I thought it would be really cool to buy a train for our house. I know the boys love trains, and I saw those really big G scale trains when we were on vacation. So I ordered the train, ordered extra track and set it all up. The boys, 6, 4 and 8 months love… Click here to read more…
Notes from our Branson Vacation
Hello from Branson, Missouri! Pam and I are currently vacationing here in Branson. Branson is an amazing place to visit. We first discovered Branson back in 1996. I surprised Pam with a trip for our 20th wedding anniversary and we’ve been coming here ever since. Branson is America! Nestled in the heart of the Ozark… Click here to read more…
Wedding Photos
This is our youngest son Kevin (the groom) helping his mom to her seat. We were both a lot happier than we look in the photo but it was a very emotional moment for us. The night before the wedding they held rehearsal in our front yard, then instead of a formal dinner we had a… Click here to read more…
Pittsburgh Steelers Fans
I know that I’ve got a lot of Pittsburgh Steelers Fans on my mailing list, and I’ve got a message for you. I just spent the weekend in your fair city, and I would like to tell you how much I enjoyed myself and how impressed I was with some of the things I saw… Click here to read more…