In Our Members Area we are always discussing new and interesting ways to sell more plants. Many people live in an area where it’s just not feasible to invite a bunch of people to their house for a plant sale, so they are always looking for new ideas.
This simple idea starts with a simple Facebook Post and what many people don’t realize is that you can actually give Facebook a few bucks to “boost” a post, which means that it will be seen by a lot more people than just the handful that would see your posts otherwise.
So this is what my Facebook Post would look like;
Begin post . . .

Annabelle Hydrangea.
Annabelle Hydrangea Plants, only $5.97 each while they last. I only have 17 of these available right now but I am willing to deliver one to you at your place of work, at the end of the work day, if you will do one simple thing for me. I’d like you to show this post to your co-workers and let them know what time I’ll be stopping by today in case they too are interested.
Annabelle Hydrangea is an Awesome Plant!
I call Annabelle the hydrangea that never fails to bloom because unlike many hydrangeas this plant blooms on current years growth. So the flower buds are never contingent on making it through the winter. In the spring Annabelle flushes out with new growth, grows like crazy, then around July it stops growing and makes a big beautiful bloom at the end of every branch!
The flowers start out almost mint green, then turn a dazzling white, then take on a pink tinge at the end of the season. They stay in bloom a long time. At the end of the season you can cut them back as much as you want and the following year they will reward you with even more flowers.
Keep in mind, I only have 17 of these, only $5.97 each and delivery is free to your place of employment. Just let me know where to be and at what time. Be sure to tell your co-workers that I am coming.
P.S. Let you boss know too just in case he or she has a problem with this.
End post . . .
Of course when you show up you have exactly 17 Annabelle Hydrangeas with you, but you also have dozens of other beautiful and have really nice Bench Cards made up for each plant. You think this through ahead of time, get there early and set up your plants in such a way that they are super appealing.
If I were to make this my main method of selling plants I’d build a small trailer with racks on each side that fold out so you have a really nice way to display your plants visually. When you are traveling the sides are folded down and the plants ride below the racks and the racks actually act as wind break to keep your plants healthy and happy.
It’s a traveling plant show!
However, however, however!
Don’t let the thought of not having a such a trailer keep you from doing this. That would just be a lame excuse for not doing something really simple. Keep in mind, Debbie Fields of Mrs. Fields cookies started selling her cookies door to door. Everybody starts somewhere and it’s usually not with a big splash.
It’s also a good idea to carry a small pump spray filled with water so you can spritz your plants after you set up your display.
Would this crazy idea work?
Yes. Of course it would. And I think you’d have a lot of fun in the process and develop a loyal customer base who would happily brag you up to friends, family and on social media. Be sure to collect contact information from them. Name, address, email address etc. Maybe even have them opt into your text messaging service for a free plant.
As soon as you get home, and I do mean as soon as you get home, go through those contacts and send each person a handwritten “Thank You” note. Who does that? Nobody! That’s why it would make such a lasting impression that would they would never forget. They’d be talking about you at work again the following day.
Truth be told this business isn’t about having thousands or tens of thousands of plants. It’s about selling the ones that you do have and having fun in the process.
And of course you would keep it all legal, charge sales tax and accept cash, checks and by all means credit cards. At our plant sales we get very few checks, still get some cash, but at least 40% of those who buy use a credit or debit card.
What you just read is golden.
Don’t let it slip away unused.
Questions, comments, mean things to say? Post them below.
Genius idea!
Keep up the great posts I hope. To start in the spring
Still having trouble identifying plant names
Keep up the great posts I hope. To start in the spring
Still having trouble identifying plant names
I really enjoy all of the emails I receive from you. It’s like getting a letter from family. Thanks for sharing.