We’re giving away two full memberships to the Backyard Grower’s Business Center, a $610 value! To enter to win, all you have to do is leave a comment below.
We will choose two numbers at random and match those numbers with the comment number below. (NOTE: only we can see the comment numbers, they’re not visible to the public.)
IMPORTANT: This contest is only for non-members.
Get Access to the Best Plant Deals Online
Without a doubt, the Backyard Grower’s Business Center is one of the few places online (if not the only place) where you can snag beautiful plants at rock-bottom prices.
Take a look at the list below. This is just a small list of plants currently for sale right now:
- Pink Stardust Magnolia – $2.00 each (liners)
- Amethyst Falls Wisteria – $2.00 each (liners)
- PeeGee Hydrangea – $0.70 each (rooted cuttings)
- Annabelle Hydrangea – $2.95 each (liners)
- Summer Snowflake Viburnum – $1.25 each (rooted cuttings)
- Tonto Crepe Myrtle – $1.50 each (rooted cuttings)
- French Pussy Willow – $1.00 each (rooted cuttings)
- White Knight Weigela – $0.70 each (rooted cuttings)
- Neon & Stonecrop Seedum – $0.70 each (rooted cuttings)
- Bridal Veil Astilbe – $1.47 each (rooted cuttings)
- Green Mountain Boxwood – $0.70 each (rooted cuttings)
- Lupine Seeds – $2.50 for 100
Again, this is just a small selection of plants currently available. This stuff goes fast but new items are added daily.
Private * * * * * Private * * * * * Private * * * * *
The Backyard Growers Business Center is a private, members only website that we seldom talk about. This site is not open to the general public and we only accept new members a few times each year.
And it’s pricey.
That’s why this chance to win a permanent membership is such a great opportunity for two lucky people.
The $7.00 Test Drive.
When we do open up membership we allow prospective members to test drive the members area for 30 days for only $7.00. It has to be a good fit for you. The $7.00 test drive has to be the most valuable opportunity for plant lovers in the world. The amount of information exchanged on a daily basis is priceless and it’s all archived. So for the token price of just $7.00 you have 30 days to plow through all of that information.
This isn’t your normal, everyday gardening forum. This is a group of people who are passionate, experienced and very knowledgeable about growing and selling plants. This is the private area where I and others pull back the curtains and share exactly how we go about selling tens of thousands of dollars worth of small plants. We have people all over the country completely hitting it out of the park with their plant sales and they only tell you how they do it.
This is a place where lifetime friendships are made.
These growers actually invite other members to come visit them at their homes, in local areas all over the country and even Canada. We are a group of people who all have the exact same interest and the same “dog with a bone” intensity about growing and selling plants from home. And we share it all. What we do, why we do it, how we do it and when we do it.
The daily discussions are timely.
In September we are talking about selling plants in the fall, in October we are discussing how to get our plants ready for winter. In January we are sharing the techniques that we are using to do hardwood cuttings.
In February and March we are unpacking boxes and boxes of beautiful, extremely rare plants like Beni Shichihenge Japanese Maple (Oh how I love this tree!) and Lavender Twist Weeping Redbud trees, and all of these plants with spectacular fall color.
Not only do we buy and sell all of these beautiful plants inside the Backyard Growers Business Center, we know where to find them all at the absolute lowest wholesale prices in the country. Usually in the $7 to $14 for the rarest of the rare and beautiful plants in the world.
Beautiful Plants on a Daily Basis
from 50 cents to to $1.75.
This is the beauty of the Backyard Growers Business Center. Plants priced from 50 cents to $1.75 are sold day in and day out. As a member you can buy at these super low wholesale prices in small quantities, or if you have plants to sell you can offer them for sale to the other members. I personally have bought somewhere between $7,000 and $10,000 worth of plants from my own customers inside the Business Center.
Spring Discussions Center Around Selling Thousands
and Thousands of Dollars worth of Plants from Home.
We have members all over the country so people in the warmer states are selling in late February and early March while those of us in the colder states start selling around the end of April. We share, share, share whats working to sell the most plants with the least amount of effort. Keep in mind, all of these discussions are archived so you can dig into them anytime you want.
Come June it’s Time to Make Baby Plants!
All of us, not some of us, but all of us starting making cuttings by the tens of thousands in June and don’t quit until fall. Where in the world can you possibly learn more about the art of plant propagation from those who do it day in and day out. Just about everybody in the group uses this method because it’s what I taught them and it works! If you walk outside at 8:00 am and your cuttings don’t look good, just log in to the members area and tell us what’s going on and almost instantly, you’ll get answers, suggestions and ideas. These discussions take place hourly!
July and August are more cuttings, more cuttings
then the Big Shindig at Mike’s Nursery.
As a group we are making baby plants year round, right through the winter. Every successful plant propagation technique imaginable is explained in great detail in the members area. Come August, many of us take a little break and we do some really fun and interesting things. Each August for years now I have invited all of the members to my nursery for our Annual Backyard Growers Shindig! But I schedule this around a local nursery event that takes place in Lake County Ohio each year and many of us take an all day bus tour of local wholesale nurseries. These tours are amazing and it’s a great way to spend an entire day talking growing and selling plants.
Then usually the next day we all gather at My Place for Food, Fun, Information and Plant Swapping! I only invite members of the Backyard Growers Business Center to these events because we can only accommodate a limited number of people at one time. But they are a hoot and we try and do more than one each year.
The Members Only Library of Exclusive Content.
Inside of the members area there are tabs at the top of the pages that take you to the library of exclusive content that we never share with anybody who is not a member. These articles and videos are all about the art of growing and selling plants for profit. You will not find this information anywhere else on the planet and get this; If you want me to write an article or do a video about a specific topic related to the growing and selling of plants, just ask.
We are constantly creating additional content for the library that our members ask us to create.
Hang with Mike McGroarty on a Daily Basis.
This is the true story. I am not in the office, I don’t have a desk, even a chair in the office. I “stop by” the office once or twice a week to drop off paychecks or talk to Duston or Amber and I never stay long. I never see incoming Email, I never answer the phone and I don’t return phone calls. I’m at the nursery making baby plants with Pam and Cathy, and Hanging Out with the Miniature Donkeys. Pam often catches me under the shade tree chatting up Finnegan and Fergus when I’m supposed to be working!
However, I spend a crazy amount of time at the end of the day or early in the morning Inside the Backyard Growers Business Center offering help and advice to our members. That is something that I am deeply committed to. As I mentioned earlier, this membership is pricey and therefore, I am there, making sure that members get true value every single day.
I communicate with our members on an almost daily basis. If Pam and I take a vacation I don’t visit the members area that week because that’s time that I’ve committed to spend with Pam, but other than that, I am there. Answering questions, offering advice and sharing my expertise on a daily basis.
But I am by no means the only expert in our group. We have the most exclusive, most talented, most knowledgeable members in the industry who are more than willing to share their secrets and their knowledge on a daily basis. I can’t even begin to tell you how proud I am of that group. They are by far the most awesome plant people you will ever meet. That I promise!
Need a Wholesale Source of Supplies?
I promise you, these folks know where to find anything that you need and they know who has it at the best price. And our members get a discount with one of the top nursery supply companies in the nation. Inside of the members area we have our own “Directory of Secret Wholesale Suppliers” but the members are always turning up new sources. It’s an amazing thing to experience.
Interested in buying wholesale fruit trees? Just ask. Bingo, you’ll be connected to the best suppliers in the industry. Rare Japanese maples at wholesale prices? We have suppliers. Many of our own members offer rare Japanese maples in the buy/sell area.
Selling Plants Inside the Business Center.
There are always ads for plants for sale in the Buy/Sell area of the business center and they sell out and change quickly. But few people actually realize how well this works. We have members that have sold well over $50,000 worth of plants just by advertising their plants in our buy/sell area. That’s why we charge what we do for a membership, and to be perfectly honest? We’re giving away the farm.
One gal from Washington advertised some ferns and sold $1,300 worth with one ad. She couldn’t believe it and Emailed me to tell me how excited she was. Later that year she posted some Pink Dogwoods for sale and sold $1,200 worth in 20 minutes and sold out. Another guy from Pennsylvania posted an ad and sold $3,200 worth of plants in one weekend.
Then there’s the gal from Georgia. Probably our top seller because she does an awesome job and the members love her and her plants. The last time she mentioned how much business she has done in the Buy/Sell area it was well over $50,000 and that was several years ago.
How much can you make? That’s up to you, your plants and your customer service. I will not promise you anything as you can expect. But I know that our Buy/Sell area has been a life changing opportunity for many.
So there you have it.
A peek inside the very private and exclusive
Backyard Growers Business Center.
Keep in mind, right now we are giving away two, absolutely free, lifetime memberships.
At other select times throughout the year we do offer memberships and the $7.00 Trial Memberships. The trial memberships are a full 30 days when we offer them. If you get the chance to do a trial membership I highly suggest that you jump on it because we are considering doing away with these $7.00 trials.
Interested in One of the Two Free Memberships that we are giving away?
Just post a comment below. If over the years I’ve shared something with you that you’ve found valuable, by all means tell me about it today. It’s always nice to know that what I do makes an impact somewhere.
The winners will be selected completely by random using the comment numbers that we see behind the scenes. Anybody can win, as long as you are of legal age and this contest is legal where you live. Post below!
I’m keeping an eye out for membership opening! In the meantime youtube is helping fill in the gaps in my knowledge so I’m ready for spring.
Hi Mike. I’ve watched all your videos and have learned so much. Thanks for sharing. I would love to be a member of the group, but as a retired minister $500 is a big chunk of money. Anyway love your tips and insights.
Hello Mike. Im john from Louisiana. I have watched ALOT of your videos.. Trying to learn all I can . Weather I win or not I plan to become a member. I will retire in five years and plan to have my plants business up and running when that time comes. The thing that sounds good to me is to be able to get the cuttings and plants that you want from members and also get the advise to be successful. I look forward to being on board. Thanks john
Hi Mike, I did’nt know anything about growing plants and propagating them until I started reading the articles and watching the clips that you put out. I’ve only been following you for about two months but feel like I have 100 percent more knowledge I did have. So glad I found you. I still have one heck of a lot to learn and wish I New half of what you do. Well Take Care My Friend!
Thanks Steven, I appreciate that.
mike—been trying to join backyard growers for sometime now. me an wife clicking on backyard growers 20 times each every day since jan 1. no luck on joining—– please help
Email Duston, he’ll get you in. We open it to all this coming Wednesday for a limited time. [email protected] or [email protected]
Hello Mike,
Been reading your articles and watching your movies. Read that the Backyard Grower Business Center was opening up today (9/1/22) for new members. Could you be so kind and provide me with a link where I can sign up for the $7.00 30-day trail
Thank you sir.
Here you go, http://backyardgrowers.com/join
Hi Mike,
I have enjoyed your instructional videos and the pluthera of information you provide. In particular, I have propagated some nice Japanese Maples from seed using your information.
I would sure love a membership giveaway to help get my new 3 acres in Texas planted and set up for growing/propagating!
Thanks for what you do.
I’ve been a plant lover my entire life. I have only just recently started thinking about growing plants to sell. I actually sold my first plant a few weeks ago, and it hit me like a brick wall. This is what I’d love to do. I read your emails and have learned so much. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to be a member of the backyard growers’ member area with you and all of the people there. Thanks for the opportunity!!
Without a doubt, at least test drive the members area. I think you’ll love it there!
If I win, I will appreciate it very much. But, when I lost my Son, I now have issues as far as retaining, memory and anxiety………….so I’ll do my best. thank you
Hi Mike,
My friend recommended you and all your valuable information. So here I am following you, to learn all I can!
Great to have your advice on email Mike and of course I would love to get one of the membership. I have been half successful with rooting cuttings and definitely could use the website information to get better at it. Thank you
Not sure if you’ve drawn yet but I would love to win I would definitely use the membershipto it’s full potential. Thanks for a chance
Hi. I just retired from almost 50 years of Registered Nurses career, and although I may be late to the game, I’m going after my gardening “for fun” and “career”.
I would love to win the business access to Mike’s website. Thanks for all the wonderful free info and other resources.
I would love to see some info on the challenges of garening I’m Central Texas clay soil and crazy weather. I live in Crawford, TX.
Thanks again for your enthusiasm and sharing.
Hi Mike,
I would love to have access to your information storehouse. Your videos are so enjoyable and you seem to make the learning process fun. I have 4 children and they have all takein a liking to learning about plants and the many joys that they bring. I have always worked with plants and flowers and have been a floral designer for 20 years. I know I’m ready to take my skills to the highest level and I know that this membership with you will propell me forward. Thank you for offering this opportunity.
Your fan,
R. Hewett
I am enjoying all the info that I get a chance to read.
Thank you!!
I have gardened for 40 years. I love new plants, propagating and dividing to make more flower beds. I now have 32 flower beds. My favorite flower right now is the hibiscus. I have many of them. Being a part of a family owned and operated business would be a great way to expand even more. I also have a very large vegetable garden. I came across your website strictly by accident and learned how to propagate bushes. How exciting that was. Thank you
You are welcome. Have fun!
Hi Mike,
I actually recently found you and purchased one of your Ebooks and I would absolutely love a membership! I am blind and with the help of technology, I am writing this comment!! My problem is, that being blind and living off disability Income which is barely over $700/mo, I can’t afford much of anything much less where to find wholesellers at a reasonable price! Also, I want to learn propagation techniques and learn the right way to root cuttings the right way too and maybe add to my income a little!
Thank you,
R. Davis
Wholesale sources I cannot share here, but at least for $7 you can test drive the members area and use it completely for 30 days. See this on cuttings; https://mikesbackyardnursery.com/2015/01/easy-summertime-plant-propagation-techniques-can-home/
Hi Mike,
Please enter me. As an experiment I’m trying to propagate in a play sand bag. Punched a bunch of holes in the bottom and cut an opening in the top. Might be an easy way to get started.
Hi Mike, I’ve only been looking at your site for a week and let me tell you, IT HAS TURNED ME ON. I’m 82 years young and how often have you seen an 82 year old woman get excited? I’ve taken a few cuttings for rooting…got them all set and ready to go. I’ll be watching all your videos with great anticipation. Will become a member if it’s at all possible. You know at my age and on a limited income you have to budget very carefully but faith brings many blessings. I’m so grateful I found your site and feel confident, little by little I’ll start making a little bit more money.
You’d be amazed at the age of many of our members. They do amazing things.
I have been reading your info every since you stared Backyard Nursery. I never had the opportunity to do anything with until now. I’m retired and have two grandsons, ages 11 and 5. We had just recently started our nursery as you suggested and the boys are excited to do this. This will be something they can do as they grow and will always make money at it. Thanks for all of your info and videos. It’s been a big help to us. Looking forward to continue being taught by you.
Dear Mr Mike.
You have changed my whole life in no time for good. From my business I just retired and my life long ambition was to do some gardening although I do have good yard and i do hydroponics and aquaponic gardening .With your guidance I think I will in this also succeed. All I can say one day you will be proud of me. I am from zone 7 GEORGIA
Love your website!! Pick me and I will bake you yummy desserts periodically when you are not teaching me wonderful gardening secrets!!! Delightful southern goodness!
Thanks for all the content you put out.
I retired from insurance company after 15 years of service a year and a half ago. My husband and I are both on Social Security and he is also retired. This is something that we have both been looking for. This would be a perfect part time business for us. If we win this opportunity we will put all the information and training to good use to starting our own backyard nursery! We look forward to all that would come from this opportunity. The price of this one time investment is a stretch for us financially right now, but we appreciate all the information that has been provided so far. God bless you Mike, your family and your employees for all your hard work!.
Mike, Just moved into an apartment and would love to start some serious growing. Not much space but would a grow light inside help with seedlings? Your site is sooo informative!
Yes, you can start seedlings indoors with some lights.
