You Can Make Money Growing and Selling
Small Plants! Click here for details.
Oakdale, Minnesota
Over 400 Varieties to Chose From!
Choose From Flowering Perennials Such As Yarrow, Alpine Rock Thyme, Sweet Flag, Anise Hyssop, Carpet Bugle, Hollyhock, Lady’s Mantle, Ornamental Onion and Chives, Madwort, Amsonia, Pygmyflower, Windflower, Pussy Toe’s, Columbine, Mountain Rockcress, Sandwort, Alpine thrift, Sea Thrift, Wormwood, Goatsbeard, Butterfly Milkweed, Hardy Aster, Astilbe, False Indigo, English Daisy, Heartleaf Bergenia, Butterfly Bush, Bellflower, Bachelor Button, Jupiter’s Beard, Snow in Summer, Turtlehead, Chrysanthemum, Clematis, Coreopsis, Corydalis, Kenilworth Ivy, Delphinium, Dianthus, Bleeding Heart, Foxglove, Leopards Bane, Yellow Willow Grass, Northern Dragon’s Head, Purple Coneflower, White Coneflower, Globe Thistle, Vipers Bugloss, Fleabane Daisy, Fairy Foxglove, Wintercreeper, Joe Pyeweed, Cushion Spurge, Blanket Flower, Sweet Woodruff, Gentiana, Geranium, Geum, Baby’s Breath, Helen’s Flower, False Sunflower, Daylilly, Coral Bells, Foamy Bells, Hardy Hibiscus, Hosta, Houttuynia, Golden Hops Vine, Siberian Iris, Red Hot Poker, Archangel, Spotted Dead Nettle, English Lavender, Blazing Star, Sea Lavender, German Statice, Sky Blue Flax, Lily Turf, Cardinal Flower, Great Blue Lobelia, Lupine, Flower of Jove, Gooseneck Loosestrife, Creeping Jenny, French Hollyhock, Irish Moss, Bee Balm, Catmint, Evening Primrose, Ornamental Oregano, Japanese Spurge, Oriental Poppy, Penstemon, Russian Sage, Persicaria, Woodland Phlox, Garden Phlox, Creeping Phlox, Balloon Flower, Jacob’s Ladder, Potentilla, Primrose, Lungwort, Pasque Flower, Red Mexican Hat , Black Eyed Susan, Pearlwort, Meadow Sage, Soapwort, Pincushion Flower, Variegated Campion, Blue-Eyed Grass, Lamb’s Ear, Lemon Thyme, Creeping Thyme, Wooly Thyme, Foamflower, Spiderwort, Red Feather Clover, Chinese Globe Flower, Spiked Speedwell, Creeping Speedwell, Purple Mullein And Korean kannike,
Shrubs, Flowering Shrubs And Evergreens like ‘Aurea’, ‘Crimson Pygmy’, ‘Rosey Glow’ And ‘Concorde’ Barberry. ‘Golden Mops’ And ‘Vintage Gold’ Chamaecyparis. ‘Ruby Spice’ And ‘Hummingbird’ Sweet Pepperbush.’Royal Purple’ Smoke Tree. Northern Bush Honeysuckle. ‘Emerald Gaiety’,’Emerald ‘n Gold’, ‘Colorata’ And ‘Kewensis’ Euonymus. ‘Kumson’ Forsythia. ‘Annabelle’, ‘Samantha’, Pee Gee, ‘Compact Pee Gee’ and Climbing Hydrangea. Juniper like ‘Daubs Frosted’, ‘Bar Harbor’, ‘Blue Mat’, Blue Rug, ‘Huges’ And ‘Webberi’. ‘Dropmore Scarlet’, ‘John Clayton’ And ‘Harlequin’ Trumpet Honeysuckle. ‘Aureus’ And ‘Minnesota Snowflake’ Sweet Mock Orange. ‘Darts Gold’, ‘Royalty’ And ‘Minnesota Sunrise’ Ninebark. ‘Absaraka’, ‘Fargo’, ‘Gold Drop’, ‘Goldfinger’, ‘Summerflor’ And ‘McKay’s White’ Potentilla. Purple Leaf Sand Cherry. ‘Gro-Low’ Fragrant Sumac. Apline Flowering Currant. ‘Nana’ Dwarf Blue Artic, ‘Hakuro Nishiki’ Dappled And ‘Golden Curls’ Willow.
