The winners have been drawn. The winners are:
Nancy L. from Louisiana
Donna S. from Florida
Kari B. from Minnesota

Pam McGroarty, showing off pruning shears.
We are giving away three pair of Corona pruning shears, Model #BP3180.
The lady in the photo? That’s my wife Pam and she knows pruning shears! I’ll tell you that story below.
These are professional shears, very heavy duty that will cut a branch up to 1″ in diameter. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I am a huge fan of Corona pruning shears. And that’s not because I have any kind of a relationship with Corona, I don’t, and it’s not because I’ve not used other brands. I have used many other brands.
P.S. If you think this is really cool stay tuned! Next week we are giving away something truly awesome!
Quality matters!

These are the shears that we are giving away!
There are other shears on the market and there are some really, really good shears on the market. But for me Corona makes the most sense. For daily use I like the Corona 3160 because they are a bit smaller, a bit lighter and I carry them in the front pocket of my bibs. At all times!
About the giveaway. In order to be eligible to win these shears you need to post a comment below and we will select three winners completely at random. Just post a comment and you have a chance of winning a pair of these shears.
I have a favor to ask of you.
Do me a favor and share this post by clicking on the share buttons on the left side of the screen. Duston and I would really appreciate that. Thank you!
Pam and pruning shears. Pam is an excellent pruner and keeps everything at our house and the nursery pruned perfectly. This summer I was going to the nursery supply house to pick up some nursery pots and she said; “‘Bring me a new pair of pruning shears.” We used to have an awesome nursery supply company here locally but they went out of business. The company that we have now only carries a limited number of items. Lots of pots, burlap, tree baskets and a few tools.
So when I asked the guy if he had pruning shears he takes me to rack with about 3 kinds of shears. A really nice pair of Felco’s which I knew she wouldn’t like because they were too big for her and pair of “red” shears that looked like the lightweight Coronas that we use for making cuttings. I asked if they were Coronas and he said; “No, you’ll never get a pair of Coronas for ten bucks. Those are made in China.” It’s all he had so I bought them.
I handed them to Pam at lunch time. They were nice and new, shiny, bright red handles. AfIIter lunch she went back to work and when I walked by where she was working she handed me the new shears and said; “You can keep these, they won’t cut hot butter!” She had no idea that they were not brand name shears. But what she did know is that they wouldn’t even cut soft hydrangea wood! The small branch would literally get pushed out of the shears instead of being cut as you squeezed the handle.
When I went back up to the building I got online, found the Coronas that she had be using and ordered three pairs. They were only ten bucks a piece for the light weight shears that we use for light pruning and taking cuttings.
Lesson learned. Quality matters!
If you want to be considered for the contest enter a comment below! And please use the share buttons above to share this post on your favorite social media channels. Thank you!
i have enjoyed your newsletter for a very long time..tell all my garden club members to sign up…the shears look notlike really good ones thanks and happy holidays not possible i did this only once
i have enjoyed your newsletter for a very long time..tell all my garden club members to sign up…the shears look like really good ones thanks and happy holidays
Sadly, my comment from 12/19 saying I posted on FB and a lot of other things (I could really use pruners!) doesn’t appear to be here even though I saw it back then. How odd!
I’ll try this again. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Coronas are my personal favorite!
I have learned much from your website over the years and feel like I’m part of your family.
Thanks for the “stay inspired” Mike, it keeps me dreaming!
Hello from India! We are just setting up a family homestead and would love the pruning shears as a gift from you. A family friend from Maryland will carry it for us so you won;t have to ship it all the way across the continents.
Your writings and videos are super useful for newbies like us and I love the energy you exude in them!. Thank you for sharing.
Merry Christmas, Mike
Nothing like a great pair of pruning shears. Thanks for the opportunity to enter. Please keep making your informative videos. Have a blessed new year.
Ron in Mercer PA.
I hope I win a pair of shears! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Just bought myself a pair of these same clippers. Also received my three red twigged dogwoods can’t wait to see them in spring. Was also thinking about gold flame spiraea. So hopefully all goes well this spring and summer. Take care and greetings from California.
I would love to have a new pair mine are old, I always find something to trim, prune or make pretty with pruners. Thanks for the opportunity.
Merry Christmas Mike & Pam – Thank you for the years of gardening gifts! I think I’ve saved every email from you & refer back as needed.
I’ve been sick & not checking email so missed when this was 1st announced. But I don’t see a date for when it is closed? So thought I’d throw my name/comment in the box, just in case. I’ve been using the same shears for years, sharpening, tightening screws as needed. So would LOVE to win some new tools! (And my plants would surely love them even more.) 😉
~Wishing you & yours Countless Green Blessings for 2018!~
MERRY CHRISTMAS! These look like very good shears. I’ve tried many brands but every year I need to replace them. I love all your tips. Thank you so much for all your posts.
Always up for a good tool. Still enjoy the news and videos after many years of following this site.
Hello Mike I love being in the garden and since most of your tips are northern I get confused often but really appreciate your advice. I would like to ask you if you had any advise for south Florida would be tremendously useful and thanks for the opportunity to enter the contest for the shear.
Ever Martínez
I am a newly retired school teacher that has started to garden.. This would be an added tool to my new adventure in life..I have always enjoyed nature and gardening.
Hello I am a newly retired school teacher. I am now able to take care of our garden better . Using these shears will be a great help. I hope that this will be the start of a new enjoyable adventure.
Merry Christmas.
Mike’s fudge recipe is the best even for non-candy makers like me.
The shears are great too but non-edible ????
Merry Christmas Mike, thanks for inspiring so many.
Thanks for the many ideas over the years. I hope that you and your family enjoy the Holidays.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your Family! I have been with you sense 2007. I enjoy all I have learned from you over the years. I am still working on the nursery biss. I retired this last summer, so just maybe I can really get things going. Have to get my city license so they can collect their tax.
I enjoy all the videos and articles you put out. Keep up the good work and by all means keep inspired!
Hi Mike,
Love your articles on growing plants much more pleasurable, because it’s easier. I love growing plants, from cactus to trees! Teaching your little short cuts and sharing your plant knowledge with all of us is awesome. I save all your emails in one folder so I can keep checking back on the information. I love being a part of Mikesbackyardnursery! The pruning shears would be put to good use, also!
Would love a pair! My hubby only uses good quality tools! Retired Wholesale florist.
Hi Mike,
I would really like a chance to have one of your pruning shears.
I have so many plants around that they would be so helpful to use.
Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
I have really appreciated your advice on so many plants, etc.
Thank you!
hi mike, i would be so happy to win these pruners. i have been using some old and dull pruners, hair trimming scissors and even my sewing scissors to prune my plants. i know i need some new pruners but i have been spending my money on perennial seeds that i can sell next year. take care, deb:)
would love to win these
You are a blessing to me by making the activities of composting and growing plants accessible to a timid flower child. I appreciate how you have contributed to my life. Thank you, ever so kindly, Have much merriment with your Beloved Pam and Family. Bless you throughout the year.
Hi Mike and Pam! I go by your place when I am out for an apointment and someday wish to be able to stop. I am not able to drive so usually it’s someone else taking me to my apointments and I feel terrible taking any more of their time than necessary, but someday I am hoping to be able to stop and say Hi in person. I have always loved gardening but unfortunatly it doesnt do my body any favors so I do what I can here and there but I always know where I can get an answer to any gardening questions that may arise….right here with you!! Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge with us! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
I hadn’t heard of Coronas. Thanks for the tip.
Merry Christmas Mike & Family. Thanks heaps for all your awesome info.
Cheers Danita
Merry Christmas to a wonderful Family!! Thank you for the opportunity to win and for the great recipe!!
The very best fudge! If they ask … just say it’s to give away!
Merry Christmas, Mike. I would love a good pair of garden shears. Mine is the only thing my local hardware store had, they work like the pair your wife tried… not much good. Have a great New Year! Doug
Thank you for this contest. Your blog is full of very useful information for every stage of gardening. I would love to win the shears, I don’t have a recent pair. Thanks a d Merry Christmas.
A pair of nice shears would be put to really good use in my backyard!
Love your emails@
Thanks or the opportunity for winning these pruning shears. I love bing out in the yard. I thouroly enjoy your posts, Mike. Keep them coming.
Send me the fudge!!!! Oh, and the shears, too!!!
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a plant full New Year
Mike,Thanks for all you guys do. Have had many hours of enjoyment reading and digesting your knowledge through the videos and articles. Finally retired and will have the time to put towards developing a nursery. I’ve been good at producing but am challenged at selling what I can make so hoping to do better with that.
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Glad we can say it again without feeling funny about it.
I always enjoy your newsletters and videos! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and inspiration. It is so kind of you to offer the gift of good pruning shears.
Merry Christmas & a Happy Healthy New Year!
Thank you Mike, very generous of you. I’ve learned so much from your newsletters all your long
I look forward to each and every email I receive from you. I seem to always find something to take with me either for use with me then or on down the road. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with those of us “Mike Wannabes”.
Mike, your posts have taught me a lot. You have a PhD in common sense gardening in my opinion. I too prefer small pruning shears because they’re so easy to carry in pockets. The red handles are a must too!
Merry Christmas Mike!!! Love your site and learn so much from it.
Always glad to get your e-,mail tips. I have 2 (well…3) raised beds: One 4×4 strictly for tomatoes, also a 5x1o with a center-divider. One half is a dedicared asparagus bed, the other is for annuals like bell peppers. I ran an electric pet-fence around the top rims of these to fend off small varments (ever see a squirrel do a back flip?). I also have a couple makeshift beds — one for crucifers (sort of a quarentine against clubroot infecting the other beds); the other for runners like sugar-snap peas. I’ll upgrade these beds when I can afford it.
With dedicate beds like these, I have to keep up with the soil conditions. HINT: “crucifers,” like cauliflower, brussels sprouts — or anything else in the cabbage family — are VERY SUSCEPTIBLE to clubroot (a bacteria that will permanently contaminate the soil, and ruin whatever you try to plant there). Experts advise you rotate, and never plant crucifers in the same place more than once every 5 years. But personally, I don’t live on the Ponderosa. Commercial growers simply keep the soil pH on the high side (I use lime) to supress the growth of clubroot (consult your local Ag Extension). This method continues to work fine for me.
I definitely could use a good pair of one-hand pruning shears. Mine are pretty cheap and flimsy.
Thanks, and Merry Christmas!
Shears would be nice but I would rather have the pan of fudge. Lol.
Thanks for allowing us to use your knowledge. I’ve been landscaping for 30 plus years and have read and learned many things from you. Have a great holiday season.
I just want to say that if Mike says something is a good quality product, it is indeed a good quality product. I would love a pair of pruners. I would also like to let anyone who isn’t a member of Mike’s back yard growers group you are really missing out on amazing information and a great community of people all willing to help any time of the day or night. Worth its weight in gold. Well everyone wish me luck on winning the shears. Good luck you as well. Merry Christmas.
I LOVE reading your newsletters, and could really use a reliable pair of Corona shears! Merry Christmas to ALL!
Send me my shears!
I have not found a good pair of pruners that I like. Please let me try yours.
Thank you
Merry christmas Mike and thank you for all the information you have given us over the years.
I have a huge dogwood in my front yard that got so big it’s touching the electric wires and we’re
tired of pruning it. Can it be moved or should I just get rid of it. I think I planted too much out front. I get carried away, I love plants and want everything. Please let us know where we can purchase the corona
Never heard of this brand before. I used to have a little pair I’d use but lost them. :0/ Will have to look into these. Maybe I should start wearing bib overalls too so I can keep track of them…seriously I do have some but don’t wear them.
I love gardening and plants and would be grateful for a pair of these nice sheers! In any case, happy holidays to everyone!!
Merry christmas.
What a gift.
Thanks for passing on your experience and knowledge.
I had the pleasure of using these pruning shears when I worked in grapes a few years.
These would be a wonderful tool for pruning my shrubbery. I would like to see
more videos of the donkeys.
I am in the market for a pair of GOOD pruning shears – think I’ll look for Corona.
can someone just out rite BUY them from you ????
can someone just outrite BUY themform you ????
It is so refreshing & wonderful to have someone teaching that loves dirt as much as we do!
I would love these. I have carpel tunnel and love gardening so it is a battle doing what I love with heavy awkward pruners. Even if I dont win good luck to everyone else and Merry Christmas 🙂
Merry Christmas Mike and to your family.
Love my coronas. Another pair would be great when I lay mine down and have to hunt them.
Thanks once again for all you and your family do for all of us.
I’d love some shears for xmas !!
These shears look pretty heavy duty. I have to try them!
Thanks for giving away these pruners–they look really good. I enjoy your informative articles! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas.
Excellent shears.
Hello Mike , I am enjoying your e-mails on propagating so many wonderful plants, shrubs and trees. This past November I took your advise on propagating some Eastern Hemlock cuttings ,150 to be exact. I’m looking forward for spring to see if they rooted. Thank You and keep the gardeners of the world informed with all your wonderful information. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
I love this idea and I could really use a nice pair of shears. Mine never last very long & wear me out!
Merry Christmas from the Holland Family!
Thanks for the opportunity to win and for a yummy looking recipe to try! Enjoy reading your posts and trying things out. Have a blessed Christmas.
Thanks for the opportunity Mike.
I really look forward to a chance to use a pair of these!
Really love your newsletter, have been a subscriber for quite a few years. Thank You !!!!!! so much for openly sharing your gardening knowledge. I have learned so much!!!!!! I just recently retired after 32 years @ Nickles Bakery of Ohio, and plan to get more serious about my backyard nursery, as now I will have plenty more time on my hands.
I see that a lot of folks would like the shears, well so do I. I have learned a lot from you and will continue to do so, thanks again.
Thank you doe the recipe, I have been looking for a good fudge recipe and Ibwill be trying yours! and Thank you for sharing such good information, I have learned so much from you this year! Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Love your site and all the helpful information. Always look forward to your emails. Thank you, and may your family have a Merry Christmas
Thanks for all the info and the chance to win a pair of clippers. Merry Christmas and may God Bless you and yours!
you are my go-to guy for growing baby cuttings! thanks so much for all your content… Pam is beautiful
There is nothing better than a good set of shears. Thank you for the opportunity. Merry Christmas and may 2018 bring us all joy, health and wealth.
Season greeting. I would love to have a decent pair of pruning shears. I have arthritis in both hands and have had surgery on both thumbs due to dislocations. They work now, but not well and are painful. A new pair would be fabulous since I have a lot to prune-large raspberry bushes and several flower gardens on 2 acres. I love fudge, so that would be much appreciated. Wishing your family a blessed holiday.
Mike~Hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas!!!
Hello, I used to have a lot of strength in my hands but since I’ve gotten older a smaller Shear is something I could truly use. So I am so very happy to be part of this drawing. Thank you Mike!
Yours, Ruth
Hey Mike
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. I would love to find a pair of shears under my tree.
Thank you Mike and Pam! I’ve been a subscriber and reading your
posts for years! I am a commercial/residential landscaper of 15 years in Canada.
But still enjoy & refer your material to clients often. Your site is fresh and fun and down to dirt. Love it. The corona give away is awesome, thanks for the opportunity. Have used most if not all secateurs, and corona are one of the best
(Lost more than one set of $80 Felcos). Good but not worth it lol!!!
Thanks for your great website. I Think it’s the only one I’ve ever “subscribed” to
And have never “unsubscribed” !!! Always enjoy your fun informative emails.
Beyond the Weeds
It has been a Shear pleasure to read your snip-its – The overall things I have learned from your article has been amazing..How to prune and how to dress and how to get down right dirty and how dirt is a great therphy . Merry Christmas.. and looking forward to the new year.
Having the right tool makes life easier. Merry Christmas!
Love getting your emails. Always full of wonderful new and interesting info.
Happy Holidays!
Shared on Facebook
Love getting your emails. Always full of wonderful new and interesting info.
