A lot of people get confused about what is and what isn’t poison ivy.
So I’m going to give you some tips on how to identify poison ivy because there’s a couple things you need to know.
One, if you’re allergic, like I am, you barely have to touch it to get poison ivy.
Two, if you crush the leaves up it releases the oil that creates the rash on your skin. And if you cut into the stem that also releases the oil.
Even if you get into the roots you can catch poison ivy. Even if you spray it with round up you can still catch poison ivy from the dead vine.
If you happen to get into poison ivy the best thing to do is scrub your skin really, really well with a strong detergent like Fels Naptha.
There are also products you can purchase to apply to your skin before going to work with or around poison ivy as well as many antidotes to apply after you contract poison ivy, but the best thing you can do is to learn how to identify poison ivy.
Now in this picture we have a plant that looks an awful lot like poison ivy.
This is called Virginia Creeper. As you can see there are 5 leaves as opposed to the 3 leaves that are indicative of poison ivy.
This is poison ivy.

Poison Ivy
Here, you can see the 3 leaves, but poison ivy is like a chameleon because it can blend in to look like other plants. It also can vary from having smooth edges, or jagged edges, and vary in richness of color.

Western Poison Ivy
Here is a video I made for you.
Thank you very much! I didn’t realize it could be like a cameleon. Great video.
Thank you for all the information, they really help for a beginner like me.
Tecnu!!!! It is gentle to your skin and even works after you have broken out. It also works on poison oak and even rashes from other plants. The stuff is amazing. It was developed by a guy trying to make something to get rid of radiation chemicals or something like that, but he found out that it worked better for poison oak and started selling it in the early 90’s. Walgreens, Walmart, Cvc, amazon, carries it. I have had a bottle since the 90’s and it still works. You don’t use much but it is well worth the expense. Not sell the stuff, just want to share it. Many times I have had to use it after the itching starts…..calms it right down.
I agree, Tecnu always works for me and I get poison ivy regularly.
I’m so glad I am not allergic to it………but my husband and children are…….
you can become allergic to it, like i did! up until the age of 15, i could touch it, pick it’s flowers, etc. then i got the dreaded rash from walking in the woods. it certainly took a long time to figure out since i was not allergic to it. now, 30 years later, i have got it from putting my husbands jeans into the washer after he went fishing…
You are correct that the #1 remedy is wash the oil off of your skin ASAP. I use a product that has mineral spirits in it, to help dissolve the oil.
What are the differences on a genus/species level between poison ivy and poison oak? They both have red young shoots; both have 3 leaves; both can change shape to blend in with surrounding vegetation…? We have poison oak in California.
Thanks for all the info! My husband swears he is allergic to poison ivy, poison oak and virginia creeper. He has developed rashes after handling the virginia creeper. After a lot of research on the internet, evidently some people are allergic to v.c. although he does not have as significant a rash with it. With real PI and PO he ends up having to get a medrol dose pack.
Thanks again! I enjoy your wisdom!
Thank you so much for this info on poison ivy. I have never had a break out from poison ivy, so I may be fortunate in that regard. I have been following you for several years, and really appreciate all the great information!
You’re welcome Vivian, thanks for sticking with me.
Gardeners are some of the greatest people ever!!
Also, if you burn any part of the plant and get into the smoke of the burning brush you can get poison ivy on your skin or in your lungs (you could wind up in the hospital in the latter case)
I stumbled across your website while looking for poison ivy control. I saw an article about white hydrangias. Now i cannot locate those articles. Can you provide ino or link to them? Would love to buy some.
There’s a search box to the right side of the page. You are looking for the link to the Annabelle Hydrangea, but I don’t ship them mail order.
Thank you for not wasting your time in school and really learning your craft hands on. I live downtown in a big city, but my little garden thrives due to your tips and knowledge.
Thanks Kerry, I appreciate that.
thank you for your info. on poison leaves 83 yr old that follows your program, i use to grow orchid plants from seed after cross polination and letting a seed pod grow.. plant seeds in a flasking case. hurricane betsy wiped me out. had over 40000 plants, place was called orchid villa.in hialeah florida, had millions of seedlings growing,i have 20 orchid plants hanging in a mango tree,,.blessings jim
Sorry to hear of your losses with your plants due to hurricane. Truly appreciate having you as a follower.
Thank you for such a great video as I too am allergic to poison ivy and poison oak. It is nice to know the difference especially at this time of year.
Great video! Thank you! Hope you didn’t get any on you!
very nice done…..
Thank you…