In October we lost our little yellow dog. She was 14 years old. We loved her to death and I wanted her to be buried at the nursery, Near the Donkeys. We bought her a grave marker and I had a sign made that hangs on the fence by her grave. I’ll post a photo in the spring.
But first, a word of thanks.
Actually a “HUGE” thank you to Tim Berrier.
In August of this year we had our Annual Backyard Growers Shindig at Our Nursery and of course it was a blast, lots of people showed up. Two of our guests that day were Tim and Patty (“Cookie”) Berrier from Pennsylvania. Actually, I gave Patty that nickname at the shindig and it seems to have stuck. Kind of a long story.

Mike and Pam McGroarty with Tim and Patty Berrier.
During the shindig Tim is walking around with his camera snapping all kinds of photos as were many people. But a few weeks later when Tim found out that we lost Ally he sent me a bunch of photos that he her took of her that day. Which is amazing because she really didn’t like getting her picture taken and usually turned her head away when I tried. He captured some amazing photos!
Sorry, this is getting hard to write. Which is why I waited so long to do this post.
What he really captured was a huge piece of my heart.
So with more thanks than you can ever imagine Timothy, here are your photos along with a tribute our “Little Yellow Dog”.

The Little Yellow Dog.
The sign by her grave reads . . .
Here lies the little yellow dog . . .
Before we bought this property she lived a life of sub-division doldrums. Paved roads, concrete sidewalks, perfectly manicured lawns, underground fence, big fluffy pillows on a giant bed in a climate controlled house.

The Little Yellow Dog.
But here?
Here she was an adventurer, an explorer and a hunter. She climbed dirt piles, rock piles, log piles and the manure pile. She was here the day the first shovel of dirt was turned. She was here as every square foot of land was cleared.

The Little Yellow Dog.
She was here when we made cuttings, when we potted plants and she was front and center greeting customers at every plant sale.
She loved “going to work” and hated it on the rare occasions that I left her home.

The Little Yellow Dog.
Many times I had to bathe her before I took home, else we’d both be in trouble.
She was by my side as I built the donkey house and as every fence post went into the ground.

The Little Yellow Dog.
She was here the day the donkeys arrived. Just babies, only three months old and afraid. She comforted them, told them it would be okay, told them that this place was awesome!

The Little Yellow Dog.
On really cold days, she slept on the front seat of the truck, heater on, motor running. On really hot days, even though she didn’t like getting wet, I’d catch her slowly walking through the sprinklers just to get cooled off.

Mike McGroarty and The Little Yellow Dog.
After work she loved riding in the Jeep. Hanging over the side, ears blowing in the wind.

Ally the Nursery Dog!
We loved her to the moon and back and she loved us more.
Ally, you will forever be in our hearts.

