I am giving away three copies of my Brand New Backyard Growing System!
Here’s the deal. Right now my Backyard Growing System is not available, I’ve taken it off the market. Because . . . Duston and I have been working on a completely new and revised edition of the Backyard Growing System and the new version will not be available until early September.
So while we are all waiting for the new products to be completed I’ve decided to give away the first three copies that we produce. The winners (three winners!) will be randomly selected from the comments made to this post. So if you’d like to be considered for this give away, post a comment below.
The new system will be called “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home”. This will be a combination of physical and digital products. The physical products are a brand new book that I wrote this summer, “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” and a two DVD set that includes my Backyard Nursery DVD as well as a new DVD called “Plant Propagation Madness”.
The book and new DVD are brand spanking new, never been sold before.
Also included will be an “Advanced Online Training Course”, the “Secret Directory of Wholesale Suppliers” and the digital report “The Inside Secrets of the Rooting Cutting Business”.
All good stuff!
So while Duston (my son) and I tie up the lose ends of getting this product ready and wait for the first shipment of books from the publisher, jump in here and post a comment!
I’m a newbie to your site but there is nothing better than being one with your garden and plants!
I moved from WV to MI and I’m going back soon to get some starts from my mom’s azalea, mountain laurel and my neighbor’s uniquely colored dogwood (it’s a dusty rose color!).
I am excited but also a little intimidated trying to grow some plants here in MI. I need help and guidance to learn more and expand and add to my favorite plants. Does your garden system work in the northern areas as well?
This portends to be an extremely useful resource for growers.
I am over the top excited about plant propagation thanks to Mike and his online videos and writings! I am hooked and can’t get enough information! I am so green but ready to bloom into this business. I have been looking for something that would grab me and turn me upside down excited and I have found it thanks to you Mike. I am so serious. In my spare time, I am watching and reading your teaching. My enthusiasm is keeping my apprehension at bay. Timing appears to be everything to keep things moving smoothly. It’s the beginning of October and aside from collecting seeds……I am using this time to learn and document all I can. I am practically jumping out of my skin ready to do hardwood and softwood cutting! One day perhaps I will meet you Mike. Thank you. Your Canadian neighbour. Karen from Ontario Canada.
Did a test run and experienced the knowledge and friendliness of the wonderful people on the board. Working on more income to come back! (saving for business license first :).
Looking forward to a new consolidated reference.
Thanks for all you do.
Hi Mike and Duston,
I have just joined your family of subcribers. I am from Malaysia, I learned a lot from your emails and am inspired to start gardening. I love to be considered for your new book. Thanks.
I’ve been thinking of propagating plants for years and selling them. And then, to my surprise, I came across Mike’s Backyard Growers. How exciting!
Hi Mike just found your web site and would like to have an input but noticed this was in 2012 now 4 years have past. Where can I get info on your new system?
I have learned a great deal from your material and still seeking to learn more. You give good lessons on, when, and how to do things. Thanks your all your info.
I’ve just started looking at the website. Lots of information to soak up! I grew up on an Iowa farm, and now I’m disabled. I’ve tried some gardening with lots of frustration. Farming was easier than this! I’ll take all the help I can get!
I love getting your tools & tips for better plants and their care. This has been very helpful. The kids that come over love to learn about growing things also. It is fun with a beautiful outcome (usually). 🙂
I would love to learn more and be able to pass it on to others by teaching them while spending time in the garden. I am trying to get the hang of propagating roses and trees. This would be a big help.
I have saved every e-mail you’ve ever sent me since 2/28/2008. Always dreaming of growing plants for a living. Now I am moving to the country with my son and get to try it. You are the best teacher I’ve ever seen. I wish I could afford to buy your new ‘university?’ program. Someday. In the mean while, I would love to receive this beginners kit you are generously giving away. Thanks so much for all your free info over the years, and good luck at this weekend’s sale.
Thanks mike .I’d love to win a copy
My name is Grover, and I’m 12 years old. I’ve been a gardener for 6 years and last year finally took it to a professional level. I opened up my own Business ( Gro. Co. ) and raised 1000 dollars by selling terrariums at several local farmers market. I’m using the money I raised to grow herbs in my parents basement.. I’m currently housing 500 plants and my goal is 1000. This summer when I sell them I will have enough money to buy a greenhouse and widen my variety of plants I grow and sell. I would like to base it off of your back yard growers system.
Keep your videos coming, Grover
P.S. Your my idol!
My name is Grover Grafton i am 12 years old . I have been a gardener for 6 years and finally my wishes have come true. I have finally saved up enough money to fund a small nursery in my dads basement. I am currently housing 500 plants and my goal is 1000, and when I sell them this summer I will be able to buy a greenhouse and establish my nursery. I would like to do that based off your system. say HI to Furgus. Big fan by the way.
Hey mike,
I’ve been watching your you tube videos for several weeks now and am very interested in your system. It would be awesome to receive a free copy of your material. My family and I have 6 acres of land zoned A-3 in spotsylvania va. Ive been trying to figure out how to utilize the space and this seems perfect. Thanks for all your useful info
I always have been trying to take care of my family and never had the extra money that I’ve always dreamed up to get started in my own backyard garden would love totally love to win this
As an old nurseryman and landscaper, I am enjoying you newsletter and comments that you make. Glade to hear that you will be keeping up the newsletter and giving out information that is hard to find or get from the pro’s
best luck
Hey, Mike!
Been following you for a while. My wife and I run a IT repair business – Austad Computing. If you or your followers need IT repair done w/FREE estimates visit our site or shoot me an email!
I am interested in starting the backyard business as a sideline. Any direction you could provide would be appreciated.
Frank Austad
i don’t often leave comments but i watch all your videos and read all your posts and i would love to try out your system and yours is the only system i would gladly pay money for because yours is real not some pie in the sky git rich quick crap
PS thanks for the grate info
i’m starting a new raised garden. do I have to remove the grass or can I just use round up to kill the grass. it is march I will not be planting until may. or do I have to remove the grass
I had a stroke (65 female)in January 2012. No longer able to do jewelry and gifts which I had done since 1968. Have found motivation to move about from puttering in my garden ‘oasis’ here in Tucson. A challenge with leaf-cutter ants, grubs and bunnies – not to mention over 100 degrees for over 300 days – then monsoons July to late Sept. I went from approx $800 week to $600 mo. Need income and I think I could do this. I lost my whole right side; now it’s all pins and needles and a feeling of tight iron clamps, limited movement and holding small things, walking, reaching etc. And don’t even get me started on the IRS! Only second to ‘mandatory’ auto insurance. Sorry, I vent. Could really use this. Otherwise will buy one ASAP after holidays, THX!
Hi Mike,
I’ve been enjoying your emails and website since I learned how to surf the internet.
I’m physically handicapped and would love to grow some plants for profit and think your above ground system is perfect for someone like me. Until my recent move, I lived in an apartment and had little outdoor space, but now I have a large backyard and access to a hose etc. and am looking forward to the updated version of your system. Now I just nee a handyman to build the thing! lol
Please add me to the drawing.!!
Hi Mike,
I am a 61 year old female who would love to just once in her life be able to grow something. My husband says I kill the plastic plants in our house. I just can’t figure out what to do and when. Too much water. Too little water. No nutrients in soil because I don’t know what that means. I didn’t know plants didn’t like fertilizer and they don’t “love water.” I have been following you for over a year. I showed your systen to my husband and he said, “Why don’t we start with just one plant and see how you do.” We bought this puny little twig from Sears and it actually grew a leaf. I don’t know what will happen next year though. I a retired and would love to do something with my life where I am actually bringing life into the world again. We are raising two grandchildren, a 10 and 12 year old (boys) and they are darling, but I would like to do something “different” also. Please consider me in your drawing as my husband seems to have no faith in my growing abilities, apparently. Ha! Thanks for all your free tips. I think they are helping me learn about plants and soil and sun and all of those good things. Bye.
Mike, I am ever so thankful for your site. I have learned so much about growing and caring for plants. I had a cardiac bypass in 2009 and I began to spend time outside watering my grass by hand to relax and get away from the kids, pets, tv, phone, ect. I soon began planting a few things with no clue what I was doing other than digging a hole and sticking a plant in it and covering it up. Your site has taught me so much that now most of my neighbors and friends mosey over when they see me outside to ask my advice about a plant problem or to see what my newest garden project is. I thank you.
Tinia Petty
We got “volunteered” to do a clean-up scheduled for today at my daughter’s, so I watched your video on Tree Stump Removal Instructions. The information will save me a lot of grief and back pain. Thanks. Anyway, that video led me to your website and it got me thinking. We were given a small Christmas Cactus over 30 years ago which has not only thrived but given “birth” to hundreds of little one, all of which we give away for free. This plant blooms beautifully twice a year, and your site got me thinking…And then there is the Spyder plant nobody wanted after my father died that produces babies like crazy. Hmmmmm.
Thanks for all the good information. I’m hoping to get my two best friends involved in a small nursery with me, turning our hobby into a profitable business. They’ve been buying plants from everybody else for years, now it’s time to get that money back!
I would love to win this contest! I have long been an admirer and I love plants. I have been caretaking for a sick family member who has now gone to the eternal garden with no weeds. I look forward to seeing them one glad day. In the meantime, I now have more time, and would be so happy to have this system.
I look forward to your newsletter.I would love to be considered for your system for free.Sorry to say my income is soooo limited I can’t afford to purchase at this time.In my community my landscaping stands out and I must say many ideas I got from reading your newsletter.Ithink I could really make money at this since it is something I love.
Thank you
I have been inquiring about your dvd’s and other information. I to am trying to get into starting a backyard business. I have recently moved to a new house that is right on the main highway so it will work out better for me. If i don’t win, then i will definatly be buying your system as soon as I can afford it.
Thanks for all the great advice. I appreciate the honesty and love that you show for nature and the various plants. Great work, Mike. Please count me in.
Hey Mike, My husband and I are both disabled. I bought your first system but our finances will not allow us to utilize it to it’s full potential…Yet. I would greatly appreciate a copy of your new system to help us further. The saying “it takes money to make money” is so very true. I was recently able to buy sand, but I have to sift it to separate the fine stuff out, then I’ll be able to start propagating. Sure hope you pick me! We desperately need an extra income!
Hi Mike!
I have following your e-mails and post for about 4yrs now and have really enjoyed your posts. I have learned a lot from your post and I would love to have a free copy.
Thank You!
Hi Mike!
I’ve been in the moving process for a little over a month now. My wife was promoted to a bigger (Post) office in a bigger (little) town.
We moved from 200 population to 2000 pop. So, it’s been kind of hectic, they originally gave her 10 days to bid on an office, find a place to live, get moved and start work at the new office… Hectic? yeahhhhh Anyhow, I’m signing up a month late but am interested in knowing more about the system. There are very few jobs around here so I’m interested in creating my own!
Thank you!
I have wanted to do this for over six years. I have been gathering tools and even moved to a rural area and bought over four acres. I’m ready, but do not have a clue what to do!!! If I don’t win it, I’m buying it!!! It’s my birthday tomorrow and I told my husband that all I want if for him to help me put up the greenhouse we bought last year (used on CL for $1500…30x50x16). We are ready to take the dive!!! Need your help and expertise. Website is not up yet, but we are http://www.greentreegardensandgifts.com
Viewed Mike’s videos here in Cornwall U.K. on taking cuttings,good to see other peoples techniques. I will certainly try out his methods
Thanks for giving out the know how of gardening to new beginners like me.
God Bless you and your son. thanks
Mike, Count me in. Been following your suggestions for several years now, but haven’t tried the BG System yet, as I’ve been too busy at work. I’d love to give it a whirl.
I’ll turn 65 years old September 30th. I’m entering a new season of life and would like to learn something new that can bring blessings to others.
I have heard good things about this system, I would love to try for free!
I Have been unemployed for a while {I am older and no one is hiring around here} I have been receiving your newsletter and Ive learned alot from your gardening videos. This looks like some thing I could do. So toss my hat in for the drawing for your new system. Thanks
Mike – From one chubette to another, THANK YOU from the bottom of my 60 year old heart for all the free info you put on your website and You Tube. I’ve been sitting for the better part of the last 3 days watching and reading your informative gardening tips. Can’t wait to get started on filling my yard with Rose of Sharon and Japanese Maples. Please consider me in your DRAWING. It would be like Christmas in September!
My wife managed to grow Heirloom tomatoes and peppers in this drought. Consider us in.
Thank you very much for your newsletter and Ive learned alot from your gardening tips and I refer to the ebook all the time. I would love to have my hat thrown in for the drawing for your new system along with receiving more information about it when it becomes available. Thanks again for all the information you have provided me with and Im so grateful to have found your site.
I look forward to your newsletter and videos. I am trying the system on blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, pears, apples and roses. I can’t wait until spring to see the results. Keep the newsletters and videos coming. Thanks.
i would love to get a free copy .. i now have more time to be able to garden
Hi Mike,
I am still rehabing a broke wrist and after having surgery it is healing slowly. I can’t wait until your system comes back on the market. I would be happy if I was one of the winners. Then I could start my own business. But, better than that I would be able to learn how I could help other people less forunate than I am.
I work each year helping the elderly and SINGLE parents plant veggie garden so they can help feed their families. Your system would give me the opportunity to landscape some of the homes of families that are just scraping by.
Thank you so much for listening.
I like your articles on plants and the projects you do on your site plus the time you take to show and explain in your videos. I would like to recieve a copy of your new book and the DVD’s. So I’m throwing my Hat in the Ring to win this valuable project guide.
Hi Mr. McGroarty-
I am homeschooling my 3 children (11yo, 9yo and 6yo) and we were hoping to use your Backyard Growing Systems as part of our curriculum for the study of botany and small business for our school year! I hope your new products come out soon- we’re just finishing our 1st week of school and I can’t wait to get going on our botany class! Thanks for inspiring us!
I hope I’m not too late to enter for the giveaway. My daughter and I would love to recieve one of your backyard systems. We’re new to backyard gardens but we’re very excited.
Looking forward to learning more about the new products!
A free system would be GREAT…thanks for the opportunity!!
I am very excited to get a copy of the new program, I have acres of good land in the middle of nowhere, Montana, and it would be a wonderful way to earn some extra money and work with my family. Teaching my children to farm, and be self sufficient is very close to my heart. Your website and words inspired my wife and I to get your program, please let us know when we can buy one.
I wait for you tips on gardening, Thought i mite get lucky with my name in the hat. Thanks for all your help anyway, even if i dont win.
I’d like toe cosidered for the free system.
Thank you so much for all the helpful info you have made available. I love to garden and try different ways to get plants started. I recently air layered a Brugmansia 😀 Thank you again
Can’t wait to get my hands on your new system! I am trying to get a small homestead set up and all of your emails and videos have helped me tremendously! Keep up the good work, Mike!!
please enter my wife and I to your contest we would enjoy it very much
Sweetgrass Farm in south middle Tennessee seems a perfect location for a backyard nursery operation. And recent unemployement gives me the prime opportunity and time! Anxiously awaiting release of the new system.
Mike, Thanks for this offer and I’d like to throw my name into the drawing pool. You have changed the way I look at plants and making some extra money.
Dear Mike,I bought The Gardener’s Secret
Handbook sometime ago.It’s wonderful.I live in
South Brazil where maples grows very well.I’m
trying your methods and I will communicate you my results.I really would like to win!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank you.
LUiz G.R. Santos
would love to win.
I’m having trouble posting my reply; this is my second try (I checked for my first one and it wasn’t there). It’s gotta be my lousy dial-up connection. I hope it’s not too late to enter. Your offer came out on my birthday and I couldn’t take the time to come out of my garden and deal with my slowwwww connection and catch up with my emails until now. I appreciate all I’ve learned from you and can’t wait to learn more 🙂 Please make room for one more hat.
Mike – Pick me, pick me! Love your emails and would be so proud to win.
Looking forward to your new book and dvd.
I will throw a ten gallon hat into the ring if it will help with my chances! As always good reading.
Thanks Mike, for all your wonderful tips and advice. I really wish you had a show on television! I would love to have a copy of your Backyard Growing System for my husband. He is getting interested in growing and caring for plants, and I feel it would be a great help to him. He is a self employed electrician, and with today’s economy as it is, he doesn’t have anywhere near the work he used to have. Working with plants seems to make him feel more useful, and takes his mind off not making the living he used to. Hopefully, your book could help him with that problem also. Thanks again for all your help!
Macedonia awaiting your book…..
I am hoping to buy this soon! Very excited for it!
I am new to your page and I already love it. I have always loved plants and gardens and I am new to the ideas of selling but it has always been a dream of mine. My life is recently changed and I intend on making this dream come true. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and experience.
I don’t understand: “comment awaiting moderation”?
You are inspiring and a gift without any giveaways …but I’m glad to put my hat and dirty gloves in the ring just the same. Thanks!
Consider my hat tossed … hopefully my bald top won’t get sunburnt!!
I’m a divorced mom looking for a way to make money…with a 14-year old tomboy daughter who likes to get her hands dirty! We have a 1.75 acre lot that is ready for action! Pick us and we’ll be a success story for you! Thanks, Mike for all the great free info you have provided. Hugs from Deb and Erin!
===Thanks Mike, for your wonderful tips and advice! I love watching your videos…and learning new gardening techniques…
I would like to put my name in the hat. I would like get a brand spanking new copy as well.
Several years ago, my husband and I bought a few acres in the country because gardening is my passion and I needed room to plant. Retirement is in the not too far off future and your backyard growing system would promote that passion while providing additional income in this uncertain ecomony.
I would appreciate the opportunity to have your back yard growing system
I love plants! Can’t wait for the opportunity to have your new book. Please toss my hat in the ring too! God Bless!
I love plants! It is my hobby based on my passion. Can’t wait for the opportunity to have your new book. Please toss my hat in the ring too! God Bless!
I am on disability (cognitive difficulties due to M.S,) I Love love love to garden and would love to have this system so I could further pursue my passion and be able to share my love of plants and gardening with all my friends!!
Toss my hat in,I’ve been with you a while and following your great ideas,and great expertise,for me and all the people that you have helped,, with their Gardens and their yards,with your great advice.Thank you !!!
When is your system going to be ready????????????
Mike Smith
Hi Mike,
Count me in for your Backyard Growing System drawing. Thanks. 🙂
I would LOVE a backyard growing system – pretty please!!!
this would be great to have
I would love the new version. I am a member of the “Backyard Growers Club” and love all the advice, tips and tricks. Thanks!
Ijust found out about you giving away your free copy of backyard growing system so I probably don’t have a chance. My husband and I are really serious about wanting to do what you have done so we can know how to make the money you have since I’m on disability and I love gardening so much, If there is any way I could get a copy, I would appreciated more than anybody, but there is already over 2000 people ahead of me. I was always a dream of mine to open a real nursery but due to health problems and money I never was able to. But when I found out about your website it really got me excited to think I could make my dream come true. Even if I could get a email copy, I could print it out, just like you free gift which I am very greatful for. Mike, you have been an inspiration to me and thank you so much for all I have learned and hope to learn in the future for me. Have a blessed day.
Hi, I’m interested in one of the free copies, as I’d like to see how applicable the Backyard Growing System is to here in the UK. The new format sounds great by the way.
Happy gardening everyone!
I am throwing my hat in the ring. Please pick me. You have been an encouragement to me on growing plants. I am no wheres an expert at it and need all the help I can get. I have been laid off for 1 & 1/2 years now and need all the extra income I can get.
Thank You Mike
I am an Immigrant who started life in new country. Was looking in Internet for some ideas how to make money with what you love. I found your site. Mike your idea is brilliant for me. I already make some money selling my plants, but I want to go further. Very interested in your growing system!
My hat is in the ring. I’m looking to your new book and DVD’s. Have got your other books well read. Thank you, Mike, for sharing your knowledge fully!
I would love this book. I am doing gardening now due to being disabled and not able to work anymore. It is a challenge when doing gardening from a wheelchair but so much fun. I have been trying without luck to clone and olive tree. This book would put food on our table and keep me active.
Throw my name into the hat, please 🙂
Hi Mike,
Would love to try your new system out here in Fl. Thank you for all the great information, I look forward to getting your emails.
Looking forward to your new system. Thank you for all the tips and advises.
Help and old woman bring healthy, new life into her world.
Please toss my hat into the ring! Thanks MIKE!
Gardening is my favorite past time and now that my husband has retired he is really starting to get into it. Your Back Yard Growing System sounds fantastic. Please put my name in.
Ive had a small nursery/garden in my backyard for the past 5 years now. I’ve been growing indoor plants for years as well. I’ve mostly just given all the plant babies ive made away having very little success in selling attempts. I love plants and I have a motto ‘making the world a greener place one plant baby at a time!’ I don’t mind giving plants away but it would be nice if I could make a little money in doing so, even if it just covers the cost of making healthy plants and I think your book could help me with that!
Wow, that sounds like a great opportunity! I would love to be considered for the giveaway!
would not be a seller most likely, but would love to be able to buy plants from the places you do. i am 72 years old but love piddling around with plants. sign me up please.
Dear Mr. Mike,
I am almost to retirment age(3 more years) and I am looking forward to being my own “plant manager” and being prepared to have your Back Yard Growing System in place by then.
Hey Mike,
I enjoy your tips and I have already thrown my hat in the ring but I think it is getting lost in all the other hats already there.
Thanks for the tips and info.
Keep in coming
Hat has been thrown.
Hi! I am employed as an innkeeper in NW PA. When I first came here there was some landscaping done, but not a lot. I just keep adding more and more perennials. If it weren’t for your advice, I’m sure I would not have done so. Your input is so greatly appreciated! Thank you for your sacrifice of time.
You have shown us outstanding things. How to get better at what we love to do! Keep up the great work and thanks again!!
thank god
i sure could use one to work my way out of my job thanks greg
Hey Mike,
I’ve been following your emails for awhile now and I think your ideas are great. I’m a great lover of plants and I love to garden. I actually picked up gardening shortly after becoming disabled. I would love a chance at your new system and I hope you keep me in mind. unfortunately I’ve been unable to come up with the money to invest in your previous one, but I’m going to keep trying. Best to you and my hat is in.
Hi Mike, I’m “tossing my hat in the ring”!! Thank you for all the helpful information you continually pass on to all of us! You are appreciated.
Make my thumbs green!
I would love to have a copy of your new gardening book
Thanks for the opportunity! I would love to learn more with your growing system.
Wow! How did I miss this email? I would really like to be considered for this if it is not too late…Thanks either way, your information is awesome!
I am very excited about the backyard growing system especially since I have very little property to raise plants. Please add my name to your drawing. Thanks!
Hello Mike,
For anyone reading this post, I am a retired police sergeant and was very skeptical about my products. Being retired my wife and I wanted a small hobby that would payoff so we took a chance. Now we are selling Japanese Maples in our spare time and love our hobby thanks to Mike and his son. We have thrown both of our hats in.
We are closing the bakery and moving sometime this next year. I want to do alot more outside when we do. Once we get settled, I plan on ordering the system. A free copy now would just give me a great head start!
Mike, your growing system sounds amazing!
Please enter me in the drawing for a free copy!
The rooting in sand idea really works.You have a great site and it would be wonderful if I could get 1 of those free books.
Hi Mike
L have followed you for several years but could not do very much in the apartment we were in. Now as I reach the time to retire I actually have a yard to play in and would love to make use of your system.
I have been receiving e-mails from you for years and have kept every one of them! I would sincerely love to be included as one of the winners of your systems. Thank you for giving me the chance!
Would love to ‘win’ a copy, Mike. Appreciate all the great gardening tips.
Mike- I just love reading your useful tips and gardening advic, Happy gardening!
yes sirs ,
please throw my hat in the ring for one of these systems, being a retired milatery vet i have the time with my disabled wife thanks for the chance.
There was a guy named Mike.
Who everyone seemed to like.
He had great success,
and many he blessed,
by sharing his backyard process!
p.s. Hope it’s not to late!
I would love to have a copy of your Backyard Growing System. Being retired I have lots of time for gardening and millions of questions on how to!
Thanks, Bob
I really enjoy your postings, keep it up.
Bob O
Since having a stroke in 2000 that ended my Picture Framing career I have been looking for some sort of business I can successfully work with my new physical limitations. Mike this looks like it may be what I have been looking for! There I have thrown my hat in the ring. May the “best” hats win! I just hope I’m not too late.
Would love to get your new system .We have many flower beds and gardens I am always looking for ways to improve.
following you and yours for years now with
great benefits and value from all that you
share. Daughter made top four in the nation
for FFA Nursery Landscape in 2006.
starting a new Backyard Nursery at another
residence soon : ) Downsizing from larger
acreage that we no longer need since we
can profit in a smaller space : )
check us out on youtube at:
thanks again
Thanks for this giveaway and hope that you also continue to give away down to earth tips on how to manage all the green stuff growing outside my house. (Like … it’d really be OK if you whack those Burning Bushes WAY down.)
I enjoy reading your emails with your plant growing and propagating tips. Many of them have been quite helpful over the years in my garden. The only thing I haven’t been really adept as of yet is rooting the cuttings that I routinely take. I take drives through the city where I live and sometimes when I see particularly beautiful tree, I’ll go to the door, introduce myself and ask if I may take a few cuttings from their tree. My main offer to them is a couple for me, and a couple for them, that I will give them the rooted cuttings once they have matured a bit. Unfortunately I’ve only been able to return this favour twice. I believe with your system, this might increase my “odds” of living up to the promise I make to these new friends of mine.
God bless.
I would love to add this to my library! I’m just getting started with your system and any new information would be wonderful!
Tossing my ring in
Thanks for sharing the knowledge
Mike, you are doing a wonderful job. I must compliment you and Dustin for the well-illustrated information you publish. I have used it since I have been receiving it and it works. My garden and flowers are flourishing and beautiful, not to mention producing babies and fruit and vegetables. Thank you so much for contacting me. Please keep them coming!
Toss my bonnet in the ring
I have followed your posts for a few years now and I love your ideas. I am looking for a way to continue to stay at home and raise the kids and this seems so perfect. Please put my name in for your new system book.
Hi Mike from Nanaimo (Vancouver Island), BC. You’re the best “stumble” I’ve come across in eons. Have a Rose of Sharon that really needs help and found you “surfing”. Thank heavens for you. Bookmarked you and shall return many times I’m sure. Great to meet you, Anne
I look forward to reading your e-mails and watching the informative videos you post. Thanks for the chance to win the the new backyard growing system. Thanks, Leslie
There surely are a lot of people wanting to win! I want to be included, please!
I would like to be included in the drawing!
Thank you!
we could really use the help we lost 3 family members last year mom, my oldest brother and my oldest son josh ilike growing things im just not that good at it extra income no matter how small would be a true blessing to help get back on our feet and thank you so much for all the advice you give away if i could afford to buy this system i most certanly would
Thank you Mike for sharing so much information for FREE. You have a big heart and I wish you success and prosperity now and in the future.
Lynette Robley
Western Australia
Mike thank you for all the great advise and for sharing all your wisdom with us!
Hi Mike, I ordered your (How To Start Your Own Backyard Nursery) many years ago, now I’m retired and looking to finally start my nursery and look forward to your new book.
GB Bowles
Centerburg, Ohio
This sounds Great! I have been a backyard grower that just has some fun, but in the back of my mind I keep saying there is so much more out there. So count me in.
You have an abundance of knowledge which you share every week. Thank you for everything you have taught me. You are creative and it’s easy to see why you are successful. David.
I am tossing my hat into the ring for one of those new Backyard Growing Systems! It would be fabulous to get this.
I would love to get this, however I have no money, no income, and it seems hopeless,so many people ahead of me. I have saved alot of your emails- I also read the site. Think of me.
I really appreciate your tips and articles. I want to go into business for myself but still am a little bit unsure…..of myself, I guess.
I’d like a shot at the copy.
Am new to gardening and are loving it up to now, unfortunately I cannot get ANY of my cuttings to root and don’t know where I am going wrong, I know your book would be of great help, please include me thanks!!
Mike, Looking forward to your new book whether I win one or buy one.
I so want this. I am trying to start a small business with what I have on my property, and this sounds like it would help me out ‘tree’-mendously. I need to go looking for more seeds in the neighborhood and learn how to germinate them properly.
Congrats on the new system and I always look forward to your emails.
Mike, Based on your emails, I have successfully propagated several rhododendrons and a few assortd “native” plants. So there is no doubt that the information in you Backyard Growing System is going to be valuable and effective.
I would love to throw my hat in. As a former landscaper turned truck driver. I would love to get back outdoors where I belong,earning a living. Thanks for the opportunity.
I would just like to read what you have to say.
My gardens took off in this hot dry summer weather and I have more than I can use.
My sister and I both love reading your emails. Thanks for all your info.
Please consider my hat tossed into the ring. Looking forward to hearing thatI won a copy.
I am throwing my name in the hat.
I’d love to win this too!
How awesome would it be to win your new book??? I would love to learn your system.
Angel in Alabama
I would love to try your new system. Everyone tells me I have a green thumb.
Please throw my hat into the ring! Everyone tells me I have a green thumb.
Hi Mike. I’m Meryl from Cape Town, South Africa. Just love your mails with super advice and videos. Have learnt a lot and truly appreciate it! I keep your blogs as a “bible”, and get so inspired. You make it look so easy! Even though our conditions are a bit different here, your backyard garden idea, tweeked a little, would go done really well. Everyone needs that extra income but there’s nothing like that here. We have so much open space; clogged up space just crying for some greenery; and beautiful countryside too, and so much is being done to help the under-priveleged to be self sustaining and sell veggies, herbs, plants, etc, yet they don’t have much access to water! Sructure is lacking in how to make it a profitable business rather than a means of survival. Not just underpriveleged, but everyone is becoming aware of not just being self-sustaining but trying to make an extra buck somehow for bad times, and that’s where passion comes in! Because I believe passion drives hard good work! Which is always rewarded! And you inspire me to do that. Thank you and grow, grow, grow. The more plants the better for our world.
LOVE this site!
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the great new letters with all the helpful hints and information. Your news letters and quite a few gardening catalogs got me “inspired” this year to get back to the earth. Starting off small and with vegetables. Sadly, the summer heat really took it’s toll on the plants and the water bill! :p I did have some success, but in the end, the insects were the real winners. lol I did learn from the experience, and hope to improve on it next year. Thanks again, and keep inspiring!
p.s. (is a p.s. really necessary with word processing??? :p) on the odd chance that I get drawn, please give it to some one else. It looks like there are quite a few others that really need it more than I do.
Thanks and God Bless,
I would like my hat thrown in too!! Always enjoy your emails, website has great content!! keep up the great work!!
I have been wanting to buy your book but never had the money. Would love to win the system.
Have been following you for years, you always provide valuable info for the beginner and seasoned grower as well.
Would love a copy of your new information so am “throwing in my hat” as well.
Thank you.
Mike and staff… This is exciting… Just moved to AZ and need a part time “work”! But working with the earth, the sand, would be a mircle! Much different from mid-west! But just to have the outlet and knowledge from the “new system” would be a great help to progress in “gardening” without having to leave the place! Water is the only hold back here! Thanks for your consideration!
sure would like to win this new system…I paid for the first one so it would be totally cool to get the second one by winning it!!!
I threw my hat in the ring!! I would love to have the free backyard growing system. I enjoy reading your emails but unable to understand the video due to the fact that I’m deaf but I can watch your step by step. I’m retired with small income. I’m willing to learn to grow all. You’re great guy, I admire you and your work! Thank you so much for sharing many things with us!
I would love to get my hands on one of these books 🙂
Sounds like fun. Count me in.
Hi Mike, Brought up on farm. 32 years in factory. Now retired. Would be some thing my young grandson and I could could learn. Would love to have this as I have followed your emails a long time. Dave
I am fascinated by this concept and would love to have a copy of the book. Thanks for offering it as a giveaway!
Thanks for the oppurtunity
Our Grandpa (Born 1883)wore the same jeans that you wear, except they were called “Grandpa pants” by all of the 30+ grandkids.
He was an organic rancher, worm raiser and vegetarian,although raised pigs for market and made it to 93.5 years.
Please enter me in your drawing.
Great Growing
I would love to get your book for free!
Hi Mike, this sounds very exciting! I have been reading your gardening emails for awhile now and have saved everyone. I am convinced I can do this with all your help. Just got to get past that fear of not enough time and getting up in age. Keep on, keeping on, almost there!!
Thanks for signing me up for the chance to get a free copy of your new system. My garden needs a change.
Thank you for all your hard work Mike!
I’m look forward to your new production.
I was wondering if you might review some soil testing product for some of us newbies.
Thank you for tossing me in in the Hat 🙂
Thanks, Mike!
Good luck on your new book!
I can use all the help I can get. Thanks
I would love to have it as i sure do not have a green thumb and live on a very limited income [ no money for heat this coming winter thats how bad it is ] . In other words i need all the help i can get , Thanks for sharing with us so many things God Bless .
Thank-you for the opportunity to win one of your your systems!
I just moved from a property that the only topsoil you had was that which was imported. Otherwise it was pure shale, not little either. I would very much like to be added to your list for one of the free Backyard Growing System.
OK, two hats in; PLEASE PICK ME!
Hi Mike,
Thank you for sharing so much of your knowledge and your love of all things to be planted. You are an inspiration to so many who need a bit of hope in this crazy world. Please consider my hat officially thrown in!
Many thanks and happy growing to all. sue
I’d like to throw my hat in for a free copy.
Love your stuff Mike. Looking forward to seeing the new material. Best of luck with the release!
I have just started using your system and I am super excited to read what new great info you have to offer in this new edition!!!
Please sign me up for this drawing!
Would love to see what it is all about.
Denise D.
Felton CA
I have been exploring ways to make my gardening business home based. I would be very grateful for your insight. I truly enjoy your e-mails! Thanks You!
Wow! I am so there! I love your e-mails, suggestions, comments, etc. Would love to be one of the reciepents of your materials. Keep up the good work. It is so nice when knowledgeable people are willing to share. That is what makes the world go round. Thanks!
I enjoy your articles and look forward to your reports on your new adventures.
I look forward to your new books. I love to work outside and this would be a wonderful way to supplement our income.
I would love to get this info!
Mike, I would like to put my hat in the ring! I would LOVE to start the biz! I live in Texas and the drought here (for at least 5 years now) is hard on our plants. Can you tell me if I go your system, would it work out here in the heat and drought? I do have sprinkler systems to keep th eplantrs watered, but it does get so hot and crispy here. Also, what plants are good to grow here??
Mike, thank you so much for all of the helpful tips & knowledge over the years! Your guidance has taken me from my 1st tomato plant to my current vegetable garden & 3 flower beds. I would love to be entered in your drawing! As a new stay at home mom, I’ve started propagating herbs & I’m just getting warmed up!
Your plans and ideas dovetail nicely with my hoop house and homestead garden. Would love to receive copy of your new system.
Winning this would be a blessing for me and my family.
Would love a copy of your new product.
I’ve been trying to start my own plant business but life keeps getting in the way. Now I just got laid off… BIG bummer… so I’d like to be productive and make use of this blessing in disguise. Money is tight so something free is good! I’ve always enjoyed your emails. ( By the way, I just changed my email FROM [email protected] TO [email protected]. Let me be your girl!! I’ll make you proud!
Today I’ve reached 65, never thought would happen, I blinked and here I am without a good retirement. My yard is small but have been reading your e-mails for a while. I truly would like to do with your help. Thank you.
I just know I can do it.
I’d like to be considered for the free Backyard growing system. I am very interested in starting my own business in this field. Thank you soooo much for your consideration! I love reading your emails !!
You’ve sure helped me out a lot with all your great advice. Can’t hardly wait for the new book and sure hope I win!
Thanks so much for everything you give to people and plants.
Would love a chance for your new system. Read all newsletters and watch all videos. Thanks for so much help in the garden. Here’s hoping for a better year in 2013!!
Another hat in the ring!
Bring on the happy! Simply put-growing makes me happy and the world is in a sad state of affairs. So, a fresh approach to making a living and doing something I like would be the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks and keep up the great work that you do!
I have learned a lot from your posts. Admittedly, I need to know a lot more, so please include me in the raffle. Thanks.
I’ll throw my hat in the ring. Courselooks very interesting.
Here’s my hat! Been reading your emails for a while now and have started doing some propagating using plants I already had and taking “clippings”. Thanks for all the great tips and tricks!!!
Sign me up please:)
geez Mike, you are a popular guy…I thought your site was my secret. I would love to be considered for your giveaway!!
Hi,Great News and yes, I would love to win a free copy.
I bought a house, close on Sept. 24th and now I have a yard! I am so stoked! It’s time to propagate!
heres my hat ,thank you
Count me in! I love your material and hope to be the lucky winner. Many thanks.
I just got your email about the chance to win the new money-making system. I recently retired and my husbend retires in December. Our income will drop almost in half. Knowing we will need to do something to supplement the social security, and knowing how much I love plants, this seems a godsent to us. Please pick us!
Hat in…
Hi Mike
New to gardening and growing. Trying to learn as much as possible. Throwing hat in for drawing. Thanks
I would love to have this information – sounds fabulous! Thank you for the opportunity.
This is great news!! I can’t wait to start using your system!
Hi Mike,
Sounds great my hats tossed in, please enter me into the drawing! Thanks!
I’m tossing in my bonnet
Hi Mike.
I would really love to get a copy of your book AND video! I am setting up to start my own little nursery as I will be moving to a rather dry and tree-less area and would just love to do my bit to “tree-up” the surrounds.
Just so you know, I am BIG fan of you and your posts!
No story here, would just like to be a winner.
Hope I’m one of the lucky winners.
I got no weepy story to tell & I’m counting on this whole gig being truly random ~ consider me entered in = I hope this is THE ONE {of 3 of from your generous offer} your stuff looks fascinating & I’d really enjoy owning the cirriculum you speak of …
Would love the system!
Your emails always inspire me in my little one-woman enterprise here. I have always loved to grow things – since I was 3 years old! The deer and gophers give me a real run for my money here in CA!! I have been hoping to have enough money to buy your materials for some time now. Hope I win!!
Hi Mike
I finaly get to write to you,and in the hope that I am in with a chance to win…
From your frinds down under in Australia
I would really appreciate a copy of your new book when it’s available. I’m not sure how or where to begin out here in this AZ desert. Thank you for your consideration, Ben.
Thanks for the chance and greetings
from “the landmass between NOLA and Mobile, AL”
Hi Mike
I’d love to throw my hat in the ring so I can see how things translate “Down Under” (we garden here too so can’t be too different, Japanese Maples included).
Jill in Australia
Hi Mike, I have been searching for the educational material you offer regarding growing plants, trees, etc. Anyone can plant tress and grow them, however the key to being successful is knowing what types of trees and plants to grow and how to grow them in order to be profitable and that’s what Mike teaches.
I would love to win this . It would be very helpful to me at this time since I have no job. May your happiness’ be many and I hope you will chose me . Thank you for this chance.
Great work you are doing, Mike. Your recent post on the economy is no less than brilliant. I plan to make a post on my site referring to it soon.
The best solution to the economic problems we have today is for people to adopt your understanding of how money works. Your plant program is not the only way to do it, but it is a model of how people can do it and a good one.
I currently have a 1 in 2800 change to get one of your Backyard Growing systems. So let the drawing begin! LOL! I would love to win, but if not, All the best to the person that does! I would love to have the source to begin thousands of plants. Good luck to us all!
I’d love to win a copy of the new book, shoot i’d even settle for a free copy of the old one. Being disabled more on than off due to acute gout attacks my abilty for th egookd old fashioned hard labor days are limited. Seeing this my be a better way to still continue to do something vs the nothing i am finding in the workforce.
YES – Throw my name and or my hat in for a chance. Thanks for the education.
I hope to win. I will help me so much.
I am the winner, I know I am, it just has to be me.
Mike, I’ve been reading your emails and articles for several years hoping I could afford to get your system. I love gardening and am always experimenting to find things that work in our hot Arizona desert. Would love to win one of your free systems so I can try it out in the hot desert and brag on it for you.
Thanks for all the info you’ve provided. I’ll keep reading all your stuff and hoping that someday….. “I’ll get the system”.
Sign me up for the Contest!
Through my hat in the ring, I have your book on plant propagation and been having fun with that have already made some baby plants from cuttings off of plants that I have in the yard. I learned a lot but there is so much more to learn. Seeing the cuttings start perking up and small buds starting to form that’s exciting. Thanks so much for sharing the information with us.
I’ve just purchased your “Easy Plant Propagation” book and would love to add to my knowledge base with your new book and DVDs. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously.
I am happy to put my hat in the ring, Mike. Your guidance is so accessible for people, and so down to earth, and so powerful at the same time. I think of you every time I load a wheelbarrow, for example. Small things like that. You are doing a great service to the world, encouraging people to become independent business owners. Plus, when people all around the world use these techniques to propagate their own food plants, we will have a good answer to the question “How will we feed 5 billion people in a few years??”
I never win anything but I will give it a shot. Your website is the best I have come across. Just learning to garden and making your site my go-to site for gardening tips!
I am having so much fun in my new garden, I would love to try “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” and donate the profits to others in need. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
I just love plants and planting and digging in the dirt. Making money from doing something I actually love to do would just be gravy.
Hi Mike,
I really hope you consider me for the free gardening system. I love gardening and growing plants and I think it would be a really fun way to make money. I would really appreciate it if you would pick me. Thank you for your time.
Love all your stuff, Mike and am waiting for my hat to be selected for this awesome package. Pick me. Pick me please.
I would love a copy!!!!!
I WOULD LOVE TO BE THE WINNER OF YOUR LATEST WORK “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home”. I will cross my fingers for the luck of the draw. Sandra
Mike G-
Honestly? I don’t want a golldarn thing from you, “for free”. Been a reader for 3+ yrs, I think, and just love your “sagely advice”…invaluable. It’s nice to know you’re also a Zone 5 Gardener!!! I think your “old” system is VERY fairly priced… Very interested in the “new” system! Best of luck my “backyard buddy”!!! JK PS- *Wise* people would become even wiser by following your (“drastic”) pruning tips!!! Haven’t failed me yet, on a burning bush (dwarf), 2 Nine-Barks and numerous Pyrancanthas (NOT supposed to grow in Zone 5)… 20 yrs n counting!!! J.K.
I love hearing about local gardening tips.
Include my name in the drawing.
If I don’t win I will buy this product.
I have learned so much from you and would love to learn even more.
Terry Mackie
Would love to have this. I recently took a 22% pay cut because my company thinks if they cut pay then us salesmen will have to work harder to sell more to pay bills. Well, I will work harder to do something else so I’m not dependent on corporate jerks for my pay. Your system would be idea.
looking forward to your system…throw my hat in!
Mike, I have been reading and watching all your videos. I have added to my learning of the plants, I can grow from cuttings and seeds as well. As soon as your new system comes out, I am all in. I think, I am gifted at growing things and with so many areas, that I can collect certain plants to grow, I keep trying different things. Some work…so don’t. But, I am one of those that never give up, especially with plants. I love them.
I will throw my hat in the ring, and see what happens. But, regardless. I will either get one for free and or end up buying your “Small plants Big Profits.”
Blessings, my friend for all that in share in your site.
Shalom > Madison
Computer crashed and I lost all the digital info I had from you. Have cancer and won’t be going back to my old job. Need something I can do at home.
I am in my hats off
Thanks ,Mike for all the info that you give out,may you continue to do so for all that look to you for the help you give. So I’m putting in my notice for a free book,so I can move forward.
Hi Mike
I’m broke
So I cashed in my pop bottles and got your grow system. I’ll need all the help I can get!
Count me in
I am throwing my hat in the ring! Have loved your emails for some time now. Really love the videos!!!! I am happy for your success. Patuzi
I wish to through my hat in the ring for the free give away of “Small Plants Big Profits”.
Thank you and God Bless
consider my name for the prize.
I have enjoyed your e-mails and the load of info that you have supplied. Draw my name so I can say of your backyard system I have tried.
(a little humor,,,very little)
I would love to be considered for your system. I am looking forward to start with some Japanese Red Maples. I will look around my neighborhood now.
Consider my hat tossed. NOW PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Count me in please? 🙂
With all these folks in the pot chances are slim but I’ll give it a go. Would love to get your new product. Awesome that you are working with your son! Congrats!
Retired and living in ” Public Housing ” but have access to a Screen Door size garden area . Would love to try using your system.
Either way, THANKS For all your gardening advise .
Love all of your articles. I would be honored to be chosen to recieve the new system. I am constantly expirementing with plant propagation. Sometimes with not much success. Thanks.
please sign mpe u
I would love to use this program with my children. We are a family of 9 and homeschool. They could learn so much (science, math, agriculture, business skills, planning, etc.) Please consider our “hats”!
I have been receiving emails from you for a good while and have learned a lot. I cannot imagine how it could get any better.
Please consider me for your new system and thank you for all of your helpful information.
I always enjoy reading your propagation tips. Please put my hat in the ring! Thanks.
Please put one of my hats in the ring.
I want a winning chance at the growing system!
thanks ~k
I got my first “Crop” of plants getting ready to go to market in the spring, thanks for the tips. 101 plants for a very tiny investment. Hope all make it thur our winter in Ala.
Wow Mike, what a turnout for your giveaway of your new system! You should be proud of all the lives you have touched! You are truly amazing!
I would like a chance to win one of your new systems. I believe it would change my life.
Thank you for all you do for all of us!
I would love to have a copy of your new book. I find you to be very informative and interesting in your e-mails and newsletters.
I would love to try propagating and growing my own flowers.
This looks like an exciting adventure…and a very popular post. Please put in my bid for your new system. Thanks
Hey Mike, I enjoy reading your articles. please include me in the drawing. Thanks, Mack
Yes please, Please add my hat in along with my sweat band, I refer to your letters all the time while prunning, trimming, splitting up my perenials. Thanks for all the advise. Having your book would be wonderfull.
Been reading your post for a couple of years. We are finally moving from out postage size city home to a place with a few acres. I would love to start a business with baby plants. Please enter my name in the the give-a-way.
HI Mike: Toss me in for a copy of the new version. Retired and learning to be a super Master Gardener.
Have a great day,
Hi Mike,
Thank you so much for all the emails of sharing your talent,knowledge and advices on gardening. It’s very comforting,relaxing and enjoyable working in the garden. A great way to heal/recover after surgery when you’re working with/near the plants, especially with flowers. Please enter me in the drawing too, wouldn’t mind winning-that will be great!
I’d love to get the book!
Ooops-typo. I meant “what” you’re pfering, not “whay.”
I’ve been reading you emails for over a year now and they have proven very useful so far. Please add me to your list as I will be removing 2 – 40 foot tall locust trees to make room for more garden plots. Thanks for all you do!
I’m not fully clear on whay you’re offering; but I save all your gerdening e-mails. I am interested in starting a small backyard business of this type.
Mike and commentors,
I would first like to say your website is great and I love the emails that I recieve from you. I have learned so much from you guys and look forward to reading every new post as well as the great community responces.
I have started my first two Japanese maples this year and you guys have been very helpful along the way.
Thanks again,
Good Stuff, throwing my hat in the ring for the new system. I’d also be interested in the old system for a discount!
Yes, Mike. put my hat in for new version book. I have saved all newsletters and really liked your wife’s new endeaver with jewelry too. Am originally from Pa. but now live in Texas . hard to grow here b/c it gets sooo hot in summer 100*+. short growing season for tomato’s! I enjoy your emails. Keep up the good work ! Bonnie
enjoy your stuff. thanks for doing this.
I would love to start up a backyard garden. This free set would be the best start to a new business.
Count me in when you start selling this information again.
I would love my name in the hat. This win will be wonderful at filling time together with my husband in the garden. He was just laid off and this could keep his mind on something else for a bit of time. I love being in the garden and have learned so much from all your emails. THANKS!!
Recently made a career change to landscaping an im captivated by plants now!
i have learned alot from your posts
i had sent you a couple of emails on becoming an affiate to sell your books but didnt qualify. If I win the freebie, that would be my goal to get a qualifying website and resell your products.
either way, have always loved your free information, especially on propagation techniques. Best Regards Ken
Hi Mike,
I am throwing my hat into the ring 🙂 I have enjoyed your emails and growing tips for a couple years now, and I would love a chance to try out your growing system. Thanks for the offer!
I would Love to throw my name in. I appreciate the good info I have found on your website, as apparently other peeps as have also, given especially the Hundreds of names I had to scroll past to post this! 🙂 (Just a thought: maybe set it up so interested people can read the post from You, then register Directly below… In other words, have the most recent names at the top, oldest at the bottom) Looking forward to the new system as believe I’m at a good place in life to give it a shot! 🙂 Thanks again for all you have given us already!
Here’s my hat … did I get it in the ring???
I have been a fan of yours for years and love your you tube vids that i forward to my real estate clients. I have been wanting to start a nursery so i can sell at farmers markets and give my clients free plants yearly. looks like i’m way down the list for one of the 3 units but i still wanted to say i love your site and your vids.. thanks
I thought I had my hat in the ring, but I got a reminder email from you, so count me in!
Would love to have your new system. I really enjoy all of your emails, and would like to try it here in Fl.
I NEED this book!
Hi Mike, I have enjoyed learning about the backyard plant business from your website. Thanks for sharing your many years experience.
I like reading your newsletters but what I really enjoy is seeing all the different plants that you bring to into my world.
Please enter my name in this drawing for the book and dvd.I have learned a lot from the bygb and wish to know more.Thanks!
Mike – Consider my hat thrown in with gusto! I’m a lifelong gardener and plant “rescuer” – my latest is a Pitcher Plant too dried up for the nursery to sell. It’s thriving on my fruit flies this summer! I’d love to know how to propagate it, too! Thanks for your support!
I am a recent empty nester and looking for a business to do from our home. I would love to give Mike’s system a try and so I am throwing my garden hat in the ring!
Looking forward to reading your new and improved Backyard Growing System. Keep those emails coming.
Thank you for giving us all this opportunity!
Hi Mike, great advise. I’m looking forward to your next how to post.
Thanks for sharing your knowlage.
Have been thinking of getting your program for a while but when I got ready to actually purchase it, it was no longer for sale. Would love to have a chance to win one of the new sets. Kinda glad I didn’t go ahead and get the old one now. I’ll be watching for an email. Thanks for all your teaching, Mike. I’ve learned a lot already.
My husband and I are retired and living on SS. I would love to improve my gardening hobby skills to the level of being self sufficient and bring in some extra money.
I love your newsletters and your videos. I wait to see your name in my inbox and delete almost everything else. Your advise is worth it’s weight in gold and I love to hear your tips and tricks.
Good luck with your new book and CD’s.
Thank-you for the great opportunity! I’m throwing my hat waaayyy in!!
Hey there Mike.
I don’t wear a hat, but I’d consider it if it would help me get a free copy of your Backyard Growing System. The wife and I are planning on moving onto our 16 acres in southern Virginia, in the spring. It’d make a great place to start using your new system.
Thanks Mike!
freebie me
if you please!
I love to garden to get fresh vegetables and fermenting things is my new passion. I made some salsa with just picked tomatoes, cilantro, onions and I forget what else, and salt of course, and put into bale jars, and a few days later the flavor was incredible. And it will stay beautiful in the jars all winter. I made all kinds of pickles and relishes flavored with different herbs like fennel, dill, basil, spearmint, oregano, etc. Lots of experimentation to see what I like best. And I want to learn even more so I will take my chances with the hat throw.
I was born to do this. With green coursing through my veins, I just need some guidance to put it all together. Your system sounds unbelievable, and I’m proud just to receive your free info. West TN is ready for this. Let’s get our grow on!
I am on a fixed income and with the prices of everything going up thanks to our government officials, money is very tight. I have always loved plants and always have a bunch of new baby plants growing. Well after reading your site I began selling a lot of my baby plants this summer and have been having a good time and making some money. I want to order your new course when it comes out to help me make a lot more money. Thanks for your emails and your time to help us novices learn more about plants and how to propagate them.
Hi Mike
I have been following you for awhile now and have been trying some of the things you have shown in your videos. Particularly rooting cuttings. So far so good. I would love to win one of the three new systems. (Just like everyone else here LOL)
I’m throwing my hat in the ring for a free copy of your new growing system.
Hi, Mike ~ Sounds GREAT, please enter me into the drawing ! Thanks !
I would really love to give your system a try. I live right outside of Panama City FL in a rural neighborhood on 2 1/2 acres. The soil is sandy and over tempertures usually seem like summer well into November. I love flowers and plants of all kinds especially the rare ones. Oak tress and Maples seem to volunteer to grow, the Oaks way too much. The Maples only when a few seed are blown in.
Would love the chance to receive your new system.
Greatly appreciate all the work you do in promoting Back yard Nurseries.
May God bless you and your new products.
Mike, I really need a copy of your new book and DVD so my husband and I can start a business so we can earn a living. He has not been employed for over a year and he will have to start a new career because he has Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, an Interstitial lung disease. My husband does not have the lung capacity to do the work he has done for over thirty years. This is unfortunately a rare lung disease with no confirmed drug to help. He is in a clinical research trial and taking medicine that maybe helping, provided he is taking the real medicine and not a placebo.
I know we can make this happen as a business with your help. We both enjoy working with our hands, love the outdoors, and enjoy growing vegetables and have planted and rooted many trees and bushes for our yard.
Your book and DVD would really give us the extra help, hints and tips that would make this business succeed! I already have rooted butterfly bushes to sell.
Thanks in advance for considering my request.
Mary Ann
I have enjoyed your gardening advice and would like to put my hat into the ring. Who knows I might get lucky!!
Thanks, Kim
Hi, can’t wait to see the new stuff !
Hey Mike congrats on the new and revised system like all your other emails I’m sure it’ll be the highlight of my day. As like all your other emails I look forward to many more to come. Keep the great work up you deserve it. One day I’d like to own a copy of your system so please do throw me into the hat for a free copy.
Hey Mike congrats on the new and revised system like all your other emails I’m sure it’ll be the highlight of my day. As like all your other emails I look forward to many more to come. Keep the great work up you deserve it. thanks for everything.
I could use the information to teach the students at the local continuation high school. They love working with plants.
Hi , I like to read your news letter , I am looking for a hobby that can make some money when I retire, love working in my flowers , would be honored to win your backyard growing system . I’m sorry I did not get to your place this summer, plan on making it next summer.
I have gained a tremendous amount of information from your email’s, video’s and website. Glad I waited, will purchase new course, but free sounds good to me. Thanks
Mike : Iam 77years old and I do a lot of gardening to pass the time away. I am siill learning about plants and how to grow them and that is way I would like a copy of your new book to keep on learning.
would like a copy of your new book
I am very interested in starting a new career. I have always loved plants and growing my garden. I enjoy your web site very much! A new career is something I am in great need for. A career that would be fun and enjoyable would be wonderful!! 🙂
Mike, please enter my name in the drawing.
But most of all I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading your emails. Thanks for all the great information. You are inspirational. Keep up the good work.
Tom Boleware
Thanks for the great information. I would love to win your system!
Hi Mike! I want to thank you for all the excellent advice and free tips you share on your YouTube videos and in your emails. I have learned so much already. I would LOVE to win a copy of your new book and dvd’s! It is rare to find someone who will so graciously share their knowledge to help folks out in these difficult economic times…I just wanted you to know I appreciate it!! 🙂 Keep up the great work!!
Consider my hat tossed from way over in here in Iowa.
Hey Mike! Just a short note to say Thanks for all the great info. and e-mails. I hope all is well for you and your family. Thanks again.
p.s.hope things here in Calif. pick up soon, so I can maybe join the board.
Hi Mike,
I would love to get my hands on a copy of your new book and DVD’s.
I’ve been on your mailing list for some time and love to watch your videos.
In all truth I wouldn’t be able to start a business right now because I’m taking care of my 88 year old mom with the ‘Big A’.
I can dream of course. One day hopefully not soon, to have a greenhouse. I’d like to run around getting new plants using the clam shell device you showed in a recent video.
Thanks for all the information.
Well – it appears to be a bit bigger than a 3 ring circus by now, but get my hat in there for the new, bigger, better, improved, refined, and even more better system!
Mike I have been using your tips & following your site for a couple years, it is always full of great stuff, I would love to throw my hat in & be one of the 3 lucky winners. Thank you for all your great advice.
Wow! Backyard grow system instructables free? Can’t beat that. Hope I win! Thanks.
Wow! Many people want the book! I want it too! Saludos!
i never win anything,,but i’ll still throw my hat in ..would love to win your new dvd
This web site saved my lawn. Your the best. Please throw my at in the ring. I can’t wit to get started!
I know this probably won’t get read but I need all the help I can get to keep my plants from dieing. Luck is just not working here.
I have enjoyed your emails and your advice. One of my grape vines died and last year I saw your video on starting new vines from cuttings so when I trimmed my grape vines I trimmed 15 vines as you recommended and just stuck them in the ground and now I will transplant 12 of them this winter. I only needed one so I will be selling the others. Thank you Mike for all you do.
Many thanks for all the great info. you so generously provide for us.
I don’t have a hat so I’m throwing in a sock!
Love your newsletters – great info.
I never had much of a green thumb but when we moved 8 years ago, iplanted my first flower bed. after that it became an obsession. I have learned alot from your newsletters. Thank you for all you do for plant lovers.
I would love to get a copy of your system. I am
an aging mechanic that needs to find a different way to make money,I love the outdoors
and do all my own landscaping anyway,why not
make some money doing it.
Hi Mike,
I’ve been putting off getting you backyard growing system for some time now. But now the time has come. My job is in jepordy and I should do it now to prepare myself. I would like to be considered for one of the 3 give a way new systems that you developed. Hope to hear from you soon.
Mike B.
Hey Mike,
Please add me into your winners list for your new “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” system. I will make you proud and utilize for my future success in home gardening. Thanks so much!
from little things big things grow…….you are inspirational
thanks heaps
Hi Mike,
I have been dabbling with seed propagation for a while, and would Like to try my hand with cuttings. I really enjoy your E-mails with all sorts of info. I have never won anything in my 8o years on this good Earth, so I’ll wait to see how much your new system costs to see if I can afford one.
Again, thanks for all rhe info..
Thanks for all the great gardening info. Keep it coming.
Hi, Mike,
How about a trade? I’ll trade you my “Secrets of Successful Berry and Veggie Gardening” for a copy of your new work- Interested??
Mike, as usual you have outdone yourself. Looking forward to the new Backyard Growing System.
I am enjoying your newsletters. Have tried out a couple of your methods – so far so good.
Here’s my hat, please consider me for the free Brand New Backyard Growing System! I really enjoy your website, it has great info!
Thank you for the ongoing information you share. I am a Master Gardener in Zanesville Oh. and have shared your insight at our meetings. I would enjoy trying my hand at growing my own plants, so am throwing my hat in the ring.
Best of luck to all.
Kind Regards,
Oh oh! Pick me!
Mike, I have been receiving your emails for many years now and following your wonderful advice!
I would love to be picked as the winner of your newest system.
I tell everyone that you are my “gardening mentor”
Keep those emails coming………..
I would love to get a copy of your backyard Growing System. We have 2.5 rural acres, partially wooded and sloping, and would like to put some of the property to use. And I am looking for extra income. I hope I win a copy but will want to get a copy even if I don’t.
Thank-you for your consideration,
Cherilu DuVal
I probably have the brownest green thumb around but am learning. Your letters have helped alot. I thank you and my plants thank you too. LOL
Sounds great! Can’t wait for it to come out!
I love getting all the posts and would really love getting a free book and DVD!
I would love to be part of the drawing!
I just moved onto a property with 3 acres. The skies the limits if I had your program. I can’t wait till it comes out.
Wishing you all the best.
Marie Bassill
I really enjoy your emails , they have a lot of wonderful information , I am hoping for your new book !!!!!!
Thank you !
I want to throw my hat in the ring!
Thank You for your wonderful web site.
Will give it a try!
Please include me in your drawing for the plant propagation system. It’s a lot of fun.
Love the advice you give.really would love to win a copy of your new book.
Hi Mike, I have been on your mailing list for a few years now and love reading them each time they arrive! Its always great to read the ideas and suggestions and see what I can do with them. I work part time and have a stay at home hubby that is disabled and we are always looking into things that we can do together at home. Thanks for giving each of us a chance to receive your new book and dvd! I cant wait to see who the winners are! Thanks again for the helpful hints you send out every newsletter!
