“In Tune With Great Prices!”
Born on a hilltop in Tennessee,
Prettiest state in the land of the free.
Worked in the dirt so he knew flow’r and weed,
Planted him some seeds when he was only three.
That’s me… Nathan, homegrown right here in Clinton, Tennessee. While I’m not legendary like ole Davy Crockett, I am gaining a reputation as the $4.97 plant guy in these parts. My backyard gardening has blossomed into Whistle Hill Nursery. I like being involved “from the ground up” you might say. I’ve known most of my plants since they were just little sprouts, and I have LOTS of them! Let me show you around.
Under the shade of the oak trees I have varieties of Astilbe, Liriope, Periwinkle, Hydrangeas, Coral Bells, and Hosta. Just looking at those lush leaves and nodding blooms has a relaxing effect. Moving on out into the sun, I have dozens of $4.97 shrubs ready to dress up any landscape. Blooming early on, there is Forsythia, Lilac, Bridal Wreath Spirea, and my new favorite, Variegated Weigela. Then a host of leaf shapes and colors brighten the seasons with Dappled Willow, Viburnum, Butterfly Bush, Golden Privet, Chinese Fringe Flower, Barberry, Tea Olive, Burning Bush, Rose of Sharon, Nandina, Smoke Bush, Triple Crown Blackberry, Crape Myrtle, Blue Rug Juniper, and Morning Light Grass.
Sometimes though, nothing else will do but a tree. I have several varieties of disease resistant Dogwood, so beautiful in the spring loaded with white or pink blooms. Or, if screening out your neighbor is high on the priority list, then Murray Cypress, Emerald Green Arborvitae, or Skyrocket Juniper makes a beautiful evergreen fence. To top it all off, I have some gorgeous Japanese Maples, some red, some weeping, some more upright, or with unique leaves. Choose your favorites, all for much less than you’ll pay anywhere else.
On toward the front of the nursery are the $4.97 perennials. Can’t beat plants that return bigger and better every year. You never know what you’ll find here, I’m always trying something new. The kaleidoscope of colors begins with Hyacinths, Creeping Phlox, Candy Tuft, Bleeding Heart, and Columbine; followed by Primrose, Foxglove, Salvia, Gaura Purple Heart, Blanket Flower, Lilies, Clematis, Tall Phlox, Salvia, Black-eyed Susan, Coneflower, and Daisies. And the list goes on. A gardener is never satisfied. There’s always room for one more plant!
Stop by and see Whistle Hill Nursery for yourself. It’s easy to find, directly off four-lane Hwy.61…just 10 minutes east of Oak Ridge, the “Secret City” from WWII; or 10 min. west of Clinton, where antique shops line Market Street. If you’re in the area visiting the Great Smoky Mountains, my place is about a 30-40 minute drive west of Knoxville. Just plug the address into Mapquest and it will pinpoint the right spot. Or call or email for the old-fashioned kind of directions, with landmarks and such.
My weekend sales start around the middle of March and last till June or so. After that, I’m glad to show my plants by appointment. You can always check Craigslist or Facebook for current details.
Great plants. Great Prices. Guess that about wraps it up. I look forward to seeing you!
Nathan Carmichael
Whistle Hill Nursery
1538 Oak Ridge Hwy.
Clinton, TN 37716
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Joe Martin, Gallatin, TN. I am just listening to Mike’s interview with you. Excellent! Congrats on your success with hands-on hard work. I have to check out your website.
Stay safe and well!
I want to check out your garden nursery when I get back in town!!! Very interested in flowers & bushes
that attract butterflies!!
What size are the emerald green abs do you have any 6-7 ft