Wow! I can’t believe that we are doing this . . . but here goes;
The contest is now over. A winner has been drawn and an email has been sent to notify them. We’ll post the winner here once they respond. Thank you!

‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese Maple.
Please do me a huge favor . . .
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Purple Ghost Japanese Maple.
I originally wrote about this spectacular Japanese maple last spring in This Post.
Disclaimer; more than likely we will not be able to ship this tree to the west coast.
If you are chosen to win this tree and you happen to be on the west coast we’ll send you a really nice, alternative gardening gift. Shipping plants from the east coast or central America to the west coast is challenging because of pest control laws. It’s a good thing really, but I have to make you aware of that upfront.
This ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese maple is nothing short of a spectacular tree and extremely rare and hard to find. Of course where did I find one to give away? In Our Members Area! We have several members who sell really rare Japanese maples to other members at crazy low prices!
Enter the contest by writing a short comment below!
always interesting reading,hope to take advantage of membership this year…
That color is stunning – I’ve never seen one like it before. I’d love to win one. thanks!
Such a glorious gift from God. Who’da thunk that with everything else going on in this world, this simple, but beautiful example of greatness could be shining for all of us to see. So miraculous.. thank you for your kindness and your knowledge.
I just love everything about maple trees. The are so versatile in the garden, they add color and interest to the landscape.. I love paiting and crafting with maple leaves. the Japanese Hapa Some, Leaf printing . Scandinavian leaf prints. leaf imprints on china. Maple syrup and maple candy. The possibilities seem endless.
I love Japanese Maples. The Purple Ghost is an especially nice variety.
Mike, keep up the good work for all back yard gardeners!!
When working in my front yard, I have been told many times how beautiful my yard and flowers look. I can only imagine what they would say if they would see a beautiful tree like this “Purple Ghost Japanese Maple” in my front yard, especially in the fall, I know it would make me very very Happy!!!
This tree would look lovely in my front yard.
The ‘Purple ghost’ is gorgeous!
This is a very stunning tree. The color reminds me of a Mimosa tree that was in our yard when I was a child. When it was in full bloom, it was so beautiful. A disease came through and destroyed most of the trees around in the 70’s. I’m beginning to see a few along the roadsides in our community. I would be grateful to have the Japanese Maple.
I really enjoy all your tips and advice for my garden and for my customers!! This tree would make a beautiful centerpiece to my yard!
I love this site. I have learned so much and each day learn something new. I plan to join as soon as I am able. Thank you for everything. I am so sorry you lost Ally.
The Japanese maple is my favorite tree. You have so many beautiful ones. I would love to win one. Thanks for all the information you give us. I hope this year will be a good year for you.
I love your down to earth, practical gardening. I look to you for help all the time. I have a spot in my front yard for a purple Japanese maple. I can’t wait to receive this one!
Love the giveaways and the tips Just about to start seeding. I will start on the window sill then move them to the greenhouse later, I have already planted onions and garlic in the raised bed and set the new raised (smaller beds) in a more sunny location where the tomatoes seem to do best.
I would be thrilled to win this tree. So beautiful and thanks for doing this Mike.
Beautiful Tree!! So mazing to see!
Just moved. I have a clean slate. Excited to design and create my Never Ending Garden of Peace.
What an Exquisite creation of nature!
In all honesty, I don’t have my own home yet to put such a beautiful piece of natures art.
Perhaps someday soon.
Although I am saddened that I cannot truly hope for the chance to win due to my lack of a yard, may the ghost live long and happy in it’s new home! Good luck to all…
and Thank you Mike…..
I’ve loved receiving your e-mails of plant culture over many years and appreciate your commitment and selflessness to share with others.
when I do have a yard to plant a beloved garden I’ll be sure to inquire where I might find one for myself
Happy Gardening
I’d love to win one and will definitely buy one when possible in the backyard garden members area if I finally get a grip on how to navigate through it.
This is one awesomely beautiful tree! How hearty is it? How easy to maintain healthy growth.
Love all the helpful gardening info I’m receiving from your site. Would love to win this gorgeous tree.
Would love to win this beauty. You have such great information on your site
I shared this on my twitter!
Very pretty. Enjoying your site.
Acre maples all the same in England we love the land king size minute princess let the gardeners reside the test
If only gardeners could run the world what a great place it would be
No maple syrup from the tree acre abound leaf pip and seed
Acre maples all the same in England we love the land king size minute princess let the gardeners reside the test
I have been following Mike for many years and would love to have this beautiful tree.
This Japanese Maple is gorgeous,!!! I look forward to your emails, I learn so much!
Would love to try this Japanese maple. They are borderline hardy here in Northern MI.
Really fond of Japanese maples. Never realized there are so many varieties.
I always enjoy your tips and lessons. I’ve been following you for years now. The Purple Ghost Maple
is beautiful!! It would be wonderful to have this in my yard!
Beautiful tree. Hope to get one soon.
Me and my wife have been following your site, joined your pay site and have never looked back. This spring will be my first sale!
Happy New Year Mike and all my fellow “gardening freaks”! Love, love, love this J. maple, too! Don’t have this one… yet. 🙂
I love all the gardening tips, would love to have this for my garden.
I am amazed at the incredible variety of Japanese Maples and this one is
Thank you so much for your inspirational work! I love your tips!
I love purple. I love maples. I have moved and have to start over planting trees, so I was thinking I’ll just plant one of everything I like!!! I’d like to get this tree out where it would be seen. Maybe near a fringe tree would look nice. I’ll have to look into how big it will get over the years.
Mike, Mike, Mike, I scan my emails daily for hints from you! You have helped my garden and my gardening so much! Can not wait for every new email!!
Japanese Purple Ghost. I would love to have one. Is it for zone 6a. If not then allow someone else to win it if my name is drawn.
Thanks Mike for doing such a great thing.
I would love to have a purple ghost. I’m a new member this past May, and I would like to have 20 of them, they truly are beautiful tree.
I LOVE my Japanese Maples! I have grown them for years. The purple ghost is amazingly beautiful!
Mike’s advice on propagation has been a great asset to my entire yard. Keep up the good work.
I have been an admirer of Japanese gardens all my life. The elegance and variety of the Japanese Maple adds so much texture and color to the layered and horizontal Japanese style of gardening. A real stand out!
Alabama and the purple ghost—-sounds interesting!
I love it and would like to plant in my new yard. I get to landscape with a fresh pallet. I hope I win.
Simply amazing! I would be forever grateful to have such a beautiful maple as the focal point in my landscape.
Mike, You are doing great buddy. Thank you for all the inspiration.
We lost our house do to the fires here in Northern California. Maple Trees are on our list for replanting of our yard. This would be great!
It’s cool to see so many people commenting on Mike’s website. We all appreciate his dedication to sharing his insight and knowledge. Whoever is the winner of that lovely maple tree, well, you must’ve made Mike’s day. Personally, I’d like to win one of the Donkeys. 😉 Hi, Finnegan! Hi, Fergus!
This tree is Beautiful !!! I have the red Maple but have never seen this purple 1 before. Yes you can send it to me & I will take very good care of her for you. Lol
I miss maple trees! Theres none where I live just lots of cotton woods.
It is such a beautiful color, anyone would be please and lucky to have it.
Mike, originally from Richfield, Ohio. Had numerous Japanese maples, such beauties. Never saw a ghost maple. Hope you pull my name. Living now in beautiful Colorado Springs. That maple sure would look nice in my yard. Thanks for all your tips for Ohio weather. Peace Brother.
I love Japanese Maples – they are so sculptural in the winter and delicate when the leaves are on.
Beautiful Tree
I purchased 2 Japanese Maples about 3 years ago. One did t make it the year. The other held on for about 2 1/2 years until my husband got ahold of some spray to kill weeds. I was mad as a hornet!!! I just purchased another right when fall began, so it’s in the house until planting time. It’s doing beautifully! I hope it transplants well. Yours is just breathtaking! I sure would love to have this! We will see if I have any luck this time…lol.
Love reading all your mail and learning all kinds of new things!
absolutely breathtaking. I stumbled on your site while doing research for my historical fiction (partially based in the Garden of Eden). Can you imagine a tree like this in God’s personal garden?! it brings tears to my eyes. what an amazing place that must have been.
what a beautiful J. Map;e need to get back to my rootsssssssss
Mike……been following you from the beginning.Thanks for all your help !
Beautiful tree! Been looking for a smaller tree for a huge pot that I bought 2 years ago. Even though I live in Washington, I am on the east end of the state (the dryer and warmer side). Love all the information I get.
would love this
I’d love to give this tree to my dad, who loves Japanese Maples and is an avid reader of your site.
Dodo I win?
Thank you for sharing your knowledge….love learning from the experienced. Wish I had found your website before now….but now you are in my FAVORITEs. Thank you Mike! This is indeed a gorgeous tree!
I lOVE Japanese maples and would be excited to have this one.
I absolutely love these trees! Their leaves make me happy just to see them. If I’m chooses I would love and care for the tree! It I don’t then I pray that the blessed one who does enjoys it greatly and it grows to it’s fullest ability!
Thank you for teaching me better ways with my babies! I love them!
Yes, this is an absolutely beautiful tree!… And one that I’d love to enjoy growing in my own yard 🙂 Also, thanks Mike for the wonderful tips and helpful advice you’ve provided along the way.
Sign me up please.
Hi Mike. I love getting your emails and save most of them. I am disabled but am hoping this will be the year I can join your group and start my own back yard nursery. Thank you so much for the knowledge you share with everyone.
It wound be a great honor to own one of these trees.
Love anything that’s this beautiful.
I love gardening and have been reading and appreciating your advice and beautiful photos for the last few years. My daughter-in-law has a beautiful Japanese red maple tree she planted when my first grandchild, Lily was born. I would love to win the gorgeous purple ghost Japanese maple. Thank you for this opportunity and for your wonderful emails.
Great giveaway! I want research this tree now!
Your site is amazing
Read your books a long time ago, and still following.
I love Japanese Maples. The add such definition to your landscape.
Thank you for offering this! What a beautiful tree!
Mike, after 20 years in the nursery business specializing in Japanese Maples in WA State, I am retiring to Kansas to care for my 92 year old mother. But, like you, I just cannot shake the growing of beautiful and hardy plants, especially Japanese Maples. For that reason, I have set up a non profit organization in Silver Lake Kansas and have begun the long journey of making a Midwest Botanical Garden for the community. As you can imagine, there are not many such gardens here! A Purple Ghost maple would be a wonderful addition (with a plaque with your name as the donor). Thank you for your consideration.
What an absolutely beautiful tree!
A beautiful tree!!
Thanks for all your great help and helping me to
learn more on how to raise some great plants
Water us with your wisdom
and watch us GROW
Inez Mathis
Absolutely lovely tree, I fell in love with Japanese Maples when I moved to Georgia. Keep trying new ones. Even some from seed that rooted in my sister’s garden. Also made one into a bonsai. This is just beautiful.
I hope I win this beautiful purple tree. It’s the color of my birthstone, amethyst. I love it.
Have been a member for quite a while. I must say that you’ve been a valuable resource and wealth of information.
My My Dogwood trees, Fig trees, Japanese Cut Leaf Dragon trees,various maples, Bushes, plants, others just thrive!
Your tips along with my compost help immensely.
My compost is even used on my lawn 3 times yearly.
I wish I were retired. I’d be playing in the dirt with my dog all day long.
Even my compost requires TLC during the cold winter months.
Good luck to the winner. looking at my Japanese maples on a nice summer night brings much joy!!!
I have never seen a tree like that! It’s beautiful!
I have been receiving your emails for years and love all the great tips!
Purple is my favorite color! Would love to have this gorgeous tree!
Simply stunning. I love Japanese Maples!
I love your newsletters. You truly keep me inspired, can’t wait for spring. I am researching numerous varieties of Japanese maples and the purple ghost is beautiful.
I have been silent for sometime now, this tree has brought me out of hiding. lol
Wow! Now I see why you prune them the way you taught us. Just amazing. Thanks for all the great lessons, Mike! Have never seen this variety in the “flesh” as rhe nurseries around here don’t cater to unusual and equisitite varieties like this and so many orhers you show us. Now….exactly WHOSE tree is this? Hahaha. God bless you and yours and please know you are very much appreciated.
Beautiful Maple! I would love to have a chance to get one!
I love Japanese Maples . I want to grow several different varieties especially rare ones. I would love to grow this one in my yard in Indiana. Thanks for offering it.
Stunning! Thank you!!! I love the color variation!!!
I have been using your tips for years, and look forward to your e-mails. I would love to have this tree in my yard.
I’ve been trying to get a hold of Japanese Maple seeds to propagate, to no avail! Thanks for your generosity!
I would love to win one of these beautiful trees!!!
Beautiful tree
enjoy reading about all your doing
Would love this for my yard..
Wow! How cool! I love maples, and that one sound amazing! I’m on the west coast though and I would like to give a vote for the lady who’s dad was in the service and had one but lightening
Killed it! And he can’t find another one. It’d be cool if he got one. Just thinking…,
My Wife thinks that these trees are the pettiest of all the Japanese Maples. It is hard to find one up in the Pacific Northwest, and if you do find one you have to sign over a relative and she won’t let me do that. we have a beautiful spot in our backyard for one.
Beautiful and colorful !
Happy New Year!
Would love to win
I have been looking for an unusual, beautifil tree for my yard for sometime, but haven’t been able to find the right fit. This tree would be perfect.
I do so enjoy the interesting, informative emails I receive from you. Keep up the good work.
Gorgeous tree! Would love to win it, but concerned about it’s hardiness here in northern NH….supposed to have a wind chill of -30+ tomorrow…thank you for the chance at winning!
Just found you last summer and have learned a lot since then!
TY for all the great content and the money-saving perspective 🙂
Have had a Japanese Maple on my wish list for a couple years,
and have a wonderful spot for it here in St Louis!
Best to All the Gardeners Here,
And a Happy New Year of Growing 🙂
Would love to get the Purple Ghost for my wife!
Beautiful Tree
I have followed you for years and I cannot believe how fantastic you are! You clarify every question I could possibly have about gardening and more! Please keep on posting and thank you for all your detailed information and hard work.
I really, really, really want this tree!
I love all your post and all of your advice
great site. i have learned so much, and look forward to much more. say hello to the donkeys.
Nice Tree!
I would love to have one of those beautiful maples for my Oklahoma garden
This is so cool I would love to win this. I never win anything but this would be a great first thing to win. Thank you for all the great advice. I love your newsletters.
I use you as my #1 resource, Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Mike is very knowledgeable,easy to understand ,and most sensible help in gardening. his methods work and videoed are short,sweet ,and to the point. Thanks Mike
I love that it is so pretty and it would look beautiful in my huge plain yard #HOPEIWIN
Beautiful! I plan to grow a few of these this summer!
I’ve never seen a maple that color. It’s spectacular. I watch your vids and read your articles all the time. i even got your propagating book but didn’t get a chance to put it into practice though I’d really love too ( my location has a lot of shade and the sunny spot is on a slope. the majority of my property has tall pines towering everywhere. Landscaping will be a challenge…) Anyway. Thanks for all the tips and topics you share. I really love getting emails from you. Happy new Year 2018!
I have 10 acres – please send me one of these beautiful trees or 2 or 3!!!
We have one at my office. I’t the most beautiful tree. I would love to have one in my yard at home!!
I have never had a Japanese Maple before. This tree is beautiful. Very generous for you to give!
You are very inspiring!!!
Beautiful form and unique color. Would be a beautiful companion to my collection of beauty berries.
Thanks for your generosity.
Your lessons are so wonderful. I have learned and continue to learn from your wisdom and love sharing it with friends and family. The tree is gorgeous and it would be a real blessing to own one. Many continued blessings to you.
Have loved Japanese maples for a long time, but do not have any at the moment.
would love to win this.
What a generous gift this would be. It is absolutely beautiful. I have a neighbour who has a red one and it’s absolutely flourishing here in Nova Scotia.
This tree would look wonderful in front yard in Loretto Tennessee.. I’ve never seen a tree like this its so beautiful.. I would love the opportunity to plant this tree along side of my Bradford Pear trees..
Mike, you rock! Would love to plant this tree for all the neighborhood to enjoy!
I love it and all of God’s beautiful creation! I can’t wait to “dig in” to this business!
Teresa in Knoxville, TN
This is so gorgeous and it would make my yard in Alabama look awesome!
I’m surprised at just how ” gun-ho ” I’ve been the last 3 years with gardening. These trees look unbelievable!!! i
Beautiful tree. Thanks for gifting
wow…nice….. It is a tree or only leaves. Did I confuse? we are also selling Nursery product
I plan on putting in a water feature and this maple would be a great adition to the landscape!
HI Mike, I would love to plant this beautiful tree in my local park. I know the mayor and he kinda owes me a favor. Blessings
Wow! I can’t believe you are doing this either bit I’m very glad that you are! Thanks Mike!
Hi Mike. I would love one of those. Btw,who is Dave?
Wow, I would absolutely love one of those.
Happy New Year Mike ! I bought a house last year and it’s void of any color and this tree would look great in the front yard !
I always injoy your emails.
I enjoy your inspiring and educational newsletters and tips. I have been a fan for a long time. I would really enjoy winning this fabulous tree. I could then brag about how I came to own it, passing on your fantastic online webpage! xo
Your JAPANESE MAPLE TREE is realy outstanding I would love to try it. I lost a 8 ft Green Japanese Maple 3years ago when we had -38 in April sorry to say life happens and so I am not araid to try again.
i nolonger drive so I will be here to keep a eye on it. heres hoping
Blessings Nancy
Love this tree!!!
My luck with contests is not good to say the least.
On another note, I always look forward to emails from MIKE’S BACKYARD NURSERY. I read them all !
Please send me that beautifull Maple !
I’ve been with you awhile too. But I’ve downloaded all you’ve provided. I have not sold any plants yet but I have multiplied my plants, trees, roses and even a cacti. Its been fun, but I live in Texas and I have to say going with native plants is best but this maple tree would be in my front yard if I win. How does it fare in Texas heat and drought conditions? Thanks Mike for all that you have shared, and I especially like/enjoyed the removing/transplanting a tree, Take care and as you say “stay inspired”
I collect Japanese maples and do not have this one so would love to have one of these in my collection. I have plenty of space for it with the correct light conditions required so it will be in good hands.
I wonder if it will grow in windy Kansas. I read your article on killing Bermuda grass organically and thought you would want to point out to your followers that roots grow 6-10 feet underground beyond the topside perimeter. That’s a lot of digging but we have areas of it that we’re trying to kill out. The one redeeming feature is sheep will kill the Johnson grass. Thank God for every blessing! Love your articles – thanks for informing and inspiring!
Hi Mike,
I love BYG.
I would love this tree. I have planted a Japanese Maple Tree in memory of my husband for the past 5 years. We loved the trees colors, shape and beauty it always added to the gardens.
Great information all the time! Thanks for the chance to win this tree, Mike!!
Love your blog! Keep it coming!
I have never seen such a lovely tree in my life!
As a paraplegic, I am finding new ways to b involved with gardening, which I dearly love. Trying to get my yard back to what it was before being paralysed, has been slow. This tree would be a great addition to my new beginning!
Thank you mike for opening your garden experience and advice to us. i rarely get a chance to get on my computer but when i do get a chance i always make your emails one of the first on my reading list.
Hi there ! I know i can’t win ,because i live in Canada but you guy’s are doing a great job out there ! Keep up the good work .
I hope to join again sometime this spring!
Mike this is a wonderful thing you are doing for all of us. U make it easy to do and are very informative in your words to us,, Thank U
Carol Clark
This is a Gorgeous plant and would add so much to my landscape .. please enter me in your contest!
Hello there Mike & the Gang!!
I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE to receive a PURPLE GHOST Japanese Maple 🙂 !
My husband & I have been discussing adding some more Variety & Pizzazz to our property,
including some Japanese Maples between a row of Birch & variegated Willow we planted
a few years ago.
as Always,
THANK YOU for all of the useful info & videos you post 🙂 !
My husband and I just finished building a raised garden box and will start giving gardening a try. I’ve read a few of your articles and find them very informative. I’m sure you’re practical advice will come in handy. Thank you!
I would love a Japanese Maple tree. They are very unique.
The Purple Ghost Japanese Tree is beautiful,, and it would be a beautiful addition to my front yard.
Guess I missed out on the lace leaf Japanese Maple. This would go great with my other trees. Beautiful tree.
Very elegant tree. Would love to own and plant one.
Gorgeous tree! And Mike’s JM tips are great.
I would love to have this stunning tree in my yard. Unfortunately, I live in California. Can you provide a source for those of us not eligible to receive this prize? What pest is the reason for this restriction?
A beautiful tree, will it grow well in zone 8?
Ave a wonderfully prosperous new year! Always learn so much from you. Thanks 🙂
*Have- ……blasted auto fill ????
Beautiful! would love to have one!
It is beautiful! would love to have one!
I would love to win this beautiful Ghost Japanese Maple!
This tree is BEAUTIFUL!!! Please enter me in the contest. My husband loves his laceleaf maples and this tree would be a great surprise gift for him. Thank you! Renee
Love all Japanes Maple trees My favorite is the lavender twist
I would love to win this tree! They are just beautiful!
Mike, thank you for your newsletter, it helps me in my small garden.
Beautiful plant! Perfect for my Ct yard. Thanks Mike
I am retired and desiring to get into your organization soon as I can afford it.. I really like working with plants. I have been using some of the things you teach and have had some success. Thanks.