Dear: Mike I need a new way to make money
I am thinking about selling plants. A man that I buy feed from sells retail and he said that If I started my greenhouse he would buy from me if I was competitive in price. I need help starting off. Bob L.
Mike –
It would be great to be picked to receive a copy of your dvd and book. If not, well, guess you’ll have me for a customer.
Hi Mike (and Dustin) – Just a few lines to thank you both for all the wonderful info you have sent my way. I would love a copy of your new book. I am retired and more time than anything else, so I would love to add to my yard and let it look like I know what I am doing.
Hey Mike!
Great job! Thank you so much for all of your wonderful gardening information.
I am looking forward to your new book and DVD.
Thanks much!
I would like to place my name in the hat. Due to health reasons, I am unable to continue working at a normal job & this could be a great opportunity for me to learn how bring money in to help pay the bills. Thanks so much for the opportunity.
Keep up the good work, Mike!
I would Love to have this. Thank you for all the great advice!
You are doing a lot of good — thank you for that! And here’s my “hat!”
I retired June 28, 2012. I already enjoy growing things,but never for the landscape. I have been looking for a new hobby and I know I have found it. I can’t wait until your system is available. I have already looked over my 20×25 back yard and have a visual plan for things that I want to do. There is no wife so I can use all of the space if I want. My son just purchased 10 acres of land to hold as an investment and we already have plans for expanding even before I plant the first thing. I’m already looking at ways of using the water from his lake to cut expenses. I am also interested in being an affiliate.
I am very excited!!!!!!!!!!!! Please hurry and get the System ready before I find a wife and get my back yard space cut.
Love the advice you give. You keep it simple for non-experts to understand. You inspire me to keep trying new things.
I love all the information on propagating you offer online. I’m a Master Gardener for my county, and I marvel at how clear you make complicated techniques!
Your emails have been tempting me for a while; work is difficult to come by, and the idea of selling plants from home has been on my mind for almost two years. Just worried about access to water. Thanks for your consideration!
My hat is in the ring. I love doing this stuff anyway. May as well make money at it!
Have been following your emails for quite some time now, and am just waiting to get my own place to try your methods. Would so love to get the chance! Hopefully soon…!
Please put my hat in the ring.
Have studied and used your original system for years (with great success), really looking forward to the new information. All your infor is GOLD.
You can have my old gardening hat——need a new one any way.
Mike i have been a fan of yours for quite some time now and have used alot of your ideas it would be very interesting to see what your new progect being your new book will bring for me.
I’m 84 years old and still somewhat active. I need something more to keep me in coffee and doughnuts. My wife says I’m nuts anyways. But your backyard gardening sounds like something that will keep me active.A copy of your book would get me started. Howard
I want this so bad! I love to get dirty and plant things. I love to watch the plants grow and feel the wonderful accomplishment of live and healthy beautiful plants!
I love getting your e-mails, the tips you give and your video’s are great.You have alot of wonderful ideas,and very informative. It’s so nice to be able to go out in my garden and think of all the things I have learned every week in your e-mails. Would love to have a copy of your New Backyard Growing System.
Thanks for your information & videos. I have just put some Japanese Maple seeds in the refrigerator. I know it’s not 90 days before they can go into the ground but if I see germination I will have time to plant them in small pots to begin their growth. I hope this might be something you might find workable.
I would love to get a copy of your new book.
I’ve been following your comments and videos for a time. Please throw my hat into the ring.
I moved here, just NW of Detroit, four years ago from the Willamette Valley in Oregon. I’m having a blast starting over on my home landscaping and adjusting to the change in climate. Please put my name on your growing list of gardeners interested in your offer.
Thank you,
Hello Mike! I purchased your backyard growing system over a year ago, but the computer it was saved to crashed, and I don’t still have a copy. So if I could get a new copy, that would be fantastic!! Thanks for all your email tips and great ideas!! I will be selling plants soon, once this hot, dry summer is over! Best wishes to you and your family, and thanks again!!
Banks W.
I would love to receive your new growing system.
Thanks for the offer.
Terry W.
I would like to be added for your drawing. Love your news letters, keep them coming.
Would love to learn you system, i will be retireing soon and winning your new system would be great. Tom L
Small Plants, Big Profits from Home-Sounds exactly like what I need-“Big Profits”. No doubt you have the method down and I would do well to know what you know.
Hi Mike.. really would love to win a copy of your new book. An old retired bitty like me, who loves to play in the dirt, needs all the help she can get..(including getting up and down!!)
Thanks Mike,
Nancy B.
Sure Free is good.
I would absolutely love to win this. Have always wanted to do something like it but never really knew how to get started. Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Well It tookme6 months to save up foryour system and now I see you have none availible
so heres my hat, lets see where it lands,maybe it will sprout.:)
I very much enjoy your e-mails. My wife and I have been growing and selling vegetable plants from seed for years. Last year we planted 11,000 tomato seeds. Hanover county VA.,where we live produces the very BEST tomatoes on earth ( I’ll bet this gets lots of comments). I wish I could get all of your information in book form. Keep up the good work. John
Please toss my name in the hat. I would be interested in trying this. I’m about to retire and I need a project.
Mike I would love a copy of your program. I have wanted one for so long now but have not been able to afford. Now this chance comes at a time when I must now have a job I can do from home due to health issues. I need to find a way to help my husband support our family. We have 7 acres in the country so have plenty of room to find something to use it for to help make an income. So please keep us in mind for the drawing. Thanks for your newsletter.
If you pick me,, I will drive all the way to your place to give you a big hug! I promise!!
As a teacher and avid gardener I would like to have your new system. Let me know how much it is. I enjoy teaching my students and the local community about plants and more.
Enjoy your group-happy hardening.
Please add my name to the hat for the free copy of the Backyard Growing System.
I thought it said “Small PANTS, Big Profits”. Thank goodness it didn’t. Thanks for all your tips Mike.
I would be so thrilled to receive a gift from you. I love your website and especially enjoy it when it’s raining or snowing. A great way to dream about spring and summer in the garden! My hubby has teased me with the idea of a new greenhouse in the spring and your book would be a great compliment.
Hey Mike
Please put my name in the drawing
Please add me in the drawing.
Please put my husbands name ( Bryon ) in the hat for
your book on the backyard growing system.
He enjoys everything you write and wants to give this a go.
I used you as an inspiration to become a “seed” farmer. I grow plants for the seeds they yield. I think propogating plants would be a logical next step. I hope I win your backyard growing system. I think I’ll be buying your new edition.
Please add my name to the drawing pool.
Hi Mike!
I’ve enjoyed reading your web and email posts for a number of months now. I would love to get the book so I can expand my knowledge! Keep up the work!
I am retired and would love a copy of your background growing system.
I would love to have the Backyard Growing System!
Hey Mike, I would love have a copy of your new book.
I have wanted one of your systems for sooo long but never seem to have enough money extra to buy one. I would absolutely love to have this system. Thanks for the chance.
Mike, I would love to try your system. Right now I’m unemployed and looking for anything feasible to make money. I’m struggling to find a full time job, so your system is something I’d like to try during my job search and I’m sure after.
Many thanks for the past info you’ve posted.
I’m retired and like to grow things
I’ve learned SO much from you since I started reading you! I would love to learn even more on how to get the empty 1/4 acre dirt lot on the property we just moved into to bloom and turn into a growing plot of land!
Winning this I think would go a LONG way towards turning that dirt lot into something spectacular! Thank you for the chance to win it!
I am certain that you have outdone yourself again.
Thank you for shareing you gardening and nursery skills.I am sure your new books will be a treasure to those who buy it! Please enter me in the drawing.
will be retiring soon and this would be a good hobby to start
Hello Mike & Duston,
Thanks for the chance at your New Backyard Growing System. Sitting here at work wishing I was outside in the Dirt. Thanks for all your videos and articles.
I an enjoying you e-mails have a lot of the tips you pass on. Thanks
Would like to try the plant growing system.
I love reading your article and emails…would love to give your new program a try.
Pick me!!! My wife thinks she is going to win, but if not, pick me, so I can share it with her! Thanks. We love you emails, and can’t hardly wait to get started.
would love to add my name to the drawing for the new book, would love to have it..thanks much
I would love to win you system.
SWEEET put my name in
The opportunity to read your knowledge written for the public to read is an honor for me. I have been following you for several years now and have had success at what I learn from you. I would feel privileged to read and learn more of what you have to teach. Thank you for all that you do.
Please add my name to the drawing
THANK for your help we just got started with your email we love your handbook but my name in
Thank you for the opportunity to receive “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” and the new DVD on plant propagation. I’d like to get this as a gift for my husband. I’d like to have us start doing this as a way to supplement our income which otherwise will decrease when he retires.
I look forward to your emails and find them very educational. Keep up the great work. You are appreciated.
I live in North Florida and don’t know what plants you mention will grow in this “Rich” sand that they call dirt. I would like to receive one of your systems to see what I can do. I enjoy your newsletters.
Hi Mike, I check my E-Mail every day with great expectations of receiving your news letter even though I know it only comes out weekly. I love what you do and have your program in mind for when I retire in 5-7 years. I need to get started!!
Hi Mike, I check my E-Mail every day with great expectations of receiving your news letter even though I know it only comes out weekly. I love what you do and have your program in mind for when I retire in 5-7 years. I need to get started!!
Mike Thanks for all of the great info you continue to share. It is really remarkable that you are so forthcoming with your information and time!
I can’t wait for the new addition to come out. I have been putting off buying the book for absolutely no good reason but always saying I need to get it. Maybe this will be the right time!
Just retired – will have time and energy to apply – would appreciated being included in the fabulous drawing offer!
Thanks so much!!
I would love to win this new system and get growing and selling. Thanks
I would so love to win your new book and planting system. Thank you for all the great gardening info and the opportunity to win.
I hope the new book has an old looking cover like the picture for your e-book
Been propagating cuttings on a small scale for fun and give away. With retirement looming (28+ years military) would love to find out how to make some money doing it. Thanks for all the good info!!
I would love to have the book. I get your emails regularly about buying your system which I would love to have except I am on a fixed income and not able to purchase it.
Thanks for giving everyone a chance at winning the book. It would certainly be a Blessing!!
Please pick me!
Hey Mike,
Pick me too, too, toooooooooo! I just love what you are doing inspiring so many of us. I live in California and want to start making a living doing what you do! I’ve been out of work for awhile and want to see what I can do to be successful just like YOU!
I can’t wait to try some propagation techniques on some unusual plants, seeds, or scraps I pick up from large box store scrap piles.
Hi, Mike! I have been receiving your newsletters for a good while now and always enjoy them! I would appreciate having an entry for your drawing!
HI MIke,
I have been following your emails, writing and videos for a couple years now and would appreciate putting my name in the hat for one of the free copies of the backyard growing system.
Thanks very much!
Mike Nichols – Hobbs, NM
Ready to make baby plants! I’d LOVE to have a free copy of your fabulous system! Thanks for the chance to win.
I am throwing my hat in Mike. Hope I get picked. If not whats the price of the new system?
Hi – Yes, please enter my name in the drawing for a free copy. If I’m not drawn, please provide information on purchase of publications.
Hello Mike. I would also love to throw my hat into the ring. I have been following you so long I had to create my own Mike McGroarty folder to collect all you e-newsletter. All my friens ask me to check your folder when they need some help.
Thanks, you are doing a super job.
How does this work for us Florida folks? It’s hot and then HOTTER!
Also, would like to get your mixture for making your own potting soil.
I enjoy all your info. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!
Hi Mike,
I can’t thank you enough for all the free info you offered at no cost already. I’ll gladly pay for a copy the New Backyard Growing System as soon as it is available as a way of saying thanks. Thanks for the opportunity to learn and interact, and best of luck on the new book.
Thank you for all your informative emils over the years!
Jumping up and down…..
Me, Me, Me …. please pick Me!
(for the free copy 🙂
Thanks for all your fantastic info, Mike!! Looking forward to the new version – here’s my hat too!!
Count me in!
Been following you since 2004! Love to get my hands on a copy of your new publication. Looking forward to all your new tips and tricks for us all.
Add my name to the pool also.
Thanks, Nelson
Having recently retired and moved west, bought several acres for gardens and raising goats, I would love to know more and have the Backyard Grow System. In this years garden my cantaloupes are growing into my corn and zucchini is everywhere.
WOW, I’d so love to receive these books for my Husband. He just build a geodescent dome in our back yard for our garden but I think it would work great for plants too?
Ok, I’m brown-nosing (like the dirt!), but I always get a smile when I see your emails because it is the plants and the soil that I really love and it’s good to see others who feel the same way. Make some money the good old honest way-digging in the dirt like when we were kids-and why not?!! It’s great. I’m disabled but would love to learn your secrets so that I may do this, on a smaller scale, but I’m sure your system works, otherwise you wouldn’t have been around for so long. How long is it now? Must be 11 years+ ? Your emails are always welcome, whether I win or not! By the way, I used to have a website, but it was through Prodigy (in the old days, they were like a miniature AOL)and I think they are long gone, but one day I plan on making a site again, hopefully with my own domain. 🙂 Take care and happy planting.
I’d be more than happy to get a book!
I always look forward to your e-mails and videos. Also enjoyed seeing the pictures of your recent gardening get-together with other members. Is there a forum for members to chat about gardening issues? I’m in Canada and unable get to those great gatherings you have. Please enter my name in the draw for your new books/tapes coming out. “Great job” to you and your family for the many long, hard hours you all put into this venture.
I have been receiving your excellent tips for several years now. I just read about your retirement plan, which I had been considering myself, as I am a year older than you and retirement is looking a little iffy at this time. What better time to get off my behind and make use of one of the most fertile garden spots in my town which has been sitting vacant for several years now, than when it might be possible to win one of your new systems. Thank you for the excellent tips I have been using up to this point.
I lost my job in January and I’ve been wanting to get my nursery permit and start my own business for quite awhile. I lost all of my backyard growers stuff in a house fire last September. I would really love to win the new system.
Is there anybody in or around Columbia SC that is a member of Mike’s Backyard Grow System?
Drop me a line if so, [email protected]
Please put my name in to get new stuff.
Hi Mike! This is an awesome opportunity for 3 lucky winners and very generous of you. I am a newly retired empty nester. I have wanted to get your system because I really enjoy your news letters and all of your helpful tips. This might be my great opportunity! Thank you for your newsletter and all your great advice! Keep up the good work.
Thank you, Ken
I would love a copy of your new book
I know your new book and DVD will be fantastic.
Thanks Mike
PS is it September yet? HA HA
Bill Whitaker
Eastover SC, 29044
My mom and I are wanting to start a plant business, this would be a great help to us. Thanks for the chance, we love your videos.
I have a very small lot, but I am willing to dedicate 85% of it to grow small plants!!! Pick me! Pick me!
Thank you for all the helpful information you’ve sent my way over the years and for this offer, Mike. I love to grow all types of plants from seeds and would enjoy doing it on a full-time basis from my home!
Happy planting!
Hi. Love to get another one of your books. Keep up the good work. Very informative and I always look forward to your tips. Thanks.
I live in Texas and love to grow plants…my sister sometimes brings me plants that are dying so I can revive them back to their prior splendid greenery.
Hope I’m one of the lucky ones!
Thanks for all your advice
Please consider my straw garden hat to be “tossed”.
Terry Thomas
Dunwoody Organic Gardens (DOG … get it?)
Atlanta, Georgia USA
My backyard is looking so cool…. though craigslist we found people willing to give away landscaping rock and have rented vans to gather and pick it up… friends and neighbors willing to allow us clippings from their prized plants to grow in our own backyard…expanded the pond we have and have built a waterfalland have collected more complements than I ever thought possible…Thank you for all the inspiration!!! Wish I could attach a photo!
Hi Mike; Gotta get on the band wagon and throw in my hat for your gardening system. I’ve gardened off an on for most of my life. Been uemployed for over a year and exhausted my benefits so I haven’t been able to buy your system. I have over 2 acres and have put in some young fruit trees. Your info is always interesting and helpful. The clam shells for airlayering look interesting. I grew up using other things but the clamshells look like they would keep in the moisture better and therefore be more successful. I’m currently starting 4 bush figs that survive -20 but I’d lost mine to a freek -46 night 2 years ago. I saw one in someones yard and just stopped in, introduced myself and asked for a cutting. I left with a bag of plums, grapes, 4 cuttings and an invitation to come back for more if I need them. All 4 cuttigs are rooting well. I love growing things and it would be awesome if that could grow into an income prodcer for us. Looking for things that grow with a little water and can stand high mountain desert growing conditions at 6600 ft.
I have purchased “Backyard Growing System” many years ago, when it still was on VHS. So I sure could do with an update. Thanks Mike for all your good work.
Would love to win your system and get started on a road to true sustainability. Thanks for doing what you do and for making this generous offer!
Thanks for all of the great information regarding your “Back Yard Nursery”.
I have used many of your tips this summer and have been very successful. Please throw my name in the hat for your new course
hey Mike
Tossing my hat in the ring again – not sure if my first post was received.
I have been following your on line instructions, tips I find them very informative – and would like to receive a copy of your new growing system. Your information is easy to understand and follow – whether one is a new gardner or have been gardening for years – there is something for all gardeners. Good Luck with your new growing system
Gloria in Brooklyn
If you select me, I’ll be one of the first (or few), to use your entire system in a third world country! My husband and I bought a 50 acre farm in Costa Rica and plan to turn it into a nursery specializing in plants you can’t find here.
hey mike!
love to use your new book!!!
Unemployed and at 58, not likely to be. Thank God hubby is retired Navy. Enjoy your emails and helpful videos. Would love a chance to win the free system.
Hi Mike
I have been getting your email etc. for a long time. I would very much like to get your new info. For free would be better than great, I am on a very small fixed income.
Thank You for putting my name in the hat.
Ok Mike My hats in the ring. I would love to be a winner. I live in Tennessee but have read your blogs since long before I left Ohio. I love gardening. It is my therapy.
Mike I love the website and all the infomation that you share with everyone. I just joined a few day’s ago.The information in your newsletters and vidio just can’t be beat.And I too would like to throw in my hat for the Backyard Growing System,and Book.keep up the great job………….
Hi Mike,
thank you for this offer. I enjoy reading your tips in the emails that I get from you. Good luck to all that enter.
I’d love to be considered for your drawing. I have 2 acres of land and currently have a large organic vegetable garden which I plant and tend to along with my 9 year old son and 6 year old daughter.
I’d love to learn your system and hopefully take the opportunity to earn some extra income working at home so I can spend less time working at work. My version of the American Dream I guess. Anyhow, thanks for the consideration and I love your e-mails.
I LOVE propagating plants. Each May I have my own little sale and have increased my profits each year. I’d love to make it more of a business and do it much more frequently. I’d be quite interested in your book. And keep those videos coming – they are not only informative – but entertaining as well. 🙂
I really want to get your system and I hope this opportunity will assist me get it. Just preparing to receive and use it.
Sounds good- I’ve been wanting this for awhile now- looking forward to seeing the new version 🙂
I would be thrilled to bits Mike to win one of your new editions’ so to speak. I am in the stages of setting up a school gardening club for Yr 1 to Yr 6, with some lovely staff, & may I say a bunch of the most enthusiastic children you could want to work with. We only started the club 2 yrs ago, and they love it. We have loads of space within the school to develop with what you are growing into a real fund raiser as well as the school benefitting from the shrubs we grow in and around the buildings. I feel sure the school would be delighted if you chose them. Thanks Mike
I would love to use your new matls.for homeschooling my grandaughter.I want to teach them the right way
Plz.put my name in the running.Thx.Mike
Thanks for the weekly newsletter and tips. I am currently looking at my backyard, a two-acre lot and a 10-acre piece of land in the country to start my farming business. I’d love to get a free copy of your new products. Choose me!
I have always loved growing plants. For many years I have wanted to grow and sell plants and have a greenhouse. Until recently I have not had the time or space. My new husband loves plants as much as I do, and this is something we have decided to do together. I thought I had bought your earlier version of the system, but turns out I didn’t, so here’s to our future. Thanks Mike!
Please put my name in the drawing. Thank You!
After 24 yrs of serving the great people of these United States, I am being forced out of work due to an injury. I would love to have a business like this that will “cure” my soul and feed my family. Can I keep my hat though? This bald head needs shade from the sun if I am going to be spending so much time in it. HAHA
Hi Mike!
We (Dustin and our son, Miles) would love to be in the running to win one of your freebies. I’ve fantasized about being one of your backyard growers for a long time, and as we’ve just bought our first house, I think it’s about time to take the leap!
Your videos are always so informative. Quite intrigued with cuttings and extra income from something I enjoy doing would be great. Thrilled for the chance at a copy of your newest Backyard Growing System!!!
Mike, I don’t know how I came across your website, but, I’m sure glad I did. I have learned quite a bit from your postings and videos. Now, I’m throwing my name in with the rest of your fans for your new book.
Have been trying to find work for 3 years! Not complaining as others are in lots worse shape. I like to garden, could use some income and want to help a local animal refuge http://www.rikkisrefuge.org. You program would help feed me and my family as well as left overs for the refuge.
Thanks for the great emails and all your work to teach/help us.
I’m very happy to throw my hat in the ring. I love growing things and enjoy all of your emails and videos. Thanks for sending them.
Hi Mike:
Love the emails. Please throw my hat in the ring!
Hi Mike…After following you for about a year now, my husband and I will be starting to learn propagation for next spring. I would love to have your system for guidance. No better way to learn, than from an expert. 🙂
Thanks for all you helpful advise. Please toss my hat in for drawing for new book & DVD
Been following you for years. Love your comments and informative newsletters. Would LOVE LOVE to get your FREE copy of your new book:BACKYARD GROWING SYSTEM….
Look forward to hearing from you.
Thank YOU for ALL YOU do.
I have used many of your tips for the yard, and then pass that info along to friends and family. Thanks for the good plain and simple information.
Add me to the drawing
I have been gardening since my mid 20’s ( now almost 60) and have been reading your newsletter for many years. I have really enjoyed them and thanks for the tips! I lost my job in 09 and have been looking for another since. I really want to do something I love this time around and gardening is it. I have wanted to buy your Backyard Growing System since I first saw it but with 4 kids to raise never had the money and now I have no job but do have the tools to start my gardens!
Mike & Family, I’m coming up on 72 and luv my gardens. I’m sharing perennials with my neighbors. I want to expand my horizons and grow ornamentals. Please include me in your drawing for a free education.
I can’t wait to see your new design.
Love your newsletters and garden tips
Thanx Mike
Can I throw my hat in again?! My mom and I are really looking forward to these new informational materials.
Count me in! Love gardening and growing things, love all your info! Thanks!
Count me in, Mike! I haven’t started any of this yet, but have used much of the information for my own use. We would love to be able to create a business at home from this now!
Late but not sorry. I hope I win!!
My hat is officially in the ring…..
Thank you so much for all the info over the years. I’ve passed on your “words of wisdom” and ebook to numerous friends and family. If at first I don’t succeed, I do keep trying!
I love to be a winner, toss me into the mix…
Thanks for the invite.
Please enter me into this. I’m 60 yrs of age and I do not know I’ll have a job at the end of the year.
This would greatly help to solve some financial problems.
Thanks again for all that you do for people like me.
I would love to throw my hat in for the free program. I am anxious to try this system out. Thank you!
I always look forward to reading your emails, they are always very informative! Looking forward to next Spring as this year with the drought in Missouri hardly any of my flowers and bushes done well 🙁 Looking forward to a fresh new start next year! Good luck to everyone with winning the New Backyard Growing System!
I would love your new Backyard Growing System. Your posts and videos are so helpful. Please toss my hat in the drawing for your new book & DVD’s.
Thanks for sharing–I would love the new Backyard Growing System and books. That would be awesome!!!!! First time ever to comment. Thanks
I have been receiveing your e-mail for years and always enjoy the information you send out. I have a booth at our local farmers market and grow a lot of produce. I would be interested in selling more plants also, therfore I would put you new system to use.
Thank You!!
Hi, again, Mike,
Throwing my hat in again, and wondering where you find the time to read all the comments posted here. I know all about tired eyes….believe me…..However, the cuttings I have rooted so far are coming along nicely, and I found a really neat place to obtain 1 Gallon plastic pots. A Landscaper here has a backyard with all sizes from 1 gallon to 10 gallon containers. He said if I took them all, I would be doing him a BIG favor. We had a great laugh over that comment…..I just took around 200 of the 1 gallon sizes. Saved a lot of money doing that. Anyway, enough of this ranting…. God Bless You, Mike, and keep on truckin’.
Thanks Mike, for your great newsletters and encouragement. I’d love to win the book for a friend who loves plants and could use the income.
You already have so many emails for this offer not sure if you will even see this, but I would be grateful to receive a copy of The Backyard Growing Systems I have always loved my plants and flowers and just the info I receive from your newsletters I have learned so much. See I am a lumper but received a neck and back injury which makes it very hard to do my job so I believe the time has come to start looking into a new career and I believe your books could lead me down the right path. Thank You and God Bless you and your family Dawn
I would love a copy…I started this year doing the small plant like you stated here and they are growing great looking forward to selling them in the spring time. thanks so much for all of your good points you made my day.
Really need this system!!
I would love to have a copy of your new and improved system. I have been trying to find the time to do this, but my mother had been in a nursing home for the last couple of years, so spent all my extra time with her. She went to be with her Lord a month ago and now I find I am not sure what to do with myself. I think this would be the perfect thing to do to fill in the time I now seem to have on my hands. I love reading all of your newsletters I get by e-mail, I have really learned a lot from you and I thank you for that.
Please add me to your list.
sure would like to win!! Please consider me, I am about ready to quit my day job! 🙂
I need all the help I can get! Thanks.
I have learned a great deal from watching your videos and reading the newsletter. I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to learn more about starting my backyard nursery.
I have been reading your emails and watching your videos for a long time. So much information packed into them. I’ve used a lot of what I’ve learn so far. I would love to win the new backyard growing system books and dvds. It would be nice to make money from something I loved doing as a hobby. I’ve help to start a Garden Club in my community and think that the members would be the first to buy small plants from me. Maybe I’ll one of the three lucky people to win.
Want to throw my hat in the ring as well! Thanks for the wonderful updates.
Would love a copy and see how I can incorporate it into my Aquaponics and Wicking Bed systems
thanks for all you do
Hey fat boy if you give that book away give it to some one who will actually use it.. Like Me! Ill also be a great source of advertizement for you .. You will be bragging about me !
Good luck to everyone. I would love the new Backyard Growing System and the books. Thanks for the opportunity and for sharing your knowledge, Mike. It is great to see someone helping others like you do.
I would just love your Backyard Growing System. I have learned so much from your newsletters.
I love your website and books; they are full of great information!
I would like to be entered for the new Backyard Growing System book and DVDs. I am getting tired of working for someone else and want to see what I can do for myself. Thanks Mike
Can’t wait to get info on your growing system. Been enjoying your emails for quite awhile and would love to get the full system. Thanks for sharing how to grow good!
Thanks Mike, your very nice offer is generous!
I’ll throw my hat in the ring.
I need to quit my office job, and miss working with plants! Throw my hat in the ring, please.
I would love to win a copy for my husband. He is on disability retirement and can’t do much. He is very depressed and bored. I think with my help he could do this and I’m sure it would lift his spirits. Thanks for the offer Mike.
Been wanting to get for my son. What a great Christmas gift. Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks Mike!
I’d like to win a copy of your new backyard growing system books & dvds. I’ve enjoyed reading your emails and videos for the past three years. I’d like to open up a landscaping business and nursery next year, when my youngest daughter starts school. I really do enjoy flower and vegetable gardening. If only i could actually sustain my family on it!
Thanks for the inspiration to dream big!
I enjoy reading all of your emails and would like to give your system a try. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!
I have been following you for several years and I enjoy your videos and writings. Love the keep it simple ideas you have for everything.
Hi Mike,
I’ve worked at a company for nearly 14 years that froze all pay raises years ago. In one of the worst states in the union for jobs (Michigan), and at 50 years old, I’ve been trying to make a move career-wise and am getting nowhere. I love gardening and landscaping and have really enjoyed your newsletter and your information. I’ve been trying to scrape together the funds for your system for months even though its not expensive, its been hard. So this opportunity is one I’d love a chance at.
Keep the good stuff coming!
Mike, I’m retied and disabled you changed my life , definitily put my hat in the ring.love it
I’m throwing my hat in the ring for a free copy of your new Growing system! Thaks for all you do!
Wow!!! I would love to be one of the first to read your new system. Please, consider my hat thrown.
Best regards, Mary
Thank you Mike. I enjoy all of your articles and have found your previous edition of the book to be an immense help.
Greetings Mike
What an opportunity! Please throw my hat in the ring!
Just moved to a different locale and need to get my hands dirty..A 700 mile difference and only big box here and the nursery “industry” non existant..What an opportunity to supplement the social security check!
Thank you for the opportunity, Mike. I’d appreciate the gift of your publication, it will be the catalyst to get my family on board and commit to a family gardening business!
Thank you, Rusty
Good luck to all!
Please consider me. I have been following you for years, Your website has a tremedous amount of information. It has been so helpful to me over the years. I would be very interested in getting your new growing system
Mike ~
LOVE your newsletter! Always anxious to read your latest tips, tricks, and advice. And I would be absolutely thrilled and forever grateful for the life changes that could be attained by winning a copy of your Backyard Growing System!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom!
Hi Mike,
I would love to own one of your backyard systems. This would help jump start a new career to get away from an office and into the outdoors where I belong. I’ve been following you for a couple years, and I love all your helpful hints you provide. Thanks Mike!
Thanks for all your wonderful tips and instruction. Best site ever!
I would love to have a back yard growing system and would like to throw my hat in the ring for one you are giving away since I have no money to even considering buying one due to my low income.
Hi Mike,
I have the luck of a lousy cat when it come to winning something, “But it is worth a try”. How I would love to own your new system. Maybe that would help me get off to a better start and get my business off the ground better. it is a little harder for a me doing it all by myself with no help and a bad back. But I will do it one way or the other. Just watch me. It may take me a little longer, But I will do it. I just need some easier ways of lifting. Thanks Mike for all you have done so far. You are such an inspiration to me. Geraldine
I would love a copy! I stuck a couple of 5″ sticks into the ground a year ago and now I am HOOKED in a big way!! (they are over 3 ft now and I am so proud of my crazy mutant trees.) I need to learn how to propagate something other than a hybrid poplar and actually grow a business out of this!!! Thank you for the inspiration Mike.
Thanks for the great offer! Please put my name in the hat!
PICK ME!! PICK ME Mike!! I”am just an old and I do mean old country girl . So here is my hat in the ring .
throw my hat in the ring please!
I’m retired and finding that the SSA rocking chair money barely makes it through the month. A little supplemental income would surely help.
Mike,I love your emails and although my time and money is limited,I would love to have your system.
I love plants and would like so much to learn all I can about having my own nursery business. I have been wanting to purchase your system since it cost about $88. I have not been able to spare the funds. One of these days I will.
Do you ship internationally? I live in Antigua, West Indies.
Hi Mike, love your inspirational story because I feel like I am at where you started 🙂 You’re motivational and I learn a lot from your posts online and on facebook. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Hi Mike,
I really enjoy reading your newsletters. Thanks for working so hard to provide inspiration to all of your readers!
Howdy Mike!
I’m way out West in this Mediterranean climate known as California. I need to slow the death rate of my vegetables, or switch to plants that fare better here. I’m sure I’ll benefit from the advice you’re offering.
I am retired and 68 years old. Need something to fill my time. Have grown oak trees from acorns, many things from seed and want to try my hand at propogation. Maybe even make some $ doing it. Thanks for the opportunity.
I would like to be considered for your free book. THANKS!!
thanks for all the gardening tips you have shared, been many ideas that have been helpful.
Please enter me for the drawing.
Hey Mike & Duston: This “Dirt Lady” would LOVE to give your system a whirl here in Zone
13. Very little stands a chance here in this
heat except cactus, but maybe your methods
would help a LOT! Give us a chance down here, Mike, and we will make you proud. Thanks for all you do! Marci (Dirt Lady)
Reiterating the first comment…
“What is the cost of the new system?”
Hey Mike,I would’ve loved to have been at your Shindig, but mayibe another time. I am trying to get my husband to bring me to your place, since we are trying to get started in this field of dreams!!! I could really use this information and system would be great! Please add my name to your hat. We are in Norwalk, Ohio which is only about an hours drive to where you are. Maybe someday……….. Thanks for all your good tips!!!
Hi Mike,
My husband and I have really enjoyed receiving your tips and tricks for growing. I look forward to getting your emails and would really appreciate getting a copy of your system. It would really help.
Thanks for all of your information. I would like to see your new material. I’ll be retiring soon and am considering your plant business ideas for supplemental income.
Dear Mike
I am so thankful for your Backyard Growing System, I have learned so much and I think now is the time to put it into action. I live next door to Warren County TN (THE NURSERY CAPITAL OF THE WORLD ) and have talked to a lot of the nursery owners and many have said they were considering shuting down due to new strict and expensive regulations I think backyard is the way to go and being on S.S. I could use all the help I can get
Thank You
I would love to get one of your backyard growing systems. I have just recently started getting your newsletters. Tried out your system for starting woody plants as I wanted a few more of one I have. It is working well.
I would love to get one of your backyard growing systems. I have just recently started getting your newsletters. Tried out your system for starting woody plants as I wanted a few more of one I have. It is working well. I would like to aventually have enough income coming in that I don’t have to work away from home – in camp three out of four weeks a month. Keep the newsletters coming!
Let me know when you got books,and price,my odds are slim to none.
Hi Mike. really ejoy your tips, techniques and ideas and would like a copy of your new program
Hey Mike,
I’ve been getting your emails for awhile now and haven’t been able to purchase your program due to not having the extra funds.
With all the entries here, I can’t conceive how I might possibly win. However, I am still going to try. Put me in the hat, Mike.
Thanks for all the great info you so freely give out as well.
Hey there Mike,
I have been getting your e-mails for a couple of years now and never seem to have the extra funds to purchase your program. With all the entries here, I can’t imagine having a chance at winning. But, I still want to try. Inspite of my severe arthritis, I still do what I can to garden and would like to do more.
I am finally in a better position to start propagating plants on a large scale!! new information will be greatly appreciated.
I love the information you share. I’m a stay at home Mom, trying to make the most of what time/energy/money I have. The tips/knowledge have helped me become a better gardner, but I have a lot more to learn. If I could read about this fall, then this time next year I could be tell you how well, or how many plants I’ve started/sold.
Hi, Mike. I have been following you for quite a few months now. I love your site and all your emails and videos. I have found you to be THE Number 1 plant expert in my book. You give so freely your vast knowledge and I value all of the informative, inspirational and extremely helpful information you so generously share. I will continue to look forward to all of your emails, videos, and information. I have been an avid gardener for years and am going to try and make some little babies from some of the varieties of plants that I have just from your great advice. Looking forward to your emails all the time. Take care and the best to you and yours and thank you for everything!
Hi Mike,
I’ve been wanting to purchase your Backyard Growing System for many years now, almost as long as I’ve been gardening. Gardening helped me get through the loss of my youngest son, and the sense of peace, and joy I get from playing in the dirt is something I hope to continue until my time on earth is up. I’ve really looked forward to your emails and advice over the years, because, being on a limited income, the things I’ve learned from you have allowed me to enjoy this hobby, which would other wise be to costly for me, and enjoy the therapeutic benefits, as well.
Mike, I feel like you’re a friend, who’s advice is trusted, and always spot on. This is because of your down to earth personality, and your way of simplifying the process in a way that everyone who wants to achieve positive results can, simply by following along, step-by-step.
When I first found your site, freeplants.com, the price for your system was higher, and I tried to save to be able to order it, but I just never seemed to be able to ‘get there’. Then you lowered the price to where it is currently, which is very reasonable, and I thought ‘yeah!’, how could anyone not be able to come up with such a small investment, for such a big opportunity? Well, I guess I keep getting answers to that question through medical expenses, living expenses, etc. he-he.
While I do hope to be one of the lucky 3, if I’m not, I’ll continue to keep up the hope that someday soon I’ll find myself with no emergency expenses, and the extra cash to finally purchase your system. I know that I’ll be able save money using it, and possibly even make a little too, because if Mike McGroarty says so, you know it’s right! (at least that’s what I tell my friends when sharing your tips with them).
Keep up the good work, Mike, you like any good teacher, enrich the lives of others by helping them to learn, and ‘grow’, only you do it literally.
Thank You for everything you’ve taught me so far.
Mindy Collier
I’m kinda’ new to this gardening stuff. Tried my first garden this summer. Got about a handful of green beans so far and 2 summer squash. Although this summer’s drought has been a problem, my real downfall was in the spring. I planted a lot of seeds and looked really good the first few weeks, and then almost all of them withered and died. Tried it twice before I went to a local nursery and bought some plants. I’ll try again next year. Maybe Mike can teach me how to do it the right way.
Hi Mike,
My dad and I recently started watching your videos, and trying to grow our own backyard nursery specializing in Japanese Maples. My dad was interested in buying your system to help him get our mini “nursery” up and running. I saw this giveaway and thought I would take a shot at it and try to surprise him with a copy. We would very much appreciate a copy of your new book! Thank you so much!
Enjoy your video’s. Please enter my name in the ring Joan
Love reading your email and appreciate you putting my name in for your backyard growing system. Thanks, Diane
Hi Mike,
I have been following for several years. Both my husband and I are now laid off, we are going to get some plants growing this fall. Thanks for your system. Sandy
Hey Mike, Put my name in okay?
Hi Mike! This is a great opportunity for 3 lucky winners and very generous of you. I am working hard at trying to be a work/stay at home mom. This might be my great opportunity! Thank you for your newsletter and all your great advice! Keep up the good work.
Thank you, Heather
Hi Mike, I’ve been reading your newsletter for a while now and enjoy all I have learned from them. I would really like to try out your system. I am a retired firefighter who has been working for the last few years as a builder—that hasn’t gone so well lately with the economy down like it is. The thought that I could help make ends meet working at home working in the garden or green house is a good thought that I would like to turn into reality. I’m looking forward to your improved system. Thanks for all you share.
Mike. U are the best…Love your info n ideas. Wishing u much success on the new material.
Hope to b considered. TY
Happy Growing,
I would love to be one of the three lucky ones to win your book. I enjoy your website and forward it to friends.
Hi Mike,
I have found such useful information in your newsletters. Without my Grandfather and great-uncle around anymore to hand out their farming tips; I needed a master to go to! Thanks! It would be an honor to win a growing system and with both sides of family having the farming genes, I would hope I could do do it justice! My husband would be there to help me too! Thanks again!
Hi Mike,
Long time listener first time responder. I’m not on F.B. so you probubly won’t get this .I want to throw my hat , gloves & covies in the ring.My girl friend thinks I’m crazy because everything I walk by I get a clipping & root it.
I am finally moving to a new home where I can devote most of my time to growing plants for sale. I have planned for this for a long time and now that my wife is retiring, we can work together doing something we both love.
Please enter my name in your drawing.
Thank you so much for your advice over the past year.
Put me in the hat too! I have really learned alot from ur videos and posts. I love getting my hands dirty……lol
Sign me up for the drawing please. Thank you
ill put my hat in the ring
I’m throwing in my hat ring too. Thank you for the opportunity as I want to get started in growing and selling the babies I grow.
I will put my name in Thanks!
Hey Mike,
I have been a follower for years. I moved to WV from TN. The growing season is so different here, you have helped alot. My brother and I do bonsai and wanted starter trees. He has 100’s of plants and has had a greenhouse for 20 years. He has many cactus but trees are hard to come by, so I am interested in your system. Thanks for the fudge receipe. Judi
Love your helpful comments and also the product reviews. I am wondering if that golden corkscrew willow will grow in my area.There have been many good ideas I can use landscaping my yard. I am giving serious thought to starting a plant business.Thanks Mike!
I’ve been reading your newsletters for years now. I hope I win!
My son-in-law wants to start his own landscape company so I would love a copy as well! Love all the info you share with us and look forward to more good stuff to come!
thanks 4 this chance to get ur system, been getin ur email for a few years.( live in TX. ) need all the help we can get with this stuff we call (soil). been listen to ur comments on composting and i got 3 pile workin to help. again thanks
say hello 2 the wife !
Hey thanks for offering this drawing, here’s my bonnet!
We retired a couple of years back and have appreciated your helpful tips and advice. It is hard enough for “old dogs” to learn new tricks and I appreciate all the help you can give me,
Please add my name to this growing list – I wish my plants grew this fast!
I’d love to have it! Thanks!
Hi Mike,
I have been following you now for a while and appreciate your quality infomation.
would love to start a business based on
knowledge from yourself.
Best Regards,
I would like to enter drawing for new improved system. Thanks, George
Have been a follower of your for years! Loved your articles in OG and love them online even more now!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Mike, please consider me for your new release. I am anxiously awaiting my copy….sorry everyone…lol. good luck to all!
Count me in too! would loooooove to learn more about backyard growing systems. Am soooooo excited!
P.s. where do you buy your plants???
I’d appreciate a copy of the new growing system very much. Thanks.
My husband and I have two boys left at home, we inherited my mother a year ago, a daughter-in law, we help raise a 3 year old granddaughter, and two grandsons, a cat and three dogs. I started gardening when I was 4 years, I went everywhere my grandfather, a farmer, who sold vegetables, and starter plants his whole life, with an old Ford Tractor as the only mechanical devise on the farm. I learned a lot from him and the old French Farmer ways, and then added my own system of farming, and combined the two. I still do use the old ways mostly. When I read your emails you remind me a lot of him. Thank You and keep the emails coming. I would love to receive your growing system or book. Thank You
would you please pick me as i have recently lost my job due to back surgery. i dont get unemployment and could use your system to create an income, thanx
Me, Me!! Please pick me!!
I love ya, Mike.
What a great opportunity! I would love to try it.
Congratulations, Mike and Duston! I love what you do and would love to receive your new system. As one of my favorite permaculturistsm, Geoff Lawton, says, “All the world’s problems can be solved in a garden.”
I believe this statement wholeheartedly and keep on gardening because of it.
We have been receiving your emails for about 2 yrs. they have been very helpfull. We are in process of trying to start a plant and fresh produce business. Your free growing system would help us alot, as funds are short. Thanks for giving us a chance.
Wow!!! Thank you for your generosity. I am a Master Gardener in Zanesville, Ohio and have shared some of your insightful information with others. I am fascinated with the concept of earning income doing my favorite hobby. Sure appreciate all you do. Kind Regards!!!!
I am retired and I love working with plants. I live in Florida with sandy soil. I would love to give your back yard system a try if you think it will work here. I have 2 1/2 acres to work with. I do have plants that grow here fine but some I have trouble with.
[email protected]
Thanks for the offer.
I know I don’t have a snow ball chance in hell, to win with all these applicants, but I’m retired, love plants, and like to watch things grow.
Just found you on youtube trying to figure out muscadine and blackberry propagation. thx for the info!!!
Mike, I’ve been reading everything you post, wanting more and more to try becoming a back-yard grower. I live in Georgia, an hour west of Savannah, on a small lake and I have a very big yard, front, side, and back. I need to supplement my income and any amount would help greatly. I retired in New Mexico and moved back home to be with my mom, now 99 and still healthy. Unfortunately, after I bought us this house, my 401K tanked and I lost every penny of my $140K life savings so winning one of the free books would be a real blessing. However it goes, thank you for being a warm, friendly presence online. I always look forward to your emails and your generous sharing of your expertise. Sincerely, Kaye
never win anything, here goes.
Enjoy your buisness
Hi Mike would love a copy. been ordering just about everything you offer and starting a new chapter in the plant world more so when I retire from the other job in a few years
Thanks Neil
I so thoroughly enjoy reading and following your gardening tips! please add my name to the draw. Thanks, Jeanette
This hat of mine is all sweaty from working outside in this Texas heat but, I’ll throw it in anyway. I love propogating from cuttings and would like to do it on a much larger scale. have been successful with figs, grapes, azaleas, gardenias.
I like to play in the dirt but I have no income. Sure would like to win this!
Well, here I am, a simple woman trying to make a simple living. I actually have been a follower for over 5 years and have used some of your advice. Now that I am single with 3 kids I must bring home the bacon.Please consider my entry into your drawing, thank you.
Mike just started receiving your e mails and it has help me with not only my garden but seeding and planting flower beds for my wife .Your emails are great can’t wait to see the new system, Excited! Chip.
Please add my name in the drawing, Thanks!
Please throw my hat in the ring.
I started on my own two months now with two gardenia plants that I will keep as my starters. Well I now have 22 plants, will leave the gardenias alone for this year. I was not sure if this would work the way you said. I will say you just may know what you have been talking about & my hat is off to you Mike.I am looking for more places to buy other kinds of plants. I would love to have your system. Thanks Mike for all the information.
Sir, I am on disability and don’t have a whole lot of money to buy things of this sort even though I would die to have a growing system like this. I wish to be added to the give away pot. I’ve been following you since the middle 90’s, and when it comes to plants your my hero.
Thank you
Barbara B.
I am a great fan of yours and really appreciate all the first rate information you post. I love the videos! I have recently retired and need to do something I love to suppliment my small retirement income. Please consider me for your new product as it would keep me in the right direction.
My mom is completely infatuated and intrigued with your website and videos. She has already purchased your book. We had a 2 hour drive this weekend and she talked about you nonstop. I know she would be thrilled to receive your system for free. I don’t know much about gardening, but I admire anyone who turns their passion into a successful business.
Throwing my hat in. Every time I step outside I think to myself ‘I should learn what that fellow Mike has to teach’ and do something with our small lot of property here. Maybe this will be my chance.
Love the free email articles, very helpful.
i would love a copy of your new book. I loss my dad 2 years ago this Aug. and need a helping hand at growing things that he use to grow and show me how. Love your site and your ideals.
I would really love to get a copy! It would be very useful for me as a complement to my flower gardening website.
Just retired from 37 years of teaching. Can’t wait to get my fingers back in the dirt. I really need an additional income to supplement my retirement check. I have enjoyed your posts for a few years now, I finally have the time to devote to gardening.
Thanks so much for the offer!
Hi Mike
How can I keep the mold from growing in the upside down aquarium?
I bought a dozen or so of the air propagator
shells, the branches are still alive and holding fruit after 60 days. Does it take 90 days for hardwood to develope roots?
As you can tell I have a lot to learn and need your new book. Please pull my rabbit out of your hat.
mike your style is so practical. i love the idea of just getting out in the yard and getting dirty. you have inspired me many times with many different topics. thank you for your email education.
I bought 30 acres and am developing it for everything off the grid. Please consider taking a look at my hat as it sails into your ring.
I love Backyard Growers Message Board.I learn alot and enjoy the videos and articles.
Put my name in your hat for the drawing.
Hey, Mike!
I’ve enjoyed your emails and videos — your advice is easy to follow and always on the mark. I’m facing a very scanty retirement in a few years and would love to win one of your free systems to supplement my income — so throw my name into the pot and wish me luck! Thanks, Jan
I’d like to put a hat in the ring for all of my Middle School members of the afterschool plant club! We’d like to use your method for fundraising at the school!
Thank you for all the gardening tips-you are truly blessed with all of the knowledge you have!!
PLease add me to the list
Boy I glad to see this upgrade! I am preparing to retire in the very near future and am planning on moving to South Georgia. The soil is ideal for this business, sandy loam. I was waiting until retirement and the move to purchase your growing system and it looks like this was a right choice. The set you describe sounds wonderful and I can hardly wait to get a copy. God Bless, Afton
I am sure I will give a try. I am amazed you help us to grow. Thank you for the opportunity to learn.
Hello Mike and Duston! After watching your video “A Simple Way To Root Plants From Cuttings” I made the system with the sand and was able to propagate about 10 cuttings from my Hibiscus so far and have just planted several cuttings from my Japanese Maple. I hope the Maples turn out because they are such a beautiful tree. I have plans to propagate several other house plants that I have such as my Rubber Tree, Pilea, and several others. I am so excited to see the new product you guys came up with! Thanks for all the videos and information it really helps out a lot..
PS I like your sons name Mike! lol
Hello Mike! Love reading all your great advice and watching the videos! We’ve gardened for years but I’m ready to take it to a higher level as I am not in the work force any longer I have the time to devote to learning your system! Winning your new book/videos would be awesome! Even if I do not win, thanks for all the information in your webisite!
I’d love to receive your new system. Thanks a million for all your articles and videos
I would love to have this but not in my means of buying ha dont even know how I am going to have heat this coming winter so guess it is going to be a cold winer for me . yet love your emails and the tid bits you share . God bless.
m retired and have been putting in a garden for over 30 years. I love your videos that I get through my email ever now and then. You have given me a lot of ideas that helped. I am interested in your new system. So put me in line for your new book. Thanks.
I would love to have your growing system. I find so much solitude in gardening since I stay at home and I am a caregiver for my disabled combat airborne army ranger. Gardening brings peace to my life. And I thank you for this opportunity.
Having difficulty in getting used to gardening in Texas versus Maine where I began my first gardening experiences. The soil and the weather is soooooo different here. I’ve enjoyed your helpfulness in learning how to plant trees in clay soil and all your other information. Would love to have this free information you are offering. It would be such a blessing to me.
I have been reading your emails for several years now. I save every one even if I don’t have time to read it yet, because I know the tips on growing the plants work great!! I am currently looking to start making money from home so that I may stay home with my daughter and special needs son. Good luck to everyone!!
Jessica, TX
I have a upland restoration project I have been working on for 5 years after moving into a home where the upland was filled with thistle. Your site has been very helpful to me. Now a have a new problem— just found Dodder vine ; ( : ( any solutions without killing all the upland wild flowers I just put in????
Hi Mike
Thanks for the offer please count me in.
sincerely yours
AR a gardener
Hey Mike–
Been getting your emails for awhile now and while your system has always intrigued me, I didn’t think I had the time for it. Well, our daughter has left for college and its just us two (not so spring) chickens at home now. Perhaps its time for a hobby that doesn’t involve running off to sporting events, shopping for prom dresses or other school related events.
I’m tossing my (our) hat in the ring—time to do something for us and maybe make a little money too!
Kim & Bob
Hi Mike
In Persian there is a saying “Yek Annar Saad Bemar) Means for 100(Saad) patients (Bemar) the cure pomegranate ( Annar) is only one. It will be real pleasure to get one free from u for the farthest corner in a mountainous state of India The Kashmir with Temperate climate . Mountains forests and lot of snow.
with love
ARWADOO A gardener
Thank you for this opportunity to learn more about gardening.
A determined “newbie”,
Hi Mike: I have been following your newsletter for several years. I have tried differant ideas you have posted from time to time. I hope I have more time to devote to my gardening and yard in the future. Tx. Bill
I have been enjoying your newsletters, and because my husband and I are liveing only on his social security, I could not aford to purchase your system, no matter how much I would like to get into plants, gardening has always been with me it was one of the feww activities that my dad Nd I did together!
“Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” – I have been told great things come in small packages, so I hope to make some small plant into a big profit.
Hi Mike, Been a fan of yours for many years. I have bought some of your VHS films and one of your e-books many years ago. Your book got me hook on progating all kinds of plants. I want to pinch wherever I go. I’m ready for the next level especially since retirement is just the around the corner. Please put my name in the hat and may the blessing come my way.
Thank you McGroaty Family
I bought your old system years ago. I would love your new system to add to it, also thank you for all the information that you give us in your newsletters. You are the reason that my garden is so beautiful and I can sell so many free plants. Keep up the great work.
Thanks again
Hi saw this and i wanted to say, you have your very own special folder in my yahoo files , i save each and every one (video’s)
I can always refer back to them , i simply love any plant and hope to have maybe a small greenhouse, i’m 50 years old, so only time will tell.
Love watching your video’s , goodluck to you and Duston on your new edition on your first love, plants !
Count me in for the drawing! Thank you for sharing all your tips!!
hello, Mike! Why do I need to win your system? I’M THE WORST GARDENER THERE IS! The last time I wrote you, I told you that I was going to try and grow zuchinni and squash. The end result? ONE zuchinni, that grew mold on it, and ZILTCH squash! Another reason: I am hoping to learn SOMETHING from you and my mistakes! Thanks, Mike!
Jon Marshall
Thanks for all of your ideas Mike. I really appreciate everything that you are doing. I love your videos and wait with excitement for each new one to come out. My friends think that making money from trees is impossible with all of the nurseries in or area, but I hope to prove them wrong.
Just wanted to say thank you Mike for all the great info you’ve given over the years. I have the old video tape system I bought from you years ago and hope to have them transferred to dvd’s since do all our viewing through digital means and can’t seem to hook up the vcr’s to any of the new stuff. God bless and keep you and your family in good health and good spirits. Will try to make it up your way one of these days to one of your get togethers.Again, thanks for the great knowledge you’ve shared with me.
Hello Mike ,
Throw my name into the hat, would love to have a copy of your book and information to help guide me on setting up my Fall garden. I trust your advice to get started in the right direction.
Thanks so much!
Just thowing my name in the hat
Mike, i am a gardener and plantlover by heart and soul. Living in an apartment I have small patio space,my plants in pots and am currently unemployed. Your backyard garden system would be perfect for my space and situation. Thanks again for all your helpful, informative information. Catherine L Ross
I’m in as well. Thanks for having it printed. It might keep me in a job a little longer. Giving me time to increase my knowledge on propagation.
Hi. Mike,
Thanks for your e-mails and videos.
Please put my name in the hat.
Thank You,
Mike, thanks sooooo much for all your insights, tips and encouragements. I have used many of your teaching videos and have had great success. I would love a chance to be chosen to receive your new DVD’s. Retiring in a year or so and would love to make lots of baby plants in the years to come.
Would love to win “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home. Thank you for the chance!!!
I’ve been on your email list for some time now and have greatly enjoyed the info you share. It has inspired me to experiment with several propogation techniques on a small scale and I have realized how easy it is. Your inspiration and that of several books I have read has prompted me to go for broke and build a greenhouse. And like they say, go big or go home… The greenhouse is 16′ by 100′ and we will be growing organic vegtables as well as plants from seed and propogation. I can send you a picture of it if you’d like. Thanks for the inspiration and please consider me for a free copy of your new work.
I have followed your website for about 3 years now and LOVE the helpful tips and information about gardening that you provide. I would be honored to be a winner of one of your Backyard Growing Systems! I know that my daughters, daughter-in-law and granddaughter would love to be a part of this with me!
No need to get my hopes up, It just can’t happen.
OK…I’m in….Thanks for all of the tips and videos. It has enabled my wife to ‘encourage’ me do much more on the weekends!}
Here comes My Hat!!!! I have utilized so many of your suggestions and directions from your emails, I’m sure your new system is gonna be fabulous. My husband & I love to “play in the dirt” and I know your system would be a welcome thing for him. keeping active is so important to us at our age, and we do love gardening/planting, etc.
Please put me in for the free system. I’m so interested in geting started. thanks
Great!! I need a lot of help with my back yard.
Thanks for the free offer. Please consider me, my yard will thank you also.
I will be retiring this coming spring and am ready to put on the bibs and get down and dirty with raising plants. WOW! from selling pepsi bottles to where you are today. Truly the american dream.
Hi Mike, I’d like to be in with a shout for the free system, get the thing going in Ireland – hope the DVDs work ok here 🙂 Thanks
Hi Mike,
I have 8 acres just dying to become a nursery! Please place my name in the hat.
Thank you for the chance, I would love to throw my hat in the ring.
Hi Mike,
I am throwing my hat in the ring, too! I love gardening and I really appreciate all that you have to share. I am happiest when my hands are in the dirt. Bring it on…
I have really enjoyed your articles and the free stuff. I just read your article on organic grasshopper control and I will give it a try. The grasshoppers have been really bad where I live.
I started growing Japanese maples from seed a few years ago. My nursery is growing and would love the advice on how to start selling my plants. Please take my hat.
Hello Mike. I would also love to throw my hat into the ring. I have been following you so long that every newsletter you sent me is in a three ring binder. I have a total of 20 now and use rely on them in areas I have little knowledge in. Congradulations on your new updated books and DVDs and also I see your fan base is growing beyond what I bet even you could have ever hoped for.
I’ve always gardened by the seat of my pants. If one thing didn’t work I tried something else so I would love to have your new book. Maybe then I could tell people I garden by Mike!!
Hello, thanks for the offer and I would love to be one of the lucky ones to receive your new book. My husband was just laid off and the amount he is to receive from unemployment is not very much. And I only work part time now. Money is very tight right now. So please enter me for a chance to receive your book.
Thanks soo much
I have saved all you messages to a file that you have sent out this year. I love to read your messages and then keep them for checking back on “what did Mike say about that”. If the systems are still on the market for you to give away I am interested!
I love all the advice you provide covering a wide variety of interesting topics.
Mike, I would be so thankful to obtain one of your backyard systems!!! I have gotten your emails and info for years and so appreciate all your knowledge you’ve been blessed with — thanks’ for always shareing. Although, I don’t have your system, I do sell plants. I actually work at a carpet store here in Independence, Mo., and I have wonderful sun light that comes in. I would bring plants from home in the fall (not enough room at home) into the store and people just started wanting to buy them. So, I put prices on them and here I sit, selling carpet and plants (even veggies right now). Needless to say, I do have a passion for plants!!! Again, thank you and may the Lord continue to bless you & yours!
I would love to be picked,course that will nevwer happen. I have gotten married since I first signed up,so now my name is different.
the more information i get from you about running a backyard nursery the better my backyard nursery gets. thanks for everything. a copy of your new book would be great.
Wow! How wonderful to encounter someone online who considers the needs of others ahead of himself. I would love to have the gift of your new system so am throwing in my hat. I do pray that only those in true need receive it, though. May God bless you abundantly in all your endeavors, Mike!!
Most grateful for your years of great advice!
Madeline in Texas
What a generous offer, Mike! I cannot thank you enough for kind thoughtful n
Hi Mike, Thanks for all of the wonderful tips. Please put my name in the hat. Thanks!!
My boyfriend is disabled, and this sounds like the perfect business for us. He likes growing plants, and I can sell them at farmer’s markets. He’s planning on trying your system just from your free info, but your system would be great!
Throwing my name in the ring. Been getting your emails and love the videos, newletters, and tips. Thank you for sharing.
We have begun organic gardening this year and will be turning more of our backyard into garden next year. Our two-family garden will be expanded to include more varieties. We also have been considering growing “baby” trees to supplement our (soon to be retired) income. The grand kids are home-schooled and are fascinated watching “their” garden grow and going out each day to “harvest” their crop.
i’d love to be entered into the raffle. i am really interested in learning your secrets.
Hello Mike, Thanks for a great website. I enjoy everything about it. You seem to me to be a good down to earth person and I appreciate so much the information I have gathered from you. Three years ago I lost my business of 40 years due to a dishonest contractor friend of over thirty years. Still looking to find something to do. I love to garden. Please add my name to the hat. Thanks Mike
Yes please put my name in hat. I have been following your advise for years now. Thank-you for all you have done.
That’s a very generous offer mike. Thanks for sharing so much of your knowledge.
I am THRILLED you are going to DVD and hard copy book. If I don’t win, I will be ordering as soon as available. Been following you for a long time. I save every word you send, and I sure can’t say that about anyone else! Also make your fudge at Christmas. Love it. You might want to consider some signature overalls as well, then we could all be groupies!
Maybe my luck HAS change!!! Would LOVE to win your book!!!!! My personality demmands that I have something tanglable in order to learn. Great job with the book idea!!! Got the land,love of plants and me and husband both have physical limitations and both love working in the dirt. Sounds like a true Winner to me this book. Anxious to hear from you Mike. Have a wonderful day!!! Connie, Church Point, Louisiana
Thank you!
Recently cured Afibber… This might just be the “PUSH” I need to get that abandoned backyard garden back in shape!
Worth a shot…
I want one! Pick me, pick me!!
Please put my hat in the ring, also!!!
You have so many fans and I am among them!!!
Once we move to our next home we’ll be using your system as well ! ! ! Thank you for all your emails and information!!!
I love reading your gardening advice! Please throw my hat in the ring for your backyard growing system.
Hello Mike, Please consider me your drawing too. Here in Oregon I have more small plants started in my back yard than you can shake a stick at “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” sounds like something absolutely I need. My husband says I have the propagation part pretty well understood I need to know what to do with them after that (how to market them & to who). You have taught me a lot with your emails and updates you are appreciated more than you know.
Sounds totally amazing. I have learned so many things and they are simple. Thanks Mike
I’ve gotten good advice from your newsletters and am fascinated by growing new plants. I’m game to try your new system, whether I win a copy or buy it later!
I just love free stuff !!!! Pick ME !!
I have been receiving your emails for about a month or so….I don’t even know how I happened upon you and your plant growing system, but I am so happy I did. Plants are my passion, and although I don’t have a lot of freevtime, I make time for plants! My neighbors stop by and thank me for having such a pretty yard. I will continue to follow you and hope to some day come by your place. Retirement is close by and maybe I can profit both financially and spiritually from a little home business. Thank you!
Please add my name to the drawing pool.
God is first but next love is gardening and trying to root different plants. Please bless me with 1 of the free copies. I am retired and on a very limited income but hope to increase income by using your Backyard Growing System. Thank you and God Bless!
Hi Mike, Thanks for all the great information you have shared with us all. Please add my name to the pot and thank you!
greetings mike, we so enjoy your informative and professional advice, and can’t wait to apply your techniques in our landscaping,..unfortunately when our home and five acres were destroyed by the storms that tore up cullman, alabama, we haven’t been able to apply your knowledge as of yet…that day will come and you will be hearing more from us…thx so much for sharing these valuable ideas…
Hello Mike,
I always look forward to your emails and your easy to understand tips. They are greatly appreciated. I love gardening and would love a copy of your new backyard growing system book. Thanks again.
We enjoy the videos and articles. Mike, you are great about answering e-mail questions. Looking forward to the updated material.
I just found your site and I Love it. I just entered the ranks of tose on disability. Now I have time to pursue my love of gardening. Your site has been a big help and I look forward to buying (or winning) your new info. Keep up the good word.
I love your websites and I’ve read and reread your book about plant propogation. But the thing I love most is the videos you do and the newsletters you write. I feel like I know you and you really do care about all of us out here that are learning so much from you. Thanks for all you’ve taught us!
Since I have started a new job I don’t have enough time to work in the garden and yard as I use to. So my wife is now the one thinking about doing the plants from the back yard sales. It would be great to have the program to give to her as a gift. May even trump the pistol I gave her as a birthday gift one year. 🙂 Her Dad was a truck farmer back in the day and she had the “pleasure” of working on the farm as a child/teenager. He was farmer of the year for our county in 1955 in the state of Florida.
I have been interested in growing plants for many years but only recently stumbled on your program. I am saving some money to buy and will purchase as soon as I have it.
I’ve enjoyed your articles and have put many of the ideas to use on my property. Lost my home to wildfire 2 weeks ago and will be living in a 5th wheel while I rebuild. With such cramped quarters will likely need to spend a lot of time outdoors. I think your system would help with rebuilding costs. Thanks for giving us this chance to win.
I’ve just retired and this sounds like a great opportunity!
I LOVE plants and working with them. Please enter my name to (maybe?) win your new, improved, won’t hurt the ozone layer, version !
Hey I’m always into free stuff.
PICK ME !!!!
Hi Mike,
Have been enjoying your down home advice for a little while now, especially enjoy the videos.
Thanks for the opportunity to win. I’m looking for the extra income possibilities in my own back yard 🙂
Have enjoyed your newsletters and tips.
Please sign me up for the drawing for your
new book.
I would like a copy! Thank You for the great tips and helping me find out I can grow something!
I look forward to your e-mail every week. Although I’m unable to join at the moment the information you provide is well worth the wait.
Your system has been a great way to teach my 3 kids about economies of scale and making a living doing something you love.
Mike, I was saving for the old system with the intent of buying in September. It will be great to have an updated version, but even better to win the new version. Either way I expect to get one of the new versions in 2012!!! Bruce
P.S. your emails are full of valuable information. Thank you for that service
My husband and I have enjoyed all your posts and videos.We know we have become better gardners with your help.Always look forward to any and all information.Nearing retirement and want to add an income that we both can enjoy doing.
Thanks again
Like everyone else, I would love to have a free copy, but it appears that there are others that need it more than I do. Please pick someone who really needs a break, and I will pick up my copy at a later date. Thank you for your good work.
I enjoy your articles, and would love to check out the new system. Thanks for all you do!
Hi MIke, Sorry to have missed your Shindig. Sounds as if a great time was had by all. We were up to our elbows in fallen trees and chipper-shredders, thanks to a much needed rainstorm that took out some of the worst of the drought weakened trees. There are still more to clean up. Your emails are always interesting. And full of fun and information. Thanks to you and your family for the inspiring videos and all the helpful hints.
Great giveaway! I hope I’m one of the lucky ones! Thanks for all your insight and tips!
PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!!! PICK ME!!!!! 🙂
My husband is disabled and I have been at home with him for 10 years. money is not only tight but almost non existent.I love to work with plants and would love to have one of your systems.I enjoy reading your letters,they have great information.Thanks for everything!
I am closely approaching retirement and will need something to supplement my income. I am a University of Illinois Master Gardener and have used information from your website many times for my presentations. Thank you for all you do. Knowledge is sharing.
Keep reading your posts and thinking about the “possibilities”….this just might be that chance I need to get started.
Thanks either way!!
Great, would love to win one of the books!
I took a online course for floristry and passed with a high average of 98, yet have not really set in motion the use of it. I live on 15 acres and would love to begin my own business growing plants and I know your book will give me a head start. I always look forward to all the emails you send
Could this be the next step to a TV show ? Keep up the good work.
Don’t have any money right now but I do have an extra hat. Please consider mine tossed. Thanks.
Sure I’d like a chance to win.
You provide amazing tips for everyone from novice to seasoned gardeners. Many thanks!
I had never sold any plants, only gave away the extras. After reading your newsletters and web page I started encouraging extras and selling them, not a lot, only a few plants, but it has ended up paying for the new plants I have bought the last couple years. Thanks Mike!
I’d love to be in the drawing. No matter what, I appreciate your knowledge and expertise that you share. Thank you!
Don’t forget Florida. Need the help with our mix of drought, almost daily downpours right now, and enough lizards, insects & fungus to keep all but the most dedicated gardeners prisoner to their air conditioner. 🙂
So many wonderful people who deserve a shot at the new system that I’m shy about tossing my hat into the ring. Still, if they are even nearly as good as the old version, they would be magnicient – and I’d love a copy to find out 🙂
Hi Mike!
Been following you for quite sometime now, love all the videos and tips. Have my 5 acres in Florida and now need to make some money with it. Currently living in a RV on my land trying to save to build a house. Would love to win the Brand New Backyard Growing System!
Thanks keep up the awesome work!
I LOVE all your short videos-They are so informative! I do love to garden & would love to make it a career.Please let me win your “Backyard Growing System”-I promise I will make good use of it! Thanks so much!
Hey Mike, I really enjoy your news letters and really dig trying out your knowledge on our plot of land. We raise chicken,ducks and turkeys and have some fruit trees,rasberries and blue berries growing, as well as several raised bed gardens and a tilled spot for our corn and squash. We are trying to feed us as well as the birds from our little spot of land. It sure would be nice to have a hard copy of your book to take outside to the gardens. Thanks for all your good work!
Just wanted to say I enjoy the information that you publish. Keep up the good work!
I would love a free copy. I am looking to work from home this would be perfect for me if I can get it going.
Thanks for all the tips and videos.
Hi Mike,
I’ve been following your backyard gardening for quite a few years now. Your newsletters and videos have inspired me to adapt your methods to California and I have some really nice trees to show for it now. I appreciate your experience and your simple, make it work without a lot of extra work philosophy.
Lately, I’ve been working with a parent group to reorganize a school garden. I recently donated a box of garden books for the school volunteers to use and would love to incorporate your book in our collection. Please put my hat in the ring. thank you for all you do!
Erick Oshel
Why not?
Any book is a good book. One on plants is especially a good book to have. Please put
my name in your list of possible new owners of your book.
I realy enjoy your news letters & all the great info. would realy like a hard copy of your books. tell us how we can get them…. thank……
Mr. McGroarty –
Great site, great idea. I have been trying to get something like this started, but haven’t had a solid business plan or a steady market for my plants.
I’ve got fantastic fertile land and have known that there MUST be a way to make money on it without having to spend Saturdays away from my family at the Farmer’s Market.
I’m trying to start small and want to do the work myself without help from my Husband, so I can feel that I’m making my own financial contribution to our family aside from caring for our children and keeping our home. I would love to be able to get started on it without having to ask for money, too.
Best of luck on your new release. I know that the information in your newsletter is valuable, so I’m sure your “system” is worth every penny.
Sumner County, TN
I always enjoy watching your websites. They are valuable and knowledgeable to the beginner like me. I wish I’ll be one of the winners, so that I can actually carry out the project with confident and see the successful implementation of your experience.
Best regards.
Sensei, you are the one true Master!
Would love to have your free stuff could sure use the help.
Hey Mike & Family , As always, great work on your blog & I Really Enjoy Your Postings ! As the Eco-Architect in charge at Georgia Adobe Homes ( http://georgiaadobe.com ) I’m always seeking new products of interest to our customers, since we specialize in design & build of independent & self sustainable structures. How can we become an affiliate marketer, of your growing system course over on our online store http://wwww.woodallestate.com & perhaps on our facebook page too ?
Thanks for all you do !
Best Regards,
Joe Woodall, Rogue Eco-Architect
Georgia Adobe Homes
Good luck with your new product!
Wow, Mike there are so many of us that want one of those three freebies! Put my hat in the ring too. Good luck to everyone. Hope there are some great new ideas to really make some money in this tough economy. I really need it right now.
The new system sounds great. I live in a northern area and I always love to hear suggestions on cold weather growing if you get a chance.
I’m your winner! Send me my prize!
I sure enjoy your newsletter and tips and videos! I’d love to have the Backyard Growing System – DVDs, etc. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks, Faye -in western Montana
I read all your emails and go to your site frequently. One of the best things I’ve learned from you was rooting cuttings in sand. So easy!
Mike & Dustin… you guys are SUCH a great help to me!! I am the person with the morning glory problems!!! BUT, I take pride in my garden!!! This year, I really need to make some extra cash!!!! I work 50 hrs a week, but, need to buy a new car..as mine has died. ( husband is on unemployment) and I need to get a car, that I feel is safe to take my grandson in. I KNOW that I would put this system to good use!!!! AND, I would be doing something I LOVE!!!! PLEASE CONSIDER ME!!!!
With your encouraging videos and emails, I built three raised beds and filled them with all sorts of veggies. Would LOVE to see you cover fruiting trees, edibles, and other practical herbals, medicinals, etc. In the new book?
Well Mike I’m a gunsmith and gardener and looking for a retirement project and I like the idea of growing plants (they don’t complain or ask for the impossible), and if I move farther south I can probably grow more
and not have to shovel snow.
GB Centerburg, Oh.
Have enjoyed your tips and videos in making my not-for-profit home garden a joy.
Put my name in your hat for the drawing.
Yes, I would like the opportunity to win a copy of your brand new Backyard Growing System. Thank you!
hello mike, from a ga follower.I have 2 acres of open land to start a small system on. I wait for emails for new ideas for getting my own business started. I also have grown children that can help with building anything I need. I have a job , after being without one for over a year. ( i hate the job) I want to do something here to help make a living. you learn where priorities lie after losing someone close. nothing makes me happier than watching plants grown that I rooted. other than my grand kids.Just keep all the advise coming. I save every one just in case I forget something.
I would love to try your growing system. Have been faithfully following your e-mails for over 2 years and have learned so much. I now have 2 brand new knees and can bend to handle gardening so will definitely be expanding my efforts over the next year.
Thanks for all the education.
Heck yeah! Im throwin’ my cowgirl hat in that ring!!All the way from The great state of Texas! Fly hat fly to a winning spot!!
Thanks for all you upbeat encouragement! Means alot to many!!
I bought your system several years ago and have went over it with a fine tooth comb out of a deep love for plants. However, I did have my VCR tapes (that long ago!) covering plant propagation and building the mist system stolen shortly after purchasing. Although I have started several cuttings (golden vicary privet, spirea, burning bush, etc.) using, and sometimes, adapting information from your printed information, I felt I should jump at the chance to get your new system and start making some money doing what I love. Thanks Mike for the chance and for all the information you have made available in the past. Tell Pam there is an apple stack cake in it for her if she can persuade you to pick me….
This is the most wonderful adventure. We have split and now started over 50 hostas. We have split and now have 27 day lillies. We have rooted 4 Rose of Sharon and dug up and planted at least 70 bulbs. All of which were taken from plants we previously had purchased. We go toyour sight a LOT, to research what else we have that we can multiply. We are anxious for your new material. My husband has lost his job, and we are not making ends meet on my salary. What a wonderful, easy, fun way to make a living. We may not be able to afford your materials, hoping we get a free copy. but best of luck to everyone who is trying. Thank you for inspiring us
Duane and Beth Benton Caroga Lake NY
Hello from Mustang, Oklahoma! Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your new system.
Share the “dirt” with me, your system for free? well I ‘ll “dig” that. In the spring I was going get it and glad you are making a new video. Good things are ‘growing” at your place!! Thanks for sharing them regularly in emails and hats off to ya for your new adventures in your backyard video.
I don’t have a website,sorry
Throwin in my Hat Mike. Thanks so much for all you do!
Only way I’m ever going to get one is if I win it! Hope I win, thanks for the chance.
Shari Cooper
I would love to win! I hope to soon start growing and selling from my own backyard! Thank you for all of the great information that you share!
We would really enjoy having your growing system. My husband loves growing plants. I have been looking for something for him to do and this would be good for him. We lost everything in a house fire in 2007 and it took everything out of him. Then in 2011 in he had bypass surgery and is finally getting interested in doing things again. I know this would be very good and interesting for him.
Hard to follow all the above comments, since most have said it all. Anyways all I can say is I would like one.
Thanks, I enjoy all the insight you have provided.
being on a fixed income, i spend alot of time at home. i have a dog, so, i am outside. i do my best at gardening & divide, propagate when i can (with help from your book & the net). i buy clearance plants & try to ‘heal’ them. i really could use your system. i could really use a couple of extra bucks too! LOL. i would be extremely grateful if you pick me, if not, thanx for the opportunity to try! dawne
I have learned so much from your emails and links. I have picked up many successful tips and am looking forward to your new book –
I would definately put your new book and growing system to use andtheinfois very appreciated
I would love to have this! I have taken my yard from weeds and dirt to a pretty nice place. I am ready for the next step.
count me in
your advice is always welcome
I have sold thornless blackberry plants for the last 3 years. I think I’m ready for the next step. The money from the Blackberrys goes into my garden, 100′ x 50′, seed fund.
Hey Mike,
I love all of the information you provide us. My husband retired last year and has been following your guides. We now have a gazillion Lady Banks Roses spread over our property. I am also a big fan of your fudge and baked beans. Keep it coming and Take Care.
Please I would love to have your system . I have been out of work for a long time and am trying to propagate plants . Unfortunenately with this heat all my attempts have failed. Maybe by the time I get a job I can learn to make plants to regain status into the black .Thanks for all your info
i love all your great videos cant really afford to buy your system so I thank you for the chance to win it
I have been very interested in your system for some time. I am disabled and I believe this could be the answer to providing income (Disability has kept us going, but at a minimum). I grew up farming and working with plants, so this would allow me to work with things I love. If I win a system, I would be thrilled. I plan to do this when I am able.
Please count me in Mike, thank you!!!
Port Dover, ON Canada
Greatful, thank you
I’d love a copy of the new system! 🙂
I have your plant propagation book. Lots of good info.
Greatful thank you.
Would love to put my hat in the ring! Can’t wait to be a winner and sale some plants. Gardening is my peaceful passion!
Hi Mike,
Wow! So many comments. What can I say that already has not been said and what are my chances of winning a new edition?
Please count me in for the drawing.
Better odds at making money with your system then then the lottery, throw my name in for a free try.
Sounds like a wonderful resource for learning to grow plants more effectively.
Mike, I’ve been playing in the dirt and seeds for many years, probably close to 75. But, I still turn to your writings when I am searching for answers to some of my questions. Would love to have the set.
I’m throwing my hat in the ring. Thanks Mike for all your hard work and thanks for sharing.
I would love to win. I have been getting your letter for years now and really enjoy learning new things. Our garden and yard looks great thanks to you. Pick me to win!!! Please, please, please!!!!!
would love to try it!
I have been successfully using your system, and have taken some plants to the farmers’ market to sell. I am not sure what is involved in being one of your growers. Does it involve a membership fee, and does it provide additional resources for selling plants? I am interested in winning a free copy of your system.
===Wow!!! Would LOVE to win that…thank you for the opportunity to enter….Valerie from Canada
I started off clipping neighbors plants by reading and hints from you. My first was yellow lantana, clip and stick in dirt. I ended up with many cupfuls of beautiful flowers which were transfered to small pots. I got seeds from flowers, didn’t know the names of plants the first year. Next year got a small greenhouse, learned more from you and sold flowers and plants out of my driveway. 3rd year I can name many plants because of your website and email, I have two greenhouses, word of mouth got around.Now my yard is full of beautiful plants, I have returning customers and my plants are beautiful but need to learn more!!!! I would love to have your book in my collection and would read page to page. It is alot of work for just me but enjoy gardening so much I live and breath it, peace of mind and beauty. I still have to figure out and set up a watering system so it doesnt take me 2 hours a day to water all.
I’m throwing my hat in the ring, er, pile of hats.
Mike, I would really like your new system! I use many of your tips around my yard!
thank you so much for your helpful hints. I have used many of your ideas in my yard. I really would love to share them with my friends and family with your backyard growing system.
Hey, Mr. McGroarty, i really appreciate your helpful info with plants, im 18 and continue to love plants and learn from your blog/website. I have my own business with gardening and love working outside, thanks for your great help!!
my wife and I had decided, after contemplating for a few weeks, to purchase your system. I am unemployrd, with no prospect, and this looked like a possibility for combining hobby with income potential. I am looking forward to yhe updated version.
Thanks for all your hard work Mike. I never pass up your emails, read them every time! After having my hotmail account since 97, and almost 10,000 unopened emails (since purged, thank god) that’s quite the compliment! haha. PICK ME BY THE WAY! cheers and good luck on your new Backyard Growing System.
– Tyler from Saskatoon, SK, Canada
I have been enjoying reading your posts and learn new techniques. My daughter and I have been wanting to start selling plants for some time. Our space is very limited for planting; so we need new ideas on how to use the little space we have in a big way. I am looking forward to the new information that you have coming out.
i love growing plants and trying to combine that love with wild life and a place of peace to relax and think and you have helped me with ideas and answers to some things i would love to have your book it would be a blessing to me
hi have loved your information in my e mails”””””’iam 68 and have a failing husband also a 40 yearold retarted son who lives with us””””””’i need to make money at home to servive while attending to my husbands dialysis at home”””also thinking my son and i can grow things together in the future””””haven’t been able to afford your book but would love to have a copy if you see fit””””””’meanwhile we will enjoy your emails’thankyou so very much karen
Love your emails Mike! Have never bought your system because I already have to many irons in the fire, but always figure this is what I will do when I retire which is not too far down the road!
I see you have lots of takers for your old system and even those who wish to have the new. Guess that just goes to show ya– you are the next best thing since sliced bread– and we all want a piece! Congrats to you Mike.
I love your site and use your site to help me as I relearn how to garden. I love planting and watching things grow, but I’m not too good at progrogating from cuttings. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but I am not having success at rooting blueberry, azelea, gardenia, camelia, and other bushes like that. But I’m not giving up. Working in my little “garden” is my physical and mental therapy as I tackle Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Scleraderma. Getting something to eat and pretty up my yard are just bonuses. I would love to have a “hold in my hand” copy of your back yard growing system. I really want to start some plants this winter. Hope I win.
Whew, I am finally in a position to start my business (we moved 2 yrs ago and the place we moved to was not plant ready)! Great timing on my part for the newest growing system, you will have to let me know how much, I’m really getting antsy to get started!
Mike, surely would like a copy. Your video’s are the best. Down home and straight to the “plant point”. Learn a lot from just your videos online. Already, got license set up to start Home Garden Selling starting in Feb, 2013. Your new systems would be an added bonus for a beginner like myself. Stay Safe and Strong.
Hi there, I am just as eager as everybody else to hopefully receive 1 on the “new” systems. I have been doing all I can this year to provide habitat and feed for the migrating birds and hummingbirds in particular as we have little or no mountain flowers this year because of the drought. We(the Mrs. and I) have been an oasis in the bleak fire storm of reality out here in Wyoming and the opportunity to participate in your efforts to promote plant life would go a long ways towards the future savings of many of my winged friends. As always we do what we can and as we reach retirement age this would promote in us a world of healthy rewards, both spiritually and financially.
Many Thanks just for the chance,
Sherm -n- Lee 🙂
Tossing my hat into the drawing just in case. Thanks for all the excellent advice. Now that I finished school and got my Bachelors Degree I should have more time to actually work with my plants.
After years of trying to find useful information, till I FINALLY came across your site, which I wish I had done earlier, lol,what is a months wait knowing the new information will be used from day one!!!
If it’s free, it’s for Me!
I read all your newsletters and they are THE BEST. I’d love to have your new growing system.I just retired after 32 years and was hoping to take the Master Gardeners course here in my county now that I have time but as luck would have it, I was excepted and then the class was cancelled for the very first time in the history of the county. Now I need HELP.
Your gardening knowledge, insight, tips, and techniques are so helpful…I truly enjoy your videos showing us “how to” do gardening things and learning something new with each of your videos…Many thanks for all you do for us…Oh, and by the way I would love to win one of your new books.
Thanks Mike for your wonderful emails! I have learned so much about planting how-tos and always look forward to your new advice. Keep up the good work and congrats on the new book! Maybe this time I will be able to afford it? Thanks again! Patti
Apparently I missed my calling. I love being in the yard and your information is my bible. I am going from the corporate world to nursing and the garden is my relief from my studies. I am making the change because EVERY time there is a slight recession, I get laid off. So I need your book to get this side business going. Thank you for your kindness and for sharing!
I love getting your emails and videos — and would TOTALLY love receiving a copy of your updated system! Thanks for all you do for us Plants NUTS out here!
I would love to try your new growing system. I’m always getting my hands in the soil and trying new ways to grow things.
Throw my name in the hat
I can’t wait until this product is available!! I hope to be one of your picked fans, but I’m sure I’ll purchase a copy for my extended family who are all big fans!!
Keep up the great work!!
I think that is a GREAT idea and give away!!
THANKS in advance (8
I have learned so much from your weekly emails, and would be honored to be one of the three winners of your newest edition of the Backyard Growing System.
many thanks, Mike!
Mike, Please enter my name into the giveaway.
I’ll need this to set-up my retirement.
I’m retired now, and I think you need a tester in the Arizona heat for your system. Count me in.
We Love you e-mails, would Love to have one of your free books as it is so hard for Seniors to get by these days, that’s why we have’nt bought your book.
Thank you, Earl
Dear Mike, I am very excited about making money growing the plants and trees I love. What a wonderful way to Go Green and help others do so in the process. We just can’t have enough trees these days with everyone cutting them down at such an alarming rate. Every tree counts. That’s why I’m excited about your system and look forward to learning more. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” – Genesis 1:1 and I’m so glad He did. I am absolutely in love with His creation. So the idea of combining my love of nature with creating a stream of income has me jazzed.
I can’t wait to hear from you and see your new program.
God bless,
Thank you!
Hi Mike. Just moved to a new state and I know no one. I can’t wait to try out your system and maybe meet some friends that share my same love for plants. I love the articles you put out. Please put my name in for your drawing. Hopefully I’ll win, although I’ve never won anything. Thanks and happy planting to all
My wife and I went on a weight loss program the first of this year, and in the program I not only lost a lot of weight but gained a ton of energy! We started buying plants and landscaping our yard, as well as putting in 3 gardens with all of the new-found energy. I found your website, and I have learned so much about plants and propagation, and now I am hooked! I downloaded your Gardener’s Secret Handbook, and am enjoying the you-tube videos, also. Keep up the good work!
I tried one of your videos on tanking an aquarium and whiting it out, well I had some dogwoods rootings i got when i was back visiting VA my old homestead. out of 10, 5 survived the aquarium. I have 1ft dogwoods growing in a small greenhouse here in Vermont. Cant wait to actually have my own yard to plant them. Love getting the emails and reading up…Have a great day…
Mike – My gardenable area here in Massachusetts isn’t as large as yours, not by a long shot. I have 3/4 of an acre to prepare and nurture and would love your help getting started. The kit would be the perfect thing to streamline the process.
Have just gotten started this year with my new baby backyard nursery. It is much more rewarding to do something that you love, love, love instead of something you don’t like much, in order to make money. Can’t wait until the money starts coming in.
I finally found a pair of bib overalls that fit a lady, now I can look just like you, I’m excited…and I’d love to have your new growing system.
Sounds Wonderful. God Bless You and your business!
Sure would like a chance to own the first set because I just cant seem to get my cuttings to do right. Whats the secret!
I would like some information on transplanting a lowquat tree. It is about five foot tall.Will it be possible to transplant one this big and when would be the best time of year to tranplant. I live in Zephyrhills Florida. an answer on this question would be appreciated.
Thank you, Gene Quillen
please put my name in the hat,thanks agin and love the posts and viedos
My wife and I are retired and have been wanting to try your course and get to growing and selling little plants for income. We always enjoy your E-mail news and videos. I’d like to throw in for one of these free courses.
Thanks Alot
I would like a copy of the new “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home”. You can tell from all the comments that it will be a success.
put me in
Please enter my name into your free Back yard Growning system you are giving away. Thank you.
mike throw my name in the hat. i have 4 acres to do something with and i love plants
Hello Mike,
We have discussed many subjects over the years and I thank you for all of it. I would love to win this set, because I have built a 4 season Solar powered Aquaponics greenhouse in maine, that I currently raise Plectranthus amboinicus(Broad-leaved Thyme) but no one wants it except me, even know its is awesome, and other ayurvedic plants. Regardless, I have been longing to be able to sell my plants on a larger scale, but have been somewhat unsuccessful. Would love to know what I am doing wrong or have some sort better road map.
Please consider me for the free copy.
Kind Regards,
Michael C.
Please enter me in the contest.
Thank you.
I’m in, I would love to give it a go.
I have wanted your system for years since I first heard about it but waited to see if I could get things set up to do it. I had a small patio/greenhouse built on behind my pump house three years ago then had the opp to buy a high tunnel G/H in 2010 but got sick and still do not have it up. I am gettin ready to retire maybe next year and this is what I want to do in retirement. I love your videos and articles.
I would love to win one! Please count me in.
Love receiving your e-mail, the information is so useful, and from the looks of my backyard I could use ALL the help I can get.
Mike I really enjoy all your E-mails. I would love to have you new system to try. I have learned so much from your newsletters and have tried many of your suggestion. I have many plants in my yard that were given to me over many years. I love to garden and it would be a dream come true if I could make money with plants. At this time I don’t have the money to purchase your system but I am trying and doing everything I have learned from your news letter. Thank you so much you have no idea how much Hope and Help you have given me.
Hi Mike, My mother subscribed to your newsletters for years until she passed away at the age of 89. Before she did, however, her enthusiasm for the knowledge you shared inspired me to subscribe. I’ve been enjoying them ever since. I’m now to the point of seriously considering selling plants from my home. Your Backyard Growing System is just what I need to start me off on the right track. Thanks so much for all the helplful information! Please keep on educating us.
Sharon H
Lorain, OH
Oh, yes please love a copy.
Hello Mike,
Looking forward to your helpful tips and your new book. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
Please enter me in your drawing.
I have been using the system for the past 3 years. In the spring of 2013 we should be ready for our SALE. Can’t wait. Everything is looking good. We are concerned about the marketing of the product. Hopefully will get this figured out.
Well our yard got away from us again this year. Weeds and moles are wrecking our yard. The dog is digging like crazy to get the moles.
Thank you so much for the opportunity! I have not had the money to purchase your program but I love plants and I had been trying cuttings for the last year or so before I had found your website… I have had some success but I would really like to turn cuttings into a profitable business as I put myself through college.
Hi Mike,
I am a long time fan and would love to win your backyard growing system. Several years ago I bought your vhs tapes. Unfortunately I no longer have a vhs player. 🙂 pat
Thanks for adding us to your list! I have certainly appreciated all of your suggestions over the past few years!
Definitely, put me in! Getting ready to retire soon and an extra bit to put away before with quite a bit more in the future would certainly be a huge bonus in itself!
Thanks again!
Thanks Mike, I would love the chance to win your system,
Hey there Mike! I am looking to grow veggies for the family and I, and be totally independent of this consumer market. Only 1 day off in 10 days of work right now. My goal is to enjoy life, food, and relaxation. Thank you for giving us this chance to do so.
Thanks, Mike, for all the helpful advice you give. I enjoy the informative e-mails you send. Also, thanks for letting us know about Pam’s jewelry!
Hi Mike , I love your program I think I have saved every news letter since I signed up in 09/08. I am an Master Gardener in Kent County and hope to retire in 5 to 7 years. What am I going to do ?
I am trying your methods to spread them to third world areas that need the help producing food for orphanages.
Hi, Mike!
I have enjoyed your website and newsletters for several months now. I have told no telling how many people about the guy w/the great personality in the bib overalls. Love the potting john, the down to earth directions and details, as well as the practical suggestions regarding plant propagation, packaging and fudge. I’m looking forward to the starting my business, but it sure would be nice to have one of those packages! It’s also great to see a family business as an American success story.
It’s that part of the American Dream we all cherish. Thanks for sharing yourself and your knowledge so generously.
Hi Mike, My mother subscribed to your newsletters for many years until she passed away at the age of 89. Before she did, however, her enthusiasm for the knowledge you shared inspired me to sign up. I’ve been enjoying them ever since. I’m finally to the point of seriously considering selling some plants from my back yard — on a small scale at first — then who knows? Your Backyard Growing System is just what I need to get me started on the right track. Thanks so much, Mike for all the help you’ve so generously shared. Keep educating us!
Lorain, OH
I would love to be one of the three you chose for your three free programs. your giving away i am disabled and love working in my garden and on disablity i could never afford it but have been wanting it every since i frist saw you website. god bless and have a wonderfull day ! tricia lee vaughn thanks so much for all of your amazing things i have lreaned from you and looking forward to more !!!!!
Put me in the drawing.
Hi Mike!
I am such a fan of yours. Coming from a line MO farmers there is no better time for me than when I am digging in the dirt. I have learned a lot from you watching your videos. I am most intersted in the rooting and cutting propagation of plants. I was so inspired by your series I put in a veg garden this year for the first time in 35 yrs. I also grew a whoppin patch of red and yellowheart watermelons. I really would treasure a copy of your book!!! Thanks again for everything and keep those videos coming!!
God Bless
IU would love to be considered for the free new system. You Are amazing. Am sorry I missed the shindig! Chris
I hope I win! I look forward to all your emails! Thank you!:)
Dear Mike ,
I would love to be considered for a give away new system and book. Chris
HEY this is GREAT Mike! but I am going to rename your new system to “Lots of Plants – Small House” lol lol After using your old system I have a great turn out for my little place!! HA HA HA – Love your system!! Thanks Mike – can’t wait to see the new revised edition!
Hi Mike,
You make this system sound so easy. I’m a life long gardener who’s love of dirt and growing things began simply as time spent with my Grandpa. I enjoy your articles, always learning tidbits even though you are in a very different growing zone than I am. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion for gardening.
Count me in. You keep me motivated. Been a fan of yours for years!
Feel free to choose me ‘ol buddy,’ol pal.
im in, love your tips
Thanks to your emails and website information i have been more successful with learning to propagate plants. I hope to have some ready soon for sell. I appreciate your newsletters and find the information that you share with us extremely useful in my garden and plants. Thank You. Gloria
YES – Please, I would like to be in the drawing for a copy. Thank you for all the great advice.
Hi Mike….
A new system from you sounds great!! We’ve been following you for many many years and have a copy of the old system, really looking forward to the new one!!!
The Daylilies and other plants are multipling. What do I do now??
Thank You for the opportunity to win! 🙂
Hello, I would really enjoy winning one of your books. My daughter, who is 7. and I are always spending time outside planting, growing our veggie garden, plus our basic fruits. She actually stated a lemon tree from seeds, so far so good! We both would love to have the chance to improve our gardening techniques, and mostly we have a blast doing it! Thank you for this chance to win!
We have used many of your planting and propagating ideas and would love to have a free issue of your new book
Whoops, sorry for the misspelling ,Duston!!
I would love to have the opportunity to participate in this sweepstake!
Thanks for doing this!
Dina P. Hernandez
Heartland, Texas
Count me in on your contest. I have been trying to grow plants here in a Georgia suburb — brick hard red clay. Makes great walls, poor gardens. Yet there are a number of fantastic flowering bushes and trees that love this stuff. I guess something grows anywhere. Would like to get something more serious going. Contest is a great idea. Thanks.
Hello Mike and Dustin,
I would love to win it!
I would like to put my money I save, and make from it, into paying off our house.
I love your emails, and hope to be growing soon like you.
I would love a new copy! Thanks!
I have wanted to try your system for quite a while, just never seems to happen. Free would go a long way to get me motivated. I don’t know about all of you but Michigan’s weather has been hot, hot, hot, this summer and my plants are surviving well! Keep up the good work, Mike.
Mike, I have been following you only a short time but really look forward to your newsletters. I am recently retired and am trying to get back to my ‘roots’; a copy of your new system would really get me off to a good start. Regardless, I appreciate your approach and look forward to more…
How terrific you are bringing about more great info!! I always look forward to your emails with a golden nuggets of wisdom! Congrats on your latest project, it will no doubt be the best yet!!
consider my hat thrown in! Would love this! Thanks
Would love to win, just enjoy reading some of the articles, so keep it all going and get me into that drawing.
I love getting your emails and I also love the videos from your site. So far I have learn so much! I really appreciate that. ok,
that being said, I would really love to win one of your systems.
Thank you very much
Mike, I am a true plant lover. Gardening and plants just relax me and it is a love that I want to do more of. I want to start growing plants for sell as I would like to trade my current job for this one. I would gladly do this for free but I have to make a living still. I would really like to win so that I do this the correct way and have all your wisdom and tips so I can be as successful as you. Your hints, tips and knowledge make me feel confident that I can do this and be very successful all the while having fun and feeling very satisfied. I truly appreciate you and would really enjoy winning one of your systems. Good luck to everyone. Hope I win one.
Ive been gardening for years ansd even started some of my own vegetables but never tried flowers or plants. Iam sure I could do this if I get started the right way. Your book would be very helpful Iam sure. Put my name in the hat. Thanks
Mike, I’ve learned so much from you in the past year. I would love to win a copy of your Brand New Backyard Growing System.
Count me in!
Mike I have learnt so much from you and you Inspired me to make a YouTube Gardening channel and I have over 450 subscribers to date! I am 13 years old and I love gardening, I think I should be picked because it will help my soft fruit nursery a lot, thanks Mike and keep up the great work!
Please let me throw my hat into the ring for the new set of books. I HAVE FINALLY talked my hubby into starting a garden and now that he is retired we have the time, and definitely the need for some extra money. Thanks for making the offer of a free set. By the way we purchased your outhouse potting shed video years ago and that is finally getting built!! Yea!!
I love the system and yet don’t fully utilize your tips etc. However, I have so many plants that I am going to have to start the business. Would love to know step by step how to do it.
that some everyone of us should have, i’ll throw my hat in.
I would really love to win one of your books. I am a full-time 63 year-old college student, but try to keep up with my many flowerbeds. I just added several new plantings to my sister’s raised flower bed this summer. Here in Maine, we have quite a few challenges to overcome, short growing seasons, long winters, muddy springs, but I love a challenge
I hope I am one of the lucky three. I really want to do this, but every penny is tight right now.I’m holding my breath, and crossing my fingers.
Hi Mike ~ I am on disability and would love, love, love to Grow Small Plants for Profit, however I never seem to have enough left over in my disability checks to cover the cost. 🙁
I would be ever so grateful if I could win one of these sets.
I could really use the extra income especially now that my son is in college!
Thank you soo much,
Anneli Kelley
Hi Mike,
That would be too awesome.
Through my name into the mix, who knows, I may learn something to teach to several Garden and Nature lovers.
Ron P.
Would love to use your new book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your system!
I would love to see your products!
I would very much like a free copy!
I am trying my luck at root cuttings now.
I would love a chance to win the new growing system!! I have long been considering a way for some potential additional income and this may be just what I need to start that and to also do something fulfilling at the same time. Congrats, good luck and thank you!!
I have had some pretty good success propogating a few plants from cuttings using your play-sand in the dish tub method. I would be tickled to receive a copy of your new system. Thanks Mike
Sounds great–I can hardly wait.
Hi Mike,
I ready your daily posts religiously and would love to be considered in your generous offer!
I really like what you do. I care about this earth and would like to learn the tricks of quickly propogating more plants.
Wow! How do you have time to do your mailers, videos, take care of all your plants, AND write another book?
I have learned SO much from you. Yes, I want my name in the pot. I love getting your newsletters! I’m retired now so I want to get SERIOUS about my gardening.
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Pick me!!
you have given me hope for the future””””’i am trying things you sugest and need to make money to save our home as we are on social sec and have a retarted son 40 yrs living with us”””””my husband is going on dialysis and this is something i believe my son and i can do together”””thanks for all your tips on e mail”’blessings to you and your family””karen mcknight
hey, mike; well i would really like to win one of your books. i am 73, love plants, grown many in my life-time and wish i had many more life times to grow all i love. but then i love them all. my little plot of heaven is mostly clay (who’s isn’t) and about 45 degree slope. i use to run all over this yard, plant things, watch them grow, and feel good. i’d love to have one of your copies because just reading about ‘the good old days and ways’ makes me feel 70 again (ha). but wheather or not i win one i still enjoy so much your little emails and hints. you light up my life, Mike. Please, keep growing.
Love your articles and would greatly appreciate the Growing System! It’s wonderful that you spend so much time and energy writing and sharing your expertise!
this is a totally awesome deal!! love all the tips!
Hi, Mike.
I have read your newsletter for years and appreciate all that you share with us! I have made attempts to grow and sell plants from my yard and have had some success; however, I think my marketing skills need improvement! I would love a copy of your new system, because when I retire, this is what I want to do for a living!
Thanks again!
Dear Mike,
I enjoy your emails so much, and I’m sure that I could learn a great deal from your new growing kit! I recently retired after 44 years of teaching school, and I’m thrilled now to have time to do a better job with my gardening endeavors. So I’ll cross my fingers that I’m one of the lucky three!!! ‘~)
Great offer!
Keep up the great work, I appreciate that you make this something anyone can do.
I love your emails, I have been getting them for a long time and always hope I could be able to purchase a copy . . . good luck with your new revised addition . . . thanks again
Sounds great, can’t wait to see !
Bobby A
Whether I win it or buy it, I plan to have your
new system soon. Thanks for offering the freebe.
Hey Mike,
Would like to be able to help teens and young people in the central Florida area of Cocoa to be productive earners for their families. A lot of Mexican immigrants here also.
Thanks for your consideration of me. Will keep you posted on progress when we win.
God Bless your efforts and your heart!
Have you heard the term ” Black Thumb ” I can’t seem to get anything except grass and weeds to grow . Maybe if I win one of these it will change my thumb color… !
I may retire(stop working 50-55 hr a wk)in a few years I will need something to keep me busy.I have had a garden all my life and I think I would like this.
Love to read your tips Mike! Keep them coming!
Free book would be great 🙂
My Hat is thrown in 🙂
Hello Mike,
Didn’t see this early enough but I thank you for all things you’ve taught us. Yes, I’d like to try but it’s seems I’m on the bottom of the posts! Thanks again,
It’s great to know that there is people willing to share their knowledge to help others suceed. Thank you.
Hi Mike & Pam..i really bond’d w/u few years ago when u 1rst helpd me get “physically” start’d in growing my plants/herbs to work w/in the holistic healing world!! and P.S. Pam your Jewelry is AWSOME TOO!! i can do what i used to do as a contractor BUT i can grow & work w/whole foods/plants/herbs etc..well if the dag-nab earwigs & fire ants would move nextdoor or down the road a tad!! i would so appreciate the new series to take me to the next leval of growing/selling to be part of the big picture/soultion up here and help others get out of the over processd way of life. also planting/growing has helpd me mentally & physically in more ways then most realize it can do!! thanks for the opertunity on this offer!! keep flyen w/the angels u peeps!! T.
I have several acres that I’m not sure how to maximize and a major need for additional income – we’re homeschooling our 4 children. I would love to know more about your system! Thanks for the opportunity.
I moved here on my 2 acres few years ago and the only thing it will grow is pines. have tried some of your teaching but cant get it right my neighbor says if I find out how to make things grow let them know and they will try it.I am 77 yrs old .would love to have one of your new books
Pick Me!
Hi Mike, Wow! You have so many followers! That must be a great feeling. I started getting your emails after learning about you from some site where I was getting info on a plant. I’ve been following your emails since that day. I always find your emails very helpful & I look forward to the videos. I also like to hear about your family as well. I would love to receive a copy of your book/ Small Plants, Big Profits. Thank you & God bless. Dana Bly, Newnan Ga
I would love to win a copy of your new gardening book. I have lost my job and need to produce food for my family. I am hoping it will help, since this years crop was okay if you could live on Jalepeno’ peppers and tomatoes, 2 green beans and nothing else. I do need help. I am very good at growing weeds, but not good at anything else.
Have been following for years, get me going
I would love to have one of your systems…I have 3 acres of unused land that would be perfect for this….
Hi Mike, Wow! You have so many followers! That must be a great feeling. I started getting your emails after learning about you from some site where I was getting info on a plant. I’ve been following your emails since that day. I always find your emails very helpful & I look forward to the videos. I also like to hear about your family as well. I would love to receive a copy of your book/ Small Plants, Big Profits. Thank you & God bless. Dana Bly, Newnana Ga
Hi Mike:
I have read all your information and watched your videos but have never written before. I just got remarried about a year ago and may be retiring shortly. I have loved gardening since I was old enough to cross the street by myself and help my 96-yr. old neighbor who was in a wheelchair to garden. I would love to have your book to start a business when I retire. I live in PA and your helpful information has helped me greatly since our climates are basically the same. I would love to visit your place someday soon, but was unable to travel at this time. Thanks so much for a chance to receive your book.
I have been disabled for about 4 years now, and I need to get out and do something useful and physical this would be the perfect thing for me, please consider my name in your hat, thank you
Looking forward to expanding with your program next season. I am sure new program will really help us. Thanks Mike!!!
I’ve been following you for a few years now and have come to realize that I do not have the proverbial “green thumb” for gardening. In fact, the whole rooted cuttings concept continues to escape me.
I would be honored to receive a copy of your new program and would work extra hard to make you proud as I would turn into a successful and shining example of someone that can do it, “just like Mike!”
Oh YES!!! Put my name in the hat…pleeeease!!!!
Hi Mike,
Just like you said, my baby plants are growing nicely and will proudly where a “For Sale” sign next spring! Thanks for all the great tips, tricks, and tidbits of knowledge. Has given me something to look forward to and improve on, since I joined the ‘Unemployed Americans’ Club.
Mike, I would love to have the “New System”!
I tell everyone that you are my “Gardening Mentor”. Don’t know what I would do without you!
Keep those emails coming!!
I would love to win. I am unable to work due to back surgery and be able to garden while sitting on a rolling stool has made a huge difference in my life. I am so grateful that I have discovered that I can garden and I love it so much.
Yes I would love to try your system
I have a 2 log green house type thing with the stuff I have on hand that works pretty good
Just 2 logs with plastic over them to start new seeds for the garden
thanks for considering me for the prize, ma
Looking forward to the new system. Thanks for the opportunity and marketing!
I love all your newsletters. I would be delighted to win one of your new systems. It would inspire me to be more serious about my gardening.
Into the ring I throw my hat. I hope it does not land near the cat.
Hi Mike! You’ve not only inspired me through your e-mails to start gardening in my 40s, but my 17 yo daughter has also been bitten! We would love the opportunity to win a copy of your Backyard System. Thanks for the opportunity!
i,ve taught school and coached football for over 30 yrs. trying to retire and will finally have time i hope to try ur system to supplement my income
Sure would like the book Mike
I have your link on my website.
Luck on the new version.
Good morning from Rockingham Co., N.C.! I’m just trying to confirm that my hat is in the ring, waiting to catch one of the three, free, Backyard Growing Systems (you can do it, Strawdog! Time your jump and keep your eye on the target). When I submitted an acronym, yesterday, I never was able to determine it had been accepted. I realize this is not a creative post competition; it’s a random drawing; but my poem was a labor of love, just like this website. Anyway, count me in, please! Thanks! -Mac, a.k.a., Sequoia BenGrizzly
Hi Mike and Dustin,
I moved last Nov from Ohio to a Georgia Mountain. I would love a chance to win your new system.
Also any tips you may have for planting on a nearly verticle hill. I’m having trouble raising one foot to push the shovel into the ground before I tumble backwards down the hill. Which I’ve done four times before I learned how to go up and down the hill where it’s not so steep with my garden wagon. My son suggested I use a extnsion ladder and just plant at each step on the ladder, then move it over. I still can’t make a hole for the plant. Our hill is extremely huge and I need to plant hundreds of plants and hope your system will help me save money and maybe make some money too. I’m 78 and enjoy your emails a bunch. Thanks
Looks like there are a lot of people interested in your new book. I would like one also. Quit my job a few days ago and need something to do with my time. This is it.
Need all the help I can get, I am an old new gardener.
Your new tip is exactly what I needed I want to propagate my Harry Lauder Walking Stick.
I’ve been receiving your wonderful plant advice by email for the last four years. I even made two of your rooting systems using aquariums-AND THEY WORKED. I would really like to own one of your new systems. Thanks for all the good advice.
Hi Mike, I have played with flowers for years, but all my yards had either gumbo or as in NM sand. I still have had pretty good successes. I am now 74 and still working outside the home. Need a home business, and since the first place I head after is my backyard maybe plants should be my moneymaker. I can use all the info you can drum up for me. Thanks and keep up the good work. Love all your info and videos.
Hey Mike, I have been following you for quite awhile, but I’m just now at a point where I could actually do something. I love plants and would so enjoy learning more about what you do! So excited!!
78 years old-enjoy growing a small garden in my back yard every year- i have flowers growing every were in my yard. need to know more about plants.
Until 12 years ago, I had never gardened. I arrived in this country with no knowledge of how Mother Earth operated! And then we bought a house with a big yard. I started spending all my extra time, weekends in that yard, planting, weeding, waiting…for little miracles to happen. I signed up for your newsletter many years ago to help understand what I was doing. you have helped me enormously over the last many years in understanding different aspects of gardening – a task I am addicted to now. Thank you very much.
Thank you for the opportunity.
I look forward to the information that is better than the already outstanding information you have been delivering for the last Five (5) years; best wishes on your continued success.
I’m retired and like to grow things
Enjoyed the great tips from the newsletter for years (especially the fudge reciepe) – can’t wait to take the next step with the backyard growing system
I would love to win this system. I have wanted to try this but health issues have interfered.
WOW what an opportunity. Your system is great, but so is the competition above. Wonderful to be considered in the running. Thanks for all your work
I just moved into a new house in a new town and I’ve always wanted to try your system, now I have the space!
Love all the hints on gardening. They’re a big help in my backyard.
Thanks so much for single handedly changing the way I approach my yard. Your no nonsense realistic direction is right on target! I would love to win your new system but even if you do not pick me thanks for teaching us and taking the time to promote “the little guy” type of business…
My mom mom is a newly recovered alcoholic. Gardening is helping her through her recovery tremendously. She is out in the yard as we speak, bless her heart. She bought “Red Head Coleus” earlier this Summer and progogated it because she couldn’t decide whether she wanted it in the front yard or the back… She has been at it ever since, rooting potato vines and Purple Queen. They are her “babies.” She talked about trying to progogate plants for extra income. Come September, it will be a year since she lost her job. I think the information that you are offering would help her tremendously… help her through this recovery, cultivate her “inner garden,” and possibly provide the extra income we need to help us not lose our house.
i would like to win one since I will be retiring soon, that will give me some thing to consider doing
Thank you for the opportunity! I’m a new gardener and I’ve been following your suggestions and still learning. Some things have worked and some I’m still working on. I’d love a copy of your new program! Thanks!
My husband has been living 5 states away for over a year now in order to keep his job. This can’t go on much longer. He used to keep a flower & veggie garden and landscape stuff too but he can’t now. And I’ve been vegetarian for a year now and would love to grow my own food instead of paying big bucks for simple food. Your system would be a big help to us in many ways. And we’re your age, this could also be our retirement plan too!
Ohhh, me me pick me. 🙂
So writing your new book has kept you from making new posts or videos. It will be worth the effort.
Mike!! I gotta have the system. My son is in medical school, and I need to make as much $$ as possible. I do not want him to be in any more debt than is absolutely necessary. Thank you for your consideration!!!! God Bless!!!
I am quite interested in becoming rooted in plants.
I’m getting close to “retirement” and would love to get started on my next life with your system.
I kept intending to buy your system, I’ve just not been convinced it is as easy as it sounds. I do want to try your system though, I love growing them things!
Hi Mike,
I enjoy reading your newsletter, but have been hesitant to buy it because I live in the mountains of vermont and have a short growning season..still would love to try this and start selling plants from my home. or at the local lawn sales during the spring. How much is your growning system? love your videos!
Hey, love to have a shot at this…. been snopping for a while now…. time to commit!
Mike I would love to win one of the three copies of the Backyard Growing system. I have ot purchased anything from you just yet. But I read all your emails and they have proven to be VERY helpful….so who knows down the road what I will get into. You are doing a GREAT job….keep it up.
Loved reading all your articles. Do not see any location in California, maybe I will be the
first with your new book & DVD’S. Thank you for all your knowledge. Again Thank you.
I very much enjoy your mailings, Mike — please include my name in the free drawing!
Having a hard copy of the book could be very useful! You have very useful information.
Love your web site. Interested in the new back yard system.
I’ll give it a try.
I’ve been receiving Mike’s emails for a few years now, and I have to say he truly has some great info. I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in horticulture six years ago, but haven’t been able to fund a business yet.
So, Mike, count me in for the drawing!
Mike: Would love one of the free systems for my son in South Carolina. He and his sister grew up with the basics but I think he and his students would love the opportunity to look at your system and so very helpful hints. Please enter him or me in the give away. His email is [email protected].
Hi Mike, I have enjoyed your emails and I
always welcome the next one to see what you
have been up to. I also enjoyed seeing your
wife and her jewelry craft. I think it is a
great thing you are doing by sharing your
knowledge and experiences with all of us.
I am in my late 60’s,live in North NEW JERSEY
and love my garden. Thank you for the chance
to win……My Hat’s off to you…………
Keep up all the ‘good’ that you are doing!
I would love to win a copy.
I’m having to start gardening as my sole income since becoming disabled.
I would really love to win your new upcoming book & dvd system! I love plants and sharing them with my friends and family. But I would really like to be able to start sharing them with others while making a little bit of money at the same time.
Congrats on the new system! I am looking forward to checking it out!
Toss my name in the hat as well.
Thanks Mike and Duston
I like the way it sounds. Keep me on your list to get contacted when it is available.
Sign me up!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the offer.
I read all your articles and watch the videos and have learned a wheelbarrow load. Please keep it up.
Sign me up Big Guy
Wow, Mike, I have not been able to buy your book because I haven’t found a place in my budget for it! Maybe I can win one and solve my money problems using your system!
Even if I don’t, thanks for the chance, and thanks for your SUPER tips and emails! You’re the best!
Would love to win your new book etc.
Mike, I would love to receive this. I so enjoy the articles you have provided to everyone. Thanks again for all the great information you share!!!
Pick ME!! PICK ME!! PiCk Me!
Count me in!!! Sounds VERY interesting!
Do you have a price set up for this yet? I’d be interested in this since I”m looking for a home based business.
Count me in
Hello Mike,
The information you have given to me has been so much appreciated…When I’ve hit a rough spot and don’t know where to find an answer I go to your website! I find everything I need to know and more! I have all your emails stored!
Thanks Mike I would love to have the Backyard System and Please keep the emails coming!
Thanks Again,
Martha Coeburn
I have been following your emails and would love to have your system. I wanted it in Print. Great News!
truly need your system. I lost my job with the State of FL after 24 years due to Gov closing our Juvenile Justice facilty. I have been working in my garden, growing out veggies and making ends meet. But I just don’t have the secret to making everything grow and produce. Maybe your system will help.
I keep telling myself I’m going to order your system…I just never get around to it, which is no good excuse, I’m certain! Please give me a kick-start!
Please!!! Pick me, pick me!!! I’ve been trying to root cuttings and I am about 50% successful, I’d love to win and start your growing system!
You are the DIY of gardening. I really enjoy your lessons and would love to have your new free training book. Thank you.
I would love one.
I look forward to your emails each week.
I love your videos, definetly helps with the visual learning. Would love to progress further and help out with making more income to keep our heads above water. Would be even better earning money doing what I love to do, gardening.
I would like to enter to have my name drawn. I need to do this for extra income. I believe you have a great program
Thank you for your great tips and advise! I save all of the ones that are pertinent to me and refer back to them as needed. I love growing plants from seed or taking cuttings, and sharing with family and friends.
I would love to have my hat thrown into the ring as well.
Thanks for the chance!
Hi Mike,
I would love to get your new system. Your videos are very informative and I think my wife and I have sat down and watched all of them at least twice. This is something that could allow my wife to stay at home with our baby coming in December and not have to work in order to pay for daycare!
Hello Mike,
Thank you for your advice and videos. I would love to win one of your systems. I am in North Mentor and deer are my worst gardening nightmare.
Mike, I have learned much from your newsletters and videos. We now live on some acreage and I have had buying your Backyard Growing system on my list for a long time. I am getting closer to it making onto our fall budget. Please enter me in the pool for receiving one of the 3 newly revised systems you are giving away.
Have been interested,this will get me started.
Lets see if Mike has “something” going on, like he says.
Mike, you and Dustin rock. I would love to have your backyard system. I’ve been wanting to purchase it all summer, just haven’t had the available cash onhand. Thank you for the offer.
I stumbled onto your website when I was looking for information on how to save my azalea. I have loved every bit of your information and my husband and I are looking forward to getting our own system going. Would love your new system!! Thanks for all your hard work and the information you supply for us all!!!!
Oh My. Hi Mike, lots of good folks to choose from . I follow your good advice and have actually gotten better at gardening. I am close to retiring and would love to profit from my gardening. Thank you for considering me for your free new system.
Okay – it’s my turn to win something! I have been considering making a profit on my green thumb and love of gardening for a while. This may just be what I need to get me started. I only hope the growing season in CT is long enough to be profitable. That’s what’s been holding me back. Best of luck to everyone else, but I believe it’s my turn.
I have learned a lot just by reading your articles online. The tips you give help to make it all seem simple and easy to implement.
While I haven’t gone big scale for the plant clippings, I’ve definitely got my eye on what is possible for my plants and prosperity.
Thanks! Looking forward to your new products.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for all your tips and insights into gardening. Here is one that I use….I found using a low dilution of hydrogen peroxide and vitamin C foliar spray on my grapes help keep some bugs and all fungus off the grapes…we will have a great harvest this year.
(I also use this on my lettuce, spinach and other leafy greens)
thanks again.
Hello there. I would love to be considered for a Free backyard growing system. I have followed your posts for 5 or 6 years now. I truly believe you are the real deal. Thanks for all your free information. Hopefully the new product wont be to expensive now that I finally decided to take the plunge. Crossing my fingers have a great day.
Great offer! Im in. Love growing this stuff from my home.
I would love to try your system. My husband and I are recently retired Air Force. I enjoy gardening immensely and now have some time to do it…not to mention the fact that we just may now stay in one place long enough to enjoy it!
Keep the tips coming! Love it all.
been using your first system for 2 years. love it. would like to try new.
I’ve just retired and now may have both the time and having just moved recently, may have the space to do your system! And having just retired I’m definitely in need of some replacement income. By the way, the instructions for downloading your free book (right click mouse and select Save) does not work with Firefox browser. Given all the problems with Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 9, lots of us are not using IE any more, although when it didn’t work on Firefox, I used IE to download the book. Thanks again for all your great help.
Hi, Mike:
First, I want to say “thank you” for all your fabulous work and information! I always look forward to your newsletter and find your vids really helpful (and fun). Throwing my hat in the ring for your new Backyard System, but I know I will continue to enjoy hearing from you regardless.
All the best!
Mike, I’m so happy you have decided to print an actual book! While I read all the info you send to my email, I am really a book in the hand girl. This is perfect timing as I have just retired and can spend all my time in the garden. I hope to come up to your shindig next year and join in the fun.
Good Morning Mike, I have been following you for years now every since I read about you in a mother Earth magazine.Have used many of your teaching and always enjoy your website. Would love to have a copy of book. God bless
Great info, hope I win.
Looking forward to the gr8 info in the book!
Hi Mike,
I’d LOVE a free copy of your new system! We are a new farm and have pasture-raised chicken and rabbit. We’d love to add your plant system to our farm! Thanks for the opportunity! Lisa
I really enjoy your messages and videos they are very helpful and give such wonderful information and advice. Thanks for the chance to win a book. God Bless and have a wonderful Day.
I’d appreciate being entered in the drawing.
Enjoy all your gardening tips!
I really enjoy your emails. I love plants and would definitely interested in your new system and have been thinking about purchasing the old system. But haven’t had time to really look at what you have to offer. Keep up all the good work!
Am I too late???? I would love a copy!
I really enjoy all of the information and would love to win a copy of your new system
Hi Mike; Really enjoy your website, and e-mails, I’ve learned a lot of new things, and as always am looking forward to reading more of your “tips”. Like you, I have a home nursery, and doing well, just wish i had more room. keep up the good work. thanks.
Hello there. I sure would like a free copy of your backyard growing system. I have followed you for years. You and Dustin do a fantastic job explaining how it all works and comes together. Thank you again, Joe
Hi Mike, you opened my eyes to the possiblities last year when i found your site. I have never invested in your system as i wasn’t sure id have time being self employed and having 3 small kids. However, my self employment is coming to an end, and the ability to bring in a little money while im looking for employment would be a great help!
Consider my hat thrown in….
I would be honored to receive this as I do not have a great retirement but I am a avid gardner-in fact I would say I am a Garlic Farmer as I had 326 garlic plants in the ground this year. But the idea of doing something that you enjoy doing and getting a return on it is extremely appealing to me. Thanks for your offer.
Mike, Like so many others I’d love to be chosen to have a copy of your new program but even if I don’t please don’t stop with your video that you put on your news letter.
They are so helpful. I keep them on my computer plus I copy what I can and have a notebook full that I printed.
Thank you for the chance you have given us to have this new program.
I have lots of plants growing and would love to make some money off of them. 🙂
Really like your videos. I ordered the air propagation system as soon as I saw it. Postage was twice the price for 6 vs. 3, so no savings on postage per unit.
My hat is in the ring!
(jumps up and down waiving hands in the air ) Hi Guys!
I can’t believe my HL walking stick tree brought me to your awesome site! I have been looking for resources to start my oxygen factory a’growin! Lol found my grow lights, tables, can’t walk past a tree/ plant I like without grabbing seeds( if available) and rushing home to see what it is and what you have to say about it. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, passion, and experiences with us. I believe firmly that we must give in order to receive. Whether I get a book or not, thanks for all that you and your family gives….. 😀
I would like your backyard growing system. I want to make some money.
I’m working to be as self-sufficent as I can be. Went to raised bed gardeneug this year w prety good success. Thank you for your info and tips,
Wishing you the best
Mike, I throughly enjoy reading things that you write. I would love to be in the drawing for the new “Backyard Growing System”. Thanks and keep up the good work.
Look forward to your emails! Love all the info and plants you show.
Hi Mike would love to wind your new book, enjoy your emails and updates every week and try my hardest to use your information. I live in KY where there is tons of clay and rock…ugh..!!
My husband and I are spreading our wings from kitchen garden to market garden and plants are the biggest product requested. Please add our hat with feathers on it!
Thanks Mike, Its some great practical info.
I have always wanted to get the original version but never seemed to have extra cash to spend, so please enter my name for the chance to win it.. I love your email tips and treasures, they are helpful and fun so please keep the good work for us all to share in. Thanks and my God keep your thumbs green.
Wonderful! More info from Mike!!! Bring it on, can’t wait for your next offering…I’m ready to quit the rat race and get on with it!
Thank you for the opportunity to enter to win your new version of the Backyard Growing System, you have a good thing going, and I appreciate your generous offer.
I would love to have the system. I look forward to reading your emails and enjoy all the tips you have.
Hi Mike, tossing my hat in…thanks! Thanks to a “straight wind” storm last year, my property was destroyed by about 30-40 fallen trees (my house didn’t fair to well either) My plans to start my backyard nursery have had to be placed on hold…but not forever!!
Even though I’ve been a gardener for many years, I learn something new from Mike in each of his newsletters. I’m looking forward to your new system!
I love to grow plants so I hope I win.
Am loooking for some property to buy so can start doing what I have been reading about in your articles for soo long. I can’t wait!!!!!!
always look forward to your email. it’s like visiting while learning new gardening tips. keep up the fun!
Hi Mike! Tossing my hat in…:)
I am very interested in this opportunity as I am about to retire from my job. We own a small farm and would this sounds like this would fit perfectly with our retirement plans.
I would love for my hat to be thrown in the wind for the free book. I will be retiring from the VA in a few years and would like to establish an extra income before then.Love your informative emails. Have been experimenting with the aquarium beds.
Can’t wait to see the new Book & system!!
Enter me! Looking forward to the new product!
hello Mike and Family! Love the emails and your style, always brightens my day! Thanks for chance to win the information! Hope you are having a great summer.
I have been reading and watching your vedio’s for about a year.I enjoy them because they are so down to earth. I turned 65 this year and am looking to do more with the 18 acre’s I have in medina
Thanks Mike!
Mike, Count me in. I enjoy all of your helpful tips and tidbits on growing things.
Sounds too good to be true, I’m retiring in Jan looking to expand our greenhouse business of 16 years. Sounds like a great opp. Great ideas
been reading your plant growing tips for a long while now. this would really help me in my retirement which is coming very soon. thanks mike.
Pick me! Pick me!
My wife has an at-home business. I want one, too. I’ve been toying with the backyard nursery idea but keep putting it off. What am I waiting for?
I’m throwing my hat in the ring. I love gardening. My love is flowers and my hubby has a great veggies garden. We would love a copy of your new system.
Good luck to everyone.
Dear :
Mike I would love to be considered for The free programs you are offering . I was a Lieutenat in the fire department for 15 yrs up until Febuaru 13,2012 when the private company I was working for come in 10 days before that and with out any advanced noticed laid us off , well know I’m out trying to find a job which in this economy is not a easy task , one is most Fire departments are civil service and their cut off age is 36 , I’m 47 whether you can do the job or not the wont even let a man test because of age , which I think is a discrimination , but it would take more money than a man like myself has , I have a family been married for 21 yrs and have a daughter going to college , I visit order and buy off the growers board and seek advice from it all the time , basically what I’m trying to do is find something to put my energy in that I can count on where I do not have to depend on someone else to determine my living for the rest of what I have left on this earth . I love plants and love to grow things I get a tremendous satisfaction out of the hard work , especially with the help of your system and the lord at looking at the end product knowing that I grew that beautifully plant myself if you know what I mean , I feel in my heart that the system you have could bring me and my family a great deal of satisfaction and prosperity to our family and give me back the feelings of being a man , I don’t know if you ever lost your job but for a man it’s tough not being able to support your family because of circumstances beyond your control .
Any way thanks for all you have done to help people and for what you continue to do to help others achieve the hopes and dreams they search for in this thing we call life.
Raymond L Hargrove Jr
I appreciate all the informaiton you have shared so far and would love to be entered into the drawing for the new system. Thank you.
I love your videos and emails and I have learned so much from your book and websites. Thanks. I’m in!
love your website, all good information, look forward to all your emails, good stuff!!!
I’m getting ready to get ready and you can help by picking me as the winner! Thanks Mike! Looking forward to finally getting started with small plants, big profits.
Roses are red, violets are blue,
For all gardening infor,
Mike is for you!
Even though Texas is in a drought, collected rainwater works miracles.
Lookeing forward to the newest “gardening system”!
Hey Mike,
A lot of hats in the ring here but a copy of your book could just make its way across the Atlantic, to the land of your forebears. Your business guide is already helping my daughter and son-in-law to set up an internet business. I am always looking forward to your mailshots and postings.
Good luck to you and yours always.
This would be so very very helpful. I have just a small yard – only 40 x 165, but your system helps me grow better and larger plants. thanks you for the chance to get yor new system
HI MIKE I’ve been an admirer for years. My job is no longer going to be there for us, and I’ve allways wanted to do what you do! Come this oct. I’ll have the time. My wife and I would love to have a copy of your new book. TLC
I love your emails and all the pics and info. Very interesting and informative….here’s my hat! 🙂
Roses are red, violets are blue, if you need gardening infor, Mike is for you!
Even though Texas is in a drought, collected rainwater works miracals too.
Looking forward to the new system!
Throwing my hat in as well, keeping my fingers and toes crossed! 🙂
I have learned a lot from all the info you
put out there. I would love a copy of your book. Thank you
I’ve been following you for years, watching your videos and reading your helpful hints. You’ve taught me a ton!! Thanks Mike!!
I’ve long wanted to buy your system but living on a fixed income doesn’t allow many extras. I see this opportunity as double blessed. not only might i get a free system but it will also allow me make money on my own and loosen that tight belt around my wallet.
thank you for the opportunity,
I look forward to your emails and advice. I’m not sure my 1/2 acre is enough to make money but i am eager to learn.
Sounds like a great concept!
Love your website, all good info
Hi Mike, I look forward to everyone of your e-mails and videos. You have taught me alot! So, heres my hat!
Throw my hat in also. Great newsletters.
I never win anything but I sure hope I win a copy of your book. I think this would be of great help to me and my family. I love getting your e-mails.
Please consider me. I love to garden and just got a greenhouse can’t wait to get started
Please add my name. Thank you, Mike, for all the great tips. God bless.
Hello Mc’s: Hope you are all doing well. I am an ex-Master Gardener from Anne Arundel Cty., Md. Moved to Del. in ’03, never been able to be outside due to allergies(bad), after a divorce in 1990 “voila”, allergies bye-bye. So I have been outside ever since till 2 yrs. ago “chiggers” this time. So I have been reading your site for a while now. Good luck on your new projects.
Hi Mike I would like to throw my hat into the ring also. I read your newsletters to the end. Phyllis
Hey Mike,
Thanks for all the helpful advice you’ve given us through your e-mails. I’ve dabbled in the propogation of plants for a while now, but have not tried to sell any yet. I have procrastinated on ordering your book, but would really like to learn how to do it right. I would like to throw my hat in the ring for your newest edition. Thanks and good luck with your new book.
I would love a copy. I save all your e-mails,
you give the best advise.
I am self employed and would love to be able to work from home so I can work in my garden also. This book would be a great way to enhance the look of my yard. Thank you for accepting my request. Candy
HI Mike Duston and all the backyard growers love to here that you the book up coming my hat’s i am here looking for more idles & book
Hmmm… the competition looks fierce, but I would be THRILLED to receive your brand new Backyard Growing System for free! 😀
Hi Mike – I have learned so much through your emails, knowledge and humor! I would not only learn and utilize the new system, but would encourage others to get theirs too. Thank you!
I love your videos and articles. I have made your site the first stop whenever I have a question about plants or just looking for some enjoyment in reading your articles. Keep up the great work.
I will win Mike’s new book!
I will win Mike’s new book!
I will win Mike’s new book! DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay awaiting the good news! Thanks for this opportunity Mike.
I’ve changed my email address to above. Love all your stuff. Thanks for this opportunity.
This is me throwing my hat into the ring. Please add me to the list!!
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the chance!
I have been selling some perennials the last few years, I would really like to know how to increase my operation.
Your emails have been most helpful.
I very much enjoy your material and can’t wait to see what you have done in your new training material.
Thanks for the opportunity, Mike. I am one of those people who should have started last year, but still haven’t. I made an aquarium cutting starter and read all the emails, but I could use a kick-start. I seem to be just a dreamer and not a doer. But we have retired from our 9-5 jobs now – Spring may be our time (finally)
I’d like to be considered for your free Back Yard Growing System. We are in construction and it’s been realy tough lately. I would like to supplement our income by using your system. Don’t have the extra funds to purchase now. I love getting your emails and they are not only helpful to me but to my friends who haven’t signed up yet. I keep telling to do so. So please consider me for the free system. Thanks Sue
I’d love a copy of your new system. I’ve been following your advice and enjoying your videos for several years now, have built a small deer-proof nusery and am raising plants from cuttings – more successful every year, and can’t wait to see what is new and how I can get even better results!
Thank you for regular correspondence. I would love ftrr copy of your system.
If people outside USA and Canada are eligible for the offer, I would like to be considered for. Two and a half years out of work due to the “crisis” make think to turn to nature for survival and I am sure that your system will be a very effective “weapon” in my struggle.
Mike, thanks for all the information you have shared with us through the years. I feel really pleased and grateful to be able to pass along many of these pieces of knowledge with friends and family. (Wow, how many links of yours have I posted to them!) I’m “throwing my hat into the ring”, in hopes of being one of the lucky three recipients. Peace!
I’m really in need of a `dead ringer!’
Aiming to hear back … Sincerely, Elizabeth
Consider my big old cowboy hat too!! Learned farming/gardening from grandfather from the Phillipines and still do it here in my solon house backyard the old fashion way. Planting varieties of tropical veggies for xpollinatio and better results.The perineal flowers really helps to attract the pollinators. Even able to propagate cherry lime/lemon 1″ in dia. (calamansi called by Filipinos) from cuttings. I enjoy gardening.
Even if I do not win, I will buy one. 😉
I am throwing my hat into the ring.
I would love to get a free copy of your system
thank you:-)
Their is no way I will come close to winning this, But someone has too, right? So put my name in the hat~!
Hi Mike,
Thank you for all of your advice. I am a homeschooling mother of a 15 yr old and 17 yr old. They have both been wanting to start their own business and I believe your plan can help them succeed.
throw my hat in the ring please as that is probably the only way i will getto become a back yard grower cuz i’m poor. thanks Bill
Count me in. Your tips are always good and have helped me become a better plant grower.
I’ve been taking some of Mike’s suggestions and have tried rooting in sand and air layering using the plastic pod.
I’m still not sure how green my thumb is so I’m doing in it in small increments.
Thanks I need something after I retire beside just vegetabales.
i love your bits of information. i look forward to every one!
Thank you,Mike, for the opportunity to win a free copy of your new product.
getting ready to retire would love a copy to consider a new hobby and make money
Hi Mike…
Been following you for the last few years and have learned a ton. Since purchasing your (first) book I have stared producing my own annuals and shrubs from seeds. I will continue to spread the word of your blog to my friends and will even wear some overalls when I work outside for 6 months should I be selected as one of the lucky recipients of the new set.
I have enjoyed and used much of the information from you emails. I have been a gardner most of my life and I think I have dirt in my bones. I would like to be considered for one of your books.
Thanks and SEMPER FI
I always look forward to reading your e-mails.
Mike please consider me for the givaway ,, thanks
Yes, I would love to put your new growing system to work. I have areas already set up to implement your old system but would rather start using hour new information.
You have some really good tips in your newsletters. I would love a copy of your Backyard Growing system if my hat in the ring makes me one of the lucky three!
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I would like to win a copy of your growing system.
If you’re not in you can’t win. So here’s my hat in the ring. Thanks for all the wonderful tips and videos.
Love your friendly style of writing and sharing! Please add my hat to the pile of others interested in your knowledge.
Hi Mike,
I am throwing my hat into the ring! I have been following you and using your tips and love them. I just received my disability and boy could I use one of the free books on your system to make money I’m gonna need it! You would not believe what they gave me to live on a month under 300.00 a month haha! I’ll be working the compost bin waiting on the book!
Oh yeah I did a flower bed in the Coleus it is beautiful I just love this flower Thanks so much!! happy planting!! Lynne Woodard
Found you on youtube one day. Been a faithful follower ever since. Never bought the system, frankly just plain scared! I would love to be considered for a “free” copy!
Mike, I would love to receive the copy of your new DVDs! I have been following you for years…I must give you and your family credit for all that you accomplish so well! Thank you for the inspirations!
I’ve used many of your helpful tips to produce LOTS of plants for my own yard at tremendous savings. It really is as easy as you say it is!
I always enjoy reading your newsletters and have used several of your tips. Would love to win a copy of your new system.
Hello Mike,
Been enjoying your emails.
Here’s my entry for the contest.
Keep up the excellent work!
Mike – I love reading all of your helpful information and am retiring soon. Would love to be considered for a free copy. I have an inspiration to sell plants from my driveway but have only been able to purchase the $37.00 Backyard Growing System. Thanks so much for your consideration. Pam
I would love a free copy. Thank you. Can’t wait for Spring to get started.
Sure do appreciate all the hard work you do in order to help all of us out here! Your simple, easy to follow instrucations have helped me with many of my questions and I look forward to starting my own backyard business with plants. I love gardening! Thanks so much!!!
I would like a copy, thank you.
Thanks for all your knowledge you have imparted on me, to help me be a better steward to the plant life on this planet. I accept your offer of throwing my hat into the proverbial ring! I hope I earn the worthiness of your free give-away. You inspire me to keep trying to make the world a better place. Thanks Mike!
I would love to receive your Backyard Growing System. I have followed you for years and have always been intriged by your business. I’ve always loved “making” new houseplants for myself, so it would be interesting to see if I could do it on a much larger scale. My husband, Dustin is disabled and we have 3 children, so this could be a business that we both could enjoy doing at home. Thank you for this chance to win one.
Me too!!!
I’ve shared your online book with so many friends and plant lovers.
Thank you for being you & thanks to your family for all supporting this undertaking!
I belong to two non profit civic groups in my city. The rail Trail and the Garden Club. A free copy would be great for our groups with plantings around the city. Always love reading your newsletters and good luck with the new system.
I want the leasurly life like you, Mike. Although you are working hard, you look very relaxed in your videos. I love them! My dream has always been to run a nursery, but i never knew how to get started. I’m in my late 40’s now, working in a warehouse, not sure if its too late for me, but you never know. I’d love, love, love, to have a copy of your new book, or even an old one, for that matter! Until next time, keep the Great Work that you do, and tell your wife Hello!!!
Hey Mike…
Im a horticulture student here in San Francisco. I love your newsletter and always share your gardening tips with my fellow classmates and neighbors.
Please put my name in for the drawing for one of the free new gardening systems.
Best wishes for bountiful gardening!
M Dailey
Hey Mike, Before I started following you 3 -4 years ago I was laughed at all the time by friends and family. Even my wife. I was unable to successfully plant,grow or even maintain any sort of plant, let alone an entire garden. However I never did let that stop me because even as frustrating as it could be, it was my getaway from the everyday hustle and bustle. Lets just say with the guidance you have given to me thru your emails I no longer am the guy that they were all getting there kick out of. Infact some of them even ask for my advice now, so I would most definitely like to be considered for one of the 3 copies.
Thanks so much, Mike
Hi Mike:
Love receiving your tips, advice and information and watching the great results in my garden. I’m hoping to have a future Backyard Growing System Business and would love to participate in your drawing. Thank You!
Thanks for all the knowledge you’ve shared already. I’m hoping a free copy of your system may be just the inspiration I need to actually get started.
I would certainly appreciate being being considered for your free gift. I am a former construction worker with arthuritice in the knees looking for a working retirement and my nursey is it. Mike I could sure use the help Thanks
Hey Mike,
Throwing my hat in. My sons (6 and 9) have been enjoying your site — they’ve been sticking plants now for over a year. Thanks so much for all the info you give away on your website.
Mike, I have been following your advice on starting small plants and find a lot of satisfaction growing things and playing in the dirt! All while providing beauty for orher people to enjoy.
Hi Mike, I have enjoyed getting and reading your emails for quite a while. Keep them coming since I am not the only one who enjoys your ideas and teaching us how to garden the easy way. I have followed a lot of you garden tips. Thanks
Economically speaking, times have been pretty tough here in Florida for the past several years. So I am now growing plants for sale to supplement our incomes and am so thankful for all the useful information you give to me. I look forward to every email from you. God bless you, Mike.
Hi Mike , I have been a follower of yours for MANY Years, I have book marked and saved the many tips u have sent. Can’t tell you the number of your tips that I have used in my garden. This year I finally started my compost pile. If I am one of the winners it would make me so very happy, I will move my daughter and family here to help me to grow and sell. Thanks for the chance. Love ur videos too!!!
I would love a copy of your book. I have been following your mails for some year. Thanks a lot for all the fantastic tips. They have helped me a lot,
Catharina, Göteborg, Sweden
My hat’s in the ring! Your writing is always informative, and I’m always looking for new opportunities.
Thank you,
Would love to be included in the opportunity to win some of your awesome material!! Thanks a bunch!
I would love to have your book! I need to get some extra income to save for our retirement.
Thanks MIKE for the opportunity!
Mike, I have been having backyard sales for years. Please tell me how to make them more profitable. We now have 6 acres of grass and I would like to turn that into $$$$$.
Thanks Mike. My husband and I totally love your website and all your advise and gardening tips.
Hi Mike,
I am brandy new to all this gardening stuff, I sure could use that new book! thanks for all your tips and tricks, have a great day! MD
My Hat is in.
would like a chance to win!!enjoy your web-site from Master Gardners veiw point.
Hi Mike,
I’ve been following you for a quite a while now and love all your simple and easy to
follow gardening tips. Thanks
mike Iam a beginning gardener. With the help of my good friend Sheila I landscaped my yard .I don’t know anything about flowers but Iam learning.I would love to have any help on growing flowers. thanks pam
I really enjoy your back-yard approach to gardening. The ideas and advice simplifies planting, growing, and keeping up a pretty, healthy yard. Really contributes to the face of hometown america. Please add my name to the free copy drawing pot.
Thanks & keep up the good work,
Austin in Homeland, Georgia
Thanks for the opportunity to get a free copy of your book. You have so much experience and a genuine entrepreneurial spirit besides a business savy that many of us lack.
Nice to see that your son is intereseted in Dad’s business! Congratulations on many fronts!
Me, Me, Me
Hi, Mike…
I have loved learning all the different ways of propagating plants and making scions to also make new trees…so much fun and satisfying. I would love a copy of your “old” program…it’ll just keep me groveling in the dirt…and I love it!
Thanks and luck with your new venture.
Looking forward to it.
Count me in.
What an honor it would be to take advantage of this offer . I’ve been a loyal follower of your web site and have leaned on your advice for years now.I’ve passed on your web address to so many people so that they could get answers to the many garden problems we all face as amature gardeners. I love your humor and respect your opinion on gardening woes. Thanks for this chance to win a free copy, you’re the best Mike !
Count me in !
Please throw my hat in the ring!
I enjoy your reports never got anything free don’t expect to this time thank you for the offer
Would love to have a copy, Mike! We follow you religiously!! Thanks for all you do 🙂
My hat is in too. Thanks
I have been kicking around the idea of growing plants for sale, but haven’t had alot of time. Now that I’m laid off I have plenty of time, but not alot of money. I would love to have a copy of your system.
For years now I’ve loved growing plants, mostly vegetables, for my family, dogs and poultry. I’d love to learn as much as I can about growing plants naturally and propagating them. I’m hoping to learn to grow enough to be able to start selling!
Count me in!
really enjoy your site.
I just put up a 20 ft. by 30 ft. hoop house. I need advice on growing and selling plants. Help me.
Thank you for all the great information in your emails!! Throwing my hat in the ring for your free copy!! Would love to have it. We love working outdoors!!
Thank you!!
mike, i sure enjoy your newsletters and videos. lots of good info, i would enjoy a free copy of your book, but will probably buy the program anyways! im sure i wont be dissappointed with the info in it! thanks for all of your hard work.
michael mcdowell-wilder
Hi Mike, I would like to have my name added to the list for the drawing. My kids are enjoying propogating all our bushes and flowers. We have been trying just about anything we can get a cutting from. The kids love the minnie experiments.
Enjoy your e-mail news letter. I would be interested in a free copy. Thanks
Thank you for the opportunity to win! That is always a GREAT feeling.
As I looked at your shindig pictures, I noticed you have grown enough to have large equipment(tractor) and fancy working systems (yes, the gas can…and huge piles of potting soil). Can you share some stories of tricks and tips for just starting out?
I have used many of your suggestions with great success! Thank you.
I have visited your store, I was impressed. the advice on the website is great.
You are awesome! Thanks for all the free info over the years, as a farmers daughter I am still learning new ways! Count me in.
I’ve enjoyed all of your good info you’ve provided to so many. I wish you great success with your new gardening system.
I look forward to your emails!!! They have helped me so much in my love for creating my little peace of heaven here on earth. Thanks so much for all your knowledge!
count me in , I would love to have a copy of your new material.I have used and enjoy much of your information in the past and it has really helped me with my gardening efforts. Thanks for the great info and Thanks for the opportunity Mike,
Hi Mike,
I have been recieving your e mails for years now and have used many of your tips. I just compleated my first landscaping job at our new home. It looks great. My husband and I are now thinking of growing and selling our own plants. We would greatly appreciate being considered for your new growing system.
Best Wishes.
Pick me! Pick me!
Thanks for the consideration. My wife is recently unable to work as a nurse. We are grateful for the opportunity.
Hello Mike,
I am a computer technician by day, but enjoy gardening for fun. I’ve been reading your blog posts and watched a few of your videos. I spoke to a friend of mine the other day about your backyard nursery and he was so excited. I’m not sure if he purchased your system before you took it down or not, but he sure seemed geeked about the idea.
I would love to test your new product and provide feedback both from a technology standpoint as well as gardening the small pot business. I’ve taken the idea and started a few herbs that I took to the local farmers market. Although the herbs have not sold as well as I would like, there seems to be a growing market for perienials in the area.
My hat is off to you for developing a busienss around something you enjoy. Now that it is off…can you add my name to the growing list of prospects for your new book too.
I’m sorry I missed your backyard shindig…would love to have met you and your family. And how nice that your son is helping you publish your latest edition. Maybe I’ll win one!
Can’t wait for your new book to come out. I have learned so much from your videos and your propagation book. I am a beginning gardener and I’ve come a long way in a short time. Thank you Mike!
Thanks Mike for all the info you freely share. Please consider my hat in the ring.
wow..our very own JK Rowling. Mike Mcgroarty, the hairy potter of the gardening set.
throw my hat in the ring here..ty mike..
So,,,how do I throw my hat in..? Or am I being dense?I just want my chance…so my hat is in,, I hope! (: Good Luck to All!!!
Thanks for the chance to win a free copy! Count me in! Renee
moving to a new home ~ already magnificently landscaped but I would like to add me own touch to the whole scheme of things ~ your system will give me insight / ideas ! here goes me hat into the hopper …
Consider my “hat tossed in ring.” Would love to have your book. With your helpful advise I rooted 100 blueberry plants this past spring. Made a good profit.
Enjoy your posts so much and would be delighted to receive one of the free books to have at my disposal as I am learning all of this.
Thanks! Emma
Your system is alive and well in New Zealand!
Thank you for all your tips and ideas.
I would love a copy of your new book. Thanks for the opportunity!
I have been growing plants and vegetables for over 60 years with limited success. After using some of your methods things are starting to turn around. I could realy use your new book.
In thge short time that I have been writing to you I have learned so much about growing my own garden from my new home here in Florida, I just can’t thank you enough and I just keep learning more every day,
love your emails. Would really love the new system. thanks
count me in. Not so much for me, but for my.wife. She love plants and is a natural at propagating things. This would be fantastic for her. Thank you
Hi Mike, I would love to win this, I’ve been been enjoying your videos and blogs for years, I love your story. Hope I win
Lucie from new Brunswick canada
As a single parent, I would benefit from your book and it would help supplement my income to help with providing income for my children. I have started several plants after reading your beneficial emails. This has been a dream for years to work with plants. It is great therapy and I hope I am selected to receive a copy of your book to guide me through my dream of working with plants.
My hat’ off to you.
That would be great! I have been a subscriber of your newsletters for quite a while and even though I have been a gardener for many years now, I have learned a lot from them. They are a great resource! I am planning to have my own nursery and I have been working hard towards my dream.
I would like to wish you all the success with your new book.
Hey Mike, you are the ” leprechaun” in my garden. Here in the emerald isle (Ireland) we believe leprechauns are more then just “little green men” they have the power to help, and transform our wildest dreams into a lasting reality,just like your good self.
But above all, the inspiration and love for plants, that you pass to others is so infectious that it motivates people to turn their yards into a paradise rivaling that of the original garden of Eden.
More power to your elbow.
Hi Mike,
I am throwing in my gardening gloves ( I do not wear a hat as they fall off from my thin hair from my thyroid condition Ha Ha)
I am 55 years old and I work two jobs ( I was a single mom from the time my oldest was 6 and I was carrying my 2nd child ) Now I still work two jobs because I married my soul mate 5 years ago (a man with huge debt from his first marriage.)I have long been considered “the plant lady” at work. I am always sharing my “gardening knowledge” with the people I work with. They seek me out all the time. I love working in the garden, both veggies and flowers and shrubs. I would love to be able to start a backyard system! I would be doing what I love, and be able to do it and make enough money to work only one job, then eventually aspired to become a Mike Mc Groarty in female form
hi mike i live in tasmania in australia and read your emails for enjoyment and advice. your articles made me decide to try my hand at plant propagation and over the last year i have started selling them at markets. i have been having good results and meeting people and making new friends along the way.a lot of my success is due to your help and support and i would love to win one of your books and dvds to help keep me going in the right direction. again many thanks another mike.
Your knowledge is so vast and I hope that I can continue to learn from your posts. I can not afford to purchase your Backyard System but certainly would be ecstatic if I were chosen to win one! If not chosen I still appreciate all your posts! Thanks 🙂
Would love to be considered for a free copy of your book. Thanks
I enjoy your e-mails. I propagated some plants for the first time this summer using your instructions. Thank you for all the helpful advice.
I would like one of the free copies of your new book, have not started your system yet. I have a hard time believing I can do it. But now that I lost my job I have plenty of time to work at it.
Thank you,
Mike, please throw my gardening hat in the ring! I have started a bunch of plants from starts, and from seed. There is so much competition in Eugene, Oregon that it is hard to find a place to sell them. Bought a house with 1/6 acre that we can use to start plants and ensure we can keep our property. We would greatly benefit from your expertise and your networks. Have been a fan of yours for years! Would love to win your backyard growing system! Thank you! Tricia
Hey Mike,
This is great news!! You have been providing great information on starting a backyard/front yard business for quite some time and it has been very helpful to me! Now your information has been revised and updated!! I can’t wait to get a copy!
Thanks for all you do!!
Don’t have a hat but could use one of yours.
Thanks for all of the good information.
I would really like a copy of this book. Thank You
I enjoy your e-mails very much and would love to be entered in the contest. I want to grow berries and fruits to sell at local farmers markets.
I think having young plants for sale would would help attract customers and be a compatible extra income line.
Take me – Take me….. I would like to be considered for one of your systems.
Which hat would you like thrown in? Tribe, browns, buckeyes?
I would be interested to know if you have a branch in the U.K. Meanwhile please count me in. Thanks Des.
Hi Mike,
loving all the knowledge you’re sharing on your website and youtube. Just starting to grow a few bits here in Knebworth in the uk. Please accept my hat for the competition.
many thank
Good Morning Mike!
You betcha I’d like to be considered for one of your Backyard Growing System! I have enjoyed reading your great tips and love the videos. Makes me smile ’cause you’re so dang honest! I’ve shared your website with many friends. I’m hoping to use your tips on saving my dead lawn since here in the Midwest like a lot of places, the drought has taken its toll on everything that requires rainfall. Pray for RAIN! for everyone who needs it!
Hi Mike, love getting your news letter, have learned sooo much . I’m disabled due to many back surgerys but still love to try and do my gardening. Congrates on the new book.
Congratulations on your New Backyard Growing System. Thank you for providing us with a chance of being able to win you book and cds. I find your tutorials very inspirational and have learned a lot from your wise advice.
I love all your newsletters and tips! I feel like I know you as a neighbor. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and insights with all of us brown thumbs as well as the green ones! Please toss my hat in the ring too. I retire in a couple of years and would love to earn extra money, when I can have a life other than my present job.
Guess I’m tossin my hat too! Thanks for your tips. They are down to earth and your not fussy. I appreciate that. K8
Sadly My mom recently passed away, and I took care of her for 5 years. She had a love of flowers and plants, and her yard is full of things i could repot or root and sell this Spring! Hostas, Red Maple, Japanese Dogwood, Irises, Blue rug juniper and many ornamental grasses! I meant to do it last fall, even collected the seed pods, etc, but then she got worse, and I just lost my momentum. I will begin this fall to “prepare” and collect like you instructed! A copy would be nice to help me along! Thanks for the opportunity Mike!
Lainey in NC
I would love to get copy of your new book.
I have kept a close eye on your emails and read your site up and down to get the most input possible.
Thanks for all your help over the years.
Gary Daynard
I have had the best garden this year just because of the inspiration I receive from your posts. I have been reading & learning and developing a green thumb I have never had before. I have even completed a master gardener course. My plants thank you & so do I
Would love to have a opy..I have lots of time on my hands and think i could put it to good use..
Hello Mike,
I would like to throw in for your new book. Due to several uncontrollable issues this year(drought)has been difficult to keep things going. I would appreciate a chance at winning so I can have the information when we do get that much needed rain to get started for next spring. I enjoy your newletters and all the information you send out to us.
Thank you,
I would love to have it. I have done some plant starting with what knowledge I have but there is so much more to learn!
Please consider me as a recipient of one of the three copies. After retiring from Civil Service and mowing to my farm full time, I am ready to grow plants
I’m so excited for you with your new book and DVDs. I’d love to win a set as I know it will be filled with all of the great information that you pass on to us. I look forward to each of your emails and share good stuff with others. So please take pity on this old disabled veteran who loves you and all you do. My beat up hat is in.
Ive only lived in Arizona for several years—I love flowers and gardening—but the sun seems to be my enemy. I would love to a growing system!
Really enjoy your news lettter. You have helped me more than you will ever know. Knowing how and when to trim my shrubs and other plants is very valuable to me. I tried the news paper mulching in my flower garden this year and it work great! It did so well that my husband tried it in his garden.
Thanks for all you do. Would love to win one of your new systems.
Barbara J. Davis
Louisville, KY
HI Mike, I really enjoy your emails. I love to garden and you have so much useful info. I would love to win a new book/cd version to learn from and enhance the techniques. I am reired & cannot afford much… Maybe you could offer some for whatever people could pay.? I’d be willing to do that. Thanks so much for your hard work. Bonnie W.
Hat’s in and summer’s almost out! A free new revised edition of the Backyard Growing System sure would keep me going and up the motivation! Good luck to all!
Enjoy getting your e-mails. Just yesterday got a rooting of Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick [curly willow] & your e-mail was on propagating it by layering. I think this might work with the piece I received. What a happy coincidence!
Thanks Mike – I’d love to check it out and see how it can be applied out here in the Hawaiian Islands. Aloha
Put my hat in the ring…. I plan on getting your new edition whether or not I win one. Your articles and suggestions are always top notch and helpful…. loaded with info !!!!!!!!!
I would welcome your offer.
I would love a copy of your new system, thanks!
would love to get your new book and dvd’s. but everyone here has said what i was going to,lol… liveing in fla.single with a handicap daughter so traveling distences are almost impossible, but i bet everyone really enjoys seeing and meeting you in person. never did get a responce on my comment to you on how to get really making the money from my yard. hope my hat is far enough to be seen this time. good luck everyone.
I would love to win your books and CDs. Thanks for all of the great advise and techniques you share with your followers! You are truly gifted and blessed. Thanks again Mike!!!
I would be so pleased to be choosen for this free offer though I will still purchase it if not choosen. I live in southern Alberta, Canada where we only have a June-September growing season as we are in Zone 3B so many of the plants I usually see do not grow here…I look forward to your new book and dvd’s!
Hello Mike,
I appreciate all the information I’ve received from you over the years. It is and has been very helpful to me. I have saved many plants because of your information and I plan to try your help on saving my lawn this fall after a very hot and distroying summer.
Keep up the great work!
Hi Mike… tossing my hat in the ring too. I love what you’re up to and how wonderfully you share it. In fact, I’d like to suggestion you start an affiliate program so we can earn while helping you market your wonderful stuff! Thanks for all you be and do!
Mary K
Throwing my hat in the ring. Love the blog.
Hello fellow Buckeye! I am writing from down in Cincinnati. I really enjoy your videos and appreciate the time you take to inform everyone about tips on growing plants, especially Japanese Maples! Thanks again.
Looking forwards to learn more from your
new book.
Throwing my hat in the ring! I’m not very witty so couldn’t think of anything great to say, but I would appreciate it very, very much if I won and appreciate the opportunity even if I don’t! Thanks a lot!
Mike, while I would LOVE to have a copy of your book, it looks like you are going to have a hard time making a decision. I love your columns and read them diligently as they come to me.
I plant shop most Saturdays (always looking for bargains). Propagation allows me to share with my friends, and even those I meet at the plant nurseries that I don’t know. For me, that is what it is all about.
Please know that I am one of your greatful followers and would consider it an honor to have a copy of ypur new book.
Congratulations to you and goods luck to everyone.
I would like my name in the drawing. I want to get into this hobby so my son will grow up and now all about it. Thanks for all the information you post Mike.
I’d like a copy of your book. I’d like to see how it will benefit my science class when we talk about plants, composting, worm growing, etc. Thank you for the chance for a free copy!
I sure would be great to get this book to get started
I hope I’ll be considered for the new book. It looks like I may be down on the list, but maybe you are selecting me randomly. I hope I am special enough to get a copy. I love your site and your news letter. You look and seem like a person I already know. The best to you.
Thanks, in advance.
I love your business model. You give out so much good info that it’s a delight to watch your business grow.
Hi Mike – here’s my hat! Have been following you for years and love your work! I’m in Arizona, so it’s been great learning how to apply/adjust your tips and online mentoring to plants we grown here in the southwest. We’re getting local kids involved now – got some pretty exciting things going on that will dovetail nicely with your work! Thanks for everything!
Hi Mike–
Would love to have a free copy of your new program! Consider my hat tossed.
JG Fortune
Mike, I would love to be considered for a copy of your new book. Like you, I am going through job changes and you are an insperation. So, I tip my hat and toss it in the ring.
always wanted to purchase a copy of your backyard growing system, but something always came up that took priority….sure would like to be considered to win , always enjoy your newsletter and tips..thanks Mike
I love all your ideas on small plants ,this has been a hard year on my garden. I love a copy of your new system,away a lot of good help.
There it is. My favorite.
I enjoy your comments, videos, propagation book. I keep your emails in a file. We do a lot of gardening on our one acre in NW IN.
Hi, Mike, I have not moved to Pa or Ca yet but p;an too soon as I have reached 60 years old of age and would like to be considered for your backyard growing system. If elected to receive I will advertise for yu at every sale for at least 3 years as at that time I should be ready for retirement at full retirement and then can do this part time. Thank you for the oppertunity, Fran Petrowski
I would most certainly appreciate the new book, and put it to work.
Had to miss the shindig in order to have an eight hour heart surgery procedure, and recovery. Respectfully,
Might as well try again for the free copy, 10 trys is a charm?
I am retiring in 2 years and would like a business to supplement my social security income. (if any)
Have always been a gardener and read your news letters the last several years.
Your system sounds like the ideal thing for me.
If I did have a hat I would def. throw it in…..I do have a headband does that count if i throw that in!! xxoo
Consider my hat in the ring! Would LOVE the free growing system… ! Always enjoy your newsletters! Richard Salnoske Hampton, VA
Since my accident when I was a kid, then my car accident a few years back, I’ve been left with epilepsy and fighting to keep walking.My husband got laid off twice in the last two years, and we’re looking for a way to work “at home”.I write, paint, design handbags,compose music,etc, but those things aren’t very interactive, and Ralph and I have only been married two and a half years. We want something we can work on together. We both enjoy (to put it mildly) gardening, and my neighbors already love our organic vegies and herbs. I hear them stop, too, to admire our flowers and grapes, and a lot is due to what I’ve learned from your emails. Talk about great tips! We would be so pleased if we could receive your system.Thank you just for considering us, whether you decide on us or not.
congrat on your new book & dvd’s. I have learnt more from your site than from my local garden shops . Thank you. I am still new to gardening,and hope to learn more from you.Please enter me for your drawing and again thank you for helping me to become a better gardener.
I pray that you would conider us for a copy of your new book. We are working on developing a recovery ranch and we could put that book to very good use from helping us to grow things for the residents to eat, to teaching them ways to support themselves. Please! put our name in the hat and may the Lord bless your new endeavors. We so appricate all the information you share and the information/education you give to us all. Thanks!Gina Osterloth
Hi Mike, I have not started your system yet but I know that it is something I really want to do. I have just not been able to get started. I am glad your new system will include an actual book and dvd’s
Mike, I would love to receive a copy of your book. I have been interested in growing plants since I was a kid and have enjoyed your website and emails with all of the good hints for the past few years. I’m throwing my hat in the ring. Thanks for all the good advice.
Sometimes you need help to make that garden grow the way you see it and your program is one of the best out there. One of your books would be a grand addition to my own program. I am moving to a different house thus need new ways and ideas to make this yard as grand as it can be. Thank you in advance Hendrika
I would like to throw my hat in the ring for the new system. I am a beginner and can use all the help I can get.
Thank you so much for offering.
Been trying some of your tips and they are working great. I am getting started and need all the help I can get.
I want to throw my Hat in the Ring Here.
Hi, Mike-
Well, it’s rather crumpled (and more than a little bit dirty), but if you really want my grimy old hat, I would be happy to share it with you. (And I hope you are willing to share your ‘Brand New Backyard Growing System’ with me!!)
Thanks again for all that you do!
So many folks could really use your new system, Mike. I, too, would love to be considered to receive one of the new system copies, please. Been out of work since 2005 and helping my aging mother since 2006 by being her secretary, liaison (medical and legal), and doing all the little things she doesn’t want to. Gardening is one of my pleasures and I want to learn so much more. Really do enjoy your emails and the other folks that comment on your links. Blessings to you and yours.
I have your first book which has helped me making flats for root cutings which i will take this fall. i am really interested in reading your new book.
I would LOVE to win this!!!!!!! I love plants!!
All your info is awesome!!!!
I would like a copy of your new book. I am retired and live in south Florida. Thanks for your interesting articles.
Dear Mike, I wear many hats and there all in! I have and continue to learn so much about gardening from you. Thank you for all your efforts. Michael, btw did you notice we have the same first name? Hint hint…
Hi. I would like your new book.I have not started your system yet. I have a hard time believing I can do it.
Please throw my hat in the ring. Love to partner with like minded folks.
Will invite you to our shindig next year
I have followed you for years but have not had the money or the time to do your system. Now I have lost my job and cannot get anyone to hire me since I am over 50!
I am an avid Gardner and could really use your system to help me with a new career.
Please send me one of your systems!!
Thank you for promoting simple gardening technique and helping free people from stress
whatever the source maybe.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for all your wonderful tips. Maybe now is the time to get my hands really dirty.
Even if we have a total different climate in South Africa and some of your tips may not help, your overall approach to your database/followers is very encouraging and I really enjoy all your newsletters.
I have learnt a lot from you and hope a copy of your book could cross the oceans to the southern tip of Africa.
Hi there, I am from Kapiti Coast, Wellington New Zealand and I came across your website last year, you have some great information on there. Always keen to read your emails and check out whats new. Have learnt alot off you. I am doing a Horticulture course here in NZ and loving it. Would love to be in the draw to win your new revised book.
Cheers Gina
Here’s my hat! I’m hoping to retire soon from many years working 12 hour shifts at a chemical plant. I have always always loved plants and all things gardening, and my dream has always been to have my own plant business. I’ve got the space and the love, and soon will have the time. Looking forward to time outside in the fresh air and sunshine away from chemical reactors… and the added income will be a tremendous bonus! Would LOVE a free copy of your system!
Thanks Mike!!!!!
Here’s my hat in the ring. I would love to have a copy of your new system. Thanks for all the free info that you send out.
Throwing my hat in the ring.
I love all the great techniques I’ve learned from you, save me a copy
Things are already expensive here in sunny California, so a free book to help me make some “new” cash would be double terrific!!
Sign me up!!
So glad you have written another book for us to enjoy. Looking forward to your expertise.
Here’s my hat! I’m hoping to retire soon from many years working 12 hour shifts at a chemical plant. I have always always loved plants and all things gardening, and my dream has always been to have my own plant business. I’ve got the space and the love, and soon will have the time. Looking forward to time outside in the fresh air and sunshine away from chemical reactors… and the added income will be a tremendous bonus! Thanks Mike!!!!!
Count me in with those anxious to win a copy of your new growing system. Today, all I grow are dahlias, but I am considering expanding this.
I have a great interest in plants and would love to learn how to better care for them. I am building a home and could really use the ideas and knowledge from your book to create an amazing landscape.
Please, I would love to have a copy. I have been trying to get my garden started for that past 2 years, but I’m not having a lot of luck. i love your site and newsletters.
We are a year away from retirement, and plan on helping our income along with your system. We have already started getting ready. We live on 10 acres of land and have sectioned off 2 acresfor our plant business. So this is me throwing our “hat” in the ring!! My wife would really be proud if we won, cause I’m kind’a the kind of guy who puts things off.(as long as possible). Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.
Looking forward to the new book and crossing my fingers that it’s MY hat that brings it to me free.
Hey, Mike I’m delighted to hear about your new book & DVD’s. I seriously doubt you want my ratty old sunhat-too smelly! Since I moved across country from an area with No freezing nights(or days) to many where I now live your emails have been a great resource to fall back on. But reading all your emails, etc. have taught me that apple trees grown from seed need a period of cold weather to take off. I have 3 all different sizes & brands thanks to you! I’ve also grown many plantings for our local garden club to sell to make it some money. We have a yearly sale locally & this year I even had 2 of the propagated roses go to their new homes with buds on them-in 2 months growing time. They were cuttings from my knockout roses. Next year they will be from the double knockouts. So with the millions of fans with hats in the ring, what will you do with all those hats? LOL I would really like to get one of the FREE copies but either way my(your) growing system works & can always pray for one, right? Thanks, Mike
Hello, Mike McGroarty! Breathlessly awaiting notification of my winning your book. 😉 Peace
What a wonderful opportunity! I would love to be one of those honored with a copy! I can promise to read it right away and write a review ASAP! Thank You for this Chance! I am moving to a place in the country, and am looking forward to doing some gardening!
Thank You!
Mike, I read nearly all your emails. Most I save for future reference. I find a wealth of info. In your emails alone. I can only imagine winning one of your new books. Wow! Pretty cool stuff! Thanks. Larry
I need a push to get going on composting and
plants. Would love the new book etc.
Thanks for all your info and take care.
I am just getting started and would love a free copy of your new revised edition of the Backyard Growing System.
I’m in mike,all of your tips are so useful hope I get a free copy
T turned 65 this year, I’m putting up a greenhouse, I have started a lot of plants (thanks to Mr. Mike) so new is good when it is blended with the old. I would be honored to receive a copy of your book. If not how do I buy one. God Bless
Rick Miller
Please consider me for a copy. I need all the help I can get with my garden spot. Unfortunately it’s not all that big, but I’m on a rental lot…so what can ya do. But, my yard is so hard. Last year, I figured I’d use one of those things they advertise on TV to “till” up the ground. HA! It wouldn’t go in the dirt. I tried a shovel. Another Laugh…not even with me jumping up and down on it. It wouldn’t break the ground. I finally found a couple of scattered spots that I was able to use. Then, no squash, no cucumbers, the watermelon were eaten by the neighbors dogs, and the ford hooks didn’t have a prayer with the dry summer we’d had to start with.
As I’ve already said; I can use all the help I can get.
I like your backyard growing tips I get on my email. Thanks. Please put my name on the list for a free copy when the new edition comes out.
Hi Mike!
I have hundreds of plants waiting for me to take the next step. Receiving your book might be the just the little push I need to take a leap of faith . Fingers and toes are crossed! Thanks for all the encouragement and guidance.
I am ready to change my stars I am truck driver and am tired of passing this beautiful country at 65 mph I have two special needs children that need the outdoors dearly (and their dad) and I need them. A copy of your book would be a blessing. Thanks for all the e mails and advice yours is the only ones I never delete. take care and God Bless.
Sincerely, John
I would like to receive your complete system. My new bride and I (this past memorial day, by the way), live on an acre lot of land and have been talking about growing trees to sell as seedlings. Something we started taking about during our honeymoon and want to start doing that this next season.
Hi Mike,
Your Backyard Gardening is what got me inspired to get into the nursery business. I have only got my feet wet, and have much to learn from you. I don’t have any other income, and since I am just starting out, you probably remember those days of starting out, and trying this and trying that. That’s me now. I am still not sure what to specialize in, but read everything you send.
Thanks for all your great advice. I just know you are the guy next door and are legitimate.
Thanks for being there for us all.
Enjoy your E-mails, the videos in particular.
Have found myself referring back to review the information. Thank you for all of the great information!
I ve been a fan for years and got within a couple payments of a Lifetime Membership…and got layed off. 🙁 Please add me for consideration on a first shipment of your new redesigned Growers Package! 🙂
Hi Mike and Dustin, Would love to throw my hat in the ring, do you want a new one or one that I wear everyday…. I purchased a copy of your growing system and was starting to set things up, loaned it to a friend in need (and of course never got it back) so am in serious need of a new one myself. Trying to make my retirement happen with something I am very passionate about… Thanks
I just read up on Harry Lauder’s walking stick. I live in Florida will it grow here?? I’ve always wanted one.
Mike you are outstanding. Keep up the great work. You have shared and gave so much to your viewers and beyond. Looking forward to seeing your new copy.
It is such a revelation to realize that I can actually make a good living using knowledge learned from Mike—
Hey Mike,
Glad to see that you’re just about done with your book project. Well it’s about time,what took you so long.Just kidding,I have been reading your Emails for awhile and never pulled the trigger and bought your course. I really don’t want anything free,I will work for it and buy the book,the American way.There is probably a lot of people out there worse off than me,I am blessed!
I have been going to buy your book, in fact I thought I did, but I must have not hit send or something.
I am building myself a greenhouse and thought that after I finish it I would send for your book. I worked at a greenhouse for 6 yrs and thought it was the best job in the world.
My husband will be retiring in about 2 yrs and I want to have a way to have extra money.
I live in Houston, Tx area and figure I will be able to work on it most of the year.
If I am not lucky enought to win a copy I will be sending an order your way.
My hats in the ring! Thanks for your site and all that you share. You rock!
I would love to learn more. My grandmother is the last in our family growing. She is ‘bought run outa gas. I want to carry on that legacy and teach my kiddos.
Hi Mike–well I’m way down here at the bottom–but I’d still like to be considered for one of your new dvd’s. My husband and I are building me a greenhouse (16’X16′) and would love to fill it. Thanks,and keep sending out your e-mails, I enjoy reading them.
I have followed your newsletter for over a year now, and I love your tips and playful stories. I look forward to your new book and training section to see what else I can learn!
I have been wanting to buy your system but cannot aford it at this time. My husband has been out of work for a year and at his age it is hard to find a job. I am a stay at home caregiver for my 92 year old mother. I love to garden and would like to be able to make some money from my plants. Please consider me for a copy of your system.
I always look forward to your news letter. I have learned a great deal from them. I am retired and like so many others I need a way to earn extra cash. Growing and selling plants might be just the thing as I love to propagate new plants. A copy of your Back Yard Growing System might be just the thing to get me started on a rewarding and profitable endeavor.
Lots of hats throned in, and I’m joining the hats and hopefully my has the Biggest Flowers and greenery. With that said, I would love to receive a free copy of your book. If I am not chosen its quit fine, because I feel I’ve received great information and ideas from your e-mails. If I need information on plants or processes, I know I can look to you for information. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I know you have helped many people. Just look at all the hats. Congrats look forward to hearing from you.
Put me in the ring too. I would love to get my backyard nursery up and going.
I’m throwing in my hat,garden trowel,spade and anything else I can find in the ring.
Hey Mike,
I am looking forward to my copy of your new book. You have been an inspiration to my new horticultural life. You make it all seem so easy. I love your back yard, laid back personality. Oh yeah, sorry I missed the party, maybe next year.
Hey Mike,
I am a missionary 500 miles into Mexico. I am trying to help people here learn to grow some of their own food. It would be awesome if I could get a free copy of your new system..Thanks and God bless!
I have watched almost all of your video clips and have put to use many of the things you have passed on to us. I would put the advise and my copy of The Backyard Growing System to use as soon as I receive it.
Love all the info you pass on to everyone. I live In Florida where I can’t do much outside in the summer, but love to get out and garden in the fall. So I do a lot of rooting on my porch and would love all the info I can get from you. Let me “Pick Your Brain” so to speak.Would love that free deal.
Mike, I would LOVE to win a copy of your new program!! I have learned a great deal of useful information from your newsletters, videos and you have motivated me more than anyone else has ever been able to do. My garden is beautiful and thriving, but I still need help!! Please consider me as a special candidate for your new product. God Bless.
Yes Please 🙂 it would be wonderful to have a copy.
Hey Mike – I would like to have a copy of your new gardening system – I am 69 and always loved gardening – since I was a little girl and helped my dad in the yard. Of six sibling I am the only one who inherited my dad’s love of gardening.
I purchased your book on propagating and have made the fish tank
propagating system. thanks for the easy to follow instructions and tips on your website – looking forward to many more years of gardening. By the way I live in an apartment building in New York – so most of my gardening is done in containers.
I repurpose discarded bathtubs into very useful spacious planters, I punch holes in the bottom and seal the hole where pipes go with silcone glue and a flat drain stopper. A friend builds concrete block surrounds for the tubs – so they look like large concrete block planters – so cool and the tubs sre kept out of landfills
Gloria in Brooklyn
🙂 im still waiting for updates about your new house with all the weedstop fabric and falling down garage 🙂
Good luck everyone 🙂
Hello Mr. McGroarty, since finding your website and how to’s I have grown so very much about growing plants not just for fun but for fun AND profit. I would love to have a copy of your new and upcoming revised book however, it is your call and you might know of someone who is in need that can benefit from this new book. I have read so much of your how to’s and such since signing up for your free lessons via email alerts that what I can now pass on to my Sons is simply amazing. My oldest who is serving a Mission for our Church is so excited about getting back home and putting in to practice those things you have taught me through your email alerts. Thank you in advance for putting together this new and I am sure is an exponentially exciting book. Most respectfully;
I hope you would consider me for one of the free systems. I would love to buy one but since I haven’t been able to find a job for 2 years I have no money. I have the land and the will power to make it work given the chance. I’m only 61 and not yet ready to retire and gardening is my passion.
I don’t really win anything, but I would love to win a free copy of your new system. Wish me luck!.
Mike, I’ve been an email subscriber for three years and have already successfully used your tips and ideas in my own yard. I am retiring in June 2013 and am looking for multiple streams of income to keep my wife and me afloat. I’m hoping my backyard growing and plant sales will be part of the mix. I have ordered the air propagation system you posted on YouTube and spent this weekend starting 100 cuttings using the plan you shared on line a few weeks ago. Dude, I’m a fan! I want to win a book! Enter me, please!
Good evening, Mike, you surely are fun and inquisitive about starting a busy and growing plants…I’ve always been eager and turn out to be a good go-for…as I go to this and go for that to learn the best way to have a plant business. My 90 year old father taught me the basics, and encouraged me to keep at it, always have a dream…and it seems to work. I’d love you help in any way, especially by giving me a copy of your new book and DVD’s to remember. Thank you.
I would appreciate the opportunity to win your free copy. I would to love to grow my own garden.
Just bought a house. Can’t wait to get the new stuff and get started!
Dear Mike,
I love your stuff. Please put me in the drawing. Woud appreciate having the DVDs and book very much. Thank you.
Please randomly select me!
I had planned to buy your system after we close on our new home in the next few weeks! I am so happy to know there is a new version. I will have lots of new flower beds to display all kinds of small flowers and a garden area to put in the backyard system. I hope to win one as money will be a little tight in the very near future! Your system is awesome and can be a way to reach out to my new neighbors!
Mike, I would adore a free copy of the new system, Crossing my fingers!
I have been reading your emails and wanting to buy your system for over 2 yeqrs. I was laid off in October of 2010 and have just recently gain full time employment. Your new book would be a great way for me to start my own business.
Thanks Mike!!! Over the years your tips have come in handy and very useful in my attempt to have a small muscadine vineyard in the heart of the Carolinas. We have amased a very nice vineyard and owe allot to your suggestions. Thanks again and keep up the great service to fellow backyard startups!!!
We love a copy of the new book. Cheers!
Hi Mike and Dustin. I would love to win one of your new Backyard Growing Systems. I want to retire from driving school bus soon.
I am getting ready to move to our farm and can’t wait to learn and use your system. I just love getting your emails. You are like a walking encyclopedia.
If I don’t win would you please let me know when it is ready for purchase? 7 school bus runs a day with 72 different children each run is getting tiring and I really need to retire. Thank you.
Hi just getting started with all this gardening stuff so i could use all the professional help i can get from your new material. I am retiring and looking forward to earning the extra income at home with the back yard gardening.
I think your air layering article was superb.
The local gardening outfit here in south Texas did not know what I was talking about when I bought growth hormone.
Keep up the good work.
May the true and living GOD bless you
Wow! How exciting! Not only will a new growing system be unveiled soon, we have 3 chances to win a copy! Very cool! Love your site as well a your great ideas! Thanks for everything!
Hi Mike! Love all your tips and ideas. Your system sounds wonderful. I am slowly building a pick your own garden/orchard. I hope one day my son who is disabled will be able to care for himself with it. I’ve tossed the idea around about adding your system to my plan. I think it would be easy enough for him. That is if it’s even something he wants to do. But I at least want a back up plan for him/ or my retirement. 🙂 Great stuff Mike, keep up the great work and God bless you for sharing your ideas. Thanks!
I would like a copy. Thank You. Max
Hoping to get lucky and receive your freebies…am happily married with 4 great kids..and I sell plants for a living to make ends meet and take care of my family in a third world country….
accept my derby in your ring
Ok Mike, You can send me one of the copies.
Not enough members of this group in Canada but a copy of your system would sure help create another “start”.
Mike I’ve been hoping you would make another “printed” version of the backyard growing system.
I have been inspired by you for a while now, and look forward to seeing your Emails and videos.
I’ve applied your lesson for propagating hardwood cuttings and layering in my green house and had most of my success with grapes and elderberries.
Thanks again for all the emails and videos..
Wow, you’re very popular, Mike. I too, am throwing my hat into the ring 🙂
Would love a copy of these. I appreciate all your information.
thank you for the offer Mike.
I’ll just buy a copy when it
comes out in September.
I never win at anything like this.
I have learned so much from you over the past couple of years. Looking forward to learning more.
I have so much appreciated all the tips and videos you have provided. I keep a list of everything to reference when I have a question. My gardening is my recreation and therapy when stress builds up. Thanks for the help. I look forward to your new system.
I’m hoping to get down your way to see your operation sometime soon.
I want to toss my hat in the ring. I need all the help I can get.lol
I would love a copy. I greatly enjoy all the tips and ideas. I can’t wait till the new program rolls out, win or lose. Thanks,
Hi Mike,
Thanks for all the informational e-mails.
Please consider me for one of the free growing systems.
I’m truly a plant freak that would love to have the understanding in how to start my own business and best of all grow more plants.
I’ve been visiting your site and getting your emails for years. I’ve been wanting to do this backyard growing system for ages, but as I live in a small multiunit apartment, I’ve never had the space or land to do anything. I’ve recently moved into a small house and while I cannot use the front yard, there is a bit of space in the back that I might be able to use to try the growing system for myself. I’ve put a lot of money into moving and unfortunately I’ve recently had job cuts that have put my budget in a shaky situation. It would be great if I could make a bit of extra money growing and selling small plants from my new backyard to supplement some of the income I lost, and besides I want to grow things.I like it, and I want my plants to thrive. I hope the random selection chooses me, as I could really use a free copy of all the tips. I use some now, and I would be good advertising for the system because I like to show off what I like to do for fun. I look forward to more emails since I’ll have more freedom to use the tips from them now.
Hey Mike, can never get enough of your information. Here’s my cap, never wore a hat. Thanks.
I would love to get a copy of your revised systen. I have learned so much from your e-mails and look forward to more information.
I hope my name will be chosen.
Looks like I will have a very little chance of winning your book, but I will try anyway!!
My wife and I have started a small bonsai business just this year, the videos and emails have been a big help. We talked about getting your Backyard Growing System, but we just have not ordered it yet. The Backyard Growing System would be a great addition to Seimei-en Bonsai and allow us to serve our customers better.
I have been reading your website for the last few years and have been using many of your ideas to start my plants.I am 61 and newly retired and looking for a way to earn a few extra bucks . I have 12 acres of good land to play with and could sure use one one of your new books to help me get started with my project . I always look forward to your next news letter . Keep up the good work .
your tips on starting plants from cuttings were really helpful. i just started some cuttings from my butterfly bush they did great. thank you.
Love your information on your e-mails, but a copy of your book would be Great. Please make my day. Thanks for what you do!
My husband and I would love to have one of the free copies of the new book. I was downsized at my last job and could really use the tips. Thank you for putting our hats into the ring!! Love and blessings from VA.
Thanks for the opportunity to recieve your new book and DVD’s. Enjoy your enthusiasm
I have truely enjoyed your site. It has really help me and my husband a lot. He is a disabilied veteran(in a powerchair) and loves to tell me,”Do it this way cause Mike said so”. lol Thank you for all your help.
Hi mike
I have been enjoying the emails. I have been wanting to start my own nursery anything with plants. I am in real estate. However,it looks like I will be looking for a job very soon. On top of everything and not saying anything negative. But, the court has just appointed me as guardian for my 66 year old brother and now he has to move in with my husband and I. My brother has dementia. Please put my name in. Thanks
Mike, you are my #1 Gardening Guru. Whenever I have a question, you always seem to have an answer. I’m paraplegic and have grown a beautiful veggie garden by crawling around on the ground! I’d love to send you pictures of what I’ve planted. I need a way to cut the cost of plants and recoup some of the money I’ve invested, so I really hope I win a copy of your book. Thanks for all the help so far.
I would love to receive a copy. We’ll be moving from my live-long home and unable to take with us all the wonderful plants we have accumulated over 60 years of family living on this property. It would be wonderful to be able to propagate some to take with us to our new, yet to be determined home.
Hi Mike and Dustin,
I’d appreciate a copy of your book. You don’t have to throw it to far, I can personally come and pick it up. I’d like to met you and Dustin, I already know Lorlie’s Mom and Dad, and heard a lot about your son and your three grandsons….there’s an interesting story to tell you, if I happen to be one of the lucky ones to receive your book. Thank you, Nancy Williams.
Thank you Mike for all the advice, hints, information given to us for growing plants.
I have put them into practice and am happy that you certainly made life simpler for me by giving us step by step information in various things.Looking forward to September for more information! 🙂
Will I be lucky to get a free copy of the New and revisded edition of New Backyard Growing System?
I get really fired up, excited about growing plants, when I read your lessons and emails. I have always wanted my own nursery/green house. I would very much like one of your books, as I am a reader and like to hold the book in my hand, better than sitting at a computer. Then I can mark my place and carry it around with me and stay fired up about it. I would appreciate it very much.
