You Can Make Money Growing and Selling
Small Plants! Click here for details.
Gore, Oklahoma
McBee’s Family Nursery $4.97 Plant Sale!
Take a scenic drive to Oklahoma’s Green Country and before you visit Tenkiller Lake, drop by McBee’s Family Nursery on Highway 10, just a stone’s throw from the highway 10/100 junction. Look for the quanset hut garage and you’re there or stop and ask anyone for directions to the catfish mailbox.
I’m Albert McBee… retired Electrical Contractor and 100% Disabled Viet Nam Veteran. Now propagating and growing landscaping plants. Thousands of 1 gallon pots priced at $4.97. Larger sizes available. Wholesale available to retail nurseries
TREES: Japanese Maples, Pin Oak, Southern Catalpa, Red Twig and Coral Red Dogwood, Red Bud, Corkscrew and Dappled Willow, Pawpaw, Ginko Biloba and more.
EVERGREENS: Emerald Green Arborvitae, Leyland Cypress and Blue Rug Juniper
SHRUBS: Mums, Day-lilies; White, Pink and Red Rose of Sharon; Kusma, Lynwood Gold and Weeping Forsythia; Amur and Golden Privet, Nandina; Many cultivars of Crape Myrtle; Nikko Blue and Pee Gee and other Hydrangea; Lilacs; Pink, Red, and Variegated Wiegela; Viburnum; Thornless and thorned climbing red and white Roses; Crimson Pygmy and Rosy Glow Barberry; and many more.
McBee Family Nursery
Route 1 Box 3-5
215 N Highway 10
Gore, OK 74435
[email protected]
405 919-0341
You Can Make Money Growing and Selling
Small Plants! Click here for details.
Vici, Oklahoma
Home Grown Plants @$4.97
Lynwood Gold Forsythia
Gold Mound Spirea
Limited supply!
Have numerous contacts for other plants if needed!
Alley Plants
501 Miller
Dennis Chastain here. I am in SW OKC and just started my back yard last summer. I would love to meet other back yard gardeners.Perhaps we could do some trading of plants.
Dennis Chastain
1300 SW 109th Pl. Oklahoma City, Ok.
405-378-0131 73170
[email protected]
Is anybody doing this in the OKC area?
Kriten, Just you!
Hi Kristen, yes, yes, and yes, I am doing this right now. I just put in last winter a butterfly garden in my front yard…..I am also starting an actual nursery in my back yard and will be going into an acreage in the very near future….lking for land right now. I grow and propagate all sorts of plants, trees and shrubs, but just starting out, so do not have a big supply now. You may like coming to my home to see my garden also. I live in NW OKC
Im interested in purchasing some plants and trees for my yard from someone near Kansas City. Im in Kansas but could go to Missouri as well. If anyone knows of a nursery near me or is willing to ship the plants and trees, I would appreciate it if you would reply back to me. I have MS and although I am unable to have a nursery due to mobility problems, I would love to purchase from someone who is building thier business this way. I am able to keep up with the ones in my yard but thats about it. We have plenty of land so I have alot of room to plant the things Ive always wanted. Good Luck to all of you and Congratulations for those of you that have your nurseries up and running. My email address is [email protected] . Thanks so much, Michelle
P.s. I will be a returning customer because I have a big list of plants and trees that Ive always dreamed of having. Im on a limited budget also so I would love to hear from you.
Hey, OKLAHOMA! Let’s get a few more of the Okies on this board.