Wow such a beautiful tree would love to have one. You give such amazing information. Will share with my son as he loves Japanese Maples.
i thoroughly enjoy your tricks and secrets, thank you!
The Japanese Maple is my favorite. This one is so gorgeous. Thank you for doing this give away. Hopefully I have a chance to win!!!
Love your site and look forward to all your comments on gardening. Great info and sense of humor keep it up Mike..
What a fabulous tree! Thanks, Mike, for this opportunity to learn of this Japanese Maple. I am so inspired by all of your knowledge and generosity of sharing! Your enthusiasm is wonderful indeed!
What a pretty specimen!
We have used so so many of your suggestions and advice for our yard. Thank you for helping us backyard gardners!
The tips & information Mike provides are fantastic!
My folks had one of these trees in Oregon ! It was about 4 foot tall and about 8 feet around just the right size for a small kid to build a fort under the Umbrella like shape . Turns out they dont like all the activity within it and end up dyeing ! that was the first time I saw my mother heart broken cause I didnt realize that it was a special little tree that was given to her by her childhood friend and this was like nearly 70 years ago ! I spent the next 20 years adding about 4 Jap lace leaf but only red and green And made amends with her long time ago and she has been gone now for 15 years but I still feel bad for that wonderful little Tree !
Beautiful tree Mike and Justin,, I hope to get back to my payments to the BYGG. Soon. Thanks Mike for letting me Pal around with you and the donkeys last fall, and signing my book of yours, I’m growing things like crazy and hope to stay close to the family of growers. Good luck to all in 2018. Thanks again from Paul. Wadsworth ohio.
I have just the spot for this beautiful little tree. I love reading all the information you share. So inspiring!
Very pretty! Does the color vary based on growing conditions?
I have just the spot for this beautiful little tree. I love reading all the information you share. So inspiring!
Looking forward to meeting you on Jan 28th down here in the Atlanta Area. New to the BYG network, but learning a lot and look forward to selling come March. Thanks for all the tips. OH Yeah, you can bring me the tree when you come down (LOL)
I lost my 50-year-old Silver Maple last fall and would love to replace it (near its old site) with this amazing Japanese maple.
What a beautiful tree!!
The purple leaves certainly make for a beautiful tree.
Japanese Maples are one of my favorite trees.
Beautiful tree! Someone will be very lucky to win this beauty!
Love all Maples.
I first saw this tree on ebay, loved the changing of the colors and read everything I could get in front of me. I bought the seeds and they are in my frigerator right now waiting for their time to go into the ground. I know that I have a slim chance of producting this tree, but, I love it so I took my chance. For a another reason why I would like to have this tree, my step-daughter passed away from Breast Cancer and she loved purple, I would love to beable to put this tree next to her garden.
Now as far as everything that I have learned from Mike that would take years to explain. I have been following Mikesbackyardnursery for years. Not until 2 years ago was able to start my own bigger size garden. I have been selling plants on ebay for many years and this is all due to Mike’s help. Hurricane Harvey did knocked down a bit, I am still recovering.
Saw our original post. Really loved it. You inspired me to begin getting some Japanese maples..
Japanese Maples are a wonderful focal point in any garden! I would love to win this cultivar!
Very nice would love to get this
Beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity. And thanks again for all your help. May you have a happy and prosperous New Year.
Beautiful tree. Will it grow in Indiana? Judy
Hi mike I love reading your tidbits of info I would love to add this tree to my growing ornamental garden in lower New York
like many of your posts and the wonderful information enclosed. Just wish I was able to put more of them to use. Joe
I;m excited to find your website this week! I saw some of your YouTube videos previously and they really helped me. Thank you.
You have helped my sister and I a lot on starting trees. We are having so much fun watching them grow. I would love to win this purple ghost tree. Purple is my favorite color.
I love Japanese maples!
Awesome tree! Would look great in my yard!
I would love one of these trees.
Hey Mike and BYGers. I would love to add this tree to the landscaping.
Beautiful tree!
These are beautiful trees. I have one and would love to have another! I’ve followed you for several years and loved every minute of it.
i love being a member of this group! What an amazing experience in the member boards!
Thank you for your articles. Your advice and tips on gardening are a great help. I enjoy trying out your suggestions whenever I can.
Though that is one of the most beautiful trees I have ever seen, I am not eligible to win it because I live in the Southwest. But I just want to wish the rest of you – GOOD LUCK! The winner will truly be blessed to have it growing in their yard.
What a beauty! Love the colir
my sister has a red maple its beautiful i would love to have one of these
Thanks for this valuable information. we have some kind of Nursery farm. Can you help me to do better
here is the link of my website.
I would love to win such a lovely tree! So generous of you to do this! ????
Hi Dave,
What a beautiful tree!!! I’d love to bonsai one of those together with a mimosa. KUDOS for all that you and your crew do for the “plant community”!!! SHARING IS CARING and KNOW IS GROWING…Thank you all!!! Good Luck to everyone who entered the the drawing!!! SAVE AND SHARE SEEDS…Positive Vibrations…Mike
Wow, this is a gorgeous tree! It will be the highlight of my yard. Fingers crossed that I’ll be the lucky winner! Thanks, Mike, for the wealth of info that you freely share with us… happy new year to you and your family. #2018
This is one of the most beautiful trees I have seen. I would love to win one I have two acres of land and I don’t have enough trees this would look beautiful in my front yard. Thank you for your consideration.
That would look awesome in my New England yard. Thank you !
Thanks for all your Tips and Donkey videos over the past year, would LOVE to put the Purple Ghost
in my front Flower bed by my variegated weigela or maybe as the center piece by my flag pole in the front yard. I am only in Michigan not far to ship to me HINT HINT Ohio is just below me. LOL
Take care and Happy New Year!!
Ken from Hope MI
Japanese Maples are very beautiful trees. Oh how I would love to have this beauty in my garden.
Thanks for these giveaways Mike, I really appreciate all the information that you always share so that we could learn to be better Stuart’s of our flowers and our gardens.
Thanks Steve
I live on the west coast, but in far northern California. If at all possible that I win and it can come into CA, it would be a great addition to my garden ! I have a couple Japanese Maples that are doing great, but I DO have to give them only part sun, as our summer sun is pretty brutal at times. The purple one is gorgeous, though!
So glad I subscribed!!! I enjoy reading the emails!
OMG Mike what a beautiful plant and my favorite color. I have followed you for years and have learned so much. Thank you . I love to follow the antics of your donkeys they are so much fun. Thanks for shearing them with us.
Hi Mike!
I’ve subscribed to your newsletter for over 10 years, I love watching your videos on “how to” especially when your happy animals are in them. I’m getting on in years and don’t plant as often as I’d like to but I have a spot that the beautiful maple would fit perfectly. Think of me when you make your selection for I would love to have it. Thanks for all you do you’re a delight!!
Hola, Feliz año 2018 para todos.
Pues aqui esta mi comentario ahora aver si me puedo ganar el maple fantasma.gracias
would love a purpl;e maple. look forward top becoming a memeber soon
Gorgeous tree, I hope I win!
WOW Mike! How beautiful is that !!!?? My husband and I are in the process of purchasing a house in Tennessee. This house has only one tree and we are planning to redo all the landscaping once we move there. I can just IMAGINE what this tree would do for the looks of this property.. It sits up on a knoll with no houses nearby, just a bunch across the road. All our new neighbors would get to enjoy this tree’s beauty too. Wouldn’t that be nice! I am a big fan of yours and SO enjoy the gift of your knowledge about plants and everything that goes with them! As you can probably tell, I am VERY excited about this contest. I have always wanted a Japanese Maple, but this one is spectacular! I am so glad I “Met” you! Thanks Mike.
Beautiful tree ! would look awesome in my yard. I have been wanting to plant a memorial trees for each of my parents who have passed on. My dad loved Japanese maples and gardening too !
I am sure it will look lovely in any yard . Good Luck Everyone !
Thanks for everything you do. Beautiful tree.
I would be the envied, in my neighborhood, if I had one what a welcome addition to my garden..
I would really love to get one of these Purple Ghost Japanese Maples. They are really rare and hard to find in this area. It would be an honor to have one of these trees in my yard.
Love how you freely share your knowledge and love of gardening experience along with your love for your four legged friends. Best wishes to the lucky winner of such a beautiful specimen of a tree. Happy New Year fellow garden lovers!
I would love to have one of these. Such a lovely little tree!
Nice choice for a give-a-way!! You are true plant lover…I like that about you! Thanks for all your help.
Hello, Dave! I would love to receive that tree, but alas I live on the west coast, in northwestern Washington State. I have been receiving your emails for years now, and appreciate all the support you provide for so many of us who love to garden.
Good Evening Dave. Happy New Year! Your site is very informative. Especially to us newbies! Thank you. Belinda
I would love to have one of these beauties in my yard. Thanks for the chance to win one!
Please Mr Postman bring me a ghost tree!
This Purple Ghost Japanese Maple is beyond SPECTACULAR. You have the loveliest Japanese Maples I have ever seen! This would look so good in my landscape. I would love to propagate some of these as well.
I also, want to add in that your tips and experience has helped me tremendously in my gardening endeavors. I am so glad I signed up with your e-mail list. Thank ;you fro sharing your experience with us.
That is one AMAZING tree!! I’m looking forward to spring and making use of all of your growing tips. Thanks, Paul
This would look beautiful in my yard!!
Hi Mr. McGroarty,
Happy New year!
It’s a wonderful thing you are doing giving away such a pretty tree!
Congratulatoins to whomever wins it!
Blessings to you and yours,
I so want to win this tree to honor my late wife who passed away Nov. 24. She loved Japanese maples.
This is beautiful. It would look even better in my yard.
Hi Mike,
I’ve been in gardening now for three years. I have watched multiple YouTube videos of yours, especially dealing with Japanese maple care. I am a Japanese maple lover and have multiple laceleaf and palmatums in my collection. Last year I installed a goldfish pond in my garden. I have several varieties surrounding it. I have an area where I’m taking out a river birch and would love to have a Purple Ghost to replace it next to my pond.
Thanks for your ideas and help in making gardening fun.
Roger Berberich (SC)
Anyone wanting to learn how to start their own business in their back yards Check out Mikes Backyard Growers training program. I ordered it several years ago and have really learned how to do this.
Oh and YES, I would love to have these. Thanks in advance, Mike.
This would be an awesome ornamental here on the farm.
Absolutely love your website and the helpful videos. What a great gift you have to inspire, help, instruct and motivate any plant lover. Many thanks!
Wow! Incredible color!
That’s one beautiful tree! Haven’t seen one like it here in south Texas! Amazing.
ilove the way this tree look great . anyone would be proud to own it
Hi Dave, I would love to have the Purple Ghost, It would look good with my red Japanese Maple. I also write down your tips. But if I don’t win you have a Happy New Year, Evelyn Criswell
Thank you for all your tips on gardening. I always look forward to the next tip. I would love to have this stunning tree in my front yard since I have nothing there now. I have spread your email to my friends that are gardening. One is building a home and will be visiting your nursery to fill her greenhouse.
I love your site! The tree is stunning! Say hi to the donkeys!
Happy New Year!
I have learned so much from you and have applied much of your gardening techniques to my own home gardens. Thank you Mike. I hope to meet you someday!
Great looking tree! One reason it would a wonderful prize because it’s coming from known “backyard nursery people. Thank you so much for desire to help people. GOD Bless
We had a bunch of special trees in the yard. The storms the last couple years have
really taken a toll on them. It’s time to start replacing some. I would love a ‘Purple
Ghost’ Japanese maple in the yard. I also plan to do so grafting this spring.
Love your website and the Purple Ghost is awesome! Would love to plant one in my front yard.
I would so love to have one of these. They are so beautiful.
Wow. What an incredible tree.
Love your gardening tips. Have never seen a color like the ghost maple. Sure would have a perfect place for it.
Happy New Year Folks! That is one fabulous looking tree!! Keep your newsletter coming, I really enjoy and look forward to every issue.
Thanks for your time and very generous advice.. Alex N.
Wow, that is an amazing tree–would look wonderful in my front lawn!!
I wish everyone a very happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.
The vivid red just eye catching, who wouldn’t love to have one, well, unfortunately we’re in west coast, if it was prohibited across state line, I’m out of luck,
Thanks for providing this, just look at the picture is very enjoyable.
This Japanese Maple would look beautiful in my North Carolina yard!
I would love to have one.
I need a tree! The city ripped out all my trees!
I think this give-away is marvelous. The Ghost Japanese maple is a gorgeous tree. Thanks for all the tutorials & teaching you do for everyone, even complete strangers. I have truly enjoyed learning about reproducing plants.
Beautiful tree and great name! Would love to have it. Thanks!
I’m throwing my name in the hat too. I hope I win.
Absolutely gorgeous. Would love to have it Mike!
My husband and I would love to have this beautiful tree in our yard! ❤️❤️❤️
I would love to have one of this beautiful trees!
Mike, it was you that turned me out on Japanese Maples, but you’ve surprised me with this beauty!
Hope to win this amazing tree! Keep up the great work!
LOVE This tree!! Pick me!!
Thanks for all your great advice!
I have never heard of the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple, It looks very Special.
Funny entering this contest when tomorrow we expect to receive our first big snow storm in N.S…
Would love to win this.
There is only one place that this Japanese maple will look good; in my back yard garden. The information that Mike provides is great and his plants look good too.
Thank you for the chance to win the “Purple Ghost” Japanese Maple. It’s such a beautiful tree!!
Thanks for the excellent articles Mike!
I have purchased several rare Japanese Maples from members in the Members Area. I would not have been able to get these trees without my BackYardGrowers membership. I have found it to be a great investment.
Love your posts and your gardening tips!
Too Late last tree, hope to win this pretty one.
What a gorgeous tree!
Simply Beautiful!
What a beautiful tree. es it would look lovely in our yard. Someone will really be very lucky to have this specimen.
These are beautiful trees. I would love to win one of them!
Beautiful tree. It it available for purchase?
Wow! I absolutely love purple! This tree is amazing! It would work into my garden perfectly!Please pick me!
This would make a lovely addition to my purple and white decor. Thank you for the offers.
Very pretty tree. How does it fare with deer in the yard?
A person would have to be totally void not to like this tree.
Is it always low growing like it is in your picture?
I would love to win one 🙂
Beautiful tree!
Thanks Mike! This tree would sure look Great on the grounds here at my work!
That is a very beautiful plant! I would love to win one!
Wow! What an incredible gorgeous tree! If I get this tree I’m definitely putting it up in my mom’s yard. She would absolutely love this.
Thanks for all the tips, you saved my plants and inspired me to get new ones! This giveaway is a great idea!
Amazing tree and incredible giveaway!!
Beautiful maple as are all of them you show. We love Japanese Maples!
That is a beautiful Japanese Maple. I have never seen it in purple before!
We lost 73 huge ASH trees last year to the ash borer. Therefore, I would love to start this year with a beautiful tree from you.
Absolutely Gorgeous! Fingers are crossed that I win!! Sharing…
Loving all your emails and information!
Thank You!!!
Happy New Year from Kansas!
I’ve never seen a tree like it. It’s beautiful.
Absolutely beautiful!! Japanese maples are my favorite!! I had tons in my landscape in PA. Starting over in AR ????
This would fit nicely in my gardens
This spectacular tree would look great in my landscape in the spring, if it ever comes. Those seed and plant catalogs will have to do for now!!!
That is one gorgeous tree! Hope you open the membership trial soon..
Nice looking tree!
My lovely huge flower bed overlooks the Swingin’ Bridge at Beavertown, and my house is Red /purple trim, so I think the purple color would be very complementary, don’t you ? I have been browsing your site for several years, and turned several others on to it. Wish I could start up the plant business like you suggest, but I’m too damn old !
I want to win the maple tree
I like this tree a lot and will try to give it a good home here in Upstate NY
Always great to receive your inspirational e-mails especially during the winter cold here in Ohio. Waiting patiently for the first bubs and buds to appear in the spring!
Thank you Mike for all of the help/ideas you give us and great info in your books.
Would love to have this in my yard…all I can say is WOW…
Really is a beatiful tree. Would love a few placed around my yard.
Happy New Year! Hope everyone has a wonderful 2018!!
This stunning maple would look great in my front yard!
We really need one of these beautiful trees to add to our Japanese maple tree collection in Arkansas.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience.
Me, me, me, me…..
This has to be the most “BEAUTIFUL TREE” I have ever seen. That would make a very nice center piece for anyone’s home landscape. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. V/R
Tree is Beautiful! Would go so well in my yard!
Oregon and Washington let in many things unless you are in fruit tree areas, then it is a problem. We grow some really lovely japanese maples on the pacific coast. Really trying to figure out where I could put one that won’t get too much sun, but still get pride of place. (Front yard is all sun, such as there is here.) Not much gets in to California (had to even eat my lunch orange early!) Now that we have stopped moving, I intend on propegating soon……..just need the weather to make up it’s mind!
I adore the color. I really need some color in my yard. This would be a beautiful focal point.
Lovely, It would look great in my yard
Lovely, It would look great in my yard
Good stuff
This tree would be a nice addition to the multiple Japanese Red Maples in my yard.
What a beautiful tree! I need one in my new landscaped patio.
That is Beautiful!! I do enjoy your site, and the information you share with us. Thank you so much, and Happy New Year to you and your family.
I’ve been searching for a Japanese Maple tree to start my landscaping and this seems to be my winner.
I’ve never seen anything like that ????. I love it. Must have one.
This would make a wonderful addition to my church garden.
Beautiful tree and I love your inspirational ideas and books!
Looks beautiful. Would make a nice addition to my church garden..
I shared this beautiful tree post. What a gorgeous tree! If I dont win can I buy one!!
What a spectacular color! All cultivars of Japanese Maples are amazing. Such an elegant tree.
What a great color! This tree would look great in my yard!
I love this site! I get lots of good ideas and tricks for my garden. Thanks.
An absolutely beautiful tree!!
Gorgeous tree! Thanks for sharing : )
I love your emails and look forward to getting them, you always have something new and amazing to share with your members. I have learned so much. Thank you!!
I have followed your mailings for several years and have learned much.
This Purple Ghost is a very beautiful tree. I love the purple color.
I have a couple of Ghost Japanese Maples but not this one.
I would love to add this beautiful tree to my collection of over 40 Japanese Maple trees in North Carolina.
It’s a beautiful plant, Mike. Count me in.
Just Beautiful!
If I win Mike, it’s possible that I may be able to pick up the tree instead of you spending cash to ship it! I live in Southern Michigan and have been trying to justify coming to meet you in person for years! Hope that helps my chances! 🙂 Either way, thanks for everything Mike, I really look forward to seeing your name in my inbox!
I would LOVE to have this beautiful tree to add to my property. We live on a small, 2acre partially wooded area in Southern Indiana and that tree would be a focal point of the place!
God Bless!
Gorgeous tree and I know right where I would plant it. Hope you choose me 🙂 Patricia
Fantastic, I’ve been wanting one since you wrote the article.
Beautiful tree!
I love this tree! We had a beautiful soft maple that grew to about 50 ft but over time and many tries to save it we finally lost it to a huge wind storm. It split down the middle of the three branches that joined into the trunk. I have a video of it in the fall and it looked like it was raining leaves. Just gorgeous and we miss it every time we go into our backyard. This would be a beautiful replacement for it even though it won’t get tall like our maple. Thanks for the opportunity to win this beauty!
Coolest looking tree ever! Thx Mike for being who you are!
Love your videos and the tree give away is a great way to spread the word. I shared to facebook. Keeping my fingers crossed to win that beautiful tree.
Thanks for the offer! I would love to create some bonzai’s with it! : )
Hey Mike, thanks for the opportunity to win this tree. It would be great to add this to my landscape. Thanks too for all you inspiring information. Spring’s a few months away. Hippie!
Winning such a beautiful tree would be a dream come true.
Gorgeous tree! Very glad I found this website and am looking forward to lots of great gardening advice and tips.
I love Japanese maples and this one is extraordinary!
That tree would look gorgeous in my backyard!
That is a gorgeous tree! I would love to win it!
It looks like by reading the comments that we all would love this tree! And especially the size and fullness that you are posting. But your giving away one. So really what are the odds? LOL!
Great contest and as always super tips. Thanks a million!
I’m touched that I got your email including me since I live in Sweden. Obviously i don’t think I can be included in your winnings but just to say lovely tree, lovely donkeys and thank you for your knowledge and tips. Happy new year to you all.
Great tree I commented already but didn’t see my comment guess it didn’t make moderator yet. Thanks for all the great info Mike!
What a gorgeous tree! Of course, I’d love to win one. I plan to plant some of last year;s seeds from one of my Japanese maples, overwinter them in the ground, and see what happens. The mature trees I have came from found seedlings, so I have high hopes. Thank you for all of your good emails and ideas instructions. Sometimes I wish I was younger so I could start a garden business. Regardless, IO certainly do enjoy hearing from you!
It will be a shame to give away such a beautiful tree. But if you are, I have the perfect spot for it.
this is a magnificent tree & I”d be so very proud to grow this beauty in my yard + propagate cuttings from it to supply me friends from said tree…. c’mon … we neeeeed a winner here ….
Great tips ! Happ new year
Dear Mike, I have learned so much about gardening from you. I look forward to your email. Every day a new piece of knowledge to grow beautiful flowers, plants and also how to propagate some of the bushes I have, particularly my roses. Thank you for sharing your wonderful expertise about gardening.
