat fish the rest of his life But you teach a man how to garden he will eat {better} for the rest of his life.
Beautiful tree! Wishing you a very happy New Year!
Loving the color of the tree….spring and fall. Looking good!!!!
Always enjoy and learn from your posts. Would love to win a tree…
Thank you
Beautiful tree, I’m new to Bonsai and would love a tree like this. Thank you.
I like your gardening tips, I love your website, but I neeeeed that tree!
I thought Japanese Maple required partial shade! I planted my first this summer here in East Texas in a flower bed beside a huge oak. It is doing okay but has not flourished. Maybe I shouldn’t win this one eh?! I love the density of leaves!
Keep up the good work MIKE!
Evolved perfection.
Those pictures look phenomenal. Beautiful tree. Thanks for the chance Mike, and thank you for your insights. I have been really taking in your blogs.
I love Japanese Maple trees and would love to have one!! I really enjoy getting your emails!
Great info from your emails and I really appreciate your simplistic approach.
Have seen your videos on youtube as well.
I’ve been getting your e-mails for several years now. very informative.
Perfect I need this tree in my yard,how big does it grow?
I’ve always wanted one of these beautiful trees!
Great job mike your info is very educational. It’s good to know their are people like yourself who are full of knowledge and willing to share with others like myself.
Randy allen
Enjoy this site. Wish I could win. Would plant it in memory of my sister I lost Christmas Eve.
What a beautiful tree! What an asset it would be to my property.
Thank you for your generosity.
Mike I love reading your tips, Also I really like Japanese Maples,
I would love to own such a beautiful tree. Keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you for the chance at winning.
Wonderful tree.
I am already a member but if I qualify I’m in! Thanks Mike
I’ve gotten so many wonderful ideas from your site that I haven’t seen any where else!! What I especially like about it is the common sense approach to all the amazing ideas and growing tips!! Thank you so much and PLEASE don’t ever stop!!
This is a beautiful japanese maple. Mike, keep up the good presentations.
Absolutely Beautiful
I am praying I will win
Mike, I follow your tips all the time. Thank you for great information.
Thank you for great tips.
Thank you for all the wonderful advice over the years, Mike!
What a beautiful tree. Love the fall color. Thank you!
I would truly love to win a weeping, laceleaf Japanese maple tree with green leaves that turn a brilliant orange in the fall. It would grace my koi pond
a tree worthy of anyone, so pretty
Pick me!
One day I plan to be an avid “rooter” of various plant cuttings but for now, I thoroughly enjoy being educated, enlightened and entertained by the posts from Mike’s Backyard Nursery. My thumb is getting greener with each post..
Beautiful Japanese maple. Would love to have it
Wow! Now that’s a tree I’d like to own.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Absolutely beautiful!
That is a beautiful tree. Put my name in the hat.
That is a beautiful Japanese Maple and it would be a nice surprise to win this for my yard.
This tree will make our yard look really nice in the fall since we are currently working on ideas for the fall
Thaks for sharing your knowledge with us.
Can you if you know or maybe your subscribers can share their experience, what is best grapes to grow at South Carolina. Thx.
We just moved into our home and are trying to make our yard as beautiful as possible. This tree would add to the look we are going for in the fall
We are left coasters but we love Japanese maple. Make our day!
We’v Lived in Japan and have seen these beautiful trees. Never owned one. We’re just very novice gardeners and this tree would be like a graceful “queen “ in our garden. Thank you for all of your gardening tips.
Okey dokey! I just Love Japanese maple trees in the fall!
This is an AWESOME tree. I would love to make it the focal point next to our koi pond!
I live in North Dakota, I need more trees in my yard!
great site I haxe learned a lot
nice tree for front yard
Thanks for all you do Mike! I have learned much on plants and propitiation over the last several years.
