Duston McGroarty (Mike’s son)
An important message from Duston McGroarty (Mike’s son):
I can’t believe it’s been 15 years (I guess time flies, right?). 15 years ago, this January, my Dad started FreePlants.com. He didn’t know it then but his life would never be the same. Over the course of the next 15 years he went on to change the lives of thousands.
He is full of knowledge and experience, his words are powerful and inspiring and his underlying message is simple…
“If you want more out of life,
it’s up to you to make it happen.”
These are words he instilled in me at a young age and words I live by today. Some people look at what my Dad has done for himself and say it’s just luck. But I say… if they only knew the amount of work it took for him to be so “lucky”, they’d hang their head in shame.
No one ever gets anywhere in life out of luck. Success takes hard work, dedication and perseverance (something else I learned from my Dad).
In just the last four years of working closely with my Dad, I’ve learned more about business, marketing and life in general than I have ever before. Like Amber mentions below, he doesn’t just tell you how to do it… he tells you WHY you’re doing it. Something most people don’t do and the sign of a true teacher and mentor.
Love you Pops!
So… here’s why I’m writing to you today…
My Dad is turning 58 in just a few days and for his birthday, Amber and I wanted to surprise him. We thought it would be great if you could leave a comment below telling us how my Dad has made an impact on your life.
Anything at all. Something he might have said, done or shared with you that was of value, or possibly life changing. I’ll be honest… I have no clue what to get for him for his birthday. He’s a hard guy to shop for… but I KNOW he would love to hear from you.
So please, if there’s anything you can think of… anything at all… about growing plants, running a nursery, running a business or even just about life… I know he would love to hear about it.
Thank you SOOO much! I value you as a subscriber/customer and I know my Dad does too!

Amber Welch (Mike’s Assistant)
Here’s a message from Amber…
♪ ♫ ♪ Happy Birthday to you!
Thanks for all that you do.
Your knowledge is priceless
Thanks for sharing it too! ♪ ♫ ♪
I am blessed beyond words to have the opportunity to work with Mike. When I first started this job, I was hired to help in the office. By the time spring came along I was more than excited to play in the dirt.
Reading through his books beforehand was helpful, but working hands-on under his direct supervision really helped me to gain confidence in my gardening abilities.
I have learned more over the past growing season than I did in 4 years of college. Mike has a knack for taking something that seems complicated and explaining it in simple terms.
What I like best about Mike is that he has never (ever) answered any of my questions (and there were tons) with a yes or no answer. I would ask, “Mike, does this cutting look long enough?” He would say, “Yes because it needs to have at least 3-4 leaf nodes.” “Hey Mike, can I use this gas can to fill the tractor?” “No because that gas is for a 2-cycle engine. A 2 cycle engine works by…….and it needs….”
He explains his reasoning for everything. I don’t think he can help it, and I wouldn’t want him to. It is in his nature to teach. I’ve learned about pruning and sprinkler systems, rototillers and back hoes, grafting and intermittent mist.
I learned about fertilizers, pre-emergents, and rooting hormones…how to build a donkey shelter, how to remove a dead groundhog from a well and how to cut down a 30 foot tree in under 4 minutes. I even learned what happened to Jimmy Hoffa!
As any nurseryman (ahem, or woman) knows, growing plants is only half the battle. You need to know how to sell them. I’ve seen first hand how a good news paper ad can bring in swarms of customers.
Mike’s newspaper ads are no accident. He has studied marketing for a l-o-n-g time and has mastered the art of carrying on a conversation with his reader. He knows a great deal about advertising and more specifically, how to use the internet to market a product.
How does that saying go? Those who can, teach. This anniversary marks 15 years of sharing his information with others. I’ve met so many wonderful people who have used Mike’s Backyard Growing System to start their own backyard nurseries. I’ve seen first hand how it has changed lives.
He has guided young entrepreneurs, given independence to the disabled and helped retirees supplement their income. For Mike, its not about the money. Its about helping others.
He knows how it feels to be down and out and he genuinely wants to show others how he overcame it. Mike is the real deal. If you were to show up unexpected at the nursery, you would find him in his bib overalls-just like his picture.
He puts a tremendous amount of time into creating free content for his websites and works continuously on improving his products and information.
For his birthday, I would like Mike to know how much I appreciate his patience with me and that I value every lesson he has taught me. He has shown me how to run a business ethically while keeping family a top priority. I genuinely like who he is and what he stands for. Most of all, I am a better person for having the opportunity to work with him.
Thank you Mike! Happy Birthday & Congratulations on 15 Years of Business!
DISCLAIMER: By leaving a comment below, you are giving McGroarty Enterprises Inc. permission to use your comment and your name in our future marketing and advertising. We truly appreciate your feedback!!
Wow. How much more affirmation do you need when it takes 21 minutes of constant scrolling down the comments from well-wishers and all the stories of lives you’ve blessed or even turned 180 degrees from despair. You deserve all of it, Mike. 5 years ago, I chose to trash a life I deeply loved to move to a place I didn’t want to be so that I could help my folks deal with the terrible ravages of Alzheimer’s. I was prepared for the Alzheimer’s, but not for the seemingly endless stream of negative experiences that resulted from the changes. The garden has always been a refuge for me. When I first signed up for your newsletter, I loved the information. What I didn’t know is that I also signed up for a steady stream of hope, encouragement, and empowerment. That alone would have meant everything. But buying into the BYG system, the online course a couple of years ago and now the Business board is slowly turning life around, and doing it in a way that helps others, too. Two neighbor girls, aged 7 and 11, learned how to propagate cuttings this summer, and learned how to be responsible and happy caring for the baby plants while I was out of commission with major back surgery. You should see the joy, pride, and total excitement on their faces as they’ve found very well-rooted baby plants. It’s their own personal miracle. The only problem is that the youngest is so excited she now wants to chop up every shrub and tree in my landscaping to make more baby plants. Their first sale happens next weekend, weather permitting. You are personally and directly responsible for introducing a steady stream of hope, encouragement, empowerment and pure joy, not to mention a solid stream of practical information. While the ultimate miracle of life is one that I still give totally to the Creator, I will always have a very special place in my heart for you and your family/organization. Because that’s really what it is, bottom line, isn’t it? One very big, hopeful, mutually supportive family in the best sense of the word. May the Good Lord Bless and Keep you Mike. Please, live long and prosper..
Thank you so much for your kind words, wishing you and the girls incredible success with plants.
I have clinical depression and a chronic pain syndrome plus some big family issues. I was stuck in a dark time in my life for quite a while. My husband is a landscaper, it is his passion he loves working with plants and trees and dirt. Because of my situation, I wasn’t very much help to him. Then I found Mike, I don’t even remember how or where, but there he was talking about growing plants in my own back yard and how easy it is and just about anybody can do it. I’m anybody! I’m slow to get started, I don’t do anything quickly anymore, but I’ve gotten started. The biggest best thing Mike gave me was a spark that grew into a plan that grew into action. I was never so excited to get going into spring in all of my adult life. MIKE GAVE ME HOPE AND A PURPOSE! I still have good days and bad days but the difference is I have something to look forward to and get excited over every day. I also feel like I am contributing to my husband’s landscape business and pretty much pulling my own weight. Thank you Mike for giving me a new outlook on life. I hope this was the happiest birthday you had all year. Take care of yourself so we can do this for many more years. 🙂
Thank you so much for your heartfelt message and I am extremely happy for you. You just keep doing what you are doing. You are doing good. For you and for the planet.
I didn’t see a date on this post so I hope I am not to late to say “HAPPY BIRTHDAY.” i am just a subscriber to his newsletter, but I love reading it. I was hoping to buy his book when I could save up enough pennies. Due to my ailments, that didn’t happen. I am so very bummed out that I didn’t get to do this.
Hello Mike & Happy Happy 58th Birthday,, (belated, I think would be more appropriate)
I’m one of your newest fans (just purchased) and very excited about getting to know you an all of your trade secrets..
Thanks for sincerity & genuineness..,, that’s what convinced me to purchase your information!!
Here’s to making this a life time venture 🙂
Happy Belated Birthday Mike 😀 and Anniversary!
I love you videos! I have been watching them for about a year now. This is the first time I have seen to your website. Thank you so much for all the priceless detailed information and advise you give. Watching your videos is like getting advice and learning from an older brother. I would say dad but your too young, and I’m to old for that to work. Ha! 😉 I am a wife and mom who just happens to love digging in the dirt, planting things, landscaping, hanging out in the yard with my animals (4 dogs) and working on my plants, trees and flowers, every chance I get. Now I am excited about trying my hands at grow more plants and trees from cuttings, thanks to your words of wisdom. Thanks again Mike, for sharing all of your knowledge with me and so many others. I have learned so much from you. You have made my experiences with my planting, pruning, and growing even more enjoyable 🙂 I hope you had an awesome birthday and I wish you many many more happy healthy years! Keep up the great work!
Thank you so much!
This is my first season starting as a backyard grower. It took me a long time to overcome my skepticism, but Mike’s straightforward approach, and his plain and simple explanations for the how and why of doing things won me over. The two most important things you’ve given me, Mike, (other than all the terrific, hands on instruction) are hope (because I had lost it didn’t see any way to regain it) and excitement. I’m doing the backyard thing now with my two very young neighbor girls assisting. I’m excited. They’re excited. Their folks are excited. These little girls are learning how to make baby plants with me, and learning to take care of them patiently for a payoff down the line. A great lesson to learn early in life. Thanks, Mike. What you do is valuable, for all of us. Best wishes.
Happy birthday from Ireland mike. I’m a dedicated follower on YouTube and have bought all your material .every day I check YouTube to see if u have uploaded any new videos. I never thought I would learn a skill until I followed your teaching videos and I love the way you explain everything in layman easy terms so I could understand. Have a great birthday from rainy ireland
Brian, thank you and thanks for your kind words. We’ll be adding more videos soon, we didn’t shoot a lot of video over the winter. Take care and take care of Ireland!
Thanks Mike!!
Happy birthday and hope you have many more , wishing you and yours Good Health and Happiness . It is truly a wealthy man who has such a positive impact on so many.
Mike– Thank you for your inspiration to propagate hardwoods. I am hoping for new grape plants ready to plant on my pergola this year. I have also got starts going of spider plants, aloes, jades, and hoyas, as well as honeysuckles and will propagate mock orange and forsythia—i will set up a self serve cart at the roadway and sell small plant for up to $5.
Thank you. And Happy Birthday.
If you are going to do a self serve cart don’t exactly advertise that it is sell serve. I used to do that, but I’d let them come to the front door where they would find a note as to where to leave the money. That way people are not interested in plants, only stealing your money, won’t bother to come to the door.
Have a wonderful birthday, and happy 15th anniversary! I love reading your articles filled with lots of gardening information. Thank you for loving the outdoors as much or more than I do, and the tips are great, keep them coming!
Thanks Hong! I appreciate that.
Dear Mike, You are the MOST! You share your knowledge and skill with US and ask nothing in return. You are eager to assist in getting AMERICANS to provide for ourselves as we have in the past.I haven’t ordered your book(s) yet because I would not have time to read it/them. I do well to keep up with your blog. I thank you for your kindness in sharing your knowledge of gardening.
Two years ago I planted 5 100ft rows of thornless blackberries. I potted 300 trees. Most of the trees appear to have died but I won’t give up on them until Spring has sprung and they don’t leaf out..
The berries are hard to keep up with. They are reproducing rapidly. I let them get ahead of me. Unfortunately, I planted different varieties and did not mark accordingly, however I have documented the fruiting times and I hope to label them during fruiting. I have a basic knowledge of their identity.
Thank you for what you are doing. I hope to be almost like you when I grow up. I will be 77 this month and I am begrudgingly slowing down..I (we) appreciate your advice and service. GOD bless you and your family.
Sincerely, Chuck (Cea) Fulco and family.. ..
Mike, I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your emails I hope you had a great birthday and anniversary!!! You have blessed us all with your knowledge and humor!!! Thank-YOU!!!
I truly enjoy all the material, Videos, utube, information pieces, written material and all the other things Mike has done over the years. I wish I had 1/10 the knowledge he has. Keep on going on Mike you are doing good.
Happy Birthday! Have enjoyed the knowledge and tips you have shared over the years. I hope your Birthday is as great as you are, and hope you enjoy many more! Have a Wonderful ANNIVERSARY!
Thanks to Dustin and Amber also. Gerald from Texas
You continue to inspire! Thank you for all that you do. I enjoy reading your weekly newsletters and in following your endeavors with plants. Wishing you a very happy 58’th birthday. May you enjoy much success and happiness this year!
better late than never . . . HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mr. McGroarty, you inspire me! I don’t have a green thumb, but thanks to you, I give it my all . . sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t but at least I tried, and when it does work out, I thank you, and God of course, for the joy in having committed to trying at all. AND MANY MANY MANY MORE 🙂
Before time totally slips away Happy Birthday young fella, I got you by 20 years but although moving slower I can’t wait to get into the garden again this year. And I can’t wait to implement a lot of your instructions.
I also have to move slower in the spending department as I can not print my own money like the government and I must say It has been tough living on Social Security retirement only. Therefore some times the pennies are not there to purchase what ever I want or need for the garden as I’d like to do. But i must say you have inspired me to do a lot more today than in the past.
Happy birthday to you The knowledge you got is help me at alot
Thhank you for sharing
Enjoy continued blessings this year Mike!! Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and folksy way with even us backyard gardeners here in MI. We’ve learned a lot, like not being shy about pruning, how to keep the rabbits and deer out of our plants. You’re a great teacher and love seeing pics of your family, including the ones with fur! You’ve become like an old friend, thanks for your time and appreciate your humor too.
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all the tips and stories. God bless you and your love for all of His creation.
Happy Birthday, Mike!
Thanks for all the great information you’ve helped fledgling plant lovers & growers like myself & my husband. Because of you, we took the plunge last year & built a greenhouse! Because of you, I rooted out burning bushes & lilacs. Because of you, i had the courage to chase a dream.
Happy Birthday, Mike & thanks again!
And because of you Patricia, I do what I do! Congratulations on your plant growing success!
Well I did this once and it didn’t post which is lucky for you because the other took forever to read, or should I say write. Just wanted to thank you for being out there helping people with their gardens. I’ve got thousands of seedlings growing now from bushes I haven’t found the names of, leafs rooting that I’ve picked up all over the US, just the other day I took my dog to the vet and they had the most beautiful plant on the counter. I asked if I could have a leaf and got one (it’s a beautiful Rieger Begonia. The flowers on it look like roses). I can’t wait for that to bloom.
I live in Tampa, FL and it decided to get cold and rainey so all of my propagation boxes, seedlings, plants all moved to the patio and over flowing everywhere in the house. In July will mark the 5th summer that we’ve lived here. Four years going on five I haven’t met one person. They are all Snowbirds, Cuban – I don’t speak or understand Spanish, or Mormons – my mouth would get me in trouble there.
Finding your business on-line has kept me busy and also kept me from the looney bin. With that, thank you and your whole family. My husband thanks you too.
Hope you had an awesome birthday and congrats on 15 years of the Backyard Nursery.
Ramona Hendon
Happy Belated Birthday and Happy Anniversary too! Man you are awesome, teaching so many people about plants. Friends of mine say that I have a green thumb. Everything I know about plants was taught to me by my mother. She could even throw a leaf on the ground while pruning her plants and go back to that same spot in a couple of weeks and BOOM two giant plants in bloom. Maybe a little longer but who was counting. We had African Violets that were huge and flourished. I went to every nursery to get more A.V.’s and the people said they didn’t have them because they were hard to grow. I could have started a business selling African Violets if I had know about about you and your Back Yard Nursery. I have learned a lot from you and now I have 5 of your propagating boxes full of plants rooting and thousands of bushes and palms. I even got 3 from a Bird of Paradise tree. This last summer they, (plants and trees), all decided to have babies and I’ve pulled up every bush seedling, don’t know the correct name yet), Palm tree seedlings, seedlings from things I’ve never seen, and one leaf from the vet’s office called Rieger Begonia. They are all on my small patio with a heater on them because it decided to get cold and rain the last several days in Tampa. I appreciate you, your wife and your son working so hard to teach all of us how to get started in a “Back Yard Nursery” of our own. Hope you had an Awesome Birthday and thanks. You are very appreciated. Ramona Hendon
Happy Belated Birthday, Mike! And Happy Anniversary! I missed your birthday with this comment, but I just want to tell you how wonderful a person you are and how much I have enjoyed all of your videos and excellent advice given out for free. I do know how much work this is for you. [I don’t have your Backyard Growing System unfortunately because I live in Canada (Alberta) and I don’t know if it works up here. If it did, I would get it!} All the best to you in 2014!
P.S. 58 — you’re still a youngster!
Thanks Mike for all you do. It’s wonderful! Love plants and love learning about them. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Mike.
I live in the Chicago area and have enjoyed your videos. They are educational and fun to watch. Thank you for all the gardening tips. Enjoy your birthday.
Congratulations and thank you for expanding my knowledge base of plants and gardening. Hope you continue to help and enlighten us by sharing your knowledge and I hope you have a wonderful birthday and anniversary.
I look forward to your Emails and have used so many of your tips in my own garden. I hope your birthday is fun and special! Maybe you can even get away from the arctic blast we have all been living with the past few weeks. You are an inspiration to all of us and make gardening approachable even for us beginners. Thanks!
Hi big bro,Happy b/day.Im experimenting your garden tips here in FIJI ISLANDS in the South Pacific
You have inspired me to continue to seek financial freedom. I have used your tips and ideas to better my own landscape. Your are a true individual and I encourage you to continue your good work.
God Bless
I have been inspired by all that I read and hear from you. Being an “older” adult I had been looking for both a fun and profitable hobby. I purchased your book and materials a few months ago and have been waiting with anticipation to try it all out as the snow melts in the spring. Utah soil and weather and lack of water will prove a challenge but I believe that it is still possible for me to adapt what you are saying to our growing season. Thank you for all you do. My family were early pioneers of Ohio and settled there way back when they cleared the trails for others to use in settling Ohio. It makes me happy to see you live and work your gardens in that wonderful state. Thank you again for all you do to help others.
Have a wonderful birthday!
thanks so much for all of your awesome advice.
I’ve always been able to depend on you for help.
Thanks Mike for all your advice that is given freely to all.
Amber puts it just right, I echo all she says.
I live in the U K and your weather seems similar to ours although just a few of your plants are different.
So ” HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE” and many more to come.
Ah, man; I am sorry, but … HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY and 15 years in the nursery business, Mike. Sorry, that’s what comes being out of touch a bit. Thanks for sharing all that gardening wisdom meted out with a lot of love, Mike. I like all the little – & more often than not they are not so little for us – tidbits of expert experience you have gained for working daily doing what you love, all those tidbits so often missing in other websites. Again, HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY! And I hope this new year is turning out to be a very happy and prosperous one for you and your loved ones.
at first I wanna congratulate your father’s birthday .yes Duston time flies but remember your the pilot . nowadays I’m having some depressing days. but don’t worry be happy.
How do they say it?
You can sit and enjoy the shade of a tree that may have been planted by a man 50-300 years ago.
Thank you for teaching me how to grow those trees from seed & especially how to transplant them.
Oaks, hickory, walnut, maple seeds collected from the adjacent Northern Illinois forest & nursed to strapping 20-30 years olds-hopefully just like Duston.
Enjoy your wisdom and down-to-earth personality and look forward to your advice and videos. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, I’ve learned much from you. I have received your emails for some years now and want to return a message to you with wishes for a happy birthday with many more growing seasons to come!
Happy birthday to my garden friend
Happy birthday to you
Mike, Happy Birthday! I’ve got you beat, unfortunately, by 4 years. LOL Hope you have a great day… Stay warm! I had to turn a heater on in our new greenhouse the 2nd time this winter here in Toccoa, Georgia last night. It got down to 12 degrees. Just wanted to say thanks for volumes of good information you post, especially your videos, to teach us about plants. I have been utilizing your suggestions on making a plant starter for propagating orchid magnolias and ornamental maples,etc., –using a large plastic box with sand. I have also learned valuable information about the different types of mulch. Keep up the good work! (Oops, I got interrupted and forgot to post this timely. Sending it anyway and hope you “had” a great birthday! 🙂 ) –Vicki Conrad
Thanks a million for all the gardening advice over the years! Not only useful but entertaining too.
A special thanks for the “dirt farmer fudge” recipe.
Have the birthday ever, and thanks to your family for giving us “out here” a way to join in the fun.
Take care and God bless.
Happy Happy Days! Keep going!
Love every single one of your newsletters. Thanks a million! ………AND THE DIRT FARMER FUDGE REALLY IS TO DIE FOR!
Have an amazing birthday! Take care and God bless!
Dear Mike
Thank you very much for your support and knowledge thatyou keep on to add to my life , happy BD and god bless yo you.
All the best
Hi Mike,
I can’t exactly remember how I came across your information a few years ago, but know I was researching for plants, etc since I work part-time for a college as a Horticulture Technician and instructional assistant.
I bought your Backyard Growing System, as eventually I would like to supplement my income and just plain love propagating plants. You make everything so understandable and love your teaching videos and of course, the fact that you are so family oriented. Also, enjoy any information on the donkeys–so fun!!
MANY BLESSINGS on your birthday and anniversary. Lynn
Hi, have a great birthday. I am in Scotland and very new to your site, but I have been inspired to make the most of my small patch of land and use the trimmings to grow more instead of composting. Many many happy returns Mike. Regards Roz.
Happy Birthday Mike, Thank you does not cover what you are doing on here for all of use. Hope you had a great day and have many more. May God continue to bless you and yours.Growen thouse baby plants oh ya. Dan
Happy Birthday for Mike McGroarty,,,,wish you all the best Mike. For this opportunity, I want to say to you how feel thank you from me,,,there is many valuable lesson which I can obtain from your articles about plants. I now become progressively take a fancy to activity plant. Well though as downright as language of my english not to good,forgive me Mike. I was born in Indonesia and this is my wish to submit something using language of Indonesia, if enabled it’s of course..
Semoga setiap orang yang membaca artikel-artikelmu, Mike, pengetahuan dan ilmu mereka bisa bertambah banyak dan tentu saja mencoba mempraktekkannya di lingkungan tempat tinggal masing-masing. Dan semoga kebaikanmu ini (karena telah membagi ilmu dan pengalamanmu di dunia bercocok tanam) memperoleh balasan kebaikan di sisi Tuhan, karena seluruh artikelmu sangat bermanfaat bagi kami pada umumnya, dan saya pada khususnya.
Once again, I want to say Happy Birthday for you Mike.
Forgive me because I newly have time to open e-mail today.
Best regards,
Kartika Aprilia M., S.Pt
Manager Trainee for Entrepreneurship
PT. J Darmawan Ventura
Babakan Madang No.99 South Sentul 16810
Bogor – West Java – Indonesia
Happy Birthday & thank you for all of you’re good information.. I enjoy reading it & putting a lot of it to good use. Hope you have a wonderful B. D.!
Happy Birthday Mike!!!!!!!!
I will be turning 61 in July and planning to hopefully retire early after age 62, not because I cannot continue to work at some type of work, but due in part to some recent medical concerns developed over the last couple of years.
I am now dealing with mild and occasional “atrial fibrillation” and a racing pulse that has required a hospital trip and stay for a couple of times these last couple of years and along with constant neuropathic pain and symptoms with some associated swelling in my feet…
You have been an inspiration to me for nearly 10 years now with your videos and information…I have had a constant and very strong interest in plants and growing nursery trees and plants for many years now and used to drive delivery truck to many nurseries for a local nursery around 6 years ago all over Northern Ca. and even to several towns in Nevada, driving a bobtail moving truck installed with a propane heater in the rear to keep the plants warm in the winter time going over the Sierra Nevada range into Nevada delivering Poinsettia varieties to nurseries before Christmas time…
I still and always will love gardening and working in the dirt at home and have always dreamed of beginning some type of backyard nursery type plan for my retirement years…
I am trying hard not to allow my recent medical issues to slow me down too much and not be able to shoot for that goal and dream you have helped to instill in me and have had some success the last couple of years in starting varieties of Japanese maples and other species from seeds and some cuttings…
I love watching things grow and mature from the work I put into them to, just as you, I know do as well…
Well I do not want to turn this birthday greeting into a book bro, but Happy Birthday from me to and many,many, more to come for you…
God Bless and Keep you and your family and staff and thank you for your very helpful information and the inspiration you have shared over the years with all of us…
Best Wishes & Regards,
Just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I will be 66 my self Feb. the 3rd and will be retiring from my current job and doing the Nursery bizz full time, in about three months. JUST ONE THING I CAN SAY ( KEEP IT SIMPLE!) Do something every day, it all adds up. Bob
Happy Birthday Mike! I look forward to your e-mails and your easy to follow instructions have expanded my understanding and love of gardening, you are a Blessing. Stay healthy and enjoy your day!
Hey Mike! Sorry I missed doing this on your birthday but like they say, better late than never.
Also, Jan. 24th is also my Mom’s birthday!
Best Wishes buddy and thanks for all you do!
Hi mike,
Just wanted to wish you a Happy belated Birthday and a Happy 15th Anniversary with your nursery bussines, Sorry that I missed the actual date, but it was kind of hectic here. Anyway I love your e mails and your teachings and even I do have a very small garden I apply your teachings were ever I need advice thank you so much, I hope you had a great day. Francien
Happy birthday! You inspire me and my mother and two brother to keep growing everyday in our lives and in the dirt 😉 ! !
Thank you 😉
I`m 77 years old, and was raised in a farm area of Lawrence county Ohio. When I see you standing there in Bib`s it reminds me of my dad who dressed the same way, and so did I until I started to high school. Yes, I look forward to all your information and ideas on growing things. Maybe I will just decide to grow a few things this year. Keep up the good work Young Man.!! Jim Nance Wheelersburg Ohio.
Well were do I start? This has been such a inspiration to me! Were else can you get a college education in horticulture and marketing at the same time??? And for peanuts in cost!!!! Mikes story is a inspiration in when your down you still have hope, he’s always professional and straight talking. Have meet you once a t the BYG get together, but most of all you inspire others through your common sense and practical advice to be everything that they cam be….. Duston what do you get a guy like that? Maybe just something simple like another friend in his circle, or a big hug and a heart felt THANKS MIKE!
I didn’t think I could go through my flower bed dig out all the plants that have tripled get them in a container and sell them at are Garden Club annual plant sale. I usually have quite a few for the sale and very proud of how green and strong they are. Mike your message and videos are what made me feel like a master gardener with confidence. I have even started some bushes with good luck and again your videos. Thanks you for giving me a green thumb and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Donna
Happy Birthday Mike:
Thank you for all the great information that you have passed along. I use your tips while working at the New Brighton Parks and Recreation Department in MN and have passed along information to my day care leaders as well, so they can teach the kids. I love to watch your videos and have saved tons of time and money pruning the trees on my 10 acres in Wisconsin. I love your “can do” attitude and that you are willing to pass your knowledge on to others. Keep up the good work….and enjoy your birthday! Take Care… Pat
Thanks for teaching me about pruning and starting plants from cuttings.
Your instructions are easy to follow even for us old folks.
Thanks for caring. God Bless. Paul
P. S. I am praying for Jill who commented on your site.
Also, I have just run through some of the comments, and I think it will take you until your sixtieth birthday to read all the Happy Comments from your fans.
Don’t stop sending your emails! G.
Happy Birthday Mike, You are just a young fellow yet. I love receiving your emails, and because I am 81 years old, have not taken up the young plants stuff, but I really enjoy your videos, and have gained a lot of knowledge to use in my garden. I live in a house and have a huge yard, which is quite enough (and sometimes more than enough) to care for.
I have always loved nature, plants, gardening, and have a front yard with flowers of all kinds. A lot of perennials, and many roses. My back yard is lawn and a huge vegetable garden. I have a huge compost heap, and I produce about 200+ lbs of tomatoes as well as kale, carrots, beans, beets, squash, kohlrabi, cucumbers, raspberries, herbs, cabbage, lettuce, onions, and more.
I really like hearing about pruning my shrubs and rooting new plants. I have a lot of shrubs to trim, but as I said so far have not gone into business with my products. My neighbours, friends, family, and others all receive fresh produce during the summer.
I am not sure how much longer I will be gardening, but I will still enjoy your emails.
Thank you so much for all the good stuff you have passed on to all of us, and I pray you will have a long healthy, happy life in your garden.
Happy, Happy Birthday; from a grateful reader.
Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday! Your emails are very interesting and the information provided is useful and easy to understand. Thanks for providing this to those interested in gardening!
Hope you have a happy, healthy year ahead!
Happy birthday Mike, saw you and your family at work yesterday hope you had a great day,I am behind on my messages or I would have wished you a happy Birthday personally . The best to you Nadine
Happy Late Birthday!
I allow very few “blogs” (is that what your web site is?) to come into my Gmail because I don’t have time to read them and they usually lure me into a maze, however I always read yours and have learn a lot about a lot! In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, he says the last need on the pyramid is need for aesthetics. At one time in my life, I would never plant anything that I had to do anything more than plant. Now that my child is grown, I don’t have to worry as much about money, I have retired from teaching and I have a brain again to think instead of running full speed on auto pilot, I understand what Maslow is talking about. I now plant things that I tend to and bloom! Thank you for educating me at this late age in my life, and letting me enjoy the last rung on Maslow’s hierarchy. I guess that means that I have a full life. And the wonderful thing is, my husband and I still are physically able to enjoy working in the yard(s) of three houses that we own.
Mike, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I have been receiving your emails probably about 2 years. I can’t say I’ve put to use much of the information you’ve shared, but I do have good intentions 🙂 When my husband and I retire, we plan to start gardening. Your site will be my go to source for information. Thanks for all you’re shared. God bless.
Happy Birthday, your emails and messages are an inspiration and blessing to many of us. I hope and pray for your continued success.
Take Care
Morris E => Mr. Safety
I love your emails and ideas. You have helped me and my bff dream big and have fun on the farm. What you do is wonderful and I wish that there were more people like you…willing to share and teach. Have a wonderful day! Happy Birthday and many more!
Happy belated birthday. I wanted to say that you have inspired me to pass on the spritual words of planting for profit. I have told everyone that will listen and passed on the copy of your website. I hope to get my garden planted sometime soon…I was actually swindled out of the money for my start my misting system, but with hope the police will get their man! I want you to know that every since I saw you on youtube, I have inspired others to start growing their own plants even if it for there own enjoyment…you are an inspiration to us all. May the next 20 years be as wonderful as the first 15….you deserve it!
thanks for the winter rooting bed idea I have used for two years and it works great my yard thanks you also.
Here in north Manhattan (New York City, NY) our co-op apartment building is very lucky to have land for beautiful gardens. We have several of the plants that Mike recommends, and use his advice for planting and pruning. Our garden covers two sides of a 118 unit building, and it is definitely a highlight of the neighborhood. Thank you, Mike! PS. Your dirt farmer fudge recipe is fantastic! And your donkey photos are a hoot! (I’m sooo jealous…)
Truly enjoy reading all your gardening tips. Thank you for being so inspired to help everyone .
Wish you a wonderful and Happy Birthday!
Happy 58th Birthday Mike!
I have been reading your posts for sometime now. You are the American Dream personified. Hard work, determination, and no doubt much favor from God on more occasions then we ever sing His praises for.
So right now I’m going to be all over that…”Lord God, thank you for Mike. Thank you for the work of his hands and the wisdom that you have given him to know how to use them to bring You glory through the gifts and talents that you have wired into him. I praise you God for his willingness to share those talents with so many of us desiring to learn. Bless him on this special day of his in ways that make his eyes pop wide open. Bless those that he holds dear – most especially his wife who has no doubt believed in him and stood by him in the good and the not so good times. I ask this in Jesus Name. Amen.”
Thank you Mike!
Happy “B” Day Mike ! I always have been intrested in plants and all it involves but worked to hard to have time to enjoy any of it. Now I’ve been retired for a few years now and have spred your knowledge across the landscapes of many properties in Georgia including my own. Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge.
Happy Birthday to You Mike, Tanks for all that you do.
Hi Mike, Happy Birthday to you from Italy. Thanks for sharring so much information with us. Congratulation for your 15 years of bussiness.
Thanks for reaching out and sharing. You can never know how far reaching your message is. You make a difference.
Happy birthday.
i ve just turned 57 myself,been in lawncare since 1981, LOVE THIS GUY!!!- Happy Birthday!!! many more and never stop what youre doing. Thank-You
Hi, Mike.
Thank you for inpiring me to get my fingers deep, down into the dirt. My garden is beautiful & even my grass looks like it should again!! 😉
I’m looking forward to selling plants once ‘retired’ too!!
Lots of love from Cape Town, South Africa
happy birthday mike. in a little over 4 years that i have been receiving your e-mails, with a wealth of info, i have learned more about gardening than some of my friends who have been gardening. for more than 9 years. i appreciate all you have taught me. thanks,and again, have a very happy birthday.
Happy Birthday Mike, wishing you many more happy, healthy and fruitful and plantful years!
You have really helped us with “growing goodies”. Your information is so easy to understand and apply. We love you for the way you care about helping us in a caring and down to earth manner..keep it up Mike and Thank You for being the good soul you are!
Hey Mike here is a late happy Birthday wish!!!
Well hope you had a great day celebrating another year for you and 15 years for you business! I am relatively new to learning from you, but so far so great. You’re a down to earth teacher and make it all look very do-able. Here’s to all the best and continued success!
Mike, I have to say that your videos and your easy going, no nonsense way always makes me smile and it’s the little things like a smile that enrich a life. Many happy, healthy returns!
Happy Birthday Mike….Aftert I thought what was lost forever and that was my dream to have a farm where I could sell beautiful plants, flowers, trees and shrubs to sell to the public and at a price where I could make money doing what I love. I found your web site and everything you said was honest and so helpful with your knowledge and how much you share with your readers. I have listened and applied that knowledge to my little business. I am looking forward to the day I can retire from my regular job and do this full time. Its my plan B in life and will help pave the way to early retirement and to do what I have always loved to do and you have shown me how to do it. I can never thank you enough for having the courage to get your message out to all of us and showing us how easy all of this is. Knowledge is power! We are listening and you have a captive bunch of gardeners under your wings! Keep up the good work you do on a daily basis. Happy Birthday Mike!!!!
I don’t know where to begin. Mike, you have been so generous to all of us who have been fortunate enough to find your posts. I have saved every one you have shared and have read them several times over. I plan to have my first plant sale this spring…wish me luck that this freezing weather we have had hasn’t killed all my cuttings. But if so, I will just start again, I too have bought your Backyard Garden System and love it. I hope your birthday was special because you are a very special person. I would love to meet you in person one day.
Happy Birthday to a true inspiration. I am an Active Duty soldier and have been following Mike’s Backyard Nursery postings fr many, many years. It was a great diversion to read when I was deployed to Iraq; something to think about and plan for. I plan on trying this out when I soon retire. Thanks for the years of pep talks and information.
hey mike just dropped in to say hi and happy birthday[even if it is late].Thank you for all the information you have allowed me to learn about plants and some business ideas too.
It was through his offerings that I have learn to appreciate my ability to start, nurture and grow plants. I speak not of veggies but a variety of plants. While I have not ventured into the sales area I have cause my children to understand it is not a green thumb but a willingness to invest time and effort in creating greenery around the house. So as I say happy birthday I also am saying thank you for your efforts on the behalf of many you will never meet.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a wonderful day. Congratulations on 15 successful years. Keep up the good work.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a wonderful day. Thank you for all you do. Congratulations on 15 successful years.
I look forward to all the emails and abundant information Mike supplies. I especially like the occasional video that show just what a down to earth guy he really is. No pun intended. Thank you for all of your help and time spent on my garden flowers as well as yours . Happy Birthday and Many more God Bless
Thanks mike I enjoy your posts and information you give. I use it a lot as I help others since I do a lot of landscaping for people. Thanks john pittsburgh
Thanks Mike for all your knowledge and humor. Happy birthday and many. more.
Happy Birthday Mike…..Hope you have many more. Thanks for all the time you spend to help out other people learn how to be better gardeners.
i like how yous young guys keep us old guys informed on all this good stuf been afarmer @farm at haret to still love lerning keep it up thanks
Mike–I have become a fan of yours through the internet, and through your “Gardeners
Secret Handbook” Keep up the good work, and celebrate many many more birthdays.
Your friend and admirer, Jim Addison, Atlanta GA.
Happy Birthday Mike! Your home spun wisdom, and columns are a welcome reprieve fromthe negative news cycle in the World. I always look forward to reading your articles, and hope you enjoy your Birthday, and have many more!
All the Best,
Michael B. O’Malley
Hope you have a great birthday and anniversary! Thank you for keeping me
inspired and giving me helpful gardening tips.
I always look forward to your e-mails and always keep them for future reference. I love the videos in which you demonstrate everything a gardener needs to know and why it is done in a particular way.
Happy Birthday and thank you Mike!
Connie Kleppe
Happy Birthday Mike
Wishing you a wonderful day and many more birthdays.
God Bless You on your birthday ! ! ! !
Happy belated birthday, Mike. We here in the midwest will need plenty of advice after this years cold outbreaks. You give sage advice!!
Best wishes on your birthday and through out the year!
Happy Birthday Mike! I wish you the very best life has to offer plus 100 percent more. During the short time I have subscribed to your email list I have never been disappointed in either your guidance or your suggestions. You give away a lot more then any other online marketer I am familiar with and that goes a long way to keeping your subscribers very happy! Take the rest of the week off Mike- you deserve it!
P.S. When do the donkeys get their own show?
Read all your emails. Well written and easy to comprehend. When we move to a more hospitable climate (away from the mountains in CO with hurricane force winds), I will be able to implement more of your advice. Happy Birthday, Mike!
I read all your emails. They are always easy to understand and helpful. Keep up the good work, and when we move to a more hospitable climate (away from the mountains and hurricane force winds), I am sure I can use even more of your advice. Happy Birthday. J. A. Berge
Happy 58th birthday, and happy 15th anniversary, Mike. I’m one of your silent readers — I enjoy your wisdom and your e-mails but i don’t tend to post a comment. I’m breaking with form here today because you have much to celebrate!
What I love most about your blog is how your love for the natural world shines through in everything you write about. It’s that very down-to-earth love of plants and animals that I connect with very readily. Thank you for sharing your wisdom in a most appealing way. Congratulations!
Mike: I read about propagating plants on your website; the difference between hard cuttings and green cuttings. I also saw illustrations that clearly showed me what you are talking about. I have made a number of grape cuttings, many of which were successful. I can see that I could have been more successful had I warmed the roots, so I thank you for pointing this out for me.
I am presently interested in propagating roses, so the procedures that you gave are of interest to me.
Happy Birthday Mike !!!!!
A big Happy Birthday to you Mike. I have followed you through many years . You have given me such inspiration. And the joy that my garden has given me through your advice has no bounds. I say I am a dirt person. My husband wants to downsize and move to a high rise.Less work. Just cannot do it. Just for some unknown reason makes me feel closer to God. Once again Mike , Big big Happy Birthday. 😉
happy b day thanks for some good advice
from across the pond
Hi Mike!
Happy Birthday you young fella!!
I love that your son and Amber so appreciate and value who you are… & want us to chime in.
For myself– I love gardening and never get enough of it. I love reading your stuff cuz it makes me feel like I am in the yard…. Though I never used your ideas to make bucks…. I can see possibilities there and until I do– I just love the pieces you do. Also appreciate your obvious love of gardening.
When I see your stuff in my email box, it kinda feels like some nice sit down time with a friend, who will expose me to new ideas or ways of doing my plants. That is a very good feeling!! Kinda like a smile!
Thank you for your ideas and sharing Mike… Love your kinda “real ness” and want to encourage your sharing & wok/play outside– or in that barn garage of yours — for another 20 years!
Smiling at you till next time!
Thank you again and Happy Birthday Mike! ( in Polish, we say “Sto lat” which means 100 years! ) may YOU live to be 100 years old…. With more joy in every year. God BlessYou!
You are a wealth of knowledge and so willing to share. Thanks for all the information you have provided!
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday Mike! Thank you for all of your time and information that you pass along in your emails. I so look forward to receiving your material about plant information, your family, and yes, especially about how the donkeys are doing! Thank you so much for all that you do! Happy birthday!!! eric
Hey Mike,
Happy Birthday and a big Hello from me. I’ve been getting your e-mails, reading your posts and watching your videos for the past year. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide “us” a vast amount of info.
Mike, the most important reason I’m drawn to your site is first and foremost your obvious love of family. Everything else, which is a deep well of info comes in at a distant second to that.
May you have many more years as patriarch of your family and please continue to pass down your wisdom first to your family then to us (your fans)
God bless and Happy Birthday
Dave Hine
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and God bless… You have taught me so much about plants in easy to understand language. I love your site and loved your chocolate fudge recipe, Thank You. Hope to see you for another 15 plus years…..
Happy Birthday Mike,
I’ve been reading your comments and watching your videos for years. Until recently, I’ve also been working for a small company designing and maintaining gardens. Your advise has been spot on, and I’ve used your cutting techniques very successfully. Thank you and happy birthday.
Happy belated birthday. I have just recently subscribed and watched ypur videos on youtube. You did a great job and I have learned alot about gardening from your videos. Please keep your videos coming. and thanks alot.
HI Mike,
Happy birthday
I bought 2 of your rooting cuttings books one for me and one for my daughter who is an avid gardener. We both plan to try it this spring.
She called me last week to tell me she figured what she got from her garden last year and it amounted to over $3000.00 in vegetables and berries.
Thanks again for what you do.
happy birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday (a little late)
Thanks for all that you do. You have inspired me to pursue gardening and I love it.
Happy Birthday Mike. and congratulations on 15 years of teaching us how to grow our baby plants.
Love the business and refer back to your information often. the $4.97 sure gets people talking and I tell them the reason why, and it gets them talking and buying plants… it’s Australia Day( 26th Jan.) here and we are busy getting the plants ready for a couple more scorching hot days in a few days time. (again!) keep up the great work. “cheers” to all the team, behind the scenes too.
I have a McGroarty file. I have learned more than I csn even behin to mention from your site which I happened upon purely by mistake. Thank you so much for all the help you have been and happy happy birthday!
One of my best memories of you is the message you left on my answering machine, thanking me for purchasing your system. I was impressed/thrilled that you would do that. Your voice sounded just like all the videos I watched. (Well, who else would it sound like!)
I’ve always identified with you having a similar background as a landscaper and being of a similar age. You are one of the good guys Mike HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jadon
Happy Birthday Mike!
Thank you for your real-life stories about business and life. When I read them I am reminded that I have a choice of how I live my own life. I haven’t bought your growing system YET, but I know I will one day. In the meantime I am encouraged by your words and your life. Thank you for being you. I hope you had a wonderful birthday!
A fan In CA.
My brother bought your first tapes (VCR). He passed them to me. I’ve watched them 10 or more times taking notes. Followed you on the web for 8 years and learned so much. The very most important thing I learned from you is HELPING PEOPLE it’s worth more than any money.
With that, I THANK YOU !!!
Mike, Happy Birthday.
I am an avid follower of your program and newsletters. I only wish I had a backyard to follow in your footsteps. I have always been interested in plant propagation and its through your articles that I’ve become proficient at doing it on the small land I have access to. I have given away many plants that I successfully propagated and my neighborhood is the better for it. Good to see all the plants as I go about my walks in the warmer weather.
Thanks and again Happy Birthday.
Happy anniversary and Happy birthday Mike. I enjoy listening to you talk about the plants you grow on video. I hope your special day is enjoyed.
Thanks so much for all the practical information. I love reading your posts. Have a blessed birthday. You have blessed many with your life.–Ruth
Happy Birthday Mike! You know with all your knowledge you have given, I still haven’t committed to doing right by my small garden. I make it complicated even when it is not. I will try to concentrate more in the weeks to come and finally get it right.
However, I am just one of many that wants to Thank You for your efforts and asking you to set back a little bit and enjoy your family and just bask a little on your Birthday. After all you have began a business but that is no good without your family to share it with. Family is everything. So Thank your son and daughter-in Law.
Then kiss your dogs and pt your loving wife on her head! LOL!
Happy Birthday Mike!
I enjoy your listening t your gardening tips!
Have a Happy Birthday!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
My thump is green
Thanks to you
Happy birthday Michael
Happy Anniversary too
So many are thankful
For all that you do
hope the next 58 is as great
Happy Birthday, Mike! I am a relatively new subscriber to your site, recommended by my sister- also an avid gardener. Beyond my own landscaping, I have a team of some 12(+/-) people, aka. “The Dream Team” (Team work makes the dream work!)”,who work with me once/week on our 6+ acre church property- very natural landscaping – so I regularly share your advice and hints. We have been a team since 2005. Thank you so much for all you have shared with us! hope your big day is superior!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY & HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKE. I have learned so many things from reading on your site and listening to your videos. You are a great teacher. What you teach is practical and relevant to my interests. Please keep it up! I love it!
Enjoy your teachings! Wow, can’t believe how many lives you have touched.
Hi Mike, I wrote a Happy Birthday message to you before so I am writing this again because i really want to tell you how much i have enjoyed all your advice on gardening. Have a wonderful day with your family.
Barbara Pye
from Sydney Australia
Happy belated BD. Guess I don’t check my email in timely way. Thanks for the information, humor, and dirtfarmer’s fudge recipe!
Happy Birthday Mike! Thank you for teaching me Gardening, I hope that you have a very enjoyable Birthday and please know that I enjoy your teaching and you are very much appreciated.
All the best,
Happy Birthday, Mike!
I’m 75 and I’ve been following your newsletters for about four years now. Every time I feel like I can’t do it, I think about you, and I tell myself “Yes you can do it” “Mike McGroarty did it” “There’s nothing stopping you from doing it – no matter how old you are”. So thanks, Mike, you have given me a lot of good ideas and hope.
Matt Hodson
Happy Birthday Mike. Wonder what your family is going to do for your 60th birthday in a couple of years? Well, enjoy your day with all that you love, your family, friends, pets, and plants. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us want-a-bees. Wishing you another year of good health!!
Happy…. Happy… Birthday! I happened upon one of your videos on youtube this last spring and haven’t been the same since.. I am a single mom with three little one’s and we just dabbled in gardening, cause I didn’t know any better and was trying to provide healthy food for all of us. After watching the video on how to root leaves and sticks (lol) and read your story of how you started your business, it just hit home with me. I had went through a couple of very difficult times in the last several years and needed to cut cost where ever I could. I also become very passionate about the food we eat and the quality. Buying plants for the garden can get really expensive quick, not to mention the flowers my girls wanted to buy. Thanks to your help and the kindness of neighbors and family we have several roses and butterfly bushes growing in small containers this winter that were completely free. 🙂 We still have a lot to learn but I have found that I truly love to work in the garden and love the idea that I know exactly what is on our produce. My girls thank you for showing us how to get starts off of other flowers and bushes. Now we have the best of both worlds and who knows where the knowledge we have got from you will lead us. We wish you the best on your birthday and many more to come.
Now in my 70’s and a full time caregiver, I wish I’d had Mike’s generous information at least 10 years ago. I love growing and feel so wealthy when a pack of seeds fills a flat!
Happy Birthday Mike, and many thanks for your generosity.
I love that Mike likes trees and plants and that he wants to help us grow them right. Joy Earl
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE! Thank you for loving gardening as much as I do and sharing your knowledge; you have enriched my green thumb experience and added to my love of growing things green. I enjoy opening your emails which put a smile on my face and know how in pocket; ; ; ;Catherine
San Antonio, TX
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU MIKE! i wish you happiness and joy, and to be able to enjoy all your favorite things on your birthday. As a gardener I enjoy every tip and garden information you provide, you enrich my green thumb experience and love of gardening and put a smile on my face; thank you Mike.
