Mike’s Plant Farm
4850 North Ridge Road, Perry, Ohio 44081
2,463 plants must be sold this weekend, only $5.97 each while they last!
Here we go!
This is Whack-a-Doodle Crazy selling plants at such a low price but we’ve got plants everywhere and I do mean everywhere! I have to reduce the number of plants that I have on hand dramatically before winter. With that said, I have to tell you, we have some awesome plants that we are selling at this crazy low price.
Grab a red or blue ink pen and circle the things you want.
Hydrangeas! Annabelle is the hydrangea that never fails to bloom with great big white snowball flowers. Plus we have Nikko Blue Hydrangea, All Summer Beauty Hydrangea and Forever Pink Hydrangea. These Forever Pink are beautiful, you have to see them. They are still in bloom!

Annabelle Hydrangea
Look at the size of that Annabelle Hydrangea for only $5.97. You think it’s great, but that’s what going to get me tossed into the Asylum for sure! By the way, everything that I am posting a photo of on this page is $5.97. Just so you know!
Lilacs! We have an assortment of French Lilacs including a beautiful variegated lilac and the ever popular sensation lilac. Quantities are for sure limited, you better get out here fast!
Have you ever heard of perennial called Balloon Flower? These things are incredible! The striking blue flowers blow up like a four sided balloon before they open. They started blooming mid-summer and they are still loaded with flowers. Great border or accent plant.
Hostas! We have a big assortment of rare hosta varieties including “Baby Booties”, “Blue Mouse Ears”, “Affrodite”, “Cotton Candy”, “Waiting in Vein” “Clear Fork River Valley”, “Fall Dazzler” “Meritt Supreme”, “Slendid Sarah” and more.
Need a nice thick evergreen hedge? We have some awesome Arborviate that make an excellent living hedge. We have Green Giant, Dark Green and Emerald Green. These are very nice plants and selling them for only $5.97 is insane. But then again, it’s pretty much insane selling any of this stuff for only $5.97. So if I’m not here when you get here, call the asylum, they might have me locked up!
We also have some beautiful Rheingold Arborviate, Blue Rug Juniper, Gold Finger Potentilla still in bloom, Pink Whisper Potentilla still in bloom, deep red Crimson Pygmy Barberry and Japanese Red maples for only $5.97 each! Yep, you read that right, Japanese Red maples $5.97 each.
Grasses! We have Maiden Grass, Morning Light Maiden Grass which is variegated, Blue Oat Grass, awesome Blue Fescue grass and this . . .
Coral Bells! We have Snow Angel which is awesome, Palace Purple, Stormy Seas, and another one that I can remember the name of. Give me a break, I’m old.
Yep! I’m in trouble
Pam is going to kill me when she finds out I included her in this photo. But . . . it gives you an idea of how serious we are about getting these pictures and everything else we do here right. As I am creating this blog post I am using the ledger she created to document the photos. (pssst! Don’t tell her, Okay?)
These Summer Snowflake Viburnum have been blooming all summer. I can’t get them to stop blooming!
We have all kinds of trees, Golden Curls Willow, Dura Heat River Birch, White Dogwoods, Chinese Dogwoods, Redbuds, White Oak, Burr Oak, Red Oak and Pin oak. Some of these things are huge, in 3 gallon containers. Yep! Still $5.97. Now I know I’m going to get put in the nut house.
Awesome perennials! Dazzle Berry Sedum, Cherry Brandy Black Eyed Susan, Spotted Dead Nettle,, Sedum Album, Sedum Autum Joy, Tiny Rubies Dianthus. Awesome Little Business Daylily! Red as red can be! Oh yeah, Purple Showers Pansies. Hardy as can be!
Plus a ton of other odds and ends, way too many to mention. Blue Berries, some huge potted Strawberries, Russian Sage, all kinds of flowering shrubs including some awesome Allegany Viburnum and Summer Snowflake Viburnum. Summer Snowflake is like a blooming machine! They bloom all summer. Allegany has a beautiful, coarse texture leaf to give your landscape a little Pizzazz. (google says that means vitality and glamor. Pretty impressive huh?)
Oh, oh, oh! I gotta tell you about my neighbor Richard. We share the driveway. Why I don’t know? Maybe there was a shortage of gravel back in 1929. Probably a shortage of money. But anyway, Richard has some really nice Hemlock trees for $25.00 each and get this, Richard is having his first ever, dig your own sale! Any plant in the field $20.00 you dig it. He’s serious about this, he has a lot of nice stuff. You pick what you like, hand him twenty bucks and dig away! Something tells me this is going to turn into a dirt flying frenzy when people see his plants!