I would love a purple japenese maple to go along with our other red Japanese maples already in our yard.
WOW! I LOVE that tree! My favorite color is pink…..
Just built a new house and working on Landscape design…the Purple Ghost would fit right in!…
Hi Mike,I have watched so many of your you tube videos,I feel like I know you personally,some of your videos I even link to in my FB group Oregon Gardening.Evey growing season I like to take on a new plant,and try to master it,I’m getting better each year.
One of our big projects in landscaping this year is developing my “meditation room” area. It is a beautiful ledge just above our creek’s waterfall. It will be surrounded with special shrubs and trees to shade and give it quiet privacy. The bench is being built by my husband so we can sit and listen to the waterfall and look down on the terrace below where the wildlife enjoy the wild orchard. This tree, if able to ship to Idaho, will be a wonderful addition to this spot. Our climate is warmer here on the south side of the mountain and we can grow many things “tender” to Idaho. Since I have grown Japanese Maples further north in Idaho I am sure we can protect this one too. Good to see your site again in the New Year.
Thanks for all your ‘down to earth’ advice. Your site is the first place I go with questions.
This beautiful purple ghost Japanese maple would look beautiful next to either of our garden ponds! Thanks for the chance to win one. Also, thanks for the many years of your gardening expertise. We take it all to heart! Love the donkeys, too! What unique pets!
Love the trees plant one every year Please pick me
Beautiful tree. Would look great in my front yard. Hope I win. Happy New Year everyone!
Such a beautiful tree! Would be a nice addition to any yard!! Especially MINE!
That is one spectacular tree!
It’s a beautiful tree…and would lick good in my yard. I love it!
Beautiful! Working on landscaping new yard!!
Hi Mike,
I think that you are one of the best gardener that’s out there. You give helpful tips that are so helpful. I love your no-bull approach. Thanks for all the help you have given me. I would be honored to have a tree that beautiful in my garden.
Best wishes, Brenda
Beautiful tree and happy new year!
Beautiful tree. Hope your New Year is prosperous and full of joy and success. This is my year.
Thank you, Mike! You’ve taught me so much. Hope I win!
That is an amazing tree!
what a beautiful tree
Purple is my absolute favorite color, has been for years! I always try to incorporate something new into my personal garden every year and this Purple Japanese Maple would be perfect for our new home we recently moved in to. I look forward to your emails and learning new and valuable information for exquisite and productive gardening!
Beautiful tree for any yard.
January 3, 2018
Dear Mike: I really enjoy reading all your tips and tricks to gardening and how you manage to make a living doing what you love. You are an inspiration. I look forward to the coming year and the good information you provide.
Thanks for all your help!
Amazingly beautiful, would love to win this one and give to my mom who was diagnosed with lung small cell lung cancer in 2017, treatments have been really hard for her and she needs something to bring her spirits up. Thanks Mike for having such a wonderful give away.
Please enter me and keep the great emails coming.
This would be a beautiful addition to the lot we are preparing for our home build.
I look forward to your e-mails and your sharing your garden and your love for it, and the gardening itself. This is a beautiful tree, and some fortunate landscape will be blessed
I would love to win this!
Gorgeous tree! I love Japanese maples.
You have a great site filled with practical knowledge. I love Japanese Maples.
Purple Ghost is a beautiful tree and would make a great addition to my garden.
I have many Japanese maples in the yard (its like a park setting) but I do not have one of these soft colored Japanese maples.
Thank you, MIke!
I have the perfect place for such a beautiful tree.
I love Japanese Maples! They’re so beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win one to add to my landscape! Your tips are fantastic and I love watching you!
Hi Mike,
I look forward to your emails and the information you provide is invaluable. I hope to have a “ghost” of a chance of winning this lovely maple tree!
That is an absolutley magnificent tree. I’ve been looking at expanding my skills from keeping annuals to perennials and I’ve started having some luck with angel trumpets (Brugmansia).
Count me in….Thanks Mike…
Thanks Mike! You’re the Best!!
I have never seen this tree before, it would be nice to have in my back yard!
Happy new year to you and your family, I love maples but have never owned one they cost for there beauty. Thanks for all your great tips throughout the year. Here’s hoping to winning a fantastic specimen of Maple. Thanks again.
Supreme hue magnifies the brilliance of the Purple Ghost creation. Definitely one of a kind.
I too would love to add one to my country landscape design.
God Bless!
I learned from your chocolate candy video how to judge when candy is
soft ball stage. Thank a bunch!
The color is eye popping.
I love japanese maples. I have 5 around my house and would love to add a purple ghost. Also, does anyone have a floating cloud japanese maple? How do those look in the garden? And what would be a good location?
ha mike, would love to win that Japanese purple ghost its a gorgeous tree. I live in jax fl and have a Japanese orangrola lace leaf and never gets fall colors on it, guess they do better up north,but would love to have it anyway.
Having visited Japan a number of years ago, I saw numerous, wonderful examples of trees, shrubs, and vines not seen here in the states. The Purple Ghost’ Japanese Maple that you are offering would make a beautiful addition to my “arboretum”. Regardless, I will anxiously await the source from which I can purchase one. Thanks for all you do for we, the lovers of all kinds of plants!
Love Japanese Maples, and this one is very pretty.
We could use some different color around here and I have ALWAYS loved Japanese Maples!
I can’t wait to receive this tree when I win it.
Thanks for all your information. And i would like to win a purple Japanese maple it would be great to have to go along with my other maple
You are my go to man for all my gardening tips, questions and answers, Mike!
What a gorgeous tree for you to be giving away! Extremely kind of you! Of course, I would love to win it to raise it in my backyard.
Happy 2018!
Chinese, Japanese, Dirtyknees makes purple trees.
Beautiful!!!! Never saw such a gorgeous color. Please draw my name!!!!!! Have been searching for yhese over a year now. They are extremely rare.
Mike, Your insights are greatly appreciated have shared with my daughter on many occasions have tried to grow Jap. Maples have a pair in my front yard but none really showy.
I have always loved the Japanese maples. The purple is just beautiful as well! Thank you for sharing.
Japanese maples are my favorite trees. I’ve never seen this color. AMAZING
I would love to have this
Would love to have this tree, but I live in Montana, so probably not an option. It’s beautiful! Some other gardening gift would still be a great way to start off the new year! Love reading the different posts.
I love this tree and I love all colors and types of Japanese Maples especially the Lace Leaf. I have been trying to graft some and I have failed. I just can’t get it right. I do not know if I need a different root stock or if I should try to raise from seeds. Just lost. I am not giving up though.
Help!! I had to cut down several white pine and a huge Black Walnut tree because they were too close to my new house. I was so sorry to see them go. My entire acre of yard has all Ash trees and they are all infected with the Ash borer. I will need to cut them down and I will have almost no trees in my yard. I have about 2 dozen Ash trees that I need to remove. They were beautiful shade trees. I could use a beautiful tree like the one you are giving away.
I love Japanese purple tree I love all Japanese trees but I must say that tree is very hi on the list of the ones at the top would love one on my house property
Thanks mike for the chance to
Have one
Robert noble
This will look spectacular in my yard
I always enjoy your videos. Thanks Mike and happy new year.
We love reading your new posts, Mike. The reviews of special cultivars are especially helpful, and your tips are occasionally life-saving (plant life, that is). Thanks for everything that you do!
Just moved to beautiful SC and would LOVE one of these stunning trees to be the focal point of our new landscape. Originally from MI and limited choices so SUPER excited for a beautiful garden!
A beautiful specimen!
Gorgeous!!! Just simply Gorgeous!
Dear Mike,
Once again you are generously sharing your knowledge of gardening.
Growing up, we all enjoyed Mum’s flaming Japanese Maple set against the lilac hedge.
I have not checked, but suppose the maple might not do too well in our Zone 3 to 4, Cochrane, Alberta climate. If I am the lucky winner, I will drive the beautiful maple out to my daughter on the West Coast. 🙂
Wishing you every happiness and success in 2018,
Donna Buchan
Would really give my yard some class! Thanks!
I LOVE Japanese maples!!!
Had somebody told me you can grow plants in sand, in a box, in the shade; I would have said you are crazy. But that is exactly what Mike has taught me to do. It’s crazy the root balls you get on these things! Never in a million years would I have thunk it possible! That’s awesome. I would love to have one of these gorgeous trees for my lawn. Thanks for the opportunity Mike.
Beautiful tree! Hope you pick me! 🙂
What a generous gift! I found Mike’s Backyard Nursery on YouTube and have learned so much! I got brave enough after watching a few videos to make hardwood cuttings of Mock Orange and Forsythia a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for all the info, Mike!!!
Ill come pick it up if i win!!
Mike, 2 questions for you.
1-Evergreens are the oxygen pump of the planet 365 days a year. Is there a civilian program where we can begin to replace the evergreens that have been almost wiped out across the plant?
2-Its not widely recognized that in the US we have a lack of wholesome food that is 100% food, so is there a program for planting food crop trees?
Thanks for your help, Mike!
What a lovely tree !! Yes, I’m on the West Coast, in Oregon. And we do have wonderful weather for doing almost anything. In the last 3 days, it’s gone from 26 degrees to almost 50 degrees !!! Happy New Years to you all !!!
What a gorgeous tree! I would love to win this. 🙂
First of all I would like to say I really appreciate Mike and his website and getting his emails. I know that when I read an email on a particular plant or subject I trust what I’m reading and don’t second-guess it. In this day and age that is worth its weight in gold. I have learned a lot from Mike and have also been spared making mistakes because of what I read on his emails about gardening do’s and don’ts Etc. Thank you so much for being honest and trustworthy. . I have never heard of the Japanese ghost maple but in the picture it looks beautiful. Hope I win and have a Blessed year!
I love the helpful, tried and true instruction Mike gives for success in getting almost any cuttings to root and grow. Great website!.
You’re awesome Mike!
Its a fabulous looking tree!
Gorgeous Tree! It will look really awesome in my front yard!
I began using your ideas about four years ago and have been amazed at what has came about. Would love to win a new tree for my front yard!! Thank you!!!!!
Mike you are a truly amazing man. Thank you for your knowledge (and generosity).
Oh My this would look stellar in my front yard! I do so hope I win!
Here’s wishing you and your family the Happiest of New Year!
Would love to win this beauty. Have never seen a maple like it and for sure could wake up my tired landscaping!
This is a take your breath away tree. What’s not to love about this one?
Thank you for the opportunity to have one of these amazingly beautiful trees to brighten my
monotone landscaping. I know exactly where it will go to both enhance my shrubs and to
provide it maximal space for healthy growth.
Now that is PINK!!! It would look wonderful in kermit Texas with the sand and purple sage around.
This tree is beautiful and spectacular. I would love to have one.
Love the content, takes me away from reality to enjoy some of nature’s beauty.
As always, your info is very helpful and timely
As always, your info is excellent
Always good information from Mike. I hadn’t heard of this particular maple but it looks like a beauty!
lovely tree
Love receiving your emails and looking forward to my retirement in the next 18 months, when I will have more time to put your pointers to practice.
sure would like to win this tree, it is beautiful
Count me in
Wow! Another fantastic work of nature! I would be excited to get one!
I enjoy reading and learning from your articles. Thank you
How I wish!!!
Would love to win this beauty ! But would it survive SD winters?
This be a wonderful addition to our yard! Thank you for the opportunity to potentially win his magnificent tree 🙂
P.s. I’m on the east coast!
Waiting for spring!
That is a magnificent tree!! I would love to be in the running for it!
How generous of you!
Carol Moates
I have been growing Japanese maples for 15 years and have never seen this beautiful tree. Would love to be considered for owning and taking care of that beautiful specimen! I appreciate what you had posted and the last 10 years because I have learned so much from you!
Looking forward meeting you one day!
Lee Patterson
Would love to win one!!
Beautiful tree!
Wow, what a nice gesture!
Ever since I read your post on this beauty, I’ve wanted one. Thanks for the opportunity to win one for myself!
the purple ghost Japanese maple –!!!- wow-!!! what a beautiful color and leaf density . Thanks for all of the information that you teach and make available to us struggling gardeners.
I love all the tips you give out and you show how to do the things you do at your place
Thank you
Would love to win this pretty plant.
Its exquisite would love to win this.
The Japanese Ghost Tree is a street stopper and is so exotic it would be a rare attractive beauty for all.
Jerry Cull
Happy New Year to all the backyard growers! We are looking forward in joining the business center this month as well. Thanks for all you do
Ed & Debbie Gallagher
Great Info!
This Japanese Ghost Tree would truely be a fantastic asset for me or anyone who truely likes the exotic and loves plants that are rare and sensational. Please consider me.
Jerry Cull
pretty tree! Love your emails and site. Happy growing.
I didn’t believe you could propagate plants in the winter until I found your website. I have had great success this winter and am looking forward to more of your great ideas and suggestions. Thanks Mike
Please change that “kill” in the last sentence of my post to “kiss”.
Old Mike
Mike has sent out great tips and ideas through out the year. I especially like the starting cuttings as additional income. I am a new landscape owner and every $1 helps.
Thank you
A Girl and Her Truck LLC
Michelle and Sean
This is awesome! I would love to have it.
I love my emails from you and all your animals. You have given me some good tips that I have used successfully and I thank you for that! I would love to have a Purple Ghost Japanese Maple for my home and I’m sure it would love it here in Massachusetts.
You are the best. Your web site and emails have so much valuable information for plant growers and gardeners. Most of the emails that I get are a pain in my behind, but I look forward to yours because they contain interesting and usable tips and guides. Give the donkeys a kill for me.
Old Mike
beautiful tree. thanks for the opportunity.
I love Japanese Maples and your blog.
this would be a beautiful addition to my landscape
One day my back garden will be beautiful how I want it. Until then, this website gives me so much inspiration.
Check out what I did with a tree we had to take down in our back yard!
I have a small red-orange Japanese maple in my front yard several regular-sized too. One of them has spectacular foliage in the fall. APurple Ghost would be nice to have too.
This tree is absolutely gorgeous. It honestly takes your breath away. I have had various Japanese maples over the years but not this variety. I just moved in September after 40 years and I have a blank slate for the spring. A little overwhelming at my age but it will give me the opportunity to experiment with some new trees, plants and flowers.
Thank you for all of your expertise over the years. Your first hand knowledge and tried and true methods will be invaluable to me in the coming months. You make everyone feel like family. Thank you again for everything and God Bless.
This is a beautiful tree. I love the color.
I have three of them, lovely!!!!
Wow, this maple looks spectacular! I would love to give this tree a home! I love trees that put on a show, especially in the fall, and this one sure does. Please, please, let me win!!!!
Mike, I’m just a Home gardener, but the information you share has inspired me to take a chance in growing rooted cuttings for sale in my retirement. You have increased my knowledge of gardening and shaken off doubt and fear from failure. Thanks.
The Purple Ghost Japanese Maple is gorgeous! It would be the Queen of any garden! I certainly would welcome such a beauty to mine!
WOW!!! What a beautiful tree. I haven’t ever seen one that color. Would love to win one. Thanks for the chance.
I always read and try to use all your advise. Keep up the good work.
Happy New Year to you and your family, Mike! I would Love to win a Purple Ghost Japanese Maple tree from you ????????
Please keep inspiring us!!
Hi Mike. I have been following you for years. Once I retire permanently, I hope to become a great gardener in starting lots of plants. Thank you Mike for all you have given me over the years as ideas and how to start a business. Happy New Year!
Peggy Henk
This is a beautiful tree. I would love to add it to my yard
I’ve never seen a purple ghost Japanese Maple. They are beautiful and I would life be to win this very much.
I can’t wait to see who the winner will be. I love the color, it would look great next to my garden.
I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about so many different things regarding plants and trees. I find working and learning from the youtube videos as fulfilled a deep desire to know more. I share my information with many. Thanks for all you do Mike.
I love Japanese maples! This one would be a nice compliment to my garden!
This is a great down home fabulous group. Great help from a great group of girls and guys.
Thank you for having this blog!! I have learned so much from your videos and posts. 🙂
Such a stunning tree, I absolutely love it! Not surprised as Japanese Maples are my favorite…. being my favorite color purple….. bonus!! Never heard of these before, it’s just gorgeous Mike!
I would love to have one of these trees. So beautiful!
I would love to have a Purple Ghost Jap Maple. I have never seen one.
This tree is so beautiful! I would love to add it to my garden.
I would love to have a Purple Ghost Jap. Maple. I have never seen one.
Hi Mike, does The Ghost do well in the Madison, Wisconsin area?
What a inspiration you are to us all. Sharing your knowledge is a rare thing these days, but you cover everything in great detail to a “T”. Thanks again to you and all of your family.
I have been following Mike and his wife for several years now…I find his information and suggestions to really work. I am grateful that he shares all this information with others, Bless you Mike
I’ve always enjoyed your web-site and e-mails. Keep up the good work!
Beautiful tree, how big does it get and will it hold that color in zone 7, north Georgia?
I have one in my front yard, but we are renting and moving to our own place this spring. Would love to have one of my own.
I want one! John
OMG this is an amazing tree. Enter me!
This is a beautiful tree.
I would be thrilled to get this tree. I live in Missouri. I have a couple of variations of Japanese Maple, all of which are stunning and my favorites in my garden. Here’s to another!
Wow, this is just an outstanding tree. The color is really spectacular. Thanks Mike! I always look forward to your informative emails!
I so enjoy reading all of your e-mails and appreciate how much you love nature as I do. I’m no tree hugger, but I do enjoy the wonders created by our God. I play around with rooting various old plants we have around our farm that have been here for 75 years or so. I just love to see if I CAN root them. I’ve given away a ton of plants to my friends. Keep the good advice coming.
I wish you and your family a very happy and successful 2018.
Wow that is beautiful!!! I would be honored to have such a wonderful tree.
Oh boy, I have wanted one of these forever, but can’t afford one. They’re so beautiful, every time I see one I just stare at it’s beauty and almost cry. To get one at a lesser price would be awesome, for free?!?! Pirceless! I never win ANYTHING , but my Dad always said, you can’t if you don’t try, so here I go… trying
These are such beautiful trees. I would love to have one.
Can’t wait to win that beautiful tree!
Thank you for your service to gardening community.
always really liked japanese maples and this one looks fabulous
Wow, what a beautiful tree! I would love to win – I have the perfect spot to plant on our new farm.
Mike, your tips have helped me with numerous projects in my garden and yard. Thank you for all you do and share. All you emails are saved and referred to often. Thank you.
I would love to have one
We live in a neighborhood of smaller houses. Within the last few years, several of our neighbors have cut down some nice shade trees on their property simply because the root system of the trees were getting into some things underneath, causing issues too close to their house or street. Being new to the neighborhood, I asked a former landscaper what kind of shade trees he would recommend for our property. He told me we can’t go wrong with a Japanese Maple! He said they will give beautiful color, shade, and stay the perfect size in both in height and in roots. That was a few months before I first heard about the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple on MIke’s Website. I haven’t been able to get started on this dream landscaping project yet,, but I was thrilled to find that these trees come in more than just traditional red and orange fall colors, as I’d love to pack a punch of color in our yard and usually plant a lot of flowers with pink and purple hues. I look forward to seeing how we can transform our lot. As of right now, we only have a few bush type trees on our property.
Mike, your insights and gardening tips are really fantastic! Thanks for clearing away much of the mystery of successful plant propagation!
If this fabulous purple ghost will do well in the Dallas heat I have just the spot outside our kitchen bay window. We can enjoy it year round.
That’s a beautiful tree!
Beautiful tree!!! Would love to have one in my yard!
the Ghost is absolutely beautiful! Would look great in my yard.
Such a beautiful tree! After this bitter winter, we will all be ready to get our hands in the dirt when spring rolls around again.
A happy and prosperous new year to everyone!
I have moved to a landscaped-challenged home where former owners thought that irises made a wonderful array of foundation plants.
This tree would enhance my yard!
I would enjoy having a beautiful Japanese Maple in my front yard landscape,.
Ken W.
Hi Mike! I love all Japanese Maples! I would be honored to be the winner of this contest! I am in envy of your backyard nurseries. I am starting to be more involved and love learning from you.
Oh my Word!!!! This tree is absolutely stunning, I have the perfect spot for it!
Does tree grow in zone 4?
So beautiful!
I have not seen the Purple Ghost but am looking forward to trying one. Thanks for all of the practical information.
hi mike, i would be so excited to win. thank you for offering such a nice prize. deb:)
Happy New Year!
Wish you a very healthy, happy , and prosperous year.
Stunni g! Just what every home should have in their landscaping!
Love Mike’s gardening information!
This is a beautiful tree. I’d be honored to win.
I have been a subscriber for many years and always learn valuable tips from Mike! The “How To” video tutorials are my favorite.
Such a beautiful tree! Great addition to any property!
What a beautiful maple ????
It would be the envy of the neighborhood.
Love the looks, would love to have one in my front yard!!!
I would love to have this tree in my front yard!
I am creating a look to begin hosting wedding venture in my newly cleared yard, and this Japanese maple would add wonders to my decor.
Simply put, BEAUTIFUL!
This Japanese is beautiful! I had a Japanese cherry tree and I loved it.
How was I unaware of this Japanese Maple variety? Have several in the yard already, and love them for their elegance.
Mike, I’m looking forward to winning this great looking tree. Thanks for all the tips and information you give throughout the year.
Beautiful tree! I have the perfect spot for it.
Love your site
Wow! I would love to win this tree! I really enjoy your site.