Happy birthday Mike! I’ve been reading your posts for about 7 years now and thoroughly enjoy all the helpful gardening tips and videos. I don’t do much gardening anymore except for some tomatos,garlic and flowers but like watching the videos, especially the donkeys. I get a kick outta them! Have a great birthday and a great year!!
ps: my aunt and uncle lived in Erie, PA so I spent a lot of time there on the lake as a child. So many fond memories!
mike you have brought so much joy, knowledge and love to so many people and was God sent . We are so blesed to know you and may god blees you and all your family and also the cutiest donkeys. the Arrudas in Rhode Island
Wishing you a happy birthday! I love your newsletters! Keep up the good work! 🙂
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
Have a SUPER Happy Birthday.
Mike, Happy Birthday! Thank you for all your valuable help and hints. Gardening is and has been my favorite past-time ever since I can remember. Thanks again. God Bless. Kayla
Mike has been a wonderful inspiration and teacher. Happy birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday, Mike! My health prevents me from doing much outdoors including gardening, but by reading your newsletters, tips and watching your videos, you give me a vicarious enjoyment of all that I miss!
When times get rough, we all need something or someone to inspire us if for nothing else, for hope. Mike, thats what you have given me. Starting my backyard nursery has been slow but sure, it gives me something to get and stay excited about. Now looking forward to getting things off and running this coming growing season, I can’t hardly wait. Things are still a little tight but I am sure that will change. Thank you for what you do, it truly does change lives.
Happy Birthday ! God Bless!
mike: thanks for the many tips. have started grapes and hopeing your tips work. have a very happy birthday. bill
So sorry I missed wishing you the best B-Day ever, yesterday. Want to tell you I lived in Ohio for my formative years. Hearing your voice and relating to your Midwest spirit gives me such a good “back home” feeling! California is so different. Besides your great gardening info, you take me back to walks with my grandfather, an Ag. Econ Prof. at OSU, formerly West Virginia farm boy. He is long passed now. I think you two would have had so much to talk about like Japanese Maples, dahlia’s, composting… just so many things.
It sounds like you are a man, richly blessed! Happy, HAPPY birthday and many more!
happy happy birthday
u are great!
I have been watchin for years.Ì
I have learned a lot from your videos.. I always look forward to your emails. I appreciate that you are down to end you teach in a way that I understand foothill the information
Greetings from Pennsylvania and Happy Birthday!
I enjoy your newsletters very much and have learned a lot about plants from you.
Have a great day and be happy and healthy in 2014!
Thank you for bringing joy into my yard, I wish I had more than me, a 54yr old, working f/t, but you help me in your videos, I am very greatful.
May your birthday, be all and more! Your friend on Vancouver Island, BC Cindy Shaw, Come visit anytime, should you make it to the Island! Cheers! Enjoy Your Day!
Thank you for sharing your GREEN thumb. You know how to make me look good! Many more Happy Birthdays!
Happy Birthday Mike and congratulation on 15 years of successful business. Thanks for sharing your valued information. I am new to your site and hope to make a go at this business. Thanks again. Larry
I always enjoy reading about the garden tips and I also enjoy his videos. I find them very helpful. Thank you and Happy Birthday, Mike!
thank you and happy birthday
Thanks for helping so many people. That within itself is a testament of excellence. People don’t care about people anymore and that’s a terrible thing, but your actions show you care. May you have many more wonderful and blessed years.
Happy Birthday, Mike! And congratulations on your 15th anniversary, too! May God bless you with many more of each.Thanks for all the good you do by sharing your encouragement/knowledge with us.
Love to learn to learn something new always. You have an excellent way of helping us, and I truly appreciate that!
Hope you have many, many more birthdays!
Thank you for making gardening so much fun. Your enthusiasm is catchy !!!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Mike!! Wishing Love, Happiness, and Health not just for a year, but for many years.
Happy Birthday-Mike
I have been a follower of yours for a few years. Haven’t taken the dive into my business, but my thoughts are there. I love your down to earth and unselfish approach to business. I know I must do something everyday for my business. Thank you for all you have given. I hope your birthday was great!
Happy Birthday Mike. I discovered your website and subscribed to your emails about 5 years ago…..I must tell you that you were very inspiring for me when I was looking for what it is all about….life that is…..you are a great example and a true testament for people as they move through the stages of life. Yourselflessness has inspired me to do as you have done….so much for others. Keep up the great, fantastic, superplantastic work! Hugs and kisses!
PS. You really have a wonderful son. Cheers to him and his wife.
Warmest Regards
Thank you so much for all the interesting articles you send. They have helped me in so many ways just taking care of my little yard. Keep them coming and you have the greatest of birthdays.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND ANNIVERSARY MIKE. You are very much appreciated.
Happy Birthday and Anniversary and many more to come. I have little space for plants but have enjoyed your videos and your Baked Beans recipe the most!
Mike has given me the confidence to grow things, the knowledge to keep them alive and to share my knowledge with others. Happy Birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday…I so look forward to your emails…I have a folder on my pc to keep them
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE !!!!!! Thanx 4 all u share . I hope to be able to see more of ur videos now that I have fibre optic . thumbs up !!! Enjoy Your Special Day !!!
Happy birthday, Mike! I was so happy to find you a few years ago, especially since I was in that place you experienced before of no money and hopeless. The more I watched you and read , the more I appreciated your gentle sharing ways. I love how you take a process and just show how to do everything in such a matter of fact manner. It takes the fear of trying out of the equation. I love how you are just “plain folk” and share about your family, like a good neighbor. So now you and I are the same age! That is another reason you inspire me. You have accomplished so much and grown with your business by getting the technology factor and you make me believe in my own dreams again. I may even do it your way. I have been a horticulture lover my whole life.
You are my “plant profit”
“ingenious inspiration”
“garden guru”
“tree teacher”
You are a good man and I hope the next 15 years double the blessings for you and yours. I look forward to more of your shared wisdom. Thank You!
Hi Mike, I’m wishing you a Happy Birthday and continued good health for the next years. I want to tell you that you blog and your books have meant a lot to me as a “novice gardener.” Your advice has been priceless and I can’t thank you enough for all that you do.
Happy Birthday!!!
Jackie Hillian
Happy Birthday Mike,
I’ve been around since the first message board and have learned a great deal. Iappreciate the time and energy you have put into this whole thing.
keep up the good work and thanks for all the enjoyment and knowledge you have given us!
Happy birthday Mike! Sorry a bit late but hope it was enjoyable. Like you, I also live in Ohio, a small town between Mt. Gilead and Mt. Vernon. My husband and I have a small greenhouse business and enjoy gardening as well. Always enjoyable to read so many new ideas from you. I learn something new everytime I open an email! Please continue to inspire everyone. Looking forward to the next idea.Happy Spring!
P.S. snowed in today but looking forward to warm days.
Hi, Mike! A belated, but very sincere HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
I’m a newbie to your site, but have been soaking up your emails that you send out…it’s winter, I live in senior housing, so miss gardening, sure wish I had discovered you many years ago!!!
I hope you had a REALLY special surprise birthday, that was a great idea Duston came up with, such a sweet celebration of you, his Dad, and your kind, giving nature, thanks, Duston, for this lovely tribute!!
And thank you, Mike for all you do!
Wishing you many years of prosperity and good health, and continued sharing of your thoughts and advice!
Gratefully yours, Kristina Huber
I’m trying too learn how to grow food type plants and to make some money I just barely was able to purchase your growing system to learn more but i’m a little disappointed on the Immediate need to spend more money to get on to the buyer board.
Any ways I hope you have a very Happy Birthday
someone recommended to lose weight check this out https://deenamorton.infusionsoft.com/go/bgweb/robinfenn
Looking forward to learning more on growing plants.
Hi, Mike, Happy Birthday/Anniversary!
I finally got some cuttings from my favorite bush. I have so many now I am sharing them with a few of my neighbors. Thanks for sharing information on gardening. I love getting your emails. Love the donkeys! God bless you Mike!
There are very few things in my life that have remained important, lasted, over the last 15 years. Mike’s Growing System and his e-newsletter was one of the first I added to my inbox. Dial-up and a basic Imac seemed so liberating! Ever since then, I have enjoyed opening those emails with the sender- Mike McGroarty! No fluff, great guidance, realistic applications, and all of it is delivered by a real person.
Mike, happy birthday! You have inspired me to make cuttings and share the rooted starts. I’ve ripped out unhealthy plants instead of making do. My home’s landscape is a reminder to me, that first e-newsletter was an excellent choice. Thank you for being you. Please continue!!
Dear Mike Happy,Happy Birthday and Anniversary to you and wish you many,many more in your life time you have been a had a great impact on my gardening thanks to your wonderful and knowlegable advice that you give in your e-mails you sent out to us all Today is a day for you to take off and relax and enjoy the day with your family and great kids who came up with this idea. It was a great and thoughtful gift to you. HAVE A GREAT AND BLESSED DAY!!! Eat all the cake you want and enjoy it. Your a wonderful person doing what you do so unselfishly and sharing the tips and ideas. Your so inspiriing to us all out here in the gardening world and those who want to learn and be one. Your the man!!
Happy Birthday Mike I really enjoy reading your newsletter and I have learned a great deal from you about plants last year I had the best garden ever and would like to think its because of all the great information I have learned. Thank you so much I would like to think I will give your backyard growing a try at some point.
Happy Birthday Mike,
From one Buckeye to another…I always enjoy your e-mails and love the videos. My first gardening experience stems from Ohio with my parents and grandparents and I have lived all over, but still remember how good the “dirt” was there. I now have my grandson to pass it on too, so appreciate all the tips you give both of us. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Have a good day!
I have learned so much from this site. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
Happy Birthday!!!!
You bring joy to my life through your blog. The donkeys are such a delight. I’m not able to do all the things I would like to do but I enjoy you coming to my house on your occasional visits. Love gardening and flowers. I started my first garden in 1953 and all I had was a hoe. Have a wonderful birthday and keep on bringing joy.
Thank you. Nancy
Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge of plants. You have been a valuable resource for many years, and hopefully, many more to come!
We wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! and many more.
I read your e-mail and look a the web site and wanted to say THANK you
for all your advice and suggestions. They have helped me to grow things
better and enjoy the garden and flower beds more with all the easy
tips you share. Thank you again for all the time it takes to write and video
the articles.
Marlena and Butch
Happy birthday to you and many more! Thanks for all you do!
He taught me how to make a potting bench and Dirt Farmer fudge. My Mom made this type of fudge all of the time but she passed about 15 years ago and I had never run across the recipe that was just like hers. He even uses the same tricks she used to test it. so amazing that people from different parts of the country and totally different life styles would have the same recipe. She was 74 when she passed.
I have started my little business by planting a small portion of my 4×4 elevated garden with gardenias and forsythias that I will sell this spring. I am currently a nurse but this is my retirement plan. My ancestors were farmers and share croppers so it is in my blood. Thank you for helping me start this wonderful retirement plan.
Happy Birthday!
I live in a trailer community, so space is very small. I’m sure I got some tips from Mike in regards to my one rose bush that I transplanted, to allow for more room for the strawberries! I love flowers (& food!), so am grateful to see Mike’s awesome skill with these beautiful flowers & plants! May you continue to “bloom where you’re planted!” & have a very delightful 58th b’day, Mike! I save all your e-mails to have as “reference” if I, or anyone I know, has need of them! Thank-you for your diligent enthusiasm, & may God richly bless all your endeavors! When a SON compliments his DAD – he knows he’s doing something “right”! 🙂
You are a blessing to all who have access to your site. Your helpful hints and insights make a joy to work in my yard. To see beautiful flowers and vegetables grow with your hints and helps has opened my eyes to the glory around me. God Bless you and Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday Mike, so we have the sane BD, it has been such a pleasure, & I look forward to your newsletters, even though I had to give up my flower gardening, I still enjoy your tips, with help I plan to have more grape vines. After your advise on how to start need ones. THANKS
Gwen. Dick. Monticello, KY.
Happy birthday Mike. A coworker gave me your website date telling her how many plants I was killing. I’ve learned a lot from your videos. And I enjoy the donkeys. Your down to earth approach is what I like the best. Thanks for sharing your gardening knowledge
Happy Birthday Mike. I was around near when you started but just finally starting. Feel like I’m coming home. i wish you many more prosperous years and to your family as well.
Happy Birthday Mike. I was around near when you startedbut just finally starting. Feel like I’m coming home. i wish you many more prosperous years and to your family as well.
I live in Canada and I love getting your email regarding different ideas. I have subscribed for many years and always look forward to the next email. Thanks for all you do and Happy Birthday – wishing you MANY more.
Mike- Last year I stumbled across one of your videos on youtube. Since then I’ve really enjoyed your emails and watching your videos. The down to earth manner you use is great, but even better is the passion and inspiration you have for plants, gardening and what you do. Happy Birthday and a hearty thanks for all you do!
Happy Birthday Mike
I discovered you online when I was searching for info on propagating plants that I already own. We have totally different plants in the front yard than we have in the backyard. It only makes a little sense,,,full early sun in front and shade in back until late afternoon. I think the previous owners beefed-up curb appeal before we bought in 2006, but I have since learned the plants are in the wrong places. I just wanted to bring consistency to the yard and now I’m planning a BACKYARD NURSERY. I’m excited about all of the things you cover in your system and your pure, sincere approach really shines through. Wow !!!!! YOU are the real deal and my life is better from all of the things you share about you, your family, your experiences and the direction that your Backyard Growing System gives.
Thank You and may God bless you.
Your Friend,
Happy Birthday Mike
Thank you for all the knowledge you have shared with me with your videos and the backyard propagation video I learned so much from you. You are a true inspiration to so many people.
I have had both hips replaced and cannot get onto my knees, but I love the practical approach to gardening. Mike doesn’t add a lot of junk to his soil, but makes it easy for people to try his ideas. Love his blog and glad I found it.
Happy Birthday Mike,
Hope your day is filled with as many special blessings and you have given to us with all your wonderful knowledge about gardening.
Blessings to you and your company.
Happy Birthday dear Mike
I wish you a very happy life to be able to share your wisdom on our effort to multiply the best in life Plants and trees. Thank you
so much I could be telling stories and facts refearing to them…
and for you….
My dear sensitive Duston and Amber congratulations for your brilliant idea to involve all us “the distant friends” into a family afair!! Happiness and joy to adorn your fresh lives.
kisses from Helen Lemonis
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE ! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I enjoy your presentations and dream of putting your teachings into practice.
From one of your newest students,Tim
Happy Birthday and many more!!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and inspirations!
I so look forward to Mike;s emails. It is a break in my day and puts a smile on my face to connect and see what helpful hints he is giving out each time. They are always put in such a enjoyable down home format that it only takes a few minutes of my time and I always come out with a new hint or two. Keep these bits of sunshine coming my way.
Happy Birthday! Very short and to the point. West coast weather this winter has been a blessing, for once. Minimal rain and snow is a phenonomen seldom enjoyed in January. The important point is the inspiration you have given me at the age of 63. I now know exactly what I will be doing during my retirement years Thanks again, and happy birthday Mike.
Happy, Happy, Birthday Mike! I read all your emails hoping I can retire soon
and start practicing what you do. You have a wonderful family.
Happy Birthday, Mike! You have planted many good seeds and deeds over the years while sharing your love of plants. I have appreciated your generosity and expertise. So, today is harvest day . . . may all the positive you have sown come back to you one hundredfold and more. Everyday can be a “birth” day of new beginnings . . . make this one yours! Enjoy!
I was looking for a website for gardening and came across Mr McGroarty’s add and bought his book. I wanted to find someone like me who loves growing things and learning all that you can from the ground. He came across an adventure due to a financial need and seemed to me found his passion to share with all of us. He shares his real life experiences and I enjoy his many adventures with is trail and errors. I have a brother in Vemiliion Ohio and would one day like to get to your fathers farm. I think he would be a great person to meet and talk with about growing things from scratch. He seems to be a down to earth type of person and to me that is a great way to be in life.
I haven’t had as much time as I want to work in my yard but when I retire I will definetly be doing some serious back yard growing…hope to really tap into his knowledge then.
Happy Birthday Mike,
This story will be a little different in that I found your site by accident. I subscribed to the email newsletter and purchased one item. I have always had a hands on approach to plants and enjoy working with them.
While reading your newsletters, I read one about 2 years ago that was on starting cuttings. My mother in law always enjoys her for forsythia bush outside her kitchen window. My understanding is it came from her mother’s place. Well just after I read the article, it needed to be trimmed, so I took extra off because Mike said it was ok….LOL. I took 5 cuttings and rooted them for each of her kids. I let them grown in flower pots for a year and this past May suggested she give one to each of her kids (on her birthday) so they could share in the delight. Most enjoyed the new plant.
Just before Thanksgiving she went into the hospital with complications of a disease she has had for 13+ years and went to be with the Lord just before Christmas. I took starts again this year in September (it needed a pruning again). And placed the cuttings in my basement because I did not have a place outside I wanted to put them. Did you know they would bloom indoors? They were blooming when she passed away December 20. So I have had the pleasure of enjoying the blooms of her forsythia in the middle of 7 degree weather and 27 below wind chill.
I just want you to know Mike that without your newsletters and sharing the information. None of this would be possible. Your gift of mentoring and encouraging individuals has an impact that you will most likely never know. All I can say is thank you for sharing your gifts so others can reap the rewards of blooms, plants and (in some cases) making money. Thanks and God bless you and your family. – Robert
Happy Birthday Mike! Thanks for having me. I enjoy your knowledge you share!
happy birthday mike you’ve been an inspiration to me in ways youll never know thx
Happy Birthday from Australia Mike. Few people have impacted my life the way you have. You are a natural teacher – you have the knack for sharing your knowledge in a simple, straight forward way that is so easy to follow. Thanks you for all the time and energy you put into helping us all enjoy plants and gardening. You encourage and inspire – thank you.
Mike thanks so much for all your guidance over the years. The happiest of birthdays to you sir. If all the teachers in the world could instill knowledge with your finesse, the world would be much smarter , and more kind to one another.
Happy Birthday Mike…from Georgia!
I’ve been receiving you’re emails for over a year now and have enjoyed them all. I’ve have several cold frames filled with cuttings all over my back yard and look forward to seeing them grow up. Your down to earth method of presenting the information is perfect for us Georgia folks. You do talk a little funny and fast on your videos but I just rerun them. My latest project that you inspired me to do was the legless potting table. I did mine in the garage because it was below 50 degrees here in Georgia and it turned out great. Besides the fact that a sheet of 3/4 treated plywood weights a bit more than I could handle, I had to get some “inside” help. She was really thrilled! So, the project became a family affair. Thanks for all of the information. You can tell you have a passion for gardening. Enjoy your birthday!
i m just a beginner, i love your sight
Mike I use to live at Powhatan Point, Ohio thirty years ago, and miss it to some degree,moved to Tuscaloosa Alabama enjoy your letters. PLEASE KEEP THEM COMING.
Forgot to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY.so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
I cannot begin to tell you how much you have inspired me to actually try to make my own plants. Although I still struggle with the process you inspire me to keep trying and I am thankful that you continue to offer encouragement to all of us. Happy birthday from a fellow dirt lover!
Mike, I attempted to send a greeting yesterday via my smart cell phone. Not sure it got out the door. With that Happy Birthday Mike, you got just 2 yrs to catch up with me. Wishing you a Happy 15th Anniversary also. Hope you day was a grand one. Can’t wait to see what the youngins are going to do for you for your 60th. God Bless Mike. Bill Kaminsky
Hey Mike,
Many Happy Returns of the day! Thanks for taking the time to research AND share with us all the things you do. Though I live in India and often can’t use all the information you give us, there’s so much I’ve learned.
A belated Happy Birthday Mr. McGroarty from the young children in my day care and me. We enjoy reading your emails and we have learned a lot from you and some of it we are practicing in our garden. We are thankful to you.for keeping us informed.
We wrote a letter to you last year(!) and never got to mail it. We will find it and send it to you.
We are sure you had a wonderful birthday. May God keep you healthy so you can guide us in our gardening.
Many more happy returns of the day.
Ms. Annie and all her Vcare children
Happy birthday 58 I am also birthday mode for the big 60, Thanks for all your advice in gardening .My yard is also full of growing stuff but only sell a little,my biggest sale is tomato plants in spring,thanks for all help
About 8 years ago, I stumbled across your website and ordered a book called “Back Yard Nursery” (or something to that effect). I was so impressed by the wealth of knowledge and simplicity that you shared that I purchased the whole set of videos. I have told several people that you have restored my faith in “online marketers” (though you are one in a million!). You continually GIVE so much more than you promise!! I follow your newsletter and your marketing advice. I have purchased your propagation system and will get it all set up next spring. I have been building up knowledge and a desire to jump into the “business” end of plant propagation and sales when I retire a year from now.
You have truly been an inspiration for me – and now for my wife as of 2012. You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve told her “Mike says to (do it this way), because………” . You make what has been merely “fun”….now very exciting!
Happy Birthday, Mike (belated) – and God Bless you and your family for all that you have shared and all the lives you have inspired to change!!
Bob Miller – Peoria, IL.
Dear Mike Hava Ha Hap Happ Happy Birthday and as a subscriber of your fabulous Newsletter for just a few short months I have to say the practical help with my garden, especially vegies and compost is simply I N S P I R I N G me to keep at it and experiment! Thank you for ALL that you do, its most valuable.
Kindest Regards and Gratitude
Down-Under [ or is that Up-Over? :-D]
Hi Mike,
I accidentally came across one of your articles in August 2012, & couldn’t help but subscribe immediately to your newsletters.
You remind me of my father! He was a farmer, & his character was very similar to yours, so I feel so easy with all that you
have to portray about your business. He taught me business tricks & ethics too, just like you do.
I save most of your newsletters, because I’m retiring as soon as I can get myself organised to sell my business. Once retired,
your articles will be the first I delve into, as for once, I want to not just stick plants in the ground & water them for years, but
to have really nice plants, & to sell home-cultivated shrubs for a bit of income, & pleasure too.
And you’ll be my teacher!
In the meantime, have a Very Happy Birthday Mike! I hope you’ll be treating yourself to a day off from your work, & that some-
one special treats you to the fabulous day that you deserve.
Cheers Mike, take care.
Love, Liz
Happy Birthday Mike, I have a true friend.
Happy Birthday MIke! I have enjoyed all of your videos, they are great. I have learned quite a bit from you over this last year and plan to enjoy more of your wise direction when it comes to gardening. Thanks for all your time.Bob
Happy Birthday Mike!! I always enjoy your emails and updates; keep up the great work 🙂
Dear Super Energy Mike McGroaty!! Congratulations and Many Best Wishes on this, your 58th Birthday and 15th Anniversary of growing plants and helping us all to become the better persons I hope we all want to be. That is what I believe my purpose in life is: To live and work in the world and become a better human being each and every year. To bring joy to others with my compliments and smiles and spread happiness around by showing and sharing it where and when ever the opportunity arises*!* Wishing you and yours a fabulous year, and a fabulous next decade!! Sincerely, Rebecca B.
Thank’s to you I have better looking plants Happy Birthday
Thanks Mike for freely sharing your gardening knowledge, lots of great tips, most of witch I am able to apply to my garden here in the UK. Happy Birthday
From John. near Liverpool England.
Happy Birthday Mike!
I appreciate all of the inspiration & wonderful photos & explanations you have sent…I hope something blooms especially for you today!
Happy birthday Mike, it’s been 8 or 9 years since I found your website, when I first found it I was teaching horticulture as part of a Second Chance Training course, your website helped a lot of the trainees realise just how easy it can be to start their own work from home business.
Thank you for all of your time and effort.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” Mike and many more!My husband and I learned quite a bit from all your great videos so keep up the good work for it’s alot of work to keep everything going. Hope your day was filled with joy and laughter, sincerely Bryan and margie Miller in Nevada.
Your vine propagation information is fantastic. Thank you and happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Mike.
You do a great job providing information for us brown thumb gardeners.
Keep it up!
Hi Mike! Thank you very much for your time, information and all things lovingly shared about plant propagation and growth. I have been able to make use of your knowledge to start and grow a few plants now. God Bless and have a great Birthday!
Happy Birthday Mike]\
My name is Mike also Im 55yrs old I live in AZ. I have watched your videos on you-tube I have learned alot from your knowledge I have wanted to started a business but like when you started out I am on a tight budget but I love working with plants this last yr I grew the biggest Garden people were so amazed that they would stop on the road in front of my house and ask me questions like I was an expert some of the men would even ask me if I would come to there house to give them tips on there’s.Im hoping to be able to join your program to start my own business one day.Well I am here to say thank you for all you do and have a Happy Birthday even though I am sending this late.]\
Your Friend]\
Happy Birthday MIKE!!!! Thank-you so much for sharing all you do on your blog. because of what you have shared, i’ve decided to plant dogwood trees and see how it goes. you spend so much time on your blog to help others receive joy in planting. i appreciate all that you do. keep it up and have a healthy and happy year. God bless you!!
Some time ago, during a dark time in my life, I happened upon your website, being a gardener myself. Just reading your “life story” Mike, I was both brought to tears for you as well as being deeply inspired by your ability to keep going despite repeated setbacks. Your honesty about your ups and downs touched me deeply and I have followed your posts ever since. Your love for your family shines through in your stories and is Proven by the heartfelt message from your son here on this page. May God continue to bless you and yours for all that you have done to help others so selflessly . HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! And Happy Anniversary, too!
hi mike ,,its a long time that i wanted to write to you to say thankyou for all the wonderfull things i have learned from you …. i never had a computer so when i retired the children bought me one.. that was just over a year ago and yours,, was one of the first things that i came across ,, and that s where i started enjoying making baby plants and compost and all the rest thanks a lot..we are ready to celebrate new year and spring festeval in china……….i am 73 and stay with my youngest son and fasmily who works in china….GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY…..ashton fourie
Happy birthday, Mike! I’ve been a keen follower for a few years. I’ve rooted & grown plants – the garden has become a lot of work!
From Pretoria in sunny South Africa!
Happy Birthday Mike. I stay in India. Many of the things you talk about or not applicable in our conditions.
But I am very happy reading your mails as they create a sense of positivity & nver give up spirit. My best wishes for a very active and happy life.
Happy Birthday to you!!!! May this year be the best one yet. Your newsletter has made me feel like one of the family. Your tips and wealth of information you give out makes me yearn to get started. I have the backyard growing system now but i remember when i first found your site and the info for the potting bench. It was in 2003 when i came acrossi it i was sooo skeptical another pitch man selling air and yet by the time i read a few newsletters and got to really studying the downloads, i totally realized you are the real deal. You have made me excited about plants while teaching me the valuble lessons from your vast store of knowledge. I never knew about differences in wheel barrows. Wished i had known that information years ago. Keep up the great work as it is highly appreciated by so many including me. When i am fully recovered i expect to use all you have taught and will teach, to the full to enjoy the fruits of growing my own plants to sell.
Thank you and again Happy Birthday and anniversary all in one
Mike, For many years I dreamed of becoming familiar and comfortable getting my hands in the dirt and
actually growing things; Being productive with soil. I always thought it was beyond my
ability because I have always been on the outskirts of experience with raising anything green,
or otherwise, at all.
You made things simple. You educated me in the art of growing things in soil and allowed my dream to flourish.
I actually had a productive garden this past year and was able to share my bounty with my neighbors and encourage
them to compost and have a garden as well.
Even though my other dream would be to raise and sell plants etc. I am taking baby steps towards that goal as well.
Thank you so much for allowing me to nourish that dream and believe I CAN SUCEED and GROW THINGS!
Have a wonderful birthday…belated but sending heartfelt thanks and best wishes.
Lin Caddell
Mike has definitely awakened my interest in growing plants. I haven’t be able to utilize all his wonderful suggestions and tips, but i have changed the way i see
plants now.
Best wishes to you Mike. May all your dreams come through. May the Supreme Lord bless you and keep you close to Him. I hope you live for a long time and continue helping others to grow, take care of plants and make tons of money doing so if that;s their desire. Thank you and God bless.
Mike, Happy Birthday. Thanks for all you have taught me.
Dear Mike, I have been following you for some years now and learned lots, not only about plants. You are a voice of sanity and hope in a crazy world. Keep it up! Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday! Your blog has really encouraged me in my gardening efforts and has taught me a lot even though I am definitely in a different gardening region (I am in north Texas.) Keep up the great work. You are a natural teacher that helps a lot of us to grow as gardeners.
Happy birthday and Happy anniversary Mike. I enjoy reading you news and find it helps me in many ways even though I don’t do a lot of gardening.
Thanks for all your work.
Happy Birthday, Mike and many more!
Thank you for all the advice and wealth of information you have provided over the years! I really enjoy the videos and learning how to prune, root trees, plant, etc. I came across your website awhile ago when I was looking something up for pruning wisteria and have enjoyed it ever since! I hope I can incorporate the knowledge that has been provided to me once I get my planting area suitable for doing so! I have many weeds and live in the woods in this spot but have full sun so it is perfect for so much!
Thank you again,
Lisa G.
P.S. Prayers for Jill!
Dear Mike, a very happy birthday to you. Of all the videos I have watched, the tips on poison ivy and hydrangeas were so valuable to me. You’re the best. That fudge recipe was phenomenal.
Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks for all the gardening advice and tips!!!
Do you think you might have even A CLUE as to how much money you have helped other people make? Do you think you might have even A CLUE as to how many people live a new and Better lifestyle because YOU have come into thier life? Mike, you have been a BLESSING to SO many people. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Happy 58th Birthday and congratulations on 15 years of inspired gardening and marketing!
You are an inspiration .
Thanks for all the time and attention you have given to making the world a happier, greener place! Happy birthday and many more.
Thank you for all the helpful info……I love to plant and see the rewards of the work…..You are a great inspiration!!
Mike, You are one “hell of a guy!” Your family is very lucky to have you. Best wishes on a HAPPY, AND HEALTHY BIRTHDAY – may you have many more! (I look forward to your E-Mails…THANKS!)
I just enjoy reading your emails and watching your videos. I wish you could cover the specifics of gardening in Texas which is a hard place to have much of a garden with these two short growing seasons we have.
Mike: Wishing you a most wonderful Birthday. You deserve so much THANKS from all of us for whom you have made gardening a wonderful challenge and so exciting. Thanks You so much and all Best Wishes possible.
Happy Birthday!
Mike, I love watching your videos. I really hope you have a great birthday!
Thanks Mike for your information about plant propagation. I have a large yard and get a big charge out of making more to fill it up. I also give many to friends and family for their enjoyment.
Happy Birthday from a 75 year old!
I’m fairly new to your site…but I have learned so much about plants and the care of Japanese maples….Happy 58 and you have raised a fine son who you must be very proud of…Kiss the donkeys for me….
Smile, Meg
Several years ago when I was looking for something to make a little money with that would also allow me to spend time on the farm, I ran across Mike’s advertisement. The following spring we had put up a small hoop greenhouse and had started 50 flats of assorted plants and herbs. We then sold these at the local Farmers Market over the summer and while we didn’t do a raving business, over the course of the summer, we sold out. We did this for three years, and then during the next year we added home canned jelly (thank you farmers market bill) and the plant sales slowed, we just weren’t having the customers, due to the larger businesses around. Now, because of first starting at the market with the plants, we now have a small, but steadily growing confectionery business, making and selling (out of a licensed kitchen of course) homemade fruit spreads and caramel.
Hi Mike,
Nice to be writing to you again. Its been a long association with you ever since I came across you while surfing the net. Your message is always there to guide and care and learn about plants and their cultivation and care. I have always loved plants don’t know why ? But after I learnt that life on this plannet is totally dependant on plants only I came to appreciate them. I have found people buying plants out of fascination for their beauty, fruits or flowers but only a few knew to care for them and still few having any knowledge of caring. And those a few having that knowledge bothered little to share.
On reading your regular mails I learnt that growing plants is no enigma as U have dealt with media ie soil and ways of manuring them and their preparation in details.
It really feels like on the job training. Thank you for spreading not only the message but imparting real knowledge selflessly and free of cost otherwise unthinkable in the States, where they ask money even for a trifle.
I wish you a very Happy Birthday and ever more prosperity for self and family.
with humble regards
If ever possible and if God wills I shall visit your gardens to learn under your able guidance.
Take Care.
I really appreciate your emails and your videos. I have learned quite a bit from you. Thank you for all you share to help others be successful in growing. I have forsythias growing down along the road because you taught me how to start them. In fact, when it warms up a bit here in COLD Tennessee, I’m going to start some more because I want the whole front of the the property to have forsythias growing and have that beautiful yellow in the spring. I hope you have had a wonderful birthday today and that your year is full of blessing and joy!
Happy Birthday Mike
I enjoy reading all your garden information.
Thank you. You have been a big help at times.
Happy Birthday Mike!! (And would you believe it’s my oldest son’s birthday too?! He’s 42 today!)
I’ve really enjoyed learning all the things about plants, trees, etc. that you’ve sent me by email. You are a truly great teacher!
Thanks!!! I look forward to learning more!
Hope you have a wonderful year!
Congratulations mike on your birthday & 15 years of helping educate us on how to manage our gardening needs!
Happy Birthday to one terrific guy! I have to admire all that you have accomplished, all with simple humble humility and a desire to help others. Thanks for all your tips and advice. THanks for your dirt farmer fudge. It is great and I enjoyed the video also. Your example really helps us to keep trying and also have some fun along the way. Thanks Mike….and Happy Birthday!
Mike I wouldn’t be able to do it without you. I used to go to your site if I had a problem or didn’t know
what to do with a plant. Now I live by your knowledge. If I’m buying a plant, Doing landscaping, changing up my garden, composting, or anything to do with plants I turn to you first. I so apprieciate
having your site to turn to. Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday Mike! Thank you so very much.
Tammy Winheim
Hi Mike,
Happy Birthday! I feel I have to tell you that my son just turned eight yesterday. I have been reading your newsletter for a couple years now, and I am determined to one day set the money aside for the whole package. Meanwhile, you have continued to inspire me towards my dreams of having my own nursery. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. There are so many of us that benefit tremendously. I don’t think I’ve ever commented before now, just read and read. There’s so much information to soak in. Today I felt compelled to tell you how wonderful you are (thanks to an e-mail from your son). I feel blessed in my own life to have come this far, and I feel that you understand the blessing that comes from making everything from nothing. I appreciate how much you share, especially with those of us that cannot yet budget for the package. Thank you again for everything that you do! Blessings to you and your family~Arianna
One two three four
Who are we for
Mike Mike
Rah rah rah
Five six seven eight
Who do we appreciate
Mike Mike
Rah rah rah
Rattle up a tin can
Shinny up a tree
Mike mike
Deedle deedle dee
Happy Birthday Mike
May all your wishes come true
First would like to wish you a fantastic birthday Mike.been communicating with you from the UK since 2006 love reading your emails and keeping up to date with you and your family I have every email since you first sent one to me :). and use them on a regular basis with gardening tips but today is not only your birthday It would of been my dads 76th he was born 24/01/1938 but sadly he passed away 29th June 2011 even though my thoughts are of my own dad I am thinking of you enjoying life so make sure you do exactly that all my love and best wishes Dawne
Thank you Mike for publishing such helpful books and having meetings at your nursery. I really enjoyed the last one you held in the fall. You obviously attract like minded folks as other attendees shard knowledge, and even gave away dozens of free flats. Having been a member of a Master Mind group in the past I was very impressed to learn that you are also in such a group. Master Mind groups offer support for each other;s dreams and goals…just like the Backyard Growers Board. It is a very successful support system/ Thanks for bringing it to the world. Many Happy Returns and keep up the good work you do. Karyn Flynn
just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, and to thank you for all the great information you send me. I hope your Birthday was Fantastic for you.
Happy Birthday Mike!! Have an Awesome Day! Thank you for all the helpful gardening tips. Always something new to learn from your posts; very imformative. It’s inspiring to see what happens when you share ideas on something you are so passionate about. Have a Great year and may your gardens continue to flourish. 🙂
Mike, Happy Birthday and may you have many more in good health.
Save some cake for me.
Keep up the great work.
Happy Birthday Mike! Thank you for being so positive and encouraging. You make me believe that great things are possible! May you be richly blessed today and always. 🙂
Wishing you a Happy Birthday Mike! You are such a blessing to all of us new and seasoned gardener’s. How can we ever thank you for all of the valuable lesson’s you have shared with us. You are a man many of us look up to.
Thank you so very much for touching my life.
Mary Kay
Happy Birthday Mike,
I’ve been ” following ” you for 8 years. You have been an inspiration for me for those 8 years.
Let It Leaf Nursery may get a website up this year. I’ve been selling through craigslist with some decent returns. And that’s using online wholesalers for my starter plants. Now that I’ve signed on
with you’re community I’m expecting it’ll kick up a notch. I started this as a future supplement to my
SS, I am 61 now.
Keep up the good work, Dennis
Hi Mike; Happy Birthday. I really enjoy reading your news letter. You sure do put a lot of work into your growing plants and videos and newsletter. I always get some little tip about plants that I didn’t know before. So I thank you for sharing all of this valuable information. It looks like you really enjoy your gardening and sharing your knowledge of plants. I intend to keep on reading and I hope you have a great birthday.
Happy Birthday Mike,
It is so gratifying to plant a seed and watch it grow, stick a cutting and find roots sprouting out. I have a passion as you and others on this online board and would like to thank you for your dedication in answering our questions, knowing you have done this hundreds of times before, and you do it again and again. I bought your package about 2 years ago but didn’t go all in until a year ago.
Hope you have the best birthday ever… HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE
Happy Birthday Mike!
Your advice and information is priceless!
Thank you for all you do!
Mike – You deserve a very special Happy 58th Birthday. You bring so much joy with your letters and ideas. I only wish I had met you 25 years ago. Please do not reach 74 very soon. My gardening joy is shrinking every year but I still try to do some of the suggestions as I am able. Keep up the joy you share.
I love to read and learn from him. Thanks for sharing all your knowledge! I appreciate it all, Happy birthday Mike.
Mike, Thank you so much for sharing the inspiration to grow plants! Happy Birthday!
Hello Mike; Happy Birthday……
You are still a young man with many good years left to keep teaching folks hope to it the right way.
None of us know it all, but by working together and sharing ideas, we can all become PRO’S in our own little back yard …Thank you so much;
Happy Birthday agin:
Mike has inspired us to try backyard growing too. My son in law could make a rock grow and with Mikes information I think we will be selling plants soon. Happy Birthday, Mike!
Thank you for all your time and inspiration…I always look for new knowledge Happy Birthday!!!
Well ..the fudge recipe certainly clinched my admiration for you Mike and the work you do. I love the fact that you are so down to earth, pardon the pun, making dodo heads like me feel as though the simple pleasures in life are certainly the important ones. Kids, grandkids, plants, dogs, friends, family and fudge. When I feel down your e-mails are a reminder of what matters most and i smile to myself all the way over here in Australia. Happy birthday, enjoy your beautiful family and have a piece of cake for me
happy gardening. Gaill 🙂
1,000 THANKS to you, your family and staff for producing such a “hands on” welcoming place for all to learn from your wealth of knowledge.
I will never forget last summer, when I was in your area, and stopped by the farm. I pulled up to find you tucked under your tractor. You crawled out, with a big friendly grin on your face. You are ……the real deal!!
Your experiences acquired with many years of hard work will not only be passed on with your family and staff, but with our families and generations to come.
You are a humble man…and your feet are grounded so firmly on the ground.
Renee – Pittsburgh
Happy Birthday I am so glad you share your knowledge. I love it!
I love gardens and its nice to see the passion you have for it.
Thank you for all your plant advice! You’re great!!! Happy birthday. Michelle
Happy Birthday Mike! I live in northeast Ohio and we have had a lot of snow to shovel this winter, but instead of just shoveling, I have put it – or some of it – into good use… I have melted it down and used it to water my indoor plants and do they ever love it! Simple, free, worthwhile, free, no-hassle and my plants love it!
I enjoy reading Mike’s articles and tips on gardening. I work in technology and don’t always get to even see daylight, but he gives me inspiration that I might get to grow green things again.
I grew up in the city and have lived in the country for about 15 years now. I have bought a tractor and have big plans for it. Thank you for teaching me what I never learned growing up surrounded by concrete.
Happy birthday! You inspire me!
Thanks for all the great ideas. How nice of your son to come up with this idea.
Happy Birthday and best wishes for many more!
Happy Birthday, Mike, and many more!
hello well happy birthday! As for being a woman and been with a husband twice, and raising their children , also.I congrats you as being a true blue father to your son and his wife.These days are far and few my friend.He has alot of your qualities in views with life and you should be proud.May God Bless you with abundance and fortune to you and yours!
Happy Birthday Mike!!! I would like to thank you for all your videos and funny stories. I read your blog alot and really appreciate all of the things you teach us. You and your family seem like family to me. I have learned so much from you. I had never been very good at gardening but once I started watching your videos and doing what you said my garden has been so much better. I have you to thank for that.
I wish I could give you a big hug for your birthday but since I can’t I will wish you a very happy birthday and another wonderful year!!
Thank you for all that you do!
It has taken me nearly a year to be a full time member however, I have nearly 300 plants and trees ready to sell this spring.
I will be growing nearly 5000 western refund and a couple hundred eastern redbud. Thank you for always being so positive and encouraging. I have been told I could make a dead stick grow,LOL
Thank you for never giving up.
Kindest regards;
Happy birthday Mike. Thanks for all your help and ideas.
Mike I started receiving your emails Quiet a while ago. Although I never went commercial with what I learned from your many emails . I have had a real life expereance rooting and raising the many different plants that I either gave away for Christmas presents and many other occasions. it has made abig difference in my retirement years. Thanks again mike and happy birth day and many more
Happy birthday Mike & Thanks for all your gr8 advice! With your help I’m starting my own backyard nursery and loving it!
I go to your dad’s video’s for good information for things from cuttings to mulching,etc,, I especially loved the video of him making homemade fudge. He’s for real, down-to-earth,fun and informative.
Hello, Mike. And may GOD Bless You and your Family and Associates on this special day!
I would like to take a few lines to just say “Thank You”! You are a special guy with a very special
Gift – two Gifts, actually. One – You are always scrupulously Honest – that is Your Nature.
To this 75 year old man, that alone says it all. Two – You are a natural Teacher, that is in your genes. A thought just came to me – of All the Names given for our Lord Jesus Christ, the One
Name that he loved above All others – was when someone called Him “Teacher”. Anyway, Mike, you have studied, experienced, observed, read – and Learned. Now you are passing precious and valuable knowledge on to others. That is the ONLY Way that a man can become truly Great. Well, Buddy – You Are Already There !!
With All our Best from Idaho . . .
Bill “Slim” Marrs
Mike: I have been a subscriber for years. I have not
used any of the info I have learned from you, but I plan to retire in May of this year. At that Point I hope to do more than just make more plants for myself. I plan to supplement my income by doing what you have taught me, and countless others, how to do. Thanks for all you do and I can see you have to be working hard to do it. Have a happy birthday and I hope to do a lot more with your system in the near future.
Hi Duston & Amber. I have a pretty good idea for something that you could get your dad for his birthday, but maybe not until he’s 60. Your choice though of course. I think that you should get him a book and in it could be chapters on yourselves and your lives and his wife and the rest of his family and any other important people who have been in his life and how he has affected your lives and only God knows how much he has changed so many thousands of other peoples lives, including myself, but not nearly as much as it could/should have.
I was always interested in plants in some way and I guess that a Venus Fly Trap and/or flowering cactus would have been my first attempts, but I didn’t know that I had to catch the flies for the Venus Fly-trap and it didn’t matter how much water I put on that cactus, it wouldn’t flower and I actually don’t believe that it lived long enough to flower. That was another thing that I don’t believe that other people knew about Mike and that was his attitude to not give up on making something different in order to make it better and better covered a pretty wide range of accomplishments which covered beauty, ease or maybe a more practical way of doing something and he’s got that never say never, stubborn and determined mind-set character, along with that soul embedded kindness to help others. (I’m too tired to proof read this article so….)
I kinda(look in the Nova Scotia dictionary for meaning) got away from me before getting down and dirty so to speak, but I just wanted to add to the myself section of this article and I must mention that I also had gotten involved directly with the management of certain land areas owned by different landowners in Nova Scotia and also certain pieces owned by Bowwater, a company located in Nova Scotia with certain landholdings and whose business was related to different areas in the tree management and the final milling operation which supplied lumber to where-ever it might be needed. I never worked in the mill, but I was involved in the many different areas of forest management going right from planting trees to cutting down the biggest of biggies. I was in my thirteenth year of working for my brother and even though much of it was by far the most difficult work that I have ever done in my life by far, I got paid by what I did and it didn’t take long before I got very good at it and sometimes I did get a nice check for two weeks of hard work. There were many other people who came and tried and left in a very short time. I don’t know how many hundreds over the years and I even got some friends and relatives to try and I even partnered up with some which was a bit naïve, but at least I had somebody there that I could talk with. Less than a year and gone….every single one.
March 3, 1997 and I was cutting on a piece by myself and the guys who hauled the wood out had to stop in town for some parts for their porter and I’m not sure how many hours it was before they finally came back and started hooking up some logs and a bit of hardwood and pulp. There was quite a bit of hemlock and they were big and beautiful. After a period of time, one guy asked his buddy if he heard my power-saw going. No and my truck was right there so they just started to look around a bit and then I believe that the one guy saw a big hemlock that was down, but not limbed up. It wasn’t long before he found where I had drug myself from out beneath some of the branches of the hemlock onto a dry pile of brush. There was patchy snow here and there in the woods.
It didn’t take long for the ambulance to run off the dirt road after making the turn onto the road going back to that certain piece of land that we were on so a firetruck of some sort came to the area where a few more people had gathered and apparently they had taken me out to the Southshore Regional hospital which was the biggest down our way in the town of Bridgewater. I’m not sure what they did, but I wasn’t there long before I was taken by ambulance to an infirmary in Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia which is one of the smaller provinces, -plus nine others in Canada. My apologies to the people of Ohio I believe and I’m not sure, but I thought Lower Ohio was where Mike set up shop. Anyway, I was in the Infirmary for either one or two and a half months where they eventually discovered that my spinal cord was crushed between T6 and T7 which is approximately behind my chest, which in turn left me paralyzed from there down and soon after, it was determined that I had a moderate brain injury which affected my temperament to some degree and also my short-term memory. I apparently had gotten out of my bed several times in an attempt to get back home. The bed was raised where cameras were attached to no avail, but I could only assume that more damage was done. Then came the straight-jacket, but that too was a lost cause as I apparently wiggled free of that on the very first night. I’m not sure how much longer I stayed there before I was eventually ushered by my mom and sister and sister-in-law over to the Rehab where I was slowly taught all of the intricacies involved with my paralysis. That little side-trip was the first time that I had been conscious of what was going on around me.
There is so much more to my little adventure, but this was a lengthier version of a bit of my initial accident that I sent to Mike, but it wasn’t long before he sent me a “free” parcel of his profound information on propagation along with so much more and I did have much success with propagation, but sales were a bust only because I lived in such a rural area and my poor memory did nothing to help my business approach. My mind was still very rough along the edges and I still appreciated all of Mikes help in trying to get me stabilized and set straight in the business. I also had to deal with much pain while going through recovery and it is still haunting me after so many years…16+. I believe that I had gotten some more insight from Mike by selling cuttings over the net, but I never did get back in to see if this was fact or just another part of my imagination. There is so much more that should be told about Mikes helpfulness, but one thing that I will never forget is the great source of light that he emitted through what was a very dark tunnel that I had stumbled into. Words cannot even express the light that he had opened within my soul by teaching me how to give new life to a simple, single, separate stem of so many different plant wonders. Thanks Mike! You’re one of a kind,
Happy Bday Mike!!!! You better hope for a late spring in Ohio so you can read all the emails. Keep up the good work. I have used bits and pieces of what you’ve posted and have filed away and saved a lot of info. Hopefully I’ll get around to using it someday.
G,day Duston Thankyou for giving me the chance to wish your Dad Happy Birthday he has been an inspiration to me with all of his comments advice he has given over the years , I have made the potting Table and rooted Roses , pruned shrubs and potted on the cuttings what a wealth of information your Dad has ,we just love your Donkeys . As we live in Australia QLD. so our winters are not as cold as yours there are some things that we can,t grow but our back yard is full of plants and Veggies . Wishing you all the very best for 2014.
David Lockett
From all the info and help you’ve given gardeners,
both novice and pro, I figured you’s get many thousands
of greetings so I didn’t send my birthday greetings.
However, after seeing that you’ve gotten just 2,121
so far, a number far lower than I expected, I’m adding
my HAPPY, HAPPY to make it 1,122.
Kate Scott
Happy Birthday Mike! You are a great teacher and human being, and have given me a great opportunity and also hope for a successful future. 🙂 John S
Happy Birthday Mike!!!
Mark has been watching you and learning so much in the past year!
He has been planning and planting to start his business…
He pretty much tries any twig to see if there’s life…
Mark, my mom and I finally did a road trip to meet you during
your Plant sale…
We loved meeting all of you and the Little Donkeys…
Were the couple that foster 3 donkeys last April for a friend.
Since April all 3 donkeys have had a baby,,,
We hope you had a wonderful day and we looked forward
to seeing you at your next Plant sale…
Give the donkeys a HUG from us!!!
Mark and Elle
I get a lot of emails that I scan past, but I find myself LOOKING for Mikes!! I can’t wait to read them and see what I will learn next. Mike, you are genuine, realistic, enthusiastic, and so positive that I have discovered through you that I CAN garden, and I love that. I have several tools of the trade purchased on your recommendation..you never steer me wrong. I have learned to appreciate my progress and owe you so much for being such a great teacher…each year I think “maybe this is the year I start” the side plant business, but I think I may actually have a small spot ready this round! Thanks for being so genuine and generous with all your knowledge, may you be blessed in countless ways!!! Happy birthday to you….and how nice you’ve been the kind of Dad to solicited such a lovely tribute from your family! Kudos for you!
Happy Birthday Mike ! You are quite guy. I am so glad that I found your website as it has stirred my interest in plants. I have always liked working with nature and all sorts of plants and you have so much enthusiasm, wisdom, and get ‘er done attitude to pass along. Something we all need. I am following your advise about trying to get dogwood seeds to sprout but so far no luck. Will keep trying. I will also continue to pay attention to your website and videos and advise. Thank you for being a nice part of my retired days. I know that your family loves you and are so proud of you. Pat from Kentucky.
Happy birthday! You have shown me that, even though I have had to downsize & no longer own a farm, I can still enjoy the pleasure of propagating & growing plants as a business. Thank you!
Have so enjoyed your home grown teaching! HAPPY BIRTHDAY….have MANY more!
I came across Mike’s youtubes about two months ago. He was so knowledgeable and really just explained everything so clearly.
I’d been sitting on some land in Tennessee for about four years not knowing what to do with it. I tried chickens and geese and rabbits–I love them all. BUT, the expense of feed and equipment plus I work a full-time job and travel so it became clear that that was not for me.
Seeing Mike’s vids really opened my eyes as to what I really should be doing. That I could do this part-time and not spend all my money. I worked in a retail nursery 25 years ago while in high-school and learned a lot while there. I never thought I’d go in this direction but it does seem to fit.
THANKS Mike. I’m a fan! Jon oh! and Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Mike,
Enjoy and take break. Just wanted to thank you for all you have done, not only for me, but also all the BYGers!!!! Looking forward to this year, it’s gonna be a good one. This is your day. You get to do anything you want.
Tucson Tom
when I first came across Mike’s info about plants I was so happy coming from the city”Chicago”
my family did not have a place to plant ..when I married and came here I was anxious to try gardening.So you helped me get interested in the Gardening understanding ,so” Happy Birthday Mike” thank You for all the info you sent out. Louise singer.
Thank You , so much for all the information you give to everyone! You remind me of my grandfather
he had a green house and I learned a lot of things from him when I was real young. To day I’m 65 years and still learning. Your information is greatly appreciated !!!!!!!
Thank you for the inspiration and encouragement which I derived from your posts. They have given me the drive I needed to continue with my plant business
Happy birthday, despite not living in the same climate as you, I have certainly learned a lot and look forward to your posts.
I have learned a lot from
his articales
Happy Birthday. My family and friends think I am a plant genius…but everything I learned, i learned from your site. Thank you
Happy Birthday, dear Mike! Best wishes and richest blessings! You are inspirational to me and to many others. Such people like you make this world better place to live in.
May you enjoy your birthday with the same approach to gardening that you share with us. Everything you share with us comes across with such down to earth advise. I love hydrangea’s and following your advise on how to propagate them was a real thrill when they started to grow! In a fast moving world of high tech solutions it is nice to go out back and be able to meet Mother Nature with nothing more then a little time, patience and new growth. Thanks for your emails my friend. May you enjoy many more years in the garden of Mother Nature
Happy Birthday! I’ve very much enjoyed reading all of your tips and tricks. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! Happy, happy birthday~~!!!
Mike, Happy Birthday. May you have many more. Your articles and hints over the last several years have been very helpful and interesting. I hadn’t gardened for years because I have health issues but I have started a less labor intensive container garden. Thank You so much. God bless you. Have fun with your donkeys.
Happy Birthday and anniversary Mike!!! Love reading your postings and have learned a lot, planted my first garden in years last year forgot how good a homegrown tomato tastes. Looking forward to reading more of your postings. God Bless you and yours.
Mike, you have been an inspiration to me and helped me keep my enthusiasm for gardening as well as teaching me so much in a light-hearted and humorous way. I love your sense of humour. I hope you are going to write a book about all your experiences. I still laugh at your story about the signpost on your property with the plucked ducks hanging from it.
You have made the world a much better (and more beautiful) place to live in.
Have a really great birthday.
God bless you,
Happy young 58, Mike. I’ve still got you by three years! You and your site have been such a blessing to me, and such a tremendous help, even if it was only comic relief at the time.
I’ve learned so much from you, I couldn’t even begin to enumerate, so I won’t try. But throughout, one of the most important things I have learned from you is “family first”. Though I’ve never gone into business with you, I’ve still enjoyed all the knowledge you’ve imparted along with such high standards and ethics.
You’ve brought all of this to me (and everyone else, thankfully) in such a way that I don’t ever feel like a failure. If you’ve misspoken, or learned a better or more workable way, you’ve shared that. I’ve never known anyone so ready to stand up and admit “oops, bad advice, this is the real thing”.
You’ve been with me since I lived in Oregon (eons ago, it seems), Georgia and now north central Arizona, with a move planned in April to Missouri (itchy feet is what I call it). I’ve been able to use so much of your material, and what I can’t personally use I’ve either passed on or just plain enjoyed reading about it.
You’re a good man, Mike, and an excellent teacher. I look forward to many more years of your advice and teaching. Maybe, finally, in Missouri I’ll be able to try your “growth” system and be successful with it. I’ve saved all your newsletters, so when I run into a problem I can go back and check. If I can’t find what I’m looking for, I know you’re just an email away
Stay young and healthy, Mike, and have a very blessed birthday and anniversary. Couldn’t have had the gardening success I’ve had without you.
Happy Birthday to Mike !!!
Love the Emails of advice !!!
Thanks !!!
I’ve appreciated all the advice you have given so freely, Mike, since I’ve subscribed to your Blog.
Happy Birthday–Make it your best ever!
I want to thank Mike for telling me that I had the ability to remove Tree stumps by hand!
I love telling my friends about it.
I was able to build a shed on the spot where three trees once stood.
Thanks Mike!
Thanks for all the information on Gardening. I appreciate your talents and gardening skills. It has motivation me to get the community together and start a Gardening Club. Everyone is surprised when I tell them to grow plants from seeds and cuttings( all your teaching and advice). Plants in my backyard have multiplied a lot. I think people of your genius deserve a lot of appreciation. Have a long happy healthy life.
Happy Birthday Mike. Since retiring to Florida and finding your program I am excited again. Thank you for all the good work and sharing it with all of us.
Take care and wish you many, many more birthdays to come
Happy Birthday! Hope your day is fabulous and your year is full of blessings! Your emails and advice, information is second to none. I joined when looking for info to help my son with his horticulture class, little did I know we would be working towards a family goal of a full time business! With out your help Mike, I don’t know where we would be.
Thanks so much for all you do!
We are inspired by each and every email and video! 🙂
Christina and the crew (Bill, Jake and Tyler)
Happy Birthday Mike! I have learned so much from your news
letters and I thank You. Your information is easy to understand and to the point and free. I wish I could buy your back yard growing system but I can’t afford it now. Someday I will. God Bless you for giving to so many. Stay healthy and keep up the good work.
keep up the great work.I haven’t sold any plants just grew them for me to enjoy and I am.
HI Mike,
Happy Birthday!!!!!
We want you to know that you have changed our lives. Some years ago, I happened upon your website. I have been following you ever since.
We just retired last June, so now we can actually put the time into our garden and plant work. We have learned a great deal from you over the years, but we just bought your book last summer. Lots and lots of good information. We haven’t got to the point where we want to sell plants, but with the information we have, we are consulting with lots of friends and their friends. So in a way, you have changed all of their lives also.
So Happy Birthday, and know that you are an awesome example for all.
Donna Snider
Retired 4th grade teacher.
Mike, you have been an inspiration to me and helped me keep my enthusiasm for gardening as well as teaching me so much in a light-hearted and humorous way. I love your sense of humour. I hope you are going to write a book about all your experiences. I still laugh at your story about the signpost on your property with the plucked ducks hanging from it.
You have made the world a much better (and more beautiful) place to live in.
God bless you,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE! I found your freeplants.com by searching youtube for information on how to prune a Japanese maple. Thank you for helping me turn my love for gardening into a business I can retire to someday. Thank you for all the wonderful information you have shared and the fabulous forum filled with like minded people. Have a wonderful Birthday celebration.
Amherst, MA
like I said the other day I no longer have a yard to grow stuff in all I have is 5gal buckets in front of my store, I would have stopped a long time ago, but you make it so interesting that I find myself taking clippings from every thing to try to grow them.i grow tomatoes & basil in buckets, I thank you for keeping me interested,i look forward to your emails & everything you put into them I Thank You Very Much & hope you keep on forever because of you I will stay interested again Thank You & a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY ….Richie
i have not purchased your book but have gone to your website numerous times to see how to do many tasks.
Thank you so Very much on sharing your expertise and knowledge so freely.
Congratulations and “HAPPY BIRTHDAY”
Happy Birthday, Mike. Many more to come. Although I bought the system a couple of years ago, I have not been able to start growing plants. This will be my first year. I feel very confident and couldn’t have done it without you, Mike. Thanks very much.
Happy Birthday Mike, Thank you for all that you have shared with the rest of us. I enjoy all the videos, love the donkeys and all the information. I hope to implement Your Backyard Growing System one day.
Happy Anniversary !
Best regards, Jeane
I’m not much of a farmer. I really can’t grow anything. However , I enjoyed reading your articles.
Mike, I hope your birthday has been or will be the best one you have had! When I first talked
with you by e-mail, I thought you was an older gentleman. Now I know that you are just a young
whippersnapper! I know that I haven’t ordered anything from you, but in my older age, it seems
that my green thumb has turned black! During my first visit with you, I think you answered two gardening questions for me. I appreciated your time and your good answers. Maybe some day when I can revive my green thumb , I can dare to venture out and talk to you again Meanwhile,
you have a good life and a great celebration !
Mike, while I don’t sell everything that I grow, I have learned from you how to propagate, when to, why to, and do it as opportunities arise. I have sold some to make room for others, and i have sold some to get rid of surplus. You showed me what to do to make this happen. My yard is 30 x 30, and does not hold a lot of plants, because I don’t want to lose the lawn, but where there was dirt before, there are plants growing, both from see and from seedling.
I have shared your website with others, and regard you as a helping hand in my garden of flowers as well as weeds. My wife laughs at me when I tell her that “the guy” on the internet showed me how to do something. And she waits with anticipation to see “what will grow now”. She appreciates the flowers, I appreciate the ease with which you share your information, and now it is time to say Thank you for all that you have given, and for that which I have learned from you. Mike, have a happy birthday, and may your years be as lush and plentiful as the gardens that you have and have helped others to enjoy.
Hi Mike
Please know that Jen appreciate the nuggets you give, and am glad that you never give up.
I thank you ,because although, I’ve not met you, I believe that GOD is using you to unite people,you have a good heart, and I know that you’ve , trained up a child in the way he should go (speaking of Justin),when he get old he’ll not depart from it. It is a blessing to have children who cares for the parents.
Happy Birthday Mike, May GOD continue to bless you, and give you many more years.
Happy Birthday……58th huh, don’t remember mine, that was 16 years ago….enjoy it, they don’t get better!
Happy Birthday Mike
May you plant another million cuttings!
Happy Birthday Mike! Thanks to all I have learned from you, I will be growing into my 4th year with my Backyard Nursery. Hope to see you again this summer at your shindig.
Thanks for sharing your wisdom I have not started yet but plan to get to work on growing at home when the weather breaks Thanks again for the good work you do
I hope you have a wonderful birthday!! I have recently started to read through the materials you sent and I enjoy the email messages. It has given me a different perspective on some things and I will be more willing to try to root a wider diversity of plant material with hopefully better success. Your experience is invaluable….Thanks for sharing!
Firstly I wish to congratulate you in having such a caring son is obvious you have done a splendorous job as a dad.
Wel there are so many ways to express my gratitude your website is highly informative and I never get tired of reading all your tips. Where do you come up with them beats me but sure are very well explained and easy to follow. There are to many to name but in their own way they all helped me and opened my eyes towards how to care for my garden I never new one can use crushed leaved to do mulching it was amazing learning about this.
I want to take this opportunity to wish you many happy returns in complete Health and Harmony
Thank you for all you do for us little green fingers.
Happy Birthday Mike!!! And thanks for all your inspiring stories and ideas s on gardening. It keeps us young lol, have a great day!
I appreciate the site the e mails and how u share all types of knowledge even if im a nobody little guy Dont stop doing what u do as it inspires me I bet i only get to read or use a fraction of what u send me but the little i read is what i find helps me unwind and relax Happy birthday from a professional grounds worker at the cleve clinic main campus Also from a licensed pest applicator of over 27 years from chesterland oh I rarely txt or e mail or go on internet as im too busy and i hate my old computer but your stuff is my release from the world At 52 i enjoy it anytime i can
Dear Mike, May this be your best year ever! I have been so encouraged by your emails and the seemingly unending advice and clear directions . My Dad loved gardening and you remind me so much of him. My sister got me started when I didn’t even know I would be able to garden. She’s been gone (10 years fighting Ovarian cancer) 3 years 9 months. I so needed someone like you for advice and encouragement. May you continue to bless many as you have me. I would not continue without my sister if it were not for you. Words can’t express my appreciation for your wonderful advice, humor, and just your presence on your videos. Once again, I wish to echo your fine son and assistant, Thank You for your shared life and wisdom, and all you stand for……..Happy Birthday and Anniversary! Marti from Seatac, WA.
Happy Birthday Mike. You have helped an immeasurable novice keep his garden in better shape. Can’t wait for spring to do more from what you have taught.
Also, I’m pushing for “OHIO MAGAZINE” to do a store about you. Hope it helps.
Happy Birthday, thanks for all advice you have given in your Blogs, it has been insightful to me and has encouraged me to try growing other plants that I have never tried before….
hi mike,have a wonderful birthday and anniversary. thanks for all of your info and inspiration these last 4 years.i loved the wheelbarrel video even though I knew how to load one.thanks fir putting my green thumb to use.later on friend!
Happy Birthday Mike!!!
I have always loved gardening but know because of you everyone thinks I have this amazing green thumb! You have taken me to a much higher level than I ever thought possible.
I could be making lots of extra money but instead I give everything away and it is quite fulfilling to me knowing that I am getting others involved in growing their own plants and vegetables.
Thanks for all you have done and continue to do. You are the gardeners “Angel”!
Happy Birthday Young Fella
Thanks for all you do. My only problem is I am still working 100 hour weeks and have not had as much time as I would like to follow your Teachings. Thanks for everything you do. God Bless you & yours
Hi Mike! I’m in on wishing you a “Happy Birthday” and “Business Anniversary.” I found your site by searching for tips on pruning! That little search has taught me a lot about gardening!! I immediately subscribed to your email. I read each one, click on the links, and learn. Thank you for sharing your wealth of information and your hard work pays off attitude. May this year be a fabulous one! Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday, Mike! Hey, it’s my birthday too! Happy to share it with such a great guy. God Bless you and all you do to make our gardens and yards look so beautiful.
Happy Birthday Mike. Thanks for being so willing to share your knowledge, experience and ingenuity. i like how “down to earth” you are…pardon the pun….but I mean it both ways. May your next 15 years be filled with God’s blessings…and I am sure that it will…because what you have sown into our lives, you will reap 100 times over. Thanks for your willingness to share with us.
Happy birthday and many many more. You are an inspiration to all of us. I thank you for all the help you have given and I know that without your hints and “how to’s” I wouldn’t have a garden.
Thank you.
I always smile when I see an email from Mike McGroarty. I know I’m going to learn something that I can use for my happiest thing – my garden. His videos, his love for his family, and his willingness to share his vast knowledge with all of us is inspiring and just plain makes me happy. So – happy birthday to you, Mike and may you bloom for many years to come!
Hey Mike! Happy Birthday! I really love the videos…get a usable hint from almost every one. Thanks for all you do.
Happy Birthday Mike , hope you have a good time, love reading your Emails,,,,,,,,,,,,
Thank you for all you do. Your hints & wisdom have helped us make our veggie & flower garden flourish. Great work.
Have a Happy Birthday & many many more.
Mike is on my mind everyday…because “you need to do something everyday for your business.” Right Mike? I’ve always been a versatile player whether on a sports team or in my studies or in business. I am good at putting too much on my plate, but Mike’s “keep it simple” and “get help when you need it” advice keeps me in the works doing not only the veterinary business that overwhelms my life but also the plant growing business that has nourished and offered me a quiet outlet for many years. I do not always get everything done that I plan, but I continue to progress forward. Knowing that Mike is a friend helps remind me that this plant business is fun and that I started it to make my life more fun. Year by year and growing lesson by growing lesson, I am enriching my mind and building my retirement business as I go..while keeping it fun! Happy Birthday Mike!!
Happy Birthday Mike! May God Bless you with a wonderful day.
I know with these cold winter temperatures you are making plans for spring planting time. I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your website. I love to work outside in flowers and gardening. Your videos are so helpful, easy to follow and make gardening for the novice a lot easier. I do enjoy the videos of how to make use of the plants we have, to multiply what we have. I especially enjoyed the one on the burning bush. I’m retiring this year and hope to make a new raised bed garden. My husband and I enjoy your emails. Keep those videos and information coming.
God Bless!
Jenny & Harvey Kiser – Northeast Kentucky ( Carter Caves Country)
Well Mike, you turned 58 and so did I, back in December and in my 58 years of life there are just a few people who have impacted my life as I am sure the same is true with you. My grandmother gave me the best gift ever, the love of plants! I wanted to share this with my grand kids and when they came to live with me at the ages of 4 and 6 I had the opportunity to do just that. We would research many questions and would be inspired on how to make the little plants grow. All with the help of your videos. So it is now my turn to thank you for all your help.
I am so glad you have such a supportive family and keep those tips and videos coming, as they are so informative and helpful for all of us. Keep warm and hopefully we will see an early Spring as I miss seeing green sooooooo much!
Happy Birthday to you Mike. Have an awesome day. Just want to thank you for all your hard work thru the years.
Thanks so much !
Yes, I have gained a lot of knowledge from Mike, but more importantly, I have increased my enjoyment of gardening, something I didn’t think was possible. But most of all, Mike has made me laugh . . . and laugh . . . and laugh . . . and . . . That is a priceless gift in this present time of history.
As I said in my previous comment, I’ll never be able (at my age…77) to apply all that Mike has taught me in his emails & videos. I’ll never be able to start a nursery & sell plants, but he has surely instilled the desire in me. I love to play in the dirt & work with plants, but now my back won’t allow it. I have learned how to graft & to prune the plants that I have & I’m eager for my back surgery to heal so that I can do it. I love the friendly & natural way that he teaches. His teaching ability along with is gardening abilities are astounding!!! I could never tell all of the ways that Mike has impacted my life, but I know that he will have a happy birthday, & many days ahead, as he reads all of the ways that he has impacted the lives of all the people who will send emails to him.
I have followed with real interest, everything that your dad has posted over the past few years, strangely enough I don’t even have a garden, not yet that is, but I have been inspired by his ideas and the enthusiasm which seems to emanate from his posts.
I will keep looking and watching, as soon as I am in a position to start my own backyard growing
I will put all of the useful tips and advice gathered from the excellent posts to good use.
Will keep you informed of my progress
Happy anniversary and have a great birthday. Drew Houston Founder of Green Tree Furniture Scotland, you can find me on face-book.
2 Things I like the most about Mike—-
1- What I like best is when I say “Hey, how do I…” somewhere in Mike’s products I see ” Hey, here’s how to…”
2- He’s been under the trailer flat on his back with a flashlight… just like I have.
Been there, but not there now.
Done that, but not doing it now
Mike has inspired me to prepare a bit better for my gardening, which provides joy and relaxation. I cannot begin to tell you how your messages and information have helped me learn more about how to deal with plants. I look forward to a great year in 2014. Keep it coming!
Happy Birthday Mike!!!
Happy Birthday Mike!!!!!!!!!! I love your program and have learned a lot from your e-mail news letters. Hope you are keeping warm in this ugly OHIO weather!!!
Hello Mike. Life is soo good to you ~ I’m glad I came across your Website, I have learned much. keep up all to knowledge, we, I , need it, and enjoy all you do ~~ Happy Birthday to you and many more ~~~ 😉
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary, Mike! I’ve learned so much over the years from your e-mails and videos, but I think the most important is that when I retire (not too many years down the road at this point), I can make the transition from a career (that I love) to growing stuff (that I also love) and still be vital and productive. I’m now looking forward to retirement instead of dreading it.
Keep up the great work, Mike! You and your wonderful family are an inspiration to us all. Take care and God bless.
Happy birthday and anniversary!! I love getting your e mails. They encourage me to keep trying after failing with gardening. This is the first season my roses haven’t died. They are beautiful. Thanks for taking the time to write your e mails to all of us. Enjoy your day
Happy Birthday Mike!
I am a fairly new reader of your emails. I am new at gardening and I’m enjoying it greatly. I always look forward to reading your internet postings with your helpful information. You always come up with information and helpful advise that you don’t normally find in books or online. I especially like the video on the mantis. Perfect timing for me. I bought one on your recommendation.
Again, have a great birthday with the knowledge that you have many faithful readers and you are helping many with your passion for gardening. Thanks!
San Diego Ca
Hey Mike,Happy Birthday and wishing you many more..Just wanted to say thanks for all the info.(Now if I will just get started and use it.)Take care…:>)
Happy-happy Birthday, Mike, and thank you for sharing all your ideas on plants!!! Aaron and I enjoy your inspirations!!!! May all of your dreams and wishes come true this year!!!!
Happy Birthday MIKE!!!
Thank you for all the informational videos and newsletters…
Hey Mike, First of all I want to wish you a belated HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY and a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY. I hope you celebrated in fine style.
I want to thank you for all your help with my gardening experiences. I have read ALL your posts and selected those I might try my hand at. I have had many failures but it is the successes of which I am proud. You offered step-by-step instructions which I did my best to apply and as mentioned above enjoyed a few successes. You are truly dedicated to your profession and give freely your time and expertise. I have not found another site which offers such devotion & love along with the immense knowledge of their vocation in life. I am so glad I stumbled onto your site. I look forward to continuing my gardening pleasures with your help. I offer to you my immense gratitude . Sincerely, Elizabeth
Thanks to Mikes Knowledge on plants I have built a hoop house setup with timers and sprinkler systems for root cuttings. I practiced on growing root cuttings last summer and thanks to Mike it went well. So I am going bigger . Happy Birthday and Happy anniversary Mike.
Happy Birthday Mike. Thanks for helping the community!
hey Mike! Have a grand birthday! may a new set of bib overalls and a eye for natural beauty keep us all smiling till next year! – I dont know how you manage to create the content you do! you’re unstoppable! very kind regards,
HAPPY 58TH MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all your helpful advise and guidance.
Remember stay inspired even in all the SNOW…
you know who’s quote that it..
Thanks Again, Nick from Delaware
Happy Birthday, Mike. I love your newsletters and share them with my Dad. He loves them almost as much as I do.
Happy birthday Mike.Hope you have a great day.I love reading you newsletters and as old as I am I have learned a lot about growing different plants.I can’t do much now but I enjoy telling others how to garden.
My mom forwarded Mike’s newsletters to me a few years ago and I signed up right away! I love how he really gives you good and useful and useable information and shares his sunny and upbeat look on life. Mike, you seem like someone who really loves life! and I think Life loves you right back. And that is a real inspiration to me.
HAPPIEST of BIRTHDAYS! May this be your best year yet!
With love, Jane
Very best wishes on your birthday [29 wasn’t it? ] and anniversary [seems forever!!].
May you grow and grow and grow!!
Prosit to you.
Have a warm and woolly day.
Happy Birthday Mike, thank you for sharing your knowledge. I personally have learned so much from you and you have been a great source of inspiration. I always look forward to reading your emails.
Hey Mike… Happy Birthday and congratulations on 15 years of making life better for many.. I want to tell you that I believe God used your kindness, and “go for it” attitude to help me believe we can do the same. My husband and I started late, near retiring and owe alot on house still. I think God showed my husband in a dream after I bought your business plan/books on growing… it showed money growing on trees in Our backyard!!! There’s hope and kind people like you helping your neighbors to step up too. Thanks Mike for your realness. I don’t know you personally except from videos, but you are already a trusted friend. May the Lord bless you and keep you and yours.
Mike tells it like it is…very knowledgeable and helpful…and it’s nice
to know the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of problems…so the understanding is
actually grasped…
Thanks Mike, and Happy Birthday…
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I have learnt a lot as a subscriber.
Happy Birthday and stay blessed
WOW YOU ARE TOUCHING AND GREENING THE WORLD……From your little corner of the world you are touching people’s lives and greening the planet through your work. Not many people can say that on this earth.
Happy Birthday and many many many more.
Keep up the amazing work you are doing and thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you have taught me.
Thank you so much for showing me that my dream is possible, small town growers still exists, and your forum where I can meet others that enjoy the same things. I no longer feel alone.
Thank you!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
from Helissa
Happy Birthday Mike a job well done..
You have been an inspiration to me over the past 5 years.
I have learned so many things from your videos and your books.
I have used many of your techniques and shared your ideas with other horticulture
students, you make learning so much fun..
I love your donkeys too.. I actually when out and got my own mini ass and named him Francis.
He’s the best companion.
I wish you happiness and abundance of new friends, God bless you through out the New Year.
“If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need”
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Happpy Birthday!
Hi Mike,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I’ve enjoyed reading your personal news and the information you share on everything possible in gardening and nursery no hows. I look forward to seeing an email from you and like the videos. Some of us can understand better when we see rather than just read how to do things. You’ve been very helpful and have given me ideas on how to plant and take care of certain plants, shrubs and trees and your suggestions on different vegetation you know about. Even the various tools you use have helped make like easier when I purchase what you show. I hope you will be able to continue with your emails for a lot more years to come. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and I hope you realize how many people you have helped these many years. Thanks for sharing your education with us (including some of your yummy recipes.) Enjoy your day and God Bless.
Sue Gartner
Thanks to you, Mike, I have prettier shrubs, nicer planted beds, and tons of knowledge about plant care! Happy Birthday Mike!
Happy Birthday Mike, you spring chicken!
I have enjoyed your emails of advice for years and learned much on pruning, planting, weeding, and even which tools work best for the job. Thank you so much! Wish you many more years of happy gardening!
Happy Birthday Mike, but I’ve still got 16 years on you so try to catch up!
Happy Birthday Mike:)! I have enjoyed and used many of the tips in your Newsletters over the years and I look forward to learning more about planting and my plants. I also enjoyed meeting and talking with you at your Perry Plant Farm. May you have many more happy and successful years helping others.
Happy birthday mike–I realy enjoy your letters and info,altho i’m not able to raise plants I like to graft apple trees sometimes
You are so encouraging! And what an inspiration you are to me, a ‘gardenstudent’ baby gardener. I am 63 and I am looking forward to what I can do with my garden because of your sharing … Thank you so much for being you. Bless you over and over and the best health to you always!
Sincerely, Linda
Happy Birthday Mike!!!
Just wanted so say hello and wish you the very best on your day. I appreciate the heart that drives your business. You are truly a great help to a lot of folks, especially a Detroit city boy like me.
Make it a good day.
happy b/day mike glad i contacked u a few yrs ago i injoy all uer e/mail have a great day mike ; wish u many more
Thank you for the wealth of information that you offer. It is an invaluable tool for learning the ropes! Happy Birthday Sir!!!
Thank you for being so generous with your knowledge and your humor. I love reading everything you send out to us and have learned so much about gardening from you.
Have a wonderful, wonderful birthday!!
Happy Birthday Mike. I can’t express what your emails have meant to me. The advice and things that you share are great. I get excited each time I see an email with your name. Hope you have the best birthday ever and Thank you for being you and what you mean to so many.
God Bless.
Mike, Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! You have no idea what your newsletters, videos and programs have done for me. When I first became aware of you, I had lost my job and was really lost in general. Your program provided focus and I am now a Master Gardener tending to a greenhouse for a local non-profit. You are down to earth and I really appreciate the information and motivation that you provide. I believe you to be a special person and I pray you have a special day.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your info has been invaluable, I have learned so much. Thinking about planting small dogwoods to sell, if i can make the room. I am 58 myself and crawl around, climb and dig like a much younger person thanks to gardening exercise!
Mike =====Happy Birthday and many more……..You are so good to share what you have learned…But I have one question I am 82 and was wondering where you were when I was really able to play in the dirt.? Reading what you write is like having a letter from an old friend.
Thanks loads, Jackie Mitchell
have a great birthday and keep those great e-mails coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Mr. McGroarty!! I am sincerely thankful that God chose to make you and the unique recipe that you are. I am blessed to be influenced by you and to have a chance to celebrate your life! You don’t know me but I am one of your students.. I anxiously await each of your emails! You are such a gifted teacher…it is in your DNA! My “happy place” is the dirt and I can never thank you enough for all of your wisdom and your generosity by sharing it with others. You are truly a blessing and I promise to honor the gift you are to me, my passing along what I have learned with my family and friends. Thank you, and I wish you the happiest of birthdays!
Thanks for inspiration ,motivation and all your great ideas and lessons.
I didn’t become rich and famous but there’s nothing like growing several things at one time and having great success at it !!! I so look forward to your video teachings!!!
Happy birthday MIke !!!
Mike, I thoroughly enjoy all your blogs and videos. I learn SO MUCH from you. You are REALLY a GREAT TEACHER!! Please keep up the good work! I’m wishing you the Very Best Birthday!! You are certainly Deserving of All the Best!! Thank you for being the super person that you are and the exceptional teacher that you are…..without you to teach us, it would be so much more difficult to find out the really interesting information that you so graciously share!!!
Mike. Happy Birthday. I am brand new to this, like a week??? Even though I was born on a farm years ago, I have had my hands in good old mother earth. The information is very clear and I am excited. Blessings Allan, central NY.
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday and keep up the great work!!!
Happy Birthday Mr. McGroarty!!! May God Bless you with many more years with great health, love and happiness!
Thank you for sharing your passion of gardening with the world. Your knowledge, expertise and passion have given me the inspiration to do more than buying houseplants. Right now I am playing around with starting plants with seed, mainly fruits…well…citrus, and so far it is going great 🙂
I did manage to start a few dogwood seedlings last year and I have two that survived in my back yard from my husband weed whacker 🙁 Again, thank you so much for helping me polish up my green thumb with a bit of dirt 🙂
Fia Salapo
♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday Dear Mike!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥
Happy,Happy Birthday,Mike! Thank you for being a part of my “gardening life!” I love to dig in the dirt as you do.My own dad passed away some years ago and he certainly had a vast knowledge of anything that grew. I learned a lot from him.Now that he is no longer my mentor,I have come to love your blogs and learning from you. I appreciate that you are here and able to help me through some of the questions that arise concerning my gardening challenges. I guess I just wanted to say that I appreciate you and I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Best Wishes, Carolyn
Thank you so very much for sharing with us all the gift of your extensive gardening wisdom.
Hope your birthday and anniversary are full of joy.
Happy Birthday & many more! Mike’s “pearls of wisdom” have inspired me through the years! Just when I think I might give up the gardening thing, I get an e-mail from Mike & I get fired up again! Every time I follow his advise & see a new plant thriving in MY GARDEN from my two brown thumbs, I am amazed that I thought it was impossible in the past! Thanks Mike for giving me the passion!
Happy Birthday to YOU!!! I look forward to receiving your emails/updates and seeing what new things I will be inspired by. You are truly a wealth of knowledge and your family, friends and subscribers are blessed by the impact you’ve had on our lives! Thank you for all that you do!
Wishing you all the best, Melanie Nugent
Happy Birthday Mike,
I am just a home gardener and grow all my plants from seeds and even shrubs. I have a huge yard and have it full of flowers, trees, shrubs, vines, roses and everything else that I can get my hands on. I just do it for my own enjoyment because I love gardening. Your e-mails have helped me with so many things. Mostly pruning and the right time to do things. I once took a night class on gardening to show how to plant and prune. The class was terrible and I told the teacher that he needed to sign up for your news letters. He could learn a lot from them. I don’t think he liked that very much. I love everything you send and look forward to getting them. Thank you and I hope you have a great birthday.
Thanks Mike for all the fun, real, “down to earth” (pun intended) information. You are part of the wave of the future: people coming back to home farming!
As I looked toward retirement years ago when I first heard about the program “backyard growers” I bought the program. So far I have not been able to put it into effect even though I have been retired for 2 years. We are in the process of re-locating. I am so looking forward to putting all your good instructions to good use. I have appreciated all the newsletters and the “How to” articles over the years and have saved most of them so that I can refer back for answers to questions I might have.
Happy Birthday and the best to you. You have worked hard and blessed many peoples lives.
Happy Birthday!!!!Many, many, many, more!!!
Thank you for all of your enthusiasm and encouragement!
Happy Birthday Mike !!!! I hope you have the best year and many many more to follow,
You have inspired me as you have so many others . I found you on utube this last summer as I am off work due to an injury and still am . My lovely wife of 30 years is the one who loved to work on the yard ,I was the yard monkey ,dig here ,here and over there ,cutting grass leaf pick up,ect.. After viewing so many of your postings and others , we went and bought dish tubs at the 99. Store and and casa depot for sand and started taking cuttings like crazy from hybiscus ,lavender ,periwinkle , even bower vine and honey suckle . This has kept me busy misting with a spray bottle ( polish misting system ) and this gave me purpose instead of depression which I was heading towards as I can only watch so much tv or video games ect.. Longer story short : I can’t buy the BGS as times have been tight as for most of America. But will as finances will allow .
I Can’t thank you enough for you sharing as you do on your videos and emails and I have a love in life, plants plants plants, . This soothes the soul and gives me peace of mind . I just potted 153 baby’s ,and restocked with hardwood cuttings . Blessings to you and family ,Dana from Southern California
I find your little tips about gardening and plants have helped me improve my own gardening. More than that – – – you kindness and smiles show through your videos. I like that.
Thank you for all your insight. You have been an inspiration for getting my plants going. My God bless you and keep you in the coming year. Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, Mike! I don’t sell any plants from my property, but I love watching your videos and learning from the great tips you have in them. For example, you inspired me to be a better pruner, especially with apple trees, which I rejuvenated successfully last winter. You also made me unafraid to prune shrubs near the house, like ninebarks, forsythia, etc. And I love seeing your mini donkeys..I have some equines on my farm myself, so your donkeys hold a special interest for me. I will keep on looking to you for advice as long as you are willing to give it!
Happy Bithday, Mike! Thanks for your honesty and gardening advice. Enjoy your day!
First of all
Happy birthday ,,,Thank you for being there to ans all of our questions, although i cant do what i would like, i enjoy learning from you and try to tell the younger ones how to raise food or flowers or trees. Ive tried to get them intersted in making some of the raised beds you show, wish i could do that again, you are blessed to be able, thank you and have a good day
Mike – I look at all your emails about plants, etc and have learned so much. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, it’s a blessing to all of us who subscribe to your emails. Thank you, thank you for helping an old lady remain active in my little back yard. I hope your day is beautiful and you have many more years.. I still have to try your dirt fudge but as with everything in my life at this age, it will happen some day.
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary Mike and to your bride.
Happy Birthday Mike. Thank you for the email updates and free resources you have been providing me with for the last short while. Always looking to learn to fuel my passion for gardening and help serve my clients. I hope you have an enjoyable day with friends and family. Cheers, Patti Knight.
Hey Mike! I retired 3 years ago when I was just 58 years old. I have been dabbling in plants since my horticulture years in college. I joined last year and you gave me the focus & organization to go beyond rooted forsythia twigs during a garage sale. Thank you so much. You are greatly appreciated!!!!!
Micheola in Peachtree City GA
Happy Birthday Mike
Thank You for getting me out of a rut ,and your motivation and teaching me
about Japanese Maples
Happy Birthday Mike!! Hope you have the best birthday ever and congratulations to your 15th anniversary!! What you have been doing are a wonderful experience for us to enjoy reading your email about everything!! We enjoy it so much you have motivated us to work in the yard, flowerbed, etc thinking about what you said or advice has been a wonderful experience for all of us. You’re doing an amazing job putting on videos, how to’s, etc. more…..You’re lucky to have your wife, your son Duston and others in your life to help you make your business successful. We greatly appreciate you for what you do for us. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts! Congratulations Mike!!
Kindest regards!!
Happy Birthday Mike. I enjoy your emails & gardening advice.
Have a great DAY & may God continue to bless you.
Happy 58th Birthday! Hope it’s a wonderful one! Thanks for inspiring me to start a small garden, I never thought I could do it, but am so very glad I did, and it’s all thanks to you ! Happy Happy Birthday! Take Care ! 🙂
Happy Birthday Mike!! And thanks for doing what you’re doing to help people. You empower people not to be intimidated by thing they don’t know how to do. I love your free info on how to do all sorts of things. I read the emails you send out and I use lots of them. There is so much information. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!
Happy Birthday Mike!!
You Rock my World : )
Thank You ,for waking me up ,showing me how to get out of a rut and for your motivation and
your advice on Japanese Maple Trees
Happy Birthday Mike Keep Going
Happy Birthday I have really enjoyed all the newsletters Ive read over the years and for him just being real enjoy your day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a great day. Thanks for all the helpful tips.
From one “Old Timer” to another—-“Happy Birthday”!
I appreciate the honest advice that you give your readers. Even though I have been growing things longer than you—–you have taught me a few things and I have even built my own version of your “outhouse” potting shed. I will send you some pictures of it soon! Enjoy your birthday!
Hi Mike, Happy Birthday! We share the same day. Thank you for all the great ideas you share. They have opened up a new world to me. All the best for a wonderful year.
Happy Birthday Mike!! Thank you for all that you have taught us with your emails. I have learned so much about plants and thoroughly enjoy your style of communicating. Thank you for sharing your home, family, pets and expertise. It makes me feel like we get to know the real you and- I like you! Have a wonderful year with many blessings of health and happiness.
Happy Birthday, Mike! I really appreciate all the good information you pass along to us. Have a blessed day!
Hi Mike, I saw your video about landscaping and it helped me to do my own. I was skeptical about adding some of the plants to my landscape and your video definitely gave me some ideas. It was really good. Thank you so much and a very Happy Birth day to you. Kudos to your son too for creating this surprise birthday wishes from your email followers. God Bless!
Happy birthday Mike!
You have given me so many great tips and ideas even expanded my horizons of the things that are possible. Your charitable heart has helped me to hang on to my dream. I love growing plants, indoor and outdoor. It is my one true passion in life. I’ve started very slowly in the business of selling my plants as I have had so many uncertainties to deal with but I’m hoping I can move forward with my dream.
Hope you enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday Mike! Thanks for the great info…
Happy Birthday Mike,
My friends think I am a plant expert. I tell them to go to freeplants.com and they will learn the
ancient Chinese secret to gardening. That would be Mikes down to earth easy way to
propagate plants. I will never buy a plant that I have in my yard again!
Thanks Mike
I am old enough to know better but, still love to garden. Have a propagation box built to Mikes specs. It works great. Have lots of pruning help. Always read what Mike is helping me with next.
I passed the SC Clemson Master Gardening test. Have learned a lot more reading Mike. Thanks.
I enjoy your articles and look forward to reading more in the future.
Happy birthday Mike. I am just getting ready to retire and I am so glad our paths crossed. I am currently putting together my business plan to start my own home business doing something I love (growing things) thanks to you. Your help and is greatly appreciated. I have learned so much already. Have a wonderful birthday and keep up the great work, you are a wonderful mentor. -Diana Halsey, Minneapolis, MN
Mike i hope you have a wonderful birthday. I really appreciate that you are there for us poor souls that lose our way in the garden. When i have a question you always help me out. Thank you so much and keep up the great work. Happy 15 years in the garden business. Keep growing !
Happy Birthday to you Mike! Hope you have a great day and one to add to your good memories!
Thanks for your years of dedication and generous sharing. You are truly a kind and generous soul.
Happy Birthday, Mike. Just wanted you to know how appreciated you are and how grateful I, and i am sure many others, are for all your growing tips and advice given for free all the time. It is obvious you love what you do which should help guarantee many more birthday’s for you!!!!
Happy birthday Mike! I have come to cherish your site. You inspired me to make more out of my little yard then just grass! I have gotten plenty of very helpful insight to the world of plants thanks to you! Ed Hume was my favorite gardener because he also gave information about “what to do if” Now you have replaced him as my go to guy! Thank You for bringing out the little farmer in all of us! I also wish to thank your wonderful son Duston for giving me the opportunity to express to you just how grateful I am that you embarked upon this endeavor!
Happy Birthday, Mike. I really enjoy reading your website. I especially enjoyed reading your book on plant propagation. If I were younger and had more energy I think I would enjoy getting involved in that kind of project. Keep up the good work.
Hi Mike,
Happy Birthday!!! Hope the year ahead is full of blessings…….good health and contentment.
You must know what a blessing you are to so many others in the US and now other countries as well….amazing
I have looked forward to your emails for years and save them all for future reference
I have recently retired (difficult for me) and am in the process of figuring out the setup for my own backyard nursery. I really don’t like to waste land than can be used for growing all kinds of amazing edibles as well as plants pleasing to the eye and with your help I can do it.
You are awesome, Mike! ….a true inspiration of moving ahead no matter what knocks you down…..you know what success and failure are and are willing to share your vast knowledge and experience with others. Thank you so much for all you do, Mike. May you have continued success in the future and a wonderful birthday.
Luv ya
Mike I have learned so much since I became a member. I actually learned a lot even from the free site and even more after I joined. The members board is just outstanding. I tell all my friends and family if they have any interest in gardening they should join you.
Thanks for your wonderful support.
Mike, Thank you for your inspiration. I look forward to getting your emails with can do’s and how to’s.
Happy 15th anniversary and Happy Birthday
First of all I want to thank you for all of the wonderful information on gardening, giving people
ideas on ways to earn money and even growing things for themselves. Your videos are very
friendly and easy to understand and even your fudge recipe, that was fun! Gardening is a very
worthwhile endeavor and makes ones life more interesting, practical, and fruitful –no pun intended.
Sherry D. , Alton N.H.
Happy birthday my new friend,
Be always healthy and prosper so we can continue enjoying the fruits of your knowledge and your concern. Enjoy the day Mike.
As a newbie gardener I learn so much from your articles……thank you and happy birthday!!!!!!
Thank you Mike for all the advise, knowledge about plants that you share. You are an inspiration for everyone and a good example of people who want to help others without expecting to gain something out of it. You are a wonderful person.
Happy Birthday and thank you for great information for the home gardener. I get a great many directions that can help make my gardening and landscaping more successful. You make the things you do clear and real for all of us.
Nancy, Chagrin Falls
Happy Birthday!
Thank you!
Happy Birthday, Mike. Thank you for all the advice you have given through the e-mails. You have been a great inspiration.
I’m one of your “failures,” compared to the others, but to me it has been a great success. I have been too busy with my day-job as a lawyer to do many of the things you suggest, but the few I did and do and will do make a big difference. I appreciate things like your getting me to stop using black plastic weed-blockers almost 15 years ago, and your telling us how to propagate “free” plants. Keep at it, please, until I can really retire and use more of your tips.
In the meantime, have a GREAT birthday and anniversary.
Brenda Barnes, Santa Monica, California
Reading the comments that your son wrote is the greatest tribute you could have. The job God gave you is foremost to be a parent and you really shine.
Happy Birthday MIKE!!
Reading your blogs and articles always gives me pleasure. Your eternal optimism about growing things gives me hope for the future. We don’t have much money but we have dirt and sometimes we have water (we live in California!) As soon as I have some money to spare I am going to get started propagating and gardening. Your blog is very uplifting, for that I say thank you and keep up the good work..
Happy Birthday Mike and thank you for giving me a renewed love for plants and gardening!
Mike , I don’t remember how I first heard about your home nursery business, but it has been inspirational to me even though I have not yet purchased your package. I will be though this year. Your videos are great and full of knowledge. I appreciate your enthusiasm and stick-toitevness. Thank you for doing what you do and congratulations on 15 years of success. Happy Birthday Mike. Sincerely, Mike G.
happy birthday I love getting your email I have tried to take cutting and have actually got 6 new plants I have a rose moss flower which I have take the seed and started some in a another flower pot they did well I think this year I will try to take a cutting from one of my rose bush I love rose bushes just do not really like the thorns but they are really pretty I have good luck with the rose of Sharon they are easy to grow and if you put a border around a older bush and put some putting soil around like 2 inches and leave it alone for a while you will get some nice seedling which I have done gave 60 plants away last year and even helped them plant them I had fun and enjoy watching them grow I hope you have a nice birthday
Just that I feel more happy and content just by knowing you Mike.
God bless you and a happy 58th this year.
Richard Pike
(Utah Rick)
Hello Mike,
Happy Birthday!! And many more.
I love reading your emails and have learned a lot from you. I like hearing about your family and your down to earth style.
I first ran across Mike’s blog about the time I “jumped ship” from a career in Wildlife Biology (which I’d spent 7 years and three college degrees preparing for) after being offered a position with a Seattle-area firm as landscape architect. I had been landscaping part-time all through college and had done so prior to finishing high-school as well.But this was a major jump, and it took a huge step of faith to walk away from a promising career after graduating as the top Fisheries student in the state of Alaska. However, after 3 summers in “seasonal, entry-level” positions with various State Fish & Wildlife agencies I’d begun to see that the way things are done in state government wasn’t the life for me.
I thrived in my new position and began writing monthly gardening newsletters for the company I where I was employed. I was doing research for one of those gardening newsletters for our clients when I ran across Mike’s website and signed up for his email newsletters. I’ve always loved the miracle of growing plants, and from the time I was a toddler, growing up on a farm in NW Montana, I played in the dirt of our massive veggie garden, so hearing another gardening enthusiast’s take on gardening issues was a welcome addition to my email box.
Of course 9-11 brought that to a grinding halt! I had just signed a lease on a 2 bedroom house and suddenly my hours were cut to less than 20 a week. It seemed that the better pay and dream of working with plants for a living was to be short-lived. However, reading Mike’s “rags to riches” story inspired me to push through and stick with landscaping in the hope that I could perhaps start my own business and make a go of it.
It was tough those first few years, but the monthly emails kept me writing my own gardening newsletters. After surviving my first year as a sole proprietor of Alpine Mountain Landscaping & Nursery, it seemed I learned all the lessons the hard AND EXPENSIVE way… but I made it. I continued learning and working through 2004 when a terrible tragedy took the love of my life on April 12th, and suddenly I was at a total loss!
I spent the next couple of years in a self-induced stupor, running up massive debt, drinking to excess and not wanting to live at all. Finally, in a moment of clarity, I made the decision to move back home to Montana and see if I could find a reason to want to live again!
