Ohio Backyard Nurseries
Williamsburg, Ohio -Denise’s Garden
$4.97 Plants Everyday!
Thousands of plants!
Primrose, Agastache, Veronica, Bellflowers, Cardinal Flower, Azaleas, Shasta Daisies, Bee Balm, Columbine, Daylilies, Coral Bells, Toadlilies, Lenton Rose, Astilbe, Butterfly Bushes, Chinese Lanterns, Maltese Cross, Hollyhocks, Salvia, Hydrangeas, Weigelas, Forsythia, Coneflowers, ForgetMe Not, Sea Thrift, Pinks, Phlox, Foxglove, Poppy, Coreopsis, Dwarf Red Buckeyes, Yellow Buckeyes, Money Plant & many more!
We also have great prices on larger plants along with flowering baskets, Strawberry baskets, veggie plants, herbs, Hostas, flower pouches & HEIRLOOM TOMATOES!
Locally grown & owned
We’re open Saturdays mid-April through mid-June from 10:00 – 4:00 so hurry out and visit us!
Denise’s Garden
3657 Bootjack Corner Rd.
Williamsburg, OH 45176
[email protected]
Uranba, Ohio Backyard Nursery
T and T Nursery Plants
Family owned, members of the ONLA, American Hosta Society and MVHS.
We strive to keep our knowledge of plants updated to provide healthy plants to our customers .
OUr selection of rooted cuttings and B&B tree’s and shrubs
Japanese Maples, Service Berry. Berberis, betula , buddeleia’s , buxus, carex ,Burning Bush, Forsythias, hibiscus, hydrangea’s ilex, junipers, daylilys of every color, Ferns, Taxus, thuja’s , Viburnums, 100’s of variety of hosta, Peonies, also 100’s of herbs, flowering annuals and vegtables at great prices.
We serve the nursery , landscape industry and home gardeners .We ship across the USA.
Contact. Tim or Sue at 937-508-1645
[email protected]
Newark, Ohio
Landscape Plants $4.97 !
Chose from Nano Blue butterfly bush, bleeding hearts, catmint, Pink Princess Weigela, Goldmound spirea, Stella D’oro, Purple Emperor sedum, Japanese Painted fern, Huechera, Little princess spirea, dappled willow, PeeGee hydrangea, Dianthus, Fulda Glow sedum, switch grass, blue fescue grass, Burning bush, hostas, honeysuckle, lespedeza, Honeycomb butterfly bush, Lewisia and more!
Generally available Sunday thru Friday.
Call or email for- appointment.
[email protected]
The Proverbial Garden
9320 Gratiot Rd SE
Newark, OH 43056
(1/2 mile north of the village of Gratiot)
Worthington. Ohio
Bell’s Lansdowne Nursery $4.97 Plant Sale!
Landscape shrubs for $4.97
Shrubs are outgrowing our backyard garden space!
We have Dwarf Korean Lilac, Cotoneaster ‘Coral Beauty’, Blue Princess Holly, Blue Prince Holly, Grape Holly, Euonymus ‘Canadian Upright’, Clethra ‘Hummingbird’, Snowmound Spirea, Shirobana Spirea, Japanese Maple ‘Bloodgood’, Japanese Maple ‘Sherwood Flame’
Help me make room for new young plants in the nursery by calling 614-257-8759 or emailing me at [email protected].
Veronica’s Potting Shed
6255 Picador Rd. Scio, OH 43988
330-627-5530 or email at [email protected]
Open April 17 thru Sept. 27 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8am-8pm
Landscape shrubs for $4.50 small size.
A variety from forsythia to rose of sharon.
Stella dora daylillies
Bunny Fountain Grass
We are planning to add more plants next season, just started this spring.
This is G R E A T. I have just signed up to do this & would love to talk to & meet people who are like minded. Thanks so much I am real close to one of them.
I live in Parma Oh. so of Cleveland Do you ship your plants