Hey Mike, As I communicated to you earlier, I’m getting over my fractured hip, I have ordered over a thousand seeds of different type of maples, mostly of the lace leaf varieties. I caught a good deal on some 2 1/4″ pots, and working on getting all the growing medium required. I have over 50 bonsai trees, mostly maple cultivars. As much as I love my trees, I never considered growing and selling them until I ran across your videos. Why not make money on something you love to do. I started with The Backyard Gardener, what motivation. As soon as I can get back on my feet, I will become a part of the University. { am physically unable to build my grow boxes right now, but just wait. I am investigating city and state ordinances/requirements, then I will know my limitations. Giving only necessary info, LOL. I would like to tell you how much I appreciate you and what you do.
Glad to hear and can’t wait until you have some things for sale. This is without a doubt and fun and exciting thing to do at home.
bought your book it help me a lot how to propagation
Thanks Lorenzo!
My father had a heart attack 2 months after retirement and is still on the mend. I purchased the booklet for him as a gift and it has really inspired him to return to gardening. He is living on his SS, which we all know is not very much. He is happy that he can make enough to supplement his meager income. Thank you for the encouragement and inspiration you have already provided in your booklet to get him back to doing what he loves. Gardening has been the best therapy anyone could ever ask for! His doctor is happy also. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart!
Shelly, that’s awesome, so glad to hear it and I’m glad your father is able to garden again. It is very therapeutic.
Hi Mike, I just found out about you and what you offer yesterday evening. I’m so impressed! It wasn’t long ago that I was in the car with my mother-in-law and I was telling her there are so many things about plants I wish I knew and that if I’d known when I was younger that I was going to end up loving plants and gardening as much as I do now I would have chosen to study horticulture in college instead of what I did study. This was only a few days ago that I was telling her this and I kept wondering how I could find out what I want to know. Then I came across an ad of yours on a website. I’ve been poking around your info and am excited by what I’m seeing. Will buy your programs as I can. Cash has been tight for us so I can’t jump into as much as I’d like to in one fell swoop, but your offerings are certainly less than if I did go back to college and I’m certain your real-world experience is more valuable (because it will really work in practical application) over text book info, which isn’t often how things are actually done in the real world. I am pretty sure your two free memberships have already been given out by now, but if not….well, it would be amazing to win one of them. In any case, I’m elated about having found out about you.
I love your videos and post. I hope you never stop. My wife always wanted roses, so when I saw your post on roses I had nothing to lose but a try. Well, my wife can not believe how big the blooms are and how deep the color is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Because wife happy, house happy. I know you know what I am saying. Sincerely Thanks WS
That’s awesome! Happy wife good thing to have!
Please tell me this is still possible — Hubby is now retired and we need to try this and create income — I’m tired of driving over an hour to my job!!!
Yes Marilyn, it is quite possible! https://mikesbackyardnursery.com/2013/08/turning-sticks-into-money/
Hi Mike, I just stumbled upon your information by accident yesterday and have been reading many of your post and watching many of your videos, I am going to try to do some propagation in the coming days and see what happens. Can’t afford the cost of the Business Center Area at this time, but free would really love to win the ticket. Thanks for all the valuable information you provide.
D. L. Brookshire
I live in Canada and would love the free membership to The Backyard Grower’s Business Center. I have started with some simple things like black cherry tree and northern red oak trees. last year we bought a bartlett pear tree and a french white lillac tree to propagate. Looking for more varieties to buy locally and sell worldwide as permitted. looking forward to doing our first sale this spring but am afraid i don’t have a lot to sell. 150 approx black cherry and 120 n. red oak trees to far all between 1-2 1/2 ‘ tall.
Thanks Mike, for all your inspiration.
I want to try a backyard nursery. I tried a small retail about 20 years ago in my backyard. I was unable to compete with the local hardware stores.
I think the idea of growing small plants is the way for me to go now. I have so much in my own yard I can propagate!
sure would love to when 1 of the 2 free memberships!
All you need to have Canadians buy plants from you is a phytosantiary permit issued by your nursery ag ,inspecter & the cost can be covered by your purchaser.
You are correct. In most cases the order has to be large enough to justify getting the permit issued, but it most certainly can be done. We are creating a network of Canadians who can buy and sell from one another inside of our members area.
Hi, folks!
So nice to see how you celebrated one of my favorite days. We had a group of village people that got together for corned beef dinner at a restaurant.
By the way, I’m very pleased with the pots I bought from you. They really are an unusual size. I can’t wait to get started filling them up with plants.
I was diagnosed this week with ankylosing spondylitis, a form of arthritis, and besides physical therapy, I have to keep active so the progression of my condition will be much slower.
I have no idea how to pay for the month’s trial membership or is this an old email I got today?
Are you still giving away 2 memberships?
Also, thank you for all the information we’ve gotten all these
Where is the link for me to pay for the trial month?
Thank you.
Josie, here ya go http://backyardgrowers.com/join/
My name is Grover Grafton I’m 12 years old, and have been a g gardener for 6 year years. Early last summer I took gardening to a whole new level. I opened my own business and registered it with the state ( Gro. Co. ). I raised 1000 dollars by selling plants and terrariums and used the money to start some herb plants in my parents basement and am currently housing 500 plants and my goal is 1000. this summer when I sell them I will have enough money to buy a greenhouse, and widen the variety of plants I sell. when I buy my green house I would like to base it off your book.
P.S. Say hi to Fergus , and keep those videos come in . sincerely,
I’d like to commend you on your incredible accomplishments. Greenhouses are fun but you don’t have to have one to make money growing small plants at home. In my nursery I do not have a greenhouse at all. If you really want to ramp up your plant propagation efforts this system, https://mikesbackyardnursery.com/mikes-plant-propagation-kit/, will truly allow you to take your growing to an entirely new level. Make sure you visit https://mikesbackyardnursery.com/ and http://freeplants.com on a regular basis, there is a ton of info in those sites. Nice job Grover! You are awesome!
Thanks mike for all. that great information, I now have about 50 hardwood cutings set out as you recommended.. looking forward to see them rooted. Looking for great days ahead
Mark from January 7th, Essiac Tea may benifit you!
I’ll be 60 in four days. Four years ago I lost my Brother (we were supposed to grow old together so we could compare our ailments) My Dad passed in March and my Step-Mom passed two weeks ago. I’m not certain what happened with the funds that were supposed to be paid for my membership, if it was my bank or me, I just know it all went South very quickly!?
I felt like a young family member whenever I signed on to “Backyard Growers”, I marveled at the way the different Members shared with each other information and all of the different wonderful plants that were available.
Oh yeah and my wife of 37 years left me in April.
I need a place to go Mike, and I would love it to be back on the Backyard Growers sight.
The first time I ever grew anything was a field of winter wheat back when I was 19 years old. I think I found out what God must feel like when he looks over His Creations just from being part of the process.
I built a strawberry patch and a nice garden for my then wife Peg for Mothers Day back at Fort Riley, Kansas and I have been hopelessly hooked on gardening ever since.
In the month that I experienced the Backyard Garden I learned so much just listening to the real Pro’s in the field conversing with each other. The only thing I can compare ti to is when I started working in the Medical field in the Army. So much information, and no matter how much you knew you were always a million miles away from knowing everything there was to learn.
I would be most grateful to win a Membership, and if I don’t win one just another chance to be a part of the very balanced program you have put together Mike. You have a very unique little Empire you have shaped, and you should be very proud of your accomplishments in the “Growin’ Industry.
And Mark from January 7th, you are in my prayers, and I hope you beat the ca thing. There are a lot of alternate medications and plant extracts that may help you with that battle.
God bless you all, and good night to you all.
Hi Kerry,
This contest ended a few months ago. Maybe we will have another in the future. Best of luck to you.
WOW Been on the site for 5 days and nights and am afraid my brain may start leaking out of mt head!!! Been gardening for 40 plus years and didn’t know what i didn’t. Thanks so much
Thanks Terry
Thanks Terry,
I too have been doing this for 40 years but I’ve spent all of that time working in the trade, in nurseries etc. and I’ve probably landscaped over 500 homes in that time.
Thank you for all your work on YouTube and here on your website. You have become one of my hobbies!
Oh; not gardening for fun and profit; no. I make a hobby out of reading and watching your stories. I am fighting cancer and it takes about most of the energy I have at any one time to pull up YouTube, find one of yours, then go through it.
I really enjoy that because for me It is great to imagine that I could again some day be able to work with plants. You keep my dreams alive!
– Mark
Your info is fabulous and I am eagerly excited to get on board and start
turning my yard into a landscaping paradise using the methods I am
learning from you.
Thanks so much. I haven’t purchased the Backyard Growers Mempership
Elite yet, but I got paid tomorrow and will get right on it.
I live in Kokomo, Indiana. and the resources are sparse for gardening ideas
and supplies. I can’t wait to get things going.
I hope this .give a way is not over. Mike you have me so much thank you very kindly
I have wanted to do this for years and after coming across your website and videos, I have decided that I am going to do it!! Thank you for sharing your passion!! and showing me a way to be successful.
You are a wealth of information on plants and planting. I have used so many of your tips and planting ideas I am looking forward to being able to start propagating on a much bigger scale. I am going to start my 30 day trial and would love to be entered in the Backyard Growers Business Center membership giveaway!
The thing I like the most is needing so little space to grow cuttings.
Man, I wish I had found this sooner!
Hi mike I bought your back yard growers packet and love it I’m a big YouTube fan as well me and my wife have started to build our business but it’s slow going money is tight but we get a few plants a month and are building up our inventory so thanks for all the videos and website your an inspiration.
I believe your your system can solve my gardening issues and create a business to pass on to my family. I’d appreciate winning the contest. If not, I’ll be saving up so I can buy a membership.
Thanks for the chance to enter and win!
Thanks Mike for the dream that is becoming realty. Had a few sales this year and lookig forward to bigger things next year.
My wife thought I was wasting my time but afterseeing how easy it is to sell plants she is a big fan.
Thanks again!
I’m old and miserable. I’m not even all that bright. But I should get one of these memberships, because I’ve been with you for years. Never bought a damn thing because I’m broke. Learned a lot anyway. Hell, I’ve been member since when you were fat. Thats been a long while now. I’d be the best choice because if my broken down, mean, crotchety ass can do this thing and have any success at all, then anyone can. Now theres an ad, eh Michael?
Your info has been helpful. I’m in PA on 13 acres. I love flowers and gardens. I”m 64 and now unemployed (retirement time). My husband is still working and really has not desire to garden, however he does like the looks of things. Now with more time on my hands, I would like to extend my gardens (less mowing) and also be able to make a few dollars. I think this membership would be the perfect opportunity to do something I enjoy.
Mike, I have been following you and dreaming of my own backyard nursery since 2002. I piddle with propagation for my own entertainment but my plan is to have my own backyard nursery before I retire. You have always been a great source of information. Maybe it will speed up my retirement. Thank you.
I found you while searching for ways to grow cuttings and you have been my number one
go to for everything since. I am looking to make some much needed income from my love for this and I have not been able to afford your group yet, even if I could get in, but I am gonna keep trying. Thanks for all that you do, but especially in the way you do it.
KEWLLLL….closing on my birthday…reading some of the post, glad I’m not making the choice. But using random number is a good idea…
Thanks for all the info. I especially liked the info on the Mums.
Thanks Mike, just started the 30 day trial and there is so much information at my fingertips!
Thank you Mike for all you do
I read your articles religiously and watch you on Utube over and over again. Your tips and lessons are invaluable. I have experimented with your rooting system and have been thrilled with the results. You have given me timeless advice and inspiration, and I am now seriously considering starting my own backyard nursery. My hubby built a 8×20 greenhouse for me this summer and I’m dreaming of next year already! Winning this prize would be the icing on the cake!!
Thanks once again Mike…and all your crew too.
Hi Mike,
I love how you keep everything simple.
Please, Please Mike pick me..Im just starting out and really afford to join at this time. Really do enjoy your blog with all the great tips…Thanks….
This would be nice for my birthday…
I have a daughter with down syndrome and I am trying to find a way to make a living so I can stay home with her when she gets home from school. She has some health issues and is also a “runner”. Which means she escapes and go outside if she can get out. She is non-verbal so she cannot tell people where she lives if someone finds her.
I am so glad I found your website I am using the information to start propagating some plants in my yard. I have already purchased Small Plants, Big Profits from Home guide! I would love to be a member of your Backyard Growers Business Center! Hopefully I will be the one that wins!
I found your website & YouTube channel at work about a year ago. I am telling you there is nothing better then leaving work and getting in the dirt to try your techniques, & watching one plant turn into two. Your video on using hydrangea cuttings saved $100’s last year. This year the hydrangea cuttings are healthy plants.
Hopefully within a few more years I will have enough to buy a few acres and open a nursery. I have a long way to go. I am using the information on grafting Japanese maples from cuttings with a friend. We bought some yearlings, and are waiting for them to graft cuttings from her Japanese maple. I just hope we bought the correct root stock.
Thank you for freely sharing your knowledge, it really is helpful.
Danielle Gantchar
Hey mike
Been watching a lot of your You Tube videos and learning a lot from your Freeplants.com website and have to say after a couple of cuttings and a little dirt, I stand to make a little money off a small investment. Your “keep it simple” approuch has helped a lot. Thank you for the free info you have put out there for simple gardener.
Hi Mike, have some of your downloaded material….love it.
As others, I hope to win a membership. I want to use this so I will make a living with minimal losses. My lady likes working in the yard and garden….this will give both of us something to do together ….helps us and we can help others too.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge… Doug
Hi, Mike…I watch your You-Tube vids and they help me a lot, but my success ratio seems to just fly out the window and I don’t know what I do wrong. I have a huge yard and places to do what you are doing, but my luck needs a tune-up. Hope you will award me this freeby which will give me the opportunity to learn from the Backyard Growers Business Center — and get my stuff working right! I do need help and lots of visuals. My next trial is to “air layer” in a plastic bottle like you did to get a large grape vine to set roots as I’m afraid my neighbor might cut it off on her side of the fence — it’s on her fence…and it’s a producer!
Thanks for offering this free membership…I am hanging tight hoping I’ll be a lucky winner!
Thanks, Mike, for a great program!
Been looking at your business for a while. I like what I see, and would value membership a great deal.
I discovered your websites recently via a search on YouTube about propagating cuttings. I was transfixed by your wisdom, humility and simple approach to gardening. In just one week I’ve read all your articles and blogs, watched all the videos and subscribed to the newsletter. I just can’t get enough of you, Mike! I was laid off from my job 3 months ago and since I was the primary bread winner in the family and have 2 kids in college, I’m desperately looking for ways to bring in a few extra dollars while also reducing expenses. Your videos have renewed my hope that I can have more control over my own destiny and make an attempt to give up the corporate world for good and concentrate on living by doing what I love instead of doing the same old soul-draining job. I would be over-the-moon excited to be one of the names picked for the free membership.
Many, many thanks for all you do.
In gratitude,
Mike, thank you for your insight, digestible information and more importantly inspiration (aka, encouragement). Being relatively new to home gardening and having only recently come across your blog, I now actually believe I can tame and cultivate a yard/landscaping that was abandoned and left to its own devices. I find your blog especially refreshing as many “experts” seem to be exclusionary in their advice, almost targeted to only master gardeners, while making learning quite discouraging. Many thanks, again!
There is something therapeutic about gardening, beside my faith, I don’t know how I would servive in this country. I have a child with mental illness, and has changed my life completely. There have been days that I feel down, ask GOD rhetoric questions, but once I get to my mini garden/ flower, I Marvel at all GOD’S creation, and keep weeding my garden, continue to water during the sunny days… harvest collards, tomatoes,blackerries and sometimes share with my wonderful, neighbors. I have been procrastinating alot, but a week ago my husband who is the sole breadwinner, told me that the company he works for is being under negotiations to be sold to another .THEN , I THOUGHT OF , I wish I had followed up with mike newsletters, resources, and started our plant business. I know it’s never too late, but PRAYING for seceond a chance! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE! WILL DO,MY PART meanwhile. This is a wake up call, opportunities are available but not guaranteed, one my friend told me once. I know I can do it with the help of great people. Thx.
