Today Duston and I made a little video to show you the progress I’ve made on the rental house that sits at the front of my nursery. The plants I’ve chosen really serve a dual purpose, one, they make the yard look really nice, and two, I plant things that I will be taking cuttings… Click here to read more…
DIY Irrigation System for Lawn, Garden or Greenhouse
People have been asking me how I water all of my plants. The best thing that I have found, and that all the nurseries around me use, is the Nelson Whiz Head sprinkler [Amazon]. It’s fairly inexpensive and it fits right onto a ½ inch fitting on a ¾ standpipe. I run 5 of these… Click here to read more…
How to Apply Preemergent Herbicide
Preemergent herbicides are designed for application before the targeted weed germinates, and are an effective preventative method for controlling weeds. People always ask me what type of preemergent herbicide I use and I tell then Snapshot DG. You’re only going to find this at a place that sells to nurseries. I would check AM Leonard… Click here to read more…
Backyard Growers Enjoying a Visit to Mike’s Plant Farm in Perry, Ohio
Once or twice a year we invite our Backyard Growers to my place, Mike’s Plant Farm, here in Perry, Ohio. Each year we have a group of wonderful people. We enjoy the day talking plants, plant propagation, growing and selling plants and we eat. And of course the donkeys love the company. We also do … Click here to read more…
How to Grow and Trim Japanese Maples.
Crimson Queen is by far one of the most beautiful of the Laceleaf Weeping Japanese maples on the market. However, I see so many of them that are improperly pruned and cared for. It’s not so much that they are improperly pruned, they are not pruned at all. Which is really about the worst kind… Click here to read more…
2013 Shindig at Mike’s Plant Farm in Perry, Ohio
I have been doing these summer get togethers for customers for so long I don’t even remember when we first started them. Years ago I know that. The first few were at my house on Middle Ridge, then we had a few at the house we live in now and for the past three years… Click here to read more…
Three Generations of McGroarty Nurserymen
My father would be so proud to see the three generations of McGroarty Nurserymen. I’d love to add at least one McGroarty girl to this crew but so far we have three little boys in the family. We’re counting on Kevin and Grace to add the girl or girls to the mix. Time will tell. EDIT… Click here to read more…
Mike’s New Nursery… From The Beginning!
This is what we started with in 2010. This fun little video documents our progress through the spring of 2012. The front container growing area is just to the right off the donkeys. This photo was pretty much taken from the same vantage point as the above photo where the ground is snow covered. September… Click here to read more…
Landscape Design Ideas
Growing Japanese Maples
Tips on how to grow your very own Japanese Maples from the seeds on the tree in your yard!