Hi Mike, I really would love to win. I am a disables lady, but still manage to have somewhat of a green thumb. I am on a fixed income and have very little for extras. I lost my Mom and Dad and Son in 16 month. Gardening and growing things is a symbol to me that there is still life in this world. Please conceder me for the prize. Thanks and God Bless you and yours.
Mike, I only recently purchased your backyard growing system and now your revising it?!?!? Well, throw me in the mix for the new one then please!
Please enter me! Thanks and God bless!
Mike thanks for all the good tips and info over the past couple of years. my grandson has dabbled with the plants but now he’s going to take horticulter (sp) in high school as a junior and he would be thrilled to have all the new information at his fingertips.
thanks clyde
Thank you for all the tips and suggestions you have given me over the past year! Thank you for the hours you give of yourself to help people like myself who are just beginning to expand my knowledge in gardening…God Bless!
I was introduced to your site last year and have since learned from your videos how to remove stumps, prevent weeds by putting down 9 layers of newspapers, divide hostas, daylilies, and so much more. I devour your emails. Oh by the way, I am a stroke survivor with some physical limitations that I try to ignore. Thank you for keeping me sane
Please consider placing a copy of your backyard growing system into my hands. It would be cherished. It could be the boast this under paid teacher could use to supplement his families needed income.
My husband is the gardener here and I know he’d love to have any one of the offers.
Thanks for the opportunity!!
Put my name in the bucket, please, have learned so much from you…..Thanks, Mike
Thank you
For all of your knowledge and sharing it with the world,you are a great help to all of us.Even if I don’t win I will still enjoy learning from you,again Thanks for your generous offer.
I would love to win a copy of your new book!
Here’s my hat, but it would be lots cuter with fresh grown flowers on it.
Mike, I love your site! My hat is thrown.
Hi Mike, I’m still on the fence, trying to get it together enough to get my backyard garden going. I enjoy all your e-mails and hope to win a copy of your back yard growing system. Please put my Hat in the ring !
Don’t have a hat——would a shoe be alright to throw in ??
Thanks for the info you provide. My hats in the ring. Thanks
I’ve gained so much knowledge from Mike’s tips.
Sure hope to be a fortunate one & receive the new program.
Enjoy reading your emails and the info on your website. Would love to win one of your books so I am throwing my hat in the ring.
I put my fate in God to let me win one of your books. I have always benefited from your emails and advises you send me in gardening. I love to learn from you, my gardening professor. God Bless you and thanks.
Hi Mike, your articles have been very helpful to me. I would love to win a free copy of your new and revised system.
Coldwater, MS
Thanks for all the good tips over the years, Mike! I LOVE PLANTS! Thanks for making this offer and I will look forward to winning.
Mike. My hat is off to you for inspiring so many to return to the soil. Our great nation’s foundations are rooted in its soil and it is honest families like yours and inspired backyard growers all across this great land and beyond who will continue to cultivate those time honored tradtions with you as their mentor.
roots & shoots for all!
I have enjoyed getting your newsletters and have found them pretty useful. I have hoped that one of these days I would be able to purchase one of your systems if the good Lord sees fit. In the mean time I hope you consider me for a system.
Would appreciate a copy. Have a hunert acres, that I need to find a way to pay the taxes on.
I put my fate in God to let me win one of your books. I have always benefited from your emails and advises you send me in gardening. I love to learn from you, my gardening professor.
Have enjoyed your e-mails and have used many of your tips. Thanks for educating me on rooting new plants and for all the “plant” tips. Your info makes me feel as if a dear friend is helping me out.
Please include me in your drawing!
I,m in.
I would love to receive a copy. I love growing and propagating plants. Thanks for all the great tips. I look forward to getting your e-mails. Thank you!
Mike, please put my name in the drawing. You have helped me so much this summer…Good luck on the book…
I don’t have a hat…would you settle for a sweaty t-shirt? 😉
Thanks, Mike, for your emails and continued support. I look forward to each of your emails and would love to win a free copy of your new and revised system.
Good luck,
Throwing my hat with everyone elses
Thanks for the drawing.
thanks for being an inspiration to keep trying to change the backyard nightmare to a scene of edible delights and a way to add color . thanks for offering your book and know- how to make this possible .
In the ring again…. Enjoy your information…. Want to bring Maples to the desert. Thanks for all you do ….
I have only one good hat but am willing to toss it in to learn your gardening system.
My thumb hasn’t a hint of green! Hope I win!
😉 I’d love one of these kits–but I never win anything…
Hey Mike,
Thanks for the chance, I throw my hat in
the ring.
I am excited to see your new system and would love to be considered for a free copy. Thanks Patty
Thank you for this opportunity! I’m really looking forward to getting a copy of your brand new Backyard Growing System whether I win it or not!
I would love to have a copy of your new book. I enjoy reading your material. My health will not permit me to fully utilize your growing system but I do enjoy working in my garden. You have been very helpful.
i thank you mike for the chance to win one of your books i have read everything you send out and fully enjoy your many helpful tips and ideas. i even made your fudge which everyone loves i am so greatful for this chance i love growing different plants and i feel your book would really boost my desire to learn and plant more thank you and your family for everything you do jim
Mike, I have been enjoying your emails, and now we are in the preocess of moving to a new now home in the country. We will be on 3 acres and finally have the room to start growing lots more. Please put my name in the hat! Thanks!!!
Count me in! Officially throwing my hat in the ring!
I would love your growing system but cannot afford to buy it as I have multiple health problems one being M. S. this leaves me unable to do a lot . Gardening has been a life savior for me and I could despareatly use a way to supplement my income.
Would love to win a copy!! Enjoy your emails….
Oh Mike! Thank you for this opportunity! Good luck everyone!
Hello Mike,
I worked 24 years between two factories and started my own landscape, lawn maintenance, handyman and what can I do for you sir / mam business four years ago and have really trained myself a lot by reading your publishings and I’d sure like to have your new works. Thanks
Mike I would love to have a copy of your new book! You have been so inspiring. Things I discovered by reading your emails are amazing. You represent the American Dream, and I wish you continued success. Thanks
My hat is in the ring!!
I found your website a while back when looking for ways to propagate plants. I need to do some fundraising and thought this would be perfect way to raise money. I’d like to throw in all the hats I wear. The book or DVD’s would give us lots of info on propagation and how to make money.
Thanks Mike
Hi Mike, please throw my name into the drawing, and your an angel for all the help you give everyone on how to propagate and grow plants. God bless you! You have taught me alot and I am so very grateful.
I remember getting your system long ago. I love using it. Right now I am working on some coleus to fill in my backyard. I would love to see how the two books differ.
Mike, I’m on the fence about this backyard plants idea. I would consider a free copy a challenge to go for it! Thanks for the chance.
Put my name in please.
Hi Mike!
I’m throwing my hat in the ring, I’d love to be a winner!
Not only do I enjoy your garden tips, I LOVE watching the videos of your cooking prowes.
One of the best tips you gave me was how to spot that killer mold on the side of my house.
Thanks for your help and love of gardening,
Please add my name & hat to this long list!
I would love a copy. I really enjoy your posts and would like to check this out as a possible side job for retirement. You have taught me a lot and I appreciate all the information and love the instructional videos!! Any your fudge recipe….lol.
I would to throw my hat in the ring. I love your emails that I receive. I have used a lot of your ideas in my garden. I have told my husband so many things that you posted that when he has a question he’ll say go look on that guys website to find the answer.
Keep up the good work!!!!
Would like to enter in the contest. Really like your emails. Passed on your potting bench instructions to my husband and told him Christmas is coming…hint, hint!
Enjoyed your video on propagating. Started some mulberry trees this summer from cuttings. Hope they continue to grow.
i hope i win
I’m throwing my hat in the ring also! It would be a dream come true to receive a copy of your system and would truly make me a WINNER!
I have only been gardening for a couple of years and it has become my vocation. Being able to provide healthy and nutritious food for my family had become a rewarding “career choice”. I am still a novice and have so much to learn. I would love to be selected as one of the recipients of your system. I am anxious to lean all I can from masters like you. Your helpful hints has improved my results greatly and I am looking forward to learning more.
Hello my Family would really benefit from getting your material!! please consider us me and my 8 year old Serenity are very interested in starting our own small plant nursery we already have our first 10 Rhoda island red chickens to get our compost started please consider us we would really enjoy learning all that is in your books thank you for the chance to win your new friends in Pensacola FL Damian Serenity Nicole & Prestyn
Love your videos and all the great info you have stored from your years of gardening. Really appreciate you and your family for all your help.
I would like to receive a copy. I enjoy reading your emails and tips. I would like to earn a second income from doing something I truly enjoy – gardening. Thanks for sharing your plant growing tips.
Please enter me in the drawing for your new book. I would love to buy it because I followed everything you put on email but my husband and I live on a fixed income and I cannot afford it . Good luck on your new venture and I pray for great success as you have given me many good tips on my gardening…God bless !
I would love a free copy of your book!
I just found your website last week when looking on the internet for information on rooting cuttings. I was so glad that I did and signed up for you free offers. I was “glued” to the computer for about 2 hours after signing up. My wife kept asking me what I was doing on the computer for so long. “Are you talking to your girlfriend?” I was watching your videos, which are a great way to learn by actually seeing how to do things. Your method of teaching in plain and simple english and the easy to understand instructions and videos makes the system a winner. So, yes, put my name in the hat. I would love to try your new system. I am a novice gardiner and just moved to the country after living on concrete in the city for 58 years. If I can do it, anyone can. I would love the opportunity to prove that your system works. Give me a shot.
We here in iowa enjoy your great tip’s and idea’s thank’s for the chance to win your wisdom.
This would be a real coup for me to get this System Mike. I’ve had to leave the corporate world and my old life at 52 years old behind to care for my parents. No money in it but it’s rewarding in different ways. I’ve built a Greenhouse and I’m trying to make money from home. Your newsletters have helped me out tremendously as I had no idea what I was doing. Even if I don’t win this, thanks for all the free tips. Keep those letters coming!
Please enter me in the draw. I really enjoy your newsletter. I use yur tips often.
Hi Mike, I think you are the GREATEST. I’ve learned so much from you about gardening for several years. I would love a free copy.
With all these entries, I doubt I stand a chance! I would love to buy one but I’ve been unemployed for 18 months. I’ve really enjoyed the tips and advice though. One of these days things will go well again. I read your story and congratulate you on being successful and my turn is coming!
Keep up the good advice, I save each post. Thanks,
Read your advice and follow it! My husband & I have a garden we love & want to make it bigger & grow more plentiful for all. We plant everything with no chemicals & try to live off the garden as much as possible. By doing this the whole family (of 5)has become healthier – Please do consider us for receiving a free gift to better educate ourselves & truly become better gardeners.
Nice notes, would like a new copy of your book & Video’s, I have the old ones and now that I am almost retired for the second time I need to get started growing plants & selling
Keep up the good work.
I would love to be one of the recipients of your new system. Thank you for the offer. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Love your ideas and am looking forward to using them. Even if I don’t win one of the free copies, I plan to buy one cause I love the simplicity in how you present your ideas. Thanks for all you do!
Mike, I would like for my name to be considered for the drawing give-away of your new system. I do thank you, Roger.
Would love to get a copy of the new info! Love the advice!
Hi Mike,
Our 12 kids at home are ready to try something bigger now that we have had success with the family garden! We appreciate all the great emails and gardening info we have received in the past…
Looking forward to giving these kids an opportunity to do business on their own.
The Mazur Bunch
I would love to be entered into the drawing.
Would be a very usefull tool here where we live, so i thru the hat in.
I would love to throw my hat into the ring. I’m very new to gardening and growing veggies and sustainable systems. I just moved to Mississippi from LA to be closer to my family, we’re all getting up there, ya’ know? So with the economy and the prices of organics I’ve been planting more and more organics for me and the rest of my family.
I would love to get as many secrets as I could get my hands on and as much help as I could get!!
Thanks Mike.
Hi Mike,Would appreciate it if I were to be picked for one of the copies.I was forced to retire and I am on a limited income so I need a hobby that I can afford. Thanks.
count me in
Hi Mike – LOVE your hints and helpful advice – I’m throwing my hat in the ring!! Thank you! Happy Gardening 🙂
i have had a small greenhouse, i have sold a handful of plants and i can not stand to throw away any plant that i might dig up/take out from someones yard i work in- i have a resurrection bed for plants that look/seem to be dead and they come back to life ! i would love to have a copy of your new backyard growing system.
Please enter me in the draw. You have some AWESOME tips, and I can hardly wait till next spring to try them out.
I’m expecting the new material to be just as helpful.
thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your system. I also want to thank you for the knowledge you imparted through your emails which allowed me to fix several problems with the yard before it cost me a big repair bill.
Would really like a copy!
I would really love to get a copy of this. I have been building & working my compost pile for 2 years & I’m ready to get started planting a bunch of plants!
Hi Mike, I’ve been getting your emails for a few years and I enjoy them very much. The reason I’m throwing my hat in the ring is because my middle son, Joel, got laid off and can’t find a job.. His family owns their own property and they love to grow a garden and can food for winter and they love flowers. This is something they could do to earn more money.
Thank you for what you do and how you care about people. Blessings EM
I’m throwing my hat in the ring for one of your “OLD” books. I really enjoy reading your column but have trouble finding the hints, just when I need them.
Hello Mike and keep up the great work! I am hoping to learn the right way of turning my limited back yard area into an enjoyable view for the whole family to enjoy. I am also looking forward to mlearning how to utilize my side yard area for a self sustaining vegetable oasis in the desert so we can start enjoying the great flavor of home grown vegetables, not like the tasteless colorful crops that are dumped on us. I also save every message and hope to begin my yard projects starting next spring, early spring for out here in the dry heat desert. Thank you for always sharing with so many of us that look forward to your messages, Ben.
Looks like there are many people throwing their hat into the ring. Don’t think that I would be lucky enough to be one of the three; guess that I will just continue sitting in my chair with my cane by my side and dreaming that I am out in the garden like I used to be, but now am unable to do very much any more. I commend you though for your genoricty.
WOW Mike, you sure have a lot of supporters. Awesome! It would be great to be considered for your backyard growing system. I have a great garden area that would be great for your system.
Thanks for offering this. You are so generous with your information and it is such great information. Thank you so much.
Consider my hat in the ring! What a blessing if I win one of your free books! God Bless!
I would like to be entered into the drawing for the new system…..thanks Mike!
Hello Mike
Me too adding a hat to the ring, would love a copy, to read up on all your suggestions and ideas, that i have missed from your emails.
Happy Gardening, may the spring showers bring your flowers, and the sun shine on your garden divine.
Consider a Canadian Connection to receive your free offer!!
Mike, I have soaked up a lot of info from everything on your site and all of the great e-mail tips you send me. I’m sure I have only scratched the surface reading what I can access. I would love a free copy of your backyard growing system, please put my name in.
P.S. Nothing has been more rewarding to me in my backyard than potting up some rooting cuttings.
Looke like you have a BIG job ahead of you, picking three from all these posts.
Good Luck
Hi Mike Thank You for all the great info you publish in yor e-mails, it has been very helpfull and apreciated by all. I am throwing my hat in, but I need it back it keeps some of the sun off . Thanks again.
Hey Mike,
Thanks for all your e-mails on all your gardening tips. I live in Australia and can adapt your techniques to our conditions. I’ve always wanted to grow plants for sale for the last 30 years but haven’t had the confidence to do so until I read your site. Japanese maples are my passion of which I have over 40 varieties and would like to propagate them for sale. I have had a disability through a car accident 24 years ago and life’s been pretty tough but reading all your inspirational e-mails have helped me to start taking cuttings by the hundreds. Thanks again for inspiring me. Kind regards
Would love a copy of the free growing system and then update our greenhouse!
I’m throwing my hat int he ring for sure! In the hot California summer, I struggle to have even a vegetable garden.
I appreciate the tips on the newsletter.
Hi Mike, I’ve been folloing the gardening tips for months, and implementing a small version of your systm. I desperately want your new version, and had been planning to purchase the fully hard copy version. I will use the system for some desperately needed extra income,and keep you updated on my progress. I am 75 years old, and recovering from very serious leg surgery. So, if I can do it, ANYONE can. Thanks,
Dear Mike & Duston
I believe that I am a worthy recipient of the new BACKYARD GROWING SYSTEM because for many years I have followed a career path that in many ways is much like Mike’s. At an early age I began doing private landscaping as my main source of income until I was 18 and fortunate enough to go to university. Throughout most of my summer’s I continued working in the gardening and horticulture field as landscaper, greenhouse employee and even working for a city’s horticulture department. After completing an undergraduate degree and a bachelor of education I am paying off a tremendous student debt as I am unable to secure a full time position in Nova Scotia, Canada as there is an excess of teachers and continual cutbacks. Consequently, I see myself continuing my hobby/career in the plant field for many years to come. With all this in mind, I believe the new BACKYARD GROWING SYSTEM can help me stabilize my current economic situation and also permit me the ability to bring excellent quality to many people at fair, affordable prices.
Sincerely, Nick
Just like the rest of these folks, I would love to get a free growing system, but if it doesn’t happen, plan on buying one. We will be building a new house in another state next year, and I plan on growing plants there.
Awesome, I would be thrilled to receive a copy of your book. Thank you for all the information you give us. I love watching your videos. Good luck with your book. Judy Davis
Hickory, North Carolina
Mike I enjoy reading your material very much; so of course I would like a copy of this next one. You can have my email address in exchange, its a fair trade.
I would love a copy!
Comment. 😉
Pick ME, PLEASE!!!! I would really LOVE to win your New Backyard Growing System Book! I have been very busy using a lot of your information from your site on my backyard gardens. This would be sooooo wonderful for me!!!
Love all the useful information you provide. Would love to be a winner.
Thank you!
Thanks for your time at all the info u given people.
Considered for a copy of your Backyard Growing System would be nice.
Knowledge is power
thank you
Free is always nice, especially if it gives you the opportunity to make money. Hopefully I will win, but if not I will look forward to the new content and features. I have been on checking into zoning in my area (Baltimore County, Maryland) make sure the county will not stunt my growth potential. Anyway, with the information, I can always pass it along in the I run into problems.
My hat’s in too!! 🙂 Thanks!
Love your newsletter and all the tips and info you offer. I have a deep love for plants and trees.
With a wife and 2 kids and a mountain of debt I would love to start a nursery business. That could help me support my family better. So please consider my hat firmly in the middle of the ring.
I would love to be selected to receive a copy of your book. My husband is retiring in 2 weeks and, as many others are experiencing, the economy is requiring that we make our home provide some income. I have enjoyed all the tips from our newsletters and think stepping up to the next level, gardening for profit, makes sense. Thanks for your consideration.
Hello, Mike; Yes I am interested, give me one I will sure make good used.
thank you
I don’t have a website, but I do have a hat to toss into the ring. I’m glad the drought won’t keep me from propagating little plants to sell, the way you recommend.
Mike and Dustin,
I have saved every e-mail from you, am avidly growing cuttings and am very anxious to start selling them as soon as I am able to move out of this garage apt I have been in for the last 4 years. I can’t sell them out in the front because, unfortunately, the neighbor that rents the front house is too unstable for me to take the chance of having customers have to deal with him. I am looking to move in the next couple of months and cannot wait to see your new course. Please consider me as a viable candidate for your new book giveaway. Wish I lived closer so I could have attended your Open House, but it’s a bit far from Florida. God bless you for all the information you share, and I wish you all the luck with your new system.
Thanks for considering me.
I’d love a copy of your new book, the timing couldnt be better, Just bought some land and put up a cold frame, ready to try some plant propagation.
Looking forward to see your new materials.
Looking forward to your new book…my hat is in your ring!!!
My hat is in your hands! We’ve a new acre playground just begging to be productive! Thanks!
I would like to be entered for a chance to win a copy.
Mike, of course I’d love to win a copy of your new “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” – and you can keep my hat…;-)
S. Oregon
Thanks for the free information you provide all the time. I’m just moving back to my rural/suburban house, after a year-long stay in the city of Pittsburgh. One of the ways I’m going to try getting along here in small-town western PA is to GROW LOTS of STUFF! If I get the free system, wonderful. Otherwise, I’m with the fella who just asked for a heads-up as soon as we can buy it.
Sounds like a winner Mike! I’d love a free copy! 😀
Throw my hat in the ring. Next year plan on becoming a backyard grower =)
Hey Mike, I hope to put my hat in the ring. I’ve had your system on my To Buy list for ages, but all kinds of things keep getting in the way (month before last, I had a fun ER trip, and last week hubby dearest broke his foot- that kind of bad luck keeps me from buying!). I’ve loved your newsletter and honestly can’t wait to get a copy of your system. I have a half acre yard and have been DYING to use it to it’s fullest potential!
Hey Mike I’d love to throw my hat in the ring as well I love your e mails and I’d love a copy of your new book and dvd.
My wife and I are moving to a bigger place this fall and were planning on ordering your system. This would make us a wonderful housewarming gift.
I am throwing in my hat for a FREE copy! I am certain that it will help me to find my way through the maze of obstacles in my path to becoming a successful backyard gardner. Funds are very low, so all the help I can get would be very much appreciated!
It’s a long throw from Vermont; but tossing my hat your way – I have the land, due to a disability, I have the time, am so broke that it’s no joke…. Even been collecting free old storm windows to build myself a greenhouse to extend the season – Would love to receive your new book – It would be so nice not to have to rely on the food bank so much. Either way, I love your tips – Thank you.
I’d love to win this. I am slowly but surely turning more of the lawn into gardening space, so this information would be great. I figure I can’t eat the lawn, but I can eat things that I plant in the yard. Win – Win 🙂
While I come from a generation that actually believed that “The best things in life are free” in the end result I have learned that money makes the world go round! I have enjoyed your emails and your website, unfortunately, I have no money. So please consider me for a free copy of your backyard growing system. I am sure that I would love the material. Propagation is something that fuels my soul. To bring it to a point of actually making money would be a culmination of all my many efforts over the years. I plant seeds, take cuttings, and in general propagate all the time. To have a catalyst to see me to a fruitful end would be so rewarding. One of my best efforts is a California redwood, grown from seed. It will stay potted for a yard bonsai! Thank you for your consideration!! Linda
Mike…Yes! Toss my hat in the ring also.Good luck with your new system !
Please consider my name as a winner. I want to teach my grand- and great-grandkids some useful things they can use later on…
Thank you even if I don’t get the freebie ! 😉
I have read nearly every posting that you put out, and it has helped us trememdously. I live with my dad and step mom, and every penny is precious to us. My step mom had a brain aneurysm, and followed it with a stroke 3 weeks later. I am not putting this in my reply for sympathy, but rather, the additional money from growing and selling small plants sounds like a great way to replace a lost income, and keep the roof over our heads during this difficult time. Thank you for all of your helpful tips, and we don’t have a large yard, but can use these tips.
Yes. Please toss my hat inthe ring for the drawing. I have enjoyed your website and tips for backyard growing. I would love to learn how to turn growing into a business.
I am in the process of converting my lawn into productive growing space and am interested in your system to help me acheive this! Fingers crossed!
Mike, I am thankful for your interest in plants and sharing, inspiring, and encouraging others to follow. I am interested in your materials to learn for myself how to work with plants as well as to incorporate the ideas in to teaching science in secondary school with the purpose of exciting them about God’s creation and to use it for fundraisers for the students. It would be great to win a copy of your information.
Mike, I fully enjoy your messages. Thank you. With one of your systems I may be able to arrange my schedule to be in Ohio for your get together next summer.
I would love to recieve a free copy for my brother and I to use. He is a machinist but has been unemployed for 3 years and I’m a retired school teacher battling Stage IV colon cancer. We would love to try out your system and supplement our Social Security income. Thanks
I want to thank you for all the good info it has really helped as my husband has had 3 strokes and 1 heart attack, but with the help from you he has grown a beautiful garden and we are reaping the rewards, and kept him busy. thanks again for your help and information. I would love a set of your new materials.
Love the newsletter, so sure I would love the book as well. Thanks for all the great help and tips.
Heck yeah I’m interested!! Ever since I read your book me and the wife have been HUGE fans. Love the tips, emails, and vids. Keep up the great work. Wish you many sales of your new system.
We are in the process of purchasing a new residence with more acreage so I can grow more plants and sell them and I would love to have a copy of your free materials to help grow my business.
Throwing my hat in with the rest, We enjoy your articles, my wife is formerly from NM, & isn’t used to be able to grow much of anything, so we’d en joy utilizing your book & system! Thanx!
My son has not been able to find work for 6 years. He has developed a garden in his back yard to grow some of the food he and his family need. I’ve suggested that he enlarge it and begin selling plants and produce from it. He needs a good guide tool to get himself set up with both plants and marketing ideas. Your backyard system may be just the thiing he needs.
I have been getting your emails for some time alteady here in Honduras, and would be delighted to have one of your three free systems. I believe it could be a real asset in training the children we work with.
Please count me in. I would love to receive a free copy. Enjoy the emails and information.
I have been reading your info for a long time. It’s hard to come up with a small amount of money sometimes even if it’s a good deal. I have 10 acres and nothing is growing here but weeds.
Working 40 hours a week sometimes just isn’t enough. I do have a veggie garden and grass but as far as making money with my land it has not happened. I am ready to purchase your product and went there tonight to do so, but found out your selling it at the moment.
I will purchase it when you have it done. I haven’t won any thing in my life so you have at least one sold when it’s done. Thanks!
It would be an incredible birthday present if you picked me.
I would love to have a copy. My husband and I bought a small 26 acre farm that we have had to rehab. I would love to be able to have something I could make a little money at to help with our cost.
Thank you Mike for the myriads of ways that you help educate and inspire us to be proactive and create living beauty and order in our surroundings.
You are an answer to prayers.
Thank you!
SHAZAM !! CARAMBA !! ARRIBA !!! Throwing in my biggest hat and Wishing myself luck on the free Small Plants Big Profits from Home giveaway !!! have learned so much from you already and shared your address with many people………….LOVE YOUR MAILS, Martha
I would like to be put in your drawing.
Consider me. I am retired looking for something to keep me active, make better use of my backyard and more income is a great plus.
Thank you for all your knowledge and expertise.
I’ve come to know a lot of people in the time that I’e spent on the pc and all that I can say is that I’ve passed along your contact info as often as I possibly could.I would have no idea as to how many might have contacted you for said info. I hope many. I have never stopped using the endless info. that you graciously passed onto me and I only wish that I could have known this so much earlier in my life as I’m sure that you have wished the same.
Throw my hat in. I’ve been looking for a job but no luck, maybe I’d better follow your foot steps and start a business like yours with plant sales. I hope I get a FREE copy.
How big is your ring cause my hat is big. Thanks for your inspiration.
Please Please Please save me a copy…I don’t know what I will do without you and all your help..
Thank you
I have enjoyed your emails, blogs and videos.
Keep up the good work. Whether I receive a free copy or not, I’m a great fan
Would love to have a copy! Thanks for all you do!!!
me please.. I’m partially disabled and need to learn all the tricks I can on planting and growing.. I really need a way to earn some money. Thank you
Ever since I learned from your site that those little black spots on my siding were “shotgunned” from my mulch,you have been my go to guy for everything backyard/frontyard! Thanks for the knowledge and here’s my hat!
I love to just play in the yard. Have accidentally grown baby rhodedend
rons and shamrocks. Love reading your blog.
Would love to have the new book just can’t aford it
Toss me in the ring. Looking for a cottage industry to supplement my retirement. Granted im 45 but want to retire at 55. Dreaming big Mike!
I want to send congrats to you on your first book publication, it will no doubt be as informative as your web site, with all your helpful tips and videos. I’ve learned almost everything from you and my dad, thanks.
I would love to have a copy of the book and based on your following members, this looks like a challenge. However, I am up for the challenge, so count me in.
Love your site and the info you pass along. You seem like a really good and genuine person.
Thanks for even offering such great info to us, the learning public.
My wife and I use much of the information we have already been exposed to and as an elderly couple we desire to make the two sides of our property that is exposed into both a showcase and a way to build a plant business.
Thanks again!!!
Just to let you know, the website is currently down. My mom passed your info on to me. She is currently looking to get this started and has some cacti/succulent plants that she is working with. I’m hoping that your dvd’s and book will be more of a resource for myself and my husband for our blueberry farm that we would love to get back to, sooner than later. Even if we are not selected to receive your resources, we will definately be interested in your book and dvd’s. Thank you for all that you are doing!
Oh what a joy it would be to win this! I can only imagine what I could do!!!!!
Here’s my hat in the ring.
A copy of your program would be awesome Mike, let’s do it, I want to get started growing!!!!!!!!!
Wow, what great comments!! Please consider this my hat in the ring also please 🙂 I want so very much to start growing Japanese Maples with my father!! Would absolutely love to win one of these to get started!! Thanks so much for the opportunity!!
Dear Mr. McGroarty,
I am so impressed in your down-to-earth approach to teaching and helping others in all areas and aspects of gardening. I find your videos so helpful as open my thoughts to broadening my interest areas and wanting to move to the country, where I can grow just about anything.
I would love to have the opportunity to have a set of the free materials you are giving away. I want you to know that I will share them with others, and thus whet their appetites for more treasures from your wealth of information about gardening.
Mike, your emails are all saved into a folder I made with your name on it, wouldn’t want to get confused and lose a single one. Would I get your new growing system confused? Nope, it would be out where I could get the book dog-eared and soil-stained and the DVD’s on the player for quick reference. Don’t get too tied up with the final production details!
Would love to have one of your books,love your site it is so much good information. It is in laymens terms we can understand..
I have only got one very tired straw hat but will willing through it in the ring. The pile must be pretty high high by now.
I would love a copy of your kit. like many others I am semi retired but I love your tips and stories and it has opened up a new world to me. I grow plants for charity and your vast knowledge has made it so much easier.
cheers From down here in Australia
Throwing in my hat!!
I really enjoy your e-mails and videos Thank you for the chance to win
Hi Mike! I would LOVE to have a copy of your new and updated Backyard Growing System! I have been a member of the Forum and have even purchased as et of your original Backyard System tapes (it was so long ago that these are in the VHS format!)(smile). I used to live in New Jersey and moved here to southern California about 8 years ago when my late wife first was diagnosed with cancer. She, unfortunately, has been gone a few years now, but growing ‘stuff’…anything!…is still a favorite pastime for me. I do admit to needing ‘help’ to get things organized and all set up so that I can actually make a ‘Business’ out of my hobby.
Thanks so much for all the insight and help you have provided over the years in not only helping grow trees/plants for also for focusing me on a very enjoyable pasttime!!!
Best of luck to you and your staff (and to your wife! after all she is the one who has put up with all the dirt and mess, right?)(smile)
My girlfriend and I would like to use your system to help us when we get our own piece of land and create a life of more self-sufficiency and sustainability, and of course, enjoyment!
the info. iwas reading and used has heiped me get better grow and higher yied than i have in the 25 yrs. i have been back yard gardening! THANKS FOR YOUR TIPS.
I have followed your growing tips for years. I have built 2 of the mini greenhouses from aqauriums, and have propogated alot of new plants, for my elderly parents. I have wanted to purchase the Backyard Growing System, but because of being unemployed since 2/15/12, have been unable to order it.
Would like to be able to make new plants, on a larger scale, and share with others.
I have achieved some amazing results just from the information on your sites and emails and I’m having a ball. Just imagine what I could do with the whole kit!!!
Hi Mike, I look forward to your emails and all the great ideas and advice you give. My dream is to have my own backyard tree farm business. I wanted to start this year but we moved into our new home too late in the season. If I win one of your new books It would be the perfect way to start planning for my new backyard tree farm business! Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
I would be happy to being one of the lucky ones to recieve your setup . I have all your news letters saved since early in 2009 , wow times sure flys when your having fun .
Thanks alot Mike
I’ve been working with high school students in the inner city to learn about planting. I would love to be able to use this to assist them in growing a hobby and life skills.
Thanks for your offer! I really enjoy your information and videos.
I’m tossing my hat in. If I win, you can keep my ‘ol cowboy hat.
love your informative newsletters. Hope I win a copy as I am excited to try it.
Hmm, that is very gracious of you Mike. Your program would certainly help me a great deal. I am so stupid when it comes to gardening that I will be thankful for any instruction I can get. Besides, my wife has been pushing me to get a hobby and get out of her hair, lol.
would like to receive free the book my friend, thank you
WOW!! How exciting, Mike! I read all your emails and try to soak-up all the info I read. Need so much help when it comes to the right kind of soil. My Mom always had a green thumb and she taught me well. she would love reading all your great info and your great ideas. I have thrown in my hat!!
My sombrero is in the circle. Can’t wait to see if you’ve outdone yourself.
Thanks for all the articles and for sharing your family story. I’m really looking forward to using this system! 🙂
my hat off to u mike enjoys all email read them and pass them om whould love to get a coppy thanks
Love reading your articles. They’re so informative and down to earth. Thank you for sharing your experiences and God Bless!!!
I have been “drooling” for this for so long I don’t even have to water the yard … it gets all the drool! LOL … just kidding, but I HAVE been drooling for one for years, literally! Love the newsletters, too!
Please include me for a free copy of your Gardeners Secret Handbook. I grow lots of goodies in my yard, both from seed and cuttings maybe it will help me with a few of my troubled areas.
Hi Mike, I have enjoyed your web site for several months. It is a real learning experience for me . I love plants and would love to have a copy of your book and possibly start my own bussiness also. Thanks
I’ve been reading your website and watching you posted videos for awhile now. You are constantly supplying me and the other who frequent your site with some of the best garden and plant advice around. Can’t wait to see what you have coming in your new growing system.
I sure would love a copy as a disabled Vet living on a budget I have been saving money to buy a copy but something always comes up. Love the videos, I have been growing from cuttings using your “Fish Tank” method, which works great.
I’d love to have a copy of your book, throw my name in! Thanks Mike!
Thanks for your expertise and ideas. I’d love to be a recipient of your dvds to gain more insight into plant propagation, growing and marketing. I’ve considered enlarging my garden to profitability.
Love your Website and all the information that I recieve on my e-mail. I have recently retired and would love to have the chance to hane one of your systems. So I am throwing my hat (firemans) into the ring and hope tostart another carrer in growing and selling happiness. Thanks for the chance!
Mike, I have already started so many plants from your cutting advice there is no telling what I could do if I got a free copy!!!!
That would be soooooo awesome!!!!
Greetings from Southern California. My motto is there isn’t much that won’t grow here. I would like to propagate more plants. Thanks for the FUN, Mike.
Lucky me, I have a hat to spare and I’m throwing it in the ring! Would love a copy (wouldn’t we all?!). Here’s hoping!
Thanks, Mike!
Consider my hat thrown in 😉
I’ve been enjoying your ideas and emails. Thanks. I’d love to be a recipient of your book and DVD to further implement your ideas and expertise!
hi mike
thank you for keeping me in the loop.my daughter 13year old grandson and myself ate learning together on being self sufficient growing food and flowers and landscaping plants for sale as well as pir own use. we are novices at this and r enjoying the learning process together. your easy teaching method is greatly appreciated.hears our hat off to you.
I would feel honored to receive one of the free copies of your new Backyard Growing System
Love reading your articles : )
Thanks for everything Mike, I’ve learned a lot!
Hello Mike how are you doing? Im throwing one of my hats in the mix. I need the other one to keep my bald head from getting sunburned here in Albuquerque.
Thanks and God Bless!
Sounds exciting–please consider me! I’ve recently moved to a new area and there are all sorts of new varieties of plants to propagate and a much longer growing season, so I’ll need all the help I can get to get started. Have a great week, all!
been gardening for 50 years, been reading Mikes newsletter since ’06, he knows his stuff, this new version is bound to be a winner !
Congrats on writing that book! Way to go!
Hi Mike, Here’s my hat also. Thanks for all the information. It has been invaluable to me in the home we live in. Looking forward to moving and being able to put more of your info and plans to work in a new home (more land)= (more plants). Hope my hat is chosen, thanks for the opportunity.
Lets hope for some luck…. bring it to me!
Hey Mike! I believe the only thing better than a new Backyard Growing System would be a FREE new Backyard Growing System! You guys rock.
I would love to be considered for the free stuff; I watch all your videos you post & I have learned a lot, especially about pruning.
Hey Mike
Just a disabled Viet Nam vetweho has kidney fsilure with my five toes amputated from my mleft foot. I guess what i mam trying to say is not to feel sorry for me but to giver me something that my enrich my life. As it is now all I can do is wash dishes and do gardenng in my back yard.. Thanks for any help..
I have followed you for about 7 years now and I am so happy to be a permanent member of Backyard Growers. I would love to have your latest edition of books and CD’s. I think it is so great that you have been so successful in plant propagation, and most of all that you have been so enthusastic and sharing of your knowledge with all of us out here who love plants too.
I would like to be considered for onr of your sets. I live in a small town that has been historically and ag community. However the town is dying and a small group of us are working to try to revive. I am working on the ag end, trying to get back to our roots and encourage more ag business. Your set could assist me in establishing a small greenhouse and homesteading program, not only for town residents, but to bring in out of town visitors as well.
Thanks for your consideration.
Please put my name in for the drawing for the new plant program.
I look forward to your emails so much. So very good easy tips and even purchased your book. Would love to throw my hat in the ring and win this. Here’s to good growing!
I would love to see what your program is all about, esp. since I just was told that after 6 years my services would no longer be necessary at my current job.
Show me how to put my new little farm to work for me! 🙂
Hello Mike!
Sorry I missed the shindig and cannot wait to look at all the fun photos you attached with your recent email.
I would appreciate being put into the hat with hopes of becoming a proud owner of your book.
I have been following you for quite some time and always enjoy the fun and informative newsletters I get from you.
I know of a gardener named Mike M.
If I met him in person,
I just know I would really like him.
To all he offers invaluable advice.
Just ask, anything you need answered,
from your plants, soil, even those pesky mice!
Now he’s out there trying to pay his bills,
all the while passing free garden tips.
I swear he must be moved by God’s will!
Watch his videos, you too will enjoy his quips!
But in the spirit of Art Leslie & Roger Chen,
I am thankful for what Mike already gives!
Our georgous green world evolving into zen!
Thanks to God & Mike, all my plants happily live!
Jumping in and throwing my hat in…I would love a copy of your “Backyard Growing System”. I have always wanted a copy.
I would like to be considered for the free set. I have used many of the tips that you have made in your videos, website, etc. to my advantage. At present I cannot afford the backyard growing system, but am able to a small extent to root cuttings and sell plants using the suggestions you have made. I hope to be able to sell more in the future and maybe make enough money at it to be able to afford the system. I would love a copy of your book to help me get started.
Thanks for all the great tips and advice. What a blessing it will be for the 3 winners. THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO!!
Hi Mike, I would love a copy to give to hubby.He always reads your mail, and you have inspired him to start his own cotteneaster hedge plants!
We have hedges in the front, and he took clippings in spring as you suggest, works awesome!
This has worked very well, and today hes planting a low divider hedge in the back yard with 2yr old plants. Hes already got this spring cuttings on the go.
I am encouraging him to keep this up and we can sell them. I posted a bogus add to test the market, and someone wanted 70 plants! Hsd to tell them we sold out this year,lol
I do wonder what we could sell a 2 yr old potted plant for.
Hoping to be a winner JoAnn
Read your “stuff” , thanks!
Just thought I would say that (for the first time) because with all these many hats and good words I could just as easily win the lottery as to win one of your free copies.
But, Hey! would gladly accept it; I need all the gardening help I can get! ;o)
Thanks again, though ,for your news and tip emails , delivered with a light heart and the good old American spirit!
Good luck with your new system!
hi Dear Friend,
I feel as if I know you. I have kept everyone of your e-mails and refer back to them all of the time.
Right now I am trying to get a start off of my Wisteria bush to give to our Attorney. He said it is almost impossible to get a start off of the Wisteria and wants one to start out as a tree. He has a lot of land and loves growing plants and flowers.
We brought a young Mimosa tree home from Gatlinburg for him and some of my friends. I explained to them not to let all of the seeds to take root or they will become a nuisance. I have two growing in my front yard, one in each corner, since we mow the yard often they don’t get out of hand.
I would love to have one of the three FREE Backyard Growing System books that you have left over.
I love growing flowers and do well with them in pots but tried to root the Wisteria by a small end of the plant in sand in a plastic dish pan with lots of holes in it and put it in a see through plastic bag. I sprayed it with water to keep the condesation up and the heat from the Sun was helping. I had it on my covered front porch but the sand turned green like the sand was molding.
I really need one of your valuable books to learn what I did wrong. I am willing to give you my pink baseball cap that I wear once in a while to keep the Sun out of my eyes in our Jeep. Please consider it a trade, you would really look cute wearing it. I know all of us woud get a laugh out of watching you wear it in one of your helpful video’s.
Thank you for considering me as one of the most thankful and loving fans of yours. I have enjoyed your e-mails from the first one you sent out to the last one.
Author of ‘A Chosen Journey’ which you can browse through at: http://www.Amazon.com I will even send a copy free to you and your family for free if you decide to choose me as a lucky winner. I will send one to you for free even if you don’t choose me. Just e-mail if you or your wife or family would like to read it and I will mail it out to you.
Sincerely Your Loving Number One Fan,
‘A Chosen Journey’ http://www.Amazon.com
AWESOME! I just moved to a split level ocean view home-Wrap around porch on second level, would be an additional space to put to use your Background growing system..living close to the beach gives me the perfect area to succeed in this, offering salt water resistant plants as well as all others..my own little Oasis!Thank you for this opportunity to do what I love with your planned out system!Would love it!
Thank you for all the help you have given me over the years.. Keep at it Mike because I need all your help
Hi Mike, We’d love to win a copy of this! We’ve learned so much from your how-to videos and it’s obvious to see that your a hands-on guy, not ‘just somebody who’s all talk’. 🙂 Thanks for being real.
Phil & Tam
in Minnesota
Seeing as how there are tons of others already asking for a free copy I thought I’d make my plea a little more intense.
I live in a small, third-world town in north central Texas. The towns around us have running water, electricity, and high-speed internet. They also have plants and fresh air. Though our town also has electricity and running water, we don’t have high-speed internet or many plants that survived this summer. We also had a serious grasshopper problem that cost me my entire garden because I decided a few years ago to go completely organic. Did I mention that the soil in our town is 300% worse than all of the surrounding towns and cities? I have to haul in yards and yards of compost and manure every fall and spring just to make my soil in my garden somewhat tolerable to all the plants that will eventually die there. If I were to receive a free book from you not only would I be the only person in my town with an actual book, I will hopefully be able to grow some plants that live a little longer than the time it takes to snap a photo for proof that I can indeed keep a plant alive long enough to show someone. Once I’m able to do that I can grow enough veggies and fruit trees to end world hunger, grow enough timber to build houses for all of my loved ones, and grow flowers enough to fill every wedding chapel and funeral home from here to civilization. I think your choice here is obvious and I look forward to the new book. Would you mind terribly if I asked you to autograph it?
Thank you very much.
Here’s my hat in the ring. I would love to win a set of books/DVDs and learn how to build my own nursery – propagating and selling sounds like the way to go.
Please consider me for one of the copies, thanks Dennis
Hi Mike, I always look forward to reading what you have to say. I am on disability and have wanted to get your system. Since I have such a low income I haven’t been able to purchase it. So maybe this will be my lucky time. I would love, love, love to get off disability and be self reliant. Thank you for the oportunity.
thank you for all your emails, and advise. you have made my family happy and healthy including our plants. i would love a copy of your book.
I’m putting in my hat! Love to grow plants!
Thanks for all you do Mike!
Thanks for the chance to win your system!
Hey Mike. You’re a powerhouse with a big heart to boot. Showing us how easy it is with your free videos.
For this garden/orchard geek, it sounds ideal as a home bus. and as retirement approaches LOL. My hat is in.
I enjoy all of your wonderful videos and information and would certainly LOVE to have a physical book to read! Thanks for the chance to win. I most certainly am throwing my virtual hat into the ring.
I like the sounds of your father and son team. That is a combination that is hard to beat. Your website is always one of my “go to” places for great gardening info. Lot’s of knowledge and experience. Thanks. I’d love a chance to receive a free copy of your backyard growing system. Thanks for the offer and best wishes for your business!
I have been looking at your old system for some time now but could not afford it.My wife is out of work and having only my paycheck with 2 kid’s make’s thing’s tight.So getting a free copy of your new system would be great!!!!
and would also be very helpful for me.
Mike, I would love to get a copy of your new system. Thank You.
Please consider me!!! I enjoy your down to earth segments and admire you and your family for following a dream!
We are planning to incorporate your system into our home-school curriculum this coming spring here in CT. It looks like a great way to blend entrepreneurship, horticulture, project management and a lot of fun with our three kids. We are looking forward to your latest release and we’d love a free copy. Thank you in advance.
Hi, hope you will consider me. I am a novice gardener, having a lot of fun and enjoy your daily emails. Thanks.
I am unemployed right now because of cancer and sure could use the income. Would love to win a copy of your book.
Mike, One of my passions is planting trees and shrubs and watching them grow. Until I discovered your system, I purchased these in plastic buckets, dug a hole in the yard and planted them. But now, I make cuttings and am able to watch them take root and begin to grow. I love turning one plant into hundreds. I also have a bag of peat in the fridge with Japanese Maple seeds sprouting that my Mom will be glad to see gone (ha). I love starting from scratch, and would love to have your program so that I may learn more and more. I’m gonna be thrilled to turn my pleasure into dollars – that’s a bonus. Thanks in advance, Zane
Hi Mike, I have enjoyed your inspiring & educational emails the past couple yrs. I’ve been gainfully employed during that time, caregiving in a private job where I was able to create a lovely garden with the woman I worked for. I’ve been a gardener all my life & have told folks it was my sanity to be able to get my hands in the earth &
GROW things. I’ve sold some “patio pots” & done weddings with my flowers, worked 3 yrs. for Conservation & Land Management of W. Australia in their tree nursery, propagating trees as well as special controlled pollination projects, & replanting areas of the forest there. Worked on an organic ginger farm in Hawaii, Planted from seed over 10,000 Tazmanion blue gums & tended through to planting out, & have dreamed of having my own “backyard gardening” business for a long time.
I’ve never felt I could afford your system, or seen how I could implement it at the time. Now I find myself unemployed, as financially challenged as I’ve ever been, & know this is something I coud make work for me.
At 62, it’s looking bleak on the employment scene.. but just watch me get to work in my own nursery! This book could be my saving grace! and so, I respectfully throw my sunhat in the ring, & thank you for the opportunity…
Wow! You know what it would be nice to win
something my wife and I could enjoy.Sadly all I ever won before was the draft lottery and when they picked you for that winning was really losing.
Thanks for the chance to win one of your systems. I have really enjoyed your advice over the years. Please keep up the great work.
toss my hat in the ring please!
I don’t have a hat but can I throw in my scrunchy? I love all your videos and information. You make it so easy to understand and affordable. I don’t have a large garden but I have been able to make the most of it for the past few years from what I have learned. Thanks
Heavens yes, here’s myhusband’s hat….I don’t have one of my own!!
Great tips for the yard and garden. Can’t wait for the unveil of the new system!
I’m not sure if I’m allowed to win one but I’ll comment anyway – I’m writing all the way from Papakura, New Zealand. I’ve been following your email/newsletters for a while now and am always interested in what you have to say. I wish I lived closer as I’d love to come visit you and pick your brains!!
Love your videos and newsletters
Hi Mike Love your e-mails and am learning tons of new things. Presently, I am a proud owner of a couple of azaleas, hydrangea and rhoado’s that I started using your method using the one dollar open plastic basket method. So happy to see the little plants growning. This is getting contagious. Would love to be the recipient of your books.
Thanks for all your wonderful articles!
I would love to get a copy of your new backyard growning system free!
I have used your system for over a year and love it. I would like to be considered for one of your new books!
I can hardly wait to see all your new advice and grand ideas!
Renee Copp
Save me a book I can use all the help you can offer. James
I need this so very much! My wife & I are in our 50s and still trying to get it right. thanks for your consideration.
Here’s my hat in the ring. Thanks
I’ve read your great tips for the past couple years and have wanted to buy your system. But renting, my landlord wouldn’t hear of me “tearing up his yard.” I just bought a house and 11 acres and am closing in September. So what a housewarming gift it would be to win a copy! But reguardless, I’ll be ordering your system when I get moved in. Thanks for all the free tips and info Mike!
Hi Mike I have been receiving your emails for some time and find they are great,my knowledge has grown a lot with your help.
I live in NEW ZEALAND and have opposite seasons to what you have. I would love to have a copy of your new growing system.
Cheers Alan from NZ
I enjoy my emails from you and have used many of your tips for gardening.
Best Wishes
Mike…Please consider me for your set also! I really love watching your videos and reading your work.
It’s so nice to see someone so down to earth and practical and not just the usual garden sites trying to sell you useless expensive stuff or advocating massive garden overhauls that require big bucks we don’t have!
Hi Mike,
Please include me in the draw for your new Backyard Growing System publication. I’ve been on your mailinglist for a while. I’ve been dabbling with plant propagation for even longer. Maybe it’s time to get serious about this thing. 🙂
I love your helpful tips,
Getting ready to retire on Just SS, if we still have it. Could use extra income and would love to have your new book/system to get started. The free copy would sure help.
Mike, I would love a copy of your revised version. However, I would just like to say thanks for the opportunity for allowing everyone to participate in this, even if I do not win a copy.
I cannot say I am any more lucky or any more certain that I should get a copy than anyone else, but in the past year, I have really come to my own in gardening. A year and a half ago, I was at a low point in my life, had become an alcoholic, and had suffered a DWI in the state of Michigan.
After spending several weeks in a hospital for mental conditions, I was released and in a state of depression. At this time, I started working on my 55 gallon freshwater aquarium stocked with all live plants, which made me want to tinker with live plants outside. Having the desire to pull myself out of my depression, I started gardening at my grandmothers house, to which I extended her shade garden and have henceforth started a sun garden. While I would love to put in many plants, most of mine are transplants from work and from family members to save money.
I have grown a few plants from seeds and have done some cuttings which I am just happy with. While I have learned alot, I am still learning and would like someday to own my own home so that I could have the room to do everything and anything to my heart’s desire. I read your emails with the utmost respect and look forward to each and everyone.
I still have not graduated from college and as there are so many things that interest me in life, and horticulture is just one of them. Thank you for all the emails and information, and I wish everyone the best of luck!
I’ve been a gardener for years and plan to retire soon.
Now it’s time to choose from my many interests where my focus should be. If my huge white floppy gardening hat is chosen from the ring, that will be my sign! Thanks for sharing.
Just retired from 43 years of teaching and am looking to starting a new career and this looked very interesting.
Mike, I may be older but not retired or dead yet. Better late than never. Every time you make a comment or send a newletter I can’t wait to open and read it. Wishing you many more prosperous years of success in your endenvours and in teaching others, so we may gain valuable knowledge to either make a living from or just puttering in the garden to put a jingle in our pocket.
I have so appreciated your wisdom! I have and will continue to pass it on…..
Oh GREAT! I love your lit.Please send me the copy of your new program if I’m not too late. Here’s my hat in the ring, Thank You! I love your tips, info and friendly
Enjoy your site very much. Retired and moved to Florida many years ago from the northeast. Was spoiled by the rich dark earth up north and have been struggling with the beach sand that is called dirt here in Fl. Love gardening but could sure use help in building sand into soil that contains nutrients. Although I do not wear a hat, I will toss in my bald scalp towards your “Backyard Gardening system” Thanks for all the help you give everyone.
would love a copy. i enjoy your newsletters and website and hope to implement your system in a backyard business of my own
I have been reading your backyard growers website and am really wishing i could invest the cash. unfortunately i lost my job a whie back and my new one is a lot less. I have tried some of your tips to start cuttings with good sucess and i am anxiously waiting when I can afford to get the entire system.
Thank you for a great site
There I threw it…. Hope you catch it and throw the book at me.
Congratulations on finishing a new book.
Always like reading your posts because they’re so informative and I’m trying to up my gardening skills. You have lots of great tips so thanks for all the useful information. I’m anxious to try propagating my own Harry Lauder Walking Stick. I have a few branches in the house as decoration because I love that plant.
I would love to be a recipient of your giveaway! I’m just getting started in the direction of selling small plants from my home. Thanks for inspiring vision and providing instruction!
I have been sharing my notes and emails with my 91 year old mother who still gardens. I’m sure she would love to read your new book. Please consider us for one of the three new free copies! Thanks, much.
You should get a “hats off” military salute from Mountain Home Veterans center. Your work, which I avidly follow, and totally enjoy has been therapeutic in dealing with PTSD ( I am a disabled Vietnam veteran). It has helped me become a much better gardener and amazingly even a little better, calmer person. So, big thank you!!
Mike I READ ALL YOUR E-mails and keep them for future use – the best articles I have been able to find! I would your old system and new book as an exciting new tool to work with! I have a neurological
Disease and you have made my life
easier and be able to enjoy my flowers, etc. so much more thru your talents shared! God Bless You!
Sandy -Southern Maine
I have thoroughly enjoyed your site,and I have enjoyed getting my kids involved in horticulture as well. I believe your program would be an asset to teach them that hard work does pay off and assist in giving my kids additional tools so they can achieve. I would appreciate the chance to get your new program, but its not just about me, its about passing on knowledge and giving them something that builds character.
throw my hat in to Mike
Hi Mike! Would LOVE a copy!! Love your tips n new plants you introduce! Always looking for new ideas for my garden.
I am age 75. In my spare time am finally enjoying working in my fl & nc homes. Soooo much to learn. Thank you.
I am once again throwing my hat in as well. Crossing my fingers and toes that one day I will get chosen 🙂
I am a total novice and can use all the help I can get! lol
Yay! Your new book sounds great! We dream of selling plants perhaps for our living someday. Right now we sell lots of vegetables at the. Farmers market all summer. But growing things is definitely our favorite pastime though it is a bit more difficult to do here in New Mexico.
I really enjoy reading your emails. Please put my hat in the ring for one of the new products. thanks
Hi Mike
May I please I one of your free Backyard Growing Systems? My pasion is propagating plants. Thank you
Hi Mike,… would love to receive one of the three copies of your books. I’m a very young 65 year old that loves to play in the dirt with my plants. I know that I have a pretty yard, but would love to know how to do more, and learn how to combine plants together. I’m also a tree nut, and have a number of vatieties, but, again, I am not sure how to care for them pro[perly, and keep them trimmed so they don’t get out of control. Thank you for all your great tips, but, it’s summer now, and I’m out playing in the dirt,.. now that the heat wave has passed…at least for awhile. Thanks again Mike!!
Like everyone else I too would love a set. My students and I could use it in our class. Thanks for doing this Mike
P.S hello from a high school in Canada!
Hi Mike would like one of the free books. I have read your weekly e mails and have enjoyed them all. Love the video’s also. thanks Richard
Hey Mike.
Had a great time in OH last week. I just wanted to swing by the site and throw my sombrero into the mix.
Thanks for considering me for the copy.
I love your website and have used your books for a long time. I have learned so much from them and gotten such good advice i dont know how i got along without it. Mikes slogun JUST DO IT
Hi thank you for considering me to possibly get 1 of your new books. It would be a honor to have one to look at and enjoy.
hello…..here’s my hat…when your done with it turn it into a cool planter.
Recently retired Horticulture instructor, now I have to start from scratch for myself. I am throwing my hat into the ring as lng as I’m not running for governor or something.
I love your helpful tips, and I visit your website frequently! I’m looking forward to your new book and would love to receive a free copy. Here’s my hat in the ring.
Thank you for all you do.
pick me!….seems all your ideas that I have implemented on my end have worked really great…can’t wait to see what’s in the book!
Your know how is for the world to share by leading children to it at schools.
Hope we´re lucky this time.
Cancun, Mexico
I love your helpful tips, and I visit your website frequently! I would love to be considered a recipient of a copy of your new program.
Thank you for all you do.
I sure could use one of your books. I have enjoyed your newsletters and have used a lot of your tips.
Dear Mike,
I have always appreciated your gesture of sharing great gardening tips with fellow gardeners across the world.
I love gardening and in the past 3 months I have learnt a lot from you…I want to plant free of charge some beautiful plants in 4 churches and temples in my area, in the state of Georgia.I had huge success in growing vegetables in my back yard this summer and would post and share some pictures soon..I would always treasure your new book as my most precious GIFT. Thanks for doing GREAT JOB for HUMANITY.
Donna and i love gardening, right now it is a hobby, I would not mind maing money at it. Hopefully we will get our PVC green house built in the next month or so.
Would live to have a copy of your backyard growing system.
I am tossing my hat in the ring. I would verymuchlike to be considered for one of the copies
I have always read your newsletter I have keeped most all of them printed and in my gardening book so as too be able to read them at my leasure. I have gotten lots of great info from I really do need the new book and the DVD’s to ferther my knowledge base. and be the future of plant growing and make a little money, never hurts. So my hat is in the ring
I would like to be entered to win a free copy of the backyard growing system.
I would love to have one of your copies. I am constantly telling my mother about the e-mails I receive from you and would love to show her your book.
Mike, I would love a copy of your new Backyard Growing System. Thanks !!
Recently, I signed up to Mike McGroarty’s gardening newsletter.
I think anyone interested in these types of things would enjoy his newsletter.
He works really hard to bring you gardening information that you typically won’t find anywhere else.
Plus, right off the bat, his promised eBook “Free Plants” is sent to you instantly after
I believe it’s his sincere goal to provide you with the most common sense gardening information on the web.
You receive really great info in not only his newsletter but their homemade videos as well…
With all the extra goodies, info, insights and strategies…you just can’t go wrong…!
And now, he’s offering to give away three copies of his Brand New Backyard Growing System!…
This is amazing!!! I’m in for the chance!!!
And good luck to everyone!!
Mike, I would love to get a copy of your book as I am always checking with you for tips and how too’s. Plus I could pass it on to my Granddaughters. They love planting and growing things. Please consider me for the FREEBIE.
Phillis Ratcliff
Sounds like a great give away. It would be great to win this money making system. I am throwing my hat in the ring for one.
Hi Mike, I do not envy the task of deciding who will get the free books (you make propagating plants look easier than this will be). I would like to throw my hat in the ring also. After reading all your emails and seeing what a good ol’ boy (no offense, just respect) could do with plants, I have wanted to do something like this myself. After 24 years of faithful service to my work, I’m being forced out due to a workplace injury. I would love to be able to support my wife and 4 year old kid with my own hands, working with nature. If not, thank you for the opportunity and good day!
I have an acre & a half where I’m fighting the goatheads & weeds. I would love to have a copy of ur new book. I got my fingers crossed for the win.
Love ya Mike …. I would love one of these systems. I can still remember the smell of fresh turned earth when I gardened with my Grandma. Keep up the good work!!!!!!
Love your website and videos – lots of great info. I am “throwing my hat in the ring” because I would love to have your Backyard Growing System plus the DVD’s you mentioned.
Please enter my name for consideration of the free copy, Thanks! -Tom
Hi Mike, I would like to throw my hat in. I am recently widowed and have a lot of time on my hands. I have 15 acres of pasture land just being dormant. It would be great to see it produce something useful again. Congratulations on your new book.
Mike, Please add my hat to the ring! I have been following you for years and always open your emails first. I can’t thank you enough for the knowledge you have shared regarding your plants and I am also adding your fudge recipe to the mix.
I sure would love a hard copy of your system. Please pick me.
I’m disabled, but recently married a man who loves to work my gardening for me. I read and he works, it’s a great combination. It would be wonderful to be able to get a free copy of your new program to read and try new methods. We have terrible soil and have been slowly improving it using your methods. Now we can almost grow things out of beds and pots.
I worked in a wholesale greenhouse for almost 20 years. When it went under I ended up cooking in a Juvenile Facility…locked up all day! We have 4 acres and I would love to grow and sell plants, just to preserve my soul. I really miss all the babies and very much admire what you do. Help me get started on the road out of my prison!
I already have your system and really enjoy your videos and newsletters. Here’s my entry.
Would dear;y love your book as I follow your newsletter with great interest.
Looking forward to your new release. Your post, newsletters, videos, and prior book have been succinct and informative. Thanks for all the work you do for all.