Just started reading your blog. Thanks for your no-nonsense advice!
Hi Mike! I’ve been a follower of yours for years. Been dying to order the system, but unfortunately I am disabled and on a very fixed income. It would be potentially life changing to win one of the two memberships! I don’t need to get rich, just be financially at peace.
I want to start growing plants and sell them mainly to wholesalers. My heirloom tomatoes sell well. Is there a market for this on the forum? Do I need to grow them to transplant size or larger and how do I ship them? Is it possible to grow these year-round in a greenhouse and sell the transplant seedlings? Typically how much can you make doing this? I have some experience growing in greenhouses and it seems heirloom tomatoes are big and I’m good at growing organic tomatoes. I am also looking at growing nut trees and selling those. Almond, pecan, and Pine nut. Which is better – selling the transplant seedlings of the nut trees or growing them larger and selling wholesale? I have small acreage but using it wisely and want to ramp up production.
I so love to learn about plants! I bought your Backyard Gardening System and am still taking it all in. Thank you!
Can’t wait to start composting and try out some of your helpful plant tips 🙂
Looks very interesting. I am getting excited about this!
Have been following you for years. Have purchased your system twice (misplaced info when %&#@ computer died). would love to win. Thanks for all you do!
Mike has always been supportive of anyone who has dreams of being a gardener. I have enjoyed hearing of his offers even though I’ve not been able to utilize his program yet. He is real about what he offers.
Tim Bradshaw, Chapel Hill, NC.
Well God bless you guys, I am sure I feel like the most fortunate person to have won one of the memberships that you have so generously given away. I used to run a retail garden center, we bought everything in, never did production. I’ve always been curious about the production end and I have always seen the potential in Mike’s program. I did buy the Backyard Grower’s guide package that you sell and I think that by winning this access to the Business Center, someone is trying to tell me something! 🙂 I do know I am good at taking care of plants, and know what a good-looking, salable plant looks like, and how much people want them. Thanks you guys, you have been very helpful, inspiring and influential to a lot of people, myself included. Most Sincerely, Winifred
After seeing your demonstration on using the claim shell propagation method about two years ago I tried it out on the massive fig tree at my parents. Using shopping bags I scraped and wrapped 12 branches with peat moss. 3 years later I had 12 profusely rooted branches the I cut from the mother tree and planted. I was awesome. I now have my own fig tree thanks to your demo.
I would love to win this 🙂
Hi Mike,
I would a love to have a free lifetime membership. I ordered your ebooks and cd’s last year. Look forward to your weekly emails and my favorite “Mondays with Mike” . I first seen your videos on ” You Tube” and have been hooked ever since then. You bring such knowledge and experience to a industry that is filled with small scaled growers as myself. The wealth of information you have shared with us is so important!! I’m sure you will continue to lead the way in showing us all, how its done…THANK YOU Rick
Hi Mike. I stumbled upon one of your YouTube videos and was so intrigued I went on to your website. So much to read and learn! I’m enjoying the discovery of all you offer. Thank you.
Hi Mike, I am not a member yet, but I enjoy and have learned a lot from your emails and videos on YouTube and Facebook. When I retire in a couple months I hope to become a member and learn even more about backyard gardening. Thanks
I’ve been subscribing to the tips for quite a while now, and saving them. I got five of the clamshell propagators, and a bunch of the VCDs as well. Weather I win or not,I’m enjoying it all. Did anyone ever use my sweet potatoe pie recipe that I posted a year or two back?
I thoroughly enjoy reading everything you write Mike! Several years ago I bought a signed copy of Easy Plant Propagation, made a couple propagation boxes and started making babies..Two or three years ago I ordered your mist system video. I never achieved much success probably too much mist from the heads. This spring I ordered the new system with mist heads, valve, and new timer.Here in south Mississippi it’s difficult to get the shade right.
You and your staff are doing a great job! Keep up the good work and keep writing!
As a high altitude gardener I’m constantly looking for information to vary my landscape. Neighbors are begging for my secrets and most of them have come from your newsletter. I have the best compost in town and people are seeing the results. I am so grateful for your informational letters. Now my children are pretty self sufficient and I’m ready to take the next step into making my gardening viable business. Thanks for the encouragement.
Propagating roses for the Vermont market is a challenge. Your fish tank technique was my first try, and now I’ve graduated to an open-air misting system, but need a better batting average after rooting is accomplished.
I have been reading your post from your site for 2yrs. I dissuaded to buy your kit for growing plants as I love gardening. I purchased some plant around April of this year. Only I have been unsure about when and how to trim the plants that they sit in the pots and get taller everyday. Here in Deer Park, Washington it’s getting colder and I am wondering which would be better for them- plant them in the ground and cut them next year or still take cutting and propagate them now? I have a variety of plant, trees ,and shrubs and they are all in pots. Thank you for your time. Dhori Osgood
Thank you for all your videos and information. It is one of the highlights of opening my email. You remind me of my father who is a master gardener and farmer and who, though getting way up there in years finds the time to not only grow his own garden, but also helps and teaches all the neighbors. Thank you for passing on your knowledge. Thanks again!
Mike – I’ve already purchased your Backyard Growing System and am still studying it, it’s great. Hope to win the membership to the Grower’s Business Center!
lost so many potted plants last winter. need advice on overwintering. thanks dale
Please, please, please – I really need this membership now.
I have used so many of your tips and planting ideas I am looking forward to being able to start propagating on a much bigger scale. Right now I have my hands full starting up a food concession at our farmer’s market.
Can’t find a link for the $7 / 30 day trial so I guess I’ll try my luck at the freebie.
I sure would like to win a lifetime membership to the backyard grower’s business center! I always enjoy reading what Mike has to say and have wanted to be a member for years. Keep up the good work! If this posted twice, sorry.
I’ve enjoyed your information for several years and am seriously thinking about pursuing a supplemental income. This would be such a blessing!
I love to play in the soil! This would be a dream come true! Thank you for all the free information that you share with everyone and most of all, your time.
I wonder how pertinent the Growers Center would be for Canadian growers. Cross border shipping of live plants seems to be difficult if not illegal.
Thanks Mike
My birthday is the 22nd of this month.
This would help me greatly with my retirement income and help make many people happy with the plants they will buy from me…
I wish I would have signed up yrs ago when I got your program. I am sure it would have saved me tons of time and money. Hind sight is 20/20. Thanks for all the work you do and sharing your passion.
looking forward to success with plants just no dinero at this time
Mike and his teaching style really outline how to start a nursery business in an easily understandable as well as enjoyable way and I for one am grateful.
Thanks Mike,
I am heavily interested in permaculture and I’ve been collecting materials to start my own nursery on 7 acres I purchased last year. I know it’s not going to be a walk in the park, but at a this time in my life, it’s way past time for a change. I’ve always had a green thumb and hope I’m able to put it to real use.
Your newsletter has been a great help to me. I ordered your growing system but the business center has always been too pricey for me. I’d really love to win this opportunity.
Bought a couple of your writings…did an experiment using what you said to do and another technique from the web…bet you guess what happened…lol
Would like to be a member, but like yo many of us retired folk, can’t afford it, huhh
And yes I plan to use everything I learn to it’s maximum potential…need the money.
Been reading you news letter now for years just could not afford the whole package.But just the news letter is so info packed I have learned a lot……Hope I win so that I can continue learning
This is a wealth of information. Just getting started, but looks very promising for retirement.
I would love to win this… it would help my non-profit learning garden SOOOO MUCH!
Hi Mike,
I am looking forward to giving the Backyard Growers Business Center a look. Thanks for running the contest.
I’ve been sitting on the sidelines and just enjoying your tutorials to help me with my gardening tasks until now but fall is a good time to go all in even in Minnesota so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Thank you for your invaluable advice and your time.
I tried rooting cuttings as an experiment to see how well your system performed.
I did some red twigged dogwoods and some bridal wreath. To my amazement,
all cuttings had generous root systems in about 4 weeks.
Not sure if the drawing is still opening or not, I sure hope it is. I follow your blog pretty closely and look forward every week to Mondays with Mike. Very valuable information you are distributing and I would love to have access to purchasing some of these plants on the cheap. Thanks for all you do.
I’m just researching this whole thing…I’m intrigued with the whole concept. I’m just getting my feet misted–I don’t want to overwater… I appreciate your sharing your vast knowledge. Thanks
Hi Mike I have been following you for several years now and I use your mist propagation idea to raise my own plants from cuttings for personnel use. Now that I have retired from the military and I’m now settled I would like to take my propagation to the next step and sell a few. Thank you for all you do.
Mike, you have been an inspiration to me for around 14 years. Just this year after all the years of following your website and reading all I could that you have written, I was able to finally get your material. I just retired and living on a small farm in Idaho, so I am now ready to try to apply the “secrets to sucess” and sell plants. I am sadly a city girl and am intimadated to begin and am afraid to fail, but I would love to win a free connect with others . Until I get started and start making money, my resources are very limited. Love and blessings to you
Love the site and all the great info you provide, I would be lost without it.
Thank You
Wow! This is awesome. I’ve been wanting to join this but have been really tight on money. Moving to Oregon soon. Hopefully luck is on my side.
Hey Mike,
The one that I found most useful is the one about spider mites. Glad you addressed it and I don’t feel so alone. Thanks for all the useful advice. Have 28 roses, and yeah you have to keep after the weeds. I use bark ground cover and an English hoe. Weeds hate them!
Hey Mike, after trying to root cuttings for years [ the wrong way] I stumble upon your website and now instead of a 5% success rate, I have a 95% sucess rate. Its amazing how a little guidence can have such a inpact. So my hats off to you and what your doing. As so many others have said Thank You. P.S. Its good to see I’m not the only one who wears Bibs all the time, I love em!
I am very interested in the Backyard Grower’s Business Center. Reading Mike’s emails are very encouraging. I need a source of income, and I like to grow things. I have started figs from cuttings for several years, but nothing else. Last spring I took cutting from several of my plants, just to see what would happen: forsythia, wygela, regosa roses, figs, syringa, etc., and have been amazed at what happened by just sticking them in the ground (sandy soil), mulching them with wood chips, and keeping them watered. Now I am interested in learning to do it the right way.
Hello. Dear Mr. McGroarty:, I want to be a part of your contest so bad to become a member of your business center! I want to be able to chat with the other members on their successes and expertise and also be able to buy plants wholesale! Like you I love plants so much that I get chewed out a lot for talking about them and for buying so many of them! Lol! I recently sent a previous message to you for this request but I do not know for sure if my message got to you. I now send another in hopes of winning! I am currently in the process of opening my own nursery business here in Texas! I have 2 license applications being sent out now! I will start my fall babies around my birthday on September 25th! I’m so excited! I have been gardening in this area for many years now and for some reason I have never sold any of my plants! So many friends have told me I should! I want to thank you so much for inspiring me and prompting me to go ahead and take the next step and do what I should have started over 20 years ago! Thank you so much for sharing your information with me and for so many inspirational and encouraging products you have shared with me! You are a nice guy and I appreciate you! Please keep me in mind as a potential candidate for one of your free lifetime memberships! I do look forward to hearing from you again! Before closing: For years I have secretly dreamed of finding a lilac variety that will grow here in zone 9. If you know of any or have any to sell please let me know! I have been wanting some so bad for years! Ive heard so many discouraging rumors that they wont make it in this hot and humid area! If you have any tips or suggestions on this I will be waiting to find out! Once again I thank you! God bless! God bless America in these troubling times! Until our next discussion!
Fifteen years ago my husband and I met a girl in Honduras who needed medical treatment and we brought her to the US for surgery. We have continued to help her over the years. She graduates from high school in November and has a dream of becoming a doctor and helping others as she has been helped. My motivation for becoming a backyard gardener is to raise money for her to go to the university and medical school.
We are retired, have 2 acres and a high tunnel with which to start our endeavor. I purchased your program several months ago. I have started some cuttings (from our shrubs) in the high tunnel under drip irrigation and they took off like gang busters! We also have several beds that have been enriched with manure, compost, shredded paper, etc. and they are aged and ready! I need the Backyard Growers Business Center in order to get going in this business and enable “our” girl to become a doctor and we can’t afford it on our fixed income.
Mike, thank you so much for this opportunity that you are giving to two lucky people; I pray that I will be one of them.
Hi Mike, just want you to know how much I LOVE your newsletters , and videos! I’m not at all computer savvy, so I had to have my daughter-in-law show me how to put all your videos and e-mails on a memory stick thing! WHEW! Scary! I have plans to set up my raised beds next spring, and I want to make this my husbands and my retirement project. We have 25 acres here in northern NH and sometimes growing the more tender plants can be a bit tricky. But, with a little love and luck, and all your valuable help and insights, I think it will be truly fun and exciting! Please don’t stop what your doing, we all love you! Take care and God Bless, Dee
I would love to get a free membership.
Hi Mike: Thanks for all the information via email over the past few years, maybe 2015 will afford me the time to start my backyard nursery. Thanks again and I hope to be able to take advantage of one of the free memberships.
Always great info.
I love gardening!!
I’ve enjoyed reading your column for several years. I would love to receive one of the two free memberships. I live on social security and can’t afford to pay for it. I’m certain it’s well worth the money! Thank you so much for all the tips you’ve given me thru the years, especially the ones about potting soil. Granny Graddy (Carolyn Graddy)
Ive worked for a nursery for 21 years an u have inspired me to start my own backyard business. Thanks Mike!!
hi mike this is patricia again I thought I would drop you a few lines. I wanted to let you know that I realy injoy your newsletters its pack full of so much information im always learning something new all the time.keep up the good work your friend patricia scott.
Hi Mike as a person just starting-out in the small plant business, your offering of two memberships to two lucky winners is the most valuable tool two winners could ever hope for. The amount of contacts and information contained in the memberships could and should catapult these two winners into a dimension that would take them some valuable time to achieve; I have thrown my hat into the ring along with the others, and wish all the very best of luck.
Thank you Mike for your generous gift. Best regards,
Gerry Saint Laurent
Your propagation techniques have been very helpful in moving our farm business forward. We’ve started a few new plant starts this summer, and are looking forward to adding them to our product line next year!
Bought Mikes Back Yard Nursery package close to 5 or 6 years ago and never went any further with the information. I think getting a free membership would spur me to actually start rooting plants.
” God Bless the U.S” ……… Troy, Ohio
Hello Mike! Always enjoy your videos and literature you provide. It always keeps me inspired to do what i love. I have a large selection of Hostas that i have divided over the years that i would be eager to make available on the sellers board!
It would be a great pleasure to be a part of your Backyard Growers Business Center and be able to purchase and chat and truly learn all that I can. Thank you for all of your emails and videos and help!
Hey Mike,
From the day I came across your videos on youtube I have been a fan. I’ve been inspired by your resourcefulness and the way you communicate your skills in a very down to earth way. As soon as learned from you how sand is great for cutting propagation I went found a container and got those babies growing! I have since created a very small in ground propagation bed which I hope to expand on in the future.
I suppose I relate your every day way of teaching because I’m a fellow Midwesterner (Michigan), but now live in England – I’ve taken your teaching international!
If I could become a member that would be a reasonable next step in my progression, but for now I learn from my own wins and loses.
I would to say THANK YOU for all your time and knowledge you share with the world.
By all means, I am Inspired!
-Bob S.
I am unsure if I qualify for a business membership. I love your articles of loaded information. You give me an opportunity to believe in myself with your open approach system. I follow your ideas, your thoughts and suggestions. You show me hope, when it is difficult keeping your head above water, in which this world gives us nothing but sadness and struggles in making a living.
Working with plants spark life back into us. You give us wisdom , knowledge, encouragement and hope.
I would love to be entered in the Backyard Growers Business Centers membership giveaway!
