I get a lot of questions from gardeners in Canada who would like to get started Growing and Selling Small Plants from Home. But the one thing that seems to hold them back is not being able to buy plants from my wholesale sources in the United States to start their Backyard Nurseries.
It is true that shipping plants across an international border does involve the plants being inspected and proper paper work issued. However, that doesn’t make it impossible. I once loaded a semi truck packed full of bare root hydrangeas. We were shipping them to Canada and from there I believe they were on their way to Holland. Amazing isn’t? They weren’t my plants, this was years ago and I was working for a nursery that grew a lot of hydrangeas. But what amazed me was that one minute my boss was just sitting in his office and phone rang and that phone call resulted in an order of 17,000 plants.
Does this happen often? Not that I am aware of. But who would have ever thought that the hydrangeas we grew right here in Perry, Ohio would end up in Holland?
But anyway, plants can be shipped across the United States and Canada border, but most growers will only take such an order if it is substantial in size. And that’s my point.
I need Backyard Growers in Canada who can sell to other Backyard Growers. Nobody wants to step up to the plate and be that person. Why I don’t know. The growers that are supplying my American customers sell a lot of plants here in the United States. And they have lots and lots of competition. But at the moment I don’t know of anybody that regularly offers plants for sale to my customers in Canada. We have some Canadian members, but I don’t see them advertising to our customers. Or if I do, it’s rare.
Can I guarantee that you will sell X amount of plants? Of course I can’t. That’ not how business works. But what amazes me is the excuses people use to not take action and get started. If you are in Canada you should see this as an opportunity, not a deterent. There are plenty of places in Canada for you to get the things you need to get started, but what we lack is one person that is growing and selling to our new members. We have that in the U.S., but not in Canada.
Interested? Then take action and get started growing some plants. Visit this page for details.
A couple of our Backyard Growers Business Center Canadian Members have stepped up to the plate and are offering these beautiful plants to get you started!
Plants for sale on the Canadian Buy/Sell Board 5/19/15
5 un – .95 Emerald ‘n Gold Euonymus – Rooted cuttings, rooted last summer and grown over the winter.
10 un – .90 Wooly Thyme
5 un – $1.50 Acer tatacicum subsp.ginnala flame
5 un – $2.50 Hydrangea petiolaris liner (climbing hydrangea)
15 un – 2.50 Lime Rickey Coral Bells rooted, grown over the winter
30 un – $1.50 ea Carex muskingumensis ‘Oehme’ – rooted division shipped bare root
5 un -$5.00 Ass’t Boxwood – are growing in a 1 gallon now. A few years old, trimmed and multi branched.
5 un – $2.50 Royal Cloak Barberry – liner, branched
5 un – $2.50 Hydrangea petiolaris – liner (Climbing Hydrangea)
5 un – $2.00 Caragana or Siberian Peashrub liner
5 un – $4.00 Whipcord Cedar (retail ready)
5 un $3.00 Summer Wine Ninebark 1 gal.( Retail ready)
$2.00 each Green Velvet Boxwood liners
Deutzia 1 gallons for $3, 750 ml yogurt sized containers for $2, and 4 inch pots for $1.
I will ship them bare root, not in the pots.
Varigated Weigela $2 liners
I welcome other Canadian growers coments & ideas
as a beginning Canadian grower I would welcome other Canadian rowers coments [email protected]
Hi Mike
Just joined for a trial membership but how do i find other Canadian members like myself and do you still have Canadians looking for plants
We always have Canadians looking for plants. Be sure to introduce yourself and the other Canadians will seek you out.
Please help us to log on to the buyer/seller business center.
Mary, all you have to do is contact Amber at [email protected] 440-259-4306 in the office and she will help you.
It’s interesting the way all questions are eluded and referred to buying a book or a membership.
Same as you son does in the warrior forum.
Marketing to the max.
Pay then you will know.
I’m pretty sure you’re wrong about that. If you browse, and you will need hours and hours, http://freeplants.com, http://mikesbackyardnursery.com/, http://japanesemaplelovers.com/ I think you’ll find that to this point we have provided tens of thousands of hours worth of content that we have not charged a dime for. I’ve been giving away content online for over 14 years and so far, nobody has mailed me a check for all of those hours. So, what we do is sell a package of information that others want. It’s packed full of information that will allow anybody who uses it to gain back hundreds of times it’s cost. And for that you will find offense with me? Please, please, please don’t order. -Mike McGroarty
pls. do you have something on mushroom.