It took a few years, some time overseas teaching to pay off my debt-load and a LOT of sobering up, but now nearly 10 years have passed since that fateful day when my life turned up-side-down. I started Rocky Mountain Boy Enterprises Nursery & Landscaping in 2010 and it’s been a slow, difficult fight to make something of it. This past year, however, I incorporated, inviting my 3 godsons and their mother to form a corporation. They’d loved me through some REALLY ugly years in my life, so I wanted them involved in this venture.
We grossed nearly 6 figures last years, which is unheard of in this depressed economic area! We lucked out to land a new site with highway frontage for this coming year. The nursery is growing by leaps and bounds. The landscaping division has grown tremendously as well. Through all of it, I’ve been writing gardening newsletters just like your dad, and he’s helped inspire me to pull myself up by my bootstraps again to see a dream come true.
Thanks Mike! You’re an inspiration! It’s been a long ride, but “rags to riches” really does happen!
Di “Thadius” Braun – Manager, Rocky Mtn. Boy, Inc. Nursery & Landscaping
P.S. My father spent his life logging while I was growing up… killing trees by the thousands each year. I find it incredibly redeeming to be planting thousands of trees each year and selling thousands more for people to plant themselves.
Happy 58th Mike! I’ve been impressed by your incredible gardening talents and read your posts with interest. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll find some time to get into your growing business. You make it tempting. I appreciate your love of nature and love of sharing your knowledge. You are making a positive difference in this world. Please keep it up!
Happy Birthday Mike!
I came across your site several years ago and use it in all my gardening. Lately, composting, when I thought all I had to do was throw everything in a can. I am an older gardener and I look forward to all of your hints, and how to’s. Keep up the good work and especially your information on design in our yards. Your work and knowledge is a special help to me.
Mrs. Joan DiCostanzo
Wish you the best birthday ever. Best wishes to you and your family. God bless You Mike
Happy Birthday Mike!! Thanks for dreaming big and sharing!!
Thanks Mike for all your great advice and suggestions! I have used many of them. Happy Birthday!
You are the man ( plant whisperer ), thank God for you, and you have saved my life in this economy. God Bless You, Jan M.
Mike Happy Anniversary, and a Happy Birthday…. You have a great family and what you have accomplished is nothing short of amazing and I am so
glad to be a part of it..
Best wishes
Carroll Mcfarlane
Happy Birthday! Thank you for all the helpful info you have passed on to us. You have encouraged me to attempt to grow different types of plants that I wouldn’t usually try, and how to handle the ones I have. Hope you have a special day…
Happy Birthday Mike!
No big story here, but a another life you
helped change and another soul you have
Thank you Mike!!!
I really enjoy your news letters I learned not to be timid while pruning. Or to only prune at the “right “time of the year..My plants look better for it THANKS!!!
Happy Birthday Mike!
I few years ago I stumbled across your site and reluctantly signed up for emails, suspecting they might be loaded with advertisements and gimmicks. However I LOVE getting your information packed emails with links to wonderful videos you have put together, so that if I don’t fully understand something- I can watch you do it! Thanks for all you do, your effort doesn’t go unnoticed!
Hi Mike,
A very Happy Birthday to you!
Along with the birthday wishes, I want to tell you how much I enjoy your blog. I really look forward to your very helpful tips, hints and giving me the opportunity to enjoy the art of gardening. I especially can’t wait to see your videos with the little insight of your family life along with your precious little donkeys. Thank you!
Mike I have always had a green thumb and was searching You Tube for hoop house ideas, I ran across some of your videos. The rest is history, I am a believer in your backyard stuff and my wife is not far behind me in this venture. At this point we have many irons in the fire and little time to spare, but we are starting small and will probably be in it BIG sooner than expected
I also wear BIBs all the time and have since I got out of school. I tuned 56 a week ago. SO———–
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and ANNIVERSARY. I hope the next 15 years treat you right.
Don and Jenny Flory
Hi Mike, wishing you a very Happy Birthday, Hope it a great one for you and your family, as one Horticulturist to another well done mate on all the help you give people and with a happy heart, I’m from a small village in the west of Ireland, and yea it’s true we have 40 shades of green, ha,ha. so lucky to work with plants and hands in the soil every day, as you do also.I love to watch your videos which I tell my friends to watch, so please Mike keep up the great work,as we say here in Ireland ‘ old gardeners never die, we just fade away ‘Happy Birthday.
Very best wishes on your birthday!
You have had a great, positive influence on our family.
Keep up the good works 🙂
Happy Birthday Mike!
I hope you have a great day! You’ve helped many, many people; those who posted here are only a fraction of those you’ve helped with your knowledge and kindness.
I had, and still have, a lot of negativity toward starting this backyard nursery. I almost gave up on the idea until I talked to you and you told me that you knew I could do it. The greatest thing about you is that you are a “real” person. You’re honest, fair, and just plain nice. You deserve many blessings, for you have given out so many yourself.
I would like to know though… long as I’m here…. what happened to Jimmy Hoffa? 🙂
Cathy Ward
i thank you for all the informative information on plants and stopping weeds and your tips on how to start plants i want to wish you a happy birthday and hope you have many many more enjoy your day and keep them handy tip coming that all makes me think of my father he loved to garden and i have 2 trees in my back yard he got me in the woods they are beautiful hard maples he use to work in a nursery and he had all kinds of tips
Mike, I can’t pick just one of your videos that I value above all others because each one contains some priceless information that is of use to gardeners. I truly appreciate your practical approach to solving horticultural problems.
Happy birthday Mike, Thanks for all the postings you do. I love gardening and small home farming. Keep up the good work.
Happy Birthday Mike!
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for sharing your passion of growing all things green with all your friends across the country. I farmed for over 30 years before moving to the low desert here in Yuma, AZ and miss the rich central valley (California) soil very much. But, you inspire me to keep planting and experimenting with different plants and even when I fail I learn much and most of all enjoy the challenge! Keep up the good work my friend and many blessings to you!
Anytime I’m watching one of Mike’s videos, my boys (ages 7 & 9) stop what they’re doing and watch too! They think Mike, the donkeys, and growing things are all pretty cool. What Mike is doing is inspiring, especially building a business you can do from home and involve your family in. I’ve been hooked ever since I stumbled across Mike’s website. Happy Birthday Mike! Thanks a million for all you do!
Mike, now I can prune without fear! Thank You, ERN
Dear Mike, I have learnt so much just reading your hints and tips for gardening, Although I might not been a very active member in purchasing etc, please know that you have enriched my knowledge of gardening endlessly…..may I also now take this opportunity of thanking you of giving me the privilege of wishing you a very very happy birthday, may you day be blessed and may your garden be filled with friends
Mike, the feeling of growing something can’t be described to people that don’t love seeing the first moments of life. You have given me information that I have shared with others and the love only spreads. On this day I wish you a happy birthday and would only hope you keep up the great work.
Nicholas Iducovich
Mike – Happy, Happy Birthday!!!
Thank you so much for all the information you have so generously provided. I am just one of so many people who greatly appreciate you. I have learned so much and used information you have provided too many times to count. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Again, Happy Birthday and many, many, many, many more!!!
Happy Birthday Mike!
Thank you for all the wonderful information you share and for the great videos.
Wishing you a very happy birthday!
Mary from Maine
your site and emails are a constant encouragement to keep at it
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKE! And Happy Anniversary! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and giving others and myself a chance to learn and profit. It’s been slow for me, but, taking it day-to-day and step-by step, with your help, my goals are in site. Again, Thank you!
So much common sense and I love how you share so much of yourself
Happy Birthday
“Our minds are the gardens –our thoughts are the seeds–so glad that Mike never sows weeds!”
Love the great stuff that comes thru my email. Still hoping to one day get the system. Still trying to get it together a bit. Learned a lot each video and each article. Keep it up! Happy Birthday! Many more!
Monica and Bill Geschke
ps–My opening thoughts were taken from this poem as I was taught it some 20+ yrs ago–“Our mind is the garden–our thoughts are the seeds–what will you harvest–flowers or weeds?” unknown author
Happy Birthday Mike
Your sharing of your knowledge, has really made me happy for many years. Thanks for sharing, and keep up the great work!
Happy B-day Mike! Don’t remember how I stumbled upon your website, but I am glad I did. I do not garden, but a lot of my yard questions have been answered thru your website without all of the research. Thanks for all you do. Many blessings and many more birthdays.
Happy Birthday! I hope the birthday fairies sprinkle joy and happiness dust all over your life!
I have been enjoying your emails for many years now, even ones that don’t pertain to what I am doing at the time. I often pass them along to friends and family members when I see something relevant to them. Many of them also now receive your newsletters.
One of the things you helped me with is finally getting a real garden together in my yard after 10 years of owning it and just knowing the quality of dirt and the amount of sun would not support it. So I ad some branches cut back and built 2 raised beds that produced tons of veggies, edible flowers and herbs. Also planted things next to fences on both sides of the house–keeping ground hogs out was an issue for a while, but I still had a good crop. Thanks for your inspiration, know how, and ability to put it in words that made sense to me.
Many happy returns,
Thanks for everything you’ve taught me in the past. I’ll continue using your advice. Thanks.
I love your down to earth approach…and the bib overalls! My Dad and father in law also wore overalls and there is just something about how that resinates with respect, knowledge and kindness. I love your diversity and variety. You share so many of your secrets even without someone buying your books. I used many of your tips and tricks over the years and they are always right on the money. I even made your farmer dirt fudge…with success…everyone loved it. The best part was that I felt confident making it because of all your good instructions and tips.
So a hardy Happy Birthday! Sounds like you will have a lot of comment reading to do so you should be able to celebrate all year! Thanks for being in business and sharing your knowledge, Happy Anniversay! Keep on keeping on!!
Happy Birthday Mike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to thank you so much for all your gardening tips and knowledge. You have helped me out of a bind a million times over. I truly appreciate all your help over the years. God bless you and your family and enjoy your special day.
It is great that you share so much of your knowledge. I started collecting rose bushes recently and your posting and the video shared by your friend was very helpful. I’ve also picked up a few tips and tricks along the way from your many articles.
I live in Barbados, I think it would be nice to see pics of your readers gardens from around the world. You have touched many lives and even my neighbors appreciate it. 🙂
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary Mike! Keep spreading the love and the cheer.
– From a budding friend in Barbados. 🙂
Happy birthday to you Mike. Thank you very much for your emails that taught me the nitty gritty of plants. Your advice and love for what you do, is an inspiration for me. Thank you. Again have a great day.
Happy Birthday Mike,
Happy Birthday to you. I want to thank you for all that you do.
I joined your group some time ago, and it took me a while to start doing what you do.
I may have started slowly and have not gotten very far, but I find, I can’t keep my hands off plants now, where ever they are.
I have seen numerous Doctors and been to many “groups” to fix my Depression, or at least try to help.
I used to hide in the house, 365 and not want to lift a finger of even live.
BUT, since studying your method, planting and “playing” in the soil is all I want to do.
I can’t wait for Spring, to dirty my hands and knees, and in the winter I plan what to buy, from the Buy/sell plants forum, and what to do with them when received.
You have changed my life, and I can say “saved me”,
From spring to late fall, if my family wants to find me, they know I,m out side pulling weeds,
or planting RC,liners, or starting seeds, sometimes I start cuttings, Soft or Hard…..
Yes, thanks to you Mike I can’t stay in side and my friends now call me a “Dirt Wh__e”
and don’t forget to add “or”
SO, Happy Birthday Mike, and I’m sending a great big THANK YOU, and God bless you and yours in all that you do.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mr. Mike. Keep up the good work.
Happy Birthday Mike. I don’t know you at all. In fact we may never meet, but I love knowing that you are out there impacting so many lives in a positive way.
Have a wonderful Day.
Happy 58th Birthday Mike! I live in Priest River, Idaho, and am not active at all as a gardener, though I do have some fruit trees and roses that benefit from your gregarious expertise. While I do little, I appreciate a lot your vitality and vital approach to all you do. I am more than impressed by your huge and knowledgeable input to the world of nurturing and growing our planet, one yard at a time. Your gift to us all of your delightful and loving being is inestimable. Simply thanks for being here , and for being you ! Many happy returns to you, ever and always.
Sincerely, Jennie R
Thank you for taking the time to make those videos! I have learned how to prune and gotten great ideas for my landscape. I really appreciate your work!
Charlottesville, VA
Happy Birthday Mike!
Love all your gardening help tips!
Mike has filled me with inspiration and ideas.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!! Thank you for sending me your gardening info all these years! I use your info to take care of my plants in my yard. I read postings on when to prune and plant. On my own I wouldn’t know when to do those things , So thank you and I hope you are having a fantastic birthday!!!
Thank you for sharing your valuable tips, Happy Birthday and Anniversary mike
Hey Mike,
Hope you have a great birthday! Really enjoyed receiving your tips on gardening. I forward these emails to my sister in laws for them to enjoy also. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
Happy Birthday from the U.K. Mike,
How refreshing it is to come across someone so honest and generous, prepared to give away their hard earned trade secrets to help us all.
Being recently retired I was getting really bored and cynical, then I found your website and ordered a copy of your “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” book and DVD. In the last year I have planted around 300 plants in mine and my mother-in-laws gardens and potted up another 2/300 to sell and currently ordering lots of seeds to sow this year.
Your inspiration has re-kindled my interest in gardening and restored my faith in humankind.
I wish you a Happy Birthday and a healthy and prosperous 2014 and, as you keep telling us,
“Stay Inspired”.
All the best,
Just a big thank you for being so willing to share all your knowledge with us. Special!
Happy Birthday Mike and congrats on reaching 15 years in your business.
A big thankyou for sending me all the weekly emails over quite a few years now. You helped me to be a better gardener and gave me courage to try new ideas . What I found really helpfull was that your seasons appeared at the same time as ours across here in Scotland and of course your emails had lots of seasonal info. Hope you’re having a wonderfull day and all the best for the rest.
Rosemary Hughes, Scotland, UK
Happy Birthday, Mike! I happened upon one of your videos on Youtube a couple of years ago when I was trying to find out how to root some tree cuttings. After that I was hooked! I thoroughly enjoy your newsletters and your website and I am always inspired by your teaching. I have plans to start my own backyard nursery one of these days, (I just keep procrastinating) but I am sure I’ll get to it and I am thankful that I can turn to you for all the information I need. Thanks for every thing you do & for continually inspiring us! Maybe some day I’ll get to come see you on a tour!
Inspiration. Just pure inspiration to do things. And the how too doesn’t hurt either. Thank You and Happy Birthday.
Happy 15th anniversary and a happy birthday Mike!
Wishing you good health and many Blessings in the coming years.
Thanks for all the emails sharing your good advice which has helped me become a more knowledgeable organic gardener. In a way, we think alike as I also not just show or teach others how to do something I tell them why—easier to remember the technique in case they forget.
I share plants with friends even though I have never sold anything, covenants prohibit.
I like your theories and it appears many others do as well. Happy for your success.
Have a fun memorable birthday, you’re only 58 once.
This is a great idea your loving son Duston had.
First – Happy, Happy, Happy Day to you and your family. Second – what a great gift! Nice work Duston. Finally – I found your website and it’s info many years ago, when I was a fledgling, fanatical gardner! I was excited and hungry for information, how-to’s, pictures, etc. Your website was IT! Your guidance was AMAZING! At the time, we were in the process of building a new home, so, ours was a blank slate. Your advice on raising beds, width of the beds, choosing plants, pruning, landscape lighting, etc., etc., etc., and the all around common sense idea’s helped to create an oasis at our home. Neighbor’s comment daily. Our blank slate has become our slice of peace and quiet…a little bit of what I imagine heaven on earth would feel like…. We couldn’t have done it without your website and it’s generous information, help and guidance. Thank you and many more Happy Days to you and yours!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Mike!
Sure enjoy your emails and have learned so much about gardening and growing following your inspiring and educational materials!
Blessings, and wishes for many more birthdays with your family and friends.
Happy Birthday! You are an inspiration to others. That’s a legacy.
Over the years that I have been receiving planting and gardening tips from Mike, I have learned many things. I have also “learned” things I thought I knew, but was wrong about. So Happy Birthday and Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us! You have saved many a plant from sure death in my yard. Enjoy your special day.
Happy Birthday Mike!
I can’t thank you enough for all the help you’ve given to myself and so many countless others, your wealth of knowledge and passion for all things growing in pots or gardens, has been shared by ‘this guy’ for a couple a years now.
Thank you so much. We are all better PEOPLE due to your gentle kindness!
Steve Peragine
Happy Birthday, Mike! I have read all your articles for the past couple of years, and you have wonderful information. My son in NC gave me your website address and I look forward to your emails.!
Mike, you keep so many people motivated! What a true gift. A big THANK YOU isn’t quite enough for the solid, reliable knowledge you share, but thanks for sharing your gift with us. (Luckily some of the info even sticks in my head once in a while!) Happy birthday and 15th anniversary too – keep having fun!
Happy Birthday Mike, I pray you have a great and joyful Special day. I sure would like to thank you for all the good ideals you gave for our gardens and to take care of our plants. And also I would like to say Congratulations on 15 years of business. Thank you for being here for all of us that need you. You are the Best. Happy Birthday Mike With Love Juanita Henderson (: PS May God Bless you always
Hey Guys what a great Birthday Gift Idea. No surely those who help others really need a pat on the back once in awhile. it is good for they soul to know that others truly do appreciate all they hard work, caring, and all of their sharing.
I am in the process of starting my own Aquaponics Green house and garden center. I don’t remember how I came across you dad and his stuff. But I truly do like receiving the e-mails and free video information. These alone have kept me on the path to getting that garden of mine up and running. As I have had many troubles these last few years. My income was cut by half and I am on Social Security so it wasn’t much to begin with and I have severe back problems.
But I know and need to get this garden up and running if only for my family’s own security and health. Food prices alone keep the poor malnourished in our country today. Healthy food is expensive in the grocery stores. And we have been train from our youth by the media to eat crappy foods, fried fast foods,full of sugars..
When I first saw your dad explaining the cutting process and how much plants are truly worth. I was astonished.No I was dumb founded that everyone everywhere was not doing this technique.
I can’t wait to get my garden going and I too wish to share with people how to do it for themselves and make a profit at It.
Thank you Mike and Family for being there and giving of yourselves as much as you do.
Happy Birth day and I wish many more .Have a great 2014 and a Blessed Year.
Donald Beres Jr. / CEO at PW&OSFSTSM/ JMKS Babydog
THANX MIKE…… For all you do! I have learned so much from the tips and videos you post.
Happy Birthday Mike!!!
I’m so grateful I stumbled over your website years ago. I love what you write, so willing to share your wealth of knowledge with us all. Gardening and growing is a passion for me, when I’m out in the dirt and question myself, I often say “What would Mike say about this”. You are an incredible inspiration to me. I wish you a beautiful day with the ones you love most. And Happy Anniversary….wishing you many, many more!
Sincerely, Kory
Happy birthday Mike! Thank you for all the great information and your obvious love for what you do, it’s an inspiration.
Love Mike. Love how down to earth and humble his is. Love his video’s. Love visiting his home, yard and nursery in his video’s. Love seeing his pets in the video’s. Love receiving the wealth of information he has. Love Mike!
This spring, I want to create some free plants of my own. Thank you Mike for being YOU!
You have been the inspiration for many things here in the Clark household:
#1- That we can be outside getting relief from day to day living just by digging in the dirt and helping things grow.
#2- That we can feed ourselves for free.
#3- That we can create beauty around us and tell everyone just who we are.
#4- That we can inspire and help many others to do the same thing.
#5- We can do all this and create an income at the same time.
Can’t thank you enough!
Happy Birthday Mike,
Had a chance to drop by at your shindig in August. It rained a bit, but that didn’t damper the learning experience. I had a wonderful time.
After watching so many of your videos, and then meeting and talking with you, I came away with the sense that you’re what I’d call someone that’s real–not a stuffed shirt. I don’t like stuffed-shirts.
I’ll tell you that I’ve been blessed to have some really terrific neighbors where I live(near Maumee, Ohio). Having neighbors like that is one of life’s great treasures. It’s priceless!!
So for your birthday I’ll give you this: I wish you were one of my neighbors!!!
JIM Szczerbiak
Hats off to you also!!!! (And Amber!!!)…I’d love to have your job Amber…be like a pig in mud!!!Cow in sh***…..Just looks like FUN!!!! Because of the ol dirt farmer…what an inspiration to us all!
Duston,You’re doing an amazing job….because of your father!!!
He must be so proud (&vice-versa!!)
It’s your success story also, so congrats to you too!!!
Happy Birthday Mike! Your insights and advice are Fantastic! I look forward to each your postings and i have used them in my garden. Many thanks and have a Great Birthday!
Happy Birthday Mike.
Thanks for all your articles that I read on my email. You make planting, pruning and etc. so interesting.
Enjoy your birthday.
Happy Birthday Mike. Just want you to know how much I enjoy your email loaded with tips, tricks and new gardening tools. Especially enjoy your videos. Hope you have a great Birthday.
Happy Birthday Mike,
Thanks for making me making me see the big picture ….and that it is made up of a collage of small pictures and tidbits that i get from your sites. We are all the sum of own efforts and those of our peers
You inspire me.
Hi Mike,
Happy Birthday to you! Thank you for taking the time to provide me with the many planting tips. I am starting out small with houseplant clippings and some others but intend to expand at a future date. I hope you enjoy your special day to the fullest with lots of family and friends. Take care and congratulations on the 15th Anniversary. May life continue to treat you and your family well. God Bless you and yours.
Thanks again,
Happy Birthday Mike! Just wanted you to know how helpful I find your information. Its simple, easy to follow and very helpful when choosing plants for my yard. I may not always add my comments on your site, however, I do read everything that you post. I may not have that particular plant in my yard but I find all info helpful!
Mike inspires me to try stuff. His pictures and his words make it easy. He invites us all right into his dining room where he does stuff that should probably be done out on a workbench— just like what happens here at our house.
He fights his weight, like most of us ( tell him to stop making that fudge) and talks about that , too.
~~~ Happy Birthday Mike ~~~ Enjoy! I certainly appreciate your video’s and advice!
I’m a lurker. I ran across your website while googling and have loved your newsletter so much. I was an avid gardener, learned from my mother who, at 83, now lives with me. Since I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, as was as surviving breast cancer in the last two years, I have been enjoying your stories and gardening with my mother, kind of as a substitute for being able to get out there and do it myself. Someday, again, maybe I will. Until then, we thank you for letting us live the outdoor gardening life, and wish you a very happy birthday and anniversary.
-From Tennessee transplants in too much sun California!
Happy Birthday Mike : I read all your informative blogs. I am building plant boxes to see if I can grow some Buckeye trees to sell. Do you have any information on how to get the seeds to sprout.
Would appreciate any information you can pass along to your readers. Again Happy Birthday. Don
Happy Birthday Mike!!! I hope you have a great day and wish you many, many more to come.
I can’t tell how much you have done for me and my gardening. every time something comes up that I don’t know, I immediately think of you. You have been wonderful with all your information.
Have a great day and Happy Gardening
Fran Robinson.
A very Happy Birthday to you, Mike! Your advice, videos, and everything you offer have been such a help to me in my gardening adventures. Your simple, clear explanations, and the videos are priceless jewels for learning how to do almost anything. Thank you so much!
Happy Birthday !
Hi Mike,
Thanks for all the wonderful information you provide your followers. Hope you have a happy happy birthday!
a very happy birthday and many more
i second all the great comments about mike
i must add that mike is a great entrepreneur and
has taken his talents and has taught us his skills
additionally he has taught his son dustin some
great values
best wishes barry
Thanks to you my Brown thumb’s are now turning Green………..
Happy Birthday Mike…..
Hey, Mike…Happy Birthday!!
Even though we haven’t met, I feel like you’re a good friend. I’ve gotten the program and I wanted to let you know that I appreciate the opportunity you’ve presented. Not some get rich quick scheme, but an honest to goodness path to the potential of a sizable income…depending upon the effort put into it. I absolutely love to grow things (I’m the type that could NEVER throw out a seedling when thinning out a row!), and for the first time in MANY years, I have hope for the future. You’ve provided that, and I thank you.
I also wanted to say that I appreciate and respect the way you do business. You’ve found a way to make money from a customer while giving them more than what they paid for. That used to be a standard in most businesses (I’m 61…I remember), but sadly no longer the case. Just your videos alone are enough information to build the groundwork for a rewarding career, and the inspiration to keep it going.
You have my gratitude and wishes for a great birthday, and the hope that you and yours find good health and prosperity in the coming year!
Thanks again,
Jim Bartilson
Hi Mike,
Congratulations & Happy Birthday to you! I enjoy getting your messages about plants and things. Here in Minnesota, the temperature was 20 below zero yesterday. We keep thinking springtime is on it’s way but we have a ways to go yet. Keep on sending out your blurbs about gardening & such and spring will be here before we know it. I don’t want to start of business with plants at the age of 72 as it’s far too much work for me, but I do like hearing about what you, your family and your plant’s business are up to. Keep on keeping on as I enjoy your time to time messages. Best Wishes for a happy Birthday and many more to you. Thanks,
Mike Roberts
St. Cloud, Mn.
Happy birthday to you…
Happy birthday to you…
Happy birthday dear Mike…
Happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for the straight forward, and helpful advice, and tips you share with all of us!
You make a difference, and that’s a wonderful thing!
Best Regards,
Happy Birthday Mike and Happy Anniversary!! I enjoy reading your e-mails and all your good advice, although I can’t plant many plants. I am 81 years old, but I still enjoy outdoors and beautiful plants and trees. God Bless!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mike!!! Have a blessed day. Last summer I was a first time gardener. I live in a condo with about 16 – 20 sq ft of growing space. Mikes tips have been very helpful. Again Happy Birhtday.
Happy Birthday Mike,
Hope this brings you as much pleasure as your gardening help has given me.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge of gardening tips with your online followers. I appreciate all of the effort that you put into the numerous emails that I so look forward to receiving. Even tips that don’t apply to my present garden are saved for you never know when you might need them.
I hope you have a Happy Birthday, and many more birthdays in the years ahead. Also congratulations on your successful business and having Duston there working and learning from the pro.
My best to you and your family,
Happy Birthday Mike, and to many wonderful ones with your loving family. Thank you for sharing your no nonsense garden advice with all of us; I do pass somethings on to my Garden Club Members with credit to you of course. Be well, hope to see your sage advice for years to come!
Jalé Dalton
Happy Birthday Mike. Thank you for totally changing the direction of my life, for opening my eyes to a totally different world of growing things. You started me on the road of learning all about plants in real life/real time. and not just about plants and how to grow them but the “business” of raising and selling plants. With the original videos you produced, a seed was planted in my heart and mind that continues to grow even today, many years later. Again, Happy Birthday. I hope you have many more and continue to influence thousands more people with your passion, energy, and common sense approach to growing and selling plants.
Happy Birthday Mike! Just like to say thank you for constantly sending me emails. I always thought it was a good idea, but thought I could figure it out on my own. It is some much easier and encouraging to work with other people with similar goals! You have helped me with direction towards my goals. Thank you and have a great birthday! Rosie Feihel
Hello Mike, Just wanted to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY and also to tell you that I’ve learned a lot about gardening from you. Thank You sooo much.
Happy, happy birthday Mike! Hope this year is one filled with surprises from God. May He continue to bless you in all you do.
Happy Birthday to you Mike! Love your videos… I have learned a lot from you, from how to cut back overgrown brush to making the best fudge at Christmas time! And you always make me laugh! Hope you have a fabulous birthday, and thanks for all the great pointers!
Happy Birthday! and thanks for the help with pruning of trees etc.
God Bless,; and may you have many, many, more blessed ones!
I have sooo many messages bookmarked from you, Mike, about sooo many things. You are my go to guy for sooo many garden questions I might have. In terms we all can understand, I might add. Have a great Birthday !!!
Hi Mike, Im from Guadalajara, México, happy birthday, you have to know I been using your recomendation growing plants and its something great to me, now I can grow Anthurios, Orquideas and a lot of diferent kind of plants, thanks a lot and again happy birthday to you.
Hope you are having a great and blessed birthday today! I want to thank you for sharing your love for growing plants with me. I have really enjoyed getting out of the house and back to nature! Growing plants is a great hobby and very rewarding. Thanks again for sharing a gift that last a life time.
Dr. Allen Savage Sr.
Happy birthday to you Mike. Love reading your tips about gardening, you bring sunshine into so many of our lives. Many blessings, have the best year ever.
I have never bought anything from Mike, but have gotten tons of good advice. The thing is, I am a pretty good gardener myself, but know that I will never stop learning from great people like Mike.
Happy Birthday, Mike, and many more! I love all the emails from you and learn many tips. My son in NC gave me your website to check on a couple of years ago and I have read all your reports. Keep up the wonderful work….that’s what keeping you so young!
Mike, Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your wisdom and humor with us all.
As a nurse I am into nurturing. Thank you for teaching me about nurturing of a different sort. My yard and garden love you and thank you for all the advice. Happy Birthday
GOD BLESS Mike!!! Congradulations _happy 15 th anniversary and happy birthday!!!!!Thank you for all your kindness/patience/sharing of all the knowledge of the plant kingdom!!!! You are the best!!! I must say you have made a difference in my life, I’ve been stimulated,encouraged and determined from all the sharing of your talents. You are a very smart business man/husband and father!!! Enjoy,love,peace & joy. Donna lee James
Happy birthday, Thanks for the sage advice wether it be about gardening or about life. As long as man can grow for nourishment and beauty, we can always turn to you for the knowhow and appreciate even more what you have done. Knowledge shared is knowledge learned for the betterment of all.
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Mike!!
I like to read your emails and watch your video to learn more about gardening. I love your donkeys to, they are so cute.
Enjoy your special day!!
Dearest Mike,
The Happyest Birthday Ever! First and foremost you have done something “Special” in raising your son Duston. The Strongest Tree in your Garden.
Thank you for making me aware of the Nature around me and that my Garden is a special gift. When I read the advice and guidance you give each of us I am so inspired to keep going until I get it right.
Peace, Love & Light,
Jean Renee
Happy Birthday Mike,
You bring such enthusiasm to gardening. I have found new joy in gardening because of you. My garden never looked so good.after following your advice and tips. You certainly show you enjoy what you do and can’t help sharing your experience with others so they can reap the fruit of your knowledge. God bless you and yours. May you continue to use your know-how to benefit many more as you have done in the past.
Hello Mike
Happy Birthday!!♡♡♡♡
I have been following you on line for years!
Always looking forward to your next bit of gardening wisdom. Always fresh and interesting. It keeps me inspired to keep doing what I enjoy. I learned from you that just about anything can be rooted so we keep plastic grocery bags in the truck. Then while we travel the state of Florida working I take cuttings (with permission ) seal them in a grocery bag and stick in the rooting bed when I get them home. With great success!!
And now that my husband and I are slowing down a bit from our hectic work life we feel that we can follow your lead and create an additional income from our nursery. So recently purchased your program and have been devouring as much as I can each evening after work.
Would just like to say, ” keep up the great work” and that you “Truly are an Inspiration”!!
Rocking Rabbit Ranch
All the Best, Mike! You’re a great inspiration for all gardeners and tree and shrub wholesalers and retailers of whatever size..
thanks 4 the invitation to share with all those who are very fortunate to come to Mike’s vast knowledge in farming/gardening. such a wonderful and generous man is hard to find, but in this vast world the internet has build pillars on which humans can stand and find support. it was only yesterday 23/1/2014 I came across mike’s webpage and download it free of charge by his request. I was surfing the net for information about farming and receive hundreds of information. (with free downloads and prints) to be very true, Mikes’ information was so complete, and precise, that I printed the download and after so doing shutdown the computer and started studying it’s content, I am about to go on retirement this year, and I am going into vegetable and life stock farming. (organic) I am 63 yrs. my wife is 59, we are living in St. Lucia West Indies. I feel very at home sharing his birthday. May the creator grant him his heart remaining years, and be merciful to him for being such an unselfish and kind-hearted person. His children will be forever bless through his kindness. Mike was not afraid to pursue his thoughts and ideas. he succeeded by sowing the seedlings of reality. his attraction to Mother Nature paid off. may he have a wonderful and bless day. thank you mike for your gift of love.
Dear Mike,
Though I am not able to garden as much as I would like, your newsletters encourage me and help me to think through how I can tackle gardening concerns the right way. Thank you for sharing your information with others! I love being outside in the fresh air, and hope to do more landscaping in the future. Thank you for being a source of inspiration and knowledge to me, and to so many others!
Hope you have a wonderful birthday! God bless.
Happy Birthday Mike…have enjoyed your emails for yrs now. The information has been fused with what I already knew. Been a great help thru the years in so many ways. Thks so much for all you do.
Aloha Mike! Happy Birthday from Florida! I’ve been a member of your group for years! Although I don’t post much, I still visit the group and watch the videos you sent me. I’m still interested, but my maintenance business has become all consuming (and that’s good!). Happy Birthday again and know we’re still out here lurking in the bushes! 😉
I love your down to earth attitude and humourous positive attitude…keep it coming!
Happy Birthday and thank you for the gift of courage to go out and plant. I had always been a reluctant gardener, thinking that everything I touched would die. With the tips you share here I have become a successful gardener and love the compliments I receive from neighbors and friends on the bounty that is my garden.
Happy Birthday
Great information and very helpfull. Thank you !!
Happy Birthday Mike and a Happy 15 year Anniversary! I have come across your site approximately 9 or 10 years ago and have saved each and every one of your emails and videos until recently when I accidentally hit a button on my computer clearing out the 3,000 + email messages in my inbox. I actually “had” a separate folder with all your wonderful and useful tips that I planned on using when I retire from my “real” job. In the beginning I did print out many of your tips but with the cost of ink, decided to save them on the computer. Gardening is my passion and I spend many weekends weeding, pruning, planting and utilizing MANY of the gardening tips I learned from you and look forward to each and every email I get from you! I have been composting for many years now and I will have to say that my gardens I created with your help are thriving! We live in New Jersey on a half acre of lousy clay soil. To boot, we live on a down-drive so it makes it even harder.
MY WISH FOR YOU is another 58 Birthdays and Anniversaries!!! You are a very special person who devotes countless “Free” hours to provide your internet followers with an abundance of information!! Enjoy your Day Mike, you deserve it!!
Irene D, – Randolph, NJ
Mike, your love and knowledge for gardening is surpassed only by your down-to-earth personality and demeanour . I really appreciate your blog up here in Canada. Have a Happy Birthday.
Dear Mike, We have not yet done any business, but,,,,,I want you to know as soon as I can, I will!, This is a good time to wish you and your wife a Happy Anniversary and you a Happy Birthday! I really look forward to your e-mail messages and videos, they are down to earth and interesting! I always learn something…..Thank you and keep doing what you do.
Alice Herron-Ray
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mike!!!! Wish you many more! and many Thanks~
Happy birthday Mike! Really enjoy your news letters! You know so much and explain it so well! Thank you and enjoy your birthday!hope it’s great!
Congratulations on 15th anniversary and Happy Birthday. Enjoy your down home approach and information
Happy birthday young man! Thank you for making our world more beautiful.
I enjoyed your pruning grapes & how to reproduce them …Happy birthday ,MIKE
Even tho I find all the info interesting from you Mike. and enjoy reading up on that – I don’t really do plants. However, we both have two donkeys and always like hearing about yours also. Right now Oldcars and donkeys and taking care of other much needed things around the place take up my time. Happy Birthday – keep up the good work – and God Bless.
Here in E. Al. I think we feel like OHTenn in this January weather. Ha.
I think you’re great, Mike, helping neophytes like me to get a garden started. And I also love the way you pronounce the word “roots”
Happy 58th birthday today.
Happy Birthday! Much thanks for all that you do to make our earth prettier and to inspire us!
Happy Birthday Mike and Congratulations on the 15 years in business. I have learned alot about plants and how to sell them from you over the last 6 years or so. I haven’t been able to expand much but I do some good business in the space I have and hope to be able to devote more time to my plants. Thanks for your help and all you continue to do for us newbies!
Happy Birthday Mike from canada vancouver island . Very frosty here this morning but lovely and sunny . Have a good one
What I like best about you is how simple you keep it. If we could all just do that the way you do, life would be so much better for all of us.
Thanks for all you have done for some many of us.
Happy Birthday Mike!
Johnny R
It’s a pleasure to share in the celebration of your birthday.
You are a special treasure to all who know you.
You, brought out my love for gardening. It was through the time you took to teach, that I learned.
Thank you and Happy Birthaday Mike
Pat Garvey
Namaste Mike G.,
Wishing you a beautiful and joyful, birthday with good health, prosperity, peace of mind, contentment and lots of beautiful weather. May you find more precious moments with Mother Earth and all her elements.
Reiki blessings forever,
Happy Birthday Mike and thank you so much for all of the information you share! I have been keeping up with the freeplants site for over 10 years, and bought the system 4 years ago. I’m finally ready to pull the trigger on starting my business. It’s because of your regular emails over the years keeping that dream alive through losing my job to offshoring and starting over again on the opposite side of the country. Better late than never!
PS some day I WILL have that out house potting shed – love that design!
Birthday greetings from Arusha, TANZANIA.
Wishing you a Happy Birthday Mike.
Have always loved plants and a garden. Have lived in an apartment for 50 years and could only keep a few potted plants. Bought a plot some years ago and no doubt house not fully built, I have tried to use your guidelines in gardening around the plot.
Whatever I do, I always look forward to receiving your weekly mail and implementing your tips.
You are an inspiration. Thank you.
Happy Anniversary too.
Happy Birthday, Mike! You aren’t getting older, you’re getting better ha ha. Seriously, I just wanted to thank you for all that you’re doing to educate us and help us to live productive, prosperous lives doing what we love best!
May you have many more birthdays filled with love, sharing and caring.
Thanks again and many blessings to you and yours.
Mike has the best advice. I am a better gardener and have more understanding. I finally was able to start and grow cutting from a favorite plant flowering plant that I hard to cut down. Now she has lots of lovely children that I can plant in other areas in my yard.
I love his videos, they are simple and helpful. He also is a good guy with good family values. I love him! Thanks for reaching out of your own life to the continued help to us all. You are truly a wealthy man.
Happy Birthday Mike!!
I’ve been collecting all of your informational emails for about 8 months now and am so looking forward to putting it to work on our property!
Thank you for sharing your useful tools to make $$ off our property!
Wishing you an outstanding birthday!! 🙂
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ””””
Been watching your articles for over a year, maybe 3 years now. I’m a bit older then you, 77 exactly. This past year I slowly got things together and have plans from you to just play with this.
Mainly thanx very much as I will find out more and like it too.
Paul, just a partimer
Happy Birthday, Mike! Many Blessings! I am soon to retire to a more rural area and share gardening and yard duties with my mom–lots of experience there! I can’t wait to get more involved with the opportunities you have presented to supplement the income. Thanks for being so generous with all the great information!
Mike, your positive attitude is contagious and very much appreciated – and your knowledge about the plant world is phenomenal. You’re a great teacher! Happy Birthday!
Thank you for the calming reassurance that gardening can be accomplished regardless of how little you know about it. Gardening is as much a growing process for the gardener as it is the garden!
Happy birthday
It has been more fun having your email to read
I’ve shared it with my gardening friend
Learned to not be afraid to cut those bushes back
And sometimes managed to stay out of those poison leaves
You are great and be sure to have a really great Day..
Happy Birthday Mike! I would like to thank you for all the knowledge you have shared with me. I am not on the board but hope to join in the future. Happy Birthday and Thanks Again.
Happy Birthday/anniversary, from Bonnie Scotland
I read every word you write and enjoy all the comments. I am 81 and do very little gardening, but I can still pretend! Happy Birthday youngster!
Happy Birthday,
Your gardening information has been very useful and you have a unique style in presenting it.
Enjoy your special day.
I do a lot of pretending myself, Charline.
Hey Mike,
Happy Birthday.. Hope it is the best & most exciting one you have ever had. Want to take a minute to let you know what a big help you have been to me. I love to garden, & also grow house plants, & start new cuttings. Thank you for sharing with us all you know about how to begin and what to do. You are such a blessing.
I’ve learned so much and I appreciate the information. Makes gardening so much more enjoyable! Happy birthday blessings to you!
Happy Birthday Mike! Not only are you a blessing with all of your tips for growing and propagating plants, but you obviously are a master at raising kids. How many children would be as thoughtful as Dustin in coming up with such a unique way to honor a parent’s birthday?
Happy birthday and many more.Congratulations on 15 Years of Business! I have been getting your news letters for many years now. Also you have a very wonderful family. I learned a lot about pruning gardening and equipment ( mantes ) etc. from you! I don”t do the gardening like you do but I enjoy your videos and the donkey.
Hello Mike,
Thanks so much for your email and advise. Always enjoy hearing from you. What a wonderful gift you have…and what a wonderful gift you have in your family.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Anniversary!
the kids make you sound old , but, you aren’t. few weeks i’ll be 66 and started in flower business when i was 14. I realy enyoy hearing from you each time and i’ve learned some new trhings from you. hope you enjoy this special day. you need to try willow leaves as a rooting and growing harmone…!!!!!!!
Thank you for some wonderful videos and great articles. I have enjoyed reading you information for years. Loved the video on how to tie up a bundle of sticks.
Happy birthday Mike.
Thanks for all the great advice.
A good heart, happy hands, and a wonderful family!
You’ve got it all — and best of all — you share!
Happy Birthday wonderful man!
Mike – Happy Birthday. I just want to tell ;you what a blessing you’ve been to us as we travel around the country. I try to plant something in each park we stay at: veggies if we’ll be there for a while, flowers or a tree if it’s a short term stay. Your advice along the way has been such a help. I look forward to each article you post – both the gardening and the family ones. May your next year be blessed.
Happy Birthday!
I just wanted to say that every time I see your name in my inbox I smile. You actually make me lol !
When I’m in my garden, I sometimes find myself saying ” is this how Mike would do it? ” Also makes me smile knowing our birthdays are in the same month!
Keep digging,
Dear Mike,
A very happy Birthday to you and a happy anniversary to you as well. I just signed up a few months ago and I cant believe the amount of information i have gained in so short a time. I want to Thank You for all that you have done for me and I’m sure many others. Enjoy your Birthday and continue to keep the back yard growers “growing”. thanks again!!!
Happy Birthday, Mike, and many more! My husband and I are retired and I have told him all about you and your success stories. He now considers himself following in your footsteps as he has started what he considers his “Christmas Tree Plantation”. He plans on someday selling these trees and has told our grand kids that they will be the beneficieries. God Bless and stay well!
My wife and I would like to wish you Mike a very Happy Birthday, You have done some much for us…We both are now 70 and are retired and with your wonderful help we can have something nice to keep us going in Life to look forward too.I always love to be outside doing gardening and taking care of our yard…it keeps us both busy and at our age is a great thing. Again we both wish you the best and look forward to working with you and your wonderful Backyard growers….We Love to met you and your family one day….Thank You Mike for your great idea’s and all your great work for us all !!! God Bless you and your whole Family
Harold Sr.
happy happy birthday my internet gardening guru friend! You have inspired me
To seriously look at space in my yard to maybe…just maybe start a little retirement nursery and earn a little income. sInce I will be purchasing from you I will keep you informed. What a difference you have made in my thinking about my future! G H Clayton
I have enjoyed all your educational videos over the years! Have a great birthday Mike!
Thank you for all the gardening ideas you’ve given me the last couple years. They are easy to understand and I’ve enjoyed doing many of them, with success.
Best wishes for a healthy and happy birthday and many more.
Happy anniversary and birthday too!
Thank you sparking and peaking a life long interest in plants.. In turn, helping my husband and children spArkle with excitement!
We are a family of five who gardens together and we are eagerly watching our bareroot cuttings and broccoli seeds grow!!!!
You explain things that everyone can understand and i feel so accomplished when i can have a bountiful garden because of your wise words!!!
I have enjoyed and used so many of the suggestions Mike gives us. Just about anything I have a question about , I can find the answer from his columns. I am a Master Gardener and we use his
great wealth of information at our meetings and in some of our newsletters.
Happy Birthday !! Keep on writing your columns for many more years.
Hi Mike,.. meeting you on the net is really very nice… I eagerly await your Mails , as in them I find a wealth of knowledge, and a ton of inspiration… my small patch of plants , I have on my terrace has such a calming effect on me..
Your enthusiasm for plants, and EVERTHING connected with growing, is so contagious.. Thanks for all the sharing…
Wishing you a great day on your big day, and may every day of the next year, be fruitful and blossoming….
Happy Birthday Mike !
Keep on helping all us amateur gardeners. We love your advice & you.
Paul & Joan
Happy birthday Mike ! God bless you and enjoy your day.
Thank you so much of the gardening tips .
The one quote I credit and am continuously grateful for is “Do something everyday. If all you can do is 10 minutes, get up and do it” Before long, it was much longer than 10 minutes! There are days when I credit (cuss) Mike for his message of just get up and do something toward your goal.
I have always enjoyed reading and watching all the things you put on your web site!! I have learn a lot from you.! So happy Birthday day and Happy 15th anniversary!!!
Happy Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Mike! Thank you for the opportunity to enjoy and prosper from your website. The wealth of knowledge you share with me in each and every email is invaluable and very much appreciated. The best gift however, came in a very unexpected way. Over the past few years my wonderful husband has seen the awesomeness of Gods plan through plants.
You see, by trade I am a full time (and then some) R.N. in an emergency room. My husband and I both work 50-60 hours weekly. So, thinking I was going to take on yet another full time “job”, my husband wasn’t thrilled when I purchased your system. He was even less thrilled when my brother and I gathered recycled windows, boards and a discarded carport and built an awesome greenhouse in the backyard.
The first year I played with planting seeds, pineapple tops and whatever else I thought might be fun to grow. My husband saw how much fun the grandchildren and I had year around growing things. When the grandbabies harvested their 1st pineapple, well the moment was priceless.
The second year is when I actually took the time to read through your material and watch your dvds (I kicked myself hundreds of times for waiting so long). I found so many awesome plants, wonderful people and knowledge. Again, hubby was less than thrilled, especially when I purchased a bunch (about 100) of japanese maples (4 different varieties) and put them in the greenhouse ( I had spent a few hundred dollars in the past on THREE japanese maple trees for our yard and promptly killed them).
By year #3, I had kept all but 6 of my little japanese maples alive and they were beautiful. The grandbabies and I had harvested pineapples, meyers lemons, pomegranites, strawberries, oranges and had some beautiful flowers. And then we received heartbreaking news. A dear friend was diagnosed with cancer. As an R.N., I knew hers wasn’t curable. As an R.N., she (our friend diagnosed) knew it as well. But, our faith in God was stronger!! I took the strength of those little japanese maples as my sign from God to do something extraordinary for my beautiful friend. We sold almost every single maple for $40 – $50 (I bought them for $1.25 or less per plant) and donated that money to building my beautiful friend her dream kitchen. My beautiful friend enjoyed her new kitchen for 2 years before God took her home a couple weeks ago. In that 2 years, despite her failing health and the hell that chemo and radiation caused her body, she continued doing what she did best. She cooked and fed the hungry, she made sure that hospital staff had “proper” holiday meals when they had to work the holidays (Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and Christmas).
My husband watched and participated in these miracles for the past 2 years. He saw the joy that “playing in the dirt” gives me and our grandchildren. And now, at his request, I share all of the emails you send and he is participating in “playing in the dirt” with joy.
You helped make all this possible by sharing your wealth of knowledge! Thank you aren’t words enough. So, keep sending those emails. In our house they are like gold!
Mike, I pray you have an AWESOME, BLESSED and VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Thank you for all the wonderful information and most of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.
Happy birthday Mike. It has been a bit less than a year since I found your website and all the wonderful and informative information that really gave me a boost. Starting a nursery seemed like such a huge undertaking, but you broke it down and simplified things. So I jumped in, made a misting system just as recommended in your book and DVD, and started taking cuttings.