Merry Christmas to you and all your followers Mike and Pam. Love your posts. God bless!
Man I could really use a new pair bypass pruners! I currently have a pair of fiskars and I hate them. They are pretty much shot!
I have been subscribed for awhile now. Love reading and learning from the newsletter. Can’t wait to try the fudge recipe!
I’m new to the gardening community and your videos have helped me immensely. I’m starting with hydrangeas, rhododendrons, and daffodils. I also have some unidentified plants that already are on the property. I hope my garden will grow over time. I wanted to thank you for all the opportunities you have given me through the videos and emails I’ve received. I would also like to thank you for providing an opportunity to win some great gardening sheers.
I’m really sorry to hear that your local gardening store went out of business. Mine did to, so I’ve had to result in buying online. I had the same situation Pam did when I bought my first pair of sheers. I like how she put it “Wouldn’t even cut hot butter.”
Thanks for the opportunity and Merry Christmas!
Dear Mike,
Me and my friend Morris muruiki run a side business for supplying cuttings of bougainvillea to road side nurseries around Nairobi, Kenya.He has pruning shears,Bahco, that he bought following advice from his friend Mungai who has a nursery along Mbagathi road in Nairobi.When we have some work he has to borrow Mungai his shears ,because i do not own one.
As of last week i was looking for good shears to buy .I have seen many ,some from India ,with bad springs ,some very blunt,I am one of your subscribers for many years and remembered mike had suggested some shears called Corona.I visited the Corona website and watched your video.I have not bought because i haven’t decided between the 3180 above and another made of aluminium 6340 that can cut to 1 inch..perhaps you can advice me ,how strong are the aluminium shears ,i know aluminium is light, can the almnum pull nails like your corona 3160,,,and the price of almnum is much higher,are they worth it.
Our cuttings are usually about 1 inch cut from near the bottom of the shrub, Bougainvillea is quite popular here for fencing.
I want to own my own shears and stop borrowing all the time.I want to use the shears also for doing cuttings of ficus lyrata,f.binjamina, and some variegated lemons.
However if i do not win the shears above.please accept me to send you money to buy and send to me.Corona does not have a seller here in Kenya.
best regards,
I’ve been getting Mike’s enews for a few years and have learned all sorts of gardening tips.. And the fudge recipe is a big bonus!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion for gardening.
You make serious fudge!!!!! Wow so impressed! My cop/military husband makes toffee and learned about the age you learned fudge. Will have to teach my boys now they are close to that age.
You always have great info. I learn all sorts of new things (even fudge) and trying to propigate red twig dogwoods, now that we aren’t moving every 6 months
Now for pruning shears….
I love your newsletters and all of your advice. Thanks.
Hi Mike! I have been avidly reading,watching,( and trying to apply) your , tutorials and videos since I discovered you about a year ago. I move from Los Angeles to Northern California 2 1/2 years ago and bought my first home (on 3 1/2 acres). I adopted an awesome (but disabled) beautiful little boy as a single parent. five years ago. We’re finding our inner farmer up here and love it! been working toward self-sustainability and off grid since. I’ve learned so much and had so much fun! I’m growing a natural fence a long my property like with blackberries, raspberries and manzanita. Those lovely pruning shears sure would save my hands :-)! I’ll keep my fingers crossed !!
Hi, Mike,
I’ve been a reader of yours for quite a while. My wife and I run a landscaping business here in Missouri, and we’re always starting new plants. from seed, cuttings, grafting….we even try to cross-pollinate some of the more interesting items to see what we get! SO, we’re always cutting something. A nice pair of Coronas (not the cerveza…) would be really appreciated. Here’s hoping we’re one of the random winners.
Thanks for sharing all the info you do; we try to do the same here. Have a blessed Christmas, and may the New Year bring peacefulness and contentment for you and yours.
I’ve been a subscriber for a few years and your emails have continued to be my longest email relationship. I’ve ditched 100’s of others but kept yours. Great job!
I’ve learned so much from you and certainly enjoyed my visit to your place. Looking forward to next season and some more new plant additions to our yard. My aging hands could really use a new, different pair of pruners. Prayers for a healthy, happy 2018!
I always enjoy the plant tip emails I often receive. Here’s hoping I can also acquire a set of nice pruning shears to help in my plant endeavors.
I’d love to be a winner! Thanks for sharing all your gardening wisdom and videos! Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and new year for your and your family, and all of your gardening family!!!!
I enjoy your videos and your articles. And I would love to win the Corona pruning shears. I used to have shears that looked a lot like these but they eventually broke. Thanks for all your valuable information.
Pruning in the hand of a gardener, to me, is just like a paintbrush in the hand of an artist! I enjoy reading your posts and learn lots.
Have a wonderful holiday
Crystal O
Those look nice! I would love to win a pair. Thanks Mike for all the good posts and videos!
Thanks for all the good info. I always look forward to getting your emails. I hope I win, but if not, I will be happy for whoever does. Happy holidays.
Love your e-mails , i save them in a file to go back too . would love to win a pair of shears
Great pruning shears. Thanks Mike for this giveaway.
Being on disability I can’t even afford a pair of these!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! Thanks for all the info you always share!
Hi Mike, I really love all of your videos and have been a fan for years. I constantly reread portions of your propagation book and always seem to learn something that I missed before. Thanks! Happy Holidays!
Can’t have too many of these. I wish the makers would add a sheath to go with them to wear on a belt or loop.
Merry Christmas to you also.
I am new to your blog and have really enjoyed it so far. Looking forward to putting some of your brilliant ideas to work next spring. Merry Christmas!
Thanks for all the help you have given me for the past few years.
I find your articles very useful.
May you and your have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year..
Wishing all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
Thank you for the chance! I enjoy pruning and will cut all day as long as my hand allows. I wear pruners completely out. My current ones are five years old. They are heavy-duty but one handle tip is broken off where there used to be an attached wrist loop. They still cut easy stuff but not the thick or hardened any more. Perhaps sharpening will help. Lightweight ones are great to take on the trails in a saddlebag.
Have appreciated all of your gardening advice for quite a few years. I’m having total knee replacement surgery in January so I’ll be ready to get back in the yard and gardens by springtime. Would love to be ready with new pruning shears too!
Thank you for the opportunity..Mike I have learned so much from you. Merry Christmas to your family. Have a blessed 2018.
Thanks for the chance to win some great pruning shears. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from Canada. Would love to win a pair of decent shears.
I have been following Mike for several years and have learned a lot about plants and many other things as well. I appreciate his efforts to share his knowledge with everyone.
Merry Christmas! Grow on!
Mike, I will make your fudge recipe in a few weeks. Pruning shears drive me crazy because they always go off kilter and then don’t cut well. Let me try yours!
Doctor Bob
Those shears look great. Have a Merry Christmas!!
I have subscribed for probably over 20 years.(Freeplants)
Love your videos, and stories.
Could use a good pair of pruners.
Have a great Christmas.
I have been a subscriber for several years now and I love all your helpful articles. I have recommended you to many of my friends to become subscribers. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Oh yeah, pick me to win a pair of pruners!!!
Looks like nice shears, Thanks for all you teach.
Merry Christmas to you and the family! Hope you enjoy a Wonderful Day!
Merry Christmas! Just want to thank you for all the time you’ve put into the newsletter. I’ve been getting them since at least 2009, and I’ve saved many of them. And how kind of you to gift three lucky people with the shears – maybe I’ll be one!
My husband says I am dangerous with the pruning shears, since I am always pruning too much. This is because the shears slip, and I wind up cutting off too much. I would love to try the Coronas!
Thanks for all the helpful information! I would love a pair of these pruning shears.! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
I am embarrassed to admit that I use trim scissors for trimming. It would be great to own the correct tool!
I had a set of sheers like these. They were my favorite. I lost them one day. I almost cried. I’m sure they are lit in the yard of garden somewhere.. Litterly they will turn up one day.
Mike I have learned so much from you! Thank you for all the wonderful information. I would love to try the Corona shears! Kathy
When is the best time to prune cane plants ?
I am a member of Mike’s Group. Love the terrific information we share on every imaginable subject. Well Merry Christmas to all. and make sure you share this article, as I did to my friends on Facebook.. I have gone through many pairs of pruners, at my age, 67, but have never tried a Coronado. I would love to find a pair which are sturdy and long-lasting.
Hard to find a good pair of pruning shears. Merry Christmas!
So how do we enter the give away?:)
I’ve been reading your newsletters for several years, I keep them in a folder and when I need to know when to do something, I go to my folder. I could use some new shears. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and Pam.
Hey Mike,
I have received your emails/videos from the beginning.
They are so helpful and “down to earth” easy to understand!
I hope you and your family have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!!,
I think sheers are very important but the effort that you put into us is amazing. I don’t no what I would do with out it
I can always use a new pair!
Your videos are always informative and right to the point. Thanks for your hard work and for keeping us informed.
sure could use a pair of real good shears
Listen to the experts…they know what they are talking about.
Thanks for all the knowledge you share. It is easy to realize you want to leave the world “a better place.”
Just started with you a couple months ago, will try your fudge this weekend. Like all the things you have to offer.
Have a safe and merry christmas.
Great tips for gardeners, always, and handsome pruning shears…we need an extra pair in case the others are misplaced!
Happy Holidays!
Mike: I have enjoyed your messages for several years and value your garden wisdom. My passion is my volunteer work at Fernbank Forest in Atlanta where we fight invasive species like ivy and honeysuckle. I would love to have a new set of shears for this work. I have loved this 65-acre hardwood forest my entire life and it inspires to do good in the world.
Thank you for your consideration and kindness. Merry Christmas!
Yes, quality matters and you usually get what you pay for. I had to relinquish all my gardening tools and materials in a recent move. I did keep my many hundreds of seeds though. I hope I’ll be able to establish some great gardening friendships when I land and find people to share ideas, tips and seeds with. Thanks for sharing this.
Merry Christmas. Thanks for this contest and sharing continually all the things you have learned over the years.
And i go through alot of pruners
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Looking forward to getting outside and doing some pruning.
Hows the dokeys? Hope you and yours have merry Christmas!
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND BLESSINGS FOR A HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR. I have learned so much from you. Thank-you!
Thanks for all the great advice and growing tips. We enjoy reading your posts. So glad you are there to encourage and keep us inspired. The pruners would be a great tool to have. Thanks again.
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity and thanks for all the gardening advice that you give. I enjoy reading and trying. The fudge looks like something I have to try. Have a blessed Christmas.
Been a BYG for a little less than a year. Still so much to learn. I love growing though!
I really appreciate all the great info you provide.
Love the show. Give Finnegan and Fergus a Christmas cracker for me. Looking forward to more instructional videos in 2018. Just found Monday’s without Mike and had a good chuckle.
I wasn’t sure which brand would be the best shears to try. Thank you for the great recommendation here and I would like to try them.
Like you changed my life you don’t even know
Hello! I would love a pair of these shears! Tried trimming down some hydrangeas the other day and hated that the shears just “squashed” the stems instead of cutting them the first time!! Would love to “do it right the first time”!
Thank you.
I’ve tried at least twenty different hand pruners over my lifetime and it’s really funny but the pair in my pickup truck’s door pouch are a thirty year old pair of Corona’s! The fancy ones have lost their springs! Or, they are sprung out! I️ found the Corona’s in the Azaleas where I’d lost them the year before and soaked them in a half water half vinager mix for three days then soft brass bristled brushed them rust free. With a rub of 30 wt. and a couple of swipes with the corona sharpener… it’s a piece of metal on a little handle? Guessing carbide? All I know is three quick licks
With that little sharpen tool and your back in the game! Best bang for the buck by far in the Quality for what you actually get in a quality hand tool! Keep on Truckin ‘… Big Mike!
I have been a subscriber for over 10 years now. I LOVE your posts and information you provide about gardening. I have learned SO MUCH from reading your posts and my gardening skills have improved, over time, It brings me (and my dogs!!) great joy to spend time outdoors and seeing the beautiful flowers and vegetables grow, that you have encouraged through your gardening site. Thank you SO MUCH for your time and valuable information that you have SHARED with all of us in your online community!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
I am doing some gardening and I am sure I will have a use for the pruning shears. Thank you
Over the years I have learned so much from you about gardening and working with plants including pruning ,with good quality shears, likeCorona. Sure could use a new pair now. Really like the “down to earth” way you teach us everything about gardening. MATILDA in S C
Mike, Thank you so much for all the information you provide and the gathering place we can all go to for deals and help each other. I look forward to your emails and my next visit to your nursery. Would love to be considered for the shears also.
Happy holidays to all and thank you Mike and the team for your knowledge and inspiration!
Mike, I sure have been encouraged by all your YouTube videos. I’m a fairly new gardener and always love learning better ways to grow things. I just moved so I’m starting my garden all over again. I was so impressed by your Mantis Tiller review that I got one and just love it. I had two others that were bulky and hard to use. When I heard you rave about Corona shears I bought a pair and they are great! I just have trouble keeping up with them. Maybe I need bib overalls lol! Thanks for all you do to encourage people like me-I didn’t start gardening until my sixties. It’s certainly an adventure. God bless you and your family with a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
I live in Clovis California and have read many of your tips on; getting rid of weeds, making cuttings, transplanting. presently if have transplanted many yucca plants and aloe, I love these plants.
I found Mike’s site by accident and have found his advice sound. I love his You Tube instructional material. If he recommends Corona shears, I want a pair.
Hi. Your videos are very helpful. Thank you for all your info.
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for the top quality info and superb ideas. Great Website!
Happy Holidays
i have had a great time reading your tips and plans. i hope you will keep this up. merry CHRISTMAS. AND GOD BLESS
I have a tool wall of shame that either arrive home bad or failed shortly after the first time or two I used them. If Pam says the Coronas are best then I am allll in. We used to break 2 or 3 shovels a year buying the Big Box Store’s recommended brand. That is over now. Thanks for the test run for us!
I all ways try to buy American or European tools. Here in South Africa are many brands from Eastern countries but little if any shears from America. I am only 76 but like gardening and pruning not only my shrubs but also those of my neighbors and sometimes of the old age home when asked to do so. My shears need replacement, but the quality is all ways a problem.Thanks for all your ideas. Happy festive season to you and the family.
Frans Muller from Republic of South Africa. .
I have a really nice pair of hedge shears, I wrote about them last summer. In comments I think people found sources for them online.
I would love to try these shears, Mike, and thanks for all you do to keep we gardeners inspired!
I’m not here for the shears, but to just say, I Hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
PS: I know the force is you…
Merry Christmas to the McGroarty’s! I’ve just started rooting and cutting and your backyard grower site has been awesome! Thanks for the opportunity to win. I plan on trying the fudge this week.
Oops, I gave you the wrong email I use for your info. The correct one is: [email protected]
I all ways try to buy American or European tools. Here in South Africa are many brands from Eastern countries but little if any sears from America. I am only 76 but like gardening and pruning not only my shrubs but also those of my neighbors and sometimes of the old age home when asked to do so. Thanks for all your ideas. Happy festive season to you and the family.
Frans Muller from RSA.
So kind of you, both. Looking forward to your recipe. Blessings to you and yours.
I’ve learned so much from you over the years. Wish you were my neighbor. Neither of us would get anything done with all the topics I’d like to discuss, about gardening and starting new plants, of course! Thanks for the tip on the Corona pruning shears. I haven’t heard of them, but if by some chance I don’t win a pair, I will be sure to see if anyone carries them around this neck of the woods.
Best of everything.
Merry Christmas & A Very Happy, Healthy New Year to you & your whole family!!!
These pruners would be wonderful to have, I love gardening & always enjoy all your e-mails & information!!
Merry Christmas. Thank you for sharing your wonderful knowledge with us.
I’ve no doubt the shears are great, like lots of your advice even for us in England!
Nick & Jenny
Avalon Lodge Bed and Breakfast
PS Don’t expect a pair to be sent here but do keeping sending your fine sugestions
If your name is chosen I’ll send them!