Richard is on the right side of the driveway, I’m on the left.
Hey you know what? I almost forgot, I’ve got some Green Mountain Boxwood and Blue Boy and Blue Girl Holly and holy cow! How could I forget about the Azaleas??? We have some beautiful Hot Shot Azaleas, they have striking red flowers and Rosebud which have beauuuuuutiful Pink Rose like blooms. You’re circling what you want right? Red or Blue ink? One time some guy marked up my ad with a yellow highlighter! Can you believe that? I gave him what for!
Okay, now I’m gonna tell you a secret. Almost every single plant in the joint is priced at $5.97 except a handful of Japanese maples and some Lavender Twist Weeping Redbud trees. I’ve got some Japanese red maples for $5.97 but I do have a handful of bigger ones that are $39.00 each and here’s the secret. I have a few Laceleaf Weeping Japanese Red maples left at $39.00. They won’t last. You need to get out here. Now I’ve got a homework assignment for you. Google Lavender Twist Weeping Redbud tree and be prepared to be amazed! This is an awesome plant and I’ve only got a few at $49.00 each.
Listen up. These are the rules of engagement. I don’t do phones. You can’t call me up and ask me questions. We don’t even have a phone at the nursery. Just get in the dag blamed car and come see what we have. Say Hi to the donkeys, they’ve been waiting all summer for a plant sale. They love plant sales! They get to meet a lot of new friends. Their names are Finnegan and Fergus, Fergus is the dark brown one. They’ll probably sing to you on the way in!
People ask me; “Mike, why do you sell all of your plants for only $5.97 each?” The answer is simple, I think that you, the plant buying public, should have that option. Most of this stuff we grow ourselves so the margin of profit is high. We put them in special pots and sell them at prices anybody can afford. There are all kinds of places where you can buy expensive plants. My job is to give you the chance to buy things like Dogwoods, Lilacs, Arborvitae, you name it, at a lower price.
Let me tell you a secret about buying plants in Perry. When you shop for plants in Perry you are buying from people who are crazy passionate about what they do. We’re all growers. I’ve known these folks most of my life and they are “salt of the earth, passionate people who live to grow and sell plants. Many of them are second and third generation operations. Be sure to stop and visit all of the nurseries in Perry.
We are located at 4850 North Ridge Road (Rt. 20) in Perry. Just east of Antioch Road. Look for the big sign on the right that says; “Beautiful Plants, only $5.97 each!” The zip code is 44081 in case you need it for your GPS thingy.
When you pull in please park out back. Drive past the outhouse, past the donkeys and park next to the orange tractor. Be sure to bring your shopping list! I’m the old cranky guy in the bib overalls. Come early, I get really cranky in the afternoon.
Can you do me a favor? Tell your 30 year old children about my plant sale. They think they are all connected to the world with their cute little smart phones, but obviously they are not or they’d know about my plant sale.
Listen up, we only sell plants a few weekends each year. Don’t miss out! Come right now! Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. September 18th, 19th and 20th. I can’t wait to meet you! Now get in the dag blamed car and come and look at my plants!
Do you have any cotton candy lilacs and if so how much.
I just found a picture of cotton candy lilacs. Will they grow in Michigan and how much are they?
I really know nothing about this plant, in my ad I was selling Cotton Candy Hosta which I am currently sold out of.
Do you have any backyard growers near the D.C. area? My neighbor is looking for 500-1,000 tree seedlings for a noise barrier on a Boy Scout property located next to an interstate. Deer are assertive in the area and he is looking for trees that won’t be decimated by them. Many thanks!
We have backyard growers everywhere, hopefully somebody in your area will see this post.
Do you ship your plants to South Florida???
No, I am not in the plant shipping business, I leave that our members. Our Backyard Growers Members area is awesome! Learn all about it here:
Just seeing this now at 340 pm on sunday….in willowick! We have new beds to fill and this would have been perfect!!! Sad!!
We’ll be open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm this coming weekend as well Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Sept 18th, 19th and 20th.
Did you sell most of your plants last weekend or do you still have quite a few to select from?
I still have thousands of plants available and we are doing another sale this weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday Sept. 18th, 19th and 20th. 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Love love love plants just bought a new house thats lacking color…can perennials be planted this late and establish right…so they come back next spring summer??? Ty for any advice you can offer:)
Absolutely they can. Fall is really the best time of the year for planting. The roots will grow anytime soil temps are above 45 degrees F.
nice site I hope plants are fair size .