But more than just the technical information, I want to thank you for your conversational approach that is informal, friendly, unaffected, unpretentious and, even wholesome. You inspire me.
James MacNamara
Happy Birthday, Mike !!! Our whole family is much better off because of YOU, and we DO appreciate what you have done and taught us !!!!
I have learned so much more than I ever knew about JRMs , HLWSs, grafting, misting, hardwood propagating, mulching, and air layering than I ever imagined that I would learn.
Thanks…………And MANY MORE HAPPY YEARS !!!!!!!
Doc Birdwell
Happy Birthday Mike! I look forward to your emails.Have a wonderful Day.
Happy Happy Birthday Mike. Thanks you for all the post that you do. I enjoy all. fudge, donkeys and all the yard knowledge. Thanks and I hope to continue reading them for many more of your birthdays.
Happy Birthday Mike,
Age is just a number, enjoy everyday, before you know it you may be as old as I’m!
We all appreciate your work. It is still 42 years left to your big birthday…l
Happy Birthday. I read all your emails and have learned so much. You make gardening so simple and that is what I like.
Thanks so much and have a great day.
Hey Mike. Just wanted to say Happy Birthday and thank you for all you do. I sincerely enjoy reading your emails and blog posts. You are a very giving person, and I suspect that is the reason for your success over the years. Congratulations on your success.
Happy birthday Mike
Happy Birthday Mike!!
From Central Florida
Discovered your site last year and have had fun in both watching your informative video’s and reading your emails. It got down to almost freezing here so I hope my starter plants weren’t damaged.:>) Don’t know how you deal with the cold up there.
I know you don’t deal with vegetables much but do you know a secret method for keeping squirrels from getting my tomatoes?
Enjoy your birthday
Happy Birthday Mike.
I enjoy your site and newsletter. Have found many interesting things to try.
Hug the donkeys for me. And rest of family too.
Many thanks.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE..just wanted you to know that I got hooked on your videos and watched some over and over..i like the way you present them and the tips I learned a lot from…thank you! and have a great birthday!
Mike has opened my mind to being a better steward of my land, using improved planting methods for our vegetables, flowers, and especially the fruit trees. What I found particularly important are the videos showing me exactly what to do. After watching his instructions I felt more confident to attempt his instructions. His comments are always positive and full of cheerful encouragement.
A very happy birthday to you Mike!!!
Both Della and I are glad to know you and to be doing the backyard business these 4 years now.
we are grateful for the help that you and all the other members have given us over the years.
Andy and Della Anderson “A time to plant” Quakake Pa.
My birthday is 1-22
I enjoy reading about how you garden. At this time I can’t do more than a few potted plants but I’m hoping to be able to do more some day. Thank-you for sharing this with us. I hope you have a wonderful birthday.
Happy Birthday, Mike!! May you celebrate many more with your wonderful family!!
Happy Birthday Mike.
Our Garden Club has shared your informational videos and e-mails. Your knowledge has successfully directed us with pruning, planting, and landscape design. Thanks from all of Lake Latonka Garden Club, Mercer, PA
Happy Birthday Mike,
Thank you for all the information you have provided via your posts.
I have learned so much from them.. Enough to get my own plant business in gear.
How you are going to read all these posts, I will never know. Luckily its the winter and may find time. Speaking of winter, would someone please turn up the big thermostat dial out there. It’s just too cold.
Happy birthday, Mike!!!
Your thoughtful pages have been an eye opener in many aspects. I even got my husband to read and watch some of your videos. Your own-to-earthness is refreshing and your insights into gardening and life in general helps us to see the world in a different, better light.
Have a wonderful birthday, keep up the good work, and do take care of yourself.
Warm regards,
Happy Birthday, Mike! I’ve been following your videos for about 3 years now and I just wanted to say “Thank you for making all that information available on the internet!” Through your videos, I’ve learned how to make and root cuttings for resale. I began selling them 3 years ago and have continued to grow my business each year! Since I was first introduced to you (virtually), I’ve subscribed to your newsletter, which is a wonderful tool by the way, and I just recently purchased your Backyard Growers package. I’m starting this season with 700 – 1 gallon liners to sell, which is more than triple what I had at this time last year. Your information on building hoop houses was very helpful to me as I needed a way to overwinter my plants. I now have three hoop houses in my backyard that are 4’x30′ and filled with plants. My goal is to continue growing my business by 400% each year so I can step out of my current corporate job into my own nursery business in 5 more years. Thank you for the inspiration and guidance to take the steps to finally fulfill my lifelong desire to run a nursery business!
I wish you a Happy Birthday and many more to come!!
Robert Hinshaw
Mike, thank you for your years of great information and inspiration. I’ve been a subcriber for a number of years now, and have always found at least something useful if not for that day, then certainly for sometime up the road in my gardening journey. I especially found the rooting and propagation information helpful.
What would we do without you? Thanks for being there, and being so dedicated to your craft. HAPPY 58th BIRTHDAY TO YOU & HAPPY 15th ANNIVERSARY!!! May you have many more!
Happy birthday, Mike!
You’re a special person and deserve to have a special
I have learned so much from you and your videos over
the years and I just want to thank you.
I once did a lot of gardening and yardwork, but for the
past 9-years, I’ve been a caregiver for my Mom–who has
alzheimers. It’s been difficult to take care of a garden and
keep up with her, but I do what I can. Right now, she’s my
one job. I have saved all of your videos and refer to them
when needed. They’re priceless.
You take good care of yourself, keep up the good work,
and God bless you.
Debbie Rom
Dear Mike:
Because of your ability to give direction in non-intimidating laymen’s terms, I am able to prune my shrubs and particularly roses with confidence and effectiveness. You have given a myriad of helpful tips. Most of my gardening knowledge I can source back to you. I appreciate you and I wish you a very happy birthday!!!
I read what you send every time it arrives.
You are improving the world with your efforts.
Happy Birthday Mike, May God Bless you and your family.
Thanks for all of your great tips on gardening. I especially want to thank you for teaching me how to prune my shrubs. Again, Happy Birthday. Ken Wisniewski
I want wish you all the best on your special day. I wish I lived closer to you to share in your vast knowledge. You are a treasure and I hope to use thus in the future. I love plants and I know I will be able to enjoy life more in the future. Happy Birthday!!! Save me a piece of cake….. : )
Happy Birthday, Mike
Have really enjoyed your down-to-earth advice and have learned a lot in the past few months.
I retired a few years ago from a bank job and have really enjoyed working with plants, seeds,
and cuttings. I love to get out and get dirty and it’s just me and the plants, the dirt and the blue
sky. Have a great birthday and thanks for all you do!!! You have made a difference in a lot of
people’s lives and isn’t that what it’s all about!!!
Happy Birthday, don’t ya love em. I have not done anything yet with the business, however I am still interested. I just like the way you are so truthful and down to earth (so to speak) because you really want to help people.
enjoy your day
Mike – happy birthday! we travel the country in an rv and park many places. The advice and ideas you send make our stays so much more fun because, loving to garden, I’m able to take your help and make each place I stay better than when I got there. I’ve planted both veggies and flowers and trees in different places. Your advice has been such an inspiration to me. Thank you and may you be blessed in your next decade as you’ve blessed others in your last.
I’ve been a fan of Mikes gardening advice for about 15 years. It’s so nice to be able to ask mike a question and get answers quickly and for “Free”. Mike is very knowledgable and helpful with all my questions. When I have an issue for example, “how and when do I prune my blueberry bushes” I go to my friend Mike. I get all the info I need and quickly get the job done. Thanks Mike. I do pray u have a wonderful birthday and thanks for all you do. Your friend, Rhonda (from Washington State)
Happy Birthday, Mike!
Thank you for showing me that a plant-based business is possible, and all of your advice and insight through your mailings. It’s changed my life, and in no small way.
It’s helped me have the faith in myself and my abilities, to work my way through a major trauma in my life and focus on healing, growth, and prosperity doing something I love. It’s helped me ignore the naysayers, and do something entirely different from anything anyone in my family has done. It’s made me a business owner. It’s helped me change my career path at the age of 37, from being a secretary (something I could do, but did NOT enjoy! :-)), to getting past my fear of striking out on my own and actually going ahead, and doing it. I’ve started a small company, and am in the process of building it, now…I’ve turned my basement into a propagation area and am growing seeds and cuttings, along with other projects. I’m involved with the local farmers market and am building my online website and merchant account. I love what I do now, and all of the work involved in watching things grow! 🙂
Thank you for showing me it could be done.
With sincere thanks, and wishes for a very happy Birthday, with many returns,
Happy Birthday Mike!
I am a backyard gardner who is very new to gardening and I must tell you I really enjoy your videos. They are incredibly helpful since you cover a wide range of topics. Thanks for all you do to make us better gardners.
Have a Blessed Birthday! And a Blessed 2014.
I love your emails! They are interesting and informative. I think I want to do the plants, but grand kids, going places, etc, keeps getting in the way. The years are passing fast, so I will keep enjoying my life as it is, and keeping up with you and sharing in all the fun tour having by email. Blessings to you and yours. Bennie Rhoden
Hi Mike,
Happy Birthday,
I just want to say that I really appreciate all the valuable and down to earth
information that you impart to so many as well as a great sense of humor
that goes with it…..Thank you!!!
Happy birthday Mike! I still have my clay soil and the appletrees still aren’t thriving, but at least we’re getting cherries. Keep up the good work and enjoy your day.
Happy birthday Mike and thank you for all the gardening tips.
Have a great day.
Happy Birthday/Anniversary! You are a very inspiring person. You are also very generous in sharing all that great information in your head! I appreciate you! MKay
Happy Birthday Mike, I have enjoyed your videos and in the process have learned much about growing plants. I have shared your links with colleagues here at work and now we often have conversations about growing plants and we reference you and your site. Thank you for helping to bring people together doing something that I feel is good for the sole (growing plants).
Hi, Happy Birthday. Have a great year.
I moved into a house that had a garden consisting of weeds, weeds and more weeds. While searching for gardening answers I found Mike’s site. It has given me answers about pruning and growing and composting, etc., etc. and lots of hope. Very cheery, positive guy, I guess.
Happy Birthday Mike!
I have enjoyed receiving your inspiring and educational email messages about horticulture. I have always enjoyed the outdoors and discovering unique plant life. I started growing plants when I was about eight years old; I planted an orange seed. My siblings laughed at me until the seed sprouted into a small tree. My brothers and my ex-wife continued their ridicule of my love for plants.
I found your website and began listening to your experiences while learning some of your propagation and sale tips. From a tough looking guy like you who supported his family, I found your words and actions very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your life experiences and allowing a regular guy, like me, a little extra confidence while enjoying his hobby.
Keep the stories coming and have a GREAT BIRTHDAY! Your family loves you! Thanks again.
Phillip Parnell
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday……young man.
I can’t believe how much I have learned over the past two years.
thanks Mike.
The great thing about growing older is you get to look the part.
Happy Birthday Mike!!!! Have a wonderful day. Thanks for all your help through the past years. Your the best. Enjoy!!!!
Shirley and Ted
Happy Birthday Mike from the balmy 10 degree Ozarks of southeast Missouri.
Louie Smith
Happy Birthday Mike!
I do not garden for a business, I do it because I love it. You have taught me how to start some of my Rose Bushes from ones that I already had.
Thank you and hope you have a Great Birthday!
Many Happy Returns of the day. Live happy and prosper and please continue with your advice and videos. Even though I cannot put all into practice, having deer around, I still get ideas from you.
All the best from a British lady living in north New Jersey.
Happy birthday I enjoy reading your emails and learned a lot from them you never stop learning. If you don’t try something new all the time I will be 80 the 29th of Jan. Married for 62 years with 6 kids all boys but 5 I have been in and out off the hospital a few times just got out from having my back fixed I am ready to go again I could not think of a better person to learn from.SO you hang in there.
Happy Birthday Mike. Keep up the good work. I enjoy the e-mails and all the info you offer.
I love that you love to share your experience and wisdom with others. You deserve a
marvelous 58th B’day…many more…Peace, Pam
Hi and happy birthday to a honest out doors person. Living in California with all the acres and acres of land and the majority of people live in apartments and condo;s. I do own a home and have a yard but just did not know what to do with plants and being outside. Reading Mikes notes and seeing his small movies really encouraged me.
With Mike’s inspiration I grew many trees of many kinds FROM SEED!! This was so exciting. I never got into selling anything but the fun of seeing it grow was so fun. I learned it did not have to be beautiful or in an elaborate container, just water and give it sun shine and walla!! I have an Avocado tree growing from seed in the house and a Walnut tree too. Lots of not so good endings but learned they are like anything else in life, IF YOU DON’T SUCCEED TRY TRY AGAIN, If you are in doubt what to give someone, give them a plant, One year I sent seeds to everyone for Valentines Day, Just like Mike would say ‘play outside’ and I did and do and thank you and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. You don’t know me but I appreciate YOU and thank you for helping me appreciate my yard!! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TOO!!
I read all your e-mails and enjoy them because I’m seventy nine years old and I’m finding out how I’ve been doing so many things wrong foe so many years. Things like prunning,planting and starting new plants. Thank you Mike and I wish you to have many more good years.
I’ve been following the blog for a few years and have learned a great deal. I just enjoy the books I’ve purchased from you, your realistic expectations regarding this business, your transparency and vulnerability with hosting ‘shindigs’ with total strangers and your all around friendliness! I was so excited when I found out we were moving to Ohio from Arizona and that we would live nearby! You’re just a gardening hero in my eyes. 🙂 Happy Birthday!
Happy Happy Birthday Mike!!! So, you are a fellow aquarian…my birthday is Sunday!! Well, I hope you have a great day, it is your day to do whatever you want!!!
Just want to let you know that I enjoy getting your mails…I read every single one and I have a designated folder they go onto…in case I need to read them again…lol
Happy birthday Mike – many more to go yet – thank you for the info
At 70 with lung disease, living in a very hot SW city in a mobile home park it is very hard for me to have fresh food. Mike has given me the encouragement to keep at it even with more failures than successes. I am determined to flip the end results. Thank you and Happy Birthday Mike, may you have many more.
I discovered you fairly recently, but I want you to know how much I look forward to your e-mail posts that not only provide excellent information but also a view of your life – including the donkeys. I will never have a gardening business because my gardening space is far too small, but I enjoy sharing veggies as well as plants and flowers from the beds that surround the foundation of my house. I learn from every video that you post, and I truly appreciate the knowledge and enthusiasm that you share so generously.
Happy Birthday Mike,I am sending you joy as it is one of Gods Best Gifts. Thank you for all your help, we need more people like you and less people like Obama. your honesty is appreciated .Your knowledge is your gift to us all.Happy,Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday and congratulations on your 15th anniversary. With your inspiration, I have tqken up gardening as my hobby and a very good time pass in the sun (vitamin D) ever since i have been at home. Your advice is great in every email. May thae Almighty give you all the happiness and prosperity in your life.
Happy birthday, Mike!!!! We both enjoy your expert and knowledgeable emails we receive from you. Your constant input about planting trees and expert tips and shortcuts is greatly appreciated! That hoe thingamajig is outstanding!
Enjoy your day and take care.
Happy Birthday – Thanks for your advice on how to remove bushes/bush roots – I have shared the information with many friends – a simple and quick manner to remove the roots and move onto the next task.
Happy Birthday! Love the baked bean recipe that is I think your Mother-in-laws recipe. Very good.
I read your emails as soon as i get them. I have learned so much. I have ten rose bushes that thank you for the advice that you gave me to take care of them.
I love your down to earth talks and how you are always eager and excited about growing plants. There are some things that I cant plant but I still enjoy learning how to care for them anyway.
Thank you
Linda from California
Mike, someone already used the word perseverance but that was the word I thought about when I received this Happy Birthday surprise your Gang is planning for you. Perservance and hard work pays off, these are attributes that come here from your emails, keep up the nice work, and thank you………sure wished you lived in my neck of the woods. I know we only see the tip of the iceberg on this screen As we have heard, Never surrender and never give up. Happy Birthday fellow gardener !!!!!!L
Happy Birthday/Anniversary! Thank-you so much for all you do. You are a very inspiring person.
You are also very generous to share all the information you have in your head! I appreciate you!
In my darkest days of illness, I would get an e-mail from Mike. He had no idea what his little ‘plant pep talks’ did for me. When I finally came alive, I ordered his system. Love it! Mike, I have no idea how long you sent me the e-mails but I thank you from my heart. I know there are a lot of people getting your notes. You will probably never know how many people you are sending ‘Get Well’ cards to and you think it’s just about plants. 😉
Happy birthday Mike !
All the best for you and your family !
Happy Birthday Mike, Thanks for the great tips and growing secrets. I can’t always afford to do all the things you write about but, I will keep trying all the new ideas that I can afford. Keep on keeping on! Hope you have a great day. Thanks for the inspiration……..Ben
i just want to say thank you for all you do. i read everyone of your emails and you have been a great help many times to me. ENJOY your special day and keep making ppl smile. <3 xoxox
I don’t have your program, but if I was younger and in better health I would. I love all your emails and videos of gardening tips and the donkeys. Good luck for continued success and Happy Birthday.
Dear Mike, Happy Birthday! I know the birds, bees and butterflies were chirping happily when you were born because you have done more than anybody I know to further growing plants of all kinds on the property of your subscribers. I’ve learned how to prune and propagate my beautiful roses, how to prune, grow and propagate my Japanese Maples, how to use my property wisely, efficiently and get the most out of every corner by looking at how you planned and planted your property. There isn’t a thing you haven’t covered in the way of composting, planting, growing and propagating plants. Have I left anything out? Well, you can add that as well. I’ve sent your website to all my hundreds of friends and they love it. God bless you on this birthday and I pray you have many, many more. Love and hugs to you, Pam and the family. AnnMarie
Hope you have a wonderful day Mike celebrating a Happy Birthday. You have continued to make videos that educate as well as inspire gardeners and future gardeners showing ways to success. Thanks again and God Bless you and your family. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you!
Happy Birthday Mike!
On the day of your birth i was already an elderly 8 years and one day
of youth. I don’t recall what I was doing on the day of the day of your birth but,
I am sure it was eventful.
Thanks for sharing and being a friend. I wish You Many more Happy days my Aquarian Friend.
Sam Norton
A long time ago…maybe 10 years or more?…I bought Mike’s ebooks, downloadables, and CD’s…on how to start a backyard nursery. Ever since I have received Mike’s regular emails and each one lifts my spirits when I see it in my in-box. I have learned so much and continue to do so even this morning with the compost video. (I didn’t know before that table scrapes did not make compost like the ground leaves do, and that we should give them to the worms!)
I have not yet been able to start my backyard nursery, and even though I am 78 years old, I have not given up doing it…I am trusting I can get my children and grandchildren to help me do it when the time is right. Our life has been filled with so many other people’s needs, that I chose to help the others first and then get to mine. We started a non-profit training institute to help the hungry, (SIFAT: Servants in Faith andTecnology) 35 years ago and now have graduated church and community leaders from 89 countries in appropriate technologies and community development. These people come from some of the hardest places of our world…refugee camps, isolated villages high in the Andes, tropical, jungle river valleys…We are teaching how to purify water, how to grow more food, micro-enterprise for survival…basic human needs. … The needs are so great in our world, that I am still involved in SIFAT, but when I can really retire, I still plan to use Mike’s backyard system in my backyard! Each year I add a little more to my garden there.
Meanwhile, during the last 10 or 12 years since I bought your material, Mike, I have learned many things from you. And I have passed on your teachings to the leaders of poor communities in Haiti, Bolivia, Ecuador, and from 89 countries total in Asia, Africa and Latin America. I have used many things I learned from you in my classes for these humble, dedicated, and oftentimes very brilliant people who then took it back to their countries. Even though I haven’t had time to make my backyard system yet, buying your materials was one of the best investiments I ever made. I continue to read and study and teach your principles.That $80 and has paid off hundreds of times as our students returned to their countries and taught their villages.
Even though you don’t know SIFAT, you have had a profound influence through SIFAT on helping many hungry, destitute people, all over the world now be able to grow more food and propogate plants to support themselves.
Thank you for what you have taught me. I pray that you will have a wonderful birthday and many years ahead to keep teaching us…and may your students spread your teachings to others….so that more needy people will have the ability to provide food and income support for themselves.
God bless you! You have really blessed the world!
Sarah Corson
Happy 58th birthday Mike!
Until 2012 I had a home and garden in Indiana and you have always been my go-to person if I needed information. My friends thought I was so knowledgeable about gardening due mainly to your help. Now I have an apartment in southern Virginia with
no garden, however, I do some gardening for my son who lives nearby and you are still my source for help.
Thank you Mike!
Wishing you a happy birthday and best wishes on your anniversary. I am new here but I have hope I can learn and develop a business growing plants. We put out a large garden every year and it truly is my favorite place to be. I appreciate all the information so far. I hope to join the backyard growers soon. Thanks for your inspiration.
! Happy happy Birthday to you !
Wonderful seeing your ideas of how to do well on plants.
Sharing you knowledge of you work is so amazing!!!
Great for you Birthday as it was the best special day …Thank you 😉
I enjoy your work and what we learn from it. Every plant you grow has part of you in it. The plants take over your life. And you thought you were in charge.
It is very sad that I am so old { of course not an excuse } but when I read about his Email,s inspire me so much that I wish go to my backyard and start shoveling. I am running a little hydroponic system just to be active but in reality I should be ROOTING the way he teaches Us. Happy Birthday and God bless you Mike and your whole family .
I could not say enough about how much Mike has helped me in all aspect’s of this business, from beginning to end. His knowledge and understanding of the of the business is unequaled , as well as his care for his members. Integrity , honesty , and his willingness to help is a way of life with Mike. I am great full to him for all he has taught me.
Thank you Mike, and Happy Birthday
Hello: and Happy Birthday Mike
I purchased your system a while back to look at trying to make some more cash. Now that I have lost my job and am down to a small pension I am trying to get the money together to buy supplies to get started. in growing some plants to earn some extra cash. I love your videos please keep them coming
Happy Birthday to your dad. Praying many, many more blessed ones for him. It is always a pleasure to read his e-mails as I love flowers & gardening. He has really helped me with more knowledge concerning them for many years. I look for more e-mails from your wonderful dad. God bless!
I don’t recall how I came upon your website, but I know I signed up and have enjoyed your articles and videos for several years now. Frequently, your information has affected something I’m just about to tackle…whether it’s when to prune fig trees or roses or how to root almost anything..
Listening to you share your expertise has been like having a neighbor who just knows tons of stuff and who is willing to lean over the fence and share.
Thank you for all your efforts. Have a great birthday and keep those e-mails coming. BTW, looks like you also have a GREAT family! what could possible more important?!!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy!
Your emails are inspiring and informative. I’m still trying to talk my dad into cultivating and caring for plants in his retirement!
Happy Birthday, Mike! You have been an inspiration to me giving me practical can-do advice. When I first found you my husband and I had just bought our dream house. I was overwhelmed being the steward of such a large property with heirloom plants and mature trees. Your website has helped me learn about not only caring for my garden but propagating it as well! I have gained so much confidence and joy thanks to you. Warmly, Rita
Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with all of us. It’s wonderful to have a place to learn from someone who has so much experience. Thanks again for all you do.
Happy Birthday Mike! I know you pull a lot of hours educating and inspiring all of us….. just have to ask one thing, even though you may feel tired and maybe ready to hang up the bibs sometimes, please don’t…. I just got started!! No really, your whole program has been an inspiration for me and my whole family.
God bless you and your family, sir….
Happy Birthday Mike!!!
I watched some of your videos and i love that you always keep it simple, that is so inspiring to me!! Great job on your blog and all that you do, Have a great birthday today and continue on having fun and being YOU everyday!
Thank you!
Happy Birthday Mike!
I will be forever grateful for all of your help and encouragement.
I especially appreciate how you encourage people to keep going, just doing something towards building our little nurseries every day. I don’t have any support from anyone about my nursery, and your advice….”don’t give up”, “do what you can”, “a little each day”, and believe in yourself…..and to absolutely not let others discourage you from their lack of confidence in you…..
so much you have helped me with.
Thank you so much, Mike.
Your California friend, Martha!
Your father has always provided valuable insight. I have used his information often, and must say it was most productive in it’s application. Please thank him personally for me. …….and many more anniversaries!!!!!
I just enjoy reading about the everyday tips about planting and pruning. Everything is down to earth and simplified for the everyday gardener and plant and tree lover.
Mike’s e-mails and e-books have motivated me to try my hand at propagation. I didn’t know how much enjoyment I could get playing in the yard.
Because you are located in Ohio your advice and guidance has been very important to me. You are truly an inspiration and you share so easily. Thank You! Hope your Anniversary and Birthday are VERY SPECIAL and you have many more. Betty
Happy, Happy Birthday! I look forward to each of you newsletters, loaded with all sorts of gardening advice. I learned how to prune my trees, among countless other things. I have shared newsletters with friends, so they can see what they/re missing out on.
I know your family has a special time planned for you. I just wanted to send my wishes and a great big thank you for the wealth of information you provide! Keep up the awesome work!
Happy birthday Mike!!!!!
Hope you have another 58 Birthdays at least. Love all YOUR helpful hints it has helped me dramatically in the garden. Hopefully one of these days I can buy your book. Thanks again am enjoy your special day !
Happy Birthday to you, Mike.
Thank you for everything that you have done for our gardeners. I have been following you almost ten yrs now and have kept every single email/video that you shared with us. You have started me to get into the Japanese Maples hobby and I now collect about 100 different cultivars and other JM species i.e. Acer Japonicum, Shirasawanum… Your tips are always great and I have shared them with other gardeners, too.
Best wishes for your health and looking forward to many more BDs ahead.
Happy Birthday! You impacted my life more then you will ever know! I lost both my parent and husband in a 3 yr. time frame and I just wanted to die myself. But the love of plants and your wonderful e-mails brought me out of my slump. I now landed a job with a landscaper and start some of the plants for his business, we are both making a killing! But it was your down to earth videos that made it all possible. So thank you for letting me again enjoy what I love to do best work in dirt and play in the garden! Happy Birthday, enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday Mike!!!
I love your videos and have learned so much from you.
I have an even greener thumb after following you. 🙂
I hope you have many more years of gardening to come.
Wishing you, our Dear Mike, the happiest of birthdays – and may all your wishes come true!
On this day of honoring you, I’d like to thank you for all the gifts you have given us – confidence, common sense, valuable insight, and invaluable lessons from your heart – all in the name of growing, and making this world a better place.
With kindest regards,
What a wonderful life you live! Keep up the good work – nothing is more gratifying than working in nature and seeing the results you have accomplished.
Really want to say
Happy Birthday.
happy birthday, Mike! since buying your course, I’ve immersed myself in plants- taking the master gardener course, working on permaculture, and creating our own garden of eden!
thank you, my friend, for helping us start this journey.
Wishing you, our Dear Mike, the happiest of birthdays – and may all your wishes come true!
On this day of honoring you, I’d like to thank you for all the gifts you have given us – confidence, common sense, valuable insight, and invaluable lessons from your heart – all in the name of growing, and making this world a better place.
With kindest regards,
Barbara R.
I love your common sense info. Directions are easy to follow.
Happy Birthday Mike
Thank You for all you do. I ordered the course a couple years ago for my daughter, who has mild CP and learning disabilities. She LOVES it. She has a hard time with reading so the dvd’s are excellent for her. She is married now and has a newborn son but they hope to get a house soon so she can have land to garden. A place to apply all she has learned from you and create income as well. Thank You again!!
I read all your email messages. And get lots of helpful hints. Thanks so much for taking the time to enlighten us.
Happy Birthday!
Hi Mike, Happy Birthday and Anniversary!
I have only been on board with you for a short time but have learned heaps already, I have gone from a vague idea of doing something with plants to having a huge area full of rooted plants and am growing to order, especially New Zealand Natives which we as a country are passionate about preserving.
You are an inspiration and I look forward to your recieving your emails.
God Bless
Happy Birthday from a 75 year “Old Fart” farm boy from central Wisconsin who respects your barnyard humor & down to earth opinions. It sure is great to hear advice in a language we respect & understand. Keep on enjoying life as God intended us to do.
Thanx Glen
Happy Birthday Mike! I purchased your back yard growing system a year ago and have read through it all but not yet gotten started. My husband passed away a month ago, so guess what your Backyard Growing Systems is going to be my next new project. I am really excited about doing that this summer and starting my backyard nursery for next fall. I love to read your blogs and all the info that you send out all the time. I echo the same things your son and daughter in law say about you, and that is you always explain why you want to do something specifically the way you say to do it, the reason is . . . that helps me so much. I love playing in the dirt and I really look forward to putting your plan into action. Again I hope you have a fantastic birthday and get lots and lots of messages.
Happy Birthday Mike! While I a haven’t ordered anything – yet – I am a faithful reader. I even have a folder in my email to save your emails so I can revisit them. Love your enthusiasm and perspective, plus all the practical advice, rooted (pun intended…) in years of experience. I plan to really tap into your wealth of knowledge and experience when I retire in a few years. Keep up the great work! And thanks for making so much available. May God richly bless you, your family, and the donkeys too, of course!
Happy Birthday and thanks for all the great information and advice, I’m back to digging in the dirt at age 77, and now my girl friend at 84 is also getting ready to garden this year too. I think it’s all your fault.
Happy Birthday Mike. Thanks for all the encouragement and all the advise that you give us daily. You are an inspiration.
Hi Mike !
Happy Birthday! I think you
are so helpful! You are so good
at explaining how to work with plants.
I loved learning about compost too!
I want you to know, you have
inspired me to TRY! That is a physical
and an emotional response that I had
to overcome. Rooting away in South Carolina! Plant sales, over 200 Japanese Maple seeds that I got free
about to plant. Yay!
God Bless you, sir..
and just sayin… you have made
a huge difference in my families life!
Have some ” fun” today, ok?
Like a lot of folks I live check to check, and when I read about growing plants it is like a mini vacation for my mind. I have a dream some day of having a place to put in a garden, and Mike helps me keep my dream alive !
Thank You Mike ! and Be Blessed…
~ Charles
I thank you Mr. Mike for all of your info and hints on gardening, I have learned so much from you about rooting from stem cuttings, pruning and planting all types of trees and shrubs and transplanting including how to get rid of suckers. I have not gone into the market business but throughout my gardening experience, you have helped me to make a lot of people smile, just by passing my house and admiring my work and passing along lots of helpful hints which I tell them I got from Mr. Mike. Thanks again for all of your input. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!! I wish you many more and may The Lord continue to bless and keep you is my prayer.
Zetella Bonner
El Dorado, Arkansas
Hey Mike, 🙂
Happy Birthday and congratulations.
To a great guy with a super family.
Like I always say “Life is a do it yourself project.”
Stay busy and happy.
Tom Lance
Happy Birth Day
Happy Birthday! Thank you for the positive note in your blog! I always enjoy reading your page!
I appreciate the hard work that you do and keeping it simple. HB
Mike, I have been a subscriber for quite a while now. Yournewsletter allows me to keep in touch with things dear to my heart. I have an extensive science backgroun, MS in Agronomy, biology teacher, etc. BUT your notes are practical, straight forward…in a nutshell…you are good at teaching.
Please don’t stop.
Your 72 year old blinded vet buddy,
love your emails, I feel if there are any questions concerning plants and plant care I have a place to go. Thanks for all you do. Wishing you the greatest of birthdays, may God bless you and your family
Mike is like the neighbor you wish you had. Always willing to listen, lend a hand, share knowledge, show a cheaper or easier way to do things, etc .I don’t believe there is a problem that he hasn’t solved since I’ve been reading his web site and visiting with him, you, his wife, his helpers and his donkeys. You can tell a lot about a man by the way he treats his animals. Mike is a very caring and gentle man!! You are so lucky, Duston, to have been born into such a caring family.
Mike, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You’re not getting older, you’re young enough to live a long life and old enough to be smart about it.
You have done so much good with your contagious enthusiasm and great ideas.
It’s always a joy to read your ideas.
Now just tell me how to grow asparagus in this North Texas prairie. I’ve tried for 8 years and they never get out of the ‘fern’ stage. What are we doing wrong??? Alkaline clay soil, but lots of sun!
Happy Birthday!!! we love you here and you advice always comes just when we need it most.
Happy Birthday Mike! You are truly an inspiring man. Your knowledge and wisdom is great. I am so happy I fould your site. I so look forward to your newsletters. I love hearing your advice and the reasoning behind it. When I read your newsletter it makes me smile. I love learning from you and hearing what you have to share with all of us.I have always loved gardening and plants but you make it so much more interesting. It is so nice to see someone who truly enjoys what they do and it really shows for you. Keep the advice and explanations coming. Love me some Mike.
Happy Birthday Mike! You are the best! Every time I read or watch your videos, I feel like my best gardening friend has come to visit.
Over the past couple of years Mike has renewed my gardening spirit. I realized that I had strayed from growing my own vegetables and herbs. I see Mikes posts coming regularly and it triggers my need to plant something. Thanks
I love all your ideas and many things that I didn’t know, and many things that I want to try. You have taught me alot. Have a very Happy Birthday!
Hi Mike, I’d like to wish you all the best on your birthday! Due to an accident I hadn’t managed to do any gardening in years till I watched your videos. I now once again enjoy my pastime in a small way. All my best wishes to you and yours.
For all you have shown me, I am forever grateful. You prove dreams can come
true…and they do. Wishing you and your crew the greatest and happiest 2014.
Donna Lillis-Lynch
Happy Birthday Mike! Just wanted to let you know it’s OK to cry when you read all these comments! Because of your diligence and hard work, I have learned how to propagate plants properly and I make money at the local Farmers Market to supplement my midwifery income.( people want a midwife, just don’t want to pay for one)…. Our yard is also the most beautiful it’s ever been. Thank you for all you do, and keep up the good work!!
Happy Birthday To You Happy Birthday To You…….
Thank you so much for sharing your life’s ups and downs. Love everything you do and teach us. I am hoping one day to sell from my driveway. I have enough variety of plants in my yard to have a pretty good size nursery, but being disabled it does put a damper in that plan but one day it will happen.
Keep bringing us all your great adventures and information.
By the way I love the Donkey’s. I have chickens, ducks and geese.
Enjoy your day to the fullest.
Looking forward to more newsy newsletters in the future.
Happy Birthday Mike,
I’ve truly enjoyed every message from you. I only wish I had found this info 20 years ago and had the nerve you have to start over. I love playing in the dirt and wish I could make a living doing that. If I had started earlier in life I could have. Hope you have a wonderful birthday and please continue to keep us inspired.
First off, Happy Birthday. I once was your age ;0). Hope you are enjoying yourself today. I would like to thank you for your great work here. I just received the rest of your program in the mail yesterday afternoon. I am in the process of reading it. I am sooooo excited about doing this as being disabled and not able to get around like the good ole days I think I can do it. If not for a money making adventure, but as a great clean (so to speak) hobby. At least being outdoors is a definate plus. I just happened on your website a few months ago and have been hooked since. Thanks so much for all the info you have given myself and others. Now I walk around the neighbors yards asking for cuttings of their plants. Again, thank you so much for your help, encouragement and information. Have a blessed day and Happy Birthday from Washington state!!!
happy birthday MIKE!
I have really enjoyed your garden tips. It has made me a better person ,and gardener
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have given us some of the BEST advice I have ever read about SO MANY topics, from tools to plants to planting/mulching/pruning hints. The tools I have purchased after reading Mike’s ideas have lived up to everything he recommended about them. Thank you so much!!!
Happy Birthday Mike! I’ve had a long life of having a brown thumb and nearly gave up on anything to do with plants. Then I saw you and my life changed. You explain things in easy to understand language and actually show us how to do things. I’m having way more success than I ever did with keeping plants alive. My kids tell people I even killed 2 artificial plants (it was really only 1). So if you ever wonder if you make an impact ——- you sure do!!! Thanks for always being so helpful.
I always look to see his gardening idea’s…Great tips !! Happy Birthday !
I have learned much, thanks! HBD and many more to come.
Happy Birthday, Mike. I sincerely hopt that you get all that your heart desires and that you have many more birthday celebrations to follow.
I appreciate the emails that I receive from you, sir, and although I live on the opposite side of the Atlantic ocean to yourself I always find very useful information in them. The videos, too, are exceptional teaching aids … even the ones where the sound isn’t quite up to par.
You probably don’t remember, but I wrote to you quite a while ago about losing contact with someone that lives in the same state as your good self. Of course, I wasn’t expecting you to actually do anything about it as that would be an unrealistic expectation. You did, however, respond to my email and told me the area of your state where you lived, which set me on an exercise of finding where that place is, and how far away it would be from my previous contact. (Many hours spent searchng various maps, and looking at different things about your state. I also found that my ex-contact’s parents still, apparently, live at my ex-contact’s former address. I haven’t, though, written them a letter as they are obviously getting on in years now, and might be wondering what the heck this guy from the other side of the Atlantic would be wanting to contact their daughter for. Still, I can dream about renewing old acquantaces.)
As I say, sir, have a wonderful day, weekend, life, etc., and may you continue doing what you love doing for many many years.
Lots of Love and Light.
x x x x
x x x
P.S. Please don’t be offended or alarmed at the “x’s”. It’s simply a logo, of sorts, that I’ve used for some 30-odd years now.
Thanks Mike for the work you do to share your knowledge & happy b-day also!
Happy Birthday Mike. Thanks for all the tips I have made use of many and you are always one of my resources when I need information for what I am doing in my yard. Thanks for all the tips and I hope you have a great day!
I posted earlier to wish you a happy b’day & anniversary, but looking at all the responses you have here….it ‘s even overwhelming to me even….Honestly, Mike…you should be so proud of what you’ve accomplished!!!! All I can say is WOW!!!! Totally awesome for you!!!!
You’ve worked long & hard & then some!!!!
I, personally would be ever grateful and honored to even accomplish 1/10th of what you’ve done!
You’re a very generous man & I hopefully will have the honor of actually meeting you in person someday.
You’re an inspiration to many…congrats!!!!!
Happy Birthday Mike!
Hope you have a great day because you deserve it. I know how much work you put into your business for yourself and the rest of us who have benefited so much and continue to do so. I have bought your book and it has helped me so much on my 2 plus acres which was raw land 10 years ago….nothing but blackberries and Alders. Now we have a gorgeous piece of property that we cherish every day and you helped to make it that way. We have tons of plants that were put there through your methods of propagation. I have sold many that I didn’t use and still have more to go. There will always be a source of income on our property thanks to you and the sharing of your methods. I also love your videos and e-mails for I return to them all the time for info as I work through my year. Thanks again and have a wonderful birthday.
Happy Birthday!!! You are a blessing to a lot of people. Always look forward to your emails! Long and blessed life my friend!
I haven’t gotten a chance to spend time growing things. I admit I am not the one with a green thumb in the family, my mother is. I look forward to seeing the emails come with the info and program that Mike offers. One day I am gonna try it. I am living my plant life through Mike as I see how well he does things and it makes me want to go out in the yard and really “play in the dirt again” as the saying goes. Watching Mike makes me think that even though I have killed a cactus with kindness, I might still be able to figure things out. Mike and his wonderful way of showing us things always draws me back to watch him again and again even though I haven’t gotten the courage to put any plants in danger of my care. Thanks Mike for being there!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Mike! I want to say thank you for loving plants and sharing them with me, and everyone who also loves them. Your letters are saved for me to read any time, I enjoy them so much. Im also going to be 58 this year, in March. God Bless you and your family.
Happy Birthday and thanks for all of your invaluable information. You have inspired me to try growing new plants. And your tips are amazing. As long as you are on the internet I will be following you. Take care. Mary Jones
Mike Hausa heart for teaching, because he really cares!
Keep up the good work!
Happy Birthday!
Thanks Mike for all you do to help beautify Mother Earth. You are an endless source of information and the one I turn to when I have a question. Happy Birthday and Congratulation on 15 years of contributing to the betterment of this planet.
Happy Birthday, Mike, and congratulations on your 15th Anniversary! I only found your website about a year, or so, ago, but have enjoyed your videos and information very much. Thanks for all of your ‘tips and tricks’ and constant encouragement. Hope you have a Blessed day. Sandy P
What a great Son to do this for you! I have been a subscriber for a long time now. We just recently moved into a home with a huge yard (1/2 acre) and can’t wait for Summer. So you can be sure I will continue to read your messages, thank you for sharing your wisdom…..Happy Birthday Mike!
Give the donkeys a kiss from me!!!
Happy Birthday Mike… Your enthusiasm and accessability gave the courage to start my own business ….will open in April…God Bless
It is ALWAYS a pleasure to read your emails and watch your videos! I have learned so much. I have watched and learned how to start plants/seeds/prune/and make compost! You have an incredible amount of knowledge and I am so thankful you are willing to share. Thank you Mike!
Happy Birthday!
PS Please keep teaching and sharing!
I like your helpful idea’s
Thanks for all the great tips throughout the years!!!
Mike came into my life when I was praying and searching for a part time business that was not going to cost me an arm and a leg and half my savings. I love plants and has he taught me so much in the last couple of years. I have been getting my plants and tools together and will soon be in the nursery business because of what I have learned from his course.Happy Birthday Mike
Mike, I want to thank you for giving us all so much information and having a gardening family. You are a inspiration to al of us as you show how much you really care about our success. Have a Great Birthday.
Happy Birthday and Anniversary Mike. Now that my attention is full time in the care of my wife, I passed all my literature on to m niece who is consuming all your tips and backyard hints. Many thanks and Happy returns. BK
Happy Birtthday, Mike. I enjoy reading your advice. I’m fairly new to gardening, so I can use all the advice I can get.
I can see you are a blessed man with such wonderful kids like Duston and Amber who want to make your day special. Many more blessings.
Happy Birthday from your friend in Wi!
I love your how to videos, and share them so often. The newsletter is so inpiring and informative….please take time for yourself and enjoy this special day! PS you have some super sweet kids!
Best wishes for your continued success in life and business. I first learned about you and your business during a refreshment break at a local Master Gardener meeting. What they said about you was positive and sounded interesting so I checked you out on the Internet. Yep … there you were–distinctive overalls and all. This down-to-earth guy who had something special to share. At first I thought that “something” was just information about gardening. Quickly I discovered that you had much more to share than just a very large amount of gardening knowledge … you had a much broader message about living in general that you shared every time I heard/saw you. That “value added” message was the sharing of how to prosper in life–not just in the garden! For both, I thank you very much. You’re definitely a “giver!”
Several years ago I was looking for some help with a French formal garden I wanted to put in the back yard. The project called for 6400 boxwoods. I started looking for a low cost solution to getting a large number of boxwoods and ran across Mikes site. I followed his advice on propagation and began to buy and split up plants from my local nursery. In the beginning I had an army of sad little sticks, but over time they rooted, filled in and took their place in the planting. Now, several years later I have a beautiful parterre garden with complex symmetrical designs hedged by the little green soldiers and I only used about 10% of my plant budget. I put the rest of the budget to other things in the garden and it is a showplace. I’ve hosted a few weddings and scout troops come to learn about formal gardens and French aesthetics. Thanks Mike !! And Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! I really love you site, you have helped me in so many ways.
Thank you and happy birthday, Jennifer
Mike has given me courage to prune…that may sound trivial, but I was always afraid I would cut too much, cut in the wrong place or cut at the wrong time. Through his videos, he has shown me not to fear pruning. My plants and I thank you. Happy Birthday, Mike.
May your birthday wishes grow with everything you sow. Happy Birthday!
You are inspirational.. Happy Birthday to you Mike!
To be honest I haven’t done anything with any of the advice or stories I have read from your emails. However, just hearing your high energy stories and pumped up innovations, I feel as if though I am a part of it. Plants are beautiful and they are so much part of us, I am a student and a mom of three my small herb garden and few apple trees are my joy. Getting your emails gives me insight to future aspirations. Good thing you are alive and fulfilling your dream.
Happy Birthday, Mike! I first found your website a few years ago, quite by chance, and just love it. I look forward to your emails and read each one from start to finish. I love love love your videos too! You have taught me so much and so many things I never knew I never knew (as mentioned already by someone else, the wheelbarrow!) You are such a good teacher, a real natural, and I’m grateful to you for sharing your knowledge. Thank you for being the kind and giving person that you are, and I pray you find much encouragement in knowing how you bless so many others. I truly appreciate all that you do. Thanks so much again and have a very happy birthday!!
thanks mike and happy birthday. mark taylor in baltimore.
Happy Birthday Mike!
Thank you for all the wonderful information you have shared over the years. Believing that you can make such a difference in your own life, just look at what YOU have accomplished, has helped me make a better life for myself.
Happy Birthday Mike I have enjoyed your youtube video’s and learned quite a bit and still learning. Keep up the good work and many more birthdays to come enjoy.
Happy Birthday Mike! Fifty eight, can you dig it? I just love your blog and all the info you send. You are an inspiration. Barb B
Happy Birthday Mike!
Thanks for all that you do, and the way in which you do it.
I enjoy your instructional videos and plan to use your system to both teach my small children about gardening and give them the experience and foundation of starting a small business for themselves.
Keep up the good work, plants aren’t the only thing you’re growing in America!
Best regards,
Nick L.
Hey, mike–Keep up the good work!
Happy birthday!
You have been an inspiration to me. I dream of the freedom that I will have from my cuttings and rooting them for sale. Economy has been tough on everyone in one form or another. You have given me hope! Thank you! MIKE
Happy Birthday! Enjoy your special day.
Happy Birthday, Mike. Thank you for all your hard work . I love the propagating plan and the ability
work as much or as little as I want. You have helped to make our lives better!
Jack and Priscilla
Inman, SC
Happy Birthday!!! And mannny more! Thanks for your great newsletters, Happy Anniversary too!
Hope you have a great year! Mary
Happy Birthday, Mike! Thank you for helping me learn about my passion for growing!
Happy Birthday Mike we love getting your emails.We have learned how to make cuttings from plants Keep sending the advice.We love to work with the dirt
Happy Birthday, you bring such great garden tips to my email box, I look forward to each and every one. I love watching your video’s, and now enjoy the stories about the animals too.
May you enjoy your birthday and feel blessed with all the friends you have that you have never met.
Thanks for all the garden help thru the years and Happy Birthday!
I live abroad in Israel and am origanlly from new york city. So thanks to Mikes videos and emails I was and am abell to learn alot about how to run and create my garden , from scratch
Thanks and avery Happy Birthday 🙂
Happy.happy,happy birthday!!!
Thank you for encouraging me and helping me think I can come a bit closer to living a clean and green lifestyle. I have come-with your help- from a fear of processed foods and GMO’s to knowing that I can make a difference in my life and health by being a bit more resourceful and getting my hands a little dirty and filling my mind with the ‘how-to’s of the good stuff-and a ‘can-do’ attitude.
Happy birthday and God bless you!
Happy B,day Mike and keep growing!!!!!!!!!!
Where have u been prior to 15 years ago? Please don’t answer that question..
Mike I am on here for the very first time and it’s for a good reason. I am here to wish u a
May the LORD bless u and keep u may his light shine upon u and keep u around for twice as many.. Happy Birthday MIKE.
Happy Birthday Mike! I thoroughly enjoy your blog and especially when you include pictures! Enjoy your day!
You go Mike. You inspire me. Sometimes I am down and you give me an upper. Thanks. I am 55, live in Florida so not everything is Ohio-like, but I am getting closer to plant awareness and possibly income. You have provided a great spark. Keep the fire burning.
Happy Birthday Mike. Thanks for all the great information, and insperation.
Happy Birthday Mike! I’m a skeptic by nature but when I first ran across your ad, I was sold, because there was nothing in it that did not ring true. You offer great success but it comes with hard work. Thanks for starting BYG and all you do to help ever one of us to further our business.
Happy Birthday Mike! I have enjoyed learning from you. I love to plant things. (just ask my husband–he has to mow around everything) I have really learned A LOT from you. I gave my friends and family your web site as it is the best for helping out beginners. Thanks for everything you do and many, many happy years ahead for you. Sandy Hughes and family
Happy birthday! Thanks for all the info you share!