Thanks so much.
I love the information you send me. I’m very limited on funds and can’t afford any additional cost. I would have joined a long time ago if I could afford it. I save almost all the e-mails you send. I recommend your site to friends often. One of these days I will become a member when finances are better. I would love to meet Mike. He feels like a personal friend. God willing I will get to meet him.
I have gotten a lot of your information in the past and have put some of it to use. I think the missing link is the accessibility to being able to buy plants on the Growers Board.
Question; Are there fruit and/or nut tree cuttings/seedlings for sale in the Business Center ? Comment; Thanks for all the videos,they are very helpful…..Scott
thank you for the lesson on loading a wheelbarrow: a back-breaking task that you made less dreadful and exhausting !!
Thanks for all you do Mike. I like your bib overalls :0)
Love your site, man! Been saving up for a membership so it’ll be pretty sweet to win one!
Wow! I don’t know where to begin! I have been following you for years! I have absorbed SO MUCH information from your website…thank you incredibly so!! I am in the process of starting my own backyard nursery….purchased a few plants, have many more to buy. Have my propagation box built….it’s beautiful! Have your mist system….and almost done clearing an acre by hand (a lot of root pulling). It’s exhausting….but truly the most fulfilling work I’ve ever done! You and your ‘team” Mike McGroarty…are the most inspirational people I know. I’m living my dream getting this business started! I also work elsewhere, so it seems I always miss the window of opportunity to buy into the Backyard Growers Business Center. I pray that once my business is up and running…I can do this full time. My heart is in it…I know it will happen! If I am chosen to win this FABULOUS opportunity…I will do cartwheels…and be forever grateful! If not…I will buy in anyway. This is my love and my passion. I’m so happy I EVER came across your Free Plants.com site. Thank you for teaching me everything you know Mike McGroarty!!! You are an garden angel in disguise!!! Many, many thanks!!! Kory Mink Angradi
Hey Mike, My wife and I are new at this . . . haven’t really started yet, but wanted to go ahead and enter anyway. Thanks! Phil
Hi Mike,
Simply love your News Letter. It is always well written and informative.
Thank you for your love of plants and people.
Keep up the good work.
Starting this process is the most difficult. From Mike the thing that I cant seem to get out of my head is that I dont have to have acres of land to be able to have a little business growing plants.
I left a comment the other day. This email I am answering was subject Re;, so I want to make sure I am in the running for a lifetime membership. I love plants and I would love to make money from that love. I have watched all of your Mondays with Mike and soaked in so much great new information. I love the videos. My greatest nugget of information I have received from you is to use the business board. I have followed many conversations and learned. I have received plants bought off the board and had a lot of very positive dealings with other growers. It is the greatest!
I do want to thank you for your planting soil recipe. My potted plants all seem to be struggling. We have the greatest weather here on the central coast of California, so I know it’s not that. I am going to make up the new potting soil, just like you said to do. I know that Dagwood sandwich is going to make all the difference!
I was also confused, until your video on where and why to cut when you are topping a plant to make it bushier. I have used pretty much all of the information you share, but these two things were probably the most useful for me at the time.
Thank you!
Julie Loving
Great information Mike, already planted some stuff for next year that i got from your information I purchased.
Would really like to be a member but finances are limited right now.
Hopefully that is changing soon!
Mike, I just received my 5″ pots that I ordered from you. All 250 pieces were there (after working retail for 30 years I count everything).
I can’t wait to start using them!
Pat Marks
Hi Mike,
Every since I’ve been following your site and getting your emails (several years), I have wanted to start my own nursery. The things you do and the “inventions” that you have come up with to use in a backyard nursery have been AWESOM! I love plants! When I share your ideas with my husband he says “that can’t work”. Imagine his susrprise when it does!!! The best part is that it is always easier and cheaper to do things your way. What an experience! So far I have only been able to use your wisdom for myself and to pass along to my mom and aunt who are both in their eighties and have the most beautiful yards around. Keep up the good work and THANKS for sharing with the rest of us. Hope to win a membership…look out here plants here I come!
I have been a fan for many years, but never took the big step into ordering and becoming a grower/seller. I love plants, absolutely and positively. I love learning about them, planting them, learning about them and growing them. I want to be a small scale grower and sell at the local farmer’s market, but can’t seem to take that first step. I am retired, have vision problems and seem to have the mentality “why do I want to start this now” I am fast becoming and am a senior citizen! I would dearly love to sell my plants with pictures and descriptions of them, but just can’t do it on a large scale. I feel so comfortable with Mike, he sincerely cares about people, as he does with plants. His would certainly make a good life story in a good book. Thanks Mike for making this world a happier and greener place.
I’m going on the assumption that I will win one of the memberships.
Now to decide what plants I want to start with….guess I should wait to do the final planning when I win.
Mike, the info you give out is so valuable. I bought, and use the misting system and it is the best thing a newby will ever buy and use to help him be able to have a very high percentage of successful propagation. if a person follows your advice, there is no way he can fail.i used to couldnt grow a plastic plant. now my success rate is outstanding. thank you so much.
Mike, I have to say that you are truly an inspiration. I have been following your site for a couple years now and am amazed at the amount of content you give us all. Recently, I purchased your “Small Plants, Big Profits from Home” pkg, and it is truly amazing! There is no where else where you can get this much information for such a small price. It is truly worth 10 times your asking price. If people take consistent action with your methods, there is no doubt in my mind that they will be successful. When one is able to sign on with your Backyard Growers Business Center, it will truly accelerate their success! Thank You, and looking forward to your next newsletter.
Just starting out with my nursery, I grow Bromiliads. Working on a website and would like to expand my selection. I enjoy reading your information but not much for my part of the country. Will try the ‘trial membership’ this month.
Hi Mike,
I really appreciate your honesty and integrity. I have been sitting on the fence about my backyard nursery business for 6 years as my backyard honeybee apiary consumes every available dollar I have. Should I not win the free membership, my goal for 2015 is to earn sufficient profits from my honey sales to finally get in!
I’ve been a follower for several years now, and have enjoyed your advice and suggestions over the years. Thanks for sharing, I’ve received so much from your tips and guidance. I hope I’m one of the membership winners, Thanks for the opportunity… Thom
i have enjoyed the knowledge that i have received from you on this site. i like the direct no nonsense approach. keep on with this and you will certainly be apprecieated
Great Idea to attract new people. Anybody in the south Florida area (growing Zone 10-11)? Interests in cactus, succulents and tropical plants. Anyway I wish I was further north in the areas to grow Japanese maples and where is actually gets cool to cold during the winter. Good information on Mike’s site!
I have been following Mike since the beginning, got his backyard growers package over 8 years ago and have been growing ever since. I have been focusing on edible fruit trees and perennials mostly and have the tips and tricks from Mike’s postings to thank for that.
Mike, you offer some great resources. Your business is an inspiration. I’ve enjoyed your book and videos–they have been a real inspiration, and I’ve done more gardening this year than ever previously. Thanks.
I have recently developed a seizure disorder so home employment will be in my future for a long time. I love gardening and have tried many of your methods. Would really like to go big time but having lost my job, I do not have the money to buy the membership. A free membership would be a dream come true — I could learn more AND do the thing I love the most, work in the garden!
Shannon Whipple
We just ordered the misting system.
Can’t wait to get started!
Have a nice weekend!
Please enter me for a chance to win a free life time membership.
Thank you
Howdy Mike. We found out about your business from a friend and really liked what we saw on your website. We (actually it was mostly my wife) made a bunch of cuttings this year and are looking forward to learning more about plant propagation. Thanks for all the helpful information!
I learn something ,every Issue I read
Mike, thanks for all the great information. I love the thought of doing something you love and make money while doing it. Thanks for that.
I love all the emails and videos I receive about growing plants and taking care of different plants and trees. Even though I’ve not financially been able to join,I’ve loved to read the emails that Mike so generously still sends my way!
Hi Mike,
Thanks you for all the great information you share with your emails and blog. I have been reading and learning for a few years now. Getting started with my own backyard growing. I am making small steps with cuttings and air propagation. My next step is probably to get serious about selling.
Thanks again,
HI, I appreciate this chance to have a free membership as I am dirt poor.
Hello Mike,
I’m just about ready to jump in this plant business with both feet! I sure could use a free membership and would greatly appreciate it. Thanks so much for all your efforts.
I just found your utube videos and then followed on to your website. I downloaded the handbook and found some great information. Thank you so much and I am crossing my fingers on winning the membership!
I always enjoy reading your tips and information.
I am an avid fan of Backyard Grower and Mike and have loved gardening since I first practiced it with my mother 60 years ago! I have lots of seedlings, cuttings, and plants I have grafted. I would eagerly participate as a wholesale supplier but I cannot afford the membership fees. I wish you had a program where could be membership could be paid within one year, as income from a plant business evolved.
I’m excited about the opportunity to win a free membership!
Hi Mike,
Thanks for running this promotion. You have a lot to offer!
Hey Mike,
I did not believe we would ever be able to grow actual plants from our cuttings. But the end of June we took the clippers to our Golden Bells forsythia. Well, all we did was strip most of the leaves, put them in flat filled with peat moss, wet them down and put them in a plastic trash bag and stored in a shady spot. We have checked them every week for 2 months and today I potted them up! They had beautiful roots. I now have 38 pots (I put 3 to a pot) of forsythia plants. We are beyond happy with what we have learned.
Taking more cuttings this week and yes, I would like to win the Backyard Grower’s membership!
Thanks Mike,
Mike really learned a lot on propagation . Did what you said on a small trial run this late winter here in Texas and it worked great , my wife loved the extra plants . We live on a small 80 acre farm shared with her brother( hey everything is bigger in Texas) . We all work 50 to 70 hours a week with our other J.O.B’s , still I want to start this slowly and work it up so I can retire on the farm in next 6 to 8 years. Keep up the great work ! And down here we aren’t afraid to say it ” God Bless and Happy Trails to you ! ” Chip Dickerson.
I have learned a lot about starting new plants from the soft wood cuttings. Thank you for all your help!!!
I’m just starting and I haven’t sold anything yet, but I have collected everything I can from the Backyard Nursery and now I’ve signed up for the four week passive income course – so I’m on my way especially if I win a free membership.
Always enjoy your bits of info, they help keep me inspired to work on my yard and garden!
It is the best time of day, reading your info and going to the garden! I’d love to have access to
all of your great knowledge!
Love your Newsletter. Look forward to reading my inbox, and I do keep them to refer back to them. I’m just getting started in the plant business again. I had a green house before I moved, but I couldn’t take it with me. I have never started cuttings (just seeds). Looking forward to trying your method. I have purchased some of the things I need to get started, Rooting hormone, mist stix, and the lumber to make my beds. Still have a ways to go, but I am excited. Still looking into what I want for plant stock also, so many things to consider. Thank you for all of your help with your newsletters. They are a big help with the questions that I have. Happy Gardening to all.
Hi Mike,
Your generosity, your business model, your marketing style and techniques are all very interesting and helpful to me. I have worked with plants before and been in the retail end of the business as a garden center operator. The idea of launching into the production end of the industry is very appealing to me, you make it look practical and achievable. Thanks for all you do, you are helping a lot of people through your work.
Hey mike!
I just wanted tell you have been a great influence since I was 13 years old, now I am 27 and still learning new things everyday! You are the person that got me interested in starting a hobby into a potential small business! I received a set of VHS cassettes back when I was 13 and still watch them on occasion when I need to buffer my mind :p anyway this is great opportunity to join the backyard growers business center! Okay thanks and have a great day!
Hi Mike,
Thank you for the opportunity to become a member of your Backyard Growers’ Business Center! I have been following you for a few (maybe several?) years now, and have desired to start a business of this sort, but have not taken the plunge. Maybe, if I win this membership, it will be the push I’ve needed!
Hello Mike,
I appreciate all of the information you provide to many of us who log on and visit your site. Information is worth more than you think, without it we are all lost.
Thank You
I love dirt and growing things. I would be ecstatic to win this.
Thanks so much for giving us an opportunity to win a lifetime membership.
Thanks, Mike for all your tips and sharing your knowledge with us for the past several years. Now that I have retired from the 9-5 world, I need this to keep me going. Each seed that germinates is a new wonder and challenge to keep healthy. Your input and accessibility provides many answers. Grow on! Thanks again.
Life time membership would be very nice.
Your enthusiasm and passion with plant propagation is a super inspiration to aspiring gardeners everywhere. Thank you for being there to encourage others to become achievers and accomplish dreams of a lifetime.
O.K. Mike
I feel like a winner, pick me.
I WOULD LOVE TO BE A Member if only I had the money. PLANTS ARE MY PASSION and you have the best and easiest system ever. I’M HOPING FOR A CHANCE TO HAVE FUN WITH ALL OF YOU. THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR HELP MAKING ONE OF MY DREAMS COME TRUE. Thank you Kim (Harper) Orona
I have been following you for a few years now. I finally have time to start some plants and try my hand at business. I built a really nice raised garden bench and have been successful with that, so on to bigger and better things. You really have it going on Mike!
I don’t know a lot about websites etc., But, I have always thought that your members gardening site looked and sounded like a wonderfully helpful idea for those of us who get so excited about growing things, and I also remember part of what I read before, about propagating trees and bushes, was great, you know where you used an old aquarium, it sounds amazing, unfortunately, I had too many concusions, while serving in the U S Marine Corps, so I have a very hard time doing and learning new things. That is part of the reasons that the V A put me on service connected disability, I would love to win one of these memberships, as this is the only way that I will ever be able to get one, thank you for what you do to help others enjoy growing thing, please keep up your wonderful work ! thank you Anthony L. Chester < aka [email protected],
p.s. good to see a fellow overall brother doing what he likes and helping others.
Hi I bought your book and can’t stop reading it.
Hi Mike! I’ve been following you for a year or so. I always check out what you are sharing to my email. I admire you and your system. I absolutely love Fergus and Finnegan 🙂 I would love to win free access the BGBC! Thank you for continually sharing so much. You are so appreciated.
You just have to be the most knowledgeable person I know. I think you have this whole plant thing down to a science. You seem to be better at this than the County Extension Agents I’ve spoke to. Thank you for being a part of my new endeavor as a Nurseryman.
love all the plant info you give out
I love reading and seeing different things on your website
I enjoy your Monday’s with Mike
This would get me back to work…
Hey Mike,
From the day I came across your videos on youtube I have been a fan. I have been inspired by your resourcefulness and the way you communicate your skills in a very down to earth way. As soon as I learned from you that sand is great for cutting propagation I went found a container and got those babies growing! I have since created a very small in ground propagation bed which I hope to expand on in the future.
I suppose I relate your every day way of teaching because I’m a fellow midwesterner (Michigan), but now live in England – I’ve taken your teaching international!
If could become a member that would be a reasonable next step in my progression, but for now I learn from my own wins and loses.
Well whether my name is drawn or not I want to say THANK YOU for all your time and knowledge you share with the world.
By all means I am inspired!
I am new to this site and I have not posted anything yet,but I have learned so much so quick I can not tell you how thankful I am for your knowledge. I am gardner at heart and will begin to do what you teach. THANK YOU.
Hi Mike,
I am a retired medic (just shy of 25 years). Was working up till two years ago in pharmaceuticals. Our company was bought out by a larger company and a lot of us were let go. Most of the little money (retirement) is going to keep our house and property. I have put in for many jobs but am finding out there is unprovable age discrimination (I just turned 61). I started getting your emails in the hopes of setting up a growing operation here at our homestead but cannot even get up the extra money to do the trial membership. I have been scraping together the parts (free on craigslist) or anywhere else I can find them with the intention of a misting bed soon. Even if I do not qualify for a free membership our intentions are to eventually purchase one.
Thanks for listening to my tale of woe.
Honey Hollow Homestead
Jonesborough TN
(yes we keep bees)
Hi Mike!
I have been a follower of your free garden blog updates on freeplants.com and YouTube for quite a while now and have just recently been able to purchase your system.
