Can You Believe they Did This While I was Away?
Here at Mike’s Backyard Nursery, once a week I try to do a video for my customers, those who have purchased my Backyard Growing System. We call these videos “Mondays with Mike” and the customers love them because each week we show them what we’ve been working on in the nursery.
So this past Monday, July 8, 2013, Pam and I we’re going out of town. Actually we were going to Atlanta, Georgia to spend the day with About 50 of Our Customers. So while I was away, Amber and Cathy decided to do the “Mondays with Mike Video” without Mike.
So here it is, “Mondays with Mike” without Mike.
Should they Be Fired?
I love the video, I think Amber did a great job putting it together, and these two have been working so hard they truly needed a break from the routine.
What do you think of the video? Should I fire them?
I want to see more goats since our 2 1/2 grandson is goat crazy!!
Do you have a video on how to prepare the soil in a 4×8 ft raised garden bed? I need to use something purchased from a Home Depot store since I cannot lift the bags. The first 2 years I had wonderful tomatoes and other veg’s, but the last 2 yrs they’ve not tasted quite so good. I had a nursery install and fill it originally, but now think it needs some enrichment. I don’t live near a university lab, and tried a soil testing kit but it didn’t work. I wish I could just buy 2-3 bags of (?) to mix in the soil – can you help me? I just signed up for your newsletter recently.
You can buy some organic soil amendments by the bag, just make sure they are for use on a vegetable garden. I’m thinking bagged cow manure, but check the bag, I’m not sure if they are to be used around vegetables.
I thought this was a riot to watch!! Well thought out and planned success for a brief video of fun, not just work! At Mikes, oops, Amber’s Backyard Nursery… hahaha I loved it~ Really did… Boy that sprinkler really puts out the Water! Seems to be a large area too that it hits.. Thanks again for the Info! and sharing the Video!
p.s. don’t fire them. ….girls just gotta have fun ..~!
Nah.. You can’t fire them for having so much fun !! Maybe fire the chicken.. looks like he was slacking off !! Thanks for posting it, I needed some summer warmth and cheer with all this darned snow around !!
Loved the Benny Hill tune too!!
i like this video………it was funny!!!!!!!!!!!!
I downloaded this way back then:
because of “… it was Amber’s idea….” starting on the huge pile of dirt and then almost falling off but that computer died so I’m glad it’s still here on the web site. There was another one too, another video with Amber’s touch when you were away back then but I don’t see it. It was even funnier. You got yourself a great team, which you justly deserve.
Amber, thanks for your help back then!
You’re right, I am surrounded by people who care about what we do, they care about the plants and our customers. Probably care about me as well. They are a great bunch and they make work fun.
Loved it!
How funny, and fun. They should get a raise – how creative!
Hey Mike Please don’t ever delete this! Leave it up for future display…Hilarious! Sure made my day! I thought it was so funny I had to go back and watch it again. Funny how so many let time slip away and forget to have fun… Thanks Ladies for making my day!
Can they come here and play with my kids?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are great with kids!
Please don’t fire Amber and Cathy – they are hilarious and very imaginative.
I am sure they do a lot of work around the place.
I super love it that they put so much planning into making you the teasing video. You must be a sweet boss!
I assume you rate your vids by the number of responses they inspire that way you know a number of viewers thought enough to take this time to respond and it looks like this maybe went to the top of the list so maybe you should add the employee goof of the week segment to some vids.just a thought it was entertaining this one time.
Heck NO…don’t fire them! That was great, and looked like lots of fun to boot! 🙂
That was just cute! Helps remind me that gardening should be fun and that gardeners….well, they might just be a little “off” 🙂
This was awesome Mike! It shows us what a wonderful boss you are and gardening can keep you young at heart! I loved it! I also do these things with my grandchildren when we are gardening….somehow watering the garden always turns into a spraying match and then we just pull out the sprinkler and have fun in it! I have been a ‘memeber’ for years and years and always enjoy reading all your articles. Thanks for being so wonderful!
Funny, awesome ,i am sure all the work got done, because i did see the sprinkler was watering.. and they were teaching the young one how to mix sand. GOOD JOB.
