Find out when to prune Japanese maples here.
Pruning Japanese Maple Trees
Updated : November 25, 2014
The Most Fun You Can Have With Your Bibs On!
[…] Here is a video Mike made for you on how to prune Japanese Maple trees. Click HERE! […]
[…] More on Pruning Japanese Maples. […]
Dad used to tell me that one should prune what needed to be, then take out some more! He is no longer with us, but he was once a Superintendent for a large Southern Peach company and he knew how to graft and could start a new rose bush with the newspaper and canning jar technique. So much knowledge he had, and I wish I would have listened better!!
Sounds like my kind of guy!
I think you fell short, very short, in the pruning of what had been a beautiful tree, turning it into the standard yard blob. Disappointed.
You’re dissappointed because
1. You completely missed the point, the tree had to be removed or trimmed hard.
2. You don’t have vision. This tree is already looking considerably better and will only get better in time.
3. Had the tree been planted in the correct place to start with, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
I have a willow tree that was neglected, so I trimmed it very short in a ball shape. everyone thought That I ruined the tree and some thought that I had killed it, “it will never survive”, some said. It grow back more full and shaped the best it ever looked.
Opps, spelling errors.
I need your help japanese maple issue will you contact me. I follow your advise only
You have covered most of the Maples, how about a instructional video on the Dwarf Jap. Maples?
Great Video! Trim, trim, trim that’s my motto! Great video encouraging selective pruning throughout the year. I just love the Bibs…are those Wells? I want to buy a good pair that you would recommend…I watch you use that chest pocket and think to myself, “I really need to get one of those!” Thanks again for an informative video! DirtBoy, DAve
Hello to all, it’s in fact a good for me to pay a visit this website, it includes priceless Information.
Natural is certainly NOT unsightly in a Japanese Maple… Quite the contrary! Did you ever hear of Aesthetic Pruning? It brings out the true beauty of JMs. You are making lollipops, not beautiful Japanese Maples. I’ve learned not to trust people that always say “trust me”
Just getting ready to go out and do some pruning on my Japanese Maple. So glad I watched this first! Thanks for the info!
THANK again MIKE alway go info on your v-d-i-o we got six JM so far going to keep them prune up to about six feet high THANK again
When is the best time to prune?
Joyce, I prune just about everything year round. If it needs trimming, it gets trimmed. No matter what time of year it is.
Is there a certain time of year I should prune my weeping Japanese Maple? Is fall or spring a better time. I just got mine this year after getting landscaping ideas from you. I love it! I got some great planing ideas from your videos. Keep them coming!!!!
Mike, i need your help on a project, i have a large cemet texas star and in the middle of it is the flag pole, i want to plant this winter some small plant that have red, white and blue colors, and bright colors, and are low to the ground and low maintenance. and i love in central texas. please help
Bridgette, I’m the wrong person to suggest plants for Texas, but somebody will probably chime in here with some suggestions for you.
Mike, This a GREAT Video, You do a gtratjob explaining.
I purchased a Japanese a year ago and it is 5Ft tall. Can I use the trimmings from it to root and start new plants? Keep up the great Work.
RK Tennessee
mike i have a 2 yr old fancy leaf maple. needs trimming real bad i think. it hasnt grown very tall since planting looks much healthier but not much heigth any suggestions. watched your video on trimmimg so am going to try that.
also can i do cutings off my fancy leaf maple when i trim it so i can make more trees. and if so how. thanks nd really enjoy your videos and information given to us. thanks or the time and hard work you have doen to make it easier for the rest of us. my wife and me plus couple friends have been watching and talking about starting and doing root cuttings and other things not great big but what we can handle. look forward to hear from you if you have time. thanks david
I have been receiving gardening books in the mail for a while now and about two years ago, I purchased a Japanese Red Maple. I bought this seeding because the mature species is so beautiful. My problem is it seems to be growing very slow and the leaves tend to brown around the edges. Not to mention there is not much folliage on the plant. Do you have any suggestions?
Seems you might have the same JM that I have. The leaves are probably getting brown on edges due to lack of water and consistently. Mine is on a hill so the water runs away and as soon as I started to water ‘slowly’ it picked up in the hot summer days. It doesn’t grow fast, or appears, not at all. Other trees have grown a lot, but perhaps this is a dwarf hybrid, will never grow fast.
My blackberry bush has lushious red berries but they turn hard and brown. What is wrong with it?
Hi Mike, I have a new 5′ redbud weeping lavender twist.How do i prune this? Also some of the branches are crossing each other.Please Help thank you.
fuji – check out Mike’s thread “Trimming & Pruning Tips” from last July. Mike gave me a few tips about pruning as I had just planted one of those. His info helped, plus there is more information out there on the web. After 1 year my little tree is full of flowers and sending out shoots! Have fun
Thank you very much for offering the FREE gardening handbook.
How to prune a varigated beech tree?
Mike, great information,… I am wondering how do you trim back an old, overgrown japanese maple? Poor thing had died our on areas, but has new growth, .. unfortunately, it is so out of shape, I am not sure what to do…. help????
Hi Mike,
We have a hedge which doesn’t get much sun on its bottom. The top looks good but it doesn’t grow any leaves on the bottom. Is there anything we can do?
Thanks Mike,
Another really helpful video like all the rest. I always look forward to the next one. Where do you buy your farmers overall’s?? I can’t find them anywhere. They are so comfortable to work in.
Thanks Mike.
I’m afraid I have one of those “unsightly” maples, but I love it anyway! I really liked your video, you made it look easy… very inspiring!
Always enjoy your videos. I appreciate the fact that you approached both weeping and upright JM’s.
Good info any hints on pruning a crepe myrtle to appear as a tall open umbrella mine is 2-3 yrs old and I would like it to be about 8-10 ft or more and have an umbrella type canopy of bloom and branches
Ann Marie C
Mike: I’ve been watching your videos with interest. I’ve learned a lot.
I don’t think I ever saw one on Japanese Maples like this one. Great information.
Can you root a new tree from a cutting on the Japanese Maple. If so, how do
you do it.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned this to you before–what I call “third party videos” don’t work on my computer. What I mean is, for example, videos hosted at youtube but incorporated in your page.
For anyone else who has the same problem, here is
(Hope I got that right!)
Nice video. Is it OK to prune when the plant is leafing out?