Ally, by my side as always.
Tim and Patty, thank you so much!
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below.
I am so sorry for the loss of your little yellow dog. Our furry ones are so much a part of our days and lives, and are such good friends.It is so hard to have them go. It seems like you gave her a wonderful, fun life! You have my deepest sympathy.
Thank you Kathleen.
Your story grabbed at my heart. I just found your website and The Little Yellow Dog caught my eye because we have one that looks similar. I’ve always had dogs, but this little dog is The Dog of My Life. I think that’s what yours was to you. Ours is still young, so we have many years, but she has taken over my heart so completely that I grieve the knowledge I’ll be in your shoes some day. Until then though, I’m going to appreciate all the love and joy she brings us every moment. But I sure do feel for you. Wishing you peace.
Thank you Linda, I do appreciate that.
I rescued an unwanted emaciated 17 yr. old mix…I nursed her back to health and she loved her other rescue mates…just about one year to the day we saved each other, she developed a tumor on her spine…loosing use of her hind legs, we tried to extend her life to no avail…I held Annie in my arms as she was sadly put to rest…and then her eyes opened…I was crying uncontrollably & my husband turned to me and said “she just wanted one more look at me’ husband’s words to me helped get my through a heart breaking time and are instilled in me for ever. I WILL MEET YOU AT THE RAINBOW BRIDGE LITTLE ANNIE…
I’m sorry for your loss.
We have lost 4 dogs in the last three years. It is a tough thing. But, they are here to teach us about unconditional love and also to teach us about loss. I could tell you heart breaking stories of losing so many animals, not just dogs, but cats and horses as well. It’s always a “tough row to hoe”, eh?
But, I will tell you a story about a little chocolate Pomeranian I lost a year ago. He was 17 so it was time. At one point in my life he was my only dog and I worked two jobs. The first was early in the morning and though he couldn’t go to work with me, he came anyway and stayed in the car. I took an extra key and left the car running with the heat on so he wouldn’t get cold. Everyone stopped by to see why the car was running and eventually they stopped by to chat with the yappy and fierce 6 pound dog in the running car.
He wasn’t the nicest dog. He was a rescue, ill mannered, not trained, sometimes he’d pee in the house. But at 8 years old I stole him from a guy who kept him in a crate and he was always grateful to me for that. He was a sweetie and somewhat trainable at 8 years old. He always accepted the new rescue dogs that came into his life. His ashes are in a redwood box in the library with a name tag that simply reads “Tuffy 1/12/’99 – 1/31/’16”.
I am sorry for your loss. Everyone of us out here understands.
Thanks Tina, I appreciate that.
Very interesting story, thank you for sharing!!!!!!!
This post moved me to tears. I am thankful she had such a good home, and that you are the type of person to realize how blessed you were to have such a great companion.
By the way, I just discovered your website today while searching for tips on replanting trees. It was instantly bookmarked!
Thanks Brian, I appreciate that.
A small dog but a big true lover.
I have a small dog (pug) her name is Shou Pang a Chinese name means a little fat, she perhaps the oldest pug dog in the world Thanksgiving day 2016 was her 15 years birthday. She can’t walk a lot of take care but I don’t want lost her and love her still the same… I knew what your feeling.
Thank you Yu, I they truly are part of our lives.
I know the heat break of loss of your pet who is a family member, each dog that we had are buried in a our yard. It was a heart breaking experience. My son found a Doberman in a junk when he was working for security, the doberman wad run away as he was abused, I wads always scared of dobermans.anyway he brought it home and not telling me, that day I came home from work and he was suppose to be in his room with the door closed, I sat at the table and the next time I felt the dog sitting by my leg well we became so close that when I took out at night he would bump my leg to go in as to warn me. She was called Cleo, she caught mouth cancer. I had no choice but to put her to sleep in my arms,she was my protector,my heart was broken. As all my dog you get attached
to, I am very sorry that you had to go through this just remember she was happy and had a good life,
Thank you Emily.
Oh my! I too, have loved an old dog. I read about Ally, but it was the part about leaving the motor running to keep her warm that brought tears. Its the silly indulgences, the specialness we bestow to keep our loves happy, that makes us happy. The joy in watching her play, the companionship in always having your best friend close by, all the dirty secrets you shared. Its a grievous thing. Even the donkeys know she is gone gone.
One day, there will be somebody new, and they will be another dog person to learn about and love. They wont be Ally. Nobody can replace her, but I bet it wont be long before somebody else has their teeth on your heart. Yours is as big as all outdoors.
Thanks, Mike, for all you do.
Thanks Beth, I appreciate that.
Mike, I hadn’t heard about your losing your precious dog.
It is so sad to lose a pet! I have lost many.
One thing that made me feel better is a book I saw advertised in Guide Post magazine.
It has scripture to back up the author’s statement that our pets will be in heaven!
I can’t find the name and author, now, but will let you know when I do,
I have a FB friend who is a pastor & asked him about it. He said that he definitely believe it and plans to ride his white hors through the vast meadows of heaven!
That gives this more meaning: “I Can Only Imagine!”