I have been a suscrber for many years and have saved many of your tips in a folder on my computer. Love your tips! I am 76 yrs young but really feel much older most of the time…. had my rotator cuff repaired 8 yrs. ago ( which is giving me spurs now) and carpal tunnel release on my left hand in Sept. and going through therapy for that right now. I have lost the strength in both hands and would really like to have an easy pair of clippers to use. Thank you
Saved on my Pinterest gardenibg a,d shared on my Facebook, didn’t see my share register on your Shares #, hope I did it right to enter into the shears drawing. Thank you Mike, and for ALL the Great tips every newsletter. May you and your family have a Blessed Holiday Season. From a former Ohioan.
Mary Muetzel
Great gardening advice, and very much appreciated! Thank you, Mike McCroarty!
All I want for Christmas are the Corona shears!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hi Mike
I’ve been following you since I found you on line. I am new to propagating and have loved your help. I appreciate all the information you provide and would love to try the Corona pruning shears you talk about.
Always looking for a new pair of shears. Handy tool in the garden, carry one every where, unless I forget and lay it down somewhere!
These look like a good piece of equipment for my wife to use
Due to family needs, I am Way behind on my pruning. If I win those shears, GREAT. But, if I don’t, I am going to buy those Corona Shears, just on your recommendation.
I have read all your emails for years and gotten excellent advice. Keep up the good work..
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
As usual you have come up with a winner again, Mike
You and your family provide us with years of wisdom and we all appreciate your efforts to make gardening fun and profitable.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours and all our members. GB
I am starting up my business again after moving and a variety of health and other issues. I could sure use a new shears. Do you recommend a sharpener (budget)?
Due to family matters, I am WAY behind on my pruning. If I win those shears, GREAT. But if I don’t, I am going to buy some Coronas, just on your recommendation..
Keep up the good work.; never miss an email – they are SO helpful.
Great ideas and videos as usual Mike!
Merry Christmas to the McGroarty family!!! I would I only have cheap quality shears…sure would love to win the ones mentioned and see what it’s like to not have to struggle to cut things.
I read every newsletter and my neighbors appreciate that fact since I can share some of the glories from my garden
Pruning shears!! Yay!!
Thanks for all the great information and inspiration on your site. We’re just getting started this year but have learned a lot from you already!
Thanks for your emails and information. Please enter me in your contest. I have never tried Corona brand.
Merry Christmas to you and your family (also those adorable donkeys). A new year of health, happiness, and God’s grace.
Thank you for your blog posts which are informative and sometimes very entertaining. Your willingness to share your gardening “smarts” with the rest of us gardener wanna be.
I have learned plenty over this past year I have been on your mailing list. Looking forward to retirement myself in the coming year and more time to play in the dirt! Keep it coming!
Thanks for all you do Mike. I’m looking forward to my future of my Backyard Nursery. It wouldn’t happen without all the knowledge you and the other members have shared.
Hi Mike,
I’ve enjoyed your newsletter for many years and have a special folder on my computer for referencing. My daughter has started some gardening and somehow ended up with all my best tools. Whether I win or not, I wanted to say thanks for all the great information.
I could really use a new pair. I’ve used your tips each year. I’ve got at least 30 hydrangea babies to maybe sell or gift next spring.
Merry Christmas! I bought a different home, this past summer! The yard work will be calling, come Spring…. Thanks for the chance to win pruning shears! Also, many thanks for the awesome fudge recipe!!!!! It is a weakness of mine.
Thanks for chance to win shears. I live in Florida but many of your helps are good for here too.
I’m a “green” gardener…and I mean GREEN as a gord! I accidently stumbled across you on Facebook this past summer and loved your tips. I never knew that you could grow your own flowering bushes from clippings. I bought a pair of cheap pruners from TSC and went from yard to yard gathering clippings. lol. I used a plastic pan from a previous hospital admission, put coarse sand in it, trimmed the foilage and dipped the clippings in root hormone (which I had never heard of before), covered it with a clear plastic bag, spritzed it once a week or so. After about 4-5 weeks I had root growth! Now I have several clippings that have survived and growing in pots in the house. I can’t wait until spring to replant these outside and try some more of your tips! BTW… cheap pruners suck too!
Have learned a number of interesting tips from your posts. Thanks!
I am just learning to prune. I have been a reluctant pruner, afraid I would damage the plant. I could really use a set of good pruners. Thanks Mike for sharing your propagation tips. It’s always a good read and I learn so much from you.
Your website is most enjoyable and informative!!! My wife would LOVE to win those shears!!!
merry christmas mike and family, i know what you mean about the quality of pruning shears. i bought them frim a big box store thinking i was gettimg something really good …not so much.. am going to order the coronas with my christmas money merry christmas to me!lol mike please tell me when the members area membership will be open that will also be part of my christmas thanks for all you and your family do noele wimmer
I’m a hobby gardener who spends most of my day in front of my computer. Your newsletters always brighten my work day and make me excited to get to work outdoors.
I have taken your advise for YEARS!! And it all helped me immensely . If I ever have a problem or question you are my go-to man!!!
Happy Holidays…..Anne
Thanks for doing a give away. And your fudge is heavenly.
Love watching your You-tube videos. My husband is an avid fan and got me hooked over the past year. We are pretty new to outdoor gardening, but you make it easy! Thank you so much!
Thanks for the information on the shears. I’ve tried many and have not found any good ones. I have an old pair with black handles that look alot like the Coronas, but I don’t know what they are. I’ve had them over 20 yrs and keep them sharp since I can’t find any as good. I’ll have to look up the Coronas if I don’t win
I’ve never heard of this brand of clippers but sure would like to try them! The fudge recipe sounds great! I might give it a go myself!
One can never have too many pruners!
Thanks for all the helpful info over the years
Mike S
I have bought one too many shears and have always regretted it. I’m constantly trying to make the ones I have accumulated work or make do. Thanks for offering this give-a-way and also for being my go to person when it comes to gardening. You always have the right answers and have NEVER been wrong.
Merry Christmas! Thanks for all the guidance and information you provide for us. Your videos are super helpful and I feel better prepared after watching your step by step! Blessings to you and your family!
Thank you Mike! I always enjoy your emails/videos.
Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I have been watching your page for years now and now that l have retired i have the time and the wisdom to do what l love to do.
Love free shears! I can always use another pair. Merry Christmas !
Merry Christmas to you….Mike, Pam, and family!
I learn SO much from all your landscaping and gardening knowledge.
Keep up the great work…it is truly appreciated.
Your Nebraska fan…Jeannie Messing
If I won these, that would certainly be a Merry Christmas to me! I have small hands so small sized shears would be great!
Thanks for the opportunity to put my name in the give away pot!
Mine arejust about worn out – could use a good pair!
Thanks for the oppprtunity. Even if I don’t win, it’s nice to have the information.
i love your site..and i dont like the shears i have either..never heard of corona…merry christmas and thank you for your site..i have learned a lot from you…
Enjoy your posts and am learning a lot. Merry Christmas!
Thanks for all the tips and sharing, would love to try out the Corona too.Happy holiday to all.
Merry Christmas Mike! You are my go-to Garden Guru!
Merry Christmas to your family!
Love the Sheers, but I’m a big fan of the ones you talked about on one of your videos…and they are on my Christmas list. Okatsune?
Anyway! Thanks for all the great advice!
Yes, these Carona shears would be great for my new home. I am a beginner and enjoy all your advice. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
I’ve been a subscriber for a few years now and I always look forward to new tips for managing my yard and garden.
Merry Christmas !!
I will have to pass on the fudge recipe because I am avoiding sugar . but I would like to know where I can buy the pruning shears.
Marshall Reagan
I have been enjoying your emails and good advice for many years. Your information on growing new plants from cuttings has been especially helpful to me. Your autobiography of how you got started in the plant business is especially inspiring.
Keep up the good work!
Wayne Nuss
Thanks for all the tips and sharings, and wishing you all a happy and peaceful holiday. Love to try out the Corona too.
Thanks for the post. Merry Christmas!!!!
Mike, We have all learned so much from you over the years! You have even helped make me somewhat “famous” in my town.
Thanks for all you do! Happy Holidays to you and your awesome family!!
Love reading the information on gardening with your expertise and
awesome experience. You are a source of inspiration and for that I
am grateful!
Would LOVE a great pair of Corona shears. Over the past 40 years
have gone through a bunch – and none have held up well. Even
Sears replacement policy is fantastic, but the shears just don’t hold
Merry Christmas and blessings for a Healthy and Happy New Year
AND a new year filled with the miraculous growth of Mother Nature’s
Merry Christmas And Happy New Year to all. Thanks for making it possible for us to receive the wealth of information this site has to offer.
Would love a pair of shears that I don’t bend the blades in one season! They look like they’d be easier for my hands to handle with the thinner handles (arthritis), maybe my hands won’t ache the next day following a day of pruning! If I don’t win a pair I will definitely be looking to order a pair on line to try them out! Might even have to try out your fudge recipe! Thanks Mike and Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Merry Christmas!
Just what we need, new pruning shears for spring! Great idea.
Merry Christmas Mike ans Family! OMG it would be so nice to win a pair of these pruners as hubby left mine out of my tool box and now their rusted! He is not a gardener!
Here’s wishing you and your’s a wonderful day and an even better eve!
Well Mike, I have scrolled this page umpteen times and I cannot locate the dadgum SHARE button. It may be my browser but the SHARE button is nowhere to be found.
My favorite fudge recipe! Wonderful.
Love a great pair of pruning shears too. Fingers crossed.
I watch your videos in awww as I watch you cut through your plants with ease. I wondered what type of shears you were using. Then I found the video of you describing the shears you use. I have not had a chance to get myself a pair so……YES…please include me in this contest! I would truely love these..
I really need a good pair of pruners! Would love to win one of these. Love your tips and website. Merry Christmas!
I really need to improve my pruning game! These look like a great place to start. Thanks for all your good information.
Thank you for taking the time to make such awesome and informative video tutorials and especially for sharing your love of gardening with me and the world!
Would love a chance at owning these pruners. Thanks Mike and Merry Christmas
Thanks for your “giving” spirit at Christmas time. Good luck to all & Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the offer! Merry Christmas!
You had me hooked with fudge…the pruning shears are a bonus. Happy Holidays to you and yours.
Merry Christmas Mike and team! Hope 2018 is a great year for you. Thanks for all the great knowledge you share!
I read your posts all the time. Great information. Can’t wait to get back to my garden in Michigan. Do you know anything about growing under LED lights? I’ve been trying to find the best economical way to turn old fluorescent fixtures into LED lights. There doesn’t seem to be much information on the correct lights to use for germinating seeds and growing seedlings without getting too technical. Keep up the great work you do providing people with easy to understand ways to grow and care for plants.
Merry Christmas and Prune, Prune, Prune …
I bought a pair of Coronas a couple of years back on your recommendation, and love them! Now we need a pair for my wife!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family as well! Thanks for all you do!
Ed and Debbie Gallagher
I am a Corona convert. Would love to win some new pruning shears !
Merry Xmas & HAppy Birthday! Mine is Friday. Yes all tools should be quality. My husband taught me to let the machine/tool do the work for you . Makes life so easier. Even if I prune my apple trees. the june bugs eat them up. Between the june bugs & the squash bugs I’m suprised I even have a garden, but iI do. Merry Christmas! Happy Birthday! Happy New Year! And God Bless you all!
I bought a pruner at Walmart this year. I couldn’t cut a quarter inch branch with it! The Corona sounds wonderful!
Thank you for all the great advice!
Merry Christmas.
Hi Mike Pick Me, i love getting all your emails and could use and would love to have these pruners to use and remind me of all your great tips. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
I have been on your email list for many years and appre I ate all the info you are willing to share.
Merry Christmas and a Happy and prosperous New Year Mike, Pam, and all.
Hi Mike,
Well, I’ve got my new seed catalogs and a bunch of your videos to catch up on. Time to settle in for the winter and dream of a new growing season! Thanks for all you’ve helped me learn with your newsletter and videos!
My shears are now older, and don’t cut as well. A new pair would be just peachy in more ways than one! I garden year round and would use these daily! Thank you for offering these!!!
You are right, Quality Does Matter.
Thank You both for doing this…
Shears to You, and Happy Holidays !
What a pain it is using poor to mediocre pruners!
Nice pruners. I’d like one. 🙂
I love Coronas yard tools they are great except when your kids take them in the woods and never make them back in the shop!!! Then the hunt is now an of course no one knows what happened to my tools till i take a walk though the woods an B.I.N.G.O. my rusty new clippers.LOL
As you mentioned, quality does matter! And, I am not looking to cut hot butter. 2018 is the year I will finally be starting my business. Starting with a great pair of Coronas will make the difference. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a successful New Year!
Your site has helped me get my first sand box set up. Found your site by searching for local nursery advice. In Valley City about an hour away. Shears like these will be awesome! Merry Christmas!
I would absolutely love a pair of Corona pruning shears. I’ve only ever purchased the cheap ones before.
What great gardening pruners to have handy whether working in the greenhouse or out in the yard.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Barry Martin
I’ve been using Felco for years but would love to try something new.
I have used a lot of shears too and not happy with any of them but have not used these. Can’t wait to get them. I appreciate you and the review!
I must say, you have inspired the inner gardener in me =) I love your posts. This past fall I was volunteering at a senior citizens home overgrown with yardwork. While trimming her bushes my hand shears broke, I was so bummed. I am looking for a better quality pair so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you and Merry Christmas to you and all oury fellow gardeners!
Would love some new Corona sheers.
Over the years I have purchased you course and have learned so many helpful tips . I save almost all your emails to my gardening file and use them to guide me when I get stuck or just not sure how to do something, such as your recipe for potting soil, pruning my knock out roses and so on. They have been invaluable. I would love to try and win these cutting sheers…..PICK ME ! Thanks to you and your family for the countless helpful tips and tricks and Merry Christmas Mike and family !
All your words of wisdom are appreciated. If I don’t win those shears I will be looking on line to see where I can get them. I know my small town won’t have them. Have a blessed Christmas and new year!
Need some good pruning shears. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Pick me, pick me. pick me!:)
You are so right! These are the best pruning shears I have found. I would like to have a new pair.
Thanks for the opportunity, what a great gift, Ilove getting your emails all ways great information, thanks again
Pick me Pick me, Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year
Thanks for all the wonderful tips on gardening and plants! Would love to get a new pair of pruning shears! Have a Merry Christmas!
Would love to win a pair. They would be well used. Marry Christmas.
Merry Christmas! Happy Solstice!
Thanks for all the great information. I keep trying new pruners and haven’t found a good pair yet. It’s always good to try what someone else likes. Merry Christmas to you all!
Thanks for the awesome offering Mike and the great programs you offer.
Hope to win a pair of the Corona’s.
Weather I win or loose, I feel like a real winner after finding you on the internet. I like to wish you, Pam, Dustin and your whole family a very Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Mike Buturla, CT
I love my mine, But could use a smaller set as arthritis is making things harder. The kids could also use them.
Merry Christmas and thanks for your generosity!
these look great. have a merry christmas
Well, Mike, you are like an old friend. Every once and while I get an email from you with great gardening tips and I so appreciate it! I’m a bookkeeper by trade but love gardening.
I remember getting a tip about how to care for your Japanese Maple Tree after the leaves came out and then we got a deep freeze here in Michigan and my tree looked pretty sad. Your email was so timely. It’s you were reading my mind.
Thanks for all you do and your wife looks like a sweety. Best of the holidays to you and your family.
I have tried many different shears but have not found a pair that I really liked.
Sure would like to give these a try!
I always look forward to seeing messages coming into my inbox from you.
Yes, I would love a pair, If I don’t win I will order a pair like these in the Spring.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
From the Bowles Family
Hahaha, I know the feeling, I have three different pairs of shears that won’t cut hot butter! I would love to replace them all with a pair of Coronas.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I just adopted two wild little rescue puppies and I need good, sharp pruners, so I can cut quickly before they bite my ankles.