As a college student, things are always a little tight in the finances area, but hopefully with your program and continuing information I will be able to take my hobby of gardening and turn it into an actual source of revenue for me when other things falter! Lord knows that people enjoy coming in and looking at the assortment of flowers and veggies that I have been able to grow in a dorm room (even with the occasional purchase)! Who knows what else I might be able to get growing and selling!
Again, I can’t say how excited I am to try and make this work and I love all of the things that you do!
Thanks bunches!
Hi, Mike! I receive your newsletter frequently. Have bought your program and am hoping to implement the knowledge. Keep up the good work.
I have ben propigating for a year now.I have sold all in gallon pots. I think i need to start selling some rooted cuttings.Thanks to all the info i have received from you the plant business is doing good.
I really enjoy reading your tips. I liked the tip about putting newspaper down before mulching
Thanks for all the wonderful info in your newsletters!
I bought your materials a few years ago. I haven’t tried growing plants for profit (yet) but I sometimes daydream about having a small backyard nursery specializing in all different kinds of Holly plants-and not just because my name is Holly.
Sounds wonderful!
I have always loved watching your “how to” and “why to” videos, you’re a wealth of information.
I Love the donkeys and your humor!
Keep on keeping on!
I enjoy gardening and reading about plants. I think this could give me an idea of something to keep me busy as a second job or job after retirement in a few years. I enjoy Mike’s posts and he makes everything sound easy. I think this is one area that could motivate me to do something with my life after retirement. I think we all need a purpose and have heard too many people retiring and dong nothing! Not for me. Have a blessed day.
Hi Mike,
I really enjoy reading your blog. I have learnt a lot and love putting it to practice.
I hope to one day join the Backyard Grower’s Business Membership, but it would be awesome to win a free membership now.
Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom and expertise! Keep up the great work!
I just would like to get going with this thing in my retirement,,,sounds good and interesting
Thanx Paul
I’d love to win a free membership. I’ve been following you for years and have been rooting cuttings with great success, thanks to you. I’ve been dying to get in the growers club but it’s just been out of reach financially. Pick me haha.
I have completed the Master Gardener Class here in Montgomery, Texas, and am so excited to learn even more here with you, Mike. I’ve been reading your e-mails for quite some time now, and you always offer so much great information. I am now ready to start a ‘growing factory!’ Would sure appreciate the opportunity to be a MEMBER!
Thanks for all you do for all of us.
Lady Lou
We have found the information in the newsletters, Monday’s with Mike videos and the handbook all invaluable. We bought the growers book about a year ago. I admit that I still haven’t sold plants. Our soil is sand so I’m having to be picky about what to plant. Recently Mike sent out an email about plants that do well in sand; I’m hoping to get things rolling better now. We’ve never bought the membership for lack of funds. We hope to win.
I’d Love to win a free membership!
Hello Mike,
I have been a fan for a few years. I’m retired with a limited income but I’m having a ball with your propagation system. I have limit space but I built a small small sandbox per your instructions and have had great success. I can not afford the business system but with the free membership I could expand and get serious about selling plants. Thanks for all you do and keep up the good work!
Hi Mike Ive Been checking your website out for a while now and have lots of helpful information thank you so very much, this coming spring . I hope to began a flower and produce operation so I hope I can win a membership ,if not I plan to join as some as i can afford it again thank you so much for providing so much helpful information !
I have been receiving your email for some time now and enjoy them very much. i am 75 years old and live in the detroit suburbs . I have one acre of land, the time and a keen desire to make the rest of my life useful and profitable. I sure would be grateful if I were to win your generous offer of free membership.
Michael Goze
Please pick me
I’ve been applying and practicing Mike and Amber’s tips for awhile. I’m getting good success at propagating now. I have a small greenhouse ($200 from big box store) and have successfully saved and grown seeds. I’ve been giving plants away – and am getting educated and prepared for selling next. I’ve been experimenting with different growing mediums and conditions to see what gives the sturdiest strongest plants as they grown.
I’m getting my nursery license next.
We bulldozed our land to have several ponds to provide water for growing plants.
I got Mike’s beginning ebook – which is chock full of practical and easy to apply information and tips to learn the basic plant growing/selling business from home. It’s fun and easy to read, too – with Mike’s backyard sense of country humor. Right, Donkeys?
I love my plants – and want to share them and that plant love with more people.
I share plant love and tips with my community through Cornell University’s volunteer master program. These connections give a lot of impetus to learning more – and sharing more – about growing plants.
I look forward to the next stage of my selling-plants-from-home developing business.
Thanks Mike and family, Amber, and Donkey’s – and fellow plant lovers on this site for so much great information and ideas and inspiration.
Discovering Mike has been very inspirational to me. I am not selling yet, but at least I
will have the info I need when I am ready. The best part is knowing where to order these
inexpensive plants from. But all of the tips are so helpful, like the donkey video which suggests
using the earth to insulate against the cold.
Mike has shared great tips over the years. He is a great resource of information — experience that he has gained by “hands-on”. The fact that he is willing to share what he’s learned says a lot about him. PLUS he shares great resources with everyone.
Hi Mike, love your site and emails. Been fallowing you for few years now. Learned a lot. Thx
Hello again Mike. you send me another email so I want to post another comment. I don’t know if you can comment more than once for the drawing but I just wanted to say thanks again for the valuable service your provide. Also I am looking for inexpensive reliable sources of draught tolerant ornamental grasses. I am located in Riverside, Ca. so we need all the help we can with this severe drought.
God Bless
and Thanks again!
I would love to start a small nursery business but need lots of help. You’re the best!
I am truly burned out with the IT field so I am ready to return to my “roots”. Thanks for all your helpful videos and reading materials.
Thanks Mike!
We purchased your starter kit a couple of years ago, but haven’t found the money since then to take it any further, so I hope we win.
Kim & Jay
Thank you Mike!
My wife and I have been reading your newsletters for some time now.
We want to really get into this as soon as we retire in a year or so.
Love your information on plant and seed propagation it has
opened up possibilities I did not realize before.
Thanks for the opportunity, Mike! I’d REALLY like to become a member, but I just can’t scrape enough together at this time. Maybe I’ll get lucky!
All the best to you and yours,
Jim Bartilson
Wouldn’t I love to have a free membership to the business center! I tried to sign up once, but had to cancel as it wasn’t in the budget. Now we’re starting over and I’d really love to be able to access all the deals and knowledge. We’ll even plan to be there next summer or sooner.
Think positive for us!
Donna & Anthony
I’ve seen several of your videos and found them helpful. One of my teachers in Hort school showed them sometimes, as well. I would love to win the membership.
thanks mike. love your articles.
I have to say that all the info I collected from you prompted me to start my own business with a nursery. Unfortunately , I had to let it go due to the fact we were squeezed for money due to a layoff and I was working full time to boot. The business did very well I have to say, just not big enough for me to stop working full time.
You are a wonderful person for sharing your knowledge ..a rare breed so to speak. I do pass on alot of the info though and I do work as a nursery assistant for a living now. It became a win win situation for me. Thank You!
Sincerely Yours,
Donna Schlesier
I have been flowing you for a long time. I have been wanting to do this for a long time. Just never know where to start. I LOVE plants and flowers.I even like the smell of dirt lol. Have been in the floral industry for 30 years. Looking for something to retire to and earn money.
Hello Mike, always appreciate the great information you generously give out via your website. Thank you. Richard c
Hi. Thanks for all the information over the years we have lots of acres that we as a family like you need the income and love plants we just did not have the money to join. But thanks for all information. We still keep in touch.
Hi Mike:
I bought the misting system a while back and have been quite successful thanks to you.
Thanks a million for all your knowledge and help.
You have a good heart to share all your know how.
I have been a follower for years. Amassing information and awaiting a time when I could have the time and space to apply. I have purchased items from you and collected tools and the like. I have finally found my spot. I have moved from Illinois to Jackson, MS where I am a part of a group that is creating a federation of cooperatives including … URBAN FARMING!!! We have 25 acres we will be preparing over the next couple of weeks.. I am now ready to pull out the stops and take the lessons I have amassed from you over the years.
Thank you!
I’ve been enjoying your emails and posts and am working up the courage to begin making baby plants. A membership would be a huge incentive to do it now.
Mie, I just cam upon your website yesterday and have begun to read as much as I possibly can about your system. I look forward to taking the next step!!
Hi Mike,
I started reading your newsletter when my oldest daughter (now nine) was a baby. I have learned so much from you! I love your straightforward approach and your overalls! 🙂 I also appreciated how down to earth you are. I have read your e-books and been a member of your forum a couple of times. Keep up the good work!!
ps. I now have four little future gardeners, all of whom are learning from what you’ve taught me!
Hi Mike! I’ve followed you for years! I check on rooting items that no one but you have written about. One year I used your information and sprouted over 100 Dogwood seed. I am going to try it again this year for a donation to a local gardening club for the spring sale for charity. This is getting serious, I need to take the step and do this for myself. So I am in! Thank you for the opportunity
Mike, I have enjoyed the info, videos, and pics you send. Even though I am in Southeast tx, alot of your information helps me. Debbie
Starting my business now by cuttings!
I’m about 7 years from retirement and am working towards a plant selling business. Put in a mist propagation system this summer and we’ll see who makes it through the winter. I’ve learned quite a bit from you, Mike, and appreciate your inventiveness.
Appreciate your efforts. Awhile ago I signed up for the business center then later due to personal circumstance had to withdraw. Your office refunded the fee no questions asked. That sold me! It’s a sign of quality and integrity.
MIke – Thanks for sharing your years of experience and know-how with us. Many lives have been touched by your willingness to share – Live Long and Prosper!
HI, All…
Just wanted to put in a good word for Mike and his plant program. I’ve purchased several “grow system kits” (DVD’s, booklets, etc) over that past years and have gained good info from them both times. I’ve also been a grower for a number of years…produce/truck farming, vegetable and herb seedlings, shrubs, etc, and no matter how long we all do this there is always something that can be learned from each other.
Good goin’, Mike! You teach and still realize there is always more to learn, whether its from experience of the input from others, a rare trait to have.
Although I’m not a member of the backyard growers I’ve thought about it several times; I hope others follow through and take a peek!
Best to all.
Happy growing!
Love all your hints and tips! I’ve been experimenting, taking baby steps and have had good results. Would love to be a member so that I can build my plant database. Keep up the good work!
111 I would like to enter for a chance to win a lifetime membership to the Backyard Grower’s Center
Ditto on helping us develop our entrepreneur spirit
Having just retired and being on a very limited budget, I would LOVE a lifetime membership in your Backyard Growers Business Center. I hope to start growing plants and seedlings on a small scale, and need all the advice I can get!
Thanks for this opportunity,
Shirley Wetzel
Hi. I’ve been getting your emails for many years. I thought I had a membership to the backyard growers. But can’t recall my info. So I hope I win this!
Thank you
Peggy Gesinger
I used your system for misting my cuttings and potting up plants in Alabama. As a result, I was able to open a small plant nursery. Your system really works. I have now moved to Spokane Valley, WA and would love to be in contact with the growers in your Business Center. A free membership would be GREAT.
Thanks for giving me a shot at it.
I did the test drive and loved it. Unfortunately, I hade to stop my subscription due to personal issues. Just throwing my name in the hat. Thanks for all you have taught me!!! You are the real deal friend. Have a great day,
Enjoying all the tips and hints for myself and hoping to grow large enough to actually have a part time retirement income.
Backyard growers Business Center.
Hi mike, I have been enjoying the weekly information. The membership sure would be nice to get me started on a path to independence.
My husband is a member on this site and he’s learned quickly from other growers how to successfully his plants to enable him to provide for our family as a secondary income. He forwarded the email to me about entering this drawing because he wants me to become more aware of what this site is about and how I can get more involved…so here I am! Cheers to whoever the winners are!
Hi Mike, just started doing rooted cuttings this year. Last year I planted about 100 Yucca seeds and they are doing good. lost a few from the bad weather last . but I still have alot. and thousands of more seeds this yr. I am trying my hand at some butterfly bushes , and some cuttings from friends and family yards. Not alot of room but I’m making due. Have A great day.. Vicki
I really enjoyed my short time in the group but due to Breast Cancer I couldn’t afford the fee.. Would love to win 🙂
I have your dvds. I watch them over and over.
I am 66 years old and I need all the help I can get and this site has a lot of information ….
Thank you for all the useful and easy to understand information. And thank you for the opportunity to win the prize!
I really appreciate all the tips and info, Mike!
Would love to pursue this more. Great info. thanks.
My Birthday is on Sept 6th. A free membership would make a terrific birthday present.
Happy Birthday Chuck!
For years I did all the wrong things to my plants. Just using the free info from the website blog has made a huge difference in my success ratio. As soon as I get my State certification I’ll be able to sell my rooted cuttings and make enough to start really growing and trading plants. Thanks Mike.
I enjoy reading and viewing information about the proper ways to plant propagation.
I really appreciate the down-to-earth information you share. It’s truly helpful. Thank you!
I love what y’all do. My current goal is cutting up dead trees and stump removal to pay a debt. Yall have helped a lot . Thank you for the great info. God bless. Sean Meacham
Mike, I have enjoyed all you lessons, books, e books and great ideas for the past 4 plus years.
This is what I want to do when I retire. Just kidding I will never retire. But I want to be a Back yard grower to make my living.
Hopefully I can make that happen in the near future.
Thanks again .
Would love to have the free membership. My wife and I started our nursery this spring and intend to build it up!!
Loved the videos on how to grow Japanese Red maples from seed. They are not one of the easier ones to grow, so THANKS!
I ran across you probably about 10 years ago, searching for information on composting (I believe your website was called Dirt Farmer or something). I was living on a postage stamp of a lot with only a 3×15 foot strip along the side of my garage that got any kind of sunshine. I was looking primarily to raise vegetables, but was fascinated by the information you had on plant propagation. I bought your Backyard Nursery info product about a year and a half ago, while still in my house with the tiny shaded yard. I now have 5 acres of sunshine in a new state and am researching what the local nurseries are buying from smaller operators like myself. I’m hoping this hobby will grow into a business that I can do full time and possibly pass on to my children. Thanks so much! I love the videos and articles you send out.
Thank you Mike for the video on using the Mantis tiller for breaking down the compost pile!!!
Many of your videos have been extremely useful.
love to win and get lots of plants to sell and helpful info
Because of the health problems I have I can not move too good. But I’m telling you that when
it comes to my plants its wonderful and even though I’m slow I don’t think about my troubles or pain because I’m loving my plants.
This is wonderful, thanks for all the tips you’ve given us.
When I stumbled upon your site a few months ago, I truly was so excited! The thought of making some money while doing something I love sounded perfect to me! Right now, I am trying to read as much as possible since I am unable to actually start the process. We are getting ready to move and I will have to wait until next summer. 🙁 I love reading and learning as much as I can! I think my family thinks I’m crazy for wanting to pursue this, but I would love to prove them wrong! Ha!
Thank you so much for all of your wonderful videos and the enormous amount of information that you provide. 🙂
Mike just a simple Thank You for what you do!
Just moved back to NC from Alaska. Will
would like to win !
I enjoyed the timely explanation on how to save geraniums for winter. I am interested in learning more about propagating geraniums from cuttings. I am trying to develop a lesson with students explain how to make a geraniums cutting. I have use some of your advice with students to produce cuttings with mums. Today we planted the mums outside they started in the summer. All of these students are in a school with physical and emotional challenges. It was great watching them learn a new skill.
Right now we are still in a rented condo, our plans for a house with a yard have been pushed back. So I practice grafting and starting plants and even crossing some flowers. They are in the house on the porch and all around the edges of the building where I can stick a plant or two. My friend love it because the are on the receiving end of all my practice!
LOVE this site, love getting the updates, love love love your encouragement Mike! Keep up the great work and best wished in all things for you and yours!
I love all of the tips and ideas! Your book on CD has been very helpful!