That has to be the most stunning Japanese Maple I have seen in a long time. I would love to have a chance to win it in your contest. Your Backyard Growers board has always been an inspiration for years and the goto source for everything for small growers ,including the best source for bargain priced mother plants and starts.
Great website. Keep up the good work . Very informative and down to earth.
Would love to see this in my yard!
Would love to add this to my collection of Japanese maples!
What a beautiful tree!! Thank you for the chance to update my yard with something so stunning 🙂
I’d love this tree to grow across from my Buddha.
Hey! Love your videos and articles. I’m a bonsai enthusiast and also love gardening. We have a big acer palmatum and this Virdis would go great in another are of our garden.
Thank you for all your fabulous insight and making successful and fun!
Tranquility in my garden: a gorgeous Japanese maple!
I’d love to win the tree. 🙂
I’ve learned a lot from you Mike.
I love Japanese Maple Trees!!
Love to have this tree. Join the backyard growers group! Sure glad I did!
I love Japanese maples and 5his would be a favored addition. Thank you
Great contest. Hope I win.
Thanks for your offer and all of your years of experience, I find your knowledge quite refreshing.
What a beautiful tree! I’d love to have one of these in my yard.
I have certainly received an education in gardening from the years that I have been with you. Keep it up! It is a joy to read your postings and watch the videos.
This tree is beautiful!!!! Love all the information that you share.
I LOVE these!!
And i hope i win!!
That is a beautiful tree, I would love to place it in our front yard!
This is me entering to win a Viridis Japanese maple. It is a very nice variety.
Love your page I do landscaping in my business. You help me a great deal
The Japanese maple is one of the most beautiful trees out there!
That is a gorgeous tree. Since I live in the west, don’t bother adding my name. 🙂 I’ll write it down and look locally once winter is over. Thanks.
I wish I was good with words to explain what a great site this is
That is a very beautiful Japanese maple. Would love one for my yard.
Haven’t tried the backyard method yet, but a japanese maple is a good place to start!
this tree is beautiful!!!!!!! Love all the information you share.
Ok I need one of these to add to my collection. Thanks
Wow that is gorgeous! We have a dwarf Japaneses Maple and would love to add this to our yard!
I’d love a Virdis Japanese Maple!!!
I want to win!!!
Love this system for extra money. Can’t wait till retirement to do this work full time. Thank you, Mike.
Nice tree. Me want.
I love reading and learning from your post.
Awesome I have just the right spot for it.
Love Mike’s Backyard Nursery. He clearly knows all about trees, bushes and flowers. I have followed many of his suggestions to achieve great success, particularly Japanese maples my favorite tree.
Thanks Mike for sharing all the information you have over the years. It really shows your passion and your care for others. I always go back to your posts and watch videos at different times of the year just for refreshers. I have been able to start my own collection of plants and have several dozen white dogwood seeds in the ground getting ready for spring as we speak. I could go on and on. Thanks again, I really appreciate all you do for us.
It is a beautiful tree. I would love to win it. I always learn a lot from reading everything here.
Can’t wait to join…wanting so much to have a nursey of my own….this tree is beautiful!!
This is a beautiful tree that would look awesome in my yard.
Beautiful Tree
Beautiful tree
I love Japanese Maples. Will that one grow in South Georgia?
I am continually amazed by how my I learn from your website!!! You are doing so much good for so many 😀
Hi Mike, Japanese Maples I’m in love with them, so many colors. When I moved from Southern California to Northern California I saw them in front yards and I was hooked. Pick me, Pick me I would take such good care of it.
i love japenese maples. I have one in my front yard but not sure which japenes maple it is. Its leaves turn red in the fall. I’m actually looking for one or two plants to start a small plant business. Can I actually use the japenese maple in my yard to start? How and when would I do this type of cutting?
Would love this tree! Two years ago I lost 25 trees and shrubs due to an ice storm. I’ve only replanted 4 so far because we are now on a fixed income and just don’t have the funds to replace them.
Beautiful, I love your gardening advice. Looking great a great 2018 season.