Beautiful tree!
This is truly a beautiful tree an I would love to have one. Just hope I would not kill it. Mike you are.very generous to give some a chance to own it. Happy New Year.
Been a viewer of your info for over a year! This is a gorgeous tree and I happen to need a new Japanese maple to plant at my godparents in Cincinnati.
Great work!
Hope you keep sending emails, so much great information, keeps the garden going even when it’s snowing outside,thanks
This tree would really look great on my 5 acre lot!
Again. What is supposed to be in Website space?
Bloody Hell
I have learned a great deal from Mike’s post.
This is AWESOME!!!! I teach horticulture in a high school and would love to have this specimen to show my kids!!!
Thanks for all you do. I enjoy your book and CD. It’s helped me a lot. I’ve gotten my co-workers into it also.
God Bless!
A beautiful tree I would love to have in my yard. I appreciate the generosity of Mike in donating such a rare beauty. Thanks for educating me on growing plants and trees.
Nice color. Is that in natural light?
This give away is awesome! Love your articles. Keep up the great work
I love this beautiful tree. Would love to win it. Thank you for the chance.
Purple Ghost is a very beautiful Japanese Maple.
Now that’s a beautiful tree! Love to have it in my front yard.
Yes please
Thank you.
Maples are the most amazing trees every cultivated.
This has to be the most beautiful tree. I would love to win it and if not be able to purchase one.
Wowza!! What a beautiful tree! Would Love this!
This tree is gorgeous it would make a nice addition to our yard.
Beautiful Plant. id love to have several
Beautiful trees. They are so delicate looking but hardy. I have a red Japanese Maple in my yard. My gramdson likes to play in it. He likes to wear camo & “hide” in the tree. Didn’t you know camo makes you invisible. Also it is the tree he learned to climb on. would love to have another in the yard. Also great shade trees.
WOW! Who would NOT want this??? A truly beautiful tree! Love it.
I will save a spot in our yard for it.
What a stunning Purple Ghost Japanese Maple. Love your website, Its so inspirational.
This tree is beautiful! Sharing with friends! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!
You offer a wealth of information and I enjoy reading every bit of information you put out there. Thanks.
That is an absolutely gorgeous tree!
Would love to afford one of these beautiful trees.
Beautiful tree!
I would LOVE to have this tree to balance out the other two Japanese maples in my yard. They are so beautiful. Pink is my favorite color.
I would plant the purple tree in a very conspicuous location for all to see!
love your emails, am working hard to learn to grow plants at home.
Would love to add one of these to my collection!
Absolutely love this tree!!!!!
I always look forward to all your emails and articles. This is truly a beautiful Japanese Maple. Thanks for all you do for homeowners and gardeners. Happy New Year.
Really enjoy your newsletter. Looking forward to the new year.
Hi Mike! You’re the greatest!I read your past articles on this beautiful Japanese maple. It’s a beauty!
Would love this in my yard!
Your blog and website is full of information and it is my go to place when I am not sure about something in my yard.
I have ben with you for a little wile & have 5,000 FB friends & would love 2 Win . Thanks
Truly a beautiful tree and thanks so much for the oppertunity to own one!!!!!! Japanese Maples are my favorite, and I have none at this house! Robert Totten
This is a beautiful creation .i would love to give it a new home in Texas.
Thanks for such a useful and knowledgeable website. I would love to have this tree in my landscape.
this would be a great way to start my year; always looking for something new and different!!!!!!
Thanks Mike for all sharing all that you do! That tree would look beautiful in my yard!
Thanks so much Mike, I’ve learned a lot from you.
Simply Stunning!
This tree will make a beautiful addition to my somewhat outdated, yet coming to life with my help, landscape! I’ve pulled out a lot of overgrowth and I’ve planted a few new specimens here and there. A Japanese Maple would really liven things up!
My favorite color! I would love to have one of these in my side yard.
Happy new year and thanks a lot.
I want one
Mike the Purple Ghost is one of the few Japanese Maples that i do not have in our garden, we just down sized after open heart surgery and i need something to take care of. Thanks for the chance to get one of these beautiful plants. Danny
I want one please
Mike thank you for all your tips. My hst goes off to you for following your dream
Wish Mike’s info had been available when I was younger.
Your mini book was one of the best purchases I have made in a long time.
This tree is gorgeous! It would really add color to my yard. I’d really appreciate winning this!
This is a beautiful tree and a great gift! Thanks Mike for for putting this up!
Can’t wait
The ‘Purple Ghost’ is a beautiful tree. Lovely color and shape. And difficult to find also!
Thank you for this contest!!! I would love to win this maple. I have two Acer Japanese maples that give us more pleasure then anything else in our yard! I pray I win this one. We had already talked about adding another one in the spring and have the spot all picked out. This would be perfect. I enjoy getting your emails. Hope I win! Thank you. PS. It is extremely cold in the deep South this morning! We aren’t used to this! 15 degrees.
Gwen Coker
190 Kayla Drive
Natchitoches, Louisiana 71457
[email protected]
This Japanese Maple truly does look spectacular! I would love to have this show stopper displayed On my lawn!!
Wow! Would love to have this. Just starting to add JM to my nursery. Hope I win!
I would love to have this beautiful tree!
That beautiful maple would look great in my yard with its brightly colored leaves! !!
That’s a gorgeous specimen of a species!
Mike – thanks for sharing your gardening knowledge with all who want to learn. I have learned so much.
I’m a retired, pipeline construction surveyor/inspector; and, have taken on the goal of establishing a
plant nursery. Started with the idea of a muscadine orchard, but; upon furthe research, have found that, the muscadine market is not that great ( commercially ), but has a lot of competition. So; I’ve
decided to venture out to other plants. I only have a 5 1/2 acre lot ( with only about 3 acres available
for the orchard. I’m venturing, into fruit trees, ( in addition to the muscadines ), and a few hybred grapes. The “Purple Ghost Japanese Maple” ( co-inidentally; I live on a dead end street, called
” Red Maple Dr. ” ), would be a great kickoff, for publicity, for my new plant nursery business.
Thia would be a great way to replace my Japanese Maple that was broken in half by unknown means or somebody with a bad attitude. It looks beautiful by the way.
The Purple Ghost is beautiful. I volunteer as a gardener in our community church garden. The Purple Ghost would be a wonderful addition!!!
I have been looking for something special to honor my best friend who crossed “The Rainbow Bridge” in November. This would be a very special way to do so ..
Thank you Mike for allowing us to be a part of your free give away of the purple Japanese Maple. It would be gorgeous in our South Carolina yard. We have been following you for a few years now and have a small scale back yard nursery. Thanks for all the wonderful tips. We really enjoy all the videos and tips you send out!
Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
I’ve gained so much confidence from your videos and newsletters! Thanks for sharing your knowledge! 🙂
I love Japanese maple trees! Would love to win one. Thank you!
Fantastic color!
I have to admit. I love the articles and advice on home to take care of things around the yard. I also enjoy learning about the new plants and shrubs. Mike’s prospective is quite refreshing as opposed to the “you need to buy all of this stuff” answers you get at the garden centers.
i want to win
I have gotten so much useful information from your website! Thank you!
I want it!
I think weeping Japanese red maple trees are the most beautiful of all trees.
Just beautiful.
I would love to win this ghost Japanese maple. Thank you for your website. I use your suggestions every year when planting my new plants.
Beautiful!I would treat it like a baby!!
Awesome! You are my go-to guy for the best gardening advice!!! Thanks for all you do for us fellow gardeners.
WOW! This is my favorite!
Keep the great emails coming have learned so much.
Thank you for all you do and for all the knowledge you share,….whenever Friends or I have questions, we say ‘let’s ask Mike’ and we mosey to your site for the information we need…. oh and did I mention that purple maple is screaming out my name!!! Lol…thanks Mike!
Sue (Atlanta, GA)
This is such a beautiful tree. Thanks so much for the opportunity. I love your blog posts!
I would love to have one, I
I hope I win!
That would look great in front of my house.. Hope to win this.
A Purple Ghost Japanese Maple. would look great in my yard.
Love your selection of rare maples. I have a few in my Bonsai collection. I would cherish the purple ghost for years to come!
Well I gess I’ll try to win me a maple again? haven’t won anything yet
Thank you for all the information you post. I really learn a lot from them.
Just breath taking the color is beautiful i love gardening have. 18 raised beds for vegetables this tree would look beautiful beside them
The leves on this maple are just fabulous, so very dramatic looking!
Beautiful Tree, Thanks Mike!
Beautiful tree! Is it always purple or is that only a seasonal display?
Happy New Year!
Can’t wait for the awesome tips you are going to share in 2018.
looks like a lovely tree – I would love to have one in my landscape! fingers crossed!
I wish I lived closer to you – so I could visit and tour your garden and tap into your ideas. You’ve been most helpful to my greenish thumb.
Thanks for all you share Mike.
This is a spectacular tree and I have the perfect spot for it in my landscape.
What a beautiful tree. It would be an honer to win this tree! Thanks for the opportunity to own such a rear tree!
Hi Mile, I like the email updates. I have been working on getting setup. A large sand bed was installed last summer, and a a 5 acre deer fence is going in this spring.
Absolutely beautiful!! Can’t believe you are giving one away!!
Wow she’s beautiful
I am very stubborn, I’m told but after listening to you and following you for about 23 years, I am going to sign up for your members area when it opens in January 2018.
Bob Keil
Oh how beautiful. Japanese maple trees — in all their glorious variety — are one of my favorite trees to have around the garden and I definitely want to add more. I have a bloodgood that I tried to take some cuttings from this last summer but they didn’t take. I fully intend to try your bin propagation methods this upcoming year. I didn’t have sand last year and I used individual pots. The soda bottle propagation worked great on my fig tree though. Keep the good stuff coming!
I love japanese maples they are the focal point of our landscaping
Hi Mike, Absolutely LOVE your videos & posts. Learning so much hope I can keep up & start a little nursery here I have some space. Pls enter me in yr drawing for Purple Jap Maple I JUST LOVE TREES! Thanks for all you do,
I LOVE your posts and articles! Thank you for sharing your life with us!!! Thank you to your bride for sharing you with us, too!
Thank you Sir you make everything look so easy. it is great that you share so much of your information.
A beautiful tree, what zone is appropriate for this tree?
Love your web site. You have such wonderful info and beautiful photos. I will be glad to share it.
Thank you for doing this. I think this is so pretty.
A perfect addition to any garden.
Beautiful tree. I would love to have one in my front yard. This is a great give away.
My dad loved the autumn change of colours in Europe. Here the best one is the Japanese Maple. So I decided to plant one in my dad’s bio urn, and one for my mum too. They will be side by side forever in my weekend house in Gippsland close to the ocean. Love you both
Wow, Mike’s backyard nursery just keeps getting better. I have been following the website for years. Do to declining health issues I didn’t join. I can’t wait to join this month. The purple ghost Japanese Maple is amazing. Send it home to mama. The space is already.
great information ,great prize ,great program
Wow! What a gorgeous tree!!! And what a generous gift. Thank you. And I hope I win! Lol!
Great looking tree. Looking forward to the membership opening up next week.
Bob in Galloway, Ohio
I lost a beautiful Japanese Maple a few years ago. Would love to replace it.
On the west coast, but what a beautiful tree!
The most beautiful tree I have ever seen. The colors are bright and dazzling. A showpiece in any garden.
Want this for my yard…
I love all of theie information you put out on your newsletter. Thank you for all your hard work showing and telling us how to do these things.
I LOVE Mike’s backyard!! I used to think i had to HIRE someone to prune my plants and keep them healthy because I was afraid I would kill them. Now I know better! I’ve learned so much that me and the kids have even started our own food and fruit garden complete with our own compost pile!
Thanks Mike for showing us all how to keep our OWN gardens happy and healthy. We know have a family that is building garden traditions right here in our own backyard!
I want a Japanese maple! They are so pretty!
I would love to have a tree like this in my yard! It’s beautiful.
Love your page and all the valuable info offered! Total asset for a horticulture student like myself!
That is a beautiful color. I tell my MGV friends about you verbally when you make posts. You’re so practical with gardening.
I’ll be honest I really don’t know what to say I’m just doing what you said in hopes of winning that purple ghost Japanese maple there absolutely beautiful. I live just south of Houston Tx. And thanks for what you do God bless.
The “Purple Ghost” is amazing and would look AMAZING in landscapiing out front (which admittedly needs work – previous owners did little to nothing outside). Pleas e choose me to receive it. Sure hope it will fluorish in Michigan, your neighbor to the north.
Jan Blough
Your my inspiration, I’ve been watching your videos for years. You taught me how to clone hard wood cuttings.
Oh . My. Goodness!! This tree is so beautiful! I could lay under it and stare up through its foliage for hours upon hours!
Wow! That is a beautiful tree, and I’ve got just the place to plant it. I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed and stroked a toad under its chin. I think that gives good luck. Or someone gets pregnant. What the heck! I want that tree!
beautiful tree – would love to have one in my yard
My weeping maple bit the dust, so I would love this. Indoor or other special care zone 9?
Amazingly beautiful!
Omg!!!! Please pick me!!! Also, been trying to find a white Japanese maple…Has the word cloud in it…
I wish I had a Japanese maple in my garden but unfortunately I can’t have this one. That’s because I’m pretty sure you won’t ship it to Europe. 🙁
You are a true inspiration. I stuck about 2000 hardwood cuttings last fall and plan to do at least that many softwood cuttings this spring. Hope to become a member soon and retire to go to work with plants. Would love to get into Japanese maples.
Thank you for sharing all your knowledge.
What a gorgeous tree! Everyone should have the opportunity to own one of these.
The world’s most perfect tree.
What a Beautiful color. Leaves remind me of a Spider maple
Thank you!!!!!!
Would love to win this for my parents! ????
That is a beautiful tree. Would look great in my back yard. [email protected]
Look at the vibrant color of the leaves on this tree. What an eye catcher.
What a glorious looking tree!
I love Japenese Maple Trees! I have one
bloodgood, one lace leaf in the form of a bush and green one that I can’t remember without looking it up. Old mind setting in LOL. My health has stopped me from joining your Growers Business Center, but read all your posts and dream about doing cuttings and my own business.
Looking forward to winning this beautiful purple ghost.
The tree looks lively! It’s been a rough year here in SC for Japanese maples.
I love all the Japanese Maples, especially the lace leafed ones.
I love reading your posts Mike. Always great info with down to earth presentation. Thank you!
I love reading your posts Like. Always great info with down to earth presentation. Thank you!
I’m not sure what to comment, but here it is.
Happy New Year Mike!
I’d be happy to give a safe home to that Japanese Maple.
You are awesome!! Hope you keep sharing for a very long time! I am a Master Gardener and I tell all of my gardening friends about you.
This tree is beautiful. I would really like to win it!
The “purple ghost” Japanese Maple is a beautiful plant. I would love to take care of this beautiful plant in my yard. Definitely crossing my fingers on this drawing.
Thank you Mike for putting this site and the byg members area together! To any new people that are visiting this site for the first time, I have been a byg member since 2013 and a follower of this site for a couple years before actually formally joining.
I love this website and I love being a member of the byg group, it is truly like a family. I have learned so much since I became a member and anyone who is not a member and is thinking about joining the group when Mike opens the memberships, you will not regret joining. You can’t go to a university and get an education as good as the byg area provides. There are so many helpful members who offer up their knowledge and experiences daily and the plants are beautiful.
Happy New Year!! And get out there and grow some stuff!
That is a exciting Japanese maple tree it would look nice in my front yard!
I would love to win that purple Japanese maple
The tree is BEAUTIFUL to look at !
This is a beautiful tree!!
Hello! I am a ‘Forever Home’ to several stray & rescue animals, here in Ohio. I have been following Mike for some time now. I am seriously considering ordering Mike’s info to start a growing business like he has done….I definitely need the income to feed all of these Precious Animals!
Bottom Line? I definitely want to be the ‘Forever Home’ to this Gorgeous ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese Maple!! She is Mine!! I would gladly come & pick her up, just to have the chance to see Mike’s operation.
Thank You for this wonderful opportunity!!
God Bless,
CJ Nelson
I love your emails and info I get from you! Plan to start my own nursery in the next couple years!
Mike, thank you for all of the information, specific instructions, tips, and encouragement. Thanks to you we all have the potential to be successful gardeners!
What a gorgeous tree for sure. I believe my father purchased one for a few hundred dollars many years ago.
I have learned so many hints, tricks and foundational gardening info from Mike’s website. I would love to win that Japanese purple ghost maple tree. It would be a beautiful addition to my West Texas yard.
I hope I win the beautiful ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese Maple!
Hi Mike, I love gardening and plants and always look for rare and hare-to-find plants. I started a Moringa tree from seed because nobody else has one. So, you can see that I would appreciate your rare and wonderful Purple Ghost Japanese Maple. Such a beauty and thank you.
Yet another exciting prize!!! WOW!
Thank you, Mike, for sharing all the great info about how each of us can create our
own Backyard Nursery!!!
The chance to win a GORGEOUS rare Japanese maple is just ‘icing on the cake’.
Happy New Year!
Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! With all the important gardening information you provide, I am sure this tree will thrive with the luck winner!
For years I have enjoyed reading your gardening info and love watching your videos????
Thanks Mike
Beautiful tree’s. Thank you for sharing. I had no idea there are so many different kinds. Thank you for the tips.
Wow, I would love one of these! What a warm and wonderful gift for someone. Thank you!
Still reading. And still wanting that gorgeous tree.
I would love to have one of these beautiful trees.
Thank you Mike for all you do for us!
Karina O.
My favorite color and birth stone are purple. Would love to have this tree. I live in NJ.
The ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese maple is awesome. I am really disappointed the the west coast, Specifically Fresno, CA, can’t get them here. Being a retired farmer, I understand about the need to control pest. Just wanted you to know that the tree is really stunning and would cause anyone to stop in their track to admire it.
Mike–So grateful to you for the vast amount of horticultural knowledge you share.
My favorite emails are always yours!
we bought 2 acres without a tree on the place. My 73 year old Mom lives with us and purple is her favorite color! I’d love to win this and plant it just outside her window! We LOVE you and all your posts Mike!
I have a space!!
Thanks for the chance to win, Mike! I’ve watched all your videos and read most of your articles. Youre an inspiration
What a beautiful Maple this one! I have the perfect new home for it..!!
I have one Japanese Maple (Orangina). I think a Purple Ghost would be very happy with him.
I would love a chance. To win this acer. Thank you Mike.
This tree is absolutely beautiful! I hope you pick me!! :}
Thanks for a chance to win a Purple Ghost Japanese Maple, there really great trees.
What a wonderful prize , just beautiful ,thanks for the chance .
The tree is really beautiful. I live on the west coast ????. Boo hoo!!
Great backyard nursery how to info. Thanks for what you do!
Would love a purple ghost!
I don’t play video games, I spend hours jumping from link to link on your website. You are like having a relative tell you step by step how to be successful with growing trees and flowers. I just discovered you about 3 months ago, received your free materials (devoured those) and hope to save up the funds for your Backyard Growers Business Center. I would love doing this as a business but have to get all my “ducks in a row” to get started! Winning a Ghost Japanese Maple would definitely dress up my property and give me something to admire every time I look at it!
Japanese maples are my current favorites!
This purple ghost japanese maple is gorgeous; I would love to be the winner. thank you.
LOVE this tree and love your articles. Is there an alternative with this coloring for the west coast, Oregon specifically?
BTW, My post for the pruners never showed up on your comments and last I saw it was being moderated. Could you let me know why it didn’t show up? I even shared your post on Facebook and said so in my comment. Got some likes. too!
You are so informative and fun to watch on youtube this cold winter day here in TN.
Wow! Absolutely gorgeous tree. I’m getting ready to start my backyard nursery 2018.
I’ve read and reread your book; I think this is the year.
This is a very pretty tree and would look good as my focal tree in the front yard!
Beautiful color. I would love to have one of those in my yard or garden. What a pop it would gibe!
crossing my fingers
Over the years Mike has showed me all kinds of things also answered question when I asked him where else are you going to fine someone like this
Very nice gift. Mike always seems to have something wonderful for all to enjoy
Oh my goodness! This is the answer to the bare spot that needs a “statement” in my front yard that I have been looking to fill for years. Instead of grass, I have nailwort ground cover with beds of purple salvia here and there. Also 2 dark purple and one light purple clematis plants. This smaller tree is perfect for my purple themed front yard. It is the perfect “statement” that I have been looking for.
Mike, you are a rarity! You keep us informed on all aspects of gardening, growing, protecting, repairing and even allowing us to partake in your give-a-ways etc. etc. All this information has helped me to improve my gardening skills over the years. Thank you for all that you do.
I would dearly love to win this incredibly beautiful Purple Japanese Maple. It is absolutely spectacular and I have just the place to plant it.
I enjoy all the commits and half answers, no really thanks for great ideas as weeeell
Looks like quite the tree indeed
Mike , you do an outstanding job on your post , and I love learning something new from you every time I view them !!! The professional information that you share with us is such a blessing and a wonderful service you do for us all ! Thank You , Jack Ganon , Wilmington NC Happy New Year to you and your family !!!
I have always loved the Japanese Maple, but the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple is absolutely astonishingly beautiful and unique. I would love to get this tree started in my landscape!
Hey Mike. Thank you for the newsletter!
Happy new year from the Centerville Ohio Electrician.
Absolutely gorgeous tree, Would love to add this to the flower bed in front of my log home.