Hi MIke
I purchased the backyard grower’s package a few years ago. I also subscribed to the message board and receive the newsletters. I would be in interested in the grower’s business center. My fiancé and I are gearing up to start our plant operation soon. We have been growing and selling organic vegetables for a few years while building up our non-patented landscape plant inventory for cuttings. We value the information you share in the package and newsletters and appreciate your genuine nature. Thanks for all.
Ken Laux
Prairie Sun Farms
I love your videos, emails and all other literature you offer. It is very helpful in figuring out how to do so many gardening projects. Our house here in Raleigh is very small, but our family has a farm in Iowa. Maybe next year is the year to get serious. BTW, when we were growing up we had 3 donkeys. So I get so excited to see you and your miniature donkeys! Thanks for all you do for us gardeners.
Please enter me in the contest. Thank you.
I purchased your CD’s several years ago. I have since become a master gardener. I would love have a full membership in your organization. You have so much to offer.
Hey Mike,I think your information is great my only concern is I know nothing about business as far as permits and licences and such do you know where I can take classes online.
Hi Mike!
I have been reading the emails sent to me and the advice on how to take cuttings has been very helpful!! Information on when to trim back Hydrangeas, potting benches, making compost, mulching, all of it has had some bit of information that has helped me a great deal. This year was the first year that I have made any kind of money at all in my attempts to start a business!! It was only $60 but it was the first $60 that I have been able to make in 4 or 5 years!!! The past years have been plagued with working many hours at a full time job, surviving a full venomous copperhead bite, and no money, on top of that I rescued a special needs dog, Hooch, that had to have an amputation. Hooch has a hard time digging now, but still helps me a great deal to dig holes for my transplants.
Many thanks to you and yours for sending out these emails!!! I hope I win but if not then as soon as I can see my way clear a bit more I will be joining your Backyard Growers Business Center.
Sherry L. Gale.
Hi Mike, i appreciate your insightful email distributions. I’m in hardiness zone 9b. If you have recommendations for top sellers that i can propagate in my zone, i would be grateful.
Your emails contain a wealth of information……..thank you!
Thanks for the tips.
You are certainly doing a fantastic job in helping back yard growers getting their businesses off and running. The newsletter is informative. I really want to get started and has been saving towards it.
Hey Mike,Dustin and family…Please put me in for the drawing…thanks
I have enjoyed Mike’s videos and tutorials for several years. As I get close to retirement I would love to start a greenhouse and plant business. I have rooted several things this summer using the clear plastic container method. Have good success until someone in my family (I won’t say who) backed into it a cracked it the same day we had a storm. The box filled up with water and I didn’t know about it for a couple of days. Some plants survived the hot deep water and some didn’t.. Next time I’ll pick a better place to leave it.
I would love, love, love to win a life time membership!!
Can I enter again. If not just delete this reply. If so sure hope I win. Have been receiving your emails for few years now and think I am now in the position to get started.
Why did they name a candy after us?
Thanks Mike.
What a great idea. I already do cuttings. Looking forward to winning the life time membership! Hopefully. Thanks chris
hi mike. been a subscriber to your newsletter for years and owner of your system. looking forward to subscription to your “private” area should i be picked.
Thanks for all the information you share. Enjoy all your stuff.
We love your videos!
Mike’s course is better than a pocket in a T-shirt!
I am just getting started and I have learned so much from you already. I think you are a stand up guy and you have a a lifetime of knowledge that you are willing to share. The world needs more people like you. I just got your misting kit and I am looking forward to starting my first cuttings soon.
Thanks Mike
LOVE to get your informative emails! There is always something new and fun to learn about. Thanks for your hard work in making growing plants so much fun!
i am starting a backyard nursery following your methods. want to join, but cannot afford it now.
I took the $7 tour way before I SHOULD have, but was so excited about this I wanted to find out what it was all about, and how people were doing. Circumstances have prevented me from going forward until now. Soon I will be moving to a new place with enough room, and no ‘codes’ that will keep me from getting this started. I have about all the emails and weekly things you have published, but will not be able to afford the
Business Center for a while. would love to win this. Thanks for all you do Mike.
Keep up the good work Mike
We appreciate the information. We have learned a lot from your program. We’re in the process of getting our nursery up and running.
I found you thru a You Tube video while perusing one of my many gardening catalog’s web site. I have never regretted the time viewing everything I could find that featured you. I have .96 of a bare acre and I had spent $$$$ planting trees, bushes, flowers and berries. I had matured in my quest for plants to asking people who were thinning their healthy plants to give me samples…then i discovered you and now I have the inspiration to root my plants that I want multiples of, for border hedges within my fenced backyard. I intend to develop a backyard nursery after I experiment with my flowering bushes, while following your instructions. Please continue you Monday morning newsletter.
Appreciate your down to earth approach!! Look forward teaching my little boy the joys of ‘playing in the dirt’ as soon as he’s of age. Thank you for sharing what you’ve learned and learning!:-)
Thank you so much for all of your informative videos and literature. It has always been a dream of ours to have a small nursery. We started out with an idea and now, with everything we have learned just from you, we have thousands of new plants and are well on our way to making a nursery a reality!
I would love to win a membership to help me grow my fledgling nursery. Mike’s information is invaluable and I am selling my plants at my first Farmers Market later this month 🙂
i ordered some of your books ,but working 7 days a week didn’t leave much time.now that i am retired i think i might start,thank you very much.
Hi Mike,
I love gardening and have been doing it for years at my home. I recently purchased your Backyard Growing Business System and can’t wait to get started.
The information and advice you offer in your newsletters and videos is very helpful and easy to understand. Your information is truly the best out there!
Thank you so much for all your effort, valuable guidance and inspiration you give to all.
Best regards,
Hey, Mike! Been gleaning from you for years. A back yard nursery is my retirement plan for when the landscaping puts me in a wheel chair! If I won a free lifetime membership I might start sooner rather than later and switch to a business where I actually made money!
I know you know what it is like but at 35 I’ll beat my head against the wall for a little while longer.
Mike’s Backyard Nursery is awesome. I have listened to many of his videos. His techniques and ideas are very helpful. He has ways that are time and cost savers too. I hope to retire soon and start growing for sale fulltime.
I started out with whit plastic bags from your you tube videos. But what I found so helpful and a real game changer was the intermittent mist and the fact that you made a package available for us. It has been great! Thank you so much!
Hello Mike. I enjoy your tips. I just wish I had the time to put them to good use. Hopefully I will find the time soon to build myself a nice little greenhouse and put to use some of the tips you have written and shown us about. keep up the good work
Hello Mike,
I came across your website a couple of years ago researching Japanese maples. I became familiar with the many articles and videos you have posted and have gleaned a lot of information from the DVDs, How to Start a Backyard Nursery on 1/20 of an Acre or Less, How to Easily Propagate Thousands of Plants at One Time, and your publications, The Gardner’s Secret Handbook, How to Start Your Own Money Making Backyard Nursery and Easy Plant Propagation. I feel as though I have taken a college course on plant propagation. The next logical step for me is to build an intermittent mist system and see what I can produce on my 1/2 acre of land. I would love to win one of the free memberships to the Backyard Growers but if I don’t, I will continue to access the information that you provide through your many formats and increase my knowledge base on plant propagation. Thank you for all the information that you have provided throughout the years and for allowing me to share your experiences through your website.
Wichita, KS
Hi Mike,
I’ve been following you for years. You have been such an inspiration that I cannot wait until I retire fully in 2 years to jump in the game you have been doing and sharing with us for so long.
I appreciate all the information you have given me and all the tips as well! I especially liked the one video you posted about eliminating a problem area in the lawn and then just reseeding over the dead stuff…
Thank you Mike for everything. Even if I don’t win one of the free ones, I’ll be there eventually..
I read your gardening news letter faithfully I watch all of the U-tube videos I can. It has just been out of reach for me money wise .
If I forget how to do something plant wise or didn’t know in the first place I just log on to Mike’s blog and almost always find the information I need. Thanks Mike
I am retired and live in the mountains of Western North Carolina. I am interested in plant propagation and want to start with native plant. Then I would like to expand into other plants.
Love following your newsletters and seeing the inspiring things you do with your business. Would like to grow and sell plants someday. Currently I lack experience and “guts” to jump in there 🙂
I really enjoyed the book. I have been growing a lot of plumeria plants, and also a lot of tropical shade loving plants since I live in zone 9-10.
Mike, you always give out good ways to get your garden growing. This looks like a great opportunity to get some good contacts. Thanks for all your direction.
Thanks for everything you do. Before I found your website, I never would have thought it would be possible to do what you do. I was shocked and filled with delight when I realized how easy it can be. Thanks for all the info and encouragement you give to all of us!
I have been checking out stuff from you for some time now and have started in gardening for now but hope to branch out to do what you do.
Hi Mike, my husband and I are fairly new to this, but already have some baby plants going. Hoping to stay motivated to get lots of plants going, Thanks for all the inspiration.
Thanks for all the information. Bought your course a couple years ago and have really learned a lot. We’re working on expanding our nursery.
Enjoying the newsletters and YouTube videos. Look forward to getting new emails. Have a bed of rooted cuttings ready for transplant now. Thanks for all the info.
Thanks for all the great information you have shared over the years. It truly is amazing.
Hi – I bought the online books years ago, but due to problems in my marriage I never went any where with it. I am in a good place now, but don’t have the finiances to buy the membership. I would love to have the opportunity to do this. Plants have always been my passion. I hope I am selected. God bless you. Nancy Leath
I always learn something when I read your newsletters. I particularly enjoyed your recent one on rooting and selling Japanese maples.
Even my husband, (who is far more likely to be “inspired” by subject matter relating to vintage dirt bike’s than plant propagation any day), read the entire thing and actually brought it to MY
attention! Unheard of, believe me. Hopefully, it will motivate him to get out and dig in the dirt
from time to time….best remedy for whatever ‘ails’ you, body or soul! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
I want to win a year membership to this…I have been gathering my items from Mike for over a couple of years now…I am almost ready to begin this new adventure with my granddaughter…the two of us are doing this together. What fun we will have…Thank you Mike for all the great advice and guidance along the way. Judy & Emily
I appreciate your website and you sharing your lifetime of information. From pruning to starting cuttings I have never opened up one of your emails and not learned something of value.
Trying to break away from landscaping and mowing into selling and growing. Would really like the information and help.
Thanks, Christy
I have been following your site for a couple of years now and I want to thank you for the wealth of information you have shared during that time. I have always had a passion for growing things but not always the skills, but with sites and newsletters such as yours I feel I am improving every year. Thanks.
I truly enjoy the newsletters and the wealth of information you share!
We love your newsletter and have baby cuttings growing everywhere! This has become an activity that my husband and I can enjoy while spending time together and outside.
i have a few of your products and i find them very informative and hopefully someday i will be able to be a member of your BGBC
Just wanted to say that I have enjoyed starting some cuttings of my own. Looking at getting into hydroponics to speed up the process. I have enjoyed this and excited to get my 7 month old daughter into the system when she gets old enough. This year was a trial and error year, but I have learned a lot and getting prepared for fall.
I Would like to thank you for the continued support and offer to get in to the Backyard Grower’s business center, I will get in one day, I’m just not able to at the present do to unforeseen problems.
I enjoy your e-mails and Monday’s with Mike,
Thanks again
Rick G
Dear Mr. Mike; I’m the contestant you need to win! I’m 42 years old and have a lot of gardening expertise here in southeast Texas! I have probably grown everything here in the hot south you can imagine! I love plants so much that I have the tendency to drive my family nuts just mentioning a gorgeous crape myrtle or azalea or whatever! So many friends have been trying to get me to sell my plants over the years but my heart just couldn’t let go of my beauties! Lol! You really have me all revved up about selling plants from home! Its now not only a fantasy but a reality I”m bringing about right now! You have me so excited with your program! I”ve finally decided that you and all my friends are right about what I should do! I’m moving forward as we speak! I’m mailing off 2 license applications here in Texas as we speak! I would have already joined your business center earlier but the money is really tight currently! I have a gift and a knack for this skill and I’m really ready to go! Thank you so much for all of your free information and inspiration! I hope to hear from you soon! Please remember me in your drawing! Thank you so much and God Bless You! Gotta get back to my fall preps!
I retired in 2005. Nearly went nuts doing nothing! Lost my entire 40lk at the “Bump in the Road” in the Stock Market, in 2008. Now live on $1,265 a month SSI, with 1/2 for house pmt. Tried to start a backyard nursery & garden. After trying most of the wrong ways, I found Mike’s Backyard Nursery info. Read his book & several of his posts on the net. Now I would like to start over the “more sensible” way. I have tried sticking cuttings from the “junk” bushes & plants, in my neighborhood and have found that it works the way Mike says. Just threw all of that stuff away (just a practice run), and started building my beds, so I can be ready to pick up some extra cash next spring. Thanks, Mike for getting me pointed in the right direction.
Would love to be a member of your backyard nursery web site.
I did the trial period earlier… it is a very useful place to browse… i would use it daily!
Thanks, dewayne
Hi Mike – pick me; not the prettiest flower in the bunch, but lots of character! 🙂
mike I have learned so much from you I could never pay for this information it is so valuable andi don’t think I could get this much information any where else you are a smart man and I thank you for sharing this with total strangers thank you very much.
bill hyatt
Intermittant mist is an amazing growth tool.
Hi, Mike. I’d love to be a lifetime member for free. I’m still planning my business for my soon retirement and would love to have this opportunity. Thanks for keeping us inspired and sharing your plant and business wisdom.
Hi Mike, We have recently purchased land in KY .It would be such a beautiful place to put a nursery . I’ve been trying to do a little back yard growing on my own, but sometimes you just have to admit that you need help. The money that I will eventually make will help cover a small part of the vet bills that we receive for our mini rescue. I just can’t imagine what it would feel like to be able to grow and sell beautiful plants, and save and rehome beautiful dogs. Having You and the Business center helping me to grow plants the right way would be wonderful. I just know I could do it. Bless you Mike, you are an inspiration
Great information in your newsletters. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Mike , just getting started in plant growing and sale
the information you share has been so valuable to me thank you so very much !!!!
I’ve been getting your newsletters and always find a wealth of information from your videos. Its because of you I have decided to even try the whole backyard grower system. I actually made my first 5 dollars last week. It’s not much but one has to start somewhere! I have quite a bit of seeds and rooted cuttings available and by spring I hope to have a lot more available. I even have people special ordering for their spring planting 🙂 I never thought my passion for gardening would actually earn me a little extra cash!! Thanks so much Mike!!
Although I have not joined the business center or begun to grow plans to sell, I read your all your emails and keep up-to-date with”Monday’s With Mike”. I am learning a lot of good info. I would love to get started real soon.
I’m sure i’d learn a lot more as a business center member. Thanks for all you’re hard work.
Hey Mike and Family:
Hope you are well, I joined your blog several years ago and love it.there have been several times that I was going yo join, when I would finally get the money together something always seemed to compromise my plans. Being on a fixed income sure puts a pinch on what you can do.
On another note we finally got some much needed rain around Eldridge Missouri. Love the smell of the air after a good rain.
Well enjoy the rest of summer ans blessings on you and yours.
Bob Lowrance
Hi Mike,
Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all the information you give us. I started reading your newsletters about 4 years ago. I especially appreciate your honesty. I wish the garden centers where I live we’re as honest as you. I would love to some day have a nursery as a source of income. Thanks again! Judy
Hi Mike & friends, Ive been interested in starting a nursery for years, & learning from you I think Im getting real close If I won the membership it would give me that last little push to continue. I love growing & learning & I know I also have good things to offer other memder. Thanks.