I believe your little yellow dog is running free in heaven. Maybe has some new donkey friends!
Love Ya!
P. S. I think that in a couple of years I might take a plane to Perry Ohio to attend one of your Shindigs!
My husband and I enjoyed the one in Atlanta!
Thank you Anita. By all means come to one of our shindigs. There is so much to see and do in this part of Ohio in the summer time. Were only a few hours from Niagara Falls.
Thank you Sherry.
Mike – So Sorry for your loss. As I looked at the pics you could tell she was full of life and love! As I read all the comments and your responses the tears continued to flow. We animal lovers and gardeners know that all that beauty and joy comes from above and will always be with us.
Little Ally will always be with you. Best wishes this new year. Thanks for all you do. God Bless you and your family.
I just saw this and was so sorry for your loss. Our fur babies are just like our kids. They always give us their unconditional love and I suppose that’s why it hurts so bad when they leave this earth for the rainbow bridge. I lost my dog a while back. He was 17 and I knew it just was his time. It’s been some years now, but I still miss him like it was yesterday. I just have my kitties now and sadly they’re getting old along with me. I hope you find another dog to have in your life when you’re ready. And you’ll love them just as much as you did Ally, just differently. Thanks for sharing, she was beautiful.
Dear Mike and family, I was so saddened at reading your above post about the loss of your beloved Ally. I know only too well that horrible feeling. They are a huge part of your family and when they leave there is a huge “hole” left in our homes and in our hearts. What a beautiful tribute to her you have written. It is clear that she loved you all very much and knew how much you loved her as well – and at the end of the day isn’t that what we all are on this earth for??
Take good care of yourselves – I’m sure she’s up in heaven waiting for the thaw so she can watch over your planting from above.
Sincerely, Sue
You’re right Sue, every day with her was a blessing.
Mike, I read your blog about Ally with tears running down my face. What a beautiful gift to have had such a companion to share your life! Only those of us who have given our hearts to furry friends can understand the bond that grows between us. Her memory will keep her forever in your heart.
I had to smile at Ally growing up in a manicured, concrete world. My Oliver did the same. I retired five years ago and moved to the country. I don’t know who is happier but Oli is a gray muzzled puppy again – hunting, tracking, exploring, guarding. A friend commented that Oli didn’t know what running is until he moved out to the country.
They make happy more joyful. They make sad more bearable. They make everyday a new adventure. They offer the friendship and loyalty that is unconditional as only they can. Rest in peace, little Ally.
Thank you Alice, that was very nice.
So terribly sorry for you. She had a great life and was obviously loved.
Thank you Jackie.
Love the story. There’s a berry and herb farm a couple of miles from me that was planted six years ago. They had a beautiful Lab named Aiden who stayed in really good shape running after the trucks and tractor. One day I brought Aiden a rawhide bone and took photos of him playing with it. I sent them to the farm via email months later. They sent a lovely note saying Aiden had passed shortly after I took the photos. I was never so happy to have taken a batch of random photos as when I got their message. I miss Aiden and love his two nephews who are at the farm with their parents now and then.
I’ve really enjoyed seeing Ally with you. She reminds me of my farm dogs when I still lived on the farm.. Farm dogs have a free spirit and a special bond with their humans. I’m sorry for your loss and understand well losing your best canine friend. Your next pup will have mighty big paws to fill.
Thanks Jan, I appreciate it. Same story here, when Tim snapped those photos we had no idea. For that I will be forever grateful.
Mike, I can’t remember many videos you have done that didn’t have Ally close by watching. We lost our dog last year as well, he was 12. We now have a new puppy that has stolen our hearts and filled up the hole. Puppies are a pain, but they also help the healing process.
Thanks for sharing your story.
Thanks Wendy.
I can’t stop crying after reading your beautiful tribute. Many dogs have come to keep me company on this lonely road called life. I loved them all and their love for me kept me going. Their pure innocence gave me hope that there is good out there. They are all still with me and they keep leaving signs that only I can recognize. They are waiting for me to join them when the time comes. The pain of loss is immense, but it can’t compare to the gift I was blessed to recieve from them. I thank them all and I am forever grateful….
Irena I’m right with you, I couldn’t see the words without wiping my eyes. Mike I’m so sorry for you and your family’s loss. Those of us who love our pets as true family members go through such heartbreaks when we lose our furry babies. I still mourn all those I have lost in the past, and know we will meet again one day.
Misty Ferrara
Tallahassee, FL
Terribly sorry for your loss Mike. She obviously lived a full life and shared much joy and love with you. It’s amazing how a single creature can affect one so much, isn’t it? My beloved schnauzer cured me of my dog phobia and it was like opening another world to me.
They truly are awesome friends. Thank you.
What a nice gift from Tim & Patty! It is always so heartbreaking to lose a pet. Just be proud that you gave her such a wonderful life & remember the companionship she gave you.
Blessings to you & your family.
Ally was a beautiful and faithful member of the family! I grieve with you and we all will miss her deeply.