Well, you have a choice you can either keep them employed with pay, or fire them with un-employment pay…. It is kind of one of the realities of life….
mike;i say if you cant enjoy your job it would be miserable an I always enjoyed my job as it seems they are enjoying their jobs so you should
keep them, I would bet they always get their jobs done while you have them
you better keep them you might not get any as them when you try to hire
any more I believe you are satisfied with them at least give them a big hug for the job they are doing an give them one for me. loved it
Thank the girls for the chuckles.. Especially showing the little one how to have fun in the great outdoors.
Seems to me that you promote being in the great outdoors,yes?
You know what they say about the mice when the cat’s away…same rules apply when the boss is away!! Besides everyone every now and then needs to make a work day a play day!!
Mike, I think you’re annoyed by the fact that you weren’t there to join in the fun . . . and seeing as you seem to have developed a ‘sense of humour bypass’ the days activities need to be repeated so you can take part aswell. We all need more fun!
Will the chicken they planted produce chicks or not?
I thought it was great , With that much energy I’m shure they work hard through the week . Feel lucky to have those two working for you , they love what they do. Isn’t that the whole point? Looking forward to seeing more of them. Thanks girls
Take a clue…there’s still room for you!
Awesome crew they are KEEPERS=More people should do this!
These gals are hilarious! Getting rid of them would be a mistake, in fact, letting them compose their did every other Monday might not be a bad idea!
They are baby sitting ~ that means fun!
I loved it and the sax music too (yakkity sax)
Thanks Mike, I needed the laugh. Give them both a raise.
Adorable! Good job girls, Loved every second of it! Those girls are keepers!
It gave me a good laugh after having suffered food-poisoning all day yesterday. Kind of Keystone Kops sort of thing! You go, girls!
Mike, I thought it was great. Why would you even think of firing them for a little fun. There was no harm done, and people need to laugh once in a while. Good job girls!
They will be better workers after letting off steam. Wish I had been there with them. And you would have a lot of fun also if you was there.
Keep the little one.
Put the or two puling grass the rest of the summer!
Well, you know they say “All work and no play makes a dull day” in the garden. They all deserve bonuses for making so many of us smile. Sometimes we work so hard at our gardening that we forget to play and enjoy what we have worked for…. I say we should all join in the fun!
under the category no news is good news: : Every thing got watered, they didn’t destroy anything, you got a week off…. sounds good to me!
Mike –
It’s a super video for a super Guy! You can’t fire them! This is what keeps your customers coming back! You gotta have a heart! And I’ll bet they got their work done too! Put it on u-tube and see what happens! That video was made for you! They deserve a raise!
Thanks I Irene, I couldn’t agree more.
Sorry Mike but that was the best one yet:)
Oh yours are great and very informative but this one made me laugh when I really needed it.
I think they deserve a raise:D
Sorry Mike but that was the beSt one yet:)
Oh yours are great and very informative but this one made me laugh when I really needed it. I think they deserve a raise:D
Hey mike I would not only give them a raise but I would let them make a few more Mondays without mike. I’ve stared a new savings so I can buy your system if for no other reason to see Mondays with mike
Thanks Jeff, I’ll be delighted to have you on board!
No Way should they be fired!!! They were just having fun you know the saying “girls just wanna have fun” I thought it was so cute. when the cats away the mouse will play haha just loved it!!! such a fun break thanks lady’s :))
and buddy chicken ..he didnt look to happy though.
the cat is away,…..the mice will play. but sure did have some fun. lolllll
No. They were just having fun. I admit. I love the buried rubber chicken. Ha…ha.
Hi Mike
Keep them. I’m sure they worked and then had the fun, plus lots of people enjoyed the video (including me).
Pensacola, FL
I attended a business seminar several years ago which focused on the success of the Pike Place Fish Market up in Seattle. They play all day every day. If they can’t play at their job, they don’t get to work there!
I would only fire them if they named the rubber chicken Mike. Other than that I think they did you a great turn by not using spray paint on the tractor…
Mike! If you hire me to work for you I will work for free on the monday’s that you are away!!! LOL
Loved it!
They must be relatives or very close friends and like you
very much as/relative, boss or friend. No firing needed.
just hug them and laugh!!!!! Life is good!