I’m on your e-mail list and I enjoy all the information and tips and ideas that you share!! Also, I would love to win this beautiful tree!
Please pick me! I’d love to have this tree in my yard.
Id love ti have a Japanese Maple.
[email protected]
beautiful tree, looks more like a low bush though
I would absolutely love to have this tree. My daughter bought me one and it dies. She has since passed away and I want it to remember her by. Please!!!
I would love to own one of these beautiful trees. I worry about how I would care for it here in West Texas.
The color of this beautiful tree is amazing! I love Japanese Maples but this beauty truly is spectacular!
I would love to win this beauty. Thanks for the chance.
AMAZING! Just one of the many reasons that your our Go To for all of our gardening and plant knowledge. Thanks for all you do! Loving it!
Shared : )
This tree will be a great addition to our property when we move there after retirement in May
Thankyou for your generosity
Connecting to nature is the key to sanity. Thank you for sharing and encouraging it.
Hi Mike,
What a beautiful tree! It’s stunning.
Keep bashing on, Mike!
Hi Mike…I live here in sunny Ca. and have subscribed to your newsletter for sometime. I really, really wanted to enter this contest so I could be the proud
owner of this Ghost Maple….but will have to wait until 2019 when I leave this
state and retire in Fayetteville, Ar.
Your website has been a real source of information which I have used and
am looking forward to many more years of information. Maybe I can evern
be a “member” when I retire.
Great info ty
Beautiful Tree !!!!!
I enjoy reading your posts, and even though I do not want to be a backyard gardener I like propagating plants just to see if I can and then giving them away to neighbors and friends. I’ve learned a lot. Thx.
A beautiful tree! I love your posts.
That will be awesome.
Thank you Mike for the inspiration and helpful information you have shared over the years. My heart is still willing to get back in the dirt and watch stuff grow. But my back has made that a bit difficult. Very disappointing to have to wait till I can get help to dig a hole. Hopefully I’ll be back at it by spring.
The Purple Ghost Japanese Maple is absolutely gorgeous.
What a gorgeous tree! Such lovely colour! I’m Canadian, so am very partial to maple leaves, the symbol on our flag. I would take great care of this beauty.
Thanks so much for sharing your expertise and passion for all things gardening. I always enjoy reading your emails
The coloring on the tree looks nothing less than spectacular! I have never seen a tree this color. It would be a delightful focal point in a garden. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. You provide such good information for us novice gardeners. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us.
Can a Japanese Maple be grown as a bonsai plant or simply a container plant? I don’t have a home of my own and am renting a room in someone’s house. My plants are in containers in my room so that I can enjoy them every day now and later can take them with me when I move. I love plants! I start plants from seeds or parts of other plants, so my room now contains snake plants, aloe vera plants, pineapple plants, a tiny fig tree, tiny mango trees, etc. They provide me with beauty and fresh, healthy air. Thank you for all of the information you share with us. Keep up the good work! I wish you success, good health, happiness, and love in this coming new year.
What a stunning specimen you are offering in the contest! It would be a treasure to win this. Japanese maples were a favorite of my dad, who passed this last year. Would be nice to be the center of a memorial garden I am trying to plan.
I have a Japanese maple but the leaves a a dark purple, they only look the color above in the Fall
when they change, so beautiful. I got it when it was about 2 feet tall, now it’s about 3 feet after a
couple of years. Can’t wait till it gets way taller. GBU, Connie
A very beautiful tree
I have been looking for an unusual tree to go with my lone Azalea bush, this would be perfect! I am really enjoying your newsletter, Too bad we don’t have Ohio soil here in Tennessee. I am a transplant here from Ohio.
watch your posts all the time. I live in the fire area in Bastrop, TX and need trees. I planted 10 Loblolly pines here and they all died in the intense heat here. Would love to have The free maple you are are giving away.
Very nice tree. How do the do in Texas zone 8b?
I’ve never hear about the purple ghosts Japanese maple tree it looks magnificent I would love to win this tree
What a beautiful tree – and I have the perfect spot for it!! Thanks Mike, not only for the giveaway opportunities, but also for all your efforts!
this is the perfect website to professionally manicure my lawn thank you
That is a very lovely tree. I would be very proud to have one.
Mike, I always drool over your Japanese Maples. They are my favorite ornamental tree. To have one like this would be such a blessing. Please make a dream come true.
Love this guy. I want to be him when i retire
I’d love one! I’m in Arizona, I think it might be shipped here. 🙂
Wow that ‘ Purple Ghost’ Japanese maple is beautiful. I would love to have it.
I’ve never seen one of these around the Pittsburgh area. Much prettier than the red ones growing around!
Purple ous my FAVORITE color!!
A really good, safe herbal spray to get rid of white flies and spider mites is basil and water. Place two double handfuls of basil leaves into a gallon plastic or glass container and fill the rest of the gallon container with warm water and set in the sun for six to 8 hours. Strain and spray plants on the underside and topside. May be used as often as needed and is safe to handle.
What a beautiful tree!
????????????????????Luuuuuvin the purple Japanese Maple& it would make a fabulous addition to my “shades of purple” garden collection. Excited about becoming a new member too. Can’t wait to see all it offers.????????????
Very beautiful maple would really look nice in my wife’s garden
I adore Japanese maples!!! And this one is exquisite!!!! It would look beautiful next to my gray house.. thank you Mike for all your helpful hints for my gardening and propagation!!!
Awesome tree!
I anxiously await your email every week to get updates on plates, videos on self help and ways to make money from seeds and cuttings.
I am now a seed gatherer and spend more time outside than inside ( including sleep)
Thank you Mike for changing my life,!
Lyn Davis
I’ve been following your web page for several months, and have learned a bunch. Getting ready to retire shortly and start my own nursery. Keep up the good work…..
Mike, your the best. The guardian of the garden.
Folks like you are what help me keep my faith…you are always trying to help others.
Thank you.
That’s a beauty!
I love Japanese Maple trees. Espe ially “Purple Ghost”.
Great colors, for every yard.
Wow! That is a terrific Color……….Scott
Very informative site, with many choices and illustrations.
Wow! That is one very pretty tree!
Love your tips. That maple would look terrific in the memorial garden at my church!
This is another opportunity for me to say how much insight I have gained from becoming a part of this club. The articles and especially the videos are great. You’ve changed a do nothing retiree into an avid propagationist ( is that a word?) Keep up the great work, MIke.
Mike’s webpage is one of the best nursery pages on the internet.
I will give the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple a good home here in Texas
I love everything about your business. Haven’t had the nerve to leave my current job.
Thanks for all of your great info! I hope I win!!
I cant even begin to tell you how much you have helped me out. I have passed the info and your site to many friends and family.
as for the J maple….I had the chance to purchase a maple at super savings but..I did not have a way to get it home so I had to pass on it.
i kills me everytime i pass by one and i think back on that time.
well good luck to all
Love this type of Japanese maple!
I love that tree!
Utterly specular. What a wonderful addition this would make to my yard
Wow I can’t believe that you are going to give away a beautiful ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese Maple tree for FREE either!! Someone is going to be one lucky person. I will probably wet my pants if I’m chosen. What a wonderful way to start the new year!!
You know I am a big fan! I am just starting my Japanese Maple Nursery in the summer of 2018. I have about 20 seedlings from 2017 and starting more February 2018. I need “named varieties” and would love to win this beautiful tree. I will tell you up front that I am in Ontario so if shipping to this area is not possible, I understand. Thank you Mike for all your inspiration. I got my Corona pruning shears for xmas and can’t wait to use them! All the best to you and your family!
Wow, Purple Ghost is a beautiful tree. I would love to have it.
What does “awaiting moderation “ mean?
I just joined the group this past summer. I have not yet started building my garden like I want, but I have been given so much great advice through the articles and suggestions that I know my 2018 garden will be a great success. Thanks Mike.
I love this tree and love receiving your emails. Thanks so much, Mike!
Hi Mike,
Santa said I have been a good new member!
I am welcoming that beautiful tree
It will join the so many cuttings I have already bought, for a good cause.
Thanks in advance.
Jean Yves
I have the perfect place in my yard to plant this tree!!!!
Simply stunning!
The Tamukeyama was my favorite. I think this one is my new favorite now…
Those are beautiful and perfect for a space next to our new deck!
I would love to have this in my yard……so beautiful..
What a beautiful tree this is! Do you think it would grow in/near KCMO?
So Happy I live on the East Coast…lol. Happy New Year Everybody!
Beautiful! I have a japanese maple and love it! I love this one because it is purple, my favorite color.
A truly spectacular tree ???? Would be a wonderful addition to any garden ????
I love Japanese Maples, and they do so very well here in Tennessee. Thank you Mike!
Happy New Year! My sticks had flowers on them last summer
I have been following your backyard nursery for about 4-5 years (that is when I got the trial membership). Right after I started to get into it, I started to have problems with my back which led to me not being able to bend over or lift……so sadly I had to give up on being a member. But I still like to watch your videos & read the comments & look at the pictures of all your plants. Thanks for being online so I can feel like a part of it, even if I can’t physically do it!!!!
That is such a beautiful maple tree & I would love to have one.
Thanks again Mike……….
Mike thank you for this generous offer! I would love this tree! Because my house burned down I have to completely relandscape my property. What a great addition to Thank you for providing this generous gift!
That will look GREAT in the corner of my yard!!!!!!!!!
Japanese maples are my very favorite tree. I thought my miniature Tamukeyama lace leaf was purple or at least it was supposed to be. Turns out that it is green. I still love it just the same. I am still looking for a good deal on a purple one. You can never have too many! Getting a Purple Ghost is on the very top of my Japanese maple list.. Since they are so rare and usually very expensive, I haven’t crossed that one off yet. But, maybe 2018 will be my lucky year to finally add one of those little beauties to my garden. I can’t wait.
Spectacular tree! Definitely in my plans for my landscape.
I have moved from my original address in North Richland Hills, TX, and I have been unable to buy from the members. However, I would really like to have a Japanese Maple. I really enjoyed buying from the members, and I plan to buy from you all again..
What a beutiful tree!
Oops! I believe I misspelled my email for my previous comment from Toni Fuller. It is
[email protected]
I just love your site and all the gardening information you provide. Learning how to propogate plants, especially rare trees, is on my agenda for this coming season. Thank you for sharing how to do this….and that ghost maple treevis GORGEOUS! The nursery I go to for rare maple trees does NOT have this variety. What a beautiful specimum.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for all your videos and gardening tips. have use many of them and they work.
carol Mathews rock spring GA
Beautiful Tree.
Nice tree!
I would Love to win that beautiful ” Purple Ghost” Japanese Maple. I enjoy your column very much Mike! Learn a lot of tips.
I’ve learned so much. I’m here in Paw Paw Mi. and look forward to all your emails. Thanks Mike. Deb
Thanks to you Mike, I was first introduced to the splendid Japanese Maple Tree so when our daughter gave us one about 18” tall, I realized it wasn’t a “stick”, but given some time and TLC, was really an ornamental jewel of a tree instead! Because of this, I took very good care of it and it has moved with us now to 3 houses. In 8 years, it has reached a height of 4-1/2’ by 3-1/3 around. We love this tree and I have you to thank!
I am in awe of these trees and always will be. The colors, the shape, and the peaceful calm it promotes are tops with me!
I would live to have this! It’s beautiful. I live in Chicago, IL, will this grow here?
Nice trees!
I haven’t seen that color of Japanese Maple before. Lovely.
What a beautiful Japanese Maple, that would make an excellent addition to my plant collection. Thanks again for all the great info and super helpful growing tips!
I wanna win, I wanna win, I wanna win!
I would Love to have one Please
This tree would be a great addition to my front yard – but alas, I am on the West Coast, so hopefully I would receive a great alternative gift.
I always enjoy the articles and tips I receive in the emails from Mike.
That’s great thanks
I want it
I have enjoyed Mike’s backyard nursery so much and have started my modest nursery. My grandfather had a nursery but I never got the chance to learn from him. I know he would be proud of me for learning what he loved too do. Thank you Mike for the knowledge you are providing for all of us.
will it grow in the South?
This would make a fantastic addition to my expanding Japanese Maple collection in my yard. They are a real magnet for drawing in customer. I love the purple color in the leaves.
Thank you Mike for showing us how easy it is to propagate our favorite plants.
Wow, what a beautiful tree. I want one. Hope I win!
This is really a beautiful tree and I have never seen one in this color.
That sounds like a fascinating tree. Thanks for the opportunity to enter for it.
Beautiful, have perfect spot for it!
I live in Florida, love the color of the leaves
So pretty! Would look great in my yard. Not sure what the website you’re looking for is. I saw this through a post from Sandy Creek Plants on Facebook. They were sharing this link to,
I love your site, but I’m not ready to go commercial! ???? you just keep my toes to the fire as a home gardener. If I win the maple, I’ll come get it!
It’s a beautiful tree and will look great in my yard…
What a lovely tree and what a nice gift!
Hope I’m the lucky winner.
That is one stunning maple !
Mike, I would simply love to win this JM! It is VERY hard to find and I have all of the Ghost series except the Purple Ghost!! Thank you for the chance!!!
Hi Mike,
These are the most beautiful Japanese Maples. I am designing my yards front and back and think they will make great specimen trees in specific spots the trees the I am planting are largely fruit bearing; Fuyu Persimmon, late harvest navel oranges, Mexican Key Lime, maybe a fig. We are in Northern California and it does get a little cold for the oranges.
Love your site and information,
Dirk Atkinson
Meant to say “that” I’m planting
God Bless you and your family!!! I have shared your email with my sister and my cousin.. Thank you for everything.. You make life fun and beautiful… Dawn
Dear Mike,
I have learned more than I ever knew about plants, landscaping propagating and so many things I can’t remember, I save all of the emails for a reference!
I would love Love LOVE a purple ghost!!!!!!
A purple ghost Japanese Maple – I already have a spot picked out to display it. I hope I win. I’m getting excited about plants and trees for 2018!!
I would love to be the lucky winner of this beautiful tree!!!
please give us one any way ? wow what a great pleasure to have you around . awesome
Hi Mike I would really like one of these japanese maples they are very pretty. If you would please enter me into your drawing thank you
Have been following you for years as a member. Love your education for us novices.
Thanks Mike, the purple ghost maple is a spectacular tree!!!
Hello Mike! Thank you for the contest and all the amazing information you’ve given us over the years!
Wow, I’d love a ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese maple!
Would love this one looks so beautiful
Wow! Great plant! Thx for the info!
I am looking to get started growing Maples soon as a way to supplement income and maybe one day open my own nursery. Love the information you provide and looking to become a member one day. I am active duty Navy and only have a few more years until retirement and want to start my own business and I think this might be the way I go.
I LOVE this tree. We are re-landscaping and have the PERFECT place for it!!!
Thanks for the opportunity Mike
Folks if you follow this site I guarantee you will learn more than you thought possible about the landscape in and around your yard.
I would love to have this Japenese Maple! Good luck everyone!
Your web site is beautiful and very informative. I always enjoy checking this web page out and hope to win the “Purple Ghost”
I’m itching to learn layering of hardwoods next spring and taking/buying cuttings this winters end. I hear you can layer any tree except banana
When can I sign up for $7 trial run. I’m ready to show this to all my friends/relatives
Thanks for the opportunities
Hi Mike,
I really enjoy your gardening tips and tricks! I can’t believe how much sage advice you give away for free to us novices. Thanks for your encouragement and support. I hope to one day have the money to join your Membership!
Thanks so much!
Would love to have a tree like that in my landscape. Great looking tree
I have been a member for over 3 years now.. Have attempted to begin propagating plants 2 different times (with a several month lapse in between) with each time my life taking a turn in a different dirrection which did not allow my following thru with the plants. Both times I had to write in and ask how to get signed back in. (I wrote info down in a safe place this time) Each time I received a quick, courteous response as to what I needed to do to log in.
If it would have been any other group, I feel sure my request for help would have been ignored or at the very least I would have had to dig up a receipt or other proof of initial joining.
Thank you Mike!
I am enjoying your videos and articles and also learning a lot. I have recently moved back to Walnut, CA from Richmond TX. I am still in the process of getting my house renovated and then work on landscaping.
I am still waiting for my house in Richmond, TX to sell. I am presently tight on fund, making mortgage payment on two houses. As soon as the house is sold, I plan to get membership.
Since, I am in West Coast, I understand, I will not get the Japanese Maple if I am a winner. I just want to know if these Japanese Maple grow well in Southern California?
I would love to have a chance to win this beautiful Purple Ghost Japanese Maple.
Thank You for the opportunity.
What a beautiful tree next to green plants. It would remind people of Christmas in the summertime
Would love this in my front yard, love this tree !!!
Beautiful tree Mike.
It would be a great addition to anyone’s landscape.
BTW, joining your members area late year was a decision I’m so glad I made. I’ve learned so much from the thousands of posts on every plant topic I can think of and found so many fantastic deals on plants. And what you’ve said in this post is literally true, beautiful trees like this and hundreds of cultivars of other landscape plants are offered for sale on the members boards all the time. Every day, every week, something different. Plus making friends with other members who love plants and are willing, even happy to share their knowledge with a new member. Thanks again.
Would love to own one of these. It’s beautiful.
This is beautiful. I’d love to add one to my garden.
It’s gorgeous! Thanks for all your tips and Happy New Year!
Beautiful tree. Great information in every post I have read!
I woul Love to have a purple ghost maple!
I could use a Purple Ghost Maple here in New London.
The Purple Ghost is beautiful.
I LOVED the pouty lip & the two chickens! Happy New Year & God Bless.
I hope to win one , love this site …so much valuable info
I thoroughly enjoy your e-mails. Have learned alot.
Beautiful tree.
Could use this at our new house landscaping.
Love reading your articles. Hope I win this amazing Maple. .
The Purple Ghost is an amazing looking plant. I hope is not Patented. I love it! I would like to have several of them. Ghostly! Dee
Happy New Year. That is a beautiful tree. Thanks for the chance to win it.
Had a Japanese Maple when I was little and living back East. Looking very forward to this giveaway.
Beautiful maple! It would look great in my yard.
I love the Japanese Maple and would love to add this one to my yard!
Wow! that is a beautiful tree. Can you ship to Idaho?
Beautifully purple! Please choose me!
Mike, first let me wish you, your family and your donkeys a Happy New Year. Thanks for all the great info which has helped to become a better gardner.
I would love to add a Purple Ghost maple to my landscape..thank you
Beautiful tree and I have just the place for it.
Thank you for all the useful information.
It’s a blast to read how you’re able to produce something valuable out of what would normally be trash. Thanks Mike.
Beautiful, it would look stunning in my new garden.
Mike, so happy I found your website. You are so inspiring! Love how you keep things simple and informative,????
Thanks so much for everything you do for all of us. May you have a safe, joyful, and prosperous New Year!!
Dave Cox,
Stevenson, WA
I just love the look of the Japanese maples.
How beautiful the purple ghost is indeed. I thank you and truely appreciate all of your tips on gardening. It seems that you touch on all areas from the soil to the growing process. Your site is very valuable and worth the time.
Please and thank you very much. Way too kind of you..I will take very good care of it..
What a beautiful tree! Thank You for giving one away. Hope I win it.
awesome tree!! very informative site keep info coming for 2018!!
Japanese Maples add curb appeal to every home I’ve ever seen. It doesn’t take but one to make a yard stand out.
My garden needs a ghost or two!
Love all your helpful advice, Mike McGroarty rocks !
We love you Mike
Mike , this is really a beautiful tree, I have several different varieties of Japanese maple that l raise for bonsai,would love to have this one wow!Have learned a lot from ur e mails
I could love this plant.
Thank you, Mike, family, staff and furry friends, for all the hardwork and effort put into all the articles, and videos you share. It truly inspires me to keep planting.
What a beautiful tree! I have the perfect spot for this beauty!!
Absolutely beautiful! I would to win this tree!
Hi Dave – Happy New Year! That’s a beautiful tree! I have a bloodgood Japanese Maple but the color on this Purple Ghost is amazing! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been subscribing to your newsletter since 2004 and have them all saved for frequent reference.
Thanks! Steve
Looks like a great addition for my Michigan garden. Can’t wait to read your next post. Always terrific information that I can put to use. Keep it coming
This looks like my next Japanese maple!
That’s a beautiful tree!!
My wife fell in love when she saw this beautiful thing. I told her that since her birthday is Jan. 29, I would put our name in the hat. Someone will be very lucky to receive such a beautiful plant.
Love this maple tree. Thank Mike for always giving us tips.
Would love to have this tree.
I live in the west coast and would love to win the tree, but understand the shipping issues. If you choose my comment I would like you to donate it to a hospital or hospice garden so people in need would have the opportunity to enjoy it.
I can’t get enough watching your videos, they are so helpful for the people that are still able to work,
I am handicapped now and not able to do a lot, but I still enjoy watching and telling other people about you.
That ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese maple sure would look good in my yard. Will it grow in zone 7b? ‘;D
Wow – what a fabulous addition this ghost tree would be to anyone’s yard! Thanks for the opportunity to win one!
Thanks for keeping me inspired. Minus 24 here in Nebraska the other night. Thanks Mike
We’re having Ohio weather this winter in Arkansas. I appreciate all of your tips & advice.
Happy New Year!
I guess I need to comment for you to choose me as your winner for your Japanese Maple giveaway… I’ve shared to my FB page
This is truly a beautiful tree
Japanese maples are a great addition to your landscape
I like the lace leafy ones
Red is my favorite color
But any will be a great sddition
Absolutely beautiful! It will look perfect driving up to my house. ????
