Flea Markets????????

Gold Mound Spirea and Gold Flame Spirea.
Yes, but make sure you understand the difference between the typical flea market customer and the typical plant buyer. They are completely different animals, they think differently and they spend differently. And I’m pretty sure you’d find that that the typical plant buyer has more disposable income.
It’s really, really important to understand these things.
The people that you want buying your plants are plant buyers, not flea market shoppers. Flea market buyers will buy plants, but no where near as many as plant buyers are likely to buy.
How do you fix this? It’s easy.
You invite plant buyers to the flea market just like you would if you were having a sale at home. The only difference is that the flea market has the correct zoning, they’ve got lots and lots and lots of parking.
I did this one time many years ago. We were living in a really small, rented house so selling from home was not an option. I actually bought a bunch of tree seedlings etc. and ran one of my typical newspaper ads and I flooded that flea market with plant buyers. The owner of the flea market couldn’t believe how many people I pulled in!
When it came time to come around and pay the rent on my space he said;
“Rent? I’m not taking your money, I should be paying you!”
Ironically Pam and I are currently living directly across the street from that flea market! Same owners, no flea market now, they just run a small store. Up in age and would like to sell the place. We’re here until we get our house built.
But there’s a lesson in that as well. We established a relationship with those folks, went to school with their kids, and if I asked them to use that property today they would let me in a heartbeat.
These opportunities are out there, but only if you are “out there” as well.
That is a good one! Selling plants is much harder than growing plants!
Super smart biz tips, Mike!! Thank you!!
How do I fine a backyard grower nearby me?
Depending on why you want to find one, we have hundreds of them here http://backyardgrowers.com/join and they are ready and willing to help you and if close by, meet you.
Can you please advise me Mike if I need to remove the young shoot growing an inch beside the parent tree peony about 3 yr old, planted from when it was only a baby 4 inch tall. Will it be competing with the parent if left. Both bloomed last summer. With the buds already opening is it too late to remove now? Will greatly appreciate your guidance as I’m in a dilemma. Thanks also for your great website.
If this is a tree peony then I’d say remove the shoot. If it’s a bush, I’d leave it.