Washington State Backyard Nurseries
Issaquah, Washington
The Daily Plant-It Backyard Nursery
Japanese Red Maples and Kousa Chinese Dogwoods – Japanese, Siberian, and Pacific Coast Irises – Ornamental Grasses – Hostas and Hydrangeas –Daylilies and Dogwoods – Hydrangeas and Heuchera – Euphorbia and Euonymus – Sedum and Spirea – Pieris and Potentilla – Willows and Weigela, and much more. All $5.97, many varieties, mostly one gallon size.
We also have beautiful Japanese Maples and Dogwoods in larger sizes and many larger and specialty plants as well!
All locally grown, right here in our really big front yard!
The Daily Plant-It Nursery
We are open weekends in spring, mid-April through mid-June, and year ‘round by appointment.
Just shoot us an email at [email protected], or give us a call at (206) 915-4115. We’d love to see you!
We are located just east of Seattle at 10603 Issaquah Hobart Road. Take I-90 to Issaquah, exit at Front Street going south through town (the street name changes to Issaquah Hobart Rd). We’re less than a mile after the last stoplight, on the west side of the road. You’ll find us out standing in our field!
Tacoma, Washington – Clover Creek Nursery
$4.97 Plants Everyday!
We have over a thousand plants in 1 gallon pots for only $4.97.
Cotoneaster, 3 kinds of variegated grasses, Coreopsis, ‘Crimson Pygmy’ Barberry, Creeping Phlox, Asters, Sea Thrift, Mountain Sandwort, Columbine, 2 kinds of Daylilies, Coral Bells, 2 kinds of variegated Euonymus, Wallflowers, Candytuft, Lithodora, Hydrangeas, Lilacs, Privets, 3 kinds of Weigelas, Forsythia, Potentillas, 3 kinds of Spirea, Sedums & many more!
Locally grown & owned. We are just south of Tacoma, just west of Puyallup and just a few minutes off Highway 512.
Our 2012 Spring Sale begins April 20-22 10:00 – 4:00, and continues on most weekends in May. See our website for more information on sale dates. Hurry out and visit us!
Clover Creek Nursery
1226 140th St. E.
Tacoma, WA 98445
Email: [email protected]
Lynnwood, WA – New Life Nursery
Most plants $4.97 or less
Wendy Cash
20716 Menzel Lake Road
Granite Falls, WA 98252
Question? Do you have any Cotoneaster Praecox or one similar?
Mike, I lvoe the concept of buying from non-corporate backyard growers but none of the sites in WA, which is nearest to me, ship and I didn’t see any listings for CA. Do you know of folks who do ship?
Just starting out in the tree and shrub business in Ridgefield, WA. Trying to stick to the native varieties but will offer others as well. So exciting to watch it grow
Hi! We live in Battle Ground, Wa. Closed our Rising Sun Nursery business several years ago. Have an abundance of 1,2 and 3 gal. pots that we wound give you. Please contact us if you are interested. Paul’s cell (360)609-3991
I see no contact information on your website. (At least I can’t find it.) Address, phone, email all should be on the homepage. 🙂
I’m not sure who you are asking for contact info, but this is how you can -Mike McGroarty http://freeplants.com/contact.htm
I love your business name. How clever! Wish I’d thought of it.
nice to know about you. Getting ready to set up small growing operation in Moses Lake Hope to be able to see your operation after the snow goes away. maybe working together in future, Bea