Thank you, Mike, for this generous giveaway, and for posting the beautiful photographs of the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple. Oh how joyful I would be bo win the giveaway, as would virtually EVERYONE who writes a post to enter.
Thank you also for the fudge recipe and movie of your grandsons following your lead!
Happy New Year!
Catherine Jackson
Such a beautiful tree, I just love it. It would look wonderful in my yard. I’m so glad you send me this information, I just love the flowers and trees.
Beautiful–love to add that to my yard!
I am NOT on the west coast, so pick me!
Mike, I love your posts and read every single one of them, sometimes printing them out for future reference. My love of gardening and botany grow with each passing day, and I look forward to your posts to add to my rapidly growing sources of research and information. Only a year ago I had a few house plants….. now I have added a small greenhouse and those plants which do not fit in there or are not suitable for greenhouse fill my house, my garage and the entirety of my 12 acres. I owe much of my success to you and am now ready, come Spring, to begin selling my rooted cuttings and seedlings. Thank you, Mike, for everything you have taught me, inspired me to experiment with, and giving me the confidence to follow my love of all things growing. 🙂
Thanks for the entry opportunity.
Happy New Year, Mike!!! I’d love to win this tree! Thanks.
How sad that you can’t send your trees to the west coast. I have plants shipped from all over the country, despite the pest control laws (there are labels pasted all over the shipments showing the nurseries have complied, )and I have 5 Japanese maples in my gardens. Perhaps you could work out a deal with Pacific Coast Japanese Maples or Mendocino Maples Nursery on the west coast and get them to ship the Purple Ghost from the west coast! Getting a “really nice, alternative gardening gift” is not the same thing as getting a “spectacular Japanese Maple” that is hard to fine elsewhere.. Oh, well, I don’t expect that I will win anyway, but I do love growing Japanese maples, and the Purple Ghost would go great with my purple/blue garden!
My son had given me a tiny Japanese Maple seedling which I babied for a few years. It died this past year for some unknown reason, which saddened me greatly. I would like to win this this Ghost Japanese maple.
Hi mike,
I see your giving another chance to win. Thanks, and i hope you had a great holiday season. I would love to plant one in my garden.
Hi Mike,
I would love a Japanese Maple!
Japanese maples are my favorite.
Really pretty
Wow! They are gorgeous!!!
OH MY! How beautiful that would look in my yard! I do so hope I win!
Happy New Year to you and your Family!
I would like to enter this give away. I love the looks of the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple and would love to add it to my yard. However, I do live in Nevada and am not sure if you can get it to me should I be chosen. Regardless, giving away one of these trees is very gracious of you.
This is very generous of you to offer this absolutely gorgeous Purple Ghost Japanese Maple. We would be honored to have this be a focal point on our farm in Colorado.
Thank you again for your generous offer. Connie and Dave C.
I would LOVE to win this tree!!!!
I love Mike’s website & teaching. I Need that beautiful Purple Ghost Japanese Maple here in north AL.
This would ge a GREAT addition to my yard!!
Love your posts, they provide good practical information, Shibumi, is the Japanese term for perfection in simplicity, your posts embody that concept! Love your donkeys too!
Happy and Healthy New Year Mike ,
That tree would make a beautiful addition to my maple bonsai collection.
I sure appreciate all you do to help us on the BYG board. It changes lives.
Hi, Mike,
How generous! I would love to win this beauty, but what zones are best for its success? I wouldn’t want to win it if my zone was not conducive to its successful growth and development. I live in central Ohio, and hope that it would be healthy and stable in this growing zone. I have one Japanese maple in my front yard and it has been my pride and joy. I planted another on the other side of the house this fall, ,and look forward to it becoming a comparable companion for the existing one. Right now it is just a single “stick” out of the ground, but I know it will branch out over the years.
Thank you so much for your site and your willingness to share your knowledge and passion. I truly enjoy it, and reference it when I have a question or concern.
Gorgeous!!! Would look great next to my Bloodgood Japanese Maple.
I would love to have this! That tree is beautiful!
Gorgeous tree!!! Would look great next to my Bloodgood Japanese Maple.
That Japanese Maple is beautiful.
I love your e-mail and you have made me love Japanese Maple trees. They are so beautiful Thank you for your efforts with the newsletter.
Omg, that’s the more beautiful tree I ever saw. Even I don’t win, I would like to know how much you sale for?
I would like to win this.
Very beautiful tree.
It’s a beautifull tree.
That is one beautiful tree! Japanese maples are my favorite! Thanks for the opportunity!
Awesome plant! I’d like to grow it in my yard! Thanks Mike!
Would love to win this to plant in memory of my baby sister who passed away Christmas Eve. Love this site.
What an amazing tree. I would look beautiful in my back yard.
Beautiful Tree Mike ! As Trees cannot be Shipped to Canada either..(anything with Soil!) however seeds are okay ! I know any tree grown from seed will not be ‘True to the Parent’.. do you save / sell any seeds at all ?
I tried to grow some purple ghosts from a few seeds with no success. I would love to have a seedling!
WOW. Beautiful tree.
What a lovely tree. I would LOVE to win this tree!
I really enjoy all the information you share. Have used a lot of it, and love it. I never thought I could root so many different type of trees and other plants.
Please, oh please, I need this tree! It is gorgeous!
I would love to win one of these trees! Japanese maples are my favorite – but I’ve never seen a purple ghost one!
Beautiful color
I really enjoy all the information you share. Have used a lot of it, and love it.
I love this website. Mikes been dead on with everything I have tried. I have been visiting this site every time I need answers.
Love your posts,
I look forward to receiving and reading mikes newsletters. There is always moment new to leaders
Always something new to learn from mikes newsletters
I would love to win. I have the perfect spot for it!
Love the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple, I hope I win.
I have just the spot for this Purple Ghost. Hope to have the opportunity to put it there.
Mike B. Voluntown, Ct.
I would love to win this!
Enter me. Thanks
Breathtaking! I pray I win it.
Really enjoy Mike’s Backyard Nursery tips, I have been gardening for 70 years and still learning.
How exciting it always is to learn about new plants, both exotic and native!
Thank you very much I appreciate that
Fantastically beautiful tree!
What an amazing plant! It’s beautiful!
Thank you for the opportunity to enter to win the Japanese Maple!
How amazing it would be to have that growing in my place I love plants
Dear Mike,
Thank you for sharing your passion for gardening with us and offering us the great tips and wisdom you do for us to achieve success in our endeavors.
Diana Brown
Kansas City, MO
really great videos & instructions for rooting cuttings.
Mike, thanks for starting this group, it is my new Master Mind support group keeping me positive and motivated. Would love to add this tree to my yard.
Wow! That is a spectacular tree, mak s my Japanese maple look pathetic. Would love to have one.
I would love to have the Japanese Purple Ghost Maple tree. We have a white Birch tree that was planted by the home builder, but it has not grown since we bought the house. It has become a laughingstock of the neighborhood. It looks as though it may keel over any time soon from the winds and snow that we regularly get here in Hudson valley New York. It would be a God-send to have the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple tree as a replacement for the white Birch tree that now occupies a place in our front yard. Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this award.
I enjoy reading what Mike shares. His experience and observations have made him very knowledgeable. His writing style is entertaining and down to earth and it’s easy to learn from him.
I love your newsletters and find it very informative. I really love the Japanese Maple trees. I have a red lace leaf one but who ever did the cloning didn’t do a very good job. But it’s still growing ????
Keep on growing!!
Great looking Japanese Maple! I wonder how large will the “purple ghost” get?
All I can say is wow. Crazy purple and beautiful. It looks like something from a cartoon–so vivid.
This Japanese maple has the most beautiful leaves I have ever seen. Who wouldn’t be proud to have one?
Wow, would live this for my son. He is a huge fan of Japanese Maples.
That tree looks AWESOME !!!
My wife spent $500+ on a different Japanese Maple and it died.
Keep up the good work Mike !
P.S. made that fudge and EVERYONE loved it !!!
I’m quite certain that if I win this spectacular “Purple Ghost” Japanese Maple, I will be
overjoyed and certainly will buy into the member’s area.
Staying inspired,
Donald McLean
such a beauty!!!!!!!!!!,………. I would absolutely love to win this. I’ve been looking for something to take “center stage” in my main garden.
Love your emails. Thanks for all the information.
Beautiful I’m west coast so not elegible
I love the delicacy of Purple Ghost.
What a beautiful tree! I would love to have this.
I love all the information on your website. Thanks, Mike.
Working on my green thumb!
Thank you Mike for the abundance of information you supply to us common folk! I just can’t wait to get started on using your great ideas!
It is thanks to you, Mike, that I have begun gardening, and to some real degree of success! I have been talking to my life partner about selling plants from our driveway, as we live on five acres and certainly have the space, live somewhat in the country, and becoming SS retirees, we need some added income. This ghost Japanese Maple would be just the added color we need to add to my shade garden of ferns, coral bells and hostas. We had a huge Bradford Pear in the middle that came with the house, and created the shade that I turned into a shade garden. Tornadic winds split it last fall, so thankfully I could justify getting rid of it, and I would love to have this maple in its place!
Wow, Thanks Mike, I would like to enter the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple contest.
As I live on the WEst coast, if I am selected to receive this gift, I would appreciate it if you could send this to my brother David who lives in Maryland.
Thank you.
I love the simple way you explain things. And the use of materials and methods that any one can use.
Even the most inexperianced gardner. or hobbiest.
What a great Japanese Maple……..This would have the everyone that lived around you jealous and asking what it is. Just a good reason to grow them to sell. Great tree!!!
Hello. I would love to win this gorgeous tree! I recently I hope retired and want to become a member as soon as I can afford it. I am already signed up for your newsletter which I enjoy very much.
I hope I win!! Thank you!
wDiaould love to plant at our new house. beautiful tree
Thank you for your always informative e-mails! I look forward to them.
This is such a beautiful tree!
This is such a beautiful tree! I would love to own it!
That might be the most beautiful tree I have ever seen! I would be honored to win it>
I love all the great stories/articles. I really learn a lot.
Thanks Mike!
Do these types of trees grow in cold climates like Wyoming Zones 4 or 5? Sure are beautiful.
Thanks for the opportunity to win Japanese Maple. It’s a beautiful tree.
Just beatiful…. love addition to anyone.s garden
the color is nothing less than spectacular; it woulbe in a place tht desplays it’s sspectatulat beauty for allin our areatosee.
Does this tree have to be planted outside or can it be planted in an aviary/conservatory where the temperature never goes below 70 degrees?
Gardening in January!
I continually rake leaves into the garden areas that are used as mulch. This month is a good time to still plant daffodil bulbs, cut dried rose buds from the knock out roses, enjoy the red Nadina berries, continuing to pick the sasanqua flowers and some camellia flowers. Good time to enjoy the fresh cold air!!
Wow! What a beauty! Thank you, Mike and Dustin, for keeping me planning ahead while it’s -8 degrees outside! Spring really will come again! God bless you all,
i would love the Purple Ghost in my back yard.
Would love to have this tree! I’m always intrigued by all the information offered!
Wow Mike, that is a really nice looking maple. Would it be happy living in a large container in front of my house? I would love to find out. Thanks
Wow, beautiful!
How awesome! Such a beautiful tree!
Thank you for the opportunity to have this beautiful tree upon our land called Para-Deys Acres, It certainly would be fitting to see it here.
My girl friend turned me on to this site and it has been extremely helpful.
Beautiful!!! Purple is my favorite color
Nice tree Mike enter me I’ll give it a good place to live.
I live in south Florida and I find gardening fun to do any day and time of the year. A year ago I purchased a small Japanese Maple tree, and watched it wither away from the sun. I took the tree and placed it in a pot behind a large palm tree that sheltered it from the direct sun. A month ago I checked it and it is now bearing healthy red and green leaves. What a gorgeous tree!
Okay so my Clemson Tigers lost in the Sugar Bowl and I did not win that beautiful orange maple so I am going for the Ghost maple since I will be incognition for the rest of the year. As beautiful as this maple looks, maybe it will bring me out of the defeated doldrums. So Happy New Year and here’s to winning this attractive maple.
Well, since I am on the West Coast (Southern California) I guess I can’t be the winner but I just want to say that I have been a ‘member’ of Mike’s Garden Family for years now…I bought the complete Backyard Nursery set of Videos so far back that the set I have is in VHF format!! (smile) and I love reading Mike’s emails and watching his newer videos on various topics. I have been buying stuff from the on-line sellers for years though I can’t always get the items I would like (due to being in California…bummer!) but I love going through the items for sale on the bulletin board! Keep up the GREAT work Mike! and accolades to the people who help you out on a daily basis! Hugs to you all and a very Happy New Year! May this be the year we both win a nice big LOTTERY prize!!
Dan Melnik
1677 Woodlands Road
Beaumont, CA 92223
I’d LOVE to give this maple a try in my high desert yard!
I would be so happy to have one of these!!!!!! It is beautiful.
Wonderful tree great giveaway
Thanks Mike
Mike, I’m a newly-minted Master Gardener here in TN. Before taking that course I thought I knew a thing or two! Now I realize I’m on the course of a life-time of learning. I came across your site in my ramblings and have to say what a valuable staple it’s become. You offer great knowledge, clear explanations, and trustworthy advice-perfect for this newbie! Thanks! P.S. The Purple Ghost Japanese Maple is on my buy list!
Hi Mike, just moved to a new place. Would LOVE a Purple Ghost!
What a awesome prize!! THANKS
This Japanese ghost maple is gorgeous. I’d love to have it. Thanks for all you do to keep me informed. Especially about pruning. I’d love to see more pictures of the little donkeys.
Beautiful tree. Will it grow in northwest/central PA ?
Love Japanese Maples
Love to have!!
What a lovely tree, wonderful addition to any garden!
Thanks for all the good information you put on line. I think your wife was a Ball before marriage I hope I am not mistaken and she was fromRaven, VA. I coached basketball at richlands high school and Pete Ball played for me. If I am right your wife will know where Gene Horton’s and Rocky Horton rantheAce hardware.
Thanks Again for all you do.
Jack Lyons
I absolutely love the Japanese maple! Such a stunning tree!
Have a new neighbor who is a Jewel – nice guy who cares for his yard -already since last spring. Has an older mixed breed- is fenced in but likes to visit – daytime ( more than ours . A good neighbor tree would be a great way to share. ( I’ll do it with or without this maple) The maple would be a great addition for the street scape – now mostly builder.s choice – Warren Co / Bowling Green , KY
This is an amazing tree, I need this!!
Wow, that is beautiful, never seen one before. Would look lovely in my yard.
How do you know what plants to propagate in order to sell them later?
Absolutely beautiful I hope to start a back yard nursery someday
Thank you
Count me in for the chance at a purple ghost Japanese maple. They’re soooo beautiful.
allways enjoy every single post. a must read every time i see one
Thanks for the chance to win this tree 🙂
I love reading this site, I keep thinking one day when I no longer work, I am going to do this
Happy New Year, Mike and family! I’m in Hawaii, so it might be “iffy” to send me this spectacular tree, too! But at least I can send you some Aloha!!
I would SO love one!
Your Right the Tree is absolutely beautiful!
WOW! That is absolutely gorgeous! I’d love to have one.
Hi Mike,Thank you for all the gardening advice that you give us. I love to get your newsletters and learning ways to make a garden grow. I also really love Japanese Maples. I’m from Garland,Texas. I’m 83, but I still love to garden!
Great giveaway. Long time member and Mike got us started with growing for profit. Our heartfelt thanks,
These are seriously magnificent trees…
And this little give-away is magnificent also!
I am looking forward to retiring this coming year, age 75 and then with the grace of God becoming a backyard grower. Your emails and newsletters are very inspiring and give me something to look forward to.
The elusive Purple Ghost looks like an amazing Maple! Would love to have one at my Nursery!
love your sight, I learn so much.
It looks beautiful but don’t think it would do well in Maine.
Still enjoy reading your articles.
I’d love to have one of these beautiful trees in my yard! Our yard is so empty now with the loss of so many ash trees. I don’t we all love a Japanese Maple!
Such beautiful trees would love to have one in my landscape
Beautiful!!!!!! Would love to win a Purple Ghost for my yard.
Love that tree!
Keep up the good work Mike !
John B.
So excited for spring to come so I can start taking softwood cuttings. I have been doing hardwood cuttings all winter and am anxious to see how they do. I know I will have great success with the softwood cuttings. Thanks for all your help.
That is a beautiful tree and would look absolutely beautiful in front of my house! We recently redid our house to look like a cottage and it would finish the look I am going for!!!
We lost all of our plants and trees during hurricane Irma. This would be a lovely beginning to our rebuild at home. My husband and I would really treasure a gift like this.
I very much enjoy your articles. I really like japanese maples. They are very hard for me to kill.
Wish these were hardy to zone 4.
Ok , so this would look great in my yard.
Wow, I am so glad that I found this website! We just built a house and moved from the corner of a cul-de-sac to 4.5 acres a month ago here in Michigan, and I can’t wait to get started on landscaping in the Spring, planting grass and putting in a garden! Mike will be a valuable resource for this novice who loves to learn new things!
It would be Great to Win
The Purple Ghost Japanese Maple is absolutely gorgeous! I think if everyone had one planted in their front yard it would light up the whole neighborhood for the whole world to see! Best Wishes to whoever wins this fine specimen of a tree!
Wow! What a beautiful tree! My husband and I recently relocated to the NC foothills and are running an aquaponics farm. I would love to have this tree for our greenhouse.
Nice Tree!
I am truly inspired by your post, you have encouraged me to join the back yard growers. My experience with growing plants has been minimal and not always successful if I happen to have a good or bad garden, I’m not sure what I did to get either good or bad results but now I can follow your directions to help me. I really love plants so I am hoping to continue to learn from you. Thank you for this oportunity to win this rare maple tree..
Gardening clears my mind of the weeds that have grown in my mental garden which leads to reduced stress. I love my gardening.
I live in Batesville, Arkansas. Enjoy. Reading your garden n flower tips. The Maple is beautiful. Love to have one in my yard..
Thank you for teaching me so much about gardening! I always read, file and refer to your posts when I have a question. Congratulations on creating such a successful and beneficial business.
A ravens purple maple ideal for a Baltimore transplant to Florida! Will it grow in St.Augustine?
Love your newsletter
I have surely enjoyed your informative articles and videos Mike.
Keep planting!
thanks for all of your articles and advice, Mike!!!
Purple Ghost Japanese Maple looks lovely and I would love to add it to our yard. Mike your site has been a Godsend. I have found loads of help for both my yard and the Shakespeare’s Garden we have at school. I have 2 classes that take care of the garden. 99% had never touched a plant or garden tool. Information from your site, well let’s just say–THANK YOU!
You have helped to make me a better gardener and a better teacher.
Very beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it. Would look great in our front yard. Thank you for giving me the chance to acquire such beauty.
I love to get your e-mail’s They give me some good ideas for my garden & yard.
I’d love to win this beautiful plant! Fingers crossed!
My entry for the contest will be:
What a glorious specimen. I just simply adore these trees.
I hop I win!
Have a wonderful new year!
My yard could be improved 100% with a Purple Ghost. Thank you for all the wonderful information I have received over the past few years… and Happy New Year!!
Would love to have few nice Naples in the yard
That is a beautiful tree. I just love the Japanese maple tree family.
Love the passion that Mike shares with the rest of the world. And yes, I’m in Southern California.
Been following your how to posts for quite a few years now. Always find them interesting and helpful. Please keep up your good work!
I have admired these dwarf plants for a number of years. However, it seems everything I have attempted lately fail. Will have to check out your place come spring as we are in the same town.
What a beauty Mike your passion for gardening is out of thi world whenever I read your post and stuff it’s like I have a new outlook on life my son just lost his father at 14 to cancer every time I’d get down in the dumps sad depressed I would just pull you up for strength I then I was ok so you do more than just garden love ya
I have been following Mike on this site for many years now, and have learned a lot, as he is a great teacher! He had previously mentioned this hard to find purple GhostJapanese Maple, and searched all over the internet and could never find one. I have the red Maple, but thought it would be just awesome to display this awesome purple Maple on my front lawn for the world to see., as beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Thanks Mike for giving us all a chance at this beauty!
What an amazing and beautiful tree. One can never get enough of Japanese Maples!!
Love your web site.
Such a beautiful Maple!
I’lol give it a try.
That is a very generous gift to start 2018 on a positive note.
Mike I have enjoyed looking over your web site I have learned a lot that has helped me in my garden, thanks
I stumbled upon Mike’s gardening, site by accident, a year or so ago. I have been receiving his informative emails ever since. I really enjoy all of his postings and his basic common sense way of doing everything. While I have not taken the leap into the grower’s world myself, I do have a gardening/landscaping business which consists solely of ME. I am always glad to read how he does things and discover that is the way I do them too. The way I learned from my grandma and my father. When I see some things that are done by other landscapers, I sometimes question myself. Then I’ll read something from Mike, and realize I am doing just fine. Thank you!
The purple ghost will make a spectacular focal point in our garden.
Will the tree grow in the South (zone 9)? Thank you for sharing your knowledge of plants. Happy New Year
Love ❤️ Love Love Japanese Maples!
Beautiful tree! It will add add a lot to my landscape!
Our new landscaping would look fabulous with this tree!!!