NO! Mike they should not be fired. They need a vacation. Round trip tickets to someplace like Port-Au-Prince, Haiti, Mogadishu, Somalia, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, or, Detroit, Michigan. Put them on the plane with no cash, but a credit card. After they are on the plane —- cancel the credit card.
When they arrive home have a welcome back party complete with banner’s stating ” This To Can Happen In America”.
Regards, Jerry
Well Jerry, all I can say is that your comment is one of the more intriguing ones.
Mike – Loved it, what fun 🙂 How about a little bonus for them?
Mike, I believe this shows the good relationship your employs have with you. It tells alot about you. They probably should get a raise. Thanks so much for your videos and the information you so freely give. This video has made me decide to become a customer of yours. Thanks again. Steve D. Carraway
Thank you so much, but now I know they’re gonna want a raise if their video is driving sales!
I almost woke my husband up laughing.
so funny. I must remember to revisit this video and the comments. it’s freezing cold here and I am now the warmest I’ve been all day. thanks girls!
lovely warm fuzzy feelings going right through me. gardening really can be great fun. really enjoyed watching.
While the cat’s away, the mice will play!
By all means – fire ’em! Then send them packing to Southern Bavaria near the Alps to work in my garden. I need help with creeping Charlie. Some folks here actually put that stuff in their balcony boxes. Go figure. Only requirements for employment here – they pay their own way over, each must bring their own pogo stick, bring one of Mike’s riding mowers with them and check it as excess baggage. Oh, and no benefits. Maybe they can bring their Obama healthcare package with them. Too Cute, and so FUNNNNNNY! Great job ladies.
Okay Paula, they’ll be on the next slow boat of out Perry. Can you get to the Alps via the Great Lakes?
Mike, this was great, you have some great people working for you! I enjoyed this video, They say: Goof off it’s fun! Or it will be a boring job…Did you get mad about it???
Creative & well done!!Looks they were having fun and being thoughtful making the video as away of showing appreciation for you so you could be relieved of putting together a Monday video when you came back from your few days away.Keep them -they love,appreciate & care for you !
They did you a favor Mike………..Most business’s are so wrapped around the bottom line, the money: that they fail to laugh, and lighten up from time to time. Business’s that work hard for the customers, and take care of their employees at the same time is a rare breed nowadays……..Its refreshing to see your crew do these antics “on the clock”. I like doing business with actual people rather than faceless business’s……They have my vote Mike, and my business.
No Mike…I don’t think they should be fired. They are just proving that fun should and can be had while working. I’m sure that something got done Monday…they all had a great time and I so enjoyed the laugh.
Life’s too short, have some fun!!!!
What? Fire great employees like these?! Why? They Worked the ground, tested equipment, trained younger people, did exercises (in order to keep limber) and watered the field. All while staying hydrated, and keeping smiles on their faces. Looks to me like you’ve got some exemplary workers there! lol
That was a lot of hard work for these actresses. They need a raise, now.
No, I wouldn’t fire them!! They were just having fun! They seem very pleased with their job or they wouldn’t have done what they did while the boss was away!
My first thought was “when the cat’s away, the mice will play” but I see that someone else beat me to it. Gave everyone a nice smile….
I love this video, You need these one’s around! @ 🙂 Thank’s Mike: for Sharing! @ 🙂
I loved this and it looked like they had fun making the video.
yeah i can see being upset at shenanigans about your place whilst being away but seriously nothing looked harmed and while a bit irresponsible it was not destructive and made your customers laugh.
i would have a talk about running lawnmowers while kids are about but other than that they seems to have a lot of energy and nerve and well people need more of that these days. after all they could have just been sitting around doing NOTHING at all and watching kitten videos all day.
this was fun and shows they like you enough to make a video still promoting you!
No you can’t fire them. #1. they’re related to you, you can’t fire a relative #2. They filled in to do a show that you weren’t available to do, therefore we didn’t get just a rerun #3. They were entertaining 😉
Absolutely do not fire them.
They meant non harm or to embarrass
It was rather smart I think. The age old saying about when
So and so is away the others will play.
And a fun surprise for your Monday viewers.