Mike, I have been following your articles for a few years and take everything you say very seriously. I use your methods and your recommended products continuously.
I have two pair of Coronas and one Felco I have been using since 1980, still going strong. I was managing a garden center, and also had a 250 bush rose garden. Lot of pruning. I needed the extra pairs, because I was always putting them down to wait on customers, and forgot where I put them;) I prefer the Felcos, as they are more ergonomic, and fit my hand better, with more comfort, when doing a lot of pruning.
I have two pair of Coronas and one Felco I have been using since 1980, still going strong. I was managing a garden center, and also had a 250 bush rose garden. Lot of pruning. I needed the extra pairs, because I was always putting them down to wait on customers, and forgot where I put them;) I prefer the Felcos, as they are more ergonomic, and fir my hand better, with more comfort, when doing a lot of pruning.
As a Gardner shears are a major plus to own as a tool. Always have a need for one.
The grip and construction material of the shears look good. See forward to use it next season when I start propagating some of my favorite acers.
I’ve spent the past year looking for decent clippers
I spent all summer looking for good clippers
Mike you are a wealth of information Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas and i enjoy your e-mails. So much information! Thanks!
My yard in Florida looks like a jungle after being away for a few months every year. My tools are all very old and dull from all the trimming I have done over the years. I could really use some good pruning clippers. I. read all your emails on gardening methods and about the plants you grow and sell.
I love a good pair of pruning shears. I haven’t used this brand before and would like to try them. Thanks for the great blog!
Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas. I do a lot of pruning and would love to win these shears.
Thank you Mike and Pam, for your generous offer, Merry Christmas and a healthy and Happy New Year of planting. Spring is right around the corner!
I have enjoyed your sites and videos very much! Hoping you are your family have a blessed Christmas!
A great pair of shears – What a wonderful Christmas that would be!!
Your notes, videos, comments are so very welcome here. I want to have the enthusiasm you have – and you are helping to get me closer. Thanks.
I really enjoy reading your emails that I get. Great advice. Keep them coming . Thanks, Love to garden
Maria Deville
Need them badly.
I would love to have those pruning shears. It would be a huge help for me in pruning . I moved into this house and the front flowers need pruning. My grand children wants to help yo. They would use the extra two. Hope I win.
It would be a “shear” delight to win! Thanks for all your inspiring articles and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and thanks for your videos! I have so much more conference to garden and propagate plants, because of your how-to’s! Grateful in KY, Amy
I worked as a landscaper a lifetime ago and that was the pruners that we used. They worked GREAT. I would love to have my own pair of them. I truly enjoy taking cuttings and watching them become true beauties.
Bought a pair five years ago on your recommendation and have never regretted it.
Thanks Mike
I currently have Felco Pruning shears. I’ll probably try the Corona shears since the I didn’t have anyone recommend anything better. Thanks!
Would love to win
Just bought a new place and am busy working outside getting the place in order. Looking forward to the opportunity to try out a new pair of shears. Merry Christmas to all!
Mike I have followed you for years and am ready to use your method to produce small plants for our church to give away at Mother’s Day this year. Because of your teaching the greatest expense is the pot! Thanks for the training.
There is a big difference in pruning shears. Over the years I’ve amassed a collection of worthless shears until I discovered Corona. I don’t have the model you describe so I can always use another pair. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks and have a happy holiday.
why would I want shears that you don’t want?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Merry Christmas!! What a great offer!
Thanks for all you do????
Thanks for the chance to win Mike!
Merry Christmas to you and your family Mike. Thanks for all that you share.
I’ve enjoyed your emails for years, and looked forward to a new year of your very useful advice. .I have used these pruners in the learning garden and found the to be very sturdy and long lasting. A wonderful gift for any gardener. I would love to own a pair of my own.
they look great
I live in India. May i have it?
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hope the new year brings your family many new Roots!!
Merry Christmas to all! Great give away ,I’ve learned so much from Mike and. All the other growers on the board.
Mike, I always enjoy reading your posts. I’m not a big gardener, but enjoy trying to propagate different plants for my own use and to share with family and friends. You give such helpful hints – Thank you. I good pair of pruners would come in mighty handy.
Those would be a welcome addition for my new home after I am married in May
Very nice looking shears!
Mike, I’ve enjoyed your tips and garden wisdom for several years now. Thank-you. Stay inspired and keep on growing.. Merry Christmas to you and your family (*The donkeys and other furbies too.)
I could use a good pair of pruners. 🙂
Mike got me started in this business and now I make more than 10K in my spare time.
I am a beginner and have taken my first winter hardwood cuttings with help from your videos, thanks and keep up the good work.
I use these Be Corinias too! They’re the best for my money.
Darn auto correct! Merry Christmas everyone!!!
I don’t know how Mike gets all that he shares with us except thru experience, but he sure is great. I also like the fact that he is an animal lover.
Mike, you and Dustin are amazing and now I learn more of your wife. Family teams are rare and so inspiring. We are waiting for our own property to blast off with propagating! Hope that will be this spring. Would love to visit your place! We are in Maine.
We remain inspired and hope you will too! Merry Christmas!
God bless you!
Perfect timing! My shears just broke, I guess quality does matter! Lol! Great giveaway! Have a great Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you and your family,Mike. I love your news letter and videos. God bless you!
Just want to say – you and your enterprise are the reason that I am starting to do cuttings etc outside. You have helped ignite a passion in me. And I don’t know where its going to lead – but I am excited to follow it along and see where it leads. [I’m not just saying that because I want a pair of your wonderful shears]. I am saying it to encourage you – that you are doing a great service and helping people find a new passion for life. Bless you guys and have a good Xmas.
P.S. I really appreciate your periodic emails. They keep the fire burning and inspire me with new ideas etc.
Thank you – from a guy in the U.K.
i have an overgrown confederate jasmine that is begging to be introduced to those coronas…
corona everything is my first choice for tools. my absolute favorite is the little corona sharpener for $9.99…it’s the best for sharpening pruners throughout a day’s work…handy in a back pocket.
I often recall some of the hints you published over time. Mainly during these winter months when there are so many plants that I can propagate. I usually try 4 or 5 new plants each year. You are right in many cases about just sticking them in the ground and checking them next spring.
My Annabelle’s are still needing me to cut them,I bought two plants left in the outdoor garden center this past summer, they were cooking in the sun and I paid one-third the price marked, I’ve managed to fill two five-gallon buckets with river sand for the hard-wood cuttings. I live in MN and temps are forecast for highs below zero in a few days. Thanks for the help you give!
Merry Christmas! I really enjoy reading your post here and have gotten some good information from them.
I’m so excited about your course and your videos!! After years of hardly being able to walk, talk or move, I had life saving and life changing Neurosurgery in January. After extensive physical therapy, I’m doing things I haven’t been able to do in years!! I’m hoping to start my own backyard nursery, and those shears would be extremely helpful!! I appreciate all of the amazing and helpful information in your videos and emails!!
don’t care if I win or don’t. just wanted to thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom. I enjoy watching your videos, you do a great job….thank you
At your recommendation a while ago I purchased a pair of Corona shears and have been very happy with them. Would love to have another pair to keep in the other vehicle.
I have followed you for a long time, learning, and trying out some of the things. I wish I could do all that you do, however I can’t, but I would love to win these shears.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
Cheers to you, Mike, (and Pam) for gifting Corona 3160 Pruning Shears! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity to receive something so awesome! Those shears will be a handy garden tool throughout the new year. 🙂
Lying here in the hospital after knee replacement surgery dreaming about eventually getting back to my small garden. EVENTUALLY!!!
Once again I do so enjoy your site, and stories. It’s nice to “meet” Pam. Now where are the donkeys? Between you and Pinterest I just may survive being away from my home/ garden.
I look forward to the day I can resume trying your instruction in 3 D.
Thank you for taking the time to write and keep us all educated and informed.
Wishing you & the family the happiest of holidays.
Your such an generously good hearted family. I enjoy exploring all the information that you are providing.
As so many others are hoping to win a pair, so am I. I will be very grateful if I am one of the winners. & Will Thank you in advance for your generous gift to each of the winners.
May you Christmas and new years be a fruitful and plentiful harvest.
Love the look.of those shears!!!
Wishing you and yours a Very Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year?
Merry Christmas Mike and Pam!
Thank you for all your excellent gardening information and tips! Corona tools rock!!!
Smart woman, your Pam. You find what works and you stick with it!
Would love to receive one of these wonderful Corona pruners. ☺️
Merry Christmas to the McGroarty household. ????????????????
Merry Christmas and good luck to all of you!!!!!!!
I love your website and all your great tips on gardening!!
The pruner would work great on my grape vines in early March after the snow starts to melt.
I have learned a lot from you. I couldn’t keep plastic plants looking decent. Now, I have a great garden. I have kept my plants not only alive but have learned how to make them thrive.
Thank you and
Merry Christmas
Thanks for the give away Mike. I love reading your articles! God bless you all????⛄️????❄️????❄️
\would this apply to people living in the uk
I would love to win one of these pruning shears. If I don’t, please let me know where I can purchase some. Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Thanks for the info on pruning shears. I’ve been using scissors but know I need a pair of pruning shears – been holding off buying any until Christmas expenses are over.
I have learned so much from these posts that I will be indebted to you for years to come. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Merry Christmas to you and all your family.
LOVE the Corona pruners! I went out and bought one right away the first time I ran across you recommending them. Unfortunately, I keep putting them down when I’m working and have to keep finding them 🙁 . Sure could use another pair 🙂 . It’s either that, or get a stylish pair of bibs like yours 🙂 . Hope you, Pam, Fergus and Finnegan have a great holiday!
Thank you for all of the videos and tips you have given me. I have enjoyed them all.
I would love the pruning shears. I go through them like mad!!!! Never heard of these.
i would love the garden shears. I go through them like mad!!!!
Thank you for your generosity in giving away three pairs Corona pruning shears.
I have a question regarding patented plants. If you grow plants from seeds, as
oppossed to cuttings, can it be assumed that the resulting plants are not
Thanking you in advance for your reply.
Every day I look forward to your emails and new articles. I find the emails most informative and very reliable. Thank you for this opportunity to win an awesome product.
Thank you Mike for all that you have shared with us. I watch you on YouTube. I was in a terrible car accident this year was not even able to move. Started watching you your YouTube channel. That inspired me and gave me a new desire for plants and trees. I have a gold now to have a halfway normal life. Thanks Mike
Agreed, Quality does matter! I have a pair of new 3\4″ Fisk…..(not to mention any names) that I have been using to take hardwood cuttings and if the cutting is over about 3/8″ the blade spreads out and really tears up the wood. After Christmas I am going to invest in the ones you recommend.
Wishing a very merry Christmas to the entire family from ours!
Mike and Shari Thomas
Great story! Quality matters!
Love the lessons you teach about gardening! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Hello, Mike & Dustin:
I am not contesting for the shears since I own so many of them of all sizes. Just want to agree and verify that they are great shears. I don’t wear bibs (although I have been thinking about it since I spend so much time in my garden and helping friends) but I always have them handy in my shear holster/carrier. I wish someone who really needs them wins!
I want to wish your family happiness and a health in the new year.
Mr. Mike,
You started my propagation craze, and I have not stopped since.
Thank you and have a Merry Christmas.
What a great give away. I have friends in Ohio; the pruners can be sent there for me to collect.
Merry Christmas Pam and Mike.
Oh Mike and Pam, winning a pair of pruners would be perfect! They are on my Christmas List but I don’t think anyone has looked at my list yet!
Tell Duston I posted a share of this on FB. You guys make great videos, especially when the donkeys are in them.
I keep telling myself I will do this for real…after watching and reading your articles for well over a decade, maybe almost two decades in fact. How long have you been posting this info online anyway? I’ve puttered a little using your tips…and successfully I might add… for my own purposes but nothing for sale yet. This will be the year, I feel it! I also need to develop a bunch of plants and trees for a berm we are planning that will be about 10 ft by 120 ft long. Now I need to research the plants I can propagate legally and get growing!!!
Pick me, too!
I must say, You and your wife look like bother and sister, and she is lovely with a beautiful smile.. Its a Gdsend. I desperately need these shears. Could not find a new one anywhere, including Home depot.
I want them.
Mikee, Wishing you and your family a most wonderful Christmas with a special “Thank you” for all you do for the “growing” family…Blessings
Thank you for all your helpful information. Would love to have the shears. Just in time to prune my grape vine.
Wishing you a Very good Christmas, and a Happy and Prosperous New Year
What a lovely gesture and a great story, Merry Christmas to you and your family.
You are an inspiration. Because of your advice I, too, have a backyard nursery
Enjoy your garden knowledge and hints .I know if your tips work for you, they will work in central Ohio. Merry Christmas !
I’m just getting started with gardening. Thank you for all you great knowledge and video’s. Very helpful to a newbie. ????
Merry Christmas ????
I think your wife knows what she’s talking about and I also would love to have a pair! Merry Xmas
Heck yeah, a new pair of pruning shears. Fantastic!
I have a cheap pair of shears right now (I hate to admit it: from Dollarama!) and I would love to upgrade to these lovely high-quality ones.
Merry Christmas! I need those pruners!
I would love a good pair of pruners. I have a bad habit of losing them in the yard. I think the red handles would be easier to find once I lost them! Thank you for offering these as a giveaway.
I live in Texas, but I have been a loyal subscriber for a very long time. I think I was one of the first ones to follow Mike. I have enjoyed reading his articles, watching his videos and applying what he shares. He has grown a lot over time and he has taught me a ton of valuable information in a non-threatening way.
I would love to prune with your pruners. I seem to buy the same ones your wife did!
Love your ideas on pruning and many othet gardening ideas. Thanks
Merry Christmas, thanks for everything you do for us!!!
Thanks for all the good information that you share throughout the year. Merry Christmas to you and yours….
Thanks for the giveaway Mike.
Have not yet found a pair of pruning shears I have been comfortable with I will check into this brand..
Merry Christmas
I take your advice VERY seriously! These pruning shears have to be the BEST. Hope I win them!!! Thanks for the amazing help you give gardeners like myself. THANK YOU!!!
Carolyn says I love cutting tools and these look great! I enjoy all your tips on growing and starting cuttings. Thank you for all your tips and tricks. Happy holidays. Have a Merry Christmas and a new year filled with good health.
Hey Mike & Pam! Thanks for all the great gardening tips & inspiring us to be better gardeners ????
I’d love to win a new pair of Corona pruning shears.
Hope your family has a wonderful holiday season & a happy, healthy, ( planterific 😉 new year!
corona is the only brand I use myself.
I would love to have this tool. I’ve had strokes and have little use of my right hand which is my primary ‘use’ hand. Love all your posts that I read and all the emails with helpful information! Thanks!!!
Thankyou from Australia for your generosity in giving us such helpful hints in propagating trees. I started 3 years ago with one FIG TREE (Black Genoa) dwarf variety. This year I have 66 new little FIG trees growing happily. My parent tree has 42 figs growing and being the summer here, they are just about ready for picking. I will be donating the fig trees to our local school fete. Wishing you and your family a joyful Christmas.
Your fudge recipe sounds fabulous, thanks for the recipe.
Awesome tools, do they come in left handed¿
hey mike and pam. shared your post on facebook
Love your info, Mike!
I had a pair of Fiskers that I really liked, but I have used them so much that they really arn’t very effective or efficient any more. I know that in the Spring … I will
be buying new ones. I know I will be buying Corona.
I love getting all your information … thank you for sharing ll you knowledge.
Wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years.
I’ve always had plants but not too many shrubs. Until I subscribed to your site I just thought I had good luck growing them. With your help I now know why and how things grow. Because of you I have tried new and what I thought were too difficult varieties. Thanks so much for all the things you’ve taught me.