Oh this tree is so beautiful! I wish to have one in my back yard! But should be “Viridis” nor “Virdis” Japanese maple, right?
I have an acre around my house and no matter what I do I always need more trees, eventually I will cover the area in trees!
These are beautiful and I only wish I could understand how to get mine to grow like these. I keep all your info you send on these cuz I really like them
Mike I’m a big fan of Japanese maples. Would like to plant one in my own garden not somebody else’s for a change. Thanks for another chance at winning something from you! Sincerely
Happy New Year to Boss Mike and all the BYG family. May the new year be your most blessed and prosperous year ever.
I am always inspired by Mike’s emails and the gardening knowledge/advise contained within them . . The maple tree looks absolutely beautiful and it is a spectacular specimen .
Thank you, Mike, for all your good advice and generosity! I would love to be the recipient of this gorgeous maple. I read all your posts. Sincerely, Akemi Henderson
Looks a wonderful color in the picture but how long does it stay that color
I would love to plant this tree in memory of my gramma that passed away on the 10th of Thisbe month.
Would love to win your tree.
These are nice enough in spring and summer with their graceful leaves and configuration. But, my favorite view is that time in early fall when they are changing from green to orange. They almost glow for a week or two.
I LOVE this tree… Happy gardening!!
Mike’s advice is always top notch! He is very generous with his knowledge and I agree with all of his methods and I’m an OLD OLD gardener. The information about mulch is good. The shredded bark mulch is the absolute best. It is the most nutritious part of the tree and my plants are always show stoppers.
Love your site. Invaluable information always. Come spring I’ll be getting into the members area. Enjoy the holidays with your family and friends.
I would, but I have to say that that tree speaks for itself. I would love to have nearby so I could listen to it regularly.
I always look forward to your newsletter and encouraging information to those if us new to gardening and propagating. Thank you
Hello Mike,
I trust you and your family had a Very Merry Christmas. Hope everybody has a Happy New Year, *I am excited about my new cuttings I made this year. I feel they will grow into Healthy Plants. Can’t wait until spring to start my softwood cutting. I Just Keep Watching Your Videos, See Something New Every
Time. Keep Keep Coming..
This is the one I really need to have in my garden. This would be my 3rd one if I am lucky..
Hope I will.
Mike, I’ve begun my own landscape consulting business in Georgia and I’ve really tried to model my business practices after what I’ve read and watched from you. This tree would be just what I have been looking for in my yard.
I’ve really enjoyed your site and enjoy sharing it with friends. Thank you for your good common sense advise
would love to have this Japanese maple I have a red one I love them
Drying rosemary you didn’t mention dehyderators, I always use this method, is this the wrong method? After drying I use a coffee grinder to make the spice shakable.
Not sure it will make it in zone 4….but sure would like it
I think this is great. I’VE tried growing your traditional maple tree but to all prevail it did not take.
I would love to win this tree. To be honest, I didn’t know what a Japanese Maple was until I joined the Backyard Growing system. After that, I cannot tell you how many trees I have bought. Warning…it is a sickness, lol! I don’t have this one, however. Good luck everyone!!
That’s a beautiful tree!
That is a beautiful tree!
It would look really good in my yard!!!!!
Beautiful tree!!
That tree is Beautiful! I want it!
I was a member of the Garden Writers Association for years. My own background is in horticulture and garden design. This is hands down the best, most authentic garden information Ive seen in a very long time. It is very clear Mike is writing from abundant experience vs some writers who echo what others have written (for shame!).
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us in such a friendly down to earth form.
Would I love to have the gorgeous Japanese maple? Darn right!!
WOW! Just WOW! My husband would have loved this fiery tree!
What a beautiful tree!
I LOVE Japanese maples of any variety
Id be thrilled to win one of these gorgeous maples raised by you!
What a beautiful tree! I have also enjoyed all of your tips and tricks for gardening and propogation!