From Uruguay, I am very sorry for the news. The post was exciting. Greetings Mike
Thank you Juan, I appreciate that.
Dear Mike,
So sorry about Mis Ally, so happy you have these wonderful pics of her. As I have found many times over the years, hang around with these short-lifers and they will break your heart, over and over. But it’s worth it.
Love to you, Pam and the family, Fergus and Finnegan must be missing her, too. At least we can figure it out, sorta.
Regards and best holidays — hey, today the days get longer! Hurray!
Thank you Dawn.
Ally, such a beautiful girl! I’m a BIG dog lover, and that’s the only thing I hate about having them, is I can’t have them for nearly long enough. They wiggle their way into our hearts, each one leaving their own brand of love for us. I hope the memories and sweet pictures of her sooth your heart when it hurts the most. Be kind to yourself.
Thank you Lori. Mike
Hello Mike, sending you this poem I found with condolences for beautiful Ally.
I Haven’t Left At All
I saw you gently weeping as you looked through photographs
You paused for just a moment at one that made you laugh;
But as you turned more pages the tears began to flow
You whispered that you missed me but I want you to know;
I softly licked those stinging tears that down your cheeks did fall
I want to help you understand I haven’t left at all.
On those days that you are overcome with sorrow, pain and grief
I rest my head upon your leg to offer some relief.
When you take our walking path I’ve seen you turn around
Because I know you surely heard my paws upon the ground.
At night while you are sleeping I snuggle at your side
You stroke my fur as you touch that place where I used to lie.
You said it’s just your heart playing tricks upon your mind
But rest assured I’m really there, my spirit’s left behind.
I know your heart is hurting; it’s like an open sore
You think my life has ended and you won’t see me anymore.
But for those of us bound tight by love, death is not the curtain call;
It’s really the eternal beginning that waits for us all
So, dear Master as you live your life I patiently await
For us to be together when you pass through Heaven’s gate.
In Loving Memory
May your memories of Ally live on Always
Thanks Sand, that was wonderful. Mike
What a lovely poem! I understand all too well how heart wrenching it is to loose a loving furry friend. Tears flowed as I read the poem and my heart aches for Mike and his family. God bless all of you!
So very sorry to hear of your loss of your little yellow dog. She was very pretty and bless to have you for her forever home. Hugs!
Thank you Susan.
I loved watching your videos on Youtube and your “little yellow dog” would wander by in the background. Always got a kick out of her nonchalant appearances. So sorry for your loss and hope that memories of her enjoying her life on your farm will bring comfort to you and yours.
Mike, I am so sorry that you lost your little dog. When they go, a big part of our heart goes with them. I know for sure that there is a special place for our pets when they die and Ally is just fine. Still doing the things she loved to do.
Thank you Marsha.
I loved this newsletter, even tho and because it was filled with the story of Ally, the Little Yellow Dog. I am definitely a Dog Person myself. My throat has a lump in it as I write this note to you.
I am so sorry you have suffered such a great loss, but also I know how grateful you are to have these pictures and to have had The Little yellow Dog in your lives for so long. You are a lucky bunch! She looks like she was a Cockapoo, I had one at one time, a little male, I named him Quincy. He was a rescue. One of the most wonderful dogs I have ever had.
You have been blessed in many ways.
I feel lucky and blessed to be acquainted with you.
Merry Christmas and a Happy, happy new year to you and your family.
I love all the knowledge you share with us. I will keep looking for my newsletters.
Jeannie Andrews, Winlock, WA
Thank you Jeannie, she was a Schnoodle.
Thank you for sharing your photos of Ally. What a sweetheart! My condolences to you and your family.
Ally – what a precious girl. I lost my best buddy this year as well. Those we love never go away, they are beside us everyday. Thinking of you.
Thank you Kris and sorry for your loss.
The Lord gave them to us to love and be loved.
They are like family.
Our pets are one of many gifts from our Lord.
They are part of our families.
Sorry for the loss of your beloved dog. Maybe Santa will bring you a new puppy! Hope so….
What struck me so much, enough to start taking pictures of Ally, was how much she “clung” to you and Pam. With so many people around, she would always search one of you out just to be reassured that you were still there.
And so, I followed her with my camera.
She sure did love you, Mike!
And it always showed, even when I was there without my camera. She was your shadow.
Your friend,
Bless you for your gift of precious photos for Mike and Pam!
Mike and Family,
I am very sorry for you. My prayer for you is that all your hurts will be touched with grace and your memories bring you happiness. It does not happen at once, and never completely, but you can be assured that little yellow dog had the best life offered to any dog.
Dear Mike and family, I am so sorry, Have lost my beloved Beau, a black and white Springer Spaniel.
He was only 12, but like so many dogs when they know they are dying, try to go off to die alone. I found him walking away in a culvert, and brought him home, Still cry when I think of him and that was over 30 years ago. Love lasts forever, even for our beloved dogs who are puppies forever to us.
I sure do understand your sadness. Bobbie
So sorry for your loss. She was a beauty! I hope you will consider adopting a rescue shelter dog. Thank you for sharing with us.
So sorry for your loss, fur babies always take a piece of your heart when they go. I’m sure she would want you to love another!