Transplanting a Japanese maple is not difficult, but there are a few key things to know to prevent doing serious harm to your tree. The two most important factors in successfully transplanting Japanese maple trees are depth and timing. If you can at all help it, only dig your Japanese maple when it is dormant…. Click here to read more…
Winter Tree and Shrub Transplanting Tips and Why Now is the Ideal Time .
I am going to talk to you about Winter Tree and Shrub Transplanting Tips and Why Now is the Ideal Time. Sounds crazy right? This isn’t gardening season, it’s winter. Spring is gardening season! Well . . . that’s sorta true. People really get confused about when to transplant what and how to go about… Click here to read more…
Transplanting Tips
I originally wrote these transplanting tips for our Backyard Growers but it really is important. I actually wrote this in response to another thread about Japanese Maples but I want it to be a stand-alone thread because really is THAT important. Timing timing timing timing timing. Make sure you are doing the right thing at… Click here to read more…