Casio, I assume you mean mushrooms in your lawns or beds. I’d suggest better air circulation to the soil so the soil can breath. In the lawn that would be areation.
I have made many purchases from the US into Canada..however there are some Stiff Rules that apply. First off..Canada Border Services will not allow ‘Any Plant in Dirt’ across the Border. (Bare Roots and Cuttings are Okay!) Also, Cut Flowers are permitted..but not Potted Plants (ie:Dirt!)
Seeds are ‘Exempt’, however be aware that many seeds are sold as a certain variety..but actually search out the ‘Actual Name’..as many are just actually Weeds that will become invasive over time ! Several Canadian Seed Sellers actually have what they refer to as a ‘Burning Bush’ (Kochia) Nice Green Foliage..that turns Brilliant Red in the Fall..but after searching the name..it turns out to be called ‘Fire Weed’..which is Very Invasive..and Illegal in many States and Provinces ! There are many nice flowering plants..however, do some searching and ‘know what you are planting’ before it becomes a problem ! Also, check with CBS if your cuttins or Bare Root Plants can be brought into the country, and if the supplier will not ship to Canada..have it sent to the closest US Post Office, General Delivery in Your Name..and you have 30 days to ‘pick it up’ yourself to bring back ! (though I would not leave Bare Root or Cuttings for 30 days in the PO !
Jerry, this is exactly why I am establishing a network of Backyard Growers in Canada so they can supply the demand and not have to buy and sell across the border. http://freeplants.com/wanted.htm
What about Ireland? I heard there are only 1 or 2 members here too. Does that make it hard to get started here as well? I looked up some Japanese maple wholesalers and they seem to be based in the US and guess what? they don’t ship outside the US..
We have many growers in Ireland.
Good afternoon Mike
Is it possible for you to give me an idea how many members you have here in Canada? How much interest do other Canadians show?
I am very interested in what your doing.
I live in Southern Ontario just outside of Toronto close to Hamilton so I see a big market.
Thanks for your time.
Wayne, we have a number of Canadian members but more importantly it’s important that you get started as soon as possible. Basing your decision on the number of people in our group is only the tip of the iceburg of your total market. And that holds true no matter where somebody lives. Don’t be one of the last ones to enter the market, but one of the early members selling to our customers. http://freeplants.com/wanted.htm
hi Wayne,
i live in toronto and i’m going to start planting and collecting cuttings. i know this is an old post let me know your out there.
In our members areas we are currently looking for more Canadians that can sell plants to our Canadian members. I highly suggest you get my products to make sure you are getting started on the right foot, many don’t, make major mistakes and have to do a lot of back tracking and time lost.
I should mention that there is a products tab at the top of this website. Just about any purchase at all will get you started.
My husband Steve and I could sell to your members…. we are located 100km west of Montreal, QC. PLease submit your requests and we’ll grow it for you! we’ve been working on client requests up until now. Let us know What you want, how big you want them, how many you want and for when???
thanks Jaime and Steve
Jaime, I’d love to have you as one of our Canadian plant sellers! But this is how it works. You must first invest in my system and become of our our members. Once you are a member I will give you the opportunity to advertise in front of our members. Is there a fee for advertising? In directly there is a fee, but unlike any other advertising opportunity I’ve ever seen, you pay a ridicuously low amount of money and have permanent access to our membership and other advertising opportunities as well. No where, and I do mean no where, does anyobyd make it this easy and this inexpensive. I only wish somebody would give me access to their customer and mailing list for such an insane amount of money. That’s all I am going to say at this point until you are a member because this really is something I don’t talk about publicly.
I have 3/4 acre facing SW with hydrangeas, forsythia, azalea and many other plants. I got tired of hearing “we dont ship to Canada” so tell me what you want.
A member of Mikes group for almost a year now so lets get started.
Dave, you and I both are tired of hearing about shipping to Canada. The fact that most U.S. growers won’t ship to Canada only creates opportunity for those like yourself who are in Canada. Send Duston an ad of what you have to sell, and how people can order from you and we’ll get it posted on the site. You can also put your own ads in front of the other members and change them weekly if you need to. If you need info about that Duston will explain that to you as well. Contact Duston at [email protected]