Thank you!
Lisa Adcock
Thank you, Mike and family for all the info you provide.
You are an inspiration to me.
I hope you have great success in the New Year!!!
I am in awe of these types of trees.
Would love a tree!
I love love ????Japanese maples! I also love your website very much! I have some health conditions that keep me from doing a lot of gardening but I still manage to get in what I can. I have a houseful right now that I had to bring in for the winter months and they sure are pretty and green! I must be doing something right…lol!
Your advice on a lot of things has been very helpful and I just want to thank you so much for that! Have a wonderful winter!
This is the place to be if you love plants and making them grow. It has inspired me for many years
and entertained me as well. Even when the donkeys ran for president.
I love Japanese Maple trees. Pick me.
Hi Mike, this is John from Mount Morris Michigan. Thank you very much for inspiring me so much so that I will be starting my own Nursery this coming spring I’ve already got seeds planted well planted in Winter sowing things and I’m working on a lot of maple trees. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone
Love those Japanese Maples! And, I thoroughly enjoy your posts. Hope to be able to use your advice……….if I ever get to retire.
Gorgeous Lil tree!
All I want for my birthday on 12/29 is a Clemson orange Mable tree. Wow, what a way to end this year and start the New Year!!!! Go Tigers!!!
I so need this beautiful tree. I have several verities and would love to add this to my collection!!!!
Hi Mike, I’ve been a member for 3 years now. I love the members forum. I recently moved from Houston Texas to Philadelphia PA. I have to start all over now and get used to a different zone. But I’m inspired and will do the work. Thanks for your help. Suzanne Giyanani
Beautiful tree! Would be perfect off of my deck! It would be the most beautiful tree in the neighborhood!
Mike, hope you and the family had a wonderful Christmas! Wishing you a happy New year!
Don’t understand what I am to reply to
Such a gorgeous tree
Love the Japanese maple! Moving to Idaho and have seen similar trees there. Is this a good climate to grow this tree?
Hey Mike, Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful tree. This would be a great conversation starter when people come to visit. Love all the info you put out for us new green thumbs. Stay warm. It’s -1 in Iowa right now (6:00 p.m.) Thanks again!
This tree is beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks for the wonderful advice and a chance to win something I can really use!
What a magnificent Japanese maple tree this is. I love your site here and often use it for references for my gardening.
Garry Hollingsworth
Oh, I m so dehydrated from drooling over this gorgeous piece of horticulture.
I am a good plant mama, talking to them as I plant them.
My final words to each and every plant are,” ok, I have done all I can do for you. Now, you show off for me.”
Off to wipe off the drool and get a glass of water.
I would love to win.
Virdis is one of prettiest fall color Japanese maples, would be great to add another to my maple gardens
Oooo, me, me me
Thank you for all the help you have given me I do love to watch you your lovely wife and your donkeys
I would love to plant this tree in my mother’s garden.
Beautiful Maple! Shared!
What a beautiful and soulful little tree!
Thank you Mike I have enjoyed your great ideas and will continue to do so.
I need to own this beautiful tree????????
Thank you for all the information you have shared !
Love this Japanese Maple! Call me crazy, but I admit to admiring Japanese beetles as well.
Arbor from Winslow AR
What a beautiful little tree
This is a Beautiful Tree!! I have always wanted one of these! Sure hope I win!
Hi everyone! I hope you and yours all had a good Christmas. Best wishes for a happy New Year!!!
This is a fabulous tree. And we are all very lucky to have this informative and inspiring website, thanks to Mike’s incredible dedication. Happy New Year to all.
I love your newsletter and you are a great inspiration to help my gardens grow and for helping me get into the business.