Life is too full of hardship. If they are good workers let it slide
And ask them not to do it again.
I wish we had days like that at the greenhouse where I work looks like a lot of fun and if you are hiring…..I think you should hire 2 more like them..
That was some funny Sh$!
That’s what happens when the boss is away.Every body plays around.I want to work for you. Good health to you.
Do we know ‘zactly what you were doing … out of town … just you and Pam … no video …
Nope, can’t fire them.
Looks to me they were working. Mowing the grass around your beds. Removing weeds with golf clubs. Maintaining your equipment. Watering the
plants. Experimenting with growing chickens to expand the business. Make
the one in pink a foreman.
NO FIRINGS! – This was too much fun and made me wish I was there having a blast with them.
Fire them
Team building!
Put them on the payroll!
KEEP people like these two characters!
Now Mike you just wish you would have thought of that first. Very funny.
Loved it. Give the Ladies a raise and retire that poor chicken.
Aren’t you sad that you were not there for the fun. That is my kind of gardening. My neighbor laughs at me when I say I am going to go have fun in the garden – even if it is just pulling weeds. I would like to come join them. Hey, lets all gather at Mike’s and have some fun!
Good Video!! I liked the Mower race!!!
This was priceless. I work in a very stressful position and gardening is my therapy. I would be even more uplifted if I enjoyed these ladies antics daily!! You go girls and you deserve a raise!!
My 1st video since purchasing your Back Yard Gardening and I do say your garden farm looks a lot like my farm when I am here!! God Bless and Thanks
Very sad! yes, I think they should be fired! I could out do them! I can start Monday! 🙂 I think I need to start a business and have this behavior happen every day! God bless!
Absolutely loved the video. Was the chicken named “Mike”? It seems that running through the sprinkler was a lot of fun, enjoy while the boss is away. Just a serious comment on the little one being near heavy equipment, tractors etc. There has been a lot of injuries with little ones on farms. They forget or do things that could cause injuries. I am sure that you & the family are careful.
So much fun, I want to play (Smile)
What fun! Good to see this is a down to earth business not some big conglomerate with no real people. But, I want to know i joined this list quite some time age but have only got the Email stuff, which I like, did I have to buy into something to get the gifts.
As soon as you join the list you should have gotten a link to download the Ebook and other items. Just sign up again and you’ll get those items.
I think you need to talk with whoever hired them! There are laws against child labor (I’m pretty sure the little person in pink must have used a fake ID to get the job.) This shows that “Mike’s” is a very healthy place to work. Those of us who’ve only had stress-filled jobs know how great it would have been to have a little playtime once in a while.
I would fire them so fast it’s not even funny! To betray your trust like that, they should be ashamed!
Everyone needs a day off! and i needed a laugh. So give them a raise and laugh too.
Too fun! LMBO!!! You need to go away more often Mike!
At least the plants got watered. Looks like they should have invited you to a really good time.
Put them on the payroll, you will not find better help and support
I just came in from outside…hot and sweaty. Sat down at the computer to see what was in mail. That is the most fun that I have seen in a long time. It cooled me off and made me think about fun in the sun! Yep! a raise, is just what they need. Keep me posted. I have never done anything like this before and was quite nervous when I bought your package. Stress be gone!!! Still chuckles are escaping…teh heh…
Don’t let Mike fool ya! We get more work done when he’s gone. 90% of the time he’s the instigator! Can you believe how awesome my job is? 🙂
I’ll agree that they get a great deal of work done when I’m gone. They get a lot of work done! Me the instigator? Ya’ll know better than that.
Put a great big ol’ smile on my fice….give’m a raise they watered your plants
That is just too adorable! More videos like this one, please!
My dad always said, when gardening ceased to be fun for him, he stopped doing it. But that wasn’t until he was 84 and could no longer raise his arms due to his arthritic shoulders.
Now he has fun watching me garden.
Give these gals a raise! Enough said.
Superior minds are always at work. No need to fire them. They must have missed you too. What ingenious women! You must have laughed when you saw it! Great ideas ladies. Love the little girl too. Super Job! Always leave the customer wanting more. They did their jobs well. We all need more humor in our lives too. Bonuses for all.