I bought your program several years ago and have learned so much! I can always use another pair of pruning shears – especially a good Pair! I seem to always lose mine or wear them out! Love your posts and information!
Winning those shears would be a fantastic Christmas present!! Here’s hoping!! I hope you & Pam have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!
I feel like your wife. My shears don’t cut like I wish they would. May you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with Blessings.
I totally agree. Corona shears are the only kind I use. The orchard, vineyard, cherry trees, olives and apples are ready to be pruned. I could sure use a new pair of very sharp shears. Already have the roses done. Gotta keep moving.
Long time subscriber.
🙂 Ever since my old pruning shears went to the graveyard of pruning shears, I’ve been looking to get a new pair. Merry Christmas!
After recovering from a stroke this summer, I’m going to follow your instructions how to start cuttings this winter for sale in the spring. Thank you for all the great advice and motivation that you’ve asked long. Steve B.
After recovering from a stroke the summer. I plan on doing lots of winter kinds for sale in the spring and summer. Thank you for all your advice and you’re great motivation. Thanks Steve B
I just requested a pair of these for Christmas from my husband a couple of hours ago. No kidding! I even gave detailed directions to where to find them in the store.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and your family.
I could really use new ones. I’m old and I love to garden….Please Pick me.
This is a great gift. I have been trying to decide which to buy. I lost the ones I loved for years and don’t even remember the brand because they were do old! I could really use these.a
Hi, I am new to this site. I am looking forward to learning more since I am planning to start growing my foods and maybe start my nursery if possible.
Awesome giveaway, thanks Mike! Merry Christmas!
I have been looking trying to decide which shears I need. I lost the ones I loved and don’t even remember the brand
Love using pruning shears. Merry Christmas.
I sure can use a pair, they are the best by far. Lots of luck to everyone on the other two.
Merry Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas! Wish you and Pam a very Merry Christmas and a safe new year.
I have been following your advice for about a year and it’s been great. Newly retired and hoping to get a little more involved in growing trees. I really like cypress and cedars, both of which seem to do well in the heat of Alabama.
Merry Christmas to you and family.
I have been following your advice for about a year and it’s been great. Newly retired and hoping to get a little more involved in growing trees. I really like cypress and cedars, both of which seem to do well in the heat of Alabama.
Merry Christmas to you and family.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for letting us know about the issues with regard to pruners.
I appreciate that you continue to teach and teach.
Thank you!
Merry Christmas to all, including the donkeys. my your blessing be plentiful. Keep up the good work and videos.
oh please pick me….oh please!!!!
All the information you share on gardening is invaluable. Educating on the tools is such a bonus and so appreciated by all of us, especially us newbies. Hope you, your entire family and of course, the donkeys, have a most wonderful Christmas. Can’t wait to try the fudge. Thanks, again, for sharing your love of gardening. If more people spent a little time getting mud under their nails, we’d have such peace and love in this world. Sorry I got too wordy but so hard to Thank you all properly.
Thanks for your generosity of information and what you do. Merry Christmas!
Been a member for a while now,but have not done much per say.Retired this last month,and hope next Spring to get my feet wet from advice Mike has given.So if you pick me,that will be “shear delight”!
Merry Christmas!
Thanks Santa, New shears is Just what I wanted!
Have a Merry Christmas
The Carona Shears look like a sherrly wonderful Christmas gift! Thanks for all your words of Wisdom, Mike!
Love all the information you share! I’ve learned sooo much.
Thank you.
..and Merry Christmas!
Yes !!I need a good one!
my shears have fallen apart. I could really use a good pair.
Merry Christmas.
Thoroughly enjoy your newsletter. Thanks for the give-away! Merry Christmas and a Joyously Happy New Year!!
Thanks for all the great gardening tips!!
My Corona shears “disappeared” but they were great! Wishing You and yours A Merry Christmas and Many Blessings!
You can ship them to 300 N. Main St. Union ,Ohio 45322-3363 thank you very much!!!! They will be put to good use! Ha ha! Hope you and your family have a great Christmas!
I love reading your stories and have learned a lot and purchased some of the tools you have recommended and been very pleased. Will have to try these shears! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
I love the holidays and making your delicious fudge. Soon all my grandchildren will be helping. It will be fun even without bibs.
Hi Mike! Merry Christmas! I love your informative videos and I would love to have a pare of those shears! I also love when you post videos with Finnegan and Fergus!
All the best for 2018!
Hey Mike, Want to say Thanks for all the knowledge you share, Those shears would come in handy
for what I have learned already.
Always looking for better shears!! Have several different kinds.
I would love to win a pair. I do so much pruning, they sure would be put to use. Mike you and Pam have a Very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!!Terry
Love all the tips you give Those pruning shears would come in handy with all my roses, raspberry bushes and burning bushes. Merry Christmas! God bless you.
I enjoy your practical guides to gardening. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
I always enjoy your videos and have tried some of the tips. You always present good information even if it is not always applicable here in Saskatchewan!
I am a Felco #2 fan but I understand liking those pruners.
Meery Christmaa! All the best in 2018!
I wish I have the luck to get one pair of this shear. It looks nice. Merry Christmas! I enjoy your articles very much!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! What a nice giveaway!
Merry Christmas Mike and Pam!
wishing you and Pam and the dogs and the donkeys and all other creatures a very good 2018 and merry christmas and happy gardening for the future. Just love your posts
Great web site, I,m learning tons of gardeningknowledge, keep up good work!
You can’t beat a pair of pruning shears that cut clean. I know that I don’t want to hack my plants to death! This is a great idea. Thank you so much for the opportunity and Merry Christmas to all of you, including the donkeys.
One pair looks like it belongs in my garage ????
Can’t wait for spring to come so we can do some clean up in our front yard
Mike, I have been appreciating and learning from your emails for many years now. I love it when you offer a gift for doing nothing but, getting tips and help from you. Thank you for the chance to receive those neat Corona 3160 Pruners. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. Also, to Finnegan and Fergus (I hope I got the names right).
The Corona must be what I need because most others are just too big for my hand. I’ve wanted a pair of Felco shears, but hate to spend that much money on something that might not work well for me. Thanks for the chance to win one of these, Mike. Merry Christmas to you and Pam.
Could use the new shears right away. I’m sure they would get plenty of use here.
I definitely need a pair of pruning shears that actually cut and not tear.
Love your newsletter I have learned a lot,Thank You! Would be nice to win the pruning shears mine are like the ones you bought Pam and they don’t cut butter either,Merry Christmas!
I am a neighborhood cleanup type guy. I go around the village or subdivision I live in and help out the elderly that are not able to do some of the harder work. God has been good to me and I thank Him for my strength at 71 years young. I do work that others shun. Your tools will be a renewed blessing.
Thanks Mike for all your gardening tips. I regularly watch your videos and learn alot. Haaving a pair of quality pruners would help my gardening skills.
I would love to win a pair of the corona shears. Love your program.
Thank you for this giveaway, nice looking shears! I wonder if you do any maintenance, sharpening, tightening on your shears as they age…
Love the “Pam” story. Sometimes a quick purchase turns out to be awesome but obviously not this time!!
Getting ready to do some pruning and these would sure help me. But if I don’t win, where is the best place to order these? I’m thinking positive though! I want to be a winner!
Hi…I need new shears! :O) I either lose them or they fall apart!:O(
This past summer my family moved to another property. Your videos showed me how to bring my old fruiting shrubs along, actually alot more of them came along than I purchased initially. Those shears may make my next hundreds of cutting easier, but the valuable lessons that I’ve learned more than equal their value. Have a wonderful Christmas.
I’ve really enjoyed watching your videos and learning all I can. Keep em coming!!
Great idea!! Everybody needs good equipment.
U guys Rock! Luv your site!
Happy Holidays!
Thank to you Pam and Mike
Staying inspired….
Joyeux Noel
I totally agree and like Corona too. My favorite gardening tool is a Corona hand hoe. Sharp and the best weeder I have ever used! I’d love to win the pruners!
Hia Dustin and Mike and Pam. I would like to wish you Merry Xmas and the best of holidays coming up. You have inspired me as well as many others. I wish many more happy and beneficial years ahead. Thank You ! ! !
Love your newsletters and share them all the time with sis, brother n dear friend. have some crepe myrtles I am thinking about probably murdering 🙁
Hey Mike,
I tried my first pair of Corona’s just this past spring and I am hooked. Thy do indeed cut better than any brand I have tried in the past. Thanks for keeping us well informed.
I always look forward to your posts!
I enjoy your podts! I would love a new pair of shears to start the new year! Merry Christmas!
I would love to try your recommended pruning shears
No, pick me! I am a connoisseur of gardening tools & I NEED these! I am just a little old lady on a fixed income & have to forego groceries to buy the tools I need. Do you feel sorry for me yet?
I love love love your postings. They are informative and interestingly done. You seem to target subjects that interest me greatly. I love these pruners and have already almost worn out the pair I have. I would really appreciate a new pair. Thanks for all your great advice. ❤️
I have several favorite garden hand tools that I treasure, not because of a brand or cost, but when they work just right when you garden. Good garden shears are in my top five.
Thanks for all of the gardening tips! They are super helpful.
Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!!
Sure would like to replace the ones I now have. Hope I win.
Great shears, I’m looking for new ones. Thanks
Those Shears would make quick work Pruning & making Cuttings! They would be great to have. Merry Christmas to Everyone!
It would be great to have shears that actually cut.
Nice pruner shears !!! Congrats to the winners ! Love the tips and learning so much as a member ! Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year !!!
Shared on FB !! Happy Gardening !!
My wife Janet and I really enjoy your newsletters and videos. She has MS and working in the garden is a great distraction for her
I have watched your website for several years and have always enjoyed reading and putting into practice your great tips. Keep up the inspiration and tips.
I’m new to all this, so I don’t know which are good ones. Thanks for posting which ones are! Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Quality certainly does matter – especially if you have any kind of disability or diminished hand strength.
Great Grannny Grandpa and Grandma, Grandad, and Dad all have this very brand and reach for them first. Guess it’s my turn to keep the tradition going.
I’m thinking spring pruning with a new pair of shears- exciting!
But tomorrow is just the first day of winter- depressing! But Xmas only few days away so wishing all a Merry Christmas
I garden in East Tennessee but constantly learn from your posts. Thank you for being a real gardener and teaching us all so much. You are in favor of using what you have which is my philosophy.
Again, I appreciate your informative blog.
Yes bypass is the way to go. But I have not tried this brand
Corona’s are worth their weight in gold.
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and may the mice and voles stay far far away from your beds!
We jave just moved into a new home and I can hardly wait to “paint” my yard.
Thanks for the pruning shear lesson.
I would love to have a good pair of cutting sheares. What I have are ok but not the best. I do alot of trimming in the spring..
I subscribe to your channel About a Month ago or a little earlier. I have enjoy your videos. I Love seeing Finnegans and Fergus helping out. Wish they could be in every video. They are Pretty Donkeys. I am doing more cutting, propagating plants as I listen to you. I have been into a little bit of Botany over the years. I have learned names of Plants that I did not know before. As of now I have around 200 different plants Propagating in a sand / sand, coco mix. Basil to Leather Leaf Viburums, Corkscrew Willows, Wild Flame Azaleas etc, Rosemary, etc. Keep the Tips coming! Just posted your website to my Facebook Pg.- Ricky Manning ([email protected])
Hey Mike, I think this is only my second comment on your website ever. You are the reason I’ve regained interest in growing and propagating plants, especially Japanese maples. Thanks for the info.
I have followed you for years now. With my situation, I am not in need of doing a paying garden, but I sure do my gardening! I have bought a Mantis tiller because of you, and have learned so much about growing things. Thanks for your efforts, and thanks that you care about gardeners whether we just enjoy gardening and getting a bit dirty or for the professionals. I have pretty good tools (oh, I also bought a good spade because of you, and I LOVE it) and my wife has small hands and the coronas would be right nice in her paws! Enjoy, and God Bless and Merry Christmas from NW Indiana.
Dave McCracken
very useful site
Happy Holidays! What a great Christmas present!
I have used a variety of pruning shears before..Not that happy with them, would lie to try a Corona Brand.
Would love a pair!
Wishing you & family a great holiday!
I prune 3000 grapevines all year, we use some Felco brand and some others, we give each volunteer a pair to keep, and show them the difference between good quality and cheap pruning shears, these look like the good ones , I would like to pass a god pair along to a new person interested in pruning vines and other plants. Like roses and other fruits and ornamentals, the valuable info mike gives here is transfrable to so many plants, the the more you know the more you love learning about taking care of plants.
I need a new pair of pruning shears…mine are terrible and I want to try propagating in the spring to help with bills.
I agree, stick with Coronas! Cheap shears work as well, and don’t last.
Cheap shears DON’T work as well, and don’t last.
I could sure use a pair of nice pruning shears, especially because I just moved into a house that has so many trees and scrubs in the yard.
I want new pruning shears!!! Merry Christmas to you, Pam and family!!
All of your videos are so informative, with so many useful tips! I watch my inbox for you every day.
This is an awesome give away. Can never have to many pruners at my house.
Merry Christmas!!! What an awesome gesture! I am a newbie to propagating plants but loving your videos to help me along the way. Thanks
These are the same ones I have been using for about 4 years now. I could use a new pair. Merry Christmas Mike, Pam, Duston and the rest of the gang.
What goes around comes around is also true for positive things..
Thanks for all the help you and your family have given. Merry Christmas. ❤
What a wonderful opportunity! Thank you so much and Merry Christmas!
I love the Coronas brand.
Merry Christmas to y’all, hope you have another blessed year.
Mike, thanks for your encouragement and your knowledge.
Thank you for the tip on pruning shears! Have a great holiday time.
I just love reading your hints, helps and just good info!!! Looking forward to what you have for us in 2018!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!! ????
How wonderful to see the pictures of the kids helping you make the fudge. I love to see families keeping traditions together. We have recently retired and have moved into, and are renovating, a 100 year old home in Berea, Kentucky. There are no flowers, shrubs, etc., in the front or back yards so we have a lot of landscaping to do. We’re looking forward to using all I’ve learned by following your website/blogs to bring the landscape back to life, as we have done with the old home.
I have learned so much from you since I became a subscriber. I have a huge flower garden that I planted for the butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Pruning shears certainly come in handy. Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge with us.
We recently moved from California to a little rural town in Utah. My corona shears must’ve gotten lost or in my suspicious opinion someone picked them up. But either way I wasn’t able to find them when spring finally rested it’s pretty little head. I went to our small mom and pop hardware store and picked up the most expensive ones I could find but not Corona and by June they broke when I was trimming small branches. I never thought to order on line but if you don’t pick me I will definitely be doing that by spring. Love your posts and I planted a red maple I’m hoping was snuggled in before it froze. Thank you for your inspiration!
These pruning shears sound fantastic. I’d like to try them on some of my out of control shrubs and trees.
We recently moved from California to a little rural town in Utah. My corona shears must’ve gotten lost or in my suspicious opinion someone picked them up. But either way I wasn’t able to find them when spring finally rested it’s oretty little head. I went to our small mom and pop hardware store and picked up the most expensive ones I could find but not Corona and by June they broke when I was trimming small branches. I never thought to order on line but if you don’t pick me I will definitely be doing that by spring. Live your posts and I planted a red maple I’m hoping was snuggled in before it froze. Thank you for your inspiration!
Dear Mike,
I’m a fellow Ohioan now living in Illinois. My husband and I are moving back in a few years and not too far from you, so I hope to stop in and see you. I stumbled upon you and am so glad I did. You have such a good no nonsense approach that people relate to easily about gardening for profit. I was a buyer fo a large wholesale nursery here until I retired and just enjoy the heck outta you. Keep up your inspirational teaching. Merry Christmas !!!
Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thank you for this and also for good dependable information you do generously share all year. Hope I win. It would be a first for me! Now about that fudge. …
Mike, you are one of the best advisors in the business! Keep being awesome!