Hello Mike! This is Brandon Allen in Texas! I’d like to wish your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I just love reading your emails and articles along with watching your videos on gardening! I always look forward to receiving your emails! You are truly inspiring to me in all that you do! I want to thank you so much for sharing with me! I love plants and gardening too! It has been a lifetime pursuit of mine! I’m currently working to get marketing strategies in order for more success. Please send me more info on this if you can. Once again Thank you so much! Until the next email! I’d love to get one of those Japanese Maples and try it here at my place. I have a beautiful hill in my backyard where I could put it! Totally surrounded by a huge Magnolia tree, azaleas of all kinds, camellias, and a gorgeous lavender wisteria! The hurricane got my dogwood trees! My hill is fabulous! This is where we go to relax and chat and get inspired!
I would love to be able to grow a Japanese Maple tree in a large pot in my yard. I live in South Florida in the city of Pembroke Pines, which is Zone 10B. I tried a few years ago and was unsuccessful. Any suggestions that you could offer would be truly appreciated. Thanks.
Live your gardening content!
This is such a beautiful tree! I have the perfect spot in my yard where I would plant a virdis!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Terry Thomas
Brookhaven Gardens
Atlanta, Georgia USA
I had bought a beautiful little Japanese Maple Tree for our garden, and a truck ran off the road last summer, went right through our garden, and killed it. 🙁 I would love to be able to replace it… Thank you for the chance!
Beautiful tree! Thanks for the offer! Janet
I would love her forever! What a beauty : ). Thanks for all you do Mike. You are an inspiration.
I love this type of tree. I have always wanted one in my yard.
Love japanese maples
Crossing my fingers
I enjoy your work in the garden and teaching me how to do it better.
What a beautiful tree. It is amazing all of the beautiful things that nature has to offer us. Have a wonderful holidays!
Oh my, that is a beautiful tree!!
I’ve recently started a specimen garden, well, actually a specimen yard. Maples are my favorite tree. I have several varieties, but only one Japanese maple. I would love to add another near my koi pond.
I have always wanted a Japanese maple, and this is a beautiful tree. I have just the right place for it in my flower garden. Thank you for your consideration.
These small maples are such beauties! Elegant and graceful! Anyone is lucky to have one grace their garden!
Thanks for the opportunity. The tree looks great????
I live at the base of Pikes Peak in the great state of Colorado. Elevation is 5,545′ and it is Zone 6. It has been very dry so far this winter. The mountains are getting their first good snowfall and the ski areas are opening up. I’m not a skier but I am a gardener and we need any moisture we can get. Say Hi! to the donkeys.
Gorgeous! Would love to have this in my yard.
Thanks for all the garden tips.
Great looking tree.
Since my plum tree died last summer, I have a perfect spot for this beautiful tree.
I love and enjoy plants and pushing the zone limites. If I win this tree I will probably give it to the in laws who are in their 80’s and built their retire home on their own. at their age.
Absolutely beautiful tree.
I would love to win this tree. It is beautiful.
My 40 year old weeping cherry has died. A tree like this would be a perfect replacement as it will not get so big
Beautiful tree! I’d sure love to win it! 🙂
Love that tree! Beautiful color.
Beautiful! I love your newsletter. It inspires and entertain me.
Beautiful tree!
I’ve always enjoyed the regular weekly updates.
Thank you-
Hi Mike. I just plain love gardening. I love what you do, all the info you give us. It has proven to be excellent. I would love to have a Japanese maple in my yard in Southern Pines, NC
Wow….what a lovely thought. Wish I could win but sadly I am in Ontario Canada and don’t think you would be able to ship to me. Good luck to your participants! Best Wishes for the New Year!
Happy new year 2018
Thanks for all your recommendations to keep gardening ????☘️????????
I absolutely love this tree and your website! I love playing in my small greenhouse and reading the different stories you put out in your newsletter! I am always inspired!!! Thank you for all you do!!
Enjoy the final days of 207!
Beautiful tree ???? would ???? look great in yard.
I am excited to be entered to win this beautiful tree! ????????