Mike, that tree would look absolutely wonderful in my country yard in Mississippi. .lol! I don’t have anything with that magnitude of color. It’s stunning! Thanks!
HI Mike,
What a beautiful tree and such a cool color. Thanks so much for having this
contest and Happy New Year.
Mike, I have learned so much about what to do and what not to do in my gardens from you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
Your site is informativre and helpful!!!
Way to go!
Thanks Mike, I have learned so much on your sight.
Awesome, Happy New Year !
Beautiful Purple Ghost Japanese Maple. Would love to have in my garden
My son in law has just recently made known his desire for a bonsai
I think one of those trees would make a great gift for him.
Happy New Year! I bought my home last July. There are two open places in my front landscaping; where the previous owners, cut down two trees, that had withered away! I would be thrilled to plant your Purple Ghost Maple Tree, in one of those areas… I will be sharing your post.
Many thanks, Cindi
What a beautiful specimen for any garden. I would love to have one for our yard since we are redoing our landscape due to hurricane Harvey.
Good luck and stay warm!
I would love to have a purple ghost Japanese red maple!
Oooh, that little beauty would be lovely near my front door, and a perfect scion source for grafting practice.
Love this maple!
Thanks for all you do and share with us. You do inspire me……last May i added a Japanese Red Leaf Maple (Bloodgood) to our yard. The Fall color was terrific! We are having a rather cold winter this year. I hope it makes it. Do you have any special instructions to care for it this coming Spring?
Thanks again!
(Western suburbs of Chicago)
Are there any members near Chicago that offer the Purple Ghost variety?
Long time follower lovely tree
I have the perfect spot for this colorful tree in my front yard. My neighbors will love it, too.
Wow! a ghost tree. I need that
Happy New year! That is one amazing giveaway that I would love to entered in! . The Japanese maple tree is beautiful and I’d love to be the proud owner of one.
Have a wonderful day!
What beautiful trees!
That is one of the most breath taking trees I have ever seen
This is fantastic! I love free stuff!
Such a beautiful tree. I love your website. Happy 2018.
Simply beautiful!
I think this is so awesome!!! I love those things! Thanks for your posts! I read them every time!
I can always fine an answer from Mikes web site when I have a question. I love to garden…My husband was a landscaper for 50 years and we always knew Mike could help!!!
I Love that tree you are giving away!!
What a great focal point this would be in my landscape.
What a beautiful showy landscaping tree!!
Happy New Year Mike! I enjoy your tips and donkeys!! Have a wonderful 2018!!
A purple ghost maple would be the perfect addition to Spirit Farm!
Purple is my favorite color! Would like to plant this tree in my yard. Thanks for all your garden wisdom that you share! Mary
This is a beautiful tree. I would like to have one of these:-)
Would love to win your beautiful tree. Love your column and pick up many tips throughout the year. Will it survive in Northern WI?
I would be thrilled to receive a purple ghost Japanese maple! There is a strong possibility I will downsize to a one level home directly across the street which has double the yard I have enjoyed the past 14 years. I am consumed with thoughts of landscaping and a Japanese maple will fit right in. Just last week I bought the last 4 dwarf burning bushes (75% off!) anticipating the move. I wish I could take my coral bark Japanese maple but it may be too big at 6-7 feet.
This looks like a beautiful plant. It sure would be a wonderful addition to anyone’s yard. I would sure appreciate winning this.
Happy solstice! And Happy New Year, too!
Please pick me for the Purple Ghost Maple Tree giveaway! THANK YOU!
What a great color to add to my landscape.
This would sure look great in my yard.
Thanks for all of the wisdom. This is a beautiful tree.
I’m just starting out with this business would love to have this tree
Stunning! I would love to have this.
This is such an informative and inspiring website. I have followed much of Mike’s advice which has improved my gardening abilities. Thanks for sharing your knowledge Mike.
Purple me happy!
This is really awsome mike im really thankful that you are and can do this count me in on the contest please
Mike first thing I look for are your emails 🙂 Keep up the great work it helps winter go by faster but not to fast I have hardwood cuttings to stick before maple tapping time.
I love Japanese maples!
Absolutely love your emails….I learn something from each one…..
I would so love the addition of this lovely tree in my landscaping project. My project is ongoing; I am always looking for something new and different. My passion is gardening; I read your articles religiously. I will feel blessed if you choose me to receive this gift. Thank you…keep publishing.
That tree would be a beautiful addition to our front yard in western NC!
I want it!!! I need a plant hoarder intervention…but I WANT it!! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
Wow what a beautiful color! I love this tree! Japanese maples are my favorite!
So beautiful!!! That’s also the official color of 2018! How exciting!!!
I have just 2 Japanese maples..but between this one and the weeping you posted a few months ago…I think I’m gonna have to increase my numbers….thank you
I live in the south west Georgia area not too too many Japanese maples, they are a beautiful accent to lawns and gardens, The Purple Ghost would is a to be envied.
Love your emails and website, very informative and helpful. I use a lot of your information in my garden.
Thanks for informing us.
Darn, I’m on West Coast,, actually the Mountain West, I would have loved to have that spectacular tree for my yard, but a gardening gift would be really nice also.I get lots of great ideas from your website, thank you!
oh wow…that is so beautiful…i live in sc and would love to add that one to my yard..would be the envy of others on the one on my street or neighborhood has one…so beautiful…thank you mike for offering such a beautiful gift to someone…and congratulations to whoever get this beauty…
Wow, it’s beautiful!! It would love absolutely amazing in my backyard. 😉
I will take such good care of this purple ghost AND let you come visit it, if I win????…AND I am on the east coast!! Love yoir articles Mike!
Wow, Purple Ghost are so COOL!! Thanks for the entry!! Happy New Year!!
It would be an honor to receive the maple for my daughter’s new home that is not landscaped at this moment but slowly headed that way. <3
That’s a beautiful tree! Someone’s going to be very happy!
Would love to6have one ril
My husband loves red maples. We have three now. But no ghost maple. Would love to win one ????
Thank you
i get fantastic tips on my garden and yard.
Just love this tree and would be thrilled to plant this for all to see.
I would love to have one. and I thank you already GOD BLESS
I consider myself a avid gardener and flower person , I am 63 years young and I always learn something from your videos and your wisdom , Thanks
I have never seen such a beautiful tree! Would love to have one in my yard!
We just bought a home in Ohio and have been talking about what trees we would like to add to our property. This is beautiful @
Beautiful tree!
Sure hope I win. This will be a wonderful addition to my property. When I moved here 4 years ago, there was no green other than weeds, and I am slowly try to make it livable, and green. I am continuing to amend the soil. It seems that it was all subsoil, due to the farmer behind me plowing under the horse manure that he was dumping, because he was using my land as a waste removal site.
I planted one of these out side of my parents office it is truly a beautiful tree
That, Mike, is an amazing tree. It would look great in my front yard.
I want that tree Mikey!
(Happy New Year to you and yours)
I will use my comment to ask a question:
Any advice on a Japanese Maple for Zone 9b that would be a good seller?
This purple maple is a beauty Mike ! I am amazed.
Happy New Year 2018 !
Tina Schraier
I love your website… I have learned so much and it started cultivating bushes and trees from my own yard for friends and for replanting with your help! Thank you and keep up the great work!
Michelle Cowin
Such beautiful trees!!!! Thank you for the chance to win one!
I always appreciate your posts Mike. I would love to win this gorgeous tree in my favorite color.
That is a beautiful tree
They are really great sellers. I sell every one I can get each year.
Spectacular results and great articles on how to do just about everything to do with propagation and more
Thanks Mike!! I hope I win!!! Happy new year everyone
Would Love to WIN just something in my lifetime.
Mike, I love your posts and your freely giving away such beneficial information! Your generosity is very appreciated and I’ve been taking strides to follow your booklets and articles to build a propagation based business here outside of Phoenix AZ. I have always been a fan of maples and Japanese maples especially! I don’t know how well they do here as I’ve never had a chance to grow any yet, I’d love to get one of these trees and in return I’d give you a yield of any propagation we are able to produce! Either way just wanna say thanks for your love of gardening, propagating and free giving of information!!
That is stunning!
Wow beautiful plant Mike.
I’d appreciate one of these.
I have learned so much from you! And, I always enjoy watching your videos & adventures in gardening!
Beautiful tree. We are going our landscaping over this spring. This would be a great addition
I have always wanted this plant. My husband would say no but if I win it I’ll plant it in a very special place
Thank you for all the information that you share with all of us xx I do follow your advice. I even gave a lesson on building the potting bench to my garden club last year. And yes, I would love to win the Purple Ghost Maple.
Absolutely Beautiful!
I’m in
I want a purple ghost in my yard!!!! Please please please! My mom was walking w one of our dogs on Jan 7, 2016 @ 3 in the afternoon on a clear sunny day. Someone hit her & killed her & ran! Across the street from my property. I live in the country on a little traveled road. My mom loved gardening. I definitely inherited a green thumb & I love it! I turned the front of my garage which we had renovated into a bungalow apt for my mom. Right out her windows is her memorial garden. Wish I could send a picture. It was beautiful in 2017. I planted 2 plants of each so they would look fuller faster but they all got huge! Can’t wait to see them in 2018! This would make a beautiful addition to my tribute to my momma.
Purple Ghost Japanese Maple is the nicest I have seen.
oooh pretty and unique on my block
I love the information you generously share online. I hope to become a member one day soon. The funds just aren’t available to me right now, Not even the payment option. Seriously. If I could possibly do it I would have done it already. I have always loved working with plants. I use to raise African Violets. I currently raise and sell Bearded Iris and Daylilies. I hope to expand to other outdoor plants. Keep up the great work. Thank you for inspiring us.
I sure hope you ship to Canada! I really enjoy receiving your tips and information. thank you.
Wow, that is a beautiful tree!
Keep up the good work Mike – you make gardening so much easier – except for the exercise component! 🙂 Thanks
Cool!!! Keep in touch with other grower out there!!
I Love Gardening and Japanese Maples.
Hi Mike and thanks for all you gardening tips AND: HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND ALL WHO WATCH YOUR SITE. As for the Japanese Maple, any variety is a fantastic addition to the yard or garden and one that would be welcome. The neighbors have a bigger tree and all during the spring and summer and into the fall it is a bright crimson. It also produces seeds which we were unaware of – so we gathered some and have them in little pots in the basement, I doubt very much that anything is growing these days – temps in the single digits and 3-4-5 inches of that white stuff on the ground.
R. Friesenhengst
I like this guy he doesn’t waste my time with things every gardener should know !
I have been following your blogs, videos and tutorials for less than a month and have learned more than having read Mother Earth News for the many years I have subscribed.. Extremely pleased to have found you. Anxious to hear when membership opens again. I’m moving soon and am so anxious to start growing my own landscape plants! I wish you the best the New Year has to offer.
This is absolutely gorgeous. Are they immune to the Asian beetle?
I love trees!
Would love to win the purple ghost!!
A beautiful tree! Hope I win.
I’d so love a purple ghost. I finally have land, so I’m really getting into gardening and landscaping. I hope to use one to grow many more.
I have never seen a more beautiful Japanese Maple!!!!! I would love to be considered for a free one 🙂
Thank you always for sharing all your wisdom and experience. It is changing my life.
That is one gorgeous tree!!! I have been raising Japanese Maples from seedlings for 12 years and I have never even heard of a Ghost purple Maple!Candy Hicks ,Alabama
That’s a spectacular tree. I have been looking for one here in PA. I will probably have to order it.
The beautiful bright color of the Purple Ghost Japanese Maple will be a fantastic addition to my ever-growing landscape 🙂
I think the purple Ghost Japanese Maple is beautiful!
Your information is priceless!!!
That’s a beautiful tree!
A Wonderful tree will make a great tree it is beautiful
Please please me! I love reading your articles. They have really helped us take on landscaping our new yard over the past 7 years. Ha omg a new driveway out in this spring and need to landscape the front/side. And I am I’m love with Japenese maples!
Now that is very pretty and I know just where this would go!
I am always delighted to open my email and see a message from you. It makes my day and inspires me!
Oh please pick me! I’d love to add this to my AZ garden.
This is the most beautiful tree. I can see its lovely presence here at my home. It would be a welcome addition to the landscape. Japanese maples are my favorite trees.
Mike I love the japanese maples and would really like to have one, Other than the fact that I live in Calif with its very stringent import pest control regulations, I am in Zone 9 (recently changed from Zone 8), and while we do get a bit of winter chill, I’m afraid our long hot summers would do a plant like this in. We could have over 90 days of 100* + temps from late July right on through to late Oct. So if you pick me, please know that I would be happy if you gave it to someone else who could provide more hospitable conditions and a better chance to survive.
Hi Mike, I have been a silent reader of your website. Your great expertise and helpful tips have really helped a novice like me. Thank you for sharing these knowledge of nature. I redide in NJ and always read your articles.
ALL JM are BEAUTIFUL!!! This one is especially pretty! What a GREAT giveaway…..I look forward to joining your membership when open!! Be sure to let me know!!
Thx for all of your great advice!
Do purple ghost maple’s grow in zone 5 without extra protection? There have been some folks in the Colorado front range area that have tried to grow Japanese maples without success. Is purple ghost more hardy?
Wow a beauty. Sure would like it.
I recently learned about your website and have enjoyed discovering many helpful gardening tips. Thank you for providing that information and sharing your knowledge .
I would love to add a Japanese Maple to my shady yard. You are quite generous Mike. Thanks for sharing you knowledge.
This is one of the coolest Japanese Maples around. I would love to win this baby.
That is beautiful! Love the color!
Love to watch one grow in my yard!
this is a beautiful tree, i would love to win and place it in the front yard for all to see. of course i will let everyone know where it came from and who gave it to me
It is beautiful. Would love to have this one in my yard.
i have been reading your e-mails for a very long time and have utilized many of your hints and specific directions i have also shared some with friends and family i am a lazy gardener but take very good care of some but not all of my trees,shrubs,plants
looking forward to a year filled with more e-mails
Beautiful plant, hope I can win this
I love Japanese Maples. The kind I see everywhere around my area re the ‘purple’ ones, they are SO beautiful!
I’ve always wanted one & would love to have this one to add to my yard.
I mostly have flowers, but do have several shrubs, too.
This is a wonderful idea you have given all of us!!
IF I win, I will be forever grateful to you!!
I would love one of these
I love Mikes Nursery!!!
OMG. This is a spectacular tree. I sure hope that I am the LUCKY WINNER!!!!!!
What a beautiful tree
Awesome, would be nice to exhibit this tree in san Antonio if will thrive here.
I’d love to win this! My husband loves unique trees like the purple ghost Japanese maple!
I would be so happy to give any japanese maple a very nice home! I really appreciate the information you you provide everyone. The fudge video was great!
Always appreciate your practical and honest to goodness advice. Keep it coming. This Japanese maple is gorgeous. Happy New Year!
Backyard Growers Member area is a true inspiration to all. To me just starting out, I find this area very rewarding.
Have so enjoyed the plain language approach to plant propagation. Thanks a bunch!
Have so enjoyed the plain language approach to plant propagation. Thanks a bunch!
What an amazing color! Thanks for sharing Mike.
WOW!! Now that is a uniquely gorgeous tree!!! Where would I put it??
Your Japanese ghost Japanese maple has the wanderfool color and I would like to get one, small one. In local nurseries they are usually not young, yours look like babies. This is my tru comment, hope I win one, thanks, Mara B.
This would be the crown jewel on my property!! It is beautiful!!!
May 2018 be the best year for you and your family, friends and the donkeys of course
Thanks for all you share
Wow – simply beautiful
How beautiful! I follow your website with great results. It would survive in Yakima, eastern Washington.
Would love this for my daughters garden. She passed away 3 yrs ago Jan 5th. She loved ghost trees
Thanks Mike for all of your great gardening advice!!!! You keep me inspired!!!
Looking forward to the gardening seaaon!
One of my goals is to have one of these trees!! I love this tree!!
Looks amazing
Count me in! This is Amazing!
Love that color
Entering this contest for my daughter that plants the strangest trees she can find. She has one, and sorry I don’t know what it’s called, but it’s a weeping willow that looks like it’s been curled with a woman’s curling iron.
Enjoy you’re YouTube videos.
Happy New Year!
Stunning! I would rework my landscaping to make this the star of my front yard if I was lucky enough to
I love your videos especially the one where you demonstrate stem cuttings for rooting
Would love this for my daughter’s garden. she loved purple. She passed away 3 yrs ago Jan. 5th.
I love colorful trees and we are trying to landscape our front yard. This tree would be a great asset.
I love this tree! Thanks Mike
WOW, what gorgeous trees these are. Mike always has the most innovative tips and hints and now a gorgeous giveaway item. Happy 2018 to all!
OMG I would love to have this tree. Our yard looks so bare and this is absolutely great!!!! It is fabulous! I would take good care of it. My health is bad and in the warmer weather I love to sit on our deck and look at our yard and the West Virginia hills in the background. This would fit in perfectly and a legacy to leave when I am gone. Thank you so much for the chance. God Bless You and have a great 2018!
The ‘Purple Ghost’ is so beautiful. Love Japanese maple’s. Someone is going to a very happy camper. You folks are awesome.
I had planted a Japanese maple near my house and put some of my mother’s ashes in the hole when I did. It was at the corner of the house, near the bird feeders and overlooking my field and the river at its edge. She would’ve loved it there! Between damage from a horrific ice storm that broke a 150 year old maple which hit and damaged the little tree and finally girdling by voles, the tree was lost. I’d like the chance to try again, please. Thank you.
Love to learn from Mike. Would love to win this tree.
I love these trees, but do not have one.
I’d really like to have one of these trees!
Good results with fig tree cuttings using Mikes instructions
Let everyone keep on planting with all your good info
I love this tree, It ,would look lovely in my front yard in Bossier City la. Mike i would like to take this opportunity, to thank you for all the great tips and vidoes
I can’t believe you are giving one of these away because they are pretty amazing. I am and continue to be redoing all of the landscaping in a short sale house I bought two years ago. Please consider me for the supercool purple ghost japanese maple giveaway. Thanks so much.
Beautiful tree!
I would love to have one of your purple ghost maples or stock to start some. We have a beautiful red Japanese maple in front of our bedroom windrow A purple ghost would be a nice addition. I am wondering about various hobbies to do later. , Your videos are most interesting.
Wow! It’s beautiful!
My wife and I love Japanese Maples !! We have 5 now of different varieties This one looks spectacular and would treasure it..
It is beautiful,! Happy New Year!!
Love this tree!!! It would look beautiful in my yard!!!
I hope to win.I’m redoing my yard next spring & was going to invest in one.Thanks Mike.
Wow they are spectacular! I would love one for my yard!
I was looking for a purple ghost the other day. Thanks for the chance to win.
Rob Carmack
Would love to win this tree. I had a Japanese Maple at one time in my back yard and the frost got it one spring. I really miss it and would love to be able to replace it.
I can’t say that I have ever even seen one of these Maple trees. Very unusual, here.
I have never received so much valuable information through a free email subscription. Imagine the knowledge received through being a member. I love the true to use and easy methods to produce beautiful productive plants and landscaping. Thank you for your generosity!
Those trees are hauntingly beautiful! No pun intended.
So although I would love to have a Purple Ghost, I do live on the west coast. Darn! I do love your site though and the articles are extremely helpful. Keep posting all of the great tips and tricks for gardening.
What a beautiful colorful and unique tree. I would love to have it in my yard.
I just love Mike’s Backyard Nursery, can’t say enough of how he has helped me in so many different ways. His video’s take the guess work out of everything he talks about.. His knowledge is so vast I can’t believe how one person can know so much.
I don’t know how I every did any gardening without him. Just wish I was younger so I could do the cuttings but now in my 80’s it is a little hard for me to do this now. I dearly love this site. Thanks. Mike for your excellant website and newsletters.
You have the best person in the world to help. Love that Rhonda Butler.
I just love Mike’s Backyard Nursery, can’t say enough of how he has helped me in so many different ways. His video’s take the guess work out of everything he talks about.. His knowledge is so vast I can’t believe how one person can know so much.
I don’t know how I every did any gardening without him. Just wish I was younger so I could do the cuttings but now in my 80’s it is a little hard for me to do this now. I dearly love this site. Thanks. Mike for your excellant website and newsletters.
Mike really helps with gardening ideas and solutions that are really useful for me, especially since I am just getting started on gardening(the last 4 years)
Mike has generously given free valuable advice over the years along with giving backyard growers a platform to se. Thank you!!!
Hello Mike. Please consider our family for this beautiful specimen. We have the perfect spot in our front yard for it. We will nurture and care for it as well as anyone!
Thank you,
Drew Beckett
I love Japanese Maples but this is far the most beautiful one I’ve ever seen.
I love Japanese maples and would love to add to my others. Thanks
Happy New Year !
Great Gift!
This would look amazing in my landscape. I have the traditional magnolias here in south Mississippi, along with Bradford Pear and River Birch, but adding this Purple Ghost Japanese Maple would top things off.
Wow, this is spectacular!! Should I go out and dig a home for it now??
I would love to win this. I absolutely love the Japanese maples!!
Very beautiful tree Mike
This is just a SUPER WOW for me. Too bad I cannot grow it since I live in the province of Queberc, in Canada. But it would have looked sooooo good in my yard.
This tree is just spectacular. Even the name itself is super cool ????
I have enjoyed your posts over the last many years….always very informative. Keep up the great work !!!
you simply have one of the best gardening websites that I have ever seen think you
I love your emails and I want one of these trees even if I have to pay for it!