(wink). . . can’t give you an honest answer ’til we see the video of what YOU were “really” doing! LOL
In truth?…the world would be a much better place if we all connected with our sense of humor and inner child a bit more than we do, don’t you think? =-)
Life’s too short have to stop and smell the roses. Have to have some fun
in our lives. Good Job Girls.
Made me smile watching them, they did a great job of the video. You need to keep them for their creativity and spirit. Looks like from all the replies, that they get to keep their jobs. Enjoy life… Laugh and dance.
this video put a smile on my face. give the girls a raise for thinking of this. we all need a good laugh in these hard times. keep up the great and informative work. thank you
These women were very creative. And they were doing a little teaching on the side with that youngun’. Give them a big fat raise. Wish I had that kind of energy so I could get some work done. With so much rain my garden is looking ragged.
Loved it . I wished I had more employees like that . They have created new ways to garden. Water balloons to water the garden ,love it .A pogo stick to plant seeds Who would of thunk it. Give them a rase .Glenn
You are not paying them enough. They need a raise. Very entertaining.
Hoe can you even think of that. They enjoy the fruits of they labor in the garden and that is what gardening is all about. That should remind us why we garden. I say they deserve a raise and even an extra day off.
Mike, Do not fire them. They were just having fun. Don’t you remember times that you did this when you were young and no one was looking.
I did a lot worse than that!
love that they gave a sip to the rubber chicken!
Hey, if you don’t want good people like that, send em to my house! I need good help!
If you fire them I don’t think you will get any supper and remember when ma not happy nobody’s happy
love’m and keep’m … great grasp of video abilities and priceless concepts
You are right and Amber is the one that did the video editing and probably brainstormed the ideas. Amazingly, she’s only been editing our video for less than six months and she already owns the skill. She’s very talented and works really hard at all that she does.
Thanks for sharing this Mike. I smiled and giggled all the way through it and that made by day! Promote! Promote! Promote!
This video put a smile on my face. I’m sure you enjoyed this as much as the rest of us did. As Rick said, it looks like they took your advice and did something fun. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Hilarious! I thoroughly enjoyed the laughs! Do NOT fire them….hire me to work with them. I have some good ideas!!!
This video should be put into a vault after dozens of copies are made to share and watch !! That baby girl will love watching it when she’s older. These women are irreplaceable…….whachu talkin’ ’bout ” FIRE” ??????
Great FUN video, I agree the ladies should get a raise.
I laughed so hard I cried. Also got some great ideas for hot summer day fun!
NO don’t fire them, FIRST of all you LOVE THEM too much, second , you took the day off , so why can’t they ?? ALL WORK & NO PLAY isn’t good for anyone. Give them a second chance.
That was great! Enjoyed it. You know what they say, all work and no play makes “Mike” a dull boy. I want a job with those gals! LOL!!!!
Kudos to the girls. Give them a raise, especially that little worker. Great job girls. Keep up the good work. All work and not play makes for a dull workplace. 🙂
Yes you should fire them and I want that job. That is awesome! The next time they do that, you should stay and have the fun with them. I go to Atlanta all the time and it is not that much fun.
At the end of some of your web pages you say , do something fun this summer before time runs out. I looks like they took your advice
I agree with Charline, Mike.
Get out of town more often … like every other Monday, maybe a few Mondays in between those, and maybe even most Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursday. But Friday you have to hang around because that is likely payday.
Loved the video; can hardly wait for a few of the sequels and a prequel or two for good measure.
But the rubber chicken likely have rooted better in a potting soil/vermiculite mix rather than damp sand.
Were they hired to work in the garden, or play like 5 year olds & be so stupid to record it, so the boss sees what he’s paying them for? If hired to do legitimate gardening WORK, then KICK THEM TO THE CURB, & tell them to play on their own time with their child!! I don’t know any jobs that ALLOWS TO BRING CHILDREN TO WORK!!!Send the “5 year olds video” as their reference so any new boss will see how THEY WORK!!!
Life is already short enough as it is. They probably did this because they know I’m an easy going guy that loves to laugh. And the video is promotional in nature so even though I was unaware, it was “work” well worth doing.
