Why am I offering this report for only $7.00?
Great question. Here’s the deal. I am doing everything in my power to get people involved in the business of growing and selling small plants at home with as little financial commitment on their part as possible. The plant growing, plant loving world needs more small growers even if they only specialize in one, two or five different kinds of plants. You don’t have to have a full blown nursery to successfully sell small plants from home.
Gee Mike, what kind of plant could I grow and sell?
I get that question a lot and it’s a fair and important question and I’ll answer that with a little story. Yesterday, and it doesn’t matter when you are reading this, but as a point of reference yesterday was April 17th, 2013, I went to a nursery stock auction. I go to this auction every year, and every year I watch this local nursery sell over $100,000 worth of plants in just a few hours. It’s amazing!
So last week we were dividing some daylily that I bought at the auction last year and I wished I had a few more varieties, so yesterday I bought a bunch of daylilies that we will divide and sell. However, it would have been a whole lot easier for me to just buy a bunch of daylily divisions from a person like you.
Yeah, I can buy from big wholesale nurseries but they don’t make it easy. I love buying from my customers because they just post what they have for sale and a whole bunch of people start responding with messages like; “Hey Mary, I’ll take 20 of this and 40 of that.” Bam! Buying from my customers is that easy.
If I go to a wholesale nursery I have to go through their extensive catalog, find the item that I want, then find other items in case that one is sold out, then I have to order at least $500 worth of stuff or they really aren’t interested in selling to me and it goes on and on.
I love buying from my customers and they love buying from each other.
So to answer that question of what should I grow? You can pick one or two items and do nothing but those. Grow a bunch of them, see how well they sell, grow more, sell more. It really is that easy. What I needed and bought yesterday was Stella D’ Oro Daylily. Super easy plant to grow and sell and extremely popular with landscapers. I didn’t have any and I would have bought them in a heartbeat from you.
You need to know. I love buying from my customers and I do it all the time.
Which is better? This $7.00 Report or your $47.00 Backyard Growing System?
Both are better for different reasons. Both will take you to the same place in life. The $7.00 report is new, and later on you can get all of the products and information that come with the Backyard Growing System. I am offering this report to get you started easier and faster. If you have the money to spend and want to get up to speed super fast, then invest in the $47.00 product. If you don’t have a lot of money and want to take things slower, get the $7.00 report and the Ecourse that comes with it. I am working hard on that Ecourse!
But you need to know this.
There are people near you, and across the country that want to buy plants from you. Shipping plants is as easy as pie. Most of my customers ship their plants via priority mail and it works perfectly and it’s super easy. Trust me on this, I completely dislike buying plants from big nurseries and I really dislike going to auctions and spending all day bidding on the things I want. I sooooo much more like just reading a post from you that says; “Raspberry Candy Daylily, 90 cents per fan.” Then all I have to do is say; “I’ll take 250, how would like to be paid?” In a few days the plants show up on my door step. That’s awesome and it’s a great and easy way to do business.
It really is that simple.
I know you don’t believe me and there’s really not much I can do about that. I watch plants being sold like this day in and day out and the demand for them never seems to diminish. And that’s really why I am making this crazy low offer. I am lowering the bar of entry for those who are on the fence about this.
How long will the $7.00 Report be available?
Wow. I wish I knew the answer to that. Honestly? This is something that we are testing. So I will say this. I am fairly confident that one or the other of these two offers will go away. It could be the $7.00 report, or it could be the $47.00 product and that’s the truth. That’s what we are testing. But what will not change is your chance at success. Both of these products are designed to make you successful and I’ve got a track record of creating successful plant sellers. I’ve been doing it online since 1999 and the list of success stories is endless.
Sorry, this report is no longer available, we had more people interested in the full product.
I live in canada and would like the actually book.Back yard cash machine.. anyway I can get it. PAM./canada.
[email protected]
july 31.2015
Hi Pam,
the Backyard Cash Machine Guide is actually a digital download. ANYONE can access it! http://backyardgrowers.com/hidden-opportunity/ (the Backyard Cash Machine Guide)
Mike, what is the difference between the Ruaral for Life at a monthly membership and the one time $47.00 offer you have?
mike, on all the mail I have recieved since 4/18 I have not been able to click onto the articles you sent. Each time I try I get the message saying that it can not be found and it says message comes from infusionsoft. I have not the faintest idea who or what that is, if it is
coming from your end or mine. Any ideas? Is anyone else having that problem. I have been reading all the comments from others tho I don’t have the same problem because I haven’t ordered it. Please go back to the other system you had. The imfo was wonderful. donna
I’m sorry you had problems. We started using InfusionSoft back in Sept of 2012 but we are actually moving more or our stuff back to the way it was. Software! Urrrrrrrrg! It’s all I can do to keep up with what we are supposed to be doing, but the conversation that Duston and I have had lately is; “We need to get back to the basics.” So that’s what we’ll be doing.
Well Mike, I clicked and got a “Your cart is empty” message. You must be counting clicks on your link as a marketing test. You certainly aren’t selling this report as it’s May 1, 2013 and your link still doesn’t work.
I was considering this $7.00 report then the $47.00 plan later. However it seems you’re up to something as you’ve definitely had time to fix your link. So I’m done thinking about what to do.