I am a novice in your members area but I am thoroughly enjoying learning and I am learning a lot. I have read all of Mike’s posts and will continue to read and learn. I will heartily recommend this to all of my gardening friends. I am really looking forward to visiting and meeting Mike.
What a gorgeuos tree! Thanks for the chanse to win one.
We have had Japanese Maples in the last 3 homes we lived in and our neighbors have always made comments on how nice they looked..They are always the center piece of our landscaping..
I hope I win the maple. I am just getting into gardening and have used your website for all the tips.
Love getting emails and visiting you website!
Craig Baker
My red Japanese maple, Bill, needs a girlfriend! lol
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I am learning so much from you, this going to be my retirement plan, THANK YOU!!
It’s a beautiful tree.
These are truly wonderful trees! They seem to hold wisdom. Beautiful to look at. My heroes! X
What a beautiful tree! I would love to use this in my landscape.
Have a mulberry tree I started from a cutting about three years ago. It is growing well.
Would like to try growing the beautiful Japanese maple.
Happy New Year, Mike and family!
I have enjoyed every bit of information you have made available as I am a brain injury survivor retraining to be a honeybee farmer here in Pt Mackenzie Alaska.
I have a long term lease on 314 acres of mostly overgrown farm land that I want to grow on and believe what you do can help me make life simpler .
Thank you for all you do and please never stop
I have a 50 year old Japaneses maple on my place probably 20 feet tall, planted by the original owner. I will start propagating next year, working a small multi colored grove and see what happens from there.
Hey guys thanks for all you recommends and all your growing tips giving to us.
Happy holidays and a beautiful green and shiny new year 2018.????????????☘️????????????????????????????
Hi Mike
Hope all is well h ave a Happy New Year.
Great looking tree. O have added a few Jane’s maples to my yard because of you
Gorgeous tree!
Beautiful tree. Excellent choice for the giveaway. Mike, you folks are awesome.
All gardeners should subscribe to Mikes” Backyard Nursery website to get plenty of information on different aspects of raising plants the easy way.
What an AWESOME tree! I’ve got a perfect location for such a beauty.
Mike, it’s an absolutely beautiful tree. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Happy New Year!
I would love to win!! I’ve been following you for over a year now and have learned so much!!
All gardeners should subscribe to Miles” Backyard Nursery website to get plenty of information on different aspects of raising plants the easy way.
Oh my those are beautiful trees.
I have been a viewer of all Mike’s video for many years. I am always eager to get tips about Japanese Maple trees, as although I always try to plant those I buy in mostly shady areas, they never live. My ranch is on sandy soil that grows coastal bermuda hay very well, and has a percentage of clay. This type of sand is often referred to as “sugar sand.” Not suitable for growing anything like Alfalfa. We are about 30 miles east of the black land that is in Dallas. I notice that many people in Dallas have Japanese Maples that are often on the South side so do get sun, but those trees grow and thrive. I have finally concluded that my soil is wrong here, and a nurseryman told me that for Japanese Maples to survive here, they have to be grown in this type of soil so that they will acclimate. I have always tried to replace the soil in the hole where I have planted them, but still have had poor results. Any hints for me??? These are my favorite trees. Here, I have grown sweet gum, red oak, Bradford Pear, hickory, live oak, Hackberry, ,peach trees, magnolia, and chinese elm,…but have had no luck with Japanese Maple.. I really want to learn how to grow these trees. Thanks for any help you give me., When I see a beautiful Japanese Maple in someone’s yard, I am really jealous!!!
They really should do fine in sandy soil, but in your climate they’d love about 50% shade. You can always amend the soil around the roots when you plant and do not plant too deep and do not fertilize them.
These trees are nice thanks for sharing
They are gorgeous!
I love Japanese Maples. They are so nice in almost any landscape design!
Due to health concerns, I’ll soon move and leave my beautiful, mature trees, a “new”Japanese Maple at my new home would be a comfort.
