The woman who sued her neighbor over her backyard chickens and garden says she doesn’t hate chickens, doesn’t hate gardens and doesn’t hate her neighbors.
Lynn Perry says she just loves her home and her neighborhood — and wants to protect its integrity. How would you feel if you were in their shoes?
Have you ever considered raising chickens? Check out this article:
Our neighbors have numerous chickens & they go through the fence & scratches every where in my yard up the side of our drive way and stops up the drain pipes that keeps water from washing away my drive way, in my flower beds. I am a nurse & on my day off I have to rake the leaves out of the drain to, its everyday that I am off, & on Saturday. don’t know how to keep them out of my yard, because they don’t speak English. .I think that if they want chickens keep them where they belong not bothering everyone else the smell along is so bad without the mess.
She should be able to keep her chickens sans rooster. People who complain, will find something else to complain about. Chickens give eggs and provide meat. ,a lot cheaper than the grocery market. But if the grocery pies see a cut in their income, then you will see thr chickens etc ousted as it cuts into someone’s pocket change.
As long as she takes care of them and their houses why shouldn’t she be allowed to have chickens. What harm are they doing to the neighbor??
times are hard! the perrys may NEED some help one day and everyone has forgotten THIS IS A FREE COUNTRY! WE HAVE FORGOTTEN WHERE WE CAME FROM!
I live in a very rural area of Ny and the same thing happened to me….it is sad and if I could move right now I would, we have an annual fair here IN Town so I reminded the board that if my chickens were illegal so was there fair with ALL of the cows, pigs, chickens, goats, rabbits and zoo animals were all with in the village limits….so they decided we could have no more than 6 chickens, and very strict building codes, plus they saw it as a chance to gouge us with fees per year, just for having them…..we found out part of our property was OUT OF TOWN so we moved the chickens and got around it but these people are getting crazy with there rules in a FARMING COMMUNITY… thanks to the infulance of the city people moving here by the hundreds….this used to be a nice quiet town but no more sad..
I think it makes a lot of sense! I once had a Rooster that lived across a lake from me, and its crowing woke me at 5 to 6 a.m. EVERY morning. The solution in my municipality now is to not allow Roosters, and to only allow a certain number of egg laying hens as well. Much like the dog that keeps barking, when in a suburban or metro setting, you have to live by some rules to keep peace in the ‘hood!
I get so sad and disheartened reading about this kind of conflict. If people in a pleasant neighbourhood cannot work this out without involving the law, what hope is there for humanity? Tough times are not only coming, they are here. California is drying up, sea levels are rising faster than predicted, climate weirding is going on all around us. We won’t even go into the fragility of the financial system or the end of cheap easy oil The neighbour would be better off starting her own garden.
I have had chickens on at least three properties in my life time; but they all have in excess of five acres. . Its not appropriate to heave chickens – or any kind of fowl in a residential neighborhood. If the covenants of the neighborhood forbid chickens, then they forbid chickens! Get the covenant changed by the neighbors after setting parameters; then bring in the chickens. Same for the garden. Why not create a raised garden so you don’t change the drainage on a property. And, there are tumbler systems, etc., that allow for mulching without the smell. It sounds like to me this person is just indifferent to her neighbors; and I would be surprised if she isn’t found guilty of violating the neighborhood covenants.
I think it’s ridiculous as long as she is being responsible regarding care and keeping them on her property. Saves family money on eggs and meat if she raises them for meat.