Retired, with a semi-green thumb, I DO APPRECIATE all the good gardening tips I receive from you Mike! And, do pick me for those great shears!!! Merry Christmas and a great happy, growing New Year!
Purchased a pair of Coronas as a gift a year ago. The recipient of the gift raves each time I see them about what a gift. I do not have any corona pruners but I know they are the best on the market
I followed for only a little while but have learned so much so far. I tell everyone interested in plants and gardening about you and your emails you send me. I am rooting spider plants to hopefully sale in the spring.
Mike is the most honest source of gardening, pruning, planting and growing information out there. I love him and his stories!
Lots of work to do this coming spring. I certainly could use a new pair of pruning shears!
Happy Holidays to you and yours, Mikey.
Would love to win a pair of shears, but more importantly I’d like to thank you for the endless hours I’ve spent enjoying the articles and videos here. Recently retired, your programs and information have launched me into a whole new hobby that I have come to enjoy thoroughly. May even be bringing in some revenue by the Springtime…so much for being retired!!! Wishing you, and all of your followers here, a wonderful Holiday season.
Ii would love to have a pair of these Corono sheers
I’ve been looking for a good cuttings tools for some time now. What a wicked awesome giveaway.
I always really enjoy the newsletters and I have success in starting a few plants and intend to do more this year. Thanks for all your great ideas.
We have bought some seeds already and are looking forward to being able to start seedlings for next spring.
We were excited to meet you a couple years ago when we passed through OH on the way to KY.
Thanks for all your articles!
Sharon 🙂
We have bought some seeds already and are looking forward to being able to start seedlings for next spring.
We were excited to meet you a couple years ago when we passed through OK on the way to KY.
Thanks for all your articles!
Sharon 🙂
Those look like awesome shears, the house we moved into has a lot of overgrowth that I have been working on, but some shears I have tried have either broke or don’t cut very well. Thank You
Have a wonderful Holiday!!
These would come in very handy with my many gardens. You have a very generous heart. Merry Christmas.
Awesome shears! I already have the bib overalls. What do the donkeys get for Christmas? Do they get to wear Santa hats?
Merry Christmas Mike and family. Keep the good info coming.
Nice shears and a very good story!
Thanks for all the gardening help all Year.
I agree with you on the Corona’s. It would make my Christmas as I use shears a lot in my backyard.. You are definitely in the Christmas spirit and kudos for this offer.
Thanks for all the gardening help all yesr.
Would love these shears! I used your propagation method to start some elderberry and I now have my own elderberries.
I could certainly use another pair of good pruners because I have more than a hundred rose bushes and a bunch of other perennials. I have a pair of Felco pruners of which I am very fond, but having a second pair of quality pruners would mean that I would not have to go out back to get my pruners when I am working in the front or vice versa. With shorter days and lots of pruning, every little bit of time I can save counts for something. Perhaps you will make a Corona convert out of me! Have a splendid holiday season, with visions of spring gardening dancing in your head!
Merry Christmas! Keep the dirt under your nails! Enjoy the tips and vids…
your website is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. No share button on my screen. First the rules and now this????
i have a lot to learn and you are teaching me well Hats off to You Mike Thank You….cant wait for spring
Exactly what I need. Merry Christmas Mike & Pam!
I finally moved up north, and can’t wait to start propagating, these shears sure would come in handy.
Thank you, Merry Christmas!
Wishing you and the family a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year
I want to wish everyone in McGorarty enterprises a Merry Christmas.
Really enjoying all the information as I move forward with my gardening adventures.
You are right as always! Quality tools are not that expensive and do last a long time, Making it worth the few extra cents to buy quality to begin with!
I’m just starting out, so I’m learning a lot from your site!
Count me in too Mike! I’ve got some shrubs here in Florida that need taming and those shears are just the ticket!
Shears are my gardening best friend. Use them all the time in my garden love your program and news letters with the gardening tips, very informative. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
I am still trying to find the rules for the contest???
I usually buy the cheapest tool at the gardening center. I am looking forward to using the Corona 31060 Shears. As you can tell, I feel I have won them already.
I want to THANK YOU for your emails. I have learned so much and I really appreciate you, Pam, the donkeys and rest of your family members. I want to wish everyone good luck in the drawing! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy getting your emails. Thanks for all the helpful info.
I have always been told that Fisker makes the best pruning shears….However, I’m willing to allow you to prove me wrong…Have a nice Christmas my friend….I appreciate all the information you share.
Thank you for your great advice!!!! Just starting out with a small plant business and your words of wisdom are invaluable!!! And, can always use a pair of good pruning shears!!!!
It will soon be time to prune here in Southern California! I will think of you every time I use my new shears! Thanks for all the good tips and information you’ve shared all year long. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!
I’ve always been told that Fisker make the best pruning shears….Prove me wrong Mr McGroarty…
You’re a real inspiration,keep providing the info & the great giveaways. Merry Christmas
I use Felco shears but these have become quite expensive. I will pick up a pair of the .Coronas,. Tell the Donkeys Merry Christmas .
Thank you for all the videos and tips! Happy holidays!
Very nice shears! Would love to have a pair for my pruning. Thanks for all the tips and advice over the years! I’m hoping to soon have some land to start on a path of growing more! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!
Nice shares to have on hand. Merry Christmas to you and yours.
I could put those shears to good use 🙂 Merry Christmas to you & your family!
There’s nothing worse than cheaply made tools! Thanks for all your postings and videos — I learn something new from you every week.
I have been following you over a year. like all of your helpful hints. thank you and happy holidays…
I would LOVE a new pair of Corona’s! They ARE THE BEST! Still using my Mom’s old pair and they still work well after 35+ years (!!!), but a new pair would be a treat! Thanks for the opportunity, Mike! YOU are ThE BEST,too! Merry Christmas!
Good tools are not an extravagance!
I’m happy to learn about the Corona pruning shears. Thank you.
35 years of building a house, raising kids and livestock on the “ol’ homestead,” and I am finally getting around to pleasure gardening! Granddad’s poor old pruners would love to retire, too, Mike and Pam!
Mike, the first thing I actually bought for my nursery in progress was a pair of these shears. only because you recommended them. I’ve already used them quite a bit and they are a great pair of shears. Thank you and catch you in a bit on the board.
I have Corona loppers awesome tools. Enjoy all your viedos, Merry Christmas to yall from Texas
Wish I had a nice pair of shears. Not fully cutting through is a real pain when things are still connected. Your newsletters and posts are great information for us novices, thank you so much!!
Thanks so much Mike, what a great idea! Most of our shears need replaced!
I agree with you, QUALITY matters. I to have used many different brands of pruners. My last two were Corona’s. Dp not know which model they are. But love them
Corona pruning shears are truly the best!! Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays
Already have a pair of Coronas per your advice. Great pruners….. wouldn’t mind another pair.
I hope these shears have some magic dirt attached as I’m never really sure if I’m pruning correctly! Whoever wins, I wish could wishes and a Merry Christmas!
On a lite note Mike, I love your stories and love watching your video’s.
I tried my luck on you pruning shears last year, but i wasn’t lucky enough. Maybe I’ll win a pair this time–I hope, I hope!!!
You and your family are awsome. You have taught me so much about gardening and loved you videos. Keep up the great work. Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you and your family.. It’s hard to find good prunners
Could use a new pair of pruners.
Merry Christmas!
I could always use another pear of pruning shears. Pick me please .
Mike I could always use a Good Pair of sheers. I have several of the other type!
I have never tried this brand, so would be nice to try. We just moved to a place with 3 acres, and I have a lot of trimming to do.
Merry Christmas.
Know what you mean about tools that don’t cut very frustrating! Hope I win a pair of yours.
I love Corona tools. I use them in our blueberry patch. By patch, I mean 2,200 + bushes …
I love Corona pruning shears. Could use a lighter pair for everyday use. Pick me!
Hi Mike and Pam,
Thanks for all your great advice and have a great Christmas
Those look really sharp I hope I don’t cut my finger! I have those cutters from sears and you can’t cut a piece of ballony with them.
Throwing my hat into the ring for a new pair of shears. Love Corona products, you’re right, quality matters. I have a rusty beat up pair, how do I sharpen them so they cut decent again?
Let me know if you have a good tip for it!
Thanks Mike for all you do!
I’d be thrilled to have a new pair of shears. My favorite pair lost the little spiral wire. Thank you for the opportunity!
Hi Mike! Yhank you so much for offering this give a way! Who wouldn’t be happy winning a pair of these Shears!! I know I’d like to win! Thank you for giving us so much information and videos. I have learned so much from you!
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Thanks for sharing your info and experience throughout the year.
This website is very helpful to any gardener.
I’ve learned a great deal from you and your lessons. Aged bark mulch as rooting medium is the best advice I’ve gotten, plants coming out my ears this fall!! I alsobtried my hand at air layering a few trees this year, and am hoping the arbor vitae cuttings I’ve set for the winter do as well as yours! Great advice, simple methods, and terrific results for me. Couldn’t have asked for more.
I hope you, Pam, and the donkeys have a very Merry Christmas, and a prosperous 2018!
Buy new pruners every year. Hope to win this Corona!
I love shears! I use them for all sorts of things around the place. Would love another pair!
Thank you for the contest.
These look like great shears. (I’m also a Pam)
I have been subscribed for years and truly enjoy all your helpful tips and advise. Your tips on gardening tools are right on. Thank you for sharing your animals and your family with all of us.
Merry Christmas to all
Merry Christmas to you as well! I’m guilty of skimping quality in favor of cost. I’d love a pair of Corona shears! Thanks for your consideration!
Thanks for the great tip on pruning shears. I just began subscribing to your newsletter and I’m impressed with your garden tips and knowledge on what “to do” and what “not to do”.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
I believe I’ll try a pair of the bypass pruners. I used to believe in the Corona anvil pruners, but I thought I’d treat myself to a new pair. They were terrible! Thinking I got a bad pair, I exchanged them for another pair. They were the same. I contacted Corona online, but did not get a reply. All five of my old Corona pruners are still being used. I stash them in different parts of the garden and garages so I am always near one when needed. I’ll be in good shape as long as my old pruners work.
This would be awesome ! Love gardening and could really use a new pair of shears .
Bought a pair last year. They really good!
I hope to win the pruning shears because I need them. I love getting your newsletter Mike. Lots of valuable info you send. Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us.
Don Peach Sr.
362 Conley Road
Morganton NC 28655
It is hard to find a good pair of shears. Hope I win.
These are on my list to get! Thank you for all of the great information.
Merry Christmas!!
These look like a great life long tool!
Thanks for giving your readers this opportunity to own a pair.
They look great. I belong to a Garden Club and we have a Rose Garden and several others that we maintain weekly. It is hard to use some of our equipment and a good pair of shears would help.
Thank You and Merry Christmas to All!
The wife and I sure could use one of them bad boys to help us with our pruning choirs. Looks like they can take lots abuse and keep on going.
Ok Mike…You got me! If I don’t win a pair of these pruning shears, I’m going to break down and BUY a pair. They look high quality and the ones I buy (yes- multiple purchases) just don’t last.
My shears are worn out
I am always looking for good shears!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Enjoy your newsletters. I’ve learned a lot from you, Mike!
I REALLY NEED a good pair of pruners! I don’t have the strength I once had so some that would work well would be GREAT!
Wow, thanks for a chance to win these great shears!
Wow! I like the looks of those! And the fact that they can cut up to 1” is a nice benefit! Merry Christmas and a blessed new year to you and yours! Thanks for all your great information all year long. I really appreciate it.
…and some fools dont believe n Santa!
My pruners are getting lots of mileage this year. Another pair would be great! Thanks!
I had a pair of those 2 years ago and someone borrowed them and i didn’t get them back. Would like to have another pair. Best cutters i ever owned.
You are such a great guy! You and your videos have helped me to become a skilled and professional gardener. I started with your course many years ago and after doing it your way, I actually found that I really enjoyed digging in the dirt and I took some classes in botany at the local college. I passed on to the other students a lot of your info on transplanting. I would really like to receive the pair of pruners as it would give me a constant reminder of who it was that started me on my way to becoming a successful “green thumb-er”. Thanks for all that you do and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your family!!!
Christmas Day is my birthday too so those pretty red pruning shears will definitely do…Ho Ho Ho…
I am with you on the Corona pruning equipment only I ordered 4 of the 3/4 “ ratchet pruners so I have a pair of those wherever I am on my 5 acres i.e. basement, shed, garden and one pair for the tractor.
Such a generous gift! Merry Christmas.
Would love a pair of quality pruning shears.
Learning a lot from you. Thanks for taking the time to produce the info.
Thanks for all your good information and advice over the years. I have learned so much! I need New shears, so here’s hoping.
I love reading your emails, I save them all for reference!
Awasom give away. Using tools my whole life you find out the hard way that you get what you pay for.
I really, really need a good pair of pruning shears.
Yes, my Dad taught me to buy the best I could afford when it came to tools and lots of other things. Now if I could only get my hubby on board with that. Thanks for the chance to win and have a Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas Mike and family. So glad I found your site. Can’t wait for spring!
Thanks for all the info – use some of it but have really cut back on my garden activities.
Merry Christmas to you and the family.
Always enjoy your posts!!
Would love the fudge and pruning shears!!
Merry Christmas!
When I had goats I used those to trim hoofs, really great for that too, not sure were I put them but they are missed. I will be 76 next month. Kathy
These do look and sound like great shears! Assuming Idon’t win (but hope springs eternal…) they are on my list for the next time I need a pair! I have gone through WAY too many pairs of cheap ones hubs grabs at WM or the dollar store!
I have LOTS of pruning to do and these look like they can really handle the work! Thanks for the opportunity to win a pair! 🙂
Merry Christmas Mike and Family. My Coronas shears are about worn out so that would be a fantastic Christmas present. By the way my dad and I love your videos. Thanks
Merry Christmas to you & yours!
A new pair of clippers would be so appreciated! And for safe keeping I would don my best pair of coveralls to keep them in!????
I love your posts. I have read them for many years. Thank you for all of the great gardening information, and Merry Christmas.
I have been with you for years now.. Thank you for all the help. And Merry Christmas and a Wonderful Gardening New Year to you and Pam.
Hi Mike, always look forward to your e-mails. I would love the shears, at 70 yrs old I need all the help I can get!!!! Pet the Donkeys for me!
This past spring I started working as the grounds keeper for a home. Primarily I was hired to pull weeds and cut the grass. There were weeds in the flower beds, no let me restate that there were flowers in the weed beds and the bushes were over grown would an understatement. It was at this time I found your news letter looking for advice. After a month on the job my employer told me that the yard looked so nice that they were having a party and that they were embarrassed to have company over before. I cast no dispersions against these folks, they both work very hard and it was difficult for them to find the time to garden. Lets face it, gardening does take time and you have to enjoy being outside and working up a sweat. I’ve reworked three flower beds and have more plans for this spring. If I won a pair of your shears I guarantee they would get a workout. Happy Holidays to all.
Mybe if I had a nice pair of shears , I could convince my wife to help prune the yard….keep up the good work
Your videos are informative and fun! Thank you you have taught me so much! Merry Christmas! ????⛄♥️
I love your posts, and I have read them for years. I save quite of few of them.
Merry Christmas
Mary Caroline
Great looking shears !! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!
I really enjoy your information. I’ve learned a lot from you since I’ve been receiving your email.
Wow!!! awesome giveaway.This year I got my greenhouse and these would be wonderful.
Merry Christmas Mike and Family!!! Thank you for the awesome fudge recipe! Yum!!!!
Been reading your site for a couple years and love the videos and all the great information you share. So appreciated. 🙂 Been growing plants since I can remember, my grandma got me started with her snap dragons, she loved cross pollinating and even had a rose she made. I guess they named it Theodora after her. I’m 62 now so it’s been awhile ago. I bought a pair of the Coronas you’re giving away. I’ve used lots of different ones during my planting life and they are the best. So proud of them I keep them inside 🙂 Have a wonderful 2018 and keep up the good work!