Hey Mike, I’m not your everyday professional gardener, but wanted to say that with your advise (I read your news letters) family members have said that I have good planting hands. This is because God gave you good knowledge and know how. Therefore, you are passing that information on to your customers and other followers. May God Bless you with many more years.
Thanks for your help!
Happy B-Day!
Happy Day for the EARTH….
You keep so many of us BLOOMING in the right direction…..You are a free thinking spirit, with a soul that GROWS all that is good in life…
Congratulations! on a life well lived……Mother Earth is proud. I welcome every communication, GREATLY embrace your philosophy and generous gifts (knowledge). We treasure you and know your honest soul and gentle loving heart…..More people need to have DIRTY hands …for the right reasons….Blessings on your celebration of your life and family, Mike, Keep on blooming!!! PLEASE!!
Hi, Mike. Happy Birthday! You’re a year ahead of me, pal. I’ll try to catch up. 😉
Mike, I like you. I’ve only watched a couple of your videos, and I really liked them. I like your story, I like what you do, and I like how knowledgeable you are about plants and horticulture…and I like the style and ease with which you convey your knowledge. Your story is inspirational. Truly. You have a lot to be proud about how you have earned your living, especially how you treat the ones in your life, with honor and dignity. It shows.
The two videos I watched had to do with how to root plants from cuttings – I will have to try that with my azaleas this year – and how not to be scared to give a bush a hard pruning. I’ve done that a few times with my own azaleas, and they’ve turned out fine, and I need to do that with my mom’s azaleas this summer. Also her camellias. I’ll be heading up to her place to do just that – prune her camellias – near the end of March. Daddy was the gardener in the family, but he’s gone now, and Mother can’t keep up with everything. Her camellias are pitiful looking. Misshapen, and over or undergrown. I love to prune things, shape them real pretty, and your pruning video gave me confidence and confirmation that it can and should be done in most cases. Wish me luck, ok?
Hey, and have a happy and blessed birthday.
Thanks, Mike, for all you do! You are a pure inspiration to me, an avid gardener.
I love your emails and your “how to” videos.
Have a great Birthday!
Happy Birthday Mike
The things that you share with the people who havn’t started a business yet, is wonderful, and because we havn’t there are all kinds of reasons.
What you give us is A dream & deams are to the reason for living.
My birthday is Feb. 2 I will be 78, my joy for my day is me giving a birthday party for a group of friends and a lot of them do not know it is my Birthday untial I give out presents, It is so much fun.
Happy Many Many more.
Dear Mike; Your Newsletter may not have been one of the biggest things to change my life but it has been very helpful. The flow of helpful hints and teaching about plants and their particular nature has been a great help in my yard and vegetable garden gardening. You have made me more confident in the things I do there. Folk have question my ways but when I see that you do the same and or back up my assumptions I now do it the way I want and have more success.
Thanks Dean
Happy Birthday, Mike! I enjoy reading your helpful low cost solutions to various problems. When I can see how you use them in your yard it encourages me and gives me ideas as to how your great hints can be useful in problems in my landscape. Thanks and may you be blessed with many more birthdays!
Hope you have a great day Happy Birthday
I have been following your site for about 14 yrs.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.
The infro. I have gotten from you has enabled
me to root,grow,and sell my plants. I sell them
at our local Trade Days Market
Thanks so much for your gift to us……………..Paul
Happy 58th Birthday and Gods Blessings for you who loves plants soo much!
I hope to meet you in person someday.
Happy birthday Mike i hope you have a great day
I would like to thank you Mike for setting me on an agricultural path. I followed your instructions to make hundreds of baby plants and had plant sale. I made $800 in a weekend. I have since then been experimenting with aquaponics. I have found that the cuttings root just as fast as intermittent mist and I am using much less water. I will explain the system in further detail in 2014. I still have a day job but you you have inspired me to start up my own business. Happy Birthday and congratulations on 15 years of self-sufficiency.
Thank You
I love it that he covers so many subjects. He has helped me divide my many grasses and various other plants. He has helped me learn how to prune trees….. I enjoy having a place where I can get advice on all kinds of gardening questions. Keep up the good work! And have a wonderful birthday!!!!
Tried my very first cuttings this year after watching one of your videos – they rooted nicely and I’m really looking forward to seeing them grow this year. Your knowledge and videos have inspired me to become more self sufficient and to take better care of my backyard garden. Happy Birthday Mike and I look forward to watching your new videos throughout the year. Ed Burns, Virginia Beach, VA
Feliz Cumpleanos a ti!
Happy Birthday, Mike. Thanks for all you do. I have learned so much from you and appreciate your dedication to helping others. God bless you.
Wishing you a very happy birthday…thanks for sharing all of your knowledge and experience with us. I love reading your newsletters.
Happy Birthday, Mike! I have every newsletter that I have received from you, and when I want to know how to do something, I look through them, and then I now how to prune, plant, etc. You have been very helpful to me over the years, through your newsletter, and I am very thankful for this. Hope you have many more birthdays and look forward to hearing from you again.
Tim Wingard
Columbia, SC
Happy Birthday Mike!!! May you be blessed with many more.Have enjoyed all your helpful tips,they have benefited me greatly in the garden.Keep up the excellent work.
Happy Birthday Again! Glad to be a fellow Aquarius! Pourer of the water from one vessel into another. One plant to another plant.
Multiplier of Talents! That’s the most interesting action!
Glad to meet you via literature and online.
Enjoy Yourself, as always!
Happy Birthday, Mike. Love your newsletter/blog and keep every issue. I have used your tips for rooting some blueberry twigs and hope to have fruit soon. My first cuttings are in year three this year. Your composting tips, your plain, simple, easy-to-understand writing style has given me the courage to try my hand at gardening after I retired and it is one of my favorite past times. I love planting seeds just to see what is going to come up and it is so exciting eating a meal that came straight from my garden just minutes before I cooked it. Thanks for the inspiration you provide, Mike.
Happy Birthday Mike: Love the information that you share, it has helped me in many ways. Thanks!!
thanks Mike for all you do. I appreciate the video on how to do . I look forward in washing all that you make for us . I read all your emails Happy Birthday Mike !!!!
Mike, keep on rocking brother! Thanks for what you do. Happy Birthday!
Mike, Happy Birthday! We appreciate all of the good advice we have received over the last 3 years. The board is a great resource for those of us who are fairly new at this, plus the ability to purchase plants at a reasonable cost. So many great people on the board that are willing to share their expertise as well. Have a great day!
Mike has put so much on his site that I have enjoyed over the past couple of years! I haven’t been able to do very much for different reasons but am really getting into the frame of mind to start working in yard ASAP! Just finished 3 years of chemo last August and am wanting hubby to build Mike’s potting table, etc. Just being able to read Mike’s postings have given me much pleasure. E
Will need to re-read some when possible since my mind acts like a colander (not a sieve) and stuff runs out of mind.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKE! You give much pleasure to us as well as awesome information! Many, many more wonderful years! Beverly Isom
Hello Mike. My wife and I just wanted to thank you for every thing you do for every one. We have always been interested in starting out small growing different plants and then eventually multiplying our efforts. You have provided us with the info to do that. Also, the networking community you have created is priceless to growers of all volumes.
Most importantly, happy birthday & happy anniversary!!
You should be proud to have a family that cares so much for you.
I learned about the web site through Robin McGroarty, as we work together. She was so enthusiastic about the site, I decided to check it out a few years ago. I have enjoyed the “how to” videos, and appreciate that Mike has reminded me that I don’t have to be super gentle with plants, they can take some handling. Also, he has reminded me that conditions don’t have to be absolutely perfect to still get great results. Although I don’t propagate for resale, I have enjoyed starting plants from cuttings for my friends, spreading beauty and the love of gardening like Mike does. He has inspired me to pull “free” Japanese Maple seedlings from the sidewalk cracks at work, and the one that took is now 4’ tall…and it was free! Thanks for the inspiration, your generous spirit and for sharing the beauty of the earth with all of us!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE and THANK YOU for all you do for all of your followers. I would also like to wish you a HAPPY ANNIVERSARY at this time as well. Again thank you I really do appreciate all you have done over the years for me and so many other people. Mike Smith
Happy Birthday Mike! Even though I have never met you in person, you have impacted my life tremendously- from the first advertisement in 2000 – I was hooked – in fact I bought the program, then lost it in storage when I retired from the Navy I bought it again – then I finally became a member last year – I have learned so much from you and all the members. I still have that dollar bill you sent to entice me into the business. 🙂 Now after 14 years, I am ready to begin my nursery as I wind down my last job into my working retirement – all because of you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Have a great birthday Mike – one day I am going to return that dollar bill in person. 🙂
I actually left a greeting a few days ago — a very long-winded one, I’m afraid, so this one is just to say today is my birthday, too! When I wrote the other day, I didn’t realize which day was actually your birthday. Cool! Only I’m 8 years your senior! Again, have a happy day — you’re greatly appreciated by many!
A very Happy Birthday to you Mike !!!! I LOVE your emails sent to me – I have read them over and over and over again. I pray about following you more with beginning our own gardening business each year. My having not done so yet is because of my health ( seizure disorder ) – I am a bit weaker in strength than I ‘d like, my energy level is limited after having a seizure for a few days – up to a week. But we love the idea of gardening and being able to have natural things growing to enjoy with others . We love earthing outside – & just can’t get enough. Our family of five survives on a single income of my husband working daily and at times thru the week the cupboards are very limited as to what to eat that day.
I am unable to drive and work but would love to have a gardening business at home that we could share with others and GROW TOGETHER ……… I am writing to you to say “Have the happiest birthday yet to come Mike – you are such an inspiration to me – praise the LORD !”
thank you for all you have done Mike
Happy Birthday!!
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us. It’s makes a better world.
Happy Birthday Mike !
I love reading your articles . I loved your video on how to burlap trees. This was always a mystery to me and now I know how to do it right. Thanks again and Happy Birthday 🙂
Thank you Mike! Happy Birthday & Congratulations on 15 Years of Business!
I want to thank you, Mike for giving me the insight and motivation to work on my garden. I like reading your material since it comes in quite handy. Happy Birthday, Mike!
Happy Birthday Mike. With all best wishes, you have done so much for all of us gardeners and we have learned so much from you. May God Bless you and your incredible family. With many years to come.
Happy Birthday Mike, and thanks so very much for all the gardening tips you send, I have them all in a folder. So keep them coming and wishing you a very happy birthday and keep inspiring others as you have always done.
Happy Birthday and many more. Thanks for all the great advice you have given, I love opening up your letters to see what is new. Have a great day,
Hope you have a Very Happy Birthday Mike. You have a lot of friends and family who truly want you to have a wonderful day. That is a true Blessing .
Happy Birthday from a fellow plant lover,Rebecca
Happy Birthday to Big Mike
I really enjoy all of your tips on gardening. You are so friendly I feel like I have known you all my life.I live in Newfoundland, Canada, where we have a short summer and hardly any Spring but here in St. John’s the capital city and surrounding areas you will see the pride that people show in their gardens. Wishing you a wonderful birthday and many more years in the garden.
Take Care
Thanks Mike.
I’m 57 tomorrow and on Bobby Burns day in Canada I’d like to take a wee bit of time to say:
”Happy Birthday” from Jeff (not Bob/Rob after Bobby Burns) born 25/01/57 – I’m now 57.
My recent accident rendered me disabled and our Prime Minister (red necked leader)fired me for trying to return to work while still being disabled after I put in a Human Rights Complaint to my department -Library and Archives Canada to insist that I was treated equally.(Irony eh?)
Last spring I started gardening under lights in February and continued throughout the fall till the snow fell. It was the best therapy for me since now in Canada you CAN NOT get physiotherapy without an operation first.
Thanks for your tips and giving me incentives to keep on gardening and enjoying the best outdoor thereapy – gardening. My cherry,apple and pear trees are beautiful as are my gardens. I’m now known as ‘the flower guy’ locally. I planted an English Oak and a Canadian Maple tree in honor of my parents. Me mom was a Liverpool(England) war bride and my Dad an Airforce ‘sarge’ turned ‘banker’ who loved to garden thereby feeding both his own 8 kids and his dads (minister) 11 kids.( supplimented by forestry in the Ottawa Valley)
All the best to you and yours.
Thanks kindly for all your help.
Happy Birthday Mike!
Congratulations on your success in doing what you love to do – then it isn’t even called work!
I Also appreciate your self learned business success – awesome!
God bless you.
Thanks! Mjke for all the great info! HAPPY Birthday To You! Have a Great Celebration!
I hope you have the BEST birthday Mike! Thx for all your plant help and for having a killer blog!
Happy birthday Mike, I’ve recieved youf mail for years, and like yourself feel connected to the earth, thank you for all the inspiration and information across the years. Looking forward to much more.
I’d like to wish you a very happy anniversary and a FANTABULOUS birthday Mike! I have really enjoyed the emails packed with useful information!! I have learned so many things that I cannot begin to list them all here! It’s nice to get info and videos that are in normal everyday language that is easy for me to understand! Keep up the good work as we all enjoy it very much! Again, congratulations and Happy Birthday! May God bless you and your family always!!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have the best year ever. Thank you for all your help and advice. We look for your e-mail, and can not wait to try a lot of what you have done. Thank you for what you do keep it up..
Bob and Della
Happy Birthday Mike and may it be very enjoyable! Thank you so much for the wealth of experiential information you have and continue to share with us.
Hi, Mike…..Happy 58th birthday to my most favorite “ole dirt farmer.” I’m taking this opportunity to let you know what I think of you. What stands out most to me is your generosity in sharing all that wonderful, priceless gardening information you share with all of us. I have been reading your emails and watching your instructional videos for many years. I can tell you, I have bought quite a few of the tools you have recommended. You have never steered me wrong. You inspire me everyday with your energy and love of all that you do. Like I tell my friends, “If Mike McGroarty says it’s true, it is.” I love hearing about your family and the new donkeys; it all just makes you seem more real to me – like a regular person. Please don’t ever change, keep up the wonderful work you do for us and know that there are so many people out there whose lives you touch in ways you can’t even imagine. Thanks for everything, Mike. I hope you have the best birthday ever. I think Duston is going to be just like you.
Sincerely, Patti Zirpoli
mike happy birthday. keep passing on your “down to earth” knowledge. I can’t support you finianchly but I support your efforts to teach us .
thankyou ED age 75
Happy Birthday, Mike!
I have followed you for many years – originally bought an ebook from you about internet marketing where you kept stressing that if YOU could do it, so could anyone. Meanwhile I got interested in gardening too and have followed your emails with great interest. I have often been tempted to buy your system but because I live in the UK your contact list wouldn’t be any use to me.
Anyway, have a lovely birthday.
Happy birthday Mike, just starting out so don’t know financially how this will help but the knowledge you share is worth the money by itself, Thanks.
Happy Birthday to you……. I would sing the rest but you might run. I have a start up business in organic gardening. I learned from workshops, reading, a self-taught person. It was not until I found your web-site that I really began to understand the down-to-earth realities of plants and gardening. You have expanded my knowledge far greater than any text book or course. I now have my retirement business, and a new beginning after 60 years of age.
Thank You and Happy 15th Anniversary.
I so appreciate all the information you share . I love to garden, but felt lost most of the time as to what to do. With you as a guide I am having fun and success. Hope this year to have more time to really put in a great garden. Thanks for all you do for all of us who are so fortunate to have found you and be educated to make better choices. Vangie
God’s blessings for many more Happy Birthdays. Appreciate you. Vangie
Dear Mike,
Thanks for all the info and the accessible way and enthusiasm with which you explain things. You have helped me make my first steps on the way to what I hope will one day be a successful plant business. You are unique in every way and your family are very lucky to have you. I would really like to meet you some day 🙂
Happy Birthday from Poland!
Happy, happy birthday Mike!
I’m one of those people who enjoys others’ gardening efforts, and you never disappoint!
If I had an actual garden I would post a sign in it that said “The only thing I grow here is tired”
But as for how you’ve impacted my life, you’ve taught me what to tell my menfolk about dealing with poison ivy, and you’ve added a wonderful item to my files with your family fudge recipe.
Enjoy this special day!
I love your emails and read them all the time and have gotten some great ideas for my gardening from you! I would be lost without your expertise. Thank you so much for all your help!
I hope you have a very Happy Birthday today and many, many more wonderful years!!
I haven’t signed up to be a customer of yours, yet, Mike, but I plan on it when I’m ready to blast off with plants. I’m looking for land for my organic produce farm right now and I plan to become a customer of yours because of what I’ve read so far about your business. What you’ve written has been good, but what others have written, …well, you know, word of mouth just can’t be beat. That’s what has had the largest impact on me.
I wanted to know if your business was a scam so I did a little research. I didn’t expect what I found. I found a community of people that cared for each other even though they didn’t really know each other. It was the space you created, Mike, that developed this strong, caring community. Then there’s this son of yours, who reaches out to this community and wants to make a special birthday for you. I don’t see much of this in the business world, and it makes a big difference in our daily lives. It reminds us what life is really about: caring relationships. And hopefully this influence will carry into the relationships that don’t feel as cared for and fall apart.
Mike, it seems as though what you’re up to is making a difference in people’s lives beyond finances and the love of plants. This is why I want to be a customer and why I’m taking the time out of my crazy day to wish you, a man I hardly know, a very Happy Birthday. Stick to your values of integrity and thank you for passing them on to us. I hope my business does the same.
Wishing you love,
Only started receiving your info this year and it’s a great personal read. Keep up the great work and entertaining comedy!!
Happy Birthday! I have enjoyed putting many of your great ideas to work in my garden! You have made it easier and more fun. What’s not to like!!? Thanks, Mike!
I love gardening and nature. Your videos and blogs have been wonderful. There is always something more to learn and your experiences have helped me expand my knowledge and skills as well. Thanks for taking the time to share.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE! You are such a joy and inspiration to me! Because of your no BS way of explaining every detail in every project, I can now go after my garden with “Superwomen” powers!!! You gave me the strength with your knowledge to tackle and conquer all of my garden insecurities with ease!
I’m very thankful for your help. I hope you have many more “Happy Birthdays”!
Happy Birthday, Mike! I am still in the beginning stage of our plant enterprise but I never would have even BEGUN if you had not come into my life with the free instructions! We are setting this up to be part of our retirement income and looking forward to the day when we don’t have to head out in opposite directions every morning just to make enough to barely make our bills! We have two acres next to our house to work on and you to thank for the inspiration and continuing instruction and guidance. If we cannot pay you in some way once we get up and going, we will “pay forward” by showing someone else how to do it, too. Thank you so much for all you are doing and have done! Enjoy your day! Happy, Happy Birthday!
Wishing you a wonderful Birthday Mike and many good things to come for the year ahead! Would also like to say thank you for the informative videos and cute pictures of animals and the time you put into doing all this for us growers. Looking forward to Spring!
58 years young and still going strong! Happy Birthday Mike!
You have helped so many people, in so many ways that it’s nearly inconceivable! I haven’t made any money with your system, yet. But you have renewed and strengthened my love for gardening!
Thank you from the bottom of my roots, or ruts as you say! You are a blessing to us all.
So far I agree with what Amber and Dustin have said, I think what appeals to me is that Mike is the “Real Deal” He is a farmer, like my father and others I grew up with. I like that he doesn’t charge for every word, that getting the word out and helping others are important to him. So I wish you the Happiest of Birthdays and a profitable year to come…..Peg
PS….Thank you for being you!!!!
Happy Birthday!!!
Hope you have a wonderful, fantastic, magnificent one!! Thanks so much for all the information it is so nice and wonderful to have it right on hand and Free!! It is a blessing just about everywhere you go to get info now its either scattered all over the internet or to have it together you have to pay for it. Thank again and Happy Birthday!!
I have loved your blog for years. Your truly awesome with your knowledge and understanding of growing plants. When I read your blog years ago about Wisteria I listened to what you said and my Wisteria vine not only took off but it has turned into a beautiful vine. This Wisteria had not done anything for the first 5 years I had it. Love your emails!
Happy Birthday Mike and may you have many many more of them!!!!
Happy Birthday, Mike! Thanks for being an inspiration to so many people and congratulations on your 15th year in business!!
Happy Birthday Mike. You have certainly helped my husband and I with lots of good tips. Thanks and I hope you have a great day.
A very Happy Birthday to you Mike !!!! I LOVE your emails sent to me – I have read them over and over and over again. I pray about following you more with beginning our own gardening business each year. My having not done so yet is because of my health ( seizure disorder ) – I am a bit weaker in strength than I ‘d like, my energy level is limited after having a seizure for a few days – up to a week. But I love the idea of gardening and being able to have natural things growing to enjoy with others – I
Happy Birthday Mike. Your practical and no-nonsense advice has taught me so many things that have helped me be successful at one of my favorite activities – gardening and making my property beautiful!! Among many useful topics, your pruning and propagation tips run through my mind as I put them to use. I appreciate you! Best Wishes for a very Happy Birthday and many more!
Thank you so much for the many, many down-to-earth suggestions regarding plants. Happy, Happy Birthday! I pray that you will have many more happy years.
Clara Roberts (Whigham, GA)
Happy Birthday Mike, Hope you have an AMAZING Day!!!
Happy Birthday!!! I appreciate your online so much!!! I have learned many “little” things but I think I mostly have applied info about dividing perennials. Love the way you are so “down to earth” with your talks. Feel like I can relate to you well. thanks again and Happy Birthday!!
Thanks mike and happy birthday!
You are very good at teaching about what is real and good. Plants are life!!
All good stuff. Your wisdom is so welcomed. Thanks. From your son’s and Amber’s comments your surely loved and respected by your family and workers! Have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday! Hope it’s the greatest. You made me remember why I do love plants, as well as making more of them. You put a smile on my face! Thank You!!!
Sherrie – In the state of cold, Nebraska
Mike Thanks for your advise over the years. I can’t tell you what advise, because I have forgotten the details. (Getting Old) So are you, so Happy Birthday.
I wish you many more . Its great to be living.
Hi Mike, I always try to read your articles…I love gardening. It sounds like a blast working for you. I wish I had your knowledge…Sounds like you have a wonderful son and you have taught him well.
Happy Birthday! Kim M.
So many helpful ideas–I look forward to them!
Thank you!!! and Happy Birthday!!!
I have learned so much from Mike! I have many Japanese maples, and his wonderful video showed me how to prune them correctly. I now know how to properly mulch my plants; I know how to get rid of poison oak….. It goes on and on. I love Mike and his down-home ways.
Happy 58th Birthday Mike. I hope you have a great year! Thanks for all of the good information.
Carol King
Happy Birthday. your helpful hints has been a boon to my garden. Enjoy your day to the max.
Happy Birthday Mike
Thank you for sharing your story of how life has handed you this gift.
A quote I read I’m sure applies to you.
Progress is impossible without change & those who cannot change there minds
cannot change anything.
Have a wonderful day,you make gardening fun.
Happy Birthday!
Thank you so very much for all you do to teach us to be better at what we do.
Happy birthday mike, thank you for making horticulture logical, because of you I will be starting a maple nursery in this part of the world( Jordan ) which is classified as USDA zone 11+, although i am a dentist,,I listened to every advice you gave, ,,, keeping my fingers crossed, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Dear Mike, Happy 58th Birthday,
I wish you all the best for today and always, much success with all you do. Your weekly emails on Plants and Gardening has helped me and given my valuable information to use in my own garden. I don’t have much time for gardening as I also work, but hope to give it more time when I retire in the not too distant future.
Best wishes, Happy Birthday and thank you, Maryan.
I bought your book on propagation many years ago and have had so much fun
creating plants for the family.
Very good book. Thanks.
First of all wishing you The Best Birthday Ever,
I love when your email comes through, grabbing my Hot Tea, seeing what you have to say.
Love all your advice. keep it all going. It’s been great.
Again, happy Birthday…..
Happy Birthday Mike!
I find your newsletters and emails a huge help in regards to working on and keeping up my gardens and my yard. Keep the information coming!
Many happy years ahead for you.
Happy Birthday Mike!
Because of your blog I have planted coralbells in my landscaping and love them,
learned of many plants I had never even heard of, use your pruning tips every year…often reviewing them in your archives before the next season-and I often carry my little pruner on me like you do….BUT most importantly…I will never use landscape fabric or barrier again. Thanks for sharing your expertise to your subscribers! It’s like have a wise all knowing gardening friend!
Lori Bensley
Mike has truly developed a system so that all sorts of folks can easily follow. He has truly shared his thoughts and insights to many so they can too have success in their gardens and business. This concept of sharing your tested concepts is not apparent in the every day business owner. He has truly been such an inspiration to all.
Thank you so much for everything you provide.
Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
Happy Birthday from the UK
Happy birthday mike ; your emails are the only one I like getting ( even though I’m not planting yet ; house yard under construction I’m looking forward to your guidance and your generosity of knowledge as I’m not good with gardening ! We have five acres half forest in in upper Wrstchester New York ; not sure what to plant for landscaping but I’ll need evergreens in front to mitigate house something that will survive in a dry area we get rain water hoses font teach that far ! Plus a side business sounds interesting I have a large basement I could start planting a in ! So thanks for all your emails and videos ! Send more ! Have a great birthday !!!!
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y! Thank you for all your tips….
I’m new to you, but you have given me the knowledge to try gardening on my own. Years ago I had a green thumb with house plants, now that I have the time and acreage I’d like to start gardening and growing my own plants. Thank you for all the knowledge you are sharing with us.
Have the happiest of days
Hi Mike, Happy Birthday! I, myself couldn’t live without Mikes advice and know how. He has taught me so many things over the years til it’s unbelievable. Without him my rose bushes would not look and grow as beautiful as they have. Keep up the good work for me, Mike, I need you!
Linda Williams
An admirable article from a grateful son!!!
Reading Mike’s blog feels like chatting with my brother – – he’s warm and fun, and I am so benefiting from the common-sense ideas and the tips he posts, as well as his resourcefulness.
THe only problem is: now I want to get a couple donkeys too and that just doesn’t work in the city.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, MIke, and congratulations on 15 years of doing what you love.
Happy Birthday. We have gotten so many great tips from your website. We retired a few years ago and got interested in horticulture. We had no experience and very little knowledge about plants beyond mowing the lawn and trimming our plants. So your newsletters have been very helpful.
Thank you and have a great day!
Nancy Ford
Happy Birthday and Anniversary! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge…Enjoy your day!
Sometimes you have to spring board on something to believe in yourself. I do believe in what you do and I have chosen to teach sewing as a business. The plants are still on the back burner to create some more income in the future, but it is because of someone like you that is inspiring to help others do their passion.
Thank you and Happy Birthday Mike!
Thank you for everything you have done to help me with my gardening. Happy Happy Birthday to you.
Happy birthday from Tallahassee,Flordia. Have a wonderful day.God blessing for you. Keep up. The good work
Happy Birthday, thanks for all your tips they really really help!
Keep up the good work, love the videos
Happy Birthday, Mike. I also turn 58 this year. I read the board every day when possible. I have a degree in Horticulture, but I read many things that I did not learn in college. Thanks for the ideas and all the information you have gathered. I tell my stepson “Knowledge is something that no one can take away”. I enjoy reading posts and try to chime in when I can. Again, thanks again and have a happy birthday.
I get TONS of emails, but yours are the only ones that I ALWAYS star so I can read and find them easily.
We finally bought a house, so after living in 14 different houses, in 3 states, over 21 years I can finally do some real growing and put down roots this year! I’m hoping to put your great shared knowledge to good use and hopefully make some money while doing what I love most – growing things!
Thanks for sharing and touching so many lives. Happy, Happy Birthday, and may you have many, many more wonderful years to come.
Mike you have me some direction to go with my love of plants. I am busy working at a regular job now but have hopes of some day being able to actually make my love of plants into a profitable business. Thanks to you, I have believe and hope.
Have a wonderful birthday. Wishing you many more to come.
Joan Smith – Missouri
Happy Birthday Mike!
Wanted you to know your back yard growing system is a real eye opener. I’ve learned so much from your system! This has changed how I look at plants and compost!
Enjoy your day!
Debbie M
Have read your info for years, just wish I had been young enough to take advantage of it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Your e-news letters have given me a better understanding of growing things. I used to have a brown thumb but it is slowly turning green because of the wonderful information you share!
Happy Birthday! Thank you for sharing your expert advise.
Happy Birhtday Mike
I would like to thank you for all you do for us. I got your book and dvds and I am starting to get things ready for my first season. I am 54 and am going to build this for my retirement. I am growing my stock to take furture cuttings from in the future.
Thank you Larry
Happy Birthday Mike.
Thank you for all of the information and knowledge you have shared with us over the last year!
Its rally reassuring, to know we can make a modest living, while doing something we really love doing!
Thank you!!!!!!
Happy birthday Mike! I’ve been following you for at least 8 years, when I googled ‘gardening’ or something. I love your emails and love your teaching. I’ve started a small nursery and am beginning to have success. but even if it goes nowhere, I’m happy to know how to propagate plants myself. It’s been so fun learning more and more about that. So, keep up the great work and keep being an encouragement to many of us. And thanks for everything!
Happy Birthday! Janet
I have learned so much from Mike and especially like his enthusiasm and encouragement. So glad I signed up for his emails. Happy Birthday Mike!!
Happy birthday Mike ! Your legacy will live forever in all of the plants that you have started !
God bless you !
Thanks for bringing ordinary people closer to nature and being clever enough to put food on your table at the same time. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Many Blessings to you and your wonderful family. Not only for this year but for years to come. You have given so many people hope and a positive way to help them help their families. So from one plant person to another. God Bless and enjoy each and every day. Oh and think Spring. It is -28 degrees here today but plant people make it warm and sunny where ever they are.Blessings to you and your wonderful work.
Mike, Although I do not have a place where I can become a grower and seller, I have followed and saved I think every email with how to’s in it – My late grandfather taught me much about growing in dirt and how to feed the dirt so it will give back and until you came along no one has matched him in what he knew. I look forward to your emails and one of these days I am gonna send you some secrets from him and what I have learned. thru trial and error. In the meantime have a super Birthday – kinda cold to be working dirt this winter but maybe the cold will reduce the bugs this coming growing season.
Happy birthday, Mike! You inspire me to just keep gardening! 🙂
Happy Birthday Mike!!! Hope you have an awesome day!!! You newletters have provided alot of insite to my yard,Thank you and God Bless and have a beautiful day!! Stay warm!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. MGROARTY!!! Hope it’s the best one ever~!
Happy Birthday young man you are only one year older than I. Keep up the good work my friend. I love your work and videos. Be Blessed and continue to be a Blessing……………Flyinwright
Happy Birthday Mike….enjoy reading the many tips that you provide!
Happy Birthday Mike, I have learned quite a bit from your emails to me and enjoy reading them when they come in keep up the good work and Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Mike,
Hope you have a great day.
I enjoy reading all your emails.
Your information is so easy to understand even when you get to the technical aspect of plants.
Thank you,
Happy B’Day, thanks for all your help and expertise. Learning a lot from you.
Happy birthday and thank you!
Happy Birthday Mike. You inspire me to get my hands deep in the earth and get dirty..lol..this brings me back to center and gives me peace.
Happy 58th!
Thank you for all you do for gardening & gardeners. And Happy Birthday, too.
I read all your emails and have picked up so many great hints & ideas over the last couple years…and thanks to you, I am even making a little extra money!
Enjoy your birthday!
You have been very helpful to me and countless others with your vast knowledge that just makes sense. Happy Birthday and hope you continued success with your ventures!
The first email I read helped my garden so much that I read every other one
Happy Birthday Mike! By doing what you do and sharing your knowledge on the Internet, you are an asset to global public knowledge. May you enjoy many many more birthdays!
Dear Mike,
Wow! Look at all the lives you have touched in such a positive way. You are truly a rich man to have such a wonderful family and friendly fan base. I too enjoy your blog and videos. You are a very likeable and knowledgeable person. I’m looking forward to all that you have to share with us during the coming years and of couse I like many other love to see you with those adorable donkeys. I wish you a very Happy Birthday and many, many more quality years of digging and planting in this wonderful earth.
Happy Birthday Mike! I have learned alot from reading your emails but mostly don’t be afraid to prune your trees, where as before, I was afraid of pruning because I didn’t want make a mistake! Thanks for all you do and thanks for inspiring me!
Thank you for all of your words of wisdom AND gardening tips and tricks. Happy Birthday To The Garden Guru! 🙂
the first 58 are the hard ones mike.. the next 58 is a piece of cake.. happy bday Mike
I always look forward to your newsletters. It’s great to see down-to-earth people become successful and use that success to help others become successful as well in a very grass roots fashion. Thank you for putting your God-given talent to work! You have inspired many.
Happy birthday Mike!!
I named my nursery after my late father, Joseph R. Quinn. He always had a sign on the light pole “Ballyquinn”, meaning Home of Quinn in Irish. I was inspired by Mike McGroarty and his freeplants.com website to start and build my nursery. Though only a backyard nursery, this hobby has turned into a part time business. I am eternally grateful for all I’ve learned from Mike.
Happy Birthday and Congradulations!!
Happy Birthday Mike!
I just want to thank you for your web-site that is very comfortable for me. I mean I can understand your plant language and plant ways. I have been a gardener for 35 years without formal plant education. I have learned a little something from everbody educated and just simple plain people who just like to see things grow. I use your web-site as a reference and sounding board. I also love how you have evolved. Keep the up the good work for folks like me.
Again, Happy Birthday!
Dear Mike,
I am amazed at all you have accomplished so young (I just made 58 so yes you are young)
But most of all I have enjoyed getting to know you and your fellow backyard gardeners. I love logging on to the site and reading about everyone’s trials and successes. You have brought together an amazing group of people who delight in helping others obtain their dreams. That in itself it a wonderful thing to have accomplished.
I hope you have a great birthday and many more to come!
Happy Birthday, Mike! I first found your blog when I was looking for methods to protect plantings from the local deer herd (we see them daily, up to 14 at a time. They are so used to people that some of them don’t run when we are outdoors, they just watch us. One even came right up to the front porch to browse on the shrubs.). I not only found a solution to my problem, I also found a very interesting blog with a wealth of applicable wisdom that I can apply to my own life, and this is what keeps me coming back to learn more. Thanks for all that you do for all of your readers! Congratulations on 15 years of success, and I wish you many more!
Happy birthday and anniversary!!!! Thank you so much for all your priceless advice.. You have made what seems like a foreign language to some seem so attainable and easy. i look forward to receiving your emails.Keep up the great work and have a amazing birthday 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS MIKE!!! Thank you for all you do for so many. You are a blessing from above!
Take the best of care, enjoy your anniversaries this week.
Keep up the good work and thanks again! God bless,
Robin 🙂
I like to wish you a very Happy Birthday
I have saved all of the e-mails you have sent to me and boy the are so full of great information. I want to thank you so much and hope you and your family have a blessed life.
Love what you do——it is so much more than “business”; it is sharing with all your “friends” and keeping it all simple, fun and personal!!!!
Hi Mike, I’m sending you a big Thank You for all of your hard work and help….it’s greatly appreciated.
Happy Birthday to you,
May your skies all be blue,
May you always be happy,
Happy Birthday to YOU
Best Wishes, Kendra Eggleton, Crawford WV (originally from Conneaut, Ohio)
Each and every email I learn something new and many days… get a GREAT laugh from his musings
Hey Mike,
I wanted to let you know that I appreciate so much the character of the man behind behind the site. I worked with the public for over 35 years and have met a lot of some really awesome people and a few of some really not so great – that’s just people. In my relatively short time on your site, I’ve watched you encourage, instruct, motivate, and handle some “situations”. The mark of a good leader is that he influences people for their good and that they want to follow – your score is way over the top.
You’re real, you’re authentic! Here’s a warm and cordial hand shake and a slap on the back. Congratulations on your anniversary of this business and a happy birthday!
I have yet to get a business started selling plants, but I have learned a great deal from you, Mike, towards making my own garden a success. I have propagated plants for a long time, and just gave them to neighbors and friends. But, I have had just as many failed cuttings as I have had successful ones. Hopefully, from the information I am learning from you, I will be able to stop wasting my time on the failures. I love reading your blog, and watching your videos. You take the complicated out, and put the easy in! Thanks, and Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary!
enjoy the information, videos, keep them coming
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE! Hope you are around to share sound advice for many years to come! I wish I had seen this video before I wrecked the brush guard on my Explorer pulling a stump out. Now I know better & I will be trying it your way next week when I remove two oleanders from the back yard.
I watched Mike and his marketing for a long while. I still don’t know if I will be a plant grower/seller. But what attracted me early on was I recognized a strength and a knowledge in an area that I was weak in – applying internet marketing to successfully promote and operate a business. Unlike many business models that I have seen, Mike understands WWW Relationship Selling. He grasps how to effectively promote his message. present products, disseminate information, deliver ‘calls to action’ . . . all without any high pressure tactics. The combination is a Gift. Thanks Mike for letting me peak over shoulder to learn some important lessons. BTW, Happy Birthday! 58 years old is a good age. 🙂
Mike, Reading your posts and emails have helped me learn so much about plants and gardening in general but more than that, his warmth and humor helped me personally during a terrible time in my life. I went through a 4 year period of extreme depression due to loss of life savings in a 401K debacle immediate followed by the onset of several very painful diseases for which I am still being treated. I shut myself off from all my friends, couldn’t bring myself to socialize or even talk with anyone; I cried practically all day everyday. Mike’s upbeat communications, his positive attitude, his humor, his warmth and love of plants, people, and animals became a cheerful distraction to my own misery and sometimes seemed like he was a friend, visiting and cheering me up, without my having to exert energy I didn’t have. I have come out of my depression but it was a long process and for a while, Mike was the only bright spot in a very dark time. Thanks, Mike, for helping me get through a tough time just by being the nice person you are,
Happy Birthday! Mike, Congratulations for 15 years of doing what u love. I bought your back yard system and love all the tips, tricks, and advice you give. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to get out there and apply all your amazing knowledge. I had back surgery not long after I got your system, and developed severe issues with my mobility, so I contented myself with reading your newsletters and the backyard system. I am hoping I can get out there this year tho and apply all your excellent advice to my new garden and propagation boxes. My husband has built me 2 small ones, and I’m really excited to get started. You truly are amazing with the wealth of knowledge you pass on to all of us novices of gardening. Passing it on for free in your newsletters tells me you are sincere that you want others to be excited and successful with their own gardens and lives in general. Thank you for all you do and Congratulations on 15 years in thebusiness of teaching and helping others realize their dreams. HAPPY BIRTHDAY and enjoy many more.
Lisa 🙂 “Reality is what is experienced, rather than what is apparent”
Happy birthday
Mike has an awesome personality.His kind words and loving heart can bring sunshine into any matter. He is the Supreme Being. Life goes from OK to GREAT when Mike McGroarty crosses your path. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to know this wonderful man. Many blessings to you Mike and to your family.
Thanks to you Mike my future is set I have not yet started but have a plan in place. I currently live and work in China but retirement is just around the corner and I can’t wait to get started. Your news letters and endless emails full of new Ideas and encouragement have been such an inspiration I to me. Retirement is going to be so much more then I had hoped for thank you for the inspiration and all your fabulous ideas. I will send pictures when I get started hope to see you at one of your backyard gatherings in the very near future.
Have a very Happy Birthday and a wonderful year.
Mike, I have truly enjoyed ALL of your e-mails. They are full of useful information that the average person can understand and utilize. Your home style of teaching is greatly appreciated. I have no background in horticulture but with your help, I have a beautiful front and backyard.
Happy Birthday and may God bless you, keep you safe and healthy.
Happy Birthday Mike, You are a good guy, having found how a way to make a reasonable living. Then find the time to share with others, so they could if they wished, do the same.
Enjoy your day.
Kind regards, Phil from, Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire UK.
Happy Happy Happy Birthday, Mike!! I so enjoy your videos and articles. I feel like you are talking straight to me. You have a very special talent for growing plants–wish I had just a 10th of your knowledge!! Have a blessed day and thank you for all the advice about gardening! May God Bless You!
Mike ~
May this Birthday & Anniversary be filled with the JOYS you most desire.
You’re a world-class teacher, thank you !
Mike ~
May this Anniversary & Birthday be filled with all the joys that make YOU most happy !
You deserve the best life has to offer !
You’re a “world-class” teacher, thank you.
Hey, Mike happy birthday to you, just a really short note, I was very bored with my life until I saw an add to do something that I really like to do, now there is not enough time in the day to do it all, thanks for saving me from boredom.
Love you
Happy Birthday & Happy 15 yr. Anniversary Mike ! A Big THANK YOU for sharing all your Knowledge with all of us. I am so happy I ran across you on youtube. You not only answered my question, I was so anxious to be a part of your program, I signed up that day.I enjoy your site each and every day. We need more People like you in this World. Thank You again & Have a Great Birthday.
I have appreciated Mike’s emails for several years, since I moved to Ky. We moved there from Ft. Lauderdale in 2006 and decided to have a garden. Any time I have a problem with plants, trees, bushes or what will grow there or when and how to prune, etc. I know he will have the answer.
I save all his emails in a folder and usually refer back to them at least once a month if not more often.
Blessings on him as he celebrates a milestone in his life. May God continue to bless him with many more years of good health and happiness,.
Happy Birthday, Mike.
Well, I’m too new to Mike’s program to say he’s changed my life, but I can say he gives me hope! His videos are great: simply made and simply easy to understand. He doesn’t waste my time with frills and hidden gotchas; he puts it out there, and if I want it I’ll buy, if not, I won’t. I appreciate the advice and the knowledge behind it. Happy Birthday, Mike!
Happy Birthday Mike, we plant people love you , thanks to you for all the learnin, my yard is packed with plants . I would have never done it with out your encouragement , and thanks to your video’s , which I made sure I showed the hubby , and guess what ?, he has done work I don’t think he EVER would have . it has kept us moving , which is a good thing , keeps the couch potato syndrome at bay. I am sure it has been why hubby had the energy for doing the deck and shed. So you see getting us out and working in the yard isn’t all we have to thank you for ……..it goes on and on……God bless you Mike…. cindy and bill
Happy Birthday & anniversary!
You have been such an inspiration to me that I honestly can’t put it into words!
Your generosity sharing your knowledge is beyond comprehension even.
Your “keeping it simple’ is also an inspiration, because sometimes I tend to “over-think things”.
I totally appreciate all that you do…you inspire & also educate so many!!!…You should be so proud of what you’ve accomplished…everyday!!!!
And also thanks to Duston & Amber for all that they do…y’all are a god-send!!!
I honestly don’t remember where I came across your info the first time but it took many months of debating with myself as to whether I had enough money to go that monthly money for the program but am so glad that I finally convinced myself that it would be a good deal.
You are such a wealth of information that one can’t go wrong if we just read and implement your wisdom that you impart to us every day practically. Once in a while you go missing but not for long, LOL.
I hope you have a great birthday and many more years of playing in the dirt.
Mike congrats I’m 64 and learning from a youngster.i cherish your info. GOD is Great isn’t HE. I thank him for You and others who open his secrets in the earth.After all ;it belongs to Him.Bless you have many more.Thanks,Tom B.
Over the years you have provided me with a virtual book of gardening advice on so many projects and issues that I’ve lost count, but I have them all saved in my virtual ‘gardening’ folder. That is my gardening Bible that has been a constant source of valuable information year ’round. It’s helped me to provide joy, beauty, and food to all of my neighbors, as well as many who come to our seasonal block sales.
Wishing you a happy birthday just isn’t enough! I must wish for you and your family the most productive, enjoyable, and carefree life that can be had in our land of the free.
Have a great anniversary and joyful birthday, my friend!
Happy birthday Mike and happy anniversary too. I enjoyed your email. I resisted for a long time but finally bought your program and hope to start using it soon , sounds like fun hopefully can make some money. enjoy life thank you
A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR A VERY SPECIAL MAN!!! I’m a little older than you but I have learned so much from all your messages. I have a problem with getting things started so I am still waiting to start my first real garden since getting our house almost 5 years ago. With our income limited and having my daughter and her 3 children living with us, our funds are always at the extreme short end. I know I need to get going but sometimes I have hard times just getting myself up to even do normal things I used to do with no problems. I always get aroused when I read your messages and I can see what I need to do to achieve your great results, I just seem to lose myself, get distracted, in other issues around the house, something is always pulling me in different directions. I know that once I start digging around and seeing things the way you show they should be, I will enjoy getting up and around more easily. After all, I come from old farm stock, northern Wisconsin, third generation, I know this is something that I can pass on to my grandchildren, they are still young enough to understand and enjoy what can be created from something we nurture and develop right from our own back, or front, yard. Thank you and God Bless you for many more years, you bring so much to all of us each and every day, or night in my case. Take care and enjoy your Birthday and your great family, Ben.
Happy Birthday and congratulations on 15 years of playing in the dirt!! Your advice has been much appreciated and very helpful. God bless you and yours in the coming years.
You have shown me a lot of things i never knew i missed. I have to say its great to see someone strong in their beliefs. (and even stronger with their plants)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, Mike! Thanks for the years of reading your articles, and the knowledge that they contain. I enjoy watching your videos and learning from you. I’m slowly starting to do something with it, and you give the hope that it can be done.
Dear Mike, I am an organic farmer and 20-year veteran of all sorts of plant, nursery, ag and landscaping jobs. I also teach permaculture and run an educational farm. I am generally cynical about marketing based email communications. But… I have to say, week after week, month after month you have really won me over with your excellent and relevant emails. I actually read them. And I often learn something. Someday- I am actually going to take you up on it and start propagating plants and selling them- maybe in my own backyard!
In the meantime I’ve got a few thousand veggie seedlings to start and I’m just taking a moment out to say happy birthday- thanks for being you.
Josh Rosenstein
Happy Birthday Mike, I just turned 58 myself. A few years ago I ran across your program and decided I wanted to be a part of it. I signed up for the installment plan and started studying and gathering supplies. Half way through the payment plan, I fractured my femur and discovered I also had 5 compression fractures in my spine. I later was diagnosed with osteoporosis and fibromyalgia; it was suggested that I retire if at all possible. I knew that I would have a difficult time doing all the work that would be needed to implement your program, but that this association would last a lifetime. I hoped that I would eventually heal up enough to use all this great information that you teach… I am still hoping, but I want to refresh myself and do something this year regardless of how small. Thanks for all you do and again Happy Birthday!
Mike: I became a fan of yours when I read the story of how the economy dropped you to your knees, and how you got up again with the help of plants. It is obvious that even though you use the latest internet sales strategies, you are not out to get rich. You just want to share with anyone who will listen how they can gain some freedom in their life and enjoy working with the miracle of propagation. I have told many people about you over the years, and shared your story. I first propagated plants when I was near penniless in Ohio many years ago. An 8 inch pot of variegated euonymus was my investment. I fell in love with the idea that we can all make new plants from old – as often and as many as we wish, through nature’s grace and bounty. I have on my to do list to start a propagation system. I bought the spray set up, and it is sitting under my bed right now, awaiting the right time to set it up.
I enjoy your videos. Because they are short and to the point, with good information, I always find time to watch them, no matter how busy I am.
Thank you so much for the gift you have given the world, Mike. I am glad to see you are losing some weight, as it means you will probably be around a while longer, sharing your love of plants and your guidance to a freer, more rewarding life through propagation.
He that plants a tree loves other besides himself.
— Thomas Fuller
I just discovered your online information about a year or so ago. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to each new posting. I just putter around in my yard, but all your suggestions are inspiring to me. There is always something useful, and I surely enjoy your humor and love those overalls! God bless you in all you do for others, you’ll probably never know just how much you are appreciated. Thank you, Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary.
Happy Birthday Mike I truly enjoy your advice and instruction I am happy to say I have successfully started miniature roses from cuttings and I never have been able to do that before. I hope your birthday is a blessed one and keep up the good work……
Mike, I wanted to wish you Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! When I stumbled upon a video of yours, my first thought was, who is this guy in the overalls? Then I listened and what you were talking about made so much sense. I want to THANK YOU for getting me back in touch with my passion. I had let life and all that heavy stuff crowd out the fact that I love to grow plants! You filled in a spot that was missing in my life with your wisdom. Thanks again! Enjoy your celebration!