Ralph in Atlantic Beach, FL
I love the looks of your system and I have a very large backyard with plenty of room to grow plants. I would really love to have one of your free systems.
Love your ideas tips and videos.
I’ve just bought a 40 acre lot in southern CO to build a house for myself, my wife and daughter. I would love to get some trees going this fall. You book would be a great help.
I got trigger happy on the first post. Please consider me for your backyard growing system. I am as close as I have been to starting my very own business like you did. Thanks for all the inspiration and tips.
I would love to win. Perhaps it will motivate me to get off the fence and do something great for myself and others! Love all the information I receive!
Mike, I would absolutely love to have a copy of your revised growing system. LOVE TO GROW PLANTS! Making money from them would be awsome .I’m in!
I want to grow at home and sell. I want this product.
Would appreciate a copy of your new book. Enjoy your E-mailings and videos and use several of the tips in my gardens.
Hi Mike!
Thank you in advance!
I’m making new intentions and getting rid of those that no longer serve me well, so here’s my old hat, and I’m ready for a new year, new hat, and new adventures selling plants for fun and profit and co-creating in a new space of love with someone who shares my ideals and passion for the mother earth and growing plants.
Keep up the good works, you’re fantabulously awesome!
Big Hugs!
Looking forward to hearing more about the update. So, here’s my hat.{:>
After retiring from the Corporate world and moving to beautiful TN and then discovering I hadn’t a clue as to what grows here I discovered the Mikes
Backyard Nursery and fell in love. I purchased the program and actually understood it (i.e. no latin). Would love to be considered for this, and thank you for being my go to for information.
Hat is in the ring. Love your emails with advice, videos and all the extra little stuff thrown in. My husband enjoys them as well. Would love to receive your new Backyard book and dvds!
Hi Mike, I love getting your e-mails and tips on growing things. I love gardening and have been out of work for over a year now and money is very tight. I haven’t been able to order one of your books yet, but would love to be able to get one. I’m sure I could use the extra money from trying your system and I am looking forward to getting started hopefully by next spring. If I don’t win, maybe next year I can get one with tax check. Thanks again for all the great tips!!
Hey Mike,
I’d love one of your three copies! My brother who is legally blind and a nurseryman and I are wanting to start our own backyard biz up. We sure could use the tips you give to steer us right. We have a large family back yard that would work great as a planting area. With your knowledge and tips, I believe we’d be a success! Thanks for considering us – and here’s the hat!
With your help I was able to properly plant a beautiful baby japanese maple from my parents’ property… thank you!!
Mike I am afraid I won’t be able to throw my hat in the ring,you see I am bald and if I throw my hat in I am afraid my head will get burned.
Now consider the fact that I am retired and on a fixed income which makes money not flow as freely as it once did and if you would consider sending me anything free I would be much obliged. 🙂 thanks
Hi Mike; Thanks your generosity. I too would like to throw my name in the hat. I enjoy seeing “change”. Being involved with flowering plants, and in particular propagation, has been a tremendous joy over the years. I would enjoy trying your new ideas and sharing them with others. Ernie
I would love to have a copy of this…at this point in time, I could never afford to purchase one and am still a bit skeptical about this.
I love everything nature and trying to reproduce plants. I don’t get to take care of my plant “babies” the way I’d like because I am a stay-at-home mom taking care of my two boys and helping “everybody and his brother” (according to my mother). I could use all the help I can get. I’ve thought your system was fabulous, but unfortunately a luxury that I cannot afford. It would certainly be put to great use and bring great rewards! How very generous of you!
My dad got me into planting and now that I see the benefit and joy others get I have to turn our shed into a greenhouse.
I look forward to learning more!
I have been following you for years. I always enjoy your newsletter. I think winning one of you systems would throw me over the edge of doing more than just reading. I love watching baby plants grow and especially love sharing woth others who enjoy the same. Not to mention, in this economy I need all the help I can get! If I could learn and develop from your system it could truly provide the exta boost , I could so appricate. Thanks for opportunity!
I just put up a greenhouse and on a fixed income. Need retirement income and your book will do it!
Hi, I normally don’t wear hats, but for this I will put one on and the throw it in. It will be great to get your new backyard growing system. I look forward to your emails to see what information I can use for my yard.
I finally got my kids interested in plants and trees so it makes sense to start a hobby and then a business
Hi Mike, all of your information has been so helpful. I’m always excited when I see a new email pop up. I’m waiting for fall, then I can gather the seeds from my Japanese Maple tree and start growing little trees. You make gardening fun as well as educational. Hope you are having as much fun as we are. Would love to be one of the winners of your new book. thanks for all you do. Virginia
Please consider me for one of the 3 systems your giving away…I could really use it to get started.. I am on a fixed income and my money is always allocated to bills, just enough to say getting by..I want to earn some much needed income and I am a believer that th is will work… If I would have had the money I would have purchase already
Thank you for your generosity and sharing your knowledge with all of us
God Bless
Mike King
Hi Mike,
I love getting your newsletter. I am a new gardener so don’t know very much about gardening. I would love to be considered for your free book as I need lots of help in my garden. The lawn was never treated with anything and I have those horrible white grubs eating my grass. I have pent most of my money on grass seed, soil and fertilizer hoping I can suffocate the little darlings – all to no avail. I even tried those nematodes last year, but instead of eating the grubs, I think the grubs ate the nematodes!!!
Thanks for all your helpful newsletters.
Congratulations on your new system. I’m retired and doing a lot more gardening than ever before. Income is always a problem (no overtime in retirement) so I would like to use your system to earn extra $$ doing something I would really enjoy. Whether I win or not, thanks for your willingness to share your knowledge and tricks of the trade. You got my tipped hat for your collection!!!
I have looooong dreamed of implementing your system. The idea of mass-producing non-perishable (compared to vegie gardening) stock is highly appealing. I love growing tropical and just plain eye pleasing stocks. I would have dealved into this years (2) ago but was in the process of moving cross country, twice! I am not trying to supplement my current business, but trying to find my dream in the worst of economic regions in the U.S. Period. I’ll take photo’s and share to help promote!
From a long time admirer,
I’m doing a student project for my high school classes.
I love plants just never knew what I was doing, need to learn fast. Need the money bad. Take my hat and put it in the ring. I have another old one around here some where.
Mike, You make me look smart! I share a lot of information I’ve learned from you on our local garden site and everyone appreciates that. My old hat isn’t worth much but it keeps the sun off, here it is and thanks so much for all the great tips!
Well I would be honored to receive your Back Yard Growing system! I hae to have kept your emails in a file and enjoy reading them when you send them. I can’t watch the videos cause it takes to long to download. I am still on dial up! LOL! You do what you can when money is not available.
For the winners I am happy for you and hope you make the most of Mikes knowledge.
Keep growing and motivated! Mike is always saying that! LOL!
Have a great fall ahead of you!
Mike, Thank you for being such a good role model for the entrepreneur spirit. I have a lot to learn and grasp at every bit of information that you offer. So I would be interested in your new book.
Please consider me for a free copy!
I would live to have a copy of your new book
I have learned so much from your posts and enjoy all of them. And from your videos!! I have had so much success in rooting cuttings by using your book, “Easy Plant Propagation.” Thanks also for “The Gardener’s Secret Handbook”! You are so generous in sharing all your expertise with us. Thank you so much.
Hi Mike,
I live in Canada and get your newsletters regularly. I have received lots of great advice, information and tips on gardening, propagation, etc. Keep up the good work and of course, please throw my hat in, too.
I enjoy your e-mails and videos!
Throwing my hat in the ring!!
Your tips and plans are invaluable and this would help me to finally get started on my growing and sales. What a blessing it will be. Thank you for all your hard work.
Here’s my hat in the ring Mike. I sure could use your knowledge base to increase my income. Thank You.
I just retired on teachers disability because my kidneys have quit working. I have been looking at your website for years now maybe I will have time to start my backyard business. SO I NEED A FREE COPY AS SOON AS IT BECOMES AVIABLE!!!
Pick me, pick me…thank you for all your gardening tips Mike….
Roxanne Washington
Tucson, Arizoma
Would love to have a copy of your book. I am very thankful for you sharing your knowledge.
I’ve truly enjoyed all the information I’ve received from your vast wealth of knowledge about plants! I’d love a free copy of your new set!
Have wanted your system for awhile, need to supplement our family income, would like to learn how.
Hello Mike,
An inspiration you are, I’ve enjoy and used your information for some time now..
Your name comes up really often when I’m talking gardening with family and friends..
Would love to win — hope that my hat is choosen.
Have A Blessed Day..
Here’s my hat. I love reading your articles. I’m an avid gardener and hope to do this eventually. Economy keeps me from buying right now. Thanks for all the free advice though….
I LOVE reading your emails and would be SO happy to receive a free Backyard Growing System. Thank you for all the great information you provide. It is very appreciated!
I’ve been reading your emails and think you are great. Just been waiting for the right time to get in on this opportunity you offer.
Problem is i have contracted Morgellons (metal nanoparticles)and have been busy trying to understand and treat this horrible reaction. I would love to read thru your manuals since i find your videos very concise and simple.
Am retiring shortly and have been thinking of starting up with plants as an income supplement. Would LOVE to win a copy of your new book!
I can’t wait!
Consider my hat thrown…lol!!
I would love to get the free copy your backyard growing system. I am just starting out with growing / propagating, etc. and need all the tips I can get. I really enjoy your emails with so many good tips. Keep them coming. Thank you.
I would love a copy.
Thanks for all you do. This website is a treasure trove.
congratulations to your success over the last thirty years Mike, I have listened to your comments and appreciate your candid remarks. Its good to here plain old straight advise without all the BS.
Dear Mike,
I would like a copy too. I am having a difficult time getting into the copy I just bought last July. I have a very old computer and it does not have enough to download the book that I purchase and the free secret garden book. I have not receive the DVD that is suppose to come with the online book I purchase.
thank you for your constant encouragement. I enjoy reading your e-mail.
best wishes Willi
As an Illinoisan by birth, but raised in the South (mostly GA), I have enjoyed your web site and videos. You remind me a lot of my great grandfather who was a plant wizard and digger of medicinal herbs who always had the earliest garden and regularly tried new plants in Salem, IL.
I have about 1.5 acres and a lake that I can irrigate from. I would love to have a copy of your latest propagating info and eventually start growing baby plants in my backyard to make up for the loss of income over the past 5 years from my “day job” of computer sales.
Keep up the good work and inspiring others! My hat’s off to you.
Greg C
Fayetteville, GA
I have been coming to this site for several years now. Mike is full of great plant information and shares it here and on youtube. Thanks for everything! I am looking forward to purchasing the new program. And I am even more super excited to perhaps get the program free in this give-a-way. Keep up the great work Mike , can’t wait.
Nathan H.
Boise Idaho
Hi,would reall y like to win…Love all your info and videos
I would be blessed to receive one of your free copies. I keep trying different things, but a true”system” would sure help.
Would like to be considered for the book give-away. If it is as good as your iste, it will be great!
Hat in the ring. Great news. Lots to learn. Thank you for the newsletters.
Would really love to have the book and DVDs. My poor garden really needs the help. (Must be the garden not the gardener, right?)
Count me in i will be ordering unless i get it free
Love,Love,Love books I can hold in my hand! Not a nook person. Am a die hard gardener. If I have a cutting or root of anything, I will try to keep it going. My caps is in the ring. Happy gardening!!!
I am so sorry, I only have 1 hat and I need it for the people to throw in their loose change when I sing at the corner.I have tried almost everything to make a little extra money to make ends meet. It just isn’t happeng.
So, I thought I would take your advice and grow plants to sell. Hope I get a chance at your system!
Linda Wedekind Shippenville, Pa.
Hi Mike and Duston.
First of all huge congratulations for finishing the new work. As a writer myself I know how hard than can be. Personally, it’s the editing that drives me nuts.
Secondly, a big thank you for this amazing giveaway.
Thirdly. I am in England so can I still enter? Because if so, I am excited for the chance. I would love to take your system and make it work over here also. Full credit etc, to you of course. If that is possible, please include me for a chance at this too good to miss offer.
Thanks you guys and whether I win or not, thanks also for being so generous with your knowledge and all your hard work as well as for helping so many people. You are all stars.
I actually have an associates degree in horticulture and have still found many of your tips very usefull. I realyy enjoy your newsletters. Have a good daY!
Dear Mike
Thanks do much for all the great information you send our way!! I am wanting to retire from my full time job but really don’t have enough savings to do it. I absolutely love gardening and growing plants and my home and yard are testimony to that! So if I follow my bliss and should get one of your free systems I could retire and do what I love and make money doing it!! Hugs to you and yours and thanks again for the opportunity!
Hi Mike
I would like a copy of your new book. That is, whether free or not. I want one either way. I am too old (87) to jump into a new business but I do love Japanese maples and I am trying to root Montawk Daisyes.
I follow all your emails and have tryed on many occasions to purchase for program. Unfortunately the money is never there. I would love to be chosen to recieve a copy!
Thanks much
Lorrie Pelka
Grayling, MI
I love reading your newsletters. I’ve learned a lot from you. I’ve won yard of the month in my subdivision. I would love a free gift.
Just got a new hat – so here goes.
Been camping so tomorrow begin taking cuttings from the hydrangeas. Was hoping you would do a video on that!
I would love a copy of your new book! Thanks for your generosity in considering us!
Count Me In MIKE, What I’ve Saw Already Is Great!!! In The MASTERS Service DON
hi have dreams of trhirving plants and popagating plenty to share and sell – I’d like to be considered for a current copy, and hope to buy the new book. Good luck to you!
I would love to be put in the hat for this system. I have so much to learn and would love to be educated by you! Thank you so much for the opportunity!
Karla from Idaho
I enjoy your advice-filled columns.
After this summer of drought, many of us are going to need even more lessons on how to get our landscapes rebuilt with inexpensive plants.
Praying to God my name is drawn. Really could use this now, 59 years old, starting over after 32 years of marriage, living with parents to help them out with a father who is blind and has Alzheimer’s. Not that I deserve it more than other just need a boost to be more self sufficient! I too save all your emails and enjoy reading them and doing what I can on a limited budget. thank you to you and your family for all you to for us!
I’m throwing my hat in the ring from Texas. I love you down to earth and practical approach to gardening. Most of all thank you for all the joy you have for gardening. It comes through and is contagious. We can tell it comes from the heart and part of your joy is sharing it with us, who want so much to learn. Have really enjoyed your web site and emails. Would love to win your new system. Thanks again. Lois
The information you so freely give is always awsome. I look forward to receiving your emails. Now I look forward to having the winning hat that I am tossing in. Good luck to me, huh?! Thanks for this and for all you do.
I’m creating a permaculture food forest and more on an old industrial lot by the North Sea in Sweden, on a budget of enthusiasm alone. It will serve as a learning center for some, a refuge for others, and therapy and hope for the future for me.
Whether I receive a free copy or not, I am already inspired by all the hatless hippies who have delivered their headwear to the circle you’ve created, and thank each of you for what I’ve got already.
Best of luck in the muck, my friends!
Would love to “throw my hat in the ring”. Would’ve loved to come to your shindig, but Washington State is a bit far from you, plus I have a full time job.
Thanks for all your great articles, pictures, knowledge, etc.
Hi Mike.. I’vde read and saved all your newsletters and have watched your videos over and over. I have retired 2 times and want to retire 1 more time. I want to enjoy our home and I cannot think of a more rewarding way to do it. We have such a beautiful piece of land here in Iowa. I can make my hobby my supplemental income and I can make it as big or small as I want. Thank you for all your inspiration. Sandy
I would love to receive a copy of the Brand New Backyard System. I have been following for a while but haven’t made the leap to actually turning it into a business.
I would love to propagate plants on a much larger scale. But on a city back-lot of 40×20 I can only enjoy the success of your method on a small scale. I have put out about 60 small plants(burning bush, forsythia, many cedars and blue spruces) for the neighbours to take for free. They disappear overnight. My satisfaction is in the greening of the neighbourhood.
Would love to have a copy of your new book.
I have a 1/2 acre and have been wanting to do this I believe this is the time it would give me the time to get this ground ready for spring planting or even get it ready trees or plants this fall so I am throwing my hatvin to thanks for all the good info. Ron
Fingers crossed. Hat thrown…
Hi Mike,
Congratulations on your forthcoming new book and trio of DVDs!
I always enjoy reading (and sometimes even studying!) your informative e-mail tips for rewarding gardening experiences.
You’re the voice of experience with easy-to-follow, practical advice.
Thanks for considering me, and keep up the good work!
Best regards,
Bill Brown
Pittsburgh, PA
I hope it’s dirt proof.
Fingers crossed. Hat thrown!
I enjoy your website and look to it for answers to all my planting questions. The Propagation of plants was very informative, using it for my Angel Trumpet plants. Thanks very much for all your helpful tips and hints. Elaine
Please include me in the drawing too!
I would like to be considered for a free copy of your most recent publication. I havejust build a new home and am struggling with the outdoors.
Hi mike thank you for considering me in your draw.. I have a few little projects of my own.. I’m afraid I don’t live in a house right now, and most of my planting is done in a community garden.. I would really like to win one of your books and systems for a good friend of mine who is just starting her garden in a new home.. She loves gardening and It would mean a lot to her.. I personally follow you on YouTube and love all your videos.. I find them to be very informative and helpful.. I consult them for any gardening questions that I have, and am always pleased with the results. Again thanks for considering me and keep up the good work.
Sincerely ,
I’m throwing my hat in the ring too.
Hi Mike!
Love all the information that you provide.
The wife and I finally got around to following your ideas when our sweet potatoes started growing in the grocery bag…Got your info and put down layers of newspapers and potting soil. They are doing great. Love to do more (I saved all your emails) and my hat, coat and shirt are in ring. Thanks!
Mike! I would love to be on the receiving end of one of your growing system. I follow you and although I have not been in the postion to purchase, I follow your advice on so many levels and I feel our love of plants and “dirt” is something that could really help spur me onto success, ever year we discuss starting a small plant business and I guess I just dont know where to start, this could be the direction I need!
Hi Mike,
Ive been reading and enjoying your site for a very long time. Till recently I have been too disabled to actually go out in the yard and grow more than a couple things. Im now on new med that has improved my life and so Im getting my hands a little dirtier, and loving it. I take cuttings where I can find them, then go to your site to see what I need to do with them. I have wanted your book for “forever”, but when the bills are paid, Im strapped, as I know many are these days. I want very much to see if I can make a backyard nursery. I`ve been collecting free pots,and rooting compound,and I need the sand and soil and oh yes, your backyard growing system. I thank you for all the wonderfull information you give free of charge. YOU opened my eyes to the wonder and magic of the plants around us. And gave me a form of therapy that was good for my mind and body. I would LOVE to be considered for your book. Thanks again.
Hi Mike~ I would LOVE to win one of your books… I could really use it here in Reno, NV~ I always pass on your messages to friends around the country… wouldn’t be surprised if they have signed up themselves. But they never complain about receiving your messages twice~
Please put my name in the hat for one of your new copies of your growing system. Even if I do not get one of the free copies, I definitely want to know when the new information is available. Thank You.
I love your website. You have helped me choose plants for my yard, trimming hydrangeas and making me want to start my own business. I would live to he chosen to receive a free copy of book. Fingers are crossed. Thanks.
I always enjoy your emails and information. I’ve learned a lot from my current membership and my wife and I have slowly started to “grow” with it. I’m excited to hear about your new book and series and would certainly like to be considered for a the give away. Good luck, I’m looking forward to it.
Everyone would “love” to have one and I’m no different. Or, am I? I “NEED” one and here’s why. I will be retiring next spring and my wife has had a tough year with our back yard garden. Between a fungus and chipmunks, her tomatoes haven’t had a chance. Even the pole beans are hardly half what they been the last few years. So, for my wife and I, it’s more than a “love to”, it’s a “need to”!
Thanks a bunch!!
My husband and i are on disability,and can’t many luxuries.I enjoy growing my own plants,and when i have extras,i give them to family members. We are hoping to move to N Florida soon to be closer to our Daughter.This book could possibly be my way of making the world around me more beautiful,and make some extra money to boot!!! SO I Am THROWING MY HAT INTO THE RING….Thanks for doing this,thelma
have been interested in backyard growing for years. my dad and i started discussing it after he lost a leg to diabetes and could not “Garden on a Grand Scale” anymore and sell his produce. he never quite got on board with the idea but i always held on to the dream.
Thanks so much Mike for sharing your extensive plant knowledge with the world! I enjoy every email and the monthly newsletters that are filled with interesting ideas & information. I’d be thrilled to receive one of your new books!
I am just getting started with my mini nursery and already have the Backyard Growing System. I would love to get a free copy of the “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” system. I need all the tips and information I can get my hands on.
I have been enjoying your emails and tips for some time now. My finances have not allowed me to buy your e-book which I would have loved to have had. I would appreciate it so much to have a copy of your book and would consider it a blessing.
Thank you very much!
Mike, I’d watch your videos even if I did not love to learn more abount growing plants. Would appreciate a copy.
Mr. McGroarty,
Please consider me for this great offer. You are so kind to do this.
I ‘m retired on a fixed income I could really use this system!
cheers Mike get my hat in the ring anb that book over to me in the uk
Very exciting. Today I finished my planting table from your free plans! Thanks for sharing- it was really easy. Considering starting to grow for income- would love a copy of your new book. One sweat stained, well worn, sun hat thrown in the ring!!
Best wishes on the new endeavors! Sure hope I win 🙂
Here’s my hat. I would like to be considered for the give away.
Thank you,
Hi Mike.
I also would like to get a free copy of your book.
I have saved many of the e-mails you send out,but it would be nice to get the info in book form.
Thanks mucyh. Jim.
Hi Mike–I love getting your tips on email each week. Your ideas are bright spots in all the junk mail I get. I would like to enter the free growing system package giveaway. Thanks for the interesting tips. Joe
I would like to be considered, thank you!
Mike I have 3 acres of clean land toss my name in and helP me get started
I have always loved gardening. But where I live now I don’t have hardly any room for a garden. I would love to try your system.
would love to win! sounds great!!
Hi Mike,
Your videos are awesome and you have been a great motivator for me. I like your down to earth teaching about plants, etc.. I am hoping to start my own business someday. I am also hoping to be one of the lucky ones to get the free copy.
Thank you for all you do for so many people.
I so enjoy your posts, Mike, and have told quite a few people about you since I signed on. Especially in the permaculture community, where I am recommending that people grow food forest plants, and the hottest permaculture plants rather than ornamentals (no offense, Mike!). I would love a copy of your new book.
it would be great to win
Hey Mike,
Thanks for all your great tips and videos! I’d love to get a free copy so I can start my own business.
thanks for having a drawing for your books.
I’ve been following you for quite a while now. I love the idea of a hard copy of your newest book. Thanks for giving me a chance to throw my sun hat in the ring.
Hello there from Colorado!!Just found about your free system,have always wanted one but we are on a tight budget.Would love to win this for my husband, as he is retired and has to have something to do. He loves growing things and starting things. I love your emails as I really learn someting new! Thank you so much for the time you put in to this for all of us!!!!
I’m throwing my hat in the ring! Thanks for giving us a chance to win a copy.
McGroarty family, thank you. May random selection rain upon this comment and inspiration grow.
with two acres, a new mortgage and my first grandbaby on the way, I would love to get in on this!
would love to be able to teach the little one to use that greenthumb the right way!
I would love a free copy! Living in the UK wonder if it could work here?
I would like a copy to enhance my knowledge of backyard growing.
Mike, I so enjoy your e-mails, would love to have one of the growing systems, but looks like you have a big following so I hope to go on enjoying your e mails and that your new system does well for you. I am and always will be one of your fans!!!!
The gardens are doing great , but I am having a problem or two and could sure use your knowledgable advice. Thank you for your consideration.
Awesome! Love your videos. They’re fun and informative!
I would love to get one of these and see what I can develop. How great it would be to have a home garden business selling plants like Mike. . .doing what I love to do!! Good luck to whomever gets the opportunity here. Hope I am one of them.
Love all your tips. Hope I win a system. Thanks
I would not mind trying your system. It sounds great.
Would very much like to have your new book. Enjoy so much your newsletters and the information you give which I use.
I would love to have a chance to win the new system, especially the DVD! Im a slow reader the DVD will do me well..lol
I wanted to try entering, Ive never won anything,but still try. I’m wondering, what’s the catch? I enjoy your emails; Thank you!
hi mike, please consider me as a recipient of your backyard growing system. i am handicapped, 65 yrs old and very recently widowed and am looking for a way to bring in some extra income for my grandson and me. thank-you for your consideration.
I would love to have a free copy of your Brand New Backyard Growing System! Thanks for all the info that you provide.
Mike, would love to have your new book but I enjoy your blogs and newsletters.I’ve learned a lot from you. Thanks for sharing.
I have been trying so hard to get a gardening business off the ground. But I keep running into work issues or health issues and if I could be considered I am so sure you information would be so beneficial to me!
Sincerely Dawn B.
I think your growing system is fantastic and have been enjoying your newsletters. Thank you for the opportunity to be chosen for your new growing system!
Hi Mike, best of luck with your venture. I have been following your e-mails for the last 5 years and where possible implementing your ideas here in Ireland. I,ve thrown in my gardening hat for a chance to win a copy of your Backyard Growing System. Many thanks Juli
Here is my hat. Hope and pray that I am a winner.
Thanks, I would like to throw my hat in the ring also.
Hi Mike, thanks for all the hard work you do! I am actually looking for home to purchase south of the Youngstown Ohio area with the thought plenty of room for my own garden and raising plants to offer to people. I look forward to each of you emails and was pleased to see Pam in one of them. I love the science behind propegation, but better still, know that God makes all things happen and am amazed at the colors and formations that come from His Hand. Of course, I would love a copy of your Growing System, so thanks for your consideration. God Bless your family!
I’m in.
Throwing my gardening cap into the ring. I really enjoy your newsletters keep up the good work.
Hey Mike, I’ve just discovered your Youtube videos and they’re great. I’ve learned a ton. I retired two years ago but I’m still fairly young so I’ve been kicking ideas around for retirement income.
Looking forward to your new book; better yet to win one!
Mike, I have enjoyed all your videos ,and you give such great advice, I think my favorite was starting seedlings in a plastic pan with pencils stuck in the dirt to hold the plastic bag you put them infrom falling down on the plants. I especially remember that trick. Thanks for all the good advice!
i’m in real estate and will be getting my web site up and running in the next month. i can post a link to your web site and post your ideas on a blog section all for a free backyard landscape system and your list of trees for cheap. thank you
I would not only love a free copy but it would be put to use immediately. We made a lifestyle change this spring for our family, moving from big house/small lot in the burbs, to rural acreage. So far this year we’ve been growing/selling; rosemary, sage, chives, various cut flowers, windmill palms. We would like to sell more of one or two things that have a better profit margin and less labour intensive.
I’ll be thrilled to receive a copy!
Mike, I have loved getting your e-mails and have kept all of them for the great information they have. I would love to get a free copy of your new system. Please throw my name in the pot. Thanks.
Receiving this would be a great start for our new ministry … a communal living of sorts … like in the days of the early church where we all helped one another with abundance could help according to Isaiah 58 and 61!
Please consider me for your give away. I enjoy your website and have shared the information with my friends and family. I look forward to your postings…………. When we moved to this property the person who owned it cut ALL the trees down. I would love to propagate some plants and use your system.
Even if I don’t win, thanks for sharing your knowledge with all of us.
Happy Gardening……
My hat’s in the ring.
I love your system and it’s also been an incredible garden education to receive your posts & videos! Consider my hat as thrown into the ring!
Would love to receive your information. My friends think I am a genius but I get the majority of my information from your website.
Thank you!
Well, I didn’t win last few times, maybe this will be my lucky day!!!
I would love to be considered. My young boys want to start up their own gardening buisness and we are going to use your site to get them started in their adventure. We would love to have this to get them going.
I read your emails all the time however I’m an old retired guy and my memory is not what it used to be(at all) it would be nice to have the material in your system to use for referance. thanks for all the good information you share with us.
Hi Mike… I have thoroughly enjoyed you newsletters, website and ideas.
My husband and I move to my dad’s property to help dad caregive mom after a stroke in 2001. Shortly after that, my husband passed away from an unexpected short battle with cancer. I then lost my mom in 2005. I stayed on to help my dad with him and his property. My dad has recently passed away in January also. Since then I have lost my job and now on a fixed income. I have to sell my dad’s property and forced to move away from this place I call home and love so dearly.
I do so love the outdoors and gardening. While living on my dad’s property, I always kept up a small vegetable and flower garden for my dad and myself. Whenever possible before that, I have had a garden with lots of flowers, vegetables and herbs.
My hope is that you will choose me as one of your recipients of your new Backyard Growing System so once I finally find and settle into my new home, I can start working on supplementing my minimal income with growing and selling plants.
I am throwing my husband’s hat in the ring, in memory of him.
Either way, I thank you for all you are doing to educate everyone in backyard growing.
Hi Mike,
Throw my hat in the ring. I have been reading your posts and emails for a while now. I have a free source of aged organic compost and have been hauling it in by the truckloads. Just planted about 20 flats of perennials. So much more I need to know. I would love one of your Backyard Gardening Systems. living on 5 acres I have a big backyard and I plan to enjoy my retirement gardening. Sure would be nice to make some $$$ too. Thanks.
I’m throwing my hat into the ring along with all the rest of the eager folks above.
Dear Mike,
Please consider me as one of the recipients for your giveaway. I would like to try your system.
Thank you,
Mike, I have ben following all of your posts for the past few months. I’m in the process of building a new home, with 8 zcres of land to grow plants. I have been waiting for this house to be completed to really get started. Should be moved in around November this year. Thanks for all the good growing tips and look forward to applying them soon. jimmy
Hello Mike,
You can’t have my hat because it covers my bald top in the hot Florida sun. Had to use it this morning while tilling for a fall garden. The products I have purchased from you thus far have been well worth the money so consider me in. Have learned many valuable things since finding your site. Thanks.
Hi Mike. The book sounds great. I belong to our local garden club, and we are always sharing our thoughts and plants. We always welcome new information. We took over the upkeep of our historic house in town, and work on it every Tuesday. So my hat is in the ring also. Thanks
Hey, I just retired and find I have time for the gardening I would like to start. You are a big inspiration to me and have all the answers to my many questions. I hope by following your advice, I can move out of the novice level of gardening very soon. I’d appreciate the gift to help me on my journey. Thanks for all you do!
I have enjoyed everyone of your newsletters.
Just this week I have started “making babies”
my first was a wygelia. All of them are rooting. It is really such fun! Don’t know
why I waited so long! Thanks for all your
I’ve been following your site, emails and book for years now. Would love to win the new version of your book.
Please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks
My backyard is mostly hill and I can use all the help I can get. Thanks.
Going for it, and would be ever grateful. Thanks, Mike.
Throw me in Mike..I’ve been a member of your website for as long as I can remember. You’ve supplied me with so many tips and ways to grow, I can’t imagine not having your site to go to when I need help. I would love to get a copy of your new book and DVD. Can I get it free even in Canada. I’ll sing our anthem for you if I win.. Actually I’ll sing anything you want. I’d just love to win
Thanks.. you’re great !!!
Mike, thanks so much for this opportunity! 🙂
Hey I could you all the help I can get. Would love to have a copy. P.S. I am a cheap gardener!
Put me in. I could use some motivation.
Hi, Mike! I’ve been following you for years. I love working outside and have been wishing for years to start up a small business. But honestly, I have been afraid! I hope I’m chosen for your new growing system. I need a good kick in the pants. I hope one day to meet you and your industrious family!
I would like to throw my gardener’s hat into the ring for one of the new books! I am three years away from retiring, but I’m already making plans for my own little nursery business. A headstart won’t hurt anything!
Thanks, Mike!
I like free stuff!
Mike, I would love to be picked to receive a free copy of your new book! It’s always nice to be able to grab something for some quick research on the porch swing instead of stuck at a computer! Enjoy your regular e-mail newsletters and the fact that you don’t share our e-mail addresses with ‘others’!
I’ve been following your web site for several years – I’ve been planning to join your backyard growers at some point – I still work, have 2 jobs. I’ve been concerned that I won’t have the time to do what is necessary to succeed under these circumstances. Mayb it is time for me to just jump in. Thanks for all the great tips.
Please consider me for the book. Thanks again for all the great advice.
Hi Mike,
I have been following you for years and read all your information. I bought the backyard growing system two years ago and finally have a place I can implement the program! I cannot wait until next spring.
I am throwing my hat in the ring for the hardbound copy of your book. This is exciting.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge to the rest of us.
I would like a copy. I enjoy your newsletters keep up the good work.
Okay, here is my hat in the ring! Would love to win a copy. 🙂
Hey Mike please put my name in the pot. Thanks, Harold
Mike and Dustin,
Love your humor and value your practical info that anyone can understand. Thankyou. Husband got “job-chopped” after 43 yrs…..gardening has been “cheaper than a psychiatrist!”…and so healing….would be grateful for your gardening system!
I would like to be considered. Thank you
Hiya Mike, my wife and I are out of work and were going to buy your system last spring. I needed to keep up on my bills and, well I just put it off for the future. there’s a market here on week ends but it still cost $25 for a space. Soooo, a free copy sure would be good to help us get back on our feet. Thanks Mike.
Ken from Tennessee.
I would for sure love to be considered for your offer! I have enjoyed your material and emails for a long time keep up the good work.Thanks….
Would love to have the incentive for the added income & be able to enjoy what I love best -gardening! Thanks Mike, Cyndee
With a family of 5 children and a meager income I have not been able to afford your backyard growing system. I have watched every video and read every email. I would love to be your first success story from your new and revised backyard growing system.
Thank you for your consideration,
Congrats on the completion of your new book. I would love to receive a copy!
Please include me in the drawing! I’ve been on the email list for a long time, and my husband and I have recently retired so have plenty of time now to implement your system!
enjoyed all your email about back yard garden growing plants would like to be considered for your free system
Me! Me! Pick me!!!!
I love how you encourage people to grow trees and plants and to start their own business. Winning your free system would
be a great way for me to get started. I’ve already tried some of your tips and, to
my pleasant surprise, was able to grow tiny
plants into giant ones!
Love all the info you have to offer and would love the opportunity to win your new stuff! With my kids in 4-H, I know they would gain a wealth of information and would share the knowledge they gain from your expertise. I think having all the young 4-Hers get involved would teach them that with hard work, they will be rewarded. They are like sponges right now and anything positive we can teach them now will last a lifetime. Thank you for the opportunity to enter.
Throw my hat in…. I love your ideas and they have helped me begin landscaping my own yard!
Mike, My hat is in the ring. I’m hoping the copy will help fill my upcoming retirement days with information not learned from my Mother our family “Green Thumb”.
Hey, I am a girl; I have lots of hats! Throw one in for me.
I would love to see if I can make a go of your plant rooting system. If I am profitable, I will send the cost back to you. Thanks for all you growing tidbits.
I’ve been enjoying the tips I have been getting from you, Mike. You take me back to my childhood when my grandfather always had a garden with corn, watermelon, gooseberries and a strawberry pyramid a tall ai was at age 6. There were also the iris, tulips, roses and pansies grown for my Grandma. I’m learning a lot about what to do to become a successful gardener. I’m looking forward to being a supplier of beauty for the neighborhood and my first driveway plant sale. Thanks so much!!! 😉
Please change the second-to-last line and last lines to, “Keep feeding your soil for a teeming community of healthy microorganisms! Be a TEEM player!
My husband is a disabled vietnam veteran and I would like to supplement our retirement as well as help our son start a new business that eventually he would be able to quit his job that he is on call 24/7. He has been taking care of us including a nice garage apartment for quite a few years. This last year we had a 1/2 acre vegetable garden and gave away (still giving) our neighbors and family all the vegetables they can eat. Thank you for this opportunity!
Good Sunday Morning to you Mike,
You have been faithful to send me interesting articles since the year 2001. YEP, that long.
I have not been in a position to do anything with all of your advice or buy your system because I lived on other peoples property caregiving for all this time. I have re-married and my husband and I have purchased 8 acres in Homedale Idaho. So,,, NOW I am getting serious. We wont be there until spring but I am wanting to get started on the Learning before I can do the Doing. I would love to get one of your free copies of your new and improved version. I will be able to purchase the whole system when We get to Idaho and stop paying 2 mortgages. Thank you Mike for keeping the faith and not giving up on your freebie listeners. lol. God Bless you and your family. So my hat is in. It is the one with the big sunflower on it.
I am throwing my hat in the ring because I believe. I believe that gardening is the answer of the future and you have shown us the way. Thanks for just being MIKE.
hey mike
matt from UK here. hope you’re all well.
we would love a free copy to follow your fantastic lead.
Would like a free copy.
You know I want a copy! I just got started with learning about the plants and growing and selling them. I have the online copy, but something to hold in my hand on site would be great. Thanks for your newsletters.
I am looking forward to a new career.
Almost didn’t put my hat in – how you’re going to do this with so many, I don’t know. I’ve wanted your backyard system for many years now but never had the money. I’m retiring to take care of my grandchildren and will finally have the time. I have a huge backyard – been implementing your suggestions for years. Would really like to make some extra money selling plants.
Thanks Mike!! What a great gift!!!
I do not have a Hat,but I still need one of them.
Hey Mike,
I am putting my “hat in the ring” and would just like you to know that I have every email you have sent since I joined up in a folder in my email account so I can always search and find an answer if I need it. Thanks so much for all of the useful information…….Betty
I have been following you tips and tricks for a few years now. Work and new hubby kept me from buying in to the system. Having retired and having lost my new hubby a few months ago, I now have the time and NEED constructive projects to fill my time. I could sure use the book to assist me. Thank you and keep the newsletters coming, a great job and good advise.
PLEASE consider me for your new book/DVD, would love to be one of the first to try your system.
I love all of your post, so educational. Even the fudge!!!
Teresa, Amory, MS
Went back to school to get a degree at age 46, graduated and still can’t find a job in my field after 2 years. Would love a copy of your new book to help make some ends meat.
Hi Mike!
As a single mother of two boys (11 & 13) with special needs, they both have Autism, your website and newsletters have helped me get them involved with gardening and raising chickens for the first time for all of us. Although the younger refuses to now eat chicken for dinner, he will now actually eat vegetables on his plate!! Please keep your fingers crossed with me that I am one of the lucky chosen ones to receive a copy of your system and can continue to keep them involved in our start-up of a mini farm. Good luck to all !!!
I have raised plant for sale when I was younger. I always needed alot of room because those that bought from me wanted large plants for their yards. I think of selling small plants for profit is a great thing for me to get into now at my age.
Chris Klasinski
aka gnucanuck
Hi Mike,
Sure would love a copy of the all new backyard growing system. Love your website and all the tips you share. I have tried a few different ones some do well some not so well but hey it is much better then it was for me without your tips. I spend a lot more time at home caring for my husband who has been diagnosised with parkinsons disease and he even shares in some of the gardening once in a while. Throw my hat in for the free copy and keep up the tips. Thanks
Thank you I would like a copy of your system
please consider me…I’ll make you proud
would love to win a copy of your gardening tips so consider this throwing my hat in the ring and thanks for the opportunity for this wonderful prize
love to have it. would like to build.
We enjoy the backyard updates. We are especially happy with the Mantis tiller after watching your demo. Put us in for the free copy of your book.
Pick me! Pick me! St Louis has been too hot to give up my hat…so I’ll just raise my hand and jump up and down. ;-).
How I wish Mike’s family success in all their enterprises!
Anyone sharing the Gardener’s love…surely…soon realizes:
The gardens that TEEM bloom forth like a rose-such bittersweet surprises!
Well, there’s my HAT. See it? It’s an acronym! Keep feeding your soil for healthy microorganisms! Be a TEEM player!
Hey mike, throw my name in. Just moved out to the farm place and ready to put some of your great tips to work.
Mike, You are so good to do this. I would love a free copy. I am retired and have time and need tye $.
Enjoy your information. Hopefully will win a prize.
I would love to be able to give this system a try, and in turn teach my students about a sure-fire system to become growing entrepeneurs! I teach high school grades 10, 11 & 12 second language learners. Thanks for considering my entry!
Can’t wait to read your new book. Hope I get one of the free ones.Mike, I have really enjoyed your site along with all the good tips.
A copy of your book would be very helpful. I have saved all your E-mails for several years now and go back and search through them for help when I need it. Would be a tremendous plus to have them all in one place. Thanks for all your help and God bless on the new book.
I would like a free copy. I’m still not sure about your site. It sounds like it could work. I’ve been bite before. My hats in the ring.
I live in Pa and have 21 acres. I would love to retire knowing I would have enough money to live on and enjoy gardening and my horses. Two of my favorite things in life. Thanks and have a blessed day.
I read and save your emails–great suggestions and instructions. Please add my hat to the ring.
And my hat too, sir. Looking forward to your new system!
I’ve been reading your newsletters for years and keep telling myself I should get your system. Please add me to the entries!
Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the backyard growers community. I love plant propagating and would like an insiders view on how it is done. Being a teacher makes us pinch pennies, especially with the economy, I would really like the opportunity to branch out. Please consider me for one of the three backyard growing systems.
Thank you,
Jacob Sevier
I would like to get one of them.
Thanks for all you do for the growing community Mike. Just came in fro outside surveying where I can grow more in my backyard next year. I think your system would n=be a welcomed addition to my backyard.
Thanks for considering me
Being a widow of 12 1/2 years,(late husband was a fireman in Baton Rouge,LA)I could use some extra income especially with the recent economy. So would like to throw my hat in to win the system. I have enjoyed reading all your information on the emails. Thanks Mike!!
Hi Mike, I have been following you for quite a while now, but not able to start my backyard gardening enterprise due to not having a backyard, I’ve been living in a small trailer in SW Fl. Now I have just moved to Dinwiddie Va. and I finally have an enormous backyard to do whatever I want. Please consider me for one of your free books,and I promise I will send you pics of my new backyard nursery soon as it get’s growing. Peace
I have read every one of your e-mails. And I have learned alot, and saved then so I could go back and read them when I think they may have the answer I’m looking for.
I really would love your book, but it is too far out of reach to pay for. Think of me for one of your books. It would make my year. Gardening for me is soothing. And I need all the calm feelings in my line of work I can get. And someday I would love to start my own nursey.
Having retired recently this would be a perfect
way to earn a little extra money. Thanks a lot
and happy growing.
Tom Rock
Great move Mike … sure would like to win that retiring copy!
I appreciate all you do and I forward all your posts to all my contacts. Keep up the good work! TJ
I enjoy reading your emails. I tried starting cuttings from the shrubs in my yard this year following your technique and to my amazement — it worked!! I had good success!
I’ve been retired for a few years and am starting to look for something to do
I would love to get a copy of this. It would be something to help me get a better idea of how to do a lot of the stuff I am reading about. Hats off to you, hopefully one day I can be doing things somewhere as good as you do. Thanks and God Bless, Roger
I would appreciate being considered. I hybridize Daylilies and offer other perennials. I’m looking to get into ornamentals next year and your growing system would be a great addition to my library. Thank you for your consideration.
Sincerely, Marty
I would really enjoy reading how to put this system into place.
Hey Mike,
I would love to win!! I enjoy reading your emails and have gotten great advice. Please consider me……..Thanks and by the way, please keep up the good work…..
I’m feeling lucky today! Love your blogs and tips–hope you draw my name!!
Hey Mike
I’ve informed the UPS Guy, alerted the FED X driver,and freed up space on my hard drive. Will I need a bigger mailbox?
Hi Mike –
You must be quite a guy. Enjoying your growing info. Since we’ve a lot of clay in our yard I’m thinking that’s why we’ve had trouble getting the trees to last. One year seems to be about it.
Please consider me for your new book.
Would love to win a copy. I’m looking for an enjoyable way to make some extra retirement income.
I am in a little country called New Zealand, and have been subscribing to Mikes website for over a year now. We now have a bit of land and I want to implement his growing system and I believe it will work well for me here. Thanks heaps for all the imspiration
Would love to recieve a copy of your BackYard growing system. Thank- you for the chance to enter.. God Bless.
Thanks for allowing us all the opportunity to throw our hats in the ring. I love reading your posts. am trying your propagation method this summer on about 10 different plants. Wish me luck. Vic
really enjoy your videos…Hope I win copy of NEW book!
I enjoy your videos and have learned some great things from watching them. Throwing my hat in the ring to get new info.
I would love to try it out as I have been a follower for many years, and I love your updates.
Hey Mike & Duston,
My hat’s in, thanks for the chance.
Mike, I would like to put my name in for the growing system. I have had to put my nursery on hold due to my work schedule. Just could not fit it in with my 60-80 hour work week, unpredictable schedule, my husband’s frequent hospitalizations and my being the primary bread winner. I am hoping to take early Social Security my next birthday in December, hopefully work part time doing medical transcription, which I do from home, and get started back to raising plants. But four years ago, when my schedule was not quite so hectic, I raised some plants, placed a plant sale sign in my yard and had a tremendous response. Thank you for your inspiration. I am hoping the Lord will open up the doors for me to do what I really want to do.
I would really like to be considered for one of your give-aways. I’m a tired (not retired) home health nurse. As much as I enjoy taking care of the lovely people I have met over the years, I feel the time has come to hang up my stethescope. I have been an amatuer gardener for many years and reading your emails and posts, I would certainly like to make a go at your system. Thank you for your consideration.
Would love to be entered to win. Thank you.
I would love to win his copy. I am retired and on SS so it sometimes is hard to spring for the cost. I do believe I would utilize it to boost my income. If I don’t win I will try to buy after first of the year.
I’m planning to grow plants and trees as part of my retirement along with doing a little woodwworking. I have learned a few things about propagation from your videos. Hat’s in for your new book!
I would love a copy of your Backyard Growing System. My husband being retired, and me working still does not get us very far ahead, so we could really use a way to make some extra income. I really enjoy your posts, and have tried to use a few of your tips.
I love to read all the hints and tricks Mike posts. The only problem is, with all the good info in the posts I don’t want to delete his emails. I hope you are successful with your new book. I would love to share it with my wife.
Have a new garden club in town. Would love some new ideas here is Louisiana.
Hi Mike, I lost my house due to the worlds economic problems and have found your free info so useful. Been wanting to buy your system, but the exchange rate from South Africa makes it expensive for me. Please donate your growing system to help me get back on my feet. I will be forever grateful to you.
Hat is in – now my head will get hot in the sun!!!
Hi Mike, We enjoy Your helpful articles to no end. We’re both disabled seniors and have not been able to afford Your system to date. So here’s My hat.
GOD Bless,
I do a lot of back yard gardening so I very much need your book to improve and learn what I may not know.
Hi Mike….i have totaly enjoyed all your advice on gardening and have allowed me to grow properly here in tennessee. it would really help me improve my skills even to expanding and dable in selling for next year. please consider me for one of your books…i would be ecstatic…thanks sp much for sharing with us……myrian
Hi! I am thrilled for a chance to maybe win this info. I know it’ll be good,a s all the ideas here have been so far! I only never have 2 nickels to run together literally…. or i’d have purchased it previously… this way, I have a chance, even if small! So, here’s to hoping! Cheers!
and Thanks Mike, Mrs Mike and Duston!
Toss my hat in the mix, I would love a chance at your book!! Great tips as allways and keep them coming.
Mike, Please please please throw my name in the hat. I would love to recieve your new program. Nothing would please me more than to learn a way to make a living growing plants. I do it for free now. Show me how.
I would like to have my hat in the ring for one of your gifts to help me develop the business properly and make money like you.
I’ll throw my hat in the ring. Thank you for giving us the chance to win.
Love to get these as I’m a novice and just bought our new home with a yard. I’m an urban setter so learning about yard and gardens is a challenges. This will help greatly
I would like to be considered to to receive your book and program. I travel to the Philippines to teach people how to make a living growing food and raising goats.
Your information would be a good tool to teach from.
I would love to have a book because at my age, 69, I don’t have a laptop, not sure how to use one so having a book that I can take with me would be so wonderful. Love your system. You are a great teacher, simple and to the point. Not like others that fill their courses up with fluff.
Please consider me for your give-away.
Send 1 to Australia.
Hello Mike,
Would love to win one of your free copies of your new, updated book. I’ve always wanted one but didn’t have the spare cash to get it. It would be a great opportunity for me to pursue growing and selling plants. With the area hit hard by the drought, many people will be looking for new plants next year.
I have just met you through a friend. I am helping adults(mainly young adults) with disabilities learn a skill that they can be used to have employment. I was getting familiar with you so I could help these folks
with growing plants. I am disappointed that you have closed down the website, but would like to “throw my hat” in for the free book. Thank you for the offer.
With the heat and almost no rain , the scene is set for “next year ” . Fortunately , the hummingbird bushes have done well and they are happy.
Thanks for being our friend.
Allen Co , KY
I now have 2.5 acres to grow plants. I want to grow plants for myself and also plants to sell. I think it would be a way to get to know my new neighbors.
So I’m throwing in my hat now!!
Love all your plant tips!
Well, I guess it’s worth a try. I always enjoy your posts on my e-mail. Love your tips and ideas. It’s rare to see somewhere you can find information,like what I get from you. I wish you the best with your new project. Thank you,,Richard
My goal for getting a free copy is for my kids to start a business. We have a great location to market the plants and space to do the work. We area working class family and I want to show how working is profitable.
I would LOVE to have this backyard growing system!!!
Would greatly appreciate a copy.
Mike – have been following you for some time. Am very interested in trying your system next spring. Have large yard to fill with plants and lots of new neighbors, so perfect combination. Hope my big planting need is a lucky winner !!
I don’t usually wear hats, so I’ll throw all the ones I can find into your pot for a chance to win your book.
Please include me in your free giveaway. Thanks
here’s my hat!
I appreciate you putting my hat in the ring for your brand new backyard growing system. Would love to have a look at it. Thank you for all the emails and information you so freely share.
I would like an opportunity to win your new book. I work with handicapped children and we are trying to grow crype myrtles and knock out roses to sell.
I would love to have your backyard growing system. I’ve recently purchased my first raised bed kit, and I have enough scraps of wood and greenhouse panels, (from a large greenhouse destroyed by Oklahoma winds), to build smaller coldframes, and other garden covers for various things. I can’t seem to get the hang of propagating, either from cuttings or seed, maybe your backyard system can show me where I’m going wrong. Love your newsletter, by the way. Just wish I lived a little farther east; might make growing things a little easier.
Hi Mike,
I love my BackYard growing system and I have a degree in Landscape Designing. In addition to my first copy, the updated version would be greatly appreciated and would be a wonderful addition to my libary.
Nobody in their right mind would pass up a chance to win one of your systems! I have saved every one of your e-mails and am hoping to someday be able to have my own set-up, as I am going to have to get out of my business due to health reasons. The gardening I am able to do now is my ‘therapy’ and have considered it always to be food for the soul. So as with many others, I am ‘gently’ placing my bonnet in the garden…must be careful not to hurt any of the plants 🙂
Carol Johnson
My wife and I have a 50 x 50 garden and we have 2.5 acres, we have built a 16×16 green house that has had some flaws and needs reworking. We start most of our garden plants from seed in pots and then transplant. We would really benifit from a copy of your book.
Please put me in too. I’m retiring soon and I need to create a business for my kids.
Love your posts and have finally moved to a place where I have some space to try my hand at propigating multiple plants!
Ready to purchase a copy today. Maybe this is my luck day and I can win a copy while I wait for the updated version.
I have been a long term fan of reading your postings on plant propagation and garden- tending done the expert way. I would love to have a copy of your “System” in order to further my education using this resource. Growing and cultivating plants is one of the most timely skills I can develop.
I have learned so much from your website and tips, I would be estatic to be able to really do all of that advice justice by being able to follow your plan step by step. The tips I have followed have turned out awesome. Thanks for all that great information. Here is my hat!!!! Thanks
…winning a copy would thrill me! I’ve been reading your emails and watching your videos for years, thinking of jumping in. Best of luck on the new versions, whoever wins!
Mike as I head into the start of my retirement I would love to be considered for one of your “Backyard Growing Systems”. I’m sure it will come in very handy as I take out my plain backyard and create a great outdoor living space.
I’ve been using your information to re-start our garden and I can think of NOTHING that would make my Wife happier, about our garden, than being able to put Your System to use !!
Please, if you will, add my name to the list?
Thanks !
I would love to throw my hat in the pot!I really enjoy the information you share.I am trying to get myself a lil greenhouse together here in my backyard.Can’t wait!!! So i hope i get to be one of those three special people to be lucky enough to get your gift!!Hopeing to be able to grow lots of plants,love rooting plants.I find it a productive way of relaxing.
Thanks for a chance to win your new product.
Throw my name into the hat please, i’ve enjoyed your emails and would love ot give it a try for real.
I’ve been an active gardener, outdoor enthusist, and environmentalist. I would be interested in reviewing your materials and therefore submit a comment to be considered for your give away.
Ohhhhh I’m so excited! I love my plants and specialize in succulents. I am currently looking into a greenhouse as I’ve outgrown the space in my home lol. I use the internet a lot for information, but since discovering your website I’m hooked. I know the information in your book would be a tremendous help to me in creating more and varied plants. Becky
I am excited to here about your new book and DVD. I look foreword to seeing all the new content and (Crossing my fingers) hopefully get it for free.
I would love the chance to get a free copy. This system is great. Can’t wait until my backyard nursery produces a lot of plants.
hi mike i love the tips and tricks from your e-mails! i’ve trying to get things rolling got matieral for beds ect. problem is my partner had to relocate his 80year old parents,and had to find a house to accomodate them all so i’ve been helping remodle the house. now that thats done its time to focus on the gardening bussiness we were planning and god knows my partner can use some extra income know that he has his parents living with him, and of course myself, raising a family of three kids. all that said we sure could use a copy of your new book cause we need as much help as we can find. hope you can help us out.
Hi Mike, My hat’s officially in the ring! My 16 yr old son is really interested in trying your system to earn money for college. He started a lawn care business two summers ago and built a bicycle trailer out of stuff I had laying around which he uses to haul his mower, weed eater, etc around to his jobs. He is quite the businessman. He thinks adding your system to his business will help him expand and increase business.
I appreciate the chance. I also enjoy your site and the information you share with us.
I have enjoyed all of the tips on the how to prone the trees every thing.I look forward to all good ideas that you have.
I was recently diagnosed with Relapse Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. My passion is gardening and would love to be considered as a winner of your system. I recently have been taking more and more time in the garden and it calms my mind, takes away all the stresses and is just my time doing something I love. I would love for the opportunity to be considered. Thank you kindly and God Bless.
Many thanks for all that you do!
Have truly enjoyed following your great advice!
Greatly appreciate your consideration for the freebies!
All the best!
Would love to win the new Backyard Growing System. I’m looking to trade in the back 1/4 acre in the suburbs for the back 20 in the country. The kids and I will need something to do!
Hi Mike! I’ve enjoyed your growing tips and your “down home” ways. We are retired and enjoying digging and doing. I’m tossing my battered blue hat in the ring. Thanks for all your help.
My hat is in the ring – I’ve always thought I had
a black thumb but your emails and wonderful
directions on how to plant have made such a
difference – my two crepe myrtles and lilac planted
last fall not only survived but thrived and my small
vegetable garden is producing amazing green beans
and tomatoes now .. Thank you for sharing your
knowledge so us beginners can learn to grow
Plants and enjoy the process and plants!
Hi Mike, I would love to be considered for your new system. Since I lost my regular job, I am hoping to grow my nursery next year. I was really bummed that I could not make this years shindig. Maybe 2013.
I love your ideas, but haven’t had much luck following the utube videos. I’m sure your old book would help. I’m looking forward to learning more about the new program when it comes out. Good luck!!
Thanks for the consideration Mike.I would like to be chosen.
Here’s My Hat, waiting to win.
Love to get your emails and always enjoy the videos….please pick ME!
Mike ,
First off i would like to say that i really enjoy your words of wisdom about plants and how to succesfully grow them. I try hard and do not always succeed , but i keep on trying and i am not giving up , just enjoy it to much. I would really like to be considered for one of your 3 systems you are giving away , im know it would increse my odds of being succesful,
Thanks very much and please keep up the good work , you have helped me more than you will ever know.
Have a good day and may GOD bless.
I just found your websight about a week ago. And spent the whole afternoon reading your information plus several more hours last week. You do a wonderful job teaching.
I have lost so many Japanese Maples. I have one holding on for dear life now so I am really enjoying those articles. Please put my hat in drawing. Thanks
Been enjoying the videos and am especially interested in propagation of plants that do well in the high desert. Unfortunately, that does NOT include the maple trees.
Hello Mike and family. This is a wonderful offer and opportunety! I am retired and on disability so I must be home and work at my own speed (the body dictates my work limits on any given day). I’m in a very quickly developing former farming area with a number of large garden centers around but to my knowledge few if any that grow and supply as you do. I would love to be considered for this offer. Marge in Bucks Co Pa
I truly enjoy reading many of your thoughts and teachings on the many plants. Some were meant for me and of course others Not so much. Thanks for all of your sharing with us.
I have tried unsuccessfully iin the past but would really love to get one of your systems. Thank you.
Pick Me Pick Me Pick ME 🙂
I just recently relocated to VA and now have the PERFECT 1.5 lot on a cul-de-sac to start root propagation. I would love a copy!!
Hello Mike, I’m a retired teacher and a local Master gardener here in Va. I’ve wanted to become a backyard grower but hesitated due to the fact that your previous items had to be down loaded. My computer works so slow that I didn’t think it would work. Glad you are now providing DVD’s and a book. I have started to grow some Miss Huff’s Lantanas and Hydrangas from clippings. Please put my name in the drawing. Enjoy all your email suggestions.
I would love to be included in your drawing. I enjoy your postings and have been intrigued by your backyard growing system. Eddiej
My son just bought a 2.5 acre property here in Colorado and wants to start a back yard nursery. I would love for him to learn from you, ss I have over the years.
i don’t even wear a hat….. so why wouldn’t you give one to me……. heheheheheheh
Throwing my hat in the ring for your offer of a free book. Being out of work for over a year and trying to make it on SS has certainly changed my life. Love to grow plants and trees and would more than appreciate the opportunity to have the knowledge presented in your book.
I read all of your email and I have made a lot of progress up to now. I still consider myself behind the curve in propogating plants. I have not made the jump in attempting to sell anything. I would like to be able to grow more. I would like to have a
copy, but if not that’s ok. My regards
Love your gardening tips and this site. Really wish you were my next door neighbor!! 🙂 Thanks for all your expert helpful advice.
I could so use your free book. You have no idea how many times you have inadvertantly answered a question. Had to redo my lawn. 2 days after sowing the see (by hand by the way)your email told about the grass started. Never heard of it but rushed out & got some. My lawn took off instantly. Bet your book would answer a LOT more questions. Please throw my hat in the ring!!!! Hugs
I definitely want my hat in the ring. Am looking for a venture to retire to, this looks very good.
I would love to one day take a good look at your gardening program. Please include me in your drawing. Eddiej
I have tried to save enough money to buy your growing system but due to a strained budget i have not succeeded. I have saved everyone of your emails.
Thank you for the opportunity to be considered for your giveaway. You have always done a good job helping folks. Glad you have Dustin coming on board to assist you.
Hi, Mike–I found your website a few months ago, and almost immediately went out and started new plants from my old plants! What fun! I love your emails; and I have watched your online videos several times, always hoping to find one that I haven’t seen before! I have learned so much from you,and plan to start a lot of new plants for next spring. Please consider me for one of your new programs! Thank you!
I would appreciate it if you would enter my name in the ring to get this.I have learned a lot of techniques that I didn’t know from the videos and the byg board as well.I have met (onbyg board) a lot of people with the same desire for plants that I have.
Hi, I have been following you for awile and would love to be considered for the free updated system. I have recently moved to Great State of Texas to rebuild life and things are on the up swing slowly but moving upward. I finaly have place I can work system(yard space). Thank you so much.
Hi Mike, I really like the advise that you offer us and read every thing that you can send. Your advise always seems to be in time with the problems that always seem to pop-up. Please keep up the good work and advise for us not so smart gardeners.