Dear Mike, We have had a fews years now of problems. My son was in a car accident,so we bought a house with my daughter to all be together to get him thru the healing process, My garden was my therapy. Then my husband was beaten up by a bunch of kids in a home invasion on Halloween, He now has Tramatic brain injury. Thank God he is still able to function O.K., but his life has changed. He is already deaf and his vision is worse, but he hangs in there. After that the house floode badly with Hurricane Irene and then the tropical storm that followed, we were living in N.Y. Then my son in law passed away, leaving my daughter and her two children. Small coronary artery disease undetected. My daughter was in bad shape. I got her into gardening, she was able to use that as therapy and had the most beautiful garden you have ever seen. We had to move as the house had to be completly redone. We moved to N.C., we have our chickens and ducks and our turkey Tom, all pets and 2 dogs. My old german shepard who’s 16 and a dog that adopted us right after we moved here, a black lab, he came bouncing up all over us while we were working in the garden.So, it’s been a year that we are here. We have 1 acre of property, we spent the entire winter taking out the side of the house that was a swamp, and higher up good area for a garden.My husband was so excited he grew 60 tomatoe plants, pepper, eggplant, and the rest of the plants we put in outside by seed. We wound up with 5 gardens, all over the property,lol. My husband and I saw you a few years back, and we talked about a tree farm, but with all that has gone on in our lives with the kids weve never benn able to really do it. After all the intense heat, storms, flooding, WEEDS !!!! I said, that’s it!! We are going into the tree business like we wanted to for years !!! I am 55 and lost my job because of my carpul tunnel, and my husbands on disability. We just cant make it on what he gets, and it will take me months before I see if I can qualify for disability.We have to start now to be ready by next spring to get a business growing. Im also planning on putting in willow to sell for basket weaving and just got some lavender plants to put around the area we are prepping for willow. I Love gardening, so does my husband. Despite all the heat etc… We had quite the harvests from everything. I just need something sturdier and less demanding than my 5 vegetable gardens. My husband just kept planting and planting, until I had 5 gardens and said, STOP !!! LOL.I had remembered you and looked and looked till I found you. We are really excited to get busy, so you thought you went on and on,lol. I ordered your book, and got the other book too. I have read both probably 3 times. My husband too. I clicked yes for the 7.00 trial but have been unable to get in?? We are really serious about this, and we need cheap prices to get all the trees and plants, and containers, etc… So, getting in is vital to our success. It would truly help if we won as we could for surely use a break with money, so we could hopefully get ahead. Anyway, you have been a life saver and given us some light at the end of the tunnel. My husband had to give up his business in appliances because he couldnt hear anymore and we have worked as overnight stockers at Wal-Mart for 9 years, until he got beat up .I continued working , but my body cant jump on command, I have to go at my pace now. Just sitting here I am in pain, but I cant give up and thanks to you I am going to “START NOW”. So, thanks for giving us hope and to start a business doing something we love <3 P.S. you make me laugh with your stories. Which has been a gift in itself. Thanks
Hi Mike,
I have learned a lot from you this last couple of years. I would have joined a long time ago, but there is too much month at the end of the money. Thanks for the opportunity to win a chance to join in.
mike, i don’t even know where to start on how much you have helped me concerning plants. i too have started small plants like you teach. i was amazed at how you can cut a twig and in a few weeks have roots on it. you had an offer on the Air Propagation ball a week or so ago and i ordered it. i’ve now got it on a peach limb just waiting for the roots to sprout!! i’ve got great expections for those-now i want more of them.
i’ve got plants in my grow box ready for potting up now.
i only have one regret, i just wish i could have run across your program back when my dad was still living. he loved doing the things you teach. he was big into learning about grafting fruit trees.
Thanks again Mike for all you’ve already taught me and also thanks for what you are gonna continue teaching me thru your newsletters!! you are awesome! cliff
Hi Mike, I have been always interested in starting a business of my own. when I was about 16 i sold cedar trees for hedges. I offered a no questions money back guarantee that I would replace any trees that died within the first month (which did work out so well for me at times). We had a lot of them growing in the back of my parents farm. I put an add in the local newspaper. When someone called with an order i would dig them out and deliver them in our old van. My family moved to the city and that put an end to my tree farm. Ever since that time I have always wanted to have my own nursery. My current endeavors are propagating plants for my own use to take advantage of the ones that do well in my local environment. I came across your book and bought it and have been following your emails. We are in the process for looking for some rural property so I can get back to my farm to finally get my own small scale nursery business applying what i have learned from your book and Carl Whitcomb’s books.
I have followed you for sometime now. I have gotten so much good information on how to do so much with plants. I was just over the moon with one of your recent posts on planting trees and shrubs in areas that have soil like I do. CLAY. I know now why my fruit trees shrubs and ornaments are so slow to grow or don’t grow at all. I am going to start planting them above the crown and using good soil and mulch around them. I have not been able to join your membership because of financial reasons but what I do learn from your emails helps me so much. Thank you for all you do and give a hug to the two donkeys for me.
Really enjoy reading and listening about everything you say about plants. You do a great job keeping it simple for people like me. Thanks for all you do.
Hey there Mike!
Feel like your an old friend! I really get a big smile and happy inside when I get Your Letters that come in my Email Box. My favorites are the Videos You and your Camera Person (maybe Amber?) make for us to see you and watch how you do things, And parts here and there of Your Nursery and your Numerous Plants,Trees and you never forget how and why you have them there or arranged. Also, Showing or telling about all who help out in the Business you run…, Like Pam, your wife and Dustin your son, and Amber and her little girl (Funny Video)..OH, and the Donkeys!! And i am sure there are More! Your right, giving a part of your life to people you speak to or sell to is a fun part to Share for you i think and I enjoy seeing who is helping you too. (even though they may be a little miffed when in front of the camera).. Well, i could go on more but already to much, but Once Again as All of Your Online Friends say, Thank You MIke for All of the Knowledge you share with us!! I Really Do Think and Tell People How Smart You Are Too! Your familiar voice teaching us something New! I am not a total backyard growing nursery, but hopefully Next Year it will begin to look like i am headed in that direction. I am hoping to buy the irrigation set up next thing, as I Know That is Essential.. Oh, I better be done now. Thanks Again for Mike, Inc.!! and Remember, “Stay Inspired!” It helps us too!!
Mike, your web site is so informative. I have been trying some of tips and have had some success. I am moving next spring to southern Michigan (from northern Michigan) and hope to become a member then. Dave
Hi, Mike!
Your newsletters have been a wealth of information! Although most of our initial planting once on our own property will be food plants, much of what you teach still applies. And, it has generated ideas on the choice of what landscape plants we do put in.
Though the membership should probably better go to someone more able to put it to use immediately, it IS fun to enter. Thanks!
I would like to enter the drawing for the business center membership.
Thank You
My chances of winning one of these lifetime memberships is less likely than a snowball surviving in the hot place! But I’m willing to give it a go !
Oops…my bad ! Didn’t mean to post twice…. So sorry..I tried to delete one but was unsuccessful….:-( ..
My chances of winning this are less like!y than a snowball surviving in the hotplace but I’m willing to give it ago ! Your information ROCKS … However my dreams are bigger than my bank account…maybe this WILL be my lucky day!
I have very much enjoyed all your emails and have learned a lot and been motivated to keep growing.
Keep up the inspirational work Mike
I wonder if this post wins the prize for most comments on your blog? Seriously, great job Mike. Keep up the good work.
LOVE your Backyard Growing system! I’m a huge fan of container gardens and always looking for good information. Thanks for sharing all your wisdom – I appreciate it!
This really sounds interesting. I’ve been lurking but am considering getting serious!
Love your website and printed materials. I am building a greenhouse and starting to propogate some plants this fall. Thanks for all the information you post, It is so very helpful.
My wife and I are fans…and believe the plants can lift us up financially and that you and your online group can uplift our sprits!!! We are currently rooting some African Daisies from a plant purchased at WalMart. Due to a series of medical and other issues, we are nearly broke and are coming to a choice between keeping our car and buying groceries…at least until April when my wife gets her early retirement.
We surely hope to win this random drawing so we can be a huge success story for your business!!! Anita has a fondness for Japanese Maple trees and the African Daisies; I just want to keep the car AND eat ! ! !
Your upbeat emails always give us hope…and we wish you good health and continued happiness doing what you love!!!
Stephen (Steve) Vibbert
I’m a new member and this information is priceless.
Hi Mike – Bought your awesome Backyard Growers package some time ago and enjoyed the books, information and videos. We’re looking at the course again now that retirement is fairly close, hoping to start a hobby that we can enjoy together while supplementing the sugar bowl fund, and most important staying active. Thank you for sharing your years of knowledge so we can start out with a “boost”! —Lin Jones
Thanks for your informative blog and thanks for your generosity in offering these two free memberships. Crossing my fingers and hoping to win!
I really enjoy your emails Mike. I have always been interested in starting & growing plants of all kinds. I especially like starting them from cuttings and I’d like to thank you so very much for all the info you have been sending. I have mostly been starting plants for myself and for friends. But your help has been priceless !
Guess I should tell you a bit about myself. I am an 82 year old Grandmother who grows a big garden and I just love every minute of it. I use the wide row system with permanent pathways and work it up myself with my little Mantis tiller. I would love to get Backyard Grower’s Membership but I wasn’t sure if it was for Canadian growers ( and actually I did get the $7.00 membership once – but my computer was not working properly at the time so I couldn’t get into the site). But I did wonder if plants could be shipped to Canada too, and also whether a person could get smaller orders. Because of my age I don’t think it would pay for me to get the longer membership.
Sincerely – Jessie Prost
Hi Mike! Thank you for posting all our videos and blogs. We bought a house near Savannah, GA last October and found out that it used to be a nursery (3.5 acres). As we have been cutting brush back and finding lots of plants in nursery pots that are very distressed. I have a hard time identifying everything and knowing how to take care of them. You and your site have been my go too for great information. Thank you, again! Sandy
I followed your emails/posts for years before purchasing your system last year. Have some plants growing and dream of a greenhouse and selling my own. Thanks!
I love your stories and all the great information that you share!
Love the donkeys too! And your helpers!
Love your site and all the information you provide. I bought your kit last year and put the aqaurium propagated to use and made a many little Heller I plants. Thanks again and keep planting.
Thank you for your ongoing gardening education and please enter me in the free membership contest.
Freeplantscom The most helpful plant information on the web
Long time lurker, bought your book.
Still in the planning phase (considering buying property in near term in Southwest Ohio.)
Would be glad to get free access.
As a total newbie – this would be invaluable! Sure hope I win it.
Look forward to watching your videos, great information.
I look forward to all the e-mails I receive from Mike. I have saved pretty much everyone of them. I go back to them all the time. I am not a member like all the rest as I can’t afford it. And I did send for his tapes in 06′, but……………………………………………………………………………. that’s about as far as I’ve gotten. But I LOVE the e-mails, and videos in the e-mails. Thank-you for all that info.! It helps.
By the way, do you have anyone in Southern California? I’d be interested in talking to them, if that is possible!
Again, Thank-you for all the GREAT e-mails and info.!
Take Care
great system – hope it will be my lucky day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thanks, sue
Hi Mike,
I thought I had posted a couple of days ago, perhaps I dreamed I did or dreamed that I should!! It goes along with the statement I made, that I was older than dirt I guess.
I do want to join the Back Yard Growers Group, the resource that it provides would be fantastic.
I am recently unemployed, and getting too old for employers to look at, so the idea of a back yard nursery looks really good. When I found your website, it closed the deal for me, so all I have to do it purchase everything you have to offer 🙂 and I’ll be set!
The information you provide for free is fantastic, and I have learned a lot, (even things that I thought I knew, and found out I was in error … Thank You).
Anyway, keep up the good tips and the videos
God Bless you and yours
W D McKay
I have used the free trail. LOVE it but on the fence about spending the money. The people in there are amazing though! The newsletters you send out are great and full of information. I have been watching them for years. 🙂
I have learned so much from your informative emails! It seems like whenever I run into a problem with a plant – whether propagating or even WEEDS – I get an email that answers the question…and I didn’t ask the question yet! You are so full of information and helpful hints. I’m thankful I signed up for your emails. I’ve been out of work for almost five years now and would have joined your Business Center but for money issues. I hope I win!!!
Keep up the good work you and your ‘crew’ do!
The information and tips you share is priceless!
I have been receiving and enjoying your news letters for a couple of years now and even though i am not a backyard grower member i look forward to your news letters and the videos you share walking members through each step from root cuttings to dealing with different types of diseases of various plants right up the marketing and selling of the plants. I enjoy your passion for growing and selling plants and your desire to help the dreams of others become a success. Thank you for your time and effort to keep others inspired. Yours truly, Mike McGroarty Backyard Grower Wanna be. Gary in Nacogdoches.
Hi Mike,
I have stayed in pretty close contact with you for years……..learning so much …My goal is to have a backyard nursery . Where I live we are having such a bad drought ( northern California). I am in the planning a possible move to Washington State. It is too difficult living where everything is turning brown and you can’t do anything about it.
I have enjoyed watching your success for many years and continue to do so in the future.
I’ve been waiting to join your Backyard Growers until I establish my business. I installed a misting bed this summer with the timer etc. purchased from you. Hopefully, next summer I’m ready to roll forward.
Mike, You’re dedication and knowledge is awesome! I have been following and loving your emails for four months now and they truly do inspire me! My husband and I have a tractor and lawnmower (mostly new) with service business right next to our house which includes about 4 acres. I have been dying to get things going because I absolutely believe this will be great working therapy for me and a great addition to our current business! Thanks for you’re willingness to help and encourage all of us!
Pam Woodson
Palmetto Equipment Sales
Williamston, SC
I have a acre of land and have been reading all the wonderful emails and tips you send out, love them!!! I’m thinking I would love to start growing and selling wonderful plants to bless the lives of others, I teach classes on how oils can help people prevent from getting sick uberoils.com and would love to start sharing plants with others as well.
Look forward to your emails and learned a lot from your DVDs. My yard is too small, but we are moving to Littlestown, Pennsylvania in February 2015 to a 1.6 acre lot. Looking forward to trying my hand at growing plants now that I’m retired. Thanks again for all you do!
Taking advantage of an opportunity to get connected with people who know a lot about buying, selling of plants and plant propogation.
I just found your website this spring, and I love it. It’s been very inspiring to me. I already started playing with making baby plants, and I find it extremely fun and exciting. I believe that this really could be the first step in making the income I have been wishing I could. Thanks for the inspiration! !
I have been getting your newsletter for a year now. I always read them and save every one to a folder for future reference. We have a small farm, horses, miniature donkeys, and a calf. I retired almost two years ago now and have been working very hard to get a big garden and a orchard started. My next project will be to start making some money off my land.
Been following you for some time now. I have learned so much for your books and video,s. looking to start a business next year.
Hey Mike,
I love the info you share on your site thanks for sharing your successes and failures with us.
When I came across you inf on the it was a dream come true, all I’ve ever wanted to do is make a living off the land some how. But it has come at a time when I am having the most financial difficult time off my life. So I have no money to invest,but that will change and I will be subscribing and soaking up all the information I can absorb.
Thank you Mike for putting this info out and liberating so many.
Hello Mike, Thanks for the offer. This special offer shows how much you care about people, It is
very helpful that you take the time and effort to share your knowledge and expertise to help people
like me to do something they love. If I was to be so lucky as to win this give away, I would consider
it a blessing from God.
Thanks again.
I’d love to win. I have been following Mike for quite a while and even though I lost everything I had purchased in a fire I’ve kept up with Mike and the Backyard groers. I did the test drive and loved it but could not afford it. My daughter started a small nursery and the message board membership would help us and hopefully we could be a help to others. thank you, erin
Mike, I joined your website several years ago, and bought your system last year. You inspired me to grow my garden. To try different plants, and different methods to grow them. I also have discovered the world of Japanese Maples. Through you to me to my friends and family I have in turn inspired many others to grow their gardens, from the limited space, or finances to large spaces and more availability of funds to invest.
I am currently unemployed and would love to just play in the garden all day for a living! Having the insider membership would give me that advantage.