They have a really good sense of humor. What a good spoof! Keep them, keep them.
You should hire them out to tour the country when your backyard growers have a meet and greet. They would be the life of the party! (especially if they brought your homemade fudge!)
Looks like a Monday well spent. Great ideas for fun with the kids. I laughed so hard
This kind of creativity is rare and must be applauded. Give them a raise!!
You must be an awesome boss. No harm no foul.Looks like a lot of fun.
What fun!! You must be a pretty good boss for them to make this video and sharing it. I think they are great employees. You better keep ’em!
Hilarious! My two year old loved the video as well. Nice to see staff with playful humour, it means they like their work and when you have staff that like their work, they do well at it!
Give ’em a raise, Mike!
Don’t fire them. Some one has to keep you on your toes. But I want to hire the one with the cute braids. She and my grand daughter would have a ball.
If you decide to keep them; You get my vote for employer of the year!
Loved it!
I think you need to take a lesson from the gals. All work and no play make Mikey a dull boy. Take time to smell the roses, life is to short on this earth. Show that little gal how to really catch fish. But PLEASE,don’t run threw the sprinklers in a T-shirt like they did. Your wet body is hardly what anyone would want to see on the cover of Vanity Fair.
That’s it Bob! Next video is the “Mike in a Wet Tee Shirt Contest”.
Actually Mike is in a wet tee shirt most summer days but by the end of the day I smell like the north end of a south bound bear.
Looks like too much fun to me.
Give em a raise! LOL
Oh Mike, did they have fun! I love the little one, she was right in there doing her thing! …and that chicken!! I can’t stop smiling. my vote… KEEP THEM!!
Great video. Everyone has to take a break sometime & have fun. But Remember Mike, when the cat’s away the mice will play.
I loved it and I am pretty sure you did also. Gotta have a little fun every now and then.
I loved the video. Do not fire them. They give me suggestions. I think I will take a play day and run through the water hose like we did as kids. Way to go girls!!!!!
Ok – I’m pretty sure you taught them everything they have to do, so I can see you teaching them that routine – hahaha.
I wouldn’t fire them. Who would take care of the little one and still a lot of fun. The little one will remember this all her life. Enjoy!!!
This video made my day, Iam watching it again and laughing. NO, No you do not fire them.
OOhhh this is so cool. Evidently you are a good and easy enuf boss that they feel free enough to poke a little fun while you are away! Nicely done girls!
Hey Old Boy your just jealous all this happened when you were gone, I’d advise stick around if you want to have fun!
Yeah, Darold, maybe you’re right.
What a wonderful world it would be
If people would garden with glee
When the boss is away
The gals play and have fun
That’s the way you stay for ever young.
I think they should be forced to do one of these videos on a regular basis, like once a month. It could turn into something big!
that would teach them! The first one was easy. But new antics each month? They would have to work hard at that. Hmmmmmmmm.
You may have to add video production quarterly to their job description! 🙂
Loved this! It looked like so much fun. I sat here trying to figure out how to get rid of VIOLETS in the lawn, never mind Creepin’ Charlie.(where did that name come from anyway?) I’m an 83 yr youngster but anything like getting on my hands and knees trying to pull the weeds out would probably finish me and the neighbors would probably just dump dirt on me and say “goodby”! Anyone have any suggestions??
Yes Mike, you should fire them. And be sure to NOT give them a favorable reference so no one else will hire them EXCEPT ME! I’d love to work with those life-loving ladies.
Great fun. I want a boss like you.
They need a bonus raise!
No don’t fire them the made me laugh. Just let them know to do the work first and tape it then go fishing XD.
They know how to live in the moment and enjoy life, keep them around! They will keep you smiling 😀
All employees goof off from time to time. Lighten up a little, talk to them set the record straight. If they enjoy working for you they will do a good job. It’s your dissusion to hire or fire, remember you know what you got and you don’t know what you get to replace them.
They’re just doin’ what you do when the camera’s off. Give em’ a raise.
Loved it! Needed something to chuckle about in this 90 plus weather!!! Hope you had a good time in Georgia Mike!!!!! Will be ordering your system soon…looks like some of my trial plants are going to make it…had to see if I could root any cuttings…some made it, some didn’t! Now for your system to show me what I did wrong!!!!