‘Anthony Waterer’, ‘Goldflame’, ‘Gold Mound’, ‘Neon Flash’, ‘Mertyann’, ‘Little Princess’, ‘Lemon Princess’ ‘Shirobana’ Tri Color, ‘Renaissance’ And ‘Tor’ Spirea. ‘Palibin’ Dwarf Korean, ‘Miss Kim’ Manchurian And ‘Red Pixie’ Hybrid Lilac.
Eastern Arborvitae Or Northern Whitecedar like ‘DeGroot’s Spire’, ‘Hetz Midget’, ‘Holmstrup’, ‘Sherwood Moss’,’Smaragd’ (Emerald Green), ‘Sunkist’, ‘Techny’, ‘Tiny Tim’, ‘Wansdyke Silver’, ‘Wintergreen’, ‘Brandon’, ‘Yellow Holmstrup’, ‘Compact Pyramidal’, ‘Rosenthalii’, ‘Teddy’, ‘Rushmore’, ‘Linesville’, ‘Tunney’s Pyramidalis’, ‘Hooserii’ Dwarf Globe, ‘Yellow Ribbon’, ‘Rheingold’ And ‘Filiformis’ Weaping Threadleaf.
‘Alfredo’ And ‘Wentworth’ American Cranberryy bush. ‘Onondaga’ Highbush Cranberry And Koreanspice Viburnum. ‘Java Red’, ‘Minuet’, ‘Red Prince’, ‘Rumba’, ‘Polka’ And Variegated Weigela.
And Lets Not Forget Roses Like ‘Adelaide Hoodless’, ‘Champlain’, ‘Chuckles’, ‘Sea Foam’, ‘The Fairy’, ‘William Baffin’, ‘Polstjarnan’, ‘Nearly Wild’ And Mini ‘Red Cascade’ Just To Name A Few.
We Also Have Many Variety’s Of Ornamental Grasses, Succulents, Herbs and Fall Garden Mums.
CALL TODAY AT 651-730-1525
OAKDALE Minnesota
[email protected]
Just minutes east of St Paul and just north of the 694/494 & 94 junction. Take The 10th St Exit.
Hi Johnathan Lochart, My name is Neil Buboltz and would really like to meet you, Iam slowly stating my back Yard Nursery and would like to ask you some questions about the buisness and wondered if you would be willing to help me get started with some mother plants . I have pretty much everything that Mike sold me and Iam still working full time ,but will retire in a few years. This year I build two hoop house 10 by 28 feet with raised beds in them. Thanks Neil Buboltz
I have been getting Mike McGroarty’s newsletters for a while now, even considered going into this business, but timing was wrong. How do you like it? I live in Northwestern Wisconsin and can’t find a “Backyard Nursery” anywhere up here. The closest in Wisconsin in near Madison, so you are closer to me than that. Just wondered if you have the Japanese Red Maples. Would kind of like to start some of them in a small way, and maybe actually move into the business slowly. We get over that way occasionally, so thought if you have them, I may arrange to get a few sometime.
Thanks, Faith Brasel, Shell Lake, Wisconsin
Hi Rita, Sorry I didn’t respond to you sooner. I don’t receive notifications of posts made to this website. But anyway, Yes the mini Red Cascade is a miniature climbing rose producing 2″ to 2 1/2″ blooms. Be sure to call or email me first before you come out as I am limited on space and I sell out rather quickly. My number is 651-730-1525 or you can reach me at [email protected]
Thank you for the interest and I look forward to meeting you.
I am looking for miniature roses. You showed a mini red cascade. Might that be a miniature rose?
Have bought quite afew from catalog and have
been happy with them. But they don’t have too many differet colors.
We live 30 miles south of Mpls so wouldn’t be a problem visiting you when it gets to be spring.