I share. I love to bring happiness to others with one of Gods greatest gifts to us … Flowers!
I hope I win!!! It will change my life!
Mike I have enjoyed all of the tapes & books that I have purchased including your $47 program and a mist sprayer. Also purchased the $7 trial but cant justify the added expense right now for the whole program. My wife has Altzimer and is taking up much of my time right now Have some plants started under the mist right now and just waiting for some action on there part. Maybe by spring I will be able to do more. Winter is coming here in New England real soon hopefully next season will be better. Would like to win one of your free memberships
Keep up the great work and you say, stay inspired!
Mike I have enjoyed all of the tapes & books that I have purchased including your $47 program and a mist sprayer. Also purchased the $7 trial but cant justify the added expense right now for the whole program. My wife has Altzimer and is taking up much of my time right now Have some plants started under the mist right now and just waiting for some action on there part. Maybe by spring I will be able to do more. Winter is coming here in New England real soon hopefully next season will be better. Would like to win one of your free memberships
Keep up the great work and you say, stay inspired!
I read every one of your blogs and interesting tips that are sent out via email. I also watch the videos you send when ever I can. They are very informative. I have dreamed of growing plants and has been a passion of mine for years. I have 7 acres of land and it is all overgrown. It used to be an old dairy farm. Slowly, I am slowly clearing the land and am looking forward to your tips and planting suggestions. Please keep them coming.
How exciting! Would love to join the contest, please. Just got the courage to start selling plants this year from reading your site.
I bought The Gardeners Secret Handbook and have since rooted 25 Crepe Myrtles. I’m starting small but think there may be a future for me in propagating plants and I really enjoy gardening.
I said I wouldn’t check my email while traveling..now I am glad I did or I would have missed this. 🙂 Would love to join the give-away. I want to grow my backyard business. 🙂
I love plants! Thank you for this opportunity!
Thanks Mike, This is a great contest and thanks for all your videos over the years.
i appreciate the opportunity to recieve a free membership as I am cash strapped at the moment. Thank you, Joseph C
Hi Mike, Enjoy all that you do. I have a very small yard filled with old pine trees. Not much sunshine. Is it still possible to set up a small business from here?
Hope I’m lucky enough to win a membership. Moving into retirement and things are tight. Love Mike’s videos and information. Great stuff.
Mike! thanks for INFORMATION I have gathered from you
I have built a mist system and am propagating plants to sell
for two years now would like to start a nursery someday
Thanks, again…James
Looking forward to starting my ‘retirement’ next year and putting everything I’ve learned here to work.
Lots of great information here. I am learning a lot, thanks, JPW
I would like to be entered into the contest thanks
I would love to win a membership.. I have tried the site before but due to getting Breast Cancer couldn’t finish my subscription.. In Remission now YEAH !
Love living eyecandy
Never been able to afford the membership but have bought several of your products. Started gardening as a kid but lived in Alaska so when I moved to Tennessee a lot of my info didn’t apply, especially timing wise. Between the products and your online info I have been doing much better with all the trees and other plants in my very large yard. I’m looking forward to the day I start actually making money with all the great things I’m learning. Thanks for everything.
I have learned a lot from watching your video’s. I am obsessed with japanese maples, I have been collecting different kinds throughout the years. I am going to try grafting this spring. Thanks for all the useful videos and information you provide.
I love to grow things, always have. I have never met you, but we have become friends trough the time I have spent listening to you give away extremely valuable pointers and tips. Thanks Mike.
I have your system and am working to be ready for my first plant sale next spring. Thanks for all the info , but most of all for the inspiration you provide. This is my dream job, playing in the dirt as I refer to it and getting paid to do so. I would love to be a part of your backyard growers group.
I would really having a backyard nursery.
I meant to say I would really enjoy having a backyard nursery.
I have enjoyed your propagation videos. I am just starting to learn about how to buy the plant once but create an endless supply of rooted cuttings into the future. I am very excited to learn more and am about to start my first cutting bed. Thank you for all the great info. Brad
Hi Mike. I stumbled onto your website by accident a few years ago. I get your emails all the time. Really enjoy them along with your videos. You do an outstanding job educating us. Thanks for sharing your vast knowledge. Kathy from Fairland, Indiana
I’ve learned a lot about gardening from your website and blogs. I’m not sure if I would be interested in selling plants or not but I would be interested in learning how just in case.
I love the rooted cuttings made simple video and I have since started hundreds of them myself. I have also enjoyed the info on preparing the Japanese Red Maple Seeds for germination.
You are awesome! I love entrepreneurs and still am itching to get in a position to work on my gig 🙂 getting closer and closer and a free membership would go such a long, wonderful way! Thanks for all the encouragement and free help!! Love you guys!
I bought your book and dvd set. I have a 22 year old daughter raising a 2yr old and we are looking for a way to make $$ together at home. We have a little over 2 acres and look forward to using your system to help achieve this. Thanks for your info.
Just getting my farm going after being on Mike’s elist for a couple of years. Ready to go now!
Mike, I would like to shake your hand in person (and give F & F a big hug) to thank you for all of the excellent information to continue to share with your subscribers. Keep up the advice!
I’m very interested in plant propagation. I purchased your e-book and read that bottom heat helps propagation tremendously, I decided to propagate over my septic tank. Like you say it gives off heat and every year there is snow everywhere except over the septic tank. My tank is only 5 inches below the surface, I took all the soil off of the tank, and replaced it with sand. Presently I have several varieties of plants stuck in the sand with a mist system. A few have rooted already. but keep adding more cuttings. Is the tank offering enough heat’ only time will tell. I will probably notice the heat effect this winter. Thanks for the idea!!!! Mill Engle
I enjoy getting emails from Mike and the info has been valuable as well!! I have 5000+ plants in the box and some have already rooted and this is my 1st year! I hope to see some cash flowing this spring and I can thank Mike for helping me to succeed!!! Thanks !!!
I had never thought about starting a business involving plants but I lean closer to it every day. I have a tremendous love for plants and for the last year have grown cuttings in my 1′ X 1′ tub of sand. Every word you say on emails, blogs, or videos is the truth and your manner of speaking and relaying information makes me feel like I’m talking to family. This year has been incredibly fun and I have learned a tremendous amount about cuttings. I have Yews, Rose of Sharon, Burning Bush, Boxwood, Weigela, and Juniper all staring at me in full growth that started from a twig. 60 plants total that are potted up from trimmings that I normally would have tossed into the compost. My wife would laugh as I spent hours just staring at twigs until they started to leaf out and then she caught herself entranced also. I’m a believer and this fall I’m building a cutting bed with your misting system to boost my cutting numbers. Still a hobby but since I’m about 6 years from retirement, I find myself thinking about going into business everyday..
Hi Mike, I just want to thank you for all the encouraging words and help you have given me. This year I tried propagation for the first time. I went around my yard and tried a cutting from anything I could find. After five weeks with no roots I was getting discouraged. I went to your site and reviewed everything I could find and those words of encouragement gave me hope. After several more weeks I finally saw roots. I was so excited, I ran around the house yelling, “It works, it really works!!!” I did this as a trial to make sure I could do it and now I can’t wait for next year to really do this right. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I wanna win the free lifetime membership
A friend of mine, Kris, in California, discovered my great interest in growing and selling plants recently and sent me directly to your website. Oh my gosh!!! I found out far more than I would have even known to ask!!!
We are just beginning to relocate from California to Missouri and I’m excited to hit the ground running with your information once we get there.
So far I found out about your $2.95 booklet and ordered it. Then, there was the $4.95 DVD, and I ordered it! I just downloaded the $17.00 book, although I had to tell my wife I slipped and accidentally ordered it! (She understands…..I hope!)
Besides these things I have watched many of your 1001 you tube videos.
I love what you are doing and that you care enough to share with the rest of us.
Thanks a Milllion
Hi Mike,
I am looking forward to the time when I can retire and will have the time to really get going in the plant business. Thanks for the chance to win a membership in the backyard Growers Group.
Happy Labor Day!
I’ve learned so much through your generous sharing. Winning a free membership would be great since I have moved from the midwest to Florida and am trying to learn about a whole new set of plants!
Hi Mike, I enjoy your newsletters, and your books. Your misting system works super for me. I was having trouble growing geraniums from slips, but your misting system has solved that problem completely. Thanks again for all the information you give us.
Hi Mike,
I am an old retired lady and would like to get my son involved in backyard gardening, I have printed out your backyard cash machine and The Gardener’s Secret Handbook. This is something we can work on together and after he retires he will be able to have an income. I appreciate all your information and continue to learn new “stuff”.
Bought your system awhile back. I’m in the process of moving. When I move and set my area up,……I will be watching you more than I do now…… Mike,…….I’m just sitting in the middle at this point. Zero Gravity one might say. Well,….Thank You and God Bless.
Love listening to a guy who knows how to sell plants and have fun at the same time. Love your youtube videos. Cheers!
Very intrigued by the opportunity. We were out of the country for the month of May so this year was not the year to begin such an adventure. Still curious about my own business possibility.
Thanks for making it real. I not only hear you talking about all this but I actually see you getting dirt under your fingernails showing us “How To”
The amount of information is amazing. You have inspired and given me hope that it could be possible for me to make a living growing plants. After being in the construction industry for 30 years, I decided it was time for a change of careers. Your membership was already a part of my plan. I have always loved plants but could not see a way to make a living with them. I am moving where I have use of 12 acres. A free membership would be wonderful and an early Christmas present. Keep up the great work and thank you for providing this service.
I like to view the mondays with Mike. I am now retired and the business fees are out of my reach. The rest is a bunch of full to read and watch.
Hi Mike,
I found your website one day while looking for information on planting and gardening. I was very interested in your down to earth advice and signed up for your newsletters. Recently I purchased your Backyard Nursery system and although I have not gotten to start my own yet, I am hoping it will be the beginning of my “second career” as I am scheduled to retire from over 20 years of military service next fall. I’m very excited about the prospects, and I can only imagine how helpful the Grower’s Center might be. Here’s to new growth and new beginnings – mother nature’s way!! Thanks for all you do!
I enjoy Mike’s knowledge and ability to identify both problems and coming opportunities for backyard growers like myself!
Would love to win a membership, seen a bit, would love to do more!
Thanks for opening the member. Perhaps I will win one of the two free lifetime memberships. If not, would like to join. Regards, Richard
Starting Out…….Retirement job?…
I would love to win the membership. Pick me!
will have to pop across and meet up one day – here’s hoping. keep up the fantastic work. take it easy (well, maybe not TOO easy!).
You are a blessing to be counted. Mother Earth is smiling all around you. ♡
Just getting started, looking at everything. I think this will be my “retirement” business.
Thanks for all the wonderful information !
I am driving truck now, but I have 10 acres and a dream. I dream to get off the road and be a fulltime farmer/grower. I am 62, but I never intend to retire. I love to watch the miracle of growing plants, fruits and vegetables in to beautiful addition to the world around me.
Gog Bless,
Mike, I thoroughly enjoy your newsletters and have used many of your tips. I am growing annuals and perennials as a hobby and love every minute.
The idea that a small guy can earn an income useing the knowhow you post and share. THANKS Bob
Free is good. However, the reason I never joined was your focus on the big market for landscape plants. My small greenhouse/yard is utilized for tropicals, succulents, and cactus that I give away as a loss leader at our annual art show in Tremont. My business is basically houseplants until global warming gets far enough north. Thanks for the info on propagation and promotion, I’m just not sure there’s demand for non-zone plants.
Wow! Boy am I stoked! I want to be the first person to get the next spot on the Back Yard Grower’s Business Center, however that happens. I have the day marked on my calendar and I AM ExCited !!!!
We are in the middle of your $7 trial. I spent the morning on the board searching for ways to overcome voles and mice this winter. Your board members are experts and willing to share their knowledge. I have never seen such kindness and sharing anywhere else.
We have your “Back Yard Cash Machine”, and “Small Plants Big Profits”.
We have been receiving your newsletter for several months and I have a huge library of “Mondays with Mike”. I have your “Easy Plant Propagation” book, and have some plastic totes full of cuttings.
I will be 75 in 3 months and over the years inflation has almost overcome us. Your showing us how to start a nursery business has renewed our hope in the future. Our trial will end the 11th of September and if we don’t win the contest we hope to sell cuttings on eBay and use the profit (if any) to join the board next summer.
Mike, I have enjoyed your videos, and emails over the years, and have been tempted to part with the cash, but the timing has always been bad for me. I am nearing retirement and will need something to supplement my income, and this may be it, but the cost holds me back. I still review the vids and info, maybe soon. Thanks anyway.
Hi Mike,
Next season I hope to join the growers group, unemployed and older than dirt, no one wants to hire, so I am hoping that gardening and growing plants can save me. I have never gave the idea of a back yard nursery a thought until I found your web site, now I am on your site every day and dreaming the dream.
Thank You for all of your VALUABLE information, I really can not thank you enough.
All the best
I have found your newsletters over the years to be be extremely informative and entertaining. The package I purchased two years ago from you is very useful and would love to purchase a full membership someday when I can afford it.
I’ve enjoyed your e-mails and your e-book on backyard nurseries for years…thanks for your info…I’m ready to take this to the next level!!!!
I am blessed to have found you, Mike – and all your wonderful family and staff (who are also ‘family’ from what I can gather, with the wool while I’m at it lol:)) I have a case of 1200 little pots (you’re $5.97 plant size) just waiting to be filled. It gives me something to look forward to while waiting for the effects from my stroke Jan 2012 to wear off (btw I don’t recommend strokes, talk about a game changer!). I did sign up a few months ago to try the ‘test drive’ but was not doing well at that time (abilities seem to come and go-organization is one of them) and never even got to open the site. So I am waiting for this opportunity with crossed fingers. I do get my meager ‘pension’ on the 3rd, so either way, I will be giving this a try! (again).
On a greener note. I bought three small potted weeping acer on a sale about March – two are doing well (still need re-potting from shipment) but one has gone brown and dead-looking. It has been well over 100 degrees here in Tucson, AZ since before they arrived, dipping into 98 – 96 one week, but we are back over 104 – 106 this Labor Day week. How can I tell if it is worth re-potting this dead-looking plant? I am keeping many small plants from this shipment watered and in the sun screen shade on the veranda. There are also six Jean’s Dilly Dwarf (Alberta Spruce?) of which two are completely brown, but flexible, and the other four have brown lower parts. I can’t tell if I’m over or under watering or it’s just too hot.
Love those donkeys!
I have listening to all your advise , and it is quite marvelous, the only thing is i haven’t been able to join the Back Growers for, i have retired last year and not able to grow a t plants for sale i have done a couple of cuttings, just to try and they have growing nicely This would be a dream come true for me Thanks for all your advise Mery
I used have hydroponic greenhouses years ago.
I want to retire back in the growing business.
You info has broadened my knowledge in rooting and cuttings.
Keep up the good work.
I am looking for a new business to start that will allow me to stay closer to the homestead and develop my new farm. This seems like it could be just the ticket!
Thanks, Doug
I tried one time to start doing the business, but after spending $700 dlls., I visualized I cant get any money back until a year.
It will be good if you give us a business plan to spend or invest wisely on the business, since the first dollar invested to the first dollar collected.
Thank you so much for the vast information that you’ve shared about plants and gardening practices. I sure learned a lot from them. Your videos and newsletters have great content and simple to understand. Looking forward for more. Thank you for inspiring me and a lot of plant lovers.
Mike, your videos are chock full of tips. I love the builders sand as a medium for rooti g plants. Your advice is clear, not complicated and practical. All represent a rare thing in this current world. Keep it up.
Nick B
Thank you for the opportunity!!
Hi Mike,
I found your website when I was looking to fill up my free time after losing a 20+ year job. I have found your information fresh and not the same old stuff. I really appreciate the time and effort you have put into sharing your information with us. Thanks
Mike , you are certainly a legend. Always glean something from your weekly Monday moment. I am 69 and maybe some day will be able to