I have had the pleasure of getting your emails and reading your articles for a few years now. I simply watch the videos and read the emails for my personal use as I live in a rural area of Vancouver Island, BC. I guess what I really have to say is I am sure your information is great for those who want to form a business but its also great for people like me who just want to learn more so they can enjoy their own yard.
Happy day for you Mike and the Mrs.
I enjoy reading your blogs,watching your videos and practicing your methods to life my spirits. Thank you
Happy birthday!
It has taken me a while to get on board, although I always had this dream of having my own plant business. I am not there yet but you have inspired me with your newsletters which kept that fire alive. I am older now and not in the corporate world anymore but each day when you would send me an email I would sneak off and read it and get inspired. I still look forward to logging in and reading “inspiration” from you.
thanks John
Hey, Mike! I haven’t been around here very long, and truth be told I haven’t had time to really peruse the site and take advantage of everything you preach….er…I mean, TALK about! But that will be changing in another couple of months or so, and then I’ll be able to jump in and soak up everything I want and need to know. What I want to tell you is that I honestly believe you are the real deal. You are what you say and do. And, I look forward to a long learning experience with you all.
Oh yes, congratulations on 15 years and a very Happy Birthday!
Sharon H
Happy, happy birthday!!! And thanks for sharing your wealth of plant knowledge with all of us. Sure enjoy reading your e-mails and especially your videos as I feel I have an individual lesson that is very useful and practical. You make me so anxious for springtime. Stay warm and have an extra special birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mike! I have been following you for a few years now and have your system. Never did figure out how to access the growers list, but that’s okay, I have had so much enjoyment just making more plants for my own garden. My son is a fan of yours also so we share all the ideas and try to help each other. Thank you for all of your help!
Happy Birthday, Mike!
I really appreciate your love for gardening and your desire and determination to teach all of us. I enjoy reading your emails. I am trying to get my husband on-board and put to use all of your council and ideas. Thank you so much for your great work. Have a great birthday!
Happy Birthday Mike!Thank you sharing valuable information with us.I’ve been follow you over year,I learned a lot.
Let me say happy birthday again in Chinese:生日快乐!
I just wanted to say that about two years ago, I am a 30 year old man, I started getting into plants. Mostly bonsai and house plants as a hobby. As I began wanting to understand how plants work in more detail I started searching the internet for any and all information. As my interest grew to include landscaping and propagation I stumbled upon Mike’s Backyard Nursery system. After seeing a few of Mike’s video’s on YouTube and FreePlants.com and/or your site I knew that I wanted to purchase MBYN system and read his book. I feel that Mike has a gift that God intended him to share with others. And that gift is being a down to earth, no nonsense, tell it like it is (without offense), kind, humble, relatable human being. Mike has a disposition that is welcoming and caring and you can sense it very quickly. His videos exude a transparency to his character that leaves you feeling that you are learning from a friend. And this friend is happy to welcome you into the nursery trade, no strings attached. This is and was very helpful for me because when my dad bought me the system for Christmas it gave me the confidence and the skills to be up to the task of starting a business into the plant propagation world. Thanks for all that you do Mike! The world is truly blessed to have you in it! Happy Birthday!
Jamie Russell
Mike thank you for sharing your testimony and your experiences of being a successful entrepreneur in the plant business. I love plants and am seriously thinking of starting a business since I am close to retiring and the extra income would be nice, May God bless you, congratulations and Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday Mike !!!
Happy Birthday Mike!
You have helped me start nursery business since my husband lost his job. With the guidance from you has helped keep my focus on growing my nursery and away from too many negative thoughts.
Thank you Mike! And Happy Birthday again!
Your efforts have been so much appreciated for a l-o-o-o-n-g time!
I have now retired to rural Central America and am building an experimental farm wherein I shall be using your excellent advice to help the local people become more efficient in their growing techniques and a) be able to feed their families with much better nutrition and – hopefully – b) be able to expand their current meager incomes to ones which will give them some of the little luxuries of life.
All the best for the next decades – may you have many of them
I keep all your e-mails and can’t tell you how much I appreciate them. I’ve garnered
a great deal from all the information you put out to everyone. Thank you so much.
Happy Birthday Mike….I get your emails and look forward to reading all the great information you have. Thanks so much for all you do, also Happy Anniversary!
Hi Mike ,,I hope you have a happy 58th,so far I have 4 years on you. Also congratulations on the 15 years. I have received a lot of info from you from your videos, and different posts. I have had COPD for the last 6 years and ON O2 daily. When spring comes I turn up my my concentrater a notch and add an extra piece of hose, and head toward the garden. I can still do some stuff, it just takes a lot longer.. I was a lobsterman and other fisheries all my life so I just like the outdoors. Soon it will be spring.. Hope we all can stay inspired Thanks Mike
Happy birthday Mike love to read and hear your story’s they have helped out a lot in my little greenhouse. Looking forward to many more years of your help!
I love getting your emails, and watching/listening to your videos. I like the “old down-home” style .. farmer in overalls .. It resonates with me. I hope someday to put it all into practice. I’m too busy right now, and my big backyard is played in by many (home day care) children, but retirement draweth nigh, and we will be glad to put the yard to other use, and for some extra income.
Don’t stop yet!!
Dear Mike, always look forward to reading your post ( 5 years now ?. You are a big inspiration and a joy, besides you’re the only one that has been a help for me with my hydrangea’s!
God Bless you and your wonderful family!
Happy Birthday, Mike!
I look forward to your email newsletters, and I really love the online plant propagation guide. Thank you for taking the time to put together such nice informational resources for us.
Have a good and healthy year!
Happy Birthday Mike, may you have a blessed and healthy year. Words cannot express how much I have learned from you and your growing plants information. I just recently joined, but hope to this year put into action what you have passed on to me. What a special person you are. One of my favorite hymns is Pass It On and you have certainly done this. Thank you Mike. Dora Dickerson
Would like to wish you a wonderful 58th birthday. Certainly a knowledgeable business person to know. You are a great inspiration to all of us. Thank you for all you have done to help us through the good and bad in trying to make a successful business.
Denise Gaitan
San Diego
The happiest of birthdays, Mike!
It’s so much fun to read about the donkeys. 🙂 But more than that, it’s apparent that you’re passionate about what you do, that you have so much knowledge and information for the customers and subscribers to see HOW and WHY we should prune this way or till that way. Watching your YouTube videos, you’re not elitist or irritated. You SHOW us how to labor, and even the fruits of your labor. It’s an honor to receive your information, sir, and I hope you have the greatest birthday!
You deserve a good one! Just wanted to say thank you for the encouragement that you have given me, I haven’t come far yet with this but your enthusiasm has given me hope that I can one day leave my job and grow my hobby until it becomes my job. Thank you, enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday!
Mike reminds me of my Grandpa who loved growing plants… especially roses… and would have a fresh cut rose for my Grandma from his garden almost every day.
Mike takes the time to show and explain (like my Grandpa used to do with me — I miss him).
I’m inspired by Mike to try things with plants I never thought I was smart enough to do. But I’m having success!
I’ve learned a lot and I’m grateful.
Success isn’t measured by how much money one makes but in the “dent” we make here on earth by impacting the lives of others.
Mike is patient to teach… as a teacher, myself, I know and appreciate what an investment that requires.
May Yahweh bless you and your family this year with a double portion!!
You will never know how much I enjoy the information you share. I save all your messages and refer back to them. I am past the age to start a business but really enjoy trying things just for my own enjoyment. I am a Master Gardner and do volunteer work helping others. Thank so much!
I love the little gardening tips that you send me. I am especially fond of the one on how to get ride of poison ivy. It helped me to identify it and gave me ideas on how to get rid of it.
Happy Birthday you youngster.
Best wishes for many healthy and happy more.
Happy B-day Mike and thanks for 15 yrs serving your fellow man. I am an avid follower of yours and am so grateful and pleased to be one of your students in the national classroom.
I am excited to put your expertise into action. I have enjoyed the videos and the practical outlook on what you do. Many Blessings for the future, Mike! Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday. Love reading your blogs and watching the videos as well. I learned that we don’t have to worry so much as to when to prune but to pick up the plant and shape it anytime you see a need. And by pruning it will help bush out a plant for a more beautiful specimen. Mike you just have a knack for what you do and seem so at home with it all – a real down to “earth” fellow. So have a blessed day and enjoy! Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Mike a great person to know he help me thur some hard times still want to send chow chow ive. Not forgotten yet
I like Mike. First off, Happy Birthday. Now why I like Mike . . . because you are a down to “earth” type of guy. Love all the interesting topics you come up with and your willingness to explain to the everyday person such as myself. I learned so much and really just about every time I check out your e-mails. I especially learned that pruning a plant in the winter is ok for shaping it on the spot and you don’t have to worry so much about it. l
I just want you to know how much I have enjoyed your videos and your knowledge about plants and tree’s.Just the fact that Amber has enjoyed working with you and your patience and understanding say’s a lot about your character.I feel like a Sponge ,whenever I want to know how to plant or trim something or whatever I need to do ,I just go to my computer and go right to your site amd I always find what iam looking for ..Mike,I had a stroke about 7 years ago and I cannot takecare of my flowers and yard the way I used to ,I would Love to buy your system ,but I know that I couldn’t do it ,My husband does a lot for me and I use to do for him.It affected my balance and I fall down a lot,I am not feeling sorry for myself,I just miss being the caretaker of the flower’s and yard..I have sung your praises about trimming.and such over and over .Your the best. Happy 58thBirthday and Congrad’s to a terrific Guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Barb
Mike, I subscribed several years ago and have read everything that you send. While I don’t have a yard with good soil and enough room to start a business, I have gained invaluable information that I use with my plants, trees, etc. I have learned so much more about pruning – and mostly that I need not worry – I won’t kill that plant! I plan to have “grow boxes” this Spring and fill them with herbs. Thank you for all you do and the information you share. You are a good ole boy – and I love to learn from you! Your videos are so helpful – and you have introduced me to some wonderful new plants. Happy 58th Birthday. I’m a little past you – 67 this year – and loving my retirement! Thanks again – and keep the info coming!
I am grateful for your free newsletter.It’s wonderful of you to do it Thanks
Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday Dear Mike,Happy Birthday to you,and many more till 100,000 andd 4
You have helped me in so many ways especially with Hydrangea’s and roses
I hope you have a GREAT day and I hope it is a great surprise for you
Hi Mike,
And happy birthday! Congratulations for your 15 years of equipping and sharing with all of us your plethora of knowledge in gardening (to say the least). I look forward each week to what you have to say next and have used your advise many times in my own “adventures” in gardening…with great success I might add! Keep up the good work, Mike and thanks again for all you do. God bless.
This is my “Happy Birthday to You, Mike” Message: You are one super guy, looking out for us ‘Would-be Plant Growers and Flower Lovers’. I feel changed from a mud-stirring plant mover- arounder to someone given a lot of knowledge by a great guy that knows what it is all about.
Mike I can only wish you more great years than you can imagine. Keep up the good work. and
thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do for us out here in the boonies. You’re the Best!!
And So’s your Book. Happy Birthday to you, and many, many more. Jim Addison
Reading Mijke’s blog, his books, –anything he does, is like a worn letter from home. I grew up in Ohio with many farm family members, although ours was not a farm. I run a greenhouse for assisted living and find lots of projects that we can do…rooting, cutting, etc. I was able to refer a friend who had been laid off and was raising chickens, in FLORIDA no less. It seemed like a good compliment to what he was already doing to have Profit from Plants. Mike does have a gift for getting his instructions across. He has good humor, knows people, and always has new “tidbits” to share. He is ready to answer questions -god bless him. And of course, it’s like a visit to the farm to hear about the donkeys. all the words about hard work, perserverance, serving others, sure ring true to me. He is an entrepreneur with vision, finding the reach of the internet a source of sharing his wisdom with many people. Happy birthday and Happy Anniversary
Happy Birthday! I always look forward to reading your hints about gardening. They are so do-able and your instructions are perfect. i have my husband hooked on your emails too and now he emails me with your hints about various projects we might want to do.
Hope you have a very enjoyable birthday and many more to come!
Happy Birthday Mike. Thank you so much for teaching in a way that is so down to earth ( Pun intended) and easy to understand. You do a wonderful job of teaching things every gardener needs to know. Keep inspiring us. Drusilla Beiler NC
Happy 58th!!! You are an inspiring person. It is a good thing to be able to make a business out of something one loves doing. Best wishes and many more!
Happy Birthday Mike! I enjoy getting your emails about plants and about you! I think it is wonderful that you share your knowledge and your history! You are quite an inspiration! Happy Day and many more!
Happy 15th Anniversary, and Happy Birthday to you Mike!
I wanted to express a heartfelt Thank you to you! When I came across your Website or newsletter it was during a very difficult time in my life, I had lost my husband of 18 yrs.and he was the knowledgeable one in regards to planting trees, gardening, pruning etc. During our young son’s yrs growing up, he had taken down 26 black walnut trees, yrs later replacing them with fruit and nut trees, his goal was to someday teach his boys about all of it, and to teach them about making their own money at an early age. With a fruit and nut stand. We enjoyed Ruby Red Raspberries the size of my thumb, we often caught the boys out in the rows eating them. We had family times gathering Black Raspberries, Red Raspberries, making jam for giving or placing in Christmas baskets for our friends. He taught me how to can jams and jellie, he set up bee hives for our own honey and to pollinate his fruit trees. While I I was often busy with the three boys, he would grow a huge garden and maintained it. He would take his huge tiller, he called it a “man beater” and would plow others gardens. This all while working as a Critical Care Specialist RN.
Since his passing at the early age of 48, I am now raising our three young boys (at his passing the boys were only 7,9,11) they are now 13,14,17. I’ve been lost on how to engage and continue on his legacy and wishes for the boys in regards to gardening, pruning etc. His wish was for them to learn so much, to know what he knew, he like you, loved to teach others, to help others.
This is where you come into the story. Our old home 1860 was torn down, and a new one was put in place, along with new landscaping etc. I lost most of what he had done, except for his fruit trees. With your knowledge, and help I’ve been given another source of information I can pass on to my boys. I have unfortunately lost a few fruit trees, have two plum trees, with I believe black rot, and tho I still have questions, I know I can just tap into, the resources you offer, to help me. I hope someday to have raspberries again, to do my best to provide my boys the knowledge their dad had for them threw you. The first yr after his passing we had an incredible crop of plums, I have pictures of the boys with their first fruit stand set up selling Plums, the sign said ” Fresh Homegrown Plums from our Dad’s Trees” they were so happy, and proud, they made 35.00. My hope now since they are older is to learn what I can learn from you and teach them, this is a bit of a challenge being a single parents, yet I see how much they want to be like him in their eyes.
So again I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my Heart! I look forward in continuing my growth and knowledge in what you have to teach and show others. You are a God Send.
Sincerely, Arlene K. Nickless RMA
Thank you so very, very much, Mike, for any and all the answers you have given me for my questions. I appreciate that no question is too small for you to take the time to write to me. I like your straight forward, down on my level, way of providing information. Have a great birthday. You are so Special!
Happy Birthday Mike! I’ve been reading your blog for five or six years and since moving to a sea abd riverside home you have helped me many times. First I had poison ivy to deal with (unfortunately my wife was accidentally involved also), then I had invasive weeds to contend with in the marsh. Recently my wife Elaine was cutting back and ready to dispose of some geranium legs and limbs and i convinced her to follow what I had learned from you about starting new plants from cuttings – they are growing splendidly so Thank You for passing on your knowledge: it is the most important trait in a teacher.
Live long and Happy,
I found Mike’s website though another website he was using for marketing. Had a question but because the Internet is what it is I had tongue in cheek when I contacted him. I had a reply back by return verifying he was very real and for real. Since that time I have forwarded many of his newsletters to some of my family and friends having issues with this or that in their garden. Thank you for your work ethic and knowledge you have been so willing to share.
Many happy returns Mike.
Happy Birthday Mike!
I came across your website about four years ago and appreciate every email you send my way!!
I love flowers and gardening, while live amongst shade and mature trees. Your letters have helped tremendously!
My husband enjoys caring for his concord grapes and making grape jam. Again your letters have been a joy and a help along the way!
Many thanks and happy happy birthday!!
Yes I agreenI jhopeyou carry on the big successor your fatherlegecy thank you is to late for me yo dream imwish I hope ican do best of luck
I have gained inspiration to start a backyard garden. I have been working on getting it started for about a year now. I have a few things I need to get done to get started, but intend to have the nursery started by the end of February. It is great to get encouragement all the time.
Hope you enjoy your birthday and have another successful year in your business.
I have been reading your blogs and watching your videos for a few years now. I have passed on your information to many others and used much of it myself. I’ve never met anyone online that gives so much and asked for nothing in return. What a great guy you are. Always stay and true as your are today and know that you have made a change in many people’s day to day lives. Many people strive for that, not many can say they have accomplished it!
Happy Birthday!
Love your advice and you! What’s the best part of birthdays after 50?
To keep having them! Right?!
You are the man! XOXOXO Jama
Mike..been following your website, e-mails for years now ! Probably learned more ‘darn, I did that ! That’s why it didn’t work’.. from you more than anyone ! Happy Birthday Sir..and Many More ! Age is just ‘mind over matter’.. If you ‘Don’t Mind..it Don’t Matter’ !
Many More for You..and keep the ‘Info Coming’ ! Great Family you have for doing this.. ‘Dustin, Amber..’Mom’..and the ‘lil Donkey’s’.. I passed along a few pics of the lil guys to a friend..and he went out and bought a couple himself ! He Loves them !
i am a person that can not drive a nail,,,,,,,,,,,, so when i read Mikes articles i am amazed by his hands on knowledge that he has and how he shares / presents it,,,,,,,,,,,
Happy Birthday Mike! I have learned so much from your posts! I even started 35 more blueberry plants from my old patch. Thanks to you there are berries galore around here! Hope you have a great year!
I came to Mike’s website by accident, and stayed with him because he inspired me. I could do more with my little plot of land in the middle of the city. My house came with a little green house, I expanded it, and now start all my own veggies and flowers in it. Mike gave me confidence to nurture my green thumbs, by explaining how to’s and the why’s. My japanese little maple was sick I asked the “experts” at my local nursery how to save it. Their advice didn’t work, then a few days later Mike was showing his little maples and explaining how to care for them and to prune them. My little tree is thriving now! I have now completely re- landscaped my yard, and I get allot of compliments from my neighbors and passer-by’s . When asked about how I learned things about plants and the like, I tell anyone who will listen about this website. Happy Birthday Mike! and thank you so very much for your hard work and dedication to wake up the little farmer in all of us! and thank you Duston for giving me an opportunity to express my gratitude to your dad.
Mike I stumbled across your info almost 10 years ago and my life took a huge turn. I am very grateful for all your help and advice. It’s more then I’ve ever received about plants then the four colleges I’ve attended.
Over the past 10 years I’ve moved 5 times and each time I’ve started all over again building my nursery except this last time when I moved to a new state and had to sell my business. It’s just a matter of time when I start all over again. In the mean time I’m very grateful to stay connected and keep learning. Your passion and enthusiasm for plants is contagious and I love your down to earth attitude. You encourage me, make me laugh and inspire me to keep going. You even taught me how to make fudge! Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and passion. I hope you have an awesome birthday and congrats on your 15yr anniversary!
Happy birthday Mike! I do truly appreciate the gifts you give to the world! I to have been tested by life’s fire and have found strength in your story. Your work, your down to earth manner, shines a light that goes far beyond the nursery business. I see in you the dedication and resourcefulness that has made this country what it is ! You are to me an example our American Eagle!
God bless you and your enterprise. Once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY,
Bruce Kiefer
Dear Mike…..I recently moved to Florida (I got washed out on the Jersey shore from Sandy) and have had to learn gardening all over again. I was so lucky in NJ because I just had to stick something in the ground and it prospered. Plentiful tomatoes and corn etc.. I was having disastrous
results with veges and flowers (everything!) until I discovered your website. Thank you so much!
Thank you for all you do! Happy Birthday, Mike, and many more.
Happy birthday Mike! I have enjoyed the knowledge you’ve given me everyday! I cannot thank you enough!!! You inspired me to start composting. It’s only my 2nd year but its coming along great!
Thanks, Duston, for opportunity to wish my gardening friend Happy Birthday….I always enjoy his “visits “:-)
Mr McGroarty: I have not purchased anything from you, but have so appreciated your videos on tips and hints on gardening. I love to garden, but don’t always put enough time to make it as perfect as I want it to be. I feel like I am a comrade of yours because you approach life and gardening as I would. Happy 58th birthday! Vicki Dryden
I just want to say “HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU”. I hope you have a great celebration with family and friends. I also want you to know how much I have learned from you – LOTS!!! You are so great to answer my questions when I write you. I have always loved gardening since I was a child. You have taught me some great tips on rooting, propagation, pruning and more. I did a full container garden last spring, with some being self watering (due to the fact that I have no land and live in an apartment). My neighbors would come by and stare at the garden and then bring their friends by too. I even had some of my neighbors ask me for tips and plants. I plan on expanding to more self watering containers this year. I look forward to your videos and email. I love learning new tricks. Keep up the good work.
Happy Happy Birthday Mike,,I have follored your site and read all the emils I get from you, I love to garden and work in the yard, but I injured my back 12 yrs ago and I cant do the things i use to do..Im thinking of having back surgury this year, so praying I will be able to get back in the garden, We have 8 acers so I have a lot of room to plant ,sometimes its overwheming.but when I open your emails I get the ureg to get out there and do something, I want to get your system, hoping this year,, keep up the good work and the emails, thanks for all you do…Deb
Happy Birthday, Mike! You have helped a lot of people! May God Bless!
I so do appreciate this newsletter. Mike is so down to earth.
Thank you MIke, for all that you have exposed me to in the line
of very helpful advice for my tiny garden. I grow mostly flowers.
I read every blog even if I think its not something I’m interested in but I always learn something
We all have learned so much from you HAPPY BIRTHDAY and keep up the good work
Happy Birthday Mike and many more. I am thankful for your site, it keeps me busy during retirement. I do not make a lot of money, however the money I do make I donate to relay for life, you are helping a lot of people celebrate more birthdays.
Thank you again
Bill Doty
Barnegat NJ
I enjoy Mikes article because he explains in a way even a dummy like me can understand it.
“Happy Birthday” Mike!
I’ve always had reservations about wearing bib overalls, but seeing you in your “bibs” gave me confidence to wear mine also. You cut a handsome jib for one of us who are considered to be “Jumbo Petit”! All kidding aside I have enjoyed your articles about, just about everything Gardening. You are a wealth of information and a great guy.
Many happy returns.
Happy Birthday Mike and many, many more. I came across your web site about a year ago. After reading many of your articles and viewing some of the videos. I’m please to say your doing a great job. Thanks and keep up the good work…
Mike, You are a wealth of information, and your willingness to take the time to share it is wonderful!
Thank you! I enjoy reading every e-mail I receive from you. I have always loved gardening and “playing” in the dirt, and the information I learn from you, makes it all more enjoyable as I learn so much. I hope some day to be able to visit your nursery on one of our trips. Have a great 58th birthday!, and a wonderful, healthy year to follow!
A fan in Madison, WI
My dad had bad eyesight and could not go into the service during wwII but, he was in the Conservation Corp (started by Roosevelt). He learned much during this time and was close to the dirt. He tried to teach me but, I was young and wanted to date and go to dances, etc. He passed in 1994 and I am sorry I did not pay more attention to him. He was very excited when he grew a crop of sugar snap peas.
Now I have you and I will pay attention — a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more – thank you and GOD BLESS.
I love the fact that I have learned how to propagate just about anything!
When I see a plant, flower or tree I like, I ask if I can have a cutting, usually it is yes, and Viola! I get one of those for my house!
I keep looking for different Japanese Maples! You have stirred my interest and it is never quenched! I keep looking for different versions to get a cutting and try to grow it!
Thanks for the ongoing inspiration!
Mike, your enthusiasm for life and living is contagious, I have so enjoyed your column while I am recovering from a serious chemical injury in an “assisted living” situation. I have been many things in life, a farmer with a day care business and many farm animals for the kids, both to play with and for milk and eggs, etc., we had a truck farm to produce vegetables too. The energy of that little farm was wonderful! And I see you guys doing much the same thing, only later in life, and I have hope for getting back in the saddle, so to speak, with a house, chickens, a milk goat, a wood stove, a garden and lots of love to give! I’m working out at the YMCA gym 2 1/2 hours a day 3 days a week and making progress, slow as it is. I’m 70, BTW, and life just keeps on getting better each day.
May your life be blessed and God keep you well always is my prayer for you. You didn’t think of yourself as a minister, but your love of people and life sure ministers to others! Thanks so much!
love to y’all,
Happy Birthday Mike and Many more.
Your cuttings boxes were very helpful for me .
I’m retired and getting slower but I still like gardening.
So Happy Birthday and we be thinking about you.
Yours trully Cornelis
Happy Birthday Mike!
May God Bless You & Your Family.
Hi Mike,
Just want you to know that I look so forward to your emails and I try to do what you say. I love to watch things grow. Thank you so much for all that you have taught me.
The best to you, Keep those finger nails dirty. I do !!
Happy, Happy Birthday and may it be your best one ever. Thanks for your e-mails as I am a garden club president an can share all your information. You are the best and keep up the e-mails. Thanks again and enjoy your Birthday. Barb
Thanks Mike for doing what you do! You’ve created a kind of hope in a package for people to grab hold of, and taken the mystery out of starting a nursery in one’s backyard! You’ve also created a community of people who would never have known each other. And it’s all pretty affordable considering the great value. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE !!! You did my heart good by giving me something to look forward to and get excited about. I am almost 67 and was losing interest in life until I seen you and how easy (I am still learning how to) to grow plants.Some day I will get it figured out , just hoping you have a nice B-day. friends forever from upstate N.Y.
I would like to Wish You a Happy Birthday and also Happy 15th Business Anniversary. May your flowers bloom and your buds always blossom. Thanks for all of the info you have given to all of us.
Jerry the Bus Driver
Jacksonville, Alabama
I am not sure who sent me your link several years back, but I have been a fan ever since. I am working on being able to spend more time as you “are” full of knowledge that I can truly understand and relate too. Thanks to you, I will be hitting it full force this summer and you “will” be hearing a lot from me!!! Congratulations, Happy Birthday, and Happy Gardening!!!!
Happy Birthday from Oxdrift Ontario Canada. -27C here today and waiting for summer to try some of your info. Thanks for it!
Happy Birthday Mike!
You have been an inspiration to me in ways that you could never know. I am so thankful to have found you at freeplants.com, although it took me awhile to sign up, I have never regretted a thing. If I only had one word to describe what you have done for me, the word would be “Driven”! Thanks for everything you do!
Hi Mike and happy birthday!!!! My b-day is Jan. 30 and I will be 59. I have read your emails and watched your videos for years. I am a single lady who works fulltime as a pastry chef, but a want-to be gardener. I own 13.5 acres of good soil and “think” and/or maybe belief that I could make a better living growing plants rather than baking pies. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge with those us who are struggling to make our mortgage payments. If you are ever in the Kansa City area please come see me at Lucille’s Diner for a wonderful home cooked meal followed by one of my, made with love original pies. Please keep doing what you are doing and keeping us inspired.
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary, Mike! Here’s wishing you many more happy, healthy and productive years! God bless you for all you do!
Happy Birthday Mike!
Over five years ago I started the garden in the back yard. Your emails and later the videos have helped me select the right plants for a partly shaded yard and how to take care of shrubs year round. Thank you so very much.
I look forward to all you ideas and emails
Happy Birthday Mike
You’ve taught me much about watering on a small scale (misting small plants for 10 seconds etc) but speaking of watering on a big scale did you know how much water has went over Niagra Falls since you were born 58 years ago?
One quadrillion, three hundred seventy one trillion eight hundred and sixteen billion gallons or in numbers
That a lot of mist even for 58 year old !!!
I appreciate your wide variety of topics covered and your patience. I love the fact that you are still Mike, like always. Hope you have a great Happy Birthday.
Thanks for all the good information. Just look at all the friends you have and most you have never met. You do a great job.
Happy. Happy ,Happy Birthday and enjoy life.
Don’t think you’ll probably take much time to celebrate your birthday but hopefully you will find the day to be special.Those of us who read your e-mails, watch your videos and have used your manual are indebted to you for your sharing your knowledge. I know you work hard but I also know the Lord has blessed you in a mighty way. I give Him thanks for your Christian attitude that is indicated by your desire to share. May our Lord continue to bless and keep you. Happy Birthday
Well Happy Birthday Mike and Happy 15th Anniversary of a successful business of assisting and encouraging people to pursue their dreams of becoming accomplished gardeners. Best Wishes to you!
Debbie Toft
Happy Birthday Mr. Mike! Thanks for all you do helping others! Congrats on 15 years of backyard nursery!
I have always loved to garden but did it by trial and a lot of error. After I started watching Mike’s videos I started having many more successes. My garden is beautiful and I owe a lot of the credit to Mike. You taught me that I can prune my trees and shrubs at any time of the year. I used to wait until the “proper time” but now I consider that as a “best time” but if I see that something has grown too tall and leggy I pull out my pruners (that always seem to be in hand) and just chop it off. As a result my yard and plants look much healthier. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, have a wonderful birthday and I pray that you will continue to have many, many more happy years. Thank you for sharing. Linda Hess (McDonough, GA)
I have read a lot what you have done and it helped me, wished I had started earlier. Age had got a hold of me, I miss working in my yard and it will never be like yours. Stress is terrible but in my astress working some of your good advice relieves all that stress, Thank you for all you have done.Congratulation on your success and Happy Birthday.
Hey Mike,
I first read about you in The Mother Earth News too long ago to say (Don’t want to date myself,Ha Ha). I couldn’t wait for the day I could afford to buy your system. I am still working on it and someday I will send pics. But for now Thank You very much for all the wisdom you have imparted to us all and I look forward to much, much more.
Thanks again
I have been following Mikes blog and freeplants.com site for years and just never did anything about what I had seen written. I just thought it was another “fly by night” site that gets you to sign up for something and then never deliver.
One day last spring I ordered Mikes Backyard Nursery “Small Plants, Bug Profits from home”. After reading the entire book and reviewing the DVD I received, I’ve never looked back. The knowledge and support I have received not to mention the quality rooted cuttings and liners I’ve received to start my business has been immeasurable. I look forward to the day when I can come out to Ohio to meet the McGroarty’s and the great business you started and have shared with so many. Until then, Happy Birthday Mike ~ many blessings and birthdays to you for many years to come,
I have never met Mike,but I feel like he is a good,good friend. I had to retire early in 2007,my husband had passed away and I had a heart attack, I didn’t know what I was going to do without a full income.I was limited as to what I could do or so I thought until a friend sent me Mike’s gardening letters,selling plants etc. I have always loved gardening, digging in dirt and I thought I knew a lot until I started receiving the e-mails with all the wonderful information that you shared. So, I started planting extra vegetable and flower plants for a donation. I now have my grandchilren doing the same in the summer .
I could go on and on but I am sure that you have hundreds of Birthday wishes to read . So, having said that HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU.
S.Williams, St Louis, MO
Hi Mike,
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you some much for all the valuable information and interesting ideas that you have shared with all of us and to wish you a very Happy Birthday.
Your friend
Dear Mike
Want to thank you for all the e-mails you have sent me over the years regarding
gardening. There have been many articles that I have printed out and keep them in a file folder to refer to when I need the information. God has given you a great gift and you are so knowledgeable regarding nature and how to care for our beautiful trees ,flowers, and vegetables etc. Keep up the good work and wishing
you many more Happy Birthdays, and many thanks again for your e-mails .
Happy Birthday, and many more!
I am new to this but have learned a lot from your website. Your site great and always answering questions with lots of information. If not for your site and information I am sure I would do everything wrong. Thanks for giving your time and knowledge to help others.
Happy birthday and looking forward to more years of your experience.
Just want to say Happy Birthday Mike and let you know that I read your posts all the time. You inspired me to invest in my own little green house and start growing all my own plants for my gardens. I love all the tips and I read them even if it is not what I am growing or want to grow. I just find them interesting and I love learning something new, you never know when someone else might need that little piece of information. I wish you have many more wonderful years to teach us!!! Thanks again!!!
First and foremost HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Second, about 10 years ago or so I came across your website. I was looking for a cheap source to buy a LOT of boxwoods. When I read your website, my life changed in an instant. I had no idea you could grow plants, like boxwoods from cuttings. I read your entire site, and bought your growing system. We are military so we have moved a lot in the past 10 years. I can tell you this, at every house I move out of, I leave behind a plant paradise and a lot of that has to do with you and what you created. I am so happy for you and your family. Happy Birthday. Know that you changed my life for the better 10 years ago and through me you also have made so many people smile that have moved into all of those houses I have moved out of. Happy Birthday Mike.
Happy Birthday Mike!
You’re old enough to be my son but I learn just as much from my kids as I do from you. Our Garden Club meeting is tonight and that seems appropriate.
For Christmas my daughter gave me a Gardener’s Version of Scrabble but everyone refuses to pay with me.
Glad that you’re an Ohioan and I read you all the time. Have many more birthdays and keep the green thoughts coming.
Bev Smith
Olmsted Falls. Ohio
I don’t remember where I first learned about Mike and his plant propagation techniques but I bought the book and I absolutely love watching his videos and reading his blog. If I never go into the nursery business or plant any plants I still love watching him and the donkeys. This year I do plan on doing some cuttings but in the meantime I look forward to reading and watching.
Congrats on your 15 and 58 years.
Don’t ever stop!!
I’ve enjoyed the information you have made available and youradviceis very helpful. I had a few packasandra plants gradually making theirway from the lot behind my house facing the next street over, I guessthe plants liked the look of my property and they started expanded. But with Mike’s advice I now have beautiful patches of Packasandra and there must be thousands of individual plants. Growing in some of the patches are small Blue Spruce trees, (very blue) which are rooted cuttings. All I had to do was to follow Mike’s expert advice. I had 100% success with the blue spruce, but not with Red Japanaese maples. I have four nice Red Japanese maples, but I have been unable to root any cuttings. I’ll try again this spring. I was able to get a couple hundred Red Japanese maples to germinate from seed and was doing well with them, but then the rabbits found them and treated them like candy, Last fall I planted another bunch of them, but this time tdhey are in grow boxes with quarter inch fabric protecting them. I knew they didn’t germinate into exact copies of the parent seed, but I found it really fascinating to see the diversity of the seedlings that I got. That’s a lot more interesting than just making cuttings that are all the same. I’m enjoying having contact with the good earth. I’m a geezer, 82 Grand Rapids, MI
Happy Birthday, Mike.
I’m glad I have a chance to thank you for teaching and inspiring. I love plants and am considering propagation as the gateway to my next career. Thanks again and happy birthday..
Mike’s training videos have been a God-Send to me! I have learned more about how to handle my plants, shrubs, etc from Mike than anyone else! I have shared his videos with my friends when they need instruction. I have most of the emails with videos saved on my computer for future reference.
I no longer think I will kill my plants and shrubs…I am sure I can help them.
Best Wishes to you, Mike, on your #58!
Sincerely, Jill Aldridge
Happy Birthday Mike! And many more too come.
I am 75 and in the lawn service for 40 yrs, but trying to slow down. Then I sent for your material. And thing on doing something like what you are doing. Thank you Mike. Keep up the good work. Just don’ sit still to long Or you will be part of the Plants. Bill.
Happy Birthday Mike,
Thanks for being you! Your blogs have answered many problems I have had over the years. Thanks to you we have beautiful gardens and our lawns look GREAT!!!!
Happy Birthday Mike! And congratulations too!!!
You are such a “down to earth” kind of guy, right on down to your bibs with the shoulder strap hanging off on one arm some times! At first I was wondering if you were going to loose your pants. But I guess you did that already financially once huh, which is why you have this success story with all of us a beneficiaries. You are so “real” and I love your tips and advice, they are simple and down to earth. Keep it up. I got your link a few years ago from my wife’s cousin who was an engineer on the space shuttle program. He told me you were a “down to earth” guy and that I could learn a lot from you. Wow, was he right.
Tony (from MN)
Mike. I have learn so much from you, my children are proud of me, my garden is the best in my neighborhood ,thanks for sheering you knowledge.
P.S I save all you Emails :
Hi Mike,
1956 was a good year. You, my wife and I share that age and set of experiences dubbed “the end of the baby boomer generation”. Just as many people will thank you for sharing your vast knowledge, I want to thank you for that, but that is not the most valuable gift you have given me.
In 2009 I was without hope. Chewed up and spit out by corporate America, I listened to the accuser’s message. I believed there was no hope left. Without sharing the gory details, in my darkest moment, an angle touched my life and started the healing. That journey of healing included more angels, men of God, a criminal trial, prison and ultimately the time and opportunity to appreciate what I have and who I am.
James 1:5 reads “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” Somehow, God uses men for good. I know it is no accident that you were put in my path. It is no accident you share your knowledge and wisdom freely.
So, on your Birthday, thank you for sharing your wisdom so freely. Thank you for giving all of your mentees wisdom and with that wisdom – hope, the most precious gift of all.
Happy Birthday! Thank you for all the information and time you share. I have learned so much just reading your blog posts.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY , Mr. Mike! TKY for ALL you do. I so enjoy reading and receiving your emails. It’s great how you are sharing your knowledge. Keep up your GREAT hard work and all you do. May you have a Special Day today. Why if I lived close to y’all I’d made you a Mudd Cake, miss Suz
Thank you Mike! I really do enjoy your direct truthful style. Wish everyone had the courage to be themselves, admit mistakes, share their joys, and forgive everyone else! Thank you!
faith o’toole
HAPPY BIRTHDAY and many more
May God Bless you and keep you. Thank you for all of the wise thoughts. I will be 80yrs, young in June. What a life. Hugs Marie
Your newsletter has been a source of knowledge and inspiration for me for many years now, and I want to thank you for that! Your enthusiasm and desire to help and teach others makes you one of those rare people who actually make a difference in strangers lives. Although I have not started your system, I know that I will be successful thanks to your advice and experience. I look forward to putting into practice everything you have taught me. Thank you Mike, and may your life be filled with happiness and blessings!
Happy Birthday Mike and thank you for all you have done for so many of us. When I first read about you and then ordered my first plants I was so excited. My boss and best friend has what use to be a horse farm and 20 years ago we converted her barn into our glass engraving business. Her husband does not like to do outside work so she offered me a place to live and I take care of all the mowing etc. which I love to do. Anyway, I ordered many plants and had my system all set up and all was going well and one day I go out to check on things and her husband had turned off my water and I lost almost everything. I will stop there because many years later it still aggravates the life out of me!! This 11 acres is pretty overwhelming but I still have the dream of plants one day. Donna and I drove to Tennessee and spent part of a day with Jennifer and she was so helpful and so inspiring and she is a testament to the fact that your plan works. I just had a milestone birthday (65) and we are beginning to talk about what to do with the glass business so we can do things we like to do and not be so tied down to inside work – we want to get our hands back in the soil ! We have some beautiful foxgloves here which I was able to save and they have multiplied through the years and I thank you for planting a seed and a dream in me…
Best wishes on your birthday from a friend in West Virginia!
Martha Buchanan
Happy Birthday Mike!!
I am an amateur gardener. (By the way, do you know the derivation of the word “amateur”? It comes from the Latin ‘amor” to love, so an amateur is someone who does something for love, as opposed to for profit.)
I LOVE to garden and your website has taught me how to propagate my own plants to increase my landscaping. At 72 I have yet to retire from my ‘real’ job, but I squeeze gardening into my spare time. Watching my little twigs become bushes is so satisfying.
I am so excited for you that you have persevered through hard times, never gave up but had faith that you could succeed to make a good life for yourself by your own hard work.
My husband and I have been knocked for a loop by outside forces, but picked ourselves up and kept going. Yours is a story that needs to be told in these days of ‘hand-outs’ instead of ‘hand-ups’. You have given hope to so many with your help. That’s the American way: roll up your sleeves and get out there and work!
Mike just wanted to thank-you for all the information on gardening you have given to so many people. The information last for years and I refer to it constantly. Thanks for being YOU! Happy Anniversary and a great Happy Birthday.
Dear Mike,
Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday and anniversary! We have enjoyed reading your articles and watching your videos. Have printed out a number of them for my gardening notebook. Have also purchased the special hoe and weasel you demonstrated on your videos. Keep up the good work and happy gardening! Sincerely, Ann and Chuck
Mike…your enthusiasm for all things in nature inspires me every day! I love reading your blog & appreciate the helpful advice. Happy Birthday and many, many more to come. –Lou
Happy Birthday Mike!! I just love all of your tips on gardening and I especially love that you actually show us how to plant a tree or a shrub!Enjoy yr day!!
Happy Birthday Mike !!
I just turned 62 yesterday and live about 100 miles WNW of ya’ll, NW of Detroit.
I’ve been reading your posts for a couple of years now, but I have only been gardening for the mere joy of it. Sort of frozen still in my gardening efforts right now. I am trying to overwinter some of the more tender things from the yard in my basement. But I’ll be back in the garden as soon as I can get a shovel into the ground.
Happy Birthday! Your son is very thoughtful… for thinking of you on your special day and anniversary ! Love reading your blog… Congrats!
Thanks Mike for all the good information ! Thanks to you I’ve been encouraged to start growing plants on a shoestring budget and hope to start making serious money this year . ( I already bought your system )
I have only dealt with Mike through his ‘blog’, but have learned he is honest, and that he really has in interest in helping others succeed. He is patient with those that are unsure [about trying], and more than willing to answer any question, no matter how silly I thought it [the question] was.
Mike is ‘good people’ as my grandma used to say.
Happy birthday, Mike, you’re only 6 years behind [just turned 64 last, month], come on up, and thank you for all you do.
And happy anniversary, 15 years, congratulations. Keep doing what you’re doing the way you do it, and I wouldn’t be surprised it lasted a long, long time [maybe a hundred more].
Happy Birthday Mike!
I read all your emails and view all your videos. You have taught me a lot.
I have been following you a number of years now ( bought original book and VCR films) one of these days I will get to a place where I can start them. You have been a part of my life in more ways than you can imagine. Have a happy birthday
Bob Keil
Happy Birthday! What an incredible guy with an awesome name…..you have “Grow” & “Art” both in your’s!
Your stories and website have inspired me to build a small greenhouse and begin pruning my landscape plants for starting cuttings, and for making bushy, healthy plants. *(I pruned in the Winter, better than never pruning at all!)
Recently, I’ve gotten into Hypertufa, and your concept of “this small investment, led to this profit” applies to my wholesale planters too! Soon, very soon….I will offer plants and planters, individually and in combinations. I’m all about maximizing profit and using the resources that exist at little or no charge to me.
I’ve got a child on the way, and a house of four already. Soon, we’ll se if our 13 year old is interested in making spending money by helping out with hypertufa and all other work associated.
Thank you so much for being a family man, business man! Your book, Easy Plant Propagation, is so exciting to read!
Happy Birthday, Mike! I have learned an incredible amount from your videos about all kinds of things, and they are so interesting and fun to see and hear! You definitely do inspire me! I love how you break things down into simple-to -understand concepts, and how free you are with your knowledge. Thank you for giving me the hope that I can have my own small plant business and work from home doing something I love!
Mike…Happy Birthday # 58! This is absolutely the best opportunity on the web! Thank you for the tools, the information, and the inspiration. Happy growing!
I stumbled across Mike’s gardening videos by accident in 2013. I was looking for information on how to prune some plants in my yard. They were overgrown and I didn’t want to hurt them, but I had no idea who to believe on the internet. There was a lot of conflicting information out there. After watching a couple of the videos and hearing exactly why I needed to trim in a certain manner, learned the appropriate time to do it and the proper technique, I was hooked! I immediately subscribed to the videos! My plants and shrubs are no longer overgrown and too tightly placed together. It was a wonderful feeling of success that I could go out sand properly care for my yard just like Mike, the Pro!
Yours is an email I truly look forward to. It’s like getting a letter from an old friend. Your knowledge is vast but the way you teach it is so entertaining and you make people want, and believe they can, do it. Thank you so much and have a truly wonderful birthday.
A tree is known by it’s fruits;
A man by his deeds.
A good deed is never lost;
He who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and who plants kindness gathers love.
Happy 15th Anniversary and 58th Birthday.
Look forward to the emails and always helpful advice. Happy Birthday Mike
Happy Birthday Mike, and Happy Anniversary! I love reading your posts to my e-mail. Especially, last year, was very difficult for me to get out into the garden, but I would read your posts and realize there was always something I could do. And so, the season ended w/ some great veggies, my ornamentals got trimmed and flowers were everywhere. Thank you! My regards for a bountiful new year.
Mike – Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and helping me find my passion. I’ll be going into ‘retirement’ next year knowing I won’t be bored. – Dave
mike you have been very helpful thank you happy birthday,keep up the good work
looking forward to your next article
Happy birthday Mike. I have started my backyard nursery business. I have always been a plant lover. I am a business woman. After receiving your emails I said why not do what Mike says utilize that dirt space in your backyard and turn it into profit. So by using my yard and doing what I love to do I have my 2nd business of growing succulents. Happy birthday Mike. Thanks for the good advise.
Happy Birthday Mike! Thanks for all the great info that you have shared over the years. I wish you the very best.
You never leave me hanging!! Love reading your emails full of great info…and you do give all the information we need and you are a great teacher. I have bought your system because I don’t want to just know more and I too have dreams, but I alsoI wanted to support what you are doing. Thanks Mike and have a great birthday and congratulations on 15 years.
Hey Mike,
just want to wish you a Happy Number 58.
I value all you letters and notes you have sent out over the years to keep fellow gardners educated and inspired.
Love your site – keep up the great work
Dear Mike, I wish you a very happy birthday and congratulations on your 15th anniversary all the way from Trinidad in the sunny Caribbean. I have been a subscriber to your site for many years now and I love your site.. I am retired now and am putting my energy into my plants – on a small scale for now, but your advice in so many different areas has been proving invaluable. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and making me feel part of your family. Bless you and your family and have a wonderful birthday.
Thanks for all you have shared with the world and your vast knowledge!! You are greatly appreciated. Happy birthday and Happy Anniversary 🙂
I was three years old when my next door neighbor helped me grow my first carrot. I’m 61 now. Let’s see … that was 58 years ago. Good year for gardening and gardeners to be. Happy Birthday, Mike!
You have totally inspired me to live my dreams! Your first-hand knowledge is priceless!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and anniversary….wishing you continued success 🙂
Hoping you have a blessed birthday!! You are my favorite e-mail 🙂
My wife is in a home that leaves me alone. You have given me something to do every day and has made life and my yard great! Thanks
Mike, Thank-you for all the great advice. You make the world a better place.
Happy birthday Mike! I have been reading your blog and viewing your video since I retired in 2007. Not knowing much, I gained through you r personal instruction as if I was right there having a conversation. You are a great and humble teacher. Thanks for all you do.
I ran across one of your videos on YouTube several months ago while I was researching Japanese maples, and I was hooked! I have just started getting serious about gardening, and I am so happy to be doing it under your guidance. Thank you!
Happy Birthay!
Mike, I have been following you for a wee while.
I can always count on you to give it as it is. Life is like plants some good and some bad. I have had to cut the bad out of my life. You taught me how. ‘From the ‘How to make a frame to how you make your fudge.’ There are life lessons. You will never know how much I looked forward to your blogs. Along the way I even learnt about gardening.
Keep on the green side, MIke.
Happy Birthday!! with many more to come….
Happy Birthday Mike!!! It has truly been an inspiring journey since that day I stumbled across your YouTube advertisement for Freeplants.com!
You have given me the strength and courage to not only do what I love doing, but also the knowledge and understanding that, “if I want something, I have to make sure I go after it and obtain…period!!!
Hopefully, one day I’ll have the opportunity to meet you Mike and thank you in person for being so selfless and your willingness to help so many! Keep up the great work and may God bless you with many more years!