Mike think (wisdom) 3 Lady s and you alone ????
Best advice join them, and make time each day of your life to have family fun
No, looks like they were hard at work. Looking after a kid is a full-time job. Keeping them entertained is overtime. Besides, the video was very informative. I’ve always wondered about this – I now know that rubber chickens come from ponds 😉
Give them a raise for getting the little one outside having fun, she may become a gardener!
You’re right about that and she is a gardener. She’s got her own sprinkling can and her garden plants out back. She’s a trip, always bare footed. It takes a village to keep track of Gabby’s shoes.
That’s what employees are supposed to do when the boss is gone. When the cats away the mice will play. You gotta admit they are setting great example for the youngster. I bet she can’t wait to be old enough to go to work haha
Give them a Raise!
Ha Ha!! That’s adorable!!
What fun!!! Music is great, and your grand-daughter???? Everyone needs a break now and then. Keep them on staff!!
No, she belongs to Amber. I don’t have any granddaughters. Three little grandsons, Pam keeps telling Kevin and Grace they need to give us a little girl. We’ll see.
Mike, I think you need to get out of town more often! Loved it!!!
Fire them and I will hire them immediately. Now you got yourself in trouble for puting this video up. I’m petitioning for a raise for them.
You’re right and Amber is on here reading all the comments. Urrrrrrrg! Now what?
Loved the video! Wish I had thought of it. They looked like they were having so much fun. I think you better keep em, Mike.
Mike, they did water the flowers!! They did catch food for dinner (careful how you cook that rubber chicken). What more did you want? I say keep them, no firing.
BEAUTIFUL!! Mike, You are a BLESSED man!
Lucky you Mike to have two such energetic ladies who know how to have FUN! It must have made you smile! You’re so fortunate you and Pam can leave once in a while. Keepers forever!!! (((-;
BEAUTIFUL!! Mike, you are a blesses man!
It’s summer – YAAY! The boss should be in the next movie. You’ll have to catch your duck, though. Thank You!!
Great work girls I think my neighbours gnomes have the same routine ! Wales Uk
Great video! you know what they say- all work and no play….:-}
I could use some help like those girls on the donkey farm! If you give them the heave Ho, send them my way….or maybe they just need more donkeys to take care of to keep busy! 🙂
Now be honest. Did you tell them not to make a video? Did they have any work that they didn’t get done? Are they not allowed to have fun on the job? If you answered no to all the above, they should not be fired. And since they did a wonderful job with the video, I think they should receive a bonus.
+ 1
What a hoot!!
We all should have so much fun working! A little work, a little play makes for a very happy day!
Mike, the only thing wrong with that video is ….you weren’t in it! Give those women a raise!!!!! Thanks for some more great gardening ideas. Love you all from Crownsville, Maryland 😀
All work and no play,looks like you have been cracking the old whip without a break,so they took one!
Regardless of the video, did they get done the work they were expected to get done? I’m guessing that they probably did. And they filled in for your Monday video (sort of.)
That is just what I was thinking; I wondered if anyone posted it before I could.
Love the video…and the musical score. Ha, ha.
Hope to enjoy Part-2 real soon. 😉
Fire them Mike and tell them its a job waiting for them at Wayne’s in Tennessee. Send them right on down.
You need to keep them cause I want to come help out too!
i think you need to buy the little darling in pink an ice cream cone 🙂
They should be given a big fat raise.
their biggest mistake was not including the boss in such a fun filled thought out production.
Fire them NO WAY! I’ve been wanting to do something crazy for the past couple of months myself and this is my inspiration. Now if the boss will just go away!!!! I could ask her to join me????
I love it! And the little one was loving it too! This makes my day. 🙂
Hahahaaaa! Thanks for the laughs ladies, that was a riot! DO NOT FIRE THESE INNOVATIVE, RESOURCEFUL YOUNG LADIES MIKE!!!
Mike, I think you need to take a few hints from them and put a little laughter and fun in your VIDEO”S!! KEEP THEM!!