Recentyly just retired and moved to the Waco area in north east Texas. Would love to have such a beautiful tree to add on my 3 acres land. It would be a beauty in front on my remodeled old home.
beautiful trees. thanks for the invitation to win.
Mike ,thankyou, your the greatest. great videos I have learned a lot watching your videos. Hope to make a trip soon to Ohio to visit you.
I love all varieties of Japanese maples but this is definitely my FAVORITE!!
What a gorgeous tree! You are a generous soul to share this beauty with others!!!
Thank you!
one can only hope the purple wonder can come to WA! thanks for all your great tips. I’ve managed to propagate a few things using your methods.
Such a beautiful tree.
Purple and “Japanese Maple,” two of my favorite words, well maybe three. Beautiful and heavenly.
I have the perfect place for it.
I have followed you for quite a while now. Your tips are the greatest! This is the most beautiful tree I have ever seen. I live near Baltimore, Maryland on five acres of previous farm land. My mother and father had almost 12 acres that they had a small farm on starting in 1947. I inherited one-half of it when my father passed away in 1989. This Purple Ghost Japanese Maple would look perfect growing on my property. We have just the right growing season for Japanese Maples. I would be honored to be the winner of your contest.
Thank you for all that you do to encourage and nurture gardeners,
Linda Houck
This tree would look great in my garden! please pick me!
I love these trees! They are so elegant & beautiful.
Wow Mike! That truly is an awesome Japanese Maple. Would love to Win it! I have just the spot for it in by my front entrance where everyone could appreciate it’s splendor!
Those are ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL.. Have seen a few them growing in neighborhoods around town,, AND I WANT ONE,, I WANT ONE,, I WANT ONE,, badly…….
THANK YOU, Mike,, for offering this contest,,
You have brought much happiness, color and greenery into my life since I joined the Back Yard Growers…
What a great edition to my garden that would be….
I have always valued the ideas and advice on Mike’s website. I built several beautiful gardens in my Minnesota home. A year ago we moved to Utah. While the yard is much smaller, we have much to do to create a beautiful garden. I look forward to Mike’s advice more than ever.
It’s absolutely stunning. I’m speechless!
It’s absolutely stunning; I’m speechless!
Wow! What a beauty. Have the perfect spot for this if I’m lucky enough to be chosen.
I thought this gorgeous tree was a product of photoshop. Kudos to you for this awesome offer.
BTW, is this a place to go to learn how to trim my miniature Japanese Red Maple? Thanx in advance.
I would love to win this gorgeous tree! I planted a little Japanese maple on our property here in southern West Virginia several years ago, but a truck went careening through our garden and killed it… I’d love to be able to replace it- and put a great, big fence around it!
What a beautiful tree! I’d love to have one, and since we just cut down a dead tree, I’ve got the perfect place for it.
Hi Mike Hope you and your Family had a great Newyears! Thank you for all your hard work and helping me out in propagating plants .You have been A LOT of help.
That’s one beautiful japanese maple tree. I’d love to plant it in my front yard here in the midwest as soon as the temp rises from -19F
this tree is beautiful….. are they easy to grow?
Simply Gorgeous!
We have a Large Japanese Red Maple and a Dwarf Weeping Maple!!
This would make a Huge Addition!! 🙂
Beautiful tree. Would look great in my yard!
Beautiful tree, I need one for my collection please
My yard badly needs one of these lovely Purple Ghost Japanese Maples. It’s looking rather sad right now. Love your website!
Gorgeous color…
Japanese Maples are my new passion in my garden. This would be welcome addition
Kathy Crow Jesup Georgia.
This is a beautiful tree and one I would enjoy having.
hi mike i really enjoy your site ..question if i was to win are you able to ship it to Canada
Would love a ghost Japanese maple
What a beautiful tree, I love Japenese Maples. I had several at my last house. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to gardeners, sharing your knowledge is quite a gift in it self.
Plants are amazing and fantastic. This Japanese maple is no exception
Love your newsletters… can’t wait until spring… hope to win this awesome tree
I have tried to grow the purple maple with no success. I do bonsai tree and think that’s this tree could come to making some beautiful trees.
What a gorgeous tree for a spectacular give away! Hope it draws many people to your site.
Thanks, Mike. That’s a truly spectacular tree!
[email protected]
Hope I’m chosen for a maple tree.
Beautiful tree. Thanks
Would love to have one of these beautiful trees. Unfortunately, I live in zone 9-10, 92277 and yea, that’s in CA too.
If you would like some cactus, let me know, I have 7 varieties, 3 blooming.
I would love to add this specimen to me landscape
That is an exciting tree.
HI MIKE i read all the things to do to trees that you write. i wanted a purple ghost . so i bought one. it is a 4 ft. and it did cost me big. but by the end of the season. and not even cold yet. the leaves all droped off. all my others trees were fine. i am entered in this just in case my ghost does not make it. ron
Thanks for your great website and what a neat contest! My husband and I are big admirers of japanese maples. Never seen one of these in person but the photos look so lovely! Please enter me. Thanks!
I love this site! I have several Japanese Maples…my Mom had one of these. She passed away a few years ago and it so reminds me of her.
this is a beautiful tree and it would look great in my front 306 st. annes ct., bossier city la. Mike would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the helpful tips and helpfull articles. and vidoes.
thankyou. sam falloon
Those trees are amazing. I really would like to have one but I will need to know how to take care of them.
Thanks Mike for all you wonderful helpful advice on backyard gardening.
‘Mikes back yard nursery exposes all of us to a diversity of ideas, techniques and methods for
all of us who love to garden.
I always find it interesting and keep watching!
I’m looking forward to what promise to be helpful and informative emails about gardening.
This tree is magnificient!!!
I just purchased my home and this would be stunning in my front yard.
Would love to win!!!
Thanks for the opportunity.
Gorgeous! Wow, I’d love to win that plant! Thanks for the chance. And thanks for sharing all your horticultural knowledge with us. I enjoy your posts immensely.
Mike,thank you for all these gardening tips…very helpful and makes gardening more fun and not so disapointing.
Dilly Dilly!
I really want one of these also!
Looking forward to another informative year.
Thanks for everything you do and the time you put in to do it.
That is one beautiful tree.
Beautiful tree. I have always wanted a Japense Maple. I live in Georgia and hope this tree would do great here.
Awesome specimen! Count me in!
Thank you for all the wonderful information and informative videos.
I would love to win this tree.
Love all the advice . Makes for good reading during the winter
Thank you for all your helpful tips and guidance.
I sure love jm’s
I love this tree, thanks for the opportunity to win one, Mike!
That is beautiful. Will it thrive in Eastern PA? Even if I don’t win, I would like to get one for my yard.
I love the Japanese maple trees, they are so beautiful and striking. I have always admired and dreamed to own a beautiful speciman one day. The purple is outstanding and just beautiful. I wish I could have one of these spectacular trees in every color that exist. How stunning would that be? I would be totally satisfied with just one, it would totally make my year! Thanks again Mike for all the knowledge, tips and tricks you very graciously pass on to all of us. I just can’t wait to read your emails when I get them. Happy New Year!
What a beautiful tree! I love them in every season!
Would love to win this one. I don’t have a Purple Ghost.
Looking at the tree picture makes our cold winter disappear for a few moments. Thanks!
How sweet!
Always enjoy your posts. Many thanks.
This would be a spectacular addition to my new yard!!
Would love to have that one!
I’d love to win the Japanese Maple. I love growing them!
Wow. Posting from north Texas where we are caught in the coldest big freeze since 1927. This tree is sectacular I hope I have the opportunity to plant one of these at my historic home site in Mckinney texas
This ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese Maple would be a great addition to my acre in South Louisiana.
Another great Japanese Maple! It would be a great addition to my yard.
That is a beautiful tree.. I love your website. It really helps to understand what it takes to grow wonderful plants.
Wow what a beautiful tree. I would love to win one. Thanks for all your growing tips . Your info has been very inspiring.
I am very new to this site and have already become aware of a few ideas that I hope to put to work as soon as the weather cooperates. I am not a seasoned gardener so I need lots of help.
I would love to have one of these maples.
I have never won a thing in my life. I think this is just a trick to see if anyone comments. I will be watching to see if there is a Winner. Oh, do you let us know if we are a loser?
Thanks for your time,
Beautiful color, thanks for the chance to win it.
This is a wonderful website. Very helpful and fun to read. Excellent for all levels of gardeners.
my husband and I planted a Japanese maple in our yard and it is beautiful but having a purple ghost Japanese maple would be precious.
Hope & pray I will win this tree to replace the tree Tru Green killed in our front [email protected]
Just beautiful!
I have always been a fan of the Japanese Maples. Have purchased several books about them. Have two red ones. Love them. Guess they remind me of lace.
That tree is beautiful !!!
What a beautiful tree l
Love the emails and advice. Propagated more mums again..
The Purple Ghost Japanese Maple is a beautiful tree and I’d certainly be happy to add it to my landscape
Absolutely stunning! Thank you for for reminding us of the beautiful gifts that so many of us tend to take for granted, and don’t appreciate until taken away.
Ron German
Roca, NE
Breathtaking tree for some lucky winner!! Thanks for your generosity… even though it will likely go to someone else.. still nice for you to do this
Oooooohhhhh……………I would LOVE to have one of these! I’ve already got the other Japanese maple in my yard, so it would be a perfect match!!
Great tips.
To win one of these would be great, but I win with every post I get from you. I’ve been fiddling with gardening for 20 + years, but not had much success until I came across your site a few years back. I still struggle, but with more success. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
I love japanese maples!
Oh man, I have a big weakness for Japanese Maples and this is a STUNNER.
What a beautiful tree. I live in an old log cabin my late husband built in the 80’s. This would be just gorgeous as a backdrop to the cabin.
I love Japanese maples
please enter me for free Maple tree, thanks
This is so beautiful! Thanks for the chance!
I have never won a thing in my life. I bet it is a trick. Oh well, I will be watching for the winner.
That is one beautiful tree! Would prob look good in NY!
We love the Japanese Maple tree! We had one in the past, but it didn’t survive a rough winter several years ago. Please pick us to win!
Always love your giveaways Mike….and the fudge, from your recipe, was great! Thank you!
see prior comment
Wow, thanks for doing this – love the colors!
Wow!! can’t believe you are really giving away a purple ghost Japanese Maple tree I would love to have one. If its meant to be
Thanks for your extremely informative newsletter. I’ve followed for many years and really enjoy it.
Thank you for all your advice and tutorials you send
I’d love a purple ghost. I love your ideas, and hope to implement them soon
I want it please
What a beautiful tree! I would love to have that in our yard…we would treasure it.
Japanese maples are absolutely beautiful! Thanks for all of your great information about growing plants.
I would love a Japanese maple.
How amazingly beautiful this tree is! Thank you for sharing all your generous tips! Happy New Year! ????????????⚡????????????
I always read your articles; very informative and right to the point . Keep them coming.
That’s a stunning Japanese maple and I sure hope I’m the lucky winner.
this is an interesting japanese maple. I wouldn’t mind putting this in my yard
The Purple Ghost Japanese Maple is amazing. And the great thing about this site, whether you win or lose, you still win with all of Mike’s great tips.
I’d LOVE to win this beautiful Japanese maple…. I’m sharing this to my garden blog Facebook page, Mike!
Love the rare Japanese Maples.
Wow, beautiful tree. I love,love, love Jap Maples. Happy New Year everyone. Thanks for the giveaway Mike!
Am new and would like to start a collection of Japanese Maple for myself and the have available for others. I think Japanese Maples should be in all landscapes.
Oh please please please!
Mike always has helpful hints that even help those of us who have been growing for years.
Spot on advice!!
Beautiful tree. Not sure it would survive the cold winters in North Carolina. Would look great by our front porch.
We appreciate great information from your website. Many thanks.
Thanks for all you do.
Pick me for the purple ghost japanese maple
I’d love to win this. I’ve been following Mike for many years. Acutally, Mike was the one who got me into starts and now I love doing cutting.
I guess I’d have to settle for another nice gardening gift, since I’m on the left coast.
I’m eat up with this site. (Addicted)
As in ate up.
What a beautiful tree!! Would love to have one!
Choose me, choose me!
I would love this beautiful tree!
I have a home for the ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese in Texas 🙂
i enjoy the articals very much
Such a beautiful little tree!! Happy New Year!!
I have been working to develop a salable quantity of Leland Cyprus Trying direct in ground rooting has been 50% effective. This year we will be putting cuttings in nursery 1 gal (2.75 qt) containers.
These Maple trees are beautiful.
Gotta love those Japanese Maples!
Will the tree do well in zone 7A?
Oh my gosh, this tree is beautiful! I’ve loved Japanese maple trees all my life. This would be a wonderful addition to my landscape.
It would great in my yard.
wow great deal! that would be great to win!
I sure would love to have this beautiful Tree in my yard!!
Mike’s info is always timely and spot on advise!!!
Beautiful tree! I would love to have it in my yard. I only have one tree on my property, a poor sickly cherry blossom tree that no longer blooms.
Give it a good, hard pruning. Although they’re pretty ephemeral trees if left to their own devices, cherry blossom trees can be rejuvenated (quite literally!) by trimming them back.
It’s part of how a bonsai cherry blossom can be kept alive for a century or more, but a cherry blossom tree growing naturally in the ground is unlikely to live more than thirty years.
Love your posts! I’ve learned so much that has given me a real joy in propagating my own plants! Thanks you!
This abeautiful I would love to have it.
Really enjoy your videos and helpful tips. Many Thanks. The ‘Purple Ghost’ Japanese maple is a beautiful tree.
A lovely plant needs my yard to mature in. Would love this addition. Thank you!
What a generous gesture. This tree is going to look beautiful in my garden,
I am trying very hard to get to a point where I can rejoin where I left off. 3 totaled vehicles in the family last year! but we are all okay! Thank you for what you do!
I would love to win this teee!
I have never seen one like it anywhere. Would love to showcase this.
Really nice looking plant. That would look good in my yard
Theses are beautiful trees
I’ve learned a lot from you for many years and have shared your site with many of my gardening friends. Thanks so much!!!
Thank you so much for all your tips and help. I love this page.
Always fresh, new ideas on gardening come from Mike’s backyard. Thanks for being so willing to share…it’s good stuff!!!
i have really enjoyed all you have been able to show me regarding starting my plants at home on less than 1/2 acre! i am very interested in starting a business selling plants and have so enjoyed your articles. thanks again for giving this information out to those of us who are trying to get involved in this.
Beautiful tree… I’ve been wanting to add a Japanese maple to,our landscape. This would be really special!
We found ome at a nursery in Willamtte valley OR but leaves were a bit burned from extra hot summer so we had to pass.
Quite a beautiful tree! Thanks for the contest ,Mike!
**** WOW ***** WHAT A BEAUTY!!!
Happy New Year Mike!! Hope all is well, and thank you for all you do for us small time growers.
You are an inspiration to us all. Please sign me up for the purple-ghost maple
Thanks again
I have been looking high and low for a Purple Ghost tree. This is the one Japanese maple I need to finish landscaping with. Thank you for considering me and also for all the information. Have a blessed New Year
Gorgeous tree!! Breathtaking!!
Oh,Pick me! Pick me! ????
Thank you for all the educational info on your web site and videos
to cold to think of planting today, but hope I win anyway.
I would love to plant this at our new home!
Pretty cool looking tree. Would look good by the pond.
Mike keep up the good work your emails have taught me a lot
It will look beautiful in my backyard
What an opportunity! I just love all Japanese Maples…have been collecting for awhile! Thank you for all you share with us…has been an inspiration & a real help in many areas!
Thanks for all the video’s and information your provide. has helped me many times of improving my yard and garden plants.
All I can say is love getting your emails and visitng your website. So informative. Learned so much and have put it all to good use. Just have not yet started a business but soon, I hope.
I would love to win this plant. I’ve never won anything. I love plants and I have a yard full. Thanks
I’ve learned a lot from you for many years and have shared your site with many of my gardening friends
Mike, I have enjoyed reading your blog for a few months now. I followed your instructions on how to take rose cuttings and propagate them, and I’m glad to say it worked. I have more Beaty to spread around my garden, thank you so much for sharing!
I’ve been following and learning from you for years. Keep up the good work!
I have admired and enjoyed Japanese gardens all my life. The elegance and a variety of the Japanese Maple adds so much to the Japanese layering and horizontal style of gardening.
I am new to Mr Groarty’s site. I came here because I love lace leaf Japanese Maples. I would be so happy and excited to win one. In any case, I am happy that I have found this site and look forward to reading and learning here.
Would love to win this beautiful tree. Thank you for all your helpful information. Have been following your for several years,
Dear Mike & crew, I would love Love LOVE to have your purple ghost maple, or any of your other give-aways. I have been following you & been a member since my 1st computer in 2004! Have always been an avid gardener, thanks to having my Mom’s green thumb, but you’ve managed to add knowledge & interest. Always had a dream of my own backyard nursery since the early ’90’s while I spent many years teaching my self to root plants in the easy abundance of the SW coastal corner of Australia. Have always lived with the credo “GARDENING IS MY SANITY”! Thanks for all you’ve shared.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for the offer to one of us for the beautiful Japanese maple. tree. Just in case, I wanted to ask if there is a special care for these trees as they look so fragile in their beauty when in full bloom?
That is a beautiful tree!
Absolutely beautiful tree!
what a beautiful tree. I enjoy reading your gardening tips. Thanks so much. I’d love to win that… west coast for me……Mississippi is where you can send it.
We love the Japanese Red Maple we have. The Purple one looks even more awesome!!
This is such a spectacular maple. It would be an asset to anyone’s garden (including mine). I hope my luck holds as I have had so much good fortune with the three Japanese maples I had acquired over the past several years. Each was a nursery discard (similar to my puppy rescues). All have thrived and are great additions to my trial and error garden. My errors are fewer each year.
Recently my husband & I have moved to Ohio from SC.
Can’t wait till we have some land to grow some plants !!!
Love your advice,
Susan & Dennis Rice
West coast her and am enjoying reading about your japanese maples as I’m planning on putting some in come spring.
I have about 10 Japanese maples on my property — various types, but don’t have this one. It looks lovely!
I love this new Maple!
I hope I win!!!
A very nice specimen.
Wow, that is a beautiful tree!! Thanks for all the help, Mike
Eu gosto este arvore!
I love Japanese maples!!!! Wish me luck.
Yes, please! Thanks McGroarty family for all the amazing plant, plant tips, and community you’ve brought together!
Love this specimen. As a Master Gardener would be so excited to have one in my garden!
that’s a gorgeous tree! Thanks for all you do!
I think Mike’s site is excellent and I look forward to every one of his emails. There is always something of value to be gained.
Purple Ghost’ Japanese Maple. are amazing.
I can’t wait to pick a few of these up.
Mike I hope I can win the purple ghost maple. Why, my father had a fully matured one he had been nurturing since before he retired from the Marine Corps. A lighting strike last spring killed it. He hasnt been able to find a nursery in our area (metro Atlanta, Georgia) that sells them. I’d love to be able to present one to him as a ‘just because’ type gift. Anyway, hopefully my comment will qualify me for entry to try and win the purple ghost!
I don’t know you, Tim, but I hope you get this for your Dad. 🙂
such a beautiful tree it would be a great addition to my new house
Wow, beautiful Japanese maple.
I would live to win! I enjoy your emails with the gardening tips and tools needed to get the jobs done.
What a rare find truly beautiful
I would SO love to win this! I’ve seen (and coveted) these and hoped to have one someday.
Pick me! Pick ME!!
Oh I Love it….happy new year my dear gardening friends!!!
thank you for your concerns for the growers and sharing your plants, beautiful
Wow thank you very much
What a very generous deed to give this away and put a great start to the new year!
When we get our own land next year I’ll be able to start a for profit micro nursey. Excited about the future!
Wow those are beautiful trees! It would be nice to surprise my husband with this!
The foliage looks phenominal. I am excited to see such incredible diversity in the plants you describe on your site. Thanks for the encouragement and information.
Thanks for thinking of me for this great tree!
Would love to receive the rare Japanese Ghost Maple!
This is the most beautiful tree I’ve seen, I love them! We just planted two small Japanese Maple trees at our front entry, that are about 4 feet tall. They weren’t
this beautiful bright pink color. One of them we noticed while planting, had a
little gauge in the bark of the trunk about 1 inch above soil level…so we don’t know
if this one will make it. I would love to have these Ghost trees instead! I live in Denver, and these new trees are on the North side of the house which gets little sun in the winter. But I think they are the most beautiful specimen tree to have at an entry! I have learned much from your site and your emails. I have started many plants from your information, and sold some. Gardening is my love!
Looks nice! Would love to try it…thanks
I love it
I would love this tree..I love all trees..they are beautiful all sizes shapes and forms…
I would love the rare jap maple. I have several that surround our koi pond and this one would be perfect !
I would love one. I love beautiful trees.
Wow, I would totally love this tree, I hope it’s a small tree, doesn’t get too big.
My comment is
Hope I win
This would love so beautiful in my garden!
cool give away
Very pretty plant!
This is the first I’ve ever heard of a purple ghost Japanese maple, I’ve heard of Japanese maple but not purple Ghost, Very interesting!!!!!!!
That is one beautiful tree, thanks for the chance
Love it!
Happy New Year!! May all your cuttings grow tall!
This would look wonderful on my new property
Stunning Beauty. Awesome choice Mike…