Indiana Backyard Nurseries
Bloomington, Indiana
Johnson’s Nursery
9100 West State Rd. 45
Noblesville, Indiana 46062
$4.97 Plant Sale! Now Is The Time To Plant Every Plant Will Be Sold at Only $4.97 We are a local nursery with a large number of plants to fit all of your needs. 1,329 plants must be sold at the low price of $4.97. Trees Red Japanese Maple, Yoshino Weeping Cherry Tree, Chinese Dogwood, Witch Hazel Deciduous Shrubs Black and Red Chokeberry, Bicolor, Purple, Pink, and Yellow Flowering Butterfly Bush, Issai Beautyberry, St. Johns Wort, Dark Knight and Snow Fairy Caryopteris, White and Pink Flowering Summer Sweet, Royal Purple Smokebush, Slender Deutzia, Kumson Forsythia, Pink Diamond Hydrangea, Tardiva Hydrangea, Oakleaf Hydrangea, Winter Red Holly, Henry’s Garnet, Variegated Gypsy Rose, Mock Orange, Golden Ninebark, Pink, Yellow and White Flowering Potentilla, Purpleleaf Sand Cherry, Hakuro Nishiki Willow, Neon Flash, Ogon, Goldmound, and Goldflame Spirea, Lilacs, Korean Spice and Dwarf Cranberry Bush Viburnum, Red and Pink Flowering Weigela, Variegated Weigela, Fruit Plants Bluecrop, Top Hat, and Patriot Blueberry, Red Raspberry, Thornless Blackberry Evergreen Plants Falsecypress, Variegated Euonymus, Inkberry, Blue Rug Juniper, Arborvitae, Holly Perennials Arkansas Blue Star, False Indigo, Coreopsis, Dianthus Fire Witch, Daylilly, Red and Pink Hardy Hibiscus, Hosta, Bee Balm, Catmint, Russian Sage, Salvia, Sedum, Goldenrod Grasses Feather Reed Grass, Maiden Grass, Switch Grass, Stop by and take a look before they are all gone. Don’t miss this sale!!!
email us at [email protected] .
Chad Wilkening
Can U Dig It Nursery
723 Firethorn Cir.
Noblesville, Indiana 46062
Ludlow, Indiana
Ludlow Nursery is a small, family owned and operated, backyard nursery in Muncie, Indiana. We specialize in fruiting and flowering plants for the organic gardener. We have a wide selection of blueberry, blackberry, strawberry, raspberry and grape varieties, as well as hardy kiwi, figs and over thirty varieties of tomatoes. We also grow numerous edible and medicinal herbs, vegetables, perennials and annuals that attract pollinators and beneficial insects to your yard, flowering trees and shrubs to add beauty and color to your yard in all seasons, and plants perfectly suited for rain gardens to help protect our local environment. Our priority is to offer gardening enthusiasts in East Central Indiana quality plants at an affordable price, which we do so by growing and caring for the plants ourselves right here at our home. We hope you’ll stop by our home to find something you’ll enjoy at yours.
As hobbyists we are not always available, so it is best to shoot us an email or text to be sure we’ll be home.
Ludlow Nursery
616 N Ludlow Rd
Muncie, IN 47304
[email protected]
Anderson, Indiana $4.97 plant sale!
Dancing Bee Farmzzz
Hundreds of beautiful plants starting at only $5.97!!! Hundreds of beautiful plants best suited to thrive in Indiana must be sold to reduce inventory! Various trees in 1-gallon pots! Only $5.97!
Bee bee tree, Bing Cherry, Rose of Sharon, Chinese Dogwood, Japanese Red Maple, Chinese Elm, Golden Chain tree , Purple smoke tree, Weeping white birch,Weeping willow, Witch Hazel. Various Shrubs in 1 gallon pots! Only $5.97!
American beauty berry, Blue rug juniper, Butterfly bushes (pink delight and Royal red), Dappled willow, Pink pussy willow, Forsythias (New Hampshire and Kumson), Dogwood shrubs (red twig, yellow twig and silky) Weigelas (florida variegate, and Red) Hydrangia. Various fruit plants in 1-gallon pots Only $5.97! Black currant, Triple crown blackberry, Grapes, (Reliance seedless, Catawb, Concord, Delaware Cayugg)
Various herbs and flowers in 1 gallon pots Only $5.97 Wormwood, Purple Echinacia, Arnica Montana, English Lavender, Horehound, German Chamomile.