Happy Birthday Mike,
I love your pointers and plans my yard is filled with plants that you made possible, showing me how to make cuttings from ones that are already established or from taking cuttings from friends and familiy’s plants , Great advice, I wish I had the room to take a bigger step and follow your full advice , Anyway it works have a wonderful Birthday and keep sending great tips
A few years ago I came across your Blog while fishing the Web.I took
a great interest in what you had to say. Your knowledge of back yard gardening was so inspiring that I decided to send for your book on plant propagation. the best decision I ever made. I always was and still am a very keen Gardener. As I am now retired and less money coming in, the cost of replacement stock was going through the roof so I decided to take your advice and grow my own. At the moment my back yard is full to capacity. My Glass house 20 X !0 feet is also full. I hope to start selling this Spring. I have over one acre of landscape . Shrubs. Trees. Roses. Flowers. Rockeries. Fruit section. Vegetable Plot. Water Features. also several walkways. Not to mention the extra acre for the Pony. Family pet. Your Book inspired me to propagate my own requirements and more. Very little to buy now. My back yard is completely covered with new stock. the glasshouse is also packed to capacity 20 X 10 Feet. I hope to start selling properly this Spring. Without your help and advise this would not have been possible for which I Thank you sincerely.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ” MICK ” and CONGRATULATIONS ” on your 15 years in business. As you say keep inspired.
Yours sincerely,
Seamus Given. Lifford. Co. Donegal. Thanks again.
Happy Birthday Mike….I love reading your blog and seeing all the information about gardening, but I really like seeing the pictures of your family. It’s like seeing a garden grow, planting a family and watching the fruits of your labor mature. There is so much love and that makes me smile. Thank you for your good advise and sharing your wonderful family with us.
Happy Birthday Mike !
To honor your birthday I ran my hands through a bucket of soil today to remind us that the Arctic winter will pass and God once again will Bless us with abundant Life. Although we are just starting out, it’s nice to know you are there to help guide us.
Steve and Penny Thompson
Canmer, Kentucky
Happy Birthday Mike!
Love your videos and your practical tips for gardening. Stay warm!
Happy Birthday Mike!
I remember when I first stumbled over your website, I thought this can’t be real. Never the less I signed up for your emails. It’s been several years now and your emails are the only ones I read anymore. I bought your system last year but due to job I haven’t had the time or energy to get anything going. I’m going to be 55 in September and I need make a change in my life. Hopefully,
this season I get off my butt and jump in.
Thank you Mike for all you do. Enjoy your day and God bless you. Lynda from Macomb, MI
Thank you Mile for all your wonderful tips on cuttings and all the rest!!! Happy Birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Mike! I can’t express my thanks enough for all your shared information over the years. I doubt that you realize all the people you have helped and given hope with your information. But you have…I’m one of them. Many thanks and enjoy yourself on this special day. Respectfully, K Morris
Too many great tips to list them…..although we have different seasons ”down under” here in Australia ….I just file the tips till the seasons come around again…Thank you for teaching myself and so many people around the world.
Happy Birthday
Have a Fabulous Year
Happy Birthday ! ! !
Happy Birthday, Mike!! You truly are an inspiration & a great teacher!! I’ve learned SO much from you!! The world needs lots more Mike McGroartys!!
Dustin, congratulations for having the perfect dad. The purpose of a father is to stay in the lives of his family,and teach his children how to grow. I’ve been off n on here. But Anytime I have , I always see some kind of improvement. Your dad would answer every question I asked,when I first started. I would’ve loved to have him as my dad. God bless you always mike!!! Happy birthday and happy anniversary!!! You are a true example of a MAN!!!
Happy Birthday Mike
Thanks for everything you teach. You are my secret mentor. Whenever I feel challenged in trying to learn more about plants I revert back to your videos. Continue to be you. Life is grand and then you garden!
Well!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. McGroarty!!!! You are a blessed man for sure!
I have been a lover of plants & landscape design since the 6th grade, back in 1969. When my sons were younger, my husband would watch them while I attended horticulture studies in Omaha, Nebraska in the late 1990’s. I fell in love with plant propagation and have always been focused on edible landscaping. I also took on a study in Holistic Nutrition / Herbology Studies. Now that we have our acreage, I am striving to put in plants that are beneficial for food & nutrition as well as learn about those that grow wild around us. Because of your YouTube Videos, I learned how to expand my grape production as well as practice propagation techniques. It is my focus to specialize on the nutritional and medicinal plants, growing for our own use, selling to others and teaching & encouraging others on doing the same. I am also focusing on growing medicinal nutrition for our animals and offering plants for sale that others can plant for their own animals use. You Sir, are an inspiring person and I share your videos with others so they can learn as well. Thank you for sharing your passion with all of us!
I truly enjoy your articles or emails. I’m 77 & have a bad back & had back surgery that I’m recovering from, so I won’t be doing a lot of what you’re doing, but I do love to dig & plant & I learned about grafting & other useful lessons that even a great-grandmother can do just for fun! I enjoy the emails even though the lessons are not something that I will ever do. They are written in such helpful & neighborly fashion that I feel like you are my neighbor or friend. I enjoy the videos & have learned from them. The lessons are always very helpful & enjoyable.
Thank you, & have a well-deserved happy birthday & a blessed year ahead.
It has probably been @ 6 years since I stumbled on your blog and Mike I have been hooked ever since. You are so informative in your weekly e-mails. I believe Mike that you make it look so easy,
people don’t realize just how hard you work on your blog.
Happy Birthday Mike and Thank you to you and your family. May God bless you with many more birthdays.
Dear Sir,
Dear Mike,
Only a couple of days ago I have known your website. What you are doing is fantastic !
I enjoyed your work from the first moment.
Here in Belgium we have a kind sea climate, up to now we had no frost but lots of rain.
My congratulations with your BIRTHDAY !
From Belgium my best regards,
Willy Mestdag
happy birthday Mike from Rob in New Zealand – love getting your emails
I wish you a wonderful Birthday and many more. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and inspiring us.
Mike, thank you so much for your inspiration. I am new to gardening and have found your information to be exceptional. Your propagating tips and advice has been really great. You, sir, are a rare find in this time where most want to take, rather than give. I turned 58 just a couple of months ago and wish you a very happy birthday and prosperous 2014.
Dear Mike,
I have been receiving your tips for years, and I am a better gardener because of you. I feel like I am one of your many friends that you have never met in person. I appreciate all of your advice.
Happy 58th Birthday and 15 Anniversary, friend.
Jean Skinner
Happy 58th Birthday, Mike!
I feel like an old friend since I have been reading your tips for years. I am a much better gardener because of you. Thank you so much.
Happy 15th anniversary.
With appreciation,
Jean Skinner
Happy Birthday, Mike!
I have been receiving your folksy, great tips for years. I am a snowbird, and have not been in one place long enough to do much planting and reaping. But someday I will, and all that I have learned from you will make me a great gardener. I feel like a friend. Bless you.
Jean Skinner
Mike, my first encounter with you was serendipity. I ordered some of your recordings and slowly rekindled my plans to be a ‘real’ gardener. Your down-to-earth language and approach made things seem possible. It took several years, but when I stopped working with numbers and retired I finally enrolled in Oregon State University’s Master Gardener program. I’m working to help others learn how to garden by using research-based knowledge and integrated pest management programs. I have regrown my shriveled memories of landscape design in California. My hands are happily dirty in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. Thanks, MIke, and happy birthday!
I have been a subscriber for a long time, however, due to unemployment, an injury and a string of illnesses and losing everything, I have not been able to follow my dream of selling saplings…BUT,
Every time I receive a newsletter I beam and read it because I know it is full of hope and good news!
You continue to inspire me and I am on the mend and getting ready to put in at least a garden here in southern California!
I am also turning 58 (on Feb 3rd) and I am glad to hear YOUR STILL KICKIN’ AND INSPIRING!
Your newsletter gives me that grounded feeling and hope. THANK YOU!~Nancy Rothrock
Warm Birthday wishes from “Down Under”! I’ve just found your site so I don’t have a success story to share YET! but I love reading your posts every day and your wonderful practical advice. Hope you celebrate a great birthday with your friends and family!
Hi Mike, I had to look back in my files and found your first email to me in January 2005. I too have enjoyed all of your posts, pictures, and videos like everyone else writing to your here. Your wealth of knowledge and teaching ability is immense and greatly appreciated. I now have many of the same plants you have in your front yard, except for your beautiful willow. Thank you for sharing your life with us. It means so much to so many. I feel a little connected to my past through you as my great, great, grandfather Keller (on Mom’s side) immigrated to Ohio from Switzerland in the Walbridge area, and his oldest son moved on to central Kansas years later. My Kansas Swedish father was a farmer, thus I’m a farmer’s daughter and love playing in the dirt to this day, and producing flowers and food. It’s so rewarding to share with friends and neighbors. If they have questions, I generally send them your website address. 🙂
Congratulations on your first 15 years of success through hard work and determination and best wishes for continued success. Happy Birthday, youngster!! Wishing a great day and celebration!! Looking forward to a new growing season with Mike!!
Carol in Kansas City
I cant say thank you enough. You are truly a blessing.
I now don’t look at no plant the same. Heck, even retirement looks different and better.
Happy Birthday Mike.
Happy Birthday Mike & Congratulations on 15 Years of Business!
Happy birthday from a home gardner. I like many of your tips and the best is the composting one… Thanks. God bless you on your birthday…Jo ann
Your dad managed to turn me from a total non-gardner, what is this green thing? to somebody who can grow things – not well but when I fail I almost always find that I have not followed the principles carefully enough. I wish your dad well and hope that he keeps writing for a long time – he is certainly an inspiration to me.
Many thanks for a lot of inspiration.
Pete Sneddon
United Kingdom
Happy Birthday Mike Thanks for all the great information and the hard work you have done to help us all succeed in the gardening dept Have a great day!
Hey Mike,
Thank you so much for all you have taught me about being a better gardener.
Jason G.
Happy Birthday Mike.
Thank you for all the valuable information you have given on your web site. I can’t tell you how many questions I have answered with data from you.
Many Happy Returnes.
Bless You.
In this world there are many con men more than willing to help you spend your money. What a wonderful change to find someone who actually helps you to make some.
Happy birthday Mike and here’s to many more!
Happy birthday Mike and many returns. I read all your news letters and on most of them I learn something new. I grew-up on a small dirt farm in Eastern Canada and some of the comments that you make on your news letters bring back a lot of memories, things that I had forgotten but as soon as I read your comments , be it about how to plant a shrub or seed a potato everything comes back to mind. I still live in Canada, British Columbia to be exact, so I am quite restricted about purchasing plants from you. Please keep-up your good work Mike, I know that you help a lot of people through your news letters , books and videos. I don’t think that there is a more(down to earth person) than you.
I too signed up for your emails, but never implemented any of your advice. I have saved every single one of them though and when I can finally retire and move someplace with a little longer growing season I promise to read every one of them again and take advantage of your sage advice. Thanks for all you do.
I hope you have a wonderful birthday and may you have many, many more. I see you have lots of friends here, you are blessed.
Live long and prosper
Hi Mike,
I love getting your emails! They have totally changed how I view my love of gardening and growing. You have really inspired me to keep working at what I enjoy doing, plants! Whenever I run into a problem, I search your site and my “Mike’s Emails” folder! Thank you for sharing all your knowledge with us, it has changed my life!!! It is amazing what you have done with your program, and like your son said above… it certainly wasn’t by luck! I hope you have a very happy birthday. I plan to read many more posts from Mike’s Backyard Nursery!
Happy Birthday Mike and happy 15th anniversary of your wonderful business. More power and blessing to come. God bless you. from the Philippines…..
You have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY Mike and enjoy all the nice things everyone has wrote to you!
Oh and THANKS for all the info.
Happy birthday! Great advise on hydrangea plants! And acidity! Thanks so much! Dee
Happy Birthday, Mike! Thank you so much for all the free advice and inspiration. I hope to use it someday. Homeschooling 8 kids has been my calling, and I haven’t quite made a place for the nursery business. But I have really enjoyed reading your emails, and every time you offer your growing system, I’m tempted, but just not ready, yet. Hope you have many more years of blessings. You have been a blessing to others.
Happy Birthday, Mike and thank you for all the wonderful advice. Your thoughts and advice have made my year a whole lot better than it would ever look. And it is great to do what you like. I have enjoyed your emails and posts for several years. Can’t remember how I found you or how I signed up, but am so glad I did. Thank you for your “inspired” advice. Here is to many more years of hearing from you and getting “great plant advice.”
Happy Birthday!!! Happy Anniversary!!! I love the unique way you have presented your knowledge to us! Just good ole down home information that we can all understand and apply. Bet your Mom would be so proud.! I am a former country girl born to a sharecropper in Arkansas way back in 1932. Too old to do much outside but love all your tips and just plain common sense. Enjoy your success and have a fabulous Special Day. May God continue to Bless and keep you .
This will take a small amount of time. At my last birthday I started my 89th year on this earth. I love
growing small japanese maples.I depended for you too show me what needs to be done. Well, you came threw. I don’t know anyone who knows more about what can be grown and how to make them beautiful.
This is taking to much time for an old guy I need to get to sleep.. I suspect that someone is monitoring what I’m writting to ensure I don’t write bad words. Good nite Mike and Happy birthday
and have a lot more
Happy Birthday Mike!! I hope this finds you well, and feeling much appreciated. As a follower from the beginning, I’d like to say Thank You. The information you have given has been welcome and priceless. Your emails are like getting a note from an old friend (not that you’re old, you understand) Your passion and enthusiasm are contagious! I have learned so much, and use this information in my home garden. You have such a big heart! you have shared your family, home, business…recipe’s!! And I consider you part of my extended family. So, in closing I’d like to say Thank You to Duston for opening up this opportunity to give back to someone who has inspired so many.We don’t often enough celebrate those who have touched us. And to you, may you have a wonderful Birthday surrounded by friends and family and may you continue in good health and happiness to pursue your love gardening 🙂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
HBD – you’re a young’un, but it was nice to know that I’m supposed to dip the cuttings in rooting medium before putting them ‘to bed’. I just wished you could tell me how to make a lawn in Tucson, Arizona. About 20′ by 30′. Teeny. But hey, this is really about you, and you help me almost everywhere. Thanks and have a great day, year and onward!
Your advice and techniques in planting, pruning, growing and selling plants are of great help to me. Thank you so much Mike. I love everything you write in the email. Keep up the good work and Happy Blessed Birthday!
When I stumbled upon this website, it has changed so much for me. Besides your (Mike’s) knowledge and the networking with so many other plant nuts like me, it has made it possible for me to pursue my passion and expand my knowledge, not to mention putting together a small “Backyard nursery” of my own .
Growers and people that like to get their hands dirty seem to be such a great group of people that make me feel part of an elite family. I have even been able to visit other backyard growers in my local area. I owe it all to Mike. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! And thanks for the opportunities you have given me!
Happy Birthday Mike, wishing you the best, and many more with your family and friends!
Well, I turn 62 on Feb.21st, so I have a right to call you kid. Happy Birthday kid. It took me over 20 years to finally listen to you. I guess my problem, like most young men, I was too busy making a living, instead of having a life and I’m sorry I didn’t pay attention then. This Spring will be my first season, and for my first project I’m looking to put together whole lot of Petunia Hanging Baskets too pull the people into my driveway, maybe even create a job or two out there with street vendors. Holy, listen to me…..me me me! This is suppose to be about you! ANYway Mike, you have taught me plenty and I want to thank you and wish you the best birthday a man can have. You have a wonderful family behind you. Every time I get an email from you, it automatically brings a smile to my face cuz I know the contents are going to teach and benefit me somehow. I hope I’m lucky enough to meet you someday at one of your shindigs! Again, Happy Birthday Kid 🙂
Hi Duston,
Tell Mike I read his emails, and can say they are very interesting. At this time I’m unable use the Backyard growing system, but maybe in the future I can. My home has a hidden drive and no one would stop to make a purchase. After my wife retires we plan on buying another home, and hopefully people will be able to stop in. You guys keep up the good work.
Your friend,
Mike, I ran into you a few years ago and signed on. I’m still working full time and haven’t had time to do the propagation as a business yet. BUT I PLAN TO. I always enjoy your newsletter and your videos- lots of great info and encouragement. Happy Birthday and many more, Holt
Hi Mike,
I just wanted to say that in 15 years you have helped so many people . Some come and go ,as I have seen in just the few years I have been with you. But I am positive, they leave well educated. I am older than you by a lot but young at heart and love plants. Love my irises and roses and just all plants!! And I have played in the dirt for may years, but being here on your site, I have learned so much more . I never knew anything about propagating things. And now I am going to learn how to use a misting system. And with your help, I will master that too.
Keep on being you ,in your bib jeans! I have a pair of them also!! And I have bibs that are shorts too!! My husband bought them for me for Christmas last year. He knows that plants make me happy.
Then I make people happy by giving them a nice plant, at a nice price, to plant and beautify their place
So this is what you do and so it goes on. A beautiful person, doing beautiful things to help more people grow beautiful plants.
So My motto is for my nursery— ” Get those hands dirty and plants something beautiful and beautify your place!”
God Bless you Mike , your crew and your family. You are all the best!
Happy Birthday Mike!!!! And Happy 15 years with FreePlants.com. I have no idea what I’d be doing today if I hadn’t stumbled on to your website over 7 years ago. I was dubbed as “the one that could kill dirt”! My family and friends thought I was crazy when I started playing in the dirt. Look at me now!! I’m going into my fourth year with my “open year round”, 2 acre retail nursery. I’m working harder than I’ve ever worked before, and I love every minute of it! Thank you Mike for making it all possible.
Mike – you inspired me to pursue my own backyard nursery. Which I am still doing. If it weren’t for your positive video I stumbled upon one day while researching seedlings and transplanting. I don’t think I would have stayed interested or bought the backyard business DVDs and book. I continue to be inspired by your daily teaching and commonsensical talks. I love them. I am Your student of gardening (my therapy) my background is Information Tevhnology (IT). And I wish you a very happy birthday and many more to come my friend across the divides. Keep up the Great work and God bless you and yours!,
Dana Arnett of Silverton Oregon.
Happy Birthday Mike! You’re an inspiration to us all! The information you send in each and every
email is a lesson waiting to be learned. Thank you for all you do, and the time you take to share your valuable information for free! I’ve learned so much about pruning, starting cuttings, business
information and so much more. May you have many more happy years ahead!
After consistently killing all of my houseplants for 40+ years, I stumbled onto Mr. McGroarty’s emails giving
plant advice. That was Septemer, 2011. I learn something new with EVERY email newsletter I open. Every
single one has been saved, and I reference them often. Mr. McGroarty, with your help, advice and sense
of humor, I have slowly stopped killing my houseplants; One by one, as I bring them home, they’ve lived!!
But besides that library of information I have collected (and I do thank you for that!), you taught me a
something that has filtered into all aspects of my life, not just plants. The lesson: “Keep it Simple”. Very
elegant lesson, this one is.
Thank You so sincerely, Mr. McGroarty — I really do carry it every where, every day. And the Happiest of
Birthdays to you!! Nise5280
I haven’t been a subscriber long, but certain have learned a lot in a very short period of time about plants and even more so about moving forward in life by Mike’s example of just saying how it is straightforward. Mike shows you not only how to Grow your own nursery but how to Grow your life as well. He helps others to live a dream while he is living and sharing his dream making the world a more beautiful place to be in not only for his subscribers but for the those who buy the plants and plant them and their family and those who will never know where the plants began. Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Mike!
Birthdays are good things. I know and speak from experience because I’ve had 84 of them. Sounds as though you are catching up.
I take this opportunity to also express my personal appreciation for your services, Although I’m a newby to the plant business, you get all the credit for my motivation to do this as my 3rd career. I eagerly look forward to your blogs. I especially appreciate your approach to teaching.
So, take care of yourself and enjoy the next 58 years. I am looking forward to meeting you at one of your next “shindigs”
Thank you so much for so unselfishly sharing your gardening secrets with everybody. I learn a lot from you.
Thank you Mike! Happy Birthday & Congratulations on 15 Years
Happy Late Birthday.
We have enjoyed reading your comments over the years.
May the Lord’s choicest blessings be yours in the years to come.
Thank you. Ed and Cherry Wolf
hApPy biRtHdAy Mike,
Thanks for all your you tube videos, they are GREAT. I have really enjoyed all the info that you have shared. I look forward to your emails and open them right away, some mail from others never gets opened. So your on the TOP of my list.
Have a GREAT day.
Pat Marks
Hi Amber
Lovely to hear someone talk so highly about her boss. May I correct you ( in good faith ) on one little thing in your testimony, about those who can. I believe the original quote was by George Bernard Shaw and it went; ” Those who can, do – those who can’t, teach. I don’t know what it says about my 51 year music teaching career!
Keep up the great work , and forget about George Bernard Shaw
Bill Griffith
Yikes! I really killed that quote. (If you think was bad, you should hear me try to sing Rocket Man!)
At any rate, I’m glad Mike can, and does…and still finds time to teach.
Mike, I bought your system some years ago and made payments. I’ve only visited the forums a few times, and I’ve not bought anything through there, but.
58 ain’t bad. Young at heart equals young yet, despite what that big fat liar the mirror says.
I’m in drool on your Kubota, I got the little brother of that one (or my hubby did, but he lets me drive it once in awhile, BK2200)
Love your donkeys and all the rest.
Big thing is you gave me incentive; I was pretty ugly sick when I bought in. I’m still not well, but. Y’all keep me inspired. I have experimented with and built greenhouses, working for the ultimate (I can afford to heat it, get a 12 month growing season, and big enough to serve my needs) THEN work on knocking some socks off with space to growNsell.
[I can say, I’ve determined a good working width green house without the Kubota in there is 12′, gives a 4′ center aisle and 4′ to the wall then, length is at least 16′ still being determined]
I’ve sent you info about my competition growing and Amber’s talked to me on emails a few times; in the quest for the ultimate big tomato 🙂
You’ve earned it, dude. Kick back, enjoy, it’s just a number. Thanks and keep doing what you’re doing. Some day I might make it all the way up there, and shake your hand. In the meantime, hope you have many more. I started gardening in 1966 so that makes me olderNdirt; hope you can join me in passing that golden anniversary some year. Keep growin!
I’m too old to start a business now and just lost my husband so don’t have much incentive anymore. I have gardened over 46 years and I still learn from Mike. I have thoroughly enjoyed his blog and emails. If one is not afraid of work and likes to dig in the dirt, Mikes system could make them a fortune. I don’t celebrate birthdays but I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for all the knowledge that he gives so freely to everyone that is willing to listen and learn. He is a true gardener at heart. Thank you Mike for all your kindness and all the work that you do. Gardening comes from the heart and you sir have a big heart. Veleria Langbehn/Ocala, Florida
Happy B’Day Mike,
You have made a difference in many folks lives, sharing your knowledge & videos with anybody who would listen. In 2010 I studied your Grape Vine Propagation video and many a vine was adopted by others 15 months later. Then the similar 2014 version popped up and I have passed hundreds of cuttings on with links for both your videos with the explicid instructions & encouragement you provided!
Keep up the GOOD WORK!
Wishing Mike a Happy Birthday !!
Enjoying reading your emails and loves plant, your
teaching on how to get plants off to good start from rooting sticks,grape vines is
amazing. I love plants and your advice makes growing them more enjoyable.
Keep doing what you love and make money at.
Again wishing many more birthdays to come.
Thank you so much for sharing all your knowledge . I have learned a lot from you, I have not bought your program yet. I have an acquired brain injury and am trying to get to be able to go outside in the sun again without it affecting me. I used to love gardening and just being outside, hopefully one day I will be able to really do what you have taught me so far. I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday and a great year !!
Thank you again
i have learned alot from you , if theres is something i need to know i go to your sight. HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Happy birthday! I just want to thank you for all you do! You taught me how to make softwood cuttings. You have shown beautiful landscaping and unique varieties of shrubs, plants and trees. I always look forward to reading your emails.
I have followed you for many of those 15 years and have learned so much from you, the most important things are your perseverance and creativity. You never give up even when the economy went bad and you always seem to come up with yet another way to spark interest in plants and the plant business. It is an honor to know you and be apart of Backyard Gardening.
Many Happy Returns of the Day Mike…God Bless
I have read your FREE newsletters for years and have learned so much information on gardening. HAPPY BIRTHDAY & ANNIVERSARY!! t
First we would like to take this opportunity to tell you Happy Birthday. We hope your day is wonderful! We pray for the year ahead to be your best one yet! We would like to say thank you for keeping it real! By that, I truly mean being a down home honest all American man with a great work ethic. I admire your convictions of hard work pays off. You do not sugar coat the business like it is a lay on the couch, eat bons bons while watching the soaps & get rich quick kind of bull junk. You tell folks how to make a decent living the right way. If we had a man like you in the White house we would not be in the mess we are in.We would have a beautiful lawn folks could still pray on.
I am starting a business using your methods. I fully expect it will be successful.
Thank you very much !!!
Rose Eskridge & family
Wishing You a day as Special as You are…HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Hi, I just want to thank-you for sharing your knowledge, you are an inspiration!! Hope you have a very happy Birthday and Anniversary !!
Since I found your site, you’ve helped me save so many plants and make my roses look great!
Keep up the great work Mike.
As I say to my grand kids
I usually have a goofy face doing it. 😉
Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary! Thank you for all the practical info you have shared! I am so blessed to have found your website! I think of you every time I prune a bush & now I hope to do something creative with my grapevine! May God bless you & keep you! May this be your best year ever!
I thoroughly enjoy your informative blog. I am too old to try the back yard growing system but I love the gardening information you give. May you have many more years of successful plant growing and teaching.
Happy birthday Mike !!!
I’m a beginner gardener, love flowers and playing with dirt and I have learned so much reading your emails and looking at your videos. Thank you for the help I found in your site and for all the time you spend helping others.
Have a wonderful day!
P.S. Love your donkeys.
I don’t remember how I found your site, but I have appreciated all the good advice you have put out there for those who have a lot to learn about gardening/ marketing plants.
I never tried any of the suggestions nor put any into use, because I am too old to garden, but I’ve put some of your ideas and suggestions out there for family and friends.
Hi Mike! Happy Birthday and Anniversary! I love reading your emails and find that you always come out with articles at just the right time when the info is needed most. Thanks for all you do I personally just love you and all you do! Hope you have a great birthday.
I stumbled across you trying to learn how to grow blueberries which I did very well at. You have supplied a wealth of useful info for me over the years and I get a kick out of your sense of humor, makes my day a little brighter
Happy birthday Mike
Thanks for all the great tips
Happy Birthday Mike – –
You are an expert at what you do as well as how you explain it. At 81 I’m about to retire and do something different such as a lot of “sticking”! You have inspired me and I plan on staying that way.
Have a great Inspired Birthday.
Thanks Mike! I’ll not be hauling my leaves to the curb this fall, thanks to your advice. As a new devotee, I’m looking forward to more instruction by you.
Happy Birthday. Keep up the good work – enjoy every message. Dan
Thanks Mike for all you have shared. Thanks also for creating a family that takes care of your interests. Happy birthday.
Happy Birthday, Mike. Just wanted to let you know how much I have learned from your emails. I have been a gardener for many years and am always looking for more education. Your site is the best down to earth advice, anywhere.
When I was young my mother baked pies and cookies, never cakes or candies. I have always loved fudge and every 4 -5 years I would go on a quest to make good fudge. It NEVER came out good. A distant family member gives me fudge every year, but now she’s gone. I have been a full year without fudge! I read Mike’s recipe for dirt farmer fudge and he had so many hints in it that I had never seen before so I gave it a try.
For the first thing, it made way too much fudge. I had a hard time finding containers for it all. But that wasn’t too much of a problem after all, cause the fudge disappeared long before I had time to worry about it.
My children, my grandchildren, and my neighbors all insist that it is the best fudge they have ever eaten!
I love you, Mike, and I love your fudge!
Linda Kleem
HAPPY ANNIVERSITY AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY. What a blessing. Yes, your blog is helpful, informative, challenging at times, and always with easy to understand directions. Thank you. Many ideas through the years have been successfully implemented in my yard. Keep the good new circulating!!
Happy Birthday……
In the beginning of meeting you online-I knew I could learn everything I needed to start my own business! I knew I could never work again and this business was definitely something I was able to do only because of you! Watching you, listening to you and seeing you succeed will eventually make me a better person!
I had started my own Concord grape vines and didn’t have a clue how to do Grape cuttings and timing couldn’t have been better! I Went to my email and wallllaaahhhh…on Jan 11, 2014 you shared “How To Root Grape Cuttings.” I even saved them to reference later as needed! This my friend was the straw the broke the camels back-When I knew I had to have your BackYard Growers system. After reviewing it and seeing just how easy it was and after everything you’ve taught me I went to work and started about 50 of them.
My composting techniques have improved all by watching you! I value every lesson you have taught me Mike! I absolutely Love your style of teaching…and how you say…keep it simple! Oh the Clam shell propagators was such awesome video. I Love how everyone involves themselves with questions and solutions in every lesson you teach us.
Lessons you have taught so many in such a short time are amazing! I’ve learned more by reading your emails and website then I ever thought I’d learn. You “Mike” are an Outstanding person with incredible patients and most sensible person that’s down to earth and Absolutely Love the humor in you as well and some day I hope my husband and I can meet you in person. It would be a great honor! You make me feel like there is nothing I can’t accomplish! Absolutely Love how you take something that seems complicated and explain it in simple terms so we all learn from you. And by the time your birthday comes and you see what you’ve really built here-all the money, time and lessons you’ve taught us all will be worth it! Cause now you’ve got the biggest family and fans most will never have.
Wow I was truly amazed how time flies, I looked up your 1st email to me and it was, ‘Mike McGroarty’s Gardening Newsletter July 23, 2010” just amazes me 4 years have come and gone and I’m finally joining the Backyard family.
Thank you Mike! Happy Birthday & Congratulations on 15 Years of Business!
Surely I hope you do something special and let us all know how you spent such as special day for such a special person! May God Bless you and keep digging and teaching for we are here because of you! We All Love you…Sincerely Laura Whitcomb, Vermont
Thanks for being there. gardening was birth into me,but I knew no one who shared that love.you inspire me thanks. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! DIANE
I look forward to each and every one of your notes and videos. It is great to see a man with your passion that is willing to share so much with others. Wishing you a great birthday from sunny central NY.
Happy Birthday! and congrats on 15 yrs in business. I bought BY growers book yrs ago, and read it cover to cover and am hoping to start propagating plants soon and starting my journey in self employment!
Mike you are a great guy, a genuine person, and have given so much of yourself and lots of free information. I can see you’re a caring person and a hard worker! Keep up the good work.
Wishing you continued success and good health.
Thanks for everything!
Thanks Mike for sparking my interst in the plant bussiness, I’ll be retiring in about 2 years and plan to jump on board then, meanwhile I will be trying to learn all I can and use it when I get started. . So happy birthdayand thanks again
Happy Birthday Mike ! Thanks for the emails .I’ve learned a lot from your teachings.
Happy Birthday Mike, You have inspired me so many times with your informational newsletters.
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday Mike !!!!
I love that you explain exactly how to do something ( pruning, planting, ) and show pictures of different plants and trees. I want to get a maple tree whose leaves turn a brilliant red in the fall.
I also like your videos, and most of all, I really love that you are an honestly sincere, down to earth guy. Stay the way your are.
Happy Birthday Mike .By the time you read this you will be 59
Thank YOU !!
Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday! I wanted to let you know that your ability to transfer your knowledge of growing plants and selling plants has changed Kathy and my life forever. I appreciate the many ways you support us in this business. It was great meeting you in person in August and was something we were looking forward to for two years. You are a mentor to many and a blessing to all. God bless you in the coming years. They say that the greatest honor for a teacher is when the student succeeds. You are honored!
Mike,I have gotten your news letters for a few years and always enjoy them they are full of info!
Happy Birthday!!! And keep up the good work !!
Mike is a great example of working hard without complaining….just doing what it takes to get the job done….and sharing the knowledge with all of us. What a great gift!
your matter of fact presentation of valuable nursery and gardening information along with a can do attitude has been an inspiration to accenting my interest in running a small nursery and ushering in a greenhouse enterprise on our farm in central Missouri.
the farm is still a future project. our Experimental station is in the back yard of the home we own next door. raised beds, hydroponics, Kratky method veggies, cold frames and cuttings beginning in 2014. Hardwood cuttings from the shrubs and plants we enjoy here every day. fine examples of how the plants grow and look here!
thank you again for inspiring! I hope to visit with you further.
Happy Birthday Mike. I am 4 years behind you. Thanks for your passion. You have inspired me to start my lawn and landscaping business and I want to start a back yard nursery this year. I thought I was to old to be out working like a 20 yr old(in our time) but they can’t keep up with us now days.
Mike, the happiest birthday to you! Please know that it was through your help that I’ve become a better gardener who is enthusiastic about the art of digging the earth. I don’t remember what I was looking for when I found your blog, but I think it was the Lavender Twist Redbud info that sealed it. Your advice led me to my lovely little twisted tree, my total re-do of my side garden, and that action hoe – man, that has made my life easier.
All the best to you, my Ohio friend –
Thank you,
I love your emails, your blogs, and your tips for growing things. I love reading about your story and how you achieved financial peace through just plain hard work. Happy Birthday and congrats on a life that is a blessing to many.
Evelyn Lee
Four years ago I retired from the Sheriff’s dept. and the Chillicothe Municipal Court. I had law enforcement running through
my veins from 30 years of service. Out of nowhere, a promo and video showed up on my computer screen from Mike. I thought
who is this guy. It didn’t take long for him to filter through all the law enforcement scramble and reach the real Joe Diehl. I have
always had a fifth sense about real or false people and very quickly I felt very secure and inviting to what this man had to say,
and absolutely wanting to hear more. Don’t take this wrong from a very dedicated Christian man but I believe that Mike has a
very magnetic personality, with all his knowledge and wisdom on plants, nurserys and his kindness to want to share it with
a common fellow like me. I better bring this to a close. Many months back, I signed up for your program, thinking I’ll
try it, but being retired with limited funds, I got scared out. What if this would not work for me and I spent money for nothing..
Allow me to tell you that a number of years ago a felon from prison slipped up and held a gun to my head. and I told myself.
this is certainly not working out in my favor, God gave me another chance at life. Here was Mike again showing up on my
computer wanting to help me. Now Mike shows up, almost
God like, giving me another opportunity to be a part of this great gardening family. When the gun was held to my head, I knew
I was going to succeed and go forward. I feel the same way now, that with Mike, his family, the members and God, that I will
succeed to the level that I desire. Happy birthday Mike. God’s been good to me, I pray he continues to bless you and your
Mike, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I look forward to reading your email every day and have learned so much from your books. Keep up the good work. I’m a Master Gardener in Alabama and so much of your teaching has reinforced what I learned in class. I can’t wait to get outside and starting my gardening again! God Bless!
Mike, Happy Birthday! Dang, 58 is just a youngster. If I was that young I’d start a business. Being an octogenarian it is a little late for me.
I do appreciate all that I have learned from you and your enthusiasm for gardening and growing lovely plants. I don’t remember exactly when or where I came accross your website but what impressed me was your comment “its the most fun a guy can have with his Bibs on”.
Reading the emails you have sent me, I can’t think of anyone who has more enjoyment doing what you do than you. Keep Going!!
Yours truly, John Quackenbush
Hi Mike,
I’m impressed that your son and Amber have given us the opportunity to thank you for all your hard work these past 15 years and all the years of work that led you to being able to share what you learned with us. Amber is a bit off when she attempted to quote an old saying , “Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, administrate.” That made me smile so, she is forgiven, of course. I especially liked the “composting” advice you linked us to recently, he was instructive and funny, the mark of a good teacher.
Thanks again for your help.
Oops! Pardon my misquotes. I have the tendency to speak like Yogi Berra. “You can observe a lot by watching.”
Happy Birthday Mike!!
HappyAnniversary also!!
I have enjoyed reading y our newsletters. They have inspired me. I love your enthusiasm and your wisdom. May the next fifteen years be even better for you.
Happy Birthday Mike I look forward to reading every one of your emails. Thank You for sharing your knowledge of gardening to so many, it sure is an inspiration to to all of us.
Hello Mike and Family,
For years I have read all of your writings. I am a graduate of the Penn State Agriculture/Landscape Contracting program and have my own VERY small business in southern NJ. Your words are inspiring to say the least, and I feel that is what the world lacks the most right now. Hope for future endeveurs is critical to problem solving and you have given that to so many people. I had been hoping to get your system for years and finally last year my mother got it for me. As I run this business I am SSSOOOO busy I have not started your system but I am studying whenever I can and I do feel it will be a very valuable part of my future. I will enact it at some point. I love the idea of designing gardens with the plants I grow-the ones I really like!! I could go on and on about you, but I want to say Thank You and whatever happens to my future in growing plants and my income, it will be DIRECTLY due to you. Again-Thank YOU! ooohhhh, and Happy Bithday!
I love gardening,and when I needed advice on planting a balled Christmas tree,I happened upon Mike’s site.
He gives the best and most reliable information on planting and growing,and I look forward to his emails and always read them.I bought his books and system,and while I don’t sell plants as yet,my personal garden is 100% better with Mike’s help!
And his fudge recipe is awesome-I made it with my kids and they ate all of it!
Happy birthday Mike,and keep on growin’!
And by the way HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary Mike!!! I just started gardening when I first found you 3 yrs. ago and I’m glad I did. You have taught me so much about gardening. My mother loves to bring her friends to my home and show them my garden. She is so proud of my gardening skills and I owe it all to you. Mike thanks for keeping things simple enough that even a young new gardner such as myself can understand your instructions and I love your videos. I learn best by seeing what your doing. Have an awesome year.
Mike you have been a great help getting me off my bu.. and going out to my yard and working on my dream, and for that I say Thank you
Happy Birthday!!!! I used to garden when I had a home/yard. I always learned useful ideas from your e-mails. I don’t garden right now, but I keep reading your e-mails, because they make me feel happy , put a smile on my face and make me laugh, I enjoy what you write. Thanks for all the fun over the years. I have duplicated many plants thanks to you and sure thought about selling what I had. Happy Birthday Mike and Thanks for the joy you share. Sue Tucker
Happy Birthday Mike.
I’ve learned so much from you. On several occasions I opened one of your emails or newsletters only to find the answer I’ve been looking for. Once I was doing some research on buying a greenhouse but something made me stop and open the latest email from you and there in black & white you were telling me ” you do not need a greenhouse!” Whew…that was close. Thanks Mike for being so generous with all your knowledge and sharing it in such a down to earth, easy to follow way. And thanks for talking me out of that greenhouse, lol. Happy Birthday & many, many more………:)
Hi Mike,
Getting back into the swing of things just in time to say, Happy 58th Birthday and Congratulations on your 15th Anniversary.
You have given so much to so many of us, I absolutely love all of your advise, stories, emails (read each one), suggestions, how to guides, the why & why not and much more and all of the folks that I’ve meet and spoken with over the phone. A great bunch of people you’ve connected, very helpful and full of stories, love it!
Much continued success and blessings to you Mike, you truly deserve it. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary to you and your family!
Mike thank you forgiving me motivation to work in my garden. I will be spending less time in front of the tv and more saving my yard! A very happy birthday to you. All the very best. Congrats on having such a supportive family.
Happy Birthday Mike!!
Here’s wishing a great guy a great birthday!!!
I thoroughly enjoy your news letters and videos and look forward to seeing them in my “in” box 🙂
God Bless you all
Happy Birthday Mike,
Thanks for all of the great info you definitely know your way around the landscape 🙂
Mike, you have taught me so much I do not know where to begin! I am so happy the good Lord led you to my emails and I wish you the very best birthday and year you’ve ever had! BTW, my youngest now shares my love for all things growing and I am so excited to see where God will lead him. He is very interested in buying his own land and living off the land using “permaculture” along with landscaping techniques. I hope at some time you will teach more about this. He is strong (like bull) and smart (like fox) and has a great future ahead of him, too. Again, happy birthday!
Dear Mike,
Happy Birthday and Anniversary!!!!
Although, I have not quite taken the leap to venture fully in the selling of plants, I must admit that your site and videos have been very helpful to grow a passion for growing and nurturing things in my gardens. Along with this are all of the analogies that go with gardening and how these things apply to life in general. I must admit that gardening has been a hobby that has helped me pull through some tough times the last set of years and your constant emails and updates have been a big push to stay positive and believe that you can make it if you set your mind and spirit to do so.
I wish you God’s blessings and thank you for your generous words of wisdom, especially when you share your personal insights and humor.
Ana Schafer
Mike, you’re an inspiration to get out there and just do the projects and landscape work we see you actually doing in your videos. It’s one thing to tell someone how to do it, but you show us as well, and you make it look so easy and fun! Happy birthday from someone who never wrote you before, but I need to let you know how much we appreciate all you do!
Happy birthday to Mike and thanks to Dutson.
Mike is hardworking and his gardening tips and knowldge has inspired me to engage in some creative and rewarding job after my retirement.Thanks for asking our views and comments.
Happy Birthday Mike! 58 years young and going strong! I appreciate all the advice you have given me in the last few months. I am pretty new at this, but have successfully propagated over 100 plants and turned my spare room into a makeshift greenhouse. My husband even bought me a grow light for my birthday. He has finally come to terms with my plant cutting hobby. I am an elementary school teacher and have shared my love of plants and propagating with my students, I appreciate all your knowledge and I will continue to look to you and your site for advice. It is so nice to know that there are people out there that share in the same obsession as I do. Hope you have a very happy birthday. Take care. 🙂
Happy Birthday Mike.
The best thing you have taught me is to have fun. It’s no longer work caring for my yards and gardens. Up here in the cold north, Montreal that it, the summer is too short to spend it ‘working’ in the yard. Every season I plan a little, work a little, play a lot. I try to help nature along, rather than control her. And season by season my garden grows. Thank you and have a great birthday!
Message for Mike:
Happy Birthday Mike! We wish you many many Happy Returns of this Day! Thank you for being a part of our life!
How I met Mike!
Mike came in to my life in early 2008! At a time when we desperately needed help! We had just lost everything and was wondering where life was going to take us!
It was Mike’s encouragement and the support that helped us survive this economy and helped this novice to build up a successful nursery from scratch!
I admire Mike for his passion and the hard work he puts in constantly to help hundreds and thousands of people every year !
We haven’t met yet-but I consider Mike a part of our family,
Thank you Mike, for giving a direction to my life!
Happy birthday, Mike!!!! I hope someday to take advantage of your e-mail offers I get. Keep up the good work. I enjoy learning from you.
Mike, thanks for all you do for so many. You inspired me with your start-up story. I’ve got my little fledgling nursery. I’m waiting to see what affect this frigid weather has on my little plants, as I don’t have a green/hot house. I’ve always had a little green in me (major in Environmental Studies and minor in biology, emphasis in botany). Being disabled it has taken me more time than the normal person to do things. Even if I never take it to the business level, I’ll improve my yard and share my knowledge and plants with others. Thanks!!!! Happy birthday and Happy Anniversary!! Dustin and Amber, I think (and I know your dad will think) this is the greatest you could have given your dad. Dustin, you are pretty great son!.
Thanks for being such a genuine, down to earth guy. That is what sold me on your business. You don’t try to sugar coat anything and like Amber said, you explain why you do things which makes it so much easier to understand. I was so bless by meeting you this last fall and could see that you are very devoted to your followers. I look forward to every email and newletter you send. Thanks, Mike for all you do. I only hope I can be a tenth as good as you in my own plant business.
Melanie Rowlinson
It’s hard to put into words just what you have meant to me and so many others. You have created such a family of like minded, caring people through your generosity in sharing your knowledge, experiences, ideas, in a down to earth, non intimidating way. You inspire everyone who listens and give hope to those who need hope. Your true passion is teaching others how to succeed and enjoy making money. I am nearly sixty-nine and hope this will be the year I can retire from home building and enjoy my passion growing plants and other gardening interest.
Happy Birthday and keep looking ahead!
Growing in His grace,
John Dill
Happy Birthday Mike:
I am very glad I stumbled onto your website 5 years ago. Although I am not in a place in my life where I can start a backyard business. I am very grateful for all the valuable information and teaching videos you have so generously given to me for free. You have shared more fun and entertainment with me than Netflix, and I enjoy my garden so much more with all the information and great advice I hear on Free Plants.com. Mike I just know you and your family are awesome.
Thanks and Happy Anniversary Too
Paula W.
Pocatello, Idaho
Happy birthday Mike. I am forever astonished at how generous you are with your knowledge
and information. Like the video on composting. I learned a lot from it! 76 years old and learning
things every day from your postings. I thank you kind Sir. You feel like one of my circle of friends
who I have had for years. May 2014 be very good to you and your family.
Mike: Have the most wonderful birthday ever. You have given me confidence in my abilitiy to grow beautiful things. I read your emails faithfully each day and each day I learn something new. My yard now contains an abundance of beautiful plants, grape vines and ornamental trees. The world needs a lot more Mikes!
Hope you have a great
Birthday and many many more
after reading MIKES article about growing plants from cuttings I started to grow plants from cuttings and selling on EBAY and made part time income plus the goodness you get about growing plants.
Thanks Mike for your help
Thanks for helping a senior citizen
Thanks for turning me into a small FARMER.
Happy Birthday to you Mike!
I Love having all the email from Mike. It’s like you said “he is knowledgeable “,
I don’t have a plant nursery like Mike does, but I piddle around a little with the plants and try with seeds. i did better with the seeds than the starting of plants.
I Love reading all the things he has to say, and enjoy the donkeys.
Have a wonderful day Mike, as we say in Hawaii, Hauoli la Hanau (Happy Birthday) & Hauoli P’iha makahiki, la ho’omana’o, (Happy Anniversary).
Signing out with a big ALOHA .
It’s hard to put into words just what you have meant to me and so many others. You have created such a family of like minded, caring people through your generosity in sharing your knowledge, experiences, ideas, in a down to earth, non intimidating way. You inspire everyone who listens and give hope to those who need hope. Your true passion is teaching others how to succeed and enjoy making money. I am nearly sixty-nine and hope this will be the year I can retire from home building and enjoy my passion growing plants and other gardening interest.
Happy Birthday and keep looking ahead!
Growing in His grace,
John Dill
I have learned many things from your newsletter. I have read most of them all the way through. I appreciate all the time you put into helping other people make happy gardens. Thank you and your family! Happy birthday!
Happy Anniversary AND Happy Birthday, Mike. I have been a fan for a very long time.
I really enjoy the videos on YouTube, they are NOT scripted and you tell us in your own words the ins and outs of gardening, cuttings, planting and pruning.
Thanks, Mike.
I hope you will take the time to read all the well wishes and congratulations coming your way. : )
I first learned of Mike when I did a Google search last year for how to burlap a tree’s rootball. It took me to a Youtube of Mike’s showing exactly what I was wondering about. Since buying his kit, I’ve tried rooting some things, which has opened a whole new door of gardening to me. I was amazed when I posted a question on his blog and found that he had answered it within the hour of my posting it. Thanks, Mike, for offering some inspiration into enjoying gardening in new ways. Congratulations on your 58th birthday. What a great son you have!
Thank you Mike for the time you have invested in us- total strangers to you and yet you have poured yourself out. I know you spend long hours and shared with us information that you could have just as easily kept to yourself. I love working with the plants and have learned a great deal from you. Happy, happy Birthday!
Mike you’ve inspired me in so many ways. I’ve always wanted to buy your kit and I’m going to do it now. I love your posts on composting and I have a worm bin. It always amazes me how those little critters can take garbage and make something wonderful from it. I live in the cold north west but so much of what you say helps me. Thanks so much! I read somewhere that a business is a great business when it truly wants to serve others. I think that’s why yours is so successful. Thanks again. Coleen
You have given me such excitement in starting my plants. I read every post you make. If I put more effort into getting really serious, I would be great! “Thank you, Thank you Mike!”
I have not been with you all that long but I cherish each and every email you send as I’m moving to a new place with gardens that need attention and you always seem to have a message that pertains to something around the place. Thank you and have a very Happy Birthday and Anniversary.