Many of you know that I have “A History with Mantis Tillers”. First falling in love with the 2 cycle model which I’ve been using and bragging about for years.
But recently Mantis has come out with two new models, an Electric Tiller/Cultivator and a Cordless Tiller/Cultivator.
Let’s take a look at the electric model.
We might as well start with the only drawback that I can see for this machine, and that, of course, would be “the cord”.
But that’s not really a negative at all. If you have a small yard and can easily reach your gardens with an extension cord then you are good to go.

The upside of having a cord?
No fuel to mix, no fuel to store, no fuel at all! That’s huge. Using this tiller/cultivator is as simple as plugging it in and getting to work.
Even I hate handling fuel if I don’t have to. I can see why folks will love this machine. Perfect for somebody with a small yard or even a condo owner.
And here’s the downside to fuel . . .
The gasoline that we buy today has a pretty short shelf life and when used in power equipment it’s important that you add fuel stabilizer to the fuel so that if your machine sets for any length of time the fuel doesn’t gum up the carburetor.
Carburetors are complicated and tricky. Lots of things can go wrong with a carburetor! Trust me on that.
This Electric Tiller/Cultivator doesn’t have or need a carburetor. It’s very simple. An electric motor and a cord that powers that motor. No starting problems!
Yesterday about pulled my brains out trying to use a lawnmower that didn’t want to start or run properly. I would have given anything for an electric machine while I was fighting with that thing.
But . . . does this Electric Machine Really Work? Let’s take it for a test drive.

As you can see, this thing really impressed me!
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I will respond appropriately.
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