I guess I’ll use this page to share some of our silly videos and some of my random thoughts.
Something to think about . . .

In your final days it is unlikely that you will regret the time you spent chillin in a hammock with friends.
I like to call this video; “Crazy Comes in all Sizes.”
This silly video gives you an idea of what goes on behind the scenes In Our Members Area. This is about a little rivalry that I have with a very talented grower from Pennsylvania. It’s only 58 seconds. I think this might put it to rest . . .
This video? Is just plain silly.
The girls shot with video, “Mondays without Mike” while I was away.
This is Mity’s first time in the hammock. She did great. Quite the donkey tamer!
That’s it for now. Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below and I’ll respond.
Until then, by all means stay inspired!
So they’re about 11 years old now. Hope you’re all doing well.
I really enjoy Your articles and when I actually Retire I will take more time for Gardening. The question I have today is about TICKS…Wood Ticks, Deer ticks and any other Ticks we may come in contact with while tending to or just Enjoying our Gardens and being outside with the Grandkids.
is there something safe to spray our Yards and Gardens with. We understand that we should not have children or ourselves for a while after spraying but we would appreciate Your input on this TICK concern.
We grew up with Horses from Small one to Large ones so it is fun to see You with the Donkeys.
Thanks again for all Your Informative and Fun Articles,
Duane and Connie Tongen
I really don’t know, I don’t think ticks live in closely mowed grass but more in brushy areas. I know some use an orange oil concoction to repel them.
Mike, You’re a star! I just discovered you today (and I’m way down in New Zealand). I was hooked by the time I got to the donkey and hammock video. As a result of watching some of your past videos I have tried taking a whole lot of cuttings today and will try sand vs potting mix as an experiment. I also took the plunge and tried sharpening my secateurs and hedge trimmers and they turned out pretty well I have to say. Very proud of myself. So thanks for the inspiration 🙂
You’re welcome and stay tuned. We got plenty of new stuff coming. Just need to make a little time.
GO MIKE GO! Loved your silly video’s, your beaut 4 legged boys & the girls hard at work… We should all hang on to some of that innocent childlike spirit.Melodye
Always enjoy your videos especially with your donkeys.. They are so cute.
Too cute for words. Thanks so much for sharing.
Diane Cathey,
Cabot, Arkansas
That girls’ vid was cute! You ought to be away more often! Wish I had someone to run thru the sprinkler with me! Lol. Ps, you might want to teach Ferguson and Finnegan to respect your space. They were being rude and they knew it. Missy wrung has some great free videos on trading horses. I use them for my donkey as well. We also have two Morgans.
Mondays without Mike was hilarious! Keep them coming ladies.
Mike, I have been a follower of you for years. I enjoy the easy to use advice, it works! As I age now 76, I hire help for heavier jobs, The basics have “grown” to suit me, again thank you. When we live with nature in harmony life is so good.
Too much fun with those donkeys! Loved all your videos! Tell the girls I said Hi!
Mike, Don’t be hurting yourself. You have way to much info to share. You had an artilcle a while back about evergreen azalias. I was interested. However we live in zone 3 so not for this area unless do
as an annual. Keep up the good work you do.
these are hilarious!!!! Good work always pays off with Good Times!!!! Life is good, thanks for sharing Mike.
Hi Mike, I’ve been with you for over 11 years, yet never posted anything, til Now! I am truly inspired by & really enjoyed this video! Love your family, kids, Donkeys & miss Alley a whole damn bunch! I have a male version of her, the love of my life!
Thank you Marla!
Hahaha……fun,…digging it!!!!. Love ye’all in the US of A.
Cute videos
I have a question, can you please tell me the name again of the product you encouraged your readers to use on August 1 for grubs? I believe it was a Bayer product
There are several, just visit a garden center and get a good granular. I think spectricide makes one as well as bayer.
That was the music from The Benny Hill Show. Im dating myself by saying that – I think Benny Hill died more than 20 years ago. Nice job on all the videos.
Would love to visit your farm. Hope mine will be as fun! Thanks for the smiles today. Needed a little silly in NC.
Thanks for silly videos. Great backwards ride on bike, by the way!
Hi Mike,
I loved your silly videos! Thanks for brightening up my day!
I really enjoyed your silly videos, thanks!
Absolutely adorable!!
Loved the no show friend’s challenge, the dualing donkeys and the triplets fun while the boss is away! Keep ’em coming plus all your informative videos. Thanks Mike and family!!
My thoughts are Mean people DON’T RULE because they don’t know how to play or have a great sense of humor!
Great point Kathy.
I watched all the videos that was awesome glad to see you all have fun even when working , but did the rubber chicken survive it all? Blahahaha. I love this site for all the helpful hints too
Ok I really like these people. Not only are they silly and fun but live in a beautiful place which should make anyone giddy. I subscribe to everything from Mike but these women are seriously compelling.
Thank you!