I’m gonna unsubscribe to your email newsletter.
hi mike
I have a problem that you maybe able to help out with.
twice I have tried to buy your book for $7.00 & both times I failed.The first with one credit card & the other time with another credit card…
Can you please tell me what Im doing wrong
regards from Vladan
Your credit card is probably failing because you are not entering your address exactly as it is registered with the credit card you are using. They system verifies the address before the charge can go through.
Is anyone who has bought the $7 report able to say (breifly) what it’s about? I haven’t found a table of contents yet anywhere so don’t know if it’s going to be something I am interested in or not…
Hi mike i would like to order the 7 dollar version but pay by paypal as i dont have a credit card, any chance you can send me a paypal request for the 7 dollars
Hi Mike
Same thing with the shipping. There’s no spaces to enter info. Want the program.
Bruce Kenny
Hi Mike , I live in N.B. canada , which is on the east coast, its not a long growing season, but i love growing plants, do you think i can be a part of your happily growing group.? I would love to start growing here and shipping across canada , but need some encouragement to help me get started. You mentioned supplying plants to other members, how do i get started. is there a huge difference between being in canada and being in the states ? Del Bouton
under the heading shipping there is nothing written , it is just blank… (above “Total Amount You Pay Right Now”)
Hey Mike that radio button isn’t coming up, I live in Australia is this a problem?
Hey Mike i’m trying to order your $47 package, but it won’t let me, it keeps coming up please select shipping… Can you fix this please and email me … Thanks
There is a little radio button where you have to select the shipping option you want. If you do that your order will go through.
Say issue here as Roberta. Emails x2, and no download link on page or in emails. Where do I start the e-course? Thanks
Hi Mike,
I ordered and got your email thanking me for my order, but can’t find the download anywhere. What am I doing wrong? Thanks for all your info. I learn so much from you.
Hey, Mike, I’ve got lots of perennials to divide. Daylilies, hosta and astilbes.
I’m in Aurora, Ontario-do you have customers here?
I’ve got customers in Canada but a lot of Canadians won’t buy my program because I don’t have anybody in Canada supplying plants to our other Canadian members. I really hope you get involved and take charge of the market in your area.
Hi Sheila
I’m near Orangeville and am about to order Mikes big course. I put a hundred daylilies in the ground last fall and they are coming up nice. Hope we can help each other do business. email [email protected]
Wow I guess I was lucky to have my problem resolved quickly,
thank you guys.
still broke
Hi Mike,
Is this for a actual copy of book or digital. I would rather have a actual book. I am about to move to my grandfathers old home and I will finally have the room to try this. Thanks , Robin
same here, “shopping cart expired”
I am curious, but I can’t find anywhere a description of what is actually in the $7 report? I don’t want to buy it and find it’s just an extended version of the sales spiel for the $47 package! Sorry if I am being dim here, but please could you point me towards a (moderately!) detailed description of the contents?
If I had seen this 30 to 40 years ago I might have been able to do it. But age 85 has made me physically incapable of doing this now….boo-hoo.
Hi, Mike,
I did get your report and I found that it’s just what I need to get started, although I didn’t get the Ecourse. How can I get it?
I have a question: can I place the cuttings in plastic containers? I don’t want todo more than 6 sf (24″ x 36″= 864 sq in, which transtates to 864 cuttings!!!) and I have these containers. It would simplify matters, should I cut some holes in the bottom? I am in So Ca so it’s quit dry in the summer.
Thank you, so much!!!
Also having trouble with the cart.
Also trying to order your book! The site won’t let me! Please..please..please let me order it!
I’ve been in the nursery all day and I am just now seeing your comment. I’ll figure out what’s wrong and get it fixed. Sorry for the problem, I probably messed up the link.
Link to check out broken
Me too…I can let go of 7.00, its a fight right now…but I am looking forward to better days. Question: 1) What success have you had with plants coming from Hawaii? 2)Where can I get the “sand” you refer to in starting cuttings? 3)I have a gardenia bush that needs severe pruning…would this be a good start for cuttings?
Thanks Mike, you have inspired me…Aloha, Nancy
please mr Mike,cn you ship cuttings to quebec-canada
or to Ontrio-canada
What I need are more people in Canada to help supply the demand within Canada. People always ask me, can you ship to Canada. I really, really wish somebody would step up, take the bull by the horns and supply that market. I’ve got Canadian growers but they are not selling rooted cuttings and liners.
OOPS! Broken link to the check-out. Please explain how the e-course will work.
I was able to get the $7.00 report, but there was no E-course. How do I get that? Please let me know.
It tells me my cart is empty after I clicked on add to cart.
Urrrrrg! Probably something I did. I’ll get it fixed. Sorry. -Mike McGroarty
Me too!
Ditto, Mike.
same problem
Same here cart expired and i would like to pay by paypal if possible
I have repeatedly tried to order you $7. book, but it keeps coming back saying my shopping cart has expired. thanks for helping with this! Joy Ruth
I am trying to order your seven dollar book. But every time I click add to cart it comes back and says cart expired .i have tried this several times and does not work. How can order your book?
Hi guys over the there in America, Ive just tried to respond to your email of todays date and although it started to go through, it timed me out before I had time to fill in all my details I just got to uk bit and then chucked me off could you confirm its either a glitch or you’d rather not have dealings with uk thank you annie