I’m sure by now most of you have seen the many, many (….many, many, many) ice bucket challenge videos circulating around the internet. It is good fun for a great cause. This challenge promotes awareness and to date has raised a whopping 88.5 million dollars for the ALS Association to help combat Lou Gehrig Disease.
It is estimated that as many as 30,000 Americans are fighting this disease right now and its one that is close to my heart. In 1994 my grandfather was diagnosed with a form of ALS. It took away his ability to walk, strained his breathing and eventually took his life.
Find out more about how you can help find a cure here:
Watch as Mike willingly accepts the challenge (and check out his new dump truck!)

Her name is Ally, she’s our gardening companion. Goes to work with Pam and I everyday.
This was great, I have been researching for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you ever come across Kykuyu Health Clinic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis HERBAL FORMULA (just google it). It is a smashing one of a kind product for reversing ALS completely. Ive heard some decent things about it and my buddy got amazing success with it.
If only that were true. We have a friend right now who is losing her life to this dreaded disease. Her mom died of it, her sister died of it and her daughter died of it. If there were any kind of a cure that worked she would have gotten it. If only . . .
Hi Mike, You are a riot and a good sport !! Hope your ice bucket challenge was after a hard hot days work,lol. Thanks so much for keeping me laughing, and always inspired !!! P.S., your grandson is adorable with the matching overalls 🙂 Thanks for a great time watching, your new truck is pretty nice too 🙂
I didn’t see any ICE in that water.
Hi Mick , I did not see the video. There was no link
BRAVO, Mike!
That’s a lot better than Matt Damon’s ice-bucket challenge video. He did not want to waste clean water by dumping it on his head, so he scooped out the water from the toilet and poured it over himself.
Nice idea, but my thought was what is the first thing you would do if you dumped a bucket of water from your toilet over your head? Why, run right inside and take a nice, hot shower, using a heck of a lot more clean water than what was in the bucket you just poured over yourself. Right?
I would think that whether toilet water is used or dump-truck is used, one would have to shower at the end of the day anyway.
There was no link to view the video
You are right…..I’ve never seen that one before.(the ice bucket challenge.).
Awesome ice bucket challenge! Biggest bucket ever!
Hi Mike…I can’t see your ice bucket challenge or your new dump truck
Mike, you are a very good sport. Not only did you rise to the challenge but you sat under the water for SO long! Most drenchings are short and sweet but not yours…BRAVO!
Well done Mike.
I’ve seen a ton of these things and this is the best yet.
Great to see the Mack mudflaps as the trailers are made right here in Alliance Ohio by neighbors, friends and relatives. Good job Mike! Glad you didn’t drown.
The ice bucket link doesn’t open
Wow, that was a lot of water. Love the little dude pulling the lever.
Wow Mike – it seems like they were trying to drown you! Good for you and hope to see Dunstan and Lorelai’s challenge. Hope they are as brave as you, haha. By the way,nice truck.
You’re not actually supporting ALS patients all that much when you do this “ice bucket challenge”. Half of the money that goes to that organization is going to administrative costs, like the CEO’s $340,000 annual paycheck (among many other highly-paid people with salaries almost as high as the CEO’s). That, along with the costs of lobbying the government and “public education” (though they still don’t have anything to offer the public in way of education), is where the majority of donations end up. Very little actually goes into research, and they refuse to incorporate healing modalities which do show promise–like the Deanna protocol and simple coconut oil. I advise choosing your charities wisely and learning about how and where they’re using that money.
Well that’s a total bummer, again, follow the money, that’s where the answer is.
I don’t know where Deb is getting her information as there is no reference. So, no source, no substance. ALS publishes its financial statements. You can review the last several years’ worth here: http://www.als-ny.org/index.php?page=about_us&sub=finances.
Also, if you can find out more about ALS through an independent nonprofit corporation that evaluates charities in the United States here: http://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=3296#.VACyOLxdXCw
When the research is done, you will find that ALS indeed is a worthwhile charitable organization.
I wasn’t sure if my comment would be accepted if it contained a link, but I see that Sue’s comment was allowed with links. I’m happy to provide a link to my reference about the crooked ALS foundation (which is much like the other “research” foundations which never seem to come up with a cure even after raising billions of dollars….).
Sorry about that–I forgot to put my name in the space provided. The above comment was made by me. It didn’t show up immediately, so I left another comment without a link. It will also show up as being posted by “Anonymous”. My apologies.
ALS can’t be any more “crooked” than the source being quoted: Health Impact News Daily. A health news blog owned/edited by the CEO of a company that sells coconut oil and a Philippine dietician. It’s stated so on its website that was quoted.
As for CEO salaries, well, a quick check at CharityNavigator.org will show that there are salaries above and below the ALS CEO. Complaints can be made to both ALS and Charity Navigator.
Last, did you know that the fatty acids from coconut oil is carcinogenic? can’t even use it in shampoos. Its use is banned in at least one state. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cocamide_DEA
How healthy can that be?
Mike – sorry to hijack your good deed for this topic.
I have tried to post the link about the ALS foundation, and it’s not showing up as far as I can see. The article is on the healthimpactnews dot com website. There is also information at Greenmedinfo. The ALS foundation is just like many others. They rake in billions of dollars, yet somehow never seem to find a cure. They refuse to consider natural remedies, and indeed they usually say that nothing natural or alternative works or helps in the least. I wouldn’t give any of them a dime of my money, even if I was a millionaire.
I’m not on Facebook, so like Sammy I didn’t get your video Mike. Keep up the good work with all your gardening info. Luv it.
Ha, ha, ha….I like the little guy pulling the lever, what a HOOT!!!:)
Well, that tops any I’ve seen so far!!
Didn’t see your challenge or dump truck.
HA HA You are so sweet Mike, God Bless You..U topped “em” all
No link provided to see the challenge or Mike’s new dump truck
The video should be showing up on this page. If its not showing up for you, you can watch it on YouTube here: