I’ve been growing the perennial Tricolor Sedum for a couple years now. This plant makes a great border plant.

Tricolor Sedum
It has green and white variegated leaves and a delicate pink flower that blooms in the summer. The white edges on the fleshy leaves can take on a pink-bluish color in cooler weather.
It will grow about 3 inches high then spread to make an awesome ground cover.
Make sure to trim any all-green shoots you see to maintain the variegation of this plant.
Tricolor Sedum will grow well in full sun or partial shade and will do well in dryer climates, and pretty much any type of soil, even clay based soil.
This plant is tough as nails and bounds back in the spring even after the harshest winter.
Tricolor Sedum is very easy to propagate. All you need to do is take a cutting, strip off the bottom leaves then stick it in a flat of sand or a mixture made up of peat and perlite and then put it in the shade and keep it watered really well.
The donkeys love Tricolor Sedum almost as much as I do!
Great info. Is this sedum invasive? Can it be pulled out easily? Thanks!
To the best of my knowledge it’s not invasive, I’ve had in my landscape all summer and it’s behaved itself quite well. And yes it can be removed if necessary.
Mike, thank you so much for your videos. I learn so much from them.
I’d like to find some tall sedum for the back of the garden. I have yarrow there now but think these would go good w/them.
May I ask you a question. I often see catmint in catalogs but was wondering if that and cat nip were the same thing and have all cats in the neighborhood digging up the garden or is cat nip just catmint dried to give to cats? Thank you for any help you can give me. donna
please give your donkeys a hug and a plant for me.
I can’t honestly answer your question. We had Walker’s Low Catnip in the nursery until last week. Cathy ripped it out and threw it away. It’s really in the mint family and I just didn’t care for it. Most mints are really invasive. We do have a few cats who wander into the nursery and I never saw any evidence of them near the so called catnip.
Your timing was great with the Sedum! I bought a flat of 4 varieties of sedum all mixed together. The idea was to cut off small sections and plant them as a ground cover. Would I be able to sell them mixed like this in a pot? I thought that I would just cut off 4 inch squares and pot them to sell next Spring!!! What do you think? Great video, by the way! Now that I know your Donkeys on a first name basis (since the Shindig), I have to tell you that they just cracked me up with their nibbling! You’re a patient man!!!
Sincerely, Susan
Anything that is attractive in a container is sure to sell. It doesn’t always have to be “politically” correct.
Hi how can I get rid of Bamboo Roots please
Regards Jeannette
If it were me I’d cut the bamboo to the ground then as new shoots appear spray them with a non selective herbicide that contains glyphosate. The organic option is to cover the area with a heavy layer of cardboard then mulch over that. Body shops have large pieces of cardboard.
Thank you again, for a another great video. I sometimes can’t get them, for whatever reason and am SO HAPPY when I do. You alway give great information and with a tremendous spirit and great sense of humor.
I think you’re great!
Thanks Claudia, I appreciate your support.
We are in the midst of a 4 year drought. Redwood trees are dying along the freeways. All of us are taking a good look at succulents like calandrinia and aloe that are tough and pretty. Thanks for the review on the stonecrop.
Are you still losing weight? Those bib overall look like they were made for a bigger man!
I wish I were still losing weight, need to get back on track.