I’m planning to grow plants as part of my retirement. Having a degree in landscape architecture sure helps a lot, however, I have learned a few things about propagation from your videos. Hat’s in for your new book!
all hats “R” in want to purchase one of those sut ups but the cash flow is not alowing me to so hope i can win one of them
thanx for your time
Please grasp my hat as I throw it into the ring. I would love this for my wife, so she can tell me what to do.
Consider my hat officially in the ring! I have learned much reading your articles and following the links. I can just imagine what I could accomplish with the new version. Thanks for all of the knowledge!
Hey Mike! Toss my hat in. I’ve been reading your site and emails forever, but as a single mom of a special needs child, I just never have the extra money to order your system. My daughter’s passion is gardening, and luckily, mine is farming. We’re both stuck in the city, but we have space to grow. I’d love to be able to afford all the help the doctors say she needs, God knows we could use a little help and luck.
Thanks again Mike! Keep the emails coming, they brighten our days!
I’d love to join your growers network, if you’d like a participant from Southern Ontario, Canada. I’m penniless but persistent. Please enter me in your contest. Thanks.
I need all the help I can get. I was widowed
suddenly 5 years ago and haven’t been able to find work so I’m looking for anything I can do to earn money so I don’t lose my little home.
I plan to do with that as I do with anything that comes my way – I share it with other widows and single moms so we can all have better lives.
Mike, I have really enjoyed your site along with all the good tips. While I am no longer physically able to do much in the garden, I have tried to use your tips to teach my greatgrandkids propagating plants by use of cuttings from all the different plants I have here on the place as well as cuttings they are able to get from others. Our latest success has been quince.
I am retiring at the end of August and plan to make gardening my full time effort. I would feel privileged to receive one of your free gardening systems to help me in my efforts. Thank you for your consideration.
Congratulations on the completion of your revised project and thanks for sharing all your hard work with us… Can’t wait to check out your updated info.
I like everything you do and write about. I have learned so much from you and I use that knowledge almost every day when I garden.
You have made the hobby (sport?)so mcu more enjoyable as well as realistic. GC
Mike: I have been seriously involved in the plant industry as an amateur and professional for going on 40 years, and I have to say that your e-mail information is excellent.
I have not seen your old system, but I am definitely looking forward to seeing your New Growing System.
I enjoy the helpful emails but I look forward to holding a real book in my hands!
Here’s my hat.
Hi, I would love to win your new growing system. I’m retiring next Monday have a lot of free time to spend in the garden and try something new. New enjoy your emails.
Hi, I stumbled across your great website last year when I was trying to find some good information on the brand new Japanese Maple I wanted planting info on, and it has been history ever since. I find your site not only helpful but entertaining, and I really like your video teaching and easy to follow ideas and instructions. I like your down to earth approach and your overhauls~!
Well, my hat is in the ring. Let’s see what luck brings.
If I win this great prize, I will see how I can put it to work for me, as I will become a snowbird next year, spending the wonderful springs and summers in the Lovely Adirondacks and the wonderful falls and winters in Arizona. I am new to planting and gardening, and you have been a great resource to turn to. I would love to make some money doing what I love, planting and gardening both in the Northeast and out west. Thanks~!
I would love to be considered for your new book.
I’m interested.
I am looking forward to your new edition. I am currently limited in what kind of gardening I can do because of severe arthritis in both hands. I hope your new book will have some tips on how I can continue to enjoy gardening with minimal pain. I could really use a copy of your growing system.
Hi Mike, I am currently a backyard grower of all the exotic species i use for my own personal bonsai collection. I propogate all these species in someway or another for sale to locals for landscape or bonsai, whatever they want them for. Ive been doing this on my own for two years and would love to know your secrets to improve what im doing and maybe learn what i havent had the exsperiance to figure out on my own. Thanks for this offer!
Sincerely, Jake
Thanks in advance.I know I will be one of the three.It will impact so many areas in setting up my business.Blessings
Tossing my hat in! I purchased your “Easy Plant Propagation” book. I was amazed at how many boxwood clippings I was able to get under a standard size aquarium. I was also able to put in a few fig tree clippings. Looking forward to seeing them root.
Never ever won anything so here’s my hat, towel or whatever. Would love to get a free copy of your new book. Maybe it will finally get me in gear for an opportunity to become a real backyard gardener….
That is neat. I’d love to do this with my daughter. Thanks for being such a great resource.
Thanks Mike,
I’m hoping to be considered for one because I’ve been out of work for some time and I live in Maine. I think those are two good reasons. But if not, That’s okay because you’ve already given me many free gifts in the form of knowledge. I’ll always be gratefurl for your expertise in the business.
Here is my hat too! Thank you for this opportunity. 🙂
I have a file on my computer with all your garden tips in it. Been a great help since I am pretty clueless when it comes to gardening. Thanks for your help over these two years.
We would love one for our church ministry teaching and encouraging others in such ways…
food prices through the roof any help is appreciated.
I would love to be considered–have been enjoying your newsletters!
WOW!!! How nice of you. Thanks for all the info you provide. I would be most appreciative to have your new book. Take care.
If you only knew how bad I need it! Please consider me, Thanks
Please enter my hat. If I win it will be an honor.
There is so much to learn about growing flowers and veggies and I need help big time. you taught me a lot but there is so much more to learn.keep me in mind.
I would love a chance to win a free copy of your book. Starting my own home business has always been a dream and I love plants and I live in FL. Here’s my hat too.
please enter me in your system I like reading your emails. I have tried alot of your tricks. Keep up the good gardening.
Thanks BIG ED!!!
Greetings from Northern Iowa! I would love to be a winner! I took a horticulture class in college over 30 years ago, but it’s been so long that I need your refresher course.
I’m throwing my hat in the ring. Maybe you can help me grow something other than weeds!
I would love to win your new system. We have 4acres on Route 13 south of Newark Ohio. This next spring we are starting a big garden for sales on the property.I do want to start some plants to sell the following year. Thanks for all the info on plants!
Just retired, love to garden! Would use and appreciate the info to further enjoy and produce added income!!
Thanks so much for all the info you provide.
Oh Please, PLease, PLease Pick Me. Thanks for your consideration. Jennifer
Hi mike I follow you quite regularly and really enjoy your tips. I just had my 75th birthday last week, hal la loo ya! Any way i do a lot of propagating, and enjoy giving away to many people. Still considerating starting a sm. bussiness. I would really be delighted to be consiered as one who will receive a free copy. LOL, but even if not I will still enjoy following your website.
There goes my name into the ring. Since the job search is going poorly, I am concentrating on growing as much as I can in my own yard to save money. Your expertise is just what I need to make my garden as productive as possible. I have a few herbs and veggies going, but my thumb is yet to turn green. Your Backyard Growing System would help tremenduously, and free is about all I can afford right now. With all that said, thanks for the opportunity.
Hi Mike,
Here’s my hat. I’m still trying to figure out how to grow plants for sale when we live in a Condo. We have some ground around us I can use but it is all in shade so I don’t know how successful it would be. I’ll keep on noodleing it and maybe your info (if I win it!) will give me some ideas.
Love your newsletter and look forward to each one. Linda from Columbus, Ohio
Hi Mike,
I would love to win a free copy of your new Backyard Growing System. I really enjoy your website and newsletters – very inspirational! Working in my garden and yard is one of my favorite pastimes; you have given me some great ideas. I am throwing in my hat!
mike time to get to be known in concord and manchester n.h. representing you and dannys daylillys farm got to know many repeat customers and represent you mike!!!! setting a chapter in southern n.h. KEEP THE FAITH MIKE THANKS DANNY
Bamboo, clean air lets protect our enviroment.
Hi Mike, I’ve greatly enjoyed your videos and would really enjoy reading your new book!
I don’t wear a hat but usually have a bandana sweat band I will throw in the ring. I am trying to get moved so haven’t acted much on what I have learned here but I do have some things going.
Thank you for all the info you put out for the backyard growers.
Singles and love to garden. Please consider me.
I’d be honored to have a copy of your new book. Congratulations on its publication!!
I would love to get one of your books. I have been using your information from the web to propagate some home plants and they have been doing well. But for some reason I am unable to get out door plants to propagate. I’ve been learning a lot from your web videos. Well I thank you for all you information you offer over the web.
Being new to Gardening I could really use the help thank you for considering me
Thanks, Mike,
for giving your ‘followers’ a great opportunity. Since I am unable to garden anymore, I also am not allowed to sell plants from a private property where I live. I will let you use my ‘space’ in your draw. I still love to get your newsletters, as I am mentally still ‘garden’. As far as having missed your ‘Shindig’, believe me, if I were to be allowed to travel again, I will make that trip. But for the next three years, I have been ‘put on ice’.
Good Luck to all participants.
Your faithful reader Christa.
I would love to have a copy if you so desire.
I watch and read each of you newletter, and it has help and gave me ideas that I will try or work to have my plants sell better. Thanks for including me in on your life and world of kwoldge of plants and how to grow them.
I would love to get the free copy, I just had my forth back surgery and am slowly recovering. It’s going to a long recovery, since I lost my job and may not be able to go back to work due to my condition, so I would love to get a free copy to keep my mind stimulated in hopes to be able to use the information for next spring. gardening is the one thing I can look forward to.
Happy Gardening 🙂
I have been growing plants all of my life; I even have my own little greenhouse. I would like to be considered to win your growing system book. Owning my own little nursery has been a long time dream.
Hey Mike,
Love to throw my hat in the ring too. Thanks for the opportunity to win!!!
Happy early fall to you.
I have been reading your post for about 5 years, I have tried most of your garden stories and they have been great, I would love to get a free copy, Thanks for helping ous city boys that have mov ed to the country
a lttle while back you sent around the video about “backstage” of your business (man your wife was so lovely serious). that video has changed our life. the invitation to the seminar following the video 🙂 contained the “million dollar day”phrase which intrigued me. dig-dig-dig (like a true gardener that I became reading your materials) and here we are diving into Internet Marketing Thing. Many Thanks indeed!!!
As about your regular emails an extraordinary thing happened and keep happening. Every time I have a problem to solve in my little backyard opening your very last message and, magically, in there, is the solution of my task. And it is explained in detail, and it always worked. Many, many thanks.
A little detail: I am probably one of your first subscribers (since your website was, well, ugly). And the reasons I bought only your book and not the “system” are: 1) money; 2) living in Alberta, Canada (yeah, that’s zone 2 of hardiness!). But I am dying of curiosity (like the cat) to get into the so famous secret technology you developed!
Thank you for all your help and please keep yourself healthy and active for all of us, your admirers!
I really enjoy the emails. I am a beginner Gardner and have tried a few of your suggestions. I loved the potting soil recipe. I’d also like to ‘throw my hat in’ as well for your new book. Thanks for all the great tips!
Michelle Martin
Hi Mike, i am going to be retireing soon and i would like to start a small business to help supplement my income. I love working outdoors and your course would be great. Have a great day mike. Tom
Please throw my hat in the ring for one of your new systems. Am looking at complete retirement, from a regular job, and doing what I want. Look forward to seeing the new book and dvd.
recently retired and clearing about 2 acres of land to grow and hopefully boost income beyond the meager amount of SS the government gives me even though I contributed all my life and was hoping the government would take better care of me !!!
I’ve got catfish in my basement. I need the extra income.
Thanks for the awesome communication and continuous products and advice over the years. I’d love to be considered for one of your growing programs. My husband loves your publications too!
Fravel & Mary Combs
Since moving from Buffalo, NY to Beaufort SC I am having even more fun gardening in the longer growing season.
Please add me to the give away list for your new growing system.
Thanks so much, I enjoy your emails.
Now there’s a way to convince a skeptic! Love your videos, really impressed a couple of guys the way I handled a wheelbarrow.
Here’s my hat (visor)! Thanks for the info!
Throwing my hat in the ring for a free copy of your book. Looking forward to getting into the Backyard growing system!
Here’s my hat. I started my plant business, selling at a farmer’s market, this year, and definitely learned as I went. Hoping for more success next year and would love any help I can get.
Hi Mike I am a new member so all the help I can get would be great. So getting a free copy of your book would be a great boost for me. Lot of hats in the ring wish everyone good luck. Jean in NC
Hi Mike, what a great offer! I don’t know a lot about plants but my interest grows all the time. Put my hat in the ring and I hope to hear from you!
Hello Mike, I enjoy the fount of information you share with us via your newsletters and hope to grow up one day to sell plants just like you. Please allow me to throw this old bowler hat into the ring and try my luck…Thanks!
Here’s my hat … I’d love to be considered.
At this time I am just getting ready to retire on my virtually nonexistent Social Security. I have 1/4 acre of lawn. I’m hoping to use your system to build a business that will support me as I age. I could really use your system and would put it to very good use. Thnx for everything you have already introduced to me even if I’m not chosen. Love your site.
Everything I have learned about gardening I learned from you.
I would like a copy of your book.
Thank yo so much, Janice Temple
I am tossing my bunnet in with the rest. The idea of something for nothing is very attractive but the real attraction is learning from somebody who know more than me or in this case much more. Good luck with the revision.
I would like to get a free copy so I can make some extra income. Social Security and VA pention do not go far enough. Hope to enjoy life a few more years.
Mike , Thank you many times over for all your ideas and inspiration !Your videos and advice are always useful and maybe one of these days I can turn my two acres of grass (weeds) into something more productive and less costly to maintain ! God Bless you and your family and keep on diggin ‘ !
I’d love to add trees to my Farmer’s Market sales. 🙂 Would love to learn more. But I rarely wear hats….so here’s my 2 cents instead. 😉
I love to garden and always wanted to own a farm.
Thanks for the opportunity to win your new book and growing system.
I’m 64 years old and a professional chef but looking fore ward to retireing.Would love to take my love of gardening to the next level and make it a retirement business.I’d like to get accurate information and look to you for the means to make it all happen.
Hi Mike,
I have been contemplating buying your system for a while now but as I live in the UK I am unsure whether it is relevant here ( the wholesale suppliers etc ) Would love a copy though but even if I don’t get a free copy would you be able to tell me if I can use your system here in the UK?
Many thanks
Hubby use to tell me I killed even fake silk plants,but that was the sad truth! But thanks to you “MIKE” and following your advice, I almost have a green thumb, ALMOST! Please consider me for your Free Copy of Backyard Growing System. I know I will learn so much more. I will get that Green Thumb, but better yet, hubby,family,and friends will be green with envy! Thank you so much!
Count me in on the drawing for your new book…Thanks, Sharon
I enjoy reading and learning from you and would like to be considered for a free copy of your new book.
This sounds like a great opportunity to get my feet wet. Thank you very much for considering me 🙂
Hi Mr.M.McGroarty.. I would love to win a free copy of your new book.. I went from a very large garden to #2 strips of garden space about 3ft.W. x 8ft.L. I use as much as I can but have problems with sun light and shade.. heck I would be pleased to win an old Backyard Growing System book sir. Well thanks for Your time. And have a good day.. ( I hope I got My hat far enough into the ring )
Please, please, please, pick me! I’m still trying to get my childhood 5 acre farm livable and get the plant/food biz going. I had a plant sale here in town and no one wanted any plants except my strawberry plants growing in planter boxes in the driveway.
I would love to have the ability to learn more about horticulture and added information that I have already learned from your site. Sure, i want to gain knowledge, but it would also be great to allow my kids to get involved and learn that hard work can translate into a labor of love. All of my kids, which are all under 11 Absolutely love gardening, and this training will build on this love while teaching them not only the value of hard work but skills that they can enjoy for there lifetime and pass down to their kids as well
Mike, I’ve been reading everything I can on your website and emails,. I have not purchased your backyard system as I’m currently deployed to Afghanistan but set to return home this Fall, just in time to winterized my apple trees and start pruning others as the go dormant. Please consider me when selecting 3 winners for your new system. Thank you for sharing all your secrets.
I would love your free book. Our zones differ so save all your posts and use them when they apply. I did propagate some shrubs this year like you said and will sell next year alondg with my perennials
Have been keeping on eye on this for a long time. Would love to get it for free! I am a teacher and would use it as a project for my students and a fundraiser for the school!
Put my hat into the ring also. I am ready to win.
I would love a copy! Thanks for giving us a chance to win one! I enjoy your newsletter…so much information!
I’ll be retiring in a couple of years and gardening is my “retirement plan”. I’ve already used some of your ideas and would like to try more to see how they work north of the border. A ‘free’ copy of your system would make a nice (early) retirement gift. Thanks for your inspiration.
It’t be nice to have something good to read while I’m laid up after surgery this week, so I can plan for the blessings of spring – count me in. Thanks
Hi Mike OH YEAH!!! Count me in..I LOVE your material and the way you put it out here 4 us..UR a very Gifted and Talented Young man…Thank U 4 all that U do….
Would Awesomely Love & Appreciate receiving your gifted work and talent to practice in my back yard and learn how to make some extra cash…Love you and yours….Geri
Hi Mike,
enjoy reading your fun & info filled newsletters. Have been considering your method of supplementing my income, as it would be a labour of love, but so far have not found the time needed to get started. [Have to work on that.] I live in zone 3, so plants have to be winter-hardy here, yet able to stand dry, hot summers. Meanwhile, my sun-hat’s in the ring, & it just might be the inspiration I need. Thanks for the opportunity. ~ Ann
Recently retired, and the garden is not doing well at all. I welcome all help I know your guide will provide.
mike, i delete half my inbox every day, but never your posts. i’ve watched many of your videos and you have helped me with grafting, transplanting and all kinds of plant care. you’re a valuable resource!
would like to learn from your system – and make some money
here’s my hat.
i would like to be considered for a copy.
My husband and I were trying to come up with the money to buy your product. I’m glad now we didn’t because I would much rather have the new system. The new book would give us a jump start. Thanks for your very informative blog. It’s great. We never miss reading your email,as a matter of fact I have a folder set up and I save them all. May the Lord bless your business and enlarge your territory. We’er in the ring with our hats and feet and ready to run the race
Thanks mike for the wonderful opportunity.
hi Mike
Thanks for all your helpful information that you have shared.
Iwould love to win your system cause where i live there is no nurserys up here not anything close. So i think a fair profit could be made and i love gardening and im retired and am in my gardens all the time and it would be nice to make a few dollars while im already enjoying gardening and propagating. Hats in I hope.
I am throwing my hat in the ring from high in my Smoky Mountains of Tennessee. I would dearly LOVE the free book
Dear Mike;
I have enjoyed your site for many years. My husband and I have a landscaping business and I use your insight for many of our projects. I have wanted to start a backyard garden for years, but school and work get in my way.
I would love to get started with a backyard growing system.
God Bless, Cindy
Your system sounds intriguing! I have profited from your news letter and I’m curious about starting a backyard plant business.
I have enjoyed getting your emails with so much information in them. I like your down to earth messages. I would really like to learn more about how to start a little plant growing business. I wish you the best with your new books and format.
My firefighter helmet is hereby tossed :~D
Here in Arkansas, it should be a good chance to sell lots of plants, as a lot of shrubbery died during the drought here this year. 2 small 1minute showers since April, 2012 until August, 2012. I lost almost every shrub in my yard along with fruit trees (about 40. I have a large space set-up for rooting cuttings with raised beds filled with sand and compost/shredded bark all ready to go and misters. Just need to get well to get going.
Yes I would like to win your new system book and DVD’s.
Ernest Fields
I love folowing your newsletter and although I would love your book I don’t plan on growing and selling plants just want to learn more esp for starting my own garden plants i killed a whole trailer load full last spring My son thinks i over watered them
Yes, free is very generous of you and it would be greatly appreciated. I have the space, the time, and ready to go.
Pick me, pick me!
I am a Hoosier girl learning to garden in Florida. Your ideas and emails have been very helpful. I know your free Backyard Growing System would work down here in the land of sun (and rain!). Please consider my hat in the ring. Thanks so much!
Mike You always give good advice about landscaping. Some of the things you say not to do I already did like the landscape weed stop. I put it in my flower bed, now I am digging up some of the old bulbs and dividing them. I have the old crap there and I still got grasses growing on top.
What an opportunity we are being given. I have downloaded the free book & will wait with baited breath to see if I have won the free giveaway.
I have been an avid follower of your plant mastery for a few years now. In that time, I have learned more from your postings and videos than in all the years I have been “dabbling” in gardening. My time is limited due to financial obligations and yet I find gardening so relaxing and rewarding, that I will make the time to reap the rewards. I’d love a chance to see what you and your son have created. Please consider me a devout fan and follower and give me the chance to learn more from your experience. Wishing you and yours the best, Gary.
Enjoy your plant propogation methods. Please sign me up to win the new product!
Consider me for that special prize. I grow herbs all year round and love to educate the kids about the benefits of herbs. Cheers….
Dear mike
please send the freebies.
i an a person from 40
years of growing and selling and I need to learn how to make money..
Sincerely Sheila
Hello Mike great to hear of your new book and DVD collection. I wish you the best success. I have been reading your emails on plant techniques and very much enjoy the videos. I am a monk living in the ashram of my Guru in North Carolina and before that in Northern California. My life has always revolved around plants and I am currently farming at our location near the ashram. I have long dreamed of the back yard growing system as a viable source of income for our non profit religious group. Taking a vow of poverty I have very limited funds but I would love to have a copy of the new system. Either way I hope I will be able to get a copy to begin the joy of back yard growing. -Daniel
I’m tired of only growing vegetables,,AND if I won one of these books it would get me off my rear and do something constructive in my retired life. lol
Hey Mike
I have really enjoyed all your information that you have took your time to share with us.I love your site.Please consider me in your drawing
Alway look forward to getting your e-mails and your various “How To Video’s.” With 2 1/2 acres around my retirement home I have toyed with the idea of starting a small plants business but I just haven’t had the nerve to dive in. Mike, I marvel at your energy and zest for life. You have a geniune way of motivating your readers. I am tossing my hat into a (hopeful) winner’s circle…maybe there’s hope for me, yet!
Staying Inspired…… E Sue
Hey, Mike! Please throw my hat in the ring! I have been trying to grow cut flowers but it is physically too much for me to handle with my disability…I think a switch to propagation of smaller plants would help me better handle this as a business for supplemental income! I’d love a copy of your new book to give it a try! Thanks!
Would love one of your new systems. Watch your videos, you’re an excellent teacher.
I would love your new book. I have learned so much from your advice. I have also sheared your information with friend,s and family. I like all the commets I,ve read too.
Would love to receive a free copy for my Birthday that is Sept 1 or a copy for my wife on her Birthday that is Sept 24. Thanks Mike for all the Great Information.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity Mr. McGroarty. I have wanted to purchase your program for some time now but just haven’t been able to put together the finances, but such is life. I would really like to get this business going here in Oklahoma. Maybe this is my opportunity, God willing! Throw my hat, cap, and any other head covering in the ring. Thanks again for all of your knowledge and generosity. Take care and may Gid continue to bless you and your business.
Your always up to something, Mike. How about giving away some of that energy you have? Looking forward to your newest project.
This may be the idea I’ve been looking for. Please, throw my hat in the ring.
Please just let me be lucky this time and earn my “green thumb”. I have 10 acres in Caulfield Missouri with lots of Pine Trees, Rocks, Raccoon, coyotes, chickens, bob cats, deer and rabbits. I am throwing my hat as hard as I can and hope it gets past Dayton where I was born and makes it to Perry, Ohio. Can you see it yet? How ’bout now?
Mike I have thoroughly enjoyed your tips and advice on growing small plants and how to grow plants and make money while you have fun. I can’t wait to see what comes next.
My hats off to you & in the ring. Have enjoyed your emails filled with so much information. Actually my son is the one that makes use of the info and this would be a great surprise gift for him. Thank you for your free and interesting emails please keep doing them, you bring joy to many!
I’d love a copy of your program. I’ve been experimenting using plastic tubs & white trash bags and it looks pretty promising.
I certainly would like to have a copy. thoroughly enjoy your informative emails.
Hey, Mike! Please throw my hat in the ring! I have been trying to grow cut flowers but it is physically too much for me to handle with my disability…I think a switch to propagation of smaller plants would help me better handle this as a business for supplemental income!
if your web site was any better I couldn,t stand it!!! love to have a copy.
You are very warm and personal. I read every post as there is always something to learn and I feel like you are a nice neighbor. The Internet has opened this and you have made it friendly and personable with great advice.
Thanks for inviting us into your world.
Perhaps I will be selected for a free copy but I am sure you will spill the beans in your e-mails.
I am very interested in receiving your system! My garden grows well now with a lot of your help!
Hi, Thank you so much so your newsletter. I have often used the info and love your stories. You and your family feel like neighbors. Thank you for the offer to be in the running for a Backyard Growing System.
Blessings Always, Jeanne
Hey Mike, I’d loved to be considered for the give away. Financially, like everyone else, we are struggling right now and the give away maybe the god send we’ve been hoping for.
Please add me to the hats being thrown into the ring.
I am wanting to do this in my town home area. I am looking forward to being able to have my own business.
I am finding I very much enjoy what you are sharing.
I looK forward to a chance to do something that will help my family and teaching my children about plants too. Thanks for all you do
My husband and I have been doing some experimenting with propagating grapes, elderberries and chokecherries as well as some herb starts. We’ve wondered what your system was like but weren’t able to ‘buy’ it. So of course we would love to ‘win’ !!!
Hi Mike, I would love to throw my hat into the ring. I love to watch your videos. Your video on roses helped me and my husband so much! Thanks sooo much!! Thanks for being such an inspiration!
I have always enjoyed your knowledge that you have shared with us.Please put my straw hat in the ring.
Hello Mike I would love a copy of your book.. Now that I am in a bigger place with more room I have much plans and your back yard system is just what I am looking for… Thank you for the free offer your giving everyone…
I am a professional horticulturist and have been getting good advice from you for years. Keep up the good work!
I have been following your emails faithfully. I have learned so much. I have a very similar weather planting, since I live in Kentucky. “Would love to throw my hat in!”
Mike: Have enjoyed your newsletters for over five years and been interested in your system but have not been sble to afford it.
Please consider my hat in the ring!
I love to be in my flower beds but they don,t like me very well. I just can not get things to grow. I would love to know what to do about that.Help, Lu
Here’s my hat. Would love to have the new materials.
I’m recently semi-retired, though not by choice. I’ve wanted a backyard nursery for years, so rather than consider my unexpected semi-retirement a misfortune, I choose to see is as an opportunity to do something I love. Consider my floppy, tattered hat in the ring!
You have some of the most practical, useable advice anywhere on the Internet.
I’m sure your new books will reflect that.
Please consider me for a free copy.
I have loved gardening my entire life. Now, with MS hindering me to the point of not walking or having balance, I just tell my husband what to do, lol. We could surely use the income, and would absolutely love the new information on your backyard growing system. My husband has finally found that ‘special love’ of growing plants. I call flowers, shrubs, & trees some of God’s greatest gifts! I look at each one, and wonder.. what was He thinking? We both get your newsletter, and we thank you Mike. God bless you and yours.
Sounds good free stuff
Free is good! Count me in.
I am an Air Force veteran and a semi-retired photographer. My plan is to have an organic garden on my approximately acre of land where I will grow herbs and veggies for local restaurants.
Having one of your Backyard Growing Systems would be a terrific guide.
Thank you.
Terry Thomas
Dunwoody Organic Gardens
Atlanta, Georgia USA
Here’s my hat coming into the ring. Thanks!!
Hi Mike
I have enjoyed so many of your helpful hints and ideas. I am retired but had to go back to work part time so my gardens have suffered. I am throwing my garden hat in the ring. Would love to be considered for your new book. Thanks and please keep on sending those helpful blogs.
I would very much like to win the new system. I can’t imagine what you could have improved on but I am very excited to dive in right after I win!
I’m throwing it all in, hat, shovel, hoe, trowl for the new book. Enjoy all the info you give us.
Would like to have a copy of the book. Am in the process of buying a 5-10 acre plot of land and want to be able to grow many different plants. Have enjoyed reading about all your short cuts and ways to keep plants healthy.
throwing in my straw hat for a free copy…:)
I would like to throw my name into the hat. I have always wanted to try this system, but could never afford it. I come from a long line of farmers and gardeners, and am trying to share this heritage with my granddaughter. I have been unemployed for the past 2 years,divorced and am living with my grown son and his family. Maybe this could be a way for me to have a fresh start.
I only have one hat. I am throwing it in the ring. waiting for a new copy.
Mike, you rock!
Would like a free copy of your book. I have learned a lot and am still learning from info on PC. I am throwing in my hat for a free copy!:)
I’m sold! Hats in! Thx Mike for all your knowledge. ; P
I read your newsletter start to finish every time it arrives and have benifitted from several of your tips. I just bought my first home and now have room to try and get up and running!
Feel very fortunate I found and subscribe to your site, have put your words of wisdom to good use and slowly seeing results! As we all know nothing grows in a day. Looking forward to your new book …good luck to all of us! Thanks Mike, keep up the great work!
Hi Mike
Yes, please include my name in the hat. I am trying to help my daughter, a single mom, to provide food for two growing teenagers. It is a challenge in this rocky Ozark soil. But all your excellent tips and encouragement have helped me to produce some great fruit and veggies. Thank you! Thank you!
Here’s my hat Mike….so please…pick me, pick me, oh please, please, please
Considering your system to finance a pottery studio. Thanks! D. Holmen
Great, keep up the good work Mike!
throwing my hat in the ring, my thumb is not as green as yours but I keep trying. would love to get a copy of your book to hopefully have more success with my backyard garden.
I would love to have your book. The wife and I read every one of your emails and we have already put some of them to use. We have four Japanese Maples we need to put in the ground now and we need all of your help. Please anybody that is good with these trees can send any info and all the help you want.
Please pick me to receive a free copy of your book. Thank you
Sounds great!
Truly enjoy your plant tips, so educational and practical.
Need help. Seems like my daughter and I have brown thumbs when it comes to growing. We have been trying at least 2 years to start a garden and now finally have one tomato plant and one green pepper plant. We have had pumpkins started and get a good size then die on us. We really want to get things to grow so we can have fresh vegies for ourselves and some of our neighbors and family. Thank you
Here’s my hat Mike so pleae…..pick me, pick me, oh please please please.
I would love to get it. I have a small backyard. And got plenty of time,cause I’m unemployed. This would enable me to make a living with nature.
Loved your video on air layering. I’m rooting out a bunch of fig tree cuttings right now. If they take we’ll move on to air layering. Sure would love to have a copy of your backyard growing system. Thanks for the opportunity.
I’ve been thinking of ordering your growing system for awhile. I surely could use some extra money. I’ve always enjoyed propagating plants for my own use. My hesitation is that I have Parkinson’s. Most of the time I can get around pretty well, then I’ll have a bad day & I think maybe I shouldn’t try. I would like to throw my hat in. If my name is picked, I would love to give it a try.
Thank you for all the good info. I enjoy.
Here’s my hat, thanks for the chance to get your books. We just bought a farm and they would really come in handy to get things going the right way.
I am throwing my hat in! I would love to receive a free copy. I love your e-mails and look forward to continuing to learn more from you. Thanks for the opportunity.
Throw my hat in the ring! I have enjoyed your site for about 3 years when i got into plants. Thanks for all the advise it has come in handy!
Hi there,
We’re moving to a new little 5 acre farm this fall, and one of the things I’m most looking forward to is becoming a Backyard Grower! So grateful that you even thought to run a give away.
Mike, I have learned so much from your emails, I think of myself as a winner, but would still like to through my hat in the ring for a free copy of your new system.
Mike, I would LOVE to win the new book. Since my husband died 3 months ago and I lost 3/4 of my income, I have been looking seriously at your system. He was ill for so many years and as I was his 24/7 caregiver, I just didn’t have the time to devote to your program. I do now and am trying to find something to do from here at home. I have implemented several of your tips from your news letters and love reading your emails. Soooooo, I am officaly throwing my hat into the ring to try and won your new book and the DVD’s. Thank you for your time and devotion to making the world a better and prettier place!
Thanks again,
I would LOVE a copy! Please count me in on that drawing! Thank you!
Hopefully, I will be one of the Lucky 3 to win the
” Backyard Growing System”. My backyard needs a lot of help! We have been in this home for 20 years and fighting our backyard as long. It needs help!
Hi Mike, I’d appreciate a free growing system! I have enjoyed your newsletters for years. I am always amazed at how timely and useful they are. I will think of a gardening question, and a day or two later there is your newsletter with the information! Uncanny! I would love to grow Japanese maples using your system. Thanks!
You’re so generous, giving three systems away! Thank you so, so much…
It would be an honor to receive one of your books! Judy
I would love to receive a “free” copy of your book. I have enjoyed reading your newsletters and especially your videos on the Japanese Maples. I have 2 in my yard and plan on getting 3 more. I hope I’m one of the ones you pick out of that hat!
Count me in, Mike.
I throw in my hat. Starting my own business would be great.
Hi Mike,
I have gotten a lot of great ideas, especially propagation techniques, from your blog. And each year this country gardener seems to grow. I’m throwing in my hat!
I am fairly new to gardening and sure could use as much help as I can get. In the next few years I hope to turn my love of gardening into a small business, as I am not able to work outside of my home. Any considerating would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Mike, I would love to have a copy of your book. Everytime I need a question answered I run to the PC to see if you have any info. I have learned a lot fron your ideas and teachings in the Backyard. I am throwing my hat in and hope to catch a copy. By the way, couldn’t make the shindig, I had 2 granddaughters headed off to college and it seems like all summer has been spent getting them ready, with visiting colleges and all and both going in a different direction.Good luck with the new program.
I would like to have a copy of your new book. I do better with a hard bound book than something downloaded from the computer even though I put it in a binder. I have enjoyed the information I have and have been successful in rooting some plants. Thanks for your help and please enter me into your contest. Thanks!
I’ve been following your site and receiving your newsletters for sometime now and have always wanted to have your backyard growing system. Unfortunately, a devastating divorce left me virtually penniless and no one wants to hire someone who is 62 years old, even though I am educated and in excellent health. I also have the responsibility of caring for my 87-year-old parents. I LOVE gardening, have a good-sized area in which to work and would truly be grateful for the opportunity! Thanks so much!
Please enter me in your free backyard growing system. I have used your hints in building a rooting bed, and had great success rooting hibiscus, sage, many other plants in our yard.
Thanks for all your great advice and instruction, Mike. I love horticulture but have no training ini it and would put your new growing system to good use. I like online info, hubby likes hard copies so please include us I your drawing.
Oh, how I would love to be one of your winners. Please consider this post as my entry. My husband used to tell me that if I could make a nickel for everytime he saw me digging in the dirt, I would be wealthy. Thank you for all that you do for us and the great information.
Mike, I’ve been enjoying your newsletter for three years now and would absolutely love a free copy!
Add me to the list.
Thank you.
Oh yes and deedee, I want my hat in there.Ihavent potted much,but got my areas prepared.Hopefully no weeds to fight next spring.Doing mostly berries and grapes,I had few proplems starting some of the other stuff.Heat was terrible ,Love you Mike
Mike, I really appreciate all the tips you give us. It’s a struggle trying to initiate & maintain a good crop here in the desert of AZ, but slowly and surely, I’m turning it into an oasis. Even if I don’t qualify for a free book, I will continue to read your articles. Thanks again, La Mousette
I’ve enjoyed your newsletter for almost two years now, and there’s always something interesting. Please consider my hat for the free book contest. If my hat doesn’t win, please consider me.
I have truly loved your knowledge and expertise!! I’m an avid Gardner and have learned quite a bit! I am looking forward to your new DVD n book set!! I hope to be a “Lucky 3!!”. Thank you for everything!! Diana
I have used several of your ideas from e-mails. I like to grow plants that produce some kind of food for me or my animals.I am always looking for improved ideas.Your new book will have lots I am sure!!
would love to see your “free backyard growing system”
Thank you
I’m throwing my hat in for a free copy Mike!
I would like to receive a copy of the new revised Backyard Growing System because of the valueable information you share with us all is priceless. This will definitely be a system that we as growers would appreciate for years to come. Rather we are a newbie or a veteran at growing, you take care of us all.
I look forward to your email and would love to be able to make some money as my husband is ready to retire.
Me too
thank you for Mike for all that you do. My hat is in the ring. Your reputation for helping others is widely known. Your service to this community of wanna-be nursery folks is immensely appreciated!
please enter me.
Mr. Mike
I started saving all your e-mails in april 2010 and joined your Backyard Growing System in july 2010.I have enjoyed all your e-mails,tips,and information on how to make plants grow.I been wanting to get on the message board so i can buy plants from yall.but my income will not let me.I would like to be considered in your drawing.Thanks
Been a year ,still contemplating,where and how do I start. Maybe this new book will give me the final push to dive in.
sure put my name in the hat.
Looking forward to the updated info and congrats on the new book. Hats off!
I am always trying to find ways of improving my growing methods. So your info could help me in ways that I could only dream of…Hats in the Ring.
I have enjoyed your articles and encouragement from the very fist time you went on line. I even have a notebook with all of your tips and hints. I have a small country nursery and have tried to implement your instructions on growing and selling plants with some small success. Money is rather tight at present and customers are appreciative of the plants I have for sale. Thanks for staying with us and keeping us inspired. Carol
My hat is now in the ring.
I have been following your site for a long time now and would love to win one of your Backyard Growing Systems. We love your hints.
Please put my name in the hat for a free growing system!
My hat’s in… would really like to see any updated information you can provide … just did some heavy duty clearing on my property to make room to do this…
I am pitching my hat in. I enjoy reading your e-mails and watching the videos. Very informative. Thanks.
Ditto! Who can’t use something FREE, especially something that could help someone make money doing something they already love doing.
Hi Mike,
I’ve enjoyed reading your tips for years-even though I’ve not had my own space to work. I just like learning, and you make it interesting. I’d love to give this to my dad so that when he retires soon, he can finally make use of his fertile space.
I would love to have your book, Mike. I enjoy your ideas and new tricks to keep my plants and greenery alive and looking great.
Throwing my name in the hat. Thanks for all the great info!
I would like to get one of these copies so I can see how it can be implemented into my hydroponics system.
Thanks and I love your newsletters and site
Hi Mike, consider my hat in the ring too!! I love watching your videos and look forward to seeing even more in the future….
Please add my Stetson to the ring.
I have enjoyed and used info from your eletter for several years now.
Please consider my gardener’s hat tossed in the compost ring. –EJ in Atlanta
Throw my hat in also! Would love a copy.
I want to throw in my hat. I want to try this out.
I read this wonderful site every time it comes. There is always something to learn although my growing environment here in Santa Barbara California is slightly different than your (Especially in the Summer and Winter and Spring and Fall.)
Thanks for what you do. Your story is an inspiration to anyone who has ever had to start over.
What a wonderful opportunity.
Just in time for my new shed and potting tables 😉
You have the best ideas for making money. My husband is now retired and we are very interested in doing something like this. Thanks for the opportunity to get in the drawing for a free gift.
I would love to have a free copy.
Thanks for considering me.
I would like a free copy of your new book because I am just starting out in the nursery business and can use all the help I can get.
Thanks, Mike. Here’s my hat in the ring for a chance to win one of the free copies of your book. I enjoy your advice and have learned alot from your videos.
We have always enjoyed working in our garden. Our home and garden were ravaged by the 9/8/2011 flood, Susquehanna River. While waiting for our home to be renovated, living in a FEMA trailer, we enjoyed reading all your goodies and are looking forward to implementing them next spring. We would love to have a free copy of your new book. Thanks for all your good input and advice…Two hats are in…Happy Autumn..
I would like a copy of your new book and System.I’m throwing my hat in the ring.
I have your other book “Easy Plant Propagation”. I’m new at this and have only been 1/2 way successful in propagation, I am selling at my local farmer’s market. I would sure love the help, and need it, with your new book and DVDs. Thanks for being there for all of us newbie’s.
don’t know what all the fuss about throwin a hat in a ring is about,but i have several hats and a pair of bibs…you could have your pick of the hats but i need the bibs for the garden…and you could give me a ring anytime…we’re in the book…i’m not as worried about making money as i am about making things grow…i can get things started just fine but can’t seem to keep them growing…and my wife could black thumb anything…she even had a few plastic plants die out on her…thanx for any consideration…
Moving out of NE -looking to start new ventures in new home – love all your tricks of the “trade” you pass along!!
Enjoy reading your email newsletters. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
Please enter me in your contest! By using your instructions this past year I have rooted several expensive bushes – free! Thanks!
Hi. We had our first backyard plant sale in the spring, inspired by your emails. We still have lots to learn. We’d love to receive one of the free backyard growing system. We’ve been hoping to do even more with the whole idea. Thanks so much!!
I would like to be considered for the giveaway. I am an avid reader of your site and would love to own a copy of the book. Small yard with lots of potential!! Even water gardening!! Thanks, Mike!
Would love a copy. Thanks so much for offering. May God continue to bless all your efforts 🙂
Hi Mike,
Everytime I get one of your emails, I think “ooh, my friend with a spectacular tip”, open it right away and often discuss the tip of the day with my husband of nearly 5o years, also Mike. We have used so many of your tips, especially lawn care and preparing the ground for planting. Thank you and here comes my straw hat!
since I will turn 80 next month,I feel it’s time to start a new chapter in life, and since I enjoy “digging in the dirt” as my grandson says,this sounds like the right path. Thank you,John M.
Hi Mike!
I would love to be considered for the chance to win one of your new books and Backyard Growing Systems! I am a Master Gardner who’s still learning about proprogating and growing plants. Much of what I’ve learned is from reading your e-mails and watching your videos. Thanks for the wonderful educational opportunities! Keep calm and garden on! 🙂
I would love to win a free copy of your product.
I love this plant, and all of your wonderful tips that you give us. Each year, I try growing a new plant. This one would be PERFECT for me to try. All of my friends say I have a green thumb. I would love to try and try and test out their theory on this plant! Thank You,
I am a master gardener and enjoy your writings very much. Do you do lectures?
Mike, I have been growing berries for the last 8 years, started some trees last year, plan to add blue berries and cherry trees this spring. Building compost using grass trimmings, leaves, and steer manure. I have really enjoyed all the wonderful blogs you have sent out. They are priceless, I save them all. I do hope I may receive one of the free books as I’m sure it’s priceless as well. Any of your advice on pruning black & red raspberries would be of great help this fall. Drought and weed control have nearly killed my business this year.
Hello Mike
I would love a copy to give to my mother who is on a fixed income and strugling to make ends meet. Thanks for all the imformation that was provided in the first copies which turned out to be priceless.
Hi Mike and Dustin, I would love to receive your book as I am getting into the selling and swapping of seeds and bulbs and would love to know more about plants and how to raise them. I have a group on Facebook that is so exciting to see everyone’s flowers and trading seeds to get our flower gardens beautiful. It’s great what you are doing and if you have any advice or would like to join my group you would be more than welcome..https://www.facebook.com/groups/456722204367443/ and I hope everyone else that reads this will join my group also. I’ve made some wonderful friends. Thank you.I wish everyone luck on winning..
I found your site while doung research for a Biology class. I really enjoyed the online lesson you gave on plant propagation, so consequently downloaded your free book. I would love to win your gift you are offering, so im throwing in my big sun hat!
Whether i win or not, i thank you for tbe wealth of information you share with your greatful followers which i can count myself one of.
Mike since I have been following you I have learned it is not impossible to make baby plants. I find it hard to prune any plant and compost the clippings because I feel like I am throwing away money. This year I have succeeded with propagation of plants I’ve never tried before. Just need to learn other aspects of the biz. Thanks for the confidence!
I am currently on SSDI and could really use something like your system to get back on my feet & off the SSDI.
Wonderful I can not wait and def. Love to get a copy. We are taking photos of how our gardens look andthe produce. Thanks for all your tips!!
Would love to have one of these free copies. Would love to start having plant sales next spring. Thanks for all the advice Mike!
Hey Mike,
Throwing my hat in the ring also I have a few acres here in Lenoir nc I sure would like 1 of your books! Thank you Ray
I am currently growing and Hybridizing Daylilies but would like to expand my horizons with tree propagation. i live in zone 8 so the only Maples I’ve had any luck with is the Swamp Red Maple which is native to this area. Keep up the good work.
i would like to be considered. i love your emails and very informative.
I would love to be selected to received one of the copies of the book and other material. We grow some plants but need to improve the success rate and be more scientific in our approach.
Mike, I can’t decide if I enjoy your emails for the information you give or the entertaining way you inform us. My hat is the one doing fancy, dancey, dizzy circles. Keep up the great work. You’re tops. Bookless or not, we are cheering for you all the way.
Go Mike, GO!!!!
Please add my name for a chance at the free backyard growing system.
Would Love to get a Copy of your new plans, As I live in VA and it looks like that no matter how much I try I just can’t get much to grow, with your new program maby I can have better luck the next go around and I can show the others what I did with the help of your son and you, Everything is in full bloom now!!!Thanks for all you do for us.
I need a copy because I don’t know s&@t about gardening!! Help!!
Consider my hat in the ring
Thank you
Hey, Mike, you certainly have gotten me excited about plant propagation techniques. I told a buddy of mine about it, and he immediately asked me if I would start with Gardenia Cuttings. He wants 6 – 8 for his yard, and so began another addition to my already busy schedules. I am using my screened-in front porch, and already ran out of room, so I have pulled back a little. Gardenias, Camellias, Roses, Magnolias, and Hydrangeas. You certainly have a unique down-to-earth way of getting ideas across, especially with your own hands-on demos of your techniques. My Mini-Greenhouses are inverted 56 Quart Clear Totes. Boy, do they work great. Thank you so much for helping me use up more of the time that I really need to use to be doing other things. By the way, I live in a Town, and don’t have a lot of room to do much in my back yard. Must have been beach frontage here several hundred years ago. The soil gets dry, really dry, within several hours after a major Rain and Thunderstorm move through. Have a great day, and continue with your great efforts. I look forward to your weekly E-Mail alerts. May God Bless You and your Family always.
Hi Mike
I’ve been following you since I stumbled across one of your videos on YouTube about a year ago. I’ve learned a lot from your websites and your clips, and my daughter and I have been enjoying bringing on plants and trees from seeds and cuttings, even if the summer has been really poor over here in bonnie Scotland!
We would love to be considered for your new Backyard Growing System…
Best wishes
Thanks Mike, throw my hat in the ring too.
Really good of you to do this Mike. I can really afford one and will purchase one when on market. I really enjoy your newsletters! Thanks, Tom
Hat in. I am a student paying for school by selling arborvitaes. Would love to venture into others!
This sounds like something I could do!!!! I’m semi-retired (forced) and could use the additional income!!! Here’s hoping I am one of the lucky three!!!!
I enjoy all the info you send would like to be considered for your new systematically
I was going to keep my hat until I watched your video on Harry Lauders walking stick. Two years ago I purchased a plant at a garage sale because I like unusual and cheap. I haven’t been able to find out what it is. No one seems to know. It has a leaf similar to a geranium, has white blotches near the edges but the main stem or trunk is like the walking sticks you show in your video. Maybe I’m closer to knowing what it is just because I take the time to check out the newsletters you send me. Even if I don’t get the book thanks for this info very much. Jackie.
Mike I read and enjoy each email you send and have looked thru all the great advise on your website. I need to get myself going towards the backyard nursery system. I am getting to old to work in the heating and air conditioning business. I have tried many of your ideas and they have been fruitful. I just can’t seen to get my life together enough to make a business out of it yet. I would like to have the added advise available in this offer.
Thanks Dave
I would love a copy. I so love reading your site.
I’m sure you wont want it this year but here goes my Red Sox hat
Hi Mike,
I love getting your emails and all the information you share Thank You. I would love to receive a copy of your new book Small Plants, Big Profits from Home. I only have ½ an acre and would love to make good use of it. Thank You for the chance to win!
Looking forward to the book and DVD`s.
I would love a free copy of your new book! I’ve been out of work for several months and having a hard time finding a job. I would love to put your system into practice as a home business. Thank you for considering my “hat in the ring”.
I’ve been looking at your system for some time now…hopefully, this is the time for me to get started. Again, thank you!
**throws hat wildly into ring**
I have been following your emails for years and always look forward to reading them..I have an ideal rural house and have probably 2 acres to use. I am recently retired and would like to start a growing program here to utilize my property and provide plants for the retail market.
My hat size is a 71/2 if that helps!
I would love a copy of your new book. My son and I both like to garden. Having this book would give him more understanding on the subject. He is on disability and this would help support him.
Thank you
I would like to be considered for the free copy of the growing system. I have 28 acres of land ready to be put to good use.
Consider my hat thrown in.
I would love to have your new book, heck I’d take your old book!:)
Oooh! This sounds utterly delicious, Mike.
I cant afford to buy a copy maybe ill be one of the one you will get a copy too.
To start with I love your emails . I wait can’t wait till they come . Like a little kid waiting for the mailman to come. Usually every other day , but sometimes a little longer in between. ( please excuse the spelling and gramer I am sitting here in the garden with my rooster on my lap and he is trying to help type LOL ) when your emails don’t come when expected I always check the spam to make sure they didn’t land there . The advice and information is just great. I would love to get a free copy of your program . I’m living in Germany but from N.C. I was wanting to buy you other program to read through . Not sure when it would pass here or not , But wanted to check it out to see if it is something for my brother. Who is trying to start a pick you operation for when he retires. Small plants and field grown plants would be better and more reliable than blueberries in my opinion . So I actually want 2 programs one for me to read through and use what I can here in Germany , and the second one for my brother so he could get a good base started of something when he retires. So I would love one of the first 3 copies . Then I could buy the second copy for him. LOL and don’t let where I live effect your decision on me getting a copy 🙂 because you can send it to North Carolina for I’m there 2 times a year. I am also self employed so I know the hard work that goes. Into a project and would never use one of your programs for 2 people Thanks Kenny. Berlin Germay
I love getting your emails and find the information there very helpful. I have been diagnosed with MS and find about the only thing I can do with my disability is garden. I would love to have one of your programs to start a growing system.
Thanks for your consideration.
I too would love a copy of your new book. Thanks for your free gardening tips as well.
Hi Mike,
My wife and I live on four acres, so we’ve got plenty of space to grow a lot of “backyard” plants.
Japanese Maples are my big weakness. I’ve never met one I didn’t like. In fact, I love ’em all. And we’ve got several varieties planted around our “estate.”
I really enjoy reading your growing tips (and watching your videos).
I’d love to get a copy of your new, updated Backyard Growing System.
John R. Cumbow
Please throw my hat into the ring. Would like to know all about the latest information and tips about your systems.
I hopelessly love to be in the garden.I would love to recieve your new backyard gardening system as you have given me alot of information from your website.I propagate, see little plants growing and let them get to a certain size and do experiments with all types of plants. I collect seeds from plants that of interest to me and try to grow them. I have little income and don’t buy alot of things for the garden but it all seems to turn out well. I love your website!!!!
Hey Mike… I would love to have a FREE copy of your new growing system! FREE is my favorite “F” word! ( but not the one I say the most) I hope I am a lucky winner.
I want to throw my hat in the ring also.
I have enjoyed your emails for years and as retirement is close, this could be what I need. In goes my hat 🙂
Hi Mike
I would love to get one of the copies of the new backyard system I have wanted to buy your system for quite a while but just don’t seem to have the money I follow your emails your website and you have given me so many wonderful ideas
Even if I don’t win a copy please keep the emails and videos coming and have a wonderful day
Put my name in the basket! Thanks Wayne
Love all the gardening knowledge you have so graciously shared over the years! My hat is in the ring.
i love all your gardening tips. i would love to receive a free copy of your new book!
I would love a free copy. My backyard is slowly turning into a jungle and I am desperate to change it. Making money by doing something I love would be an added bonus, so I am also throwing in my hat.
I need some help!
Thank you.
I’d love to see the book, and find out if it’s possible for me to lose this black thumb of mine 😉
I have been reading your newsletters for years and often use some of your hints especially for propagation. I am now retired and my brother lost his job. We were thinking that since we both love gardening, your Backyard Growing System sounds like the best idea. Please include me in your “giveaway”. Thank you for this offer.
I would love to have a copy of your book. It would be a tremendous help to my family and I.
Thank for considering me.
Hello Mike,From a very wet and miserable Uk,I would love a free copy to help pass the time until the sun comes out again,I have loved all your email tips hope you keep ’em coming.
Moved from south Louisiana where it’s hot, wet and humid to Colorado. It’s 9300′, dry and windy. I’d love to get a free copy of your new product because I could use all the help I can get in this different climate. Love your emails!
I have learned a lot from your videos and would like to learn much more. Am moving in about 6 months and will have to start a new garden area. I am sure that the new system would be very helpful there. I am throwin’ my hat in the ring…
My son Charles Menken
Just got out of the Marines and has great love for gardening.
While he is figuring out what he wants to do and looking for a job,
I thought he would like doing your program to make some money.
After the Marines for some reason he has a lot of debt.
Feel free to call him on his cell at
267 261 2725
I would like to be considered for one of your backyard growing systems. I’ve been following your websites for awhile and love the advice you give. Every time I’m about to buy your system, something happens in my life that sucks the money away, which has become a double frustration upon frustration for me. I love hearing all the good news and reading the posts. They encourage me to keep trying. Thank you.
I have been following you for three years, since i came upon your site. I have always said, a true gardener always has an experiment going on. You have rekindled my passion for experimentation. I currently work for a big box store in the garden center and have come across a few of your backyard propagaters. I would so love to learn more and hopefully make some money at it. Thanks for the opportunity.
Therese Mroczkowski
I am currently unemployed and would love to get a copy of your book
I’d love to win! Thank you for the opportunity!
Had to go buy a hat to throw in the ring. Would LOVE a copy, Please!!
I was forced into early retirement and have decided to grow shrubbery & other plants to supplement my SS. I will need to get supplies and plants from your recommended sources as I do not have any at this time. Thanks Mike for producing your website
I’m throwing my hat in the ring, hope it lands in your front yard.. I am disabled and could use some good news..This would certainly qualify.
Love your Email info so even if I don’t get free book I will look forward to getting them.
Do not have a hat to toss in, but maybe I should get one? Seriously, just found you yesterday when I was looking for information on Japanese Red Maples. Wow, found way more than I expected and have thus changed my whole garden plan. Thanks big time.
Oh boy! Toss my hat in the ring! The best place to go for information on japanese maples! Thank you!
My husband needs to make some money as he has been out of work for3 years now and I am dying supporting all of us.
I never win so why be cleaver here’s
My hat My first endeavor
I would love to have a copy of your system. I have two girls that like to help me in my few flower beds that i have and i have already taught them what little i know about it. This would be a great activity for us to do together. Thank you so much, athena.
Hey Mike
Really enjoy gardening have done it since I was little with my grandmother. Would love to have your system
Thanks Charles
Hi dave please consider me for a copy as I work with inner city kids who i know will benefit from your program. Thanks for your consideration.
That sounds great, please consider me for the giveaway. I would love to own it!
Love to get one of the new updated versions.
My sister and I love getting your e-mails to see what is hapening with you and the growing season.
I sure would love to be able to have a copy of your plan. I’ve been unemployed over a year, unemploymen has run out and I’ve finally found 2 days a week caring for an Alzheimers patient 46 milesaway. I love gardening and I love people…sounds like a perfect job. I don’t mind the work. But I wonder how well I could do here at 6600 ft. Short growing seasons and long cold winters. I’m gathering old glass for hot boxes or someday a greenhouse. The containers for air rooting you have shown look ineresting. We always did it with moss and cheese cloth. Well good luck to who ever wins.
Mike, I have learned so much from your website. I now root lots of bushes, mums and trees. I even save my bell pepper seed, dry them out, freeze them and plant them the next season. Then I make pepper relish which is a family favorite. Yes, I would like to have one of your free books…have tried many of your tips and they work!!!!!
I always enjoy your email letters. They are very informative.
I’m looking forward to seeing this new system. Can’t wait 🙂
I’d love a copy. Your advice is practical and easy to understand.
I’m also throwing my hat in the ring and you can keep it! I would love to have one of your free books though, your wealth of knowledge awesome.
Mike, I’ve been a subscriber for 10 years now and you have helped me in so many ways to grow plants here in SE Texas where it’s so hot and humid. I’d love a copy of your new books and CDs.
Here’s my hat – catch it and send me the info.
I have my fingers crossed to win a free copy! Hoping to make lots of baby plants this fall with my campanula.
Hi Dave,
I would like to be considered for a copy of your system. I’ve followed you for a while and know it works. I work with a group of inner city kids who I think would greatly benefit from your program. Thanks for your considration.
Faithfully read your great ideas – I’m an old Science teacher who still loves seeing seeds and cuttings sprouting! Thank you! Keep up the good work!
Jeanette Howell
Hey Mike,
I live on approx 3 acres of land. 2 of which are just sitting there waitng to be used by something like you can obviously teach me so I’m also throwing in my hat and hoping to be fortunate enough to receive one of these programs. Thank you!
Mike, living in the middle of Phoenix, all rock, lol, moving to the country by the end of the year, I’m throwing in my one straw Madeline gardening hat. Thanks for everything
My husband retired as a Baptist Pastor after 42 years last year . We are looking for a way to have income added to the SS we draw as retirement. This is something that we could do and look forward to your shared knowledge! We live in Florida where the weather is great for most plants. Thank you for the consideration of the free book to help us.
Hi Mike,
I need a lot help in a hurry. I am 75 and try as I might, almost everything dies. I would like to throw my hat in the ring so I can have a lovely garden to sit in before my time is up. Thanks, Beth
I would love to be considered! Growing plants makes me happy 🙂
I would like to be considered for one of your free copies . My wife and I have been living with her parents for the 25 years (of our marriage) and have set of boy and girl twins.We have brought them up in this home, (levitt house on Long Island,NY)not a large home by any means with a small yard. They are grown now and still living with us.
Recently,Sadly, both her parents passed away (within 3 months of each other)We now own this home and instead of sharing costs we have the full cost of living ,mortgage, taxes, electric, oil, etc.
The backyard growing system could sure help our situation.I have been thinking about your product for these reasons.
Please consider “my hat” in the ring….
cant wait to hear more about the new book!
Hi, Mike ~ I would love to be considered for one of your backyard growing systems … my granddaughter and I would like to “project” on this together and it would be an incentive to get her going on this … she is a true gardener and a great little saleslady! Thank you!
I would love one of your books to use up hear in Alaska.
I am an aspiring sustainable living convert. I found your website and have incorporated some of your ideas in my home. I have been out of a job for over a year and really enjoyed being home with my children. I am trying to put myself through school, nursing, because of all of my past experience I have been considered over qualified. So I am teaching my children the value of sustainable living. I find your work inspiring and while I am going to school I am trying to start my own business in natural living. Thank you for your inspiring ideas and please consider me in your drawing.
I enjoy your blogs and help with all my backyard needs :0) would love the new version of your book !! lots of great info I’m sure !!! My Hat is in !!! :0)
Hey Mike!
Thank you for all your advice and inspiration. I’d love to be able to afford your new product, but for now I’ll hope to be a random recipient ‘;o) Yay!
God Bless your efforts,
..kristin @ Joy Garden
I would appreciate a copy of your book. We depend on our garden to carry us thru the winter. We are canning right now and packing away the green peppers and onions. We have already packed the zucchini, squash,celery, and carrots in the freezer. We have quart jars of herbs.
I always enjoy your email letters. They are very informative.
Love a free copy
Well, Mike, it looks like you got a good response from many of us who would like to get your book. I just threw my hat in. Keep up the good work as I enjoy what you send. The only place I can find good practical ideas.
Thanks for all your hard work.
As a single Dad with a handicapped son I have used as many of your ideas I could glean from your newsletters. I made the choice a few years ago to do as much work as I could from home to allow me to care for son. So would like to throw my hat into the drawing also.
I have enjoyed your programs and invormative earthy commets. Looking forward to your book.free is even nicer.
I can’t wait to read your new book 🙂
I would like the knowledge of knowning how to grow small plants. I grow a garden and a few fruit trees, make compost and love to grow all kind of plants, even plant what others in the flamly need planted. I would love a free copy and would use it all the time.By the way can I plant the seeds of a plum and get a tree? How many chilled hours doese it need? This is a Standly Plum,I just canned about 300 of them.I am looking fourward to your emails. Thank you for all you do.
WOW, You have so many replys already, congratulations! My husband and I would love a copy of your new book. We would like to work at what we love and make money too. Please Please! Will you send us a copy of your new book? thank you for all you do.
Guy and Kathryn Hayes
What can I tell you Mike…….