Benny Hill – now I am really showing my age – that’s the music for those that don’t know it. It suits the video perfectly – you should hire them to video!!!
thanx for making me chuckle for I use to watch benny hill all the time, hilarious no one ever mentions that one and I think Mike really knows how funny that video really was loved it to. Take care, Margie.
Definitely a severe case of heatstroke , Mike ! I’m always reading stuff about protecting yourself while outside for extended periods . I would make sure they were completely hosed down before you leave for any extended period next time ! And those Chicken-Fish are some good eatin’ ! Wish I was there ! Take care ,Buddy !
You are a fortunate man to have these two. They fertilized the sandbox with a chicken, albeit plastic. I’m sure they had cleats on their shoes so all the romping aerated the soil, and then everything got watered. I only wish they worked for me.
I want to come over the next time you’re away!!!!!!!!!
No you shouldn’t fire them!!!! You would probably be lost without them anyway. Give’em a raise for thinking about how neglected we would feel without your “Mondays with Mike” video.
By the way, they did a great job. I loved it.
No, if you have a rubber chicken in your yard, what else can you expect.
Good that they feel comfortable enough with you as a “boss” to have fun!
Love it!!!
This is pretty awesome! When the cat’s away the mice will play!
You know it made you smile too! No way should you fire them! But you should hire me to help “cover” while you are away! Looks like a blast!
You should join in the fun with them once in awhile…it will keep you young!
Have fun!
Made me smile…Now they will work harder since they got a break 🙂 Sounds like a raise in their future 🙂
Those girls had fun at the end of a day working hard. Two in a million in my book. Besides that poor chicken needed a rest too.
Quite instructional, I paid very close attention. Will incorporate into my daily gardening, with glee.
too cute. those ladies have a lot of energy.
That’s a great reminder that we ALL should have some fun in the yard! Loved it!
Great fun! Everyone needs some laughs to keep them happy!
Duh, Mike. When the cat’s away . . . You go, Girls!!!
Made me smile! Poor chicken though! Definately a raise!
Where can I find help with so much energy?
such creativity! such joy! you need these people around you, give them a raise and put their creativity into marketing
You have to have some fun at work too. Loved video.
Priceless — thank you! 🙂
Omgosh, they had SO much FUN! This was fun to watch, too! We all should do something like this 😉
They were so stressed out that they probably need a raise/.
They are irreplaceable! Best keep ’em. This put a smile on my face and youth in my heart, and that alone is worth their day’s pay 🙂
Oh Mike, you can’t be mad. They’re just living life. What a great day. More people should be having days like that.
Love it…..NO
Give them a raise!! Looks like fun!
Their big mistake was putting it on video. Too much fun! Are you hiring?
Loved it !! Did you figure out that they were messin’ with you yet ?
Looks like they made gardening look like FUN!
Loved this!
Promote them, fool!
Ah, Mike, they were just having fun with the little girl. Did you leave them with a list of to-dos? Did they do their to-dos? If so, you have nothing to complain about, except, possibly the purple on the tractor. 😉
I don’t know what the purple on the tractor was, but there’s no sign of it now.
They are probably very good workers or you wouldn’t have them working for you still.
I don’t know who the little girl belongs to but having had a young neice I know how much damage a bored child can do to gardens / plants / house.
They deserve a reward or at the least a thank you for keeping her entertained and out of your plants and a purple tractor would have been cool.
Hilarious! The tune works as well for them as ot did for Benny. And they had fun!
Sorry we missed the party. Back & M.S. had me down.
Where do I send my resume? LOL
No Way. wish I had two just like them.
no, because I think this was staged>
I can promise you it was not my idea and I had no part in it at all. I wasn’t anywhere near the nursery that day and they knew it!
Well you know when the cat is away the mice play!
You people who are taking this seriously need to get a life! Of course the girls did it in fun, knowing that that Mike would see it all! He may not have know before, but I do not belief he had any problem with. I bet they got there work done first. If they were trying to keep Mike from knowing, they would not have posted it.
By the way, I thought it was fun!
WOW!! What fun!! Wish I had been there..LOL
Awesome! Loved it.
Thanks Mike, needed some cheer!
We all needed a laugh today, thanks gals !