The ‘waterfall japanese maple’ in this picture doesn’t look real it is so beautiful. The spectacular fall foliage is a awesome pumpkin orange and would be a showoff in anyone’s landscaped lawn..
Enjoying your beautiful Japanese Maples
Thanks for sharing.
Best wishes for the new year from France!
What s lovely gift to vive me spring fever ????????
I would really like to have a beautiful Japanese Maple tree. I enjoy reading your posts. I have learned a lot from them.
Japanese makes are my new favorite thing! This one looks gorgeous.
I have always wanted a Japanese Maple but never got around to purchasing one. Would love to try one in my SE Iowa garden. Thank you!
I would LOOOOOOOVE to be entered to win this fabulous tree! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Thanks for the just to win one of these beautiful trees.
This would look AWESOME in front of my orange brick house!!
The soul reason I garden is it makes my heart grow and it plants the seeds of thought so garden on my friends peace
Beautiful Japanese Maple tree I would like to win it because just never had the money to go out and by one or order one from a catalog.
Japanese maples are Just So Graceful and gorgeous. When you don’t have room for a weeping willow, the Japanese maple is almost as good!
Wow, what a beautiful tree, I would love to have one of them in my front yard.
a beautiful site and very much look forward to mike’s gardening tips.
Hey i really like these japanese maples they look amazing. Good job keep up the good work.
Used Mikes directions to root/ grow my first cuttings – crepe myrtle and flowering cherry.
I would so much love to win such a beauty of nature. It reminds me of back home when the seasons would change and all the beautiful colors will come out. It would be an honor to plant it at my home. My name is Tracy Jennings at [email protected]
Absolutely gorgeous tree! Everybody on the board, definitely buy some jrms. I sell everyone that I ever get and usually wish I had gotten more.
it would be the best advertising for Mike’s web site….different part of the country
A spectacular tree. As is everything else on this website!
Mike, you are my favorite Garden Guru! I found you by accident looking for hydrangea pruning help on the internet. Hubby calls me Edward Scissorhands but I just say Mike gives me permission to prune whenever needed instead of waiting for the perfect moment which I tend to miss anyway. Thank you for sharing your simple common sense approach – JD @repurposedgardener
I don’t remember if I am a member but I have been reading all off your comments and helpful hints.
What a spectacular tree, it would look beautiful at our property in Blueridge
These are one of the more beautiful Japanese Maples. My father loved them, and has one in his name in my Sisters front yard. I love them, and love the lace leaf maples that turn deep red in the fall as well.
Thank u for the chance!!! Happy New Year to all!
Mike, I always enjoy reading your posts, especially on propagation. Thank you.
I’d love to have that beautiful Japanese Maple.
cant wait til spring
had enough snow already
That is a beautiful Jap.. Maple tree. The colors are very impressive.
That would look awesome with 3 Fire Alarm or Southern Comfort Heuchera around the base.
This is a beautiful Japanese maple. I would love to have one in my garden.
Beautiful tree. I love reading all your posts and seeing the great gardening tips.
great tips and ideas
What a beautiful tree!
What a beautiful tree.
Wow! I’ve been debating on what shrub or tree to plant in a bare area of my front yard. I want a showstopper and this would surely fit the bill. Come on down to beautiful Savannah GA!!! And thank you for this opportunity!!
I love Japanese Maples.
Your site is full of great ideas! Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Wow that tree looks awesome always wanted one but didn’t want to pay the nursery prices.
Pretty tree.
Ooh, I have a soft spot for Japanese maples and this one is droolsome. Here’s to hoping!
(If I didn’t say “Merry Christmas” already, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too!)
Im so glad you shared your fudge recipe, it’s just like my grandma’s. Thanks and have a Happy New Year.
This is such a beautiful tree. It would be a pleasure to have it as a part of my garden.
this tree is awesome thanks for all of the gardening tips
I love getting Mike’s tips in my email. So many helpful tips and tricks!
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