You’ve helped me with my Fig trees, Dogwoods (I have 2 saplings right now.)These were tough. Out of 10 seeds only these two mage it.
My next project is the Cut Leave Dragon Japanese Maples.
Going to need a little TLC>
I would love to receive a free copy of your book so I could share it with my customers when they come into my shop. Can’t wait for the new one to come out!!!!!
Hi! I woukd love to win this giveaway! As a young gardener, I have spent much time learning, asking questions, andtrying new things. You have been a huge help! To have all this resource would really be a huge help.
I have been using so many of your ideas.. Thank you! I am on my way to being a backyard nursery, and I am Pres. of the local Garden Club with many Master Gardeners in it… I often look to them for advice, but they say, “Wherever you are getting your info, it’s right on”. Kudos to you Mike
I sure woyld like to win it
Mike, I read all your emails.I need to find a way to earn more income. I would love a free copy of your new book. I have been thinking about your plant growing system for a while and would like to get started using your new book. I want to learn how to propagate my own plants to sell.
Looking forward to your new revised Backyard Growing System. With retirement fast approaching I need to get things started and this is just what I need.
I would love to receive a free copy of your book so I could share it with my customers when when come into my shop. Can’t wait for the new one to come out!!!!!
I would SOOOOOOOOOOOO love to win this, I lost my job as a “gardener” as a result of an on-the-job accident, but I don’t want to quit my passion.
Thanks for the emails and information. Bob
Dear Mike,
I’ve been receiving your emails for several years. I always appreciate that I never feel my time is wasted reading them. You always give free advice and ideas and you are so encouraging. My hat is thrown in and I would like to be a successful student!
Mike, I’m a senior whose experience is limited. My major interest is for plants that grow beautifully in poor soil and sparse water, with opportunity to share extras with others. Thanks for your generosity in offering ideas, varied plants, and ways to “pass it forward.” Best wishes!
Can’t wait to read your new book. Hope I get one of the free ones. Thanks for all your tips, Mike.
man that would be great if I won your tips and ways are the greatest
Great! Please consider me.
Easier than trying to win the lotto, less finicky too… and great if you love getting dirty playing in the potdirt anyways!
Thanks for a chance for a Backyard Growing System
Hi Mike. Please consider me for one of the backyard growing systems. Your emails have been an inspiration to me, and it has given me so many ideas for future gardens and plantings already. Thanks.
Hey Mike,
Please put mine in as well! Look forward to seeing what you guys have put together.
I don’t have a hat to throw in the ring, but I still would love, love, love to get a copy. Wanted a copy of the old system, but didn’t have the money. Maybe you will consider me for one of the copies.
Mike,I have enjoyed all the infomation that has been sent my way.I have a need to start this business asap.Aside from the enjoyment.My wife has had 3 strokes and now has uterine cancer.I believe this would help sidetrack us and help us financially.
Thanks for the info you email to me all the time. I really appreciate it. Keep the good work up. You have helped me a lot. Put my name in the hat please.
Cool! My son and I have been talking about starting a backyard growing business for quite a while. This would be the ultimate motivator. New Orleans is a semi-tropical climate, really wet. I hope your system is adaptable :).
I’m most excited in the morning when the sun’s shining and I can get out into my garden :)Living in Scotland, this doesn’t happen often enough. I’m also a single parent on a low wage, so no matter how much I would love your growing system book, I just can’t afford it. Not at the moment anyway. I also look forward to your emails, which have helped me out a few times,and have passed your details on to a number of likeminded friends. The work you do is fantastic, My dream…..Maybe one day! Thankyou Mike.
put my hat in.
Here’s my hat! I would love to have a copy of your book. You are appreciated!
Kindly, Sandy Stratton
Anything that doesn’t cost and helps put food on the table is always appreciated!
Keep up the good work Mike!
I enjoy your website and have learned a great deal from it. Look forward to more in the future.
I need all the help i can get!!!
Desperate in east Tennessee!
Starting a landscaping process on our new to us home. Glad that you have backyard gardeners here in the upper NW. Looking forward to getting plants from them. Maybe if I had a copy of the new book, I could become one also.
Dear Mike,
If I win, it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy ( me, of course ). Thanks
yes please, include me in your process. note that we have a totely diferent ego system here,summer showed here self the first of july. very wet up on tell then. short growing season third year in a row, my garden was planted three times. and is way behind maybe we will get an indian semmer? blessings to all of you.p.t.l.
Been using your site for probably 20 years. Count me in.
It would be great to get a free copy.Good luck to everyone
Wow! Been looking for a way to supplement my retirement. Could this be it? Hope so!
Free is good. Are the odds better than the lottery?
Hi Mike, I love starting plants from seed, but your propagation techniques look like something I can do. Love your emails and videos. Thanks.
Throwing my hat in the ring. I have a large back yard in need of more gardening and less nothingness. Would love to gain more knowledge and put it to use!
Hi Mike, I would love the Backyard Growing System. I love the emails you send out with the knowledge of growing plants! Thank you for the change to win one!
Mike, immensely enjoy your site and receiving your email tips. Definitely count me in. Thanks!
I also would love to be considered for your giveaway. I love your column, and all of your ideas and tutorials. You are a big help to us all.
Sherry Soltis
Mike, I look forward to your emails, and would love to have your book to help me make my upcoming retirement more profitable.
Mike I would love to have one of these to give to my daughter & son in law for their new home. Also my daughter needs a way to make some $$$$$.
My hat id IN..
Thanks in advance,
Please throw my hat in. Thanks from Vermont
Hi Mike! Since I think your one of the best online gardening hosts on the web, I would like to be considered for a free copy of your new product! Not only will I put it to work, I will update you on progress so that you can use my almost guaranteed testimonial for further product releases. Thanks for everything so far!
I’d be much obliged to receive a free copy of the new growing system. Thanks
I would like to thank you for the chance to get a copy of your book, I refer to your e-mails all the time on trimming, pruning, planting, keeping the “weeds” at bay. I have shared your hints with many and will continue to do so. Please add my sweat band to the pile of hats that are in the ring. Have a great day and keep on a plenting.
P.S. The fudge was great!!!!!!
I save all your emails because they are packed with great information as well as how to’s. I have a copy of the profitable backyard gardens which introduced me to you! I really want a copy of your new book and information. I have so much to learn and growing plants is one thing I am interested in and seem to be alright at. I would be so greatful to recieve your new growing system!
Thank you for your time,
Mandy Pullin
Love your TIPS, still ain’t got a clue what I’m doing… with your new book at my side for reference my mate’s might have a chance… Trust me I need a FREE COPY BAD!!!! for their sake
Hey Mike, throwing my hat in. Would love a copy.
I do a lot of out door planting, garden, etc. Love to own one of your back yard growing systems.
Hi Mike, Thanks for this opportunity! I’ve enjoyed your emails and would so love to have a copy of your book! I have the space and have wanted to begin this business for some time. I NEED another source of income as soon as possible.
Throw my hat into Mike. thanks
Hi! Lovely idea – here’s my hat too! We’re going into spring now, & things are starting to happen – lots&lots of clivias! Love your pruning tips! & have the old fish tanks for sprouting.. thanks!
Each year my garden grows larger and larger. working with clay soil can be a challenge but who doesn’t like a good challenge. Please throw my hat into the ring. Thank you!
I’ve just started composting… looking forward to learning how to turn that great free soil into great plants for sale!
I sure could use something to help with my gardening, and not too distant retirement funds.
Thanks for the opportunity.
I would like a chance to win a copy of your new backyard growing system. I get most of my plants through propagation. Would love to do it on a large scale when I retire – hopefully soon.
I would love a copy! Your newsletters are easy to read…fun to read…and so very helpful. Thank you for being passionate about our success.
Thanks for the offer mike! I love all your info! Can’t wait for your new Stuff to come out! Thanks for the Chance to win it free! Have a great day 🙂
Hi Mike! I’ve been reading about you for many years and I count on you to help me prove my arguments with my husband!! A big
ps: I would love to have one of the free copies of the new book you are soon going to publish. Thanks again!
I enjoy reading your helpful hints. Thank you for considering me in your contest! All the best.
While this is not a hat, I would like to enter.
Really enjoy the info from your emails. Would love to get a copy of your new material. If I’m not selected, guess I’ll just save up & get one. Thanks for the opportunity
Thanks so much for your eMails! A copy of your new book would be a GodSend! Due to health concerns, I have my bad days & my not as bad days, I think others may not know this, but your writings are aimed at MEmeME, (like the rest of the world) I never knew how much I could actually get accomplished BM ( before Mike) I had to close down my catering business several years ago due to my health & in preparing to begin when the weather cools a bit, I have found another life for those take-out containers that I have just not had the heart to throw out (see hoarding 101) they were sooo danged expensive.I have about 400-500 Chinese take-out kinda boxes, I think they just might work! Watch out Garden Centers in Concord, NC, HERE I COME!!! THANKS Friend!
I would love to be considered for your system. I will be retiring next year but don’t want to set around and do nothing. I love gardening and being outdoors. Sometimes it is hard to do here in Utah. My husband has been disabled since 2006 so my income is the only one besides his disability. Love all the items you post weekly, I read them all the time. Thanks so much for all the advice you give.
I have a passion for trees and watching them grow. I’ve always been excited to get your emails and explore your website. I trust your knowledge and instincts and I would truly value it as a gift and put it to work. As a horticulture student with room to grow I would love to have a copy!
As long as it’s signed 😛 You the man;)
Please consider me for one of the copies too. Thank you.
I would love to have your new system, I am trying to start my own backyard growing business and this would be a huge help!
Throw my name in the ring. Enjoy your news letters
I need all the help I can get!
Reading all your emails inspired me to plant a vegetable garden. I know it’s not your method but I thought I would slowly get back into gardening with vegetables first. If the vegetable garden was successful I would try plants your method. Well my vegetable garden was hugely successful so it has inspired me to start transplanting quick ornamental growers. If it wasn’t for your email and free ebooks I never would have started gardening again. Thank you for your constant encouragement. I look forward to your new publication.
YAY! Free! Love everything you do Mike.
I love the information you share. Count me in for the chance for your new system!!
I would be so very interested in a copy, as I have followed your site for the last 2 years and want so much to incorporate it into my lifestyle. I have received your emails for a long time, stuck in a small basement apartment with so little light that even clippings that I tried to keep alive would not last in the tiny window that I had there. We have finally moved (into a trailer) and have a small yard with lots of sunshine! Please consider me for one of the three! Sincerely and with lots of thanks
many thanks for the opertunity you have given your readers to win a copy of your new book.Icould not afford the last one but thanks for the chance. your free advice on your websight has worked well for me Many Thanks Dave
Love your site. I’m in the ring.
Would love to be one of the lucky few…always enjoy your helpful tips & videos. We recently purchased some acreage and have been looking for an affordable way to make it work for us.
Thanks, throw my hat in the ring too.
Would like to be considered for free book…
I’d love to have a copy. We are looking at ways/things to grow at our condo with the possibility of moving to a house to grow more in the future.
Thanks and Best Wishes!
Mike, Love your site and would love a chance at this. My hats in. Thanks
I’ve benefited from the old Backyard Growing System, and I can’t wait for the new improved one. Good job !!!
After reading your newsletters for more than three years, I had finally decided to “go for it” and buy and try your system, here on the west coast of Canada. You’re timing couldn’t be better…and I’m feeling lucky. Thanks Mike.
I have often wondered how to supplement my daughter’s pet grooming commercial business. She already has a clientel coming through the door. If I could show them what Mike has to offer it could be the answer to my prayers. Thanks Mike for the opportunity to help others. Jim
Here’s my hat too, Mike! Now that the kids are all raised, it’s my turn to play in the dirt! Thanks for all your wonderful information. It is so much appreciated!
I would love a copy of your book so I am putting my hat in the ring. I have been looking for an at home job since I can not find work. This would be a great help. Thanks
Now that I have retired, I’ve been paying attention to things that really matter in life: family,health, love. I’ve always enjoyed seeing plants grow but my job in teaching barely gave me time to admire the trees and flowers in my home. I want to be a student again, and I you strike me as an ideal teacher, committed to helping others, and above all unselfish to share your knowledge. Like you, I’m a believer in simplicity as the best tool to plant ideas successfully in the minds of your students. I only hope I’m one of the lucky winners of your Backyard Growing System.
Hi Mike , I would enjoy being a winner of your Backyard Growing System. I love getting your emails and the helpful topics. Good luck to all who enter this contest.
Thank you ,
throwing my hat in Mike. Needing all the help and tips I can get. Thanks for everything so far.
I would love a free copy!! Here’s my hat…
Well I can say the timing is perfect.The backyard too a beating this year from the extreme weather.Having this would go a long ways to help rebuild the backyard with the proper guidance .
Huum Mike, I thought you already covered it all.
What news could you possible have found now?
Please send me one- I never got around
to buying it.
I would love a free copy.
Hello Mike,
Love reading over your information. Lost my job last year and still looking for a new one – – but growing things out here on our acre-and-a-half may make more sense! Keep up your fun and informational site!
Just what I need to get started!
Dear Mike,
I would love to have a business but I don’t think yours would work here we have 6 acres but our soil is kalecie and our water is jip, (has a high salt content) If you know what to do to change these problems please I would love your Backyard Growing System.My husband is disabled and I am 63 years old and live on Social Security. Could really use a money maker.
Great fun for summer and to get started for next year too!
What I love most about your books and newsletters is that they really offer GREAT information.
I’m handicapped and there are few things that I can still do and enjoy. Gardening is one of the things that I have loved for many years.
I can’t wait to see the new revised edition of your Backyard Growing System.
Thank YOU for sharing!
Kids recently built me a green house, now would like to fill it with plants. Sounds like you have a fool proof plan so would like to get a copy, tossing my hat in the ring. Would give me something to do in retirement.
I have to say that I have enjoyed all your emails. It has kept me encouraged during a difficult time. Though my life has been changed forever, gardening has sustained me and will remain one of my passions. You have not only made it possible to continue even on a budget but to even make money and maybe one day make a livelyhood out of it. Many Thanks. Bless you and your family. Sincerely Rina.
Yes!! sign me up for a chance at your new book. I am really “new” at this and have more questions than you can believe and with the dry weather really have missed out on a lot of starting my own plants. I have about 30 burning bushes and many spireas–you tell me I have the possiblity of thousands of starts but they are really drying up. Will definitely be smarter next year. Have a blessed day.
I would love to have your back yard growing system. Thanks for giving them away!!
Please count me in, Mike. Love your website!
Hi Mike,
I have enjoyed your very informative articles and tips on growing and propagating plants. I am retired and learning new things. Hopefully, I will get one of the copies of your book to encourage me to grow plants on a bigger scale to make some money.
Mike if it’s free it’s for me I enjoy your articles and helpful advise, thanks
I have on your E-Mail list for many years and have always found the information useful. I am buying a home here in California and would like to go for it. I’m in for the free copy
Hi Mike,
How’s Pam and the kids, good I hope. I sure
would like a copy of your new book.
Most info I get from you is applicable to my situation and definitly worth the read. My cyber stetson is off to you.
Mike- I’d love to have a copy of your book,throw my name in!The new format,training program sounds fun.
I’ve been reading your website and your Facebook posts for a long time and have learned so much! I’ve always been wanting to buy your Backyard Growing System info but it always seems like the money has to go for something else…like groceries, utility bills, etc., you know, un-fun stuff like that! I’m thrilled to be given a chance to win one! Thank you so much!
Hi, I’ve been ready your emails, blog and website for a long time and keep hoping we could find the 2 nickles to rub together and buy the system you offer, to give us an income, but living on Social Security have not been able to yet. So of course I have to try to win it! Really thank you for the opportunity!! Oh, and all the information you provide is just great!!!
Hey Mike! I would love to win a copy of your system! I live on an acreage and would like to see if your system could work for me!
Hey there! I don’t wear hats – butI would love to be onsidered for one of your three. I have been folloing you for a long time and reading every word your print. I would truly enjoy practicing what you preach.
I would like to throw my hat in the ring. It is my dream to have a backyard nursery so I can leave my 9-5 but still feed my family and keep our beautiful 2 acre property.
Wow what a great deal. Can’t wait would love to have the Brand New Backyard Growing System! getting excited to start my Backyard Nursery. My wife and I Have already made some cutting and getting ready to set up the the legless work bench, I learned so much from you. Thanks you so much for what you Have done for so many Pepole. Mark
Would love to have a copy, I need all the help I can get. Please enter my name in the hat. Thanks, LJS
Hi Mike,
I was recently laid off and have been selling a lot of my plants that I have started off of my mother plants to supplement my income. I enjoy reading your newsletters and could use really use the book. I enjoy growing plants,and working in my garden. Thank you for offering the free books, it is very kind of you.
Hi Mike –
I am officially tossing in our hats!! I’ve followed your information for about a year and just love it. Until my arthritis became more of a challenge, I always had a full vegetable garden every season. I’d love to be able to do more, but at this point I have very limited mobility. My husband has just lost his job after almost 25 years – so I’m hoping we can start a little planting business and make a living from home. We could sincerely use a copy of this wonderful book – it could help us get started in a little business of our own. I’m good on the computer and have always wanted to start a blog – but have lacked a topic – perhaps this could be it! Here’s hoping that we get the opportunity to get to know you better!
Bring it on!
WOW You are one generous man!!! I’m throwing in my hat for an awesome chance to win. I would love this if I’m selected, what an awesome opportunity this would open for me. Thank you so much Mike for doing this. Good luck to the other two winners since I’ve won one…ha ha ha just kidding, although I really do hope and pray that I win one out of the three. Your advice and guidance is always correct and sooooooo helpful. You are a plus to the joy of growing plants. You’re just the best Mike, thanks again. And… please do consider me as a winner in your decision and you can keepmy hat (lol). God Bless You. 🙂 Sissy
Thank you Mike, always look forward to the great info you send —
Congrats on the new product, Mike! Can’t wait to get my hands on one!
Hello Mike,
I really have enjoyed your website and all the great information you provide to us for free. I look forward to your e-mails with all the great tips and stories! I love plants and flowers and would especially appreciate an opportunity to make a living with something I enjoy so much. I started propagating cuttings from my burning bush with your technique of sand and a white trash bag and its working! So thrilled about it! So my hat is thrown in with great expectation to be one of the winners!! Thank you!
yes, count me in. Thanks so much for all you do to help the greening of the world and helping to heal the Great Mother
would love a copy so i could start my own business.
Well, I certainly am throwing my cuttings in! Pun intended mind you.I’ve done a lot of your system using cave man methods, In other words, by using bits and pieces that you’ve shared over the years and I would finally love to actually see what I could accomplish with ALL OF YOUR knowledge Mike.
I would love a copy of your new growing system. Also would love a copy of the new book. So, I am throwing or typing my name in for the system. I would like to thank you for all of your hard work in making our lives easier. Thank you….
I’ve just purchased a hobby house and need all the help I can get!! Kay
I would love to grow & sell plants as I tire from too much field work.
I would love to have a copy. My 10 and 7 year old kids love to garden with Dad. I would love a copy of your systems so we could spend even more time growing memories
Good day Mike
I would really like to learn your system and put it to work up here in Canada. I have been very interested in growing plants my whole life.
It would really help me out if I could get your information for free because I can not afford to buy it at this time. I would like to be able to earn a few extra dollars from home.
Thanks for everything
Hi getting ready to retire looking for something I can do at home love working with plants and gardening Thanks
Put my hat in the ring for a free copy! I enjoy the things I have learned from you over the years. I had rather be outside than eat, although now I can find plenty to eat without having to go inside! Thanks to you! Loving Gardening! I am ready to take it to a new level. Thanks again Mike!
Hi Mike,
I would love a free copy of your book. I am the garden coordinator for a garden where all the veggies grown are given away at a food pantry. We also have an after school garden club for kids in a low income neighborhood. I am looking for ways for the kids to learn about business while earning money from gardening. Thanks for your consideration!
Hey, who doesn’t love free stuff? Especially when its useful stuff!
I enjoy learning from you letters. I’m 82 and your system could be of help to me since I have peripheral neuropathy in both feet and legs.
Thanks for your consderatio!
Let us get growing with the good ideas and practical methods you share in the Backyard Growing system. I would appreciate the new insights. Thanks these are most useful. Charles D.
I appreciate the ‘deal’ I have been talking to my wife about growing trees…it might hot have sounded like talk, but I grew up around trees because I lived in the Ferdinand Forest and Dad lived there. My problem is that I need some help with dirt, sunshine, freezing and droughts. You have helped in so many ways. Thanks and God’s love.
Ah! I’ve been waiting for one of these contests! I’ve been reading your newsletters for a long time and have really enjoyed reading your advice and ideas! Hat’s in and fingers are crossed!
I would love to have one of your growing systems. I am new to gardening–only about 3 years in and still learning. My job situation is now in flux and something like this could be a great thing to boost my situation.!
I am new and don’t even know what a wicking system is and have been staring at a crape myrtle cutting for two weeks waiting for it to root, which could take months, I don’t know, shows what a novice I am, but I’m throwing my not-so-knowleageable hat in the ring anyway!
Please pick me!
I would like a chance to win your emails are very helpful and full of good info
I would love to learn more about your system. I am retired and supporting not only myself, but also my son and grandson as there are no jobs here for my son. My income (retirement & SS) barely covers our essentials; nothing left over. My son and I changed a calechi (sp?) and clay yard into almost a garden paradise. Could not complete due to lack of funds, not space. With your system We can put our garden to work not only supplying vegetables, fruit and herbs, but also an income.
Thank you, Mike, for considering me as a beneficiary of your generosity.
Am retired and on SS. Am converting most of my backyard to a garden for needed income.Your experiences and advice would be invaluable. Thank you for considering me.
I would love a copy of the book. Thank you in advance.
Thanks, throw my hat in the ring too.
Hi Mike,
Have a hat 😀
Yeah, new book and love to get a FREE copy. Thanks!
I would love to receive a copy of this book. I have lots of perennials to divide and sell, as well as many others to propagate, and I know it would be very useful. Please enter my name into the hat!!
Mike, I’ve about worn out the video cassettes that i got from you — let’s see — well, years ago — plus you have updated those ancient but great teaching aids, hence my hat is yours. Thanks for keeping the faith all these years.
I’m in for a free one. Love the site and bog. Lots of great info.
While everyone likes “free”, I’m sure there are others here that deserve a free copy much more than I do. That being the case, I’ll be satisfied if you will just give me a heads-up as soon as the new product is available for purchase.
I so enjoy getting and using all the usefull information I get from you. I love gardening and growing plants in my home. If I win your new backyard growing system I can do even more. Thanks Mike for all you do and this opportunity. Donna
Love, love, love your e-mails and videos!!!
I have learned so much from you and I can’t wait for your new release! I don’t know how anything ever grew for me before I had your information. Thank you.
I would like to be considered for the free growing system! =D
I’d like a copy,as gardening is a passion of mine.
Hats in the ring! Would LOVE the new growing system… ! Always enjoy your newsletters! Karen
I would really appreciate a copy of your system. I am a 100% disabled veteran that is building my dream, “The Highlands” farm and ranch. “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” will be a big help in my goal of starting a working, and profitable, small scale farm specializing in Heritage breed livestock and OP plants. Thank you for considering my request. Have a Great Day!
I’m just a noice gardener and could use all the help I can get..thank you for considering me for a copy of your book
A single mom who raised child inflicted with multiple disabilities and low immune system has finally saved enough money to purchase little property and install used trailer. Now I can live the dream that you have always talked about–growing plants to make money at home. Each week I eagerly open your e-mail with new ideas which have led me to sucessful propogation. Have been financially strapped and unable to purchase your Backyard Growing System but do my best to piece together the information you supply on your web site and e-mails. Please consider me for a copy of your system.
Oh, congrat’s on developing your new sytem!
Thanks for the offer Mike & the wonderful emails! Hope I win! (hugs) Karen…throwing my hat in the ring!
I have enjoyed your Website for quite some time.
I have only recently realised that it is time for me to spread some of your ideas and planting systems to the gardeners of South Africa.
So lets see what we can do with your new system and Free Book,
I would love to have a backyard growing system. My children and I are looking forward to starting our own garden this year!
My hat is in the ring! Wish you all the success on your new edition.
Consider my hat thrown! Just getting started in backyard growing and would love a copy. Thanks!
Finally, after much effort I will have a home with dirt outside by September 1, 2012 and much of my strength to accomplish this has come from knowing I will be able to put what I’ve been soaking up from you into practice! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us who need your help out here. I would appreciate a free copy of “Small Plants Big Profits from Home” certainly as much as anyone else and maybe more than most. Come on Random…select me.
gotta have it!….hoe many people can say they griw cotton in Brooklyn…i can….;-)
Oh thank you for this awesome opportunity! Would love to be part of the drawing. 🙂
I’ve appreciated all your info for some years now and continue to do so.
Thank you!
Once again Mike comes through with valuable and free stuff. I thank you sir!
Your advice and training has been a big help to me. I will be working in the garden much more in the next few years and will come to http://mikesbackyardnursery.com first for all my gardening needs.
I would like this for my husband and myself and our son. He was like you and worked at a nursery when he was in high school and from that experience he loves plants. This would be a worderful opportunity for us to work together. We are retired and could use more income. I have enjoyed your emails.
I enjoy your emails and would appreciate getting your new book. Thanks Harley
I retired several years and have been trying to learn gardening techniques off hand…..I believe your guide would be a great asset to my development in becoming a home use gardener. Thanks for this opportunity.
Correction of my post
While I haven’t sold any plants yet. Mike, you HAVE given great advice that I have put into practice for myself and a friend or two.
Thanks Mike an keep up the good work.
can hardly wait, hope I win
Hey Mike,
Enjoy your blog and newsletter. I would like to receive one of your new version of backyard growing system. thanks.
Happy Sunday! So generous already with sharing all your hard work with the world! And now this! Amazing! My hat’s off to ya! Thank you and your family for helping landscape my yard and offer my friends and family the same opportunity! Smiles!
Thanks for the Great news letters that I receive. If your book is as good as the newsletters. It would be a real treasure to have in my library.
thanks, dennis
Your whole philosophy on life keeps me reading your posts. I learn and grow as much as my plants. I finally have a backyard where I can finally do some your ideas. You have changed my view point on gardening. I wish you success with this new book, and if I don’t win one, please send me the information to purchase.
Here’s my favorite gardening hat, a bit used but very comfortable! Thanks for doing a giveaway!
I would love to win one of these so heres my entry, the rest is in Gods hands. 😉
I would love to receive a free copy. I am a long term reader of the newsletter.
Hi Mike,
Would love to have my hat in the ring too. We appreciate all the helpful info you share with all of us! Hoping to get back to more growing soon!
I’ve been propagating plants from seeds I’ve collected for years and have been thinking about selling plants at the local farmer’s market. As a senior on a fixed income it sure would be a treat to win the free book. That just might be what I need to get my *ss in gear, get organized and just do it!
While I haven’t sol any plants yet. Mike, you haven’t given great advice that I have put into practice for myself and a friend or two.
Thanks Mike an keep up the good work.
I would love to have to have a copy of your book. Please let me know when copies are available to purchase.. Your emails have helped so much.. I live in the Texas hill country, with a lot of deer and rocks (Above ground beds), what ever help you can give me on this.
Thank you so much
I would love to receive your new back yard growing system. I have your first book and love it. I have been a fan for years.
Please consider my hat thrown in. I would love the chance to follow your system and test it out here in England but I just don’t have the spare cash, definitely a good home for one here.
Love all of your emails and have learned a ton from you. Would appreciate the new system.
I can’t throw my hat in the ring, my head would get sunburned, though I would like to be considered for the New Version.
Thank you,
Count me in for sure.
Would love to have a copy. I have enjoyed your material so much. Am retired now and would like to start a productive hobby – growing plants sounds like a winner to me. Thanks for the opportunity to submit my “hat” for consideration.
Mike I love your website and blog. Please consider me for a copy of your new backyard growing system. I just built a small greenhouse and thinking of plunging into the backyard growing world. Kelp the good info coming. Jim
I would love to be one of your Backyard Growing Systems. My son is 47 and now disabled and it would help him to become more confident of himself being able to be productive. Not being able to do things like you used to do is very depressing; I feel this might uplift his spirits.
Throwing my hat in for a chance to win!
May God Bless you, mike. You are helping those of us get back on our feet, and add more of God’s beauty into this fast paced crazy world. If you find that i am worthy, I hope you will consider me for one of your free systems. I remain a true devotee with a thumb that is turning greener.
Hi, Mike — I have been following your advice for many years and I’d love to own your new system — so here’s my hat! Thanks for all you do….
thanks for the chance to get one of your offers Mike
Regards from the green isle of eire
What a great idea! Thanks for the opportunity, Mike. Here’s my hat thrown in. I love the new title, “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home”. The new and revised edition of the Backyard Growing System will be a great win for any of us. Looking forward to all that’s in store (*^_^*) Life is Good
Great tips! Really looking forward to your new book.
God Bless!
Mike, I would love a copy of your new Version.
I would lileto be consider.
Enjoy your website and would like to be in the running for a free copy of your new release!
You are to be commended to be giving in this me first taking time we are in. Thank you!
I would love to be considered for a free copy of your new Backyard Growing System. As a faithful follower of yours for a few years now, I have learned a lot…and have so much more to learn.
I don’t have a hat, so I’m throwing a free kitten in the ring. Even if I don’t win the book, you can keep the kitten!
Mike, I have really enjoyed all the wonderful blogs you have sent out. They are priceless. I do hope I may receive one of the free books as I’m sure it’s priceless as well.
thanks for the chance to get this offer Mike
Regards from the irish isle
Hi Mike, Love your ideas. They are simple and easily followed. It would be so helpful to have it in book form. Thank you AB
A copy would go great with our new Hobby Greenhouse
Read every article of Mike’s, I can find. “Great Info”.
Hi Mike. Thanks for your emails. I consider myself a a wannabe gardener. (want to expand…want to do more, etc) I enjoy your emails as they are fun and informative. I learn new things with each one. I would love a copy of your system, but in the mean time keep sending out the emails!
Count me in for a chance, Mike.
Awfully generous of you to offer free copies to folks, especially in tough times like these when folks (like me, out of work for 4 years) are searching for ways to be productive and make ends meet.
Hi Mike and Duston! So glad you’re doing a new book – I know it will be awesome. I save all of your emails so I can go back and review them or when I need specific advice. Would be great to have a book at hand and DVDs would be like hands on help. Sometimes seeing someone doing a project is easier than reading about it. Thanks for all your help and best of everything in the future! Throw my hat in the ring please!
Thank you for your generosity. I’m tossing my hat into the ring for one of them there new-fangled Backyard Growing Systems.
Sure… I’d LUV a gift copy of your book… been implementing your ideas here and there on a trial basis the past few years.
I’m currently checking out the agriculture selling laws in my state to see what’s allowed. Ditto for online sales.
My first plant starts from cuttings are rooting in pots right now.
I also have about 1000 Norway spruces – from 6 to 36″ high I’d like to find out how to sell. They are self started on my mountainside in New York state at the edge of the forest. Would appreciate if you could give me a lead on that – even if I don’t win your gift copy of your book.
Many of my friends have been turned on to your site (by me 🙂 – including my brother who is a serious gardening fan…. has his own greenhouse now 🙂
Thanks for all you are doing to help make the world a greener ~ and prettier ~ place! We appreciate it!
Im throwing my hat in the ring!
I’ve been reading you emails for about 3 years now. The tips are terrific. I’d love to be considered for your free give away!
I would love a copy of you book. In May of 13 I will retire after 27 1/2 years of teaching.. I will have extra time on my hands to work in my yard, and read your book and see if I can teach myself from your words…lets see if I learned anything from teaching….thanks for everything Mike…
Hi Mike!
Thank you…I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE to receive your book!
Your email messages are always fun. 🙂
Hope your day is green and fruitful!
I have enjoyed reading your tips on gardening and watching the videos. It is all very practical, down to earth tips we can use. I appreciate the website!
Let’s jump in here too! Got 2 year old twin boys here and I am 49! They were 23 weeks….4 months premature, 6 months in the NICU to a total of $2.5 milion! Need all the help we can get….growing them and plants too…what a life!
Thanks for all you do!
one proud daddy!
I finally have time to update my backyard ! Would love the system to assist in this! Put my name in… Thanks for sharing your expertise!!!
Would love the new to supplement my “good” old tapes and dvds! Are the tapes collectible yet?
i would love a free copy or your book. i am into gardening and always interested in how to plant my garden as well as my flowers. thankyou so much for the chance teo win.
Hi Mike,I’d love to have one of the copies of your book. I’ve sold a few daisy,& black eyed susan plant’s I have growing,but I’d like to try it full scale. The flea market is just up the street from me,so I know they’s sell,plus the plant’s you sent me last year are doin’ great except for one of the wigela’s,the sun this summer burned it up,as much as I tried to protect it. Thyank’s again,Michael
would love a free copy
hi, thanks for the opportunity to own one of the first copies of the book and DVD. Please throw my name in the ring.
happy planting, joy
Mike, I don’t have a hat but I will pitch my Razorback Cap in the ring for one of your Backyard Growing Systems. I love your ideas. Thanks for what you do.
I’d love to have a chance to win this! As grandparents, we are trying to pass along our love of garden to the grandkids. Your emails sure are appreciated, so much helpful information! Thanks for the opportunity to win, but mostly for sharing so much with all of us! God Bless!
Watching things grow always gives me great enjoyment. I’d love a free copy from a professional gardener who is so willing to share his vast knowledge, and is so pleasantly down-to-earth.
i would love a free copy i feel like i am where you were when you started only i dont have any pop bottles to return. i really love all the info you put out there for free thanks for all your help in these very trying times
My partner and I have a landscape contracting business in NJ. We live on a small farm and have been talking about beginning to grow for ourselves and later expanding as a source of income when we retire. We’re intrigued with your concept and your talent for networking and communication! Would love a chance to win a copy of your new book. Count us in!
Great to hear about your new edition, Mike! Living off a pension, it would be great to get a free copy.
I will thrpw my hat in the ring for a free copy. my husband I bought 20 acres last year 10 of it a meadow. We are starting from scratch and need all the help we can get.
Thanks, As usual you are very generous especially with your vast knowledge.I would love one of you copies.
Would love a copy of your new and revised version of your Backyard Growing System.
Would love a free copy! You can keep my hat! I enjoy your newsletter and look forward to the update. Thanks.
Heres my hat!!!!!!! I moved to south Fl. last year and am having the darnest time getting things to grow. I NEED YOUR BOOK BADLY.
I would love to receive you version.
I do have the other version and found it to be most
Thanks for all you do for all of us
I would like to be considered for the gardening system. I also have sent you two request and your son intercepts them. Can you please answer me back about these issues I have?
Thank you,
Julia Dickinson
Hey Mike,
I have way too many hats I wear, so am throwing one into the ring (might even cut down my workload) and would love a copy of the new bok. Have been fascinated by your website and regular newsletters. I have 10 acres, 5 that are ripe for something interesting to plant!
Hi Mike, I would really like to do something nice and get this for my husband Jim. He took the Master Gardener course last winter and started a nice garden and I think your Backyard Growing System will help him to do something more. Thank you for the consideration.
Greeneville, TN
I have enjoyed reading your emails for a while now. You make gardening seem very easy. Even if
I don’t win I will still enjoy your emails. Thanks.
Having just retired, I am looking forward to expanding my plant propagation efforts for distribution beyond family and friends. A new and expanded version of your system would be the ticket.
Hi Mike:
I have been waiting for the opportunity to actually make money from my small out-of-the-way property. I even have a little holey greenhouse to help bring plants along. I love your humor, and so appreciate a chance to win your backyard growing system – Thank you!
Throwing in my hat, right here, right now. I love the newsletters and would very much like to have this to help me understand, get new ideas and gain some knowledge about plants. Maybe I can gain a small part of the green thumb my mother had.
Hi! I am excited about your new book! I am looking forward to seeing what you have thought you needed to improve on and my hat is officially thrown in the ring! Thank you!
Would definitely like to be considered for a free copy. I also raise rabbits and this would let me utilize my free fertilizer. Meaning I could have a salad with my rabbit and noodles.
Thank you
Thanks for the offer, Mike!!! I would very much like to receive one of your Backyard Growing System! Have seen that Japanese Maples are the best trees to grow… and needing to make an income while disability is on hold… God bless!!!
Greetings Mike and Duston,
Goodluck on your new product, thanks for all the valuable information in the newsletter. If I’m lucky I will try your system sooner, if not a little later.
I just love reading your emails. You have given us some very useful tips. My friends love it when I give them a little start of a plant. I haven’t started selling them its fun to give them away. I would love a copy.
thanks for the chance
I have followed your tips over the last few years, and enjoy you videos especially. I have sold a few plants that grow in my one acre, and am looking for more precise information in what to grow for a better profit where I live. So far the hanging baskets are a big seller in the summer in NC, but not what I want to produce. What do you have to say about all the plants that compete at a low price at big box stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot? Is that addressed in your course? I have lots of questions, and want to throw my hat in the ring. Thanks, Margo
p.s. I like that you will have a book that I can hold. Great idea!
So glad to receive this email and to be considered for this gift is humbling. My husband and I have been backyarding for a few years now and just started getting your emails and would love to buy the book! I have a sister that recently semi-retired that I think would love to get your book too! this would be awesome as she is just into getting started with the backyard growing and I am so excited to get her started too! I sent her some cuttings of my stuff and she is excited too! Thanks again and will purchase your book!
Mike I would like to be considered for your new book. Thank you for your website I enjoy it very much.
Mike, Thanks for all the Great Tips that you share with all of us, We appreciate all the Great info!
I’d love to receive a copy of your book! A writer myself, I’m always interested in books. and then there’s my garden, which is one way for my family to survive in this economy. I’d love info that would help me expand my knowledge and increase my earning potential!
Need a way to supplement my income, have a open yard to do so and enjoy watching things grow, so here’s my hat, too!
I’d love a copy. We are just getting started and could use all the help we can get!
I would love to be entered into the running to win a copy of your new system. I appreciate the chance, and love getting your e-mails!
I would love a free copy of your new book.pretty please
I would love to be in the running for this! I am an avid gardener, running a small greenhouse and nursery business and selling at local Farm Markets all summer. I have used a lot of your hints and tips to help my business. You have such awesome ideas and I would love to use even more! Hope I can get this!
‘New’ is Always Better ! I would Love to receive a New Version Mike !
That is awesome! I love hearing what you and Duston are up to 🙂 I would love a copy of your new system! 🙂
I would love a copy. I am thinking of starting up a landscaping business and what better way of keeping costs down than growing your own stock?
I am so glad I found you. I’m an avid gardener and have been since I started in the garden with my dad, picking rocks out and into the wheel barrow. I learned what a great feeling it was to see our garden grow and what it produced. I have worked in our garden or have had a garden ever since. I am 56 now. I try to pick the best seeds every year and always win lots of ribbons and special awards at the fairs. I am very organic and hate to use pesticides, so do it naturally with plants such as marigolds, etc. I use natural fertilizer, my rabbits’ manure. I have always wanted a nursery but have never had the money being a single hard working mom for the last 16 yrs. I really enjoy all your tips! They have helped me tremendously. I’ve planted blueberries, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries this year. I just love being in my gardens. The smell of the earth, the gentle breeze, the birds singing and the sun on my face just makes me feel a part of the whole grand theme. Thank you for all you do to help others, Mike!
I love to garden, and would love to implement your system here where I live in SEi Michigan. Thank you for the opportunity.
Lanah Harris
Please consider my hat thrown in. Thank you. =)
Mike……….I’m a volunteer Master Gardener at OSU Trumbull County and Fellows Riverside Gardens at MillCreek Park in Youngstown. Your frequent tips have helped me become a much better gardener, and I refer all my friends to your site. Please.. can I have a book?
I’m throwing my hat in for a free copy Mike! Yay!
Here’s my hat in the ring. I can only hope to win this new book and system, I am already a permanent member of your system as well as Dustin’s information system. Keep up the good work, and keep us all posted on your success. Thanks.
I’d love a copy of this book. Your informative posts have made me a believer that anyone can go from having a black thumb to having a green thumb and loving every step of the way!
I have had 100% success rooting cuttings using your playsand method – now I have to grow them on before the frost comes !! – hope this offer will help.
aggressively dead heading roses has turned out to be a good idea for me.
I am still learning about this aspect of gardening. This would make a great addition to my reference library. Thanks
Always look forward to your posts and whatever information I can glean from them. So yes! i am throwing my hat in the ring as well!!!
Would love to have a copy of your new Improved book. I am sure it surpasses the previous one, but that is hard to believe!!!!
Hi Mike, here’s my hat – can use your book, as I need the help. thanks, Raun
Way to go! Congratulations on another mile stone!
Would Love a set since my back won’t let me do much else to make a living LOL!!
Yes please
Thank you for all the tips, useful even though I live in the hot, mostly sunny Caribbean!
I’m a long time reader, first time poster.
Really have enjoyed the emails and videos through the years.
Keep up the great work.
I have small plants and am looking for BIG profits. Show me how with a free copy!!! Thanks so much!
I do not have a website.
I have enjoyed this for years. I am retired and on Social Security. I have been wanting to buy the system but seem to run out of money each month before I get it done. I could sure use the extra income . I have plenty of land and ample supply of spring water. My wife is from Blufton Ohio and I would have liked to visit but got the impression I was not welcome unless I was a member. I would love to belong with your group
Thank you Mike.
I will throw in all hats any hats, to get one of these
I would like to be in the drawing for a copy please. Thanks for all the great advice from the emails….
Indeed, put my hat in the ring. I love your site and glean much info from it which I share with my Garden Club. I live on an acreage and have many flower beds and a veg garden. This year was a challenge as a huge shortage of rain.
I’ll toss my hat in the ring. I’ve been building raised beds with screened covers for growing strawberries, blueberries & raspberries, and have a “nursery” section for small trees that sprout up around our apartment, 4 vegetable garden areas, and a growing shade garden. Plus a citrus grove on our front porch of potted grapefruit, lemon & orange trees from seeds. If we don’t eat or can it I’d like to sell the excess to help recoup some of the material investment, and expand even more. It’s a jungle out there!
My hat’s in the ring. Would love to have a free copy. Thanks.
But of course I’d love to get a free copy. Do I get my hat back? Thanks.
I’ve got my fingers crossed… Heck, I’ll cross my eyes and toes too!
Keep on inspiring…
I would like to be considered for the book because my biggest problem is room. My parents have a fern nursery here at their house and the yard is pretty much full. There are areas that I can clean out and use this system to start a new business. Thanks Mike.
Mike Weed
Metairie, LA
Hey Mike,
Great lottery!
I wish everyone success, but hope I will be one of the three lucky winners.
Success with the finishing touch on your new book.
Wieger, Aruba
Firt off mike I’d like to thank You for the ebook,this is my 1st year growing and have had some success with tomatoes,cukes-two 4″plants that are well over 8′,alot of different rules for growing in arizona ijust put in green beans wich after only 9 days are over 6″ tall (from seed)also planted bok choy,cauliflower,carrots and leeks all are coming through the ground already.I WOULD LOVE A COPY OF YOUR GROWING SYSTEM,Iwish Ihad started gardening years ago I’m hooked, also put in some Tropicanas, red and yellow bird of paradise and various flowers.
thanks again,
I’ve gleaned several good ideas from your newsletters and would really appreciate a copy of your new book and system. Thank you for all the info you send out to us. I really do appreciate it a lot!
Hey there twitter buddy,
We love what you share with us on FB. Be a honor to receive a copy of your book.
I would love a copy of your system! I’ve been trying to do some of the plantins the way you explain them but am not having any luck. So, here’s my hat in the ring too.
Mike- I always enjoy your educational gardening infor and your personal comments and I would definitely cherish a copy of your new book
I would love to be considered for one of the free copies of your growing system. I love your web site and refer to it often.
I can think of anything more fulfilling than being at one with nature while participating in an enjoyable activity that puts some money in my pocket! My hat is off to you and is going into the ring….
Very excited and would love to be one of the special three!!!
Throwing my hat into the ring, this would be agreat way to get my garden started.
Christine ayre
You make it all look so easy! I want to give it a try!
I would like a copy of your book as I could really use alot of advice on how to make my backyard what I want it to be. I would be very grateful to win a copy of your book. So I hope to one of the three picked. Have a great day
Unlike the previous post, I have more than one hat… but I am throwing my most colorfully flamboyant gardening visor into the ring in hopes that it will grab your attention and I will get chosen for the free copy 🙂 Thanks!
I have enjoyed your emails over the years. They are informative and inspiring. I’m retired and trapped in an ageing body but still feel I’m 25 inside and need a productive outlet. I keep messing with the idea of plunging into the garden business full time and have tried many of your instructions to see if I’m cut out for it. Some aspects are expensive, such as greenhouses, and can get a little overwelming at my age. Never was one to think small but I enjoy the work. Your new book might push me off the fence. Enjoy your laid-back approach to planting.
p.s. Please autograph my copy of your book when I win.
Thanks, Al
Recently moved to a new location which has several raised bed, looking for ways to utilize them. I would like a free copy.
You’ve got so many suggestions and tips, I don’t know which one to try first! We’re moving to the country soon and I’d love to give your system a try. Hopefully I can snag one of your giveaways do I can convinced wife to get on board! Thanks for the great website and all of your interesting facts and helps!
Looking forward to the new version.
– Greg
I have so many problems with my back yard. I have been struggling with a variety of challenges getting things to grow where I didn’t have any problems before and I have lived her 15 years. I need all the help I can get. I hope I am one of the lucky ones to get picked to receive your book. Thank you so much for your FB page and your website. You provide so much information to all of us. We are very grateful.
Hat’s in the ring! Retired, room to grow things, and the will to get r’ done! Always wanted to purchase this but could never find the spare cash to do so . . . . hoping, and fingers crossed!
My wife and I have recently retired and move to a house with a 1/2 acre lot where we are starting our vegetable garden and fruit trees. We hope to add chickens (as soon as we get the city to change the code to allow them). A plant business from home would make a great retirement business. I am throwing my hat in the ring.
Jim Pescha
Hi Mike,
I would love to get a copy. Thank you for all of the knowledge you have shared with us and for teaching me how to become a better gardener.
– Justin
Throwing my hat in too. Would love to see how I can adapt your plans and ideas to my Alaskan growing season.
Really enjoy learning all the different techniques and learning from all the great knowledge you share on your site.
I would love a copy! We just purchased a home so I can start using your great tips. I’m planning on a wicking gardening system using rainwater collection.
I have been reading these emails and using the information for years. This new book and system may be what I need for my hobby. Free would make it even better.
I would love one! I love my yard, flowers, trees, shrubs, etc. and would love to be able to turn it into a business!
I am so excited; I would love to win a copy! It would be the first time I have ever win anything. I am still hopeful!
Ruth Chamberlain
Etters, Pa.
Please send me a free copy. I enjoy all your tips.
I’ve been on your mailing list for years now and read all of your articles sent to me by email with great appreciation. I love the suggestions you make and the advice you give away for free, you are always dead on it with your advice! Even if I don’t win, I’ll still be reading the emails and following your fantastic advice! Thanks so much!
I’m looking forward to your new book and would love to be enter for a free copy. My garden didn’t look too good this year, I could as much help as possible.
I would really like to win one of the three free Backyard Growing Sytems.
Thanks for the chance,
Scott Owens
I really learn a lot from your posts and website; I would love a copy of your new book!
Chris Thompson
Ferndale, Washington
Dear Mike,
Consider my hat thrown in the ring.
I have been unemployed and underemployed for about three years now. I hope that my love of plants and growing them can be turned into a business that will help sustain me and my family.
Thanks for your e mail updates and consideration.
Ruskin, Fl.
jumping in…………….
I’d love to have a copy!
Please enter my name in the drawing for your new book. As a handicapped senior citizen with a greenhouse, gardening is one thing that I still can do. Thank you.
…would be another opportunity to learn and live LARGE.
I’d love to leave my hat in the ring!!!
I am on staff at a christian ministry the works with families. I would like to use your system to help raise funds to help with the financial needs here. We have 23 acres and much of it is in trees and on a mountainside. We have about 3 acres available for gardening.
Great! Sign me up.
Hi Mike, I am sorry I missed hanging out with you.
Spring and Summer time is a really busy time for us. Working and teaching in the community garden.
It would be great if we could get a copy so we can improve somethings for next year.
Hi there! Mike, you have some wonderful info in your newsletters. A free copy of your new book would definitely be helpful & appreciated, as I have the land, just need more knowledge to make it great : )
Hi Mike
For several years now your articles and knowledge have intrigued me. I am looking to do something fresh and new and I would like to be considered for your giveaway. Also I’m in Canada where I believe you would like to see more action. I enjoy gardening as my folks ran a fruit farm when they were younger. Things that grow are fascinating. Thanks for reading my post and all the best to you .
I have some experience with gardening and propagating but I love to read about it and can always learn more. I would love this set.
It sounds very interesting. I would like to try it. I really think that it would help me increase my crops/plants.
I would like to throw my hat in the ring for the possibility of winning a copy of your brand new Growing System. Thank you.
I would be very grateful to have one of your growing systems. Please consider me.
Me please.
Please consider this former ohioan for the free copy.
I’m in. Best gardening website.
I only have one hat. I am throwing it in the ring. waiting for a new copy.
I would like to be considered for a copy because I want to learn to propagate plants with my wife and children.
I would sure love to have one of these sets. I live in town and have a large yard but a small garden space. 🙂
I would like to be considered for one of the free copies of your book.
Throwing my hat in the ring! Your gardening tips and advice have made an incredible difference in the quality of our gardens and yard! Thank you!!
I enjoy learning and you make it so easy. It is nice you are from Ohio also, so its like we are neighbors and you know my conditions. I would also love to own your new book. thx
Thanks for the opportunity to enter the contest.
I’d love to win a free copy.
Love all your interesting information.
Highland Michigan
Please consider me for your free book. Why me? I am a landscape, plant, gardening book hound.
We live in Lima Peru and I need seeds for Japanese Maples of all varieties here and can not get them, Mike? I wrote an email and someone from your team would NOT or could NOT help me to get your info or books etc here nor with the seeds as I can NOT have them mailed here from a seed company, but only in unmarked padded envelops. I will pay for them and would like 2 or 3 of all varieties for propogation. We are US Citizens living in Peru and want to do the business here of plants
Jan Tucker-Craff and Felix Craff Zevallos
Jr. Soledad 276
Lince, Lima 14
Would love to have a copy of your system for two reasons. 1) I am an elementary school teacher in an ESE Autism self-contained program. I can envision several avenues of learning that your system could support. 2) Several of us in the neighborhood are considering a cooperative garden approach. Your system would provide efficiencies we would nothave ourselves.
Since moving to OR things are so different from Southern California that I would love a copy to help my backyard
thanks for giving away three who ever gets them will be really happy
Your newsletters are always an inspiration to me ; I will have to live to be 120 to use all of the knowledge you have shared !!
Can’t wait to see the details of this new edition! It sounds very comprehensive.
As I’m retiring soon from more than 35 years of being a Firefighter, Working in the garden would be GREAT!….Having your book to help me would even be GREATER!!
I am eighty years old and spend nearly all my time in my garden with the birds, my three cats and three dogs. It is my own special paradise and I would like to receive your valuable information so I can make more efficient and production use of my time.
7 months of searching for a new job and I wish I had the money to invest to grow plants to sell. I have the raised beds and portable walk in greenhouse. I don’t have the water but I haul it in get whatever I want to grow to grow. Your books sounds wonderful. I sincerely hope it brings to you the future as you wish it. Best of luck to you. MY 2 dogs and I don’t qualify for any benefits. so I never be able to invest in it. Best wishes to you and your family and thank you for the free tips I get every week.
Would love to be considered for a copy of your new book! I’m trying to talk my hubby into more “growing” & he doesn’t do “computer”!
Love your site!!
I’ve always had a green thumb and love plants of all kinds. I look forward to implementing your advice and plans on making extra cash by selling plant starts. I’d love to enter into this free giveaway. Please count me in!
I am trying to get a garden growing b/c of the cost of groceries keeps going up I need to be able to have fresh fruits and vegatables to eat. i also have been showing my granchildren how a garden works. I also have a big yard so iI need to be able to fill it with nature so I can attract my birds.
Hi Mike and Duston! I have enjoyed your emails for quite a long time now and am finally looking at retiring in a couple of month. Shortly after that my husband and I will move to Costa Rica, where we hope to do a lot of gardening and hopefully grow something we can make a little money on. Big learning curve, can you and/or your book help? Or any of your readers for that matter.
We did make a growing box and have had success with that.
Thanks guys, keep up the good work!
Warren and Roelie Elliott
I have learned a lot from you, so please consider me for a copy of your discontinued book. Thanks, Pat
I’m throwing my hat in the ring. I would like to to get my thumb green, and get growing.
consider my hat in thanks
I’m trying to get a small farm started please throw my hat in the ring.
Thank you
I simply love your angle on growing and would greatly appreciate a copy of your growing manual. Thank you for all your wonderful insight and motivation…!!!
Best Regards,
My husband, Dave, and I are both 71 years old, retired, active church leaders, but are looking to grow more of our own food. We have a small backyard with half of it shaded. We could use the other half for raised garden beds, gardening in containers, or a mixture of whatever. What I’ve seen in your emails looks like what we would like to do. We volunteered in our small town community garden some this summer, but the heat and drought caused the garden to wither much earlier than ever.
Please consider us for the copy of your Backyard Gardening concept.
I don’t know that I have enough time for this business but it sounds like I might give it a try. I learn best buy reading, hearing and seeing. And then hands on. I think you have covered all the bases with this new program. Looking forward to trying it. Thanks for all your efforts to make us a success at Backyard Nurseries.
Would like to be considered. Been lurking and emailing for years.
I would love to have a copy of your system!!
Please put my hat in the ring!
i’m in
I would love to have this very helpful tools. Thank you so much for all the emails that you have sent.
Thanks again,
Mike, I sure have enjoyed your articles in your email, keep them coming. Don C.
Forgot to mention that I would like to be considered for the free information.
Thanks for all you do,
I have found your gardening tips and instructions very helpful, keep up the good work.
I purchased property in Delaware with plenty of room for growing small plants. I enjoy growing flowers and small bushes. My new husband wants to plant vegetables. There should be room for both. There are a lot of expenses in getting our new life started. A free guide will be most welcome. I hope you choose me. Thank you.
I love your articles!!
I am looking forward for the new book and sure could use a FREE copy.
Dalton, GA
Hi I’m new and learning how to take cuttings from plants. I would love to get tip and pointer on things. Can u plz help!
Greetings from Yuma, Arizona! This Arizona lady is waiting for the roasting heat of summer to move along and make way for our beautiful fall and winter weather. I am so interested in growing small plants for big profit. I want to leave my career as a nurse, and just keep on growing! Simply green and live simply.-Annette Chastain Mom,Wife, and RN.
New information for better profits!
Sounds good.
I have been following your website and emails.for about a year now. I also am looking for something to ge tme out of the factory I have worked at for 16 yrs. My wife and I have 4 girls ranging from 13 to 2and a 5th child…a boy….due in Dec. I would love to get this set and be able to break the chains of factory work. Thank you for your consideration.
Love your website and would like to have a copy you are giving away
I’m glad to the hear that it will be available in hardcopy. I like to hold and thumb through an actual book.
Right now, I could use all the help I can get! Please throw my hat in the ring! Thank you!
You give GREAT advice, Mike, which is much appreciated. Too bad there are such different regulations between the States and Canada (not to mention difficulties with shipping across the border!). Thanks for all of your great advice, tips, videos, hard work and inspiration!!!
great concept, keep up the good work.
Congrats on all the new products,
I’m excited to see what you have produced!
So far I have found much of the information useful.
My wife and I are just getting started in the plant business for some extra retirement income.
The website listed isn’t mine, it is one I frequent. The page wouldn’t let me proceed without entering a valid URL.
Can’t wait to see the new version! I’m moving to a place with 5 acres from an apartment with a tiny backyard. Looking forward to get going on my own backyard nursery.
I’d love to win the set! My husband is disabled but I think he’d be able to do this if he could get himself mentally prepared. Thanks for all you do!
I would love to be considered for your drawing. I have been receiving your posts for a couple of years and hope to one day be able to start my own small plant business. Thanks!
Am just starting gardening as full time gardener. I need all the help I can get. Love this website and email news. Pls keep ’em coming.
I planted 100 bare root black cherry trees. The deer seem to like the leaves very well. Can I use the leaves in a salad before the deer get to the rest?
I’ve found a rehab center that doesn’t have a garden…horticulture therapy is my field and I’d love to get them started on a program. (Hands raised and emphatic !!/ Pick me ! Pick me !!
Thanks !!!!
I would like to be considered for a copy to share with my mom.
This system is the best I have ever found I would be thrilled to win a copy of the new version.
i would like the free backyard growing system .i enjoy all your emails. THX JERRY
Thanks, Mike!
Thanks for all the great advice!
I would like to get one of these copies so I can see how it can be implemented into my aquaponics and wicking bed systems…
please put my hat in the ring
the aquaponics garden
I would love to win this.
Awesome! Count me in!! 🙂
i would like to be considered for a copy,as i have enjoyed your website, awesome ideas and your knowledge of plants and business, i hope to buy a home in nov.and start my hew nursery(god willing) i have taken your information to heart and look forward to a new future in gardening..thank you for all your advice and ideas whether i win or not..have a great day!!! sharon rutland
I love all your hints and Ideas..Love that your wife tolerates you ..and how your family is helping you.
Please continue to share.
Your videos have always been a great help. I appreciate how much information you share with everyone. On just one of your videos on removing a tree saved me a lot of money. Thanks. Will watch for the new product.
Sure would like to win one of those!
Think I lost my old one. Mind is slipping!
Love your articles and blog posts – what a blessing Mike and his family and work are!
I would love a copy, as a single mom and teacher, money is always scarce. I would love to learn how to not only start gardening projects at our school, but also ways to earn some money on the side!!
i would like one!
Count me in for the drawing!
Sign me up for the drawing please. Thank you
Hi Mike, I’ve been on your list awhile, always enjoy the tip and pics. I’ve moved to the state of Florida and could REALLY use some great advice on making things grow here 🙂
Good luck with the new book!
Mike, I have really enjoyed your site. Would love to get to check out the latest version of your backyard system.
Looking forward to seeing your Growing System “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home”. sounds very interesting
I’d love a copy of your book!
Hope I win!
This would be GREAT! I have a dream of taking out my 2,600sf lawn and starting to grow herbs and veggies for the private chefs around here.
Please pick me!
I work for a non-profit organization in Nicaragua, and we have just started an initiative for ‘home gardens’ for rural women and children. I would like a copy of your new stuff for my family but also to use in Nicaragua where it can be even more valuable. thank you, kirk
Would love to start a Backyard Growing System in my backyard when I move.
I have been thinking of buying for some time, would LOVE to have the new version! Free would be awesome 🙂
Happy to hear you are having so much success. I hope the new line is a success for you.
Thanks! Meghan
I’d love a copy! Thanks for the chance!
I’d love this! Thanks for the give-away, and good luck with your new offerings!!!
I would love a copy!
Bring it on!!!!
I would love a chance at winning a free copy. I have finally become proficient at rooting cuttings but need some help getting to the next level.
I have been following your information as it comes to my email and put it to go use. I really enjoy learning about gardening from your tips and info. Thank you for sharing. I would appreciate a copy of your new book so I can start this fall getting ready for next spring.
Thank you for this opportunity.
Cant wait !!
If you could see my yard, not only would you give me the book, you would probably appear on my doorstep. HELLLLLLLLLP!!’!!!!!
Cant wait to see what this could do to help me get started! It sounds so cool!
Please! I never win anything. Honestly.
Wow, great article!
I look forward to your new product.
I’m in!
Thanks for offering this! I have wanted to purchase a system for too long and never have as we still rent. ;o(. Hopefully we will bring that bond and get somewhere we can grow plants as you do.
I would like to try your new system
Can I go ahead and prepay for the new system,
“Small Plants, Big Profits from Home”. I have money now but there is a good chance I will not in september.
What is the cost o the new system?