You Can Make Money Growing and Selling
Small Plants! Click here for details.
Phenix City, Alabama
Beautiful Trees,Shrubs,and Fruit Plants
Starting at just $4.97 each
Hollies,Boxwoods,Lantana,Daylillies,Hostas,Crepe Myrtle,Tea olive,Bearded Iris,
Grasses, Hydrangeas and others.
Beautiful Weeping Cherry and Yoshino Cherry Trees priced at $15.99 each
Japanese Maples $4.97 each
Thornless Blackberry Plants $4.97 each
Blueberry Plants $4.97 each
Apple and Pear Trees just $15.99 each
Knock Out Roses $8.99 each
Come on out and visit Rick’s Nursery for beautiful plants at bargain prices.
11 Carroll Drive
Phenix City,Al.36869
We are located in the Ladonia area
Phone 706-575-8859
email- [email protected]
Do you have any of the Weeping Laceleaf Red Maples? I am in SE Mississippi and would like to try one since I was told that they would not live in our area. I have two of the regular Japanese Red Maples, but would love one of the laceleaf variety?
do you ship? need several things
I do ship.What are you looking for?
I’m looking for Daylily divisions and Japanese Red Maple seedlings.
weeping cherry , tea olive, blue berrys, thornless black berry, beautyberry . what would shipping run on these?
Where exactly is Pheonix City located? I’m in NE Mississippi. I’d love to come stock up!