I am always looking for good tools. I volunteer at the MN.Arboritum and we are a)wys discussing tools to make gardenimg easier.
I’ve tried so many brands of shears, and none seem to live up to the hype! Would love to put these Coronas to the test!
I can’t do much of anything now because of health problems but still really enjoy your newsletters and videos. Love the donkeys
Shared on FB! Merry Christmas! -Wren
Not sure if you can ship them to Canada but they would be greatly appreciated. Happy Holidays
Thank you! Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, Mike and Family!
Would love to own a pair of these!
Thank you! Merry Christmas.
Iam the pruner in our house, thank you for sharing the the story about the shears.
I now know what I need to buy to get the
Job done the right way.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Sure I could put them to use.
Yes even if I dont win I now know what to buy to use on my own!!!
Thanks-Enjoy reading your posts. Have a peaceful and quite day.
I just received this today, Tuesday; December 19, 2017 and I just loved watching your video and shared it with quite a few teaching colleagues. We are planning on making 2 batches each for our “Advisory” period students at our Advisory Holiday party! We can’t wait. It looks and seems so very yummy and easy! Can’t wait to make it tomorrow!
Merry Christmas and wishing you and yours the very best for the New Year!
Thanks so much!
Karen H
Merry Christmas Mike and Pam! (and of course the donkeys too!)
I recently found your videos and have watched many of them. Great information!
Last spring I propagated a few grape vines from cuttings as you described. It worked! Going to try some softwood cuttings next year.
You can see the quality in those shears.
Thanks for all the information you provide. Keep it up.
Wishing you well.
Very nice looking shears. Love you website. Will try to catch up with you in the early summer.
Love the information you provide. Always right and helpful. Would love a pair of these shears. Merry Christmas and God bless you and your family.
I love your blog and all the great gardening tips. What could be better–free education and now the super possibility of winning free printers.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year of gardening in 2018.
Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you and yours, from Arkansas
Nothing like a good sharp pair of pruners. I have a pair that has the ratchet handles and love them.
Merry Christmas to all. Another year bites the dirt.
Sitting here, before Christmas, with spring fever. Oh My! Bring on the shears. Have a very Merry Christmas!!
I love your blog. Love getting my emails. Praying my back heals so I can work in my yard come Feb or March whenever it gets warm enough for this Southern Nana to get out. Thanks so much for your hard work and so much great information.
Merry Christmas to Yall!!!!
Corona snips for life, Mike. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! My Coronas are old and ugly, but still cutting like the day that I bought them! Pick me
No pick me! Please! I
NEED good pruning shears. My cousin Bob turned me on to your website and I am so grateful. I have learned so much. Thank you.
Hi Mike, Happy Holidays to you and yours….. You are so right, the correct tools make the job so much easier. Gardening makes me so happy and I am forever “saving” plants via cuttings, etc. I am happy to say that I have “green hands” because whatever I root or plant will survive. I have been called the Plant Whisperer where I worked but the secret is “don’t over water” and talk to your plants. They like compliments just like you and I.. Good luck to me. Thanks.
Hi Mike,
You’re truly an inspiration! Thanks for this information…quality really matters.
Hope to see you soon in Georgia!!
In 1972 I was given the task of pruning a 1000 pre WW2 apple trees in an abandoned orchard. I went out and bought a $6 pair of pruning shears and worked for about 6 hours until my blisters occurred. The next day I bought another pair about 6 times more expensive because I had seen that I was important not just the trees and taking care of both my hands and those overgrown limbs were both of my concerns. I see the value ever since.
Ni’d lovet o have shears that make a clean cut instead of tearing.
You rock Mike!
I love reading my emails from Mike. He always has great tips for a better garden. I’ve gone through a lot of garden shears too. This looks like the end of my search.
Merry Christmas and a happy New Years.
Would love to have those beautiful shears I just finished fall clean up and pruning the shears I was using they told me were really good they lied they were awful
Will be ready for spring shearing with a new tool!
Love your awesome site and would love these at my new home. Merry Christmas
Love those shears…Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to the McGroarty family.
Great fudge too….lot easier than doing all that stirring on our recipe.
Merry Christmas Mike. Thanks for all of the great advice!!
What a thoughtful gift for a lucky few! Thanks for your generosity.
I am interested in a pruning shear that is capable of “cutting” the branch instead of squashing it.
This year I am charged with starting cuttings from existing gooseberry, raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, hydrangeas and rose bushes. Since these have your endorsement I imagine they will fit the bill.
No pick me!!!!!!!! Lol. I have never tried this brand. I would be way to excited!
Thanks for all the good gardening tips.
Thank you for the great tips, can’t wait to use them.
Been pruning with an old rusty pair and badly need a new one. Great looking shears. Merry Christmas to you and your wife!
Are these guaranteed for life? Where can they be sharpened? Are they made in the USA?
Just in time. Mine are worn out. ???? Thanks for all you do! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Those look awesome! I’d love to have a pair.
Merry Christmas!!
My dad had a set, that lasted Forever! I’d love to have one of those!
Yes, I followed your advice on the coronas and they definitely have the nice sharp blades and are perfect for cuttings.
Thank you for the advice. And yes, I could certainly use another pair.
Ive been reading your articles and watching your videos for a couple of years..I cant tell you how much Ive enjoyed listening to your straightfoward suggestions and ideas. Ive icorporated many of your ideas..and although I cant afford to buy anything just yet..I will continue to lookk forward to your e mails..Thank you so much.
Will pass this along…Been looking for Coronas.
Mike, Winning the shears would be nice, but the real take is another great marketing idea. What a way to get your name/product around the internet. You rock.
Hey Mike, thanks for the chance and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thanks so much for your great site and all your efforts.
Merry Christmas.
Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year! ????☃️????
I plan to plant several trees and bushes in my backyard. I. Prepare soil ( remove old 3 feet deep). My shears are no good, so it’s very on time and very remembered gifts.
You are so right about quality, Lesser quality tools add time and frustration. I appreciate your sharing of the tools you like. User recommendation is gold. Thank you!
Merry Christmas! Would be nice to get something other than coal this year, lol.
The shears look really nice! Thank you for your generosity. Thanks for inspiring me!
Steve says
December 19, 2017
Great looking shears.
Thanks for your videos and all the info you provide.
Thanks for the great giveaway, I can really use a great pair of pruners. Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas from a Christmas Tree Farmer.
Shears are the key tool when you have hundreds of branches to prune.
We have tried most of them and Chinese steel is “not” where it is at!
Thanks for your great notes thru the year.
Awesome looking shears!! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!
I have bought several pair of CORONA cutters,and lopers since u first recomended them. My daughter-in -law loves me more now. See msg. comment on Facebook. I have appreciated you, your family and the Donkeys for many years. I hope I can continue for 11 more years. I am 80 chronologically, 65 years Picologically. Thanks. Have a joyous Christmas. Chuck Fulco—-
De Berry Patch, De Berry, Tx.
I agree, quality always counts! Have a Merry Christmas!
Love those shears. Thanks for the chance to win and I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas
You always have good advice and on any topic I can think of. Thanks. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.
Merry Christmas Pam, Mike, and Duston. That’s a very generous offer… I sure could use a good pair of pruning shears like that. I appreciate the opportunity to join the contest. Have a blessed new year too.
I love reading and watching your posts. I have learned so much..
Merry Christmad
Been following you for several years now and you’ve always steered me in the right direction. Sure would like to win those Coronas, Spring is just around the corner and I have 10 crowns of thorn less black berries that need a lot of attention.
Merry Christmas! I would love to have these shears! Please pick me!
Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
We always go through so many pruning shears. Especially since watching your tutorials!!!
I love my coronas, but I spend too much time looking for them because I misplace them!
Mike, lost my pruners
Now that I am retired, I am so looking forward to getting outside and pruning and getting new plants going. Last week we had snow here in North Carolina, , This week today was 72,degrees. So went outside and tilled the garden. Will need to use those shears in February. Can’t wait to get into the full swing of feeling dirt in my hands!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2018
Have a wonderful holiday season!
I hope all is well with you and your family Mike and Pam McGroarty ! !
Thank you for all the wonderful information and tips you give! along with your website.
God bless in Jesus Name
J. Hart
I found a pair of well-worn Coronas in the yard 3 years ago when we moved to a different house. Sharpened and cleaned them and They are my favorites. What a reliable brand!
I have the lighter weight. These would be fabulous. Merry Christmas, and thank you for all you do.
I always seem to pick the wrong kind of pruners. Thanks for the giveaway! Love your post, I’ve learned so much over the years. Oh, and I made your fudge last year. It was the best ever! Thank you so much for sharing the recipe!
Good pruning shears are a gardener’s best friend. I don’t want to live without them!
Wow nice pruning shears. Love your newsletter. Valuable to me.
Thank you and the donkeys for all your help and advice. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
As I get older I can’t do as much ‘but your articles still teach me thing Even if I can’t do them I still love learning about them.
I’m always misplacing my pruning shears. Another pair would really help.
Love your web site.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and all the best in 2018.
Just starting out and these would be perfect!
Hello Mike & Pam you are Awesome! Merry Christmas!
What an awesome gift
Those look amazing.I’m 71 and arthritis has settled in my right hand and fingers.Those look like something I could handle
May you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
P.S. I love your shears and I could use a new pair.
I love your articles, great information. I remember my dad having a pair of Corona shears back in the 70’s, he was a landscape maintenance guy and worked at a Nursery, awe memories. Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
I’ve had these pruning shears on my Amazon wishlist for some time now along with the Okatsune Precision Hedge Shears that Mike recommended in one of his videos on YouTube, so I thought I would try to win a pair from the man himself!
My wife and I have learned so much from Miike and since we live in Youngstown, OH, we hope to visit the nursery this spring – to meet all the great people and visit the donkeys!
Keep up the great work!.
I can’y count how many pruning shears I’ve had over the years , these look like the real deal to me , maybe Santa Mike’s wife Mrs. Santa (Pam ) will pick me to send a pair to . In ant event I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas .
These look like the perfect size for my “pretend” hands! Merry Christmas to you and your family too!
I hope I win a pair of cutting shears
I love reading your stories and learning from them. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Pruning shears are very handy and needed when gardening and propagating plants. Happy Holidays to you and your family from LaFayette, Georgia!
Merry Christmas to you and family, Mike.
Thanks for all the great articles and fantastic information..
Happy New Year!!
I would love a pair of new shears. I have been looking for a good pair of shears that will last.
Thanks to you, they are my go tos
Five year user in an apartment building.
Known as the FARMER cause they are a part of me.
This is one of the items on my Christmas list!!
Those shears are the best. Really hope to win. I’m always trimming and pruning something around my place. Also what a great site for plant lovers and anyone who wants to learn more about them.
They sound very nice! I’d love to try a pair 🙂
Merry Christmas!!
I’d jusy like to have s nice pair that aren’t plastic. I habe to buy all my supply at dollar General cause I can’t drive anymore. I can’t afford the others even if I could drive. Even if I font win, if like to say that’s a very nice thing you and the Mrs is doing for Christmas. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I hope it is a blessed one. Thx for alk the things you’ve taught me on your website. Thank you, Micki Bolwn
Thank you for all you do for your “children” on the BYG boards. I appreciate the way you continually encourage everyone to “Do something in your garden every day”.. Merry CHRISTmas to you and your family.
I really like the shears and hope that I’m lucky enough to win a pair! But, if I don’t, I hope whoever gets them enjoys them! Merry Christmas everyone and thanks Mike and Pam for your wonderful newsletter! It has saved me more than once! God bless you all and have a blessed and very successful year!
I enjoy your newsletters lots of very good information.You are very generous to give 3 shears away I would love to have a good pruning shears
Pam & Mike, thank you for the opportunity to win a quality pair of pruning shears. The ones I currently own are ready to meet their demise. I also want to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a New Year filled new & exciting adventures as you journey through 2018.
Love your expertise & e-mail “news”. Can’t afford to get into the Propagation Misting System nor the Backyard Growers Business Ctr. yet, but still would love to be considered for the drawing for the excellent Corona pruning shears you recommend! Anything is helpful when you’re “doing it alone”!
Mike, thank you for all you teach us on your sight and in your emails.
On your recommendation two years ago I bought me a pair of the corona shears. Best shears I have ever had. Thanks Charles
Just absolutely love your site. You give us such great information & tips. Thanks for keeping us informed & entertained.
Merry Christmas!
Sounds like a great fit for my hands. I have a hard time with larger shears top. Have a wonderful Christmas!
I have no idea, what “waiting for moderation” means. hee hee
Would love to win a pair of the pruners. I have been considering raising plants from cuttings and will decide weather or not to jump into beginning to do so this spring.
I think I have the same cheap red handled pruners. Frustrating to use.
Have mostly used Felco pruners but if Mike says these are better then I would have to believe him. Sometimes my Felco pruners are too big for making delicate cuts.
Merry Christmas Mike and Pam. And may you have a great new year.
these sound great, thanks!
Thank you for your emails and blog posts — I’m learning alot! Merry Christmas to you and Pam!
I would be very happy to win a pair of pruning shears.
(I really like your shirt, Pam 😉
Sorry, I’m not on social media, so I can’t share. I’ll forward
the email instead.
Merry Christmas!
I keep hoping I will be able to start my plant business. Needing tools is one of the first things in order. Thank you for your inspiration and information. You and your family are helping me fulfill my dream. Thank you and a very Meeey Christmas and Happy New Year
Am learning alot by watching your videos, lots of good info to use as I am a landscaper. I could really benefit from those.
Pick me
Merry Christmas to you and Pam, Duston and your whole family. I continue to work at the business each day and remain inspired. Can’t wait for 2018!
I keep hoping I will be able to start my plant business. Needing tools is one of the first things in order. Thank you for your inspiration and information. You and your family are helping me fulfill my dream. Thank you and a very Meeey Christmas and Happy New Year
I agree that quality counts, especially in clippers. My dad always said that you’re only as good as your tools! Pam’s right. And what a beautiful picture of her!
I love Corona! I have a pair of large loppers that I use, but I don’t have any small ones. These would be an awesome addition to my plant addiction!!
Corona shears would certainly come in handy right about now!
Merry Christmas to you and the family!
Good shears are a pleasure to use. Any suggestions on sharpening?
I have a very well used pair of these shears and they work great. Mine are missing the red handles!
Excellent product thanks Mike
Awesome I need a new pair of shears
Wishing the Merriest of Christmas and a Happiest New Year to the McGroarty family. I would love to test out these new shears. Mine also do the same thing as the one you gave Pam. It all starts with a sharp tool and some home made potting soil,… of which I use your recipe. I’m new to the game but look forward to what this spring”s cutting season will do. So having a nice sharp tool will help………………………………………..HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!
Wishing you & your family a very Merry Christmas. Sure hope Santa sends me a pair of Corona pruning shears!
Trying to use dull, poorly designed shears is the worst and so frustrating! Glad it worked out in the end
Love my Corona shears
a pair of these would make an excellent pressie for my autistic daughter- she is the youngest adult in our state to be a “Master Gardener” Thank you Mike for all that you do: we’d be lost without ya! May you and yours have a very merry & blessed Christmas!
They look great. I bought a set of ratcheting pruning tools at the Mother Earth News fair last May. I really like them too.
I love my Corona pruning shears. I bought them per a previous recommendation of yours.
Bob Carney
I would love these shears as I have a big country garden
merry christmas
Hope to win a good pair of pruning shears. Not realizing it does make a difference in quality, it was frustrating to have some wood cuttings cut clean and some not. Hope to win.
Love corona tools. Look forward to your Emails.
I used to have a pair of them;; I think I picked them up at a thrift store, used;; and I used mine until they just wore completely out and fell apart… of course I repaired mine and continued to use them until they just couldn’t be repaired any more….