Don’t miss this opportunity to visit Dancing Bee Farmzzz and stock up on some high quality plants that will thrive in your garden!
Dancing Bee Farmzzz Nursery is located on the west side of Anderson, Indiana. Our address is ;
Dancing Bee Farmzzz
Tom Ostler
1616 E 400N
Anderson, IN 46012
phone: (765) 639-1968
Contact us at [email protected] for appointment and directions,or to see what’s available.
Pendleton, Indiana
Pendleton Tree Company $4.97 Plant Sale!
Thousands of plants are sitting in my backyard looking for a home. These plants are potted up and ready to grow in your yard. Most priced at $4.97.
Choose from:
Ava Hummingbird Mint, Hyssop – Desert Sunrise, Artemisia – Powis Castle, Butterfly Flower, Frikartii Aster – Monch, New England Aster – Purple Dome, Coneflower – Magnus, Coneflower – White Swan, Oregon Fleabane ‘Azure Fairy’, Gaillardia – Arizona Sun, Upland Sea Oats, Dwarf Fountain Grass, Red Head Fountain Grass, Llano Indian Grass, Baby’s Breath, Helenium Red, Heliopsis – Summer Nights,,Daylilys, Coral Bells – Plum Pudding, Coral Bells – Carmel, Hosta – Blue Mammoth, Hosta – Patriot, Scarlet bee balm, Russian Sage ‘Blue Spire’, Pitcher’s Blue Sage, Dwarf Goldenrod ‘Golden Fleece’, Blue Danube Stokes’ aster, Burning Bush, Emerald-N-Gold Euonymus, Lynwood Gold Forsythia, Kumson Forsythia, Dwarf Fothergilla, Dappled Willow, Dwarf Blue Artic Salix, Cutleaf Spirea (Hard to find), Gold Mound Spirea, Magic Carpet Spirea, Spirea Neon Flash, Mohawk Burkwood Viburnum, Korean spice viburnum, Pink Princess Weigela, Weigela Pink, Variegated Weigela, Weigela Java Red
and dozens more.
Only $4.97!! it’s the best deal in town.
Look for our ad in the newspaper or get first choice by contacting me for an appointment to buy early.
Pendleton Tree Company
9182 S. 300 W.
Pendleton IN
Ph: 765-444-9311
Email: [email protected]
I was going to order the system, but I am in Noblesville, I don’t want to compete so close to someone else doing the same thing
you’re not going to compete with anybody. The more growers we have in a area actually helps to call attention all of the sellers. Think about pizza shops. How many of those are in each town and pizza is pizza. Plant lovers like to visit different places and discover things that they don’t find at other nurseries. You’re cheating yourself by giving up so easily. Many of our members work together, holding co-op plant sales, sharing ideas etc. Most of our growers wish they had other members closer.
I am just starting and might need some help. What trees are selling well. I have a lot of oak sprouts. I have some Red Japanese Maple, and some holly bushes (male and female). I am located in Southern IN between Evansville and Louisville on I 64.
Thanks for sharing, and Herb, near Evansville, please email me with your contact info. A friend of mine was telling me about the oak sprouts, and the potential income, it’s amazing! Before I would purchase any kind of lottery or gamble at a casino, I’d invest in my own two hands! We’ve got two websites: is the other, is primary.
We make flower pots and custom containers.
Randy & Amy in Newburgh IN
I start plants from seeds and we have a market for them. We also have a truck garden, but due to ill health we want to cut down on working so hard harvesting and planting gardens. I would love to grow trees and bushes, for sale starting with small cuttings or seeds. We also have a greenhouse. We are retired so our working hours are limited. Thanks Donna Mccool Pink Elephant
with my system for trees and shrubes you don’t need a greenhouse. Most of what we do is pretty simple, and you get a lot more money for your plants than you do veggies etc.
what size are your plantings in and what are your hours in spring? thanks Ed Henry
Ed, currently I am not selling any plants, however I will soon be listing many of our Backyard Growers around the country, make sure you’re on my mailing list.