Heart broken I threw them away and have been hoping for a new pair every since……
I would love to try those. I’ve used many different brands, oddly enough the best ones I ever had were a “no-name” pair I got out of a bargain bin for $5. I used them for many years until they finally just fell apart.
Have been looking for some small good pruning shears, this looks just like what I have been looking for. If I don’t win a pair, please tell me where I can buy a pair. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
I could use a good quality pruning shears. I didn’t realize how much it matters on what type but after doing some wood cuttings and having some cut clean and other not, that’s frustrating. Hope to win!
Nothing beats the winter “blahs” better than some quality time catching up on pruning around the house….even better with a spiffy new pair of shears.
Mike, years ago when I enrolled in backyard growers and viewed your course on Japanese maples, you convinced me and my wife to get started. I was somewhat skeptical due to the rules here in wacko California, but my wife now has a very profitable business of growing many varieties of Japanese maples. Whether my wife wins these shears or not, thank you for all you have done for usas retirees.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Meeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrry Christmas to you and your family! I would love to be entered to win!
Much love from Oregon! <3 Cassondra
Yes Merry Xmas to you and you family – Thanks for tons of great gardening info
Corona makes some very good products. I would love to have a pair of these ! Thanks for your advice and stories all year. Thanks for the Fudge recipe !
Merry Christmas and happy new shears! Love the tips so keep them coming!
I have some Corona shears with the longer handle–maybe 12-14″ and they are awesome for pruning shrubs when you need to get at those interior crossing branches, but don’t especially want to get your hands all scratched up with the hand pruners. I’ve had the Corona pair for over 20 years and they still work as good as new. My hand pruners are Fiskars, and I highly recommend those too–I’d be interested in making a comparison, so you should pick me!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! These Corona shears look great. Thank you for considering me for the giveaway.
A new pair of pruners will help keep my yard looking sharp! Merry Everything, Happy Always, Mike. The fudge is wonderful!
Great advice on the clippers Mike – I have been thru several clippers without much success – i had to go back to a pair i have had for 20+ years
I have three pairs because I set them down while working and forget them. The red colored handle makes them a little easier to spot.
Excellent garden tool.
These look like nice ones….I always have trouble with the cheap ones I buy. Great job…now off to read about your fudge…lol
I always appreciate your columns and read them carefully. Thank You
I could always use extra pruning sheers. Those look awesome! Also, LOVE your videos!
Love reading your newsletters! You have great ideas and very helpful ones too. I look forward to your newsletters and vidoes,all the time. Those are great looking pruners too!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
A new, quality pair of pruning shears would be wonderful, for both me and my plants! Thank you for considering me!
Happy holidays and a prosperous New Year to all gardners in the U.S.. And many thanks to Mike for the information he has given us this year. Thanks Mike.
I love gardening, but my hands aren’t as young as they used to be. These pruners will help tremendously!!!
Tools that work properly are worth every dime. My mother taught me the value of a well made sharp shovel and quality pruning shears. I could use a new pair as I branch out into my own BYG nursery. Mom would be proud… :^)
Merry Christmas,Mike and family. Hope to continue enjoying your newsletter in the new year.
Thank you so much for all the useful information you send! I have put quite a lot of it into practice and my plants are much better for it-so loved the potting soil recipe and so do my plants! Not much pruning to do here at the moment as we have a foot of snow and it is getting deeper by the minute today! Supposed to get a foot more by tomorrow morning-guess winter is really here now!
Merry Christmas and thanks again for all your helpful and useful advice!
Enjoy your site immensely. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I do a lot of pruning and these look like they will do the job completely. Merry Christmas to you both.
Thanks Mike for all of your great advice and encouragement! I love your site! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Hi Mike
Love your video’s watch them all the time. I need a great pair of trimmers, pick me.
Have a Merry Christmas and a
I’m always looking for good, sharp shears that aren’t too big to handle. Pick me!!!
Merry Christmas to my favorite gardening family.
Always used Felcos. Mine is beginning to wear out. I’d be happy to try the Coronas.
Thanks, Mike, for all the information you share. I have found your propagation information
invaluable and I tell my garden club members to check out your website.
Last time I read your comments about hand pruners I went online to search out some Corona’s here in Ontario, the only thing I found that looked similar were Mark’s Choice MC3160 from Home Hardware. They look identical but not sure if they are knockoffs ..$23cad. in case other readers from this area are looking. Love to get a pair of Corona pruners to compare them.
cheers, dougal
surfsalterpath loves pruning shears and fudge!
I am still looking for a good pair of pruning shears. Most I have tried fell apart after a year or two.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Hey Mike,
I have just got started doing some propagating this past year and use and enjoy your helpful information. We bought a home here in Indiana that had a blank slate for a yard and have slowly been planting and learning what goes best where. I have fruit trees that are doing well and we have a line of Arborvitaes we planted for a privacy hedge last year. I sure would put the shears to good use:), but either way have a Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the opportunity…I have never made fudge!!!!
I win either way
Merry Christmas to all of you!
Sandra and Family
Muskogee, OK
I love to prune, and I love those shears. Thank you for the contest.
Merry Christmas. Thanks for sharing about the shears!
these sheers look easier to use on old bones than the wider kind.. hoping to give them a try!
Love all the recommendations for tools that work best and ask the professional advice you give. I love plants and everything about them. My husband has almost caused a divorce because he messed with my plants…lol. Live everything you do and share. I am always excited to see an email from you and have to go read it right away. Merry Christmas to you and your entire family and employees!
Hey Mike,Count me in for the shears…Merry Christmas to you and your family..
Wishing you and Pamela a wonderful Christmas season. Sometimes it feels like you are part of my family since I’ve seen you in so many of your videos and read so many of your articles over the years. I feel very blessed to have stumbled upon your expertise! Thanks Mike.
Really appreciate your good will to your followers. A new pruner would really be great for shaping up the garden. Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I like getting your newsletter. The information in it has come in handy on a few occasions. Sharpening the garden shovel was a good one. Now please let me win the shears.
Thank you so much for all of the good advice.
A great pair of pruners makes making cuttings fun rather than a chore…….. Love your info
I totally agree that if you want a quality garden you need quality tools.
hi, these shears look wonderfull, like your wife I’ve got a pair with
nice shiny painted handles but they won’t cut either.
Hope you and Pam have a lovely Christmas and a great new year.
With all my best wishes
from Bee
Quality shears are vital.
Pam is right! Spend a little extra for great quality.
Thanks for the opportunity Mike and Dustin ????
I’ve been following your newsletter for some time. I’m interested in getting started, but trying to buy a home first and start a garden. Would love a set of clippers to get a jump start.
Merry Christmas to yall. My husband John and I love your website. John has started about 50 confederate roses and a good set of pruning shears could come I’m handy. He’s be tickeled pink if he won a pair. And I’m going to try this fudge this weekend. And Mrs.Pam i love your top. It’s pretty. I hope you all are blessed this Holiday season!
Merry Christmas To you Mike and family.
Look like really good tools, I need some to get after my fruit trees. Thanks for all for the tips throughout the year.
Ok, go ahead and send me those shears. i have 3 grandsons that could help me. i’ll bet your grandsons are as sweet as that fudge like mine. thanks for all your help and advice this year. Merry Christmas and Happy New year.
Remember the old saying, “You get what you pay for”. A good tool makes your job a lot easier!
Mike – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.
Have already gone through several lesser pairs. These would come in VERY “handy”.
I understand completely Pam, When I find a tool that fits my smaller grip it’s such a relief. It makes all the difference. There is no substitute for quality.
Cool am in need of a great pair of shears and if it is good for mike then they have to be the best out there anyway everyone please have a great Christmas and a happy new year.
It would be Shear joy to win a pair of those Coronas. Marry Christmas
The Coronas look great. I have been using pruning shears since I was 7 years old and worked with Dad in the Christmas trees. We call them butt pruners because we use them to establish the butt on a fir tree. I have never used Coronas but I look forward to it if I win.
I would love the opportunity to win! Need a good quality sheer as these.
I am getting arthritis in my hands and need shears that I can manage easily!
Mike pam and your whole family wishing you all a very merry xmas. Im bill from toledo ohio and i love your site. The joy and knowledge ive gotten from you is priceless. I hope you keep posting good stuff. I hope to meet you some day, please let me know when you have your next meeting. Thanks again. BILL
Those are sturdy, good looking shears. I’d love a pair! Happy Holidays!
Yes, I would absolutely love to have a pair of pruning shears. It’s really lovely of you to make this offer available. I appreciate your emails which are so informative and interesting. Thank you.
I use 2 different size Coronas. The ones Pam is holding and a larger pair that mother used for years. They still cut like they are new.
Merry Christmas to You, Pam, the Donkeys and all the members of BYGrs
I would love to use those shear on the rose bushs
A contest worth winning 🙂 Merry Christmas Mike and Pam!
I have been a subscriber for a few years now. Great info. Have to say, I tried your recipe for fudge a couple years ago. Live, love, love it.
Good Morning Mike, I”m Tennessean who is in the process of learning how to become a back yard grower. I’ve been learning a lot and getting ready to get my hands dirty. These shears will be a great start to getting dirty. Thank You
I want to thank you for the opportunity to win A pair of shears. I have been with you almost at the beginning of your quest with back yard nursery. I really enjoy your videos and your other information you pass on to us as members. Thank you so much
Can always use a good pair of shears- they get a lot of use around here!
Absolutely love your site and make sure I save all your emails in their special folder so I can reread the many tips you generously share. Thank you for all you do!
Lots of good tips from Mike and served me time finging the Info I really need to get my nursery producing woody plants. Finding the “basics” was hit ‘ miss before. Now things are growing reliably. Big time saver using Mikes material. Now time to work with the Back Yard Nursery network.
Thanks Mike for giving everyone a chance to try these clippers. I have yet to find a pair that I really like and I have not heard of this brand before. Hope it is not to late to add them to my Christmas list.
Merry Christmas to all Bugs
Pruning shears are so Important, I have never found a pair that are comfortable for my arthritic hands. I am 73 almost 74 yrs young and sure would love to have a pair like these. I love the spring in the shears UR offering to give away, also . Light weight and EZ 2 use and carry around are all Bonuses. When I go to my son’s house I have to use a pair of scisors to prune their indoor plants and mine.
I would LOVE t have a pair of these.
Have shared U on my FB do not have the other SM or would share U there also
OMG MIKE!!! your fudge… YES YES YES> I already feel the extra sugar on my hips ..
Merry Christmas 2 all of U, Thank You all for sharing yourselves with us.
Love You.
Geri M
Thank you for letting me have a chance to win a pair of your cutting shears. I just lost the spring in the shears I was using and I really need a new one. Where can a person buy these Corona shears? Maybe only on line?
I enjoy your emails and find it so wonderful that you share your thoughts, work habits, all the neat things of gardening with us and free. There need to be more people like yourself!!
I intend to try the fudge recipe and thanks for the photos.
Would love to be one of the winners of the shears!!!!!!!!
Mike, if you say you know pruning shears then I believe you – thanks for sharing your wisdom with us!
Thanks for the opportunity, Mike…Merry Christmas!
Coronas!! The only ones I use!! Merry Christmas!!!
We have a large back yard where I plan to plant some fruit trees. So I will need a pair of quality shears.
Mike, I grew up in Lorain, Ohio so know how brutal the winters can be so stay warm this winter!
Terry Thomas
Brookhaven Farms
Atlanta, Georgia USA
I need new pruning shears desperately. Please pick me!
I think I did type a wrong letter on my email oops!! Your so informative ! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with others…Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Merry Christmas from Texarkana, Texas. I hope I win the shears. Could sure use them now.
Nice looking shears! Have a Merry Christmas.
As my hands get weaker with age, good shears can help make pruning easier.
I always enjoy your emails as they are so informing.
Pick me!!! I’m rebuilding the gardens after them going hog wild in the course of a few illnesses and surgeries. A decent pair of shears would help a lot!
I tell everybody who asks me gardening questions to check out your website. Keep it coming!
Lots of pruning to do here – these look great!
Looks like a great tool to do my spring pruning. Thanks for your generosity.
These were on my Christmas ‘wish list’!!
I would love a pair of these shears! I can’t even afford the $10 right now!!
With yours and Pam’s recommendation, they should be something extra special. My property backs up to Rock Creed Park and I have lots of unwanted vines and debris from the woods…..these could handle the nasty vines…..Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Pam and your family……..
Hey good day Mike I’m from New Mexico and I haven’t even grown anything yet I’ve been in the course for three or four or five years now so good luck to whoever gets
Merry Christmas!
They look really nice. I would get a lot of use from them. Have a merry holiday season.
Since mine broke (they were not Corona’s), I will definitely be needing a new pair! Thank you for your generosity! Happy Holidays!
Corona’s are the best, because they actually cut. No more trying other brands for me.
I have bought your course and am looking toward retirement I would like to try my luck growing and selling plants. Thanks for all the knowledge you have shared over the years. Some places just want to sell you something. You want to educate. Thank you
Can always use another pair of Corona’s! Happy Holidays Mike and the extended McGroarty Family!
Bought my first pair of Corona’s last season and love them…Always need more than 1 since I tend to forget where I left them…
Merry CHRISTmas to you all, Mike and Pam!
I could really use a good pair of shears
This is the best site I’ve found for down to earth information that even the densest person can understand and put to use.
I just bought pruning sheers as one of my husbands’ Christmas gifts. Now I wish I would have waited, At least I would have known about the best kind! Merry Christmas to you, Pam, and your families.
Those pruners would certainly come in handy in our garden. I have not yet tried that brand…
What is the old saying, “A workman is only as good as his tools” ? That goes for gardeners too.
Winning them would be awesome.
Happy Holidays to everyone and good luck!
I love your videos! They are very educational.
OMG!!! True pruning clippers??? I’m using loppers for everything…. I don’t have any pruners!!! I moved from an apartment to a country home… The loppers are handy.. But.. For the smaller things… Clippers would be awesome!!!
Thanks so much for all you advice!!
Will be able for all the pruning needed to be done at my house. Much neglected areas to be pruned.
Shears for my Mom would be great!
In love your emails and you’ve helped my family so much you are a true blessing. Merry Christmas to your family and happy New year! Cheers to Good health and prosperity!!!
I just finished cutting more unique hydrangea….bet these would have worked nicely for that task. Nancy Crosby / [email protected]
Merry Christmas Mike, to all of you in the McGroarty clan.
Love your topics and practical hand on knowledge. Merry Christmas
What a wonderful giveaway! Thanks for giving us an opportunity to win. Merry Christmas!
Just the best shears out there! Thanks!
Thank you for the opportunity! I enjoy all your newsletters. You are very generous with sharing your expertise and tried and true gardening tips. Thank you so much!
Merry Christmas Mike. Thanks for the newsletter. Kind regards, the Centerville OH electrician.
I could use a good pair…. and you said these are the best!
Yay! Ever since I bought your course I’ve been looking for good cuttings tools. What a generous giveaway. Pick me, pick me. 🙂
i hope you’re picked, Duane. Good Luck. I just sent a reply, and it han’t showed-up, on the comment section. Who knows; maybe, it’ll accidentally show up later. lol
I HAD A PAIR OF CORONAS, THEY WERE THE BEST I EVER OWNED. I CAN’T REMEMBER WERE I got THEM BUT WHEN I FIND THEM I WILL BUY ANOTHER PAIR.Gone through 3 other brands in the last 3 years. I love taking care of my plant and a good pair of shears is a must.
look at Cutco… pair and guaranteed for life.
We are living in a new place. And will be pruning & propagating plants soon
Awesome looking shears!! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!!
Yes, These Carona shears seem to be heavy duty , like the pair my dad used to have when I grew up. Haven’t seen any of those in years around these parts !
Thanks Mike for all the encouragement !
Merry Christmas to you and all your family, Mike and Dustin! Hope 2018 brings you health and happiness! Thanks for giving me something to do that I enjoy so much.